商务英语-交际礼节英语词汇I've heard so much about you.好久不见了!Long time no see.辛苦了!You've had a long day.You've had a long flight.尊敬的朋友们!Distinguished/Honorable/Respected friends阁下(多用于称呼大使)Your Excellency我代表北京市政府欢迎各位朋友访问北京。
On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to extend our warm welcome to the friends who have come to visitBeijing.对您的大力协助,我谨代表北京市政府表示衷心的感谢。
On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, i wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance.在北京过得怎么样?How are you making out in Beijing?我一定向他转达您的问候和邀请。
I'll surely remember you and your invitation to him.欢迎美商来北京投资。
American businessmen are welcome to make investment in Beijing.欢迎多提宝贵意见。
Your valuable advice is most welcome.不虚此行!It's a rewarding trip!您的日程很紧,我们的会见是否就到此为止。
As you have a tight schedule, I will not take up more of your time.请代我问候王先生。
您应该用体态语言来支撑您的演讲, 如适当的朝观众们微笑,用眼睛与他们进行接触,以此来建立良好的沟通。
“a gay man”(一同性恋者)或“gay men”(同性恋者们)是指男性同性恋最常用的词。
同性恋权利活动家皮得·塔切尔说,他最喜欢人们用“a gay man”来形容他,尽管他有时会使用“queer”,其目的是想吓唬吓唬对方,勇敢地正视人们的偏见,并向他们发起挑战。
他说:“使用‘I am queer’来告知对方‘我是同性恋’,这是一种自我肯定,会使对方震惊尴尬。
1.“Would you like to order?” 这是餐厅服务员通常会问的问题,表示是否可以点餐了。
2.“What would you like to have for the main course?” 这是询问主菜的选择。
3.“Do you have any dietary restrictions or preferences?” 这是询问是否有任
4.“Can I get you something to drink?” 这是询问是否需要饮料。
5.“Would you like to hear the specials?” 这是询问是否想听特色菜。
6.“How would you like your steak cooked?” 这是询问牛排要烤到几成熟。
7.“Could you pass me the salt?” 这是请求传递调料或餐具。
8.“Thank you for the meal.” 这是表示感谢的话语。
9.“I enjoyed the meal very much.” 这是表示对餐饭很满意的话语。
10.“Can I have the check, please?” 这是询问是否可以结账的话语。
商务英语口语900句,英语口语交际听力材料篇一:简单易学商务英语口语900句商务英语口语900句unitone希望与要求1we'dliketoexpressourdesiretoestablishbusinessrelationswithyouonthebasi sofequality,mutualbenefitandtheexchangeofneededgoods.2Inordertoextendourexportbusinesstoyourcountry,wewishtoenterintodirec tbusinessrelationswithyou.3ourhopeistoestablishmutualbeneficialtradingrelationsbetweenus.4welookforwardtoafurtherextensionofpleasantbusinessrelation.5It'sourhopetocontinuewithconsiderablebusinessdealingwithyou6welookforwardtoreceivingyourquotationverysoon,7Ihopeyou'llseefromthereductionthatwearereallydoingourutmost.8wehopetodiscussbusinesswithyouatyourearliestconvenience.9wewishtoexpressourdesiretotradewithyouinleathershoes.10welookforwardtoyourearlyreplyandtrustthatthoughourmutualcooperatio nweshallbeabletoconcludethistransactionwithyouinthenearfuture.11Ihopewecandobusinesstogether,andlookforwardtohearingfromyousoon. 12Ihopethatwecancooperatehappily.13Ihopethatwecancontinueourcooperation.14wesincerelyhopethatthistransactionwillturnouttothesatisfactionofbothpa rties.15wehopethatthismarkettrendwillcontinue.16Itishopedthatyouwouldseriouslytakethismatterintoconsiderationandletu shaveyourreplysoon.17wehopethatyouwilldealwithourrequestearnestly. 18wehopetoreceiveyourimmediateanswer.19wearelookingforwardtohavingyourearlyreplytothismatter.20wehopethatthisdisputecanbesettledthroughfriendlynegotiationwithoutits beingsubmittedforarbitration.21welookforwardtoyoursettlementatanearlydate.22Yourearlysettlementofthiscasewillbeappreciated.23wehopethatyoucansettletheclaimasquicklyaspossible.24wehopethattherewillbenorepetitionofthiskindoftroubleinthefuture.25weexpectthatyouwillofferusalowerpriceassoonaspossible.26wehopethatthemattercanbebroughttoasatisfactorysolution.27Idohopethisundesirableincidentwillnotstandinthewayofourfuturebusine ss.28wehopethismatterwillnotaffectourgoodrelationsinourfuturedealings. 29Iwishthatthisbusinesswillbringbenefittobothofus.30wehopethisincidentwillnotbringanyharmtoourpleasantrelations.unit2产品介绍partone31.Thismodeloftypewriterisefficientandendurable,economicalandpracticalformiddleschoolstudents.32.Thecomputerweproducedischaracterizedbyitshighquality,compact-size d,energy-savingandit?alsoeasy-to-learnandeasy-to-operate.33.Theyarenotonlyaslow-pricedasothermakers,buttheyaredistinctlysuperio rinthefollowingrespects.34.Youwillgeta30%increasingproductionuponusingthismachineandalsoita llowsonepeopletoperformthetaskofthreepeople.35.Thisproductwillpayitsownwayinayear.36.Thismachinewillpaybackyourinvestmentin6month.37.Thenewtypeofsuitcasecarddesignedbyourengineersisveryingeniousand practical.38.Thiskindofbicyclecanbefoldedinhalfandhandytocarryaround,especially usefulduringtravelingandtrafficjams.39.Themaximumspeedofthiskindofvariablespeedbicycleis30K/h.40.Thesemachineshavefewbreakdownsandeasytomaintainbecauseoftheirsi mplemechanicalstructure.41.comparedwithotherbrands,thiskindoftyrecostlesspermileandwearmuc hlongerduetoitstopnotchrubber.42.Thiskindoftyreischaracteristicofnonskidstoponwetroad.43.Thismaterialhasadurableandeasy-to-cleansurface.44.Thiskindofair-conditioningsystemispracticalandeconomicalfortheneedsofyourcompany.45.ourproductsareassuperbqualityaswellasthetypicalorientalmake-up. parttwo46.oursilkgarmentsaremadeofsuperpuresilkmaterialandbytraditionalskills.47.Thegarmentsaremagnificentandtastefulandhavelongenjoyedgreatfameb othathomeandaboard.48.Asourtypewritersaremadeoflightandhardalloytheyarebothportableande ndurable.49.Thehandbagswequotedareallmadeofthebestleatherandvariousthekindsa ndthestylesinordertomeettherequirementsofallwalksoflifeinyourcountry.50.Asourproductshaveallthefeatureyouneedand20%cheapercomparedwith thatJapanesemade,Istronglyrecommendedtoyou.51.Vacuumcleanersofthisbrandarecompetitiveintheinternationalmarketand arethebest-sellingproductsoftheirkind.52.“Forever”multiplespeedracingbicyclesaresuretobesellableinyourmarket.53.owningtoitssuperiorqualityandreasonablepriceoursilkhasmetwithwarm receptionandquicksaleinmosteuropeancountries.54.wefeelthatourproductisthebestkindinAsiaandwecanverywellcompeteag ainstJapaninprice.55.ourgoodsaregreatlyappreciatedinothermarketssimilartoyourown.56.byvirtueofitssuperquality,thisproductisoftensoldoutinmanyareas.57.ourproductsaresuperiorinqualityandmoderateinpriceandaresuretobesell ableinyourmarket.58.Theseitemsaremostsellableinourmarket.59.Therehavebeenasteadydemandinourmarketforthiskindoftoy.60.wehavethepleasureinrecommendingyouthegoodssimilartothesampleyo usend.unit3业务范围介绍partone61.wewishtointroduceourselvestoyouasastate-ownedcooperationdealing exclusivelyinlightindustrygoods.62.weareintroducingourselvesasoneoftheleadingexporterofthesamelineofb usiness.63.wehavetopleasureofintroducingourselvestoyouasastatecooperationspec ializedinexportofcangoods.64.weintroduceourselvesasdealerandbicycleandspareparts,wehavebeenint hislineforovertwodecades.65.ourcooperationisspecializedinhandlingtheexportbusinessoftextiles.66.Themainproductsourcooperationdealsinareelectricalappliances.67.ourcompanyismainlyengagedinagricultureproducts.68.wespecializedintheexportoftablecloth.69.ourcompanymainlydealwiththeexportbusinessofsilkgoods.70.ourspecializationistheexportationofchinesesilkgarments.71.weareengagedintheimportandexportofmachinery.72.wearenowdoingalargeimportbusinessinfruitfromsoutheastasia.73.wespecializedinhandlingclocksandwatchesofallsorts.74.wealsotakeonavarietyofsilkpiecegoods.75.ouractivitycoverawiderangeofcommonditiessuchastiesbeltsandshirts. partTwo.76.weareinaverygoodpositiontosupplymostgradesofcannedfishatcompetiti vepricesandforgooddelivery.77.weareinthepositiontoacceptordersagainstcustomer?ssamplesspecifiedd eign,speciationandpackagingrequirements.78.wearenowexportingstrawandwillowproducts,embroideries,porcelainwa res,jadecarvings,antiques,chinesepaintings,silkflowersandvariouskindsoft oysandgift.79.ourcooperationismajorproduceroftechnicaladvancemachineryandchem icalsforindustryandagriculture.80.electronicproductsfallwithinthescopedofourbusinessactivity.81.wealsodoexportbusinessofhand-madewovenarticles.82.wehavebeenengagedintheglassbusinesswithmanyAsiancountriesforma nyyears.83.ourcompanyismainlyinthelandofexportingchineseartabjecttoeuropean market.84.wealsodoimportandexportbusinessinchemicalsandagricultureproducts.85.wehavebeenimportingandexportingallkindsofmetalsandmineralsforthir tyyearsandhavemanycostumerandfriendsinover80countriesandregions. 86.ourcooperationisgroupenterpriseintergradingscientificresearchbusiness productionandservice.87.Asajointventure,ourcooperationhaswonaprominentpositioninthefieldof homeelectronicscomputersandtelecommunicationinchina.88.wearepreparedtoacceptorderforgoodswithcustomer?sowntrademarksor brand-names.89.wehavebeenhandlingleathershoesandglovesformorethan20years.90.wehavebeenengagedfortwodecadesinthemanufacturingforsuchequipme nt.unitefour承诺91.weassureyouthatsuchthingswillnothappenagaininourfuturedeliveries.92.we?dliketoavailourselvesthisopportunitytoassureyouofourbrondattenti oninhandlingyourfutureorder.93.ourproductsarealwaysgoodasthesampleswesend,Icanpromisetherewillb enotdebasementofquality.94.Iguaranteethatthereisnotdifferenceinqualitybetweentheproductswesend younextmonthandwhat?ssamplesyousawjustnow.95.IcanpromiseyouthattheproductwesendyouwillbeofA-onequality.96.ourproductsaresurelyofstandardquality.97.IgiveyoumywordthatthepaymentwillbemadenotlaterthantheendofJune.98.IpromiseIwillcheckintotheseproblemsandfindoutiftheywereourfault.99.wecanmakesurethatgoodsavoidbeendamagedduringthetransit.100.wewillprovideafreshguaranteefortheprotectionoftheequipmentsrepair ed.uniteFive询盘partone.101.pleasequoteusforthegoodslistedIenclosedinquirysheetgivingyourprice scIFJakarta.102.pleasequoteusyourlowestpricecIFhamburgfortenmTofwalnutmeat. 103.pleasequoteusFobLondonfor100reamsofgoodqualitywhiteposterpaper .104.pleasequoteusyourmostcompetitivepricesinordertoconsummatebusine ss.105.pleasequoteusyourlowestpriceforfertilizers.106.pleasequoteusyourbestpriceandletusknowtheminimumquantityforeac horder.107.pleasemakeusaofferoncIFhongkongbasesforhandmadeleathergloves. 108.pleasemakeusaoffergivingyourpriceFobnewYork.109.wehavealreadymadeanenquireforyourarticlespleasemakeaofferbeforet heendofthismonth.110.Iwouldliketomakeaenquiryaboutthistypeofleatherb ag.111.weshallbepleasedifyoufinisheduswithyourquotationforthisproduct.112.manyofcustomersareinterestedinyour“seagull”brandhouseholdscissorsandwewishtohaveyourcnFshanghaiquotations. 113.wewanttoknowthepricecIFTokyoforyourprintedshirting.114.weareanxioustogetaofferforyourproducts.115.weshallbeverygladtoreceiveaofferfromyouonthisbrandofradios. partTwo.116.weshallliketoknowtheofferforthericeofthiskind.117.we?dliketoknowtheminimumorderqualitypercolorandperdesign. 118.whatpricecouldyouquoteusontwodozenssets?119.wouldyoupleasequoteusapriceoneyour71*81reversiblewoolblankets1 5%wooland85%cotton,boundwithrayonsatin?120.howmuchyouaskingforthisbrandofties?121.Ifweorder10,000unitswhatwouldbeyouroffer?122.what?sthepricefor1000Kgofwhitesugar.123.canyousupplythisqualityatapproximately50%centspermeter?124.Ifourorderisasubstantialonehowmuchwillyoubringyourpricedown? 125.howmuchdiscountcouldyouofferonaorderofthissize?126.pleaseinformuswhatspecialofferyoucanmakeus?127.hereisalistofmyrequirementsI?ldtohaveyourlowestquotationscIFnewY ork.128.pleaseinformusofyourlowestpricecIFLondon.129.we?dappreciateitverymuchifyouletusknowwhatdiscountyoucangrantusifwegiveyoualargeorderofyourproducts.130.pleaseletushaveyourbestquotationbytomorrowtogetherwiththeappropr iatetimeofshipment.unitesix报盘partone131.Thisofferissubjecttoyourreplyreachinghereonorbefore29,June. 132.Ifwecanreceiveyourorderwithinthenext10days,wewillmakeyouafirmo rderatthepricesquoted.133.Thisofferisfirmfor5days.134.ThepricewequotedisonFobshanghaibasesinsteadofcIFhongkongbases andourofferwillbevaliduntilAugust31.135.wemakeyoutheoffersubjecttoyourapplyreachingusnotlaterthannoonD ecember23.136.wehavetheofferreadyforyou.137.I?dtoremindyouthatwehavetowithdrawourofferiswedon?thearyoubyn extmonday.138.Thisofferwillremaineffectiveforanother10daysfromJune1.139.Thequalityofourproductisgoodandthepricesisreasonablesoweareconfi dentthatyouwillacceptourofferdated4thmay.140.sincerlythemarketisadvancingrapidlythepriceweofferedyouisthebestIb elive.141.hereareourlatestpricesheet.Youwillseethatourpricesismostcompetitive .142.webelievethatthepriceweofferyoucancompetewellwiththoseofotherfir ms.143.wehopeyouwillacceptourofferandgiveusordersoon.144.wefeelbetterofferwillgiveyoufullsatisfaction.Ihopetoreceiveafavorabl ereplyfromyousoon.145.Ifyouthinkourproposalacceptablepleaseletushave yourorderatearlydate.partTwo146.wehavethepleasureinofferingyouourproduct.147.weareinterestedinmakingyouaofferonourhand-makecarpetswhichiswe llreceivedintheoverseasmarket.148.ourpricefor200dozenspairsofplasticshowercurtainswithmatchingdrap eswouldbe45usDshallweholdthemforyourorder?149.wegiveyoupriceof1440$Fobchicago.150.wearepleasedtoquoteyoufor1500dozenmanshirtsasforthesampleyouse ndbeforeatprice5/piececIFnewYorkforpromoteshipment.151.Incompliancewithyourrequestwearenowofferingyou2000dozensmagn ifiersat30$perdozencIFsanFranciscoseptembershipment.152.Youwillnotethatweareinthepositiontoofferyou50longtonsoftenforshee tattheattractivepriceof£135perlongtonscnFshanghai.153.weofferyour1500tonsofcanadaoatsatthepriceof500pounds/ton. 154.wecanquoteyouthepriceof75$/typewriterand10%discountonshipping. 155.ouraveragewholesellpriceis180$/unit.156.weofferyoufirm2,000tonsofchemicalfertilizerat£150perlongtoncIFVietnamdeliverinApril.157.wecanofferaqualitydiscou ntofupto15%butwearepreparetogive20%discountforaoffertobuythecomple testuff.158.IhavehereourpricesheetonaFAsvesselbasis,thepricearegivenwithouten gagement.159.Aspricesissteadyraising,we?dadviseyoutoplaceyourorderwithoutdelay .160.ourproductisingreatdemandandsuppliesislimitedsowewouldrecomme ndthatyouacceptthisofferassoonaspossible.uniteseven还盘partone篇二:商务英语口语900句免费下载unitone希望与要求partI01.we’dliketoexpressoutdesiretoestablishbusinessrelationswithyouonthebasisofe qually,mutualbenefitandtheexchangeofneededgoods.我方希望能在平等、互利、互通有无的基础上与贵司建立业务关系。
[BEC商务英语] 商务英语口语句型汇总
商务英语口语句型1.既然是商务,那就必然会涉及到客户,在和客户约定见面时间的时候,记得一定要使用询问的语气,这是一种礼貌:what time would be convenient for you?\would you please tell me when you are free?请问您什么时候方便呢?2.虽然外国人喜欢直来直往,但是必要的客气用语还是需要的,初次拜访对方公司的时候,我们可以加上这样的一句礼貌用语:gald to have the opportunity of visting your ompany and I hope to conclude some business with you。
3.既然想要达成最终的合作,我们不仅需要拜访对方的公司,还需要对对方的产品进行了解,因为我们合作的最终表现形式,还是在产品或者服务之上的,所以这个句子你很需要:I'd like to know any business connections abroad.\I want to out your product.我想了解一下贵公司的情况/我想了解一下贵公司的产品信息。
4.当然,我们可以是了解对方产品的一方,自然也可以是被了解的一方,针对上述的提问,我们也需要知道该如何回答,如:(1)this is our latest devlopment.\we have a wide selection of colors and designs.这就是我们公司的新产品,产品有很多的颜色、样式可以选择。
(2)can I have your price list?\I would be happy to supply samples and a price list for you.你能给我产品的价格单吗?/我可以将产品具体的样式和价格单提供给您!5.其实在看完对方的产品、了解对方的公司信息、知道具体的价格之后,我们在心中也差不多有了结果,如果可以达成合作的话,我们接下来关注的,自然便是合作支付方式的问题了:What is the mode of payment you wish to employ?您希望用什么支付方式来合作?相应的回答可以选择这样的方式:The only term of payment we can accept is 100% irrevocable documentary letter of credit. 我方只支持100%不可撤销跟单信用证。
商务英语口语900句,英语口语交际听力材料商务英语口语900句Unit One 希望与要求1 We'd like to express our desire to establish business relations with you on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods.2 In order to extend our export business to your country, we wish to enter into direct business relations with you.3 Our hope is to establish mutual beneficial trading relations between us.4 We look forward to a further extension of pleasant business relation.5 It's our hope to continue with considerable business dealing with you6 We look forward to receiving your quotation very soon,7 I hope you'll see from the reduction that we are really doing our utmost.8 We hope to discuss business with you at your earliest convenience.9 We wish to express our desire to trade with you in leather shoes.10 We look forward to your early reply and trust that though our mutual cooperation we shall be able to conclude this transaction with you in the near future.11 I hope we can do business together, and look forward to hearing from you soon.12 I hope that we can cooperate happily.13 I hope that we can continue our cooperation.14 We sincerely hope that this transaction will turn out to the satisfaction of both parties. 15 We hope that this market trend will continue.16 It is hoped that you would seriously take this matter into consideration and let us have your reply soon. 17 We hope that you will deal with our request earnestly.18 We hope to receive your immediate answer.19 We are looking forward to having your early reply to this matter.20 We hope that this dispute can be settled through friendly negotiation without its being submitted for arbitration.21 We look forward to your settlement at an early date.22 Your early settlement of this case will be appreciated.23 We hope that you can settle the claim as quickly as possible.24 We hope that there will be no repetition of this kind of trouble in the future.25 We expect that you will offer us a lower price as soon as possible.26 We hope that the matter can be brought to a satisfactory solution.27 I do hope this undesirable incident will not stand in the way of our future business.28 We hope this matter will not affect our good relations in our future dealings.29 I wish that this business will bring benefit to both of us.30 We hope this incident will not bring any harm to our pleasant relations.Unit 2 产品介绍Part One31. This model of typewriter is efficient and endurable , economical and practical for middle school students.32. The puter we produced is characterized by its high quality ,pact-sized, energy-saving and it? also easy-to-learn and easy-to-operate.33.They are not only as low-priced as other makers, but they are distinctly superior in the following respects .34. You will get a 30% increasing production upon using this machine and also it allows one people toperform the task of three people.35. This product will pay its own way in a year.36.This machine will pay back your investment in 6 month.37.The new type of suitcase card designed by our engineers is very ingenious and practical.38.This kind of bicycle can be folded in half and handy to carry around ,especially useful during traveling and traffic jams.39.The maximum speed of this kind of variable speed bicycle is 30 K/H .40.These machines have few breakdowns and easy to maintain because of their simple mechanical structure.41.Compared with other brands, this kind of tyre cost less per mile and wear much longer due to its topnotch rubber.42. This kind of tyre is characteristic of nonskid stop on wet road.43.This material has a durable and easy-to-clean surface.44.This kind of air-conditioning system is practical and economical for the needs of your pany.45.Our products are as superb quality as well as the typical oriental make-up.Part two46.Our silk garments are made of super pure silk material and by traditional skills.47. The garments are magnificent and tasteful and have long enjoyed great fame both at home and aboard.48.As our typewriters are made of light and hard alloy they are both portable and endurable.49.The hand bags we quoted are all made of the best leather and various the kinds and the styles in order to meet the requirements of all walks of life in your country.50.As our products have all the feature you need and 20% cheaper pared with that Japanese made ,I strongly remended to you.51.Vacuum cleaners of this brand are petitive in the international market and are the best- selling products of their kind.52. “Forever” multiple speed racing bicycles are sure to be sellable in your market.53. Owning to its superior quality and reasonable price our silk has met with warm reception and quick sale in most European countries.54.We feel that our product is the best kind in Asia and we can very well pete against Japan in price.55. Our goods are greatly appreciated in other markets similar to your own.56.By virtue of its super quality ,this product is often sold out in many areas.57.Our products are superior in quality and moderate in price and are sure to be sellable in your market.58.These items are most sellable in our market.59.There have been a steady demand in our market for this kind of toy.60.We have the pleasure in remending you the goods similar to the sample you send.Unit 3 业务范围介绍Part One61.We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state-owned cooperation dealing exclusively in light industry goods.62.We are introducing ourselves as one of the leading exporter of the same line of business.63.We have to pleasure of introducing ourselves to you asa state cooperation specialized in export of can goods.64.We introduce ourselves as dealer and bicycle and spare parts ,we have been in this line for over two decades.65.Our cooperation is specialized in handling the export business of textiles.66.The main products our cooperation deals in are electrical appliances.67.Our pany is mainly engaged in agriculture products.68. We specialized in the export of table cloth.69.Our pany mainly deal with the export business of silk goods.70. Our specialization is the exportation of Chinese silk garments.71.We are engaged in the import and export of machinery.72.We are now doing a large import business in fruit from southeast asia.73.We specialized in handling clocks and watches of all sorts.74.We also take on a variety of silk piece goods.75.Our activity cover a wide range of mondities such as ties belts and shirts.Part Two.76.We are in a very good position to supply most grades of canned fish at petitive prices and for good delivery.77. We are in the position to aept orders against customer?s samples specified deign ,speciation and packaging requirements.78.We are now exporting straw and willowproducts ,embroideries ,porcelain wares ,jade carvings, antiques , Chinese paintings , silk flowers and various kinds of toys and gift.79. Our cooperation is major producer of technical advance machinery and chemicals for industry and agriculture.80. Electronic products fall within the scoped of our business activity.81.We also do export business of hand-made woven articles.82. We have been engaged in the glass business with many Asian countries for many years.83.Our pany is mainly in the land of exporting Chinese art abject to European market.84.We also do import and export business in chemicals and agriculture products.85.We have been importing and exporting all kinds of metals and minerals for thirty years and have many costumer and friends in over 80 countries and regions .86.Our cooperation is group enterprise intergrading scientific research business production and service.87. As a joint venture , our cooperation has won a prominent position in the field of home electronics puters and telemunication in China.88.We are prepared to aept order for goods with customer?s own trademarks or brand-names.89.We have been handling leather shoes and gloves for more than 20 years.90.We have been engaged for two decades in the manufacturing for such equipment.Unite four 承诺91.We assure you that such things will not happen again in our future deliveries.92.We?d like to avail ourselves this opportunity to assure you of our brond attention in handling your future order.93.Our products are always good as the samples we send ,I can promise there will be not debasement of quality.94.I guarantee that there is not difference in quality between the products we send you next month and what?s samples you saw just now.95.I can promise you that the product we send you will be of A-one quality.96.Our products are surely of standard quality.97.I give you my word that the payment will be made not later than the end of June.98.I promise I will check into these problems and find out if they were our fault.99.We can make sure that goods avoid been damaged during the transit.100.We will provide a fresh guarantee for the protection of the equipments repaired.Unite Five 询盘Part One.101.Please quote us for the goods listed I enclosed inquiry sheet giving your prices CIF Jakarta.102.Please quote us your lowest price CIF Hamburg for ten MT of walnut meat.103.Please quote us FOB London for 100 reams of good quality white poster paper.104.Please quote us your most petitive prices in order to consummate business.105.Please quote us your lowest price for fertilizers .106.Please quote us your best price and let us know the minimum quantity for each order.107.Please make us a offer on CIF Hongkong bases for hand made leather gloves.108.Please make us a offer giving your price FOB New York.109.We have already made an enquire for your articles please make a offer before the end of this month. 110.I would like to make a enquiry about this type of leather bag.111.We shall be pleased if you finished us with your quotation for this product.112.Many of customers are interested in your “Seagull”brand household scissors and we wish to have your F Shanghai quotations.113. We want to know the price CIF Tokyo for your printed shirting.114.We are anxious to get a offer for your products.115. We shall be very glad to receive a offer from you on this brand of radios.Part Two.116.We shall like to know the offer for the rice of this kind.117.We ?d like to know the minimum order quality per color and per design.118.What price could you quote us on two dozens sets?119.Would you please quote us a price one your 71 * 81 reversible wool blankets 15% wool and 85% cotton, bound with rayon satin?120.How much you asking for this brand of ties?121.If we order 10,000 units what would be your offer?122.What?s the price for 1000 Kg of white sugar.123. Can you supply this quality at approximately 50% cents per meter?124.If our order is a substantial one how much will you bring your price down?125.How much discount could you offer on a order of this size ?126.Please inform us what special offer you can make us ?127.Here is a list of my requirements I ?ld to have your lowest quotations CIF New York.128.Please inform us of your lowest price CIF London.129.We?d appreciate it very much if you let us know what discount you can grant us if we give you a large order of your products.130.Please let us have your best quotation by tomorrow together with the appropriate time of shipment.Unite Six 报盘Part one131.This offer is subject to your reply reaching here on or before 29,June.132.If we can receive your order within the next 10 days, we will make you a firm order at the prices quoted. 133.This offer is firm for 5 days.134.The price we quoted is on FOB Shanghai bases instead of CIF Hongkong bases and our offer will be valid until August 31.135.We make you the offer subject to your apply reaching us not later than noon December 23.136.We have the offer ready for you.137.I?d to remind you that we have to withdraw our offer is we don?t hear you by next Monday.138.This offer will remain effective for another 10 days from June 1.139.The quality of our product is good and the prices is reasonable so we are confident that you will aept our offer dated 4th May.140.Sincerly the market is advancing rapidly the price we offered you is the best I belive.141.Here are our latest price sheet. You will see that our prices is most petitive.142.We believe that the price we offer you can pete well with those of other firms.143.We hope you will aept our offer and give us order soon.144.We feel better offer will give you full satisfaction .I hope to receive a favorable reply from you soon. 145.If you think our proposal aeptable please let us have your order at early date.Part Two146.We have the pleasure in offering you our product.147.We are interested in making you a offer on our hand-make carpets which is well received in the overseas market.148.Our price for 200 dozens pairs of plastic shower curtains with matching drapes would be 45 USD shall we hold them for your order?149.We give you price of 1440$ FOB Chicago.150.We are pleased to quote you for 1500 dozen man shirts as for the sample you send before at price 5/piece CIF New York for promote shipment.151.In pliance with your request we are now offering you 2000 dozens magnifiers at 30$ per dozen CIF San Francisco September shipment.152.You will note that we are in the position to offer you 50 long tons of ten for sheet at the attractive price of £135 per long tons F Shanghai.153.We offer your 1500 tons of Canada oats at the price of 500 pounds /ton.154. We can quote you the price of 75$ / typewriter and 10% discount on shipping .155.Our average whole sell price is 180$ / unit.156.We offer you firm 2,000 tons of chemical fertilizer at £150 per long ton CIF Vietnam deliver in April. 157. We can offer a quality discount of up to 15% but we are prepare to give 20% discount for a offer to buy the plete stuff.158.I have here our price sheet on a FAS vessel basis ,the price are given without engagement.159.As prices is steady raising, we?d advise you to place your order without delay.160.Our product is in great demand and supplies is limited so we would remend that you aept this offer as soon as possible.Unite Seven 还盘Part oneUnit One 希望与要求Part I01. We’d like to express out desire to establish business relations with you on the basis of equally, mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods.我方希望能在平等、互利、互通有无的基础上与贵司建立业务关系。
Caroline: Nice to meet you, Cindy. I’m Caroline, HRD of the company. Please have a seat.Caroline: 很高兴认识你Cindy。
Cindy: Nice to meet you, Ms. Caroline.Cindy: 你好Caroline女士。
Caroline: From reviewing your resume, I can see that you performed excellently in I want to know is why you think you’re right for this job.Caroline: 从你的简历,我可以看出你在校时很优秀。
Cindy: I am always interested in news coming from your industry, and I’m deeply impressedby your company’s sales performance. To have risen 200-percent in the domestic market overjust the past threeyears is an incredible feat. I also admire and agree with the values that the company has adopted. I find that my personal goals and ideasabout business operations fit perfectly with the companys goals and mission statement.Cindy: 我一直关注你们行业的新闻,公司在过去三年里中国市场的业绩增长了两倍,这给我留下了很深的印象。
二、实训目的与要求1. 目的(1)提高商务英语听说读写能力,为今后的商务活动打下坚实基础。
2. 要求(1)严格遵守实训纪律,认真完成各项实训任务。
三、实训内容与过程1. 实训内容(1)商务英语口语:包括商务场合常用表达、商务谈判技巧、会议接待等。
2. 实训过程(1)课堂学习:在老师的指导下,学习商务英语交际的基本原则、技巧和知识。
四、实训成果与体会1. 成果(1)商务英语听说读写能力得到显著提高。
2. 体会(1)商务英语交际能力的重要性:在商务活动中,良好的商务英语交际能力是成功的关键。
1﹑A(Martin Smith)︰What would you like to drink ?B(Helen)︰A fruit juice, thanks.D走上来对A说,D(服务员): Good afternoon sir, what can I do for you ?A︰I'd like a beer and a juice, thank you.D︰Ok, wait a moment.D去准备饮料,A和B继续谈话,A︰Do you adapt to the life here after having worked for a half month ?B︰Yes, it's more fulfilling than I expected.A︰That 's great. And I will introduce a member of our company, Nick, to you after a while. He hasn't come back on business when you come.D端上两杯饮料,B︰Oh , it's my honor. I'm expecting.A︰Look, he is coming,AC拥抱,A︰Nick, Welcome backC (Nick)︰ThanksA︰He is a marketing assistant , Nick. He is usually quite friendly.B︰Nice to meet you, I'm Helen.C︰Nice to meet you too.A︰Take a seat, please. Try a beer ?C︰Of course.A︰I'm sure you know that Helen has worked with us for a few days.C︰Yes, and I believe we'll have quite a lot of each other in the later days.B︰I also believe that. Hope we can work happy together.A︰How was your business trip ?C︰Fine, only a little bit tried.B︰I think it would be interesting.C︰Yes, I get something I haven't touched. How do you feel your work?B︰Not too bad, but it's hard working in English all day.C︰I can imagine.A︰Gradually get used to that.B︰Yeah.A︰What do you think the different between here and your hometown, Spain ?B︰I feel it's more hot than Spain, do you know the Barcelona (巴塞罗那)?A︰Yes,I still want to visit there, I heard that it is a fantastic place.C︰So do I, and my brother is going there to study for 2 years.B︰Oh, really ? I'm sure she will have a good time, because it is the seashore tourism city of Spain.C︰That would be wonderful.A︰If have a chance, we can have a look together. Barcelona is a beautiful city. There is pleasant climate, the famous gold coast and full of human environment of romantic colourB︰ Yes, and the weather is sunny all the year round, the flowers open in full bloom, not like Madrid (马德里).C︰It's really worthwhile to go there. I must have a visit.B︰I can do your tour guide for free.C︰That would be very nice, and in fact, England is the most poetic lake district in British island.A︰Yes, you can sit on the edge of lake in the afternoon, there have the most pure English afternoon tea.C︰Of course, there are also some other famous place to relax after working.B︰I believe my life will be more interesting, I will enjoy in it.A︰You'll have a good time.C︰Do you usually go out for traveling with your children on vacation, Helen ?B︰Yes, my two daughters like to play with me, so I often take them to visit someplace in summer.A︰Oh, your daughters must be smart and well-behaved, how old are they ?B︰Ten and eleven. Thank you for admire them, how about you, Nick?C︰My old son is a doctor, he's doing well, but I'm worried about my litter daughter who hasn't the faintest idea what she wants to do.A︰Don't worry that, I also don't know what I wanted to do when I was her age.B︰The children should be growing up in a independent and uncontrolled atmosphere.C︰Really ? Maybe you are right, I will have a try.A︰Of course you should, My son has his own interest, I always support him.C︰But my daughter seems nothing interested.B︰You can develop her interest from now, such as computer, music, dance or instrument.C︰That sounds great, maybe it's a good idea.A︰Yes, interest is very important, I love traveling and plan to visit the New Zealand with my son to change the mood this summer.C︰In my spare time, I like sailing, perhaps I should take her to relax.B︰Sure.C︰What will you do in this summer ?B︰I don't have idea, I think I should discuss with my daughters after I come back Spain.A︰Hope we all have a perfect vacation, By the way, Do you have anything planned tomorrow evening ?C︰Nothing.B︰It seems nothing. What's the matter ?A︰My wife Diane and I want to invite you to dinner, just four of us, nothing formal.C︰That's very kind, I'd love to come.B︰I'd be delighted, what sort of time ?A︰Oh, 7 o'clock, my wife is looking forward to meet you both very much..B︰That sounds nice, where is your home ?A︰It's not far from here, you can take a taxi, Green street number 25.C︰So it's Wednesday at 7:00.A︰That's right. Helen and I should go back company, your business trip is tried, have a good rest for a day, see you tomorrow.B︰Yes, have a good rest and relax, see you. Goodbye.C︰Thank you, see you.2﹑A︰Come in,, please.B︰Hello, Martin.D (Diane Smith) 走到门那儿︰You must be Helen, It's nice to meet you. ( 握手 )B︰Very nice to meet you, Mrs. Smith and thank you for inviting us to your lovely home. (边说边递礼物)D︰It's our pleasure to have you, you can call me Diane. (把礼物放桌上)C︰Mrs. Smith, pleased to meet you. (递礼物)D︰Thank you, Please do sit down.A︰Helen, what can I get you to drink, a beer or juice ?B︰A glass of juice would be nice.A︰And Nick ? (倒饮料)C︰A beer, thanks.D︰Can I open your presents ?B︰Sure.D︰(边拆礼物边问)How do you feel your stay in England, Helen ?B︰Fine, everybody's made me very welcome.D ︰That's great,(礼物拆开了)Oh, Martin , look, It's beautiful, isnˊt it ?A ( 递给Helen饮料) ︰Yes, that's very kind of you, Helen. (又递给Nick饮料)C︰Thank you.D︰I'm very glad to receive your presents, thank you.B︰It's our pleasure.D︰Please make yourself at home. (去厨房准备晚饭摆上餐桌)C︰Your home is beautiful.A︰Thanks, and it's time to have dinner.C︰Ok ,迅速结束晚饭一人动两三下C︰Very thank you for treating us. (把碗递给Diane),That was very delicious, D (收拾桌子)︰Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it.B︰(把碗递给Diane) It was really wonderful. Can I help you?D︰No, ThanksD︰Would you like to try the England sweet,B︰The pudding ?D︰Yes,A︰It's one of traditional England food.B︰I like eating sweet very much, and every time I can't refuse it.D︰It's irresistible. And what about coffee ?B︰That'ok, just black coffee. Thanks.A︰Just normal for me, can I give you a hand ?D︰Thanks, I can do it. And how do you take your coffee, Nick?C︰If have decaffeinated, I want to have a try.D︰Ok, (端着盘子走了)A︰A lot of people study abroad in England in recent years, it proves that the British education system is advanced.C︰It carries out the mandatory compulsory education for all children aged five to sixteen.A︰It's true, but children can be independent and develop the ability to deal with problem.D (端上布丁和咖啡) ︰Yes,the British education system is special, The universities are becoming internationalization increasingly, students are from all over the world.A︰What do you think the system, Helen ?B︰As far as I know, the British government has paid more attention for education. It spends many funds every year and makes kids get better education.C︰For parents it'hard to wake up the children in the morning and scrambling to prepare breakfast for children and transport problems.A︰So it appears a new educational way, home education, it makes up for the defects of traditional education.B︰That is a good way, parents can design the teaching methods by one to one, children are easy to train self-learning ability.D︰Yes, I agree with Helen. Good educational way is more efficient.C︰Yes.D︰Nick, you look very healthy, Do you usually do exercise?C: Yes, I jog thirty minutes every morning and I often go to health club if I hav e time.D: That 'very great. I think that I should start doing some exercises to keep you young.B: I also should do that, although I don’t like it. Perhaps we can attend healt h club together in our spare time.D: Exercise will be more fun withyou. It’s very important to have good health. C: You’re right, it can make you feel a lot of better, and you’ll find some ple asure in sports.A: If a person doesn’t exercise, he will become very lazy.D: It also can help me lose weight.B: So what kinds of sports do you want to do?D: Maybe Nick can give me some advice.C: To my mind, for women, running、swimming、volleyball、tennis ball and hiking are ok. Do you think so, Martin?A: Sure, and aerobic class is also a good choice.D: I must go to the gym centre. They have decent equipments.C: YesD: And hiking is a pretty idea.B: Year, we can enjoy the charming scenery of mature and breathe fresh air. D: Our life will be more fulfilling. We should form a sound habit.A: I think that I can accompany with you to havea walk in the park.D: It would be delighted to get fresh air.B (笑一笑):Have a good time for you and Martin.D: Thank you.C: Keep a good mood.A: Ok, people say music is universal, so what’s your favourite kind of music, H elen?B: Almost all kinds of music, but I like country music best, it’s very elegant. C: I like country music too. But sometimes I like classical music.D: Classical music has so much more depth and meaning.A: I should say I don’t understand the classical music.B: So do I, and what kind of music do you like. Diane?D: Symphony, usually it’s absolute music,C: You have good taste in music, I think symphonies are too heavy and compli cated for me.A: Good music bring us different mood.D: We can find an opportunity to listen a concert.B: Good idea.C: Yes, that 's ok. It seems we should go, how wonderful a night.B: The dinner is really delicious, very thank you for treating us.D: Thank you. I 'm very glad to welcome you and Nick come again next time. ( Nick and Helen起身往门口走 )A: Yes, we have many times to get each other.C: Sure, goodbye.A: Hope you have a sweet dream tonight.B: Thank you, see you, byeA: Bye.。
商务英语跨文化交际教案正文:I. 引言商务英语作为一种专业英语,是在商务交流中使用的英语语言技能。
II. 教学目标1. 了解跨文化交际的重要性和挑战;2. 掌握跨文化交际的基本原则;3. 培养学生的跨文化敏感性和适应能力;4. 提高学生在商务环境中的跨文化交际能力。
III. 教学内容及方法1. 了解跨文化交际的重要性和挑战- 分析现代商务环境中跨文化交际的必要性;- 探讨在跨文化交际中可能遇到的挑战。
2. 跨文化交际的基本原则- 提供相关案例和实例,引导学生讨论跨文化交际的基本原则;- 强调尊重和理解不同文化背景的重要性。
3. 培养跨文化敏感性和适应能力- 分析不同文化的价值观和行为规范;- 引导学生进行跨文化模拟交流活动。
4. 提高商务跨文化交际能力- 引入真实商务案例,让学生运用所学的跨文化交际技巧进行分析和解决问题;- 组织商务谈判角色扮演,培养学生的实际操作能力。
IV. 教学评价1. 个人思考和小组讨论- 考察学生对跨文化交际概念的理解;- 评估学生的分析能力和解决问题能力。
2. 跨文化模拟交流活动- 评价学生的跨文化敏感性和适应能力;- 观察学生在跨文化情境下的表现和反应。
3. 商务谈判角色扮演- 评估学生在实际商务环境中的跨文化交际表现;- 给予学生针对性的反馈和指导。
V. 教学资源1. 教材:- 跨文化交际教育与研究:理论与实践- 跨文化交际技能训练教程2. 多媒体资源:- 跨文化案例分析视频- 商务跨文化交际示范视频VI. 教学时序安排本教学计划共分为10个教学小时,安排如下:1. 第一节课:跨文化交际的重要性和挑战(1小时) - 引入商务英语跨文化交际的概念和背景;- 分析跨文化交际中可能面临的挑战。
展会商务英语交际用语在展会中进行商务交流时,以下是一些常用的英语交际用语:1. 打招呼和介绍- Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is [Your Name], and I represent [Company Name].- Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm [Your Name] from [Company Name].2. 询问对方情况- How do you do? Are you enjoying the exhibition?- May I ask what brings you to this event?3. 介绍公司和产品- Our company specializes in [product/service].- Allow me to show you our latest product line. We're quite proud of the innovation we've introduced.4. 邀请对方参观展位- Would you like to come over to our booth? It's just around the corner.- We have a demonstration scheduled in a few minutes. Would you like to join us?5. 交换名片- May I have your business card, please?- Here's my card. Please feel free to contact me anytime.6. 讨论合作可能性- We're interested in exploring partnership opportunities. Could we set up a meeting to discuss this further?- How do you see our products fitting into your market?7. 询问对方需求- What are your main criteria when selecting suppliers?- Could you tell me more about your company's needs?8. 提供信息- We offer competitive pricing and excellent after-sales service.- Our products come with a two-year warranty.9. 结束对话- It's been a pleasure talking to you. I hope we can continue our discussion soon.- Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.10. 告别- If you need any more information, please don'thesitate to reach out.- Have a great day at the exhibition, and I hope we can stay in touch.。
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i wonder if you would like to start with matters of principle or specific issues?
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before we turn to that issue, i wish to make a few
ments/remarks on your presentation.
i wish to benefit from your views on this matter./ what is your view on this matter?/ how do you see this matter?
i propose a ten-minute break.
i will pick up where we left off just now.
sorry for the interruption but
by all means.
whatever you say.
i have no objection.
we take exception to this question.
we note with pleasure that …
i wonder if this date would be suitable for you? 不知你们上午谈的怎样?
i wonder how the meeting went this morning?
we would greatly appreciate it if you could give us your favorable and prompt mitment as soon as possible.
you are kindly requested to submit the letter of intent on the date no later than 1st august.
entangle this issue.
advocate/uphold thriftiness
for the sake of national prosperity
the time-tested friendship leaves me a deep impression. 密切注视
keep close watch on