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Means of expressing future time



1. 情态助动词Modal auxiliary –will/shall :

Will/shall do通常用来表示表示将来时间,常常带有情态色彩,即说话人的主观态度和看法可表示预测,预见(Prediction), 意图(Intention), 意愿(Willingness), eg:

1) A: Waiter, will my pizza be long? B: No, I expect it will be round as usual.

2) Two fish were swimming together in a river.“Look,” said the first one. “It’s starting to rain.”“Quick. Let’s swim under the bridge,” said the second fish, “or we’ll get wet.”

3) You will feel better after taking this medicine.

4) I will do it, if you like.

5) What shall I do with your mail? (征询听话人的意图)

will/shall be -ing

表示自然要发生(不包含意图和意愿*intention, *willingness)

1) The train will be arriving at two o’clock.

2) You can use my bike. I won’t be needing it tomorrow.

表示将来某个时间动作正在进行, eg:

1) I’ll be working in America during May.

2) What will you be doing this time tomorrow morning?

比较Will do & will be doing (同为表预测时prediction)

Will do: 常常带有说话人的主观态度和看法& Will be doing: 表示自然要发生

will/shall have done: 在将来某个点上某个动作已完成或刚刚完成

1) I’ll have finished my work by five this afternoon.

2) Before long he will have forgotten all about it.

Will/shall have been –ing某个动作在将来某个点之前已经持续了一段时间,而且还可能继续下去

1) By the end of this month I will have been working here for 20 years exactly.

2) If it rains again tomorrow, then it will have been raining for a whole week.

Will be doing/ will have done/ will have been doing在一定语境下并不表示将来而仅指说话者的猜测,如:

1) It’s already six o’clock. He won’t be working now.

2) He will have received my letter by now.

3) You’ll have been wondering all this time how my invention works.

2. Semi-auxiliary半助动词

a. Be going to do


A: I am going to buy one of those small Japanese radios. B: But how will you understand what they are saying?

How long is he going to stay here?

He’s going to be a doctor when he grows up.

2)Feeling of certainty (prediction) 表预测、预见时表示已有迹象表明要发生或即将发生某种情况

Eg: (Look at the watch) I must be hurry. I’m going to be late.

I feel dizzy. I think I’m going to faint.

Look at these black clouds – there’s going to be a storm.

✧比较Will do & be going to do


Will: 说话者认为、相信某事要发生

Be going to: 有迹象表明某事要发生


Be going to: 有事先经过考虑过

Will: 临时想到的

1) A. Why are you taking down all the pictures? B: I’m going to repaper the room.

2) A: What a terribly heavy box! B: I’ll help you to carry it.

b. Be to do:

表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作,如:1) I am to have tea with Betty this afternoon.

常见于报纸和广播,用于宣布官方计划或决定,如:The Queen is to visit Australia next year.

表命令,禁止等,如:You are to stand here. Do you understand? Tell her she’s not to be late again.

表注定:Everyone is to die.

3. Present progressive (be doing)现在进行时: 表按计划、安排即将发生的动作,常用表示位置转移的动词,如go, come, leave, start, arrive等,也可用于其他动态动词

We’re leaving on Friday.

The plane is taking off at 5:20.

We’re moving to a different hotel the day after tomorrow.

✧比较be doing & be to do


✧比较be doing & be going to do

Be doing 有计划和安排& be going to do只不过考虑了一下,并无确定的计划

4. Simple present一般现在时

常见于条件句和时间分句中(more frequent than in main clauses):

If she comes, I’ll tell her about it.

I’ll give it to you after I return.

在主句中用一般现在时表示将来时间通常指按照时间表或既定日程一定会发生的将来事态: She retires next month.

Tomorrow is Friday.

The train leaves at 7:30 this evening.

✧比较Simple present & be doing

一般现在时表将来:更加正式(more formal), 更加客观(more objective), 具有不可更改性(unalterable)
