
退休金计划 pension plan科学管理 scientific management任务设计 task design集体谈判 collective bargaining职工 staff业务部门 operational departments作业设计 job design医疗保健福利 health-care benefits机构重组 organizational restructuring员工参与管理法 participative management 工作丰富化 job enrichment免职,撤换 displacement人力资源管理 Human Resource Management 惩戒 discipline企业内部互联网 intranet外包 outsourcing新职介绍 outplacement劳动法的遵守 labor law compliance档案记录 record keeping失业补偿金 unemployment compensation福利管理 benefits administration工作描述 job description高级管理人员报酬 executive compensation 激励工资 incentive pay工作评价 job evaluation休假管理 vacation-leave administration退休计划 retirement plan利润分享 profit sharing股权计划 stock plan雇员援助计划 employee assistance program 雇员的重新安置 relocation service自我服务 self-service员工态度调查 attitude surveys劳工关系 labor relations修炼 wellness精神契约 psychological contract工作配置 job posting工资 payroll administration 基层部门经理 line manager成本-收益效用 cost-benefit utility职业病 occupational disease压力综合症 stress-related illnesses晋升制度 advancement system合理解雇 termination for cause减员 reduction in force甄选程序 selection process受贿 take bribes索要回扣 demand kickbacks档案审核 reference checks账本底线 bottom line人力资源规划 human resource planning福利管理 benefits administration人员档案记录 personnel record keeping零库存管理 just-in-time inventory control全面质量管理 Total Quality Management质量圈 quality circles授权 empowerment规模经济 economies of scale裁减 downsizing技能储备 skill inventory继任计划,接班人计划 succession planning绩效评估 performance appraisal工作家族 job family工作规范 job specification问卷调查法 questionnaire method访谈法 interview method现场工作日记、日志法participant diary/logs method工作公告和工作投标 job posting and bidding个人证明材料检查 reference checks实际岗位演习 Realistic Job Preview事业高原 career plateau裁员 downsizing行为构建级别 behaviorally based scales行为观察级别 Behavior Observation Scales强迫分配法 forced distribution联合规划委员会 joint planning session目标管理法 Management-By-Objective360度反馈系统 360-degree feedback system 职业规划 career planning 交叉培训 cross-training工作轮换,职位轮流 job rotation 角色扮演,角色模仿 role playing 任务确定法 task identification翻译:1、What traditionally were called“personnel departments”now are usually termed “humanresource departments.”But more than the name has changed. The focus of such departments has shifted ,and their responsibilities have expanded.传统中的被称作“人事部门”的部门现在通常被称为“人力资源部”。
人力资源管理专业英语 Unit1-Unit4 翻译

Unit1An Overview Of Human Resource Management组织需要一些有效率的东西:物质资源、金融资源、营销能力和人力资源。
在《人的竞争优势》这篇华丽的文章中,Jeffrey Pfeffer 举了西南航空公司这个例子。

图8-1 组织和个人职业计划视角来源:《人力资源管理》(第10版)Robert L. Mathis和John H. Jackson二.职业阶段大部分工作的人接受过某种类型的组织教育比如中学教育、经贸学校教育、职业教育或大学教育,从而为他们的职业做了一定的准备。
图8-2 显示了一个职业阶段变化的模式。
职业阶段成年早期成年中期成年后期(17-40)(40-60)(60+)图8-2 职业阶段模式来源:《人力资源管理》(第10版)Robert L. Mathis和John H. Jackson探索期处理如下方面的任务:对未来的日渐关注,对自我生活的控制程度,致力于学术和工作及获得良好的工作习惯和态度。

人力资源管理专业英语词汇一、人力资源管理 : HumanResourceManagement,HRM人力资源经理 : human resource manager高级管理人员 : executive职业 : profession道德标准 : ethics操作工 : operative employees专家 : specialist人力资源认证协会 : the Human Resource Certification Institute,HRCI二、外部环境 : external environment内部环境 : internal environment政策 : policy企业文化 : corporate culture目标 : mission股东 : shareholders非正式组织 : informal organization跨国公司 : multinational corporation,MNC管理多样性 : managing diversity三、工作 : job职位 : posting工作分析 : job analysis工作说明 : job description工作规范 : job specification工作分析计划表 : job analysis schedule,JAS职位分析问卷调查法 : Management Position Description Questionnaire,MPDQ行政秘书 : executive secretary地区服务经理助理 : assistantdistrictservicemanager四、人力资源计划 : Human Resource Planning,HRP战略规划 : strategicplanning长期趋势 : longtermtrend需求预测 : requirement forecast供给预测 : availability forecast管理人力储备 : managementinventory裁减 : downsizing人力资源信息系统 : Human Resource Information System,HRIS五、招聘 : recruitment员工申请表 : employee requisition招聘方法 : recruitment methods内部提升 : Promotion From Within,PFW工作公告 : job posting广告 : advertising职业介绍所 : employment agency特殊事件 : special events实习 : internship六、选择 : selection选择率 : selection rate简历 : resume标准化 : standardization有效性 : validity客观性 : objectivity规范 : norm/specification录用分数线 : cutoff score准确度 : aiming业务知识测试 : job knowledge tests求职面试 : employment interview非结构化面试 : unstructured interview结构化面试 : structured interview 美['strʌktʃəd]小组面试 : group interview职业兴趣测试 : vocational interesttests会议型面试 : board interview七、人力资源开发 : Human Resource Development,HRD 培训 : training开发 : development定位 : orientation训练 : coaching辅导 : mentoring经营管理策略 : business games案例研究 : case study会议方法 : conference method角色扮演 : role playing工作轮换 : job rotating在职培训 : on-the-jobtraining,OJT媒介 : media八、企业文化 : corporate culture组织发展 : organization development,OD调查反馈 : survey feedback质量圈 : quality circles目标管理 : management by objective,MBO全面质量管理 : Total Quality Management,TQM 团队建设 : team building九、职业 : career profession 美[kəˈrɪr]职业计划 : career planning职业道路 : career path职业发展 : career development自我评价 : self-assessment职业动机 : career anchors十、绩效评价 : Performance Appraisal,PA小组评价 : group appraisal业绩评定表 : rating scales method关键事件法 : critical incident method排列法 : ranking method平行比较法 : paired comparison硬性分布法 : forced distribution method晕圈错误 : haloerror宽松 : leniency严格 : strictness360度反馈 : 360-degree feedback叙述法 : essay method集中趋势 : central tendency十一、报酬 : compensation reward;pay直接经济报酬 : direct financial compensation间接经济报酬 : indirect financial compensation非经济报酬 : nofinancial compensation/non-financial compensation公平 : equity外部公平 : external equity内部公平 : internal equity员工公平 : employee equity小组公平 : team equity工资水平领先者 : pay leaders现行工资率 : goingrate工资水平居后者 : pay followers劳动力市场 : labor market工作评价 : job evaluation排列法 : ranking method分类法 : classification method因素比较法 : factor comparison method评分法 : point method海氏指示图表个人能力分析法 : HayGuideChart-profile Method 工作定价 : job pricing工资等级 : pay grade工资曲线 : wage curve工资幅度 : pay range十二、福利间接经济补偿welfare员工股权计划 : employee stock ownership plan,ESOP值班津贴 : shiftdifferential奖金 : incentive compensation分红制 : profitsharing十三、安全 : safety健康 : health频率 : frequencyrate紧张 : stress角色冲突 : role conflict催眠法 : hypnosis酗酒 : alcoholism十四、工会 : union地方工会 : local union行业工会 : craft union产业工会 : industrial union全国工会 : national union谈判组 : bargaining union劳资谈判 : collective bargaining仲裁 : arbitration美[ˌɑ:rbɪˈt reɪʃn]罢工 : strike内部员工关系 : internal employee relations纪律 : discipline纪律处分 : disciplinary action 美[ˈdɪsəpləˌnɛri ˈækʃən]申诉 : grievance降职 : demotion调动 : transfer晋升 : promotion。

Job Analysis
A Prelude to Recruitment and Placement
Chapter Outline
The Nature of Job Analysis
Definition Uses of Job Analysis Information Steps in Job Analysis
Sample Interview Questions (continued)
What are the basic accountabilities or performance standards that typify your work? What are your responsibilities? What are the environmental and working conditions involved? What are the job’s physical demands? The emotional and mental safety conditions? Are you exposed to any hazards or unusual working conditions?
Questionnaire formats
Structured checklists P.118 Opened-ended questions P.120
Expense and time consumed in preparing and testing the questionnaire
Job Analysis – What is it and how is it used?

《人力资源专业英语》教学大纲课程编号:课程名称(中文/英文):人力资源专业英语/Human resources specialty English学时/学分:46(理论课46)/3学分先修课程:《大学英语》适用专业:人力资源管理专业开课学院、系或教研室:工商管理学院一、本课程得性质与任务《人力资源管理专业英语》就是人力资源管理专业学生提高专业英语知识得一门专业课。
二、本课程得教学内容、基本要求及学时分配Unit 1 An overview of human resource management(4课时)基本要求:Students are required master what is human resource management, what is the difference between the personnel management and HRM, and the recursion of the HRM、Master the vocabularies and the usage本章重点:The knowledge about HRM and the professional vocabularies本章难点:he professional vocabularies; the perceiveness of some sentences学时分配:2课时Unit 2 Motives and Functions of a Business(4课时) 基本要求:This chapter surveys the motives and functions of a business such as the goal of a business, key business stakeholders, key business functions, and business plans、It includes the history business function, and contribution of business to our society、本章重点:Define a business;Identify key business stakeholders;Describe key business function;Explain how to develop a business plan、本章难点:Explain how to develop a business plan、学时分配:4课时Unit 3 Strategic human resource management(5课时) 基本要求:Students are required master, what is the difference between SHM and SHRM, and the theretical perspective、Master the vocabularies and the usage、本章重点:The knowledge about HRM and the professional vocabularies本章难点:the professional vocabularies; the perceiveness of some sentences学时分配:5课时Unit 4 Assessing Economic Conditions(4课时)基本要求:This chapter surveys the economic conditions and the effects of macroeconomic on business、It includes the basic elements of economics growth, such as economic growth rate, unemployment, inflation, interest rate, fiscal policy, monetary policy、本章重点:Identify macroeconomic factors that affect business performance、Explain how market prices are determined、Explain how the government influences economic conditions、本章难点:Explain how market prices are determined学时分配:4课时Unit 5 Job analysis and design(5课时)基本要求:Students are required master, the nature of job analysis and design, and the job analysis methods、Master the job analysis process、本章重点:The knowledge about the job analysis and design and the professional vocabularies本章难点:the professional vocabularies; the perceiveness of some sentences学时分配:5课时Unit 6 The recruitment process(4课时)基本要求:Students are required to master know the knowledge about recruitment, to master the strategic approach tore cruiting and the recruiting process本章重点:The knowledge recruiting approach and process and the professional vocabularies本章难点:The knowledge recruiting approach and process and the professional vocabularies学时分配:4课时Unit7 Performance management : organizational uses(6课时)基本要求:Students are required to master the rating forms of the performance management and the current issues in performance management本章重点:The knowledge ting forms of the performance management and the professional vocabularies本章难点:The knowledge ting forms of the performance management and the professional vocabularies学时分配:6课时Unit8 How to Conduct International Business(5课时) 基本要求:This chapter surveys motives for panies to engage in international business and the characters of global opportunities、It describes how firms conduct international business and the influence of foreign characteristics on a firm’s international business、本章重点:Explain motives for engaging in international business、Describe global opportunities、Describe how firms conduct international business、Explain influence of foreign characteristics on a firm’s international business、Explain how movements in exchange rates can affect business performance、本章难点:Describe global opportunities、学时分配:5课时Unit9 Improving Productivity and Quality(5课时) 基本要求:This chapter focuses on developing efficient and high-quality production process by determining the proper amount and mix of production resources to use, such as human resources, materials and other assets、本章重点:Key resources used for production、Plant site decision、Design and layout decision、Production control、Production efficiency、本章难点:Design and layout decision、Production control、学时分配:5课时Unit10 Staff training(4课时)基本要求:Students are required to master the steps to training and development and training and development approaches本章重点:The knowledge of the the steps to training and development and training and development approaches t and the professional vocabularies本章难点:The knowledge of the steps to training and development and training and development approach and the professional vocabularies学时分配:4课时三、课程特色本课程旨在提高行政管理专业学生得涉外业务英语交际能力,向学生提供其未来工作岗位所需得有关行政管理专业领域内得专业英语知识与技能,培养学生专业英语阅读、翻译、写作与口头交际得各种能力。

1、Introduction and overview(学时:2学时)本章讲授要点:人力资源管理的主要内容重点:同上难点:同上Historical developmentPersonnel management activitiesPersonnel management versus HRMDistinctive features of HRMObjectives of an HRM systemImplementation issues2、Strategy and structure (学时:2学时)本章讲授要点:企业战略和组织结构的关系重点:企业战略和人力资源管理战略的关系难点:组织结构的类型Corporate strategy and strategic HRMOrganization structureFormal and informal organizationsContingency perspectivesOrganizations as open systemsOrganizational trends3、Culture and change(学时:4学时)本章讲授要点:企业文化和变革的关系重点:文化的类型、变革反应的五个阶段难点:变革管理、变革企业文化Social cultureOrganizational cultureChangeChanging cultureCulture and HRM4、Employee resourcing: human resource planning(学时:4学时)本章讲授要点:人力资源计划和使用重点:内部劳动力市场和外部劳动力市场和特点难点:内、外部劳动力市场的比较Demand for human resourcesUtilization of human resourcesHuman resource supply5、Employee resourcing: recruitment and selection (学时:4学时)本章讲授要点:企业招募和甄选重点:招募和甄选的考虑因素难点:招募和甄选的方式使用Prerequisites to recruitmentRecruitmentSelectionAssessment centersValidity and reliabilityCost effectiveness6、Employee development: performance management (学时:4学时)本章讲授要点:绩效管理重点:绩效管理方法难点:绩效评价方法的使用Aims of appraisalAppraisal techniquesDifferent perspectivesProblems with appraisal7、Employee development: reward management(学时:4学时)本章讲授要点:重点:难点:Determination of rewardsTypes of reward systemRelevance of motivation theoriesHRM and rewards8、Employee development: training and development(学时:4学时)本章讲授要点:培训和发展的内容重点:全面质量管理、职业生涯发展难点:发展管理Systematic trainingBenefits of trainingCompetition and changeManagement developmentApproaches to training and developmentContinuous developmentLearning organizationEvaluation9、Employee relations(学时:2学时)本章讲授要点:员工关系重点:交流、工会难点:工作安全和健康CommunicationParticipationTrade union representationConflictHealth and safety at work10、Conclusion: criticism and developments (学时:2学时)本章讲授要点:总结CriticismsDevelopments in HRM本课程对学生自学的要求:在学好专业课及基础英语的前提下,可以比较轻松的学好本课程。

人力资源管理专业词汇英文版Introduction:Human Resource Management, or HRM, is the strategic approach to managing the employees in an organization effectively and efficiently. HRM is a vital field in modern business organizations, and understanding the HRM vocabulary and terminology is crucial. In this article, we will discuss some of the essential HRM terminologies in English.HRM Terminology:1. Human Resources: Human Resources refer to the employees of an organization. The employees in the organization are considered as the essential asset.2. Recruitment: Recruitment is the process of attracting, screening, and selecting potential candidates for a job vacancy in an organization.3. Selection: Selection is the process of assessing the eligible candidates and selecting the best candidate eligible for the position.4. Performance Management: Performance Management is a process used to assess and improve performance levels of an employee.5. Training and Development: The process of providing employees with the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to perform their job successfully.6. Rewards and Benefits: Rewards and benefits are the incentives offered to the employees for their skills, hard work, and dedication towards the job.7. Employee Engagement: Employee engagement is the involvement of the employees in the organizational goals, objectives, and vision.8. Job Analysis: Job Analysis is the process of analyzing the nature, duties, and responsibilities of a job.9. Job Description: Job Description is a document summarizing the duties, responsibilities, and requirements of a job.10. Job Specification: Job Specification defines the necessary qualifications, skills, and experiences required to perform a particular job.11. Human Capital: Human Capital refers to the skills, knowledge, and experience of the employees in the organization.12. Succession Planning: Succession Planning is the process of identifying and developing employees with potential to fill the key positions in the organization.13. Conflict Resolution: Conflict Resolution is the process of resolving conflicts between employees, managers, or teams within an organization.14. Diversity and Inclusion: The process of valuing, respecting, and including people of diverse backgrounds in an organization.15. Compensation and Benefits: Compensation and Benefits refer to the financial and non-financial rewards offered to employees in exchange for their skills, knowledge, and services to the organization.Conclusion:Human Resource Management encompasses a wide range of responsibilities that require comprehensive knowledge and understanding. The terminologies listed above can help develop a basic understanding of the HRM field and its importance in businesses. With the proper use of the language in HRM, employers, managers, and employees can communicate accurately, effectively, and efficiently.。

人力资源管理专业英语词汇一、人力资源管理 : HumanResourceManagement,HRM人力资源经理 : human resource manager高级管理人员 : executive职业 : profession道德标准 : ethics操作工 : operative employees专家 : specialist人力资源认证协会 : the Human Resource Certification Institute,HRCI二、外部环境 : external environment内部环境 : internal environment政策 : policy企业文化 : corporate culture目标 : mission股东 : shareholders非正式组织 : informal organization跨国公司 : multinational corporation,MNC管理多样性 : managing diversity三、工作 : job职位 : posting工作分析 : job analysis工作说明 : job description工作规范 : job specification工作分析计划表 : job analysis schedule,JAS职位分析问卷调查法 : Management Position Description Questionnaire,MPDQ行政秘书 : executive secretary地区服务经理助理 : assistantdistrictservicemanager四、人力资源计划 : Human Resource Planning,HRP战略规划 : strategicplanning长期趋势 : longtermtrend需求预测 : requirement forecast供给预测 : availability forecast管理人力储备 : managementinventory裁减 : downsizing人力资源信息系统 : Human Resource Information System,HRIS五、招聘 : recruitment员工申请表 : employee requisition招聘方法 : recruitment methods内部提升 : Promotion From Within,PFW工作公告 : job posting广告 : advertising职业介绍所 : employment agency特殊事件 : special events实习 : internship六、选择 : selection选择率 : selection rate简历 : resume标准化 : standardization有效性 : validity客观性 : objectivity规范 : norm/specification录用分数线 : cutoff score准确度 : aiming业务知识测试 : job knowledge tests求职面试 : employment interview非结构化面试 : unstructured interview结构化面试 : structured interview 美['strʌktʃəd]小组面试 : group interview职业兴趣测试 : vocational interesttests会议型面试 : board interview七、人力资源开发 : Human Resource Development,HRD 培训 : training开发 : development定位 : orientation训练 : coaching辅导 : mentoring经营管理策略 : business games案例研究 : case study会议方法 : conference method角色扮演 : role playing工作轮换 : job rotating在职培训 : on-the-jobtraining,OJT媒介 : media八、企业文化 : corporate culture组织发展 : organization development,OD调查反馈 : survey feedback质量圈 : quality circles目标管理 : management by objective,MBO全面质量管理 : Total Quality Management,TQM 团队建设 : team building九、职业 : career profession 美[kəˈrɪr]职业计划 : career planning职业道路 : career path职业发展 : career development自我评价 : self-assessment职业动机 : career anchors十、绩效评价 : Performance Appraisal,PA小组评价 : group appraisal业绩评定表 : rating scales method关键事件法 : critical incident method排列法 : ranking method平行比较法 : paired comparison硬性分布法 : forced distribution method晕圈错误 : haloerror宽松 : leniency严格 : strictness360度反馈 : 360-degree feedback叙述法 : essay method集中趋势 : central tendency十一、报酬 : compensation reward;pay直接经济报酬 : direct financial compensation间接经济报酬 : indirect financial compensation非经济报酬 : nofinancial compensation/non-financial compensation公平 : equity外部公平 : external equity内部公平 : internal equity员工公平 : employee equity小组公平 : team equity工资水平领先者 : pay leaders现行工资率 : goingrate工资水平居后者 : pay followers劳动力市场 : labor market工作评价 : job evaluation排列法 : ranking method分类法 : classification method因素比较法 : factor comparison method评分法 : point method海氏指示图表个人能力分析法 : HayGuideChart-profile Method工作定价 : job pricing工资等级 : pay grade工资曲线 : wage curve工资幅度 : pay range十二、福利间接经济补偿welfare员工股权计划 : employee stock ownership plan,ESOP 值班津贴 : shiftdifferential奖金 : incentive compensation分红制 : profitsharing十三、安全 : safety健康 : health频率 : frequencyrate紧张 : stress角色冲突 : role conflict催眠法 : hypnosis酗酒 : alcoholism十四、工会 : union地方工会 : local union行业工会 : craft union产业工会 : industrial union全国工会 : national union谈判组 : bargaining union劳资谈判 : collective bargaining仲裁 : arbitration美[ˌɑ:rbɪˈtreɪʃn]罢工 : strike内部员工关系 : internal employee relations纪律 : discipline纪律处分 : disciplinary action 美[ˈdɪsəpləˌnɛri ˈækʃən]申诉 : grievance降职 : demotion调动 : transfer晋升 : promotion。
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专业外语(English for Special Purpose)一、教材名称及版本:《经济管理英语》朱煜明等,西北工业大学出版社,2003.9二、学习导向:1.依托教材, 精读为主, 培养并提高原文阅读与理解能力(1)原文阅读的重要性:1) 学习模仿英语的正确用法a) The key of problem is that---?The key to problem is that---?(问题的关键是……)b) medium and small size companies---?small and medium size companies ---?medium and small sized companies ---?small and medium sized companies ---?middle and small sized companies ---?small and middle sized companies ----?(中小型公司)c) high-tech industry---?higher-tech industry---?high science & technology industry---?(高科技产业)2) 学习新观念和方法There is a rule in many companies that you cannot go above budget on a project. There is another rule that says you cannot come in under budget, either.3) 正本清源,纠正译文错误或不妥, 如“半句话现象”等(2)对“理解能力”的理解:理解: 原文原意理解的重要标志:语言转换—翻译a)避免逐字(词)对应,学会必要的增减、引申HR manager should act as the right arm of the topexecutive,b)英译汉符合汉语用法习惯HR managers stay on top of such trends。
People are seen as members of herd, requiring a leadcow to guide them.Woman and man, young and old.(3)关于教材“notes”的学习态度:借鉴/参考/学习(包括质疑),并纠正“notes”中的错误。
2.学习扩展英语词汇1)一词(字)多意,甚至词义完全不同, 视不同上下文择定。
如:a) interest兴趣,利益,利息,关心…there is interest today in instituting reengineeringprograms and …HR manager must represent the interests of employeesb) workerWorkers of all lands, unite.———Karl MarxWorker benefitc) benefit福利,好处providing incentive and benefit .one benefit, often unexpected, is improved attitudes.d) “在孟买的恐怖分子,随身携带AK—47一支,手榴弹若干,补充能量的干果外加杂志(magazine)六七本。
”——国内某新闻报道2) 公共词语——专业术语前者为主3) 鼓励“guess”或“guesstimate”, 避免见生词查字典生词并非是妨碍正确理解的最大敌人。
Carry out an important roleIn doing so, the HR manager Carry out three distinct functions:…3.语法问题:只涉及简单语法回顾与复习,服从于目的。
1)长句子重点找主—谓—宾2)注意从句等引导词(that, which等)的省略情形a) Most experts agree that there are five basic functions allmanagers perform,b) Perhaps it’s easier to answer this question by listing some ofthe personnel mistakes you don’t want to make whilemanaging.c) the term HR strategies refers to the specific HR courses ofaction the company uses to achieve its aims.4.英语知识——专业知识矛盾原文原意-----汉语表达----专业术语5.speak out English三、坚持听课与自学四、考核要求:Close book exam 加平时抽查点名“M anagers at all levels and all organizations are striving to achieve results through people.”——D.Scott SinkUnit 1 Human Resources Managementat Work实际运行中的人力资源管理Supplemental notes:staff 员工(总称),职能(参谋)——staffing 员工配备project 预计,计划,项目,工程superior —subordinate 上下级authority(authorize)职权,权力recruit(recruitment)——?prospective 期望中的,未来的compensate(compensation) 付(薪)酬performance绩效,效能counsel = advise 提建议, 劝告,忠告morale[mə'ræl]士气motivate(motivation)激励,鼓励,刺激Quota 定额candidate 候选人,(报名)投考者a) orienting and training new employees为新员工(进行)工作定位和培训incentive奖励,奖金discipline(disciplining) 训导,惩戒building employee commitment commitment 承诺,承担责任( 建立员工承诺?——note 5,P 93 ) ——树立员工责任心Affirmative 肯定的Affirmative action “平权行动”grievance 委屈,怨情,不平(note 10, P93)turnover 员工流失discriminatory(有辩识力的,有差别的?—note 6, P93)——歧视性的cited 引证,引用inequitable___equitableundermine ——?assembly line——?general 将军,总管governor 州长, 主管人员(董事等)supervisor(基层)管理者,上级,工头1) from president down to the lower-level supervisor2) Nancy Rickson, a secretary in a small office, was difficult for her supervisor to understand.They may experience continual conflicts with a supervisor or peer.inadequate___adequateknack ___??appraise(appraising,appraisal) 评价hold true 适用, 有效b) I think it’s the work force and the company’s inability, to recruit and maintain a good work force that…c) I don’t know of any major proje ct backed by good ideas, vigor, and enthusiasm that has been stopped by a shortage of cash.我从未见过由良好创意、活力与激情所支撑的任何重要项目最终因资金短缺而停顿下来,……hamper 妨碍,阻碍de- 去,否de- regulation取消监管,监管缺失( Financial deregulation )de-centralize(Let alone)thrive 兴旺,繁荣Line vs staff authority____d) Starting new employees in the organization (orientation)确定新员工在组织中的发展方向(定位)interpret ——?e) This implied authority carries even more weight with supervisors troubled by human resource /personnel problems对于那些因人力资源或人事问题而困扰的基层管理者来说,这种隐含的职权具有更重要的影响。
executive ____?“bread and butter”份内的事,常规性工作reward 报答,报酬,奖励comply with 遵守reengineering program工程再造计划mechanism机制contest 辩驳,反驳,反对framework 框架, 架构oboligation to 服从于…across the board普遍适用(地)qualification 资格to screen out 筛分,审查profit___profitability- oriented 以…为导向,面向…f) and to institute variouspromation-from-within activities…建立各种在活动内部使人员晋升的制度,crafted 精心实施competency(competent) 能力,才能g) HR’s long history as a staff or advisory function has left it with asomewhat impoversished reputation some still tend to view it as less than it is .在长期历史上, HR承担参谋或劝告职能给人留下了有些萦弱无力( Impoverished ) 的名声,如今仍然有人总是低估其应有的价值(作用)。