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教师。今天,我要上的这一堂课的教学内容,是选自视障教育初中教材go for it 八年级下册中第七单元 Would you mind turning down the music?第一课时的教学内容。为了方便各位评委能够更加清楚地了解本节课相关的教学环




下面,我开始授课。Class begins. Good morning, Class. 大家可能还记



k some else to do a thing for you. I hope you are ready for that.



What do you think of their performance?

Yes, indeed. I think so. They are full of energy. Their performance

is lively and impressive

What about you, three boys? Would you please show us your performance? we are looking forward.

Well done. Thank you.


标准。I noticed that all of you used this sentence structure“could


ou” to make requests. It’s a good manner.接下来请大家拿出上一节课

我发给大家的学案,找到Task 2。I’d like to give you two sentences. No.1 is “you should clean the room.” No.2 is “could you clean the roo m?” I want to ask you if we can use the first one to make requests. If not, why? I mean, what’s the difference between them?

You, please. Thank you. You have a good knowledge of western culture. Polite, that’s the point. It makes the listener comfortable and be easier to accept the request. 刚刚有些同学看问题看得非常准确,这


现在,我给大家播放一段视频,it’s a part of a famous cartoon. Aft

er watching that, there is a question for you. Why is his mother so angry? Now, watch carefully and listen carefully.

Ok. His mother is really angry with him, why?

You, please. That’s it. His mother is so angry with him b ecause he

is dirty and makes a mess of the room. He is lazy and doesn’t clean it. And his mother shouted at him. But if I were his mother, maybe

I would say like this. 没错,淘气的孩子总会惹妈妈生气的。但是训斥孩


幕,read after me.

Would you mind doing the washing? Ok, I’ll do it right way.

Would you mind eating them? No, not at all.

Would you mind not eating so much? Certainly not, I’ll stop now.

Would you mind not playing the music so loud? I’m sorry, I’ll turn

it down.

这一次,请大家一起读一遍。Read by yourselves.

I hope you can practice more and remember them after class. Would


mind doing sth ?or Would you mind not doing sth?就是我们今天重点学习的句型。希望大家能在课后多练习,争取把它们记住。下面我们接着进行本

课另外一个环节。That is to make conversation with your group members

by using this structure according to the clues given by the learning plan.

(clap)Ok, boys and girls (pause) have you finished? Which group


to try first? Group A, please. Thank you. Now, your turn, three boys.

Ok, thank you.刚刚你们的对话都非常精彩,总的来说,大家对于这个知识

点掌握得比较熟悉了。那么,接下来请打开你的课本, look at activity 1a.

Here is a picture. Try to find out things that bother you. If need


you can discuss with your group members.
