广州版新版五年级英语上册期末练习题 2016

广州版新版五年级英语上册期末练习题 2016
广州版新版五年级英语上册期末练习题 2016


Part I


A. chips

B. music room

C. sunny

D. library

E. coffee

F. swimming pool

G. cloudy

H. playground

I. noodles

J. gym

K. dumpling

L. cloud

M. water

N. rain

O. rainy

P. bread

Q. wind

R. bun

S. pancake

T. fish

U. juice

V. milk

W. tea

X. coke






1. 一碗米 a cup of tea

2. 一瓶果汁 a bowl of rice

3. 一杯水 a bottle of juice

4. 一杯茶 a glass of water

5. 一杯咖啡 a glass of milk

6. 一杯牛奶 a can of coke

7. 一罐可乐 a bowl of soup

8. 一碗汤 a cup of coffee

9. 一袋米 a box of eggs

10. 一盒鸡蛋two cups of coffee

11.两杯咖啡 a bag of rice


1. 做飞机模型_____________________________

2. 玩音乐_____________________________

3. 读书_____________________________

4. 玩电脑游戏_____________________________

5. 照相_____________________________

6. 集邮_____________________________

7. 养宠物_____________________________

8. 写故事_____________________________

9. 打乒乓球_____________________________

10. 读点书_____________________________

11. 画卡通_____________________________

12. 叫醒_____________________________

13. 去市场_____________________________

14. 去购物_____________________________

15. 去图书馆_____________________________

16. 去电影院_____________________________

17. 留在家_____________________________

18. 去游泳_____________________________

19. 穿T恤_____________________________

20. 放风筝_____________________________

21. 堆雪人_____________________________

22. 在户外玩_____________________________

23. 说英语_____________________________



1)What’s your hobby?

___________________________________________ 2) Do you like collecting stamps?

___________________________________________ 3) What can a robot do?


4) Can you speak English?


5) What can you do with your hands?


6) What do you usually do after school?


7) Does your father usually cook?


8) Do you want coffee or tea?


9) What do you want to drink for lunch?


10) What do you think of tomato and egg soup?


11) What do you usually have for dinner?


12) What’s the weather like?



1、Chinese People eat with chopsticks and bowls.()

2、Western People eat with knife and fork. ()

3、People from Guangdong enjoy sweet and hot food. ( )

4、Beijing people like eating noodles and dumplings. ( )

5、There are four seasons in Guangzhou. ( )

6、A duck can fly high. ( )

7、We can read books in the gym. ( )

8、Chinese people like eating rice and bread. ( )

9、We can use fork to drink soup. ( )

10、Spring in Guangzhou is warm and wet. ( )


1、People in China eat with c_____________ and b___________.

2、My h_____________ is keeping p_____________.

3、The chicken smells very d_________________.

4、My family is always very b___________ at the w____________.

5、We have dinner t_____________ every day.


1.My brother’s hobby is (make,making) kites.

2.Sometimes he (go,goes) swimming with his friends.

3.I can jump very (high,tall).

4.Can I have some (chip,chips) and fish?

5.I t’s always very (hot,cold) in Beijing in summer.


1、( ) What’s the temperature? A. No, I don’t.

2、( ) What do you think of the food? B. Sure.

3、( ) Can I have a large coke? C. It is 15℃.

4、( ) What do you usually do at the weekend? D. It smells delicious.

5、( ) Can you play basketball? E. I usually play and read books.

6、( ) Do you like playing music? F. Yes, I can.


My name is Amy. I’m 11 years old. I like spring. It’s warm. There are many flowers . It’s a beautiful season.And my birthday is in spring. It’s April 16th. On my birthday, there is always a birthday party.My friends will come and play with me.We sing and dance.We eat the birthday party .After that,we often go to the park and fly kites there. ( )1.Amy likes spring.

( )2.It’s hot in spring.

( )3.Amy’s birthday is in summer.

( )4.There is always a birthday party for Amy on her birthday. ( )5.Amy and her friends often go ice-skating on her birthday.



Spring :windy and warm; fly kites

Summer :hot and rains a lot; swim;ice-cream.

Autumn :cool;have a picnic

Winter :cold and snowy,play in the snow.



Unit 1 What’s your hobby? hobby 爱好;嗜好model 模型 collect 收集 stamp 邮票 more 更、更多 than 比 more than 多于... country 国家 keep 保持;饲养 animal 动物 every 每 during 在......期间 Unit 2 His hobby is drawing coloured 彩色的 sky 天空 place 地方 drawing 画 Unit 3 I can swim very fast That’s right. 对的together 一起far 遥远的 Unit4 Can you do my homework ? talk 讲话;谈话 speak 说 thing 东西 count 数、数数 Unit 5 Where is Ben? maybe 可能 find 找到 look for 寻找 Ice cream 冰淇淋 Unit 6 At the weekend weekend 周末 busy 忙的 wake up 醒来 early 早的、早地 Mrs 太太 market 市场 son 儿子 palace 宫殿 Children’s Palace 少年宫

out 外面 have (some) fun 娱乐 cinema 电影院 seldom 极少地 stay 停留;待在...(地方) Unit 7 Do you want coffee or tea? coffee 咖啡 tea 茶 drink 喝、饮料 cup 杯 a cup of 一杯...... milk 牛 something 某事、某物 cold 冷的 hot 热的、辣的 coke 可乐 sure 确信、肯定的 bottle 瓶子 a bottle of 一瓶...... juice 果汁 glass 玻璃杯 can 罐Unit 8 Let’s have both both (两者)都should 应该 rice 米,饭dumpling 饺子noodle 面条 enjoy 欣赏;喜欢bread 面包sandwich 三文治hamburger 汉堡包chips 炸薯条 worry 担心 starter 第一道菜tomato 西红柿 egg 鸡蛋、蛋 soup 汤 main 主要的 main course 主菜meat 肉vegetable 蔬菜potato 马铃薯dessert 甜品

(广州版)五年级英语上册 单元测试题(1)

五年级英语上册单元测试题 班级_________姓名_________分数_________ 一、语音。 选出下列四个单词中,发音不同的一个,并将序号填在题前的括号中。(5分) 1.( ) A.with B. three C. this D. that 2.( ) A.pardon B. box C. not D. on 3.( ) A.sandwich B.China C.peach D.catch 4.( ) A.stars B.pears C.bikes D.flags 5.( ) A.think B.China C.in D. nice 二、选择填空。(10分) 1.( ) There a bottle of water and two bags of bread in the bag. A.am B. is C. are 2.( ) There are animals in the zoo! A. so much B. so C. so many 3.( ) Mary can dance. . A. I can so . B. So can I. C. So am I. 4.( ) I have three flags. One is yellow , are red. A. the other B. the others C. others 5.( ) -- Let’s English. OK? --OK. I want to talk you that story book. A. speak, to, about B. talk, with, with C. speak, with, about 6.( ) Boys, say something about . A. yourself B. your C. yourselves 7.( ) Can you the glass? A. broke B.broken C. break 8.( ) you the pear? A. Do,get B. Have,got C. Have,get 9.( ) Don't worry me. I’m OK. A. with B. about C. at 10.( ) Don’t sing class. You can do it class. A. on, at B. after,in C. in, after 三、改写句子(16分) 1.Where are two stools in the bag.(就划线部分提问) 2.Where is an egg in the bag.(就划线部分提问) 3.What girl is very beautiful.(改为感叹句) 4.It’s a very nice pear.(改为感叹句). 5.Mary can see three foreigners on the Great Wall. ( 用there be句型改写) 6.It’s time to watch TV. (同义句) 7.girl,the,book,a,read,the,room,in,now(?)(连词成句) 8.The boys are singing and eating.(就划线部分提问) 四、阅读理解 Mr. Wang: May I come in?


广州五年级英语上册各单元知识点归纳 单词199 个词组200 个 语法:1)第三人称单数为主语的一般现在时的运用 2)一般将来时(be going to, will )的运用 3)序数词的使用4)情态动词can, must 的连用; 5)介词与时间连用6)时间倒读法的运用. 7)主要话题 A. 年, 季节, 月, 日, 时刻; B. 日常生活活动; C. 能力与可能; D. 植物; E. 动物园动物; F. 去旅游以及去旅游的方法; G. 方位;H. 问路与应答;I. 规劝与应答 1. —What are you doing,Jiamin?Jiamin你,在做什么? —I ‘m making a model plan我e正.在做飞机模型。 现在进行时(肯定句,否定 句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问 U1 2. I love making models. 我喜欢做模型。 3. What ’s your hobby, Xiaolin你g?的爱好是什么, 句) 1. His is hobby is drawing cartoons. 他的爱好是画漫画。 一般现在时第三人称单数2. Sometimes he draws his pet dog or a bird in the sky.有 (肯定句,否定句,一般疑时候他画他画的宠物狗或天空的一只鸟。问句,特殊疑问句) U2 3.She likes drawing interesting people and beautiful places.她喜欢画有趣的人物和美丽的风景。 1. —What’s your hobby ?你的爱好是什么? 1. 陈述爱好的三种句式. —My hobby is drawing cartoons. 我的爱好是画漫画。 2.be good at 用法. U3 2. She draws very well,too. 她也画得很好。 3. 情态动词can 的基本句 3. I love swimming, too. 我也喜欢游泳。 型


广州版小学五年级英语上册单词(含音标)李老师 Unit 1 What Is Our Life Like? tomorrow[t?'m?r?u] 明天start [sta:t] 开始;出发always['?:lweiz] 总是never ['nev?] 从不;决不before [bi'f?:] 在...之前London ['l?nd?n] 伦敦 Toy [t?i] 玩具weekend ['wi:kend] 周末open ['?up?n] 开着的;打开的go to work 去工作;上班 do some reading 读点书 How often...? 多久…,多常时间...? surf [s?:f] 浏览;冲浪运动net [net] 网 surf the Net 上网 museum [mju:?zi?m] 博物馆quite [kwait] 相当;十分palace [?p?lis] 宫;宫殿Children's Palace 少年宫 walk [w?:k] 走路;行走 go for a walk去散步 drink[dri?k] 喝 take exercise['eks?saiz] 锻炼身体after class 下课后 life [laif] 生活

Unit 2 How Many Terms Do You Have in a School Year? term[t?:m] 学期 first [f?:st] 第一;首先autumn['?:t?m] 秋天second [?sek?nd] 第二winter ['wint?] 冬天 third [θ?:d] 第三 spring [spri?]春天summer ['s?m?] 夏天Septembe [s?p'temb?] [sep'temb?] 九月 end [end] 结束;末端December[di'semb?] 十二月January['d??nju?ri] 一月April ['eipr?l] 四月 begin[bi'gin] 开始 May [mei] 五月 July [d?u:'lai] 七月 on holiday ['h?l?di] 度假February ['febru?ri] 二月March[mɑ:t?] 三月 June[d?u:n] 六月August [??'g?st ] 八月October[?k't?ub?] 十月November[n?u?vemb?] 十一月fifth [fifθ]第五 eighth [ ei tθ ] 第八 ninth [nainθ]第九twelfth [ twelfθ ] 第十二twentieth ['twentiiθ ] 第二十New Year新年;元旦 Chinese New Year [,t?ai'ni:z] 中国的新年;春节 Children's Day['t?ildr?n] 儿童节Teacher's Day['ti:t??] 教师节date[deit] 日期


广州版五年级上册英语测试听读句子,选出句子中所含的信息。(10分) ( )1.Tom’s father does some reading at________in the evening. A.8:30 B.6:30 C.7:45 ( )2.I often ______ after class every day . A.climb the hill B.take exercise C.ran very fast ( )3 Chinese Year is on______this year. A.January 18th B.February 19th C.December 18th ( )⒋The_______can jump very high. A.monkey B.elephant C.kangaroo ( )5.The robot can speak both____. A.Russian B.Chinese C.English and Japanese ( )6.The little gril can ________in english A.write a letter B.do some reading C.drink coffee ( )7.XiaoLing is sitting on the grass under the big_______. A.banyan tree B.bluebell C.oak tree ( )8.We ___________pick the flowers. A. can B.need not C.must not ( )9.Can I _______of monkeys? A.take photos B.take exercise C.take rest ( )10.Childre n′s Day is on the________of______. A.July 6th B.September 10th C. June 1st B. 二.听读句子。选择人物所喜欢的花卉并连线。(10分) Rose Janet Lily Sally Jiaming lilies roses tulips bullbell violets 三.听读问题,并根据问题选择正确答案。(8分) ()1.A.Yes,wa can B.No,we mustnot C.OK


2014年五年级英语上学期期末复习资料(新广州版) Unit 1:What’s your hobby? 一、兴趣爱好的词组:play computer games, play music, collect stamps, keep pets, make model ships, read books, take photos, make cakes, plant trees, grow flowers, study plants, listening to music, singing, dancing, drawing, play the piano, play chess, play basketball… 二、句型: 1. What’s your hobby? 2. Do you like…? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 3. I love/like… 4. I enjoy … 5. I am good at… 6. My (favourite) hobby is … 7. …is my (favourite) hobby. 8. Is y our hobby keeping pets? Yes, it’s / No, it isn’t. 三、重点精析: 1. love/like/enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 如:I like listening to music. 我喜欢听音乐。 2. My hobby is doing sth 我的爱好是…… 如:My hobby is reading books. 我的爱好是看书。 3. more than… 多于…… , 超过…… from 来自于 如:I have collected more than 3 hundred stamps from 20 countries. 我已收集了来自二十个国家的300多张邮票。 4. every 每一的,每个的 every day 每天every night 每晚every year 每年every Friday 每周五 5. during + 时间表示在某段时间里 during day 在白天during the summer holiday 在暑假期间 6. some of + 名词……中的一些 如:Some of the students are from America. 这些学生中的一些来自美国。 7. be good at sth / doing sth 擅长于…… 如:He is good at swimming. 他擅长于游泳。 四、知识考点 (一)现在进行时

广州版新版五年级英语上册期末练习题 2016

广州新版五年级第一学期期末练习 Part I 1、将下列单词分类并把代号写到相对应的位置。 A. chips B. music room C. sunny D. library E. coffee F. swimming pool G. cloudy H. playground I. noodles J. gym K. dumpling L. cloud M. water N. rain O. rainy P. bread Q. wind R. bun S. pancake T. fish U. juice V. milk W. tea X. coke Foods:_______________________________________________________________ Drinks:_______________________________________________________________ Weather:______________________________________________________________ Places:_______________________________________________________________ 二、左右连线。 1. 一碗米 a cup of tea 2. 一瓶果汁 a bowl of rice 3. 一杯水 a bottle of juice 4. 一杯茶 a glass of water 5. 一杯咖啡 a glass of milk 6. 一杯牛奶 a can of coke 7. 一罐可乐 a bowl of soup 8. 一碗汤 a cup of coffee 9. 一袋米 a box of eggs 10. 一盒鸡蛋two cups of coffee 11.两杯咖啡 a bag of rice 三、翻译短语。 1. 做飞机模型_____________________________

广州版 小学英语五年级上册 M1练习题

M1习题-广州版小学英语五年级上册 请选择括号中的介词进行填空,把句子补充完整。 1) I get up at 7:30 _______ (at, in, on) the morning. 2) We never go shopping ______ (at, in, on) the evening. 3) My father usually goes to work ________ (at, in, on) 8:00. 4) T h e party will begin ______ (at, in, on) 2:00pm. 5) My birthday is _________ (at, in, on) January. 读一读,选择合适的词完成句子 some any is are 1. -- there ____a ruler in the pencil-box? --Yes, there ______ 2. There_____ an elephant in the zoo. 3. --_____there_____books under the desk? --Yes, there_____. 4. There are______trees in the park .单项选择 ( )1. Let_______ have a look. A. we B. me C. I ( )2. ---Is there a dog near the tree? --- ______ . A. I’m not sure B. No, there’s C. OK ( )3. There ______ some water in the glass. A. is B. are C. aren’t ( )4. It is ______ day of the year. A. first B. the first C. a first ( )5. Li Li and Hong Hong are happy _______each other. A. see B. seeing C. to see ( )6. There are _______ trees near the house. A. lot of B. a lot C. lots of ( )7. This pen is long, _____ that one is ______. A. and, long B. but, short C. \ , too ( )8. --_______is in the classroom? -- Helen is in the classroom. A. What B.Who What’s 读一读,选一选 I have 3 new teachers. They are my English teacher, my P.E teacher and my Chinese teacher. Miss zhao is pretty and active. She's a university student. She's our English teacher. My P.E teacher is Mr. Chen. He's tall and strong, and he's strict, too. Miss Sun is my Chinese teacher. She's quiet. She has long hair and big eyes. ( )1. I have new teachers. A. two B. three C. four ( )2. Miss Zhao is my teacher. A. English B. Chinese C. PE ( )3. Mr. Chen is . A. tall B. strong C. tall and strong ( )4. Is my P.E teacher strict? A. Yes, she is B. Yes, he is C. No, he isn't ( )5. Miss Sun is . A. quiet B. active C. strict


广州版小学五年级英语知识点总结五年级上册共六个模块,18单元,209单词(四年级186个单词) 五年级下册共六个模块,18单元,157单词(四年级172个单词) 五年级上册知识点 Module1 Routines and Dates 学习重点 1、掌握一月到十二月、四季的名称 2、用英语说出日期 日期的表示法有两种,如:“今天10月20日。” a)先说月份:Today is October the twentieth (20th) b)先说日期:Today is the twentieth of October(20th) 3、掌握节日的名称及日期。(详见书本第13页) 例如: New Year's Day( January 1st ) Women's Day( March 8th) 4、能用英语说出学期的开始和结束 The autumn term begins in September and ends in January. 5. 掌握基数词和序数词,注意区分和运用 重点掌握:first,second,third,fifth,ninth,twelfth,twentieth.

基数词表示数量:three pandas三只熊猫。 序数词表示顺序:the second month第二个月 6、注意表示时间频率的词:never、sometimes、often、usually、always,注意这 些词在句子中的位置——除了“是”动词以外,他们都放在在动词的前面,如:(1)She often comes here . (2)She is always late . 7、能用英语谈论日常的活动(能写一篇小作文) 8、掌握时态:一般现在时的使用: (1)定义:一般现在时表示已形成习惯、规律的动作或状态。 (2)特征:通常句子中有often、usually、或sometimes等等。 (3)肯定句的结构: 人称+动词:①其他人称(I、you、we、they、the boys……)+动词原形 ②第三人称单数(he、she、it、Tom、……)+动词“s/es”形式 例句:The boys like TV plays. Sally likes TV plays. (4)一般疑问句:助动词(Do/Does)+人称+动词原形 Do the boys like TV plays? Does the boy like TV plays? (5)否定句:人称+助动词否定形词(don’t/doesn’t)+动词原形


Unit 1 What Is Our Life Like? Tomorrow[t??m?r?u] 明天 start [sta:t] 开始;出发 always[??:lweiz] 总是 never [?nev?] 从不;决不 before [bi?f?:] 在...之前 London [?l?nd?n] 伦敦 Toy [t??] 玩具 weekend [?wi:k?end]周末 open [??up?n] 开着的;打开的 go to work 去工作;上班 do some reading 读点书 How often...? 多久…,多常时间...? surf [s?:f] 浏览;冲浪运动 net [net] 网 surf the Net 上网 museum [mju:?zi?m]博物馆 quite [kwait] 相当;十分 palace [?p?lis]宫;宫殿 Children's Palace 少年宫 walk [w?:k] 走路;行走 go for a walk去散步 drink[dri?k]喝 take exercise[?eks?,saiz] 锻炼身体 after class 下课后 life [laif] 生活 Unit 2 How Many Terms Do Y ou Have in a School Y ear? term[t?:m] 学期 first [f?:st] 第一;首先 autumn[??:t?m] 秋天 second [?sek?nd] 第二 winter [?wint?] 冬天 third [θ?:d] 第三 spring [spri?]春天 summer [?s?m?] 夏天 September[s?p?temb?] 九月 end [end] 结束;末端


Module 1---Module 3 复习: 一、短语。 Module 1 Hobbies play computer games 玩电脑游戏play music 玩音乐, collect stamps收集邮票, keep pets饲养宠物, make model ships制作船模型, read books读书, take photos照相, make cakes做蛋糕, plant trees植树, grow flowers种花, study plants研究植物, listening to music听音乐, play the piano弹钢琴, play chess下棋, play basketball打篮球,write stories写故事, do some reading做些阅读, keep ducks and chickens养鸡养鸭, draw cartoons画卡通… Module 2 Abilities read fast读得快, jump high/far跳得高/远, run fast跑得快, sing well唱得好, dance well跳舞跳得好, help children learn帮助孩子们学习, grow food for people为人们种植食物, get news for people为人们获取新闻 make machines for people为人们做机器 Module 3 Daily life Want to talk talk with him 想和他谈话at the swimming pool 在游泳池里 go swimming 去游泳on weekdays 在工作日 at the library 在图书馆find him 找到他look for him 寻找他 in the music room 在音乐室take exericse 参加锻炼in the gym 在体育馆 do one’s homework 做家庭作业in the classroom在教室里eat ice cream 吃冰淇淋 at the school shop 在学校的商店里at the weekend在周末 wake up醒来have a big breakfast 吃一顿丰盛的早餐 on Saturday在周六have a swimming lesson上一堂游泳课 go out for lunch出去吃午饭go to the the cinema去看电影 have some fun娱乐stay at home呆在家里 二.重要句子 Module 1 1. What’s your hobby? 你的爱好是什么? 2. Do you like drawing? 你喜欢画画吗?Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 3. I love/like drawing animals. 我喜欢画动物。 4. I enjoy making models. 我喜欢做模型。 5. I am good at swimming. 我擅长游泳。 6. My (favourite) hobby is colleting stamps.我(最喜欢)的爱好是收集邮票。 7. Keeping pets is my (favourite) hobby. 养宠物是我(最喜欢)的爱好。 8. Is your hobby keeping pets? 你的爱好是养宠物吗?Yes, it’s / No, it isn’t. 9. What’s Mike’s hobby? Mike 的爱好是什么?His hobby is drawing。他的爱好是画画。 10. When does Mike usually draw? Mike 通常什么时候画画?He us ually draws …. 11. What does Mike give his friends for their birthday? Mike 给他的朋友什么生日礼物? 12. What present does Amy give to Tom? Amy 给Tom 什么礼物? 13. What does she want to do when she grows up? 当她长大后她想做什么? She wants to be a writer. 她想成为一名作家。 Module 2 1. I can swim very fast. 我可以游得很快。


2017最新广州版英语五年级上册知识点汇总 知识点概要: Module 1 Hobbies Unit 1 What’s your hobby? Unit 2 His hobby is drawing Module 2 Abilities Unit 3 I can swim very fast Unit 4 Can you do my homework? Module 3 Daily life Unit 5 Where is Ben? Unit 6 At the weekend Module 4 Foods and drinks Unit 7 Do you want coffee or tea? Unit 8 Let’s have both Module 5 Foods we need Unit 9 It smells delicious Unit 10 Different tastes Module 6 Weather Unit 11 What’s the weather like today? Unit 12 Four season in a day

以下为详细内容 ▼ Module 1 Hobbies Unit 1 What’s your hobby? 一、兴趣爱好的词组 play computer games play music collect stamps keep pets make model ships read books take photos make cakes plant trees grow flowers study plants listening to music singing dancing drawing play the piano play chess play basketball… 二、句型 1. What’s your hobby? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 2. Do you like…? 3. I love/like… 4. I enjoy … 5. My (favourite) hobby is … 6. …is my (favourite) hobby. 7. Is your hobby keeping pets? Yes, it’s. / No, it isn’t. 三、重点精析


Module 1 Hobbies Unit 1 What’s your hobby? 一、兴趣爱好的词组:play computer games, play music, collect stamps, keep pets, make model ships, read books, take photos, make cakes, plant trees, grow flowers, study plants, listening to music, singing, dancing, drawing, play the piano, play chess, play basketball… 二、句型: 1. What’s your hobby? 2. Do you like…?Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 3. I love/like… 4. I enjoy … 5. My (favourite) hobby is … 6. …is my (favourite) hobby. 7. Is your hobby keeping pets? Yes, it’s. / No, it isn’t. 三、重点精析: 1. love/like/enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 如:I like listening to music. 我喜欢听音乐。 他喜欢集邮。_____________________________________ 2. My hobby is doing sth 我的爱好是…… 如:My hobby is reading books. 我的爱好是看书。 我爸爸的爱好是拍照。___________________________________ 3. more than… 多于…… , 超过……from 来自于 如:I have collected more than 3 hundred stamps from 20 countries. 我已收集了来自二十个国家的300多张邮票。 Jane有九十多本英语书。__________________________________


广州版英语五年级上册Unit1-Unit12知识点分析及习题 Module 1 Hobbies Unit 1 What’s your hobby? 一、兴趣爱好的词组:play computer games, play music, collect stamps, keep pets, make model ships, read books, take photos, make cakes, plant trees, grow flowers, study plants, listening to music, singing, dancing, drawing, play the piano, play chess, play basketball… 二、句型: 1. What’s your hobby? 2. Do you like…?Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 3. I love/like… 4. I enjoy … 5. My (favourite) hobby is … 6. …is my (favourite) hobby. 7. Is your hobby keeping pets? Yes, it’s. / No, it isn’t. 三、重点精析: 1. love/like/enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 如:I like listening to music. 我喜欢听音乐。 他喜欢集邮。_____________________________________ 2. My hobby is doing sth 我的爱好是…… 如:My hobby is reading books. 我的爱好是看书。 我爸爸的爱好是拍照。___________________________________ 3. more than… 多于…… , 超过……from 来自于 如:I have collected more than 3 hundred stamps from 20 countries. 我已收集了来自二十个国家的300多张邮票。 Jane有九十多本英语书。__________________________________ 4. every 每一的,每个的 every day 每天every night 每晚every year 每年every Friday 每周五 5. during + 时间表示在某段时间里 during day 在白天during the summer holiday 在暑假期间 6. some of + 名词……中的一些 如:Some of the students are from America. 这些学生中的一些来自美国。 【即时演练】 一、根据句意及首字母补全单词。 1. I have a m______ plane. It can fly high. 2. I like playing music e_____ day. 3. Does he like c______ stamps. 4. I like swimming d______ my holiday. 5. Xiaoling’s hobby is m______ model ships. She has m____ t____ 50 ships. 二、选择。


广州版新教材五年级英语上册教学设计 Team备课小组新和学校Date日期Sep. 2nd Designer设计者朱玉嫦Topic课题Hobbies Unit 1 Title题目What’s your hobby Period课时2nd Type of lesson 课型 新授课 Objectives:教学目标1、Language knowledge语言知识: Vocabulary词汇:hobby, model, collect, stamp, more, than, more than, country, keep, animal, every, during Sentences 句型:What’s your hobby? My hobby is …v. +ing… 2、Language skill语言技能:1)能听、说、读新单词;hobby, model, collect, stamp, more, than, country, keep, animal, every, during 2)能熟读课文对话。 3、Affect 情感态度:能积极与他人开展口语交际,询问对方的爱好。 4、Learning Strategies学习策略:2)将语言知识尽可能运用于真实自然的情景当中。3)通过小组合作完成学习任务。 Language focused and difficult point 教学重难点:重点:听、说、读新单词;理解和朗读课文对话难点:新单词的理解和运用 Teaching Aids Media and Resource 教学资源与媒体 自制课件,金太阳软件,相关的图片 Teaching Procedures 教学过程 Teaching activities & Steps 教学活动及具体的操作步骤 Learning Activities 学生学习活动 Strategies/Purpose 策略与设计意图

广州版小学英语 五年级上册英语 Unit12 Four seasons in one day

Unit12 Four seasons in one day Part One 重点讲解 一、重点单词、词组 迅速地_______ 离开_______ 转变________ (阳光)照耀___________ 季节________ 亲爱的________ 报告__________ 温度_______ 度 ________之前________在外面________ 改变________ 雨伞_______ 完成______ 走路__________ 真实的______ 穿上________午餐时刻________ 猛烈地;努力地______ 你的;你们的______ 我的第一天________________ 一些有趣的东西________________ 很多衣服 ________________ 开始照耀 ________________ 在午餐时间________________ 下大雨 ________________ 在某一天 ________________ 二、重点语法 Today is my first day in London and I learned something interesting about the weather here. 1)At ,in 跟地点的差别:at+小地点 in +大地点 ________ home ________ school ________ Guangzhou ________ shop ________ England ________ China ________museum ________ Beijing ________ the playground 2)something interesting 一些有趣的东西 something 跟形容词连用时,形容词要后置。 一些冷的东西_________________ 一些新的东西_________________ 一些可怕的东西_________________ 一些无聊的东西_________________ What’s the temperature? The weather report said the temperature was only 15℃. What’s the temperature? 这是问答气温的常用句型。回答时,一般要用It’s + 数字 + 单位。同时,我们也可以用How many degrees? 来询问温度。 根据实际情况回答问题。 What’s the temperature now? _____________________________________________ What was the temperature yesterday? _____________________________________________ What was the temperature the day before yesterday? _____________________________________________ I put on lots of clothes before I went to my new school. 1). before ……之前对应词:after ……之后 晚饭前,你可以看一会儿电视。 _____________________________________________ 放学后,他通常跑步。 ___________________________________________________ 2). put on 穿上 Put on your coat. 穿上你的大衣。 注意: put on 强调穿上的动作,而wear 强调穿着的状态。 用put on ,wear 的正确形式填空 1. Mr Wang, our English teacher, often a pair of dark glasses (墨镜). 2. The boy a yellow T-shirt comes from America.
