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亚马逊订单回信邮件模板大全亚马逊客户购买多种产品发邮件确认产品订单邮件模板DearThankyousomuchforyourgreatsupportonus. Wehavereceivedyourorderof“把订单复制进去”. Wewillworkonyourorderasap,wejustwanttoconfirmtheamountofthecom pass,didyouorder10pcs?Ifnothingiswrong,wewillshipthemasap.Bestregards亚马逊客户因购买的商品大小不合适导致退货的邮件模板DearThankyousomuchforyourgreatsupportonus. Sosorryfortheinconveniencethattheswimmingsuitdidnotfityou. Willitbepossibletogiveothersasa gift?Orhowaboutwemakeyouapartialref undasawaytomakeupforthis?Justsuggestion,ifyouinsistonreturningitback,wewillgotothefurtherstep. Waitingforyourreply.Bestregards亚马逊卖家发错地址邮件模板DearThankyousomuchforyourgreatsupportonus.Whatabigmistakewemade!Sorry,butwillyoustillwanttheitems?Ifyes,wewillresendyouimmediately,ifn ot,wewillmakeyouthefullrefund. Waitingforyourreplyandhopeyourkindunderstanding.Bestregards亚马逊卖家发货到达时间邮件模板DearThankyousomuchforyourgreatsupportonus.Usuallyittakesabout7-12daysfortheitemtoreachyou.Anyquestion,feelfreetocontactusandwewillreachyouatthesoonest. Bestregards亚马逊卖家发货发货后要求买家写反馈的邮件模板DearThankyouverymuchforyourorder! Wehaveshippedthegoodsanditwillarriveatyoursidesoon.Hopeyoulikeit!A ndwearelookingforwardtoyourfeedback.Haveaniceday!Bestregards亚马逊漏发货没有发货缺点击发货后客人需要运单的邮件模板Dear Thankyousomuchforyourgreatsupportandsorryforkeepingyouwaiting.Wecheckedthetrackinginformationfoundthereisnoupdateinformationasy ousaid. Wewillcontactthepostofficetofindouttheproblem. Wewonderwouldyoustillwanttheitem,ifyes,informusthesizeandwewillrese ndyouasap,ifnot,wewillmakeyoutherefund.Waitingforyourreply. Anyinconveniencehopeyourkindunderstanding.Bestregards亚马逊的商品被跟卖,发警告信的邮件模板。



一、未收到货 (4)(1).首次来信 (4)1. 请求等待 (4)2. 请求等待一周 (5)3. 请求等待3天 (5)4.晚发货 (6)a: 晚发货, 请求等待(假装海关扣押了一段时间) (6)b: 晚发货, 假装建议重发 (6)5. 部分未收到,请求等待(拆分订单,无货后寄包裹) (7)6. 建议重发, 未收到,丢包 (7)7. 建议退款, 丢包(无货) (8)8. 建议重发, 部分未收到/发错货 (8)9. 建议退款, 部分未收到/发错货(无货) (8)10. 告知跟踪号(邮政) (9)11. 告知跟踪号(比邮) (9)12. 客户询问跟踪号(没有跟踪号) (10)13. 已签收,未到货(邮政) (10)14. 已签收,未收到/到达待取(挂号) (10)(2)再次来信 (11)1. 建议重发 (11)2. 建议退款 (11)3. 告知将要发出 (12)4. 已重发,请求等待 (12)5. 告知已退款 (13)6. 退款没收到,让客户询问Amazon (13)7.感谢买家答应等待 (13)8.感谢买家的理解 (14)9.买家告知货收到,索要好评 (14)二、物品破损 (15)(1)首次来信 (15)1. 请求拍照-破损 (15)2. 建议重发-破损 (15)3. 建议退款-破损 (16)4. 钻掉了或是什么掉了退部分款 (16)(2)再来信 (17)1. photo收到,建议重发 (17)2. photo收到,建议退款 (17)3. photo未收到,询问 (17)4. 告知24小时内重发 (18)5. 告知已退款 (18)三、描述不符 (18)1. 请求拍照 (18)2. 建议重发,发错货时 (19)3. 建议退款(部分退款,或全部) (19)(2)再来信 (20)1. 告知会重发 (20)2. 告知已退款 (20)四、订单问题 (20)(1)取消交易 (20)1.取消交易-付款前 (20)2.取消交易-已付款,未寄出 (21)3.取消交易-已付款,已寄出 (21)4.拒收 (21)(2)修改地址 (22)1. 可以修改 (22)2. 修改地址-不能修改,货已发 (22)(3). 客户想某个时间到,到不了,问是否继续交易 (22)1. 客户不回复,联系客户,问是否继续交易 (23)2. 客户想某个时间到,不确定,请求等待 (23)五、退货问题 (24)1.不需要,要退回,问原因 (24)2.发退回地址 (24)3.货物退回时(我方出运费) (24)4.货物退回时(对方出运费) (25)5.货物退回时(海外仓) (25)六、建议UPS (26)1.建议使用UPS的(美国站) (26)2.建议使用UPS的(英国站) (26)UPS 无法投递让客户联系当地邮局 (27)七、缺货单,异常单联系 (28)1. 假装包裹破损被退回,建议重发 (28)2. 假装包裹破损被退回,建议退款(无货) (28)3. 假装包裹破损被退回,建议有货寄出无货退款 (29)4. 假装包裹破损被退回,建议自选(无货) (29)八、运送及运费问题 (30)(1) 运费问题 (30)1. 客户问可不可以统一运费 (30)2. 运送问题-屏蔽国家解释 (30)九、中差评claim问题 (31)(1)claim (31)1. 建议重发-漏发,(已回复) (31)2. 建议重发-丢包 (31)3. 已重发,请求等待 (32)4. 建议退款-漏发 (32)5. 建议退款-丢包 (32)6. 建议退款(建议重发无回复) (33)5. 已退款 (33)B: Item not as described (34)1. 请求拍照-破损 (34)2. 建议重发-破损 (34)3. 已重发-破损(有跟踪号) (35)4. 建议退款-破损(质量差) (35)C: Charge backs (36)1. Charge backs问原因 (36)2. 未回复-已签收联系亚马逊 (36)(2)Feedback (37)(1)未收到货物的 (37)1. 建议重发 (37)2. 告知将要重发 (37)3. 已重发-有跟踪号 (38)4. 已重发-问有没有收到 (38)5. 已重发-已签收 (39)6. 建议退款 (39)7. 已退款 (40)8. 已经全额退款,未收到回复,再次联系催促改差评 (41)(2)物品损坏 (41)1. 建议重发 (41)2. 已重发 (42)3. 已重发-已签收 (42)4. 建议退款 (43)5. 建议重发无收到回复,建议退款(请求客户改评时) (43)6. 已退款 (44)(3)质量不满意 (44)1. 建议退款 (44)2. 已退款 (45)(4)尺寸不合适 (45)1. 部分退款 (45)2. 已退款 (46)(5)其他原因 (46)1.没有说明原因 (46)3. 客户答应修改评价,告知步骤 (47)十、联系亚马逊 (48)(1)Case (48)未收到 (48)1. 建议重发-丢包(无回复) (48)2. 已退款-丢包 (48)3. 已退款-丢包(签收) (49)4. 已重发-丢包 (49)5. 已退款-漏发 (50)描述不符 (50)1. 请求照片,未回复-破损 (50)2. 已退款-破损 (50)3. 描述不符,让客户退回,但未退回 (51)(2)Feedback (51)未收到 (51)1. 已重发-已签收(原跟踪号已签收) (51)2. 已重发-已签收(原订单丢包) (52)3. 已退款-丢包 (52)4. 已退款-漏发 (53)破损 (53)1. 已重发-已签收 (53)描述,期望 (54)1. 已退款-客户同意删评 (54)2. 解释藏银银 (54)一、未收到货(1).首次来信1. 请求等待11.18邹Dear Valued Customer,Glad to hear from you. Sorry for letting you wait so long.Your package has been sent out on 日期.And it usually takes around 15-25 business days for arrival because of the package shipped from China. But sometimes it may be delayed by many unsteady factors like customs, flights, weather,etc which are uncontrollable.So could you please give us another some days? Your patience and understanding is so appreciated.And if the package still not arrives then, do remember to contact us again. We will surely give you a fast and satisfactory solution for you, you have my words.Any question or problem, do feel free to contact us. We will reply you within 24 hours.Best regards,Helena2. 请求等待一周11.18邹Dear Valued Customer,Thank you so much for your communication and letting us know the problem. We do appreciate it so much.From the message, we know you are very concerned about the package and we also totally understand the feeling. But international shipment is affected by many unsteady factors. Sometimes, the packages may be delayed a little.And if you like, cou ld you please give us another week? If the package still not arrived then, we’d like to give a refund or re-send for the transaction.And please let us know your idea for the solution of this problem. We sincerely believe we can solve the problem for you faster and more satisfactorily.Look forward to your reply ^_^And we sincerely believe nothing can be a problem with communication.Nice day.Helena3. 请求等待3天11.18邹Hi,Dear Valued Customer,Thank you so much for your communication and letting us know the problem. We do appreciate it so much.From the message, we know you are very concerned about the package and we also totally understand the feeling. But international shipment is affected by many unsteady factors. The packages sometimes may be delayed a little.And if you like, could you please give us 3 days? If the package still not arrived then, we’d like to give a refund or re-send for the transaction.And please let us know your idea for the solution of this problem. We sincerely believe we can solve the problem for you faster and more satisfactorily.Look forward to your reply ^_^And we sincerely believe nothing can be a problem with communication.Nice day.Helena4.晚发货a: 晚发货, 请求等待(假装海关扣押了一段时间)11.18邹Hi,Dear Valued Customer,Sorry to hear that you haven't received the package.After we got your message, we contacted the logistic company immediately.We were told that your package was delayed because of customs inspection, and your package has arrived in your country.So could you please give us a few days more? Your patience and understanding is so appreciated. And if the package still not arrives then, do remember to contact us again. We will surely give you a fast and satisfactory solution for youAny question or problem, do not hesitate to contact us. It’s our biggest pleasure to serve you.Nice dayHelenab: 晚发货, 假装建议重发11.18邹Hi,Dear Valued Customer,Sorry for letting you wait so long.As your question, after we check, I guess that the item was lost by post-workers.How about we resend the order for you to show our regret? If you agree with re-send, any way, we are trying our best to arrive you the item, no matter what would we pay for.Honestly, beg your forgiveness.Look forward to your reply!And we sincerely believe nothing can be a problem with communication.Best regardsHelena5. 部分未收到,请求等待(拆分订单,无货后寄包裹)Hi,Dear Valued Customer,Glad to hear from you.We are so sorry to hear that part of item missing.Please don't worry, after we check. You order was sent out separately.Because of international shipment, sometimes it may be delayed by many unsteady factors like customs, flights, weather, etc which are uncontrollable.So could you please give us another some days? Your patience and understanding is so appreciated.Any questi on or problem, do feel free to contact us. It’s our biggest pleasure to serve you, my dear friend.Best regards,Helena6. 建议重发, 未收到,丢包11.18邹Dear Valued Customer,Sorry for letting you wait so long.As your question, after we check, I guess that the item was lost by post-workers.How about we resend the order for you to show our regret? It usually takes around 15-25 business days for arrival. Or you’d like a refund instead? If you agree with resend, could you please check your address for us? Thanks in advance. Your idea will always be respected.Thanks for your patience and understanding again.Look forward to your reply!And we sincerely believe nothing can be a problem with communication.Nice day,Helena丢包,建议有货重发,无货退款11.18邹Dear Valued Customer,Sorry for letting you wait so long.As your question, after we check, I guess that the item was lost by post-workers.Sorry about the inconvenience that may cause.We would like to send you to the item, but the SKU: is unavailable.How about we refund you the unavailable items and send the other items? What’s your idea? We will respect your idea.Honestly, beg your forgiveness. Thanks for your patience and understanding again.Look forward to your reply!Nice day,Helena7. 建议退款, 丢包11.18邹Dear Valued Customer,Sorry for letting you wait so long.As your question, after we check, I guess that the item was lost by post-workers.We would like to send you to the item, but the item is not availableHow about we refund you the item to show our regret? What’s y our idea? We will respect your idea.Honestly, beg your forgiveness. Thanks for your patience and understanding again.Look forward to your reply!Nice day,Helena8. 部分未收到/发错货建议重发, 11.18邹Dear Valued Customer,Thank you so much for your communication and letting us know the problem. We do appreciate it so much.As your question, after we check, I guess it maybe the negligence of our packaging staff.How about we re-send you the item to show our regret? What’s your idea?By the way, as usual the item will take around 15-25 working days to reach your side. Honestly, beg your forgiveness.Thanks for your patience and understanding again.We will send out the item after get your kind reply.Nice day,Helena9. 部分未收到/发错货, 建议退款,(无货)11.18邹Dear Valued Customer,Thank you so much for your communication and letting us know the problem. We do appreciate it so much.As your question, after we check, I guess it maybe the negligence of our packaging staff.We would like to send you to the item, but the item is not availableHow about we refund you the item to show our regret? What’s your idea? We will respect your idea.Honestly, beg your forgiveness. Thanks for your patience and understanding again.Look forward to your reply!Nice day,Helena10. 告知跟踪号(邮政)11.18邹My Dear Valued Customer, ,Thank you for your purchase, I’m so sorry you waiting so long.This is your tracking number 跟踪号, check website is /en/result/post.shtml. The package status is “状态”.And it usual takes 15-25 days to arrive you from shipping to deliver.So could you please give us another some days? Your patience and understanding is so appreciated.And if the package still not arrives then, do remember to contact us again. We will surely give you a fast and satisfactory solution for youAny question or problem, do not hesitate to contact us. We will reply you within 24 hours.Nice dayHelena11. 告知跟踪号(比邮)My Dear Valued Customer, ,Thank you for your purchase, I’m so sorry you waiting so long.This is your tracking number 跟踪号, check website is /en/contact.. The package status is “状态”. By the way, we use the Belgian Post.And it usual takes 15-25 days to arrive you from shipping to deliver.So could you please give us another some days? Your patience and understanding is so appreciated.And if the package still not arrives then, do remember to contact us again. We will surely give you a fast and satisfactory solution for youAny question or problem, do not hesitate to contact us. We will reply you within 24 hours.Nice dayHelena12. 客户询问跟踪号(没有跟踪号)Dear Valued Customer, ,Glad to hear from you. Thanks for your purchase.Because the price is under £8.00/$8.00/€8.00, tracking numbers will be not update on the web, really sorry take inconvenient to you.But please don’t worry, usually all our items can arrive safely in around 15-25 days because of international shipment. And of course sometimes it may be delayed a little due to many uncontrollable factors like customs, flights, etc.So could you please give us another more days?And if the package still not arrives then, do remember to contact us again.Greetings from China hereHelena13. 已签收,未到货(邮政)Dear Valued Customer,Thank you for your purchase, I’m so sorry you waiting so long.We shipped the item by USPS, this is your tracking number跟踪号, check website is https:///.You can view it./en/result/post.shtml. The package status is “状态”.According to the status, may be it arrived even delivered already, you can dial your local post office ask them send it to you or get it by yourself. Or the package in your postbox?If you get the package or not, please feel free to contact us again.Thanks for your patience again.Any request, contact us freely. We will reply you within 24 hours.Nice day,Helena14. 已签收,未收到/到达待取(挂号)Dear Valued Customer, ,Thank you for your purchase, I’m so sorry you waiting so long.This is your tracking number 跟踪号, check website is /en/result/post.shtml. You can view it.The package status is “状态”.According to the status, may be it arrived even delivered already, you can dial your local post office ask them send it to you or get it by yourself.If you get the package or not, please feel free to contact us again.Thanks for your patience again.Any request, contact us freely. We will reply you within 24 hours.Nice day,Helena(2)再次来信1. 建议重发11.18邹Hi,Dear Valued Customer,Thank you so much for your communication and patience shown in this transaction which we do appreciate so much.We are sorry to know that the package still not arrived. Just as we’ve promised, we’d like solve the problem for you now.How about arranging a re-send for this order? Or you’d like a refund instead? If you agree with resend, could you please check your address for us? Thanks in advance. Your idea will always be respected.We will send out the item after get your kind reply.Best wishes,Helena2. 建议退款11.18邹Hi,Dear Valued Customer,Thank you so much for your communication and patience shown in this transaction which we do appreciate so much.We are sorry to know that the package still not arrives. Just as we’ve promised, we’d like to resolve the problem for you now.How about we refund you the order? You can keep it as a gift when the package arrives later. How do you like this suggestion?Look forward to your reply!And we sincerely believe nothing can be a problem with communication.Best regards,Helena3. A:告知将要发出11.18邹Dear Valued Customer,Thanks for your reply.We will send it out for you within 24 hours. And it usually takes around 15-25 days for arrival. Sincerely hope the package can arrive ASAP ^_^Any question or problem, do feel free to contact us. It’s our biggest pleasure to serve you. We will reply you within 24 hours.Best regards,HelenaB: 已重发有货的,退款无货的11.18邹Dear Valued Customer,Thanks for your kind reply.The refund of unavailable item has been issued, please check your account.We will send remaining item out for you within 24 hours. And it usually takes around 10-15 days for arrival. Sincerely hope the package can arrive ASAP ^_^Any question or problem, do feel free to contact us. It’s our biggest p leasure to serve you. We will reply you within 24 hours.Best regards,Helena4. 已重发,请求等待11.18邹Hi,Dear Valued Customer,We are sorry about that you have not received your first package.Your replacement has been resent on 发货时间. And it usually takes around 15-25 days for arrival. And if you like, could you please give us other days? Sincerely hope the package canarrive ASAP ^_^Please give us a chance, and if the package still not arrives then, do remember to contact us again. We will give you a full refund. We don’t want to let you disappointed. Let customer satisfaction is our aim.Any question or problem, do feel free to contact us. It’s our biggest pleasure to serve you.Best regards,Helena5. 告知已退款11.18邹Hi,Dear Valued Customer,Thanks for your kind reply.The refund has been issued for you, please check it.Thank you again for your patience and consideration shown in this transaction.If the package happens to arrive you, please just keep it as a gift.Any question or problem, do not hesitate to contact us. We will reply you within 24 hours.Nice day,Helena6. 退款没收到,让客户询问AmazonHi,Dear Valued Customer,Sorry to hear that you haven't received your refund.But we indeed did a refund to you. Please see the attachment.We have attach the picture to show refund status.The refund only retreat to your account which you paid for this order.If possible, maybe you could ask Amazon for a bright answer.The refund should be returned to your account automatically.Any question or problem, do not hesitate to contact us.It’s our biggest pleasure to serve you.Nice day.Helena感谢买家答应等待11.18邹Dear Valued Customer,Thanks for your kind patience and big understanding, hope it will arrive you soon.Any question or problem, do feel free to contact us. We will reply you within 24 hours.Best regards,Helena感谢买家的理解Dear Valued Customer,Thanks for your big understanding. You are a very nice customer.Any question or problem, do feel free to contact us. We will reply you within 24 hours.Best regards,Helena买家告知货收到,索要好评Dear Valued Customer,We are so happy to hear that you have received the item.Thank you again for your big patience and understanding shown in this transaction. We do appreciate it so much.Do you like it? Your shopping experience is very important to us and our business. We would like to invite you to leave positive feedback on our products and service.Thank you for your kindly help, and we look forward to providing you with the best buying experience again on Amazon!Best wishes,Helena买家告知货收到Dear Valued Customer,We are so happy to hear that you have received the item.Thank you again for your big patience and understanding shown in this transaction. We do appreciate it so much.Best regards,Helena索要好评Dear Valued Customer,It’s our biggest pleasure to serve you, my dear buyer.Satisfying every customer is our principle.Hope you can give us a positive feedback for our service.Greetings from China hereBest wishes,Helena二、物品破损(1)首次来信1. 请求拍照-破损11.18邹Hi,Dear Valued Customer,Thank you so much for your communication and letting us know the problem. We do appreciate it so much.We are so sorry to know that the item was damaged. Could you please take a photo of the damaged item? No hard feelings, it’s just our routin e work and will also help us find out the exact reason for the damage in order to avoid the same problem again.Thank you so much for your help and understanding.And we sincerely believe nothing can be a problem with communication.Look forward to your reply!Best wishes,Helena2. 建议重发-破损11.18邹Dear Valued Customer,Thank you so much for your communication and letting us know the problem. We do appreciate it so much.Sorry about that the item was damaged.But please don’t worry; we’d like to fix the problem for you.How about re-send you a perfect one to replace the damaged one? As to the damaged one, no need to send back. Certainly, we will pay for the postage.It will be sent out after get your kind reply.Look forward to your reply!Best wishes,Helena3. 建议退款-破损11.18邹Dear Valued Customer,Thank you so much for your communication and letting us know the problem. We do appreciate it so much.Sorry about that the item was damaged.But please don’t worry; we’d like to fix the problem for you.How about refund you the damaged item? And you don’t need to return the damaged item to us. Or what’s your idea?Look forward to your reply!Best regards,Helena4. 钻掉了或是什么掉了退部分款Hi,Dear Valued Customer,Sorry to hear that.But don’t worry. We would like to resolve the problem for you now.How about we refund you 金额to show our regret?What’s your idea? We will respect your idea always.We are sorry for having you through this inconvenience.Looking forward to your reply!Best wishes,Helena(2)再来信1. photo收到,建议重发Dear Valued Customer,We got the photo. Thank you so much for your effort in this matter.Just as we promised, we’d like to fix the problem for you now.How about re-sending you a new one to replace the damaged one? As to the damaged one, no need to send back. W e really don’t want to trouble you on the returning.And we will also package the item much better to avoid the same problem again.How do you like this suggestion?Look forward to your reply!Best wishes,Helena2. photo收到,建议退款Hi,Dear Valued Customer,We have received the photo you taken. Thank you so much for your effort in this matter.Just as we promised, we’d like to fix the problem for you now.How about we do a refund for this matter? And you don’t need to return the item at your expense. How do you like this suggestion?Or what’s your idea? Your idea will be respected always.Look forward to your reply!Best wishes,Helena3. photo未收到,询问Hi,Dear Valued Customer,Thank you so much for your help. But we still have not received the photo that you sent to us. Could you please try again?Thank you again for your help and consideration.Look forward to your reply!Nice day.Helena4. 告知24小时内重发Hi,Dear Valued Customer,Thanks for your kind letter.We will re-send the item for you in 24 hours. And we will also package it more carefully in order to avoid the same problem again.And it usually takes around 15-25 days for arrival. Hope the package can arrive ASAP. Thank you again for your understanding and communication shown in this transaction.Any question or problem, do not hesitate to contact us. It’s our biggest pleasure to serve you.Best regardsHelena5. 告知已退款Hi,Dear Valued Customer,Thanks for your kind reply.The refund has been issued just as we agreed. Please check it.Thank you again for your understanding and communication shown in this transaction.Any question or problem, do not hesitate to contact us. It’s our biggest pleasure to serve you.Best regards,Helena三、描述不符(1)首次来信1. 请求拍照-发错货时11.18邹Hi,Dear Valued Customer,We are really sorry to hear that. And thank you so much for your communication for letting us know this problem.Did we send the wrong item to you? In order to find the best solution for this matter, could we trouble you to take a photo of the item you received?And we will surely give you a most satisfactory solution for you.Look forward to your reply!Best wishes,Helena2. 建议重发-发错货时11.18邹Hi,Dear Valued Customer,We are really sorry to hear that. And thank you so much for your communication for letting us know this problem.How about re-sending you the right one for you? As to the original one, no need to send back. We really don’t want to trouble you.How do you like this suggestion?Look forward to your reply!Have a nice dayHelena3. 建议退款(部分退款,或全部)Hi,Dear Valued Customer,We are really sorry to hear that. And thank you so much for your communication for letting us know this problem.How about we refund you 退款金额for this matter? And you don’t need to return the item. How do you like this suggestion?Or what’s your idea? Your idea will be respected always.Look forward to your reply!And we sincerely believe nothing can be a problem with communication.Best wishes,Helena(2)再来信1. 告知会重发Hi,Dear Valued Customer,We will re-send the item for you in 24 hours.Thank you again for your understanding and communication shown in this transaction.And it usually takes around 15-25 days for arrival. Hope the package can arrive ASAP.Any question or problem, do not hesit ate to contact us. It’s our biggest pleasure to serve you.Have a nice dayHelena2. 告知已退款Hi,Dear Valued Customer,We have issued the refund just as we agreed, please check it.Thank you again for your communication and kindness in this matter.Any question or problem, do not hesitate to contact us. It’s our biggest pleasure to serve you.Best wishes,Helena四、订单问题(1)取消交易1.取消交易-付款前Dear Valued Customer,Because the payment is pending, so we could not operate it for you. You can contact the Amazon.Any question or problem, do feel free to contact us. Thank you.Best wishes,Helena2.客户取消交易-已付款,未寄出Dear Valued Customer,Your order has been canceled and the refund will be returned to your account automatically. Please check your account.Any question or problem, do feel free to contact us. Thank you.Best wishes,Helena3.客户取消交易-已付款,已寄出Hi,Dear Valued Customer,We are sorry to hear that you’d like to cancel the order. And we’d like to, but the package has already sent out to you.Is it possible to continue the transaction? Since the package is already on its way to you?Thank you so much for your understanding and consideration.Look forward to your reply!Have a nice day.Helena4.拒收Dear Valued Customer, ,Thanks for your reply.Please refuse the package if the package happens to reach your side one day. Hope you could understand us.And when we get the package, we will refund you. Hope you could understand us.We sincerely believe nothing can be a problem with communication.Any question or problem, do not hesitate to contact us. We will reply you within 24 hours.Best regards,Helena(2)修改地址1. 可以修改Hi,Dear Valued Customer,Ok, no problem. We will ship the order to the new address.Thanks for your support.Best wishes,Helena2. 修改地址-不能修改,货已发Hi,Dear Valued Customer,We are sorry but your order has already been sent out to the original address shown on Amazon. Maybe you can ask someone there to receive the package for you first. OK?Any question or problem, do feel free to contact us. Thank you.Have a nice dayHelena(3). 客户想某个时间到,到不了,问是否继续交易Hi,Dear Valued Customer,Glad to get your request.It usual takes 15-25 days from ordered date to delivered date.But, as you know, it is international shipment. But sometimes it may be delayed by many unsteady factors like customs, flights, weather, etc which are uncontrollable. So we could NOT make you a promise that the item could reach your side before 某个时间.The parcel maybe will miss your delivery date. How about cancel this order for you? Or you want to continue the transaction?Look forward to your kind reply.Have a nice dayHelena1. 客户不回复,联系客户,问是否继续交易HiDear Valued Customer, ,Glad to write you again.We have replied you on 时间, but get no reply from you. Maybe you are so busy.Thanks for your purchase.The parcel maybe will miss your delivery date. How about cancel this order for you? Or you want to continue the transaction?Look forward to your kind reply.Nice day.HelenaIf you don't reply us within 48 hours, we will cancel the order for you to make my own decisions.2. 客户想某个时间到,不确定,请求等待HiDear Valued Customer, ,Glad to get your request.Your package has been sent out on 时间It usual takes 15-25 days from ordered date to delivered date.But, as you know, it is international shipment. But sometimes it may be delayed by many unsteady factors like customs, flights, weather, etc which are uncontrollable. So we could NOT make you a promise that the item could reach your side before某个时间.Thanks for your patience.Any question, please contact us feel freely.Nice day,Helena五、退货问题1.不需要,要退回,问原因11.18邹Hi,My Dear Valued Customer,Thanks for your purchase.We are so sorry to hear that you would like return the item. Could you kind tell us why do you want to return it?Did you receive the package? Does the item was broken? Or we sent the wrong item to you? What is the matter with item?We will surely give you a fast and satisfactory solution for you.Look forward to your reply ^_^And we sincerely believe nothing can be a problem with communication.Nice day.Helena2.发退回地址Hi,My Dear Valued Customer,It's our return address:5th Floor Building 1,Jingang Road West 2011, Jin Yi new district,Jinhua city,Zhejiang Province,321000, ChinaPhonenumber:138****1998Please tell us tracking number when you return, we will refund to you. ThanksAny question or problem, do not hesitate to contact us. It’s our biggest pleasure to serve you. Look forward to your replyNice dayHelena3.货物退回时(我方出运费)Hi,My Dear Valued Customer,。




那么你的理想目标是什么呢?亚马逊旺季就要来了,Are you Ready?旺季来临之前,卖家都会根据不同的节日提前备货,做好售后服务,保证账号安全。



一、ODR表现差强人意,账号被冻结这时候申诉成了唯一救活账号的途径,下方是一件成功拿回销售权的申诉信供参考:Dear Amazon Seller Performance T eam,We understand that recently our performance as a seller on has fallen below both Amazon's and our own standards of quality.I believe it is mainly because of our inadequate communication that we have recently seen two A-z guarantee claims which have resulted in our ODR exceeding the performance target of <1%.Unfortunately, we changed the Listings Status to be Inactive from 23/01/2014 to 06/02/2014 because of a long vacation, obviously,the two complaints are nightmare during the period without order.Plan of Action: We are taking the following steps to improve ourperformance:1. Review all of products to make sure that the pictures and descriptions are accurately match with our products.2. Most importantly, we will complete the investigation more quickly and proactively(within12 hours)to any problems with customer orders to keep our customers moreinformed and help prevent A-z guarantee claims as much as possible, then replacement or a full refund will be done within 24 hours3.In addition, we will more aggressively monitor our performance metrics to assure we are meeting the standards set by Amazon and our own standards of quality customer service.信件中提到了关于造成如此状况的原因,还有给予准确的时间范围。



1.亚马逊卖家发货到达时间邮件模板Dear ___,Thank you so much for your great support on us.Usually it takes about 7-12 days for the item to reach you.Any question, feel free to contact us and we will reach you at the soonest.Best regards2. 回复买家询问物流情况的邮件模板Dear ___,Thanks for your message. Hope you are great.Sorry for disturbing you, we tracked your shipping. The package is now on the way to your place(it is now reaching your local post office).International shipping information may not update so prompt, usually it takes around 7-15 days for shipping. Could you please keep your patience and wait for a few more days? We will keep tracking for you, any news we will inform you asap.Your understanding will be highly appreciated.Best regards3.先填单,漏发货后,向客人解释的邮件模板Dear ___,Thank you so much for your great support and sorry for keeping you waiting.We checked the tracking information found there is no update information as you said.We will contact the post office to find out the problem.We wonder would you still want the item, if yes, inform us the size and we will resend you asap. If not, we will make you the full refund.Waiting for your reply.Any inconvenience hope your kind understanding.Best regards4. 产品发货后,客户提出要换货的回信邮件模板Dear ___,Thanks for contact with us.Sorry to tell you that the item have been dispatched, and we can't change it for you now .We knew you receive it and it is not suitable for you.To express our apologize, we provide few suggestion following by:1.We will arrange a suitable replacement for you for free2.We can refund full price for you.Which one do you prefer?Sorry for all inconvenience it led to.Looking forward to your reply.Sincerely,5. 亚马逊卖家邀feedback的邮件模板Dear----Thank you for your purchase! Order id_______________.I am writing to concern whether you have receive your item.Are you satisfied with our product and service.If you have any question with your order,please contact with us.We would try our best to solve it.If you are satisfied with our services, would you please give us a honor to share your feeling on the following link:Thanks in advance. We will really appreciate with it.Have a nice day!Best regards6. 买家要求退货,卖家回信邮件模板(自发货)Dear----Thank you for contacting us regarding your inquiry.We found your return request. Could I know the reason why you want to refund?Are there any issues of our product?If yes, could you sent the photo of the issues thus we can help you better and submit to QC.Will it be possible to give new one as a compensation?Or how about we make you a partial refund as a way to make up for this?Looking forward to your reply soon.Best regards7. 亚马逊客户退货的询问原因邮件模板Dear ---Thank you so much for your great support on us.So sorry for the inconvenience it caused.Could I know the reason why you return the item?Are there any issues of our product?If yes, could you sent the photo of the issues thus we can help you better and submit to QC.Waiting for your reply.Best regards8. 客户询问货物的tracking number的回信邮件模板Dear————,Thank you for contacting us regarding your inquiry.Orders are shipped within two days after they are placed. Usually, we are able to ship orders the next day. Weekend orders are shipped on the following Monday. Please allow 3-7 business days after shipment for delivery. You will receive a shipping confirmation email from Amazon when the shipping information has been uploaded.Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated. If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.Best regards9.索取Review模板Dear————,My name is X and I am the owner of [Your Amazon Store Name]. I want to personally thank you for being one of our customers!I noticed that your order was delivered recently. Product Ordered: XYour order: https:///gp/your ... ID%3D[insert customer's order # inside these brackets and delete brackets]I hope that you've had a chance to try the product. I want to make sure that you are 100% happy. If you have any issues, please reply to this email so I can make it right! (In fact, I love to hear from people who are enjoying my products, so I'd like to hear from you even if everything has gone smoothly!)If you are not satisfied with the product, please give us a chance to make it right! Respond to this email, and I will do whatever it takes to make you happy.We'd be honored to get your honest experience and suggestion of the product!https:///review/ ... es%23Thank you again for ordering from [Your Amazon Store Name]. We truly appreciate your business. We LOVE our customers and we will always be here if you need us.Wishing you the best,10.亚马逊的商品被跟卖,发警告信的邮件模板Dear “ B ”,It has come to our attention that “ B ”is using the " A " trademark without license or prior written authorization from " A "." A " holds federal trademark registrations in the United States. So “ B ”listings violate " A " trademark and intellectual property rights. You are also in breach of Amazon’s Participation Agreement.Therefore, we demand that you immediately remove all listings on in which “ B ”utilizes our trademarks and images protected by copyright.“ B ”currently has at least one listing on for products that utilize“A’s”trademarks and/or copyrights without authorization. See the following ASIN: B001234567 (写自己的ASIN)" A " is the only entity authorized to provide authorization to sell its products on . Your listing constitutes a violation of " A's " trademark rights, copyrights, and Amazon’s Participation Agreement.“ B ”'s infringing listings must be removed immediately to prevent damage to " A " brand and lost sales.While " A " has many options available under this state. But we would prefer to resolve this matter amicably. Please confirm to us in writing within 24 hours, that you have:(1) Removed all of " A’s " trademarks and copyright material from your listings and any other website or public display you operate;(2) Removed all of " A’s " listings of products it claims to be associated with " A’s ", including but not limited to the ASINs listed aboveFailure to take action within 24 hours will force us to report this serious violation to the Amazon seller performance team. This is licensed products to as well, Amazon seller performance team will take such violations very seriously, possibly resulting in removal of your selling privileges on .Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please contact us if you have any questions.Legal on behalf of " A "11.邀请顾客成为老客户群邮件Dear_______,Thanks for your kindly support for 店铺名.To express our grateful, we want to invite you join in our “VIP team(自己取名)”Our VIP team member(自己取名)can experience our new product in advance and enjoy discount .Just contact us with order ID by contacting our email on attachment.(把邮箱放在附件上)We are waiting for your email.Have a good time.Best regards,12.买家不知道如何使用产品的回信邮件模板Dear————,Thank you for contacting us regarding your inquiry.We are really grateful with your question Thus we can realize our shortage of product listing.We will update our listing to perfect our product information.There is the latest instruction of our product .Please check the attachment for your reference.If you still have any question, please be free to contact with us.We will do our best to help you ASAP.Best regards,13.给买家补发自发货售后件的通知模板Dear————,Hope you are fine and doing well.We have already arrange the replacement to you for your reference.(产品具体参数)The tracking number is _______________, please click the attachment to get more detail .It will take 7-10 day to arrive your city because of the long distance.Thanks for your kindly understanding and support.If you still have any question, please be free to contact with us.We will do our best to help you ASAP.Best regards,14.差评跟进邮件(进度一)Dear————,How are you recently? Hope you and your family are good.We found your review for (产品).We are really sorry for the inconvenience it causedTo express our apologize, we provide few suggestion following by:1.We will arrange a suitable replacement for you for free2.We will provide a claim code for you.3.Or refund allWhich one do you prefer?Looking forward to your reply soon.Best regards,15.差评跟进邮件(进度二)Dear————Hope you have a great time.I am writing to concern whether you have receive the replacement.If you still have any question with your order, please contact with us.We would try our best to solve it.If you are satisfied with our services, could you do me a big favor to upgrade the r eivew? The following link:————————————————————————————It is really important for me.We will really appreciate for it.Sincerely,16.客户订购多个产品,卖家发邮件确认产品订单Dear ——,Thank you so much for your great support on us.We have received your order of “XXXXXX”.We will work on your order asap, we just want to confirm the amount of the compass, did you order 10(数量)pcs?产品参数——————————————————If nothing is wrong, we will ship them asap.Seller’s name17.卖家发错地址Dear____,Thank you so much for your great support on us.What a big mistake we made!Sorry, but will you still want the items? If yes, we will resend you immediately and make you a partial refund , if not, we will make you the full refund.Waiting for your reply and hope your kind understanding.Best RegardsSeller’s name18.客户因订购的商品大小不合适导致退货Dear——,Thanks so much for your great support on 店铺名.So sorry for the inconvenience that the swimming suit(产品名)did not fit you.Will it be possible to give others as a gift? Or how about we make you a partial refund as a way to make up for this?Just suggestion, if you insist on returning it back, we will go to the further step.Waiting for your reply.。

亚马逊POA退货率高申诉 邮件模板

亚马逊POA退货率高申诉 邮件模板

退货率高申诉邮件模板一:Dear Amazon team,We are so sorry to find that our listing of(ASIN)which is fulfilled by Amazon team has been off the shelf because of the high product return rate on 22th July.We have check all the listings and product packaging carefully. And we also check the FBA customers returns in 90 days:4 returns : product is not the same as the description6 returns: defective3 returns: customers do not want the productTherefore, here are some solutions to solve these problems above:4 customers say ‘the description does not match the actual usage.The description on the detail page xxxxxxxxx Actually, xxxxxxxOur solution:1.We modified the description on the details page and delete the words or phrases related to xxxxx in order not to confuse or misunderstand consumers.2. We will place the characteristics and instructions of the product in a noticeable position, upload some detail images and try our best to describe the products as accurate as possible.T he product doesn’t work:We are committed to improving the quality of our products. All of the products have been repeatedly checked by our quality supervision departments. Maybethere are some defective items cause by transportation leading to the guests will receive the damaged product sometimes .Our solution:1. We will continue to improve the product quality and the package quality. Increase the compression resistance of the package to protect the product.2. Check more times, make sure the products are qualified before shipment, so the customers can receive the satisfactory products.3.We will choose a better logistics carriers to ensure the safe transport of products.4.We will always choose FBA for our delivery.Unwanted item/Did not like itMaybe some customers have a high expectation for this product. Or after they bought it, they changed their minds.Our solution:We takes photos by using the real product, try our best to restore the essence of the product to make the descriptions closest to the real.其它Above all, we will focus on the customer experience and improve the product quality continuously.Thank you for your service.Best regards,XXX team邮件模板二:Dear Amazon Seller Support,We are so sorry for any inconvenience to the customer and Amazon team. Also so sorry to find that the offer of ASIN:XXXXX, which is fulfilled by Amazon, currently suspended because of high rate of negative customer experience.According to the comments provided by the customer, we have taken action to avoid this happening again:1. Customer Comments| XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX(针对上面问题为什么产生的解释)Our solution:xxxxx(针对问题的解决方案)2. Customer Comments| Do not know how to useXXXXXXXXX(针对上面问题为什么产生的解释)Our solution:We will add more images and information about how to use on the detail page and given a more detailed use method in the manual. Sending the more detail pdf version of the manual to the customer if they need.其它涉及到该产品详情,不展示了。



亚马逊英文邮件格式范文Amazon is a multinational technology company that has become a leading player in various industries, including e-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence. As a global corporation, Amazon frequently communicates with its customers, partners, and employees through email. In this context, the company has developed a standard format for its English emails, ensuring professionalism, clarity, and consistency across all its digital communications.The structure of an Amazon English email typically follows a well-defined template. It begins with a concise and informative subject line that succinctly conveys the email's purpose. For instance, "Order Confirmation #123456" or "Update on Project X." The subject line serves as a crucial guide for recipients, allowing them to quickly grasp the email's content and prioritize their responses accordingly.Following the subject line, the email body commences with a polite greeting, often addressing the recipient by name or using a professional salutation such as "Dear [Name]," or "Hello," depending on the context and relationship with the recipient. This personalized approach helps establish a warm and respectful tone from the outset.The subsequent paragraph introduces the email's main content, clearly stating the purpose and providing relevant background information. Amazon's emails are known for their concise and straightforward language, ensuring that the message is conveyed effectively without unnecessary verbosity. The company's writing style prioritizes clarity over complexity, making it easy for recipients to comprehend the information being conveyed.Depending on the nature of the email, the body may contain additional sections or specific details. For instance, in the case of an order confirmation, the email would include the order details, shipping information, and any relevant instructions or disclaimers. If the email pertains to a project update or a customer inquiry, the body would provide comprehensive information addressing the specific issue or concern.Throughout the email, Amazon employs a consistent tone and language that aligns with its brand identity. The company's communications are professional yet friendly, reflecting its customer-centric approach. Whenever appropriate, Amazon may incorporate relevant visuals, such as product images or infographics, to enhance the email's clarity and visual appeal.As the email approaches its conclusion, Amazon often includes acall-to-action or next steps, guiding the recipient on any necessary follow-up actions or providing additional resources or contact information if further assistance is required. This proactive approach ensures that the communication remains seamless and that any outstanding queries or concerns are promptly addressed.Finally, the email concludes with a polite closing remark, such as "Thank you for your business," or "Best regards," followed by the sender's name and relevant contact information. This closing reinforces Amazon's commitment to customer satisfaction and strengthens the relationship with the recipient.Throughout the entire email, Amazon maintains a consistent tone, formatting, and attention to detail, ensuring that its communications are professional, informative, and aligned with the company's brand values. By adhering to this standardized format, Amazon not only streamlines its email communications but also cultivates a sense of trust and reliability among its diverse stakeholders, contributing to its reputation as a customer-centric and technologically advanced organization.。



1.亚马逊卖家发货到达时间邮件模板Dear ___,Thank you so much for your great support on us.Usually it takes about 7-12 days for the item to reach you.Any question, feel free to contact us and we will reach you at the soonest. Best regards2. 回复买家询问物流情况的邮件模板Dear ___,Thanks for your message. Hope you are great.Sorry for disturbing you, we tracked your shipping. The package is now on the way to your place(it is now reaching your local post office).International shipping information may not update so prompt, usually it takes around 7-15 days for shipping. Could you please keep your patience and wait for a few more days? We will keep tracking for you, any news we will inform you asap.Your understanding will be highly appreciated.Best regards3.先填单,漏发货后,向客人解释的邮件模板Dear ___,Thank you so much for your great support and sorry for keeping you waiting.We checked the tracking information found there is no update information as you said. We will contact the post office to find out the problem.We wonder would you still want the item, if yes, inform us the size and we will resend you asap.If not, we will make you the full refund.Waiting for your reply.Any inconvenience hope your kind understanding.Best regards4. 产品发货后,客户提出要换货的回信邮件模板Dear ___,Thanks for contact with us.Sorry to tell you that the item have been dispatched, and we can't change it for you now .We knew you receive it and it is not suitable for you.To express our apologize, we provide few suggestion following by:1.We will arrange a suitable replacement for you for free2.We can refund full price for you.Which one do you prefer?Sorry for all inconvenience it led to.Looking forward to your reply.Sincerely,5. 亚马逊卖家邀feedback的邮件模板Dear----Thank you for your purchase! Order id_______________.I am writing to concern whether you have receive your item.Are you satisfied with our product and service.If you have any question with your order,please contact with us.We would try our best to solve it.If you are satisfied with our services, would you please give us a honor to share your feeling on the following link:Thanks in advance. We will really appreciate with it.Have a nice day!Best regards6. 买家要求退货,卖家回信邮件模板(自发货)Dear----Thank you for contacting us regarding your inquiry.We found your return request. Could I know the reason why you want to refund? Are there any issues of our product?If yes, could you sent the photo of the issues thus we can help you better and submit to QC.Will it be possible to give new one as a compensation?Or how about we make you a partial refund as a way to make up for this?Looking forward to your reply soon.Best regards7. 亚马逊客户退货的询问原因邮件模板Dear ---Thank you so much for your great support on us.So sorry for the inconvenience it caused.Could I know the reason why you return the item?Are there any issues of our product?If yes, could you sent the photo of the issues thus we can help you better and submit to QC.Waiting for your reply.Best regards8. 客户询问货物的tracking number的回信邮件模板Dear————,Thank you for contacting us regarding your inquiry.Orders are shipped within two days after they are placed. Usually, we are able to ship orders the next day. Weekend orders are shipped on the following Monday. Please allow 3-7 business days after shipment for delivery. You will receive a shipping confirmation email from Amazon when the shipping information has been uploaded. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated. If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.Best regards9.索取Review模板Dear————,My name is X and I am the owner of [Your Amazon Store Name]. I want to personally thank you for being one of our customers!I noticed that your order was delivered recently. Product Ordered: XYour order: https:///gp/your ... ID%3D[insert customer's order # inside these brackets and delete brackets]I hope that you've had a chance to try the product. I want to make sure that you are 100% happy. If you have any issues, please reply to this email so I can make it right! (In fact, I love to hear from people who are enjoying my products, so I'd like to hear from you even if everything has gone smoothly!)If you are not satisfied with the product, please give us a chance to make it right! Respond to this email, and I will do whatever it takes to make you happy.We'd be honored to get your honest experience and suggestion of the product! https:///review/ ... es%23Thank you again for ordering from [Your Amazon Store Name]. We truly appreciate your business. We LOVE our customers and we will always be here if you need us.Wishing you the best,10.亚马逊的商品被跟卖,发警告信的邮件模板Dear “ B ”,It has come to our attention that “ B ” is using the " A " trademark without license or prior written authorization from " A "." A " holds federal trademark registrations in the United States. So “ B ”listings violate " A " trademark and intellectual property rights. You are also in breach of Amazon’s Participation Agreement.Therefore, we demand that you immediately remove all listings on in which “ B ”utilizes our trademarks and images protected by copyright.“ B ” currently has at least one listing on for products that utilize “A’s”trademarks and/or copyrights without authorization. See the following ASIN: B001234567 (写自己的 ASIN)" A " is the only entity authorized to provide authorization to sell its products on . Your listing constitutes a violation of " A's " trademark rights, copyrights, and Amazon’s Participation Agreement.“ B ” 's infringing listings must be removed immediately to prevent damage to " A " brand and lost sales.While " A " has many options available under this state. But we would prefer to resolve this matter amicably. Please confirm to us in writing within 24 hours, that you have:(1) Removed all of " A’s " trademarks and copyright material from your listings and any other website or public display you operate;(2) Removed all of " A’s " listings of products it claims to be associated with " A’s ", including but not limited to the ASINs listed aboveFailure to take action within 24 hours will force us to report this serious violation to the Amazon seller performance team. This is licensed products to as well, Amazon seller performance team will take such violations very seriously, possibly resulting in removal of your selling privileges on .Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please contact us if you have any questions.Legal on behalf of " A "11.邀请顾客成为老客户群邮件Dear_______,Thanks for your kindly support for 店铺名.To express our grateful, we want to invite you join in our “VIP team(自己取名)”Our VIP team member(自己取名)can experience our new product in advance and enjoy discount .Just contact us with order ID by contacting our email on attachment.(把邮箱放在附件上)We are waiting for your email.Have a good time.Best regards,12.买家不知道如何使用产品的回信邮件模板Dear————,Thank you for contacting us regarding your inquiry.We are really grateful with your question Thus we can realize our shortage of product listing.We will update our listing to perfect our product information.There is the latest instruction of our product .Please check the attachment for your reference.If you still have any question, please be free to contact with us.We will do our best to help you ASAP.Best regards,13.给买家补发自发货售后件的通知模板Dear————,Hope you are fine and doing well.We have already arrange the replacement to you for your reference.(产品具体参数)The tracking number is _______________, please click the attachment to get more detail .It will take 7-10 day to arrive your city because of the long distance.Thanks for your kindly understanding and support.If you still have any question, please be free to contact with us.We will do our best to help you ASAP.Best regards,14.差评跟进邮件(进度一)Dear————,How are you recently? Hope you and your family are good.We found your review for (产品).We are really sorry for the inconvenience it caused To express our apologize, we provide few suggestion following by:1.We will arrange a suitable replacement for you for free2.We will provide a claim code for you.3.Or refund allWhich one do you prefer?Looking forward to your reply soon.Best regards,15.差评跟进邮件(进度二)Dear————Hope you have a great time.I am writing to concern whether you have receive the replacement.If you still have any question with your order, please contact with us.We would try our best to solve it.If you are satisfied with our services, could you do me a big favor to upgrade the r eivew?The following link:————————————————————————————It is really important for me.We will really appreciate for it.Sincerely,16.客户订购多个产品,卖家发邮件确认产品订单Dear ——,Thank you so much for your great support on us.We have received your order of “XXXXXX”.We will work on your order asap, we just want to confirm the amount of the compass, did you order 10(数量) pcs?产品参数——————————————————If nothing is wrong, we will ship them asap.Best RegardsSeller’s name17.卖家发错地址Dear____,Thank you so much for your great support on us.What a big mistake we made!Sorry, but will you still want the items? If yes, we will resend you immediately and make you a partial refund , if not, we will make you the full refund.Waiting for your reply and hope your kind understanding.Best RegardsSeller’s name18.客户因订购的商品大小不合适导致退货Dear——,Thanks so much for your great support on 店铺名.So sorry for the inconvenience that the swimming suit(产品名) did not fit you.Will it be possible to give others as a gift? Or how about we make you a partial refund as a way to make up for this?Just suggestion, if you insist on returning it back, we will go to the further step.Waiting for your reply.Best Regards。



1.亚马逊卖家发货到达时间邮件模板Dear ___,Thank you so much for your great support on us.Usually it takes about 7-12 days for the item to reach you.Any question, feel free to contact us and we will reach you at the soonest. Best regards2. 回复买家询问物流情况的邮件模板Dear ___,Thanks for your message. Hope you are great.Sorry for disturbing you, we tracked your shipping. The package is now on the way to your place(it is now reaching your local post office).International shipping information may not update so prompt, usually it takes around 7-15 days for shipping. Could you please keep your patience and wait for a few more days? We will keep tracking for you, any news we will inform you asap.Your understanding will be highly appreciated.Best regards3.先填单,漏发货后,向客人解释的邮件模板Dear ___,Thank you so much for your great support and sorry for keeping you waiting.We checked the tracking information found there is no update information as you said. We will contact the post office to find out the problem.We wonder would you still want the item, if yes, inform us the size and we will resend you asap.If not, we will make you the full refund.Waiting for your reply.Any inconvenience hope your kind understanding.Best regards4. 产品发货后,客户提出要换货的回信邮件模板Dear ___,Thanks for contact with us.Sorry to tell you that the item have been dispatched, and we can't change it for you now .We knew you receive it and it is not suitable for you.To express our apologize, we provide few suggestion following by:1.We will arrange a suitable replacement for you for free2.We can refund full price for you.Which one do you prefer?Sorry for all inconvenience it led to.Looking forward to your reply.Sincerely,5. 亚马逊卖家邀feedback的邮件模板Dear----Thank you for your purchase! Order id_______________.I am writing to concern whether you have receive your item.Are you satisfied with our product and service.If you have any question with your order,please contact with us.We would try our best to solve it.If you are satisfied with our services, would you please give us a honor to share your feeling on the following link:Thanks in advance. We will really appreciate with it.Have a nice day!Best regards6. 买家要求退货,卖家回信邮件模板(自发货)Dear----Thank you for contacting us regarding your inquiry.We found your return request. Could I know the reason why you want to refund? Are there any issues of our product?If yes, could you sent the photo of the issues thus we can help you better and submit to QC.Will it be possible to give new one as a compensation?Or how about we make you a partial refund as a way to make up for this?Looking forward to your reply soon.Best regards7. 亚马逊客户退货的询问原因邮件模板Dear ---Thank you so much for your great support on us.So sorry for the inconvenience it caused.Could I know the reason why you return the item?Are there any issues of our product?If yes, could you sent the photo of the issues thus we can help you better and submit to QC.Waiting for your reply.Best regards8. 客户询问货物的tracking number的回信邮件模板Dear————,Thank you for contacting us regarding your inquiry.Orders are shipped within two days after they are placed. Usually, we are able to ship orders the next day. Weekend orders are shipped on the following Monday. Please allow 3-7 business days after shipment for delivery. You will receive a shipping confirmation email from Amazon when the shipping information has been uploaded. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated. If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.Best regards9.索取Review模板Dear————,My name is X and I am the owner of [Your Amazon Store Name]. I want to personally thank you for being one of our customers!I noticed that your order was delivered recently. Product Ordered: XYour order: https:///gp/your ... ID%3D[insert customer's order # inside these brackets and delete brackets]I hope that you've had a chance to try the product. I want to make sure that you are 100% happy. If you have any issues, please reply to this email so I can make it right! (In fact, I love to hear from people who are enjoying my products, so I'd like to hear from you even if everything has gone smoothly!)If you are not satisfied with the product, please give us a chance to make it right! Respond to this email, and I will do whatever it takes to make you happy.We'd be honored to get your honest experience and suggestion of the product! https:///review/ ... es%23Thank you again for ordering from [Your Amazon Store Name]. We truly appreciate your business. We LOVE our customers and we will always be here if you need us.Wishing you the best,10.亚马逊的商品被跟卖,发警告信的邮件模板Dear “ B ”,It has come to our attention that “ B ” is using the " A " trademark without license or prior written authorization from " A "." A " holds federal trademark registrations in the United States. So “ B ”listings violate " A " trademark and intellectual property rights. You are also in breach of Amazon’s Participation Agreement.Therefore, we demand that you immediately remove all listings on in which “ B ”utilizes our trademarks and images protected by copyright.“ B ” currently has at least one listing on for products that utilize “A’s”trademarks and/or copyrights without authorization. See the following ASIN: B001234567 (写自己的 ASIN)" A " is the only entity authorized to provide authorization to sell its products on . Your listing constitutes a violation of " A's " trademark rights, copyrights, and Amazon’s Participation Agreement.“ B ” 's infringing listings must be removed immediately to prevent damage to " A " brand and lost sales.While " A " has many options available under this state. But we would prefer to resolve this matter amicably. Please confirm to us in writing within 24 hours, that you have:(1) Removed all of " A’s " trademarks and copyright material from your listings and any other website or public display you operate;(2) Removed all of " A’s " listings of products it claims to be associated with " A’s ", including but not limited to the ASINs listed aboveFailure to take action within 24 hours will force us to report this serious violation to the Amazon seller performance team. This is licensed products to as well, Amazon seller performance team will take such violations very seriously, possibly resulting in removal of your selling privileges on .Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please contact us if you have any questions.Legal on behalf of " A "11.邀请顾客成为老客户群邮件Dear_______,Thanks for your kindly support for 店铺名.To express our grateful, we want to invite you join in our “VIP team(自己取名)”Our VIP team member(自己取名)can experience our new product in advance and enjoy discount .Just contact us with order ID by contacting our email on attachment.(把邮箱放在附件上)We are waiting for your email.Have a good time.Best regards,12.买家不知道如何使用产品的回信邮件模板Dear————,Thank you for contacting us regarding your inquiry.We are really grateful with your question Thus we can realize our shortage of product listing.We will update our listing to perfect our product information.There is the latest instruction of our product .Please check the attachment for your reference.If you still have any question, please be free to contact with us.We will do our best to help you ASAP.Best regards,13.给买家补发自发货售后件的通知模板Dear————,Hope you are fine and doing well.We have already arrange the replacement to you for your reference.(产品具体参数)The tracking number is _______________, please click the attachment to get more detail .It will take 7-10 day to arrive your city because of the long distance.Thanks for your kindly understanding and support.If you still have any question, please be free to contact with us.We will do our best to help you ASAP.Best regards,14.差评跟进邮件(进度一)Dear————,How are you recently? Hope you and your family are good.We found your review for (产品).We are really sorry for the inconvenience it caused To express our apologize, we provide few suggestion following by:1.We will arrange a suitable replacement for you for free2.We will provide a claim code for you.3.Or refund allWhich one do you prefer?Looking forward to your reply soon.Best regards,15.差评跟进邮件(进度二)Dear————Hope you have a great time.I am writing to concern whether you have receive the replacement.If you still have any question with your order, please contact with us.We would try our best to solve it.If you are satisfied with our services, could you do me a big favor to upgrade the r eivew?The following link:————————————————————————————It is really important for me.We will really appreciate for it.Sincerely,16.客户订购多个产品,卖家发邮件确认产品订单Dear ——,Thank you so much for your great support on us.We have received your order of “XXXXXX”.We will work on your order asap, we just want to confirm the amount of the compass, did you order 10(数量) pcs?产品参数——————————————————If nothing is wrong, we will ship them asap.Best RegardsSeller’s name17.卖家发错地址Dear____,Thank you so much for your great support on us.What a big mistake we made!Sorry, but will you still want the items? If yes, we will resend you immediately and make you a partial refund , if not, we will make you the full refund.Waiting for your reply and hope your kind understanding.Best RegardsSeller’s name18.客户因订购的商品大小不合适导致退货Dear——,Thanks so much for your great support on 店铺名.So sorry for the inconvenience that the swimming suit(产品名) did not fit you.Will it be possible to give others as a gift? Or how about we make you a partial refund as a way to make up for this?Just suggestion, if you insist on returning it back, we will go to the further step.Waiting for your reply.Best Regards。



英语版各类售后邮件模板场景一、因节假日导致的物流延误,买家来信询问Dear {$BuyerName},Thank you for purchasing and prompt payment.However, we’ll have the {节日名称} from{时间区间}. During that time, all the shipping service will not be available, which may cause a delay of the shipment for seveal days.Thanks for your understanding and your patience is much appreciated. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.Keep in touch. Thanks.Sincerely yours,{$ShopName} After-sales Customer Services场景二、因自然灾害导致的物流延误,买家来信询问Dear {$BuyerName},We’re sorry to inform of you that your item may be delayed for the {自然灾害}.Due to this {自然灾害}, airline/ocean shipping to {目的地} has been cancelled, which directly made your parcel was delayed.Your understanding and patience is much appreciated. We will keep tracking the shipping status, and try our best to resolve the problems that caused by this unexpected issue.Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.Keep in touch.Thanks.Sincerely yours,{$ShopName} After-sales Customer Services场景三、因海关安检力度加强导致物流延误,买家来信询问Dear {$BuyerName},We’re sorry to inform of you that your item may be delayed for the stricter customs inspection.We just got the notice that all packets from all countries to {目的地} would be subject to stricter screening by the customs.Due to the intensive customs control and screening, the shipping time to {目的地} will be longer than normal.Your understanding and patience is much appreciated. We will keep tracking the shipping status, and try our best to resolve the problems that caused by this unexpected issue.Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Keep in touch.Thanks.Sincerely yours,{$ShopName} After-sales Customer Services场景四、约定到货期限已过但对方并未收到货,买家来信表达愤怒Dear {$BuyerName},We are sorry for the long-time waiting and we quite understand thet waiting is always something hard to endure. Your item had been shipped on {送达时间} ,it got delayed by the {这边尽量写上不可抗力的原因}. So the shipment usually takes {预计时长} business days.Could you please wait for another two weeks? If the package still not arrive in due, please contact us and we will do our best to solve it and offer you a satisfactory service.Or if you do not want to wait any more, we are willing to offer a refund you as our sincere apology, and it’s really kind of you to return the payment when you get the item.Please tell us which one you would prefer? We just want you to know that your satisfaction is always our top priority.Looking forward to your reply.Sincerely yours,{$ShopName} After-sales Customer Services场景五、物流显示已妥投,但买家来信表示未收到货Dear {$BuyerName},We have checked the real-time logistics information of {$OrderId} when we receive your mail at once, and it shows that the post have delivered to you.You could check on the website:{具体查询网站}.And could you kindly ask your neighbour or your family if anyone picked your package?So we can provide the tracking number {物流跟踪号} to you and suggest you to check with the clerk in your local post with the number.Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.Keep in touch. Sincerely yours,{$ShopName} After-sales Customer Services场景六、买家想取消订单,但卖家已发货Dear {$BuyerName},Sorry to hear that you would like to cancel the order {$OrderId}.We have to say sorry that it has been sent out. We can not stop the shipment. Maybe you can have put it on first and see if it is suitable after you receive the item. The {商品名称}may be quite suitable for you, to say the least, if you don’t like it, you can give it to your relatives or friends as a gift.Sorry for the inconvenience and hope you can get it soon. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Keep in touch. We will try our best to solve it for you.Have a nice day!Sincerely yours,{$ShopName} After-sales Customer Services场景七、买家收到货但因商品尺寸不合适想退货退款,卖家与之进一步沟通Dear {$BuyerName},We really appreciate your great support on us.But sorry for the inconvenience that the {商品名称} did not fit you. Will it be possible to give others as a gift? Or how about we make you a {具体金额} refund as a way to make up for this?If you insist on returning it back, we will go to the further step. Please tell us which way you would prefer? We just want you to know that your satisfaction is always our top priority.Looking forward to your reply!Sincerely yours,{$ShopName} After-sales Customer Services场景八、买家投诉或来信告知卖家发错颜色、商品或商品有缺陷等,卖家与之进一步沟通Dear {$BuyerName},We are so sorry about that. This is your order:{商品名称} &{$OrderId}. Could you please send us the pictures of the label on the package and item's problem? And we will solve it for you as soon as possible. Please don’t worry.Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We just wantyou to know that your satisfaction is always our top priority.Best regards!Sincerely yours,{$ShopName} After-sales Customer Services场景九、接上一情景,买家发来图片后卖家根据责任情况引导退部分或全额款Dear {$BuyerName},We’re so sorry for the unsatisfied purchase. We’re willing to solve the problem.As a honest seller, we are not willing to let our dear valued customer suffer any losses. We are willing to offer a {具体金额} refund to you as our sincere apology, is that ok for you?Or if you have any other ideas, please let us know. We just want you to know that your satisfaction is always our top priority.Looking forward to hear you soon.Once again, we send our sincere apology.Have a nice day!Sincerely yours,{$ShopName} After-sales Customer Services场景十、接场景八,买家坚持称商品有问题但又不想或不能提供照片Dear {$BuyerName},We’re so sorry for the unsatisfied purchase. We’d like to solve the problem, but we need this picture to sets a case for you and feedback this issue to our suppliers to check it and avoid the same issue happen again.As a honest seller, we are not willing to let our dear valued customer suffer any losses. We can understand you. But we hope you could understand us.So, could you kindly send us the picture again to help us avoid the samesituation and pls don't worry we will give you the best solution? Any situations, please contact us firstly, we believe that good communications will solve the problem.Hope to receive your picture soon .Have a nice day!Sincerely yours,{$ShopName} After-sales Customer Services场景十一、买家无理由退货退款,卖家同意后并告知操作注意事项Dear {$BuyerName},Thank you for contacting us.Your return request has been approved. You will be receiving a return shipping label and RMA instructions via Amazon. Please make sure the item you return is whole new or a 25% restocking fee may be applied if the {商品名称} is used or damaged visually.Also, please make sure that the correct merchandise is being shipped us,{$ShopName}. We are a seller by the name of {$ShopName} on Amazon. If merchandise purchased from a different seller is shipped to us, we will need to ship it back to you and we will also ask you for the shipping cost incurred.We appreciate your cooperation.Best regards.Sincerely yours,{$ShopName} After-sales Customer Services场景十二、客户询问物流跟踪号或者询问是否已发货,卖家的回复Dear {$BuyerName},Thank you for asking.Your order {$OrderId} are shipped on {已经发货的具体时间}.You item is on the way to your shipping address, here is the tracking#********. You could track it on {具体查询网站}.Item was shipped from China. Normally, you will receive this item within {你的listing页面标注的配送时长} business days.We have checked your estimated date is{物流派送时间}.Your understanding and patience is much appreciated. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Keep in touch.Best regardsSincerely yours,{$ShopName} After-sales Customer Services备注:因为每个卖家销售的产品不同,大家可以根据自己的产品情况适当完善邮件内容。



亚马逊回信邮件模板亚马逊客户购买多种产品发邮件确认产品订单邮件模板Dear ---Thank you so much for your great support on us.We have received your order of "把订单复制进去".We will work on your order asap, we just want to confirm the amount of the compass, did you order 10 pcs?If nothing is wrong, we will ship them asap.Best regards亚马逊客户因购买的商品大小不合适导致退货的邮件模板Dear ---Thank you so much for your great support on us.So sorry for the inconvenience that the swimming suit did not fit you.Will it be possible to give others as a gift Or how about we make you a partial refund as a way to make up for this?Just suggestion, if you insist on returning it back, we will go to the further step.Waiting for your reply.Best regards亚马逊卖家发错地址邮件模板Dear ---Thank you so much for your great support on us.What a big mistake we made!Sorry, but will you still want the items If yes, we will resend you immediately, if not, we will make you the full refund.Waiting for your reply and hope your kind understanding.Best regards亚马逊卖家发货到达时间邮件模板Dear----Thank you so much for your great support on us.Usually it takes about 7-12 days for the item to reach you.Any question, feel free to contact us and we will reach you at the soonest.Best regards亚马逊卖家发货发货后要求买家写反馈的邮件模板Dear----Thank you very much for your order!We have shipped the goods and it will arrive at your side soon. Hope you like it! And we are looking forward to your feedback.Have a nice day!Best regards亚马逊漏发货没有发货缺点击发货后客人需要运单的邮件模板Dear --Thank you so much for your great support and sorry for keeping you waiting.We checked the tracking information found there is no update information as you said.We will contact the post office to find out the problem.We wonder would you still want the item, if yes, inform us the size and we will resend you asap, if not, we will make you the refund.Waiting for your reply.Any inconvenience hope your kind understanding.Best regards亚马逊的商品被跟卖,发警告信的邮件模板。



亚马逊订单回信邮件模板大全亚马逊订单回信邮件模板大全亚马逊客户购买多种产品发邮件确认产品订单邮件模板DearThank you so much for your great support on us.We have received your order of “把订单复制进去”.We will work on your order asap, we just want to confirm the amount of the compass, did you order 10 pcs?If nothing is wrong, we will ship them asap.Best regards亚马逊客户因购买的商品大小不合适导致退货的邮件模板DearThank you so much for your great support on us.So sorry for the inconvenience that the swimming suit did not fit you. Will it be possible to give others as a gift? Or how about we make you a partial refund as a way to make up for this?Just suggestion, if you insist on returning it back, we will go to the further step.Waiting for your reply.Best regards亚马逊卖家发错地址邮件模板DearThank you so much for your great support on us.What a big mistake we made!Sorry, but will you still want the items? If yes, we will resend you immediately, if not, we will make you the full refund.Waiting for your reply and hope your kind understanding.Best regards亚马逊卖家发货到达时间邮件模板DearThank you so much for your great support on us.Usually it takes about 7-12 days for the item to reach you.Any question, feel free to contact us and we will reach you at the soonest. Best regards亚马逊卖家发货发货后要求买家写反馈的邮件模板DearThank you very much for your order!We have shipped the goods and it will arrive at your side soon. Hope you like it! And we are looking forward to your feedback.Have a nice day!Best regards亚马逊漏发货没有发货缺点击发货后客人需要运单的邮件模板DearThank you so much for your great support and sorry for keeping you waiting.We checked the tracking information found there is no update information as you said.We will contact the post office to find out the problem.We wonder would you still want the item, if yes, inform us the size and we will resend you asap, if not, we will make you the refund.Waiting for your reply.Any inconvenience hope your kind understanding.Best regards亚马逊的商品被跟卖,发警告信的邮件模板。



亚马逊索评邮件模板(适用于各英文站点)发货通知模板:Hey, thanks for your order!This is customer service from {{shop_name}}. I just wanted to let you know that your {{product_link_show_asin_and_title}} has just left the Warehouse, and is on its way to you! Order ID={{order_id}}If you have any issues or questions, let me know ASAP! I am here for you! I'd love to get you taken care of right away! :){{contact_link:Contact Us}}We very much appreciate your business and it is our pleasure to help you as fast as we can. Have a great day!下单关怀/提醒模板:Dear,We are Customer Service team from {{shop_name}}, we just wanted to let you know that Amazon has confirmed your order: Order ID: # {{order_id}}Product: {{product_title}}Purchase date: {{order_date}}Fulfillment: {{order_fulfillment}}Shipment is being arranged for you now. If you have any other needs, please contact our dedicated Customer Service.{{contact_link: Contact Us}}Best,{{shop_name}} Customer Service team.索评模板1:Hello,Thank you for your recent purchase of{{product_link_show_asin_and_title}}Since customer satisfaction is our top priority, we want to make sure you are completely satisfied with the product you have purchased. If you have any issues, questions, or concerns. Please {{contact_link: contact us}} with this link, so we can resolve the issue ASAP.Please let us know your thoughts on our product by taking a minute to leave us a review using the link below.{{product_review_link_show_title}}We'd love to hear from you! Thanks!Sincerely,Customer Service Team索评模板2Dear,We are Customer Experience team from {{shop_name}} and we are reaching out to confirm whether the experience with your recent purchase is living up to your expectations. Have you received the product or ever tried?If you like it so far, please consider clicking the link below to share your experience on Amazon, it means a LOT to us.{{product_review_link_show_title}}If it has been less than perfect, we DO hope you'll give us a chance to put things right for you. If you do, please just reply to this email to get dedicated support.Good Day.{{shop_name}} Customer Experience team索评模板3:Hello,Thanks again for ordering our {{product_title}}!The tracking information shows that your item is out for delivery today and you should be receiving it shortly.When you receive your item, please make sure to verify that it was not damaged in transit. If there is any reason that you wouldn’t rate this as a 5-star experience, please let us know. If everything looks fine, we would appreciate if you could take a few seconds to click the link below and rate this transaction.{{feedback_link}}We have spent a long time creating {{product_title}} and would love to know what you think of it.In the meantime, you can view your order’s progress here: {{order_link}}We will follow up with you shortly to make sure that you are happy with your purchase, bu t in the meantime don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you need anything!Sincerely,Your name发货x天后索取评论模板1Hello,Thank you for your recent purchase. Our record indicates that your order has been delivered. How do you like it?{{product_link_show_asin_and_title}}We strive to provide great customer service and want to make sure you are completely satisfied. If there are any issues, please {{contact_link: contact us}}. Our customer support team is ready to help!We would love for you to share your user experience with others! Please take a minute to leave us a review:{{product_review_link_show_title}}We truly appreciate your business. Thank you!Sincerely,Customer Service Team发货x天后索取评论模板2Dear ,Thanks for purchase in {{shop_name}}. I am writing to check whether you have received your item and how do you think of the product.{{product_image_and_title}}Customer satisfaction is our top priority. If you’ve had a pleasant shoppin g experience, other customers will also be appreciated that you can share your experience about the product through review.If you have any inquiry or question about the order or product, please reply to this email directly. We will do our best to make you smile.For your convenience below is the link to the feedback:{{feedback_link}}Sincerely,{{shop_name}}Customer Service Team发货x天后索取评论模板3Dear,Thank you again for your order of {{product_title}}According to our records it was delivered about X days ago.Please let us know right away if there is anything wrong with it so that we can correct it for you. And if you have any questions or concerns, we are here to help!I also have one small favour to ask you, if everything has gone smoothly, I’d really appreciate it if you could take just a few seconds to leave a review about your userexperience with our product. It really affects our ability to sell and be successful and would be greatly appreciated.You can provide seller feedback here:{{feedback_link}}Sincerely,Your name退款关怀模板:DearWe have refunded your recent purchase from Amazon order {{order_id}}. We appreciate you trying our product and apologize for any bad experience that our products or services may have caused you.{{product_image_and_title}}We will work hard to improve our products and services.we will give better offers for your next purchase.Thank you for your understanding.Sincerely,{{shop_name}}Customer Service Team索取卖家反馈模板1:Hello,Thanks for purchasing from us on Amazon. We wanted to make sure you're completely satisfied with your purchase.Here are the details of your order:{{product_link_show_asin_and_title}}If you have any issues with your purchase, please contact us first to resolve it. We're happy to help! {{contact_link: Contact Seller}}If you think we did our job as expected, we would be extremely grateful if you could leave us feedback using the link below:{{feedback_link: Leave Feedback}}As an Amazon seller we thrive on your feedback and support.Thanks again for shopping with us!Sincerely,Customer Service Team发货x天后索取反馈模板Hello,Thanks again for shopping on Amazon. It's been a few days since your order arrived. How are you liking your purchase?{{product_link_show_asin_and_title}}We are dedicated to providing 100% customer satisfaction. So if you have any issues, please let us know. We will work with you until you're happy! {{contact_link: Contact Seller}} We would appreciate if you could leave feedback about your experience with our service using the link below. It would be incredibly helpful to other buyers. {{feedback_link: Leave Feedback}}We hope to see you again!Sincerely,Customer Service Team。



精心整理1.亚马逊卖家发货到达时间邮件模板Dear___,Thankyousomuchforyourgreatsupportonus.Usuallyittakesabout7-12daysfortheitemtoreachyou.Anyquestion,feelfreetocontactusandwewillreachyouatthesoonest.Bestregards2.回复买家询问物流情况的邮件模板Dear___,Thanksforyourmessage.Hopeyouaregreat.Sorryfordisturbingyou,wetrackedyourshipping.Thepackageisnowonthewaytoyourplace(itisnowreachingyo urlocalpostoffice).ouasap.Yourunderstandingwillbehighlyappreciated.Bestregards3.先填单,漏发货后,向客人解释的邮件模板Dear___,Wewillcontactthepostofficetofindouttheproblem.Waitingforyourreply.Bestregards4.Dear___,1.2.Wecanrefundfullpriceforyou.Whichonedoyouprefer?Sorryforallinconvenienceitledto.Lookingforwardtoyourreply.Sincerely,5.亚马逊卖家邀feedback的邮件模板Dear----Thankyouforyourpurchase!Orderid_______________. Iamwritingtoconcernwhetheryouhavereceiveyouritem. Areyousatisfiedwithourproductandservice.Ifyouhaveanyquestionwithyourorder,pleasecontactwithus.Wewouldtryourbesttosolveit.Ifyouaresatisfiedwithourservices,wouldyoupleasegiveusahonortoshareyourfeelingonthefollowinglink: Thanksinadvance.Wewillreallyappreciatewithit.Haveaniceday!Bestregards6.买家要求退货,卖家回信邮件模板(自发货)Dear----Thankyouforcontactingusregardingyourinquiry.Wefoundyourreturnrequest.CouldIknowthereasonwhyyouwanttorefund? Arethereanyissuesofourproduct?Ifyes,couldyousentthephotooftheissuesthuswecanhelpyoubetterandsubmittoQC. Willitbepossibletogivenewoneasacompensation?Lookingforwardtoyourreplysoon.Bestregards7.亚马逊客户退货的询问原因邮件模板Dear---Thankyousomuchforyourgreatsupportonus.Sosorryfortheinconvenienceitcaused.CouldIknowthereasonwhyyoureturntheitem?Arethereanyissuesofourproduct?Waitingforyourreply.Bestregards8.客户询问货物的Dear————,tactus.Bestregards9.索取DearMynameisXandIamtheownerof[YourAmazonStoreName].Iwanttopersonallythankyouforbeingoneofourcus tomers!Inoticedthatyourorderwasdeliveredrecently.ProductOrdered:XYourorder:?[insertcustomer'sorder#insidethesebracketsanddeletebrackets]Ihopethatyou'vehadachancetotrytheproduct.Iwanttomakesurethatyouare100%happy.Ifyouhaveanyissues,pl easereplytothisemailsoIcanmakeitright!(Infact,Ilovetohearfrompeoplewhoareenjoyingmyproducts,soI'dlik etohearfromyouevenifeverythinghasgonesmoothly!)Ifyouarenotsatisfiedwiththeproduct,pleasegiveusachancetomakeitright!Respondtothisemail,andIwilldowh ateverittakestomakeyouhappy.We'dbehonoredtogetyourhonestexperienceandsuggestionoftheproduct!? Thankyouagainfororderingfrom[YourAmazonStoreName].Wetrulyappreciateyourbusiness.WeLOVEourcu stomersandwewillalwaysbehereifyouneedus.Wishingyouthebest,10.亚马逊的商品被跟卖,发警告信的邮件模板Dear??“?B?”,?Ithascometoourattentionthat“””’sParticipationAgreement.”“?B?”“A’s”写自己的ASIN)’sParticipationAgreement.“?B?”nfirmtousinwritingwithin24hours,thatyouhave:(1)Removedallof"A’s"listingsandanyotherwebsiteorpublicdisplayyouo perate;(2)Removedallof"A’s"listingsofproductsitclaimstobeassociatedwith"A’s",includingbutnotlimitedtotheASINslistedaboveFailuretotakeactionwithin24hourswillforceustoreportthisseriousviolationtotheAmazonsellerperformancete aswell,Amazonsellerperformanceteamwilltakesuchviolationsver yseriously,.Thankyouforyourattentiontothismatter.Pleasecontactusifyouhaveanyquestions. Legalonbehalfof"A"11.邀请顾客成为老客户群邮件Dear_______,Thanksforyourkindlysupportfor店铺名.Toexpressour grateful,wewanttoinviteyoujoininour“VIPteam(自己取名)”OurVIPteammember(自己取名)canexperienceournewproductinadvanceandenjoydiscount. JustcontactuswithorderIDbycontactingouremailonattachment.(把邮箱放在附件上) Wearewaitingforyouremail.Haveagoodtime.Bestregards,12.买家不知道如何使用产品的回信邮件模板Dear————,Thankyouforcontactingusregardingyourinquiry. WewilldoourbesttohelpyouASAP.Bestregards,13.给买家补发自发货售后件的通知模板Dear————,Hopeyouarefineanddoingwell.(产品具体参数)Bestregards,14.DearHowareyourecently?Hopeyouandyourfamilyaregood.Wefoundyourreviewfor(产品).Wearereallysorryfortheinconvenienceitcaused Toexpressourapologize,weprovidefewsuggestionfollowingby:1.Wewillarrangeasuitablereplacementforyouforfree2.Wewillprovideaclaimcodeforyou.3.OrrefundallWhichonedoyouprefer?Lookingforwardtoyourreplysoon.Bestregards,15.差评跟进邮件(进度二)Dear————Hopeyouhaveagreattime. Iamwritingtoconcernwhetheryouhavereceivethereplacement. Ifyoustillhaveanyquestionwithyourorder,pleasecontactwithus.Wewouldtryourbesttosolveit.Ifyouaresatisfiedwithourservices,couldyoudomeabigfavortoupgradethereivew? Thefollowinglink:————————————————————————————Itisreallyimportantforme.Wewillreallyappreciateforit.Sincerely,16.客户订购多个产品,卖家发邮件确认产品订单Dear——,Thankyousomuchforyourgreatsupportonus.Wehavereceivedyourorderof“XXXXXX”.Ifnothingiswrong,wewillshipthemasap.BestRegardsSeller’sname17.Dear____,Thankyousomuchforyourgreatsupportonus.Whatabigmistakewemade!Sorry,butwillyoustillwanttheitems?Ifyes,wewillresendyouimmediatelyandmakeyouapartialrefund,ifnot,wewillmakeyout hefullrefund.Waitingforyourreplyandhopeyourkindunderstanding. BestRegardsSeller’sname18.客户因订购的商品大小不合适导致退货Dear——,Thankssomuchforyourgreatsupporton店铺名. SosorryfortheinconveniencethattheswimmingsuitWaitingforyourreply.BestRegards。






























在此情况下,我们有以下几种可能的解决方案:1. 授权使用:如果您的产品确实使用了我们客户的专利技术,但您并未意识到这一点,我们可以探讨授权使用的问题。


2. 产品修改:如果您愿意,我们也可以探讨如何修改您的产品,以避免侵犯我们客户的专利权。


3. 赔偿协议:如果以上两种方案都无法达成一致,那么我们可能需要考虑赔偿问题。














一.关于review和feedback的问题1.针对老客户,告诉他们有个新款希望他们来购买,我们可以买一送一(送店里的其他类似产品做礼物)但是希望他留下Review评价2.写邮件给客户要feedback和review(两个模板,站内/站外)3.修改feedback4.移除或者修改负面feedback/review5.索评/如果客人来邮件说产品好就要他留评价6.指导客户怎么关掉negative feedback(最好是站外的售后邮箱可联系上的,非站7.修改review(站外发)8.教客户怎么联系Amazon客服9.客户催要转寄地址10.没有按照客户要求发货11.想要免费样品给做review的(最好是站外的售后邮箱可联系上的,非站内联系)12.投诉侵权二:关于退换货1.确认是否发错货2.发错货3.发错货了,货是好的,要退货4.货已经发出去了但是客户还没有收到就要退货5.用了好久坏了,而且是FBA发货,这个根据情况的不同可以稍微改下回复的内容6.FBA发货,在保质期内坏了7.卖家自发货,在保质期内坏了8.威胁要给差评9.自发货,买了好久坏了要寄回来换或者修10.自发货,东西是好的-需要退货11.Return reques请求详细描述细节12.买错了需要交换13.发送替换品14.FBA订单需要退款退货15.准备关掉return request给客户发邮件16.已经关掉return request给客户补发邮件17.客户拍下的货,发现没有他需要的颜色/款式了18.客户拍下的货物已经点了发货发现缺货了19.已经给客户退款了20.自发货-客户收到货货没问题要退货21.自发货-被海关拒收,发货未超过一周直接重发22.自发货-被海关拒收,发货超过一周询问是重复还是退款23.自发货-发出后超过一周被海关退件的跟进后客户回复要重发24.自发货-发出后超过一周被海关退件的跟进后没有得到答复直接退款25.关于某某产品不能工作的问题(需要指导操作类产品)三:关于物流1.妥投没收到货的2.查不到跟踪信息很久没到货给客户补寄一个给客户发邮件确认3.有物流信息,但很久没有收到货4.虚假发货查不到信息一.关于review和feedback的问题1.针对老客户,告诉他们有个新款希望他们来购买,我们可以买一送一(送店里的其他类似产品做礼物)但是希望他留下Review评价-站外售后邮箱,非站内Dear **Nice to contact you.Our records indicate that you have purchased many products from us on .Thanks for purchasing from us and it's our honor to provide service to you.Here is a good news to tell you - we have a new product(产品名), 链接,And there is a promotion only for our regular customers, if you buy the product above, you can get one of any other product of our store for free. In exchange, you just need to leave a 5 star feeling of the product on .Let us know if you are interested in it.Looking forward for your response.Thanks and best regards.**2.写邮件给客户要feedback和review模板一(站外发)Dear **,品牌名** from Amazon would like to thank you for your recent purchase.Our record indicates that your order has been delivered or will be delivered to you shortly. We want to make sure you are completely satisfied with the product you have purchased. Please let us know if there is any issues, questions or concerns. Our customer support team is standing by to assist you.If you are satisfied with the product, please take a moment to submit a product review here:Product name 1Product name 2Best regards** Team模板二(站内可发)Dear **Thank you for your recent purchase of: 产品名/listing 标题Since customer satisfaction is our top priority, we want to make sure you are completely satisfied with the product you have purchased. If you have any issues, questions, or concerns. Please reply this email directly, so we can resolve the issue as soon as possible.And if the product could work well, could you help share your unbiased feeling on Amazon? It's a big encouragement to us and helpful the other customers make a better choice. Thanks for your help in advance.We'd love to hear from you! Thanks!Sincerely3.修改feedbackHi **,Thanks for purchasing from us and sorry we couldn't ship the item out because of out of stock.Apologize again for inconvenience caused.To make up for this, we would like to send you one of our new arrivals for trial.Your feeling is important to us, we appreciate if you can rate our customer service and adjust it to 4 or 5 star.If there is anything else you are not satisfied, please let us know, we will try to help out.Thanks again.Waiting for your early reply.Best regards,**4.移除或者修改负面feedback/reviewDear customer nameWe are concerned to see your negative experience for on AmazonHere are the details for the Amazon order:Order ID:ASIN:We apologize that our products gave you a bad experience. We will strengthen product quality inspections to ensure that no poor quality products send to customers again . Since the customer's good experience is the biggest goal for us, we apologize again for this incident. This is so rarely to us, we really want fully know the problem and work the best solution to you. Could you grant us this chance to improve? If you need and willing, we will resend a new replacement for you for free.if you are satisfied with our service,please help us update your purchase experienceThank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.**5.索评/如果客人来邮件说产品好就要他留评价Dear **We are very pleasure hear to you are satisfied with our product,If so, would you like take a experience to submit a product feeling for the item in your spare time? your commendation with our products is the greatest encouragement for us. It is also very important to help the other customers make a better choice.Best regards!**6.指导客户怎么关掉negative feedback(站外的售后邮箱可联系上的,非站内联系,否则把review和feedback等词替换To remove third-party seller feedback:Do one of the following:Go to Your Submitted Feedback .Go to Your Account and click Seller Feedback Submitted by You under Personalization.Click Remove link next to the feedback you would like to remove. If there is no Remove option next to a comment, the 60-day removal period has expired.7.修改review(站外发)Hi **Thanks for purchasing from us.And sorry for the 1 star review you left, what you said is important to us, we will report this issue to the engineers to let me them improve the quality.At this time, if you need a replacement or refund, please reply us asap.Thanks.Best regards**8.教客户怎么联系Amazon客服Here are the steps to contact Amazon customer service:1. Use your Amazon account to log into 2.Pull down to the bottom of this page and find "Help" button , and click on it to get into a new page3. Find "Need more help " in the middle of this page and move it to this button and you will see "Contact Us " and click on it .Then you will get in touch with Amazon Customer Service Associate.4.Or you may choose to call the Customer-Service by number 1 (888) 280-43319.客户催要转寄地址Dear **Sorry for replying you late.The **(产品名称) hasn't been sold out yet these two days, so right now we couldn't provide you a shipping address to forward it.For the weight, do you know the estimated shipping fee, if you do, please let us know, we will try to refund you first, and you can forward this product.Or can we just partial refund you?If it is OK to you, please let us know how much is OK to you.Looking forward to your early reply.Thanks and best regards10.没有按照客户要求发货Dear **Thank you so much for purchasing from us.There is a little problem I have to tell you, (没按照要求的原因), and along with a gift to make up this problem. We are so sorry for the inconvenience caused.Meantime, hope for your understanding and like them.If there is any questions, please feel free to contact with us before share a feeling, on Amazon,we will try to help out. Thanks and best regards**11.想要免费样品给做review的(最好是额外的售后邮箱可联系上的,非站内联系,否则把review和feedback等词替换Dear **Thanks for writting to us regarding the reviews on our **(产品名)Since these days we got so much requestes for free sample to exchange for reviews, as you know, these high qulaity products are with high value. it makes us really cannot afford.But if you really like this product, we are willing to offer you a $20 cash coupon ( equivalently to a 50% discount off) to exchange for your reviews.We hope for your kind understanding.Pls feel free to contact us if you are satisfied with our offer.Kind Regards**12.投诉侵权Dear “ B ”,It has come to our attention that “ B ” is using the " A " trademark without license or prior written authorization from " A ". " A " holds federal trademark registrations in the United States. So “ B ” listings violate " A " trademark and intellectual property rights. You are also in breach of Amazon’s Participation Agreement.Therefore, we demand that you immediately remove all listings on in which “ B ”utilizes our trademarks and images protected by copyright.“ B ” currently has at least one listing on for products that utilize“ A’s” trademarks and/or copyrights without authorization.See the following ASIN: ** (写自己的 ASIN)" A " is the only entity authorized to provide authorization to sell its products on . Your listing constitutes a violation of " A's " trademark rights, copyrights, and Amazon’s Participation Agreement.“ B ” 's infringing listings must be removed immediately to prevent damage to " A " brand and lost sales.While " A " has many options available under this state. But we would prefer to resolve this matter amicably. Please confirm to us in writing within 24 hours, that you have:(1) Removed all of " A’s " trademarks and copyright material from your listings and any other website or public display you operate;(2) Removed all of " A’s " listings of products it claims to be associated with " A’s ", including but not limited to the ASINs listed aboveFailure to take action within 24 hours will force us to report this serious violation to the Amazon seller performance team. This is licensed products to as well, Amazon seller performance team will take such violations very seriously, possibly resulting in removal of your selling privileges on .Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please contact us if you have any questions.Legal on behalf of " A "二:关于退换货1.确认是否发错货Dear **Thanks for purchasing from us.The tracking number shows your package was delivered.Have you received it?If so, are you received the product is B(产品型号)?One of our customer who bought A mailed us that he received B instead of A.We doubted we mixed up your two's packages.We appreciate if you could reply us asap if you can see this email.Thanks and best regards**2.发错货Hi **The correct capactiy for them should be:A: **mahB: **mahCould you please check whether the label on the case writes **mah ? if it does, the case is for ** ( our workers put the wrong user manual in). But if the label on the case writes **mah, this case is for ** (we send a wrong case to you ).We will solve your problem once we get your reply.Thanks and best regardsAileen3.发错货了,货是好的,要退货Hi **As you see,this item it may not worth the trouble to return it, cause return fee and shipping fee is High.May I know is there any chance you can gift or resell it to others?We can refund you 50% offer as a discount, is it ok?If you prefer to return it for a full refund, we will give our return address.Waiting for your reply.Thanks and best regardsAileen4.货已经发出去了但是客户还没有收到就要退货Hi **Sorry for the late delivery. / Sorry that you don't need it anymore.While the package has been sent out on Dec 3.The last tracking detail is: **(具体时间日期) Origin Post is Preparing Shipment, We have received notice that the originating post is preparing to dispatch this mail piece.You can find the tracking detail at: As the condition of the package is under shippment, we cannot callback the package.So please reject the package when it get there and let us know and we will refund the money to you.Thanks and best regards.Aileen5.用了好久坏了,而且是FBA发货,这个根据情况的不同可以稍微改下回复的内容HiThanks for purchasing from us.Although our warranty is 3 months, it is OK to send it back for a replacement.However, the one you bought was fulfilled by Amazon (they will take responsibility for the customer service), while we are located at China, it is not convenient to return and resend, it might take about 30 day (sometimes faster or longer) to return and resend. And the shipping fee is a little expensive.I have a suggestion, please tell us whether it is OK to you.We offer the replacement to you for free, you only need to pay the shipping fee which is about $5, is that OK?If so, we will create a discount (30.99-25.99=5) to let you buy a new one.If you agree, please write back to us, we will offer you the discount code.Waiting for your early reply.Thanks and best regards**6.FBA发货,在保质期内坏了HiThanks for purchasing from us and we are sorry for that issue.We are glad to replace it, however, the one you bought was fulfilled by Amazon, and Amazon takes responsibility for the customer service, please contact them and return this one back for a replacement.And our warranty is 3 months, I have a suggestion, please let us know whether it is OK to you.We provide a 20% off discount code to you to buy a new one without return this one, OK?If you agree, please write back to us.Thanks and best regards**7.卖家自发货,在保质期内坏了HiThanks for purchasing from us and we are sorry for that issue.Would you like us to resend a new one to you or give you the refund?Kindly let us know which way you prefer.Thanks and best regards**8.威胁要给差评Hi **We just checked your order, sorry it just past the warranty, because the warranty is 3 months, however, we would like to provide 50% off discount which is as a gift for the coming Christmas.Is that OK to you?Waiting for your early reply.Thanks and best regards**9.自发货,买了好久坏了要寄回来换或者修HiThanks for your reply.It is OK to send it back for a replacement or repair.However, we are located at China, it might take about 30 day (sometimes faster or longer) to return and resend. And the shipping fee is a little expensive.I have a suggestion, please tell us whether it is OK to you.We offer some discount to you to let you buy a new one, just tell us how much discount would you like.If you agree, please write back to us, we will offer you the discount code.Thanks.Waiting for your early reply.Best regards**10.自发货,东西是好的-需要退货Hi **We are sorry you don't need it any more.Have you opened the package, and is the product resalable?If so, could you please forward it to our other US customer?Or we half refund you, you keep the product?Is that OK to you?If you still insist to return it, we will provide you a return address.Waiting for your early reply.Thanks and best regards**11.Return reques请求详细描述细节Hi **We are sorry for the issue.Would you like to detail how the ** doesn't work ,maybe we can solve it.And if the item defective, would you like us to replace a new one to you?Waiting for your early reply.Thanks and best regards**12.买错了需要交换Hi **It is OK to exchange.We will provide you a shipping address tomorrow to let you ship this product.And for the right one product, here is the one we have:**链接Please tell us which color would you like, we will send it to you.Waiting for your early reply.Thanks and best regards**13.发送替换品Hi **The replacement has been already sent out from China, tracking number **, and you can track it here:**网址Usually it takes about 7-15 business days to get delivered, sometimes faster, sometimes a little longer.Please give it a couple more days.Thanks and best regards**14.FBA订单需要退款退货Hi **Thanks for purchasing from us.order number**Of course, you can return it for a replacement.Since the order was fulfilled by Amazon, and Amazon will take responsibility for the customer service, please contact them to ask for a replacement, they will reply you ASAP.Any further questions, please feel free to contact with us, we will try to help out.Have a nice day!Thanks and best regards**15.准备关掉return request给客户发邮件Hi**Good day!It has been a long time not get your response, does it work now? (根据产品或者上一封邮件)We are going to close the return request, please let us know if there is any further question.If there is still any problem, you can contact us and we are glad to solve it.Looking forward for your response.Thanks and best regards.**16.已经关掉return request给客户补发邮件Hi **,Nice to contact you again!We have closed your return request because it has been a long while since the last response from you.You can contact us if the problem still exist and we are glad to solve it.Looking forward for your response.Thanks and best regards.**17.客户拍下的货,发现没有他需要的颜色/款式了Hi **Thanks for buying from us.The product"**" you bought the blue one is out of stock.Now we have red, silver in stock, would you like to change another color or have a refund?Looking forward for your response.Thanks and best regards.**18.客户拍下的货物已经点了发货发现缺货了Hi **Thanks for buying from us.The product "**" you bought is out of stock.We have refund the money to you and it may take a few days for it to get back to your bank account (according to your bank). Please check.Thanks and best regards.**19.已经给客户退款了Hi **Sorry for the trouble.The money has been refunded and it may take a few days for it to get back to your bank account (according to your bank). Please check.Thanks and best regards.**20.自发货-客户收到货货没问题要退货Hi **Please keep the product unopened and resalable.We will give you the address later.Thanks and best regards.**21.自发货-被海关拒收,发货未超过一周直接重发Hi **Thanks for buying from us and sorry to tell you that the product you bought was rejected by custom for security check.We shipped it out on Dec 6 you can track the package at:/zh-cn/track?nums=We have resent a new one to you, the new tracking number is***Apologize again for the inconvenient.Thanks and best regards.**22.自发货-被海关拒收,发货超过一周询问是重复还是退款Hi **Thanks for buying from us and sorry to tell you that the product you bought was rejected by custom for security check.We shipped it out on Jun 29 and it is July 5 now, you can track the package at:/zh-cn/track?nums=Since it took a long time, we would like to know which way you prefer - we resend one to you or give you the refund? Apologize again for the inconvenient.Looking forward for your response.Thanks and best regards.**23.自发货-发出后超过一周被海关退件的跟进后客户回复要重发Hi **Thanks for your quick response, the new one is shipping out today.The new tracking number is **You can track it on: /zh-cn/track?nums=Any further question, please do not hesitate to contact us.Thanks and best regards.**24.自发货-发出后超过一周被海关退件的跟进后没有得到答复直接退款Hi **Nice to contact you again.Kindly check the 2 messages we sent to you before about the product you bought was rejected by custom for security check. Since it took a long time and we did not got your response, so we decided to refund the money to you.The money has been refunded and it may take a few days for it to get back to your bank account (according to your bank). Please check.Apologize again for the inconvenient.Thanks and best regards.**25.关于某某产品不能工作的问题(需要指导操作类产品)Hi **We are sorry for this issue.Here are some tips for the **, hope it will help you:**(具体检查产品是否OK的方法)Please let us know if it works after trying.Any further question, please do not hesitate to contact us.Thanks and best regards**三.关于物流1.妥投没收到货的Dear **Sorry for the issue.We checked the package and the tracking shows : /zh-cn/track?nums=(具体发货信息) Your item was delivered in or at the mailbox at 具体时间,Since the tracking information indicates the status as “Delivered”, I suggest you may check around your house besides your mailbox, cause the mail man might just leave the package somewhere without ringing you.Or you may check with your family members or neighbors to see whether they picked up this item for you. Sometimes, it may be sent to your neighbors by mistake.Thanks and best regards.**2.查不到跟踪信息很久没到货给客户补寄一个给客户发邮件确认Dear **Sorry for the issue.We checked the package and the tracking shows the package is arrived Chicago:(具体物流信息).but after Dec .8th the information is not updated, we tried to contact the post office several times to complain the shipping, may the packed is lost ,we will reship new one to you, and you keep the case if it finally arrives.Is that OK?Thanks and best regards**3.有物流信息,但很久没有收到货Dear **We apologize for the inconvenience caused.To make sure all the orders can be delivered in time, usually we shipped them out in 1 or 2 business days, however, sometimes, it is out of our control after it left our city, for example, it will be returned if it cannot pass the customs security check (This kind of odds is very few), or delayed at the customs, especially at this holiday seasons, we tried to contact the post office several times to complain the shipping, however, this can't solve the problem. Because once the package left our country, the post office can't control it either.Hope for your understanding.If it still can't be delivered till this weekend, we will full refund you, and you keep the case if it finally arrives.Is that OK?Thanks and best regards,4.虚假发货查不到信息Hi **Sorry again for the inconvenience caused.We already complained about the post office and opened a dispute about their service, according to the tracking number, it seems that they lost the package somewhere and found it on Dec 8 and sent it out.Sorry, we should keep tracking the packages and found the problem in time and solved it.We will do that in future to avoid the same happened.To make up for this issue, we would like to give you 10% discount for your next order.Is that OK?Thanks and best regards,**。

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1.亚马逊卖家发货到达时间邮件模板Dear ___,Thank you so much for your great support on us.Usually it takes about 7-12 days for the item to reach you.Any question, feel free to contact us and we will reach you at the soonest.Best regards2. 回复买家询问物流情况的邮件模板Dear ___,Thanks for your message. Hope you are great.Sorry for disturbing you, we tracked your shipping. The package is now on the way to your place(it is now reaching your local post office).International shipping information may not update so prompt, usually it takes around 7-15 days for shipping. Could you please keep your patience and wait for a few more days? We will keep tracking for you, any news we will inform you asap.Your understanding will be highly appreciated.Best regards3.先填单,漏发货后,向客人解释的邮件模板Dear ___,Thank you so much for your great support and sorry for keeping you waiting.We checked the tracking information found there is no update information as you said.We will contact the post office to find out the problem.We wonder would you still want the item, if yes, inform us the size and we will resend you asap.If not, we will make you the full refund.Waiting for your reply.Any inconvenience hope your kind understanding.Best regards4. 产品发货后,客户提出要换货的回信邮件模板Dear ___,Thanks for contact with us.Sorry to tell you that the item have been dispatched, and we can't change it for you now . We knew you receive it and it is not suitable for you.To express our apologize, we provide few suggestion following by:1.We will arrange a suitable replacement for you for free2.We can refund full price for you.Which one do you prefer?Sorry for all inconvenience it led to.Looking forward to your reply.Sincerely,5. 亚马逊卖家邀feedback的邮件模板Dear----Thank you for your purchase! Order id_______________.I am writing to concern whether you have receive your item.Are you satisfied with our product and service.If you have any question with your order,please contact with us.We would try our best to solve it.If you are satisfied with our services, would you please give us a honor to share your feeling on the following link:Thanks in advance. We will really appreciate with it.Have a nice day!Best regards6. 买家要求退货,卖家回信邮件模板(自发货)Dear----Thank you for contacting us regarding your inquiry.We found your return request. Could I know the reason why you want to refund?Are there any issues of our product?If yes, could you sent the photo of the issues thus we can help you better and submit to QC. Will it be possible to give new one as a compensation?Or how about we make you a partial refund as a way to make up for this?Looking forward to your reply soon.Best regards7. 亚马逊客户退货的询问原因邮件模板Dear ---Thank you so much for your great support on us.So sorry for the inconvenience it caused.Could I know the reason why you return the item?Are there any issues of our product?If yes, could you sent the photo of the issues thus we can help you better and submit to QC. Waiting for your reply.Best regards8. 客户询问货物的tracking number的回信邮件模板Dear————,Thank you for contacting us regarding your inquiry.Orders are shipped within two days after they are placed. Usually, we are able to ship orders the next day. Weekend orders are shipped on the following Monday. Please allow 3-7 business days after shipment for delivery. You will receive a shipping confirmation email from Amazon when the shipping information has been uploaded.Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated. If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.Best regards9.索取Review模板Dear————,My name is X and I am the owner of [Your Amazon Store Name]. I want to personally thank you for being one of our customers!I noticed that your order was delivered recently. Product Ordered: XYour order:?[insert customer's order # inside these brackets and delete brackets]I hope that you've had a chance to try the product. I want to make sure that you are 100% happy. If you have any issues, please reply to this email so I can make it right! (In fact, I love to hear from people who are enjoying my products, so I'd like to hear from you even if everything has gone smoothly!)If you are not satisfied with the product, please give us a chance to make it right! Respond to this email, and I will do whatever it takes to make you happy.We'd be honored to get your honest experience and suggestion of the product!?Thank you again for ordering from [Your Amazon Store Name]. We truly appreciate your business. We LOVE our customers and we will always be here if you need us.Wishing you the best,10.亚马逊的商品被跟卖,发警告信的邮件模板Dear??“?B?”,?It has come to our attention that “?B?”is using the " A " trademark without license or prior written authorization from " A ".?" A " holds federal trademark registrations in the United States. So??“?B?”listings violate "A " trademark and intellectual property rights. You are also in breach of Amazon’s Participation Agreement.Therefore, we demand that you immediately remove all listings on in which “?B?”utilizes our trademarks and images protected by copyright.“?B?”currently has at least one listing on for products that utilize“A’s”trademarks and/or copyrights without??authorization. See the following?ASIN: B001234567 (写自己的ASIN)" A " is the only entity authorized to provide authorization to sell its products on . Your listing constitutes a violation of??" A's " trademark rights, copyrights, and Amazon’s Participation Agreement.“?B?”'s infringing listings must be removed immediately to prevent damage to " A " brand and lost sales.While " A " has many options available under this state. But we would prefer to resolve this matter amicably. Please confirm to us in writing within 24 hours, that you have:(1) Removed all of " A’s " trademarks and copyright material from your listings and any other website or public display you operate;(2) Removed all of " A’s " listings of products it claims to be associated with " A’s ", including but not limited to the ASINs listed aboveFailure to take action within 24 hours will force us to report this serious violation to the Amazon seller performance team. This is licensed products to as well, Amazon seller performance team will take such violations very seriously, possibly resulting in removal of your selling privileges on .Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please contact us if you have any questions. Legal on behalf of " A "11.邀请顾客成为老客户群邮件Dear_______,Thanks for your kindly support for 店铺名.To express our grateful, we want to invite you join in our “VIP te am(自己取名)”Our VIP team member(自己取名)can experience our new product in advance and enjoy discount .Just contact us with order ID by contacting our email on attachment.(把邮箱放在附件上) We are waiting for your email.Have a good time.Best regards,12.买家不知道如何使用产品的回信邮件模板Dear————,Thank you for contacting us regarding your inquiry.We are really grateful with your question Thus we can realize our shortage of product listing. We will update our listing to perfect our product information.There is the latest instruction of our product .Please check the attachment for your reference.If you still have any question, please be free to contact with us.We will do our best to help you ASAP.Best regards,13.给买家补发自发货售后件的通知模板Dear————,Hope you are fine and doing well.We have already arrange the replacement to you for your reference.(产品具体参数)The tracking number is _______________, please click the attachment to get more detail . It will take 7-10 day to arrive your city because of the long distance.Thanks for your kindly understanding and support.If you still have any question, please be free to contact with us.We will do our best to help you ASAP.Best regards,14.差评跟进邮件(进度一)Dear————,How are you recently? Hope you and your family are good.We found your review for (产品).We are really sorry for the inconvenience it causedTo express our apologize, we provide few suggestion following by:1.We will arrange a suitable replacement for you for free2.We will provide a claim code for you.3.Or refund allWhich one do you prefer?Looking forward to your reply soon.Best regards,15.差评跟进邮件(进度二)Dear————Hope you have a great time.I am writing to concern whether you have receive the replacement.If you still have any question with your order, please contact with us.We would try our best to solve it.If you are satisfied with our services, could you do me a big favor to upgrade the r eivew? The following link:————————————————————————————It is really important for me.We will really appreciate for it.Sincerely,16.客户订购多个产品,卖家发邮件确认产品订单Dear ——,Thank you so much for your great support on us.We have received your order of “XXXXXX”.We will work on your order asap, we just want to confirm the amount of the compass, did you order 10(数量)pcs?产品参数——————————————————If nothing is wrong, we will ship them asap.Best RegardsSeller’s name17.卖家发错地址Dear____,Thank you so much for your great support on us.What a big mistake we made!Sorry, but will you still want the items? If yes, we will resend you immediately and make you a partial refund , if not, we will make you the full refund.Waiting for your reply and hope your kind understanding.Best RegardsSeller’s name18.客户因订购的商品大小不合适导致退货Dear——,Thanks so much for your great support on 店铺名.So sorry for the inconvenience that the swimming suit(产品名)did not fit you.Will it be possible to give others as a gift? Or how about we make you a partial refund as a way to make up for this?Just suggestion, if you insist on returning it back, we will go to the further step.Waiting for your reply.Best Regards。
