

牛津上海版高一第二学期Unit 4 Creatures large and small Vocab

牛津上海版高一第二学期Unit 4 Creatures large and small Vocab
Sentence elements: Expressions:
in order to be supposed to treat…kindly
Tense: simple present
In order to protect nature, we are supposed to treat the animals kindly.
There were few _su_r_v_i_vo_r_s_ after the earthquake. There were few_s_u_r_vi_v_o_r_s who _s_us_ur_rv_vivi_ve_ed_d_a_f_te_r_
the earthquake.
emergency shelter
这个可怕的经历吓得Tom不敢再尝试。 The f_r_ig_h_t_e_n_i_n_g_experiencef_r_ig_h_t_e_n_e_dTom
_o_u_t__ o_f___t_ry_i_n_git again .
• Sb.do sth. in fright • Sb. be frightened of … • Sb. frighten sb.into/out of doing…
emergency shelter
Government _b_u_il_t___sh_e_lt_e_r_s_ for the survivors after a serious earthquake.
The emergency shelter pshroeltteecrteedd the survivors from the earthquake.



U4教案设计上海牛津版高一英语下册高一牛津版下册·学科辅导讲义学员编号:年级:高一上课日期:学科教师:辅导科目:英语学员姓名:授课主题U4□□1 V 型类模式测试同步——分得家长签字问题统计:知识梳理give me a handfoot the billblow outlock, stock and barrelhook, line and sinker每一种语言都有它独特的成语和俗语。



比如,美国人经常说:“Give me a hand.”按照字面来理解, “give me hand”就是“给我一只手。


”另外一个例子是: “Foot the bill.”“Foot”的意思是“一只脚”,而“bill”在这儿的解释是“账单”。

“Foot the bill.”并不是把帐单踩在脚底下,而是付账的意思。


就拿下面一句话来作例子吧:例句-1:“We arrived two hours late at the big blow-out for Charlie's birthday because our car hada blow-out.”这句话里第一个blow-out是指规模很大的聚会,第二个blow-out是指汽车的轮胎炸了。




一个是“Lock, stock and barrel”,另外一个是:“Hook, line and sinker”。

Lock, stock and barrel和Hook, line and sinker都是全部的意思,可是用法却不同。



上海牛津教材课文词组·高一下册1. 在出生时2. 让他戴上面具3. 强迫他离开家4. 花了多年时间环游世界5. 有一副美妙的嗓音6. 害怕让她看到他的脸7. 教她如何唱歌8. 帮她在戏剧中得到更好的角色9. 喜欢听他的声音10. 在全体观众面前把她从舞台绑走11. 只有一个男士足够勇敢地跟着12. 尽力营救她13. 抓住并囚禁了他14. 拉下他的面具15. 起初16. 她震惊于他可怖的脸17. 对他的痛苦感到遗憾/同情18. 使他喜极而泣19. 释放他20. 把某人带到安全地方21. 破门而入22. 准备杀死他23. 把…举到空中24. 最初/刚开始25. 被用于播放电影26. 包括著名的小提琴家27. 面临一些困难28. 需要修缮(3表达)29. 高架道路30. 交通的噪音淹没了音乐会31. 拯救音乐厅的一个方法32. 八天的时间33. 一个远离高架道路的新地点/位置34. 被完全复原/恢复35. 容纳更多的人36. 音乐厅的魅力重现了生机37. 伟人38. 一个著名的科学家39. 把他看成一个天才40. 他解释宇宙运行的努力41. 导致/造成/引起(5表达)42. 核能的发展43. 过去常说44. 他拥有的唯一天赋是好奇心45. 有幽默感46. 作为一个声名鹊起的年轻人47. 收到许多邀请去解释他的理论48. 一个叫做汉斯的人49. 为您这样的天才开车是一件幸事50. 在他们去一所偏远大学的路上51. 我希望我今晚不必作讲座(虚拟语气) 52. 我不想让我的听众们失望53. 把…牢记于心54. 同意某人55. 【agree词组总结】56. 他站着,被教授和学生们包围着57. 听着汉斯完美地作了讲座58. 最后参与一起鼓掌59. 陷入困境60. 主动提出做某事 61. 问了一个如此复杂的问题以至于汉斯不知道他在说什么62. 该问题如此容易以至于我的司机都知道怎样回答 63. 他们离开了大学,并由汉斯开车(with) 64. 诺贝尔奖65. 出生于瑞典的一个发明家66. 留下了一大笔钱和财产67. 这价值约9百万美元68. 世界著名的诺贝尔奖的最初来源69. 知识的传播会使世界成为更好地方70. 年度颁发的奖项71. 表彰那些帮助人类的人72. 最重要的发现或发明73. 在物理、化学、生理或医学方面74. 最杰出的文学作品75. 被授予其得主(present)76. 在颁奖典礼上77. 亲手递交每位得主一份证书及奖章78. 许多科学和文化界的知名领袖79. 被表彰以邀请到这一盛大场合80. 植物的有趣世界81. 漂浮在池塘中82. 如此巨大以至于一个人可站于其上83. 睡莲的一种近亲84. 在亚洲国家85. 莲藕莲子常在饮食中被烹饪和供应86. 在西方87. 吃莲藕莲子不像在亚洲那么普遍88. 最终89. 要么成为原先树干的一部分90. 要么成为单独的树干91. 用这种方法92. 覆盖一片广阔的区域93. 覆盖一块比足球场还大的区域94. 尽管它只是一棵树95. 它看上去像一整片森林96. 说起树(现在分词)97. 近来在河北省被发现98. 那就是它们被称为长寿树的原因(定语从句)99. 尽管银杏树能活很长时间100. 学会照料植物101. 得到一些关于…的想法102. 春天已然临近(可感觉得到)103. 是外出做些园艺工作的时候了104. 这里是3种能装点家居的植物105. 为何不种些常见的白茉莉花呢?106. 需要一个支架来生长107. 好闻的花108. 花/花期109. 别忽视玉兰110. 在早春111. A被B 覆盖112. 花落之后113. 用色彩散布地面(litter)114. 对凉爽潮湿的气候是理想的115. 不知道种什么116. 尽管它偏爱阳光,但它也能耐受零摄氏度以下的温度117. 大大小小的生物118. 以…开始119. 害怕地跳起来(注意介词)120. 平静地121. 对…感到恐惧122. 它只是一只昆虫123. 实际上124. 蜘蛛是有用的生物125. 完全改变了我对蜘蛛的看法126. 了解127. 我猜想/我以为128. 蜘蛛是昆虫的敌人及人类的朋友129. 中国农民多年前就意识到那一点130. 为蜘蛛搭建藏身处131. 把它们放到遍布田野132. 无视她的评论(话语)133. 熬过冬天134. 蜘蛛健康而饥饿地现身(emerge) 135. 与此同时136. 上百万昆虫前来侵袭农民的庄稼137. 填满空空的胃138. 他们的田地已受到保护139. 这种昆虫控制的自然方法140. 正在全世界被复制141. 比钢坚硬、比羽毛轻巧142. 与橡皮筋一样有弹性143. 它就是蜘蛛用来织网的丝(定语从句) 144. 努力研制一种有类似性能的材料145. 人造器官146. 制造真正的防弹背心147. 蜘蛛是肮脏的,应该被消灭148. 对昆虫,是这样;对人类,则很少。



高一牛津版下册·学科辅导讲义学员编号:年级:高一上课日期:学员姓名:辅导科目:英语学科教师:授课主题U5模式 1 V ——类型□同步□测试得分家长签字问题统计:知识梳理As Americans, we are a bold, generous, big-hearted people. When our brothers and sisters are in need, we roll up our sleeves and get to work – not for the recognition or thereward, but because it’s the right thing to do. Because there but for the grace of God go I. Andbecause here in America, we rise or fall together, as one nation and one people.That’s something to be grateful for – today and every day.So to all the Americans doing your part to make our world a better place – it is my privilege to serve as your President. To all our servicemembers – it is my honor to be yourCommander in Chief. And from our family to yours, happy Thanksgiving.批注:此篇短文是美国总统奥巴马在感恩节的讲话节选,此环节使得学员赏析总统语言并仿读打开学员的英文口腔振奋精神一、Language Points1.accidentally adv.意外地;偶然地e.g. As I turned around, I hit him in the face accidentally.【知识拓展】accidental adj.偶然的,意外的e.g. We were shocked at his accidental death.【知识拓展】accident n. 事故,意外的事e.g. The train had an accident and many passengers were injured.批注:by accident 偶然地= accidentally老师可以让学员在练习口头造句时互换练习增强学员的词汇互换的能力为以后的高考作文写作打好基础e.g. Columbus discovered America by accident.2.smash v. 打破,打碎e.g. Several windows have been smashed.3.miss v. 未击中、错过;想念e.g. The bullet missed her by six inches.I arrived at the station too late and missed the train.Her children have gone to Australia and she misses them very much.【知识拓展】missing adj. 丢失的,找不到的e.g. My gloves were missing.4.guilty adj. 有内疚感的,有负罪感的e.g. She had a guilty look on her face.Section ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Poor Marlin was out of work and was trying to find a job. One day he read the newspaper that a man was 1to work in a zoo. He was very glad and went to the manager of the zoo to ask for the job. The manager told him that their monkey had 2 died and it would be two months before they could get 3 one, so they wanted him to take the monkey's 4 .5 hearing this, Marlin got angry and shouted, 'You want me to take the place ofa monkey! Take his place 6 ! You look more like a monkey than I do.' 'Don't 7 it like that,' said the manager, 'I know you don't look like a monkey, but we'll dress you 8 ,' Marlin thought about it for a while. Though he didn't like the idea, he had to make a 9 after all. So he took the job in the end.The next day Marlin started work. It wasn't so bad. The only thing he didn't like was the lion in the cage next to his. But, as there were strong bars 10 them, he soon got used to his neighbor.One afternoon he climbed up to the top of the bars. 11 he lost his footing and fell not on his own side of the bars, but into the lion's cage. That great beast was asleep at the time, but the noise of Marlin's fall woke him up. Marlin had to climb the bars again quickly to get back into his own cage. He 12 to get up, but he had 13 his feet so badly that he couldn't move. He hid his face in his hands so as not to see the lion coming. The next few seconds seemed like hours. Then he 14 the lion whisper in his ear, 'Don't be afraid, old man, I'm in the same boat 15 you.'1. A. told B. paid C. wanted D. chosen2. A. just B. even C. also D. once3. A. other B. another C. a different D. a third4. A. position B. idea C. place D. post5. A. While B. On C. Before D. With6. A. itself B. himself C. herself D. yourself7. A. judge B. expect C. believe D. take8. A. on B. in C. with D. up9. A. living B. job C. decision D. life10. A. behind B. among C. within D. between11. A. Nearly B. Suddenly C. Obviously D. Silently12. A. promised B. stopped C. managed D. tried13. A. wound B. hurt C. ached D. harmed14. A. saw B. made C. heard D. thought15. A. as B. like C. for D. ofSection BDirections: Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)A special day for the celebration of mothers can be traced to the times of ancient Greece when tribute(贡品) was paid to Rhea, the mother of many of the Greek gods. Early Christians also paid tribute to Mary, the mother of God, during Lent (四月斋). This tribute evolved into 'Mothering Sunday' in England. 'Mothering Sunday' is a celebration of all mothers, and is observed on the fourth Sunday of Lent.In 1872, in America, Julia Ward Howe, the author of 'The Battle Hymn of the Republic', suggested the idea ofMother's Day. However, Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia is credited with creating Mother's Day in 1905. Anna Jarvis campaigned for Mother's Day as a tribute to her mother, who had tried to establish Mother's Friendship Day to help heal the (创伤) of the Civil War in America.In 1910, West Virginia became the first state to adopt a formal holiday to recognize mothers. A year later, nearly every state officially marked the day of celebration. In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Mother's Day as a national holiday, to be held on the second Sunday of May.Today, Mother's Day is celebrated in many countries throughout the world, although the celebrations do not fall on the same day in every country. Mother's Day is celebrated in various ways, depending on the country, the family, and the mother. Many families honour mothers by dining out, giving flowers, sending cards, giving gifts, and visits. Additionally, Mother's Day is reported to be one of the busiest days of the year for telephone calls.Mother's Day should be every day. Mothers nurture us, teach us, protect us, and make us feel special. Mothers are the people in our lives who are most responsible for the way we grow and mature.1. Who was the mother of many of the gods in ancient Greece?A. AnnaB. Julia Ward HoweC. VirginiaD. Rhea2. When is Mother's Day celebrated in the United States?A. On 5th Sunday in March.B. On the third Sunday in June.C. On 1st July.D. On the second Sunday in May.3. Who is responsible for making Mother's Day a national U.S. holiday?A. President LincolnB. Anna JarvisC. Julia Ward HoweD. President Wilson4. What is the purpose of this writing?A. To entertain.B. To persuade.C. To inform.D. None of the above.(B)By far the most common snake in Britain is the adder (蝰蛇). In Scotland, in fact, there are no other snakes at all. The adder is also the only British snake with a poisonous bite. It can be found almost anywhere, but prefers sunny hillsides and rough open country, including high ground. In Ireland there are no snakes at all.Most people regard snake bites as a fatal misfortune, but not all bites are serious, and very few are fatal. Sometimes attempts at emergency treatment turn out to be more dangerous than the bite itself, with amateurs heroically, but mistakenly, trying do-it-yourself surgery and other unnecessary measures.All snakes have small teeth, so it follows that all snakes can bite, but only the bite of the adder presents any danger. British snakes are shy animals and are far more frightened of you than you could possibly be of them. The adder will attack only if it feels threatened, as can happen if you take it by surprise and step on it accidentally, or if you try to catch it or pick it up, which it dislikes intensely. If it hears you coming, it will normally get out of the way as quickly as it can, but adders cannot move very rapidly and may attack before moving if you are very close.The effect of a bite varies considerably. It depends upon several things, one of which is the body-weight of the person bitten. The bigger the person, the less harmful the bite is likely to be, which is why children suffer far more seriously from snake bites than adults. A healthy person will also have better resistance against the poison.Very few people actually die from snake bites in Britain, and though these bites can make some people very ill, there are probably just as many cases of bites having little or no effect, as there are of serious illnesses.5. Adders are most likely to be found_______.A. in wilder parts of Britain and IrelandB. in Scotland and nowhere elseC. on uncultivated land throughout-BritainD. in shady fields in England6. If you are with someone who is bitten by an adder you should_______.A. try to catch the adderB. make no attempt to treat the personC. not worry about the victimD. operate as soon as possible7. We are told that adders are_______.A. normally friendly towards peopleB. unlikely to bite except in self-defenceC. aggressive towards anyone in their territoryD. not afraid of human beings8. If an adder hears you approaching, it usually will_______.A. move out of your pathB. take no notice of you at allC. disappear very quicklyD. wait until you are close then attack(C)A few minutes ago, walking back from lunch, I started to cross the street when I heard the sound of a coin dropping. It wasn't much but, as I turned, my eyes caught the heads of several other people turning too. A woman had dropped what appeared to be a dime(一角硬币).The tinkling sound of a coin dropping on pavement is an attention-getter. It can be nothing more than a penny. Whatever the coin is, no one ignores the sound of it. It got me thinking about sounds again. We are besieged(包围) by so many sounds that attract the most attention. People in New York City seldom turn to look when a fire engine, a police car or an ambulance comes screaming along the street. When I'm in New York, I'm a New Yorker. I don't turn either. Like the natives, I hardly hear a siren there.At home in my little town in Connecticut, it's different. The distant wail(警报声) of a police car, an emergency vehicle or a fire siren brings me to my feet if I'm seated and brings me to the window if I'm in bed. It's the quietest sounds that have most effect on us, not the loudest. In the middle of the night, I can hear a dripping tap a hundred yards away through three closed doors.I've been hearing little creaking noises and sounds which my imagination turns into footsteps in the middle of the night for twenty-five years in our house. How come I never hear those sounds in the daytime? I'm quite clear in my mind what the good sounds are and what the bad sounds are. I've turned against whistling, for instance. I used to think of it as the mark of a happy worker but lately I've been associating the whistler with a nervous person making compulsive(由强迫产生的) noises. The tapping, tapping, tapping of my typewriter as the keys hit the paper is a lovely sound to me. I often like the sound of what I write better than the looks of it.9. People in New York____________.A. don't care about emergenciesB. are used to sirensC. are attracted by soundsD. don't hear loud noises10. How does the author relate to sounds at night?A. He imagines sounds that do not exist.B. He exaggerates quiet sounds.C. He thinks taps should be turned off.D. He believes it's rather quiet at night.11. What kind of sound does he find pleasant?A. The tinkling sound of a coin dropping.B. The clinking sound of the keys.C. The tapping of his typewriter.D. Creaking sounds.12. How does the writer feel about sounds in general?A. They make him feel at home.B. He thinks they should be ignored.C. He believes they are part of our lives.D. He prefers silence to loud noises.(D)Although it is estimated that 345 million people in developing countries have been provided with safe drinking water, progress in Asia is illusory(不现实的). 'During this decade, fewer people in South Asia have access to cleanand adequate water than in the 1970s,' says Nalini Jayal, senior advisor to India's Planning commission. 'The problem cannot be solved by drilling wells,' he argues, 'because ground water itself is becoming increasingly scarce.' According to Jayal, there has been accelerating destruction recently of the trees and vegetation which earlier ensured ground water recharge. Denuded(剥下) of this cover, soils lose their absorbency, failing to soak up rainwater which then runs over the surface to be carried by rivers to the sea. Ground water recharge rates are critically controlled by top-soil. Also, heavy deforestation disrupts the hydrological cycle(水文循环) in which watere-vaporates and is returned to the earth's surface via rainfall. Each year the area prone to flooding increases. India's flood-prone areas have increased from 20 million hectares to 40 million hectares since 1971.As a result of disruption of the groundwater recharge process, countries with monsoon (季风) climates experience an 'abnormal' cycle. This means there is too much water available during the rainy season and too little during the rest of the year. There is a tendency toward alternating floods and droughts, the former washing away the topsoil and the latter baking the bare land into an impermeable(无法渗透的) shield. India's expanding drought-prone area now exceeds 59 million hectares. Along with deforestation in the catchment (集水盆地) areas of perennial(永久性)rivers in South Asia, Jayal has identified the large-scale introduction of cash crops on agricultural land as an equally important factor in this ecological crisis.Seventy percent of Indian croplands are not irrigated. Traditionally, farming practices had been evolved to cope with the threat of drought and to maximize the benefits of rain, says Jayal. On the rain-fed soils of the Deccan Plateau, for example, drought-resistant food crops used to be planted in mixed stands to spread risks. However, now cash crops, such as wheat and rice, replace these. Wheat, moreover, requires large amounts of both water and nutrients, neither of which are abundant in the semi-arid(半干旱的) environment in much of Asia. Traditional crops like chickpeas, on the other hand, withstand poor soil and moisture conditions, and thus do not overdraw(透支) the environmental bank account.The present world industrial recession(不景气) is pushing both environmental and trade accounts into the red in the developing countries. Falling commodity prices mean that cash crops bring in less and less cash, leading to serious balance of payments and debt service problems. Desperate for foreign exchange, governments expand the area under cash crops, only to find they have increased long-term environmental damage. Thus every unit of foreign exchange is bought with a unit of forest or soil or water.13. Which of the following is the main topic of this passage?A. More flooding but less water.B. Water pollution.C. Environmental bank account.D. Environment and trade.14. What does the underlined phrase 'overdraw the environmental bank account' in the fourth paragraph refer to?A. Using too much water and soil.B. Problems with balance of payments.C. A shortage of foreign exchange.D. Borrowing for agricultural development.15. Falling commodity prices bring pressure for___________.A. better financial managementB. increased cash crops productionC. subsidies for non-cash cropsD. more equitable trade practices16. What does the author mean by the underlined sentence 'every unit of foreign exchange is bought with a unit offorest or soil or water' in the last paragraph?A. The balance of payments is being restructured.B. Agricultural development must be increased.C. Lack of foreign exchange has made prices fall.D. Cash crops are using up natural resources.6. 他接受教育的时间加起来总共才三年,所以他很难理解这个句子的真正含义。

上海牛津版高一下册英语Unit3 the weird world of plantsgrammar教

上海牛津版高一下册英语Unit3 the weird world of plantsgrammar教

aChapter3.The weird world of plants-grammar一、章节分析(一)综述本章节主要语法---形容词和副词的比较结构在牛津英语中出现两次: 本课和高二(上)第二课。

本课主要介绍副词的比较结构;高二(上)第二课主要介绍一些不规则的形容词和副词的比较级和最高级形式, 复习 as…as 结构,并且补充了一些修饰比较结构的副词,如, bit, much,a little, a lot, rather , far 。



(三)教学方法口语情景教学法( 教师创设情景,学生主要通过口语训练达到对语言知识的掌握)(四)重点和难点123简单总结一些形容词和副词的比较级和最高级不规则变化形式。



4二、教学设计(T eaching Designs ) 教学内容Lead –in教学实施建议 教学资源参考● 让学生找出课文中含有比较结构的句子,分析比较它们的不同 《 华 师 大 一 课 一 点,引出正题:比较级。


(见链接 1)Practice ●教师列出学生熟悉的两样或三样以上活动或事物,如:watchingTV/going to the movies; a plane/a train ,a kangar oo and a tortoise等,用比较结构比较两样事物或活动。


练》Exercises and homework 用比较结构翻译句子。



牛津上海版高一下册英语 第2讲-U1重点词汇句型复习TD8484J2Z46P

牛津上海版高一下册英语 第2讲-U1重点词汇句型复习TD8484J2Z46P

教育1对3辅导讲义1、上次课后巩固作业复习;2、互动探索Opera singer Christine triumphs at the gala on the night of the old managers' retirement. Her old childhood friend,Raoul,hears her sing and recalls his love for Christine. ①At this time,there are rumors of a phantom living at the Opera and he makes himself known to the managers through letters and malevolent acts. Some time after the gala,the Paris Opera performs Faust,with the prima donna Carlotta playing the lead,against the Phantom's wishes. During the performance,Carlotta loses her voice and the grand chandelier plummets into the audience.②Christine is kidnapped by the phantom and is taken to his home in the cellars of the Opera where he identifies himself as Erik. He plans to keep her there for a few days,hoping she will come to love him. ③But she causes Erik to change his plans when she unmasks him and,to the horror of both,beholds his noseless,lipless,sunken-eyed face which resembles a skull dried up by the centuries,covered in yellowed dead flesh. Fearing that she will leave him,he decides to keep her with him forever,but when Christine requests release after two weeks,he agrees on condition that she wear his ring and be faithful to him.On the roof of the opera house,Christine tells Raoul that Erik abducted her. Raoul promises to take Christine away to a place where Erik can never find her. Raoul tells Christine he shall act on his promise the next day,to which Christine agrees. She,however,has pity for Erik and will not go until she has sung a song for him one last time. ④Neither is aware that Erik has been listening to their conversation and that he has become extremely jealous.The following night,Erik kidnaps Christine during a production of Faust and tries to force Christine to marry him. He states that if she refuses,he will use explosives (which he has planted in the cellars) to destroy the entire opera house. ⑤Christine refuses,until she realizes that Erik learned of Raoul's attempt to rescue her and has trapped Raoul in a hot torture chamber (along with the Persian,an old acquaintance of Erik who was going to help Raoul). To save them and the people above in the Opera,Christine agrees to marry Erik. Erik initially tries to drown Raoul and the Persian,using the water which would have been used to douse the explosives. But Christine begs and offers to be his "living bride",promising him not to kill herself after becoming his bride,as she had both contemplated and attempted earlier in the novel. Erik eventually rescues Raoul and the Persian from his torture chamber. When Erik is alone with Christine,he lifts his mask to kiss her on her forehead,and is given a kiss back. ⑥Erik reveals that he has never received a kiss (not even from his own mother) nor has been allowed to give one and is overcome with emotion. He and Christine then cry together and their tears "mingle". Erik later expresses that he has never felt so close to another human being.Erik allows the Persian and Raoul to escape,though not before making Christine promise that she will visit him on his death day,and return the gold ring he gave her. ⑦He also makes the Persian promise that afterwards he will go to the newspaper and report his death,as he will die soon and will die "of love". Indeed,some time later Christine returns to Erik's lair,buries him somewhere he'll never be found (by Erik's request) and returns the gold ring. Afterwards,a local newspaper runs the simple note: "Erik is dead".【知识梳理】Language Points1. force v.force sb. to do翻译句子:强盗逼她把钱交出来。

牛津上海版高一下Unit 3 Reading plants

牛津上海版高一下Unit 3 Reading plants

speak of
bristlecone pine tree
1. After the accident, the ship could no float longer stay on the surface of the water. serve 2. After the main dish, the waiter will bring the customers the soup. 3. Referring back to films, would you speaking of like to go to the cinema later? separate 4. The couple were forced to live in different cities because of their work. 5. There were many frogs sitting on the pads lily flat leaves in the water.
• Details
round – _______ leaves, or pads 2 – huge pads ------- ____ metres wide white purple – __________ or __________ flowers. 45 – Its flower------- _____ centimetres across
the Victoria lily the banyan tree
the gingko tree
the Victoria lily Para. 1 ______________________
• Topic sentence:



thousands more whose longing is 6 rewarded. When I 7 a 20-year career in the U.S. Coast Guard to become a freelance writer, I had no prospects(前景) at all. What I did have was a friend who found me a room In a New York apartment building. It didn't 8 matter that it was cold and had no bathroom. I immediately bought a (an) 9manual typewriter and felt like a genuine writer.After a year or so, 10 , I still hadn't gotten a break and began to 11 myself. It was so hard to sell a story that I12 made enough to eat. But I knew I wanted to write.I had dreamed about it for years. I wasn't going to be one of those people who die 13 'What if?' I would keep putting my dream to the 14 even though it meant living with uncertainty and fear of failure. This is the Shadowland of 15 , and anyone with a dream must learn to live there.1. A.advise B.encourage C.tell D.warn2. A.step B.advance C.gap D.difference3. A.and B.but C.not D.for4. A.reality B.idea C.news D.reason5. A.writing B.readers C.fortune D.others6. A.never B.always C.sometimes D.only7. A.began B.found C.left D.put8. A.ever B.just C.even D.greatly9. ed B.new eful D.old10. A.consequently B.therefore C.unluckily D.however11. A.scold B.doubt C.beat D.hate12. A.almost B.partly C.poorly D.barely13. A.regretting B.wondering C.dreaming D.depressing14. A.point B.best C.test D.most15. A.time B.death C.hope D.lifeSection BDirections: Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Fish hear sounds, though they simply have no ears outside their bodies. However, fish do have ears inside their bodies near the brain and they hear very well with them. Some fish have been taught to recognize the difference between sounds better than some human beings do.Many underwater animals make noises only by chance while they are doing something else. Other sounds are real communication of a simple sort, telling one fish of the presence and direction of another. A few noises may be warning messages on finding food. The earliest report on fish sounds referred to one of these.A new field in science is learning to recognize and use underwater sounds. It relies on the same skill that man has shown in recognizing birds and other land creatures by their calls. But this method is a greater challenge than bird watching, for many of the animals of the sea cannot be followed in any other known way. Their voices cry for attention. Yet we still have too little of what the call makers will someday be made known more fully. It is as though the great oceans were for daring men to invade and to learn the secrets of the place from which his forefathers came so long ago.1. Which of the following is true of the noises made by underwater animals?A. Some make no sense.B. None of them make sense.C. All are actual communications.D. Human beings cannot hear them.2. Recognizing sounds made by underwater animals_______.A. is more or less like a battleB. costs a lot of money and laborC. is more difficult than recognizing land creatures' callsD. is totally different from recognizing those of land creatures3. From the last sentence we learn that_______.A. only brave people can make use of the great oceansB. human beings have invaded the oceans for longC. many secrets of the great oceans are to be found outD. people are fighting each other to become master of the oceans(B)Honeybees cannot live alone. Their body structure and instincts(本能) equip them for life in a colony or community, where they have a complex social organization and the various duties are divided among the individuals according to physical fitness and age. An individual worker bee cannot reproduce itself.While it may continue to live if forcibly isolated from its mates, it fails to care for itself adequately, and soon dies. Most insects have the ability to hibernate in winter, but the honeybee seems to have lost this. Since at low temperatures the bees will die, it must have the ability to make its own environment, so far as temperature is concerned. This makes a colony necessary to the bees in winter, so that they may collectively warm each other. Efficiency, if not necessity, demands that the work of the colony be divided, and such a division of labor tends to enhance the need to maintain the colony. The physical structure of the honeybee is further suited for the defense. The bee's barbed(有倒刺的) sting(刺) is used only once and is made more effective by the fact that it is left behind in the victim. With the loss of the sting, however, the bee dies. This kind of defensive weapon is not of service to the individual, but to the community.4. According to the passage, bees are fitted for communal life by virtue of their_______.A. flexibility and initiativeB. intelligence and sensitivityC. independence and enduranceD. instincts and form5. According to the passage, a worker bee may survive for a short time if it is_______.A. deprived of its stingB. denied access to oxygenC. isolated from other beesD. exposed to a wide range of temperatures6. It can be inferred from the passage that at one time bees had the ability to_______.A. increase their activity in lower temperaturesB. leave cold climates during winterC. remain dormant(休眠的) through periods of cold weatherD. construct insulated(隔热的) hives(蜂房)7. According to the passage, bees differ from most other communities of insects in their need to_______.A. reproduce in large numbersB. control the temperature where they liveC. divide the work of their coloniesD. have a complex defense system(C)I hear many parents complaining that their teenage children are rebelling. I wish it were so. At your age you ought to be growing away from your parents. You should be learning to stand on your own two feet. But take a good look at the present rebellion. It seems that teenagers are all taking the same way of showing that they disagree with their parents. Instead of striking out boldly on their own, most of them are clutching at one another's hands for reassurance.They claim they want to dress as they please. But they all wear the same clothes. They set off in new directions in music. But somehow they all end up huddled round listening to the same record. Their reason for thinking or acting in thus-and-such a way is that the crowd is doing it. They have come out of their cocoon(蚕茧;) into a larger cocoon.It has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and to go his or her own way. Industry has firmly carved out a teenage market. These days every teenager can learn from the advertisements what a teenager should have and be. And many of today's parents have come to award high marks for the popularity of their children. All this adds up to a great barrier for the teenager who wants to find his or her own path.But the barrier is worth climbing over. The path is worth following. You may want to listen to classical music instead of going to a party. You may want to collect rocks when everyone else is collecting records. You may have some thoughts that you don't care to share at once with your classmates. Well, go for it. Find yourself. Be yourself. Popularitywill come with the people who respect you for who you are. That's the only kind of popularity that really counts.8. The author's purpose in writing this passage is to tell_______.A. readers how to be popular with people aroundB. teenagers how to learn to decide things for themselvesC. parents how to control and guide their childrenD. people how to understand and respect each other9. According to the author, many teenagers think they are brave enough to act on their own, but, in fact, most ofthem_______.A. have much difficulty understanding each otherB. lack confidenceC. dare not cope with problems single-handedlyD. are very much afraid of getting lost10. The author thinks of advertisements as _______.A. convincingB. influentialC. instructiveD. authoritative11. During the teenage years, one should learn to_______.A. differ from others in as many ways as possibleB. get into the right season and become popularC. find one's real selfD. rebel against parents and the popularity wave(D)Scratchy(发痒的) throats, stuffy noses and body aches all spell misery, but being able to tell if the cause is a cold or flu may make a difference in how long the misery lasts.The American Lung Association (ALA) has issued new guidelines on combating colds and the flu(流感), and one of the keys is being able to quickly tell the two apart. That's because the prescription(处方) drugs available for the flu need to be taken soon after the illness sets in. As for colds, the sooner a person starts taking over-the-counter remedy, the sooner relief will come.The common cold and the flu are both caused by viruses. More than 200 viruses can cause cold symptoms, while the flu is caused by three viruses—flu A, B and C. There is no cure for either illness, but the flu can be prevented by the flu vaccine(疫苗), which is, for most people, the best way to fight the.flu, according to the ALA.But if the flu does strike, quick action can help. Although the flu and common cold have many similarities, there are some obvious signs to look for.Cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, runny nose and scratchy throat typically develop gradually, and adults and teens often do not get a fever. On the other hand, fever is one of the characteristic features of the flu for all ages. And in general, flu symptoms including fever and chills, sore throat and body aches come on suddenly and are more severe than cold symptoms. The ALA notes that it may be particularly difficult to tell when infants and preschool age children have the flu. It advises parents to call the doctor if their small children have flu-like symptoms.Both cold and flu symptoms can be eased with over-the-counter medications as well. However, children and teens with a cold or flu should not take aspirin for pain relief because of the risk of Reye syndrome(综合症), a rare but serious condition of the liver and central nervous system. There is, of course, no vaccine for the common cold. But frequent hand washing and avoiding close contact with people who have colds can reduce the likelihood of catching one.12. According to the author, knowing the cause of the misery will help_______.A. shorten the duration of the illnessB. the patient buy medicine over the counterC. the patient obtain cheaper prescription drugsD. prevent people from catching colds and the flu13. We learn from the passage that_______.A. one doesn't need to take any medicine if he has a cold or the fluB. aspirin should not be included in over-the-counter medicines for the fluC. delayed treatment of the flu will harm the liver and central nervous system4. 你怎么会决定出国呢?(make a decision)5. 发生战争时,人们把不能带走的东西都收拾起来。



Reference keys to Elementary Test of Unit 1 I. Grammar & structurePart A1-5. D D C C B 6-10. B B B A C11-15 A D C A C 16-20 D D B C DPart B1. that2. have begun3. does/can4. on5. If6. longest7. why8. are set up/ are being set upII. VocabularyPart A1.suffering2. location3. horrible4. musician5. unusual6.disappear7. joys 8. design 9. touched 10. violinist 11. hidden 12. forceful 13. secretary 14.kidnapper(s) 15.birth 16. realityPart B1. a huge building with seventeen floors2.force him to leave3.sing with a wonderful voice4.gain power over Christinete at night6.from behind a secret wall7.o bey the Phantom’s wishes8.in front of the whole audience9.take her down to his secret home10. keep him in a prison11. feel sorry for him12. cry with joy13. burst in14. take Christine away to safety15. burst out crying/ burst into tearsPart C1-5 F G A E C 6-9 B I D HIII. Reading ComprehensionPart A1. -5 D C C B D 6-10. A A D B C 11-15. B A D D BPart B1. B2. D3. A4. CPart C1. think highly of uniforms2. quality work3. Because they are often more comfortable and more lasting than civilian clothes.4. Because they require professional dry cleaning.IV. Translation1. He is always wearing a smile, which is why he is so popular.2. It was a secret where Sadam had hidden himself before he was captured.3. He played an important role in planning …/ when they were planning to kidnap thefamous singer.4. Although he was forced to perform on the stage, the audience loved his singing.5. In the earthquake, a group of children were trapped in a cave until the soldierscame to their rescue.Reference keys to Intermediate Test of Unit 1 I. Grammar & structurePart A1-5. C C B A B 6-10. A B B B A11-15 B C B C D 16-20. B C D B C21-25 A B C A B 26-30. B C A C D31-35. A B C B C 36-40. C C C A DPart B1. living2. when3. the4. What5. who6. to7. them8.helpingII. VocabularyPart A1. architecture2. origin3. violinist4. Repairs5. elevator6. machinery, mechanic7. locate8. rails9. charming 10. restoredPart B1. concert hall2. take the lift3. the original plan4. musical instrument5. the newly-built elevated road6. be drowned out by applause7. advanced machinery8. restore the old buildings9. the British Royal family10. bring back to life11. the charm of the West Lake12. lift into the air13. completely restored14. push along rails15. original in its designPart C1-5 E F H I J6-9 D C B AIII. Reading ComprehensionPart A1.-5 D B D B. D 6-10. B C A D A 11-15. A C B D CPart B1.C2.B3. D4.BPart C1. someone who is admired or loved very much2. To become a successful tennis player3. Because her mother gave all the energy to win the match.4. The encouragement people have given her.IV. Translation1. The noise made by the audience present drowned out the beautiful singing of themusician.2. During the London Fashion Week, this architect was surprised to see the concerthall changed into T-stage.3. There is heavy traffic on this elevated road, and it seems that it needs repair.4. The opera house in the small town was damaged in the war, but the people in thetown managed to collect/raise money and restore it.5. These scientists are discussing how to bring the opera house back to life with aslittle money as possible.Reference keys to Integrated Test of Unit 1第I卷I. Grammar & vocabularySection A:Part A1-5. D C C B B 6-10. C A B B C 11-15 D D A D B 16. APart B(A): 1. are discovered 2. that/who 3. to participate 4. caused5. bullying6. what7. it8. than(B): 9. that 10. even if 11. that 12. walked13. which 14. does 15. in 16. helpingSection B:17-21. G F E D H 22-25. C J A BII. Reading ComprehensionSection A:26-30. C C D C B 31-35. A D C A B 36-40. C A D C D Section B:41-43. B A C 44-47. B C A B 48-50 B A ASection C:51. go out to enjoy themselves52. He will feel uncomfortable.53. Watch what other people do and then do the same.54. any clothes are acceptable第Ⅱ卷I. Translation1. A group of children were trapped in a cave until the soldiers came to their rescue.2. In the centre of the eastern square stands the statue of Mr. Ye.3. This film is adapted from a moving/touching story that happened in Egypt.4. It is said that the kidnapped reporter will be released in two days.5. The teacher suggests us putting some fresh flowers in the classroom to bring it back to life.II. Writing 略。

上海牛津版高一下册英语Unit3 the weird world of plantsreading教案S1B

上海牛津版高一下册英语Unit3 the weird world of plantsreading教案S1B

Chapter3 The weird world of plants -Reading一、章节分析(Reading section )(一)综述本课文分为六段,每段介绍了一种鲜为人知的神奇的植物,分别为捕蝇草,狐尾松,地衣,巨红衫,茨马海芋和洋槐。









(四)重点和难点1词汇学习1)核心词汇●weird●bodyguard●excerpt●victim●trap●absorb●alive/living●once●release●defend●fiercely●remove2)拓展词汇(各种植物的名称)●Venus fly trap●Bristlecone pine●Lichen plant●Giant redwood●Dead horse arum3)词组和短语●prefer A to B / prefer to do A rather than do B●be trapped●be absorbed in●in weight●provide sb. with sth. / provide sth. for sb.●encourage sb. to do●in return2 句型学习●once…, main clause●as…as …二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)【链接1】Chapter 3 The weird world of plantsI.Lead-in1 A quiz on plants1) In summer we feel cool on the streets when the streets are lines with trees. Three trees can do the job of _____ air-conditioners running all day.A 5B 152) Plants can absorb CO2, and release O2. A man every day breathes in _____ O2, and breathes out _____ CO2.A 750g/1000gB 1000g/750g3) 1.5hectares of trees could produce enough oxygen to keep _____ alive and healthy for a year.A 24B 484) Smell of some flowers and plants can drive off insects.The smell of cucumbers can drive off _____.The smell of onions and tomatoes can drive off _____.The smell of jasmine flowers can drive off _____.A fliesB cockroachesC mosquitoes5) When we touch the leaves of mimosas(含羞草),their leaves will shut. If their leaves shut quickly,it means the weather will be _____.A rainyB sunny2 Ask students to introduce the weird plants in natureII. While-reading1 Skimming:*what are the three plants introduced in the passage?*match the pictures (ask the students to give the key words)2 Words and expressions (用问题引出单词)1) insect n.having an adult stage characterized by three pairs of legs and usually having two pairs of wings. Ask students to give some examples: flies, crickets, mosquitoes, beetles, butterflies, and bees.2) victim n.In which situations, will people be victims?3) trap n. / v.*to catchHunters live by trapping animals.The yellow piece of butter help me to trap the mouse.*a device/means to catcha mouse trapIn the debate, we will design a trap for our opponents and let them fall in.4) absorb v. take inThe sponge will absorb water.You are so clever that you absorb what I teach you.be absorbed in: attractIn your free time, what are you absorbed in? (tell your paterner)5) pollen n. 花粉petal 花瓣6) release v. set freerelease the prisonerrelease the album7) provide sb. with sth. / supply sb. with sth.provide sth. for sb. / supply sth. to sb.What do your parents provide you with?8) in return forIn return for the food which the tree provides them, the ants…In return for what the parents provide you, what will you do?9) defend v. keep safe from any attract or dangerdefend one’s homedefend one’s countrydefend …against …defend one’s reputation10) fiercely adv.adj. fierce*having violent naturea fierce dog (bark at everyone)*violenta fierce storm / competition4 Consolidate wordsHeather, an African flower, produces nectar which attracts sunbirds. The sunbirds have a special beak. They first put its beak into the flower. Don’t worry! It won’t be trapped in the flower. Once they put in the beak, the pollen will fall over. In this way, the flower provides nectar for them. In return, these birds help it pass the pollen. Of course the flower won’t be the victim and it’s not necessary to defend itself.III. Post-readingSuppose you are the Dead horse arum and the fly or the Acacia tree and the ant, make a conversation between them.【链接2】(见The weird world of plants.ppt)【链接3】(见The biggest pumpkin.doc)。



phantom n.鬼魂;幽灵opera n.歌剧;歌剧院opera house歌剧院beneath prep.在……下面(下方) mask n.面具;面罩force v.强迫;迫使wander v.流浪;漂泊monster n.怪物fall in love with爱上(某人)role n.角色kidnap v.绑架audience n.听众;观众rescue v.营救;援救capture v.抓住pull off撕下;扯下be shocked at对……感到震惊feel sorry about感到不幸;感觉惭愧suffering n.痛苦release v.释放;放走burst in闯进,突然破门而入concert hall音乐厅lift v.提升;抬起tonne n.公吨originally adv.原来;起初musician n.音乐家cellist n.大提琴演奏者violinist n.小提琴演奏者elevated adj.高出地面的elevated road高架道路drown out压过machinery n.(统称)机器rail n.铁轨;轨道restore v.使复原seat v.可坐……人orchestra n.管弦乐队the British Royal Philharmonic Orchestra英国皇家爱乐乐团charm n.魅力bring back to life使……恢复生气regard... as把……视为genius n.天才attempt n.尝试;试图workings n.(复数)运作方式universe n.宇宙lead to导致nuclear adj.原子核的nuclear energy核能;原子能gift n.天赋curiosity n.好奇心;求知欲sense of humour幽默感reputation n.名声;名誉theory n.理论distant adj.遥远的;远处的let... down使(某人)失望guide v.指引;带领platform n.讲台perfectly adv.完美地applause n.鼓掌;掌声complex adj.复杂的;难懂的offer v.主动提出property n.财产worth adj.值……钱original adj.原来的;起初的spread n.传播award v.授予honour v.给予奖励;尊敬;尊重discovery n.被发现的事物(或真相、人) physiology n.生理学outstanding adj.杰出的literature n.文学present v.颁发;授予anniversary n.周年纪念日award n.奖;奖品ceremony n.仪式Stockholm n.(瑞典首都)斯德哥尔摩diploma n.证书;文凭medal n.奖章banquet n.宴会;盛宴water lily睡莲pad n.浮叶float v.漂浮pond n.池塘Victoria lily王莲centimetre n.厘米flower v.开花lotus n.荷花relative n.同类事物root n.根serve v.提供(饮食等)banyan tree榕树branch n.树枝bark n.树皮trunk n.树干separate adj.不同的;不相关的enormous adj.巨大的pitch n.场地;球场speak of提起gingko tree银杏树longevity n.长寿bristlecone pine tree狐尾松树Nevada(美国)内华达州in the air可感觉到的gardening n.园艺decorate v.装饰jasmine n.茉莉bush n.灌木vine n.藤本植物frame n.支架sweet-smelling adj.芳香的blossom n.(长在树木或灌木上的)花ignore v.忽视;不予理睬Yulan magnolia玉兰litter v.使遍布ideal adj.理想的moist adj.潮湿的golden adj.金色的cactus n.仙人掌tolerate v.忍受centigrade adj.摄氏的creature n.生物;动物view n.观点;看法shelter n.遮蔽物;庇护处tent n.帐篷survive v.存活;幸免于难;挺过emerge v.(从暗处或隐蔽处)出现;浮现;露出pest n.害虫;害兽;害鸟bored adj.厌倦的;烦闷的elastic adj.有弹性的;有弹力的property n.性质;特征artificial adj.人工的;人造的bulletproof adj.防弹的vest n.背心nasty adj.令人厌恶的;令人不悦的bite n.咬伤;叮伤;蜇伤rarely adv.罕有;很少;不常poison n.毒药treat v.医治;治疗disorder n.不适;疾病;紊乱get one's point明白某人的意思have (something) in common与……有共同之处hibernate v.冬眠;蛰伏occur v.发生;出现continuously adv.不断地;持续地absence n.不存在;缺乏upside down底朝上pulse n.脉搏;脉率rate n.比率;率amphibian n.两栖动物stir v.动;移动disturb v.打扰;干扰;妨碍den n.兽穴;兽窝accidentally adv.意外地;偶然地smash v.打破;打碎miss v.未击中;错过temporarily adv.暂时地guilty adj.有内疚感的;有负罪感的conscience n.良心;良知tough adj.强悍的guy n.(非正式)男人;家伙tease v.戏弄bully v.欺侮(弱小者);恐吓;伤害behaviour n.行为at this point在这个时候regret v.后悔violence n.暴力checkout n.(超市的)付款台;付款处note n.纸币purchase n.购买的东西grumble v.咕哝;发牢骚error n.错误;差错bark v.厉声发出(命令、质问等);厉声说话queue n.(人、汽车等的)队;行列mean to成心要on the other hand另一方面counsellor n.顾问hesitate v.(对某事)犹豫;迟疑不决case n.具体情况;事例persuade v.劝说;说服contact v.联系;联络transport n.交涌运输watch for观察等待(某人出现或发生某事)hurt v.(使)疼痛;伤害suffer v.受苦;受折磨commercial n.(电视或电台播放的)广告consumer n.消费者;用户estimate n.估计typical adj.典型的;有代表性的actor n.演员identify with与(某人)产生共鸣advertiser n.广告商;广告人员educator n.教师;教育工作者materialistic adj.物质享乐主义的;贪图享乐的survey n.民意调查;民意测验possessions n.[pl.] (复数)个人财产;私人物品take action采取行动ban v.禁止;取缔inferior adj.较差的;次的with reference to关于;至于illegal adj.非法的;违法的salary n.工资;薪水furthermore adv.此外;而且best-selling adj.畅销的association n.协会;社团sponsor v.赞助(活动、节目等)secondary adj.中等教育的;中学的handle v.处理;控制savings n.[pl.] (复数)积蓄;存款management n.经营;管理budget v.制定预算household adj.家庭的;家务的expenses n.[pl.] (复数)开支;花销invest v.投资interest n.利息Unit 1 R Unit 1 R Unit 1 R Unit 1 R Unit 1 R Unit 1 R Unit 1 R Unit 1 R Unit 1 R Unit 1 R Unit 1 R Unit 1 R Unit 1 R Unit 1 R Unit 1 R Unit 1 R Unit 1 R Unit 1 R Unit 1 R Unit 1 MR Unit 1 MR Unit 1 MR Unit 1 MR Unit 1 MR Unit 1 MR Unit 1 MR Unit 1 MR Unit 1 MR Unit 1 MR Unit 1 MR Unit 1 MR Unit 1 MR Unit 1 MR Unit 1 MR Unit 1 MR Unit 1 MR Unit 1 MR Unit 2 R Unit 2 R Unit 2 R Unit 2 R Unit 2 R Unit 2 R Unit 2 R Unit 2 R Unit 2 RUnit 2 R Unit 2 R Unit 2 R Unit 2 R Unit 2 R Unit 2 R Unit 2 R Unit 2 R Unit 2 R Unit 2 R Unit 2 R Unit 2 MR Unit 2 MR Unit 2 MR Unit 2 MR Unit 2 MR Unit 2 MR Unit 2 MR Unit 2 MR Unit 2 MR Unit 2 MR Unit 2 MR Unit 2 MR Unit 2 MR Unit 2 MR Unit 2 MR Unit 2 MR Unit 2 MR Unit 2 MR Unit 3 R Unit 3 R Unit 3 R Unit 3 R Unit 3 R Unit 3 R Unit 3 R Unit 3 R Unit 3 R Unit 3 R Unit 3 R Unit 3 R Unit 3 R Unit 3 R Unit 3 R Unit 3 R Unit 3 RUnit 3 R Unit 3 R Unit 3 R Unit 3 R Unit 3 R Unit 3 MR Unit 3 MR Unit 3 MR Unit 3 MR Unit 3 MR Unit 3 MR Unit 3 MR Unit 3 MR Unit 3 MR Unit 3 MR Unit 3 MR Unit 3 MR Unit 3 MR Unit 3 MR Unit 3 MR Unit 3 MR Unit 3 MR Unit 3 MR Unit 4 R Unit 4 R Unit 4 R Unit 4 R Unit 4 R Unit 4 R Unit 4 R Unit 4 R Unit 4 R Unit 4 R Unit 4 R Unit 4 R Unit 4 R Unit 4 R Unit 4 R Unit 4 R Unit 4 R Unit 4 R Unit 4 R Unit 4 R Unit 4 MR Unit 4 MR Unit 4 MRUnit 4 MR Unit 4 MR Unit 4 MR Unit 4 MR Unit 4 MR Unit 4 MR Unit 4 MR Unit 4 MR Unit 5 R Unit 5 R Unit 5 R Unit 5 R Unit 5 R Unit 5 R Unit 5 R Unit 5 R Unit 5 R Unit 5 R Unit 5 R Unit 5 R Unit 5 R Unit 5 R Unit 5 R Unit 5 R Unit 5 R Unit 5 R Unit 5 R Unit 5 R Unit 5 R Unit 5 R Unit 5 R Unit 5 MR Unit 5 MR Unit 5 MR Unit 5 MR Unit 5 MR Unit 5 MR Unit 5 MR Unit 5 MR Unit 5 MR Unit 6 R Unit 6 R Unit 6 R Unit 6 R Unit 6 R Unit 6 RUnit 6 R Unit 6 R Unit 6 R Unit 6 R Unit 6 R Unit 6 R Unit 6 R Unit 6 R Unit 6 R Unit 6 R Unit 6 R Unit 6 R Unit 6 MR Unit 6 MR Unit 6 MR Unit 6 MR Unit 6 MR Unit 6 MR Unit 6 MR Unit 6 MR Unit 6 MR Unit 6 MR Unit 6 MR。



高一牛津版下册·学科辅导讲义学员编号:年级:高一上课日期:学员姓名:辅导科目:英语学科教师:授课主题U4模式 1 V ——类型□同步□测试得分家长签字问题统计:知识梳理give me a handfoot the billblow outlock, stock and barrelhook, line and sinker每一种语言都有它独特的成语和俗语。



比如,美国人经常说:“Give me a hand.” 按照字面来理解, “give me hand”就是“给我一只手。


”另外一个例子是: “Foot the bill.”“Foot”的意思是“一只脚”,而“bill”在这儿的解释是“账单”。

“Foot the bill.”并不是把帐单踩在脚底下,而是付账的意思。


就拿下面一句话来作例子吧:例句-1:“We arrived two hours late at the big blow-out for Charlie’s birthday because our car had a blow-out.”这句话里第一个blow-out是指规模很大的聚会,第二个blow-out是指汽车的轮胎炸了。




一个是“Lock, stock and barrel”,另外一个是:“Hook, line and sinker”。

Lock, stock and barrel和Hook, line and sinker都是全部的意思,可是用法却不同。



牛津高一下12篇课文上大市北Unit 1 Reading The Phantom of the OperaRead this short story adapted from the novel The Phantom of the Opera.The Paris Opera House was a huge building. Beneath the building there was a strange, dark lake. On this lake was an island. On that island, one hundred years ago, lived the Phantom.At birth he was so ugly that his own mother made him wear a mask. She forced him to leave home while he was still a child. He then spent years wandering the Earth until he found his home on the island. Yet, this monster of a man loved singing, and had a wonderful voice.The phantom fell in love with Christine, a beautiful young singer at the Opera. He often sang to her late at night, hiding behind a secret wall in her room because he was afraid of letting her see his face. He taught her how to sing and helped her get better roles in the Opera. Christine enjoyed listening to his voice, too.However, the Phantom wanted Christine for himself. He kidnapped her from the stage in front of the whole audience. Then, he took her down to his secret home on the lake. Only one man was brave enough to follow. He was Raoul, a young man who loved Christine. Raoul tried to rescue Christine, but the Phantom captured him and put him in a prison.In the Phantom’s house, Christine pulled off his mask and saw the real man. At first, she was shocked at his horrible face with yellow eyes and no nose, but then she felt sorry about his suffering. She understood how lonely his life had been. She gently kissed his face.No woman had ever touched the Phantom before. Christine’s kiss made him cry with joy. He released Raoul, and told him to take Christine to safety. By now, a group of people had reached the Phanto m’s house. They burst in, ready to kill him. At that moment the Phantom disappeared and was never seen again.Unit 1 MR The Concert Hall which movedReading this cutting from a city guide for Shanghai to see how one concert hall was kept from destruction.In April 2003, the Shanghai Concert Hall was lifted into the air, and then moved 66.46 metres away.The 5,650-tonne building was deigned and bilt in 1930 by Chinese architects Zhao Shen and Fan Wenzhao. Originally, the building was used for showing films. In 1959, it was changed into a concert hall. Some of the world’s top musicians, including the famous cellist Yo-Yo Ma and the violinist Isaac Stern, played there.By 2002, however, the Shanghai Concert Hall faced some difficulties. The building was old and needed repair. Also, an elevated road had been built nearby. The noise of the traffic from the road drowned out the concerts. One way of saving the concert hall was moving it. So, over an eight-day period, workers used machinery to lift the concert hall into the air. They then pushed it along rails to a new location away from the elevated road.The Shanghai Concert Hall was completely restored after being moved. It was also made larger to seat more people. On 1 October 2004 it reopened with a concert by the British Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. With new paint and a new location, the charm of the concert hall was1 / 7brought back to life.Unit 2 Reading Two GeniusesAlbert Einstein was a very famous scientist in the twentieth century. Read this legend about him in a magazine article.Amany people regard Albert Einstein (1879-1955) as a genius. His attempt to explain the workings of the universe led to the development of nuclear energy.Einstein used to say that the only gift he had was curiosity, but this story about hm shows that he also had a sense of humour.As a young man with a growing reputation, Einstein received many invitations to explain his theories at different universities. On these trips his driver was always the same ---- a man called Hans. Hans often said to him, ‘It’s a pleasure to drive a genius like you, Dr. Einstein.’One evening, on their way to a distant university, Einstein said, ‘ I wish I didn’t have to give my lecture tonight, Hans. I’m so tired, but I don’t ant to let my audience down.’‘You don’t have to give the lecture,’ said Hans. ‘ I can give it for you. I’ve listened to your lecture so many times that I’ve learnt it by heart. No one know you at this university, so they won’t find out.’Einstein agreed with Hans, so they changed places. At the university, Hans was guided to a platform, where he stood surrounded by professors and students. Einstein took a seat in the audience, listened to Hans give his lecture perfectly, and joined in the applause at the end. However, before Hans left the platform, a professor shouted from the audience, ‘I’d like to ask you a difficult question.’ He then asked a question so complex that Hans had no idea what he was talking about.Einstein thought, ‘Oh no! Now we’re in trouble.’ But Hans just laughed and said, ‘That’s not a difficult question. In fact, it’s so easy that even my driver knows how to answer it. Hans, please…’Einstein stood up and answered the question perfectly.They left the university, with Einstein dri ving. A little later, Hans offered to drive. ‘No, my friend,’ laughed Einstein. ‘It’s a pleasure to drive a genius like you, Hans.’Unit 2 MR The Nobel PrizeRead this leaflet about the Noble PrizeAlfred Nobel was an inventor born in Sweden. When he died in 1896, he left a lot of money and property. This was then worth about nine million US dollars, and later became the original sourceof the world-famous Nobel Prize.Nobel believed that the spread of knowledge would make the world a better place. The yearly-awarded prizes are given to honour those who help mankind. Nobel said that the prizes should honour ‘the most important discoveries or inventions’ in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine and ‘the most outstanding works’ in literature.Since 1901. the Nobel Prize has been presented to the winners on 10 December, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel’s death. At the award ceremony in the Stockholm Concert Hall, the king of Sweden hands each winner a diploma and a medal. The ceremony is followed by a large banquet for about 1,300 peopoel Among the guests of honour are the Nobel Prize winners and their families, the King and the Queen, and many well-known leaders in science and culture. Two2 / 7hundred and fifty young students are also honoured with invitations to this grand occasion.Unit 3 Reading The interesting world of plantsPlants can be much more interesting than youn think. Read this transcript from a nature film to find out why.Water lilies can often be seen in China, with their round leaves, or pads, floating in ponds. In Hangzhou, there is a kind of water lily whose pads are so huge that a person can stand on them. This is a Victoria lily, the largest kind of water lily in the world. Its pads are more than two metres wide and its white or purple flowers can grow as large as 45 centimetres across.Some flowering plants can also be eaten. The lotus, a near relative of the water lily, is such a plant. It has a long white root, in which there are many holes. In Asian countries, lotus roots and seeds are often cooked and served in meals. In the West, eating lotus roots or seeds is not as popular as it is in Asia.The banyan tree is an interesting tree with many roots growing down from its branches. It can be found in South China and other parts of Asia. When its roots reach the ground, they plant themselves and grow bark. Eventually they either become part of the original tree trunk or become separate tree trunks. Using this methid, banyan trees can cover an enormous area. The world’s largest banyan tree, in India, covers an area larger than a football pitch. Even though it is only one tree, it looks like a whole forest!Speaking of trees, a gingko tree believed to be around 3,800 years old was recently discovered in Hebei Province, China. Many gingko trees have been around for more than 3,000 years ---- that is the reason why they are known as ‘longevity trees’ in China. While gingko trees can live for a long time, they are not even near being the oldest trees. Bristlecone pine trees in America are among the oldest living trees. One bristlecone pine tree in Nevada is over 4,600 years old!Unit 3 MR Learn to care for plantsRead this article from a newspaper to get some new ideas about what plants you can grow this year.Spring is in the air, so it is time to go outside and do some gardening. Here are three plants which can decorate your home.Why not grow commone white jasmine/ You can raise it as either a bush or a vine. Jasmine vines produce more flowers than jasmine bushes, but they need a frame to grow on. If you grow them on a frame over a path, the path will soon have a cover of whit, sweet-smelling flowers. Jasmine is not just for tea.Of course, if you like blossoms, do not ignore the Yulan magnolia. These trees can grow to be over 12 metres tall. In early spring, they are covered with white blossoms which are more than 12 centimetres wide. After the blossoms fall off, green leaves cover the trees all summer. In autumn, these leaves change to red and orange before they litter the ground with colour. The Yulan magnolia is ideal for cool, moist climates.If you have no idea what to grow, you could plant a golden ball cactus. You could keep it in your house, or plant it outside where it can grow to be more than 60 centimetres tall. While it prefers the sun, it tolerates temperatures of below zero degrees centigrade.3 / 7Unit 4 Reading Friend or enemy?Reading this excerpt from the play Winston and the Spider to learn about one kind of small creature. The scene begins with Winston and his wife Betty standing in their kitchen.Betty: (jumping in fright, and then shouting)Kill it!Winston: (calmly) Certainly not.Betty: Why? You’re not frightened of it, Winston, are you? It’s only an insect.Winston: It isn’t an insect, Betty. It’s a spi der. Actually, spiders are very useful creatures. I watched a TV prgramme last night that completely changed my view about spiders. Do you want to hear about it?Betty: Not really. (She sighs.) but I suppose you’re going to tell me anyway.Winston: Spiders are the enemies of insects and the friends of humans. Chinese farmers realized that years ago. Do you know that in parts of China, in autumn, farmers build shelters for spiders and put them all over their fields?Betty: No. I didn’t know that.Winston: (ignoring her remarks) The shelters are like little tents. Surviving winter in them, the spiders emerge healthy and hungry when spring comes. At the same time, millions of insects arrive to attack the farmers’ crops. The spiders fill their empty stomachs, an d the farmers become happy because their fields have been protected.Betty: So everyone is hapy except the insects.Winston: Right, and now this natural method of pest control is being copied all over the world. Betty: (looking bored) Interesting, but now I must go and…Winston: (becoming excited) Wait! There’s more. What’s stronger than steel, lighter than a feather and as elastic as a rubber band?Betty: What?Winston: It’s the silk the spiders make their webs with. Scientists are trying to develop a mate rial having similar properties. They plan to use it in spacecraft, artificial organs like hearts, and to make really bulletproof vests.Betty: I still think spiders are nasty and should be killed. Their bites are dangerous, aren’t they? Winston: To insects, yes, but to people, rarely. But even their poison is useful. Doctors think it might be used to treat brain disorders in humans.Betty: That’t good news for you, then. (She laughs.) But seriously, I get your point, Winston. We should try to understand things in nature and not destroy them.4 / 7Unit 4 MR The mystery of hibernationNo human has ever experienced hibernatin, and yet many creatures experience it every year. Read the following article from a science magazine to see what hibernation is all about.What do bears, bats and frogs have in common? They all hibernate. Hibernation is a state often compared to sleep. It usually occrus in winter, when a creature does not move for weeks or months continuously. Creatures hibernate to survive the cold weather and the absence of food.A typical example of a hibernating creature is the bat. When winter comes, bats find a safe place in a cave. Looking like they are dead, they hang upside down. Their pulse and breathing rates greatly slow down. Their body temperatures drop as well. These things help them save energy during long winters when it is difficult to find food.Frogs, like many amphibians, also hibernate when it gets cold. After digging deep into the mud at the bottom of a pond, they do not stir again until it is warm. During hibernation, they breathe through their skins, not their mouths.Another hibernating creature is the bear. In contrast to other creatures, hibernating bears do not appear as though they are dead, but seem as though they are very sleepy. If they are disturbed during hibernation, they can get up very quickly. While hibernating, bears stay in their dens, which are filled with leaves to make their stay more comfortable and warmer. In spring, having awakened, they leave their dens, thin and hungry.Unit 5 Reading What should I do?Letters from students asking for advice are published anonymously in a school newspaper as a part of the ‘ Counsellor’s Corner’. Read excerpts from the letters below.On evening last month, I was visiting a close friend in her new high-rise flat when she accidentally knocked a flowerpot from her window. It smashed to the ground below, narrowly missing some children at lay. On our way out, we stopped to take a look, but now one was hurt, so we said nothing and left for the cinema as planned. Returning home later that evening, my friend learnt that the police had been to the flats and questioned everyone. They had even taken a neighbour’s son to the police station. After questioning him, they let him go temporarily. Frightened, my friend has said nothing to the police.Though no one was hurt, I have a guilty conscience and …Last night, while travelling home on the underground, I saw three tough guys enter my almost empty carriage.They sat down beside a young boy who was travelling alone and began to tease and tully him. Their behavious was so bad that it made him move to another seat, but that did no good. They just followed him and continued their bullying. The boy was obviously frightened. At this point, I stopped looking and got off at my station, feeling sorry for the boy. I regret not helping him, but not being Superman and hating violence, what could I do? Should I …The checkout assistant at my usual supermarket is always rude and unhelpful. A few days ago, I gave her a fifty-pound note to pay for a six-pound purchase, but she was so busy grumbling that5 / 7she accidentally gave me an extra ten-pound note in my change.On discovering the error, I went back and tried to tell her. ‘ Excuse me ’, I said. However, before I could continue, she barked, ‘ Can’t you see there’s a queue? Go to the end and wait your turn.’That did it ! I left the shop with the £10 and a clear conscience. I had meant to correct the error before leaving, but she would not let me. On the other hand…Unit 5 MR A letter from the school counsellorThe school counsellor wrote a letter of reply to the students who sent her letters this week. Lincoln High School News 5 May 2007Counsellor’s CornerDear studentsI am pleased to read your letters. You all seem very honest. However, you hesitated and showeda lack of courage in these unexpected situations. That is why you all have guilty consciences.The best remedy for a guilty conscience is to make the situation right.In the case of the flowerpot falling from the window, while the police let the boy go, everyone probably still thinks the boy did it. Making things right means your friend should go to the police and tell them the truth. Then she needs to go to the boy and apologize. You must persuade her to do this.In the case of the three tough guys, you can try contacting the transport police. Maybe they can watch for these guys and stop them before they hur someone else.In the case of the rude checkout assistant, the money does not belong to you ---- it belongs to the supermarket. You need to go to the supermarket manager and return the £10.I regret to say it is not always easy to do the right thing. However, it is not right to let others suffer for our mistakes. Since you all seem to be good students, I know you will do your best.If you have any questions or need any more advice, do not forget to visit me in my office. Thanks for your letters.Sincerely yours,Ms Robbins, School CounsellorUnit 6 Reading Points of viewAre TV commercials for children bad or good? Read this opinion article from a newspaper, followed by cuttings from the Letters to the Editor section, to see both sides.[A] Little Spenders are Big SpendersThe latest target for TV commercials is Asia’s fastest growing consmer group ---- children. Asian families are getting smaller and wealthier, and Asian children are watching more TV. One estimate says a typical Asian child sees more than 10,000 minutes of TV commercials a year.To get the attention (and the money) of these young viewers, commercials use child actors. ‘Kids can identify with someone from their own age group,’ says one advertiser, ‘so the commercials are more effective.’ Of course, child actors earn big money.Not everyone is happy to se kids turned into consumers. Some educators believe that the more TV commercials children watch, the more materialistic they become. One Japanese survey asked children, ‘What do you want most in life?’ Twenty percent said money or possessions.For these reasons, governments are taking action to protect children. Television authorities, for6 / 7example, would ban an advertisement if it made children feel inferior because they did not own the advertised product.[B] Bad for childrenWith reference to your ‘Little Spenders are Big Spenders’ article, children should not be used as actors in TV commercials. It is illegal for them to work in factories, so why are they allowed to make commercials? Regarding the high salaries, it is bad for children to have too much money.----Li Yue[C] Silly toysAdvertising to children is wrong because it makes them ask their parents for money to buy things. In addition, many things advertised, such as toys, are silly and encourage violence. A child buying these toys will learn nothing.----Zhang jie[D] Nothing wrong with commercialsI disagree that commercials are bad for children. They cannot be harmful or the government would have banned them long ago. Furthermore, what is wrong with children earning money or asking their parents to buy things for them? My final point is that children buy toys to have fun with, not to learn from. This explains why the ‘Magic Babies’ are one of the world’s best-selling toys, ever.----Liu Ping, Sunshine AdvertisingUnit 6 MR The key to a better lifeRead this online article about teaching children how to manage money.On 26 April 2005, about 7,400 American bankers went back to school again. This time they did not go to learn ----they went to teach. Every April since 1997, the American Bankers Association has sponsored Teach Children to Save Day. On that day, bankers across the USA teach over 1.5 million primary and secondary school students how to handle their money.In the USA, children, especially teenagers, are often big spenders. In 2003, for example, American teenagers spent $175 billion. This is an average of $104 per week per teenager. Few teenagers have any savings. Most typically spend money as fast as they can. Nearly all will continue their spending habits when they grow up.For this reason, bankers have decided to teach children proper money management while they are still young. They show students how to budget their personal activities and make smart decisions about money. They explain to them how to balance their expenses against their income. They help the students understand their family’s shopping and household expenses as well. Of course, students are also taught how to invest and save money.As Benjamin Franklin said, ‘A penny saved is a penny earned.’ M oreover, money saved at interest can increase greatly in value over time. Children, like adults, therefore need to understand the value of saving money. This is what Teach Children to Save Day is all about.7 / 7。



上海牛津新世纪高一下英语辅导讲义二Unit3(S)Miss T Smiling to everything!高一下学期辅导讲义分成三部分:第一部分是高一下每个Unit的词汇及拓展词汇汇总(必须默写~);第二部分是高一下每个Unit的知识点和语法拓展解析希望你们背出这些加粗词和例句,然后把一些对应练习也认真完成好~第三部分就是做重点名校的单元练习卷。

Unit ThreeI. Language points learning1. If you don’t want to offend someone, you’d better know which English words to use----and which to avoid.如果你不想冒犯别人,你最好要知道哪些词可以使用In order not to offend someone, you’d better know which English words to use.offend v. 冒犯; 使------不愉快I am sorry if I have offended you. 如果我得罪你,我很抱歉。

His misbehaviour offended her.// He offended her by(with) his misbehaviour.// She was offended by(at, with)his misbehaviour. 他的不良行为使她愤怒。

He was offended when his classmates called him by his nickname.当他的同学叫他绰号时,他觉得自己被侵犯了。

adj. offensive 冒犯性的,不愉快的,没礼貌的 offensive words an offensive sound完成句子: We might be _________by ________words. n. offence 不悦take offence 生气, 攻击The old man is easy to take offence. 那老人容易生气。



上海牛津英语高一(下)语言点S1A U3—U4S1A U3 PlantsI.Reading-The interesting world of plants1.serve(1)提供(食物、饮料等) serve sb。

with sth.这家酒店什么时候供应早餐?What time is breakfast served in this hotel?(2)服务,对待她在公司忠心耿耿地工作了30年。

She has served the company faithfully for thirty years.(3) 可做,适于这个盒子可以当做椅子。

The box will serve as a seat。

(4) 任职,服役(军队等)他年轻时在军队服役。

He served in the navy when he was young.2.separate(1) v. separate A from B (使…)分开It’s impossible to separate belief from emotion.(区别情感与信念)(2) adj。


The children sleep in separate beds。

他们各自单独生活. They lead separate lives.(3) adj. 不同的(different/ distinguish)这件事在三个不同场合都发生过。

It happened on three separate occasions.3.speaking of“提起,说到”。


generally speaking(一般而言)time permitting(时间允许的话),judging from… (根据…判断),considering…(就…而论),talking of…。

, (提到)supposing…(假如)II.More Reading—Learn to care for plants1.decorate (vt.) 装饰;装修decorate…with…用…装饰…The little girl decorated her hair with flowers.(用花来装饰头发)be decorated with 装饰着…大厅装饰着五彩的气球。

上海市牛津版英语【高一下】Unit 5 基础训练(有答案)

上海市牛津版英语【高一下】Unit  5 基础训练(有答案)

U5 基础训练Part One: Exercise for Grammar—Infinitives and-ing verb after verbs Section A: 基础练习1. ________________ Remember the magazine when you have finished reading it.A. putting backB. having put backC. to put backD. will put back2.—I'm sorry I forgot ______ your dictionary.—Let's use Li Hua's.A. to takeB. takingC. to bringD. bringing3.At the moment, Jason is considering next.A. to do whatB. what to doC. doing whatD. what doing4.I regret _______ y ou that we are unable to offer you a job.A. informingB. having informedC. to informD. to informing5.He felt tired with typing the lecture. So he stopped____ a short break.A. havingB. to haveC. takingD. to takingA. to haveB. should haveC. haveD. havingA. catchingB. to be caughtC. being caughtD. to catchA. stayingB. stayC. have stayedD. being stayedA. meetB. to meetC. having metD. meetingA. leftB. being leftC. to be leftD. leavingSection B: 强化练习1. I’d like to see your problem ________ (solve) before the end of this term.2. A total of 264,302 people in the country were reported ________(infect) with HIV by the end of last September.3. A red light is a warning to drivers and staff that another train is dangerously close and that adjustments need _________ (make).4. After finishing the lecture, I started to listen to my student _______(discuss)the social problems mentioned in my lecture.5. What people learned from China Got Talented was that there were so many talented people out there waiting ______(discover).6. With the government’s aid, those ________(affect)by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements.7. __________(Approach) the city center, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height.8. At one point I made up my mind to talk to Uncle Sam. Then I changed my mind, ________(realize) that he could do nothing to help.9. The club, _ _(found) 25 years ago, is holding a party for past and present members.10. Sophia got an e-mail (ask for) her credit card account number.Section C: 语法填空When US’ Duke University second-year student Christian Drappi sees someonephone, takes a picture and uploads it to Twitter. “It kind of spreads like wildfire through Twitter,” said Drappi, who is a campus brand representative for Square.Companies are increasingly using college campus brand representatives 2 (spread)the word about their products. These representatives often rely on word-of-mouth tools like social media to publicize the company and any promotional events they host.Though the brand representative is no stranger to the college marketing scene, social media are changing how these representatives interact with students of their same age and how effectively their message is communicated. Companies like Red Bull, Microsoft and Twitter all have campus representatives 3 (devote)to spreading good news about the brand.Cord Silverstein, executive vice president of interactive communications at the Raleigh advertising agency Capstrat, said, “Social media have made it easier than ever for college students 4 (share)opinions on a product with their friends. Someone’s friend, someone they respect, like a student or a professor, these people are having much greater influence on what college students think, like and don’t like, because th ey trust their opinions.”When 5 (look)at representative applications, McCarthy, who heads the campus representative program for Square, said the company looks for easy-going students who are social-media understanding. “Three or four years ago, brand representatives on campus were a(n) fresh idea. Now companies have themeverywhere. There’s only so much mindshare 6 (capture).” McCathy emphasized.Part Two: Exercise for VocabularySection A:Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases from the box below. Change1. He got up too late this morning and __________________ his flight.2. They began to regret the _________________ of such a large house.3. Please _________________the tour guide for any question.4. She never _________________ her decision of working as a teacher in the country school.5. He ___________________for a moment before he told me the truth.6. My brother was __________________ to join us to go to Yunnan for a trip.7. He played the _________________guy in the movie.8. The child was frightened by the man’s strange __________________.9. John broke Mary’s doll ___________________;he did not mean to do it.10. His ____________________forced him to repay what he had stolen.Section B:Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.It is commonly believed that school is where people go to get education. However,between schooling and education suggested by this is important.take place anywhere, whether in the shower or on the job, whether in a kitchen or onwhole universe of learning out of class. While the experience of schooling can bea foreigner may lead a person to discover how little he knows of another country.term. It is lifelong experience that starts long before the start of school, and one that should be a necessary part of one's entire life.one way to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at school at the same time,Part Three: Exercise for Translation1.一到家,他就得知父亲已按计划去了北京。



上海⽜津版⾼⼀下Unit1讲义U1 Language Points1.force v.force sb. to do翻译句⼦:强盗逼她把钱交出来。

Key: The robber forced her to hand over the money.n.暴⼒;武⼒;影响⼒e.g. The police took the thief away by force.★be in force ⽣效;有效e.g. Are the new charges for the postage stamps in force yet?★put into force 实⾏;实施e.g. The CEO hopes to put the new rules into force before the end of the year.2.role n.⾓⾊;作⽤;职责1.play the leading / a major / an active / an important role ine.g. For some countries ,tourism plays an important role in the growth of the national economy. Innovation and progress of science and technology play the leading role in the 21st century.翻译句⼦:凯瑟琳赫本扮演过许多性格迥异的⾓⾊,因此获得了四次奥斯卡最佳⼥主⾓奖。

Key: Katharine Hepburn played a variety of roles, which made her win four Leading Actress Oscars.3.rescue v.营救;援救e.g. She clung to the floating wreckage for hours before she was rescued.★rescue sb. from…从…中营救出…翻译句⼦:彼得把她从可怕的⽣活中解救出来。

牛津英语 (上海)高一下 Unit 1 复习小测验

牛津英语  (上海)高一下 Unit 1 复习小测验


—佩恩(英国)Revision One Feb. 19I. Try matching the definitions with the words.1. adaptable a. to catch sb, especially in a war2. kidnap b. to move at a particular season from one part of theworld or from one part of a country to another, usuallyin order to breed or to find new feeding grounds3. sacrifice c. to walk around there in a casual way, often withoutintending to go in any particular direction4. capture d. being able to change one’s ideas or behavior inorder to deal with new situations5. wander e. to give sth up, usually to obtain something else foroneself or for other people6. phantom f. to get sb out of a dangerous or unpleasant situation7. migrate g. to take some people away illegally and by force, andusually to hold them prisoner in order to demandsomething from their family, employer, orgovernment.8. rescue h. a ghostII. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words.1. In the middle of the island _______ (stand) some large sculptures.2. Now _________ (come) your turn.3. By then, he ___________ (become) the envy of his colleagues.4. After Christine pulled off the Phantom’s horrible face, she came tounderstand how lonely he life ________ (be).(根据课文)III. Multiple choice.1. The criminal was afraid ______ the truth as he was afraid ________ putinto prison.A. to tell…of beingB. of telling…to beC. to tell…to beD. of telling…of being2. The robbers broke _____ the bank and demanded money yesterday morning.A. inB. intoC. out ofD. off3. After listening to the amusing story, the architects burst ___________.A. out laughterB. into laughingC. out laughingD. into laughters4. When it comes to healthy lifestyle, the doctors advise ______ properly.A. eatingB. to eatC. eatD. to eating5. Though they pay much attention to _________ the environment, they still stick to ______ old measures.A. protect…takeB. protecting…takingC. protect…takingD. protecting…take6. _______ to the motherland irritated the enemy.A. His returningB. He returningC. He returnD. He to return7. I regret ___________you that we will have to cancel the lecture which is about the selection of majors in universities.A. missingB. missC. missedD. to miss8 The child hasn’t got used to sleeping in the _________ bag.A. sleptB. sleepC. sleepingD. to sleep9. He is not certain when he will be let _________ by the policeman.A. goB. goingC. goneD. having gone10 --------What annoyed you yesterday?-------- ___________ .A. My son coming back home lateB. My son’s coming back home lateC. Because of my son coming back home late.D. Because of my son’s coming back home late11 Since my parents don’t allow __________ at home, I advise _______outside.A. to smoke…goingB. to smoke…to goC. smoking…goingD. smoking…to goIV. Translations1 这位女演员已经适应了这个改编过的剧本。

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Learn to care for plants
More reading
Reasons for gardening
❖ Some people garden to get in _to_u_c_h__ with _n_a_tu_r_e_.
❖ Others enjoy gardening to satisfy their _e_m_o_t_io_n_a_l needs. It might serve as a private ___e_sc_a_p_e_ from the demands of everyday life. It can also give a sense of __a_ch_i_e_v_em__e_n_t ___.
❖ 1.What does in the air mean? ❖ A. in the sky B. can be heard C. can be
felt ❖ 2.Which produces more flowers? ❖ A. A jasmine bush B. A jasmine vine ❖ 3.Jasmine can not only be use for tea, but
those photos to give them suggestions.
❖ Elle
❖ Fashion designer
❖ Works for those world-famous stars
❖ Needs something to promote her imagination
❖ George
❖ Freshman in a university
❖ Wants to set up his own business and to earn enough pocket money
❖ 2.A golden ball cactus can stay alive in very cold weather.( T )
❖ 3.If you plant a golden ball cactus outside, it can grow more than 12 meters tall.( F )
❖ This sort of behavior will not be __t_o_le_r_a_t_e_d_.
❖ 1. Memorize the new words. ❖ 2. P18-20 on exercise book ❖ 3. Write a letter to any of the persons in
❖ Mr. Wind ❖ A successful
business man ❖ A popular TV host
Vocabulary Ex
❖ 1. The room was _d_e_c_o_ra__te_d_with artificial flowers.
❖ 2. I made a suggestion but they chose to __ig_n__o_re__ it.
❖ Gardening enables people to add __b_e_a_u_ty_to their houses, make money by ___s_el_li_n_g__ plants, show their creativity through garden_d_e_s_ig_n_.
also for ________ . ❖ A. wine B. perfume
The blossoms fall down. Green leaves cover the tree.
The are covered
with white
blossoms which
❖ 3.Broken glass __li_tt_e_r_e_d_ the streets. ❖ 4. In an __id__e_a_l ___world there would be
no poverty and disease. 5. Water the plants regularly to keep the soil__m_o_i_s_t___.
❖ Mr. Harrison ❖ Just retired ❖ Has a large garden ❖ wants to travel
around the world with his wife
❖ Vivian ❖ Fulltime housewife ❖ Mother of two
young children
are more than 12

Leaves change to red and orange before they litter the ground with colour.
❖ 1. A golden ball cactus prefers cool and wet weather.( F )