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faithfulness general terms used to describe the extent to which a TT can be considered a fair representation of ST according to some criterion;
Functional equivalence A term used to refer to the type of equivalence reflected in a TT which seeks to adapt the function of the original to suit the specific context in and for which it was produced.
Translationese A term used to refer to TL usage which because of its obvious reliance on features of SL is perceived as unnatural, impenetrable or even comical.
Translatability a term used –along with its opposite, untranslatablity- to discuss the extent to which it is possible to translate either individual words and phrases or entire texts from one language to another.
多元系统理论是以色列学者埃文一佐哈尔(Even-Zoher)在20 世纪70年代提出的著名的翻译理论。该理论把各种社会符号现 象,即各种由符号支配的人类交际形式(例如语言、文学、经济、 意识形态)视为系统。这些社会系统并非单一的系统,而是由不 同成分组成的、开放的结构,因此是多元系统。 这些系统互相交叉,部分重叠。各有不同的行为,又互相 依存,并作为一个有组织的整体运作。这些系统的地位并不平 等,有的处于中心,有的处于边缘。中心和边缘系统都可能不 止一个。但多元系统并不是静态的、固定不变的,而是互相之 间一直在争夺中心位置,在某些内在或外来因素的影响下,边 缘系统有时会取得优势,占据中心位置,更可能把中心系统排 挤到边缘。
隐性翻译是指在译语中拥有与原文同等地位 的翻译,使原文在译语中获得功能等值。隐 性翻译的原文不是具体针对某特定原语文化 读者,因而它在语用角度上已不是原文的翻 译,而是进行了再创造。但由于隐性翻译不 求保留原语文化特质,在翻译中比显性翻译 更难处理。译者须通过译语文化成员的眼睛 看待原文本,即采用“文化过滤”。
Polysystem theory a theory proposed by Even-Zohar to account for the behavior and evolution of literary systems. The term polysystem denotes a stratified conglomerate of interconnected elements, which changes and mutates as these elements interact with each other.
covert translation A term introduced by House to refer to one of two contrasting modes of translation. The purpose of covert translation is to produce a TT which is “as immediately and ‘originally’ relevant as it is for the source language addressees”. The production of a covert translation can therefore be viewed as an attempt to conceal the translated nature of a TT by producing a text which is FUNCTIONALLY EQUIVALENT to ST.
Adaptation 顺应 A term traditionally used to refer to any TT in which a particularly FREE translation strategy has been adopted. The term usually implies that considerable changes have been made in order to make the text more suitable for a specific audience or for the particular purpose behind the translation.
Baidu Nhomakorabea
pseudotranslation A term used to refer to “TL texts which are regarded in the target culture as translations though no genuine STs exist for them” The notion of pseudotranslation thus refers to the kind of literary forgery in which a writer attempts to present an original text as if it were a translation.
Adequacy (充分性) A term used by some commentators on translation to discuss the nature of the relationship between ST and TT in contrast with the related term EQUIVELENCE.
Overt translation Some STs have independent status in the source culture. This means that they are in some way inextricably linked to the community and culture, being specifically directed at SL addressees. In order to translate such STs appropriately, it is necessary to produce an overt translation, or one in which “the target addressees are quite ‘overtly’ not being directly addressed”
图里(Gideon Toury)早已提出所谓的“伪翻译”说 (pseudotranslating)。需要注意的是,图里所说的伪翻译 (pseudotranslation)是指那些名为翻译而实际上根本无原文可依的 “译作”。换句话说,并没有发生语际转按.也不存在任何翻译关系。 在西方,伪翻译作品历来是用来向本土文化推出一种新的文学类型或 文学新风的捷径。由此可以在墨守成规的传统文学实践中不引起非议。 这是因为本土文化通常会对翻译采取宽容的态度,只要是翻译的,就 可以放行。这就是为什么在西方许多文坛的创新者都是打着翻译的旗 号。按照图里的解释,伪裔译其实不是翻译,有的是因为作家想改变 路数,但又不希望读者把新的作品与代表自己原有特色的人名联系在 一起,于是就打着翻译的幌子推出自己的新作品。也有的是为了躲避 查禁.把一个假设的作者当作替身。毫无疑问.伪翻译与所谓的真翻 译(genuine translation)就其文化地位来看是有着紧密联系的。 “有些文本以翻译的面目出现,这并不是因为在某一种文化中存在着 ‘翻译’这一概念,而是因为这种概念以及相关的现实在这种文化中 被赋予了某些功能.更重要的是.这些功能被该文化中的成员所接受 和承认”(
显性翻译强调显性译文,而不是“第二原 文”。这时的原文本,包括显性历史性原文 和显性永久性原文,是通过特别方式与原语 社团和文化捆绑在一起的。这种翻译不追求 与原文针对原读者体现的原功能的对应(因 为那是不可能的),但要达到“第二层功能” 的对应,即在译语语言文化中,有一定教育 背景的中层读者和它对应的原语文化中非原 读者之间达到功能对应。