
医科专业英语1. anatomy解剖学2. physiology生理学3. epithelial tissue上皮组织4. connective tissue结缔组织5. muscular tissue肌肉组织6. nervous tissue神经组织7. the integumentary system体被系统8. the skeletal system骨骼系统9. the muscular system肌肉系统10. the lymphatic system淋巴系统11. the respiratory system呼吸系统12. the digestive system消化系统13. the nervous system神经系统14. the endocrine system内分泌系统15. the cardiovascular system心血管系统16. the urinary system泌尿系统17. the reproductive system生殖系统18. the cranial cavity颅腔19. the spinal cavity脊髓腔20. the thoracic cavity胸腔21. the abdominopelvic cavity盆腹腔22. homeostasis内环境稳定23. metabolism新陈代谢1.morphology 形态学, 生态学2.etiology 病因学, 病原学3.pathogenesis 发病学, 发病机理4.intrauterine 子宫内的5.endoscopy 内窥镜检查6.biopsy 活组织检查7.pathogen病菌; 病原体8.inflammatory diseases炎性疾病9.degenerative diseases变性性疾病, 退行性疾病10.metabolic diseases代谢性疾病11.congenital and hereditary diseases先天性和遗传性疾病12.neoplastic diseases肿瘤性疾病13.prognosis预后14.clinical history临床史15.specific treatment特异疗法, 特效(药)疗法16.symptomatic treatment症状疗法, 对症治疗17.chromosome染色体18.noninvasive procedures无创检查19.recessive gene隐性基因20.dominant gene显性基因anic disease器质性疾病22.electrocardiogram 心电图1.carbohydrate 碳水化合物2.esophagus 食管3.duodenum十二指肠4.pepsin 胃蛋白酶5.peristalsis蠕动6.cardiac / pyloric sphincter贲门/幽门括约肌7.gastrointestinal track胃肠道8.hydrochloric acid盐酸9.amino acid氨基酸10.glycerol甘油; 丙三醇11.gallbladder胆囊12.ileocecal valve回盲瓣13.salivary glands 涎腺,唾液腺14.hard/soft palate硬/软腭15.epiglottis 会厌mon bile duct 胆总管17.rectum直肠18.villus绒毛19.digestive enzyme消化酶20.taste bud味蕾21.appendix 阑尾22.ascending /descending colon 升/降结肠23.sigmoid colon 乙状结肠24.bowel movement 大便25.chyme 食糜1.respiratory tract呼吸道2.pharynx咽3.trachea气管4.bronchiole细支气管5.epithelial cell上皮细胞6.macrophage巨噬细胞7.oxygen氧气8.carbon dioxide二氧化碳9.mucous membrane粘膜10. nasal passage鼻道11. allergy变态反应(症), 过敏症12. swallowing reflex吞咽反射13. lymphatic tissue淋巴组织14. ciliated cell纤毛细胞15. inhalation吸入,吸气16. exhalation呼出,呼气17. nostril鼻孔18. cartilage软骨19. larynx喉20. alveolus肺泡21. tonsil 扁桃体22. irreversible damage 不可逆性损伤1. cardiovascular system心血管系统2. circulatory system循环系统3. plasma血浆4. erythrocyte红细胞5. leukocyte白细胞6. platelet count血小板计数7. megakaryocyte巨核细胞8. hematocrit血细胞比容9. hemoglobin血红蛋白10. diffuse扩散,弥漫11. granulocyte粒细胞12. osmotic pressure渗透压13. phagocytosis吞噬作用14. interferon干扰素15. systemic circulation体循环16. pulmonary circulation肺循环17. deoxygenated blood去氧血18. tricuspid valve三尖瓣19. pulmonic valve肺动脉瓣20. aortic valve主动脉瓣21. tachycardia心动过速22. bradycardia心动过缓23. systole心缩期24. diastole心舒期1. atrium心房2. ventricle心室3. mitral / bicuspid valve二尖瓣4. semilunar valve半月瓣5. endocardium心内膜6. myocardium心肌7. epicardium心外膜8. pericardium心包(膜)9. pulmonary trunk肺动脉干10. stethoscope听诊器11. murmur (心脏)杂音,12. pacemaker cell P细胞(起搏细胞)13. sinus /sinoatrial node窦房结14. atrioventricular node房室结15. aorta主动脉16. common carotid artery颈总动脉17. artery动脉18. capillary毛细血管19. superior / inferior vena cava上腔静脉/下腔静脉。

专业英语词汇第一节FDA和EDQM术语一、简写:FDA:Food and Drug Administration 食品药品管理局EDQM:EuropeanDirectorate for the Quality of Medicines 欧洲药品质量管理局ChP:Chinese Pharmacopoeia 中国药典USP:The United States Pharmacopoeia 美国药典NF:The National Formulary 国家处方集BP:British Pharmacopoeia 英国药典Ph.Eup:European Pharmacopoeia 欧洲药典Ph.Int:The International Pharmacopoeia 国际药典GLP:Good Laboratory Practice 药品实验研究规XGMP:Good Manufacture Practice 药品生产质量规X GSP:Good Supply Practice 药品经营质量规XGCP:Good Clinical Practice 药品临床试验规XINN:international nonproprietary name 国际非专业名称LD50:half lethal dose;median lethal dose 半数致死量LD100:absolute lethal dose 绝对致死量二、词汇:clinical trial:临床试验accelerated approval:加速批准animal trial:动物实验preparing and submitting:起草和申报standard drug:标准药物established name:确定的名称investigator:调查员drug product:药物产品submission:申报、递交generic name:非专有名称benefit<s>:受益drug substance:原料药物risk<s>:受害proprietary name:专有名称adverse effect:副作用adverse reaction:不良反应protocol:协议、草案archival copy:存档副本review copy:审查用副本identify:鉴别placebo:安慰剂agency:审理部门labeled amount:标示量strength:规格第二节医药学专业词汇一、医药学专业课程英文:Medicine:医学Internal Medicine:内科学Surgery:外科学Pediatrics:儿科学Gynecology:妇科学Diagnosis:诊断学Pathology:病理学Physiology:生理学Pathphysiology:病理生理学Anatomy:解剖学Human Anatomy and Physiology:人体生理解剖学Histology:组织学Embryology:胚胎学Histology and Embryology:组胚学Genetics Cell:遗传学BiologyMolecular Biology:分子生物学Immunology:免疫学Statistics Microbiology:卫生统计学Medical Genetics:医学遗传学Physics:物理学Medical Statistics:医学统计学Medical Immunology:医学免疫学Medical Cell Biology:医学细胞生物学Medical Microbiology:医学微生物学Medical Molecular Biology:医学分子生物学Mathematics:数学Higher Mathematics:高等数学Advanced Mathematics:高数Biochemistry:生物化学Medical Physics:医用物理学Medical Advanced Mathematics:医用高等数学Parasitology:寄生虫学Essential Chemistry:基础化学Medical Psychology:心理学Epidemiology:流行病学Image:影像学Diagnosis:诊断学Psychiatry:精神病学Neurology:神经病学Infectionology:传染病学Ophthalmology:眼科学Dermatology:皮肤病学Dermatology and Venereology:皮肤性病学Anesthesia:麻醉学Otorhinolaryngology:耳鼻喉学Oral science:口腔学Endocrinology:内分泌学Preventive Medicine:预防医学Surgical Nursing:外科护士Radiology:放射学radiotoxicology:放射毒理学radiopharmaceutics:放射药理学Osteopathic Medicine:骨科医学Dental Sciences:牙科学Pharmacy:药剂学Pharmacology:药理学Medicinal Chemistry:药物化学Pharmaceutics:药剂Physical Chemistry:物理化学Natural Medicinal Chemistry:天然药物化学Pharmacognosy:生药学toxicology:毒理学Pharmaceutical analysis:药物分析Pharmacy Administration:药事管理学Organic Chemistry:有机化学Inorganic Chemistry:无机化学Traditional Mongolia Medicine:蒙药学Traditional Chinese Medicine:中药学Chinese Herb Medicine :中草学Molecular pharmacology:分子药理学industrial pharmacy:工业药剂学Quantum pharmacology:量子药学Clinical pharmacology:临床药理学Chlinical pharmacy:临床药学Chronopharmacology:时辰药理学Pharmacogenetics:药学遗传学Pharmacodynamics:药动学pharmacokinetics:药代学二、医学词汇:人体器官英语词汇:head 头throat 喉chest 胸部abdomen 腹部thigh 大腿neck 颈部shoulder 肩部back 背部waist 腰部hip臀部wisdom tooth 智牙skull 头颅collarbone 锁骨rib 肋骨backbone 脊柱shoulder joint 肩关节shoulder blade 肩峰breastbone 胸骨elbow joint 肘关节kneecap 膝盖骨bone 骨骼skeleton 骨骼muscle 肌肉joint 关节blood vessel 血管vein 静脉artery 动脉capillary 毛细血管nerve 神经spinal marrow 脊髓brain 大脑respiration 呼吸windpipe 气管lung 肺heart 心脏exhale 呼气inhale 吸气internal organs 内脏gullet 食道stomach 胃liver 肝脏gall bladder 胆囊pancreas 胰腺spleen 脾脏duodenum 十二指肠small intestine 小肠large intestine 大肠blind gut 盲肠vermiform 蠕虫appendix 阑尾rectum 直肠chew 咀嚼swallow 吞咽digest 消化absord 吸收discharge 排放excrement 粪便kidney 肾脏bladder 膀胱intelligence 智力各种常见疾病的表达:Headache 头痛cold 感冒hepatitis 肝炎Pneumonia 肺炎cough 咳嗽trachitis 气管炎brain fever/meningitis脑膜炎cystitis 膀胱炎gastritis 胃炎acute gastritis 急性胃炎mastitis 乳腺炎bronchitis 支气管炎appendicitis 阑尾炎gastroenteritis 肠胃炎tumor 肿瘤bird flu/avian influenza 禽流感cancer 癌症leukemia 白血病SARS<Severe Acute Respiratary Syndrome> 非典型肺炎AIDS<Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome,AIDS> 艾滋病black death 黑死病mad cow disease 疯牛病influenza 流感cataract 白内障rabies 狂犬病stroke 休克coronary heart disease 冠心病diabetes 糖尿病lung cancer 肺癌liver cancer 肝癌pulmonary tuberculosis 肺结核hepatocirrhosis 肝硬化chronic 慢性的cancer of stomach 胃癌stomach trouble 胃炎heart disease 心脏病fever 发热amnesia 健忘症anemia, anaemia 贫血angina pectoris 心绞痛appendicitis 阑尾炎arthritis 关节炎bird flu, avian flu 禽流感bronchitis 支气管炎cancer 癌症cervicitis 子宫颈炎cold 感冒epilepsy 癫痫gout 痛风headache 头痛hemiplegy, hemiplegia 偏瘫icterus, jaundice 黄疸indigestion 消化不良influenza, flu 流感insanity 精神病insomnia 失眠症leukemia 白血病lupus 狼疮lupus erythematosus <LE> 红斑狼疮malnutrition 营养不良migraine, splitting headache 偏头痛neuralgia 神经病miocardial infarction 心肌梗塞neurasthenia 神经衰弱paralysis 麻痹peritonitis 腹膜炎pharyngitis 咽炎syncope 晕厥tetanus 破伤风tumour, tumor 肿瘤〔三〕化学元素名称的表达:Hydrogen 氢Helium he Carbon 碳Nitrogen 氮Oxygen 氧Sodium 钠Fluorine 佛Magnesium 镁Aluminum铝Phosphorus 磷Sulfur 硫Chlorine 氯Potassium 钾Calcium 钙Iron铁Copper 铜Zinc 锌Bromine溴Silver 银Iodine 碘Barium钡Gold 金Mercury 汞Lead 铅。

医学领域英语词汇全集以下是医学领域常用的英语词汇全集,供参考:1. Anatomy(解剖学)- Skeleton(骨骼)- Muscles(肌肉)- Organs(器官)- Nerves(神经)2. Physiology(生理学)- Circulatory system(循环系统)- Respiratory system(呼吸系统)- Digestive system(消化系统)- Endocrine system(内分泌系统)3. Diseases(疾病)- Cancer(癌症)- Diabetes(糖尿病)- Hypertension(高血压)- Influenza(流感)4. Medical Procedures(医疗程序)- Surgery(外科手术)- Radiology(放射学)- Physical therapy(物理疗法)- Chemotherapy(化疗)5. Medications(药物)- Antibiotics(抗生素)- Analgesics(止痛药)- Antidepressants(抗抑郁药)- Antihistamines(抗组胺药)6. Medical Equipment(医疗设备)- Stethoscope(听诊器)- X-ray machine(X光机)- Ultrasound machine(超声波机)- Blood pressure monitor(血压计)7. Medical Specialties(医学专业)- Cardiology(心脏病学)- Dermatology(皮肤病学)- Gynecology(妇科学)- Pediatrics(儿科学)8. Medical Ethics(医学伦理)- Informed consent(知情同意)- Confidentiality(保密性)- Patient autonomy(患者自主权)- Non-maleficence(不伤害原则)9. Medical Research(医学研究)- Clinical trials(临床试验)- Case studies(病例研究)- Epidemiology(流行病学)- Genetic research(遗传研究)以上是医学领域常用的英语词汇全集。

医学专业英语词汇大全一、人体解剖学词汇1. 骨骼系统(Skeletal System)skull(颅骨)spine(脊柱)rib(肋骨)pelvis(骨盆)femur(股骨)tibia(胫骨)fibula(腓骨)2. 肌肉系统(Muscular System)biceps(二头肌)triceps(三头肌)deltoid(三角肌)quadriceps(四头肌)gluteus(臀大肌)rectus abdominis(腹直肌)3. 神经系统(Nervous System)brain(大脑)spinal cord(脊髓)neuron(神经元)synapse(突触)cerebellum(小脑)hypothalamus(下丘脑)4. 循环系统(Circulatory System) heart(心脏)artery(动脉)vein(静脉)capillary(毛细血管)blood(血液)plasma(血浆)5. 呼吸系统(Respiratory System) lung(肺)trachea(气管)bronchus(支气管)alveoli(肺泡)diaphragm(膈肌)二、临床医学词汇1. 疾病与症状diabetes(糖尿病)hypertension(高血压)asthma(哮喘)fever(发热)headache(头痛)nausea(恶心)2. 检查与诊断physical examination(体格检查)Xray(X光检查)CT scan(CT扫描)MRI(磁共振成像)biopsy(活检)diagnosis(诊断)3. 治疗与药物medication(药物治疗)surgery(手术治疗)vaccination(疫苗接种)antibiotic(抗生素)painkiller(止痛药)insulin(胰岛素)三、医学分支词汇1. 内科学(Internal Medicine) cardiology(心脏病学)gastroenterology(消化病学) nephrology(肾脏病学)endocrinology(内分泌学)hematology(血液病学)2. 外科学(Surgery)general surgery(普通外科) orthopedic surgery(骨科)neurosurgery(神经外科)plastic surgery(整形外科)cardiac surgery(心脏外科)3. 妇产科(Obstetrics and Gynecology)pregnancy(妊娠)childbirth(分娩)contraception(避孕)menopause(更年期)cervical cancer(宫颈癌)4. 儿科学(Pediatrics)immunization(免疫)growth chart(生长曲线)developmental milestones(发育里程碑)asthma in children(儿童哮喘)childhood obesity(儿童肥胖)本词汇大全旨在帮助医学专业人员和爱好者更好地掌握医学英语,提高专业英语水平。

医学专业英语单词如下:miniature ①微型②缩影③小型的,袖珍的miniature aorta clamp 小型主动脉夹miniature biomicroscope 微型生物显微镜miniature camera 微型照像机miniature diagnostic X-ray unit 小型X 射线诊断机miniature electrocardiograph 微型心电图机miniature hemostat 微型止血钳miniature needle holder 微型持针钳miniature radio transmitter 小型无线电发报机miniature roentgenography 缩影X 射线照像术miniaturization 小型化,微型化miniaturized intraocular surgicalsystem 眼内显微手术器械minicamera 微型照像机minicomputer 小型计算机mini-electrocentrifuge 微型电动离心机minim ①量滴(液量最小单位,美制=0.6ml,英制=0.ml)②最小的,微小的minimal 最低的,极微的minim pipette 滴液量管minimum (abgr. Min; min) 最小值,最小的minimum standard 最低标准minimum temperature 最低温度minimum thermoimeter 最低温度计minipump 微型真空泵miniscope 微型示波器ministry of foreign trade 外贸部ministry of public health 卫生部minitype 微型,小型minor 较小的,辅助的minor electro-surgical unit 小型手术电凝器minor forceps 小钳Minor's tremor pickup 米诺氏震颤传感器minus 减的,负的minus lens 负透镜,凹透镜minute ①分钟②微小的,精密的minute volume (abbr. MV) 分钟量(每分钟肺呼出气体量)MIO(million) 百万,北miophone 肌音听测器mirror 镜,反光镜mirror haploscope 镜面式视轴测定器mirror image 裂隙灯像,镜像mis- 错误,不利misadjustment 失调,误调谐misclmisc(miscellany) 杂物miscarriage pipet 流产吸引管mischance 故障,障碍miscible 可混合的misc medical supplies 医疗设备杂品misconnection 错接,误接mismatch (使)失配,失谐,不重合missile 投射器mission 任务,使命mist 雾,湿气mistranslation 错译,译误mist tent 喷雾帐篷mist separator 湿气分离器mist spray 喷雾mist extractor 湿气提取器mitella 臂吊带mitochondrial oscillator 线粒体振荡器mitral 二尖瓣的mitral inadequacy 二尖瓣关闭不全mitral stenosis valvuliotome 二尖瓣狭窄手术心瓣膜刀mitral valve dilator 二尖瓣瓣膜扩张器mitral valve scissors 二尖瓣膜扩张器mitten 连指手套(拇指分开,其它四指连在一起)mix 混合mixer 混合器,调拌器mixer-granulator 混合制粒机mixer mill 混合磨mixing tablet 调合板mixture 混合,混合物mixture indicator 混合物成分指示器MMF (maximum midexpiratoryflow) 最大呼气中期流速mm.Hg (milimetres of mercury) 毫米汞柱(压力单位,等于1/ 大气压)M-mode echocardiography M-型超声心动图机mm.P.P. (millimetres partial pressure) 毫米汞柱分压Mn(manganese) 锰mmeme 记忆力Mo(molybdenum) 钼mobile 移动的,流动的mobile mass radiography 流动集体X 射线检查mobile recorder 移动或记录器mobile type X-ray unit 流动式X 光机mobile X-ray condenser discharge unit 电容放电式流动X 光机mobility 运动性,移动性mobilometer 淌度计mock-up 模型,模型机modality ①形式,方式②物理疗法,物理治疗设备mode 方式,模型model 型号,模型,样品model alloy 模型合金model former 成模器modelling compound 印模膏model machine 样机model trimmer 模型修整器modem 调制解调器mode number 模数moder 脉冲编码装置moderator 缓和器,减速器modern 现代的,近代的modernization 现代化modified bone clamp 骨固定夹modified circumflex scissors 变型卷曲剪modified vascular clamp 变型血管夹modifier 调节器modify 改变,限制modulation 调节,调整,适应modulation level 调制电平modulator 调节器,调幅器modle 模数,组件moist 湿的,潮湿的moist dressing 湿敷料moistener 湿润器moist heat sterilizer 湿热灭菌器moisture 潮湿,湿度,水分moisture analyser 湿度分析仪moisture balance 测湿度天平moisture evolution analyzer 湿气散出分析器,水分放出分析器moisture meter 湿度计moistureproof 防潮的moisture resistant 防潮的moisture test apparatus 水分测定仪moisture tester 水分试验器moisture trap 除潮器,脱水器mole ①克分子②模molectron 集成电路,组合件molecular distillation apparatus 分子蒸溜器molecular still 分子蒸溜器molecular structure instruments 生物分子结构分析仪器molecular weight (abbr. mol. wt) 分子量molecular weight apparatus 分子量测定仪molecule 分子molybdenum(abbr. Mo) 钼moment ①瞬间,片刻②力矩momentary 瞬时的,暂时的moment of force 力矩monangle 单角器(牙科)Monday(abbr. Mon.) 星期一money 金钱,货币monitor 监护仪,监视器,探测器monitor controller 监控仪monitor for photography 摄像用监视器monitoring catheters 监护用导管monitoring oscilloscope 监测示波器,监视镜monitoring station 监测台monitoring system 病人监护系统monitor-scope 监护示波器monitor screen 监视屏monocardiogram 心电向量图,向量图monochord 单音听觉器monochrouic 单色的monochromatic 单色的,单染色的monochromatic light 单色光monochromatic objective 单色物镜monochromatic rays 单色射线monochromator ①单色器②单色镜monochrome ①单色②单色镜片monochromic 单色的monocle ①单眼镜②单眼绷带monocrystal silicon 单晶硅monocular 单眼的,单目镜的monocular ear microscope 单管窥耳显微镜monocular indirct ophthalmoscope 单目间接检目镜monocular microscope 单目显微镜monocular tube 单筒目镜monoculus 单眼绷带monocyte 单核细胞,单核白细胞monograph ①专题论文②记录monomer 单体,单分子物体monomodal oscillator 单峰振荡器monophase 单相的monophone 送受话器monopolar 单极的monopolar forceps 单极钳monopoly ①专利权②垄断,独占monoscope 单象管,存储管式示波器monoterminal 单极的monovalent element 一价元素montage ①安装,装配②剪辑画面month 月份,月monthly ①每月的②月刊mop ①拖把,拖布②刷mope-eyed 近视的morbidity 发病,发病率morgue 停尸室,太平间morpho- 形,形态morphology 形态学Morr's burette 摩尔氏滴定管mortal 致死率mortality 死亡率mortar 乳钵,研钵mortar-grinder 研磨器mortuary 停尸房,太平间mortuary refrigerator 尸体冷藏柜mosaic structure 镶嵌型结构mOsm (milliosmol) 毫渗(一个渗透压的千分之一)mosquito clamp 蚊嘴夹,蚊嘴钳mosquito forceps 蚊式止血钳motarium 绒布(外科用布)motile 自动的,能动的motion 运转,运动,机动motionless 固定的,不活动的motoceptor 运动感受器motometer 转数计motor 马达,电动机motor analysor 运动分析器motor-driven arc therapy unit 电动式电弧治疗装置motor-driven operating table 电动手术台motor-driven surgery instruments 电动手术器motor for the dental laboratory 牙科技工室马达motor generator 电动发电机motorgraphic 描记运动的motormeter 运动力计motor pump 马达泵motor rescue boat 机动救护船motor stirrer 电动搅拌器motortherapy 运动疗法mould 模型moulded tablet 模印片moulding compound 牙科油泥mould paste 印模膏,打样膏mount 支架,座,装置mountain 山,高山mouse cage 鼠笼mouse tooth forceps 鼠牙钳mouth 口,嘴mouth adapter 口用麻醉接头mouth blowpipe 吹火管(牙科用)mouth gag 开口器,张口器mouth jaw 张口器mouth lamp 口腔灯mouth mirror 口腔镜mouthpiece 牙垫,接口管,口器mouthpiece tubing 接口吸管mouth prop 张口器mouth shade 口罩mouth speculum 窥口器,口腔镜movable support 可动支架movement ①运动,移动②机构,机械装置mover ①搬运车②发动机movie 影片,电影(院)moving boundary electrophoresis 移动区带电泳moving film camera 电影摄影机moving grid 活动X 线滤线栅moving-iron type hot stylus recorder 热笔描绘动铁式记录器moxa 灸料,灼烙剂moxosphyra 灸锤Mrna (messenger ribonucleic acid) 信使核糖核酸MRI(magnetic resonance imaging) 磁共振成像技术M-scan echocardiogram M 型扫描超声心动图MT (microtome) 切片机mucilage 胶水mucosa 粘膜mucotome 粘膜刀mucous membrane knife 鼻粘膜刀mucous plug 宫颈粘液塞mu-factor 放大系数,放大率muff 袖套,套筒muffle electric furnace 电热炉muffler 消音器,减声器mug 有柄杯,大杯Mules's scoop 谬耳斯氏眼刮匙mull 软布mulla 药布mull dressing 软布敷料muller 平底乳钵(研磨器)multi- 多,多数multibeam oscilloscope 多束示波器multicavity magnetron 多腔磁控管multichannel 多信道的,多路的multichannel amplifier 多通道放大器multichannel analyzer ①(针灸用)多经分析器②多波道分析器multichannel monitor 多道监视器multichannel oscilloscope 多线示波器multichannel recorder 多道记录器multi-crystal scanning gammacamer 多晶体扫描伽玛照像机multidiaphragm collimator 多叶集光筒multi-direction planigraphic device 多方向平面摄影装置multiformat camera 多规格照相机multiformat gamma camera 多幅伽玛照像机multiformat changing device 多幅幻灯片变换装置multifunctional 多功能的multifunction generator 多功能发生器multifunction system 多功能系统multi-heads curette 多头刮匙multi-heads tooth forceps 多头拔牙钳multiimage 重复图像multi-input 多端输入multi-level 多能极的multilocular 多腔的multiloop 多回路的,多匝的,多环的multimeter 万用表multimicroelectrode 微电极组multi-orbit tomographic unit 多轨迹断层摄影机multipath 多通道的,多途径的multi-pen recorder 多笔式记录器multiphasic screening 多项普检(以多种方式检诊)multiplane tomographic scanner 多平面断层扫描仪multiplanimat 多轨迹体层摄影装置(商品名)multiple aliquot sample harvester 多用等分试样标本采集器multiple electronic acupunctoscope 多用电子的位测定治疗仪multiple point electrode 多头电极multiple screening 多项普检(以多种方式检诊)multiple sheet filter 多层滤器multiple stethoscope 多管听诊器(教学用)multiplexer ①多路扫描装置,多路调制器②倍增器multiplicator 倍增器multiplier 乘法器,倍增器multiplier tube 倍增管multiply 增加,扩大multipoint combustible gas alarm 多点可燃气体报警器multipoint indicator 多点指示器multipoint trend recorder 多点式病情趋向记录器multipole 多极的multiprobe detector 多探头检测器multipurpose 多用途的,万用的multipurpose clamp 多用夹multipurpose computer 通用计算机multipurpose electroacupuncture apparatus 综合电针仪multipurpose electrostimulator 多用电刺激器multiopurpose operating table 综合手术台multipurpose oscilloscope 多用示波器multipurpose peripheral vascular retractor 多用外周血管牵开器multipurpose polygraph 多导生理记录仪multipurpose retractor 多用牵开器multipurpose scanning microscope 多用途扫描显微镜multipurpose scintillation counter 多用途闪烁计数器multipurpose therapy unit 综合治疗机muotipurpose tractor 多用牵引器multipurpose ultrasonic diagnostic equipment 多用途超声诊断仪multirange 多波段的multiscaler 万能定标器,多用定标器multiscan ultrasonic diagnostic unit 超声波断层诊断仪multispirograph 多用肺活量计multistage 多级的multistage amplifier 多级放大器multiterminal electrode 多端电极multivibrator 多谐振荡器multiway socket 多脚插座murmur 杂音muscle 肌muscle biopsy 肌肉活组织检查muscle booster 肌肉助力器muscle boosting device 肌肉助力装置muscle clamp 肌肉夹,肌肉钳muscle forceps 肌肉镊(眼科)muscle hook 肌钩muscle stimulator 肌肉刺激器mush 噪音,干扰mushroom catheter 蕈头导管music 音乐muslin 细薄棉布,软棉布muslin bag 棉布袋mutable 易变的,不定的mutual 相互的,不定的MV(millivolt) 毫伏MV(minute volume) 每分钟量(每分钟肺呼出气体量)MVE(mitral valve echogram) 二尖瓣回波描记图MVV(maximum voluntary ventilation) 最大随意通气量myasthenia 有无力mycology 真菌学,霉菌学mydriasis 瞳孔放大,散瞳myel-;myelo- 骨髓,脊髓myelin nucleus drill 髓核钻myelogram 脊髓X 射线造影片myelography 脊髓X 射线造影术myeloid biopsy needle 骨髓活检针myeloscintigram 脊髓闪烁图myelotome 脊髓刀mylar 聚酯薄膜myo- 肌肉myocardial 心肌的myocardial bloptome 心肌活检刀myocardial electrode 心肌电极myocardiogram 心肌运动描记图myocardiograph 心肌运动描记器myocardium 心肌myochronoscope 肌动时间测定器,肌兴奋时间测定器myocinesimeter 肌收缩计,肌动计myoculator 眼肌运动矫正器myodynamia 肌力myodynamometer 肌力计myoglobin 肌红蛋白myogram 肌动(描记)图myograph 肌动描记器myographion 肌记纹鼓myography 肌动描记法myohaemoglobin(abbr. MHb) 肌红蛋白myokinesimeter 肌收缩力计myoma forceps 肌瘤钳myomatome 肌瘤刀myometer 肌收缩计,肌力计myoneural junction 神经肌肉接点myophone 肌音听诊器myopia 近视myoscope 肌缩观测器myosis 瞳孔缩小myosthenic 肌力的myosthenometer 肌力测量器myotome 肌刀myotonometer 肌张力测量器myringa 鼓膜myringoscope 鼓膜镜myringotome 鼓膜刀MZE(microzone electrophoresis) 微区带电泳MZIS(medical interpretative information system) 医学解释的信息系统N(nitrogen) 氮Na(natrium) 钠nail ①指甲②钉子nail and wire nippers 穿钉和钢丝钳nail brush 指甲刷nail cleaner 指甲清洁器nail driver 骨髓钉打入器nail extension 导钉牵引术nail extension apparatus 穿钉牵引器mail extractor 骨穿钉拔出器nail file 指甲锉nail hammer 穿钉锤nailing 插钉术nailnippers 指甲钳nail-plate 鹅头针nail scissors 指甲剪nail set 穿针器naked 裸露的naked radiator 无保护罩散热器name 名称name of commodity 品名,货名name of goods 品名,货名nameplate 铭牌,商标nano- 小,毫微,十亿分之一nanoammeter 毫微安计nanogram(abbr.ng) 毫微克nanoprogram 毫微程序nanoscope 毫微秒示波器,超高频示波器nanosecond 毫微秒,10-9 秒nape 项,颈背napkin 餐巾narco- 麻醉,睡眠narcology 麻醉学narcosis 麻醉narcotic ①麻醉的②麻醉剂naris 鼻孔narrow ①狭窄的②变窄,限制narrow-nouth bottle 小口瓶narrow tube 小直径管nasal 鼻的nasal airway 鼻腔导气管nasal applicator 鼻卷棉子nasal bird-shape douche 鼻用鸟形冲洗器nasal cannula 输氧鼻管nasal catheter 鼻腔导管nasal cavity 鼻腔nasal cavity canula 鼻腔套管nasal chisel 鼻平凿nasal cotton wool carrier 鼻卷棉子nasal curet 鼻刮匙nasal cutter 鼻甲剪nasal cutting forceps 鼻咬骨钳,鼻切钳nasal dilator 鼻扩张器nasal douche 鼻用冲洗器nasal douche nozzle 鼻冲洗管嘴nasal dressing forceps 鼻敷料钳nasal endoscope 鼻镜nasal ethnoid punch forceps 鼻筛窦咬取钳nasal feeding 鼻饲法nasal feeding tube 鼻饲管nasal flat round-bladed knife 鼻用扁平圆刃刀nasal foreign body forceps 鼻异物钳nasal glass nozzle 鼻用玻璃冲洗管嘴nasal gouge 鼻圆凿nasal instruments 鼻用器械nasal irrigator 鼻冲洗器nasal knife 鼻刀nasal mucosa knife 鼻粘膜刀nasal oxygen cannula 鼻腔给氧插管nasal periosteum elevator ①鼻骨膜起子②鼻骨膜分离器nasal plastic scissors 鼻整形剪nasal polypus forceps 鼻息肉钳nasal polypus snare 鼻息肉圈断器nasal probe 鼻探针nasal prosthesis 假鼻nasal punch forces 鼻咬取钳nasal rongeur 鼻咬骨钳nasal saw 鼻锯nasal scissors 鼻剪nasal scoop 鼻匙nasal septum 鼻中隔nasal septum cutting forceps 鼻中隔咬骨钳nasal septum gouge 鼻中隔凿nasal septum round chisel 鼻中隔圆凿nasal septum speculum 鼻中隔镜nasal snare 鼻息肉勒除器nasal speatula 鼻铲。

(完整版)医学专业英语词汇医学专业英语词汇1. 基础词汇- Medicine - 医学- Clinic - 诊所- Doctor - 医生- Patient - 患者- Hospital - 医院- Health - 健康- Disease - 疾病- Treatment - 治疗- Symptom - 症状- Diagnosis - 诊断- Prescription - 处方- Surgery - 手术- Laboratory - 实验室- Research - 研究- University - 大学- Medical - 医疗的- Nurse - 护士- Pharmacist - 药剂师- Therapist - 治疗师- Vaccine - 疫苗- X-ray - X光片- HIV - 人类免疫缺陷病毒- Cancer - 癌症- Diabetes - 糖尿病- Heart - 心脏- Kidney - 肾脏- Liver - 肝脏2. 解剖学词汇- Anatomy - 解剖学- Skeleton - 骨骼- Muscle - 肌肉- Nervous system - 神经系统- Digestive system - 消化系统- Respiratory system - 呼吸系统- Circulatory system - 循环系统- Skeletal system - 骨骼系统- Muscular system - 肌肉系统- Nervous tissue - 神经组织- Respiratory tract - 呼吸道- Circulatory system - 循环系统- Digestive tract - 消化道- Central nervous system - 中枢神经系统- Peripheral nervous system - 外周神经系统- Endocrine system - 内分泌系统- Urinary system - 泌尿系统3. 疾病词汇- Infection - 感染- Allergy - 过敏- Fever - 发烧- Inflammation - 炎症- Pain - 疼痛- Cough - 咳嗽- Headache - 头痛- Fatigue - 疲劳- Depression - 抑郁症- High blood pressure - 高血压- Arthritis - 关节炎- Asthma - 哮喘- Alzheimer's disease - 阿尔茨海默病- Stroke - 中风- Multiple sclerosis - 多发性硬化症- Pneumonia - 肺炎- Cancer - 癌症- Diabetes - 糖尿病- Heart disease - 心脏病- Kidney disease - 肾脏疾病- Liver disease - 肝脏疾病- Sexually transmitted disease - 性传播疾病4. 检查和测试词汇- Blood test - 血液检查- Urine test - 尿液检查- X-ray - X光检查- Ultrasound - 超声波- MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) - 磁共振成像- ECG (Electrocardiogram) - 心电图- PET scan (Positron Emission Tomography) - 正电子发射断层扫描- Colonoscopy - 结肠镜检查- Pap smear - 涂片检查- Biopsy - 活检- Lymph node biopsy - 淋巴结活检- Bone marrow biopsy - 骨髓活检5. 药物相关词汇- Medication - 药物- Drug - 药品- Prescription - 处方药- Over-the-counter (OTC) - 非处方药- Antibiotics - 抗生素- Analgesics - 镇痛药- Antidepressants - 抗抑郁药- Antipyretics - 退热药- Antihistamines - 抗组织胺药- Anticoagulants - 抗凝药- Opioids - 麻醉药- Diuretics - 利尿药- Antivirals - 抗病毒药- Anti-inflammatory - 抗炎药- Beta blockers - 贝塔受体阻滞剂- Statins - 他汀类药物- Vaccines - 疫苗- Insulin - 胰岛素- Cholesterol-lowering drugs - 降低胆固醇药物以上是医学专业英语词汇的一部分,希望对您的学习和工作有所帮助。

in-patient department 住院部admitting office 住院处observation ward 观察室physician in charge主治医生dentist 牙科医生laboratory technician化验员emergency case 急诊病人Physician 医师内科医生practice medicine 行医Malpractice 治疗不当Intern 实习生实习医师Resident 住院医生medical department医务科Anesthesia 麻醉Sterilization 杀菌消毒Obstetrics 产科助产术Gynecology 妇科学Maternity 妇产科医院Pediatrics 小儿科Outpatient门诊病人Inpatient 住院病人nose, throat, larynx喉, trachea气管, bronchi, and lungs. Otorhinolaryngology 耳鼻喉科cervical 颈部的thoracic胸廓的sacral骶骨的coccygeal尾骨的noradrenaline 去甲肾上腺素vagus 迷走神经sciatic nerve 坐骨神经Peripheral nervous systerm 外周神经系efferent 传出的afferent传入的Skeletal muscle 骨骼肌Postjunctional 接头后的Neuromuscular junction 神经肌肉接头eserine 毒扁豆碱hydrolyse 水解Neuromuscular junction神经肌接头cholinesterase 胆碱酯酶perfusate 灌注液,灌流液microelectrode 微电极micropipette 微量吸液管preganglionic 神经节前的postganglionic 神经节后的Sympathetical ganglia 交感神经节iontophoretically 通过离子透入法acetylcholine乙酰胆碱acetyl 乙酰基ester 酯acetic acid 乙酸cholinesterase 胆碱酯酶acetyltransferase 乙酰转移酶aminotransferase 转氨酶neuron神经细胞, 神经元Spinal cord 脊髓gliacyte 胶质细胞monocyte 单核细胞erythrocyte 红细胞transmitter 递质Reflex arc 反射弧process突起dendrite树突axon 轴突synapse 突触Radiology 放射学Ultrasound 超声Nuclear medicine 核医学Pathology病理学Anesthesia麻醉Clinical laboratory 检验科Pharmacy 药剂学药房药学dopamine 多巴胺histamine 组胺noradrenaline 去甲肾上腺素vesicle囊泡prostaglandin 前列腺素extracellular 细胞外的intracellular细胞内的Intercellular细胞间的electron microscope 电镜light microscope 光镜permeability 渗透性sartorius muscle 缝匠肌Diarrhea腹泻痢疾Constipation 便秘cerebrum 大脑半球diencephalon 间脑brain stem 脑干midbrain 中脑,pons 桥脑medulla 延髓cerebellum 小脑tricuspid incompetence三尖瓣关闭不全Angina pectoris心绞痛Myocardial infarction(MI) 心肌梗死Atrium心房V entricle 心室Capillary毛细血管V alve瓣膜Aorta 主动脉Artery:动脉Arteriosclerosis/Atherosclerosis:动脉粥样硬化Coronary artery冠状动脉:Pulmonary artery: 肺动脉Conduction bundle 传导束stethoscope 听诊器electrocardiogram 心电图Atrial septal defect 房间隔缺损V entricular septal defect 室间隔缺损mitral stenosis 二尖瓣狭窄nose, throat, larynx喉, trachea气管,Bronchi lungs肺Alveoli肺泡horizontal 水平裂oblique fissure斜裂pneumothorax 气胸pleural effusion胸腔积液Inspiration吸气Expiration呼气lung volume肺容积肺活量Ribs肋骨Diaphragm膈肌rib cage胸腔Cough咳嗽sneeze喷嚏hiccup打嗝Irritation刺激upper airway上呼吸道a spasm of the diaphragm膈肌痉挛Asthma哮喘Lung cancer肺癌Tuberculosis肺结核tubercle bacilli结核杆菌contagious 传染性sore throat喉咙痛Bronchitis支气管炎Status asthmatic哮喘持续状态attack:发作criterion:(复criteria)标准, 指标hypoxaemia:低氧血症dehydration:脱水(作用),失水wheeze:喘鸣ventilation:通气confusion:精神混乱,精神错乱drowsiness:困倦,昏昏欲睡blood gases:血气分析sedation:镇静fatigue:疲劳cyanosis:发绀,青紫ominous:恶兆的, 不吉利的chronic bronchitis:慢性支气管炎polycythacmia:红细胞增多症tachycardia:心动过速pulsus paradoxus:(拉)奇脉,奇脉,逆脉arterial hypotension:低动脉压,动脉压过低airways obstruction:气道阻塞mandatory:强制性的,必须的respiratory failure:呼吸衰竭dyspnoea:呼吸困难。

应用生物学 Applied Biology医学技术 Medical Technology细胞生物学 Cell Biology医学 Medicine生物学 Biology护理麻醉学 Nurse Anesthesia进化生物学 Evolutionary Biology口腔外科学 Oral Surgery海洋生物学 Marine Biology口腔/牙科科学 Oral/Dental Sciences微生物学 Microbiology骨科医学 Osteopathic Medicine分子生物学 Molecular Biology耳科学 Otology医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology理疗学 Physical Therapy口腔生物学 Oral Biology足病医学 Podiatric Medicine寄生物学 Parasutology眼科学 Ophthalmology植物生物学 Plant Physiology预防医学 Preventive Medicine心理生物学 Psychobiology放射学 Radiology放射生物学 Radiation Biology康复咨询学 Rehabilitation Counseling 理论生物学 Theoretical Biology康复护理学 Rehabilitation Nursing野生生物学 Wildlife Biology外科护理学 Surgical Nursing环境生物学 Environmental Biology治疗学 Therapeutics运动生物学 Exercise Physiology畸形学 Teratology有机体生物学 Organismal Biology兽医学 Veterinary Sciences生物统计学 Biometrics牙科卫生学 Dental Sciences生物物理学 Biophysics牙科科学 Dentistry生物心理学 Biopsychology皮肤学 Dermatology生物统计学 Biostatistics内分泌学 Endocrinology生物工艺学 Biotechnology遗传学 Genetics生物化学 Biological Chemistry解剖学 Anatomy生物工程学 Biological Engineering麻醉学 Anesthesia生物数学 Biomathematics临床科学 Clinical Science生物医学科学 Biomedical Science临床心理学 Clinical Psychology细胞生物学和分子生物学 Celluar and Molecular Biology。

医学专业英语必备词汇1. Anatomy - 解剖学2. Physiology - 生理学3. Pathology - 病理学4. Pharmacology - 药理学5. Microbiology - 微生物学6. Immunology - 免疫学7. Radiology - 放射学8. Dermatology - 皮肤科学9. Cardiology - 心脏病学10. Gastroenterology - 肠胃病学11. Neurology - 神经病学12. Nephrology - 肾病学13. Hematology - 血液学14. Oncology - 肿瘤学15. Orthopedics - 骨科学16. Ophthalmology - 眼科学17. Obstetrics - 产科学18. Gynecology - 妇科学19. Pediatrics - 小儿科学20. Endocrinology - 内分泌学21. Psychiatry - 精神病学22. Surgery - 外科学23. Anesthesia - 麻醉学24. Radiography - X射线技术25. EKG (Electrocardiogram) - 心电图26. CT Scan (Computerized Tomography) - 计算机断层扫描27. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) - 磁共振成像28. Ultrasound - 超声波29. Biopsy - 活检30. Diagnosis - 诊断31. Treatment - 治疗32. Prescription - 处方33. Medication - 药物34. Surgery - 手术35. Vaccine - 疫苗36. Epidemic - 流行病37. Pandemic - 大流行病38. Symptom - 症状39. Infection - 感染40. Contagious - 传染性的41. Immunity - 免疫力42. Antibiotic - 抗生素43. Antiviral - 抗病毒药物44. Antiseptic - 杀菌剂45. Anesthesia - 麻醉46. Sterilization - 灭菌47. Rehabilitation - 康复48. Prognosis - 预后49. Chronic - 慢性的50. Acute - 急性的。

医学英语专业词汇表医学英语专业词汇表Anatomy(解剖学)Abdomen(腹部)Bone(骨骼)Brain(大脑)Cardiovascular system(心血管系统) Digestive system(消化系统)Muscles(肌肉)Organs(器官)Skeleton(骨架)Skin(皮肤)1.Physiology(生理学)Autonomic nervous system(自主神经系统) Biochemical reactions(生化反应)Cell structure and function(细胞结构与功能) Endocrine system(内分泌系统)Energy metabolism(能量代谢)Fluid balance and circulation(水分平衡与循环) Immune system(免疫系统)Metabolism(新陈代谢)Nervous system(神经系统)Respiration(呼吸)Circulatory system(循环系统)1.Medical Terminology(医学术语)Adrenal gland(肾上腺)Arthritis(关节炎)Asthma(哮喘)Back pain(背痛)Blood pressure(血压)Cancer(癌症)Cardiovascular disease(心血管疾病)Diabetes mellitus(糖尿病)Ear infection(耳部感染)Fever(发热)Heart attack(心肌梗死)Heart disease(心脏病)Influenza(流感)Kidney stones(肾结石)这只是一个简短的医学英语专业词汇表,涵盖了一些基本的医学领域。

- diagnosis : 诊断
- symptom: 症状
- treatment: 治疗
- medication: 药物
- surgery: 手术
- anesthesia: 麻醉
- prescription: 处方
- laboratory: 实验室
- patient: 患者
- doctor: 医生
- nurse: 护士
- specialist: 专家
- consultation: 会诊
- medical history: 病史
- examination: 检查
- prognosis: 预后
- infection: 感染
- fever: 发烧
- pain: 疼痛
- blood pressure: 血压
- cholesterol: 胆固醇
- diabetes: 糖尿病
- heart disease: 心脏病
- cancer: 癌症
- stroke: 中风
- allergies: 过敏症
- immunization: 免疫接种
- ultrasound: 超声波
- X-ray: X射线
- CT scan: 计算机断层扫描
- MRI: 磁共振成像
- laboratory test: 实验室检测

• In the blood bank, a patient’s blood type is determined and the blood is tested against potential donor blood to make sure that there will be no problems with a transfusion.
• Chemotherapy:化疗 [ˌki:məʊˈθerəpi]
Prior to the development of automated laboratory instrumentation, practitioners performed laboratory tests manually, one test at a time. Today, laboratory instruments in chemistry and hematology are designed to perform up to 60 tests in just a few minutes. Automated:自动化
• Organism:微生物 • antimicrobial agents:抗菌剂,抗菌素
Cultures for fungal and yeast infections as well as for the organisms responsible for tuberculosis are also performed in some laboratories. Examination of stool specimens for the presence of parasites is a routine test in many laboratories.

精选医学专业英语词汇大全1. Anatomy (解剖学)- Abdomen: 腹部- Brain: 大脑- Heart: 心脏- Kidney: 肾脏- Liver: 肝脏- Lungs: 肺- Stomach: 胃- Spine: 脊柱2. Physiology (生理学)- Blood pressure: 血压- Digestion: 消化- Respiration: 呼吸- Circulation: 循环- Metabolism: 新陈代谢- Hormones: 激素- Nervous system: 神经系统- Immune system: 免疫系统3. Diseases and Conditions (疾病与病况) - Diabetes: 糖尿病- Cancer: 癌症- Asthma: 哮喘- Hypertension: 高血压- Arthritis: 关节炎- Depression: 抑郁症- Obesity: 肥胖症- Pneumonia: 肺炎4. Medical Procedures (医疗程序)- Surgery: 手术- X-ray: X射线- MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging): 磁共振成像- Blood test: 血液检查- Vaccination: 疫苗接种- Dialysis: 透析- Chemotherapy: 化疗5. Medical Specialties (医学专科) - Cardiology: 心脏病学- Dermatology: 皮肤科- Gastroenterology: 胃肠病学- Neurology: 神经学- Psychiatry: 精神病学- Obstetrics and Gynecology: 妇产科- Orthopedics: 骨科- Pediatrics: 儿科6. Medical Instruments (医疗器械) - Stethoscope: 听诊器- Thermometer: 温度计- Sphygmomanometer: 血压计- Scalpel: 解剖刀- Syringe: 注射器- Electrocardiograph: 心电图仪- Ultrasound machine: 超声波机- Endoscope: 内窥镜以上是一份精选医学专业英语词汇大全,涵盖了解剖学、生理学、疾病与病况、医疗程序、医学专科和医疗器械等方面的词汇。

系统与局部解剖学Menisci 半月板Obturator nerve 闭孔神经Superior mesenteric artery 肠系膜上动脉Hypophysis 垂体Sacral plexus 骶丛Adductor brevis 短收肌Commom peroneal nerve腓总神经Accessory nerve 副神经Metaphysic 干骺端Tendo calcaneus 跟腱Trabeculae 骨小梁Femoral triangle 股三角Ulnar nerve尺动脉Great saphenous vein大隐静脉Secondary portal of live 第二肝门Gastrocnemius 腓肠肌Inguinal triangle 腹股沟三角Celiac trunk 腹腔干Olive 橄榄Arcuate line 弓状线Biceps brachii 肱二头肌Phrenicocolic ligament 膈结肠韧带Cricoid arch 环状软骨Tendinous sheath 腱鞘Sympathic trunk 交感干Cervical plexus 颈丛Venous valve 静脉瓣Subcostal nerve 肋下神经Pharyngeal tonsil 咽扁桃体Thoracic duct 胸导管Coccyx 尾骨Greater curvature of stomach 胃大弯Omental bursa 网膜囊Bipolar neuron 双极神经元striated muscle横纹肌sinus窦pectoralis magor胸大肌diaphragm膈inguinal ligament腹股沟韧带cauda equnia马尾medulla oblongata延髓rigeminal三叉神经greater splanchnic nerve内脏大神经carpal canal腕管palmar aponeurosis掌腱膜suspensory ligmant of duodenum十二指肠悬韧带recot uterine pouch子宫直肠窝popliteal fossa腘窝costomedia stinal recess肋纵隔隐窝carotid sheath颈动脉鞘triangle of ductus arteriosus动脉导管三角颈部1.Carotid triangle颈动脉三角2.External jugular vein颈外静脉。

内科internal medicine外科surgery骨科orthopedics妇产科obstetrics and gynecology中医科chinese traditional medicine 麻醉科anesthesiology眼科ophthalmology耳鼻喉科 E.N.T针灸理疗科acupuncture and physical therapy 急诊科emergency room重症监护中心ICU皮肤性病科dermatology and venereology 呼吸respiration神经neurology血液肿瘤hematology and oncology肾病nephrology心血管cardiovascular disease消化digestion新生儿科newborns感染科infectious疼痛门诊pain clinic妇科gynecology产科obstetrics生殖医学中心assistant reproduction center 泌尿genito-urinary心胸cardiac and thoracic普外general surgery病理科pathology影像科radiology超声科ultrasonograpthy division 检验科laboratory division输血科blood transfusion unit手术室operation room药剂科pharmacy division营养科nutrition division供应科supply room血透室hemodialysis division内镜中心endoscopy center特检科special examination division 实习生intern院办president’s office医务科medical affairs division感染管理科infectious management division 护理部nursing division门诊部out-patient division科教部scientific research division组织人事科personnel division保卫科security division财务科finance division临床工程科facilities division计算机中心computer center总务科general affairs division基建科construction division膳食科food division综合采购部purchasing division社区医疗服务部community medical service division 预防保健科staff health office门诊out-patient急诊emergency住院手术in-patient operation门诊手术out-patient operation病床周转次数bed turnover rate床位利用率bed utilization rate医疗诊疗数medical records助理医师physician assistant主治医师attending physician主任医师chief physician急诊医师emergency physician家庭医师family physician住院医师house/resident physiciansurgery : The medical department responsible for performing operations on patients. During an operation ,a me-dical problem is corrected with the use of surgicaltools. Two common tools include the scalpel, is asmall knife ,and the forceps, which is a set of tongs .A physician qualified to perform operations is knowas a surgeon.Physician : Another name for a doctor of medicine.A physician Is trained in the pratice of medicine ,the “healingArt.”Medical Department: A division of medical services inthe hospital that offers diagnosisand treatment in one area.Examples of medical departmentsinclude surgery, neurology,andpediatrics. These division mayalso be referred to as clinicaldepartments. Each department isrun by a senior physician knownas the head of the department. Surgery: The medical department responsible for performing operations on patients. During anoperation, a medical problem is corrected withthe use of surgical tools. Two common toolsinclude the scalpel, is a small knife, and theforceps, which is a set of tongs. A physicianqualified to perform operations is known as asurgeon.Exploratory Surgery: Surgery that is performed to helpconfirm a diagnosis. It usually isnot intended to cure the patient. Anesthesia: General or local insensibility to pain induced by certain drugs or gases calledanesthetics. They are usually administeredby a trained anesthesionlogist, who is adoctor, or an anesthetist, who usually is not. Patient Monitoring: The use of electronic devices tokeep constant watch over apatient’s vital signs.Cesarean Section: A method of delivering a child thatinvolves cutting into the uterus. Thename comes from the supposed factthat Julius Caesar was delivered thisway.Rooming-in: A new practice that allows newborn infantsto spend much of their time in theirmothers’ rooms.Pediatrician: A doctor who specializes in the care of children from the time they are born untilthey are teenagers. Most general hospitalhave a separate pediatrics department. General Medicine: A term covering a broad range ofmedical services offered by ahospital. Patients in this departmentare cured by medicine or anotherform of therapy.Internist: A doctor who specializes in general, internalproblems that can be cured by medication. Dermatologist: A specialist in skin problems.Dermatlolgy is the study and treatment ofskin problems.Communicable diseases: Diseases that are infectious orcan spread from one patient toanother. Included in thiscategory are measles, smallpox,poliomyelitis, meningitis,and soon.Paramedical: Related to the medical profession in asupporting or supplementary manner. Aparamedical technician has some trainingin his specialty, but not as much as adoctor. This kind of technician is oftennow called allied health professional. Anesthesiologist: Doctor trained in the administration ofanesthetics, drugs or gases-such asether that produce anesthesia orinsensitivity to pain.Radiologist: Specialist in the use of x rays. These rays are given off by various radioactivesubstances. They are used to photographbones and inner organs. All radiologists arephysicians.Nuclear Medicine: New medical specialty featuring theuse of radioactive isotopes fordiagnostic purposes. The isotope isinjected into skin tissue,thebloodstream, or an organ. Itsmovement is followed by a deviceknown as a scanner.Laboratory: Area in the hospital responsible for analyzing samples of blood, urine, tissue,and so on. These samples are calledspecimens. The lab is run by a pathologist, adoctor who interprets and diagnosesdiseases by examining samples oftissue,blood,and so on.Thelab is staffed bylaboratory technicians.Urinalysis: Laboratory analysis of a urine specimen. Microscope: A device used in laboratory analyses that magnified what is too small for the eye tosee.Centrifuge: Anapparatus that separates substances of different densities by rotating at highspeeds.It is used in a hospital laboratory. Autopsy: examination of a body after death todetermine the cause of death.Thebody is kept in thehospital morgue during the autopsy and until itis removed for burial.Medical Audit: Professional evaluation of the quality ofmedical care offered to patients. Basal Metabolism Rate: The speed is at which a body atrest uses oxygen to consumethe calories in food.Blood Bank: Storage place for bottled human blood to beused in transfusions. The laboratory in ahospital is responsible for this blood. Pharmacy: Area in a hospital where medication is prepared and dispensed by a trainedpharmacist.Prescription: A written order for medication. A physicianwrites the prescription and a pharmacistfills it.Oxygen Therapy: Administration of oxygen-to patientswho are having troubleblethingthrough the use of anoxygen tent or mask.Renal Dialysis: Procedure used by patients who havelost the use of their kidneys. Theirkidney function must be replaced twoor three times a week by a renaldialysis machine.Sterilization: The process of destroying disease-producing organisms, usuallythrough the use of heat. Items that havebeen sterilized are said to by sterile. Obstetrics: A medical term relating to the delivery of babies.aphysicia specializing in this atea ofmedicine is an obitetrician.Operating Room:A special room in a hospital equipped for operations.Gynecology:the science of the female reproductivesystem, A gynecologist cam usuallydeliver babies, as well as theobstetrician.Labor: The series of contractions of the uterus prior tothe birth of an infant.Recovery Room: The room in which a patient recoversfrom an operation of recovers from thedelivery of an infant.Nursery: The place in which newborn babies are cared for after their delivery. Most hospitals haveregular nurseries and premature nurseries forbabies who are born before the end of thenormal nine-month gestation period. Maternity Floor: The part of the hospital where mothersgive birth to babies and are cared foraftefrward. Most women spend from afew days to a week here. This area mayalso be referred to as a ward or a wing.。

接下来为大家整理了医学专业必备英语词汇,希望对你有帮助哦!医学专业必备英语词汇一:医学生物学Medical Biology医学遗传学Medical Genetics系统解剖学Systematic Anatomy组织学与胚胎学Histology and Embryology人体生理学Human Physiology生物化学Biochemistry药理学Pharmacology病理生理学Pathophysiology病理学Pathology医学免疫学Medical Immunology医学微生物学Microbiology人体寄生虫学Human Parasitology流行病学Epidemiology卫生学Hygiene局部解剖学Regional Anatomy法医学Forensic Medicine实验诊断学Laboratory Diagnosis诊断学Diagnostics内科学Internal Medicine外科学Surgery妇产科学Obstetrics and Gynecology儿科学Pediatrics神经病学Neurology精神病学Psychiatry康复医学Rehabilitation Medicine中医学Chinese Traditional Medicine皮肤与性病学Dermatology and Venerology 传染病学Infectious Diseases核医学Atomic Medicine口腔解剖生理学Oral Anatomy and Physiology 口腔组织病理学Oral Histology and Pathology 口腔粘膜病学Diseases of the Oral Mucosa牙体牙髓病学Cariology And Endodontics牙周病学Periodontics口腔正畸学Orthodontics口腔修复学Prosthodontics口腔颌面外科学Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery口腔预防医学及儿童口腔医学PDPD麻醉解剖学Anesthesia Anatomy麻醉物理学Anaesthetic Physics临床麻醉学Clinical Anaesthesiology重症监护Intensive Care Therapy疼痛诊疗学Diagnosis and Treatment of Pain麻醉设备学Anesthesia Equipment医学影像学Medical Imaging影像物理学Physics of Medicine Imaging医学专业必备英语词汇二:生物药剂学与药物动力学Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics生药学Pharmacognosy天然药物化学Natural Medicine Chemistry药剂学Pharmaceutics药事管理学The Science of Pharmacy Administration护理学基础Fundamental Nursing儿科护理学Paediatric nursing内科护理学Medical Nursing外科护理学Surgical Nursing护理管理学Science of Nursing Management护理心理学Nursing Psychology急诊护理学Emergency Nursing医用物理学Medical Physics数学Mathematics体育Physical Education计算机Computer Science毛泽东思想概论Essentials of Mao Zedong Thought 邓小平理论Deng Xiao Ping Theory政治经济学Political Economy马克思主义哲学Marxism Philosophy法律基础Basis of Law医学伦理学Medicine Ethics医学心理学Medical Psychology市场营销Marketing会计学Accounting影像设备学Medical Imaging Equipment医用电子学Medical Electronics超声诊断Ultrasonic Diagnosis眼科学Ophthalmology基础眼科学Fundamental Ophthalmology临床眼科学Clinical Ophthalmology眼科手术学Ophthalmic Operative Surgery 眼科诊断学Ophthalmologic Diagnostics 耳鼻咽喉科学Otorhinolaryngology无机化学Inorganic Chemistry有机化学Organic Chemistry分析化学Analytical Chemistry物理化学Physical Chemistry仪器分析Instrumental Analysis药物化学Medicinal Chemistry药物分析Pharmaceutical Analysis。

Chaper 1 psychoanalysis n.精神分析intestine n,肠endoscope ^内镜psychology n」心理学enteritis ^肠炎muscle n,肌肉abdomen n.腹(部)surgeon n.夕卜科医生malignant a.恶性的tissue n.组织urine 0尿液vertebra ^椎骨cortex n.皮质,皮层thorax n.月匈pharynx ^咽inflammation ^炎症pancreas ^胰腺electrocardiogram n/心电图tumor ^肿瘤organ n.器官organism n,有机体,生物体surgery n.外科(学)immune ^免疫molecule n.分子,微小颗粒stool n.大便,粪便formula ^处方appendix ^阑尾larynx n,喉Chapter 2kidney n.肾脏chromosome n.染色体gene ^基因receptor n.感受器,受体embryo ^胚胎catabolism n.分解代谢brain n,脑anabolism n.合成代谢puncture ^穿刺spine ^脊柱cartilage ^软骨gallbladder n.胆囊urinary a.泌尿的uterus n.子宫pelvic cavity 盆腔esophagus ^食管aorta n.主动脉pleura (复,pleurae)壮胸膜rectum n.直肠umbilicus n.脐inferior a.下面的skeletal muscle 骨骼肌Chapter 3capillary n.毛细血管chamber n.腔,小室ventricle n.室,脑室,心室mitral a.僧帽状的,二尖瓣的infection 0感染fat n.脂肪exocrine a.外分泌的spleen n.脾脏digestive system 消化系统respiratory a.呼吸的skull n.头颅,头骨trachea ^气管bronchial tube 支气管diaphragm n.横膈膜urinary bladder 膀胱cartilage ^软骨ovary n.卵巢superior a.上面的striated muscle 横纹肌artery ^动脉atrium n」心房valve n.瓣膜breastbone 0胸骨venae cavae 腔静脉 pulmonary valve 肺动脉瓣 mitral valve 二尖瓣 visceral a.内脏的,脏层的 impulse n.冲动 ischemia ^缺血arrhythmia n 」心律失常,心律不齐pulmonary artery 肺动脉 heart murmurs 心脏杂音 thrombus ^血栓 coronary artery 冠状动脉 peripheral a.夕卜周的 congenital a.先天的fibrillation n.颤动 premature ventricular and premature atrial contractions 室性和房性期 前收缩cardiac arrest 心脏停搏 angina pectoris 心绞痛myocardial infarction 心肌梗死 hypercholesterolemia n.高胆固醇症diabetes mellitus 糖尿病 lipoproteins n.脂蛋白tricuspid valve 三尖瓣 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 myocardium n/心肌层 pericardial 心包腔 systole n.收缩期 infarction ^梗死 auscultation n.听诊 diastole n.舒张期 vein n.静脉immune response 免疫反应 bacterium (复,bacteria ) ^细菌 coronary artery disease 冠状动脉疾病angiography n.血管造影inhibitor n.抑制剂hypertensive a.高血压性的plasma n.血浆pylorus n.幽门secretion n.分泌,分泌物nasopharynx ^鼻咽bilirubin n.胆红素hepatocyte n.肝细胞 hyperbilirubinemia n.高胆红素血症mucosa ^粘膜 ingestion 摄入 defecation 排便 diarrhea n.腹泻 helicobacter pylori幽门螺旋杆菌dysentery ^痢疾 sample n.样本,标本hypoalbuminemia n.低蛋白血症 magnetic resonance imaging 磁共振成像esophagogastroduodenoscopy s 食管,胃,十二指肠镜检查ultrasound ^超声 pulmonary edema 肺水肿 transplantation ^移植heart failure心力衰竭defibrillation n.除颤Chapter 4colon n.结肠 digestive tract消化道 salivary gland 唾液腺 peristalsis n.蠕动common bile duct 月旦总管 hemoglobin n.血红素 insulin n.胰岛素 nutrient 营养物质 fatty acid 脂肪酸therapeutic a.治疗性 peptic ulcer消化性溃疡Chapter 5nephron n.肾单位,肾元 urination ^排尿 vertebral column 脊柱 renal corpuscle 肾小体,肾小球renin ^肾素reabsorption n.重吸收 afferent and efferent arteriole 入球和出球小动脉 acid/base balance 酸碱平衡homeostasisexhale^呼出angiotensin kidney failure 肾衰竭glomerulus n.肾小球 rib n.肋骨 medulla 髓质 renal tubule 肾小管 filtration n.过滤 electrolyte n,电解质门.内环境稳定acute a.急性的upper respiratory infection 上呼吸道感染antigen ^抗原scarlet fever 猩红热antibody ^抗体chronic a.慢性的hyperuricemia n.高尿酸血症nephrosis ^肾病susceptibility n.易感性noncontagious 2.非接触传染的hemodialysis n.血液透析Chapter 8lower respiratory tract 下呼吸道alveolus (复,alveoli) n,肺泡thyroid n,甲状腺resonant note 清音 tuberculosis n.结核病bronchiectasis n.支气管扩张chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 productive cough 咳嗽有痰,排痰性咳嗽 cor pulmonale肺源性心脏病 lobar pneumonia大叶性肺炎bronchopneumonia n.支气管肺炎 respiratory insufficiency 呼吸功能不全 hemoptysis n.咳血,咯血 bronchoscopy n.支气管镜检查 myasthenia gravis 重症肌无力sleep apnea睡眠呼吸暂停 rale n.啰音,水泡音 wheeze n.哮鸣音percussion n.叩诊dull sound 浊音 sputum n,痰。

汉译英心血管疾病cardiovascular diseases; 脑垂体的功能the fun ctio n of pituitary; 泌尿道urinary tract;分子molecule; 动脉artery; 内分泌学en docri no logy; 呼吸困难dyspnea;唾液saliva;组织学histology;血液循环blood circulation;血液学hematology; 生理学physiology; 解剖学an atomy;女性生殖系统femal reproductive system; 神经细胞nerve cell;免疫学immuno logy; 消化不良dyspepsia; 随意肌voluntary muscle; 胚胎学embryology; 心理学psychology; 细胞学cytology;原生质protoplasm; 细胞膜cell membrane; 细胞核nucleus;细胞质(浆)cytoplasm;脱氧核糖核酸deoxyrib onu cleic acid; 能半渗透的semipermeable; 分子生物学molecular biology; 碳水化合物carbohydrate; 有区别性的differe ntially; 使…完整in tact; 根据according to; 遗传特性hereditary trait; 渗滤diffusion; 转换transaction; 蓝图blueprint; 染色体chromosome; 色素pigment;排出废液excrete waste fluid;散开disperse;脉冲信号impulse;核糖核酸rib onu cleic acid; 损害正常功能impair the n ormal fun cti on; 污染环境pollute en vir onment;功能失调malf unction;致病因子causative agents;易受侵害的人群vuln erable groups; 局部化的感染localized in fecti on; 花柳病venereal disease; 抗原与抗体an tige n&an tibody; 肌电图electromyogram; 多发性硬化multiple sclerosis; 心电图electrocardiograph; 疾病的后遗症sequelea of disease; 光纤技术fiber optic tech no logy; 造血系统hematopoietic system; 致命的疾病fatal disease; 体液body fluid;无副作用的治疗hazard-free treatme nt; 无侵犯的实验检查non-i nvasive laboratory test; 核磁共振nuclear magnetic resonance;葡萄糖耐糖实验the glucose-tolera nee test; 乐观的预后optimistic prog no sis; 超声波检测法ultras ono graphy;病史medical history;随访活动follow-up visit;营养不良nutritional deficiency; 使细节显著highlight detail; 脑电图electroencephalogram; 缺血的组织blood-starved tissue; 肌纤维muscle fiber;随意肌voluntary muscle;消化道alime ntary can al; 肌腹fleshy belly of muscle;横纹肌striated muscle;肌肉痉挛cramps of muscle;肌肉收缩muscle contraction;肌肉附着点attachme nt of the muscle;肌肉放松relaxation of muscle;动脉出血arterial hemorrhage;止端insertion;起端origion;供血blood supply; 屈肌flexor;蛋白分子protein molecule;纤维结缔组织fibrous conn ective tissue;伸肌exte nsor; 意志力willpower;横切面transverse section;起搏器pacemaker;肌萎缩muscle atrophy;重症肌无力myasthe nia gravis;弥散性局部缺血diffuse ischemia; 常染色体隐性autosomal recessive; 全身性感染systemic in fectio n;受累的肌肉muscle in volved; 显著相关性sig nifica nt correlati on;神经末梢nerve term in al;自体免疫反应autoim mune reactio n;神经支配innervation; 肌营养不良muscular dystrophy; 慢性营养不良chronic mulnutrition; 先天性肌病congen ital myopathy; 预期寿命life expectancy; 免疫紊舌L immunologic derangemant; 发病高峰年龄the peak age of on set;胸腺肿瘤thymoma;呼吸肌受累the in volveme nt of respiratory muscle; 感染性肌炎in flammatory myositic;去神经支配den ervati on;矿物质吸收mi neral absorpti on;机械应力mechanical stress;骨基质有机部分the organic parts of bone matrix; 青春期早熟premature puberty;蛋白溶解酶prote in-digesti ng en zyme;破骨细胞osteoclast;松质骨spongy bone;骨折fracture; 不规贝V骨irregular bone;骨骼系统skeletal system;维生素吸收vitamin absorpti on;骨钙丧失the loss of calcium from bone;生长激素growth hormone;胆绞痛 biliary colic; 一个系列的 a spectrum of; 副鼻窦 paranasal sinus; 口咽 oropharynx;脊椎动物 verterbrate animal; 肺泡 alveolus;二氧化碳 carbon dioxide; 肺换气不足 hypoventilation; 横膈膜神经 phrenic nerve; 双重折叠的 double folded; 威慑物 deterrent;润滑液 lubricating fluid; 滞痰 stagnant sputum; 食管 esophagus; 纵隔 mediastinum; 哺乳动物 mammal;碱中毒 alkalosis; 迷宫 labyrinth; 污染物质 pollutant; 脑干 brainstem; 上皮 ,上皮细胞 epithelium; 刺激物 irritant;利尿剂 duretics; 大叶性肺炎 lobar pneumonia; 疾病的鉴别 differentiation of disease; 破坏性的损坏 destructive damage; 痰性咳嗽 productive cough; 共存 coexist;医学文献 medical literatures; 咯血 nemoptysis; 渗出物 ,渗出液 exudate; 痰液 phlegm;气促 ,气短 breathless; 无症状的 asymptomatic; 吸烟者晨咳 morning cigarette cough; 肺弹性回缩 elastic recoil; 反复发作 recurrent episodes; 有毒刺激物质 nonxious agents; 连续三年 successive 3 years; 交叉重复 crossover; 互相排除的 mutually exclusive; 小气道闭塞 obliteration of small airway; 主动脉弓 aortic arch; 胸主动脉 thoracic aorta; 舒张压 diastolic pressure; 腹主动脉 abdominal aorta; 收缩压 systolic pressure;脊柱 vertebral colum; 毫米汞柱 mmHg; 半月形的 semilunar; 最里层的 innermost; 升主动脉 ascending aorta; 二尖瓣 bicuspid valve; 体循环 systemic circuit;上腔静脉 superior vena cava 下腔静脉 inferior vena cava; 心肌 myocardium; 心内膜 endocadium; 细分 ;分支 subdivision; 心外膜 epicardium; 小动脉 arteriole;骺软骨 epiphyseal cartilage; 镁缺乏 magnesium deficiency;成骨细胞 osteoblast; 密质骨 compact bone; 骨髓腔 marrow cavity; 红骨髓 red marrow;软骨内骨化 endochondral ossification; 矫形学 orthopedics;闭合性骨折 closed fracture; 骨代谢疾病 metabolic bone disease; 雌激素替代疗法 estrogen replacement therapy; 肾上腺皮质 adrenal cortex; 佝偻病 rickets;骨肉瘤 osteosarcoma;软骨肉瘤 chondrosarcoma; 止痛 relieve pain; 类风湿关节炎 rheumatoid arthritis; 骨髓炎 osteomyelitis;开放性骨折 open fracture;骨质疏松症 osteoporosis; 营养缺乏 nutritional deficiency; 骨软化症 osteomalocia; 听力丧失 hearing lose; 恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor; 关节炎 arthritis;抗炎剂 anti-inflammatory drugs; 痛风 gout; 牙周组织 periodontium;唾液腺 salivary glands; 口腔 oral cavity; 升结肠 ascending colon;贲门括约肌 cardiac sphincter; 乳化作用emulsification; 消化道 alimentary tract; 脾弯曲 splenic flexure;锥形的突起 cone-shaped papillae; 似袋状的器官 pouch-like organ; 会厌 epiglottis;十二指肠 duodenum; 乙状结肠 sigmoid colon; 幽门括约肌 pyloric sphincter; 舌下腺 sublingual gland; 蠕动 peristalsis;下颌下腺 submandibular gland; 解毒作用 detoxification; 回盲瓣 ileocecal valve;胰岛素 insulin; 穿孔 perforation; 溃疡性结肠炎 ulcerative colitis; 纤维变性 fibrosis; 阑尾炎 appendicitis;胃十二指肠吻合术 gastroduodenostomy; 直肠镜 proctoscope; 裂孔疝 hiatal hernia; 造影剂 contrast medium; 代偿失调 decompensation;胆石病 choletithiasis; 内窥镜检查 endoscopy; 胆囊切除术 cholecystectomy; 憩室炎 diverticulitis; 麻痹性肠梗阻 paralytic ileus;心包pericardium; 全血细胞减少pan cytope nia; 网织红细胞reticulocyte; 自身免疫的autoim mune; 危及生命的life-threatening; 凝结cougulation;血小板减少thrombocytopenia;免疫缺陷immuno deficie ncy;功能紊舌L dysfunction;活疫苗live vaccine;移植物对宿主的反应graft-versus-host reactio n;血友病hemophilia;素质diathesis;巨成红细胞megaloblast;自发病,特发病idiopathic;弥散性血管内凝血disseminated intravascular coagulati on; 内在的,内源性的instrinsic;词汇分析1ape ndic/itis appe ndic/o>appe ndix 阑尾炎2bil/i/rub in bil/i>bile 胆红素3ch on dr/o/sarc/oma chrondr/o >cartilage ; sarc/o > flesh 软骨肉瘤4chol/sterol chol/e > bile, gall 胆固醇5bucc/al bucc/o > bucca 口腔的;颊的6cra ni/al cran i/o > skull 颅的,颅侧的7co Ion/o/scope colon/o > colon 结肠镜8sigmoid/o/scope sigmoid/o > sigmoid colon 乙状结肠镜9in ter/cost/al cost/o > rib 肋间的10de nt/in dent/o > teeth 牙质11epi/gastr/ic gastr/o > stomach 胃上部的,腹上部的12en ter/itis enter/o > small intestine 肠炎13arthr/itis arthr/i > joint 关节炎14br on ch/o/ge nic bron ch/o > bron chus 支气管原的15cec/um cec/o > cecum 盲肠16sub/li ngu/al lin gu/o > ton gue 舌下的17gi ngiv/itis gin giv/o > gum 牙龈炎18n as/o/gastr/ic gas/o > nose gastr/o > stomach 鼻饲的19hypo/phar yn g/eal phary ng/o > phary nx 下咽的20diverticul/osis diverticul/o > diverticulum 憩室病21ile/o/stomy ile/o > ileum 回肠造口术22chol/e/cyst/ectomy胆囊切除术chol/e > bile; cyst/o > sac 23abdomi n/al abdomin/o > abdomen 腹部的24p neum on/ia pn eum on/o > lung 肺炎25thorac/ic thorac/o > pleural cavity ,chest cavity 胸腔的26duode n/um deode n/o > duode num 十二指肠27lar yn g/o/phar ynx larygn/o > larynx pharyng/o > phary nx 咽喉28vertebr/ate vertebr/o > back bone 脊椎动物29oste/o/myel/itis oste/o > bone;myel/o > bone marrow 骨髓炎30pa ncreat/ic pan creat/o>pa ncreas 胰腺炎31a ngi/o/plasty an gio>vessels 血管成形术32extra/o/cular extra>outside 细胞外的33te ndon/ous ten>tendon 肌腱的34mamm/o/graphy mamm>breast 乳房X线检查术35electr/o/my/o/gram electr>electricity,my>muscle 肌电图36erythr/o/cyte eryth>red 红细胞37hem/o/glob in glob in> protein 血红蛋白38prot/o/plasm prot>first 原生质39uri n/ary ary>perta ining to 泌尿道的40n eur/o/pathy n eur >n erve 神经疾病41lymph/atic lymph>lymph 淋巴的42my/o/fiber my>muscle 肌纤维43pelv/ic pelv>pelvic bone 盆骨44hepat/itis itis> in flammati on 肝炎45fibr/ous fibr>fiber 纤维的46embry/o/logy embry>embryo 胚胎学47leuk/emia emia>blood condition 白血病48electr/o/cardi/o/graphgraph> in strume nt of record ing 心电图仪49dermat/o/my/o/sitis dermat>sk in 皮肤炎50thym/ectomy ectomy>surgical exasion or removal of 胸腺切除术51cyt/o/plasm cyt>cell 细胞浆52isch/emia isch> to hold back 局部缺血53steth/o/scope stech> the chest 听诊器54pul mon/ary pul mon>lung肺的55sarc/o/plasm plasm>formation growth or substaneeof formati on 肌浆56chrom/o/some some>body 染色体57vascul/ar vascul>blood vessel 血管的病历翻译1•病人是一个被妈妈带来的5岁小男孩。

系统与局部解剖学Menisci 半月板Obturator nerve 闭孔神经Superior mesenteric artery 肠系膜上动脉Hypophysis 垂体Sacral plexus 骶丛Adductor brevis 短收肌Commom peroneal nerve腓总神经Accessory nerve 副神经Metaphysic 干骺端Tendo calcaneus 跟腱Trabeculae 骨小梁Femoral triangle 股三角Ulnar nerve尺动脉Great saphenous vein大隐静脉Secondary portal of live 第二肝门Gastrocnemius 腓肠肌Inguinal triangle 腹股沟三角Celiac trunk 腹腔干Olive 橄榄Arcuate line 弓状线Biceps brachii 肱二头肌Phrenicocolic ligament 膈结肠韧带Cricoid arch 环状软骨Tendinous sheath 腱鞘Sympathic trunk 交感干Cervical plexus 颈丛Venous valve 静脉瓣Subcostal nerve 肋下神经Pharyngeal tonsil 咽扁桃体Thoracic duct 胸导管Coccyx 尾骨Greater curvature of stomach 胃大弯Omental bursa 网膜囊Bipolar neuron 双极神经元striated muscle横纹肌sinus窦pectoralis magor胸大肌diaphragm膈inguinal ligament腹股沟韧带cauda equnia马尾medulla oblongata延髓rigeminal三叉神经greater splanchnic nerve内脏大神经carpal canal腕管palmar aponeurosis掌腱膜suspensory ligmant of duodenum十二指肠悬韧带recot uterine pouch子宫直肠窝popliteal fossa腘窝costomedia stinal recess肋纵隔隐窝carotid sheath颈动脉鞘triangle of ductus arteriosus动脉导管三角颈部1.Carotid triangle颈动脉三角2.External jugular vein颈外静脉。

医学专业英语词汇1. Anatomy(解剖学)- The study of the structure of the human body.Anatomy(解剖学)- The study of the structure of the human body.2. Physiology(生理学)- The study of how the body functions.Physiology(生理学)- The study of how the body functions.3. Pathology(病理学)- The study of diseases and their effects on the body.Pathology(病理学)- The study of diseases and their effects on the body.4. Pharmacology(药理学)- The study of how drugs interact with the body.Pharmacology(药理学)- The study of how drugs interact with the body.5. Diagnosis(诊断)- The identification of a disease or condition.Diagnosis(诊断)- The identification of a disease or condition.6. Symptom(症状)- An indication of a disease or condition experienced by a patient.Symptom(症状)- An indication of a disease or condition experienced by a patient.7. Treatment(治疗)- The management or care provided to a patient to improve their condition.Treatment(治疗)- The management or care provided to a patient to improve their condition.8. Surgery(外科手术)- The medical specialty that involves operative procedures on the body.Surgery(外科手术)- The medical specialty that involves operative procedures on the body.9. Radiology(放射学)- The branch of medicine that uses medical imaging techniques to diagnose and treat diseases.Radiology (放射学)- The branch of medicine that uses medical imaging techniques to diagnose and treat diseases.10. Obstetrics(产科学)- The branch of medicine that deals with pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.Obstetrics(产科学)- The branch of medicine that deals with pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.这些词汇只是医学专业英语词汇的一小部分,但对于医学研究和实践非常重要。
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Chaper 1
psychoanalysis n. 精神分析brain n. 脑
intestine n.肠inflammation n.炎症endoscope n.内镜pancreas n.胰腺psychology n.心理学electrocardiogram n.心电图enteritis n.肠炎tumor n.肿瘤
muscle n.肌肉organ n.器官
abdomen n.腹(部)organism n.有机体,生物体surgeon n.外科医生surgery n.外科(学)malignant a.恶性的immune n.免疫
tissue n.组织molecule n.分子,微小颗粒urine n.尿液stool n.大便,粪便vertebra n.椎骨formula n.处方
cortex n.皮质,皮层appendix n.阑尾
thorax n.胸larynx n. 喉
pharynx n.咽
Chapter 2
kidney n.肾脏receptor n.感受器,受体chromosome n.染色体embryo n.胚胎
gene n.基因catabolism n.分解代谢
anabolism n.合成代谢infection n.感染puncture n.穿刺fat n.脂肪
spine n.脊柱exocrine a.外分泌的cartilage n.软骨spleen n.脾脏gallbladder n.胆囊digestive system 消化系统urinary a.泌尿的respiratory a.呼吸的uterus n.子宫skull n.头颅,头骨pelvic cavity 盆腔trachea n.气管esophagus n.食管bronchial tube 支气管aorta n.主动脉diaphragm n.横膈膜pleura(复,pleurae)n.胸膜urinary bladder 膀胱rectum n.直肠cartilage n.软骨umbilicus n.脐ovary n.卵巢
inferior a.下面的superior a.上面的skeletal muscle 骨骼肌striated muscle 横纹肌
Chapter 3
capillary n.毛细血管artery n.动脉chamber n.腔,小室atrium n.心房ventricle n.室,脑室,心室valve n.瓣膜
mitral a.僧帽状的,二尖瓣的breastbone n.胸骨
venae cavae 腔静脉tricuspid valve 三尖瓣pulmonary valve 肺动脉瓣carbon dioxide 二氧化碳mitral valve 二尖瓣myocardium n.心肌层visceral a.内脏的,脏层的pericardial 心包腔
impulse n.冲动systole n.收缩期
ischemia n.缺血infarction n.梗死arrhythmia n.心律失常,心律不齐auscultation n.听诊pulmonary artery 肺动脉diastole n.舒张期
heart murmurs 心脏杂音vein n.静脉
thrombus n.血栓immune response 免疫反应coronary artery 冠状动脉bacterium(复,bacteria)n.细菌peripheral a.外周的coronary artery disease 冠状动脉疾病congenital a.先天的heart block心脏传导阻滞fibrillation n.颤动
premature ventricular and premature atrial contractions 室性和房性期前收缩
cardiac arrest 心脏停搏angina pectoris 心绞痛myocardial infarction心肌梗死
hypercholesterolemia n.高胆固醇症
diabetes mellitus 糖尿病lipoproteins n.脂蛋白angiography n.血管造影inhibitor n.抑制剂hypertensive a.高血压性的plasma n.血浆
ultrasound n.超声heart failure 心力衰竭pulmonary edema肺水肿defibrillation n.除颤transplantation n.移植
Chapter 4
colon n.结肠pylorus n.幽门
digestive tract 消化道secretion n.分泌,分泌物salivary gland 唾液腺nasopharynx n.鼻咽peristalsis n.蠕动bilirubin n.胆红素common bile duct 胆总管hepatocyte n.肝细胞hemoglobin n.血红素hyperbilirubinemia n.高胆红素血症insulin n.胰岛素mucosa n.粘膜
nutrient 营养物质ingestion 摄入
fatty acid 脂肪酸defecation 排便therapeutic a.治疗性diarrhea n.腹泻
peptic ulcer 消化性溃疡helicobacter pylori 幽门螺旋杆菌dysentery n.痢疾sample n.样本,标本hypoalbuminemia n.低蛋白血症
magnetic resonance imaging 磁共振成像esophagogastroduodenoscopy s食管,胃,十二指肠镜检查
Chapter 5
nephron n.肾单位,肾元glomerulus n.肾小球urination n.排尿rib n.肋骨
vertebral column 脊柱medulla 髓质
renal corpuscle 肾小体,肾小球renal tubule 肾小管
renin n.肾素filtration n.过滤reabsorption n.重吸收electrolyte n.电解质afferent and efferent arteriole 入球和出球小动脉
acid/base balance 酸碱平衡homeostasis n.内环境稳定exhale n.呼出angiotensin n.血管紧张素kidney failure 肾衰竭acute a.急性的
upper respiratory infection 上呼吸道感染antigen n.抗原
scarlet fever 猩红热antibody n.抗体
chronic a.慢性的hyperuricemia n.高尿酸血症nephrosis n.肾病susceptibility n.易感性noncontagious a.非接触传染的hemodialysis n.血液透析
Chapter 8
alveolus (复,alveoli) n.肺泡lower respiratory tract 下呼吸道lymphatic tissue 淋巴组织thyroid n.甲状腺
sleep apnea 睡眠呼吸暂停rale n.啰音,水泡音wheeze n.哮鸣音percussion n.叩诊dull sound 浊音resonant note 清音sputum n.痰tuberculosis n.结核病bronchiectasis n.支气管扩张
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 慢性阻塞性肺疾病productive cough 咳嗽有痰,排痰性咳嗽
cor pulmonale 肺源性心脏病
lobar pneumonia 大叶性肺炎
bronchopneumonia n.支气管肺炎
respiratory insufficiency 呼吸功能不全
hemoptysis n.咳血,咯血
bronchoscopy n.支气管镜检查
myasthenia gravis 重症肌无力。