教案:外研社丽声妙想英语绘本 A House for Hedgehog 刺猬的新家

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A House for Hedgehog

张静 16550401103 16英语教育C

Teaching contents

This story is selected from a grade three picture book of Foreign Language Teaching And Research Press. It is about Hedgehog and his journey to finding a new house. Throughout the journey, he visited some new friend—Otter, Rabbit, Squirrel and Mole. This lesson will not only guide students to experience the intriguing plot but also stimulate their interest in reading books.

Teaching objectives:

(1)Knowledge objective:

❖Students can learn some new words such as Otter, Squirrel and Mole.

❖They can have a preliminary understanding of animal hedgehog.

❖They can also learn to gain information from the cover like title, author and illustrator.

(2)Ability objective:

❖Learners can experience Jigsaw reading

❖They can finish a map according to the contents of the story.

(3)Emotional objective:

❖Students can learn form the story that we should cherish and be grateful for what we currently have.

❖Students can develop a great sense of cooperation in pair work and group work.

❖Build up self-confidence

Key point and difficult point:

Key point: Learn the new words such as Hedgehog ,Otter and Mole.

Difficult point: Get involved in Role play.

Teaching procedure

(1)Greetings: (问候)

T: Hello. I’m Cathy. Nice to meet you, boys and girls

Ss: Nice to meet you too.

T: Do you like animals? What’s your favorite animals?

Ss: My favorite animal is …

T: I like … too. Today we are going to meet some new friend.

(2)Pre-reading: (视频创设情境,介绍背景知识)

Watch a video:

T: What do you know about Hedgehog? Let’s watch a video.

Background information:

T: What do you know about Hedgehog?

T: Hedgehog has sharpen spines and short legs.

He likes eating ants. But he needs to sleep in winter.

(Justification: Help students get a preliminary understanding about Hedgehog so they are able to better understand the story.)

(3)While-reading: (文本概念、头脑风暴、拼图阅读)

Analyze the cover of the book:

T: What can you see from the cover?


T: What’s wrong with the hedgehog?

T: What house would he like?

(Justification: Improve students’ critical thinking ability.)

Jigsaw reading:

T: Now let’s read the story and fill in the blanks. I have some tips for you:

Four students in a group.

Each member of the group choose one animal and find out answers.

Share your answers in your group.

Finish the map.

(Justification: Cultivate students’ sense of collaboration)



Students will be asked to have a Role-play in groups. They will act as a Hedgehog, Otter, Rabbit, Squirrels, and Mole. After that, each group are required to vote for the most vivid show. (Justification: Practice the dialogue, build up self-confidence and develop a great sense of cooperation.)

Realize the objective of emotional attitude and moral value:

T: Whose house is the best one?

Ss: Hedgehog’s house.

T: So the story told us that nothing is perfect regardless of your house or any other things. Therefore, we should treasure our own house and be grateful for what we have.

(Justification: Convey a value that everyone should be grateful for what we have.)
