
电子商务物流配送外文文献译文及原文Increased competitiveness in all industrial sectors sharpened by globalization and fall of global supply is forcing companies towards optimization of their business processes and new ways of mergers or partnerships with direct results in decreased business costs. With these strategic alliances new management strategies are formed as Clusters, Supply Chain Management (SCM), E-logistics, etc. Some authors are making references that logistic are “worth” 10% to 12% of GDP (Sahay, 2003). According to AMR research (Challenger, 2001), E-logistics has apotential of lowering costs by 10 %. On basics of these two references we can conclude that E-logistics can save our money for as much as 1.2% of GDP. Therefore it is not surprised that in last few years in high effective companies as Hewlett-Packard, Compaq, Digital Equipment Corporation, Xerox, Dell and Benetton Group top management is favorable to Supply Chain and therefore E-logistics (Romano, 2003).There is collection of literature indicating the importance ofclusters and networks not only between firms, but along the value chain and across industries. The networks inherent in these clusters are integral for knowledge generation and diffusion, for technology transfer, for sharing risk and costs, for allowing firms to access new markets and opportunities and, finally, for building comparative advantage in the global market.Porter (Porter, 1990) defines clusters as geographic concentrations of interconnected companies, specialized suppliers, service providers, firms in related industries, and associated institutions. He proposed a model that provides conditions that have to be met for a firm to be internationally competitive and successful. This model focuses on four primary conditions which he arranged in a diamond-shaped diagram: factor conditions, demand conditions, structures of firms and rivalry and related and supporting industries. The "Related and Supporting Industries" feature of the diamond denotes the importance of clustering in developing international competitive advantage incorporating two features of a healthy cluster: the presence of vertical support through internationally competitive supplier industries which ensure cost-effective and speedy deliveries; and the presence of horizontal support in internationally competitive related industries to co-ordinate and share activities with and to stimulate local competition.In the article informatization of STLC will be presented through the project Modeling, Analyzing and Renovation, Standardization and Informatization of business processes of the Slovenian Transport Logistics Cluster which is performed by Business Informatics Institutein Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. With informatization have logistic compani es’ not just better connectivity with their customers and suppliers but also better performance andfaster responds. To achieve appropriate level of informatization STLC must invest in modern information technologies. One of possiblesolutions is use of internet with his costless policy and in last years high security as the most appropriate communication channel.For all logistic companies it is assumed to control global logistic chain of their customers and therefore are dependent on successful implementation of informatization technologies which leads to decrease of inventory costs, better customer retention, asset management, etc.增加对全球化和全球供应下降削尖所有工业部门的竞争力,迫使他们对优化业务流程和兼并或在降低经营成本的直接成果的伙伴关系的新途径公司。

中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)互利共赢的供应商质量控制前言近年来,随着对供应链的重视,供应商管理正逐渐成为企业和学术界的关注对象,IS09000族标准以及QS 9000标准都对供应商的管理提出了相应的要求,与供应商管理有关的研究成果正逐渐增多,一些软件巨头也推出了供应商关系管理的软件,但是在这些研究成果和应用软件中,涉及到的供应商质量控制的内容只是一些最基本的要求,而供应商质量控制恰恰是供应商管理的最基本、最重要的内容。

外文文献及译文文献、资料题目:Electronic Commerce外文文献:Electronic CommerceElectronic commerce, or Electronic trade, or electronic business as a newly rising mode of commerce will have far-reaching influence on social economy and play an important role in social development worldwide. It represents the trend of world trade in the 21st century and beyond.1. What is Electronic Commerce?Electronic commerce refers to commercial data exchange in digital form through electronic transmission means and commercial activities conducted on-line. Usually, electronic commerce can be divided into two levels: One is low-level electronic commerce that is, electronic commercial intelligence, electronic trade, and electronic contracts. Another is high-level electronic commerce which includes all commercial activities done via Internet, ranging from searching for clients, commercial negotia-tion, making orders, on-line payment, releasing electronic invoice, to electronic dec-laration to Customs, electronic tax-payment, all conducted on Internet.Electronic commerce means electrification of all trade transactions. It is featured by these characters: ①fairness and freedom, ②high efficiency, ③globalization, ④virtualization, ⑤interactivity, ⑥autonomy, ⑦personalized service. With electronic commerce, clients andsuppliers can closely and conveniently contact with each other on a global scale, so that clients can find satisfactory suppliers from all comers of the world to meet their demands.Electronic commerce will change the environment in which enterprises compete with each other and reduce costs which would otherwise be high in traditional market structure. Low costs in transactions, convenience in market entry and government encouragement to use Internet (exemption from tax) activate electronic commerce and boost it to develop rapidly right from its beginning. As experts predicted, by 2000, electronic commerce would reach a scale of 300billion US dollars worldwide. And it has exceeded this scale.To ensure security of electronic commerce, an electronic certification center should be established. Digital ID is used to validate identity. Digital 11 is trusted to a third party, namely, an authorized agency, to release, including identifying informa-tion of the holder (name, address, liaison way, ID card number), an encryptive key for common use by the both parties, period of validity, password and identification in-formation of the authorized agency, etc. With digital ID, both parties in transactions can be assured of identifying the other party and validate that the information sent out from the other party has not been subject to alteration.2. Influence That Electronic Commerce May HaveCompared with traditional commerce, electronic commerce has superiorities as follows *Extensive coverage. A network system combining Internet, Intranet (local area network inside enterprises) and Extranet (networks outside enterprises) enables buy-ers, sellers, manufacturers and their partners to contact with each other and conven-iently transmit commercial intelligence and documents worldwide.*Complete functions. In electronic commerce, users of different types and on dif-ferent tiers can realize different targets in trade, for example, releasing commercial intelligence,on-line negotiation, electronic payment, establishment of virtual com-mercial market place and on-line banking, etc.*Convenience and flexibility in use.. Based on Internet, electronic commerce is free from restriction by specialized protocol for data exchange. Transactions can be conducted conveniently on computer screen, by using any type of PCs, at any place around the world.*Low cost. Use of electronic commerce can cut down costs for hiring employees, maintaining warehouse and storefront, expense for international travel and postage to a great extent. The cost for using Internet is very low.Electronic commerce will have substantial influence on social economy:*Electronic commerce will change the way people used to take in commercial ac-tivities. Through networks, people can enter virtual stores and browse around, select what they are interested in, and enjoy various on-line services. On the other hand, merchants can contact with consumers through networks, decide on buying in goods (categories and quantities) and perform settlement of accounts. Government agencies can perform electronic tendering and pursue government purchase through networks.*The core of electronic commerce is people. It is a social system. On-line shop-ping changes the way of people's daily life and fully embodies autonomy of consum-ers in trade.*Electronic commerce changes the way enterprises produce their goods. Through networks, manufacturers know market demand directly and make arrangement of production, in accordance with consumers' need.*Electronic commerce dramatically raises efficiency of trade. Intermediate links can be cut down; costs for sales will be reduced to minimum. Production can be ar-ranged in "small batches plus diverse varieties", and "zero stock" will be reality.*Electronic commerce calls for reformation of banking services. New concepts like on-line bank, on-line cash card and credit card, on-line settlement of accounts, electronic invoice, electronic "cash"-consumers will no longer use the real cash when shopping-will become reality.*Electronic commerce will change government behavior. Called "on-line gov-ernment", an on-line administration plays the important role of a social channel, maintaining order and fairness and detecting and cracking down on-line fraud.3. The Present Situation of Electronic Commerce in Developed CountriesIn the mid-1990s, when Internet experienced explosive development and micro-computers entered homes in great numbers, computer networks became an indispen-sable part of people's daily life. People expect for more interests and convenience brought in by computer networks. Electronic Commerce emerged just in time. In de-veloped countries, governments timely made policies to boost electronic commerce to practical use and dominant position in a new round of worldwide competition.In 1998, Internet helped the United States to create productive out put of 507 bil-lion US dollars, national income of 301 billion US dollars, and 1. 2 million job op-portunities; of these, electronic commerce created an income of 100 billion US dollars. Internet has be-come the first big industry with yearly productive output increasing by 60%,and accounting for 6% of GDP. Service export from the United States has at-tained 160 billion US dollars each year, and it is predicted that it can compensate trade deficit in commodity trade. Internet played an important role in promoting ex-port from the United States: in 1999, books, automobiles and services were sold through electronic commerce to foreign countries, exceeding 102 billion US dollars.Advocated by the United States, 132 members of WTO decided to turn Internet into a freetrade zone within at least one-year term. Some countries and organizations scrambled to work out development framework for electronic commerce and made laws and regulations for developing electronic commerce. In 1996, the UN Confer-ence on Trade and Development passed "Model Law of Electronic Commerce". In December, 1996, the US government issued "Policy Framework for Global Electronic Commerce".In April 1997, European Union issued "Proposal for Electronic Com-merce in Europe".On July 1 1997, US President Clinton promulgated" A framework for Global Electronic Commerce" which has had great influence on global electronic commerce. In May 1998, WTO minister conference passed "A Manifesto on Global Electronic Commerce", and in September 1998, WTO general council passed "Scheme for Electronic Commerce Work".In October 1998, UN Organization of Economy and Cooperation &Development (OECD) held minister conference at Ottawa, Canada on electronic commerce, which is praised as a milestone of global electronic commerce. In September 1999, Global Business Dialog on Electronic Commerce (GBDE) was held in France and is-sued "Paris Proposal".In December 1999, the United States issued another Internet commerce standard.Electronic commerce in the United States takes the rein of the trade in the world. At present, there are 60 million subscribers of Internet in the United States. More than 98% of purchasing managers seek targets on-line. As estimated, by 2002, the value involved in transactions done through electronic commerce between US enterprises will account for 6.1% of GDP. Fortune magazine's statistics show the 500 top com-panies in the world all engaged in on-line business.25% of income to IBM (about 20 billion US dollars) is related with electronic commerce. Thanks to electronic com-merce, IBM saved its expenses of 250 million US dollars during 1999. HP Company designated its electronic Commerce solution as E-world-anelectronized world. This solution is oriented to medium-and small-size enterprises, and great investment was made to third parties-software companies to develop software suited for medium-and small-size enterprises to engage in electronic commerce. Intel places its risky invest-ment mainly on Internet and electronic commerce. In July 1998, Intel began on-line transactions Its monthly business turn electronic commerce reached one billion US dollars.As a survey made by European Information Technology Observation shows, of the surveyed 570 companies, 47% have implemented electronic commerce of some sorts, and 4/5 of them began their electronic commerce in the latest two years. Execu-tive Committee of European Union plans at least 25% of its purchase done through electronic commerce by 2001. In1998, in Australia, web sites related with electronic commerce on Internet doubled in number, and 11% of Australian enterprises have their web sites. 80% of Australian companies use Internet to transmit E-mails and conduct commercial activities. In 1998, Singapore government promulgated,for electronic commerce. Singapore is the only country in Southeast Asia that formally joined the "Rights and Obligation Electronic commerce In cooperation with US manufacturers and firms, Singapore established an electronic commerce entry in Asia, providing comprehensive Business-to-Business (B to B) service, so as to enable Asian trade companies to enter the rank of global electronic commerce.4. Development of Electronic Commerce in ChinaExploration in electronic commerce, governmental and civil began in 1993 in China. Today, electronic commerce has found its applications in foreign trade, Cus-toms, finance and commerce. Local frameworks have been established in Beijing and Shanghai for electronic commerce. Some electronic commerce web sites have been opened to on-line shopping and on-line settlement of accounts.The Ministry of Foreign Trade set up in February 1996 China Electronic Com-merce Center responsible for research, construction, and operation of international electronic commerce project in CT he Center established "China Commodity Trade Market" on Internet, to put rich resources of goods in China to world market, opening new channel for our exports. The subject "Security Proof of Electronic Commerce" as a key item in science and technology during th9th Five-year Plan period was ap-praised in early 1996 by State Department of Science and Technology and State En-cryptive Code Administration, which laid a foundation for establishing a safe and normal environment for electronic commerce in our country.In March 1999, the Ministry of Information Industry approved the electronic commercial network of pharmaceutics and health as a model project of electronic commerce for all trades. It is one of the six specialized networks in China, which pro-vide all-direction serve of market information, product transaction, warehousing and delivery, and account settlement, etc.In Shanghai, in 1999, "Shanghai Administrative Center of Electronic Commerce Security Certificate" was set up, which provide security platform for electronic com-merce and is responsible for application, appraisal, making and management of digital certificate domestic and foreign clients in Shanghai, and offers services such as certi-fication of digital identity and digital signature, electronic notarization, secure E-mail and secure encryption, etc. In January 1 the first on-line bookstore in China-Shanghai Book City On-line standard. It provides VISA cardholders and card-holders of domestic Great Wall card, Dragon card, Peony card and Pacific card with instant and authorized security service.The measure taken in Beijing to develop electronic commerce is to build a capital electronic commerce city. In November 1998, the capital electronic commerce project formally activated, and a frame-work formally showed off. The Legend Computer Company open editselectronic commerce system in June 1999, and web sites 8848, sina, 163, all activated their electronic commerce.In April 2000, sponsored by the Ministry of Information Indus-try,National Economy and Trade Commission, and China Council for Promotion of International Trade, the 4th China International Electronic Commerce Conference was held. State leaders and superintendents of various ministries and commissions joined the opening conference. Mr. Levy, secretary of Commercial Department of the US government led a delegation of famous US enterprises and media, totally more than 100 persons, to join the conference. More than 60 seminars were held during the conference, to dis-cuss extensive topics on electronic commerce.Despite all these efforts, companies engaged in electronic commerce service in China suffer losses in their B-to-C business (B refers to Business, C refers to Con-sumers). Some Chinese experts attribute this to Chinese shopping habit-Chinese con-sumers treat shopping as an interesting hobby; they enjoy the pleasure of spending their money through appreciating and comparing merchandise, and bargaining; but all these will vanish from on-line shopping. Other experts attribute this phenomenon to the ubiquitous incredulity in society-banks can-not interconnect their business be-cause they fear their customers will be captured by their rivals; cash cards cannot be popularized because banks do not trust civilians; and civilians do not like to do on-line shopping because they do not trust on-line stores,…etc. Why?That's because many things on-line and in society are false, for ex-ample, false number of subscribers, false statistics of access flux, shoddy goods, forged diploma, sham curriculum vitae, sham investment, sham listing, false revenue to listed enterprises, etc. Such an over-all environment will not change within a long period of time. In such environment, no commercial activity can be done. Many IT practitioners are disheartened with elec-tronic commerce in our country.5. Prospects of Electronic CommerceAlthough developing rapidly and seeming to have brilliant prospects, electronic commerce faces a series of real problems, for example, problems involving security, technology, expense, legal system, tax system, conception, protection of privacy, in-frastructure, etc. However, electronic commerce is the mainstream of enterprises in the new century and will develop rapidly in the coming years. Some companies pre-dict that by 2003, electronic commerce between enterprises in developed countries will account for over 9%of the total turnover(1,300 billion US dollars), and in consumer electronic commerce the turnover will attain 76. 3 billion US dollars by 2002. And as experts predicted, electronic commerce in China will catch up with de-veloped countries on the average level, in 10 years. They suggested 3 to 5 years be spent on working out plans, policies and regulations necessary for developing elec-tronic commerce, building substantial and tangible electronic commerce systems, fos-tering specialized talents, optimizing of the electronic commerce systems in some trades and areas; and then 5 to 7 years be spent on linking with international elec-tronic commerce to enable our electronic commerce system as an important compo-nent of international electronic commerce; popularizing of electronic commerce in application, raising electronic commerce in our country to a higher level in research, development and application, to the average level in developed countries.The following description tells what major I/e strategies some major manufactur-ers in the world are taking in development of electronic commerce.IBM: IBM is the pioneer that held up the banner of electronic commerce as a new application of Internet. In people's mind, IBM is now not only manufacturer of main-frames, PCs, servers, software but also the “godfather" of electronic commerce. IBM has always been dedicated to promoting secure commerce over the Internet. It sin-come from selling servers hasaccounted for 60% of its total in-come.IBM not only provides products for large-scale applications of secure, efficient, reliable electronic commerce and payment over Internet, but also for small electronic business as well.IBM Micro Payments an application enabling buyers to purchase low cost items over Internet-is another example of how IBM is expanding to new areas of commerce. By enabling billing servers, content providers and other merchants to profitably sell items for even a few cents, IBM opens up a whole new market.IBM Micro Payments allows buyers, sellers and billing systems to sell content, information, and services over Internet, for small amounts. IBM's commitment to electronic commerce and electronic business makes it a leader in the area of electronic payments. An automated compiler tool transforms existing HTML pages, creating "click and pay" links with either fixed or dynamic prices. Content and service provid-ers can take advantage of the extensive set of APIs and authoring tools to extend IBM Micro Payments available from OEMs. Billing servers can easily integrate the IBM Micro Payments application with existing billing systems and use it to attract content providers and open new sources of revenue.IBM Micro Payments provides scalability and interoperability, which allows widespread availability across Internet, including multi-currency and multilingual support, and low operational costs it easily supports transactions as low as one cent.SUN: SUN as a global leading supplier treats Internet not only a tool but also a new mode of commerce. SUN has provided very flexible solutions to commercial af-fairs for BBC, ETRADE, Federal Express, First Auction, Fruit of the Loom, Kodak, Thomas Cook, Virgin.Microsoft: Microsoft aims at helping enterprises to set up more powerful relation with their clients and partners by three means: (I)Windows 2000, BackOffice, Site Server, Biztalk,etc; (2) MSN (in the United States, more than 40% web users access MSN, and consumers can conduct comparative study when buying articles and ser-vices); (3) Partners provide customers with various products and services on Mi-crosoft MSN platform, realizing electronic commerce solutions, including settling account, paying tax, shopping, logistics, purchasing, accounting, ERP (Electronic Remote Processing) and EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), etc.Site Server and Biz talk are the two major products of Microsoft adopted in exist-ing system for enterprises to develop electronic commerce. Site Server is used for constructing web stores, based on data-it enables the client to easily realize on-line catalog, buying/selling order, exchange of documents for promoting sale, etc. Disre-garding what platform, operating system or technology used in low layer.Novell: Novell defines itself as "NET Service Supplier" after2000. The word NET includes intranet, extranet, Internet, company net, public net, cable net, wireless net. Its aim is to breakout the existing service domain in which most software products can provide services only in a specific environment or for a specific procedure or server (rather than the whole network).Novell's network service software NDS eDirectory as a nucleus helps clients to reduce complexity of business on network, and improve security, so that it enables network, applications and business processing to adapt to electronic commerce, and thus speed up their transfer to electronic commerce.SCO: SCO’s Tarantella is the best solution for existing users to conduct elect ronic commerce. Users can use only a browser to access any applications of platforms in back counter, without the need of re-writing existing applications, in their effort to transfer their business to electronic commercial mode. To ensure electronic commerce to continually operate, SCO provides an incessant cluster solution based on UNIXWARE 7. This product is easy to use,easy to manage and its cost is one-tenth of large-scale product of the same sort for mainframes while its performance doubles. It is a security solution with higher performance/ cost ratio among the same sort for electronic commerce.Tivoli Systems Inc. today announced Tivoli Business Systems Manager, a new, fully integrated solution that allows businesses to manage their IT environments from the top down, creating a powerful view of business systems management.The Tivoli Business Systems Manager solution provides us with business views and control mechanisms to manage all of our distributed IT resources in the retail, banking and electronic commerce environments-including system resources, data-bases, application servers, web servers and electronic commerce applications-from one central location. The Graphical User Interface allows us to monitor all of our re-sources on a single screen, regardless of geographical location.Combining the features of Tivoli Global Enterprise and Tivoli Manager for OS/390, Tivoli Business Systems Manager provides true end-to-end enterprise management from one console, simplifying the administration of heterogeneous environments. Tivoli Business Systems Manager enables customers to manage and control multiple applications that are required for different business functions.中文译文:电子商务电子商务或电子贸易,电子商业,或作为一个新兴的商业模式将产生深远的影响,经济和社会中发挥重要作用的社会发展世界各地。

翻译:Supply Chain Management Foreign Literature and TranslationThe practice and theory of supply chain management have been widely applied and studied worldwide. This literature review aims toprovide a broad and diversified perspective on supply chain management, focusing mainly on procurement, production, and logistics.The literature points out the importance of supply chain management and the challenges that the constantly changing environment poses to it. The authors also emphasize critical factors such as partnership relationships, information sharing, risk management, and performance assessment.In general, research on supply chain management should include diverse practical cases and in-depth theoretical studies. Only in this way can we understand the impact of the constantly changing environmenton supply chain management and formulate better supply chain management strategies.。

供应链管理与5s管理外文文献翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)文献出处:90 th Annual International Supply Management Conference, May 2005英文原文Lean Supply Strategies: Applying 5S Tools to Supply Chain ManagementKimball BullingtonAssociate Professor of Supply Chain ManagementMiddle Tennessee State University90th Annual International Supply Management Conference, May 2005ABSTRACT: Supply strategies in a lean environment should support the operations strategy. It is appropriate then to use lean concepts and lean terminology in the creation of supply strategy for lean operations. This paper examines supply strategy development in a lean production environment by utilizing 5S, a key lean concept. The concepts of lean supply and 5S will be introduced followed by a discussion of how the 5S methodology may be used to develop and implement a supply strategy.Key words: lean ; 5s ; supply strategy;1 Lean SupplyThe term “lean supply” implies that the supply chain is appropriate for lean production. Lean production is a concept of waste elimination inprocesses, which has enjoyed popularity in manufacturing companies. The basic tenets of lean production as outlined by Womack and Jones (1996) include the following 、Specify value 、Identify the value stream、Organize the value stream to promote flow、Communicate demand through pull、Strive for perfection.It is appropriate for the supply management function in a lean environment to integrate lean concepts and terminology into the development of supply strategy. One of the foundational lean concepts that serves as a basis for all of the tenets given above is 5S.What is 5S?The 5S’s are lean concepts derived from the Japanese words: seiri (sort), seiton (set in order), seiso (shine or purity), seiketsu (standardize), and shitsuke (sustain) (Hirano,1996). Companies adopting the lean production philosophy often implement the 5S process to bring order to the workplace and thereby support lean production. 2 Why Use the 5S Concept as a Model for Lean Supply Strategy?5S is a proven model for organizing and maintaining a lean production environment. The relationship between purchasing or supply and the general management of operations may be improved through the use of a common vocabulary built around concepts familiar to the organizational head and the heads of other departments. For this reason, 5S is an appealing model for the development of supply strategy in a leanproduction environment. A model for using 5S to develop supply strategy follows.2 Sort:Remove All But the Necessary Materials, Equipment and Supplies.Typically, the first step in a producer’s implementation of 5S will be a tour of the target area marking with red tags those items that appear out of place or unnecessary. After reviewing each item, the item will either be put in its proper place or removed if it is unnecessary or redundant. The Sort process is essential to developing the organization of the workspace needed for lean production.Sorting the supply base includes selection of suppliers to add to the system and selecting suppliers to eliminate (supply base consolidation or rationalization). Implementing Sort in the supply base through supplier consolidation achieves the following benefits. It reduces the waste of inefficient work methods by reducing the number of suppliers that must be managed by the procurement staff. Sorting reduces the waste of selecting the wrong suppliers by focusing efforts of selection, evaluation, and improvement on a few select suppliers. This also improves the quality (conformance to specifications and delivery) of the products received from these suppliers by focusing quality assurance, control and improvement activities on a smaller number of suppliers. Sorting reduces processing waste as fewer purchase orders may be necessary and fewerselection audits are needed. Finally, Sorting increases the opportunity for supply chain partnering.So for the management of supply, the primary implementation of Sort is selection. There are several criteria that may be used to identify candidates for elimination in the sorting process.First, a performance review ., review of quality, delivery, and price performance) isolates some candidates for elimination. Next, a review of redundant suppliers is conducted. How many suppliers have identical or overlapping capabilities? Finally, a review of the number of part numbers purchased from each supplier will often result in identification of a large number of suppliers providing only one or a few parts.All of the sorting or consolidation is an effort to approach an optimum number of suppliers. Multiplying suppliers increases variation and overhead. The practice of utilizing multiple suppliers for a single part in order to reduce risk often increases risk, just as increasing the number of components in an assembly usually increases the probability of failure.Set in Order: Arrange Product and Equipment So It is Easy to Find and Easy to Use.Equipment and storage locations are labeled so equipment or tools will be easy to identify and put away when they are no longer in use ., tool cutouts or outlines on a peg board or in a tool chest). The labeling of storage locations with tape on the floor or the work station facilitatesvisual management. A glance is sufficient to identify missing tools or tools not properly stored.Arranging suppliers so they are easy to use brings to mind the concept of s egmentation. Segmentation provides a “place for everything” and allocates “everything in its place.” The supply base is sorted or segmented by value potential and risk, by strategic value and opportunity for cost improvement, by value potential and criticality, or other such criteria. The proper “place” for a supplier is a location in a segmentation matrix. The value of this exercise comes from clearly identifying how each supplier will be treated based on identifiable criteria. Table 1 is an example segmentation of the supply base by annual expenditures and risk yielding four segments of suppliers with different opportunities for value contribution.The key suppliers for lean production companies tend to be in the high risk –high value potential or “partnership” category of the supplier segmentation matrix.Partnership suppliers represent a higher risk to the company in terms of design complexity, startup communication, custom tooling, overall higher demand for buyer input, and schedule pressures ., just-intime support). Risk can also be thought of as the level of opportunity for adverse effects on value ., deterioration in delivery, lead time, price, or quality).The other supplier segments have different needs. The low risk –high value potential segment may include commodity items where price dominates other considerations. If the risk may be reduced for high risk –high value potential items, significant savings may be realized by some form of competitive bidding.The high risk –low value potential suppliers affect value by the nature of the factors that make them high risk. Risk factors could include demanding delivery requirements, advanced technology, etc. Temporary situations, such as cash flow problems or capacity limitations, could be the major risk factors. Segmentation helps prevent the supply manager from overlooking these potential problem suppliers. Finally, the low risk – low value potential suppliers typically have relatively high transaction costs as compared with the value of the product. The opportunity for adding value comes by consolidating these purchases and reducing transaction costs. Several different segmentations may be conducted in order to properly categorize the suppliers. The segmentation of suppliers may also include an evaluation of quality ., certified, conditional, approved status). Performance measures may be helpful in segmenting the remaining supply base. Hau Lee (2002) suggests the use of an uncertainty framework as a means of segmenting the supply base for demand and supply uncertainty.The location aspect of Set in Order may be addressed by identifyingthe location value of each supplier on a large map. This may identify further opportunities for consolidation by grouping suppliers locally or in targeted areas or along trucking routes so more than one supplier may be visited on a single trip. Other considerations for2.2.1 Keep Everything Swept and Clean.Cleaning implies system maintenance and inspection. As a work area is cleaned, problems such as oil leaks or other maintenance issues become more apparent before they have a chance to affect performance. The inspection of suppliers implies surveys or audits. The objective of auditing suppliers is to obtain objective evidence that supports the Sort and Segmentation decisions or evidence that supports action of a different sort, such as risk reduction and continuous improvement. These audits may include: site surveys, supplier self-assessments, remote surveys, third party certification type surveys ., ISO 9000 or QS 9000), or third party quality awards such as the Baldrige Award (or state award using the Baldrige criteria). Major changes in supplier personnel and the work place environment may not be detected by 3rd party audits such as ISO certification audits. First person audits should be structured in such a way as to detect performance or personnel changes.For key suppliers (identified in the Set in Order or Segmentation stage), on-site visits should be scheduled with a frequency appropriate to the relationship. For example, high risk-high value potential suppliersusually receive the highest frequency of visits followed by high risk – low value potential, and low risk - high value potential suppliers respectively. Low risk –low value potential suppliers are generally not surveyed except for mail surveys of regulatory compliance issues. 2.2.2 Integrating the First Three S.Standardize ensures that your implementation of the Sort, Set in Order, and Shine doesn’t deteriorate over time. It formaliz es the procedures, schedules and practices that sustain the system and drive future improvements. Problems avoided by Standardize include: Firstly , the number of suppliers grows unchecked,Secondly, the segmentation deteriorates and the classification of the suppliers becomes unknown,Thirdly, suppliers are not visited on a regular basis,Fourthly, surveys are conducted informally or with renegade processes.How can you standardize? Assign 3S duties. Ensure that the personal plans or objectives of the supply management personnel cover the sort (supplier consolidation), set in order (segmentation), and shine (audit) issues necessary.Strategic buyers, commodity managers, or the purchasing manager are charged with the resp onsibility of surveying the charts in each buyer’s area to ensure they are kept current. The results of these surveys may bedisplayed on checklist charts demonstrating the level of implementation.Often the motivation for adding suppliers comes from outside of the purchasing function. Do these functions understand why consolidation is valuable? One advantage of the 5S approach is that a common language will be used between purchasing and manufacturing. This should facilitate the communication between these groups, but what about interactions between design engineering and purchasing? This is a critical interface for two reasons. First, engineering is the source of many requests for new suppliers. Second, engineering, particularly design engineering, may have a creative environment that feels constrained by programs that promote rigid discipline. Engineers have complained that they see no reason to limit their supplier selections just so the buyers can play more solitaire on the computer. The 5S program provides reasoning behind the consolidation efforts. Survey schedules are maintained using software that reminds the process owner and the appropriate managers. In some organizations, the quality assurance department can serve a role as a third party to the process with supplier delivery performance being considered with quality performance for preferred supplier status. Supplier surveys or audits should be part of the personal evaluation process for the owners of this process ., buyers, supplier quality engineers, commodity managers).3 Discipline Starts With the Leadership.Do you care enough to be consistent with your message and vision? Are you communicating the strategy, including the reasons for your actions, outside of the procurement function? Are you training new employees properly? Does the proper structure exist to support this strategy? These are issues for leadership. No 5S process for supply management will be effective without vigilant leadership. Lean producers have used this process effectively, but consistent leadership over time is necessary to prevent system deterioration.4 Summary.Each element of the 5S technique corresponds to an element of supply strategy for a lean supply chain. 5S is a powerful tool in manufacturing, in part, because of its simplicity. Simplicity makes 5S a powerful supply management tool as well.中文译文精益供应策略:将5S工具应用于供应链管理作者:Kimball Bullington供应链管理副教授田纳西州立大学第90届国际供应管理年会,2005年5月摘要:精益环境中的供应战略应该支持运营战略。

主要方法1. 跨功能协调:供应链管理强调不同职能部门之间的协同合作。
2. 供应商管理:合理管理供应商关系对于供应链管理至关重要。
3. 库存管理:有效的库存管理能够保持供应链的平衡,避免过量库存或库存短缺的问题。
4. 运输优化:优化物流网络和运输计划是供应链管理的关键步骤。
5. 技术应用:现代技术的应用为供应链管理提供了许多机会。

电子商务与现代物流中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Electronic commerce and physical distribution relations First, under the electronic commerce environment physical distribution pattern1. The use of EMS services in the logistics model.The enterprise either the business obtains information and so on consumer's shopping list and home address from the website or the hypothesized website, then goes through the special delivery formalities to the nearby post office to mail out the cargo, the customer receives the post office to take the goods notice, brings back to the locus post office the cargo, or delivers directly by the mailman the cargo in the customer hand. The use of EMS services with a convenient, fast characteristics. But, High fees, and very difficult to ensure that consumer receives goods within the time expecting that2. Corporate self-distribution logistics model station.The enterprise establishes own cargo allocation spot in the land's the customer crowded area, after obtaining the shopping information, delivers goods to the doorstep by an allocation personnel. This kind of physical distribution pattern may satisfy the customer “namely to buy namely results in” the shopping psychology demand. But it also has following problem: An allocation layout, the population equipment, the commodity reserve and so on determined reasonably very difficultly.3. draws support from the third party physical distribution enterprise's pattern. The third party physical distribution is the enterprise completes part or the complete physical distribution activity request for other specialized physical distribution company. The physical distribution company itself does not have the commodity, but forms the cooperation alliance with the enterprise, provides the service for the customer. Selects this physical distribution method, the service is the specialization, multi-purpose and omni-directional. But if the delivering goods quantity is too small, the delivery expense must be higher than generally other form service expense.Second, under the electronic commerce environment physical distributionexistence's question the1. The theoretical study of the logistics system and in-depth enough .Our country physical distribution management's researcher just contacted these new theories, waits for in further digests and absorbs.2. Lack of infrastructure, backward technology and equipment, the logistics industry is relatively backward.Our country Enterprise in the physical distribution aspect's Information technology, the integrated management and the computer applied technology level is generally low. Transport capacity can not meet the needs of industry, the main transport corridors are still prominent contradiction between supply and demand.3. Related the logistics of e-commerce environment laws and regulations remain to be improved.4. The logistics industry and logistics management training should be strengthened .The physical distribution talented person and the Information technology are realize the physical distribution modernization basic condition, the physical distribution talented person lack seriously, are unable to provide the enough intellectual support for the new physical distribution system's establishment.Third, physical distribution under electronic commerce environmental effect trend of development more than1. Multi-faceted - the direction of development of the logistics industry .In electronic commerce time, when the physical distribution develops the intensified stage, the integrated allocation center not only provides the warehousing and the transportation service, but must develop distributes orders, the allocation and so on each kind to enhance the added value the circulation processing service items. The modern supply chain management, through from supplies the chain to enable the physical distribution to consumer's synthesis operation to achieve the optimization. The enterprise pursues the comprehensive system's comprehensive effect more and more, from this kind of strategic angle embarking, physical distribution many are the logistics development direction.2. First-class services - the pursuit of logistics enterprises. Under the electroniccommerce influence, the logistics is situated between the suppliers and buys between the supplier the third party, is take serves as the objective. The physical distribution enterprise not only needs to serve for this area, must carry on the long distance service, not only because the customer the hope obtains the good service, moreover the hope service point is not, but are many places. Therefore, how to provide the high grade service then to become the physical distribution business management and the development core topic. Also only then has the first-class service physical distribution enterprise, can impel the electronic commerce truly the development.3. Information technology- the only way to modern logistics industry .In the electronic commerce time, must provide the best service, the physical distribution system must have the good information processing and the transmission system. When the cargo transports from the world, the customer then may place information and so on obtain the arrival time, receipt, so that the warehousing, the Transport company can prepare for, causes the commodity, in does not pause nearly in situation fast flowing, thus raises the service level greatly, reduces the cost, enhances the competitive power, also manifests the electronic commerce to depend on the convenience which well the network platform brings to be quick .electronic commerce and the physical distribution take the modern circulation two big methods, has the close relation. Electronic commerce takes the network time one kind of brand-new transaction pattern, is opposite in the tradition trading mode is a revolution. But, electronic commerce must have the modernized physical distribution technology support, can manifest its incomparable sophistication and the superiority. Only then develops the modernized physical distribution vigorously, electronic commerce can a better development. Along with the 21st century Information technology, the network development, will certainly to promote the electronic commerce and the physical distribution organic synthesis, the modernized physical distribution computerization will become the populace to live the indispensable important part.Fourth, e-commerce model of logisticsUnder electronic commerce the physical distribution and the allocation, are the Information technology, modernized, the socialized physical distribution and theallocation. Refers to the logistics and distribution network of enterprise computer technology and modern hardware devices, software systems and advanced management tools for social needs, strictly, keep the land in accordance with the user's order request, to conduct a series of classification, allocation, sorting , division of labor and distribution of work, such as cargo handling, timing, fixed-point, there is no quantitative way to limit the scope of the various types of users, to meet their demand for goods. We can see that this new type of logistics and distribution is based on a new look, becoming the vanguard of innovation in circulation Basin, on behalf of the modern marketing of the main direction. New type of logistics and distribution will enable the circulation of commodities in a more traditional way of logistics and distribution of information more easily, automation, modernization, social, intelligence, rationalization, simplification, which reduces the production of inventory, speed up cash flow and improve logistics efficiency and reduce logistics costs, also stimulated the social needs of society as a whole is conducive to macro-transfer space, but also to enhance the economic benefits of the whole society, and promote the healthy development of market economy. Traditional logistics and distribution centers can be divided into the following types: the main manufacturers in the distribution center to wholesalers as the main distribution center to retail distribution centers as the main body to the main storage for the transport of the distribution center. The traditional distribution model can be divided into the following: Set-based distribution model of cargo, bulk-type mixed distribution model and distribution model. Finally, this model combines the two types of distribution patterns of the previous advantages, can the flow of goods to carry out effective control of the entire process. Finally, this model combines the two types of distribution patterns in front of the merits of, may carry on the active control to the commodity circulation entire process. Uses this kind of allocation pattern the circulation enterprise, like regional physical distribution allocation center. This kind of operation pattern comparison meets the new physical distribution allocation requirement (Especially e-commerce logistics and distribution under).20th century 80's, the Western developed countries, such as the United States,France and Germany put forward a theory of modern logistics integration, application and guide the development of its logistics achieved significant results. Logistics is the logistics system integration as the core business from production through logistics, marketing companies, until the whole supply chain, consumers and systematic.Logistics integration is the development of logistics industry form, it must be fully developed third-party logistics and perfecting basis. Logistics integrated logistics management is a real problem, that is, specialization in logistics management and technical staff make full use of specialized logistics equipment, facilities, play a specialized logistics management experience, in order to obtain the best overall results. At the same time, Trends in the logistics integration has provided the good development environment and the giant market demand for the third party physical distribution's development.Fifth, the development of e-commerce can not be separated from objects of modern logisticsThis has become the people's consensus, that is why so many e-commerce company after years of exploration and the conclusions arrived at after. Today in e-commerce in full swing, many companies are still not solve the problem of logistics, freight service is still the bottleneck of the development of e-commerce. Claiming to solve the problem of a small number of logistics companies, but also made use of the national postal system, post office, city Express system, the delivery of books, audio-visual products such as small items. The more electronic commerce company adopted has requested the way which the factory, the business delivered goods to complete the customer.Sixth, e-commerce and modern logistics difficult to matchE-commerce enterprises to establish a match with the modern logistics enterprises is not an easy task, first of all, business investment as a result of a huge logistics, land, warehouse, loading and unloading, sorting, distribution, and management need to invest a lot of money. China's logistics enterprises in most of the existing facilities behind the shortage of funds, a heavy burden, unable to transform quickly and e-commerce, security, reliable fall far short of the requirements. Secondly, the segmentation of logistics enterprises in the industry seriously, there is no unifiedlogistics logistic management policies and practices. The transport sector ministries belong to different managements, warehousing sectors belong to different ministries and local. Circulation of documents caused by non-standard, non-uniform, non-GM, turbulent flow of goods, road toll stations, and charges a large amount of smooth flow of goods can not. Therefore, in order to make China's e-commerce to become new economic growth point and an important pillar of the national economy, the state and enterprises must pay great attention to the development of modern logistics and construction companies. In a sense said that the physical distribution facility's quality and physical distribution unobstructed, is a national comprehensive national strength and the economic development symbol.Seventh, electronic commerce and the modern physical distribution difficult to match solutionThe construction of modern logistics facilities, it is necessary to the actual situation in our country. States should establish the authority of the logistics management agencies, logistics development of China's future direction, speed, policies, facilities, systems, etc.; co-ordination to resolve ports and terminals, railways, highways, waterways, aviation sites, the hub of the sector issues and policy division ; the implementation of the work of the standardization of logistics; the logistics industry as the basic industry of the national economy, by providing loans, taxation, the introduction of such preferential treatment. And medium-sized cities should be planning the construction of an integrated logistics center to reduce the storage and transportation enterprises scattered phenomena. At the same time, the basis of logistics enterprises in China's poor, can not copy the developed countries of modern logistics equipment and mode of business. Attention should be paid to the existing storage area and the existing organization and integration of transport, logistics enterprises to mobilize existing positive factors and multi-channel transformation of the existing logistics facilities funding.E-commerce and modern logistics as the two major means of circulation, between closely related. E-commerce and logistics between the "actual situation accordingly," the relationship between the status of the logistics industry will greatlyenhance the supply chain will be a short circuit, and third-party logistics e-business environment will become the main form of logistics, procurement will be more convenient, the price will be lower, as a business flow, information flow and pooling of logistics centers, the implementation of centralized inventory, transport is divided into a transport and secondary transport, more convenient, "multimodal transport services" has been widely available, open-loop flow Information has become the main basis for logistics. However, e-commerce must have a modern logistics technology, it has to reflect the nature and the incomparable superiority to the maximum extent possible so that the two sides has been to facilitate transactions, access to benefits.电子商务与物流的关系一、电子商务环境下物流模式1、采用邮政特快专递服务的物流模式。

电子商务与现代物流中英文对照外文翻译文献In this model。
the XXX its own logistics system。
the enterprise can control the entire process of delivery。
this model requires a XXX.3.Third-party logistics model.XXX ns to a third-party logistics provider。
The third-party logistics provider handles the entire logistics process。
the enterprise may lose some control over the logistics process and may have to pay higher fees for the services provided.Second。
the impact of electronic commerce on physical n1.Shortening of the n chain.XXX intermediaries in the n process。
such as XXX.2.Increased demand for logistics services.As more consumers shop online。
XXX.3.XXX.Electronic commerce has led to the XXX logistics models。
XXX connect consumers with individuals who XXX.Overall。
electronic commerce has had a significant impacton physical n。


该模块连结着供应链的作业与营运目标,主要包括需求/供给规划(Demand/Supply Planning)与规划基础建设(infrastructure)两项活动,对所有采购运筹流程、制造运筹流程与配送运筹流程进行规划与控制。

文献信息:文献标题:Supply Chains of Cross-Border e-Commerce(跨境电子商务供应链)国外作者:Arkadiusz Kawa文献出处:《Advanced Topics in Intelligent Information and Database Systems》,2017.173-183字数统计:英文3507单词,18322字符;中文5561汉字外文文献:Supply Chains of Cross-Border e-Commerce Abstract A feature of e-commerce is worldwide coverage. Almost any person or company can be a customer of an online shop. However, this common availability is in practice quite apparent. Despite the dynamic development of e-commerce, communication in other languages, the form of payment, currency, legal and tax conditions, as well as the delivery of products remain barriers to the free cross-border flow. The article focuses on the last factor mentioned above. The lack of delivery of goods to a distant place or a relatively long time and high cost of providing the purchased product hinders further development of e-commerce. This problem can be solved by introducing an intermediary that consolidates shipments from many retailers and delivers them to many clients scattered in different corners of the world.The main contribution of this article is to develop a model facilitating cooperation between online shops dealing with cross-border trade. The purpose of the idea is to reduce costs and accelerate the delivery of goods ordered abroad via the Internet.Keywords: e-commerce, cross-border, supply chain, CEP (courier, express and postal) industry1.IntroductionThe rapid development of the Internet, and thus also e-commerce, has created new distribution channels for many trading, service and manufacturing companies. According to the European Commission, e-commerce is one of the main factors leading to better prosperity and competitiveness of Europe. It has significant potential that may contribute to economic growth and employment. It is expected that its further development will have far-reaching effects, perhaps even exceeding the changes that concerned trade over the past several decades. Physical presence while shopping is becoming less and less important. Customers buy products, placing orders electronically, and the purchased goods are delivered to their workplaces, homes, click & collect points and parcel lockers. Placing ordering in this way replaces the trip to a store, and the delivery of the consignment eliminates the way back with the purchased goods.In contrast with traditional trade, online shopping is inseparably associated with the delivery to the final customer (so-called last mile), i.e. the most complicated and costly process in the whole supply chain. Internet retail businesses carry out a very large number of small orders. Unfortunately, there are delays in deliveries about which buyers are not informed at all. Customers often do not have too much influence on the choice of the company that will deliver the goods, either. The delivery of the goods is most frequently performed by CEP (courier, express and postal) companies.Additionally, more and more attention has recently been paid to expanding business activities beyond the borders of a single country. Sellers look for new buyers abroad, while customers want to have a greater choice of suppliers. A trend in e-commerce arises, then, which is defined as cross-border trade. It is particularly evident in the countries of the European Union. It is based on selling products to customers who are located in another country. However, it is related to several problems, such as a high cost and long delivery time, language barriers, different legal regulations and taxes, etc. The high cost and long delivery time are, in turn, associated with the aforementioned problem of the last mile, but also with the problem of the relatively small flow of goods between countries which is realized by a single CEP operator. So the economies of scale do not take place yet.Therefore, there is a real need to offer e-commerce to retailers and to, indirectly, recommend comprehensive services to their customers, which would include, on the one hand, logistics services in Europe, and, on the other hand, full information on the quality of the service.The aim of this article is to develop a model of an intermediary facilitating cooperation between online shops dealing with cross-border trade. This model is expected to contribute to cost reduction and acceleration of the delivery of goods ordered abroad via the Internet.The structure of the article is as follows. Section 2 describes the electronic cross-border trade in Europe. Section 3 presents logistical problems in e-commerce. Section 4 proposes the above-mentioned model. Section 5 summarizes the article and points to future directions of the research.2.Cross-border e-commerce in EuropeCurrently, e-commerce can be divided into several trends in the field of logistics, which will determine further development of the CEP industry. These are: reverse logistics, same-day delivery, development of new models of cooperation in logistics (dropshipping, fulfillment, one-stop e-commerce), broker services and cross-border transport. This article focuses on the latter trend.Cross-border e-commerce still has a relatively small share in the whole market of e-commerce. In 2014, approx. 15% of the EU inhabitants made a purchase from sellers from a different country. This represents an increase in the share of this type of trade by 25% compared to the previous year. Not everywhere, however, is cross-border e-commerce equally developed. For example, in 2014 only 4% of Poles made a purchase on the Internet from a seller located in another country, which placed Poland on the penultimate place in the European Union. Most foreign shopping is done by Luxembourgers (65%) and Austrians (40%), and the least by Romanians (1%). The EU average is 15%.The total value of the commodity circulation in e-commerce within individualcountries and among the EU Member States is estimated at about €241 bn. Of this amount, €197 bn (80%) are traded on domestic markets. Only about €44 bn (18%) cross the borders between the EU Member States, and another €6 bn (2%) come from import from countries outside the EU.It can be seen from these data that the potential of electronic cross-border trade within the EU still remains unexploited. Only 8% of companies are involved in cross-border selling. Managers of these enterprises argue that it is too complicated and too expensive. As part of the efforts to unleash the potential of e-commerce, the European Commission has adopted a package of proposals to stop the unjustified geo-blocking, increase the transparency of package delivery prices, and improve the enforcement of consumer rights.3.Logistics problems of cross-border e-commerceThe logistics of products offered by online stores is one of the basic factors influencing the consumer's decision about making purchases in them. Deliveries and product returns are one of the most important issues for both online shoppers and online stores in the EU. The European Commission indicates that the problem lies in particular in cross-border deliveries of packages realized for the needs of small and medium enterprises and those sent to the less developed and less accessible regions. Therefore, it puts a lot of effort into increasing the availability of e-commerce for all EU citizens and businesses, regardless of their size and location.Another problem is the relatively little access to information about the CEP market, in particular about the available services, operators and prices. Many customers know only certain operators whose services they could use. In the case of cross-border transport, they can choose between an international courier service or a common service provider, so the postal operator. This makes it difficult for new entrants to gain market share and reduces the competitive pressure on the existing operators, which in turn limits the incentives to improve the service quality and leads to higher prices.Currently, online stores selling their products abroad incur a very high cost ofshipping -depending on the country it is up to 5 times higher than the cost of a consignment realized within the country. The lower price of the product sold does not often compensate for the cost of delivery, which discourages buyers from abroad. It is one of the greatest barriers to the development of cross-border trade conducted via the Internet. Consumers and small enterprises claim that the problems with the delivery, in particular the high prices, prevent them from increasing the sales or purchases in other Member States. Foreign exchange in e-commerce could be completely different if these costs were significantly reduced.Apart from the cost of delivery, another barrier to the development of cross-border e-commerce is the delivery time. It results mainly from the distance between the vendor and the customer. In most cases (mainly outside the border regions) it will be much greater than in the case of domestic shipments. In international trade, shipments often have to undergo additional operations, go through a greater number of hubs and branches, which further prolongs the time of delivery.Operating activities of CEP companies are based on the hub and spoke concept. It is a system used for the distribution of small size or weight loads. In contrast to direct deliveries, hubs are used that connect the individual places where shipments are posted and received. The hub and spoke (H&S) concept minimizes storage costs and reduces the individual costs of transportation. Although a single consignment is transported over a long distance, the total distance for all shipments counted separately is shorter than in the case of direct deliveries. This solution works very well for a large number of items that are posted and received in multiple locations. An example is distribution within a country where most large cities are connected with one another by means of one or more hubs. Fig. 1 illustrates the delivery distribution system within a country X using the H&S system. In this case, customer A places an order for selected products at store S. In the next step, S performs pick and pack operations, and orders a courier service from company C. The courier collects the shipment and delivers it to the local cargo terminal C1X. Then, the consignment, together with items from nearby cities, is transported to hub C. Shipments from all branches across the country are delivered to hub C. They are then sorted andtransported by linehaul (usually at night) to local branches. In this case, the merchandise goes to local cargo terminal C2X. In the morning the shipment is picked up by a courier from the local branch and delivered to customer A.Fig. 1. Hub and spoke system in distribution within a single country As is shown in Fig. 1, the distance travelled by a shipment is much longer than in a direct connection from point S to point A. This extends the delivery time, but significantly reduces the unit cost thanks to the consolidation with other consignments. Customers must wait for the ordered goods until the next working day, but, in return, the cost of delivery is a dozen to several hundred times lower than in the case of direct delivery.A problem with the H&S system occurs in the case of routes along which few consignments are transported. Underutilization of the vehicle cargo space causes the unit cost of transportation to increase significantly. Moreover, in the case of small packages (which prevail in e-commerce) the total cost of delivery rises considerably when the consignment passes through many local terminals and hubs. It is associated with additional costs of sorting and handling. Such a complex and costly system occurs in the case of cross-border transportation.Fig. 2 presents the route of delivery of the goods ordered by customer A in storeS. In relation to Fig. 1, here hub CY has been added. Although points A and S are close to each other, the product passes through the individual points in the H&S system, which increases the total cost of the delivery. Due to the fact that there is a very little flow of goods between the CX hub and the CY hub, the cargo space in the means of transport is not fully utilized. In addition, the freight rates in international transport are higher than in domestic transport. Furthermore, relatively little competition (there are only a few enterprises) in express cross-border deliveries causes the CEP operators to use their bargaining power. It all makes the cost of cross-border delivery several times higher than that of distribution within a single country. This discourages customers from ordering goods from foreign online stores, which deepens the problem of under-used cargo space. Therefore, a solution is needed to overcome this problem, reduce the number of the sorting and handling operations, and thus reduce the costs of cross-border deliveries.Fig. 2. Hub and spoke system in distribution between two countries4.Exemplification of the model facilitating cooperation between online shops dealing with cross-border tradeFig. 3 shows a simplification of the cross border e-commerce market. There aretwo online stores located in country X (S1 and S2) and two customers in country Y (A1 and A2). A1 orders a product in shops S1 and S2, and A2 orders in S2. The stores are separately served by two independent CEP operators (C1 and C2). C1 delivers the shipments to A1 through its H&S system, while C2 -to customer A2. C2 benefits from the economies of scale and delivers the goods together to A1 and A2 from point S2 to hub C2Y. Then the shipments are separated and delivered to points C2Y1 and C2Y2.Fig3. Hub and spoke system in distribution between two countries with two customers and twoonline shopsIn the case of a small flow of shipments between hubs C1X and C1Y, C2X and C2Y such a system of distribution of goods in cross-border e-commerce is ineffective. Relatively high costs of delivery of products to customers appear due to the underutilization of the cargo space and a large number of the sorting and handling operations.This problem can be solved by introduction of an additional entity to the cross-border e-commerce in the form of a consolidator. In the literature, such an entity is defined as the fourth party logistics (4PL). It manages the flow of information between the supplier, customer and logistics service provider. The consolidatorproposed in this study acts like the CEP brokers, already present on a number of national markets for several years. The difference between them is that the broker only wins transport orders and passes them on to the CEP operator which decides how to transport the consignments; the consolidator, in turn, additionally selects the carriers for the service. The consolidator does not possess any means of transport. It can be said that it configures a temporary supply chain for the needs of a single transaction.The consolidator has a website which enables to find offers, compare them, monitor shipments and make payments. However, the consolidator automates their business with continuously cooperating customers by providing the API (application programming interface) and integrating with sales platforms. Such platforms group and systematize up-to-date information about CEP services and prices, which helps make the decision about the company that delivers shipments. On the basis of specific criteria such as the place of origin and delivery, dimensions and weight of the parcel, the user is given appropriate cross-border transport offers by the system. The consolidator’s system automatically recommends the shipping options that are adjusted to the ordered products to the customer of the online store. For example, for a larger package courier or mail services are suggested rather than delivery to a parcel locker. Depending on the planned date of delivery, the system may offer different prices. Express deliveries by air freight will be more expensive than the economical road transport.Moreover, the system automatically generates the shipping documents (picking list to the warehouse, labels to be stuck on packages), monitors the realization process and informs the e-seller and the customer about the current status of the delivery.For customers, besides time, certainty of delivery of the product is important. Ordering in foreign stores, customers express concerns not only about when, but also whether at all and in what condition they will receive the shipment. They must therefore have constant access to the information about where the consignment is located and what the expected date of delivery is. This will be possible thanks to the track & trace system.The consolidator does not need to invest in infrastructure, because it uses the resources of other organizations. Its key task is the right choice of carriers assigned to the individual routes and time synchronization of the operation of individual vehicles in the region and between regions and of the work in the terminals and hubs. The consolidator, collecting orders from a number of senders, becomes a “big”customer of courier and postal companies. This increases the bargaining power and allows to get much better cooperation conditions than individual customers are offered, sending small numbers of shipments.Managing the consolidator‘s activities organized in this way requires application of complex IT systems. Such a system should integrate all the terminals and hubs of many different logistics service providers. This requires interoperability between the systems, and so mutual access to necessary data. In addition, standardization of the processes and the used infrastructure is needed. For example, shipments are transported in certain loading units, and the barcode labels describing the shipment (details of the sender and recipient, terms of delivery, etc.) must be processed by the various entities dealing with the shipments.All the data concerning the shipments and carriers are placed in a data cloud by the consolidator. This ensures access to the system for all stakeholders anywhere in the world. Moreover, each driver is equipped with an electronic device which is used to scan the code from the shipment, receive information about the shipment and send the data.Customers of consolidators may mainly be micro, small and, partially, medium-sized companies that run their business on the Internet, i.e. online shops and sellers at online auctions.Fig. 4 shows the pattern of a consolidator’s operation in cross-border e-commerce. In every country it has access to the hubs (IX and IY) which are connected to the local terminals. In practice, this may be more than one hub, and they may belong to more than one CEP operator. Hubs between individual countries are connected by linehauls. The process in fig. 4 differs from the one shown in Fig. 3 in that stores S1 and S2 are operated by one consolidator I which selects appropriatecarriers to collect shipments from shops S1 and S2 and deliver them to hub IX through the terminals of these carriers -I1X and I2X. Then, the consolidated shipments are transported from the IX hub to the IY hub. Loads from shops S1 and S2 are transported to customers A1 and A2 by a single means of transport. Organization of the transport between the hubs is done by the consolidator, but it can also be done by the CEP operator itself if it is a better solution. In the next step, unloading, sorting and shipment of goods from the IY hub by local courier companies (I1Y and I2Y) to customers A1 and A2 takes place. As a result of this process, hubs C1X and C1Y and the carrier terminal C1X have been eliminated (compare Fig. 3 and 4). This makes it possible to achieve the benefits in the form of fewer handling and sorting operations. Thanks to the selection of offers competitive to those of the CEP operators by the consolidator the costs of transportation between the terminals and hubs can, in turn, be reduced.Fig4. Cross-border e-commerce with a consolidator5.ConclusionThe model proposed in the study significantly reduces the number of the sorting and handling operations. It solves the problems of the organization of internationallogistics, and in particular the one with the high cost of deliveries, by consolidating shipments from various senders depending on the country of delivery. This will help to achieve the economies of scale - the CEP operator can offer better price conditions for a larger number of shipments. Additionally, thanks to the support of the supply chain by a single system it will be possible to track the shipments. Apart from the possibility to lower the costs, the limited number of operations reduces the risk of the goods being damaged during loading, unloading and so on.Moreover, the proposed solution is consistent with the assumptions of the Green Paper of the European Commission, according to which the attractiveness of purchases made over the Internet is determined by three main factors: the price of the product together with the cost of delivery, ensured quality of the delivery of the product, and access to information on the order status. In addition, the European Commission places great emphasis on integration of the systems of companies throughout the whole e-commerce supply chain, particularly among smaller CEP operators in the field of cross-border transport. Increased interoperability can accelerate the exchange of information, facilitate the consolidation of the needs for transportation, parcel delivery and invoicing, develop multimodal transport and reduce administrative costs.The study hereby proposed a general concept of cross-border e-commerce using an integrator. The further direction of the research will be the development and verification of the model in practice. For example, a larger number of countries can be included in the model, the reverse logistics process may be added, or the crowdsourcing solutions can be used for local courier services etc.中文译文:跨境电子商务供应链摘要电子商务的一个特点是覆盖全球。

供应链管理外文翻译文献供应链管理外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)Supply Chain ManagementThe so-called supply chain, in fact, from suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, istribution centers and channels, and so constitute a logistics network. The same enterprise may constitute the different components of this network node, but the situation is different from a corporate network in different nodes. For example, in a supply chain, companies may not only in the same manufacturers, storage nodes, and in distribution centers, such as possession node location. In the more detailed division of labor, the higher the rofessional requirements of the supply chain, different nodes are basically composed by different enterprises. In the supply chain flows between the member units of raw materials, finished products, such as inventory and production constitutes the supply chain of goods flow.That is, to meet a certain level of customer service under the conditions, in order to make the whole supply chain to minimize costs and the suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, distribution centers and channels, and so effectively organized together to carry out Product manufacturing, transport, distribution and sales management.From the above definition, we can be interpreted to include supply chain anagement of rich content.First of all, supply chain management products to meet customer demand in the process of the cost implications of various members of the unit are taken intoaccount, including from raw material suppliers, manufacturers to the warehouse distribution center to another channel. However, in practice in the supply chain analysis, it is necessary to consider the supplier's suppliers and customers of the customers, because their supply chain performance is also influential.Second, supply chain management is aimed at the pursuit of the whole supply chain's overall efficiency and cost effectiveness of the system as a whole, always trying to make the total system cost to a minimum. Therefore, the focus of supply chain management is not simply a supply chain so that members of the transportation costs to minimize or reduce inventory, but through the use of systems approach to coordinate the supply chain members so that the entire supply chain total cost of the minimum so that the whole supply chain System in the most fluent in the operation.Third, supply chain management is on the suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, distribution centers and organically integrate the channel into one to start this problem, so many businesses, including its level of activities, including the strategic level, tactical and operational level Level, and so on.Although the actual logistics management, only through the organic supply chain integration, enterprises can significantly reduce costs and improve service levels, but in practice the supply chain integration is very difficult, it is because: First of all, in the supply chain There are different members of different and conflicting objectives. For example, providers generally want manufacturers to purchase large quantities of stable, and flexible delivery time can change; desire to the contrary with suppliers, although most manufacturers are willing toimplement long-term production operations, but they must take into account the needs of its customers and to make changes Positive response, which requires manufacturers choice and flexibility in procurement strategy. Therefore, suppliers and manufacturers to the goal of flexibility in the pursuit of the objectives inevitably exist between the contradictions.Secondly, the supply chain is a dynamic system, with time and constantly changing. In fact, customers not only demand and supply capacity to change over time, supply chain and the relationship between the members will change over time. For example, the increased purchasing power with customers, suppliers and manufacturers are facing greater pressure to produce more and more personalized varieties of high-quality products, then ultimately the production of customized products.Research shows that effective supply chain management can always make the supply chain of enterprises will be able to maintain stability and a lasting competitive advantage, thus increasing the overall supply chain competitiveness. Statistics show that, supply chain management will enable the effective implementation of enterprise total cost of about 20 per cent decline in the supply chain node on the enterprise-time delivery rate increased by 15 percent or more, orders to shorten the production cycle time 20 percent to 30 percent, supply chain Node on the enterprise value-added productivity increased by 15 percent or more. More and more enterprises have already recognized that the implementation of supply chain management of the great benefits, such as HP,IBM, DELL, such as supply chain management in the practice of the remarkable achievements made is proof.Supply chain management: it from a strategic level and grasp the overall perspective of the end-user demand, through effective cooperation between enterprises, access from the cost, time, efficiency, flexibility, and so the best results. From raw materials to end-users of all activities, the whole chain of process management.SCM (supply chain management) is to enable enterprises to better procurement of manufactured products and services required for raw materials, production of goods and services and their delivery to clients, the combination of art and science. Supply chain management, including the five basic elements.Plan: This is a strategic part of SCM. You need a strategy to manage all the resources to meet our customers for your products. Good plan is to build a series of methods to monitor the supply chain to enable it to effective, low-cost delivery of high quality for customers and high-value products or services.Procurement: you can choose the products and services to provide goods and services providers, and suppliers to establish a pricing, delivery and payment processes and create methods to monitor and improve the management, and the suppliers to provide goods and services Combined with management processes, including the delivery and verification of documentation, transfer of goods to your approval of the manufacturing sector and payments to suppliers and so on.Manufacturing: arrangements for the production, testing, packaged and ready for delivery, supply chain measurement is the largest part of the contents, including the level of quality, product yield and productivity of workers, such as the measurement.Delivery: a lot of "insider" as "logistics", is to adjust the user's orders receipts, the establishment of the storage network, sending and delivery service delivery personnel to the hands of customers, the establishment of commodity pricing system, receiving payments.Return: This is the supply chain problems in the handling part. Networking customers receive the refund of surplus and defective products, and customer applications to provide support for the problem.Source70 in the late 20th century, Keith Oliver adoption and Skf, Heineken, Hoechst, Cadbury-Schweppes, Philips, and other contact with customers in the process of gradually formed its own point of view. And in 1982, "Financial Times" magazine in an article on the supply chain management (SCM) of the significance, Keith Oliver was that the word will soon disappear, but "SCM" not only not disappeared, and quickly entered the public domain , The concept of the managers of procurement, logistics, operations, sales and marketing activities sense a great deal.EvolutionSupply chain has never been a universally accepted definition, supply chain management in the development process, many experts and scholars have putforth a lot of definition, reflecting the different historical backgrounds, in different stages of development of the product can be broadly defined by these For the three stages:1, the early view was that supply chain is manufacturing enterprises in an internal process2, but the supply chain concept of the attention of the links with other firms 3, the last of the supply chain concept of pay more attention around the core of the network links between enterprises, such as core business with suppliers, vendors and suppliers, and even before all the relations, and a user, after all the users and to the relationship.ApplySupply chain management involves four main areas: supply, production planning, logistics, demand. Functional areas including product engineering, product assurance, procurement, production control, inventory control, warehouse management, distribution management. Ancillary areas including customer service, manufacturing, design engineering, accounting, human resources, marketing.Supply Chain Management implementation steps: 1, analysis of market competition environment, identify market opportunities, 2, analysis of customer value, 3, identified competitive strategy, 4, the analysis of the core competitiveness of enterprises, 5, assessment, selection of partners For the supply chain partners of choice, can follow the following principles:1, partners must have available the core of their competitiveness.2, enterprises have the same values and strategic thinking3, partners must Fewer but Better.CaseAs China's largest IT distributor, Digital China in China's supply chain management fields in the first place. In the IT distribution model generally questioned the circumstances, still maintained a good momentum of development, and CISCO, SUN, AMD, NEC, IBM, and other famous international brands to maintain good relations of cooperation. e-Bridge trading system in September 2000 opening, as at the end of March 2003, and 6.4 billion yuan in transaction volume. In fact, this is the Digital China from the traditional distribution supply chain services to best reflect the changes. In the "distribution of services is a" concept, Digital China through the implementation of change channels, expansion of product and service operations, increasing its supply chain in the value of scale and specialized operations, to meet customer demand on the lower reaches of the In the course of the supply chain system can provide more value-added services, with more and more "IT services" color.供应链管理所谓供应链,其实就是由供应商、制造商、仓库、配送中心和渠道商等构成的物流网络。

毕业论文材料:英文文献及译文课题名称:电子商务环境下XX公司供应链管理研究IIMB Management ReviewVolume 23, Issue 4, December 2011, Pages 234–245 Sustainable supply chain management: Review and research opportunitiesSudheer Gupta Omkar D. Palsule-DesaiAbstractAnthropogenic emissions likely pose serious threat to the stability of our environment; immediate actions are required to change the way the earth’s resources are consumed. Among the many approaches to mitigation of environmental deterioration being considered, the processes for designing, sourcing, producing and distributing products in global markets play a central role. Considerable research effort is being devoted to understanding how organisational initiatives and government policies can be structured to facilitate incorporation of sustainability into design and management of entire supply chain. In this paper, we review the current state of academic research in sustainable supply chain management, and provide a discussion of future direction and research opportunities in this field. We develop an integrative framework summarising the existing literature under four broad categories: (i) strategic considerations; (ii) decisions at functional interfaces; (iii) regulation and government policies; and (iv) integrative models and decision support tools. We aim to provide managers and industry practitioners with a nuanced understanding of issues and trade-offs involved in making decisions related to sustainable supply chain management. We conclude the paper bydiscussing environmental initiatives in India and the relevance of sustainability discussions in the context of the Indian economy.Keywords∙Sustainable supply chain management;∙Green supply chains;∙Closed-loop supply chains;∙Sustainability;∙Extended producer responsibility;∙Emissions tradingIntroductionA broad consensus has by now emerged that anthropogenic emissions pose serious threat tothe stability of our environment, and that the resulting changes will affect our ecosystem by disrupting food and water supplies, submerging coastal wetlands, and causing severe weather patterns and species extinction. The global average temperature has been rising since the early 1900s, and has risen by more than 0.5 °C in the last 50 years alone, with an accompanying rise in global average sea levels and drop in Northern Hemisphere snow cover (IPCC, 2007a). Decades of careful data collection, analysis and projections by groups of scientists and researchers around the world have confirmed that the world faces severe changes with an expected 2–4 °C rise in global average temperature by the year 2100: 30–40% of the species could be extinct, close to a third of global coastal wetlands are in danger of being submerged, millions of people will likely face food and water shortages, andmany densely populated areas of the world, including many parts of Asia, will face higher rates of morbidity and mortality from heat waves, floods and droughts (IPCC, 2007b).A large part of the blame has been attributed to the six greenhouse gases (GHGs) that are known to trap heat into the earth’s atmosphere and contribute to a rise in global temperature: primary ones being carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. As measurements have shown, concentrations of GHGs in the earth’s atmosphere have been relatively stable over the last 10,000 years (at between 250 and 300 parts per million). However, in the last 150 years or so—since the beginning of industrial revolution—concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have shot up by more than 30% (from less than 300 ppm to close to 400 ppm), and concentrations of methane have almost doubled (IPCC, 2007a). Several large scale model projections have shown that a business-as-usual scenario, with no changes in our production methods and consumption habits, will lead to an imbalance in the ecosystem and damage the stability of our environment.There is an obvious need for urgent action to change the way we consume the earth’s resources. Among the many approaches to mitigation and adaptation being considered, the processes for designing, sourcing, producing and distributing products in global markets play a central role, as these activities account for a bulk of the resources consumed and the environmental impact. For example, in the United States, industrial activities account for about a third of fossil fuel related carbon dioxide emissions; another 40% are accounted for by transportation (EPA, 2007). Evidently, design and management of supply chain activities is a primary factor in promoting environmental sustainability.In this paper, we review the current state of academic research in designing and managing sustainable supply chains, and provide a discussion of future directions and research opportunities in this rapidly evolving field. In Section 2, we provide a definition and description of Sustainable Supply Chain Management. In Section 3, we summarise and discuss existing classifications and reviews of research in this field, and describe how our perspective differs from those in the literature. Section 4 presents the bulk of recent research in this area that fits our integrative perspective, summarised under four broad categories: (i) Strategic considerations; (ii) Decisions at functional interfaces; (iii) Regulation and government policies; and (iv) Integrative models and decision support tools. We conclude in Section 5 with a discussion of some environmental initiatives in India and the relevance of sustainability discussions in the context of the Indian economy.Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM)We define Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) as a set of managerial practices that include all of the following:●Environmental impact as an imperative;●Consideration of all stages across the entire value chain for each product; and● A multi-disciplinary perspective, encompassing the entire product life-cycle.This definition implies a few broad themes in our perspective on environmental sustainability. First, firms must view environmental impact of their activities as an integral part of decision-making, rather than as a constraint imposed by government regulation or social pressure, or as a fad to exploit by app earing to be “green”. Second, firms must pay attention to environmental impact across the entire value chain, including those of suppliers, distributors, partners and customers. Third, firms’ view of sustainability must transcend a narrow functionalperspective and encompass a broader view that integrates issues, problems and solutions across functional boundaries.In keeping with this definition, our review of the literature on SSCM adopts a firm perspective, rather than societal or policy-makers’ perspect ive, and focuses on organisational decisions related to the entire product life-cycle that involves design, production, distribution, consumer use, post-use recovery and reuse. We do not limit ourselves to literature in any one academic discipline; rather, we focus on interactions across functional areas including corporate strategy, product design, production and inventory management, marketing and distribution, and, regulatory compliance.The paper is intended to provide managers and industry practitioners with a nuanced understanding of issues and trade-offs involved in making decisions related to SSCM. The paper is also intended to provide management researchers with a summary of the current state of the art in SSCM research, and a roadmap for future research directions.SSCM research: reviews and classificationSeveral excellent reviews have been written over the years that examine various aspects of SSCM-related research. While these reviews adopt different perspectives from ours, readers interested in exploring a particular aspect of SSCM would find them useful. For instance, many of the existing reviews explore the SSCM literature for implications of environmental concerns on firm’s individual functions involving activities such as product design, prod uction planning, or inventory management. On the contrary, we examine the existing studies from a value-chain perspective, and discuss environmental concerns in managerial decisions acrossfunctions. Moreover, most of the existing reviews cover literature that is, in some cases, over a decade old. Our review focuses on more recent research in this fast changing and growing field.Early research efforts in SSCM were largely devoted to understanding the technical and operational considerations inherent in collecting, testing, sorting, and remanufacturing of returned products. Research in this domain can broadly be classified under the following headings: (i) Production planning, scheduling and control; (ii) Inventory management; and (iii) Reverse logistics. While research in these areas continues, given the availability of excellent reviews covering this domain, we will abstract from these issues in our review, and encourage the readers to consult the papers mentioned below.In an early review of the literature, Greenberg (1995) surveys the use of mathematical programming models for controlling environmental quality, focussing on air, water, and land. The paper is limited to general equilibrium models with multiple decision making agents, where an equivalent mathematical program can be formulated to compute a fixed point. The review provides an annotated bibliography with more than 300 papers, and identifies many research avenues for studies using mathematical programming in addressing environmental concerns. Fleischmann et al. (1997) focus on quantitative models of reverse logistics, and subdivide the literature in three areas: distribution planning, inventory control, and production planning. For each of these areas, the authors discuss the implications of the product reuse efforts being explored at the time, review the mathematical models proposed in the literature, and point out the areas in need of further research. Carter and Ellram (1998) also focus on reverse logistics, but present a more holistic view that includes the reduction of materials in theforward system in such a way that fewer materials flow back, reuse of materials is made possible, and recycling is facilitated. The paper develops a broadened view of the role of logistics personnel in reverse logistics, and identifies gaps where future research is needed. In particular, the authors identify important players and influencing factors (internal, external and environmental) involved in reverse logistics and provide a framework to study these issues. Gungor and Gupta (1999) focus on ‘environmentally conscious manufacturing and product recovery’, described as integrating environmental t hinking into new product development including design, material selection, manufacturing processes, product delivery to the consumers, and end-of-life management of the product. The authors review and categorise more than 300 papers based on four stages of product life-cycle analysis: product design, manufacturing, use, and recovery. The paper argues that two key issues involved in ‘environmentally conscious manufacturing’ are: (i) understanding the life-cycle of the product and its impact on the environment at each of its life stages, and (ii) making better decisions during product design and manufacturing so that the environmental attributes of the product and manufacturing process are kept at a desired level. Consistent with bulk of the research efforts a t the time, the review focuses on the product recovery process (divided into ‘recycling’ and ‘remanufacturing’), and provides an analysis of issues relevant in collection, disassembly, inventory control and production planning of used products. Similar issues are tackled in Guide and van Wassenhove (2002) and Guide, Jayaraman, and Srivastava (1999).In a departure from the narrower focus of articles summarised above, Kleindorfer, Singhal, and van Wassenhove (2005) review various sustainability themes covered in the first 50 issues of Production and Operations Management journal. The authors use the term sustainabilitybroadly to include environmental management, closed-loop supply chains, and triple-bottom-line thinking that integrates profit, people and the planet into the culture, strategy and operations of companies. The authors suggest that businesses are under an increasing pressure to pay more attention to the environmental and resource consequences of the products and services they offer and the processes they deploy. In turn, operations management (OM) researchers and practitioners face new challenges in integrating sustainability issues within their traditional areas of interest. The paper concludes with some thoughts on future research challenges in sustainable operations management, highlighting three areas—green product and process development, lean-and-green OM, and, remanufacturing and closed-loop supply chains—that integrate essential aspects of sustainable OM.“Closed loop supply chain management” (CLSC) can be defined as the design, control, and operation of a system to maximise value creation over the life-cycle of a product, with dynamic recovery of value from different types and volumes of returns over time (Guide & van Wassenhove, 2006). This perspective has gained increasing attention among researchers in the last decade. Guide and van Wassenhove (2009) focus on business aspects of closed-loop supply chain research and provide a personal perspective on value-added recovery activities, but do not review the existing literature. The authors summarise evolution of CLSC research through five phases, which is useful in understanding the evolution of a subset of research activities within SSCM. The paper claims that Phase 1 consisted of early research that focused almost exclusively on technical problems and individual activities of reverse logistics. Phase 2 has expanded research problems to include inventory control, reverse logistics networks, andremanufacturing/shop line design issues. Phase 3 involves coordinating reverse supply chains using an economic perspective and game theoretic models, understanding strategic implications of product recovery, contracting issues, incentive alignment, and channel design. Phase 4 involves ‘Global system design for profitability’, that primarily incl udes issues such as time value of product returns and maximising value over entire product life-cycle. Phase 5 involves a focus on marketing issues such as pricing of product returns, cannibalisation, and understanding consumer behaviour.While these reviews and classifications provide different perspectives on sustainability research in supply chain management, none of them provides an integrative, comprehensive overview of the field from a firm’s perspective, adopting a strategic decision-based approach. We seek to integrate these perspectives in our review below.Integrative SSCMFollowing our discussion in Section 2, we consider a broad range of managerial decisions, categorised along the following dimensions:I. Strategic considerations:a. Organisational strategyb. Supply chain strategy and structurec. Marketing strategyII. Decisions at functional interfaces:d. Product design and product life-cyclee. Pricing and valuation of returnsf. Forecasting, information provision, and value of informationIII. Regulation and government policies:g. Extended producer responsibilityh. Cap and trade programsIV. Integrative models and decision support toolsIn the following sections, we briefly summarise the major issues and concerns in each of these categories, review and summarise some of the academic efforts that have addressed these issues, and outline promising avenues for future research in these areas.Strategic considerationsOrganisational strategyFrom a strategic perspective, organisational decisions on sustainability revolve around the following questions: (i) How does the organisation view sustainability? (ii) What options does the organisation have to incorporate environmental considerations into strategic decisions? (iii) How do these considerations affect theories of the firm that provide an economic rationale to firm’s existence, behaviour, structure and relationship to markets? While there are broad debates in literature on corporate social responsibility (of which sustainability discussions could be seen as a subset), we limit ourselves here to a value chain perspective and summarise the major issues via three papers that discuss, respectively, the strategic value of pollution prevention and resulting productivity gains, compare specific methods and techniques for controlling greenhouse gas emissions on their estimated costs, and outline the strategic importance of reverse value chain activities. These themes recur throughout this article and we will expand on them, and their impact on supply chain related decisions, in the following sections.In an influential article, Porter and van der Linde (1995) view pollution from the perspective of resource inefficiency, and discuss green initiatives in terms of their implications on firm’s competitiveness. In particular, they view the inherent trade-off between environmentalregulations and competitiveness as ecology versus economy: the regulations provide social benefits via strict environmental standards, however, higher private costs for prevention and cleanup increase prices and hence reduce competitiveness. The authors argue that policy makers, business leaders, and environmentalists have focussed on the static cost impact of environmental regulations and have ignored the more important offsetting productivity benefits from innovation. Moreover, the authors claim that pollution prevention through product and process design is superior and economical to pollution control through waste management. In this regard, they propose a resource productivity framework based on innovation and improvements in operational efficiency.While Porter and van der Linde (1995) argue for the benefits of pollution prevention over pollution control,Enkvist, Naucler, and Rosander (2007) focus on GHG emissions and provide detailed cost curves that enable a deeper understanding of the significance and cost of each possible method of reducing emissions. The cost curves show estimates of the prospective annual abatement cost in Euros per ton of avoided emissions of GHGs, as well as the abatement potential of these approaches in gigatons of emissions. The study covers six sectors (power generation, manufacturing with a focus on steel and cement, transportation, residential and commercial buildings, forestry, and agriculture and waste disposal) in six regions (North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe including Russia, other developed countries, China, and other developing nations) spanning three time horizons (2010, 2020 and 2030). For the most part, at the low end of the curve are measures that improve energy efficiency, whereas at the higher end are approaches for adopting more greenhouse gas-efficient technologies and for shifting to cleaner industrial processes.In contrast to the papers discussed above, Jayaraman and Luo (2007) focus on reverse value chain activities (reuse, repair, refurbishing, recycling, remanufacturing, or redesign of returned products from the end-user), and present a redefined value chain strategy that entails a closed-loop system for industries in which such activities may create additional competitive advantages for the firm. The analysis presented in this paper is relevant from a strategic management perspective for the following three reasons: (i) through reverse logistics, the value chain is no longer portrayed as unidirectional, but as a closed-loop system in which additional values are generated from the existing resources; (ii) the competitive advantage paradigm can be further enlightened by a new source of competitive edge—tangible values from the physical side and intangible values from the information side of reverse logistics; (iii) the reverse logistics framework has implications for the resource-based view of the firm. Supply chain strategy and structureThe next level of organisational decisions involves the structure of the supply chain and strategic choices the firms must make in order to incorporate sustainability considerations. Research effort here has largely focused on designing the reverse supply chain to collect and re-use end-of-life products returned by customers, structuring supply chain incentives to properly motivate partners, and managing competition between remanufactured and new products. The following summary provides the major issues and findings in the literature. Savaskan, Bhattacharya, and van Wassenhove (2004) address the problem of choosing appropriate reverse channel structure for the collection of used products from customers for remanufacturing. In particular, a manufacturer in the supply chain has three options forcollecting used products: (i) collect directly from the customers, (ii) incentivise the existing retailer to induce collection, or (iii) subcontract the collection activity to a third party. The proposed noncooperative game theoretic model has decentralised decision-making system with the manufacturer as the Stackelberg leader. The authors show that simple coordination mechanisms can be designed such that the collection effort of the retailer and the supply chain profits are attained at the same level as in a centrally coordinated system.Savaskan and van Wassenhove (2006) extend the above model to a multiple retailers setting. The authors focus on the interaction between a manufacturer’s reverse channel choice to collect post-consumer goods and the strategic product pricing decisions in the forward channel when retailing is competitive. They first examine how the allocation of product collection to retailers impacts their strategic behaviour in the product market, and later discuss the economic trade-offs the manufacturer faces while choosing an optimal reverse channel structure. The authors show that when a direct collection system is used, channel profits are driven by the level of returns, whereas in the indirect reverse channel, supply chain profits are driven by the competitive interaction between the retailers. Moreover, from the supply chain coordination perspective, they show that the buy-back payments transferred to the retailers for post-consumer goods provide a wholesale pricing flexibility that can be used to price discriminate between retailers.The effect of competition from remanufactured products is a primary concern for a manufacturer. This competition can be from products the manufacturer introduces himself, or from another remanufacturer who enters the market, intercepts used products from consumers and sells remanufactured products that compete with new products from the manufacturer.Several papers have examined this issue. Majumder and Groenevelt (2001) present a two-period model to explore the effect of competition in remanufacturing. In the first period, only an OEM manufactures and sells new products. In the second period, a fraction of these items are returned for remanufacturing. However, the OEM doesn’t get all these returned products, some are used up by a local remanufacturer who competes with the OEM in the consumer market to sell remanufactured products. In this case, the critical trade-offs for the OEM are between the lower cost of remanufacturing in the second period against the threat of higher competition from the remanufacturer. The authors show that competition causes the OEM to manufacture less in the first period and attempt to increase local remanufacturer’s cost of remanufacturing. On the contrary, the remanufacturer helps OEM reduce his manufacturing cost. The authors also extend the model to examine the role of a social planner who wants to increase remanufacturing. They show that the social planner can give incentives to the OEM to increase the fraction available for remanufacturing, or reduce his remanufacturing costs. Ferguson and Toktay (2006) develop models to support a manufacturer’s recovery strategy in the face of a competitive threat on the remanufactured product market. They first analyse the competition between new and remanufactured products produced by a monopolist manufacturer and identify conditions under which the firm would choose not to remanufacture its products. They then characterise the potential profit loss due to external remanufacturing competition and analyse two entry-deterring strategies: remanufacturing and preemptive collection. A major finding is that a firm may choose to remanufacture or preemptively collect its used products to deter entry, even when the firm would not have chosen to do so under a pure monopoly environment.Ferrer and Swaminathan (2006) analyse a two-period model, that is later extended to a multi-period setting, in which a firm produces new products in the first period and uses returned cores to offer remanufactured products, along with new products, in the second period. They extend their focus to the duopoly environment where an independent operator sells remanufactured products in future periods. The authors find that if remanufacturing is very profitable, the original-equipment manufacturer may forgo some of the first-period margin by lowering the price and selling additional units to increase the number of cores available for remanufacturing in future periods. Further, as the threat of competition increases, the OEM is more likely to completely utilise all available cores, offering the remanufactured products at a lower price.SSCM and marketing strategyWhile a large part of the SSCM literature focuses on operational decisions, a small but significant research stream has explored sustainability decisions in a supply chain from a marketing perspective. Two major issues have been examined: (i) How do market characteristics affect remanufacturing incentives? (ii) How do classical marketing decisions such as pricing and segmentation, interface with technology selection and remanufacturing decisions? The following papers provide some answers.Atasu, Sarvary, and van Wassenhove (2008) examine the remanufacturing environment from a marketing perspective with an emphasis on important characteristics of a remanufactured product such as low-cost, lower valuation, cannibalisation and supply constraints. In addition to analysing the profitability of remanufacturing systems for different cost, technology, andlogistics structures, the authors provide an alternative and somewhat complementary approach that considers demand-related issues, such as the existence of `green’ segments, original-equipment manufacturer competition, and product life-cycle effects. For a monopolist, they show that there exist thresholds on the remanufacturing cost savings, the green segment size, market growth rate, and consumer valuations for the remanufactured products, above which remanufacturing is profitable. They also show that under competition, remanufacturing can become an effective marketing strategy, which allows the manufacturer to defend its market share via price discrimination.Debo, Toktay, and van Wassenhove (2005) visualise remanufacturing as an interplay between pricing, market segmentation and technology selection. In particular, the authors solve the joint pricing and production technology selection problem faced by a manufacturer that considers introducing a remanufacturable product in a market that consists of heterogeneous consumers. The objective is to understand the market and technology drivers of product remanufacturability. They show that high production costs of the single-use product, low remanufacturing costs, and low incremental costs to make a single-use product remanufacturable are the key technology drivers. The more consumers are concentrated on the lower end of the market, the lower the remanufacturing potential.While these papers provide a much-needed impetus to research in this domain, many issues remain to be examined. First, we need to identify and critically examine the firm’s incentives to invest in product durability in relation to the life-cycle environmental impact of products. Second, more research is needed in designing, pricing and promoting products with specific environmental attributes—such as lowering emissions, reducing amount of waste。

其主要功能包括:1. 订单管理:SCMS可以帮助企业实现订单的自动化处理和跟踪。
2. 库存管理:SCMS可以提供准确的库存信息,并帮助企业优化库存的管理和控制。
3. 运输管理:SCMS可以协调和优化供应链中的运输活动。
4. 供应商管理:SCMS可以帮助企业管理供应商的信息和合作关系。
SCMS的优势使用供应链管理系统(SCMS)可以带来以下几个优势:1. 提高运作效率:SCMS可以实现供应链的可见性,帮助企业实时了解各个环节的情况,并及时作出调整。
2. 降低成本:通过优化库存管理和运输规划,SCMS可以帮助企业减少库存成本和运输成本。
3. 提升客户满意度:SCMS可以提供准确的订单跟踪和交付信息,帮助企业提高客户满意度。

外文文献及译文文献、资料题目:Electronic Commerce外文文献:Electronic CommerceElectronic commerce, or Electronic trade, or electronic business as a newly rising mode of commerce will have far-reaching influence on social economy and play an important role in social development worldwide. It represents the trend of world trade in the 21st century and beyond.1. What is Electronic Commerce?Electronic commerce refers to commercial data exchange in digital form through electronic transmission means and commercial activities conducted on-line. Usually, electronic commerce can be divided into two levels: One is low-level electronic commerce that is, electronic commercial intelligence, electronic trade, and electronic contracts. Another is high-level electronic commerce which includes all commercial activities done via Internet, ranging from searching for clients, commercial negotia-tion, making orders, on-line payment, releasing electronic invoice, to electronic dec-laration to Customs, electronic tax-payment, all conducted on Internet.Electronic commerce means electrification of all trade transactions. It is featured by these characters: ①fairness and freedom, ②high efficiency, ③globalization, ④virtualization, ⑤interactivity, ⑥autonomy, ⑦personalized service. With electronic commerce, clients andsuppliers can closely and conveniently contact with each other on a global scale, so that clients can find satisfactory suppliers from all comers of the world to meet their demands.Electronic commerce will change the environment in which enterprises compete with each other and reduce costs which would otherwise be high in traditional market structure. Low costs in transactions, convenience in market entry and government encouragement to use Internet (exemption from tax) activate electronic commerce and boost it to develop rapidly right from its beginning. As experts predicted, by 2000, electronic commerce would reach a scale of 300billion US dollars worldwide. And it has exceeded this scale.To ensure security of electronic commerce, an electronic certification center should be established. Digital ID is used to validate identity. Digital 11 is trusted to a third party, namely, an authorized agency, to release, including identifying informa-tion of the holder (name, address, liaison way, ID card number), an encryptive key for common use by the both parties, period of validity, password and identification in-formation of the authorized agency, etc. With digital ID, both parties in transactions can be assured of identifying the other party and validate that the information sent out from the other party has not been subject to alteration.2. Influence That Electronic Commerce May HaveCompared with traditional commerce, electronic commerce has superiorities as follows *Extensive coverage. A network system combining Internet, Intranet (local area network inside enterprises) and Extranet (networks outside enterprises) enables buy-ers, sellers, manufacturers and their partners to contact with each other and conven-iently transmit commercial intelligence and documents worldwide.*Complete functions. In electronic commerce, users of different types and on dif-ferent tiers can realize different targets in trade, for example, releasing commercial intelligence,on-line negotiation, electronic payment, establishment of virtual com-mercial market place and on-line banking, etc.*Convenience and flexibility in use.. Based on Internet, electronic commerce is free from restriction by specialized protocol for data exchange. Transactions can be conducted conveniently on computer screen, by using any type of PCs, at any place around the world.*Low cost. Use of electronic commerce can cut down costs for hiring employees, maintaining warehouse and storefront, expense for international travel and postage to a great extent. The cost for using Internet is very low.Electronic commerce will have substantial influence on social economy:*Electronic commerce will change the way people used to take in commercial ac-tivities. Through networks, people can enter virtual stores and browse around, select what they are interested in, and enjoy various on-line services. On the other hand, merchants can contact with consumers through networks, decide on buying in goods (categories and quantities) and perform settlement of accounts. Government agencies can perform electronic tendering and pursue government purchase through networks.*The core of electronic commerce is people. It is a social system. On-line shop-ping changes the way of people's daily life and fully embodies autonomy of consum-ers in trade.*Electronic commerce changes the way enterprises produce their goods. Through networks, manufacturers know market demand directly and make arrangement of production, in accordance with consumers' need.*Electronic commerce dramatically raises efficiency of trade. Intermediate links can be cut down; costs for sales will be reduced to minimum. Production can be ar-ranged in "small batches plus diverse varieties", and "zero stock" will be reality.*Electronic commerce calls for reformation of banking services. New concepts like on-line bank, on-line cash card and credit card, on-line settlement of accounts, electronic invoice, electronic "cash"-consumers will no longer use the real cash when shopping-will become reality.*Electronic commerce will change government behavior. Called "on-line gov-ernment", an on-line administration plays the important role of a social channel, maintaining order and fairness and detecting and cracking down on-line fraud.3. The Present Situation of Electronic Commerce in Developed CountriesIn the mid-1990s, when Internet experienced explosive development and micro-computers entered homes in great numbers, computer networks became an indispen-sable part of people's daily life. People expect for more interests and convenience brought in by computer networks. Electronic Commerce emerged just in time. In de-veloped countries, governments timely made policies to boost electronic commerce to practical use and dominant position in a new round of worldwide competition.In 1998, Internet helped the United States to create productive out put of 507 bil-lion US dollars, national income of 301 billion US dollars, and 1. 2 million job op-portunities; of these, electronic commerce created an income of 100 billion US dollars. Internet has be-come the first big industry with yearly productive output increasing by 60%,and accounting for 6% of GDP. Service export from the United States has at-tained 160 billion US dollars each year, and it is predicted that it can compensate trade deficit in commodity trade. Internet played an important role in promoting ex-port from the United States: in 1999, books, automobiles and services were sold through electronic commerce to foreign countries, exceeding 102 billion US dollars.Advocated by the United States, 132 members of WTO decided to turn Internet into a freetrade zone within at least one-year term. Some countries and organizations scrambled to work out development framework for electronic commerce and made laws and regulations for developing electronic commerce. In 1996, the UN Confer-ence on Trade and Development passed "Model Law of Electronic Commerce". In December, 1996, the US government issued "Policy Framework for Global Electronic Commerce".In April 1997, European Union issued "Proposal for Electronic Com-merce in Europe".On July 1 1997, US President Clinton promulgated" A framework for Global Electronic Commerce" which has had great influence on global electronic commerce. In May 1998, WTO minister conference passed "A Manifesto on Global Electronic Commerce", and in September 1998, WTO general council passed "Scheme for Electronic Commerce Work".In October 1998, UN Organization of Economy and Cooperation &Development (OECD) held minister conference at Ottawa, Canada on electronic commerce, which is praised as a milestone of global electronic commerce. In September 1999, Global Business Dialog on Electronic Commerce (GBDE) was held in France and is-sued "Paris Proposal".In December 1999, the United States issued another Internet commerce standard.Electronic commerce in the United States takes the rein of the trade in the world. At present, there are 60 million subscribers of Internet in the United States. More than 98% of purchasing managers seek targets on-line. As estimated, by 2002, the value involved in transactions done through electronic commerce between US enterprises will account for 6.1% of GDP. Fortune magazine's statistics show the 500 top com-panies in the world all engaged in on-line business.25% of income to IBM (about 20 billion US dollars) is related with electronic commerce. Thanks to electronic com-merce, IBM saved its expenses of 250 million US dollars during 1999. HP Company designated its electronic Commerce solution as E-world-anelectronized world. This solution is oriented to medium-and small-size enterprises, and great investment was made to third parties-software companies to develop software suited for medium-and small-size enterprises to engage in electronic commerce. Intel places its risky invest-ment mainly on Internet and electronic commerce. In July 1998, Intel began on-line transactions Its monthly business turn electronic commerce reached one billion US dollars.As a survey made by European Information Technology Observation shows, of the surveyed 570 companies, 47% have implemented electronic commerce of some sorts, and 4/5 of them began their electronic commerce in the latest two years. Execu-tive Committee of European Union plans at least 25% of its purchase done through electronic commerce by 2001. In1998, in Australia, web sites related with electronic commerce on Internet doubled in number, and 11% of Australian enterprises have their web sites. 80% of Australian companies use Internet to transmit E-mails and conduct commercial activities. In 1998, Singapore government promulgated,for electronic commerce. Singapore is the only country in Southeast Asia that formally joined the "Rights and Obligation Electronic commerce In cooperation with US manufacturers and firms, Singapore established an electronic commerce entry in Asia, providing comprehensive Business-to-Business (B to B) service, so as to enable Asian trade companies to enter the rank of global electronic commerce.4. Development of Electronic Commerce in ChinaExploration in electronic commerce, governmental and civil began in 1993 in China. Today, electronic commerce has found its applications in foreign trade, Cus-toms, finance and commerce. Local frameworks have been established in Beijing and Shanghai for electronic commerce. Some electronic commerce web sites have been opened to on-line shopping and on-line settlement of accounts.The Ministry of Foreign Trade set up in February 1996 China Electronic Com-merce Center responsible for research, construction, and operation of international electronic commerce project in CT he Center established "China Commodity Trade Market" on Internet, to put rich resources of goods in China to world market, opening new channel for our exports. The subject "Security Proof of Electronic Commerce" as a key item in science and technology during th9th Five-year Plan period was ap-praised in early 1996 by State Department of Science and Technology and State En-cryptive Code Administration, which laid a foundation for establishing a safe and normal environment for electronic commerce in our country.In March 1999, the Ministry of Information Industry approved the electronic commercial network of pharmaceutics and health as a model project of electronic commerce for all trades. It is one of the six specialized networks in China, which pro-vide all-direction serve of market information, product transaction, warehousing and delivery, and account settlement, etc.In Shanghai, in 1999, "Shanghai Administrative Center of Electronic Commerce Security Certificate" was set up, which provide security platform for electronic com-merce and is responsible for application, appraisal, making and management of digital certificate domestic and foreign clients in Shanghai, and offers services such as certi-fication of digital identity and digital signature, electronic notarization, secure E-mail and secure encryption, etc. In January 1 the first on-line bookstore in China-Shanghai Book City On-line standard. It provides VISA cardholders and card-holders of domestic Great Wall card, Dragon card, Peony card and Pacific card with instant and authorized security service.The measure taken in Beijing to develop electronic commerce is to build a capital electronic commerce city. In November 1998, the capital electronic commerce project formally activated, and a frame-work formally showed off. The Legend Computer Company open editselectronic commerce system in June 1999, and web sites 8848, sina, 163, all activated their electronic commerce.In April 2000, sponsored by the Ministry of Information Indus-try,National Economy and Trade Commission, and China Council for Promotion of International Trade, the 4th China International Electronic Commerce Conference was held. State leaders and superintendents of various ministries and commissions joined the opening conference. Mr. Levy, secretary of Commercial Department of the US government led a delegation of famous US enterprises and media, totally more than 100 persons, to join the conference. More than 60 seminars were held during the conference, to dis-cuss extensive topics on electronic commerce.Despite all these efforts, companies engaged in electronic commerce service in China suffer losses in their B-to-C business (B refers to Business, C refers to Con-sumers). Some Chinese experts attribute this to Chinese shopping habit-Chinese con-sumers treat shopping as an interesting hobby; they enjoy the pleasure of spending their money through appreciating and comparing merchandise, and bargaining; but all these will vanish from on-line shopping. Other experts attribute this phenomenon to the ubiquitous incredulity in society-banks can-not interconnect their business be-cause they fear their customers will be captured by their rivals; cash cards cannot be popularized because banks do not trust civilians; and civilians do not like to do on-line shopping because they do not trust on-line stores,…etc. Why?That's because many things on-line and in society are false, for ex-ample, false number of subscribers, false statistics of access flux, shoddy goods, forged diploma, sham curriculum vitae, sham investment, sham listing, false revenue to listed enterprises, etc. Such an over-all environment will not change within a long period of time. In such environment, no commercial activity can be done. Many IT practitioners are disheartened with elec-tronic commerce in our country.5. Prospects of Electronic CommerceAlthough developing rapidly and seeming to have brilliant prospects, electronic commerce faces a series of real problems, for example, problems involving security, technology, expense, legal system, tax system, conception, protection of privacy, in-frastructure, etc. However, electronic commerce is the mainstream of enterprises in the new century and will develop rapidly in the coming years. Some companies pre-dict that by 2003, electronic commerce between enterprises in developed countries will account for over 9%of the total turnover(1,300 billion US dollars), and in consumer electronic commerce the turnover will attain 76. 3 billion US dollars by 2002. And as experts predicted, electronic commerce in China will catch up with de-veloped countries on the average level, in 10 years. They suggested 3 to 5 years be spent on working out plans, policies and regulations necessary for developing elec-tronic commerce, building substantial and tangible electronic commerce systems, fos-tering specialized talents, optimizing of the electronic commerce systems in some trades and areas; and then 5 to 7 years be spent on linking with international elec-tronic commerce to enable our electronic commerce system as an important compo-nent of international electronic commerce; popularizing of electronic commerce in application, raising electronic commerce in our country to a higher level in research, development and application, to the average level in developed countries.The following description tells what major I/e strategies some major manufactur-ers in the world are taking in development of electronic commerce.IBM: IBM is the pioneer that held up the banner of electronic commerce as a new application of Internet. In people's mind, IBM is now not only manufacturer of main-frames, PCs, servers, software but also the “godfather" of electronic commerce. IBM has always been dedicated to promoting secure commerce over the Internet. It sin-come from selling servers hasaccounted for 60% of its total in-come.IBM not only provides products for large-scale applications of secure, efficient, reliable electronic commerce and payment over Internet, but also for small electronic business as well.IBM Micro Payments an application enabling buyers to purchase low cost items over Internet-is another example of how IBM is expanding to new areas of commerce. By enabling billing servers, content providers and other merchants to profitably sell items for even a few cents, IBM opens up a whole new market.IBM Micro Payments allows buyers, sellers and billing systems to sell content, information, and services over Internet, for small amounts. IBM's commitment to electronic commerce and electronic business makes it a leader in the area of electronic payments. An automated compiler tool transforms existing HTML pages, creating "click and pay" links with either fixed or dynamic prices. Content and service provid-ers can take advantage of the extensive set of APIs and authoring tools to extend IBM Micro Payments available from OEMs. Billing servers can easily integrate the IBM Micro Payments application with existing billing systems and use it to attract content providers and open new sources of revenue.IBM Micro Payments provides scalability and interoperability, which allows widespread availability across Internet, including multi-currency and multilingual support, and low operational costs it easily supports transactions as low as one cent.SUN: SUN as a global leading supplier treats Internet not only a tool but also a new mode of commerce. SUN has provided very flexible solutions to commercial af-fairs for BBC, ETRADE, Federal Express, First Auction, Fruit of the Loom, Kodak, Thomas Cook, Virgin.Microsoft: Microsoft aims at helping enterprises to set up more powerful relation with their clients and partners by three means: (I)Windows 2000, BackOffice, Site Server, Biztalk,etc; (2) MSN (in the United States, more than 40% web users access MSN, and consumers can conduct comparative study when buying articles and ser-vices); (3) Partners provide customers with various products and services on Mi-crosoft MSN platform, realizing electronic commerce solutions, including settling account, paying tax, shopping, logistics, purchasing, accounting, ERP (Electronic Remote Processing) and EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), etc.Site Server and Biz talk are the two major products of Microsoft adopted in exist-ing system for enterprises to develop electronic commerce. Site Server is used for constructing web stores, based on data-it enables the client to easily realize on-line catalog, buying/selling order, exchange of documents for promoting sale, etc. Disre-garding what platform, operating system or technology used in low layer.Novell: Novell defines itself as "NET Service Supplier" after2000. The word NET includes intranet, extranet, Internet, company net, public net, cable net, wireless net. Its aim is to breakout the existing service domain in which most software products can provide services only in a specific environment or for a specific procedure or server (rather than the whole network).Novell's network service software NDS eDirectory as a nucleus helps clients to reduce complexity of business on network, and improve security, so that it enables network, applications and business processing to adapt to electronic commerce, and thus speed up their transfer to electronic commerce.SCO: SCO’s Tarantella is the best solution for existing users to conduct elect ronic commerce. Users can use only a browser to access any applications of platforms in back counter, without the need of re-writing existing applications, in their effort to transfer their business to electronic commercial mode. To ensure electronic commerce to continually operate, SCO provides an incessant cluster solution based on UNIXWARE 7. This product is easy to use,easy to manage and its cost is one-tenth of large-scale product of the same sort for mainframes while its performance doubles. It is a security solution with higher performance/ cost ratio among the same sort for electronic commerce.Tivoli Systems Inc. today announced Tivoli Business Systems Manager, a new, fully integrated solution that allows businesses to manage their IT environments from the top down, creating a powerful view of business systems management.The Tivoli Business Systems Manager solution provides us with business views and control mechanisms to manage all of our distributed IT resources in the retail, banking and electronic commerce environments-including system resources, data-bases, application servers, web servers and electronic commerce applications-from one central location. The Graphical User Interface allows us to monitor all of our re-sources on a single screen, regardless of geographical location.Combining the features of Tivoli Global Enterprise and Tivoli Manager for OS/390, Tivoli Business Systems Manager provides true end-to-end enterprise management from one console, simplifying the administration of heterogeneous environments. Tivoli Business Systems Manager enables customers to manage and control multiple applications that are required for different business functions.中文译文:电子商务电子商务或电子贸易,电子商业,或作为一个新兴的商业模式将产生深远的影响,经济和社会中发挥重要作用的社会发展世界各地。

电子商务物流中英文对照外文翻译文献电子商务物流中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Introducing Commodity Flow to an Agent-Based ModelE-commerce SystemAbstractIn our model agent-based e-commerce system [2] we have assumed that a certain number of items of a given product is available for sale. In this note we introduce a model logistics subsystem and discuss how it will be integrated with the system. Keywords: e-commerce;logistics system;agent1.IntroductionCurrently, we are developing and implementing a model agent-based e-commerce system (see [2] and references collected there). In this system multiple buyer agents attempt at making purchase by participating in price negotiations in e-stores and selecting the best offer, while e-stores attempt at maximizing profit resulting from product sales.Thus far our attention was focused on buyer-seller interactions. By assuming that products are in the warehouse we have omitted the question where do they come from. The aim of this work is to describe how our system can be extended to include product restocking processes.Before proceeding let us make a few observations. First, the proposed logistics subsystem is not ―stand alone‖(e.g. similar to that considered in [3, 1, 6]). Instead, it has been created within the context of our e-commerce system, which has directly influenced its design. Second, while somewhat similar, processes involved in e-store restocking a warehouse differ from client making a purchase in an e-store (e.g. in product demand prediction, interactions with wholesalers, methods of price negotiations that involve more ―cond itions,‖ offer selection criteria, etc.) Therefore we have created a separate logistics subsystem (instead of reusing already modeled functions; e.g. price negotiations). Third, this note is devoted to the agent structure and agent interactions and, due to the space limitations, we omit important topics like:forecasts derivation, offer evaluation etc.However, these functions can be encapsulated into modules that can become a part of an appropriate agent. Therefore readers should envision that, for instance, when we write that ―rece ived offers are evaluated,‖then their favorite method of offer evaluationhas been utilized.To proceed, first, we briefly describe our e-commerce system.We follow with assumptions that underline the logistics subsystem and description of new agents that were introduced. Finally, we present the sequence diagram of restocking and use it to discuss in detail how this process will take place in our system.2. System DescriptionOur system is a distributed marketplace in which software agents perform e-commerce functions (see [2] for details, the Use Case diagram in particular). User-Client is represented by the Client Agent (CA). The CA is autonomous and when a purchase order is communicated by the User-Client, it works until either it is completed, or purchase is abandoned. The CA communicates with the Client Information Center (CIC), which facilitates information which e-stores sell which products (yellow-page matchmaking).For each store that sells the requested product, the CA delegates a Buyer Agent (BA) to participate in price negotiations and if successful, possibly attempt at making a pur- chase (successful price negotiations result in a product reservation for a specific time; after which products that have not been purchased are available for sale again).Since multiple BAs representing the same CA can win price negotiations the CA makes the decision if either of available offers is good enough to make a purchase. Buyer Agents can participate in negotiations only if the Gatekeeper Agent (GA) admits them (if they are trusted; e.g. BAs that win price negotiations but do not make a purchase may be barred from subsequent negotiations). The GA represents a given e-store and is created by the Shop Agent (SA). The SA is the central manager and facilitating the selling process it utilizes the GA, and a set of Seller Agents (SeA) that negotiate price with incoming BAs, as well as a Warehouse Agent (WA) that is responsible for inventory and reservation management. Thus far, the WA was responsible for managing product reservations and the inventory. Specifically, (1) before a new price negotiation the WA ―re served‖ a given product—so that if negotiation ended successfully there was an item that could be sold; (2) when a reservation ended in purchase, it adjusted product counters; and (3) when a reservation expired it also adjusted products counters. However, the WA was always envisioned as the ―gat eway‖between the store and suppliers, which is one of the foci of this note.3. Assumptions behind the logistics systemLet us now specify assumptions that underline design of the logistics subsystem:1.Nowadays, except of largest store-chains (e.g. TESCO, WalMart), companiesoutsource transportation activities (considered non-core business activities) to specialists (e.g. UPS, Mayflower). However, we assume here that suppliers are still re sponsible for facilitating transportation. Therefore, we omit transportation related processes and focus only in interactions between e-stores and suppliers2. As a result of (1), transportation costs are assumed to be paid by the supplier and included directly in product price (e.g. discount on delivery costs, will manifest itself in the total price).3. While in the original system auction-based price negotiations were used, here we opted for the simplicity of the FIPA Contract Net Protocol [4]. Therefore, in the logistics subsystem, a single round of negotiations consisting of a call for proposals and evaluation of responses, is used.4. New functions and agentsIn order to perform logistics-related tasks, several new roles were introduced; some of them have been delegated to agents existing in the system, while others warranted adding new agents. Specifically:•demand estimation—to draw information from sales data and/or external premises to predict future sales of products,•warehouse monitoring—to observe supply levels and react in case of a risk ofdropping below values considered sufficient to satisfy estimated demand,•order management—to coordinate issuing orders for goods, to assist inevaluating received offers,•ordering goods—to contact suppliers for their of- fers and to select the best offer,•selling goods—in the system suppliers were also modeled; while goods are acquired without extensive price negotiations, ―someone‖ has to deliver proposals to ordering components,•logistics yellow pages—the role of the ―l og istics CIC‖is very similar to the original CIC ([2]); it has to provide lists of potential suppliers of products; obviously, it is possible for a shop to become a sup- plier for another shop and to suggest that the two CIC s could be joined, but we decided to clearly separate the client-side from the shop and from the supply-side. Another reason for this separation was that while some shops may not be interested in becoming wholesaler, we would have to make changes to the original CIC data structure (e.g. wholesaler—yes/no). Finally, since the logistics subsystem does not involve auctions, the separation is even more warranted.Let us now see how these tasks/roles could be placed in our system. The demandestimation role was attributed to the existing Shop Decision Agent (SDA), responsible for the ―kn owledge managemen t‖functions (e.g. trust management, sales trend data mining, etc.) in the shop.The warehouse monitoring role is already a part of the existing WA. The difference is that now WA becomes a proactive manager of supplies; acting on predictions supplied by the SDA.Fulfillment of the order management role required introduction of the Logistics Agent (LA), which became the ―centra l manager‖ of the logistics subsystem. It is responsible for contacting the logistics CIC for the list of potential suppliers and managing a pool of agents responsible for ordering goods from ―wholesalers.‖ Finally, it collects and manages data related to supplier reliability. This data, in turn, will be one of factors in selecting the supplier.The ordering goods process is facilitated by the Ordering Agent (OA), which is also a new agent. Its task is to issue a call for proposals, collect responses and select the best offer taking into account factors such as: price, delivery time, reliability etc. Let us recall that due to the modularity of agent design ([2]), our system is flexible enough so that any method of selecting an offer can be applied (it can be encapsulated in a module and plugged into the OA).The selling goods role is realized by a very simple Wholesale Agent (WhA). Its role is to respond to CFP’s incoming from OA s.Currently we assume that WhA s receive instructions in what way to generate a stream of responses to the CFPs.Finally, logistics yellow pages are facilitated by the logistics CIC Agent. Its role is to store a complete list of suppliers and products that they sell. Obviously, the logistics CIC uses the original product ontology ([2]), extended by the logistics ontology. When the system is initialized, each WhA registers with the logistics CIC and provides it with a list of products for sale.What was described thus far is summarized in an UML use case diagram presented in Figure 1.Figure 1. Use Case of the logistics subsystem5. Typical Product Restocking ProcessLet us now describe the processes involved in restocking the warehouse. Here, we skip the description of system initialization, and start with the Shop Decision Agent sending a forecast to the Warehouse Agent. The sequence of actions resulting form such a forecast is depicted, as a UML sequence diagram in Figure 2.The SDA communicates the forecast to the WA by sending a FIPA Inform message containing the PredictionDescription (which contains all necessary data such as: product ID, amount of predicted sales, standard deviation of sales, expected purchase price, period for which this forecast is valid, etc.). We assume that the SDA forecasts are of the type: until a new fore- cast, weekly sales are expected to be 45 items of a given product. Forecasts can be issued at specific times (e.g. once a week or once a month) and their frequency de- pends on the information found in data analyzed by the SDA to derive forecast(s).The WA starts by examining current stock of a given product, and if current supplies are sufficient, it sets up to check their levels at the end of the time unit specified in the forecast (i.e. forecasts specified on weekly basis are checked once a week). If stocks are insufficient, the WA utilizes the FIPA Request Protocol (FIPA specification SC00026) and FIPA SL language [4] (used in all agent interactions), to com- municate with the Logistics Agent. The initial message from the WA is the FIPA Request message sent to the LA and it contains OrderRequest action with the Or- derRequestDescription. The OrderRequestDescription contains the necessary information specifying the order to be made: product ID, preferred delivery time, amount and maximumprice. Delivery time and amount are computed based on the current product level, predicted delivery time and an overall inventory strategy.Upon receiving the request, the LA dispatches a query to the logistics CIC to obtain a list of suppliers of a given product. Ensuing conversation conforms to the FIPA Query Protocol, starting with the FIPA Query-Ref message containing the CICQuery action with the Product ID. The logistics CIC responds with the FIPA Inform-Ref message containing the CICResponse with a list (possibly empty) of suppliers. Empty list results in a FIPA Failure message (with OrderRequestResult set to failure) send by the LA to the WA. Similar response is sent when the logistics CIC cannot be contacted.When the non-empty list was received, the LA removes these suppliers that have their reliability value below a certain threshold. Then the LAAgentDescriptions list is formed by supplementing each CICAgentDescription received from the logistics CIC with the reliability information. If a given WhA’s is not known a default trust value is used.After preparing the list, the LA utilizes the FIPA Request Protocol to find a free OA. Busy agents will re- spond with FIPA Refuse messages. If all agents respond in such a way, this process may need to be repeated un- til a free OA is found and responds with the FIPA Agree message. The LA then sends the ordering request to the selected OA and awaits for the result of the ordering pro- cess. LA’s message contains the IssueOrder action with the OrderDescription and the LAAgentDescriptions.After obtaining the request from the LA, the OA engages in the FIPA ContractNet Protocol interactions with WhAs from the list. It sends the FIPA CallForProposal message, containing CFPRequest with OrderDescription to the WhAs. WhAs evaluate the CFP and submit their offers by sending FIPA Propose messages containing the CFP Response actionwith OfferDescription or, if terms contained in the CFP are unacceptable/not interesting, respond using the FIPA Refuse message.Responses must arrive within a timeframe speci- fied by the OA, after which the OA proceeds to evalu- ate them. First, it filters unacceptable offers. Note that it is possible that some WhAs may respond knowingly with proposals that violate some of the conditions and in special circumstances when no better offers were found the OA may need to accept such offers. In the next step, offers are ranked and the winner is determined. Winner issent a FIPA AcceptProposal message containing the ConfirmationRequest action with its offer quoted. The winning WhA must in turn reply with the FIPA Inform messagecontaining Confirmation Response action with the OrderConfirmation which has unique orderID generated by the supplier. This successfully completes the ordering process.The winner can also withdraw the offer by sending a FIPA Failure message. In this case, runner-ups are contacted in an iterative manner. In case when there are no more offers left or there were no offers to begin with, the OA sends a FIPA Failure message to the LA,which, in turn, forwards it to the WA. When the winner confirms the order, the OA sends to the LA a FIPA Inform message containing the InformResult action with the WhA-received Or der Confirmation, thus completing the protocol. At this time the LA sends information to the WA, inside a message of the FIPA Agree type. This performative is used in compliance with the protocol to indicate that the LA is performing the desired task (ordering), but its efforts do not guarantee success (ordering success order success), and thus sending the final response (FIPA Inform) is inappropriate at this stage. Meanwhile the OA returns to the pool of available Ordering Agents.Now the purchase enters the delivery monitoring stage. Here, the LA waits for the delivery from the WhA to be registered with the WA. When a delivery arrives the WA sends (to the LA) a plain FIPA Inform message containing the WADelivery action with the DeliveryDescription, which has supplier’s AgentID and the already mentioned orderId. The LA does not need to respond to this message, but it checks the messages to see if it is currently awaiting a delivery with the given orderId coming from a supplier AgentID. If it finds a match, the ordering process is completed. As a result, the reliability value of supplied AgentID is increased. If a delivery notification does not come within time agreed in the OrderConfirm, actions must be undertaken (recall, that receiving supplies is vital to the e-Shop as its warehouse is likely to run out of stock Those actions are: (1) retry the ordering (sending reminder to the WhA / choosing new WhA), if there is still time, and (2) marking that a retry has been made.If there is still time before the deadline (established by the WA), then order can be retried. If it is the first time an attempt to retry the order is made, a reminder is sent to the WhA. To this end, LA contacts a free OA with a FIPA Request Protocol message with a Reminder action containing AgentID of the WhA and the orderId. The OA accepts the job (the FIPA Agree) and contacts the WhA (also using FIPA Request Protocol), sending it the exact same action. The WhA is expected to reply within a timeframe using either a FIPA Failure (offer is withdrawn) or a FIPA Inform providing new Order Confirmationwith a new delivery time, which is forwarded to the LA unchanged. In the case of an agreement, the LA returns to awaiting delivery, in the case of failure, the LA removes this WhA from the LA Agent Description list and locates an OA to perform entirely new search for a supplier. New search is also ordered if a reminder to the supplier whose delivery we were waiting resulted in a failure. The monitoring stage ends when: (1) delivery is received, or (2) reminder to the supplier was made, but it was refused, while deadline has already passed. Note that we assume that the actual order failure occurs only when the delivery deadline has passed and the reminder failed.This is because it is possible that there is an order delay and goods may arrive late. This information can be obtained from the WhA, and thus the need for the reminder.Figure 2. Restocking process: sequence diagramWhen the monitoring stage ends, the WA is notified about the result by the FIPA Inform or the FIPA Failure message to complete the FIPA Request protocol. The message will contain the OrderRequest action with the OrderRequestResult set appropriately. Furthermore, at this stage the reliability bonuses and/or penalties are calculated and applied. Finally, in the case of a successful order, the WA sends to the SDA a FIPA In-form message containing status information about the re-stocking of the warehouse.6. Concluding remarksIn this note we have discussed the way in which the logistics subsystem is being introduced into our model agent-based e-commerce system. We have presented used UML’s use case and sequence diagrams to formally depict and discuss the most important features of our approach. Due to the lack of space, we have focused our attention on agents and their interactions. The proposed system has been implemented and is in the final testing phase.References[1] C. Bádicá, A. Báditá, M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki, Developing a Model Agent-based E-commerce System. In: Jie Lu et. al. (eds.) E-Service Intelligence—Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Springer, Berlin, 2007,555–578[2] C. A. Butler and J. T. Eanes. Software agent technology for large scale, real-time logistics decision support. US Army Research Report ADA392670, 2001. 23 pages.[3]W.Ying and S.Dayong. Multi-agent framework for third party logistics in e-commercestar. Expert Systems with Applications, 29(2):431–436, August 2005.引入第三方物流企业的以代理人为基础的电子商务系统模型摘要在我们的模型以代理人为基础的电子商务系统[2]的基础上,我们假定一定数量的物品的某一特定的产品是适合出售的。

供应链管理外文翻译文献供应链管理外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)Supply Chain ManagementThe so-called supply chain, in fact, from suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, istribution centers and channels, and so constitute a logistics network. The same enterprise may constitute the different components of this network node, but the situation is different from a corporate network in different nodes. For example, in a supply chain, companies may not only in the same manufacturers, storage nodes, and in distribution centers, such as possession node location. In the more detailed division of labor, the higher the rofessional requirements of the supply chain, different nodes are basically composed by different enterprises. In the supply chain flows between the member units of raw materials, finished products, such as inventory and production constitutes the supply chain of goods flow.That is, to meet a certain level of customer service under the conditions, in order to make the whole supply chain to minimize costs and the suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, distribution centers and channels, and so effectively organized together to carry out Product manufacturing, transport, distribution and sales management.From the above definition, we can be interpreted to include supply chain anagement of rich content.First of all, supply chain management products to meet customer demand in the process of the cost implications of various members of the unit are taken intoaccount, including from raw material suppliers, manufacturers to the warehouse distribution center to another channel. However, in practice in the supply chain analysis, it is necessary to consider the supplier's suppliers and customers of the customers, because their supply chain performance is also influential.Second, supply chain management is aimed at the pursuit of the whole supply chain's overall efficiency and cost effectiveness of the system as a whole, always trying to make the total system cost to a minimum. Therefore, the focus of supply chain management is not simply a supply chain so that members of the transportation costs to minimize or reduce inventory, but through the use of systems approach to coordinate the supply chain members so that the entire supply chain total cost of the minimum so that the whole supply chain System in the most fluent in the operation.Third, supply chain management is on the suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, distribution centers and organically integrate the channel into one to start this problem, so many businesses, including its level of activities, including the strategic level, tactical and operational level Level, and so on.Although the actual logistics management, only through the organic supply chain integration, enterprises can significantly reduce costs and improve service levels, but in practice the supply chain integration is very difficult, it is because: First of all, in the supply chain There are different members of different and conflicting objectives. For example, providers generally want manufacturers to purchase large quantities of stable, and flexible delivery time can change; desire to the contrary with suppliers, although most manufacturers are willing toimplement long-term production operations, but they must take into account the needs of its customers and to make changes Positive response, which requires manufacturers choice and flexibility in procurement strategy. Therefore, suppliers and manufacturers to the goal of flexibility in the pursuit of the objectives inevitably exist between the contradictions.Secondly, the supply chain is a dynamic system, with time and constantly changing. In fact, customers not only demand and supply capacity to change over time, supply chain and the relationship between the members will change over time. For example, the increased purchasing power with customers, suppliers and manufacturers are facing greater pressure to produce more and more personalized varieties of high-quality products, then ultimately the production of customized products.Research shows that effective supply chain management can always make the supply chain of enterprises will be able to maintain stability and a lasting competitive advantage, thus increasing the overall supply chain competitiveness. Statistics show that, supply chain management will enable the effective implementation of enterprise total cost of about 20 per cent decline in the supply chain node on the enterprise-time delivery rate increased by 15 percent or more, orders to shorten the production cycle time 20 percent to 30 percent, supply chain Node on the enterprise value-added productivity increased by 15 percent or more. More and more enterprises have already recognized that the implementation of supply chain management of the great benefits, such as HP,IBM, DELL, such as supply chain management in the practice of the remarkable achievements made is proof.Supply chain management: it from a strategic level and grasp the overall perspective of the end-user demand, through effective cooperation between enterprises, access from the cost, time, efficiency, flexibility, and so the best results. From raw materials to end-users of all activities, the whole chain of process management.SCM (supply chain management) is to enable enterprises to better procurement of manufactured products and services required for raw materials, production of goods and services and their delivery to clients, the combination of art and science. Supply chain management, including the five basic elements.Plan: This is a strategic part of SCM. You need a strategy to manage all the resources to meet our customers for your products. Good plan is to build a series of methods to monitor the supply chain to enable it to effective, low-cost delivery of high quality for customers and high-value products or services.Procurement: you can choose the products and services to provide goods and services providers, and suppliers to establish a pricing, delivery and payment processes and create methods to monitor and improve the management, and the suppliers to provide goods and services Combined with management processes, including the delivery and verification of documentation, transfer of goods to your approval of the manufacturing sector and payments to suppliers and so on.Manufacturing: arrangements for the production, testing, packaged and ready for delivery, supply chain measurement is the largest part of the contents, including the level of quality, product yield and productivity of workers, such as the measurement.Delivery: a lot of "insider" as "logistics", is to adjust the user's orders receipts, the establishment of the storage network, sending and delivery service delivery personnel to the hands of customers, the establishment of commodity pricing system, receiving payments.Return: This is the supply chain problems in the handling part. Networking customers receive the refund of surplus and defective products, and customer applications to provide support for the problem.Source70 in the late 20th century, Keith Oliver adoption and Skf, Heineken, Hoechst, Cadbury-Schweppes, Philips, and other contact with customers in the process of gradually formed its own point of view. And in 1982, "Financial Times" magazine in an article on the supply chain management (SCM) of the significance, Keith Oliver was that the word will soon disappear, but "SCM" not only not disappeared, and quickly entered the public domain , The concept of the managers of procurement, logistics, operations, sales and marketing activities sense a great deal.EvolutionSupply chain has never been a universally accepted definition, supply chain management in the development process, many experts and scholars have putforth a lot of definition, reflecting the different historical backgrounds, in different stages of development of the product can be broadly defined by these For the three stages:1, the early view was that supply chain is manufacturing enterprises in an internal process2, but the supply chain concept of the attention of the links with other firms 3, the last of the supply chain concept of pay more attention around the core of the network links between enterprises, such as core business with suppliers, vendors and suppliers, and even before all the relations, and a user, after all the users and to the relationship.ApplySupply chain management involves four main areas: supply, production planning, logistics, demand. Functional areas including product engineering, product assurance, procurement, production control, inventory control, warehouse management, distribution management. Ancillary areas including customer service, manufacturing, design engineering, accounting, human resources, marketing.Supply Chain Management implementation steps: 1, analysis of market competition environment, identify market opportunities, 2, analysis of customer value, 3, identified competitive strategy, 4, the analysis of the core competitiveness of enterprises, 5, assessment, selection of partners For the supply chain partners of choice, can follow the following principles:1, partners must have available the core of their competitiveness.2, enterprises have the same values and strategic thinking3, partners must Fewer but Better.CaseAs China's largest IT distributor, Digital China in China's supply chain management fields in the first place. In the IT distribution model generally questioned the circumstances, still maintained a good momentum of development, and CISCO, SUN, AMD, NEC, IBM, and other famous international brands to maintain good relations of cooperation. e-Bridge trading system in September 2000 opening, as at the end of March 2003, and 6.4 billion yuan in transaction volume. In fact, this is the Digital China from the traditional distribution supply chain services to best reflect the changes. In the "distribution of services is a" concept, Digital China through the implementation of change channels, expansion of product and service operations, increasing its supply chain in the value of scale and specialized operations, to meet customer demand on the lower reaches of the In the course of the supply chain system can provide more value-added services, with more and more "IT services" color.供应链管理所谓供应链,其实就是由供应商、制造商、仓库、配送中心和渠道商等构成的物流网络。
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电子商务供应链管理中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)翻译:电子商务对动态供应链管理的影评价摘要最近,互联网及相关信息和通信技术(ICT)使得成本效益的信息能够在供应链的独立各方之间传播.新的供应链战略,如供应商管理库存(VMI业务)协同规划,预测与补货(CPFR),有效消费者反馈(ECR),已开始利用这些新的沟通渠道,特别是在供应链的零售终端.电子商务加强了供应链上的制造商和材料零组件供应商,他们以前不能被很好理解和开发.本文的目的是建立供应链模式的电子商务使信息和通讯技术(ICT)的影响量化,特别是其对动态行为的影响.论文包含简单却充满活力的模型,其对将要实施的供应链动态行为模式下的电子商务提出了相当数量见解.关键词供应链管理动力学;电子商务;EPOS(创新电子支付系统);供应商管理库存;网上购物1. 总述当ICT型的电子商务提出,让供应链中的企业共享市场信息,使得“1-2-1企业”成为可能时,(Peppers&Rogers,1997)几乎没有分析或可量化的证据证明它真正会在配送顾客所需上提高企业的整体绩效.通常的建议是,通过ICT在供应链中的所有企业传递供应链中的信息会提高企业绩效.事实上,最近的研究(Hong-Minh et al.,2000)已经表明,通过供应链的“啤酒游戏”(Ster man,1989年),企业之间简单的传递信息会有一个不利的影响.这是由于伴随着更多的可用信息,调度程序需要知道如何处理它.有很多种方法能使创新的信息流在供应链里得到应用.Kiely(1998)提供了一个良好的起点,他特别强调用需求数据来达到预测的目的.在这篇文章中我们分析4个能够成立的ICT方案的影响,此项分析使通过调查牛鞭效应(Letal,1997a,b)用两种不同的方法把它们传统的供应链加以比较.第一种办法是根据管理飞行模拟器的结果分析啤酒游戏.第二种方法是基于一个量化Z变换分析,其中的应用工具是Disney和To will(2002)高度提倡的.比较和对比这两种方法的目的是评价电子商务在供应链动态质量评估方面的影响.“牛鞭效应”是一项重要措施,因为它是体现出了一个表现不佳的供应链的症状.(琼斯和西蒙,2000年).“牛鞭效应”是一个生产适应成本的代理办法(Stalk and Hout,1990年),并表明持有“以防万一”的库存的意义是为了缓和不明因素.牛鞭效应相当多以实验和观察为依据的证据包括最近的例子显示:供应商两级订单的粮食部门上游的数据是电子销售点(EPOS)的数据的10倍(Jones and Simons,2000).汽车部门收入订单和供应商只有一个单一的梯队供应链的差异比率大概是1:2(Naim et al.,2002).这5个供应链战略是:传统供应链战略——即在供应链上四个"串联"的梯队.网上购物——即分销网络是单道的,信息和物品 在最终消费者和产品供应商之间直接流动.缩减型供应链——即供应链里的一个梯队被移除.供应商管理库存(VMI)——这是模拟通过对供应链里的双方企业制定议定书,给予必要的库存和销售信息,权力和责任给供应商,以便管理客户的库存.电子销售点(EPOS)——市场资讯在供应链中的所有企业之间互传.尽管各种电子商业的情况,可以由四个组四个硕士课程学生根据自己的学识在这两个学术和实践上进行战略的审查或者执行.正是这些大师的学生在实施啤酒游戏.2. 方法论改进个别制造商和供应链的动态行为的研究已是人所共知.最近期的研究方法,可分为下列四类:管理游戏:例如啤酒的游戏对于说明的不同供应链战略的益处来说是有用的.这是麻省理工学院于五十年代末发明的.(sterman,1989)从游戏本身来说,游戏中大致没有什么可以被严格证明.从这个意义上说,游戏是有限制的.但他们确实提供了有价值的证据,并是一个良好的学习手段.其他作者扩展或用计算机处理了啤酒游戏包括van Ackere et al(1993),Kaminsky和Simchi-Levi(1998),Lambrecht和Dejonckheere(1999).实证研究:很多位作者调查了ICT的冲击对供应链的影响.包括Holmstromm(1998),Fransoo和Wouters(2000),Kaipia,Holmström和Tanskanen(2000).然而,此种贡献在已知战略实施以后,量化了改进性能,即不存在预测要素和集,并且研究的焦点就是要找出最佳做法.不幸的是,它并非总是能够比较信息和通信技术的推行策略,其直接原因是由于这些策略在不同性质的环境中实施.统计:这种类型的贡献,通常提供关于需求的特性的影响的统计见解 ,例如标准差和相关性,以及供应链特性,例如首要时间和库存成本中的信息路径和牛鞭效应或需求扩增.统计方法经常被用来量化真实情况的表现.然而,这些方法未能表现出如何减少或消除有害的动态影响,如“牛鞭”,并很少得到从技术上深入探讨影响系统结构性能的原因和结果.这种类型最近的重大贡献包括Lee, So and Tang (2000),Chen, Ryan and Simchi-Levi (2000),Chen,Drezner,Ryan and Simchi-Levi(2000).模拟与系统动力:它是由Forrester(1961)提出,是一种在大型非线性系统内调查动态效果方法,且不诉诸复杂的数学控制理论模型(Edghill和Towill,1989年).仅用模拟方法虽然繁琐,费时,且只提供有限的洞察力(Popplewell和Bonney,1987),但它们确有先发优势,能在模型非线形的同时避免复杂的数学.以前利用模拟所做的工作是非常多产的,其中包括(但绝不仅限于)Forrester(1961),and Coyle(1982),他研究了传统的供应链结构,Cachon andFisher(1997)和Waller,Johnson和Davis (1999)他们研究过VMI.连续控制理论技术:用于生产和库存控制.首先由1978年诺贝尔经济学奖得主赫伯特西蒙(由于他在工作机构动态上的出色研究)第一次提出.西蒙(1952)描述了如何使用线性确定性控制理论来进行生产和库存控制.Axsäter(1985)陈述了一个有用的对于早期工作的评论性论文,总结了这个领域的优势和和劣势.他的结论是,控制理论“说明了非常好的动态效果和反馈”,但不能解决测序和生产批量的问题.瑞典的Linkoping 大学的生产经济学学院的大量研究已被记入文献.他们已经在运用拉普拉斯变换和经济技术,如MRP系统(Grubbstrom,1967)的净现值.连续控制理论受到这样的困扰,即一些调度和订货情况本来就是离散的,而且离散时间的延误的连续表述在数学上是很复杂的.离散控制理论,能够很有效地对抽样数据系统进行调查.例如:调度和订货系统和本质上离散的计算机系统Vassian(1955)从西蒙在连续领域的工作中得到灵感,采用离散控制理论研究了一个生产调度算法.De Winter (1966),在关于新型的供应链结构可能仅有的两个成果的其中之一里,寻找一种用在海军供应链上的集中控制存货.Deziel和Eilon(1967)描述了一个重大的应用.Burns和Burns and Sivazlian(1978)研究一个拥有四个级别的使用的Z变换的传统供应链.Bonney和Popplewell(1988)研究了MRP系统.Dejonck heeretal.(2003a),一直在用Z变换调查共同控制结构中共同预测机制的牛鞭表现.Disney(2001)一直采用离散控制理论来调查供应商管理库存供应链.离散控制理论的缺点在用到数学的时候往往涉及冗长而乏味代数操控.本文中所涉及的方法都是用来分析结果的.例如啤酒游戏的结果,或是在各种情况的ICT下决定牛鞭效应的范围和程度.将这些分析与以前公布的结果进行直接比较,(Hong-Minhetal.,2000)得到了相违背的结果.啤酒游戏的结果包括结构性问题和人类行为方面的问题.后者特征可能包括游戏玩家对游戏理解不够,不确定性决策和错误以及从顾客到供应商订单传送中出错.这时候分析型的Z变换方法被用来比较目标和结果,并用它来推导出供应链牛鞭效应中确定性的反馈系统结构的影响.如果认为ICT 系统将处理供应链中数量庞大的信息交易,并且管理例外的情况时人为干扰影响是有限的.那分析方法就更为重要了.3. 五种供应链的描述这五种供应链研究的设想由下进行总结.下面是对每种供应链的简短说明.3.1 传统供应链传统供应链的特点是由4个“串联”起来梯队组成一个供应链.每个梯队只接收有关当地库存水平和销售的信息.然后每个梯队按照当地供应商的存货水平,销售情况及以前的未取货订单来制定定单(Sterman,1989).3.2 缩减型供应链缩减型供应链是指供应链中的梯队减少了.例如对于的供应链来说,这就代表了零售梯队已经融入于信息和物质流.这是一个用ICT 来缩减梯队的供应链.作为提高供应链的动态性的有效机制,梯队缩减已经被Wikner,Towill和Naim(1991)确认.3.3 网上购物网上购物是指生产商直接从最终消费者那里接到订单(可能像戴尔一样通过互联网),并在生产和分销的第一时间将产品直接邮购给最终消费者.这样的供应链策略与传统的仅一个梯队的供应链具有相同的基本结构.3.4 EPOS可用型供应链EPOS可用型供应链是指最终消费者的销售对于供应链中的所有成员都是可见的.例如,在很多杂货供应链中,通过互联网可以获得EPOS数据.这些数据或是直接从零售商那得到的或是通过第三方得到的.供应链成员可用这些数据对未来的情况进行预测.具体来说,在这种策略中,每个梯队可以用最终消费者的销售作为自己的规划建议,但每梯次仍然需要提供(如果可能的话)他的客户所订的货物.Dejinckheere,Disney,Lambrecht 和Towill(2001)从Mason-Jones(1998)的模拟方法中得到启发,利用Z 变换对这项策略已经进行了全面调查.3.5 供应商管理库存(VMI)VMI具体表述如下:在一个有两个梯队的VMI的关系中供应商(分销商)管理,消费者(零售商)的库存.分销商拥有零售商的销售和库存水平的资料.在此情况下零售商并不给分销商下订单,而是零售商相信分销商供给足够数量的库存来保证零售商有足够的(不是太多)库存.VMI策略的支持者有DisneyHolmstrom,Kaipia和Towill(2001),他们支持供应链中的VMI梯队.在这种情况下,其他的梯队(仓库和工厂)按传统的模式运行.4. ICT对供应链动力学的影响4.1 啤酒游戏的结果Hong-Minh et al.(2000)分析了四个不同的团队采用四种不同的供应链策略的结果,其中的一个团队采用的是前面描述果过的EPO S型供应链.虽然研究结果表明信息共享好处多多,(Mason-Jones and Towill,1997),令人惊讶的是EPOS策略的效果是最差的.当EPOS策略减小了供应链里牛鞭效应的程度是,作为代价的是长时间的存货积压(负的净存货).得出的结论是虽然市场信息及时的在供应链的各个梯队得以分享,供应链里的各方仍有他们自己的订货规则.这就是说,各方没有共同协作.虽然共享市场信息确实是一件好事,但只有把它作为一个商定的整体供应链的决策策略的一部分时,它才会产生收益.(Mason-Jones,1998)为了测试这一假说,EPOS 策略被加上一些特性后重新运行,这些策略包括所有的参与者参与协同规划,预测与补货,也就是CPFR .作为一个涉及16名学生的国际运输方向的硕士课程,啤酒游戏也由目前的作者运行两次.第一次的啤酒游戏按传统模式运行.那就是,啤酒严格按Sterman (1989)所定的规则运行 .第二次的啤酒游戏在学生团结协作下进行.不同的集团重新制定了四个不同的ICT 供应链策略.第一届四阶段时期,需求模式(即所有集团回应)被由一个8面骰子随机抽出,从时间5(两个游戏中指25)需求由一个20片面的骰子产生.为了达到本文的目的,我们对第二组的结果进行了分析.不同的绩效措施被从游戏收集,他们已被总结成方程式1(Chenetal ,2000).2222//CONS ORATE CONS CONS ORATE ORATE i i i i Bullwhip σσμσμσ==这个等式给了衡量牛鞭效应的方法.除了牛鞭措施的衡量,我们还在啤酒游戏中采用了典型性能指标,那就是库存成本.每得到一件货物的库存罚0.5英镑,每少一件库存花费1英镑.股票出招致费用£1.00.库存成本是一个重要的度量因素,因为它最终决定我们能在何种程度上满足顾客以及确定过期库存的危险型.严重的积压成本是有道理的.因为无论我们将供应链的波动程度控制的多么好,如果我们不能满足最终消费者的话,我们最终会被行业所抛弃.游戏的结果汇总在附录中.库存费用作为一个正常能被达到的相对排名从而在在某一特定的供应链策略的实际梯队数量中独立出来.因此,我们将惩罚有较少梯队的供应链.此外,两种EPOS 的结果都会被显示出来.第一个是在研究中做过并在本文中描述过的,它被定义为EPOS-CPFR ,第二个(叫作EPOS-no CPFR )是基于被Hong-minhetal.(2000)记录的有确切结果的EPOS.EPOS-CPFR在最少化方面做的很好,而事实上它就是减少供应链的牛鞭效应.但是,对于EPOS- no CPFR,要支付更多的库存成本,这主要是由于供应链中有长期的存货.除了使存货成本正常化,消除一个梯队或许多梯队的策略仍优于其他的选择.如以前所报告的(例如,见Wikner et al.,1991),消除一个梯队就消除了一个决策点,并减少了总成本.比EPOS-CPFR的结果更令人惊讶的是VMI的情况为既有最差的存货持有成本又有最坏的牛鞭效应.很明显,在游戏中可以看出,尽管提供了详尽的记录议定书的规定,游戏成员在贯彻落实这一构想时存有问题.4.2 Z变换评价我们再一次使用式1以确定牛鞭因素在I级,因为它为提供了一个封闭表达式,使牛鞭能够通过一个Z变换方法而确定下来(Disney Towill, 2002),对牛鞭效应进行量化的学者有(Chenetal, 2000).我们用平方脉冲响应方法来确定每一个供应链策略所产生的牛鞭效应的大小.这种方法是由Disney和Towill(2002)创造的.总的来说,常用的供应链模式可归纳如下:除非对具体战略进行模式化是必要的,生产决策具有有序规则 ,它是基于平均需求的总和,目标商品库存和实际库存中的一小部分的差别,以及目标运输库存与实际运输库存的结构之间的一小部分的区别(John,Naim 和Towill,1994年).这这个结论是适当的.因为Naim和Towill(1995)已表明,这是相等于sterman的(1989)锚定和调整启发式,这个式子能够在玩啤酒游戏中复制人的行为,这是众所周知的.使用Eziel和 Eilon在定序规则里的设置(Disney和Towill,2001年和2002年)可使复杂的数学操控减少.这是正确的,因为Disney和towill(2002)已证明这是一个具有重要的可取的动态特性的一般apiobpcs模式的子集.数学工作也得到了进一步简化,这是通过设置在订货规则里指数预报的平均年龄相等于在两个反馈回路中的逆增益()ti1/减1,并确定了制作/发行的筹备时间相等于两种秩序的时期.这些是为了尽量避免在牛鞭表达式中的极高阶多项式.VMI 的具体情景蓝本是供应商管理其客户的库存水平,并致力确保该存货水平保持在(经共同商定)最低和最高水平之间.尤其是,最低及最高水平不会随时间而改变时.这种情况导致两个梯队的供应链运行起来就像具有一个梯队的供应链,Disney (2001年).我们可以从Disney (2001)那获得对供应商管理库存及其变种的更多信息(尤其是当最低及最高水平随着时间变化).我们的研究结果概述于下.有两个基本牛鞭非公开形式:一为传统,缩减,电子购物和VMI 的供应链模式,另一个为EPOS 供应链模式.我们可以从下得出结论,当订货样式逐渐流向了供应链中的传统供应链,牛鞭将普遍增加.不过我们注意到,通过仔细观察,当接近4i T 时,流向供应链牛鞭效应反而会降低.消除一个梯队,很明显可以除掉牛鞭的根源,因为一套秩序变通是根本无法进行的.有效地消除整个销售网络可使工厂订单率像传统的供应链的第一梯队一样迅速有效.虽然是一个“低科技”的ICT ,移除两梯队的策略在概念上是简单易懂的.由于这些战略不要求调度器的新的行为,所以也许可以解释为何它们在啤酒游戏产生了有利的结果.不过,他们也存在严重的缺点,在实际供应链中消除零售商,分销中心和批发商也就意味着消除了和顾客的近距离接触.所以除非顾客已经准备好接受不呢个近距离接触的弊端,(因为他们可能用书籍或电脑来完成),这个策略就不可能使用.在VMI 的供应链中,我们可以使得两个梯队表现的和一个单一的梯队一样.事实上,我们没有理由不能拥有一个四梯队的VMI 策略,并使得四梯队像一个单一的梯队那样行动. 因此VMI 被用来获得良好的动态订货,并提供与顾客接触的机会.这也许可以解释为何该策略经常被发现用在杂货供应链中.然而EPOS 策略与其他的策略相比,具有一个本质上不同的订货结构,所以我们需要一套新的封闭形式.但是我们可以看到,我们可以从EPOS中得到与VMIJ几乎相同的绩效表现.而且EPOS策略可以与顾客近距离接触,因此将具有更广泛的用途.5. 结论我们依据单一产品或者累计产品类型提出结果.这个结果当评估ICT 对多种产品的影响时一样有效.研究表明,有必要采取适当的分类政策,以便于汇总产品到各类以动态行为为基础的市场(Naimetal.,2002).不同的产品类型可能需要不同的订货政策(Evansetal.,1998)或信息富集策略(Mason-Jones and Towill,1997).我们采取了两种不同的做法来了解ICT对供应链动力学的影响.该Z 变换分析表明有可能创新型的ICT将超越其它策略.但啤酒游戏结果显示ICT增加了人的决策复杂程度,即使清楚所提供的界定协议,也是很难的.因为有太多的信息和和计算需要管理.啤酒游戏还表明,如果对ICT协议管理不善,会增加库存成本.我们的结论是,虽然啤酒是在一个模拟和简化的环境中进行的,但像真实世界一样,人们需要决定哪些结果是不能被立即预知的.Sterman(1989)就表示,在这样的一个环境中,人们并不善于决策.虽然ICT为提高供应链的透明度提供了机会,但同时也创造了一个更复杂的环境使得当人们确实要加以干预使,决策变得更为困难.在传统的打啤酒模式和实施电子商务纲要之间可能有一个供游戏的人通过的学习曲线.电子商务实施纲要显示如果确实存在着学习曲线,那么就表明在简单的情况下学习曲线能够让参与者更快的进步.还有一种可能性是实施者在实施他们的电子商务战略时雄心勃勃.同时,这是不同于真实世界的.公司往往可能在执行新技术时超过了自己的能力和资源以至于太先进的满足了他们的需要,或者是由于在本质上属于资源密集型而无法执行和操作.由于很难保证每个人都受过适当训练,以应对ICT议定书的规定,有必要设计强有力的ICT系统以尽量减少人类干扰.反过来说,在需要人类的互动时,需要用哪些具体信息资源来做出那些特别的决定,这些要求是显而易见的.同时,在现有技术条件下,ICT系统很难处理例外情况,例如旷工或工厂停产.因此需要适当简化程序来使人机交互简单化,以管理例外情况.附录A在不同的供应链中量化牛鞭使用Z变换方法,如表2所示.原文:Assessing the impact of e-business on supplychaindynamicsAbstractThe Internet and related information and communication technologies (ICT) have recently enabled the cost-effective dissemination of information between disparate parties in the supply chain. New supply chain strategies, such as vendor managed inventory (VMI), collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment (CPFR) and efficient consumer response (ECR), have begun to exploit these new communication channels, principally at the retail end of the supply chain. The impact of the e-business enabled supply chain on manufacturers and materials/component suppliers is,however, less well understood and exploited. This paper is aimed at establishing e-business enabled supply chain models for quantifying the impact of ICT, in particular its effect on dynamic behaviour. The paper concludes that simple, yet robust, models enable considerable quantitative insights into the impact of e-business on supply chain dynamic behaviour prior to their implementation.Keywords Supplychaindynamics;Lommerce;ullwhipZQS;Vendormanage dinventory;Shopping1. IntroductionWhile information and communication technologies (ICT) in the form of e-business is advocated as an enabler to the 1–2–1 enterprise (Peppers andRogers, 1997) by allowing market place information to be shared by all businesses in the supply chain, there is little analytical or quantifiable evidence that it will actually improve the overall performance of the enterprise in delivering customer wants. It is usually proposed that passing information to all businesses in the supply chain via ICT will improve performance. In fact, recent research (Hong-Minh et al., 2000) has shown, via the supply chain ‘‘Beer Game’’ (Sterman, 1989), that simply passing information on to businesses can have a detrimental effect. This is due to the fact that, as well as having more information available, schedulers need to know what to do with it.There are many ways in which innovative information flows could be used within supply chains. Kiely (1998) provides a good starting point, specifically focusing on using demand data for forecasting purposes. In this paper we analyse the impact of four ICT enabled scenarios by investigating the bullwhip effect (Lee et al.,1997a, b) using two different approaches and comparing them to a traditional supply chain. The first approach is based on an analysis of the results of a management flight simulator, the Beer Game. The second approach is based on a quantitative z-transform analysis using the tools highlighted by Disney and Towill (2002). The aim is to compare and contrast the two approaches qualitatively to assess the implications of their evaluations of e-business scenarios on supply chain dynamics.Bullwhip is an important measure, being symptomatic of a poorly performing supply chain (Jones and Simons, 2000). It is a surrogate measure of production adaptation costs (Stalk and Hout, 1990) and implies the inclusion of ‘‘just-in-case’’ stock holding to buffer against uncertainties. There is considerable empirical evidence of bullwhip including recent examples in the: * food sector where the supplier orders two tiers further upstream varied 10 times more than the electronic point of sales (EPOS) data (Jones and Simons, 2000).* automotive sector where the ratio of the variance between incoming orders and order to suppliers at just a single echelon in the supply chain was 1:2 (Naim et al., 2002).The five supply chain strategies considered are:* Traditional—in which there are four ‘‘serially linked’’ echelons in the supply chain.* e-Shopping—where the distribution network is by-passed and information and materials flow directly between the end consumer and the product suppliers.* Reduced—where an echelon in the supply chain had been removed.* Vendor managed inventory (VMI)—that is simulated by developing a protocol positioned between two businesses in the supply chain that gives the necessary inventory and sales information, authority and responsibility to the supplier in order to manage the customer’s inventory.* EPOS—where information from the market place is transmitted to all enterprises in the supply chain.Although various e-business scenarios are available the above were chosen by four groups of four Masters Programme students based on their review of commonly quoted and/or implemented strategies in both the academic and practitioner literature. It was these Masters students who implemented the scenarios in the Beer Game.2. MethodologyResearch on improving the dynamic behaviour of individual manufacturing businesses and supply chains is well known. Most recent research methodologies may be categorised as:* Management games: Tools such as the Beer Game that was developed at MIT at the end of the 1950s (Sterman, 1989), are useful to illustrate the benefitsof different supply chain strategies. Games are limited in the sense that generally nothing can be rigorously proved from the game in itself, but they do provide a valuable source of anecdotal evidence and are a good learning device. Other authors have extended or computerised the Beer Game including van Ackere et al. (1993), Kaminsky and Simchi-Levi (1998), and Lambrecht and Dejonckheere (1999a, b).* Empirical studies: A number of authors have investigated the impact of ICT on the supply chain including Holmstr .om (1998), Fransoo and Wouters (2000), and Kaipia et al. (2000). However, this type of contribution looks at quantifying the improvement performance of a known strategy after its implementation; that is, there is no predictive element and the focus of the research is to identify best practices. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to compare ICT implementation strategies directly due to the varying nature of the environments they have been implemented in.* Statistical: This type of contribution typically provides statistical insights about the impact of demand properties such as standard deviation and correlation, and supply chain properties such as lead-times and information paths on inventory costs and the bullwhip effect orTdemand amplification. Statistical methods are often used to quantify the performance of real situations. These methods however, fail to show how to reduce or eliminate the detrimental dynamic effects, such as ‘‘bullwhip’’, and insights into the causes and effects of system structure on performance are rarely obtained in depth from the technique. Recent significant contributions of this type include Lee et al. (2000) and Chen et al., (2000).* Simulation and system dynamics: This approach was advocated by Forrester (1961) as a method of investigating the dynamical effects in large non-linear systems without resorting to complicated mathematical control theory based models (Edghill and Towill, 1989). Simulation approaches alone suffer。