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一 Listen and number.听音标号。(2*6=12)


()() ( ) 二Listen and judge.听音判断正误,对的写“T”,错的写“F”.(2*4=8)


三Listen and colour.听音涂色。(2*5=10)

四Listen and fill in the blanks.听音填空。(2*5=10)

Li Na : Hello, Nick. Do you like Chinese food ?

Nick : Yes, very much.

Li Na : do you like?

Nick : I like ,steamed bread and dumplings.

Li Na : What’s your favourite?

Nick : Dumplings. I love them.

Li Na : What noodles?

Nick : No , I like ,but I like Baozi very much .

五、Listen to a song.听一首歌曲,完成下列各题。根据歌曲内容,选择正确的答案并将代表该答案的字母填入题前的括号内。(2*5=10) ( )1. What’s the girl’s name?

A. Mary

B. Emma

C. Tina.

( )2. What does Emma hate?

A. Fish

B. Sunday

C. Pink



一 Look and write. 请将字母组成正确的单词写在横线上,并与对


ksrit ardecs cie recma hcikcen hsitr

二、Read and match. 将相应答案的序号填入题前的圆圈内。(2*5=10) ○1. What’s your favourite day? A. Here you are.

○2. When is your birthday? B.I like pizza and cola.

○3. Can I have an ice cream? C.Wednesday .

○4. How are you feeling today? D. In October.

○5. What do you like? E. I am tired.

三、Correct and write.请找出下列句子中的错误,并将正确的句子


1 Bob like spaghetti and cheese.

2 My favourite drink is pizza.

3 What do you likes?

4 I don’t like beef and cola.

5 I likes milk and orange juice.

四、Choose and write.请根据图片选择正确单词写在横线上。


like apples don’t What milk

Do you cola ?

No,I .

What about hot chocolate?

I don’t like it.

do you like ?

and .

五、Read and choose.请根据短文选择正确的答案。(2*5=10)

My name is Barbara .I’m eleven .My birthday is in June. My favourite food is spaghetti. But I don’t like hamburgers .Today is my birthday. So I am ver happy.I am wearing a pink sweater and a blue skirt.What colour are my new shoes? They’re red. They’re my birthday presents. ( ) 1 Barbara’s favourite food is .

A hamburgers

B spaghetti

C chicken

( ) 2 Barbara’s birthday is in .

A September

B August

C June

( ) 3 Barbara is today.

A tired

B happy

C sad

( ) 4 Barbara is wearing today.

A a pink skirt

B a blue sweater

C a blue skirt ( ) 5 Barbara’s new shoes are .

A brown

B purple

C red

