
变电站建设外文文献翻译变电站建设外文文献翻译(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)General Requirements to Construction of SubstationSubstations are a vital element in a power supply system of industrial enterprises.They serve to receive ,convert and distribute electric energy .Depending on power and purpose ,the substations are divided into central distribution substations for a voltage of 110-500kV;main step-down substations for110-220/6-10-35kV;deep entrance substations for 110-330/6-10Kv;distribution substations for 6-10Kv;shop transformer substations for 6-10/0.38-0.66kV.At the main step-down substations, the energy received from the power source is transformed from 110-220kV usually to 6-10kV(sometimes 35kV) which is distributed among substations of the enterprise and is fed to high-voltage services.Central distribution substations receive energy from power systems and distribute it (without or with partial transformation) via aerial and cable lines of deep entrances at a voltage of 110-220kV over the enterprise territory .Central distribution substation differs from the main distribution substation in a higher power and in that bulk of its power is at a voltage of 110-220kV;it features simplified switching circuits at primary voltage; it is fed from the power to an individual object or region .Low-and medium-power shop substations transform energy from 6-10kV to a secondary voltage of 380/220 or 660/380.Step-up transformer substations are used at power plants for transformation of energy produced by the generators to a higher voltage which decreases losses at a long-distancetransmission .Converter substations are intended to convert AC to DC (sometimes vice versa) and to convert energy of one frequency to another .Converter substations with semiconductor rectifiers are convert energy of one frequency to another .Converter substations with semiconductor rectifiers are most economic. Distribution substations for 6-10kV are fed primarily from main distribution substations (sometimes from central distribution substations).With a system of dividing substations for 110-220kV, the functions of a switch-gear are accomplished by switch-gears for 6-10kV at deep entrance substations.Depending on location of substations their switch-gear may be outdoor or indoor. The feed and output lines at 6-10kV substations are mainly of the cable type .at 35-220kV substations of the aerial type .When erecting and wiring thesubstations ,major attention is given to reliable and economic power supply of a given production.Substations are erected by industrial methods with the use of large blocks and assemblies prepared at the site shops of electric engineering organizations and factories of electrical engineering industry .Substations are usually designed for operation without continuous attendance of the duty personnel but with the use of elementary automatic and signaling devices.When constructing the structural part of a substation .it is advisable to use light-weight industrial structures and elements (panels ,floors ,etc.) made of bent sections .These elements are pre-made outside the erection zone and are only assembled at site .This considerably cuts the terms and cost of construction.Basic circuitry concepts of substations are chosen when designing a powersupply system of the enterprise .Substationsfeature primary voltage entrances .transformers and output cable lines or current conductors of secondary voltage .Substations are mounted from equipment and elements described below .The number of possible combinations of equipment and elements is very great .Whenelaborating a substation circuitry ,it is necessary to strive for maximum simplification and minimizing the number of switching devices .Such substations are more reliable and economic .Circuitry is simplified by using automatic reclosure or automatic change over to reserve facility which allows rapid and faultless redundancy of individual elements and using equipment.When designing transformer substations of industrial enterprises for all voltages ,the following basic considerations are taken into account:1. Preferable employment of a single-bus system with using two-bus systems only to ensure a reliable and economic power supply;2. Wide use of unitized constructions and busless substations;3.Substantiated employment of automatics and telemetry ;if the substation design does not envisage the use of automatics or telemetry ,the circuitry is so arranged as to allow for adding such equipment in future without excessive investments and re-work./doc/554c0a220622192e453610661ed9ad5 1f01d5431.html e of simple and cheap devices-isolating switches ,short-circuiting switches ,load-breaking isolators ,fuses ,with due regard for their switching capacity may drastically cut the need for expensive and critical oil ,vacuum ,solenoid and air switches .Substation and switch-gear circuitries are so made that using the equipment of eachproduction line is fed from individual transformers ,assemblies ,the lines to allow their disconnection simultaneously with mechanisms without disrupting operation of adjacent production flows.When elaborating circuitry of a substation, the most vital task is to properly choose and arrange switching devices(switches ,isolators ,current limiters ,arresters ,high-voltage fuses).The decision depends on the purpose ,power and significance of the substation.Many years ago, scientists had very vague ideas about electricity. Many of them thought of it as a sort of fluid that flowed through wires as water flows through pipes, but they could not understand what made it flow. Many of them felt that electricity was made up of tiny particles of some kind ,but trying to separate electricity intoindividual particles baffled them.Then, the great American scientist Millikan, in 1909,astounded the scientific world by actually weighing a single particle of electricity and calculating its electric charge. This was probably one of the most delicate weighing jobs ever done by man,for a single electric particle weighs only about half of a millionth of a pound. To make up a pound it would take more of those particles than there are drops of water in the Atlantic Ocean.They are no strangers to us, these electric particles, for we know them as electrons. When large numbers of electrons break away from their atoms and move through a wire,we describe this action by saying that electricity is flowing through the wire.Yes,the electrical fluid that early scientists talked about is nothing more than electrical flowing along a wire.But how can individual electrons be made to break awayfrom atoms? And how can these free electrons be made to along a wire? The answer to the first question lies in the structure of the atoms themselves. Some atoms are so constructed that they lose electrons easily. An atom of copper, for example ,is continually losing an electron, regaining it(or another electron),and losing it again. A copper atom normally has 29 electrons, arranged in four different orbits about its nucleus. The inside orbit has 2 electrons. The next larger orbit has 8.The third orbit is packed with 18 electrons . And the outside orbit has only one electron.It is this outside electron that the copper atom is continually losing, for it is not very closely tied to the atom. It wanders off, is replaced by another free-roving electron, and then this second electron also wandersaway.Consequently,in a copper wire free electrons are floating around in all directions among the copper atoms.Thus, even through the copper wire looks quite motionless to your ordinary eye, there is a great deal of activity going on inside it. If the wire were carrying electricity to an electric light or to some other electrical device, the electrons would not be moving around at random. Instead, many of them would be rushing in the same direction-from one end of the wire to the other.This brings us to the second question .How can free electrons be made to move along a wire? Well ,men have found several ways to do that .One way is chemical. V olta,s voltaic pile,or battery, is a chemical device that makes electricity(or electrons)flow in wires. Another way is magnetic. Faraday and Henry discovered how magnets could be used to make electricity flow in a wire.MagnetsAlmost everyone has seen horseshoe magnets-so called because they are shaped like horseshoes. Probably you have experimented with a magnet, and noticed how it will pick up tacks and nails, or other small iron objects. Men have known about magnets for thousands of years.Several thousand years ago, according to legend, a shepherd named Magnes lived on the island of Crete, in the Mediterranean Sea .He had a shepherds crook tipped with iron. One day he found an oddly shaped black stone that stuck to this iron /doc/554c0a220622192e453610661ed9ad51f0 1d5431.html ter, when many other such stones were found, they were called magnets(after Magnets).These were natural magnets.In recent times men have learned how to make magnets out of iron. More important still, they have discovered how to use magnets to push electrons through wires-that is, how to make electricity flow. Before we discuss this, there arecertain characteristics of magnets that we should know about.If a piece of glass is laid on top of a horse- shoes magnet, and if iron filings are then sprink ledon the glass, the filings will arrange themselves into lines. If this same thing is trid with a bar magnet(a horseshoe magnet straightened out),the lines can be seen more easily. These experiments demonstrate what scientists call magnetic lines of force. Magnets, they explain, work through lines of force that ext- end between the two ends of the magnet. But electrons seem to have magnetic lines of force around them, too.This can be proved by sticking a wire through a piece ofcard board, sprinkling iron filings on the cardboard, and connecting a battery to the wire. The filings will tend to form rings around the wire,as a result of the magnetism of the moving electrons(or electricity).So we can see that there is arelationship betweenmoving electrons and magnetism, Magnetism results from the movement of electrons.Of course, electrons are not really flowing in the bar magnet, but they are in motion, circling the nuclei of the iron atoms. However, in the magnet, circling thelined up in such a way that their electrons are circling in the same direction. Perhaps a good comparison might be a great number of boys whirling balls onstrings in a clockwise direction around their heads.翻译:变电站建设的一般要求变电站(所)在电源系统的工业企业是一个至关重要的因素。

中文3826字附录1:外文资料翻译A1.1 Substation and Power System ProtectionWith the development of undertaking of the electric wire netting , the pattern of national network has already taken shape basically. Scientific and technological level raise, electric environmental protection can strengthen, make scientific and technological competence and advanced international standards, Chinese of power industry close day by day. Electric management level and service level are being improved constantly, strategic planning management of electric power development, production operate manage , electric market administration and electric information management level , high-quality service level ,etc. general to raise enterprise.The purpose of a substation is to transform the characteristics of the electrical energy supplied to some form suitable for use, as for example, a conversion from alternation current to direct current for the use of city railway service, or a change from one voltage to another, or one frequency to another. Their functions include: Tap.─TO be economical, transmission of larger amounts of power over long distances must be done at voltages above 110,000 volts. Substations for supplying small amounts of power from such high-voltage lines are not satisfactory from the standpoint of operation and are also uneconomical. It is, therefore, common practice to install a few substations at advantageous points along the high-tension lines and step down the high-transmission voltage to a lower secondary-transmission voltage from which numerous small loads may be supplied.Distribution.─Any substation that is used to transform electrical energy to a potential that is low enough for general distribution and utilization is a distributing substation. Such a substation will generally receive its energy over a few comparatively high-tension lines and distribute it over a large number of low-voltage lines.Industrial.─When fairly large blocks of power are required by industrial plants, it often becomes necessary and advisable to install an individual substation to supply such a load directly from the main high-voltage line or secondary line of lower voltage. Its simplest form would comprise only switching equipment, there being no voltage transformation. In most cases a voltage transformation is probably needed; hence transformer equipment is included.Sectionalizing.─In very long high-voltage large capacity lines, particularly when several circuits are run in parallel, it is often necessary to split the lines into sections, in order that proper protection to the line and service can be obtained. Such a substation is , therefore, helpful in sectionalizing damaged sections of a line, providing continuity of service. Such a substation will generally comprise only switching equipment. In long lines it may also serve to supply power-factor-correcting equipment.Transmission-line Supply.─It is becoming more and more common to install the high-tension equipment of apower plant outdoors, the installation becoming nothing more than a step-up substation receiving its power at generator voltage, then stepping up its voltage and finally sending it out over high-voltage transmission lines. Such a substation is nothing more than an outdoor distributing substation turned around, the voltage being stepped up instead of stepped down.Power-factor Correction.─The voltage at the end of long lines tends to increase as the load supplied is decreased, while on the other hand it tends to decrease as the load is increased. Owing to the inductance and capacity effects, this variation in voltage is accompanied by a wide variation in power factor of a line, it is necessary to use synchronous condensers at the end of the line. To supply such a machine the transmission-line voltage must be stepped down, hence a power-factor-correcting substation will include switching equipment, transformers, and all equipment necessary for the operation of synchronous condensers.Railway.─Substations supplying railways may be generally classified under two heads, namely, as alternating current and as direct current. In the cases of alternating-current substations the problem is generally one of voltage transformation and of supplying single-phase power to the trains. It is, however, possible to supply single-phase to three-phase inside the locomotive by the use of a phase converter. In the case of direct-current railways, the substations are generally supplied whit three-phase power and converted to direct current by means of rotary converters, motor-generator sets, or rectifiers.Direct current for Light and Power.─There are still a few sections in some of out large cities, which are supplied with direct-current three-wire systems. Such a supply is invariably obtained from synchronous converters. There are also certain types of motor loads in industrial plants, which require direct current.Because many cities have experience rapid growth, their substations have often reached the limits of their capacity. As a result, downtown distribution systems are often overworked and many need a major, overhaul, overhaul, or expansion. However, space is scarce. Downtown business owners do not want “ugly” new substation marring the area’s appearance, but nor do businesses and residents grid the prospect of grid disturbances.One example of a system capable of integrating equipment monitoring with substation automation is the GE Harris integrated Substation Control System (ISCS). The system can integrate data from both substation system and equipment online monitoring devices into a common data base. The data can then be processed by an expert system into information on the status and health of monitored equipment using self-diagnostic programs. This information is then sent to a CMMS for automatic generation and tracking of maintenance work orders leads directly to the significant efficiencies found with condition-based maintenance programs.ABB Power and its industry partners have combined to develop the ABB Power System software. The system contains a diagnostic and maintenance system that reports necessary maintenance before failure. It allows utilities and industrial customers to easily expand from a single computer to a full system, without re-engineering.the directional protection basisEarly attempts to improve power-service reliability to loads remote from generation led to the dual-line concept. Of course, it is possible to build two lines to a load, and switch the load to whichever line remains energized after adisturbance. But better service continuity will be available if both lines normally feed the load and only the faulted line is tripped when disturbances occur. Fig.14-1 shows a single-generator, two-line, single-load system with breakers properly arranged to supply the load when one line is faulted. For the arrangement to be effective it is necessary to have the proper relay application. Otherwise, the expensive power equipment will not be able to perform as planned. Consider the application of instantaneous and/or time delay relays on the four breakers. Obviously the type of the relay cannot coordinate for all line faults. For example, a fault on the line terminals of breaker D. D tripping should be faster than B, however, the condition reverses and B should be faster than D. It is evident that the relay protection engineer must find some characteristic other than time delay if relay coordination is to be achieved.The magnitude of the fault current through breakers B and D is the same, regardless of the location of the fault on the line terminal of breaker B or D. Therefore relay coordination must be based on characteristics other than a time delay that starts from the time of the fault. Observe that the direction of current flowing through either breaker B or D is a function of which line the fault is on. Thus for a fault on the line between A and B, the current flows out of the load bus through breaker B toward the fault. At breaker D the current flows toward the load bus through breaker D. In this case breaker B should trip, but breaker D should not trip. This can be accomplished by installing directional relays on breakers B and D that are connected in such a way that they will trip only when current flows through them in a direction away from the load bus.Relay coordination for the system shown in Fig.14-1 can now be achieved by their - salvations of directional over current time delay relays on breakers B and D. Breakers A and C can have no directional over current time delay relays. They may also now have instantaneous relays applied. The relays would be set as follows: The directional relays could be set with no intentional time delay. They will have inherent time delay. The time delay over current relays on breakers A and C would have current settings that would permit them to supply backup protection for faults on the load bus and for load equipment faults. The instantaneous elements on breakers A and C would have current settings that would not permit them to detect faults on the load bus. Thus the lines between the generator and the load would have high-speed protection over a considerable portion of their length. It should be observed that faults on the line terminals of breakers A and C can collapse the generator voltage. The instantaneous relays on breakers A and C cannot clear the circuit instantaneously, because it takes time for power equipment to operate. During this period there will be little or no current flow through breakers B and D. Therefore, B or D cannot operate for this fault condition until the appropriate breaker at the generating station has operated. This is known as sequential tripping. Usually, it is acceptable under such conditions.Direction of current flow on an a. c. system is determined by comparing the current vector with some other reference vector, such as a voltage vector. In the system of Fig. 14-1 the reference voltage vector would be derived from the voltages on the load bus. Direction of current or power flow cannot be determined instantaneously on a. c. systems whose lines and equipment contain reactance. This is apparent from the fact that when voltage exists, the lagging current can be plus or minus or zero, depending on the instant sampled in the voltage cycle. Accordingly, the vector quantities must be sampled over a time period. The time period for reasonably accurate sampling may be fromone-half to one cycle. Work is proceeding on shorter sampling periods where predicting circuits are added to the relay to attempt to establish what the vectors will be at some future time. The process is complex, because it must make predictions during the time when electrical transients exist on the system. Usually, the shorter the time allowed for determining direction, the less reliable will be the determination.differential protectionMuch of the apparatus used on a power system has small physical dimensions when compared to the length of general transmission-line circuits. Therefore, the communications between the apparatus terminals may be made very economically and very reliably by the use of direct wire circuit connections. This permits the application of a simple and usually very effective type of differential protection. In concept, the current entering the apparatus is simply compared against the current leaving the apparatus. If there is difference between the two currents, the apparatus is tripped. If there is no difference in the currents, the apparatus is normal and no tripping occurs. Such schemes can usually be made rather sensitive to internal faults and very insensitive to external faults. Therefore, relay coordination is inherent in the differential relay scheme.The simplest application of differential relaying is shown in Fig. 14-4. Here one simple power conductor is protected by a differential relay. The relay itself usually consists of three coils, one of which is the coil that detects the difference current and initiates circuit tripping. It is called the operating coil and is designated by an O in the figure. The other two coils are restraint coils and are designated by R in the figure. The restraint coils serve a practical purpose. They prevent operation for small differences in the two current transformers that can never be exactly identical, as a result of manufacturing and other differences. Otherwise, the restraint coils serve no theoretical purpose. Fig. 14-4 shows the condition of current flow for an external fault during which the relay should not trip. The current I1 enter and leaves the power circuit without change. The current transformers are assumed to have a 1 : 1 ratio for simplicity, and their secondary windings are connected to circulate the I1 currents through the restraint coils of the differential relay only. If current left or entered the power circuit between the two current transformers (an internal fault), then the currents in the transformers would be different, and the difference current would flow through the operating coil of the relay.本文译自《电力英语阅读》A1.2 变电站与电力系统继电保护随着电力电网事业的发展,全国联网的格局已基本形成。

山东理工大学毕业设计(外文翻译材料)学院:电气与电子工程学院专业:电气工程及其自动化学生姓名:***指导教师:***State enumeration technique combined with a labeling busset approach for reliability evaluation ofsubstationconfiguration in power systems1. IntroductionSubstation reliability can be assessed using either Monte Carlo simulation or analytical methods [1–7]. There are two popular enumeration techniques for reliability evaluation of substation configuration in power systems: cut set enumeration [6–9] and network state enumeration [1,2]. There exist two essential differences between the two techniques. The first one is that in the cut set method, the minimum cut sets that lead to a network failure have to be identified before all of them are enumerated,whereas in the network state technique, network states are enumerated first and then an appropriate approach is used to identify whether each of the states is a failure one or not. The second one is that a cut set contains only failed components whereas a network state is defined by both failed and non-failed components.The network state technique has following features compared to the minimum cut set method:• Dependent failures between components can be easier to incorporate, such as one component failure causing outages of multiple components, cascading failures, etc. [1,2].• Multiple failure modes of network components can be easier to consider, such as active and passive failures of a component in a substation configuration [1,2].• Operation actions can be taken into consideration. This requires a model for multiple states of components, such as success, repair and switching states for a component in a substation configuration [1,2].• Network states could be mutually exclusive if the enumeration is properly performed. The first three features are due to the fact that the network state technique focuses on a state of whole network that can easily cover any status ofsubstation components including operational switching and cascading failure sequences. The fourth merit can result in significant simplification in calculations compared to the minimum cut set method. The total failure probability is simply a sum of probabilities of mutually exclusive network failure states in the network state technique. Identifying2. ExampleThe example is a simple substation network as shown in Fig. 4. The network includes three breakers and two transformers.Losing load at the bus load is used as the criterion of substation network failure.2.1. Considering only open circuit failuresIn order to compare the network state technique with the minimum cut set method, it has been first assumed that only open circuit failures of transformers and breakers are considered and all short circuit faults are ignored. To obtain a relatively simple analytical expression of the result, it is assumed that the open circuit failure probability of all the breakers and transformers is identical and it is U. In the computer program, different failure probability values for different components can be easily specified in the data file. Using the cut set method, four minimum cut sets are identified.They are: S1 = (T1, T2}; S2 = (B1, B2), S3 = (B1, B3, T2);S4 = {B2, B3, T1). The probability of substation network failure is calculated b y Fig. 4. A simple substation network.P f = P(S1 ∪S2 ∪S3 ∪S4) = 2U2 + 2U3 − 5U4 + 2U5 (4)As usual, the four minimum cut sets are not mutually exclusive. The calculations from the left side of the second equality sign to its right side are associated with intersections among the minimum cut sets. For this simple case, it can be expressed asfollows:P f = P(S1 ∪S2 ∪S3 ∪S4)= P(S1) + P(S2) + P(S3) + P(S4) −P(S1 ∩ S2)−P(S1 ∩ S3) −P(S1 ∩ S4) −P(S2 ∩ S3) −P(S2 ∩ S4)−P(S3 ∩ S4) + P(S1 ∩ S2 ∩ S3) + P(S1 ∩ S2 ∩ S4)+P(S1 ∩ S3 ∩ S4) + P(S2 ∩ S3 ∩ S4)−P(S1 ∩ S2 ∩ S3 ∩ S4) (5)For a relatively large network, identifying all minimum cut sets and performing calculations of the union of non-mutually exclusive cut sets require considerable computational efforts. Using the presented network state enumeration with the labeling bus set approach, 16 network states are identified as failure states that lead to loss of load. Generally, although the number of network failure states is more than the number of minimum cut sets, it is much easier and faster to identify them using the labeling bus set approach in programming. Particularly, once the network failure states are identified, the total network failure probability is just the sum of probabilities of all network failure states without any calculation associated with the union and intersections. In this example, we can have the following analytical expression of substation network failure probability:P f = 2U2(1 −U)3 + 8U3(1 −U)2 + 5U4(1 −U) + U5 (6)It is interesting to note that Eqs. (4) and (6) look so different but they lead to the same result. This can be proven by assign Ua value. For instance, by letting U= 0.015, the substation network failure probability from both the equations is identical, which is0.000456498.2.2. Considering both open circuit failures and shortcircuit faultsIt is relatively difficult for the cut set method to incorporate dependent failure events, multiple failure modes and switching actions, which are associated with short circuit faults and need to be modeled in reliability evaluation of a substation configuration.It has been assumed in this example that the breakers can clear their own short circuit faults and only the short circuit faults on the two transformers are considered. When a short circuit fault happens on either transformer, thebreakers B1 and B2 will be opened by a protection action. This results in a switching state. In this state, B1 and B2 are still healthy components. Their outages are not due to a failure and cannot be treated as components in a cut set. Then, the switches (not shown in the figure) at both sides of the failed transformer are manually opened to isolate it, and B1 and B2 are re-closed so that the load may be supplied through another transformer if the second transformer is not simultaneously down. This second state corresponds to a repairing state of the faulted transformer.3. ConclusionsThe network state enumeration technique combined with the labeling bus set approach proposed in the paper is suitable for reliability evaluation of a substation configuration or a looped distribution network that needs to model dependent failures, multiple failure modes and multiple states of components.Another advantage of the presented network state enumeration technique is that enumerated network states are mutually exclusive resulting in great simplification in calculating the total network failure probability compared to the minimum cut set method. The key in the presented technique is identification of whether a state is a failure one or not. The labeling bus set approach has been proposed for this purpose.A substation configuration is used to explain the procedure including a switching action associated with dependent outages and multiple states of network components. The presented method is easy to program and can be applied to any substation or looped distribution networks.The example of a substation network demonstrates that in the case of considering only open circuit failures, the same result is obtained using the proposed method and the minimum cut set method. The example also shows that the presented technique can handle the case of considering both open failures and short circuit faults which are associated with switching actions and protection logic.结合国家统计技术在电力系统的配置标签母线变电站集方法的可靠性评价1介绍变电站的可靠性可以使用蒙特卡洛仿真法或者分析法进行评估1-7。

变电站英文范文A substation, also known as a switching station, is a crucial component of an electrical system that plays a vital role in the transmission and distribution of electricity. 变电站是电气系统中至关重要的组成部分,起着在电力传输和分配中至关重要的作用。
Substations are responsible for converting high-voltage electricity from power plants into lower-voltage electricity that can be used by homes and businesses. 变电站负责将发电厂产生的高压电力转换为可供家庭和企业使用的低压电力。
These facilities are essential for ensuring a reliable and stable supply of electricity to consumers, as they help regulate the flow of power and protect the grid from disruptions and overloads. 这些设施对确保向用户提供可靠稳定的电力供应至关重要,因为它们有助于调节电力流动并保护电网免受干扰和过载。
In addition to their primary function of voltage transformation, substations also serve as points where power can be switched and distributed to different areas, allowing for greater flexibility inmanaging the electrical grid. 除了主要的电压转换功能外,变电站还可用作电力切换和分配到不同区域的点,从而增加了管理电网的灵活性。

变电站设计英文参考文献以下是关于变电站设计的英文参考文献列表及简介:1. "Modern Power Station Practice Vol 1: Electrical Systems and Equipment" by Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB) - 这本书是关于电站设计的权威参考书之一,其中包含了变电站设计的细节和要求。
2. "HVDC Transmission: Power Conversion Applications in Power Systems" by K.R. Padiyar - 这本书主要涉及高压直流输电的理论和应用,而变电站通常是将交流电转换成直流电进行输电的一部分,因此这本书可以帮助设计师更好地理解变电站的工作原理。
3. "Electric Power Substations Engineering" by John D. McDonald- 这本书是变电站设计和工程的综合指南,包含了变电站的各个方面,从概述到详细设计,以及施工和运行。
4. "Transformer and Inductor Design Handbook" by Colonel Wm. T. McLyman - 压变和电感器是变电站中常见的元件,因此设计师需要了解它们的设计和制造,这本书提供了详细的指导和案例。
5. "Electric Power Distribution Handbook" by Thomas Allen Short- 这本书提供了关于配电系统的基础知识和设计方法,这对于变电站设计师来说也非常重要,因为变电站通常是配电网络的一个关键组成部分。
6. "Switchgear and Protection" by J.B Gupta - 变电站中使用的开关设备和保护系统非常关键,这本书提供了涵盖相关主题的详细信息,包括故障和过电压保护,以及开关设备的选择和维护。

毕业论文中英文翻译-变电站翻译本科毕业设计(论文)中英文对照翻译院(系部)___专业名称___________________ 年级班级_______________学生姓名___________________ 指导老师英文文献Second substation equipment over-voltage protection on electronic information system for the protection of core equipment fur the construction of a protected both pressure and other potential system, and through all levels of over-voltaj»c surge protectors of the current step by step into the land , Substation secondary safety equipment and reliable operation.1second over-voltage substation protectionJn recent years, the substation communicadon!;, communications systems, protection systems, background management module frequent over-voltage damage, the main reason for this is weak and its related systems products over-voltage protection level is or no guard against over-vol(agt 1 ^chnical measures, the consequences for the safe operation of power grids bring about a greater negative impact. With integrated automation systems and automation systems such as communication systems in the substation weak secondary by the wider use of sitch electronic systems (equipment) components of the integrated more and more, the growing volume of information storage^ speed and accuracy of the Increased and operates only a few volts, current information only microiiinp level, thus extremely sensitive to outside interference, especially the lightning and electrumagnetic pulse, such as over-voltage tolerance is low・ When thunder and lightnings such as over-voltage and accompanied by the electromagnetic fields reach a certain threshold^ ranging from system failure caused, resulted in heavy equipment or permanent damage to its components. Despite the thunder and lightning viewpoint of electronic systems (equipment) is unlikely, but lightning strike near the land, building communication and air supply line directly l^eiyun discharge form, or because of electrostatic induction nnd the impact of electromagnetic induction formation of over-voltage, There might be connected to the power lines, signal lines or grounding system, through various interfaces to transfer, coupling, radiation and other forms of invasive electronic system (equipment) und lead to serious disturbances or incidents. Therefore, strengthening and improving the electronic system (equipment) protectioru to minimize the impact of interierence by lightning and other damage caused direct losses and indirect losses, has become the urgent need to solve the prublenL2over-voltage protection design】EC (International Electrotechnical Com miss ion) TC/81 mine technical committee will be divided into internal and external mine mint in two parts, the external mine is lightning rod (or with lightning, lightning network), Vin Xiaxian and grounding system, Objects to be protected from direct lightning ^trikes^mine is to prevent internal lightning and other internal over-voltage damage caused by invasive equipment. A comprehensive mine and over-voltage protection systems must be integrated use of discharge (segregation), both pressure (and other potential), shielding (isolation), grounded, limit pressure (clamp) protection, and other technology, in accordance with the external mine And the principle of internal mine, in accordance with the targets of protective features, flexible application to take concrete measures, constitute a complete protection system. Over-voltage substation in the form are: Lightning over-voltage, the resonant frequency over-voltage and over-voltage, over-voltage operation, these over-voltage transmission or electromagnetic induction to the way the lines and equipment on a dangerous over-voltage, in particular, Lightning over-voltage, lightning substation, in the low-voltage power supply system and weak system to produce a strong over-voltage sensor, while the substation to potential rise (for example: the substation grounding resistance to 1 Q, lightning current 10 kA, while the potential for 10 kV), due to the increased potential of the counter lines and equipment damaged lines and equipment and the events have occurred, therefore, despite the substation outside the mine system (lightning rod. Yin Xiaxian And grounding devices) in line with national standards and the requirements of Buban, and the integrated automation and communications automation systems, such as weak secondary have been taken, such as shielding, grounding, isolation, filtering, and other measures, but it can not completely avoid over-voltage powerful lightning And voltage of the system counter the disruption caused damage and, therefore, the second weak system substation and a mine-voltage must also take the appropriate protective measures, in accordance with the IEC within the mine area EMP, the device's power cord, signal Lines, data lines, and the installation of lightning protection and internal over-voltage devices to prevent lightning sensors, channeling people along the lightning current, voltage counterattack, such as transient voltage surge too transient over-voltage caused by a fault and damaged electronic equipment. Over-voltage surge protection in accordance with its connection mode is divided into two series and parallel, the use of over-voltage surge protection tandem with, there may exist because of signal transmission does not match the causes of transmission of the signal interference, in particular data Communication Interface in the series were over-voltage surge protection in place, will have the normal data communications. Therefore, the data communications access I: I in the series were over-voltage surge protection in place, the transmission of data must be carried out conscientiously check if the data are not normal transmission, it maybe due to the reasons do not match the transmission signal Interference, should be replaced to match the over-voltage surge protection for. If the use of over-voltage surge protection for use of parallel, the situation is basically non-existent, but the connection mode of over-voltage surge protection for higher technical requirements.3 secondary system over-voltage substation protection 3.1points over-voltage electricity system protectionSubstation installed in the communications dispatch automation systems are used AC power or a DC power supply equipment for the rectification of its links are generally larger capacity filter capacitance, the transient over-voltage shock absorption of a certain extent, the station Low-voltage transformer side go to feed between the screen using a shielded cable and equipment have a good grounding, the use of modern technology to analyze mine, we must increase the circuit's segregation measures, because its grounding, protection and other electrical grounding all Grounding devices using the same equipment, and equipment are in a LPZOB, the relative strength of strong electromagnetic pulse, the station changed to prevent low-pressure side although there are lines intrusive wave arrester, but the residual pressure high, in the substation of lightning, through the line Coupling and the potential rise caused by over-voltage counterattack still exist, and high-pressure side of the residual pressure as high as several thousand volts, it is necessary to these scheduling automation equipmentfor the power supply over-voltage circuit protection. Lightning Protection in accordance with the principle of regional division, substation equipment in the secondary power supply system over-voltage sensors lightning protection may be two (B, C level) for the protection of segregation. B-mine use is generally greater flow capacity of the mine installations, the Lightning could be more casual Liuxie people, to achieve the objective of current limit, over-voltage at the same time will reduce to a certain extent, c-mine use With lower residual pressure of the mine installations, you can loop in the remaining scattered lightning Liuxie people, to limit the purpose of over-voltage, over-voltage equipment can be reduced to the level of tolerance. The main power supply system is inhibited lightning protection and operation of the power back to the road and over-voltage surge. According to the substation status of the substation of the second mine-sensing system and the operation and use of two over-voltage protection. As build more substations in the region more open, relatively strong electromagnetic strength, power lines and communication cables are very vulnerable to lightning attacks sensors, sensors along the over-voltage power lines and communication lines into one device, which will damage equipment, Therefore, the exchange of first-class bus to install the power protection (B level) is to ensure the safety of the entire control room, and 80 percent of the over-voltage China, scattered to the earth, play a primary role in the protection, but are still in the exchange of feeder Some of the B-level power supply voltage and mine the residual pressure increases on-line and must therefore be important in the exchange of feeder lines (DC charging screen, UPS, etc.) c-level power protection, which would curb over-voltage electrical equipment to back-end To the level of tolerance.Protective location: It is 1 EC1312 (LEMP protection "in the region of lightning protection principles. Arrester installation should be in different locations at the junction of protected areas, this network, the first-class protection should be located in the bus exchange. In Two on the bus with the installation of a B-class models of a three-phase power supply voltage surge protector.Install Location: AC bus (cabinet).For the more important feeder lines on the exchange of equipment, here for the DC charge screen, the installation of c-level three-phase power arrester. As DC charging screen is two-way exchange of electricity supply, so the screen in the DC charge with the installation of two models of c-level three-phase power supply over-voltage surge protector. Installation location should choose the DC charge screen open exchange of air power Commissioner Office.3.2integrated automation system over-voltage protectionProtective position: Computer-based integrated automation system's ability to bear a very low voltage, several hundred volts of over-voltage is enough to damage the equipment, so must the high side arrester the residual pressure (thousands of volts) to further curb to meet equipment Insulation level of need, and because of the potential rise to power and the induction loop is also over-voltage line up on KV, to be used in the exchange of integrated automation system to the exchange on the c-level single-phase installation of a surge Voltage protection. Location should choose to install automated-ping in the Composite Air switch the AC power.3.3did not ask off power supplies (UPS) over-voltage protectionProtection here: because of the internal computer systems, hubs, monitoring equipment, electric energy billing systems and so on through the UPS power supply protection, in order to protect the safety of these micro-electronics equipment, the UPS power supply device in front of the installation of a c-Surge Voltage protection. Optional models: The (UPS for single-phase power input) C-class single-phase power surge or over-voltage protection (UPS for the three-phase power input) of c-level three-phase power supply over-voltage surge protector. Installation should choose the location of UPS into the front line.3.4communication interface over-voltage protectionCommunication Interface over-voltage protection compared with the grid supply system, this over-voltage circuit on the degree of sensitivity is much higher, and these are over-voltage equipment in the circumstances itis very fragile. Equipment insulation tolerance level is very low. With the equipment connected to a signal line, data lines, measurement and control lines, and these are basically in line LPZOB region, but also through the LVZOA region, on the lines of sensors over-voltage relatively strong, according to the IEC test, when the electromagnetic field Strength increased to 0.07 GS, will have a micro-computer equipment malfunction, loss of data. And the safety of these circuits is directly related to a system of safety equipment, so important to be on the interface circuit over-voltage protection.3.4.1remote computer interface devices over-voltage protectionProtective position: As substation computer remote installations scattered distribution structure. From remote modules, intelligent telemetry module, intelligent remote control module, intelligent remote-module. The modules are installed in different automated-ping, through the RS232 interface between the modules or field bus communication. These interfaces are in the indoor circuit, equipment interface circuits shorter the distance, so there will be no more sensors to the over-voltage, but the automation equipment and other secondary equipment (measurement unit, computer, etc.) have electrical connections, when Other secondary equipment sensors to a strong over-voltage sensors, will be counter to these automation equipment, communications interface, so that damage to equipment interface circuits, it is necessary in these devices RS232 interfaces on the installation of a surge Voltage protection. Installation location should choose the remote computer interface devices, communications lines.3.4.2electric energy billing system signals over-voltage protectionA protective position: a multi-functional electronic power substationtable, energy acquisition, the electronic power meter to bear a very low voltage levels. As Meter and remote computer stations in the communications equipment used RS232 interfaces, the communication line is longer, and in LVZOB region, near the substation or by direct lightning strike at the substation, proximity to the high voltage sensors, In order to prevent damage to equipment. E-Meter in and around the RS232 port RS232installation of the over-voltage surge protector. Location should choose to install electronic power meter in and around the port, RS232.The location of protection: electronic power meter through the acquisition of information on the collector's MODEM (modem) from telephone lines to send data to a remote, since the introduction of telephone lines from the outside, thelines on the sensor to sensor lightning current relatively strong, easy to Modem interface equipment damage, it is necessary in the telephone line modem interface, the installation of an interface over-voltage surge protector. Location should choose to install telephone Chuxian inside and outside phone lines-the-line people.变电站的过电压保护是以电子信息系统为保护核心,为被保护设备构建一个均压等电位系统,并通过各级过电压浪涌保护器逐级把电流泄放入大地,使变电站设备安全和可靠地运行。

附录Ⅲ英文翻译A comprehensive overview of substationsAlong with the economic development and the modern industry developments of quick rising,the design of the power supply system become more and more completely and system.Because the quickly increase electricity of factories,it also increases seriously to the dependable index of the economic condition,power supply in quantity. Therefore they need the higher and more perfect request to the power supply.Whether Design reasonable,not only affect directly the base investment and circulate the expenses with have the metal depletion in colour metal,but also will reflect the dependable in power supply and the safe in many facts.In a word,it is close with the economic performance and the safety of the people.The substation is an importance part of the electric power system,it is consisted of the electric appliances equipments and the Transmission and the Distribution.It obtains the electric power from the electric power system,through its function of transformation and assign,transport and safety. Then transport the power to every place with safe,dependable,and economical.As an important part of power’s transport and control,the transformer substation must change the mode of the traditional design and control,then can adapt to the modern electric power system,the development of modern industry and the of trend of the society life.Electric power industry is one of the foundations of national industry and national economic development to industry,it is a coal,oil,natural gas,hydropower,nuclear power,wind power and other energy conversion into electrical energy of the secondary energy industry,it for the other departments of the national economy fast and stable development of the provision of adequate power,and its level of development is a reflection of the country's economic development an important indicator of the level.As the power in the industry and the importance of the national economy,electricity transmission and distribution of electric energy used in these areas is an indispensable component.。

英文文献Power System Substation is an important and indispensable component of the power it assumed the task of conversion and distribution of grid security and the economy play a decisive role in running is to contact the user's power plants and intermediate links. With economic development, expanding grid capacity, reliability of operation of the power grid is getting higher and higher requirements. Development of science and technology, intelligent switches, photoelectric current and voltage transformer, a run-line state detection, training simulation Substation Operation matures, such as high-tech, as well as fiber-optic technology, computer high-speed network system in the development of real-time applications, bound to the existing substation automation technology have a profound impact, all-digital substation automation system development trend.Keywords: substation automationPower system is operated by the production, transmission, distribution and consumption of a variety of power linked to the composition of electrical equipment. As a result of a large number of power can not be stored, we must ensure that the production of electricity and energy balance. With the scientific and technological advances in the technological development of our country has reached a certain level. Intelligent switches, photoelectric current and voltage transformer, a run-line state detection, training simulation Substation Operation matures, such as high-tech, as well as fiber-optic technology, computer high-speed network system in the development of real-time applications, significantly increase the transformation degree of automation.Design of our substation substation cable programs tend to be simple, many of the recent domestic new 220 k V substation and 110kV voltage levels of wiring without the use of dual-bus bypass bus. The use of GIS, the priority sub-bus single wire. Terminal Substation, the line as far as possible, such as transformer unit wiring.A large number of the introduction of new technology, transformer substation rising level of electrical equipment, power distribution devices from the traditional form of moving toward oil-free, vacuum switches, SF6 switches and mechanical, electrical equipment combination of the development of small-scale integration. In recent years the world famous high-voltage electrical equipment companies have been developing, the development of the various types of 145-550 kV outdoor high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure combination of electrical appliances, some high-voltage switchgearplant has also started production of 145 k V compact outdoor portfolio electrical appliances. Smart plug-in type outdoor switchgear is a more complete high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure switch system, which includes electrical first and second equipment, as well as the associated fiber optic cable, such as plug-type compound. The entire distributed substation automation system; the introduction of advanced network technology; substation and the construction area covers an area of reduced substation program to simplify wiring, switchgear, bus and steel pipes, such as the use of stents to substation layout is more simple, the abolition of the former station area and optimize the layout to make a substantial decline in an area substation.With technological advances, the traditional relay protection devices are gradually being replaced by microprocessor-based protection. Microprocessor-based protection is referred to as the protection of PC computer, a digital relay protection, is based on the programmable digital circuit technology and real-time digital signal processing technology of the Power System Protection. At present, both at home and abroad have been developed to 32-bit digital signal processor for hardware-based protection, control, measurement, and data communications integration of microprocessor-based protection control devices, and artificial intelligence technology into a number of relay protection, such as artificial neural networks, fuzzy theory to determine the realization of fault type, fault location, the direction of protection, the main equipment and other new methods of protection. By means of wavelet analysis of the theory of digital signal failure of the entire frequency band information and to achieve fault detection. These artificial intelligence technology to improve the accuracy of failure to provide a means of identification, but also some single-frequency signal based on the traditional method difficult to identify the problems to be resolved. At present, the microprocessor-based relay protection is along the microprocessor-based protection network, and intelligent, adaptive and protection, control, measurement, signal, data communications integration direction.The most basic request that charged barbed wire net in the city circulates is safe and stable.The core problem of charged barbed wire net safety in the city stability wants to build up to be a with the city mutually accommodative of, reasonable of charged barbed wire net structure.This text passes and programs to the charged barbed wire net with electric power and designs the technique principle of the aspect analysis.Elaborated the standard concerning electric voltage grade, power supply credibility, power supply ability and charged barbed wire net safe power supplyrequests etc. some problems that should notice in the charged barbed wire net safety;And have already aimed at sex's elaborating request to the concrete design principle opposite charged barbed wire net safe power supply of the 220 kV transformer substation and 110kV transformer substation.How to promise power supply credibility1)Satisfy charged barbed wire net power supply safe standard.The power supply network satisfies the request of power supply credibility.The standard that all satisfies N-l, city area center high burden density important customer in the district satisfy the standard of N-2.Disallow transformer over carry.Help a southern city net power supply credibility rate index sign programming target is 99.99%.2)Press to go together with charged barbed wire net burden to transfer ability in the city satisfy following request:①The transformer substation loses any once enter line or one set lord transformer but lower power supply ability, win press to go together with charged barbed wire net to have to transfer burden to ensure the ability of power supply.②When a female line of transformer substation stops a luck because of putting, winning to press to go together with charged barbed wire net should have the ability that transfer all burden.③When the 10 kv goes together with electric wire road any check to fix or breaks down, going together with the charged barbed wire net should have non- check of transfer to fix, non- breakdown segment ability for carrying.The non- check fixs,The non- breakdown segment carries to the power is off time only for go together with to give or get an electric shock an equipments to pour a Zha operation for time.3)Ask to satisfy a following principle while allowing the capacity of the power outage and the target of the instauration power supply while going together with charged barbed wire net breakdown to make the customer the power is off:①The customer of two back track power supplies , after losing a back track, should be unlimited to give or get an electric shock.②The customer of three back track power supplies , after losing a back track, should be unlimited to give or get an electric shock, again after losing a back track, should satisfy power supply capacity 50-70% is used an electricity.③When all of a back track or much customer's the power of back track power supplies stopped, resume target time of power supply broke down to handle for a back track restored of ask.④At wreath net power supply method in for open the customer in the wreath network, the lowest instauration power supply request for breaking down wreath net is to need to pass charged barbed wire net operation instaurationPower supply of time, its target time need for operating of ask;It is the power supply that passes to go together with net automation restriction to resume an intact block in the lmin to go together with net automation circuit.Power supply ability and safety1)Of each electric voltage layer net capacity in the city net, press definitely change the electric capacity carry to compare an allocation, the all levels electric voltage net changes the electric capacity carry compare satisfy the upper limit request that current 《electric power net in the city programming design lead 》stipulates. According to 2001 national economy trade committee promulgation of electric power profession standard 《electric power system safety stability lead 》middle finger:N.a standard is under the normal movement method of the any component(is like circuit, generator, and transformer...etc.) in the electric power system have no break down or because of break down break to open, electric power system shouldCan keep stable to circulate with normal power supply, other components however carry, electric voltage and frequency all are allowing inside the scope.This is usually called N. one standard.The charged barbed wire net power supply safe standard has:N-l standard and quasi- N one 2 standards and Ns is one 2 standards.City's going together with the power supply safety of charged barbed wire net to usually request is to adopt N one one standard.It is one 2 standards to have already adopted quasi- N as well at the power supply safety specially important place one 2 standards or Ns.2)Medium press and go together with charged barbed wire net and have certain back up capacity, generally should have 50% Yu degrees, while being any component check and fixing and breaking down and stopping and carrying should pass and pour a Zha operation can keep a segment the customer continue toward the customer or non- trouble power supply, go together with each component of charged barbed wire net while transfering burden however carry, unlimited electricity.When two set lords hanpen that the power is off at the same time,that is used circuit should adjust above 60% burden.译文:变电站是电力系统中不可缺少的重要组成部分,它担负着电能转换和分配的任务,对电网的安全和经济运行起着举足轻重的作用,是联系发电厂和用户的中间环节。

变电站-外文翻译-外文文献-英文文献-变电站的综合概述英文翻译A comprehensive overview of substationsAlong with the economic development and the modern industry developments of quick rising, the design of the power supply system become more and more completely and system. Because the quickly increase electricity of factories, it also increases seriously to the dependable index of the economic condition, power supply in quantity. Therefore they need the higher and more perfect request to the power supply. Whether Design reasonable, not only affect directly the base investment and circulate the expenses with have the metal depletion in colour metal, but also will reflect the dependable in power supply and the safe in many facts. In a word, it is close with the economic performance and the safety of the people. The substation is an importance part of the electric power system, it is consisted of the electric appliances equipments and the Transmission and the Distribution. It obtains the electric power from the electric power system, through its function of transformation and assign, transport and safety. Then transport the power to every place with safe, dependable, and economical. As an important part of power’s transport and control, the transformer substation must change the mode of the traditional design and control, then can adapt to the modern electric power system, the development of modern industry and the of trend of the society life.Electric power industry is one of the foundations of national industry and national economic development to industry, it is a coal, oil, natural gas, hydropower, nuclear power, wind power and other energy conversion into electrical energy of the secondary energy industry, it for the other departments of the national economy fast and stable development of the provision of adequate power, and its level of development is a reflection of the country's economic development an important indicator of the level. As the power in the industry and the importance of the national economy, electricity transmission and distribution of electric energy used in these areas is an indispensable component.。

中央配电变电站从电力系统接收能量并分发它(不包括或者包括部分变换) 给企业不同区域,通过空中电缆和地下电缆线路电压为110-220kV。

在本章节中,我们将以Drax 电厂的情况为例子,以次来详细的介绍下与变电所相关的情况。
通过一个11kV 的配电盘以及一台23.5kV/11kV 的变压器,我们能够直接地将发电机发出来的电提供给其它辅助的电力设备。
做为Drax 电厂一期配备的电力变压器的额定值为42MVA ,而做为Drax 电厂二期配备的电力变压器的额定值为48MVA 。
一座132kV 的变电站能够支持4台57MVA ,132kV/11kV 的变压器工作,而每台变压器都支持一个11kV 电压等级的变电站的配电盘工作。
400kV 变电站这个变电站为户外型的变电站,由主母线带旁路母线,一期变电站分段配备了压缩空气断路器,而二期变电站分段配备的则是6SF 断路器。
从空气断路器的使用到6SF 断路器的使用,这一转变的原因是使用6SF 开关装置快速发展的必然的结果。
一期母线通过一台1320MVA 的故障限流电抗器与二期母线连在一起,而主母线与旁路母线可以使用母线联络开关分段,从而把它们联结在一起。
这个变电站有一台240MVA ,400kV/132kV 超高压电网自耦变压器以及400kV 的输电线,依靠它们可以与全国各地的电网相连接在一起。
11kV 系统11kV 电压等级的系统从一期工程的初期就开始建立了,之后经过了12年长时间的运行调试,终于在二期工程中得到了改善,目前6台机组均有11kV 的供电方案。

变电站设计英文参考文献Design of Substations1. IntroductionThe design of substations plays a crucial role in the reliable and efficient operation of power systems. Substations are the key nodes in the transmission and distribution network, where electrical energy is converted, controlled, and distributed to meet the demands of consumers. This paper aims to discuss various aspects of substation design, covering layout, equipment selection, protection systems, grounding, and communication.2. Layout DesignThe layout design of substations includes determining the type, number, and arrangement of equipment, as well as the physical arrangement of the substation. The layout should consider factors such as ease of maintenance, safety, operational efficiency, and future expansion. The equipment may include transformers, circuit breakers, switches, relays, busbars, and meters. Computer-aided design tools have become essential in the layout design process, enabling engineers to optimize space utilization and minimize interference between different components.3. Equipment SelectionThe selection of equipment in substations is based on various factors, including voltage levels, load requirements, and system specifications. Transformers are an essential component, converting voltage levels between transmission and distribution networks. Different types of circuit breakers, such as air, oil, vacuum, or SF6, are selected based on their interrupting capacityand reliability. Switches and relays are used for circuit isolation and protection. The selection process also considers factors such as cost, availability, maintenance requirements, and environmental impact.4. Protection SystemsProtection systems are crucial in substation design to detect faults and protect equipment and personnel. These systems include various protective relays, fuses, and circuit breakers. Protective relays detect abnormal conditions, such as overcurrent, overvoltage, or insulation failure, and initiate the tripping of circuit breakers to isolate the faulted section. The coordination of protection settings is essential to ensure that only the faulty section is isolated and that the rest of the network remains operational.5. GroundingProper grounding is crucial for the safety and reliable operation of substations. The grounding system provides a low-impedance path for fault currents and helps stabilize voltage levels. It also helps in the detection and localization of ground faults. Different grounding techniques, such as solid grounding, resistance grounding, or low-resistance grounding, are selected based on the system requirements and the type of faults expected.6. CommunicationEffective communication systems are essential in substations for remote monitoring, control, and troubleshooting. Communication networks can be wired or wireless, depending on the specific requirements and coverage area. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are often used to collect andanalyze data, monitor equipment status, and control substation operations. The implementation of state-of-the-art communication technologies, such as optical fibers and wireless networks, greatly enhances the reliability and efficiency of substation operations.In conclusion, the design of substations involves careful consideration of layout, equipment selection, protection systems, grounding, and communication. The integration of advanced technologies and computer-aided design tools has significantly improved the efficiency, reliability, and safety of substation designs. Ongoing research and development in this field continue to enhance the performance and capabilities of substations in meeting the increasing demands of power systems.。

变电站英文范文The hum of the substation was a constant in our small town, a reminder of the unseen energy that powered our lives. Its presence was as essential as the air we breathed, yet often overlooked.From a distance, the substation looked like a fortress of steel and concrete, guarding the flow of electricity to every corner of our community. Its towering structures stood firm against the elements, a testament to human engineering.As children, we were fascinated by the substation, imagining it as a giant battery that never ran out of juice. We would watch the transformers buzz, wondering at the invisible currents that connected our homes to this mysterious power source.As I grew older, I came to appreciate the substation's role in our daily lives. It was the unsung hero of our town, working tirelessly behind the scenes to keep the lights on and the appliances running.The substation was also a symbol of progress, a beacon of modernity amidst the rustic charm of our town. It connected us to the wider world, bringing the comforts of technology to our doorstep.Despite its importance, the substation was a place ofcaution. We were taught to respect its power and to keep a safe distance, understanding that it was not a playground but a critical piece of infrastructure.In the evenings, the substation would light up, its warning lights blinking like stars against the night sky. It was a comforting sight, a silent guardian ensuring that we could switch on a lamp or charge a phone at any time.The substation was more than just a building; it was a vital link in the chain of energy that kept our town alive.It was a symbol of our dependence on technology and a reminder of the unseen forces that shape our world.。

山东理工大学毕业设计(外文翻译材料)学院:专业:学生姓名:指导教师:电气与电子工程学院电气工程及其自动化韦柳军孟繁玉Reliability modelling and analysis for SheffieldSubstation 220 kV upgrade projectCaroline Lee Transend, Networks Pty Ltd , TasmaniaDr Sudhir Agarwal,San Diego, California, USAABSTRACTThis paper describes the application of a defensible probabilistic process in reliability evaluation for Sheffield 220 kV Substation redevelopment project. Sheffield Substation is a hub of 220 kV transmission system in the North and North-West regions of Tasmania. It provides connection to West Coast and Mersey Forth hydro power stations and facilitates power transfers from these power stations to major industrial customers in George Town area and retail andindustrial loads in the North and North-West regions of Tasmania. Therefore, it is important that integrity of Sheffield Substation is protected as much as possible and consequences of unplanned outages minimised to prevent possible widespread system disturbances.Together with General Reliability from San Diego,California, Transend undertook the reliability evaluation of four redevelopment options for Sheffield Substation using SUBREL, substation reliability and TRANSREL, transmission system reliability programs.1.INTRODUCTIONTransend, as a Transmission Service Provider and Transmission Network Operator in Tasmania is responsible for providing reliable electricity supply and providing cost effective development solutions- 1 -of the transmission network. Transend has identified a need for a comprehensive and more objective process in justification of development projects from its capital works program. The need to combine customer reliability targets and economics to achieve cost effective development solutions has been long recognised. A hierarchical framework for overall power system reliability evaluation is presented in [1].Different design, planning and operating principles and techniques have been developed in different countries over many decades in an attempt to find balance between reliability targets and economic constraints [2].Following the reliability concept and principles, differentutilities applied different reliability criteria to justify projects from their capital works program. Reliability criteria can be viewed as conditions that should be satisfied by electricity generation, transmission and distribution systems in order to achieve requiredreliability targets. Reliability criteria usually fall into two categories: established numerical target levels of reliability (eg level of expected energy not supplied) and performance test criteria (eg N-1, N-2 incidents that the system has to withstand). An attempt to combine these two categories into one set of reliability criteria is currently underway in Tasmania [3]. The use of reliability criteria from the first category is the core of probabilistic reliability evaluation approach. The second category is a deterministic reliability evaluation approach. The usefulness of deterministic criteria and security standards in justification of projects from capital works program is challenged in [4]. Instead, an approach involving customers in decision making and simulating a realistic system operation and failure is commended. The basic steps suggested in proper reliability evaluations are based on complete understanding of the equipment and system behaviour including:• Understanding the way the equipment and system operate;- 2 -• Identify the situations in which equipment can fail;• Understand consequences of the failures;• Incorporate these events into the reliability model;•Use the available evaluation techniques tocalculate reliability indices and costs.With this understanding of the system behaviour probability theory is then only seen as a tool to transform this understanding into the likely system future behaviour.2. SELECTION OF EVALUATION TECHNIQUE AND SOFTWARE TOOLS There are two main categories of evaluation techniques[5]: analytical (stateenumeration) and Monte Carlo simulation. The advantages and disadvantages of both methods are discussed in [1].Analytical technique was chosen by Transend because of its usefulness in comparing different development options for network development projects. This approach was presented also in the Electricity Supply Association of Australia Guidelines for Reliability Assessment Planning [6]. Consequently, decision was made to acquire SUBREL, and TRANSREL, substation reliability and transmission system reliability programs from General Reliability,USA.2.1. SUBREL - SUBSTATION RELIABILITYPROGRAMSUBREL is a computer program which calculates reliability indices for an electricity utility substation and generating station switchyard [7]. The methodology used to analyse impact of substation generated outages on overall system reliability performances has been described in [8]. The program models the following outage events, including all required subsequent automatic and manual switching operations:1. Forced outage of any substation component:- 3 -• Breaker• Transformer• Bus Section• Disconnector2. Forced outage of an incoming line.3. Forced outage overlapping a maintenance outage for substation equipment or an incoming line.4. Stuck breaker (failure to open when needed to clear the fault). SUBREL calculates the following load point indices:• Frequency of Interruption (per year)• Number of Circuits Interruptions (per year)• Outage Duration (minutes per outage)• Annual Total Outage Duration (minutes per year)• Customer Minutes of Interruption CMI (per year)• Expected Unsupplied Energy (EUE) (kWh per year)• Expected Outage Cost ($ per year)SUBREL also calculates the following substation or totalsystem indices:• SAIFI, System Average Interruption Frequency Index• SAIDI, System Average Interruption Duration Index• CAIDI, Customer Average Interruption Duration Index• ASAI, Average Service Availability Index• EUE, Expected Unsupplied Energy (kWh per year)- 4 -• Expected Outage Cost ($ per year)SUBREL generates a list of substation generated outages that can be used further by TRANSREL to analyse impact on overall system reliability performance.2.2. TRANSREL – TRANSMISSION SYSTEM RELIABILITY PROGRAMTRANSREL uses contingency enumeration of transmission contingencies to evaluate power network reliability. It is designed to aid electric utility system planners for reliability assessment of bulk power systems. The process involves specifying contingencies (outages of transmission lines and station originated outages) and performing load flow analysis to determine system problems such as circuit overloads, low/high bus voltages, bus separation or islanding. Using the probability, frequency and duration of the contingencies evaluated, indices of system problems as measures of system unreliability are calculated. Both post contingency and post remedial action indices can be calculated. If no remedial actions are taken to alleviate a problem, the post contingency indices may provide a pessimistic assessment of system reliability. If remedial actions such as generation redispatch, switching of facilities, curtailment of load alleviates some of the system problems, the post remedial action reliability indices provide a more realistic measure of system performance. The amount of load shedding is used as an indicator of contingency severity or system capability to withstand contingencies. Using probabilities of contingencies, expected load curtailment at buses can be calculated as reliability indices. TRANSREL was used with load flow program, PTI PSS/E to examine the impact of an outage on system performance. The types of failures identified for checking the impact of a contingency on system performance are: Transmission circuit overloads - by comparing flows based on the load flow solution with user- 5 -selected circuit ratings; Bus voltage violations - by checking bus voltages against high and low voltage limits, or maximum allowable voltage deviation from the base case; Load curtailment - by tabulating the amount of load curtailed as a result of system failure;Load flow divergence - by tabulating the bus mismatches above a predefined tolerance. TRANSREL computes reliability indices using a contingency enumeration approach, which involves selection and evaluation of contingencies, classification of each contingency according to specified failure criteria, and computation of reliability indices. Reliability indices include frequency, duration and severity (overloads, voltage violations, load curtailed, and energy curtailed). Both system and bus indices are calculated.3.SUBREL AND TRANSREL APPLICATION FOR SHEFFIELD 220 KV SUBSTATION Sheffield Substation is a hub of 220 kV transmission system in the North and North-West regions of Tasmania. As shown on Figure 1, it provides connections from the West Coast and Mersey Forth hydro power stations to the rest of the system. In addition, it supplies Aurora Energy customers in North and North-West regions and major industrial customers in the George Town area.During winter months, from May to September, the amount of energy supplied through and transferred from Sheffield Substation can reach more than 50% of the energy supplied to the rest of the system as shown in Figure 2.As such, Sheffield Substation has been recognized as a vulnerable point in the Tasmanian power system. The total loss of Sheffield Substation during times of large power transfer from West Coast of Tasmania to the rest of the system could possibly lead to a large system disturbance in Tasmania. With the present Sheffield Substation 220 kV layout, the total loss of Sheffield Substation can be caused by a single element failure.- 6 -3.1. DEVELOPMENT OPTIONS ANALYSEDThe need to redesign the existing substation 220 kV layout has been recognised long time ago. The following three options have been selected for detailed modeling and analysis:Option 1: Triple busbar arrangementOption 2: Full breaker and a half and double breaker arrangement Option 3: Partial breaker and half and double breaker arrangement These options were compared against the existing 220 kV busbar design (Do Nothing option).A brief description of each of these options is as follows:3.1.1. DO NOTHING OPTION- 7 -The “Do nothing option” represents the existing 220 kV busbar arrangement at Sheffield Substation. The existing 220 kV Sheffield Substation has had some major changes since substation commissioning and installation of two autotransformers for the North and North-West regions of Tasmania supply in 1967. The substation 220 kV busbar arrangement is double, strung busbar arrangement with one bus coupler. In normal system configuration main bus coupler A752 is closed, 220 kV“S” by pass bus and second bus coupler S752 are not in service. The schematic diagram of this option is shown below. Total number of circuits connected at Sheffield Substation is 12. Total number of circuit breakers is 14 (12 plus 2 bus couplers). Sheffield Substation is a main supply point to the North-West Region of Tasmania. Total load in the region is around 260 MVA. The fault on bus coupler A752 will result in the loss of both busbar A and B and therefore loss of more than 50% of supply in Tasmania during winter season leading to a blackout in the North-West region.West Coast region will loose synchronism with the rest of the system, experience over frequency and will be islanded. The rest of the system will experience.Under frequency and significant amount of load must be shed to prevent total blackout. In the case of 220 kV busbar A fault at Sheffield Substation, two elements supplying the North-West region which are the Sheffield–Burnie 220 kV line and autotransformer T1, would be lost. During high winter load the remaining autotransformer T2 will be overloaded and tripped on overload conditions. This will lead to total blackout in the North-West region of Tasmania. In the case of 220 kV busbar B fault, two elements supplying George Town which are the Sheffield–George Town No 1 transmission line and Sheffield–Palmerston transmission line will be lost. During high winter loads the remaining Sheffield–George Town No 2 line will tripped on overload.- 8 -This will cause significant change in network impedance with requirement to shed load at major industrial customers at George Town. Consequently, this will produce excessive generation connected at Farrell and Sheffield, which can move the system towards unstable operation and cascade of events with possible blackout in the North and North West regions of Tasmania.3.1.2. OPTION 1-TRIPLE BUSBAR ARRANGEMENTThe schematic diagram of this option is shown below In comparison with “do nothing option” this option proposes to use the spare S752 circuit breaker and upgrade a nd energise “S” bypass bus to full size. The existing 12 circuits will be spread across the three busbars. Only one additional 220 kV circuit breaker is required in this option. The total number of circuit breakers in this option is OPTION 2 - FULL BREAKER AND A HALF AND DOUBLE BREAKER ARRANGEMENT The schematic diagram of this option is shown below. This option includes- 9 -creating double breaker and breaker and half arrangements. Breaker and a half arrangement is proposed between Hydro Tasmania’s C ethana power station and autotransformer T1; and Lemonthyme power station and autotransformer T2. The total number of circuit breakers in this option is OPTION 3 - PARTIAL BREAKER AND A HALF AND DOUBLE BREAKER ARRANGEMENTThe schematic diagram of this option is shown below. The main difference in comparison with option 2 is thatthere is no breaker and half arrangements between Hydro Tasmania’s Cethana power station and autotransformer T1; and Lemonthyme power station and autotransformer T2. The establishment of breaker and a half arrangements between these circuits could have as a consequence increase in connection charges for Hydro Tasmania for middle breakers, which needs to be discussed and agreed with this customer. Total number of circuit breakers in this option is 17.3.2. RESULTSIn this study, the following outages are examined:• n-1 forced outage of a station component including transmission lines and transformers• n-1 maintenance overlapping n-1 forced outages•breaker stuck condition following a fault. For a fault on line, transformer, bus or a breaker, only those breakers will be considered for being in a stuck condition that are supposed to trip to clear the fault. In this case back up protection will clear the fault.Apart from the above outages examined, higher order of outages can also be considered and simulated in the programs, however the probability and frequency of- 10 -their occurrence is quite low. Based on the Transend outage data, it was decided that the above settings should capture most of the credible outage events. The number of events for each of the options is given in the following table. These events are generated by the program to study their impact on substation performance. For each event, the program calculates the probability, frequency and duration. Using the connectivity model, it also computes the amount of loss of load and energy for a load point and for the overall substation. Using a linear flow method it checks if the load can be supplied without violating the ratings of any component. The number of outage events enumerated and examined by the SUBREL program depends on the number of components in a station and the program settings. If more components are added to a station, their exposure to failures also increases. To select an optimal design, a balance between the redundancy provided by adding a component (breaker or a busbar) and the increased exposure should be kept in mind. As seen from the tables above, the number of outage events for options 1,2 and 3 is higher than for the existing configuration since these options have more breakers and buses in their suggested configurations. There is no event that causes the complete loss of load in the area (including Burnie, Sheffield and George Town substations in the model) in any of the options. However there are events in each option that will cause partial loss of load. Option 2 has the lowest number of events causing loss of load while the existing configuration has the highest number of events causing loss of load. Reliability indices computed by SUBREL program for each of the option is given in the table below. These indices are computed using the load Probability Density Function (PDF) as unity. PDF of unity means that the load is same throughout the year. The widely used reliability indices such as SAIFI, SAIDI, CAIDI, ASAI,and EUE are computed by the program.Outage costs are calculated based on calculated expected- 11 -unsupplied energy (EUE) and value of lost load applied to particular customer groups. A comprehensive analysis of value of lost load for different customer groups has been undertaken by Monash University for Victorian utilities [9]. Based on the table above it is clear that option 1 – triple busbar arrangement, has lowest outage costs. Based on the list of substation originated outages generated by SUBREL, TRANSREL program was used to indicated consequences on the overall system performances. The voltage violations were encountered only for option2 in 9 simulation events. There were few contingencies for which solution did not converge. For these contingencies, a potential exists that the system will face major problems including a collapse. The system stress and its response will, of course, depend on the system conditions present at the time outages. There are four events for Option 1 that result in non-convergence of the power flow. The probability of these non-convergence cases for Option 1 is 0.0026 which means that there is a potential that exists that the system may collapse once every 400 years. This is a very low likely event and during this time the system is likely to go through several changes. It should also be noted that in this analysis no remedial actions are included. With remedial actions, operators may be able to avoid such a situation.4. CONCLUSIONSThe implementation and application of a probabilistic based planning for selecting a substation configuration provides quite useful information to an engineer in deciding the best option. The use of both SUBREL and TRANSREL programs for Sheffield Substation study has sufficiently demonstrated that it is important to examine all credible outage scenarios that are not possible to do manually. Quantitative indices computed by these programs provide an objective assessment of various- 12 -options considered. For transmission substations it is important that only SUBREL analysis may not provide the complete information. Without performing a TRANSREL analysis,it is likely that the risk posed by a configuration may not be correctly assessed from the overall system point of view. For the Sheffield Substation the triple busbar arrangement (Option 1) is the cheapest option, easy to implement, and reliability indices for Sheffield Substation are the best in this option. The low probabilities divergent cases can be resolved with appropriate remedial actions in place, including, generation rescheduling, voltage support and load shedding.REFERENCES[1] Billinton, R. and Allan, R.N.,:”Power-system reliability in perspective”, IEE Electronic and Power, pp. 231-236, March 1984.[2] “Power System Reliability Analysis. Application Guide,” CIGRE WG03 of SC 38,Edited by Lesley Kelley-Regnier, 1987.[3] “Transmission Network Security and Planning Criteria-draft”, Office of Tasmanian Energy Regulator, August 2005.[4] Al lan, R.N., and Billinton, R.:”Probabilistic methods applied to electric power systems-are they worth it?”,Power Engineering Journal, pp.121-129, May 1992.[5] Billinton, R. and Allan, R.N.,:” Reliability Evaluation of Power Systems”, Pitmans Books, New Yor k and London, 2nd edition, 1996. [6] “ESAA Guidelines for Reliability Assessment Planning,”, November 1997.[7] “Subrel-Substation Reliability Program User Manual”, General Reliability, San Diego, CA, 2002.- 13 -[8] Agarwal, S.K., and Anderson, P.M..: “Effect o f Station Originated Outages on Bulk Power System Reliability, ”, Cigre Symposium, S 38- 91, Montreal, 1991.[9] Monash University,:” Study of the Value of Lost Load” , Study conducted for the Victorian Power Exchange (VPX) company,Melbourne,2000.- 14 -谢菲尔德变电站220千伏升级项目的可靠性建模与分析创见网络私人有限公司,塔斯马尼亚阿加瓦尔博士,美国加利福尼亚州圣迭戈摘要本文介绍了在可靠性评估中的应用一个可防御概率过程谢菲尔德220千伏变电站重建项目。

General Requirements to Construction of SubstationSubstations are a vital element in a power supply system of industrial enterprises.They serve to receive ,convert and distribute electric energy .Depending on power and purpose ,the substations are divided into central distribution substations for a voltage of 110-500kV;main step-down substations for110-220/6-10-35kV;deep entrance substations for 110-330/6-10Kv;distribution substations for 6-10Kv;shop transformer substations for 6-10/0.38-0.66kV.At the main step-down substations, the energy received from the power source is transformed from 110-220kV usually to 6-10kV(sometimes 35kV) which is distributed among substations of the enterprise and is fed to high-voltage services.Central distribution substations receive energy from power systems and distribute it (without or with partial transformation) via aerial and cable lines of deep entrances at a voltage of 110-220kV over the enterprise territory .Central distribution substation differs from the main distribution substation in a higher power and in that bulk of its power is at a voltage of 110-220kV;it features simplified switching circuits at primary voltage; it is fed from the power to an individual object or region .Low-and medium-power shop substations transform energy from 6-10kV to a secondary voltage of 380/220 or 660/380.Step-up transformer substations are used at power plants for transformation of energy produced by the generators to a higher voltage which decreases losses at a long-distance transmission .Converter substations are intended to convert AC to DC (sometimes vice versa) and to convert energy of one frequency to another .Converter substations with semiconductor rectifiers are convert energy of one frequency to another .Converter substations with semiconductor rectifiers are most economic. Distribution substations for 6-10kV are fed primarily from main distribution substations (sometimes from central distribution substations).With a system of dividing substations for 110-220kV, the functions of a switch-gear are accomplishedby switch-gears for 6-10kV at deep entrance substations.Depending on location of substations their switch-gear may be outdoor or indoor. The feed and output lines at 6-10kV substations are mainly of the cable type .at 35-220kV substations of the aerial type .When erecting and wiring the substations ,major attention is given to reliable and economic power supply of a given production.Substations are erected by industrial methods with the use of large blocks and assemblies prepared at the site shops of electric engineering organizations and factories of electrical engineering industry .Substations are usually designed for operation without continuous attendance of the duty personnel but with the use of elementary automatic and signaling devices.When constructing the structural part of a substation .it is advisable to use light-weight industrial structures and elements (panels ,floors ,etc.) made of bent sections .These elements are pre-made outside the erection zone and are only assembled at site .This considerably cuts the terms and cost of construction.Basic circuitry concepts of substations are chosen when designing a powersupply system of the enterprise .Substations feature primary voltage entrances .transformers and output cable lines or current conductors of secondary voltage .Substations are mounted from equipment and elements described below .The number of possible combinations of equipment and elements is very great .Whenelaborating a substation circuitry ,it is necessary to strive for maximum simplification and minimizing the number of switching devices .Such substations are more reliable and economic .Circuitry is simplified by using automatic reclosure or automatic change over to reserve facility which allows rapid and faultless redundancy of individual elements and using equipment.When designing transformer substations of industrial enterprises for all voltages , the following basic considerations are taken into account:1. Preferable employment of a single-bus system with using two-bus systems only to ensure a reliable and economic power supply;2. Wide use of unitized constructions and busless substations;3.Substantiated employment of automatics and telemetry ;if the substation design does not envisage the use of automatics or telemetry ,the circuitry is so arranged as to allow for adding such equipment in future without excessive investments and re-work.e of simple and cheap devices-isolating switches ,short-circuiting switches ,load-breaking isolators ,fuses ,with due regard for their switching capacity may drastically cut the need for expensive and critical oil ,vacuum ,solenoid and air switches .Substation and switch-gear circuitries are so made that using the equipment of each production line is fed from individual transformers ,assemblies ,the lines to allow their disconnection simultaneously with mechanisms without disrupting operation of adjacent production flows.When elaborating circuitry of a substation, the most vital task is to properly choose and arrange switching devices(switches ,isolators ,current limiters ,arresters ,high-voltage fuses).The decision depends on the purpose ,power and significance of the substation.Many years ago, scientists had very vague ideas about electricity. Many of them thought of it as a sort of fluid that flowed through wires as water flows through pipes, but they could not understand what made it flow. Many of them felt that electricity was made up of tiny particles of some kind ,but trying to separate electricity into individual particles baffled them.Then, the great American scientist Millikan, in 1909,astounded the scientific world by actually weighing a single particle of electricity and calculating its electric charge. This was probably one of the most delicate weighing jobs ever done by man,for a single electric particle weighs only about half of a millionth of a pound. To make up a pound it would take more of those particles than there are drops of water in the Atlantic Ocean.They are no strangers to us, these electric particles, for we know them as electrons. When large numbers of electrons break away from their atoms and move through a wire,we describe this action by saying that electricity is flowing through the wire.Yes,the electrical fluid that early scientists talked about is nothing more than electrical flowing along a wire.But how can individual electrons be made to break away from atoms? And how can these free electrons be made to along a wire? The answer to the first question lies in the structure of the atoms themselves. Some atoms are so constructed that they lose electrons easily. An atom of copper, for example ,is continually losing an electron, regaining it(or another electron),and losing it again. A copper atom normally has 29 electrons, arranged in four different orbits about its nucleus. The inside orbit has 2 electrons. The next larger orbit has 8.The third orbit is packed with 18 electrons . And the outside orbit has only one electron.It is this outside electron that the copper atom is continually losing, for it is not very closely tied to the atom. It wanders off, is replaced by another free-roving electron, and then this second electron also wanders away.Consequently,in a copper wire free electrons are floating around in all directions among the copper atoms.Thus, even through the copper wire looks quite motionless to your ordinary eye, there is a great deal of activity going on inside it. If the wire were carrying electricity to an electric light or to some other electrical device, the electrons would not be moving around at random. Instead, many of them would be rushing in the same direction-from one end of the wire to the other.This brings us to the second question .How can free electrons be made to move along a wire? Well ,men have found several ways to do that .One way is chemical. V olta,s voltaic pile,or battery, is a chemical device that makes electricity(or electrons)flow in wires. Another way is magnetic. Faraday and Henry discovered how magnets could be used to make electricity flow in a wire.MagnetsAlmost everyone has seen horseshoe magnets-so called because they are shaped like horseshoes. Probably you have experimented with a magnet, and noticed how it will pick up tacks and nails, or other small iron objects. Men have known about magnets for thousands of years.Several thousand years ago, according to legend, a shepherd named Magnes lived on the island of Crete, in the Mediterranean Sea .He had a shepherds crook tipped with iron. One day he found an oddly shaped black stone that stuck to this ironter, when many other such stones were found, they were called magnets(after Magnets).These were natural magnets.In recent times men have learned how to make magnets out of iron. More important still, they have discovered how to use magnets to push electrons through wires-that is, how to make electricity flow. Before we discuss this, there arecertain characteristics of magnets that we should know about.If a piece of glass is laid on top of a horse- shoes magnet, and if iron filings are then sprink ledon the glass, the filings will arrange themselves into lines. If this same thing is trid with a bar magnet(a horseshoe magnet straightened out),the lines can be seen more easily. These experiments demonstrate what scientists call magnetic lines of force. Magnets, they explain, work through lines of force that ext- end between the two ends of the magnet. But electrons seem to have magnetic lines of force around them, too.This can be proved by sticking a wire through a piece ofcard board, sprinkling iron filings on the cardboard, and connecting a battery to the wire. The filings will tend to form rings around the wire,as a result of the magnetism of the moving electrons(or electricity).So we can see that there is arelationship between moving electrons and magnetism, Magnetism results from the movement of electrons.Of course, electrons are not really flowing in the bar magnet, but they are in motion, circling the nuclei of the iron atoms. However, in the magnet, circling thelined up in such a way that their electrons are circling in the same direction. Perhaps a good comparison might be a great number of boys whirling balls onstrings in a clockwise direction around their heads.。

变电站外文翻译外文文献英文文献变电站的综合概述Introduction:2. Circuit Breakers: Circuit breakers are protective devices used to interrupt or break an electrical circuit during abnormal conditions. They prevent excessive damage to equipment and maintain system stability by isolating faulty parts from therest of the system.3. Switchgear: Switchgear refers to a collection ofelectrical disconnect switches, fuses, or circuit breakers used to control and protect electrical equipment within the substation. It allows operators to isolate faulty sections of the electrical network for maintenance or repair without affecting the rest of the system.5. Lightning Arresters: Lightning arresters are protective devices installed on substation equipment to safeguard against high voltage surges caused by lightning strikes. They divert the excess electrical energy away from the equipment and prevent damage to the substation.Types of Substations:2. Transmission Substations: Transmission substations receive electricity from power generating stations and transform the voltage to a suitable level for long-distance transmissionover high voltage transmission lines. They are often located at the interconnection points between different transmission lines.3. Switching Substations: Switching substations provide switching, control, and protection functions in the electrical power system. They allow for the rerouting of power flows and enable system operators to isolate faulty equipment or sectionsof the system while still maintaining power supply to consumers.4. Converter Substations: Converter substations are specific to systems using high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission technology. They convert alternating current (AC) from the power grid to direct current (DC) for transmission over long distances, and then convert it back to AC at the receiving end.Conclusion:。

中英文对照外文翻译Reliability of Lightning ResistantOverhead Distribution LinesLighting continues to be the major cause of outages on overhead power distribution lines. Through laboratory testing and field observations and measurements, the properties of a lightning stroke and its effects on electrical distribution system components are well-understood phenomena. This paper presents a compilation of 32 years of historical records for outage causes, duration, and locations for eight distribution feeders at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) .Distribution type lightning arresters are placed at dead-end and angle structures at pole mounted wormer locations and at high points on the overhead line. Station class lightning arresters areused to protect underground cable runs, pad mounted switchgear and unit substation transformers. Resistance to earth of each pole ground is typically 15 ohms or less. At higher elevations in the system, resistance to earth is substantially greater than 15 ohms, especially during the dry summer months. At these high points, ground rods were riven and bonded to the pole grounding systems in the 1960's in an attempt to decrease lightning outages. These attempts were only partially successful in lowering the outage rate. From a surge protection standpoint the variety of pole structures used (in-line, corner, angle, dead end, etc.) and the variety of insulators and hardware used does not allow each 13.8 kV overhead line to be categorized with a uniform impulse flashover rating (170 kV, etc.) or a numerical BIL voltage class (95 kV BIL; etc.). For simplicity purposes in the analysis, each overhead line was categorized with a nominal voltage construction class (15 kV, 34 kV, or 69 KV). Six of the eight overhead lines (feeders 1 through 6) were built with typical REA Standard horizontal wood cross arm construction utilizing single ANSI Class 55-5 porcelain pin insulators (nominal 15 kV insulation). The shield angle of the overhead ground wire to the phase conductors is typically 45degrees. One overhead line (feeder 7) was built with transmission type wood pole construction because the line extended to a research facility which was to have generated electrical power to feed back into the grid. Pole structure of this line are of durable wood cross a construction which utilize double ANSI 52-3 porcelain suspension insulators to support the conductors (nominal 34 kV insulation). The shield angle of the overhead ground wire to the phase conductors for feeder 7 is typically 30 degrees. In 1969, an overhead line (feeder 8) was intentionally built with "lightning resistant" construction in an attempt to reduce lightning caused outages. Pole structures of the line have phase over phase 24-inch long fiberglass suspension brackets with double ANSI 52-3 porcelain suspension insulators to support the conductors (nominal 69 kV insulation). The shield angle of the overhead ground wire to the phase conductors for feeder 8 is typically 30 degrees. The failure data was compiled for each of the eight 13.8 kV feeders and is presented in Table, along with pertinent information regarding feeder construction, elevation, length, and age.A key finding of the failure analysis is that weather-relatedevents account for over half (56%) of the feeder outages recorded. Fifty-seven of the 76 weather-related outages were attributed to lightning. Insulation breakdown damage due to lightning is also suspected in at least a dozen of the equipment failures observed. The data indicates overhead lines which pass over high terrain are less reliable because of the greater exposure to lightning. For example, feeder 3 had the most recorded outages (48), of which two-thirds were due to weather-related events; this feeder is also the highest line on the plant site, rising to an elevation of 450 above the reference valley elevation. Overhead lines that are longer and to which more substations and equipment are attached were also observed to be less reliable (more exposure to lightning and more equipment to fail). The age of the line does not appear to significantly lessen its reliability as long as adequate maintenance is performed; none of the lines have had a notable increase in the frequency of outages as the lines have aged. As would be expected, the empirical data presented in Table I confirms the two overhead lines which have been insulated to a higher level (34 or 69 KV) have significantly better reliability records than those utilizing 15 kV class construction. Feeder 7 (insulated to 34 KV)and feeder 8 (insulated to 69 kV) have bad only 3 outages each over their 32 and 23 year life spans, respectively. These lines follow similar terrain and are comparable in length and age to the 15 kV class lines, yet they have a combined failure rate of 0.22 failures per year versus 4.32 failures per year for the remaining feeders.On typical 15 kV insulated line construction, lightning flashovers often cause 60 cycle power follow and feeder trip. With the higher insulation construction, outage rates are reduced by limiting the number of flashovers and the resultant power follow which causes an over current device to trip. This allows lightning arresters to perform their duty of dissipating lightning energy to earth. The number of re closer actions and their resultant momentary outages are also reduced. This is beneficial for critical facilities and processes which cannot tolerate even momentary outages. An additional benefit is that outages due to animal contact are also reduced because of the greater distance from phase conductor to ground on pole structures. Distribution line equipment to increase line insulation values are "off the shelf" items and proven technology. New lightning resistant construction typical by utilizes horizontal line posts, fiberglass standoff bracketsor any other method which world increase the insulation value. The replacement of standard pin insulators with line post insulators of greater flashover value is an effective means to retrofit existing wood cross arm construction. The doubling and tripling of dead end and suspension insulators is also a means of increasing flashover values on existing angle and dead-end structures. Current fiberglass, polymer, and epoxy technologies provide an affordable means to increase line insulation.While the use of increased insulation levels to reduce lightning flashovers and the resultant outages on overhead distribution lines has been thoroughly tested and demonstrated in laboratory and experimental tests [5], long term history field data has positively demonstrated that the use of "lightning resistant" construction can greatly reduce outages. Field use at ORNL has shown that in areas which are vulnerable to lightning, the use of increased insulation and a smaller shielding angle is an impressive and cost effective means to appreciably increase the reliability of overhead distribution lines. This reliability study clearly illustrates that the insulation requirements for high-reliability distribution feeders should be determined not by the 60 Hz operating voltage but ratherby withstand requirements for the lightning transients or other high voltage transients that are impressed upon the line. Electrical equipment (switchgear, insulators, transformers, cables, etc.) have a reserve (BE level or flashover value) to handle momentary over voltages, and by increasing that reserve, the service reliability is appreciably increased. As the electrical industry gradually moves away from standard wood cross arm construction and moves toward more fiberglass, polymer and epoxy construction, increased insulation methods can be applied as part of new construction or as part of an upgrade or replacement effort. In considering new or upgraded overhead line construction, the incremental increased cost of the higher insulation equipment is d in proportion to the total costs of construction (labor, capital equipment, cables, electric poles, right-of-way acquisition), Its cost effectiveness varies with the application and the conditions to which it is be applied. Economic benefits include increased electrical service reliability and its inherent ability to keep manufacturing processes and critical loads in service. Other more direct benefits include less repair of overhead distribution lines, which can have a significant reduction in maintenance cost due to less replacement materials anda large reduction in overtime hours for maintenance crews.抗雷击架空配电线路的可靠性闪电仍然是架空配电线路上的中断1的主要原因。

变电站设计英文文献Design of a Substation: A Literature ReviewIntroductionSubstation LayoutThe layout of a substation plays a crucial role in ensuring efficient operation and maintenance. Various factors need to be considered during the design phase, such as the available land area, location of power sources, and ease of access for maintenance personnel. In a research paper by Chen et al. (2024), a review of substation layout design methodologies is presented. The paper discusses optimization techniques such as Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing for determining the optimal layout configuration based on specific constraints and objectives.Equipment SelectionThe selection of equipment is another critical aspect of substation design. Key equipment includes transformers, circuit breakers, and switchgear. In a study by Zhang et al. (2024), entitled "Optimal Design of a 110 kV Substation Based on Life Cycle Cost and Carbon Emission," a multi-objective optimization model is proposed for selecting the optimal equipment configuration considering both life cycle cost and carbonemissions. The study emphasizes the importance of incorporating environmental considerations into the design process.Safety ConsiderationsConclusionThe design of a substation involves several key considerations to ensure optimal operational efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and safety. Substation layout, equipment selection, and safety measures must be carefully planned and executed. Additionally, environmental concerns, lightning protection, and security considerations also need to be addressed. The review of various literature articles highlighted the importance of incorporating advanced optimization techniques and a multi-objective approach to achieve an optimal and sustainable substation design.References。

英文翻译A comprehensive overview of substationsAlong with the economic development and the modern industry developments of quick rising, the design of the power supply system become more and more completely and system. Because the quickly increase electricity of factories, it also increases seriously to the dependable index of the economic condition, power supply in quantity. Therefore they need the higher and more perfect request to the power supply. Whether Design reasonable, not only affect directly the base investment and circulate the expenses with have the metal depletion in colour metal, but also will reflect the dependable in power supply and the safe in many facts. In a word, it is close with the economic performance and the safety of the people. The substation is an importance part of the electric power system, it is consisted of the electric appliances equipments and the Transmission and the Distribution. It obtains the electric power from the electric power system, through its function of transformation and assign, transport and safety. Then transport the power to every place with safe, dependable, and economical. As an important part of power’s transport and control, the transformer substation must change the mode of the traditional design and control, then can adapt to the modern electric power system, the development of modern industry and the of trend of the society life.Electric power industry is one of the foundations of national industry and national economic development to industry, it is a coal, oil, natural gas, hydropower, nuclear power, wind power and other energy conversion into electrical energy of the secondary energy industry, it for the other departments of the national economy fast and stable development of the provision of adequate power, and its level of development is a reflection of the country's economic development an important indicator of the level. As the power in the industry and the importance of the national economy, electricity transmission and distribution of electric energy used in these areas is an indispensable component.。
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英文翻译A comprehensive overview of substationsAlong with the economic development and the modern industry developments of quick rising, the design of the power supply system become more and more completely and system. Because the quickly increase electricity of factories, it also increases seriously to the dependable index of the economic condition, power supply in quantity. Therefore they need the higher and more perfect request to the power supply. Whether Design reasonable, not only affect directly the base investment and circulate the expenses with have the metal depletion in colour metal, but also will reflect the dependable in power supply and the safe in many facts. In a word, it is close with the economic performance and the safety of the people. The substation is an importance part of the electric power system, it is consisted of the electric appliances equipments and the Transmission and the Distribution. It obtains the electric power from the electric power system, through its function of transformation and assign, transport and safety. Then transport the power to every place with safe, dependable, and economical. As an important part of power’s transport and control, the transformer substation must change the mode of the traditional design and control, then can adapt to the modern electric power system, the development of modern industry and the of trend of the society life.Electric power industry is one of the foundations of national industry and national economic development to industry, it is a coal, oil, natural gas, hydropower, nuclear power, wind power and other energy conversion into electrical energy of the secondary energy industry, it for the other departments of the national economy fast and stable development of the provision of adequate power, and its level of development is a reflection of the country's economic development an important indicator of the level. As the power in the industry and the importance of the national economy, electricity transmission and distribution of electric energy used in these areas is an indispensable component.。
Therefore, power transmission and distribution is critical. Substation is to enable superior power plant power plants or power after adjustments to the lower load of books is an important part of power transmission. Operation of its functions, the capacity of a direct impact on the size of the lower load power, thereby affecting the industrial production and power consumption.Substation system if a link failure, the system will protect the part of action. May result in power outages and so on, to the production and living a great disadvantage. Therefore, the substation in the electric power system for the protection of electricity reliability,sensitivity and other indicators.Power plants and substations are connected user link in the middle, transformation and distribution of electric energy to play the role. According to the different tasks substation can be divided into step-up transformer step-down transformer substation and two broad categories. Step-up substation built on the general power plant, the general step-down transformer near the load center built on the low.V oltage can also be divided according to medium voltage substation (60 kV and below), high-voltage substations (110 ~ 220 kV), EHV Substation (330 ~ 765 kV) and Ultra High V oltage Substation (1000 kV and above). In electric power system according to their status as a hub substation can be divided into the middle substation substations and terminals. This requires a substation part of economic rationality, the second part of safe and reliable, the only way to the normal operation of substation work services for the national economy. There are step-up transformer step-down transformer substation and two broad categories.Substations have been equipped with various protection devices, these devices are based on lower short-circuit load to a maximum load conditions, such as configuration settings and, therefore, in the event of the failure was similar to the specific circumstances under to judge by the system should automatically trip protection, and now the protection of the whole trip has been a very short time, the lifting of the fault, the system will automatically reclosing devices and the gateway to restore power quickly. This is to protect the lower the load is very favorable. This will not only protect the safety of the load equipment is in favor of extending the service life and reduce equipment investment, and improved reliability of electricity supply, which is to improve the efficiency of industrial and agricultural production is very effective.Substations have been equipped with various protection devices, these devices are based on lower short-circuit load to a maximum load conditions, such as configuration settings and, therefore, in the event of the failure was similar to the specific circumstances under to judge by the system should automatically trip protection, and now the protection of the whole trip has been a very short time, the lifting of the fault, the system will automatically reclosing devices and the gateway to restore power quickly. This is to protect the lower the load is very favorable. This will not only protect the safety of the load equipment is in favor of extending the service life and reduce equipment investment, and improved reliability of electricity supply, which is to improve the efficiency of industrial and agricultural production is very effective.Increase in the efficiency of industrial products means lower product costs, increase market competitiveness, which will enable enterprises toincrease for the national economy and make a greater contribution to development. Electricity supply reliability and other fields, can improve people's quality of life, improve their living conditions.Analyse change to give or get an electric shock a mission for carrying and customers carries etc. circumstance, choose the address, make good use of customer data proceed then carry calculation, ascertain the correct equipment of the customer. At the same time following the choice of every kind of transformer, then make sure the line method of the transformer substation, then calculate the short-circuit electric current, choosing to send together with the electric wire method and the style of the wire, then proceeding the calculation of short-circuit electric current. This first step of design included:(1) ascertain the total project (2) load analysis(3) the calculation of the short-circuit electric current (4) the design of an electric shock the system design to connect with system and the choice of line project (5) the choice and the settle of the protective facility (6) the contents to defend the thunder and protection of connect the earth. Along with the high and quick development of electric power technique, electric power system then can change from the generate of the electricity to the supply the power.Design the task this time is aim at intensity of mastering of every subject knowledge of this speciality reflecting, and of test this speciality’s study result. first, analyze the tend of load department according to all parameter of load about system and circuit on task book. It expounds the necessity to this situation from the rspect of increasing load. Then through to the generalization of planning to build the transformer substation and the analysis of the load materials, safe, economy and dependability are considered, has confirmed the mainly wiring form of 10kV. Calculated and supplied power in the range and confirmed TV station's number of the main voltage transformer through load finally, capacity and type, capacity and type of using the voltage transformer stand surely at the same time, finally, the result of calculation of calculating that and short out according to the electric current of largest lasting job, make the circuit to protect, the voltage transformer is protected, the bus bar is protected, prevent the thunder from protecting.This graduation project take the 10kV transformer substation as the main design object, this 10kV transformer substation is the local important transformer substation, is the electrical power system 10kV voltage rank important part. This transformer substation is equipped with 2 main transformers, in the station the host wiring divides into 10kV,and 0.4 kV two voltages ranks.This design first chapter is an introduction,mainly elaborated the transformer substation in electrical power system status. Designs the transformer substation the principle and the goal as well as the transformer substation basic situation. Second chapter is shoulders the computation and the transformer choice, carries on the load computation according to the known transformer substation load material to the transformer substation. Through the load which obtains had determined the host changes the capacity and a number, the host change the pattern, the winding wiring way, the accent press the way and the host changes the impedance. Third chapter is the transformer substation electricity host wiring design, separately through to 10kV side electricity host wiring drawing up, chooses the stablest reliable wiring way. Fourth chapter is the short class computation, first determined short-circuits the spot, calculates various parts reactance, then to respectively short-circuits separately to carry on the computation, obtains respectively short-circuits the short-circuit current. Fifth chapter is the electrical equipment choice, the electrical equipment including the generatrix, the circuit breaker, the isolator, the electric current and the voltage transformer, the fuse. Sixth chapter is the power distribution equipment, mainly carries on the design to the transformer substation power distribution equipment. Seventh chapter is anti-radar with the earth, this chapter has carried on the choice to the arrester, as well as has determined the earth way. Through to the 10kV transformer substation design, causes me has to the electrical engineering and its the automated specialized branch curriculum to be comprehensive, system grasping, strengthened apply theory to reality the ability, raised the project consciousness, exercised me independently to analyze and the solution electric power project design question ability.[key words] substation ,load ,transmission system , distribution high voltage network ,correction equipment.变电站的综合概述随着经济的发展和现代工业建设的迅速崛起,供电系统的设计越来越全面、系统,工厂用电量迅速增长,对电能质量、技术经济状况、供电的可靠性指标也日益提高,因此对供电设计也有了更高、更完善的要求。