美国文学史 童明
童明《美国文学史》章节题库-第4部分美国现代主义时期:1914-1945【圣才出品】第4部分美国现代主义时期:1914-1945填空题1. “Impersonal theory” of poetry was developed by _____,a famous poet as well as a distinguished literary critic.(天津外国语学院2011研)【答案】T. S. Eliot【解析】“非个性化”理论是艾略特诗歌理论的核心内容,包括艺术情感、传统、客观对应物三个相互影响、相互制约的核心概念,“诗不是表现情感,而是逃避情感;不是表现个性,而是逃避个性。
”2. In his _____, Ezra Pound expresses his fascination with Chinese history and the doctrine of Confucius.(天津外国语大学2011研)【答案】Cantos【解析】Ezra Pound在长诗《诗章》中阐述孔子学说,他的另一诗集Cathay《华夏》收集并翻译了十几首中国古诗。
3. Author _____ Title _____.(南京大学2009研)The two waiters inside the cafe knew that the old man was a little drunk, and while he was a good client they knew that if he became too drunk he would leave without paying, so they kept watch on him.【答案】Author: Ernest Hemingway; Title: A Clean, Well-lighted Place【解析】题目节选自海明威的A Clean, Well-lighted Place (《一个干净明亮的地方》)。
第1部分 早期美国文学:殖民时期至1815年第1章 “新世界”的文学1.1 复习笔记1.2 课后习题详解1.3 考研真题和典型题详解第2章 殖民地时期的美国文学:1620—1763 2.1 复习笔记2.2 课后习题详解2.3 考研真题和典型题详解第3章 文学与美国革命:1764—18153.1 复习笔记3.2 课后习题详解3.3 考研真题和典型题详解第2部分 美国浪漫主义时期:1815—1865第4章 美国浪漫主义时期4.1 复习笔记4.2 课后习题详解4.3 考研真题和典型题详解第5章 早期浪漫主义5.1 复习笔记5.2 课后习题详解5.3 考研真题和典型题详解第6章 超验主义和符号表征6.1 复习笔记6.2 课后习题详解6.3 考研真题和典型题详解第7章 霍桑、麦尔维尔和坡7.1 复习笔记7.2 课后习题详解7.3 考研真题和典型题详解第8章 惠特曼和狄金森8.1 复习笔记8.2 课后习题详解8.3 考研真题和典型题详解第9章 文学分支:反对奴隶制的写作9.1 复习笔记9.2 课后习题详解9.3 考研真题和典型题详解第3部分 美国现实主义时期:1865—1914第10章 现实主义时期10.1 复习笔记10.2 课后习题详解10.3 考研真题和典型题详解第11章 地区和地方色彩写作11.1 复习笔记11.2 课后习题详解11.3 考研真题和典型题详解第12章 亨利·詹姆斯和威廉·迪恩·豪威尔斯12.1 复习笔记12.2 课后习题详解12.3 考研真题和典型题详解第13章 自然主义文学13.1 复习笔记13.2 课后习题详解13.3 考研真题和典型题详解第14章 女性作家书写“女性问题”14.1 复习笔记14.2 课后习题详解14.3 考研真题和典型题详解第4部分 美国现代主义时期:1914—1945第15章 美国现代主义15.1 复习笔记15.1 复习笔记15.2 课后习题详解15.3 考研真题和典型题详解第16章 现代主义的演变16.1 复习笔记16.2 课后习题详解16.3 考研真题和典型题详解第17章 欧洲的美国现代主义17.1 复习笔记17.2 课后习题详解17.3 考研真题和典型题详解第18章 两次世界大战间的现代小说18.1 复习笔记18.2 课后习题详解18.3 考研真题和典型题详解第19章 现代美国诗歌19.1 复习笔记19.2 课后习题详解19.3 考研真题和典型题详解第20章 非裔美国小说和现代主义20.1 复习笔记20.2 课后习题详解20.3 考研真题和典型题详解第5部分 多元化的美国文学:1945年至新千年第21章 新形势下的多元化文学21.1 复习笔记21.2 课后习题详解21.3 考研真题和典型题解析第22章 美国戏剧:三大剧作家22.1 复习笔记22.2 课后习题详解22.3 考研真题和典型题详解第23章 主要小说家:1945年至60年代23.1 复习笔记23.2 课后习题详解23.3 考研真题和典型题详解第24章 1945年以来的诗学倾向24.1 复习笔记24.2 课后习题详解24.3 考研真题和典型题详解第25章 20世纪60年代以来的小说发展状况25.1 复习笔记25.2 课后习题详解25.3 考研真题和典型题详解第26章 当代多民族文学和小说26.1 复习笔记26.2 课后习题详解26.3 考研真题和典型题详解第27章 美国文学的全球化:流散作家27.1 复习笔记27.2 课后习题详解27.3 考研真题和典型题详解第1部分 早期美国文学:殖民时期至1815年第1章 “新世界”的文学1.1 复习笔记Ⅰ. Discoveries of America(发现美洲大陆)Who discovered America?谁发现了美洲?1 The credit is often attributed to Christopher Columbus. Yet this argument is controversial.一种说法是哥伦布发现了美洲大陆。
童明《美国⽂学史》课后习题详解(⼥性作家书写“⼥性问题”)【圣才出品】第14章⼥性作家书写“⼥性问题”Questions for Discussion and Writing Assignments1. Describe how the cultural and legal codes were against women in the late 19th century and early 20th century in America. Key: In the late 19th century and early 20th century was not free of Victorianism.(1)Under cultural and legal codes with Victorianist connotations in America, a woman was dependent upon a man to the extent that all her creativity was either channeled into making utilitarian goods or raising children. (2)She had little chance to receive education or to become a poet, or painter, or doctor, or lawyer, or take up any self-fulfilling career. Society allowed only the man to make major public and private decisions. (3)In those days, a woman had very few legal rights. She could not vote for national or local politics. Only in half of the states were women allowed to vote in school elections. Legally a woman could not contract just by herself.2. What are Amendments 13, 15, 19 in the American Constitution about? How was Amendment 19 won?Key: Amendment 13 abolished slavery. Amendment 15 in effect made racial discrimination illegal. Amendment 19 in effect affirms that women have the rights to vote.During that time, the women suffrage movement—a movement based on the basic assumption that women should have the same rights to vote as men—fought long and hard. And it was not until 1918—after some women suffrage leaders were imprisoned and then released—that women finally got their voting rights.3. What is the conflict Kate Chopin often depicts in her fiction? How is this theme manifested in the plotline of The Awakening?Key: Her main theme is the conflict between a woman’s need for her personhood and the conventionalized expectation that a wife should revolve around her husband. Stated differentl y, the conflict reflects Chopin’s belief that it is very difficult for men and women to reconcile two different needs they have: the need for them to live as discrete individuals (especially for the woman) on one hand and their need to live in a close relationship on the other.The Awakening focuses on this main theme. It presents the story of Edna Pontellier’s doomed attempt to find her own fulfillment through passion. From the perspective of the Victorianist society at the time, Edna should be happy considering that she is a young married woman, with an indulgent husband and attractive children. But she suffers from a lack of opportunity to achieve self-fulfillment. Neither her father nor her husband has encouraged her individuality.4. What does Edna Pontellier in The Awakening really want?Key: She desires what the Emersonian tradition encourages any American man to aspire. She desires to explore her self-potentials in connection with the world. She aspires for the Over-soul. During a summer vacation, sh e “begins to realize her position in the universe as a human being, and to recognize her relations as an individual to the world within and about her.”Edna’s discontent leads to her adultery and then to suicide.5. Compare the husbands in Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” and Chopin’s The Awakening. How are the cultural codes against women manifested in each case?Key: In “The Yellow Wallpaper”, the husband, John, is a doctor who administers the “rest cure” by renting “a colonial mansion” (which she describes as “a hereditary estate” and “a haunted house”) for their stay in the summer. She is confined to the nursery upstairs and is forbidden to be with her child. Under the supervising eye of John’s sister, she cannot write nor do anything creative.In The Awakening, the husband, Leonce does not encourage his wife Edna’s individuality. He indulges but sees her “as a valuable piece of property” and thus mocks her artistic pursuit. He will not allow Edna to be free of the patriarchal restraints for a woman.6. How are the repressive gender codes manifested in the “treatment” of the wife(“I”) in “The Yellow Wallpaper?” To what extent is she a victim of the repressive gender codes and to what extent is she even an accomplice at the beginning?Key: “The Yellow Wallpaper” is a powerful feminist indictment of the norms in a patriarchal culture. It is based on the real experiences of Gilman. ‘T’, the protagonist of the story is a married middle-class woman who has just given birth to a child and is suffering from depression. Her husband, John, is a doctor who administers the “rest cure” by renting “a colonial mansion” for their stay in the summer. She is confined to the nursery upstairs and is forbidden to be with her child. Under the supervising eye of John’s sister, she cannot write nor do anything creative.To a great extent, she is a victim of the repressive gender codes, because that she is confined by her husband and has no freedom to do what she wants to do. However, to some extent, she herself is even an accomplice at the beginning, because that at the beginning she is perfectly sane although depressed, she should try her best to choose the way of her treatment and rebel against the ridiculous confinement by her husband.7. What are the ironies on which “The Yellow Wallpaper” turns?Key: “The Yellow Wallpaper” turns on ironies because that at the beginning the woman is perfectly sane although depressed.A sign of her sanity is that she realizes, as she writes in the diary, that she is not getting well because John is aphysician. As her confinement in the upstairs nursery prolongs for weeks, she gets worse and eventually becomes insane or, to use the right words, becomes a “mad woman.”8. What is the social world in which Edith Wharton lived and about which she wrote?Key: The world in which Edith Wharton was born and got married was the world of plutocratic aristocracy, the wealthy and secure society in New York and its affiliated capitals of American social life.She wrote as an insider of this world and of characters whose lives are modeled after those of “four hundred” prominent families in New York. Thematically, her novels reflect the struggles of the individual members of elite societies (particularly the female members) in their attempts to actualize themselves within the rigid behavioral mores of their class. While she exposes the hypocrisy behind the moral rigidity of “society,” she shows that the life in “society” is the richest to be experienced.9. Who is Mrs. Teddy Wharton? Why is she the formidable rival for Edith Wharton? Key: As a “society lady,” Edith Wharton was Mrs. Teddy Wharton.Because that when she writes, she names herself Edith Wharton, however, as a woman writer, she just cannot write what she wants to write freely. That is to say, she can think freely as Mrs. Teddy Wharton, but she cannot write freely as EdithWharton.10. What are the differences in the love situations depicted in the three majornovels by Edith Wharton, The House of Mirth, Ethan Frome and The Age of Innocence?Key: The House of Mirth is the story of the lovely Lily Bart who is wellborn but has no money. Being poor spells helplessness in a society where money is the only guarantee of security. Lily Bart’s lover is unable to help her because he is also poor. Lily is then tempted to use her beauty to gain the support of a very rich man.Ethan Frome is a powerful story of illicit love. When Ethan Frome survives the accident that kills his young lover, he is physically and psychologically crippled. What makes the novel a fitting example of Wharton’s fictive skills is that the novel achieves intensity not only in the portrayal of Ethan or his unhappy lover or his unfortunate wife, but in the horror as observed by an outsider who comes from a world where the spiritual effects of such crude poverty are not known.The Age of Innocence pairs the enchanting but unhappily married Countess Olenska with Newland Archer. Olenska would seem to have the means of escape that Lily Bart does not. But Archer proves to be too weak a lover. Even when Olenska and Archer are both free, the latter is too timid to leave the security of New York high society and to take a step toward emotional reality.。
童明《美国文学史》模拟试题及详解(二)I. Fill in the blanks1. On January 10, 1776, Thomas Paine’s famous pamphlet _____ appeared.【答案】Common Sense【解析】1776年美国独立的风潮开始,托马斯·潘恩支持美国独立,反对英国的殖民专政,撰写了他的成名小册子《常识》,为美国从英国殖民中独立出来辩论,批评英国国王残暴无能,认为独立后的美国应该建立共和国。
2. The great work _____ not only demonstrates Emersonian ideas of self-reliance but also develops and tests Thoreau’s own transcendental philosophy.【答案】Self-Reliance【解析】富兰克林的《论自立》不仅表现了爱默生关于自立的思想,同时也表达了他的超验主义思想。
3. Ernest Hemingway once noted that “all modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain”. The book Hemingway gave credit to is _____.【答案】The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn【解析】海明威曾经说“所有现代美国文学都来自马克·吐温的一本书”。
4. “In a Station of the Metro” has only the following two lines:The _____ of these faces in the crowd;_____ on a wet, black bough.【答案】apparition ; Petals【解析】这是著名意象派诗人庞德的一首短诗:众中梦幻身影,黝黑枝头疏花。
童明《美国⽂学史》课后习题详解(美国浪漫主义时期)【圣才出品】第4章美国浪漫主义时期Questions for Discussion and Writing Assignments1. What were the feelings of the new nationhood? What are the connections between nationalism and romanticism?Key: The new nationhood was proud of itself, but as a young country it could not be quite free of a sense of inferiority or “colonial complex” in the face of Europe.Nationalism often goes hand in hand with romanticism. The special psychological make-up of nationalism gives romanticism its own particular characteristics.2. Who are the most accomplished writers in this time period? How differently do they define Americanness?Key: Literary giants such as Poe, Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, and Melville are the most accomplished writers in this time period. Soon, their achievements would be matched by those from Whitman and Dickinson, among others.3. What are the five characteristics of Romanticism as listed in this chapter? Please discuss each by offering examples from authors you have read in this period. Key: First, romanticism celebrates the triumph of feeling and intuition over reason.And it is suspicious of the rationalist explanations of the universe and human nature by the Enlightenment writers. Since romantic writers placed a higher value on the free expression of emotion and on the power of imagination, they showed greater interests in the psychic states. As a result, characters in romantic stories sometimes showed extremes of sensitivity, such as fear of the dark and the unknown. For example, Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Fall of the House of Usher” depicts the character’s extremes of sensitivity in a very vivid a nd horrifying way, which arouses the reader feelings of fear.Second, if the Enlightenment had annulled the Middle Ages, romanticism looked back to the Middle Ages with a nostalgic fascination. Also, the “Orient”-especially its “glorious” past-was a source of fascination. Gothic styles, “oriental” styles and other exotic styles were favored by romanticists. For example, Melville wrote several famous works following the exotic styles, such as Typee and Mardi.Third, romanticism exalted the individual over society, thus showing a strong disliking for the bondage of convention and customs. As it is sometimes the contradiction, nostalgia for the past traditions is also a romantic strain. For example, Thoreau left society and went to the Walden Pond to live, there, he wrote his famous work Walden.Fourth, nature is believed to be the source of goodness and the antithesis of society as society is inclined to be corrupt. A related manifestation is the moral enthusiasm exhibited in some romantic writers. For example, Emerson turned hisattention to nature, and thought that nature had the function of healing. He left his Nature for the later generations.Fifth, cultural nationalism-or the proud belief in one’s own cultural genius and heritage-is also a striking characteristic of romanticism. For example, Whitman was devoted himself to express the national spirit of America as a young man. His famous poet “There was a Child Went Forth” is a typical instance.。
Chapter 19美国文学 童明版
“Tradition and the Individual Talent” (1s an extraordinarily influential critic; "a giver of laws and the arbiter of taste" in the new poetry and criticism. He rejected Romantic notions of unfettered originality and arguing for the impersonality of great art. “Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality.”
Alter ego→ divided self “You” in this poem is Prufrock’s imaginary companion or alter ego The “you and I” of the first line seems to indicate that Prufrock has two selves—the outward, public figure who attends social gatherings, and the inner philosopher contemplating the important questions of life. His inability to fuse the two into a coherent whole reflects his overwhelming timidity. anti-hero
第9章文学分支:反对奴隶制的写作Questions for Discussion and Writing Assignments1. Up till the Civil War, the United States was “a house divided” on the question of slavery. What were the realities that indicated that house was divided? What were the arguments on both sides?Key: Over the question of slavery, the house called the United States was filled with high emotions and fierce debates. The Founding Fathers had hoped that slavery would shrivel away in the course of time. Their thinking was that the Constitution prohibited importing additional slaves so that slaveholders would eventually turn to free sources of labor. But the invention of the cotton gin and the expanding cotton markets in Britain and in New England increased the demand for cotton grown in much of America’s South. Slaves were a cheap source labor for a profitable cotton industry. When slaves could not be imported, they were bred. Slave-breeding became a profitable business.The arguments made by defenders of slavery were various and they changed over time. Some argued that slavery was an institution as old as human history and it was sanctified by the Bible. Some others claimed that slavery helped Christianize people who were less than civilized. Still others suggested that slavery was more humane than the “wage slavery” in the industrialized North, The most racist of the arguments would hold that African Americans wereless than human and were not capable of developing into free beings.2. Was abolishing slavery a primary concern for President Lincoln at first? What changes in the nation that finally encouraged him to draft the Emancipation Declaration?Key: When the southern states claimed the rights of secession, President Lincoln’s primary concern was to keep the Union and the issue of abolishing slavery was secondary to him.But, in the North abolitionist sentiment was rising. There was an even more vigorous protest against the possibility of slavery spreading into the West. Abolitionism then became a noble cause. By1862 Lincoln had drafted the Emancipation Declaration that would free the slaves and change once again the United States.3. Earlier on, the question of slavery was not a central issue for writers such as Irving, Cooper, Hawthorne, and Emerson. What changed their minds and the minds of many others in the 1850s?Key: The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 enraged many writers, as the law imposed upon the northerners the legal obligation to help slave owners protect their “property.”After the 1857 decision that said African Americans were not considered citizens by law, it was increasingly difficult for public personalities to avoid thequestion. It is in this context that we should understand the intents and implications of anti- slavery writing by writers of different backgrounds.4. What was the reception of Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life among the Lowly in the United States and internationally? What did President Lincoln say to Stowe once? Why did Stowe publish A Key to Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1853)? Key: In one year it sold more than 300,000 copies in the United States and 1,500,000 internationally. It. became the best-known American novel. George Eliot, George Sand, Tolstoy, Henry James all praised it for its moral power if not its artistic merits. The book was also turned into drama and was staged.Lincoln once met Ha rriet Beecher Stowe and said to her: “So this is the little lady who made this big war!”To respond to hostile accusations that the sensational accidents in Uncle Tom’s Cabin lacked authenticity, Stowe published A Key to Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1853) to show how she had drawn extensively from abolitionist materials and slave narratives.5. What was the main appeal of Uncle Tom’s Cabin? Stowe is known as a religious abolitionist. How is that manifested in the book?Key: The main appeal of Uncle Tom’s Cabin comes from the extreme sentimentality that derives from the deaths of little Eva St. Clare and Uncle Tom as well as from melodramatic events such as Eliza’s escape across the ice of theOhio River. With these stories and emotions, Stowe expresses, sometimes in her direct voice to the reader, her outrage at the iniquities of slavery.She claimed that Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a Christian book, written by God Himself, with her pen as His medium. Thus, the old Puritan theme of God’s intentions for America recurred in a different form. The driving force of the novel is God’s wrath directed at the slavery’s destruction of the fundamental laws of love, family and true feeling. The moral indignation is expressed in terms of the two poles of the conflict. On the one hand, the re is Haley, the slave trader, “a man alive to nothing but trade and profit.” On the other hand, there is Rachel Halliday who represented the religious home reuniting the families torn apart by the greed of Haley.6. What are Stowe’s limitations in this b ook?Key: Stowe’s limitations in this book probably are that she had difficulties depicting lives of black slaves, because she had never been close to black life. Stowe’s direct contact with slavery was limited to her visit to a plantation and her observation of how slaves were sold. Her writing may be sentimental and her understanding of the slaves may be limited, but she has used her sentimentality for very serious purposes.7. In what sense is Frederick Douglass’s Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave more than an autobiography?Key: Douglass’s Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave is an example of “slave narratives” which appeared in the 19th century as materials for the abolitionist movement. In general, Douglass’s autobiographical writings fall into two parts: the “before” and the “after.” The “before” recounts the horrors of being a slave and the “after” narrates the opportunities discovered in freedom. In this sense, Douglass’s book is also an example of the American tale of the self-made man.8. What is the structure of this book and what kind of details are included? Key: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass tells the story of his life from childhood until his escape to freedom at the age of 20. It includes many details of him, for example, he says in it that in order to avoid being retaken, he changed his name from Bailey to Douglass.The publication of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass in 1845 revealed so much detail of his life that Douglass was at risk of being re- enslaved. So he stopped his lectures with the antislavery circuit and fled to England.9. What inspired Douglass to write his book?Key: Douglass was deeply impressed by sufferings that he went through when he was young, so when he grew up, he became an active abolitionist. He wanted to write down his own horrible story so as to evoke people’s dissatisfaction and fight against slavery.10. How did the writing and publication of the book impact Douglass’s personal life?Key: The publication of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass in 1845 revealed so much detail of his life that Douglass was at risk of being re- enslaved.So he stopped his lectures with the antislavery circuit and fled to England.Between 1845 and 1847 he lectured in England to promote the antislavery cause in the British Isles. His English friends raised money with which he purchased his freedom. Later in 1847, he moved to Rochester, New York.11. Harriet Ann Jacobs’s Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl is the only slavenarrative written by a woman. What details in her account set this book apart from the slave narrative written by a male? Compare Jacobs’s Incidents with Douglass’s Narrative and also with Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin.Key: Jacobs’ own experiences as a slave and her perspective are quite different from those of slave narratives written by males. There are some striking features in her narrative. (1)First of all, she spoke directly to white women in the North, with the intention of recruiting them to the abolitionist cause. For that purpose, she exposed any falsely romantic notions Northern white women might have had about Southern genteel life. (2)Since white women in pre-Civil War America were expected to be chaste, pious, attractive, domestic and gracefully obedient to their husbands, she had to convince them that she was not a “fallen woman”。
第13章自然主义文学Questions for Discussion and Writing Assignments1. Explain how the Darwinian belief in naturalism is opposed to the Christian creationist view.Key: The Darwinist belief that humans are highly evolved animals is opposed to the Christian creationist view that humans exists below angels and above animals.2. What is the determinist view of existence that informs naturalism? What are the implications of this view on ethics?Key: The existence of a human person is limited by where and when he or she is born and restricted by the socioeconomic forces he or she has to wrestle with. Only the fittest survives in the life struggle.Because freedom of will does not exist, ethical choices are illusory. Naturalism thus eliminates the ethical problem that lies at the heart of the realist novel. Since human behavior is determined, it cannot be judged in terms of right or wrong, good or bad.3. Hamlin Garland’s announcement of a naturalist break from realism in Crumbling Idols offered a new theory called “veritism.” This announcement ornew theory shows that Garland stands opposed to Howells’ theory of realism. Explain their differences.Key: Howells was concerned with a faithful representation of reality as he saw it, but in doing so he limited the range of pessimistic material by conventional standards of taste and ethics. He was also restrained in matters of sexuality.While, Hamlin Garland raised issues that Howells avoided. He proposed that American fiction should explore truth for its underlying meaning and that it should deal with the unpleasant as well as pleasant aspects of life. The veritist, Garland suggested, should picture the ugly and warfare and, at the same time, conjure up the picture of beauty and peace.4. What is Stephen Crane’s fictional world like in general? In what sense is it naturalistic?Key: Crane’s fictional world is governed by a God who is either indifferent to humanity or is unable to intervene in human affairs. The characters subsist in the struggles of life and in the midst of violence. The author observes them with pessimistic detachment but offers psychological insights about them; in the latter respect, Crane was a decade or so ahead of his time.A distinct character trait in Crane’s fiction is how he, through the effect of fear, reveals the horror of war, depicts irrational human responses to the condition of life, exposes poverty, as well as the associated vices and unprovoked cruelty. In short, his depiction of fear compels the reader to look at themeaninglessness of life. Therefore, it reflects the naturalistic feature of his works.5. How did Crane’s career as a journalist help him as a fiction writer?Key: Crane’s career as a fiction writer paralleled his career as a newspaper reporter, which explains why his narration is objective, his observation and his time-sequence accurate. Also reflecting his experience as a journalist are the swift impressions he uses to introduce events and characters.6. Give an example to illustrate that the “reality effects” in Crane’s fiction are often included to enhance the allegorical.Key: “The Open Boat” is an allegorical tale. It tells of four survivors from a sunken gun-runner—the captain, an oiler, a cook and a correspondent—who are in the same boat rowing towards the Florida coast. This open boat is metaphorical for the humanity in the same boat. The sea, which stands for nature, is indifferent but not hostile. Everyone in the boat is aware of the possibility of death. But a sense of brotherhood grows among them. Just when they are about to land, the boat capsizes. The young and able oiler shows a quiet heroism that is ironically rewarded with death.7. What are the common elements in Red Badge of Courage and Maggie: A Girl of the Streets? And what is being mocked in each of the two?Key: Maggie: A Girl of the Streets and The Red Badge of Courage have a greatdeal in common.(1) Both are impressionistic studies of elemental fear, one associated with shame, the other with the failure of courage in military combat.(2) Each portrays a young person facing a crisis in life.(3) Each presents the color and movement of circumstances from without and the psychological and emotional forces from within.(4) Not insignificantly, Maggie Johnson and Henry Fleming are both portrayed in their first encounter with death.In Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, the point of the story, through the ironies, is its mockery of the theory that possessing moral qualities superior to one’s environmental situation can enhance one’s survival. The irony of The Red Badge of Courage turns on the fact that Fleming’s fear first leads to his “cowardly” flight and then ends with his “heroic” attack.8. What is Frank Norfis’s own explanation of his fiction? Why then would critics link him with Crane as naturalists? What is naturalistic about McTeague and The Octopus?Key: What is striking about Norris’s explanation of his fiction is that he denied any kinship with realism and defined himself in the tradition of “romance.”Because that his “romance” clearly shows the naturalist characteristics: pessimism of human existence in the short run; genetic determinism; Darwinist view of nature which is inclusive of sex, growth, hunger, environment; the naturallaws of economic forces. In 1899, three years after Maggie was published, Norris’s McTeague appeared. It was then that critics linked Crane and Norris as naturalists.McTeague tells of how an unschooled and crude San Francisco dentist, due to envious rivalry, fate and greed, bludgeoned his young wife to death. The story ends with the lurid double death of McTeague and his rival Marcus. The Octopus is an epic of the far West, although flawed by inconsistencies. Through several intertwined narratives, it tells the struggle between speculative California wheat farmers and the railroad. The greed on both sides and relentless economic forces result in tragic endings.9. In what sense is Jack London a writer of romance? And in what sense is he a naturalist?Key: London used the romantic fiction to preach the radicalism of his day—a combination of evolutionist theory and the vision of a classless society. His form—romantic fiction—was a main reason for his popularity. With the form, he personified to his magazine readers the romantic impulse of the new century which was naive yet vigorous.There is a general determinist overtone in his themes, namely, men and women are more evolved animals whose behavior is determined by laws of nature. In life, the fittest thrive and individual claims on life must be subjected to the survival of the human species. For the purpose of survival, animals, inclusiveof humans, can regress from the level of their current evolution to more primitive levels. Humans can act like beasts. These naturalist themes came from Jack London’s reading of Darwin, Marx, Herbert Spencer and Nietzsche. He was a declared Spencerian evolutionist and Marxist-socialist.10. Describe brie y the three “animals” in The Call of the Wild, White Fang and The Sea Wolf.Key: (1) The animal in The Call of the Wild is a dog named Buck. Buck is taken to the Alaskan Klondike where, in the wilderness, he must retrieve ancient instincts in order to survive. Buck answers and becomes the call of the wild. Through his fights he comes to be the head of a pack of wolves.(2) The animal in White Fang is a little puppy from Alaska, half wolf and halfdog. He is taken to be domesticated and has to bear the pains of being “civilized.”(3)The Sea Wolf is about the human wolf, so to speak. Captain Wolf Larsonwants to force Humphrey Van Weyden to discover his “manhood” and subjects him to a brutal but vitalizing education. Larson is killed by Weyden when the latter discovers his manhood.11. What is the main naturalist theme in Dreiser’s fiction? How does the pursuit ofsexual gratification acquire a naturalist undertone?Key: A major theme in Dreiser’s fiction is that men and women will, according。
美国文学史名词解释 综合
美国文学选读复习资料American Puritanism:the settlement of North American continent by English started in the early 17th century. Under siege from church and crown, it sent an offshoot in the third and fourth decades of the seventeenth century to the northern English colonies in the New World—a migration that laid the foundation for the religious, intellectual, and social order of New England. Puritanism, however was not only a historically specific phenomenon coincident with the founding of New Zealand; it was also a way of being in the world—a style of response to lived experience—that has reverberated through American life ever since. As a culture heritage, Puritanism did have a profound influence on the early American mind. American Puritanism also had a enduring influence on American literature. American RomanticismThe Romantic Period stretches from the end of the 18th \century through the outbreak of the Civil War.•Romanticism was a rebellion against the objectivity of rationalism.(subjectivity)•For romantics, the feelings, intuitions and emotions were more important than reason and common sense.•They emphasized individualism, placing the individual against the group, against authority.•The affirmed the inner life of the self, and wanted to be free to develop and express his own inner thoughts.New England Poets: William Cullen Bryant; Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; Writers: James Fenimaore Cooper The Spy (1821) The Leatherstocking Tales (1823—1841)The Pilot (1824) The Red Rover (1827)Washington Irving(“Th e Sketch Book of Geoffrey Grayon” “Bracebridge Hall”“Tales of a Traveller”“The History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus ”)American TranscendentalismIn the realm of art and literature it meant the shattering of pseudo-classic rules and forms in favor of a spirit of freedom, the creation of works filled with the new passion for nature and common humanity and incarnating a fresh sense of the wonder, promise, and romance of life.Transcendentalism①The Transcendentalists placed emphasis on spirit, or the Oversoul, as the most important thing in the universe.②The Transcendentalists stressed the importance of the individual. To them, the individual is the most important element of Society.③The Transcendentalists offered a fresh perception of nature as symbolic of the Spirit or God. Nature was not purely matter. It was alive, filled with God’s overwhelming presence.WritersEmerson’s:Nature;Self-Reliance;The American Scholar;The Over-soul;H. D. Thoreau:WaldenHenry Wadsworth LongfellowWalt Whitman:Leaves of Grass Emily Dickinson:I Died for Beauty;Because I could not stop for DeathWilliam Faulkner(1897-1962 1949 Nobel priceAs I Lay Dying (1930)Light in the August ( 1932)Absalom, Absalom (1936)Go Down Moses (1942)Ernest HemingwayIceberg Principle (Theory)“grace under pressure”Major Works:The Sun Also Rises 1926 (Jake Barnes)A Farewell to Arms 1928 (a tragic story about war and love) (Frederic Henry and Catherine Barkley)For Whom the Bell Tolls 1940 (Spanish civil war) (Robert Jordan)The Old Man and the Sea 1952 (Santiago)Herman Melville代表作:白鲸Moby Dick Other Works are: Billy Budd,Typee, Omoo, Mardi. Nathaniel HawthorneThe Scarlet LetterMosses from an Old Manse; Twice-Told Tales; The Marble Faun; The House of the Seven GablesRealismAs a literary movement, the Age of Realism came into existence after Romanticism with the Civil War It was a reaction against “the lie” of Roma nticism and sentimentalism, and paved the way to Modernism.This literary interest in the so-called “reality” of life started a new period in the American literary writing known as The Age of Realism.Psychological RealismIt is the realistic writing th at probes deeply into the complexities of characters’ thoughts and motivations. And Henry James is considered the founder of psychological realism. He believed that reality lies in the impressions made by life on the spectator, and not in any facts of which the spectator is unaware. Such realism is therefore merely the obligation that the artist assumes to represent life as he sees it.William Dean Howells:The Rise of Silas LaphamHenry James:The Portrait of a Lady (Isabel Archer; Madam Merle; Gilbert Osmond) Daisy Miller (Daisy; Mr. Winterbourne; Mr. Giovanelli)Local colorism: local colorism is a type of writing that was popular in the late 19th(1860s—1870s). The feature of local colorism are: (1) presenting a locale distinguished from the outside world; (2)describing the exotic of the picturesque;(3)glorifying the past; (4) showing things as they are; (5) influence of setting on characters. The well known local colorism authors were Mark Twain with his book Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Bret Harte’s with his The Luck of the Roaring Camp.Black humor: the term black humor was created in 1920s, but it was not noticed until 1960s. it was particularly a literary phenomenon in America after WWⅡ. Black humor, in literature, is drama, novel, and film, grotesque or morbid humor used to express the absurdity, insensitivity, paradox, and cruelty of the modern world. Ordinary characters or situations are usually exaggerated far beyond the limits of normal satire or irony. Black humor uses devices often associated with tragedy and is sometimes equated with tragic face. Josegh Heller and Kury V onnegut are famous for their novels of black humor. Especially Heller’s Catch—22.American Naturalism: The American naturalists accepted the more negative interpretation of Darwin’s evolutionary theory and used it to accout for the behavior of those characters in literary works who were regarded as more or less complex combinations of inherited attributes, their habits conditioned by social and economic forces.2) naturalism is evolved from realism when the author’s tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more pessimistic. It is no more than a gloomy philosophical approach to reality, or to human existence.3>Dreiser with his Sister Carrie is a leading figure of his school. Imagism: A poetic movement of England and the U.S. that flourished from 1909 to 1917. The movement insists on the creation of images in poetry by “the direct treatment of the thing” and the economy of wording. “poetic techniques to record exactly the momentary impre ssions”Three main principles of the Imagist Movement (1912) :[1] direct treatment of poetic subjects[2] elimination of merely ornamental or superfluous words, to use no word that does not contribute to the presentation.[3] rhythmical composition in the sequence of the musical phrase rather than in thesequence of a metronome. 4> pound’s In a Station of the Metro is a well-known poem.Harlem Renaissance:Harlem Renaissance refers to a period of outstanding literary vigor and creativity that occurred in the United states during the 1920s.2> the Harlem Renaissance changed the images of literature created by many black and white American writers. New black images were no longer obedient and docile. Instead they showed a new confidence and racial pride. 3> the center of this movement was the vast black ghetto of Harlem. In New York City.4> the leading figures are langston Hughes, James W.Johnson.etc主要作品:The Weary Blues, The Dream keeper and Other Poems, Fine Clothes to the JewThe Modern PeriodPart I The 1920s-1930s ( the second renaissance of American literature)l The Roaring Twenties (economically)l The Jazz Age (socially)l “lost” and “waste land” (spiritu ally)There had been a big flush of new theories and new ideas in both social and natural sciences.Darwinism(Darwin), Socialism (Karl Marx), Psychoanalysis (Sigmund Freud)Lost generation:The lost generation is a term first used by Stein to describe the post-war I generation of American writers: men and women haunted by a sense of betrayal and emptiness brought about by the destructiveness of the war.2>full of youthful idealism, these individuals sought the meaning of life, drank excessively, had love affairs and created some of the finest American literature to date.3>the three best-known representatives of lost generation are F.Scott Fitzgerald, Hemingway and John dos Passos.The Beat Generation:The Beat Generation is a group of American young writers and artists popular in the 1950s and early 1960s. the member of the beat generation were new bohemian libertines, who engaged in a spontaneous, sometimes messy, creativity. The beat writers produced a body of written work controversial both for its advocacy of non conformity and for its non conforming style. The major writing are jack Kerouac’s on the road and Allen Ginsberg’s Howl.American DreamThe is the idea held by many in the United States that through hard work, courage and determination one could achieve prosperity. These were values held by many early European settlers, and have been passed on to subsequent generations.The term was first used by James Truslow Adams in his book The Epic of America.Allegory is a narrative that serves as an extended metaphor. Allegories are written in the form of fables, parables, poems, stories, and almost any other style or genre. The main purpose of an allegory is to tell a story that has characters, a setting, as well as other types of symbols, that have both literal and figurative meanings. One well-known example of an allegory is Dante’s The Divine Comedy.In Inferno, Dante is on a pilgrimage to try to understand his own life, but his character also represents every man who is in search of his purpose in the world.Alliteration is a pattern of sound that includes the repetition of consonant sounds. The repetition can be located at the beginning of successive words or inside the words. Poets often use alliteration to audibly represent the action that is taking place.Aside is an actor’s speech, directed to the audience, that is not supposed to be heard by other actors on stage. An aside is usually used to let the audience know what a character is about to do or what he or she is thinking. Asides are important because they increase an audience's involvement in a play by giving them vital information pertaining what is happening, both inside of a character's mind and in the plot of the play.Gothic is a literary style popular during the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th. This style usually portrayed fantastic tales dealing with horror, despair, the grotesque and other “dark” subjects. Gothic literature was named for the apparent influence of the dark gothic architecture of the period on the genre. Also, many of these Gothic tales took places in such “gothic” surroundings. Other times, this story of darkness may occur in a more everyday setting, such as the quaint house where the man goes mad from the "beating" of his guilt in Edgar Al lan Poe's “The Tell-Tale Heart.”In essence, these stories were romances, largely due to their love of the imaginary over the logical, and were told from many different points of view.CATHARSIS is an emotional discharge that brings about a moral or spiritual renewal or welcome relief from tension and anxiety. According to Aristotle, catharsis is the marking feature and ultimate end of any tragic artistic work.IMAGERY: A common term of variable meaning, imagery includes the "mental pictures" that readers experience with a passage of literature. It signifies all the sensory perceptions referred to in a poem, whether by literal description, allusion, simile, or metaphor. Surrealism is an artistic movement doing away with the restrictions of realism and verisimilitude that might be imposed on an artist. In this movement, the artist sought to do away with conscious control and instead respond to the irrational urges of the subconscious mind. From this results the hallucinatory, bizarre, often nightmarish qualityof surrealistic paintings and writings. Sample surrealist writers include Frank O'Hara, John Ashberry, and Franz Kafka.Black HumorBlack humor is a term used in literature, drama, and film. It refers to grotesque or morbid humor used to express the absurdity, insensitivity, paradox, and cruelty of the modern world. Ordinary characters or situations are usually exaggerated far beyond the limits of normal satire or irony. Black humor uses devices often associated with tragedy and is sometimes equated with tragic farce. For example, Catch-22 is the model representative of this type. The novels of such writers as Kurt V onnegut, Thomas Pynchon, John Barth, Joseph Heller, and Philip Roth contain elements of black humor.PuritanismAmerican Puritanism was practice and belief of Puritans. Puritans were the people who wanted to purify the Church of England and then were persecuted in England. They came to America for various reasons. But because they were a group of serious and religious people, they carried a code of value and a philosophy of life. To them, religion was the most important thing. They accepted the doctrine of predestination, original sin, total depravity and limited atonement for God’s grace. They also believed in hard worki ng, piety and sobriety. In a word, American Puritanism exerted great influences upon American thought and literature.。
童明《美国文学史》模拟试题及详解(一)I. Fill in the blanks1. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow was written by _____.【答案】Washington Irving【解析】华盛顿·欧文,美国著名作家,被称为“美国文学之父”。
2. The most enduring shaping influence in American thought and American literature was _____.【答案】American Puritanism【解析】美国文化源于清教文化,由清教徒移民时传入北美。
3. Mark Twain once described the theme of a book as the struggle between a healthy heart and a deformed conscience, and he attributed this description to the character _____ in that book.【答案】Huckleberry Finn【解析】马克吐温曾说《哈克贝利·费恩》这部小说的主题是健康的心灵与扭曲的良心之间的斗争,他这段描述是针对小说主人公哈克贝利·费恩而言的。
4. “Dr oning a drowsy syncopated tune,Rocking back and forth to a mellow croon,I heard a Negro play,”The figure of speech used in the first line of the poem is _____.【答案】alliteration【解析】在第一句中,droning和drowsy押头韵。
第19章现代美国诗歌Questions for Discussion and Writing Assignments1. Why was T.S. Eliot such an influential figure in modern poetry and fiction, particularly in the period between the two world wars?Key: A main reason is that Eliot’s portrayal of the post-war era as a despiritualized desert in his long poem “The Waste Land” echoed a sense of loss and despair that many felt in that time period. Eliot’s “waste land” vision, together with the related forms, images and metaphors, became so influential that many writers in the post-war era emulated the “waste land” or used it for mocking or other purposes.2. What is the “waste land” a metaphor for? What is the general theme of “The Waste Land?”Key: The “waste land” is a metaphor for disillusion of desire in old days.The general theme of the poem is the salvation of the waste land or redemption of the human soul. (It is notable that Eliot’s general vision is Christian.) The salvation or redemption is not presented as a certainty but as a possibility. Possibly, salvation could be achieved if the reader could learn to piece together the fragments of the poem to regain the emotional, spiritual and intellectual values that the Western world used to enjoy.3. Who helped Eliot edit the poem and create the style of fragmentation? Describe, in some detail, how the fragmented style is set in place and how it works? Key: Ezra Pound helped Eliot edit the poem and create the style of fragmentation.(1) Fragmentation is due, first, to the different voices adopted.(2) Another reason is that there are bits and pieces from various languages other than English.(3) The poem also mixes descriptions of contemporary life (e.g., gossipy conversations in a London pub, the nagging voice of a housewife in an upper middle class family and so on) with excerpts from an opera, Christian mysticism, classical literature, and even fragments in Sanskrit from Brihadaranyaka Upabishad.Although these allusions and fragments make the reading rather difficult, the poem, through design and art, implies its intended unity.4. With one or two specific passages from “The Waste Land,” explain how the “past-in-present” method works and how it enriches or complexities meaning. Key: For the example, in the final stanza in “The Burial of the Dead,” the description of the businessmen flowing into Williams Street (the financial district in London) is, simultaneously, Dante’s description of the lost souls in hell. This “past-in-the-present” method is not only a matter of form but also a matter of theme: Eliot seems to say that we are living a fragmented (meaning incoherent)world because we have forgotten the values of our past.5. How many different levels of mythology are merged in “The Waste Land?” Is there a thematic concern in these types of myths? Identify each type of mythology in certain parts of the poem.Key: Eliot proves to be truly transnational in his use of mythological sources. The poem combines several sources that focus on related patterns in nature, myth, religion, legend: (1) the cycle of seasons and the fundamental rhythms of nature;(2) the ancient vegetation fertility myths of Egypt, India and Greece (in which the god must die to be reborn, to bring fertility and potency to life and people) borrowed by Eliot from The Golden Bough; (3) The life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ; (4) the mythical story of the Fisher King and his kingdom called the Waste Land as is borrowed from Jessie Weston’s From Ritual to Romance, and (5) the quest for the Holy Grail.Yes, there is a thematic concern in these types of myths.(To identify each type of mythology in certain parts by reading the poem carefully).6. Locate two moments in “The Waste Land” that indicate the failure of the quester.Key: There are two specific episodes of his failure. One is his meeting with the Hyacinths Girl (whose bearing a bouquet of hyacinths flowers makes her,symbolically, the bearer of the Holy Grail). But the quester could not speak during their meeting (see Section I, “The Burial of the Dead”). The other failure is includ ed in the final section “What the Thunder Said” and there we find the quester standing on the hill looking, with fear, at the empty Chapel Perilous.7. Tell the story of Tiresias in the myth. Why is he an appropriate observer in “The Waste Land?” How does he function as the consciousness? Give examples from the poem.Key: Tiresias, in Ovid’s Metamorphoses, was someone who had been both a man and a woman due to his involvement in the argument between Jove and Juno. He was condemned to be eternally blind by Juno but was blessed by Jove to be able to know the future despite his blindness.In Eliot’s poem, Tiresias, now an old man with inert longing and lost fulfillment observes and reflects. Although he seems just as depressed, his words still resonate with insights that we have forgotten. To reflect on the conditions of the Waste Land through his eyes is, therefore, another challenge and opportunity for the reader.8. Explain the beginning of “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.”Key: “Let us go then, you an d I/When the evening is spread out against the sky/Like a patient etherized upon a table.” A mood of self-imprisoned helplessness is established from the very beginning. The beginning also raises aquestion: Who is the “you” that Prufrock invites? Answer: nobody except his imaginary companion or his alter ego.9. What are the characteristics of Prufrock? What are some of the sources from which Eliot borrowed to create this character and this poem?Key: Prufrock is a typical bourgeois and a modern man not capable of heroic actions. Prufrock has a heightened awareness of things and he has imagination, but he cannot or will not act. He is so excruciatingly self-conscious, and so devoid of confidence.The verbal mannerism of Prufrock suggests that this character type comes from Henry James’s “Crapy Correlia”. James’s story is about White-Mason, a middle-aged bachelor of nostalgic temperament who visits a young Mrs. Worthingham to propose marriage but has to stop to re-consider.10. What, in general, is Wallace Stevens’s affinity with the Hellenic spirit of life affirmation?Key: As in the Hellenic culture characterized by the Olympian gods and great tragedies, Stevens affirms, first and foremost, the cyclical and inexhaustible forces of life in the universe. Thi s “life” is superior to the life of an individual in that this life is inclusive of the endless processes of births and deaths. For Stevens, thinking or judging begins from this perspective of life, not from moral laws as it is the case with Christianity. Of the two main cultural forces in theWestern world, the Hellenic and Hebraic (or the Greek tradition versus the Judeo-Christian tradition), Wallace Stevens leans towards the Hellenic like many other modern writers.11. “A High-Toned Old Christian Woman” is a short poem in which Stevens makesa distinction between the Hellenic vision and the Christian moral vision. With aclose reading of this poem, make a contrasting study of Wallace Stevens and T. S.Eliot.Key: In “A High-Toned Old Christian Woman,” St evens, in a comic tone, makesa brilliant analysis of the Christian moralist imagination (embodied by thehigh-toned old Christian woman) in sharp contrast to the imagination represented by the Greek mythology.The speaker of the poem suggests that the “nave” in a Christian church is an apt symbol of how the moral law is turned into “haunted heaven.” When the “moral law” rules, punishment is the norm of life. The speaker invites us to imagine the pitiable scenes of people being whipped. On the other hand, the Greeks, representing the “opposing law,” built not the “nave” but the “peristyle” from which a drama beyond the planets could be staged. The position Stevens takes in the poem also distinguishes him from Eliot in that he, like Nietzsche, goes back to ancient Greece for inspiration in order to combat the Christian moral tradition.。
第20章非裔美国文学和现代主义Questions for Discussion and Writing Assignments1. What was the Harlem Renaissance or New Negro Renaissance?Key: In the early 1920s, many African American writers, painters, photographers, musicians congregated in New York City, started magazines, published anthologies, and promoted the creativity of the “New Negro.” They came from farms and plantations, villages, towns and cities across the United States. Their work transformed Harlem, an African American neighborhood in New York, into an intellectual and cultural center for African Americans. This movement was the Harlem Renaissance or New Negro Renaissance.2. Give a brief account of Jean Toomer’s life, his self-identity and his position on the question of race in America.Key: Toomer was born in 1894 in Washington, D.C. His life was complicated by his father’s desertion when he was only one year old. And it was further complicated by what Toomer later called “racial composition and position” since his life took him back and forth between the “white” world and the “black” world.As he grew up and learned about racial politics in the United States, he declared himself a member of the American race rather than belonging to anyparticular ethnic group. Some people accused him of denying his African American heritage. Toomer responded that he was the conscious representative of a people with a heritage of multiple bloodlines and in time people would understand him.3. What kind of book is Cane? What are the different sections about?Key: Cane was Jean T oomer’s most important work. It grew out of his trip to the South in 1921 when his encounter with the African American folk culture inspired him.The first section consists of six vignettes of southern women and 12 poems, written in lyrical, mystical and sensuous language; this section portrays the conflicts, pressures, racial oppression and economic hardships of black southern life. The second section is a series of impressions of the death of black spirituality in a waste land of urban materialism and industrialization. The third section is a drama presenting how a black northerner discovers his identity in the South of his ancestors.4. Who is Jess B. Simple or “Simple” for short?Key: A Harlem folk character Langston Hughes created in newspaper columns—Jess B. Simple, better known as “Simple”—has gained immortality.5. Discuss to what extent Langston Hughes’s composition of poetry is connectedwith the African American heritage.Key: Langston Hughes is remembered for his poetry, especially the two dozens of his very best. The African American heritage became the basis of his style and his vision. In his poetry, he used a hybrid free verse with interspersed rhymes, dialect and prose. He frequently used jazz rhythms—blues, bebop, and rap, although he also used conventional stanzas and rhymes.6. Who is the ‘T’ in Hughes’s “The Negro Speaks of Rivers?” What are the rivers mentioned in the poem? What do they signify?Key: “I” in “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” is the voice of the collective soul of the Negro.Euphrates, Congo, Nile, and Mississippi are mentioned in the poem. They signify the richness of black culture.7. How is the social protest expressed in “Harlem?”Key: The social and cultural connotations of the title “Harlem” make it to be a poem protesting against a system that excludes African Americans from the American dream. However, it is the poetic expression that makes the protest so effective.8. What themes do you see in the plot of Their Eyes Were Watching God?Key: (1) Black women have no rights to choose her satisfying husband, and theyhave to accept the man her family choose for her.(2) Black women are oppressed by her husbands and the whole society.(3) Some black women were awakened at that time, and they had tried their best to gain independence.9. Who is Bigger Thomas in Native Son? What logic is represented in the tripartite structure?Key: Bigger Thomas is a character whom Wright synthesized from Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment, Dreiser’s An American Tragedy and from the urban nihilism and urban poverty with which Wright was familiar.In a tripartite structure of “Fear,” “Flight,” and “Fate,” the novel depicts a fear starting with a giant black rat stealing into the family’s one-room flat and culminating in the “accidental” murder o f the white girl Mary Dalton who happens to like blacks very much. The novel then follows how Bigger, in increased fear, compounds his crime by killing Bessie, until he is captured. In the third part of the novel’s movement, Bigger’s attorney Max places th is complicated story in the social context to give Bigger the appropriate defense in the court. But Bigger cannot in the end avoid a death penalty. By being honest to the complex factors, Wright’s novel achieves a status of art that defies ideological doctrines.10. What is the plot of The Man Who Lived Underground? In what sense is this storyan African American version of Dostoevsky’s Notes from the Underground? For a research project, write an essay establishing the connection between this short story a nd Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man (see Chapter 23).Key: The Man Who Lived Underground is the story of a black man, Fred Daniel, who is forced to hide in the sewers of a city because he is accused of a murder he did not commit. From his home in the underground world, he is able to peek into the social and family life aboveground. Thus, being underground is not just a constrained condition; it becomes a perspective from which he studies social injustices and learns that he, too, is anonymous to an unfeeling society. Daniel comes to a philosophical realization: man is guilty by nature. The realization lends him the strength to leave the subterranean refuge to turn himself in to the police only to learn that the real murderer has been apprehended. As he is convinced of his guilt as a man, he insists that the police follow him to his underground dwelling. But one of the policemen calmly shoots him, as he is halfway down a manhole.The novella is clearly modeled on Dostoevsky’s Notes from Underground. Like Dostoevs ky’s underground man, Wright’s protagonist is a highly intelligent man who has come to a understanding of the larger situation of society but is rendered incapable of action.The Man Who Lived Underground inspired Ralph Ellison to write his monumental novel Invisible Man.。
《美国文学史及作品选读》教学大纲一、课程说明1. 课程代码:1070138312. 课程中文名称:美国文学史及作品选读3. 课程英文名称:History and Selected Readings of American Literature4. 课程总学时数:265. 课程学分数: 1.56. 授课对象:英语专业(师范类)本科学生7. 本课程的性质、地位和作用本课程为面向英语专业高年级(三年级)学生开设的一门专业选修课,在学科体系中居重要地位。
二、教学基本要求1. 本课程的目的、任务美国文学史及文学作品包含着历史的记忆和哲学的睿智,是英语语言艺术的结晶。
2. 本课程的教学要求了解美国文学的发展概况,熟悉发展过程中出现的历史事件,文学思潮,文学流派;熟悉具体作家的文学生涯,创作思想,艺术特色和所属流派;能读懂代表作家的经典作品,并能分析评介作品的主题思想,人物形象,篇章结构、语言特点、修辞手法、文体风格;能掌握文学批评的基本知识和方法,对重要的文学术语有相当的了解并能在文学批评中加以运用。
第6章超验主义和符号表征Questions for Discussion and Writing Assignments1. Give a brief account of how Transcendentalism came into being.Key: In 1836, an informal group met in Concord, Massachusetts, to discuss theology, philosophy, and literature. At first they called themselves the Symposium of Hedge Club, after Henry Hedge who had initiated the meetings. But good-intentioned neighbors began calling the group members Transcendentalists since they always engaged in lofty discourses. The group accepted the name. Thus, Transcendentalism came into being.2. Discuss the general philosophy of Transcendentalism in terms of its connections with romanticism, its “epistemology,” its emphasis on symbolic representation on individualism, and its philosophical sources.Key: As an intensified expression of romanticism, Transcendentalism shares the characteristics of romanticism such as: the importance of intuition, the exaltation of the individual over society, the new and thrilling delight in nature, fascination with the Gothic and the “Oriental,” and the desire to build a national literature and culture. In addition, Transcendentalism, as a type of romanticism peculiar to New England, took on a specific moral and philosophical tone. The moral implications came from the environment where Puritan idealism persisted, andthe philosophical tone was largely defined by Emerson.As an epistemology, Transcendentalism believes that individuals can intuitively receive higher truths otherwise unavailable through common methods of knowing, thus transcending the limits of rationalism.Translated into literature, this belief became an emphasis on symbolic representation. As formulated by Emerson, this became a call for action encouraging the Young not to be enslaved by customs but to follow the God within, and to live every moment with a strenuousness such as found in the Puritan fathers. However, insofar as nature is believed to be the morally good proving God’s presence everywhere in his creation and that human nature is accordingly all good, Transcendentalism was the reversed form of Calvinism. The kind of mysticism characterizing Transcendentalism had always lurked within Puritanism, not in its main doctrines, but in the rebellious beliefs such as Hutcinson’s belief in “direct revelation.”Transcendentalism does not have the kind of logical consistency one would normally associate with a philosophy, but this inconsistency may not be a weakness. In addition, the inconsistency is due to the fact that Transcendentalism absorbed many sources of influence. Three such sources can be identified. The first source is neo-Platonism, the belief that spirit prevails over matter and that there is an ascending scale of spiritual values rising to absolute Good. The second source is German romanticism, transmitted through the writings of Coleridge and Carlyle, which emphasizes intuition as a means of piercing to the real essence ofthings. The third source of influence is a certain version of Eastern mysticism, gleaned and interpreted from ancient Asian scriptures, including, to a limited extent, those by Confucius.3. With “Nature,” “The Over-Soul” and “Compensation” as examples, discuss Emerson’s philosophy in terms of pantheism, romanticism and his connection with Asian cultures.Key: Emerson is a fervent defender of individualism, which is celebrated by Romanticism fervidly. And his sense of individualism is associated with a certain kind of pantheism. As he envisioned it in his lecture “The Over-Soul,” the souls of all individuals commune with the great universal soul. The all-present spiritual nature corresponds to the divine intuition of an individual. This correspondence or communion in turn defines Emerson’s idea of the organic art. Specifically, art is organic in a double sense: the appropriate form is the expression of the poet’s intuition; this intuition is in turn a welling out from the universal mind, the “Over-Soul” suggestive of pantheism. Since the universal mind is the ultimate creator, an individual who wants to partake in the creative process must submit himself to this primal source.In Nature, Em erson states: “I become a transparent eye-ball. I am nothing. I see all. The currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am a particle of God.” That the individual soul can become the medium of the divine forces of Nature is at the heart of this book.“Compensation” is the essay that should be read in conjunction with “The Over-Soul.” If the Over-Soul is all powerful and at the same time good, does evil exist? Emerson’s answer is that it does not exist. To put it differently, evil—the opposite of good—is powerless to affect anything. Evil deeds do occur, causing temporary unbalances. But for each “evil” deed there is a corresponding “good” one. Every apparent “gain” then carries with it the price tag of a corresponding “loss.” The resemblance of Emerson’s philosophy with ancient Asian philosophy is now evident: the Over-Soul with Brahma, Compensation with Karma.It has been pointed out that Emerson learned from Confucius. Indeed, Emerson, copied aphorisms from Confucius in his Journals, mentioned Confucius in his essays, and published his translation of selected sayings of Confucius in The Dial. But Emerson’s connection with Confucius was more out of a respect for an ancient sage than an affinity with a kindred spirit. In many ways, Emerson’s philosophy is the antidote to Confucianism.4. Write a research essay to compare Emerson’s comments on Jesus Christ in “The Divinity School Address” with Thomas Paine’s in The Age of Reason. Key: “Divinity School Address” is a very famous speech of Emerson. It was delivered at the request of some graduates of the Harvard Divinity School and caused what a scholar later called a “Tempest in a Boston Tea cup.” Emerson asserted the divinity of all men, thus treating Christ too as a human. As it was alsoconspicuous in an address for the Divinity School, Emerson did not quote or discuss the Bible, used no prayer, and denied the truth of miracles as taught by the church. What Emerson emphasized as being divine is the majesty of the individual soul, a theme consistent in all his writings. “If a man is at heart just, then in so far is he God.” This address’s insistence on the importance of intuition also refutes the Church’s authority in asserting or communicating “truth.”Thomas Paine’s The Age of Reason challenges institutionalized religion and the legitimacy of the Bible, the central text of Christianity. It caused a short-lived deistic revival. The Age of Reason presents common deistic arguments. For example, it highlights what Paine saw as corruption of the Christian Church and criticizes its efforts to acquire political power. Paine advocates reason in the place of revelation, leading him to reject miracles and to view the Bible as an ordinary piece of literature rather than as a divinely inspired text. It promotes natural religion and argues for the existence of a creator-God.5. What is M argaret Fuller’ s position regarding women and gender equality? Key: Fuller’s surviving writings, especially her principal book Woman in the Nineteenth Century have established her as a persuasive advocate for women’s rights. In opposition to Emerson, Fuller argued that women, just like men, were also inherently divine. Therefore, women should have the same right and opportunity to inner and outer self-development as men. Fuller thought thatwomen must rely on themselves if they wanted to improve their social Conditions. Fuller’s vision of gender equality is not unrelated to her view that all humans are androgynous: No man is wholly masculine; nor is any woman completely feminine. In her portrait of Miranda, Fuller created the image of her idealized womanhood. This idealized woman should be self-reliant, is willing to help other women, and she must be able to make choices for herself.6. How is Thoreau’s revolt m anifested both in his social actions and in his writing? What is the nature of his revolt? What is his role in Transcendentalism?Key: What Thoreau revolted against in Walden was the materialism of his day. Or, more specifically, he objected to the division of labor that the emerging industrialism threatened to bring about. On July 4, 1845, Thoreau began living in a hut, which was built on Emerson’s land, by the Walden Pond. There he lived simply and deliberately, devoting his time to observations and reflections. And there, he once refused to pay tax to protest against the Mexican War and was imprisoned for it.Thoreau, along with Emerson, was the most important representative of the Transcendentalism. Both his works and his actions have influenced later generations deeply. Although Thoreau was Emerson’s disciple, he was not a lesser Emerson but a unique voice and personality. Thoreau practiced the self-reflective and self-reliant Transcendentalism that Emerson preached. Emerson found Thoreau’s outdoor vig or and sharp individuality captivating.。
美国文学史 童明
Selected Bibliography Chronology of Historical Events Index • 《美国文学史(英语版)》编辑推荐与评论: • 童明教授在美国加州大学从事教学与研究多年。《美ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ文学史》以他的学术 积累为依托,专为中国读者而写。既有对美国文学发展历史的宏观叙述,又有对 具体作品的细致分析,内容丰富,观点新颖,评价中肯,文笔流畅,是一部让人难以 释手的文学史著作,更是一本英语专业师生不可或缺的好教材。 全国美国文学 研究会副会长——王守仁教授 童明教授所著《美国文学史》尤其深广的时空 跨度,如此规模的英文版美国文学史论著是首次在国内出版。熟知美国学界的 最新研究动态,又有亚洲学者的独特视角,同时兼顾史学研究和重点作品的赏析。 见解独到,文... [显示全部]
• Part 3 American Realism: 1865—1914 10 The Age of Realism 11 Regional and Local Color Writing 12 Henry James and William Dean Howells 13 Literary Naturalism 14 Women Writing on the Woman Question
《美国文学史(英语版)》图书目录: Introduction Part 1 Early American Literature: Colonial Period to 1815 1 The Literature of the New World 2 The Literature of Colonial America: 1620—1763 3 Literature and the American Revolution: 1764—1815 Part 2 American Romanticism: 1815—1865 4 The Age of American Romanticism 5 Early Romanticism 6 Transcendentalism and Symbolic Representation 7 Interrogating Innocence 8 Whitman and Dickinson 9 A House Divided: Writing against Slavery
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• Part 3 American Realism: 1865—1914 10 The Age of Realism 11 Regional and Local Color Writing 12 Henry James and William Dean Howells 13 Literary Naturalism 14 Women Writing on the Wo American Modernism: 1914—1945 15 Modernism in the American Grain 16 The Evolution of Modernism 17 American Modernism in Europe 18 Modern Fiction between the Wars 19 Modern American Poetry 20 African American Literature and Modernism
《美国文学史(英语版)》图书目录: Introduction Part 1 Early American Literature: Colonial Period to 1815 1 The Literature of the New World 2 The Literature of Colonial America: 1620—1763 3 Literature and the American Revolution: 1764—1815 Part 2 American Romanticism: 1815—1865 4 The Age of American Romanticism 5 Early Romanticism 6 Transcendentalism and Symbolic Representation 7 Interrogating Innocence 8 Whitman and Dickinson 9 A House Divided: Writing against Slavery
• Part 5 American Literature Diversified: From 1945 to the 21st Century 21 Literature Diversified under New Conditions 22 American Theatre: Three Major Playwrights 23 Major Fiction Writers: 1945 till 1960s 24 Poetic Tendencies since 1945 25 Fictional Inclinations since the 1960s 26 Contemporary Multiethnic Literature 27 Globalization of American Literature: Diasporic Writers
Selected Bibliography Chronology of Historical Events Index • 《美国文学史(英语版)》编辑推荐与评论: • 童明教授在美国加州大学从事教学与研究多年。《美国文学史》以他的学术 积累为依托,专为中国读者而写。既有对美国文学发展历史的宏观叙述,又有对 具体作品的细致分析,内容丰富,观点新颖,评价中肯,文笔流畅,是一部让人难以 释手的文学史著作,更是一本英语专业师生不可或缺的好教材。 全国美国文学 研究会副会长——王守仁教授 童明教授所著《美国文学史》尤其深广的时空 跨度,如此规模的英文版美国文学史论著是首次在国内出版。熟知美国学界的 最新研究动态,又有亚洲学者的独特视角,同时兼顾史学研究和重点作品的赏析。 见解独到,文... [显示全部]