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前──后 冷──热 高──低 进──退 死──活 公──私 快──慢 矛──盾 宽──窄 强──弱 轻──重 缓──急 松──紧 好──坏 美──丑 善──恶 是──非 闲──忙 来──去 分──合 存──亡 动──静 浓──淡 偏──正 饥──饱 爱──恨 升──降 开──关 始──终 胖──瘦 迎──送 盈──亏 真──假 虚──实 有──无 雅──俗
Types pf antonyms
1.Complementaries互补性反义词 互补性反义词 Complementary opposites are pairs that express absolute opposites, like mortal —— immortal, single——married, male——female, dead——alive
反义词就是两个意思相反的词,包括:绝 对反义词和相对反义词。分为成对的意 义相反、互相对立的词。如:真-假,动静,拥护-反对。这类反义词所表达的概 念意义互相排斥。或成对的经常处于并 举、对待位置的词。如:春-秋,黑-白, 高山-平地。这类反义词没有矛盾对立关 系,但对比鲜明。
注意事项 1、组成反义词(Antonym)的一对词必须属于同一 意义范畴,如:长-短(长度),开头-结尾(过程), 古-今(时间)。 2、不是任何一个词都有反义词。反义词以形容词 最多,其次是动词;表示具体事物的名词(书、笔)大 部分没有反义词。 3、多义词 ( polysemy )可以有几个跟不同义项相配 的反义词,如:快-慢、钝,清淡-浓郁、油腻。 4、反义词包括:绝对反义词(Contradictory antonym)和相对反义词(Contrary antonym)。 5、只有广泛意义上的形容词才有反义词。确定的 动词、名词之类的没有反义词,比如“飞”没有反义词; “鸟”没有反义词。
3. A third usage (particularly that of the influential Lyons 1968, 1977) defines the term antonym as referring to only gradable opposites (the long : short type) while the other types are referred to with different terms. Therefore, as Crystal (2003) warns, the terms antonymy and antonym should be regarded with care. In this article, the usage of Lyons (1963, 1977) and Cruse (1986, 2004) will be followed where antonym is restricted to gradable opposites and opposite is used as the general term referring to any of the subtypes discussed below.
正常──异常 非凡──平凡 特别──一般 扫兴──高兴 轻蔑──敬重 开心──苦闷 寻常──异常 违背──遵循 怀疑──相信 强盛──衰败 尊重──侮辱 激烈──平静 嘈杂──寂静 美丽──丑陋 信奉──背弃 失信──守信 率领──追随 退化──进化 凝结──溶解 伟大──渺小 聚拢──分散 增添──减少 活泼──呆板 鲜艳──暗淡 严寒──酷暑 安谧──嘈杂 温暖──凉爽 可爱──可恶 紧张──轻松 仔细──粗心
What is
In lexical semantics, opposites are words that lie in an inherently incompatible binary relationship as in the opposite pairs male : female, long : short, up : down, and precede : follow. The notion of incompatibility here refers to the fact that one word in an opposite pair entails that it is not the other pair member. For example, something that is long entails that it is not short. It is referred to as a 'binary' relationship because there are two members in a set of opposites. The relationship between opposites is known as opposition. A member of a pair of opposites can generally be determined by the question What is the opposite of X ?
2. The term antonym (and the related antonymy) has also been commonly used as a term that is synonymous with opposite; however, the term also has other more restricted meanings. One usage has antonym referring to both gradable opposites, such as long : short, and (nongradable) complementary opposites, such as male : female, while opposites of the types up : down and precede : follow are excluded from the definition.
2.gradable opposites等级性反义词 等级性反义词 For the purposes of this article (see introduction), antonyms, from the Greek anti ("opposite") and onoma ("name") are gradable opposites. Gradable opposites lie at opposite ends of a continuous spectrum of meanings; examples are hot and cold, slow and fast, and fat and skinny. Words may have several different antonyms, depending on the meaning: both long and tall can be antonyms of short.
3.Relational antonyms (Converses) 换 位性反义词 are pairs in which one describes a relationship between two objects and the other describes the same relationship when the two objects are reversed,such as parent and child, teacher and student, or buy and sell.
翻来覆去 继往开来 截长补短 空前绝后 弄假成真 头重脚轻 同甘共苦 假公济私 争先恐后 花天酒地 顾此失彼 扬长避短 取长补短 除旧布新 七上八下 积少成多 声东击西 惩前毖后 转败为胜 前仰后合 厚此薄彼 说长道短 今是昨非 你死我活 完整无缺 尺短寸长 喜新厌旧 自始至终 开天辟地 天罗地网 虎头蛇尾 街头巷尾 三长两短 口是心非 似是而非 拈轻怕重 借古讽今 避重就轻 瞻前顾后 凶多吉少 眼高手低 返老还童 惊天动地 顶天立地
Though the word antonym was only coined by philologists in the 19th century, such relationships are a fundamental part of a language, in contrast to synonyms, which are a result of history and drawing of fine distinctions, or homonyms, which are mostly etymological accidents or coincidences. Languages often have ways of creating antonyms as an easy extension of lexicon. For example, English has the prefixes in- and un-, so unreal is the antonym of real and indocile is of docile. Some planned languages abundantly use such devices to reduce vocabulary multiplication. Esperanto has mal- (compare bona = "good" and malbona = "bad"), Damin has kuri- (tjitjuu "small", kuritjitjuu "large") and Newspeak has un- (as in ungood, "bad").
Leabharlann Baidu