教案:外研社丽声妙想英语绘本 A House for Hedgehog 刺猬的新家


丽声北极星自然拼读绘本第六级 Maggie Mouse 教学设计

丽声北极星自然拼读绘本第六级 Maggie Mouse 教学设计









教学目标教学目标:希望在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 在观察图片,预测及师生交流等活动中,理解故事大意;2. 在图片排序、创编结尾等活动中,锻炼逻辑思维,提高观察能力及创新能力;3. 在故事语境中理解词汇sound,around,loud,found并感知共同发音/aʊ/,在说唱韵文、再读故事等活动中操练并巩固ou字母组合的发音/aʊ/;4. 在讨论故事结尾,创编故事等活动中,引导学生客观、理性地认识故事人物并进行评价。


教学难点:通过表演,感受Maggie Mouse的情感变化,能通过自主创编小韵文加深对故事情节的理解与评价。

教学准备:教学PPT,学生用书,单词卡片,单词图片,奖励小卡片,学习单教学过程Step 1 Pre-reading (5 mins)Activity 1欣赏歌曲教师播放视频,师生共同欣赏歌曲Three Blind Mice,并就歌曲中的动物和发生的事情进行讨论。

T: Before class, let’s enjoy a song! I hope you will like it.Questions:①What’s the song about?(预设回答1: Mouse. 预设回答2: Three blind mice. 预设回答3: They crash on moon, and eat so much cheese.)②What do they do in the song? Are they brave?(预设回答1: They crash on moon. 预设回答2: They eat too much cheese. 预设回答3: Yes, they are very brave.)③How do they feel?(预设回答1: Happy! 预设回答2: They are very happy!)【效果评价】学生能够根据教师提出的问题,在欣赏歌曲的同时,结合歌词和视频动画内容提取歌曲的关键信息,并运用自己的语言进行简单的描述,如:There are three blind mice. They eat too much cheese.等。

A House Hedgehog绘本说课

A House Hedgehog绘本说课

故事经过 第四站
He went to mole's house . 1.What do you think of the house? 2.Could he live in the house?Why? 3.What did he say? 刺猬寻找房子的旅程接近尾声。
梳理寻找房子的旅程。 抓住关键词和语言支架,梳理故事经过 Different animals have different houses.
He came up with a good idea. What will he say now?
Now he knows:
East or west,
home is the best. 金窝银窝不如自己的狗窝。 A suitable home is the best home. 适合自己的才是最好的。
What did the hedgehog say?
Come in!
师生扮演对话, 进一步理清故事情节, 理解文本内容。
My house is too cold. I looked for a new house.
Thank you . I like your house. But it is much too wet. Goodbye.
Can you give a name of the story?
What did the Hedgehog say?
What will he do ?
刺猬感受的相关信息,明确了 故事发生的原因——刺猬为什 么去找新房子?





Step 2 While-reading (20 mins)Activity 2: View the cover 观察封面,预测故事。


T: Today, we are going to read a story book. It’s also about magic. Look! This is t he cover of the picture book.Questions:(1) What do you know from the cover?(2) What’s in the tree house?(3) What else do you want to know about the story?【效果评价】学生能够根据封面的图片信息预测故事,发挥丰富的想象,猜测树屋里有什么并能提问,如Why is the door closed? What is the girl doing? What happened? Why does the girl do that?【设计意图】引导学生细致观察封面,获取书名、作者、绘画者等文本信息,借助标题和封面信息预测故事,激活思维,引导学生对故事的内容展开预测。


Activity 3: 师生共读P3-P6。


1. Get to know something about the wizard.T: Who is that? The wizard. He is the wizard. She is the witch. They can both do magic.2. Get to know what the girl wants to do.T: What does the girl want to do?S: She wants to get into the house.【效果评价】学生能借助图片信息,了解故事的背景。



• The hedgehog only comes out at night to scurry around for a meal. During the day, it rolls itself up in hedges and bushes to hide from bigger animals and get s ome sleep. Even though it might look like a porcupine, the hedgehog eats insec ts and small animals while the porcupine is a vegetarian. ·I live on the continents of Europe, Asia and Africa. ·I like to live in warm areas like deserts, but I can hibernate to survive if it gets too cold. ·I hide myself in bushes and shrubs. ·I have a cute, round body, a pointed face and short, little legs. My back is cove red with hard, pointy quills and my belly is soft and furry. ·I'm normally shades of tan, brown and black. My quills are dark brown with a little white mixed in. ·I'm about the size of a bunny rabbit. ·I usually don't get any heavier than 2 or 3 pounds (.9 or 1.4 kilograms). ·I eat insects, worms, frogs, snakes, mice and bird eggs. ·When danger comes, I roll myself into a ball so my sharp quills point out in all directions. ·I make a nest of leaves to hibernate in when it gets cold. And even though it might be wintertime, I sometimes wake up to look for more food.

山东省英语绘本阅读优质课获奖课件《a house for hedgehog》

山东省英语绘本阅读优质课获奖课件《a house for hedgehog》

Tips: Try to act emotionally and creatively.
★ Share the story to your friends.
★★Draw your new house and write something about your new house.
But Mole's house was much too_d_a_r_k_. "I cannot see in the dark like you," said Hedgehog.
鼹鼠的拉丁文学名就是“掘土” 的意思,这种动物适于地下掘土 生活。它的身体完全适应地下的 生活方式,前脚大而向外翻,并 配备有力的爪子,像两只铲子; 身体矮胖,外形像鼠,耳小或完 全退化,他的头紧接肩膀,看起 来像没有脖子,整个骨架矮而扁, 跟掘土机很相似。
How was Hedgehog feeling?
So Hedgehog went back to his own house.
On the way, he slipped.
Hedgehog rolled and rolled. He got covered in leaves.
So Hedgehog went back to his own house. On the way, he slipped.
Then Hedgehog went to Squirrel's house.
"Your house looks warm," said Hedgehog. "But I cannot__liv_e__in__a_t_r_e_e_."

丽声北极星自然拼读绘本五级 A New Hobby 教学设计.do

丽声北极星自然拼读绘本五级 A New Hobby 教学设计.do

话题引入主题Activity 1:呈现绘本标题,铺垫字母y的发音,话题导入Today we are going to read a story about a girl, Monica.提问建议:Can you read the title of the story?(渗透hobby的读法,渗透字母y 的发音。

)I like swimming.So swimming is my hobbyWhat is your hobby?Can you tell me something about your hobby?(引导学生使用“My hobby is…”来作答,强化巩固hobby的读音,感知字母y的发音。

)Activity 2: 学生观察封面,猜测Monica的新爱好,处理封面信息。

提问建议:What might be Monica’s new hobby?通过话题引入,激发学生阅读兴趣;教师渗透字母y的发音。




图片环游Activity 3:学生观察书P3图片,证实关于Monica新爱好的猜想。

继续观察P4页,教师遮挡住Monica 的脸,学生猜测Monica的感受。

提问建议:Look at this picture, what doesMonica get from Dad and Mum? How does Monica feel? Why?Activity 4: 学生猜测Monica拿到相机后会做什么,观察P5中Monica 和baby的表情,证实自己的猜想。

提问建议:Taking photoes is Monica’s new hobby. Now Monica has a camera, what will she do next?教师出示P5,验证学生猜想。

丽声北极星自然拼读绘本第三级 A Box for Me 教学设计

丽声北极星自然拼读绘本第三级 A Box for Me 教学设计

课件呈现故事P4,引导观察细节,询问Does mum give the box to the girl? What does the girl get from mum?在收到red dress时引导学生思考为什么妈妈选择红色的裙子,女孩喜欢吗?在我们传统的春节里面还有什么是红色的?为什么?接着,课件呈现故事P5,询问What else does the girl get?教师板书句子Mum gives me a dress. Uncle Pete gives me a box. 师生共同听录音进行跟读模仿练习。

Questions:Why does mum choose red?What else is red?What does uncle Pete say to the girl?【效果评价】学生能够借助图片信息在问题的引领下,对故事细节内容进行理解进行描述,初步了解故事背景,在教师的帮助下,能够运已有的语言认知进行表达,如:They are at home. They are happy.等。


Activity 4 图片环游故事P6-8了解故事第二部分内容——打开神秘盒子前,学生共读。


T: Boys and girls, we prefer to wear red clothes on Chinese New Year. That means good luck in the coming year, what else do we usually do? And how about them? Let's read from page 6-8.Questions:What do they do together on New Year’s Eve?接着,课件呈现故事P6,引导观察细节,关注图片吃鱼的细节了解节日文化知识。

绘本说课 -良乡二小- 李丹-改后

绘本说课  -良乡二小-  李丹-改后

《促思维,重体验,提高绘本教学有效性》------《A House for Hedgehog》说课良乡第二小学李丹问题的提出:语言学家克鲁姆说:“有效的英语课堂教学应该是创造更多的情景,让学生有机会使用自己学到的语言材料。


那么我们该怎样在体验性的学习中使用语言,提高绘本教学的有效性呢?让我们一起走进课堂,走进教材,从他们之间的联系说起吧!今天我说课的内容是丽声妙想绘本故事第三级 A House for Hedgehog.下面我就将从指导思想与理论依据,单元内容分析,学情分析,教学目标及重难点,教学实施、教学特色和教学评价等几个方面来谈一谈我对本单元的理解和分析!一、指导思想和理论依据我们都知道,新课标指出:英语核心素养包括:学习能力,语言能力,文化品格和思维品质。





二、教学背景分析下面我就以丽声妙想绘本 A House for Hedgehog为例,说一说我的思考。







丽声北极星自然拼读绘本第二级 Fox Hops 教学设计

丽声北极星自然拼读绘本第二级 Fox Hops 教学设计

教学过程Step 1 Pre-reading (5 mins)Activity 1: Let’s sing!教师播放Bunny Hops的歌曲,带领同学们进行热身活动。

T: Hello, everyone! Before our class let’s sing and do together! Are you ready?【效果评价】通过活动,调动学生积极性,营造课堂氛围,渗透绘本内容。


Activity 2:Watch a video教师播放有关狐狸的小视频。


T: Do you like animals? What animal do you like?T: Can you guess? What is my favourite animal? Now le t’s watch a video.观看视频后,师生交流,并引出本课绘本的主人公。

T: Do you like foxes?【效果评价】学生能够在观看视频过程中,简单了解狐狸这种动物。



Activity 3: 介绍评价机制结合本课字母o语音学习,把同学们的奖励贴纸变成分fox,dog,ox,frog,octopus 几种动物,回答对问题的同学可以得到相应的动物贴画,看看哪个小组获得的贴画最多。

Step 2 While-reading (15mins)Activity 4:图片环游故事P3-P51. 读封面,了解故事关键信息。

课件呈现绘本封面,教师引导学生观察图片中的事物:a fox,three boxes,a bin,a house,a dog and a hot pot,引导学生观察小狐狸的表情,通过小狐狸舔舌头的动作,启发学生合理预测将发生什么事情。

丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第一级B4 The GH Book 教学设计

丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第一级B4 The GH Book 教学设计

《丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书》(第一级)The GH Book 教学设计一、教学目标掌握g 和h 的字母名和字母音。

能够听辨、认读以字母g 和h 开头的单词。


二、教学重点及难点掌握g 和h 的字母名和字母音。

能够听辨、认读以字母g 和h 开头的单词。

三.教学用具绘本 课件学案及英文字母四、教学过程设计意图:培养学生的音素意识、听辨音 素的能力,及练习发音。

同时 帮助他们明确学习目标,提高 学习效率。

Step 2 Cover Talk引导学生观察封面,了解绘本的题目和作者。

提问建议:Boys and girls, can you tell me the title of (he book? What animal can you see?What is the first sound of the word hummingbird? Can you find the writer and illustrator?Step 1 Warming-up通过字母匹配图片的游戏,进行首字母音练习。

(gift, goat, hat, goose, hamster)设计意图:学生在教师的带领下,了解绘 本信息,如书名、作者名等。

由 此了解阅读的方法,养成良好 的阅读习惯,增强文本概念。

同 时,为学习新知做铺垫。

What can you see here?What is the first sound of the word goat/hat?Step 3 Reading•教师和学生共读绘本。

提问建议:A What can you see? A What's the goat eating?A What is the ginger man holding? A Who will get the gift?A Can you guess what's in the gift box? A Who is eating the grapes all up?(Oh no! Ifs gobbling!)A Can you show me what gobbling is? A Do you like gobbling?A What's that in the middle of the ground? A What are these animals?A Can you guess who's hiding in the big hat? A Can horse, hippo or hawk hide in the hat? A Whose hat is it?A Do you think the goose is happy? Why? A Where are they going?•请学生快速浏览全文,找出以g 和h 开头的单词 并尝试读出来。

丽声北极星自然拼读绘本第三级 Be Quiet 教学设计

丽声北极星自然拼读绘本第三级 Be Quiet 教学设计



教学过程Step 1 Pre-readingActivity 1: Sing a Song “My House”教师利用课件呈现歌曲动画My House师生跟随动画一起唱。

T: Here comes a lovely song. Let’s sing together.T: Boys and girls, do you like singing? Let’s si ng a song,My House.S: OK.歌曲结束后…T: A wonderful song.【效果评价】学生表现出情绪饱满的状态,能初步感知本课的主题语境并对新课学习充满期待。


Activity 2: Free Talk (share the ideas a bout “house”)课件呈现房子的图片,教师询问学生:Who are in the house?What rooms are in the house?How do they feel?然后,教师介绍今天将要读的故事就发生在一间房子里。

Questions:(1) Who are in the house?(2) What’s in the house?(3) What rooms are in the house?(4) How do they feel?T: Sister is watching TV in the living room. Mommy is reading a book in the bedroom.Brother is taking a shower in the bathroom. Daddy is cooking dinner in the kitchen. They do what they like to do. They are very happy in the house.【效果评价】通过提取歌曲内容,学生复习了四个房间名称。



绘本故事《AHouseforHedgehog》说课绘本故事《A House for Hedgehog》说课顾真一、教学内容分析传统的英语教材编写大多考虑学习的词汇、句型、语法和话题,很少从语言的趣味性、幽默感等方面去考虑,而英语绘本刚好弥补了这一缺陷。


绘本故事《A House for Hedgehog》情节生动有趣,引人入胜。


二、三维目标分析A知识目标能够听懂会说以下动物:hedgehog、otter、squirrel、rabbit、mole 会用句型“I like……,but……”表达需求。









五、教学过程Step 1攻克关键词课件出示几种房子,分别为冰房子、水房子、山上的房子、拥挤的房子以及没有窗户的房子。

T:What can you see on the screen?S: Houses.T:Which one do you like? Why?引导学生使用句型“I like……,but……/ I don’t like……,because……”攻克关键词“cold、wet、warm、dark”Step 2激发兴趣,引入故事T: Today we tell the story of a little hedgehog looking for a new house. The little hedgehog passed by the house of otter, rabbit, squirrel and mole, but he found that their home was good but not suitable for himself. What's the reason? In the end, did hedgehog find a satisfactory new home? Let's listen to the story.分段播放故事情节。

刺猬的新家A house for hedgehog 小学英语绘本课件

刺猬的新家A house for hedgehog 小学英语绘本课件
A House for Hedgehog 刺猬的新家
丽声妙想英文绘本 外语教学与研究出版社
What do you know about hedgehog?
characteristics:sharp spines
favorite food: ant
short legs
habitat (栖息地): forest
(1) Where does rabbit live? (2) Why rabbit's house is not suitable (合适的) ? (3) What would rabbit probably (可能) say?
Welcome to our house. We live in a hole.
Jigsaw reading:
Read the story and fill in the blanks.
animal---------house ----------
too cold
Tips: 1. Four students in a group. 2. Each member of the group choose
Press: a company that prints this book
“I need a new house,” said Hedgehog. “My house is too cold.”
(1) What’s wrong with the hedgehog? (2) What house would he like?
(1) Is Mole's house suitable for Hedgehog? (2) What would Mole probably say?

丽声北极星自然拼读绘本第三级 The Tiger by the Lake 教学设计

丽声北极星自然拼读绘本第三级 The Tiger by the Lake 教学设计

教学过程Step 1 Pre-readingActivity 1: Sharing knowledges about tiger学生课前收集资料,用一句话分享自己对老虎的认识。

Question: What do you know about tigers?【效果评价】学生表现出积极的状态,了解更多关于老虎的知识并对新课学习充满期待。


Activity 2: Read the cover呈现绘本封面,引导学生关注主体图片,标题The Tiger by the Lake,明确绘本Setting,Characters要素;了解作者、插画者,出版社信息。

Questions:(1) What do we know from the cover?(2) Wha t’s the title? Can you read it?(板书标题,教lake读法。

)(3) Who’s the character? What do you think of this tiger?Where does the story take place?【效果评价】学生能够根据图片说出故事背景、角色,了解标题、作者、插画家、出版社信息。


Activity 3: Predict呈现封面、封底和扉页,让学生观察动物们的状态,展开联想,小组讨论预测老虎和小动物们会发生什么事情,将学生的主要预测记录下来。

Questions: Now please take a look at the cover, title page and the end page. So many animals, right? What might happen? Can you guess? Why do you think so?【效果评价】学生能够借助图片信息,在教师的帮助下,运用已有的语言认知推测故事发展或提问,如The animals run away. I think the tiger wants to eat them.【设计意图】通过关注封面、封底和扉页,让学生对故事内容进行预测,谈论自己的认识,培养学生的预测能力和逻辑思维能力,激发学生阅读兴趣。

丽声妙想英文绘本第六级The House That Jack Built 教学设计

丽声妙想英文绘本第六级The House That Jack Built 教学设计

第8页教师呈现图片,和学生一起订正第8页对应的学习单内容,并学习相关的单词spade, dig-dug。

●What is this? 学生根据学习单回答问题,引出单词hole。

●If there is a hole on the ground, it will be very dangerous. So, Jack put a warning board, what does it say? 让学生关注图片上的警示牌,找学生读一读上面的话“Mind the Hole”。

●What did Jack do? 学生根据学习单回答问题,引出单词dig–dug。

●What did Jack use? 学生根据学习单回答问题,引出单词spade。



●What’s this? 学生根据学习单回答问题,引出单词concrete。

●What did Jack write on the warning board? 让学生关注图片上的警示牌,找学生读一读上面的话“Wet Concrete. KEEP OFF”。

●What did the concrete fill?What did the concrete for? 学生根据学习单回答问题,教师呈现左侧图片,帮助学生理解单词,回忆房屋结构。

●教师让学生读一读图片上的单词rumble, tumble,猜测意思。

第10-11页教师呈现图片,和学生一起订正第10-11页对应的学习单内容,并学习相关的单词brick,句型this is .../these are...●What are these? 学生根据学习单回答问题,引出单词bricks。

●教师呈现一块砖和多块砖的比较图,让学生用this is .../these are...造句。

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A House for Hedgehog
张静 16550401103 16英语教育C
Teaching contents
This story is selected from a grade three picture book of Foreign Language Teaching And Research Press. It is about Hedgehog and his journey to finding a new house. Throughout the journey, he visited some new friend—Otter, Rabbit, Squirrel and Mole. This lesson will not only guide students to experience the intriguing plot but also stimulate their interest in reading books.
Teaching objectives:
(1)Knowledge objective:
❖Students can learn some new words such as Otter, Squirrel and Mole.
❖They can have a preliminary understanding of animal hedgehog.
❖They can also learn to gain information from the cover like title, author and illustrator.
(2)Ability objective:
❖Learners can experience Jigsaw reading
❖They can finish a map according to the contents of the story.
(3)Emotional objective:
❖Students can learn form the story that we should cherish and be grateful for what we currently have.
❖Students can develop a great sense of cooperation in pair work and group work.
❖Build up self-confidence
Key point and difficult point:
Key point: Learn the new words such as Hedgehog ,Otter and Mole.
Difficult point: Get involved in Role play.
Teaching procedure
(1)Greetings: (问候)
T: Hello. I’m Cathy. Nice to meet you, boys and girls
Ss: Nice to meet you too.
T: Do you like animals? What’s your favorite animals?
Ss: My favorite animal is …
T: I like … too. Today we are going to meet some new friend.
(2)Pre-reading: (视频创设情境,介绍背景知识)
Watch a video:
T: What do you know about Hedgehog? Let’s watch a video.
Background information:
T: What do you know about Hedgehog?
T: Hedgehog has sharpen spines and short legs.
He likes eating ants. But he needs to sleep in winter.
(Justification: Help students get a preliminary understanding about Hedgehog so they are able to better understand the story.)
(3)While-reading: (文本概念、头脑风暴、拼图阅读)
Analyze the cover of the book:
T: What can you see from the cover?
T: What’s wrong with the hedgehog?
T: What house would he like?
(Justification: Improve students’ critical thinking ability.)
Jigsaw reading:
T: Now let’s read the story and fill in the blanks. I have some tips for you:
Four students in a group.
Each member of the group choose one animal and find out answers.
Share your answers in your group.
Finish the map.
(Justification: Cultivate students’ sense of collaboration)
Students will be asked to have a Role-play in groups. They will act as a Hedgehog, Otter, Rabbit, Squirrels, and Mole. After that, each group are required to vote for the most vivid show. (Justification: Practice the dialogue, build up self-confidence and develop a great sense of cooperation.)
Realize the objective of emotional attitude and moral value:
T: Whose house is the best one?
Ss: Hedgehog’s house.
T: So the story told us that nothing is perfect regardless of your house or any other things. Therefore, we should treasure our own house and be grateful for what we have.
(Justification: Convey a value that everyone should be grateful for what we have.)。
