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Pipeline Detection Exercise
Followed Pipe 11m to 180m Frequency 400kHz Changed sector swath, Started at 60° (11m) Changed to 40° (85m) Changed to 30° (121m) Data binned at 0.5m
50m X 14m X 8m Height
March 2010
Variable Swath Width “on-the-fly”
Initial open angle at 110° for Changed opening angle to 30° over target Changed opening angle back to 110°
Mobilize RV Golden Dolphin Install 3 VRU’s – F190 – WaveMaster – Octans Install Fugro HP L1/L2 Sonic 2024 and F190 IMU mounted Find a place to put the PC’s (above paint storage is OK!)
Data binned at 0.2m interval
Pipeline Detection Exercise
Pipeline in suspension and supported
Pipeline Detection Exercise
Using Fugro software the pipe position relative to adjacent seabed is calculated Critical span sections are determined
AUV Data = Red Sonic 2024 = Blue
Site Survey Comparison to Reson 7125
R2Sonic Sonic 2024 data AUV Reson 7125 data
AUV Data = Red Sonic 2024 = Blue
44m X Maximum 2.1 high 34m X Maximum 2.4 high
Comparison with independent 7125 survey
Survey data of Wreck (right) provided to Fugro as a means of comparison. Systems used: – Reson 7125 (400kHz) – RTK Positioning – RTK for tides Data at 0.5m grid interval Survey data of Wreck (left) as surveyed using R2Sonic Used predicted tides Total of 3 lines; Centerline and 2 wing lines Data binned at 0.5m interval
R2Sonic site survey Variable swath width Variable frequency, however used 200kHz on majority.
Site Survey Comparison to Reson 7125
R2Sonic Sonic 2024 data AUV Reson 7125 data
1000m X 1000m
Additional lines to cover up to the 20m contour
Site Survey Comparison to Reson 7125
Data from AUV survey Using Reson 7125 Fitted with 200kHz TDX AUV flown at 40m altitude
All 256 beams are concentrated within the configured opening angle
Site Survey Comparison to Reson 7125
Site survey 1km X 1km Deep lines (01-08) using 200kHz Deep lines opening angle set to 90° Shallow lines (09-10) using 310kHz Shallow lines opening angle set to 120° Extended site to include up to 11m contour Additional lines using 310kHz to 400kHz
1000mபைடு நூலகம்
1000m Large Diameter Pipeline
Multibeam Calibration
AUV 7125 Comparison and Pipeline Detection
Additional lines run to find the 20m contour Determine safe approach for Pipeline determination exercise Shallowest part surveyed was around 11m.
Pipe visible at 160m depth
Start to lose pipe definition at >160m
Pipeline Detection Exercise
Shallow section (11m to 50m) 60° sector swath @ 400kHz: – Beam spacing = 0.05m to 0.24m – Beam footprint = 0.1m X 0.2m to 0.5m X 1.0m
ENC 18.3m Contour ENC 9.1m Contour
Actual Depth at start of line = 10.5m
Multibeam Calibration
Calibration performed over wreck Water depth 135m Tested variable swath (opening angle) “on-the-fly”
End depth = 180m
1900m Start depth = 11m
130m 85m
40° to 30° sector
60° to 40° sector
Pipeline Detection Exercise
Deeper section 30° sector swath @ 400kHz: – Beam spacing = 0.4m – Beam footprint = 1.6m X 3.1m
Sonic 2024 Trails Overview
Water Depths 11m to 180m MBE Calibration Site Survey & AUV 7125 Comparison Pipeline Detection Elliott Bay Wreck Survey Compare with independent 7125 Survey Structure Detection Survey Piers (Wood and Concrete) Maximum Swath using 160° opening angle Travelling at 3.5 m/s to 4.0 m/s Deep water testing (130m to 294m) Site Survey using 200kHz Site Survey using 320kHz and reduced Swath Survey line at deepest section using up to 400kHz
March 2010
Objectives For Testing R2Sonic Multibeam System
Realize the usefulness of new features offered – 60kHz wideband signal processing – Single transmit transducer offering selectable frequencies from 200 to 400kHz – Selectable swath sector from 10° to 160° Test the system in a number of standard survey modes – Site survey – Pipeline inspection – Vertical target detection Verify the advertised technical specifications – Change frequency “on-the-fly” (selectable in real-time) – Change swath sector width “on-the-fly” – Maximum Range of 500m
AUV 7125 Comparison and Pipeline Detection
Multibeam Calibration over wreck in 135m water depth Site Survey between 50m to 180m water depth Comparison to AUV 7125 data surveyed at 40m altitude Survey along length of 1.5m diameter pipeline from 11m to 180m WD
Research and development is part of Fugro’s continuous improvement program. Fugro developments include hardware and software. Part of researching includes investigation and testing of new equipment. Purpose of testing includes the determination of suitability and commercial readiness. Results of testing can include feedback to manufacturer and preparation of procedural documents prior to use within the Fugro group.
Fugro’s Continuous Improvement Program R2Sonic Sonic 2024 Trials August 2009
Presenter: John Callahan
March 2010
Fugro’s Commitment To Continuous Improvement