



the extended family: grandparent,aunts,uncles, cousins,nephews,nieces, and in-laws
the Chinese family
the elderly in family
provided by social security or welfare systems have their own age group alienated and alone
the perspectives on marriage

in America: parents do not arrange marriages for their children, nor do children usually ask permission of their parents to get married. romantic love is most often the basis for marriage young adults meet their future spouses through their own social relationships children still hope their parents will approve of their choices on spouses
thank you
Team:sun flower Members:Jenny(蒋蒙) Lyra(李婉芩) Sophia(蒋小芬) (陈如芳)
Welcome to China-US cultural differences into
Family Values



Differences of Family Values Between China and AmericaAbstract :This paper tries to make a comparison of different family values between China and US, which appeared in many fields, for instance, the American emphasis the individualism but Chinese focus on the collectivism, the relationship between family members and their attitudes to each other are also quite different,the life style influenced by family values are varied. Reasons for these differences are complex, including different customs, cultures and social backgrounds and so on.Key words: family values, life styles, cultures, differences.Ⅰ.IntroductionFamily is the most basic unit of all human society. It reflects the ethical values of a society, its cultural characteristics and the unique features of a nation. People begin to learn anything about the world and their culture through the family they are brought up in. What you think, how you act, even your language, are all transmitted through the family from the wider cultural context.Family values are the core in the research of cultural values, and it has a huge influence on people’s thoughts and behaviors. So if we want to get a glimpse of the cultures of two different countries, it is necessary to know their different family values. In this paper we will analyze family values from different aspects, including the decisive family values, the attitude to the family members and their relationships, and the influences of family values.Ⅱ.The differences of family values.A.The individualism VS. the collectivismThe American emphasize the personal independence, while Chinese emphasize on the whole family, not any individual member. Children in America have more freedom than that in China. Their parents rarely interfere with their private affairs, and usually try to enhance children’s all-around abilities when they are young. Theyhandle their own affairs themselves and try to get support from their colleagues or experts who work in the relevant field, and their family members only give suggestions to them. The key point of its society is freedom. Obviously, we Chinese pay more attention to the interest of whole family than that of any individual’s. In China, children usually live with their parents even after they are grown-up, since Chinese people want a more united family and closer relationship between family members. The living style in China is different compared with that in America. Chinese people like to live with their parents and they think this kind of living style may help them have more opportunity to understand other family members. This kind of living style can narrow the gap between family members and when anybody faces with a problem, the others can help him effectively and efficiently. The living style also reflects that Chinese people mainly emphasize the whole family but not the individuals, which is quite different from Americans.B.The attitude to the family members and their relationships in China andAmerica.Chinese people have a big family with variety of relatives, which may be easy to cause competition and suspicion. So in order to maintain order and family harmony, they particularly advocate showing respect to their seniority in the light of the theory of law and discipline rite of Confucius. And 'Act you role well' is the key to a harmonious family relationship. All the family members should be ranked strictly and according to their position in the family hierarchy they would be treated separately and be required to do what they should do. So in traditional Chinese family, the elder is highly respected. Parents bring up their children, then after parents are getting old, it is their children’s responsibility and duty to care for them and give them both material and spiritual support. In the traditional Chinese family, father was always the centre. It is not because the feudal concept that man is superior to woman, but also for what man has earned is the main source of family’s incoming and usually man earns more money than woman. And woman is responsible for the family house working. Though most household affairs are solved and decided by mother, the most important thing related to the whole family are determined by father. Between parents andchildren, parents are given more privilege and right to control their children. To most Chinese parents, a good child means to be obedient and docile. It is normal for parents to arrange everything for their children.To Americans, it is normal that parents and children are separate; reunion is abnormal. Parents bring up children and the children continue to raise the offspring, so the aged is expelled to the society. For the attitude to bring up the children, American parents consider that they have the legal liability, but in a sense, the children should take responsibility for their behaviors. Americans sniff at the concept of filial piety and think it restrains their self-awareness and ego-development. Parents and their children don't need dependency relationship. In contrast, they should establish a kind of allowance system so as to instill the basic concept of self-dignity and self-love into their children. As a result, although children would be grateful for their parents' favors, they do not think they have the obligation to pay back. In America, if the parents still live together with their adult children, they should pay board wages and accommodation fee to children. And the same to their adult children who still live with their parents.The primary purpose of an American family is to advance the happiness, the equality and the freedom of every family member. Americans praise self-centered and deal with the family members and family affairs rationally. For the sake of themselves, they deem that family should make sacrifice. Family’s honor and unity are less important than that in Chinese society. In an American family, the democratic idea of equality is prevalent. Father and mother have equal right to make decision on family affairs and their children are given right to vote.C. Comparison of life style influenced by family values1. Different Financial StyleIn China,family members are financially dependent,that is to say all of the family members should help each other,especially when he or she meets the financial problems,which seems that people have the responsibility for helping their family members to overcome the difficulties. During the daily life,children should take care of their old parents financially even parents have the possibility to rely onthemselves. In America, family members are financially independent. Americans appreciate the individuality which requires them at first to get an independent financial freedom. That means they do not rely on their parents or family members when they grow up. Sometimes American thinks it is a kind of shame to be supported by their kind red members. That is the reason why in the case the father and the son felt at ease when they bought tickets for each other.2. Different Life StyleIn China , a stable life style is much appreciated by people. As it has already been discussed above, the strong family tie in China has been taken its shape for thousand years long. Family members and relatives prefer to live together in terms of convenience which could reflect the Chinese “guanxi” vividly. Even after the implementation of Open Policy from 1980s,though the traditional lifestyle is influences a lot,people still want to live as close as possible to their family members,relatives and friends. However,in America,there is no such a strong family tie as same as that in China,therefore,their life style are very mobile. Meanwhile, this life style is also influenced by their personal values, such as self-reliance,hard work,and a tie between achieving success in life,personal achievement etc,which encourage Americans to work all of the world for achieving their career goals and success.3. Different Public FestivalsThere are several festivals which come of family unity in Chinese official holidays, such as Spring Festival,Tomb–sweeping Day, Qixi Jie and Mid-autumn Festival. The most important festival is the Spring Festival existing in the history for almost over 2000 years long. During this festival, all family and relatives get together, which is the very precious chance for people to enlarge and strengthen family ties. In America,Chiristmas Day,Hallow-mas,Saint Valentine's Day,Thanksgiving Day are the most important holidays coming of Christianity. The most significant festival is the Christmas Day. Before the festival,all Americans also come back from their works for this big day;however,this festival is much more religious for the family members even though they do have the activities of family reunion.Ⅲ. ConclusionThe cultural differences between China and America are reflected in almost all aspects of family life. The present study focuses on various major aspects,such as the different family decisive values,different family relationship and attitudes, and influences caused by family values. It’s not just simply listing some phenomena and analyzing the cultural explanation . The intention of the study is to promote a better understanding between Chinese and American people by comparing the family values. We would like to say if we want to live peacefully and harmoniously under the same roof,the best thing we must do is to make an understanding between Chinese people and American people. Meanwhile,a good understanding of the difference will surely facilitate the cross-cultural communication of two peoples.【References】[1] HALL, E, F. The Hidden Dimension[M]. New York:double-day. 1996.[2] Stanley, Haverwas. A Community of Character[M]. Cam-bridge, 1984.。


• to learn what the kids need rather than give them requirements.
• act as their friends tather than parents.
Special training
• be ready to discover the kids's specialities and encourage them to make furthur improvements.
• China学历型 • immatured market
economy • low productivity • narrow job market • poor labor fluidity
among industries • high living pressure
Social conditions
The enlightment
• transformation of concepts
• change of the role • special training
Transformation of concepts
• lay more stress on children's sense of independence.
Thinking styles
• the Americans are rationalists, they apply rationality to both family membors and family affairs.
• Chinese people are emotionalists, emotion is the chief concern in dealing with interpersonal and social ralations.



In the west, particularly the united states, fiscal education is a branch of the public. The parents help the children a proper financial management, and have a good habits of money, pay attention to the basic quality of training. the parents encourage children to go to work.
parent-child relationships
When the Chinese family, children young relies on the parents, the parents makes many individual sacrifices for the family, but simultaneously requests children more obediences, complies with the guardian 现方式做保护处理对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑并不能对任何下载内容负责
Differences in the Family Values
பைடு நூலகம்
Group members (class14):
王聪 成花 张宁 周涵 贺振华
14班 14班 14班 14班 14班
Our respective contribution to
the works
王聪: I am very happy that I found all the pictures, I am interested in this task, I looked through many pictures, they are very beautiful, I like it and I believe our power point is successful, I hope you enjoy it. If I give myself a grade, it will be 90. 成花:What my contribution to my teamwork is collecting and organizing materials. I think my grade is 92. 张宁:I made the whole PPT and tried my best to let it be nice and perfect. I checked out all the materials.In the meanwhile, i learned a lot. 90 周涵:I organized and arranged the materials, and I really enjoyed the process. I think my grade should be 85 贺振华:The idea of the topic is my thought. My grade is 90.

中西方家庭教育英文版Family education between China and western countries

中西方家庭教育英文版Family education between China and western countries

Financial education
IN CHINA: Earning money is the thing only for adults.
In western countries: Inspiring the children to get the money through their own efforts.
The focus of family education
IN CHINA: moral; marks; a famous university.
In western countries: curiosity; imagination of nature; one’s own interests.
Everything is for children.
In Western Nations: People-oriented; Parents advocate; free development.
The tendency of family education IN CHINA:
Family education between China and
western countries
1、 tendency 2、 values 3、 focus 4、The training of sense of independence 5、Financial education
The social enlightenment Show off to others. In western countries: Parents in western countries often start from the characteristics of their children, letting them develop freely.



The commons between China and western countries
1、Parents all pay attention to home education 2、Parents have a clear division of their duties. 3、Parents are the best teachers for children.
A classroom in a senior high school
Chinese Middle Schools
• Chinese middle schools consist of two parts: Jr. middle school and Sr. middle School, each lasts three years
American Education Mode
• local decentralized, the federal government has encouraged the education, the leadership responsibility. • competitions happen between teachers, students, the funds and other fields. • the American universities charge by the school board
It's parents faults for children's being ignorant.
In western countries:
Children are as equal as any members in the families.



• (3) In China, education for all-round development should be vigorously advocated and implemented effectively. • (4) Much can be learned from each other on ways of family education for America and China.
Utilitarian Confucian Culture Practicability Mode of Thinking Lack of Innovation
Colonization Wave in the Colonial Period
• Multiculture
No Feudal Society
• America:"education for all-round development". they lay stress on the
harmonious development of language, emotion, knowledge and so on.
Form of Existence
Chinese and American Parenting
Group Members:王玉、张婷、张婷婷、熊家莉、 王祺、尹美玲、董雯、李勤
• Introduction • General Difference Between Chinese and American Parenting • Difference in Teaching Method • Difference in Contents of Education • Historical Reasons • Different Value Orientations and Thinking Mode • Difference in Economic and Social Conditions • Discussions and Suggestions



[作者简介]全国梁,男,内蒙古工业大学外语学院助教; 斯琴,女,内蒙古工业大学外语学院助教。

The Co mparison of Am erican Fam il y Values and Chinese Fa m ily ValuesAm erican s Indivi d ualis m and Chi n ese s Collectivis mQ uan G uoliang S i q i n(Co llege of F oreign Language ,Inner M ongolia Universit y of Technolo gy ,H uhhut ,InnerM ongolia ,010051) [A bstract] P eop l e in d ifferen t countr i es have diff e rent va l ues .T hese va l ues decided by t he ir backg round and cu-lt ure .Am erica and Chi na have g reat differences bet w een each o t her .Therefore ,i ndi v idualis m i s t he do m i nant idea i n Ame r -ica ,and Ch i nese i dea i s co ll ectiv i s m.T hey are for m ed in t he process of each country ,and they are embod i ed i n every as -pect o f the soc i ety .Fam il y va l ue is one o f the ex a m ples to show t hese t w o d ifferen t i deas .T h i s paper t he author uses the re -lati onship bet ween fam il y m e mbers ,how to bring up and educate the ch ildren ,ho w to communicate w it h o t hers and som e custom s to show th i s i dea .Compared w ith these t w o values ,w e can fi nd the d ifferent soc i a l phenom ena wh i ch a re a ffected by these t w o ki nds of va l ues .[K ey words] fa m il y values ; i ndiv i dua lism; co llecti v is m; i ndependence [中图分类号]G03 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1672-8610(2010)05-0113-02I .W hat are the i nd i v i dualis m and collec tivis m and how they for m edIndi v iduali s m is a ca l m and cons i de rable feeli ng wh i ch dis -poses each citizen to iso l a te h i m se lf fro m t he m ess of h is fe llo w sand w i thdraw i nto the c irc le o f fa m ily and friend [1]253,but it is not equa l to selfish .It m eans i ndependence ,dec i d i ng o r do i ng so m eth i ng by onesel;f co ll ectiv i s m i s to put o t hers benefit fi rst ,thi nk of you rself at last .T hese t wo different i deas have t he ir for m ed background .W estern cu lt ure takes t he ob j ect as t he do m-i nant f ac t o r ,based on nature ,so they neg lect people .M ost of the Ame ricans a re busy w it h w ork ,and they have the h i gh pace every day ,so t hey don t know each o t her very w ell and they are lack o f opportun ity to m eet each other .Therefore ,it for m ed t he ir ind i v i dua l character .H ow eve r ,Chi na is an agr i cultural culture nati on ,the far m er lives near their lands ,and mo st land li nk to -ge t her ,so the peop le al ways inhab it a reg i on and take care of each othe r ,ta l k i ng about anything .They take hum an be i ng ascenter .[2]17Chi nese cu lt ure i s still deeply rooted i n our sou ls ,our m i nds and our b l oods .T h i s i s why Chinese reg ard co llecti v -is m m ost i m portant . .Ind ivi dualis m i n A m er ican fa m ily and collectivis m in Ch i n ese fa m il yAm erica and China have d ifferent cultures .B ecause o f the soc i a l and h isto rica l d ifferences ,Am er i cans e m phasi ze on ind-i v i dua li s m,and Ch i nese pay m ore attenti on to co llectiv i s m.Am erican fa m il y values and Chi nese fam il y va l ues g ive us someev i dence to this po i nt .T he Am er i can fa m ily i s a nuclear fa m ily ,consisti ng usua lly of pa rents and the ir unm arried ch ildren [3]133,but ev ery fa m ily m e m be r has the i r own positi ons ,and equa l righ ts are often exerc i sed bet ween husband and w ife .They have the ir o w n fi nanc i a l suppo rt .D ifferent from the past ,m ore and m ore Am er i can w o m en go out to wo rk ,they no l onger stay at ho m e t o do housewo rk o r take care o f the baby .T hey can rea li ze them se l ves in so m e fields ,sho w i ng the sam e ability w ith t he m en and t hey can a l so i ncrease the fa m il y i nco m e .Fro m th i s po i nt ,w e can see the i ndependence o f Am erican w o m en .It has some si m ilarity w ith the Chinese w o m en i n the c ity ,but most Chi nese w o m en putm ore energy to the fa m ily .T hen what about the father in Am erican fa m il y ?O f course ,they go to wo rk to suppo rt the fa m ily ,but they typicall y spend a si gnificant a m ount o f h i s l e is -ure ti m e w ith their ch ildren [3]134.W hen t he children sit together w it h t he ir fathe r ,they are equa l and they j ust l ook li ke fr i ends to ta l k abou t some t h i ng or debate each othe r .So ,no ma tter adu lts o r ch il dren ,they have the i r independent i dea .T he other reason is m ost Am er i can people dare do exac tly w ha t t hey w ant to and say what s on t he ir m i nds whenever t hey w an t t o ,espec i a lly in public .It caused Am e ricans out w ard-go i ng character .H owev -e r ,the relationsh i p bet w een fathe r and ch ildren i n Chi na is di-fferent .F ather s sta t us i n fa m ily is as ru l er and m aster .[3]133T hey are ve ry strict ,and t he conversati on bet ween father and ch il dren is very for m a l and serious .A l ot o f ch ildren must fo ll ow the ir fathers wo rds .It i s not encouraged t o a rgue w i th father .It caused Ch i nese in w ard-go i ng cha racter .So i n Am er i can fa m -i ly ,everyone pursuit i nd i v i dua l freedom .H usband and w ife both113 语文学刊 外语教育教学 2010年第5期have duty to do house w ork and bring up t he baby .T hey have di-fferent circle o f fr i ends ,and they have the equa l r i ght to m ake de -c isi on i n fa m ily affair .In Ch i na ,m en are accep ted as the m aster o f the m ost fa m ily ,wh ile wom en also have job .T he fi na l dec-i s i on is m ostly made by m en and t he house w ork is shou l dered by w o m en ,m ean wh ile ,Ch i nese fa m ily i s a un ited f am il y .M ost fa m ilies a ttach i m portance to bring i ng up the ir chi-l dren .H owever ,Am er i can and Ch i nese have the ir d ifferent me t h -ods .W hen a baby is born ,Am erican pa rents prepare a si ng l e room for the baby ,because they foster the ch ildren s i ndepend -ence from very little .Chi nese is opposite ;the baby certa i n l y li ves beside t he parents .O n the process of the ch il dren gro w i ng .T he paren ts i n the t wo countr ies take d ifferen t attitude to show the ir love .Am ericans ask t he ir chil dren to do t he ir own thi ngs by them se l ves .If the ch il dren w ant so m e m oney o r buy some t h i ng ,the parents w ill not g i ve t he m d i rectl y;they m ust earn it by d i ng house w ork or other things .Such as ,c lean i ng the garden ,wash -i ng t he d i shes and so on .Though it is very easy ,the ch il dren know how d ifficu lt to m ake m oney .And the most i m portan t is it can deve l op a strong sense o f independence .If you do no t h i ng ,no one can he l p you .O bjecti v ely speak i ng ,Chinese parents w ill focus the ir entire l ove on the ir on l y ch il d .T hey w ill g i ve t he ir ch il dren any t h i ng they w an t and do ev ery t h i ng for the i r chil dren .N o m atte r ho w ti red they are ,how d ifficultly t hey m ake m oney ,they w ill have t he ch il dren en j oyed a com fortable life .By do i ng so ,ch il dren re l y a lot on parents ,and it also hinders the own a -b ilities develop m ent o f the ch ildren .T he re has been a Chi nese and Ame rican ca m p ,the org an i zers found Chi nese st udents li ke to he l p others and they could conque r t he diffi culties t oge t her ;the Ame rican students had no obv i ous acti on .H ow ever ,i n the subsistent skill co m parison ;t he Am erican students expressed the ir li v i ng ab ili ty wh i ch w as beyond t he Chi nese students .T hrough t h is acti v ity ,it no t on l y show ed the d ifferent fa m ily edu -ca tion ,but a lso reflected Ch i nese s co llecti v is m and Ame rican s i ndi v idualis m.In Ame rican fam il y ,when chil dren are o l d enough ,they can have a say in fa m il y a ffa ir and jo i n to m ake de -c isi on .The o ld ru le ch il dren shou l d be seen and heard is gen -e ra lly broken and t hey are a llowed to do th i ng s i ndependen tly .Pa rents don t i nterfe re i n what they w i sh to do .And chil dren are encourag ed to be i ndependen t at any ea rly age .[4]190T here a re a lot o f proverbs to descr i be the chil dren s i ndependence .Such as no t to be ti red t o m othe r s apron str i ng , l eave the nest .In Ch i na ,genera ll y speaking ,the r i ght of dec isi on a l w ays be longs to the parents ,ch ildren m aybe f o ll ow the ir parents .Pa rents i n Am erica have li ttl e con tro ,l and gene ra lly not much i nfl uence over who m the ir ch ildren m arry .[3]135T his de -pends on the ir ind i v i dua l character .In Ame rica ,N ovember 14th is Sad i e H a wk i ns D ay .Th is day is celebrated al most exc l usi ve -ly by h i gh schoo l and co llege st udents .[5]304The boys al ways inv ite the g irls t hey adm ire to take pa rt i n so m e ac tiv iti es .So young people i n Ame rica enjoy a great dea l o f freedo m.T hey can m ake a date w ithout the i r pa rents ag ree m ent .Y oung people are expected t o fi nd a husband or a w ife on the ir own ,the ir pa rents don t help them .[3]135In f ac t they w ill dec i de the i r ma rriage ac -cordi ng to t he co m pan i onship and the happ i ness they m ake each o t her .M aybe so m eti m es they are lack of deep thought ,but t he ir parents respec t their own cho ice .They are frequentl y not to l d ofm arriage plans until the couple has dec i ded to m arry .[3]135InChi na ,it has different s it uati ons .Y oung people can choose t he ir boyfr i end or g irlfriend by the m se l v es ,but w hen m entioned ma r -riag e ,itm ust be agreed by parents o f each fa m ili es .T he parents w ill consi der a l o t o f factors and t hey w ill satisfy w i th eve ry as -pect .So m e ti m es the young peop le w ill be separa ted by the i r pa r -ents .It i s i nfl uenced by a little of feudal i dea .E ven if they dec i de to ma rry ,t he paren ts w ill arrange i t ahead o f ti m e .Be -cause they w ant t he ir ch ildren live a happy life .So m arr i age in Am erica i s an i ndiv i dua l responsi b ility and dec isi on for the young .T hey pursu it romantic l ove ,then make an i m m ed i ate fa m ily and leave the ir pa rents .M ean wh ile ,the divorce rate in 1994was 4.6per 1,000popu lati ons .[3]163Y et the Chi nese fa m -i ly i s re l atively stable .Am erican fa m ily is a m ob ile fam il y ,they enjoy m ov i ng fro m p l ace t o p lace ve ry o ften .In so m e states only one house in fi ve has peop l e li v i ng i n it who have been the re for fi ve years .[6]15So even t he relatives ,t hey li ve i n different places and lack o f communicati on ,and they are not f am iliar w ith t he ir ne i ghbors .Am erican s i ndiv i dua l cha racte r m ake the m stress on the ir pr i vacy ;they don t li ke o t hers to kno w m ore about the m.Pa rents cannot enter the chil dren s room w it hout a ll ow ance .People avo id ask i ng some pr i vate questi ons ,such as ,i nco m e ,age ,and re li g i ous beli e f and so on .H ence they may not stay in one place for a l ong ti m e .Chi nese a l w ays have fi xed liv i ng p l ace ,because w e have the resident card w e are costu m ed w ith the people around us .A s a Ch i nese say i ng goes :a re l a ti ve far o ff is less he l p than a neighbo r close by .They a l w ay s keep c l ose touch w it h t he ir ne i ghbors ,and they know each other very w e l.l T he ne i ghbor bet ween each other w ill he l p h i m or her o f t he ir own accord .Th i s i s collecti v is m.Even though Am er i cans e m-phasize on i nd i v i dua li s m and Chinese think hi gh o f co ll ectiv i s m,both of t he m w ill ce l ebrate som e festi va l s together w it h a ll f am il y m e m be rs .For exa m ple ,Ch i nese Spr i ng F estival and Am er i can T hanks G i v i ng D ay. .Con clusi onT he Am er i can fa m ily va l ues and Ch i nese fa m ily va l ues g i ve us the ev i dence of Ame rican s i nd i v i dua li s m and Ch i nese s co-llecti v is m .A l ong w ith t he Am er i can e m phasis on i nd i v i dua li s m,the i ndependence and equality are shown from ev ery fa m ily .T he Chi nese s co llecti v is m e mbodies the he l pful ness and un ites be -t ween each fa m ily m ember .M eanwh ile ,i ndividualis m and co-l lecti v is m some ti m es can bring som e prob le m s i n soc iety ,li ke d-i vo rce ra te and ch il dren s ab ilit y.T his is d ifferent li v i ng sty l e and v al ues bet w een Ame rica and China .On l y by know ing the d ifferences o f each o t her s va l ues ,we can dev elop the relations o f the people i n the t wo coun tries .References[1]P an Shaozhong.A nt ho l ogy o fAm erican Cu lt ure and L i te ra -ture[M ].Be iji ng Comm ercial press ,1998.[2]H ou Xue m e ,i Song M insheng ,Zhang Peng .The Cu lt ura lInfor m ati on Expl o re i n L anguage Co mmun ica ti on[J].X i an Internati ona l Stud i es U n i ve rsity ,2003.[3]X u Luzh.i Understand i ng the U S and the UK [M ].Q ingdaoO cean U nivers it y ,2001. (下转第117页)114 C ULTURE Quan Guo li a ng S i q i n /The Co m parison o fAm erican Fa m ilyVa l u es and Chinese Fa m ily Va l u es利用配对实验的检验法,构造如下的检验假设检验统计量t 值临界值结论原假设H 0:Z =X -Y =0备择假设H 1:Z =X -Y 015.545拒绝原假设,接受备择假设其中实验表明,采用过程性评价与终结性评价有着极其显著性的差异。



The Defferent of Family Education between China and America  1st, emphasis emphasis is is is laid laid laid on on on family family family education. education. No No matter matter matter which which which country country country you you you come come come from,from, what what nationality nationality nationality you you you belong belong belong to to to all all all think think think t t he he family family family is is is a a a person's person's person's first first first school, school, school, and and and th th e e parent parent parent is is is the the the first first first teacher. teacher. teacher. Either Either Either China China or or Western Western Western countries, countries, countries, either either either the the the ancient ancient ancient ti ti mes mes or or or the the the modern modern modern times, times, times, family family family educatio educatio n n is is is always always always in in in the the the most most most fundamental fundamental fundamental positi positi on.  2nd, 2nd, family family family education education education should should should be be be started started since since childhood, childhood, childhood, perform perform perform the the the duty duty duty promptl promptl y.  Family Family instruct instruct instruction ion ion of of of Yan Yan Yan said said said that,“ that,“ that,“ The The parents parents should should should do do do the the the missionary missionary missionary work, work, work, w w hen hen the the the infant infant infant is is is young. young. young. Judging Judging Judging from from from his his facial facial expression, expression, expression, we we we know know know whether whether whether he he he is is angry angry or or or happy, happy, happy, then then then give give give instructions.”[ instructions.”[ instructions.”[ “F “F amily amily Instruction Instruction Instruction of of of Yan” Yan” Yan” ,, Zhitui Zhitui Yan, Yan, So uthern uthern and and and Norther Norther Northern n n Dynasties] Dynasties] Dynasties] Because Because Because “i “i t’s t’s easy easy easy to to to concentrate concentrate concentrate a a a child’s child’s child’s attention.attention. After After he he he grows grows grows up, up, up, his his his attention attention attention is is is easily easily dispersed, dispersed, so so so a a a child child child must must must be be be caught caught caught earl earl y.” y.” Dewey Dewey Dewey also also also thought thought thought the the the family family family educatio educatio n n should should should be be be executed executed executed early. early.  3rd, 3rd, parents' parents' parents' unsuilable unsuilable unsuilable role role role division division division in in in e e ducation ducation brings brings brings about about about some some some bad bad bad results. results. Either Either in in in China China China or or or in in in the the the West West West mother mother mother is is almost almost described described described in in in many many many cultures cultures cultures as as as the the main main fosterer, fosterer, fosterer, and and and then then then father father father plays plays plays only only a a part. part. part. The The The father father father is is is the the the main main main undertaker undertaker who who teaches teaches teaches the the the child child child to to to know know know the the the rationa rationa lity lity education. education. education. Mother Mother Mother is is is responsible responsible responsible for for for c c hild's hild's food food food and and and drink drink drink in in in daily daily daily life, life, life, the the the mat mat erial erial guarantee, guarantee, guarantee, the the the emotional emotional emotional satisfaction satisfaction and and so so so on, on, on, is is is also also also the the the main main main undertaker undertaker undertaker of of child’s child’s emotional emotional emotional cultivation. cultivation. cultivation. Its Its Its result result result is is that that the the the child child child holds holds holds his his his father father father in in in awe awe awe and and veneration veneration and and and causes causes causes the the the poor poor poor relation relation relation be be tween tween child child child and and and father, father, father, and and and thus thus thus affects affects affects c c hild's hild's perfect perfect perfect development. development.  5th, 5th, attach attach attach importance importance importance to to to teaching teaching teaching by by by pe pe rsonal rsonal example example example as as as well well well as as as verbal verbal verbal instructio instructio n.  The The parents parents parents are are are child's child's child's models, models, models, usually usually usually a a simple simple movement movement movement is is is more more more effective effective effective than than than t t he he inculcation inculcation inculcation of of of ten ten ten thousand thousand thousand instructions. instructions. However, However, the the the traditional traditional traditional family family family education education in in China, China, China, on on on account account account of of of the the the respective respective respective dif dif ferences ferences in in in more more more aspects aspects aspects is is is different different different from from that that in in in the the the West . West . They They have have have their their their own own own c c haracteristics haracteristics between between between regions regions regions andcultures. andcultures.  To To begin begin begin with, with, with, the the the tendency tendency tendency of of of education education is is different. different.  The The Chinese Chinese Chinese parents parents parents lay lay lay emphasis emphasis emphasis on on on so so cial cial enlightenment, enlightenment, enlightenment, ignore ignore ignore the the the growth growth growth of of of c c hildren. hildren. The The The Chinese Chinese Chinese parents parents parents take take take the the the soci soci al al compatible compatible compatible enlightenment enlightenment enlightenment seriously, seriously, seriously, but but often often neglect neglect neglect the the the development development development of of of children children 's 's characteristics, characteristics, characteristics, they they they often often often train train train the the the child child ren ren under under under established established established forms forms forms , , , and and and lay lay lay dow dow n n the the the broad broad broad road road road for for for their their their growth. growth. 中国和美国之间的家庭教育Defferent 第一,重点是放在家庭教育。



As one famous people says, “We are born into a family, mature in a family, form new families, and leave them at our death. Family life is a universal human experience.” It is also an experience that helps shape the manner in which each individual sees the world and his or her place in it. It is the family that greets us once we leave the womb.
Family, the basic unit of the society, is constituted by marriage, blood or the adoptive relationship. It is the smallest unit of human society.
The family is among the oldest and most fundamental of all human institutions. Family is where people get their start in life. Family tells us, and others, who we are and what groups we are part of.
The family is the basic and primary living unit of society.
Firstly, the family is charged with transforming a biological organism into a human being. Secondly, although a culture’s core values and world view derive(起源) primarily from its predominant(主要的) religious views and cultural history , the family is the primary caretaker(看护者) of these views and values and transmits them to new members of the culture.


e into parents’ money
2.Flag-raising ceremony
❖ Many ways about child rearing in America is difficult to be accepted by Chinese. Especially are the three ways below. First, let children crawl on the ground. As the saying goes: Chinese kids grow up on the bed while American kids grow up on the ground. Many parents think that crawling on the ground is unsafe and unhealthy because there are much dirt and germ on the ground. Second, let the children drink cold water. Somebody said that American is growing up in the refrigerator because they drink cold water every day. But lots of Chinese parents consider that kids will suffer from diarrhea if they drink cold water. Third, let children wear fewer clothes. Many Chinese parents judge whether their kids are feeling warm by the temperature of the kids’ hand or foot. But American parents judge that by the temperature of the kids’ back or nick. Therefore, American kids wear fewer clothes than Chinese



Differences of Family Values Between China and AmericaAbstract :This paper tries to make a comparis on of differe nt family values betwee n China and US, which appeared in many fields, for instanee, the American emphasis the in dividualism but Chin ese focus on the collectivism, the relati on ship betwee n family members and their attitudes to each otheare also quite different, the life style in flue need by family values are varied. Reas on sfor these differe nces are complex, in clud ing differe nt customs, cultures and social backgro unds and so on.Key words: family values, life styles, cultures, differe nces.I」ntroductionFamily is the most basic unit of all human society. It reflects the ethical values of a society, its cultural characteristics and the unique features of a n ati on. People beg in to lear n anything about the world and their culture through the family they are brought up in. What you think, how you act, eve n your Ian guage, are all tran smitted through the family from the wider cultural con text.Family values are the core in the research of cultural values, and it has a huge in flue nee on people ' s thoughts and behaviors. So if we want to get a glimpse of the cultures of two different countries, it is necessary to know their different family values. In this paper we will analyze family values from different aspects, including the decisive family values, the attitude to the family members and their relationships, and the in flue nces of family values.n .The differences of family values.A. The individualism VS. the collectivismThe America n emphasize the pers onal in depe nden ce, while Chin ese emphasize on the whole family, not any in dividual member. Childre n in America have more freedom tha n that in Chi na. Their pare nts rarely in terfere with their private affairs, and usually try to enhance children a lls-around abilities when they are young. Theyhan die their own affairs themselves and try to get support from their colleagues or experts who work in the releva nt field, and their family members only give suggestions to them. The key pointof its society is freedom. Obviously, we Chinese pay more atte nti on to the in terest of whole family tha n that of any in dividual Ins.China, children usually live with their parents even after they are grown-up, since Chin ese people want a more un ited family and closer relati on ship betwee n family members. The living style in China is different compared with that in America. Chinese people like to live with their parents and they think this kind of living style may help them have more opport unity to un dersta nd other family members. This ki nd of liv ing style can n arrow the gap betwee n family members and whe n an ybody faces with a problem, the others can help him effectively and efficiently. The living style also reflects that Chin ese people ma in ly emphasize the whole family but not the in dividuals, which is quite differe nt from America ns.B. The attitude to the family members and their relationships in China and America.Chin ese people have a big family with variety of relatives, which may be easy to cause competition and suspicion. So in order to maintain order and family harmony, they particularly advocate show ing respect to their seni ority in the light of the theory of law and discipline rite of Confucius. And 'Act you role well' is the key to a harm onious family relati on ship. All the family members should be ran ked strictly and according to their position in the family hierarchy they would be treated separately and be required to do what they should do. So in traditi onal Chin ese family, the elder is highly respected. Pare nts bring up their childre n, the n after pare nts are gett ing old, it is their children re s ponsibility and duty to care for them and give them bothmaterial and spiritual support. In the traditional Chinese family, father was always the cen tre. It is not because the feudal con cept that man is superior to woma n, but also for what man has earned is the main source of family ' s incoming and usually man earns more money tha n woma n. And woma n is resp on sible for the family house worki ng. Though most household affairs are solved and decided by mother, the most importa nt thing related to the whole family are determined by father. Between parents and childre n, pare nts are give n more privilege and right to con trol their childre n. To most Chin ese pare nts, a good child means to be obedie nt and docile. It is no rmal for pare nts to arrange everythi ng for their childre n.To America ns, it is no rmal that pare nts and childre n are separate; re union is abno rmal. Pare nts bring up childre n and the childre n con ti nue to raise the offspri ng, so the aged is expelled to the society. For the attitude to bring up the children, American parents consider thatthey have the legal liability, but in a sense, the childre n should take resp on sibility for their behaviors. America ns sniff at the con cept of filial piety and think it restrains their self-awareness and ego-development. Parents and their childre n don't n eed depe ndency relati on ship. In con trast, they should establish a ki nd of allowa nce system so as to in still the basic con cept of self-dig nity and self-love into their childre n. As a result, although childre n would be grateful for their pare nts' favors, they do not think they have the obligati on to pay back. In America, if the parents still live together with their adult children, they should pay board wages and accommodation fee to children. And the same to their adult children who still live with their pare nts.The primary purpose of an America n family is to adva nce the happ in ess, the equality and the freedom of every family member. America ns praise self-ce ntered and deal with the family members and family affairs rati on ally. For the sake of themselves, they deem that family should make sacrifice. Family ' honor and unity are less importa nt tha n that in Chin ese society .In an America n family, the democratic idea of equality is prevale nt. Father and mother have equal right to make decisi on on family affairs and their childre n are give n right to vote.C. Comparison of life style influenced by family values1. Different Financial StyleIn Chi na, family members are finan cially depe ndent that is to say all of the family members should help each other, especially when he or she meets the financial problems, which seems that people have the responsibility for helping their family members to overcome the difficulties. During the daily life , children should take care of their old parents financially even parents have the possibility to rely on themselves. In America, family members are finan cially in depe ndent. America ns appreciate the individuality which requires them at first to get an independent financial freedom. That means they do not rely on their parents or family members when they grow up. Sometimes American thinks it is a kind of shame to be supported by their kind red members. That is the reas on why in the case the father and the son felt at ease whe n they bought tickets for each other.2. Different Life StyleIn China , a stable life style is much appreciated by people. As it has already been discussed above, the strong family tie in China has been taken its shape for thousand years long. Family members and relatives prefer to live together in terms of convenience which could reflect theChinese “ guanxi vividly. Even after the implementation of Open Policy from 1980s, though the traditional lifestyle is in flue nces a lot, people still want to live as close as possible to their family members relatives and friends. However, in America , there is no such a strong family tie as same as that in China therefore, their life style are very mobile. Meanwhile, this life style is also in flue need by their pers onal values, such as self-relia ncehard work, and a tie between achieving success in life personal achievement etc which encourage America ns to work all of the world for achiev ing their career goals and success.3. Different Public FestivalsThere are several festivals which come of family unity in Chin ese official holidays, such as Spring FestivaJ Tomb-sweeping Day, Qixi Jie and Mid-autumn Festival. The most important festival is the Spring Festival existing in the history for almost over 2000 years long. During this festival, all family and relatives get together, which is the very precious cha nee for people to enl arge and stre ngthe n family ties. In America, Chiristmas Day , Hallow-mas , Saint Vale nti ne's Day Than ksgi ving Day are the most important holidays coming of Christianity. The most significant festival is the Christmas Day. Before the festival , all America ns also come back from their works for this big day; however , this festival is much more religious for the family members eve n though they do have the activities of family reunion.川.ConclusionThe cultural differe nces betwee n Chi na and America are reflected in almost all aspects of family life. The prese nt study focuses on various major aspects such as the differe nt family decisive values , differe nt family relati on ship and attitudes, and in flue nces caused by family values. It 'not just simply listi ng some phe nomena and an alyz ing the cultural expla nati on . The in ten ti on of the study is to promote a better un dersta nding betwee n Chin ese and America n people by compari ng the family values. We would like to say if we want to live peacefully and harm onio usly un der the same roof, the best thi ng we must do is to make an un dersta nding betwee n Chin ese people and America n people. Mean while, a good un dersta nding of the differe nee will surely facilitate the cross-cultural com muni cati on of two peoples.【Refere nces[1] HALL, E, F. The Hidden Dimension[M]. New York: double-day. 1996.[2] Sta nley, Haverwas. A Commu nity of Character[M]. Cambridge, 1984.。


➢to exercise children’s abilities of independent living
moral education intellectual education physical education artistic education
the harmonious development of language , emotion , knowledge and so on
a shortage of environment in which people can accept new ideas
a short history
multi-culture sense of worth
better at taking risks and innovating
easy to accept new thoughts and culture
few opportunities to find a job even a good job
getting high marks has become a necessary condition to have a good job and future
more employment opportunities
“ wang zi cheng long ”
to do anyting to support their children to get high marks
try to train their children to have the ability of adapting to environmental variety and the ability of living independently

中西方家庭差异 ppt课件

中西方家庭差异 ppt课件
❖ There are two main types of modern society, the family structure: the nuclear family and the extended family. A couple plus children, two generations of the family called the nuclear family; Three or even four generations in the same family is extended family. Chinese people pay more attention to "raise children to old age", but this sentence in the Western sense is not great. Western Family Multi-core type, generally live on their own adult children, three generations are extremely rare.
构密不可分。在这样的体制下,连接人 的社会关系的基本纽带便是血缘与婚姻,

此外,西方个人主义的价值观决定 了他们不依附家庭、也不依赖于他人, 而是倾向于一种自我依赖。家庭与个人 之间只存在暂时性的纽带,是不稳定的。
• Chinese people extended family model is clearly with China in agricultural economic model based on the formation of patriarchal social structure are inseparable. In such a system, the connection



They think: marriage is a private matter, anyone no right to interfere "belong to moral issues, a person has the right to choose his / her favorite people living together, once found an existing marriage was a mistake, he has the right to make second choice. If one couple who fell in love with a third party, either party will not be condemned, in their opinion, forcing two people living together without love is cru
更的平有么在认 加,等优东跨识 有只的劣西文到 效有基之是化这 地承础分绝交些 沟认上。对际差 通差进承好中异 。异行认或,对 才交、绝我跨 能流尊对们文 够,重坏应化 在这甚的牢交 跨与至。记际 文承学文的起 化认习化重着 交文不也要不 际化同是原可 中差的一则忽 跨异文样是视 越是化,:的 差不,文没作 异矛并化有用 ,盾在没什。
Differences in the Western sense of family roots:

中国人延伸家庭的模式显然与中国在农 • 耕经济模式基础上形成的宗法制社会结 构密不可分。在这样的体制下,连接人 • 的社会关系的基本纽带便是血缘与婚姻, 其中又以父系传承的血亲系统为核心, 形成了世代相续盘根错节的家族集团 Chinese people extended family • model is clearly with China in agricultural economic model based on the formation of patriarchal social structure are inseparable. In such a system, the connection between human society is the basic kinship and marriage ties, among which the paternal lineage blood system as the core, forming a generation with continued deeprooted family group



1. Residence and Privacy 2. Parents and Children
3. Housework
4. Family Structure
Ⅰ. Residence and Privacy
1.There is always a big or small yard in most western homes, with some bushes around the yard. But there seldom is any tall and big enclosing wall. Many Americans just use some curtains or shutters to separate the inside from the outside.
6. Due to the difference in No. 5, children contact with not only their parents and siblings, but also other relatives, which means they have a relatively bigger interpersonal and educational circle. For example, in China, all members of the elder generation can instruct a child, but in western countries, it’s only the parents’ duty.
5. When westerners talk about their family, they often refer to their parents and the unmarried siblings. While when it comes to Chinese, they may also include their grandparents and other even married relatives. They may not live together, but they are often in the same village or the near one, which is our Chinese tradition. The westerners often live far away from each other, only to gather on festivals or holidays.
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Chapter 9 Family
May 15th of 2006 is the eleventh International Family Day. Since 1980s, the number of the families in the world has been increasing greatly; while the family scales have been shrinking steadily, and people’s conception of family has changed a lot. All of these changes bring about a great shock to the whole society along. In this chapter we will mainly talk about the families of the two cultures from the following aspects:
In many Chinese families, unless there are married children, there are few personal rights. Some Chinese children, even with a big house, may stay with their parents until several years old. Parents can interfere in their children’s affairs, and children also have the right to use their parents’ articles. When the children break something, their parents may blame them for the breaking but not for their privacy.
While in China, the houses are always enclosed by a very tall and big wall, which often separates the inside world apart from the outside completely. From the outside world, people can just see the roof. Behind the tall wall, there is a shorter one, with a wooden screen separating the outside from the inside again.
1. Residence and Privacy 2. Parents and Children
3. Housework
4. Family Se and Privacy
1.There is always a big or small yard in most western homes, with some bushes around the yard. But there seldom is any tall and big enclosing wall. Many Americans just use some curtains or shutters to separate the inside from the outside.
Ⅱ. Parents and Children
On the relationship between the parents and children, there are a lot of differences between the two cultures. 1.The Westerners pay much attention to their children’s rights. This can be embodied in so many organizations for children, such as the Children’s Welfare Association mentioned in the movie Guasha. While in China, parents are in full charge of their children.
2. In the Western countries, parents may learn from their children, especially, they are proud of this behavior. The important thing for the parents is what they should do for their children. The Chinese parents seldom learn from their children. What they stress is what can their children do for them, even when the children are learning for their future, they may put on this mission--- for their parents’ sake.
2. As for the inside arrangements of the house, there are also some differences. The westerners put on much stress on their personal space. Therefore, respectively there is a door in the bathroom, bedroom, sittingroom or even the kitchen. Nobody can invade anyone else’s personal space: parents have no the freedom to enter the children’s room, and the same with the children.