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1、ignore=take no notice = not take any notice 忽略,无视v

2、vital = essential = crucial重要的adj

3、media = newspapers, television 媒体n

4、accessible = easy to reach 容易到达的adj

5、modify (modification) = change 改变v

6、destruction = destroy = loss毁坏n

7、investigate = probe =look into 调查v

8、geographical location = where 表示地点

9、confront = face =encounter = meet 遇见,遭遇v

10、impetus = cause = stimulus =reason 原因

11、protect = guard =safeguard 保护v

12、mistaken view = misconception 错误的观点n

13、habit = where to live 居住地n

14、get wormer = global warming 变暖n

15、contribute to = play a part 有助于v

16、survive = continuing existence 幸存,活下来v

17、curriculum = syllabus 课程n

18、link to = be connected with 把·和·相联系v

19、underdeveloped = degenerated = rudimentary 不发达的adj

20、poor = bad = no good at something = weak 贫穷的可怜的adj

21、exceptional =excellent =outstanding = brilliant = impressive =admirable 超常的,例外的adj

22、mating = courtship 交配

23、follow = track = tail = shadow = hound =stalk跟随追踪v

24、good vision ability = vision is obviously more useful 好的视力

25、best = finest = ideal = optimum = unsurpassed = record-breaking 极好的adj

26、assist = help = aid帮助v

27、specific = givesomebodymoredetails = expand on = elaborate 特定的adj

28、substance = aparticulartype of solid, liquid, or gas 物质n

29、surrounding = environment = circumstance 环境n

30、engage = give somebody a job = employ 雇佣v

31、combine = mix = stir 联合v

32、survival = the stage of continuing to live or exist 幸存n

33、emerge = appear = become visible 出现v

34、emit = to send out gas, heat, light, sound 发出放射n

35、situation = circumstances =plight 情况状况n

36、self-conscious = worried and embarrassed about what you look like or what other people think of you


37、generate = form = produce 产生

38、various = differing = varying = a mix of something 各种各样的adj

39、convenient = a thing or way of doing something that is easy and quick; a time or arrangement that is

convenient 方便的adj

40、objective = impartial = neutral 客观的adj

41、observe = notice = spot = detect 观察v

42、comment = remark 评论

43、include = consist of 包含,包括v

44、focuson = deals only with 专注于v

45、initiative = on your own/by yourself = independently 主动的,自发的adj主动权n

46、increase = go up = rise = grow 上升,增加v

47、teach = educate = train = coach = instruct = bring up 教学v

48、more than one language = bilingual = somebody ’s second language 多种语言n

49、identify = pinpoint = diagnose鉴定查明

50、young people = teenager = youth = in your teens = adolescent = minor年轻人n

51、community = all the people in a particular area, city, country 群体团体社区n

52、traditional = old-fashioned = outdated 传统的adj

53、fail = failure = not succeed = unsuccessful = vain 失败v

54、endanger = damaged = destroyed 危及使危险v

55、diverse = varied = wide-ranging = mixed 各种各样的adj

56、inevitable = certain to happen and impossible to avoid 不可避免的adj

57、differfrom = unusual与不同v

58、reluctant = unwilling = not willing 勉强的adj

59、consult = asksomebody ’s advice 咨询v

60、alternative = another = other 另一个

61、therapist = someone who has been trained to give a particular form of treatment for physical or mental

illness 临床医学家n

62、retrain = taking courses 再教育v

63、salary = pay = wage = incorme 工资收入n

64、long-term = chronic = long-running 长期的adj

65、complaint = complain抱怨n

66、illness = disease = virus 疾病n

67、connection = relationship 联系n

68、benefical = nutritious = healthful 有益的adj

69、insight=comprehension = understanding理解见解n

70、reject = to refuse to accept 拒绝v

71、employ = give somebody a job = take on 雇佣v

72、courier = a person or company that is paid to take packages somewhere 快递员n

73、storage = keep = store 存储n

74、facility = equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose 设备n

75、ambitious = ambition = power- hungry/power- mad 有志向的,雄心壮志的adj

76、effort = to try very hard to do something = attempt = campaign = drive 努力n

77、plante = the world = earht/earth = the globe 地球n

78、unpredictable = can’t say /tell = unforeseeable = it ramains to be seen 无法预测的adj

79、machinery = device = robot = appliance = machanism 机械n

80、ultimate = final 最终的,根本的adj

81、atmosphere = thefeeling that an event or place gives you = the mixture of gases that surrounds the

Earth 气氛大气n

82、occur = happen = takek place 发生v

83、expand = get bigger = grow = swell up = stretch 扩张扩大v

84、form = type = shape形式n

85、encourage = persuade = persuation = encourage 鼓励v

86、loan an amount of money that you borrow from a bank 贷款n

87、poverty = being poor 贫穷n

88、crime = illegal activities in general 犯罪n
