

2015_11_6 16款凯迪拉克ATS-L技术参数及配置表

2015_11_6 16款凯迪拉克ATS-L技术参数及配置表
新款凯迪拉克 ATS-L技术参数及配置表
型号 市场指导价格 (RMB) 25T 舒适型 288,800 28T 时尚型 318,800 技术参数 发动机 排量(cc) 变速箱 发动机启停系统 最大净功率[kw/rpm] 最大额定功率[kw/rpm] 最大扭矩[Nm/rpm] 综合工况油耗[L/100km] 最高车速(km/h) 加速性能 [(0~100 km/h)s] 燃油和排放 悬架系统(前/后) MRC主动电磁感应悬挂 转向系统 轮胎规格 制动系统 车身参数 长× 宽× 高(mm) 轴距(mm) 轮距前/后(mm) 最小离地间隙(mm) 整备质量(kg) 油箱容积(L) 安全系统 ESS II第二代强化安全策略 车道偏离预警系统 侧方盲区报警 后方交通报警 碰撞预警系统 碰撞缓解系统 全车速自适应巡航系统 安全振动警示座椅 前排正面安全气囊 前排侧面安全气囊 前后贯穿式侧安全气帘 前排双膝部气囊 后排侧面安全气囊 ABS四轮独立制动防抱死系统 EBD电子制动力分配系统 TCS牵引力控制系统 ESC电子稳定控制系统 TPMS智能胎压监测系统 后倒车雷达 泊车辅助(前后雷达) 倒车影像带导引辅助线 EPB电子驻车制动系统 自适应前大灯 自适应HID氙气大灯带高度调整和清洗功能 AFL智能随动转向大灯 LED日间行车灯 LED直列式飞翼尾灯 LED高位刹车灯 电动天窗 门把手水晶迎宾灯 外后视镜电动调整/电动折叠/加热 外后视镜电动调整/加热 外后视镜电子防眩目(驾驶员侧) 真皮座椅 驾驶员8向电动座椅(座椅6向+腰托2向) 驾驶员12向电动座椅(座椅10向+腰托2向) 驾驶员座椅记忆功能 副驾驶员8向电动座椅(座椅6向+腰托2向) 副驾驶员10向电动座椅(座椅8向+腰托2向) 前排座椅头枕4向调节 前排座椅座椅加热功能 自动防眩目后视镜 多功能方向盘 方向盘加热功能 方向盘拨片换挡功能 全自动双区空调系统 定速巡航系统 一键式启动系统 无钥匙进入系统(pass entry) 前排车窗一键升降带防夹功能 感应雨刷 前置8寸彩色高精度显示屏,带触摸功能 前置4.2寸彩色显示屏 彩色驾驶员信息中心 车载蓝牙电话功能 人声识别系统 GPS卫星定位车载导航系统 Apple CarPlay手机映射 无线充电 豪华CD播放器 Bose®音响系统,带7个扬声器 Bose Centerpoint®环绕音响系统,带10个扬声器 Bose ANC主动降噪静音系统 OnStar安吉星信息通讯系统 4G LTE Wi-Fi s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s 外观配置 s s s s s s 内观配置 s s s s s s 舒适配置 s s s s s 移动互联体验 CUE s s s s s 影音娱乐系统 s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s 118 1535/1578 117 1600 62 4730× 1824× 1421 2860 1535/1558 118 4730× 1824× 1426 4730*1824*1429 225/45R17 四轮通风刹车碟; Brembo前轮刹车系统 7.1 6档手自一体自动变速箱(6L45) 164/5500 169/5500 353/2000-4000 8.6 215 6.2 *国V(京V)号排放标准/京95号或其他地区97号或以上无铅汽油 双球节麦弗逊悬架 / 五连杆悬架 EPS电子助力转向系统 前:225/40RF18,后:255/35RF18 s 2.0T SIDI直喷涡轮增压发动机 1998 8档手自一体自动变速箱(8L45) Start&Stop 200/5500 205/5500 400/2900-4600 7.8 240 28T 精英型 338,800 28T 豪华型 368,800 28T 领先型 428“-”无 (标准配置以实车为准,上海通用汽车保留解释权) 声明:本产品样本尽可能在现有资料的基础上做到全面详实,但上海通用汽车有限公司对价格、色彩、材料、装备、参数、车型等信息保留修改的权利,不再另行通知;凯迪拉克商标(Cadillac®) 受到中国及国际商品法律保护,未经上海通用汽车明确批准,不得擅自更改或使用凯迪拉克著作产权之任何部分或全部。

INFINITI Q50 使用说明手册说明书

INFINITI Q50 使用说明手册说明书



































二、分期方案细则1. 分期期限CT6分期方案提供了多种不同期限的选择,消费者可以根据自身需求选择最适合的期限。


2. 首付款比例购车者需要支付一定比例的首付款,以确保交易的正常进行。



3. 利率费用CT6分期方案的利率费用是根据购车者的个人情况和信用评级来确定的。



4. 申请条件购车者需要满足一定的条件才能申请CT6分期方案。

一般来说,购车者需要满足以下条件:- 年龄要求:年满18周岁及以上;- 身份证明:提供有效的身份证明文件;- 收入证明:提供能够支付分期款项的稳定收入证明;- 信用记录:具备较好的信用记录。

5. 申请流程购车者可以通过以下步骤顺利完成CT6分期方案的申请:- 步骤一:向指定的汽车经销商或金融机构咨询CT6分期方案的详细信息;- 步骤二:填写分期申请表格,并提供必要的材料,如身份证明、收入证明和信用记录;- 步骤三:经销商或金融机构将对购车者的申请进行评估和审核;- 步骤四:审核通过后,购车者需按约定支付首付款,并签署相关合同;- 步骤五:根据合同约定,购车者按期进行分期还款。

三、分期方案的优势1. 灵活支付方式CT6分期方案为购车者提供了多种灵活的支付方式,让购车者在经济能力允许的范围内选择最适合自己的方案。


2. 购车门槛降低通过CT6分期方案,购车者无需一次性支付全部购车款项,降低了购车的门槛,让更多的消费者有机会购买到心仪的CT6车型。

2018年超级豪华F-350DRW规格 Ford Super Duty 坦克式汽车的详细介绍说明书

2018年超级豪华F-350DRW规格 Ford Super Duty 坦克式汽车的详细介绍说明书

(1) 6.7L Power Stroke® V8 Turbo Diesel.(2) M aximum capacity when properly equipped.See your Ford dealer for specific equipmentrequirements and other limitations.(3) F-350 DRW Regular Cab 4x2. The 2018 Super Duty reinforces its tough image and continues to meet the needs of both commercial and personal use customers. Within the toughest industries, people who do the work count on Super Duty pickups for tough-as-nails work capability on any job site. And now Super Duty is available in a 4x2 configuration on the F-450 series, for those who don’t need 4x4 capability.HORSEPOWER450 hp @ 2,800 rpm(1) TORQUE935 lb.-ft. @ 1,800 rpm(1) CONVENTIONAL TOWINGup to 21,000 lbs.(2)5TH-WHEEL TOWING up to 27,500 lbs.(2) GOOSENECK TOWING up to 34,000 lbs.(2) PAYLOADup to 7,630 lbs.(3)6.7L V8 Turbo –The Diesel LeaderDesigned, engineered and builtby Ford, our Second-Generation6.7L Power Stroke® V8 TurboDiesel engine is designed toproduce more power and torquethan ever. And the new largersingle-sequential turbochargerhelps improve airflow andperformance. You’ll reallyappreciate it when towing heavyloads uphill and at high altitudes.Rule the Class With 6.2L 2-Valve V8 GasEase your heavy-duty workload with lots of low-rpm torque. Thegas engine’s stiff SOHC valvetrain with roller-rocker shafts enablesan intake- and exhaust-port layout that optimizes airflow, helpingit produce plenty of torque down low.Balanced performance. Dual-equal variable cam timing phasesthe intake- and exhaust-valve opening and closing eventssimultaneously to optimize fuel economy, low-end torque andpeak horsepower.Alternative fuel options include a CNG/Propane Gaseous EnginePrep Package that readies your truck to be upfit for compressednatural gas (CNG), propane autogas, or as a bi-fuel vehicle with theability to seamlessly switch between CNG or propane and gasoline. POWERFUL ENGINE CHOICESSuper Duty PickupsTrailer Reverse Guidance uses 3 cameras to 5th-Wheel/Gooseneck Prep PackageAvailable on all models (Factory equipped onTrailer Reverse GuidanceUtilizes 3 cameras to provide multiple viewsTRAILER TOWING SELECTORTRAILER TOWING SELECTORTRAILER TOWING SELECTORTRAILER TOWING SELECTORTRAILER TOWING SELECTORFrontal Area is the total area in square feet that a moving vehicle and trailer exposes to airresistance. The chart above shows the maximum trailer frontal area that must be considered for a vehicle/trailer combination. Exceeding these limitations m a y significantly reduce the performance of your towing vehicle.Frontal Area Limitations/Vehicle LineConsiderationsWithF-250/F-350/F-450 75 sq. ft. All 5th-Wheel and Gooseneck Applications Super Duty60 sq. ft.A ll Other ApplicationsFrontal Area ConsiderationsF-250/F-350/F-450 Super Duty Pickups:A conventional trailer hitch receiver is standard on all Super Duty Pickups. The following configurations have a standard 2.5" receiver with a 2" reducer:– F-250 (less Trailer Tow Package)– F-350 Single Rear Wheel (142", 148", 160", 164") – F-350 Single Rear Wheel 6.2L 176"The following configurations have a standard 3" receiver with a2.5" and a 2" reducer:– F-250 equipped with Trailer Tow Package – F-350 Single Rear Wheel 6.7L 176" – F-350/F-450 Dual Rear WheelFactory-Installed Trailer Hitch Receiver OptionsNote: S ee chart below for the weight-carrying and weight-distributing capacities of these hitch receivers. (These capacities also are shown on a label affixed toeach receiver.)Weight-Carrying Max. Tongue Weight-Distributing Max. TongueMax. Trailer Load Max. Trailer Load VehicleCapacity (lbs.)(1) (lbs.)Capacity (lbs.)(1) (lbs.)F-250/F-350 Super Duty SRW15,0001,500 15,000(2) 1,500(2)F-250/F-350 Super Duty SRW w/6.7L engine 18,000 1,800 18,000(3) 1,800(3)F-350 Super Duty DRW w/6.2L engine16,700 1,670 16,700 1,670F-350 Super Duty DRW w/6.7L engine and F-450 Super Duty21,0002,10021,0002,100(1) Hitch receivers do not include a hitch ball or ball mounting. You are responsible for obtaining the proper hitch ball, ball mounting, weight-distributing equipment (i.e., equalizing arms and snap-up brackets, sway control system) and other appropriate equipment to tow both the trailer and its cargo load. (2) Not available with 6.7L diesel with 176" wheelbase. (3) Available only with 176" wheelbase.Refer to the Trailer Towing Selector chart for Maximum Loaded Trailer Weights for each vehicle.Hitch Receiver Weight CapacityNotes: • C ontent may vary depending on model, trim and/or powertrain.See your dealer for specific content information.• T railer Towing Package recommended for all light trucks that will be usedfor towing to help ensure easy, proper connection of trailer lights.F-250/F-350/ F-450 F-250ModelSuper Duty Pickup Super Duty Pickup (1)(Option Code)(Std.) (535)7-Wire Harness & 4-/7-Pin Connector X (Std.)Smart Trailer Tow Connector X(3) –Hitch ReceiverSee chart belowSee chart belowTrailer Brake Wiring/Feed Kit X(2) –Upgraded Rear Axle X(3) X Increased GCW (6.7L) X(3) X Trailer Brake Controller X(3) –Aluminum Wheels–X(4)(1) Requires 6.7L diesel engine. (2) In-cab, no controller (SRW). (3) F-350DRW/F-450 only. (4) Chrome (Lariat/King Ranch) or Polished (Platinum).Trailer Towing PackageRear Axle Ratio CodesIf you do not know the axle ratio of your vehicle, check its Truck Safety Compliance Certification Label (located on the left front door lock facing or the door latch post pillar). Below the bar code, you will see the word AXLE and a two-digit code. Use this chart to find the axle ratio that corresponds to that code:Rear Axle Non-L imited L imited ElectronicVehicle Ratio Slip Slip L ockingSuper Duty 3.31 31 Not Available 3H 3.55 35 3K 3J 3.73 37 3L 3E 4.10 Not Available 4N Not Available 4.30 Not Available 4L 4MSlide-In Camper InstallationConsult your camper manufacturer/dealer for details regarding proper installation of your slide-in camper A dimensionally stable block spacer is recommended between the headboard of the pickup box and the forward edge of the camper floor. Resting the spacer on the pickup box bed helps prevent movement and contact of the fully installed camper with the pickup box headboard or taillight rear pillarsNote: Be sure to measure your slide-in camper before attempting to install it onto the bed of the truck. Some campers may require a platform in the bed of the truck to make sure there is adequate clearance for both the box rails and cab roof of the truck.Camper Center-of-GravityAll Styleside pickups that qualify for slide-in camper bodies have camper center-of-gravity included on the Consumer Information Sheet in the glovebox Data is calculated for each individual truck, based on vehicle optionsIf vehicle does not qualify for camper use, theConsumer Information Sheet states that the vehicle is not recommended for camper use, and no center-of-gravity data is shownF-250/F-350/F-450 Super Duty Camper Package (Option Code 471)Increased capacity front springs (2 Up [4x2] or 1 Up [4x4] upgrade over springs computer-selected based on options ordered. Not included if maximum springs already selected.)Rear stabilizer bar (SRW)Rear auxiliary springs (F-250)Slide-in camper certificationCombined weight of vehicle, camper body, occupants and cargo must not exceed Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR)Camper Package (Option Code 471) required with F-250/F-350/F-450 Super Duty ®Cargo Weight Rating shown in chart is maximum allowable, assuming weight of a base vehicle with required camper option content and a 150-lb. passenger at each available seating position Ratings also assume weight of engine and standard transmission. Cargo Weight Rating shown must be further reduced by weight of transmission upgrade and any other options. Option weights and center-of-gravity information are available on the Ford Pickup Truck Consumer Information SheetI f you intend to pull a trailer in addition tocarrying your camper, see the F-Series Pickup Trailer Towing Selector charts.MAXIMUM CARGO WEIGHT WITH SLIDE-IN CAMPERNote: T he following chart lists GVWRs and Maximum Cargo Weights (with minimum equipment) by engine foreach approved pickup model: 3.5L V6 EcoBoost ®, 5.0L V8, 6.2L V8 and 6.7L Power Stroke ® Turbo Diesel V8.GVWR (lbs.) Maximum Cargo Weight Rating (lbs.)ModelWheelbase 6.2L 6.7L 6.2L Std./Opt.† 6.7L Std./Opt.†F-250 Super Duty (1)4x2 Reg. Cab 141.6"10,000 10,000 3,866/ – 3,051/ –4x2 SuperCab 148.0" 10,000 10,000 3,139/ – 2,330/ –4x2 SuperCab 164.2" 10,000 10,000 3,029/ – 2,200/ –4x2 Crew Cab 159.8" 10,000 10,000 3,041/ – 2,212/ –4x2 Crew Cab 176.0" 10,000 10,000 2,812/ – 1,983/ –4x4 Reg. Cab 141.6" 10,000 10,000 3,447/ – 2,660/ –4x4 SuperCab 148.0" 10,000 10,000 2,731/ – 1,944/ –4x4 SuperCab 164.2" 10,000 10,000 2,641/ – 1,825/ –4x4 Crew Cab 159.8" 10,000 10,000 2,645/ – 1,836/ –4x4 Crew Cab176.0" 10,000 10,000 2,389/ – 1,560/ –F-350 Super Duty (1)4x2 SRW Reg. Cab (2) 141.6" 10,000 10,600* 3,675/ – 3,638/2,9384x2 SRW SuperCab (2) 148.0" 10,000 10,800* 2,972/ – 3,059/2,2594x2 SRW SuperCab (2) 164.2" 10,300* 11,000* 3,162/2,862 3,132/2,1324x2 SRW Crew Cab (2) 159.8" 10,100* 10,900* 2,914/2,814 2,978/2,0784x2 SRW Crew Cab (2) 176.0" 10,500* 11,100* 3,087/2,587 2,940/1,8404x2 SRW Reg. Cab (3) 141.6" 10,400 11,100 4,017/ – 3,981/ –4x2 SRW SuperCab (3) 148.0" 10,500 11,200 3,414/ – 3,402/ –4x2 SRW SuperCab (3) 164.2" 10,800 11,500 3,605/ – 3,574/ –4x2 SRW SuperCab (3) 164.2" – 11,400 – / – 3,474/ –4x2 SRW Crew Cab (3) 159.8" 10,600 11,300 3,357/ – 3,321/ –4x2 SRW Crew Cab (3) 176.0" 10,900 11,500 3,430/ – 3,283/ –4x2 SRW Crew Cab (3) 176.0" – 11,400 – / – 3,183/ –4x2 DRW Reg. Cab 141.6" 14,000 14,000 7,247/ – 6,507/ –4x2 DRW SuperCab 164.2" 14,000 14,000 6,356/ – 5,637/ –4x2 DRW Crew Cab 176.0" 14,000 14,000 6,130/ – 5,406/ –4x4 SRW Reg. Cab (2) 141.6" 10,300* 11,000* 3,564/3,264 3,531/2,5314x4 SRW SuperCab (2) 148.0" 10,400* 11,100* 2,960/2,560 2,953/1,8534x4 SRW SuperCab (2) 164.2" 10,700* 11,300* 3,151/2,451 3,026/1,7264x4 SRW Crew Cab (2) 159.8" 10,500* 11,200* 2,910/2,410 2,874/1,6744x4 SRW Crew Cab (2) 176.0" 10,800* 11,500* 2,977/2,177 2,923/1,4234x4 SRW Reg. Cab (3) 141.6" 10,800 11,500 4,007/ – 3,974/ –4x4 SRW Reg. Cab (4) 141.6" 11,300 11,500 4,502/ – 3,969/ –4x4 SRW Reg. Cab (4) 141.6" – 11,400 – / – 3,869/ –4x4 SRW SuperCab (3) 148.0" 10,800 11,500 3,303/ – 3,295/ –4x4 SRW SuperCab (4) 148.0" 11,300 11,500 3,798/ – 3,291/ –4x4 SRW SuperCab (4) 148.0" – 11,400 – / – 3,191/ –4x4 SRW SuperCab (3) 164.2" 11,200 11,500 3,594/ – 3,169/ –4x4 SRW SuperCab (4) 164.2" 11,500 11,500 3,889/ – 3,164/ –4x4 SRW SuperCab (4) 164.2" 11,400 11,400 3,789/ – 3,064/ –4x4 SRW Crew Cab (3) 159.8" 10,900 11,500 3,253/ – 3,117/ –4x4 SRW Crew Cab (4) 159.8" 11,300 11,500 3,648/ – 3,112/ –4x4 SRW Crew Cab (3) 159.8" 11,300 11,500 3,419/ – 2,866/ –4x4 SRW Crew Cab (4) 159.8" – 11,400 – / – 3,012/ –4x4 SRW Crew Cab (4) 176.0" 11,500 11,500 3,614/ – 2,861/ –4x4 SRW Crew Cab (4) 176.0" 11,400 11,400 3,514/ – 2,761/ –4x4 DRW Reg. Cab 141.6" 14,000 14,000 6,837/ – 6,114/ –4x4 DRW SuperCab 164.2" 14,000 14,000 5,942/ – 5,221/ –4x4 DRW Crew Cab 176.0" 14,000 14,000 5,710/ – 4,956/ –F-450 Super Duty (1)4x2 DRW Crew Cab 176.0" – 14,000 – / – 4,793/ –4x4 DRW Crew Cab176.0"–14,000– / –4,473/ –(1) Requires Camper Package option. (2) 17" tires and wheels. (3) 18" tires and wheels. (4) 18"/20" tires and wheels. *10,000 pounds with optional 10,000 GVWR Package. † With 10,000 GVWR Package.F-SERIESPICKUP/CAMPERCOMBINATION SELECTORAFTER YOU BUY Before heading out on a trip, check your vehicle’s Owner’s Manual for break-in and severe-duty maintenance schedules (do not tow a trailer until your vehicle has been driven at least 1,000 miles). Be sure to have your fully-loaded vehicle (including passengers) and trailer weighed so as not to exceed critical weight limits. If any of these limits are exceeded, cargo should be removed from the vehicle and/or trailer until all weights are within the specified limits.BEFORE YOU BUY If you are selecting a vehicle that will be used for towing, you should determine the approximate weight of the trailer you intend to tow, including the weight of any additional cargo and fluids that you will be carrying in the trailer. Also, be sure the vehicle has the proper optional equipment. Keep in mind that performance can be severely affected in hilly terrain when the minimum acceptable powertrain combination is selected. Consider purchasing a vehicle with a more powerful engine.BrakesMany states require a separate braking system ontrailers with a loaded weight of more than 1,500pounds. For your safety, Ford Motor Companyrecommends that a separate functional brake systembe used on any towed vehicle, including those dolly-towed or towbar-towed. There are several basic typesof brake systems designed to activate trailer brakes:1. E lectronically Controlled Brakes usuallyprovide automatic and manual control of trailerbrakes. They require that the tow vehicle beequipped with a controlling device and additionalwiring for electrical power. These brakes typicallyhave a control box installed within reach ofthe driver and can be applied manually orautomatically.2. E lectric-Over-Hydraulic (EOH) TrailerBrakes are operated by an electrically poweredpump that pressurizes a hydraulic fluid reservoirbuilt into the trailer’s brake system. Many of theavailable EOH trailer brake models are compatiblewith the Ford factory installed, dash-integratedTrailer Brake Controller (TBC).3. S urge Brakes are independent hydraulic brakesactivated by a master cylinder at the junction ofthe hitch and trailer tongue. They are not controlledby the hydraulic fluid in the tow vehicle’s brakesystem, and the tow vehicle’s hydraulic systemshould never be connected directly to the trailer’shydraulic system.Be sure your trailer brakes conform to all applicablestate regulations. See Towing Safely for All Vehicleson the next page for additional braking information.Trailer LampsMake sure the trailer is equipped with lights that conformto all applicable government regulations. The trailerlighting system should not be connected directlyto the lighting system of the vehicle. See a localrecreational vehicle dealer or rental trailer agency forcorrect wiring and relays for the trailer and heavy-dutyflashers.Safety Chains– A lways use safety chains when towing. Safety chainsare used to retain connection between the towingand towed vehicle in the event of separation of thetrailer coupling or ball– C ross chains under the trailer tongue to prevent thetongue from contacting the ground if a separationoccurs. Allow only enough slack to permit full turning– be sure they do not drag on the pavement– W hen using a frame-mounted trailer hitch,attach the safety chains to the frame-mountedhitch using the recommendations supplied by thehitch manufacturer– S ee your vehicle’s Owner’s Manual for safety chainattachment information– F or rental trailers, follow rental agency instructionsfor hookup of safety chainsTrailer Wiring Harness– S ome vehicles equipped with a factory-installedTrailer Tow Package include a trailer wiring harnessand a wiring kit– T his kit includes one or more jumper harnesses(to connect to your trailer wiring connector) andinstallation instructionsWeight DistributionFor optimum handling and braking, the load must be properly distributed Keep center of gravity low for best handlingApproximately 60% of the allowable cargo weight should be in the front half of the trailer and 40% in the rear (within limits of tongue load or king pin weight) Load should be balanced from side-to-side to optimize handling and tire wear Load must be firmly secured to prevent shifting during cornering or braking, which could result in a sudden lossof controlBefore StartingBefore setting out on a trip, practice turning, stopping and backing up your trailer in an area away from heavy traffic Know clearance required for trailer roof Check equipment (make a checklist) Backing UpBack up slowly, with someone spotting near the rear of the trailer to guide you Place one hand at bottom of steering wheel and move it in the direction you want the trailer to goMake small steering inputs – slight movement of steering wheel results in much greater movement in rear of trailer TurningWhen turning, be sure to swing wide enough to allow trailer to avoid curbs and other obstructions.BrakingAllow considerably more distance for stopping with trailer attached Remember, the braking system of the tow vehicle is rated for operation at the GVWR, not GCWRIf your tow vehicle is an F-150, F-Series Super Duty®, Transit or Expedition and your trailer has electric brakes, the optional Integrated Trailer Brake Controller (TBC) assists in smooth and effective trailer braking by powering the trailer’s electric or electric-over-hydraulic brakes with proportional output based on the towing vehicle’s brake pressure If your trailer starts to sway, applybrake pedal gradually. The slidinglever on the TBC should be used onlyfor manual activation of trailer brakeswhen adjusting the gain. Misuse, suchas application during trailer sway,could cause instability of trailer and/ortow vehicleTowing On HillsDownshift the transmission to assistbraking on steep downgrades and toincrease power (reduce lugging) whenclimbing hillsWith TorqShift® transmission, selecttow/haul mode to automaticallyeliminate unwanted gear search whengoing uphill and help control vehiclespeed when going downhillParking With A TrailerWhenever possible, vehicles withtrailers should not be parked on agrade. However, if it is necessary, placewheel chocks under the trailer’s wheels,following the instructions below.Apply the foot service brakes and holdHave another person place the wheelchocks under the trailer wheels on thedowngrade sideOnce the chocks are in place, releasebrake pedal, making sure the chockswill hold the vehicle and trailerApply the parking brakeS hift automatic transmission into park,or manual transmission into reverseWith 4-wheel drive, make sure thetransfer case is not in neutral (ifapplicable)Starting Out Parked OnA GradeApply the foot service brake and holdStart the engine with transmission inpark (automatic) or neutral (manual)Shift the transmission into gear andrelease the parking brakeRelease the brake pedal and move thevehicle uphill to free the chocksApply the brake pedal while anotherperson retrieves the chocksAcceleration And PassingThe added weight of the trailer candramatically decrease the accelerationof the towing vehicle – exercise caution.When passing a slower vehicle, be sureto allow extra distance. Remember, theadded length of the trailer must clearthe other vehicle before you can pullback inSignal and make your pass on levelterrain with plenty of clearanceIf necessary, downshift for improvedaccelerationDriving With An AutomaticOverdrive TransmissionWith certain automatic overdrivetransmissions, towing – especiallyin hilly areas – may cause excessiveshifting between overdrive and the nextlower gear.To eliminate this condition and achievesteadier performance, overdrive can belocked out (see vehicle Owner’s Manual)I f excessive shifting does not occur, useoverdrive to optimize fuel economyOverdrive may also be locked out toobtain engine braking on downgradesWhen available, select tow/haul modeto automatically eliminate unwantedgear search and help control vehiclespeed when going downhillDriving With Cruise ControlTurn off the cruise control with heavyloads or in hilly terrain. The cruisecontrol may turn off automaticallywhen you are towing on long, steepgrades. Use caution while driving onwet roads and avoid using cruise controlin rainy or winter weather conditions.Tire PressureUnderinflated tires get hot and mayfail, leading to possible loss ofvehicle controlOverinflated tires may wear unevenlyand compromise traction and stoppingcapabilityTires should be checked often forconformance to recommended coldinflation pressuresSpare Tire UseA conventional, identical full-size sparetire is required for trailer towing (mini,compact and dissimilar full-size sparetires should not be used; alwaysreplace the spare tire with a new roadtire as soon as possible).On The RoadAfter about 50 miles, stop in aprotected location and double-check:Trailer hitch attachmentLights and electrical connectionsTrailer wheel lug nuts for tightnessEngine oil – check regularly through-out tripHigh Altitude OperationGasoline engines lose power by 3-4%per 1,000 ft. elevation. To maintainperformance, reduce GVWs and GCWsby 2% per 1,000 ft. elevation starting atthe 1,000 ft. elevation point.Powertrain/Frontal AreaConsiderationsThe charts in this Guide show theminimum engine size needed to movethe GCW of tow vehicle and trailer.Under certain conditions, however, (e.g.,when the trailer has a large frontal areathat adds substantial air drag or whentrailering in hilly or mountainous terrain)it is wise to choose a larger engineSelecting a trailer with a low-drag,rounded front design will help optimizeperformance and fuel economyNote: F or additional trailering informationpertaining to your vehicle, refer to thevehicle Owner’s Manual.Towing a trailer is demanding on your vehicle, your trailer and your personal driving skills.Follow some basic rules that will help you tow safely and have a lot more fun.Photography, illustrations and informationpresented herein were correct when approvedfor publishing. Ford Motor Company reservesthe right to discontinue or change at any timethe specifications or designs without incurringobligation. Some features shown or describedare optional at extra cost. Some options arerequired in combination with other options.Consult your dealer for the latest, mostcomplete information on models, features,prices and availability.Many of the recreational vehicles shown inthis brochure are modified or manufacturedby companies other than Ford MotorCompany. Ford assumes no responsibility forsuch modifications or manufacturing./towing-guides. TOWING SAFELY FOR ALL VEHICLES。

EUROCARBODY Cadillac CT6欧洲车身设计

EUROCARBODY Cadillac CT6欧洲车身设计

EuroCarBody 2015, Car body benchmarking data summary
Cadillac CT6
5. Production concept
Process stability/availability: = total up-time in the body shop Re-tooling or re-use factor:
051, 051, 153
0,0 0,2
Austenitic Steels CP
204, 153, 255
128, 000, 128
10,5 37,9 0,0 21,7 11,7 11,7 17,0 62,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
All steels Aluminium Sheet 7xxx series
Bodyshop-Index BSI
GNMA 776 [€ x hour/car unit /WSE] SAIC-GM 1007 [€ x hour/car unit /WSE]
Number of joints (N) or Length of seams (L) 1,624 1,821 84 69 357 45 745 7415 mm 498 mm 9174 mm 293,300 mm 269,012 mm 24,287 mm Total WSE
Weldspot equivalents (WSE) 1,624 2,718 125 138 714 135 1490 371 20 459 881
EuroCarBody 2015, Car body benchmarking data summary

















凯迪拉克CT6 Plug-in 30E

凯迪拉克CT6 Plug-in 30E

150发动机变速器凯迪拉克CT 6 Plug-in 30E 采用了一台2.0T SIDI 涡轮增压直喷发动机和两台高性能驱动电机组。

其中,这款曾被评为“沃德十佳”发动机的2.0T SIDI 涡轮增压直喷发动机的最大功率为203kW/5300rpm ,最大扭矩为400Nm/3000~4300rpm 。

其出色的动力性能早已在CT 6 28T 车型上得到验证。

而两组电动机(感应式电机和永磁同步电机)则被安插在了传统变速器的位置中,通过五组离合器,三组行星齿轮与发动机输出端连接,即可参与驱动,也可以为电池充电,同时组成了EVT 变速器。

这款特殊的变速器能够进行传动比的无级调节,并通过TPIM 驱动能量转换模块协同电驱单元与发动机高效工作,能时刻对驾驶者的操作做出判断,以便选择最优的动力组合方式。

在构造上可以说是相当复杂,但是其体积与普通款CT 6的8挡自动变速器相当,这也就说明CT 6 Plug-in 30E 并不没有改变CT 6的车身结构,同时也没有侵占CT 6的驾乘空间。

加上电动机之后,凯迪拉克CT 6插电式混合动力综合最大输出功率为250kW ,最大扭矩为586Nm 。

底盘悬架凯迪拉克CT 6 Plug-in 30E 的悬架系统相比于普通版车型有所强化,配合超过2t 的自重,整车能够为驾乘者带来很强的厚重感。

遇到不Buying Guide二手运动车两年前,上汽通用汽车发布了“2020战略”,计划在未来五年内投入265亿元,推出超过10款新能源产品,全面推行电气化技术。

上汽通用并没有爽约,在随后的几年里雪佛兰迈锐宝XL 混动、别克君威混动纷纷登台亮相,现在我们则迎来了上汽通用最强混动的力作——凯迪拉克CT 6 Plug-in 30E 。

凯迪拉克CT 6的车长为5179mm 、宽1879mm ,轴距为3109mm ,在国内市场中,可以说是标准的D 级车,可是售价却与C 级车市场相重合,最高版本的凯迪拉克CT 6 40T 铂金版售价也仅为81.88万元,与动辄百万元的其他品牌D 级车相比可以说非常具有竞争力。


震撼视觉 —— 4种个性化仪表设计
震撼视觉 —— 4种个性化仪表设计
客户推荐理由: 全面展示4种不同的炫酷个性化仪表设计,进一步打动客户。
客户推荐话术: XX先生/女士,您好,凯迪拉克CUE的12.3英寸驾驶员液晶显示屏提供4种
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客户推荐话术: XX先生/女士,您好,CUE支持10组蓝牙设备的绑定。SAMSUNG、



凯迪拉克CT6:如何从设计感知豪华?丨深度更真实、更独立、更开放丨引言 | 作为凯迪拉克设计执行总监,安德鲁为什么斩钉截铁地认为CT6对标的是宝马7系?车聚君亲赴美国洛杉矶,为你深度解析。




























1. 定义:转弯半径是车辆在转弯过程中所能够保持的最小半径。



2. 影响因素:转弯半径受到多种因素的影响:- 车辆轮距:轮距越大,转弯半径通常越大。


- 车辆重心高度:重心越低,转弯稳定性越好,同时对应更小的转弯半径。


- 车辆悬挂系统:合理的悬挂调校可以提供更好的支撑力,在转弯时降低车身倾斜,使得转弯半径更小且驾驶更稳定。

3. 合理掌握转弯技巧:合理掌握转弯技巧是确保车辆在转弯时能够保持稳定并正确行驶的关键。

以下几点是需要注意的:- 提前减速:在进入转弯前,提前适度减速,减少转弯时的侧倾和失控风险。

- 保持油门稳定:在转弯过程中,保持油门稳定并轻踩刹车,避免急加速或急刹车导致失控。

- 观察路况:提前观察道路情况,包括交通标志、路况等,并根据实际需要调整转弯速度和角度。

- 技巧练习:合理利用安全的驾驶环境,进行转弯技巧的练习,以提高对转弯半径的掌握能力。







凯迪拉克为CT5配备2.0T 4缸和3.0T 6缸汽油机,纵置后驱布局,标配10AT变速器,高配车型还有四驱加持。








动力方面则是有支持3段凸轮轴设定的2.0T LSY双涡管单涡轮增压发动机或3.0T V6双涡轮增压发动机可选,标配10AT自动变速器。

Tour、 Sport、 Snow/Ice、My Mode4种驾驶模式。



















马歇尔 M-CT6 摄像头顶部监视器用户手册说明书

马歇尔 M-CT6 摄像头顶部监视器用户手册说明书

|1M-CT6Owner’s Manual2|Thank you for purchasing a Marshall M-CT6 camera-top monitor. The M-CT6 is a great tool for focusing, composing, and viewing images/video clips directly from your digital camera/video camera. It is conveniently sized for easy transportation, and it is perfect for difficult shooting situations.To obtain the best results with your new M-CT6, please take the time to read this manual.CAUTION• Please use the supplied power sources.• Do not expose this product to excessive heat or humidity. • Avoid subjecting the unit to physical shock wherever possible. •Do not use chemical solutions to clean this unit. Simply wipe with a clean soft cloth to remove fingerprints or smudges.|3CONTENTSPRODUCT OVERVIE W .....................3-4MONITOR .............................3REMOTE CONTROL ......................4CABLES..............................4MENU OPER ATION ......................5-8SPECIFICATIONS ..........................9INCLUDED ACCESSORIES ..................10TROUBLESHOOTING ......................10BAT TERY COMPATIBILIT Y (11)MONITOR1. Volume down or adjust the value setting.2. Volume up or adjust the value setting.3. MENU: To activate OSD menu.4. Selection key to adjust phase directly or navigate through the ODS menu.5. Selection key to adjust brightness directly or navigate through the ODS menu.6. PC/AV PC. AV switch.7. Power on/off.8. Red indicator light.9. Infrared receiving Window.10. DC12V input jack 11. HDMI input jack.12. VGA input jack.13. 3.5mm earphone jack, AV input jack.14. 3.5mm headphone jack.15. Battery on/off switch.16. Speaker.17. Battery mount.1496123874513121110171615REMOTE CONTROLCABLESHDMI cablemini HDMI-to-HDMIAV CableMUTEPower ON / OFF Activate OSD menuVolume UP / adjust value of setting function Volume DOWN / adjust value of setting function Selection key / adjust brightness directly Selection key / adjust phase directly Aspect ratio switch (4:3/16:9)Menu Navigation (Flip UP/DOWN)Menu Navigation (Flip LEFT/RIGHT)Input Selection1. Yellow RCA jack for VIDEO 1 input2. White RCA jack for AUDIO input3. Yellow RCA jack for VIDEO 2 input1|5MENU OPER ATIONby a red light. Press on the unit or on the remote operational. Pressing the same button again will return the unit to STANDBY mode. Push the "PC/AV " button on the unit or the remote control to select the signal input.You can press or on the unit or on the remote control to select the items: COLOR ADJUST MENU FUNCTION SOUND and confirm by pressing on the remote control or + or - on the unit, then push on the remote control or + or - on the unit a second time to adjust the items. Push to exit the OSD after your adjustments are complete.oror6Color temperature within the OSD is adjustable also. Press on the remote control or + or - on the unit to select "Color Temp," then choose to set color temperature to: 9300 K, 6500 K, or USER or by pressing .RED, GREEN and BLUE may then be adjusted with + or - to obtain any custom settings you may require.Note: when you select “USER,” a mini pop-up box will appear in the right bottom corner of the OSD (as pictured above ).After selecting "Color " mode on the OSD, use to select and then push + or - to adjust.1. Brightness: adjusts the brightness of the image 2. Contrast: adjusts the contrast of image3. Color Temp: adjusts the color temperature of the image4.Custom Color Adjustment modeCOLORoror or|7ADJUSTOperating Screen Display1. Auto Config : adjusts settings automatically2. H Position: adjusts the picture horizontally3. V Position: adjusts the picture vertically4. Phase: adjusts the phase5. Clock: adjusts the clock, make field, and line synchronization1. Language: sets the displayed language2. H Position: adjusts the OSD window horizontally3. V Position: adjusts the OSD window vertically4. OSD Timeout: adjusts the timeout for the OSD shut-off5. Transparent:Adjust the transparency level of the OSD screenLanguage window8FUNCTIONSOUND1. Reset: resets the monitor to the original factory settings2. Display Ratio: changes the aspect ratio from 4:3 to 16:9 (4:3 is default)3. Zoom: increases the image by 10%4. LR: flip image horizontally (Mirror image)5. UD: flip image vertically (up / down)1. Volume:adjusts the monitor or headphone volumeSPECIFICATIONS|9INCLUDED ACCESSORIES• Power AC adapter• AV cable• HDMI-to-HDMI cable• Mini HDMI-to-HDMI cable• Remote control• Camera mount• Battery• Battery charger • Operation manual• Soft pouchTROUBLESHOOTINGImage is only showing black and white:Make sure the level of color saturation and brightness are correct.The power is on but there is no picture:Check your cable to make sure both ends are secure. Make sure theAV or VGA cable is tightly connected from the video out connector orVGA signal output connector. Make sure you are using the standardpower adapter supplied with the monitor.The colors are incorrect or abnormal:If any color is missing, check the cables to make sure they are securelyconnected. Broken or loose pins in the cable connector can cause abad connection.The remote control does not work:Check the battery to make sure the battery is installed properly and thatit is not depleted.If you are still experiencing problems, contact Marshall Electronicstechnical support at:(800) 800-6608 or +1 (310) 333-060610BAT TERY COMPATIBILIT YThis camera-top monitor is compatible with a variety of different DSLR and camcorder batteries, depending upon which option is purchased:Compatible DSLR BatteriesCanon BP511Canon E6Nikon EL3Compatible Camcorder BatteriesCanon BP-970GJVC BN-V438UPanasonic CGA-D54Panasonic VW-VBG6Sony NP-QM91Sony NP-F9701112Brightness X X XContrast X X XHue X NO XSaturation X X XColor Temperature X X NO AdjustAuto Config NO X NOH Position NO X NOV Position NO X NOPhase NO X NOClock NO X NO OSDLanguage X X XH Position X X XV Position X X XOSD Timeout X X XTransparent X X X FunctionReset X X XDisplay Ratio X X XZoom X NO NOLR X X XUD X X X SoundVolume X X XMENU OPTIONS CHARTMarshall Electronics1910 E. Maple AvenueEl Segundo, CA 90245 USAPhone: 310-333-0606 • 800-800-6608 • Fax: 310-333-0688Manual contents subjects to change without notice.13。



Full window power sunshade
Classic quartz clock
Heated front seats
Ventilated front seats with cooling function
Thigh support for front seats
Ice Blue interior ambient lighting
倒车影像 倒车雷达 APA自动泊车系统
别克昂科威28T车型配置表 Buick Envision 28T Specifications
12-way power driver's seat adjuster with lumbar support
28T 四驱精英型 28T AWD Elite
转向系统 制动系统 (前/后) FlexRide四模式自适应驾驶系统 外观配置 Exterior 智能降阻进气隔栅 展翼型HID感应大灯 LED日间行车灯 展翼型LED尾灯 飞翼式扰流板带LED高位刹车灯 外后视镜电动调节/加热/折叠/LED转向灯 两片式超大全景天窗 鲨鱼鳍综合信号接收天线 双层绿色隔热隔音玻璃 哑光镀铬舷窗 全框式车窗镀铬饰条 车身镀铬门把手 镀铬双排气管 前门迎宾灯 铝合金车顶行李架 智能大灯系统(带AFS及HBA功能) 后窗防紫外线隐私玻璃 车身同色前后保险杠及侧裙 内饰配置 Interior
All-new six-speed Dynamic Start/Stop Shift (DSS) automatic transmission

凯迪拉克 全新一代流媒体后视镜用户手册说明书

凯迪拉克 全新一代流媒体后视镜用户手册说明书



















注意事项:1.本产品不包含SD卡,用户需自行购买SD卡方可使用(支持8G~128G C10 以上的品牌高速SD卡,建议历时6个月更换一次新卡)。

2.本产品不支持Micro SD卡。



一、特别说明 (2)二、内后视镜面板功能 (4)三、MyCadillac APP功能说明 (5)3.1扫码绑定 (5)3.1.1 下载MyCadillac APP (5)3.1.2 绑定步骤说明 (5)3.2MyCadillac APP功能说明 (7)四、实时自检 (8)4.1屏幕显示关闭 (8)4.2屏幕显示开启 (9)4.2.1 停车实时自检 (9)4.2.2 行车实时自检 (11)五、屏幕显示关闭操作 (13)5.1锁存/终止锁存 (13)5.2屏幕显示开关 (13)六、屏幕显示开启操作 (14)6.1停车时操作 (14)6.1.1 锁存/终止锁存 (14)6.1.2 亮度调节 (14)6.1.3 角度调节 (14)6.1.4 回放 (15) 回放列表 (15) 回放中 (16)6.1.5 系统设置 (17)6.2行车时操作 (18)6.2.1 锁存/终止锁存 (18)6.2.2 亮度调节 (18)6.2.3 角度调节 (18)6.2.4 提示停车操作 (19)附录1故障排除 (20)附录2 有害物质声明 (21)附录3 保修服务 (22)一、特别说明1.说明书中有用矩形图片表示,图像显示实际是在异形框内。



新美式旗舰轿车凯迪拉克CT6技术参数及配置表Cadillac CT6 SpecificationsAWD智能全时四轮驱动系统AWD-----S S S ARS主动式后轮转向系统ARS---S S S S S MRC主动电磁感应悬挂MRC---S S S S S 安全配备Safety Feature11种复合材料专利宇航级工艺轻量化车身11 Kinds of Composite Materials AerospaceGrade Lightweight BodyS S S S S S S SABS防抱死刹车系统ABS S S S S S S S S TCS牵引力控制系统TCS S S S S S S S S Auto hold主动式刹车保持系统Auto Hold---S S-S S ESC车身电子稳定控制系统ESC S S S S S S S S Brake-Hill Holder坡道起步辅助Brake-Hill Holder S S S S S S S S EPB电子驻车系统EPB S S S S S S S S ESS强化安全系统I:ESS I:前方行人探测预警Forward Pedestrian Probe and Warning--S S S S S S 低速自动刹车Low-speed Automatic Braking--S S S S S S 自动远光灯Automatic High Beam--S S S S S S 前方碰撞预警FCW--S S S S S S 跟车距离提醒Following Distance Warning--S S S S S S倒车后方横穿车流预警Rear Pedestrians Crossing Warning whileReversing--S S S S S S变道盲区辅助提醒功能Blind Spot Assist Alerts while Lane change--S S S S S S车道偏离警告/车道保持辅助系统Lane Departure Warning/Lane KeepingAssist--S S S S S SESS强化安全系统II:ESS II:全速防撞自动刹车Full-speed Anti-collision Automatic Braking---S S-S S倒车碰撞预警Reversing Collision Warning---S S-S S 智能主动式巡航(智能跟车/碰撞预防/自动刹车)Intelligent ACC---S S-S S 定速巡航CCS S S S--S--前后驻车辅助雷达Parking Radar (Front/Rear)S S S S S S S S 全彩倒车影像Full-color Reversing Camera-S S S S S S S 360°倒车影像360° Reversing Camera---S S-S S 360°驻车监视安保功能360° Parking Security Monitoring---S S-S S前后超大视角整车行车智能记录系统Ultra-wide Intelligent Vehicle Driving RecordSystem---S S-S S360°全模式智能自动泊车系统360° Full-mode Intelligent AutomaticParking System---S S-S S全彩HUD飞航显示仪Full-color HUD Flight Monitor----S--S。


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地址:中国上海浦东金桥申江路1500号 邮编:201206 网址: 雪佛兰咨询热线:400-820-1912,800-820-1912(免费)或************声明䒓ಸऺ⼝݈䚤RS 䚤݈䚤RS 䚤Pro݈䚤RS 䚤Max䒓䏘࣯᪝䪬Ꮣ(mm)4270ცᏓ(mm)1791倅Ꮣ(mm)16101627䒡䌊(mm)2570䒛䌊(ݺ/ऻ)(mm)1547/1551᪡ิ䉕䛼(kg)13001335䒛⃯17स䨊व䛾䒛⃯䒛㗻ᮛݖथ䕇BRIDGESTONE 215/55R17ݺऻ䒛㗻ᣕ㡽ࢸ߈(kPa)240/240ิ㗻T115/70R16 92M⇦マღ⼜(L)40㵹ᱻマღ⼜(L)390ߕ߈࣯᪝ࣾߕᱧEcotec すژАڕ᫝1.5T ఈ㑥Ⱑ૤⋎䒛෋ࢸࣾߕᱧࣾߕᱧᱽ䉕ڕ䨊ᢿ䛼(ml)1498ᰭ๔䷊Ⴧߌ⢴(kW/rpm) 135/5500ᰭ๔រⴖ(N .m/rpm)250/1500-5000अ䕌マCVT ᮧ㘪ᬍ㏔अ䕌マ侞ߕᒏᐼݺ侞ᰭ倅䒓䕌(km/h)205⛰⇦92तᝃВ̷ᬍ䧲↪⇦ᢿᩫᴴ۳పɍ㐩वጒۢ⇦㕄 (L/100km)(WLTC ጒۢ) 6.35ᏂⰅᗙ᳣(ݺ/ऻ)叓ᑄ䔷ᐼ⠙⿸ᗙ᳣/រᱳᶮᐼ䲋⠙⿸ᗙ᳣ݣߕ㈨㐌 (ݺ/ऻ)䕇䷻Ⰵᐼ/Ⰵᐼ᫝̭Аࢇ̓EPS ⩢ၽߖ߈䒙ा㈨㐌S S S ࣾߕᱧड़։㈨㐌S S S ใ㻯䙺ิᮧ㘪LED ๔▜S S S LED ᑜ䖀䒲ߖ⚔ᬻS S S 㜗ߕݺ๔▜(ѡ᜾ఋუߌ㘪)S S S LED ᬒ㵹▜S S S ٰࣹ㉍LED ᅫ▜S S S 倅Ѻݦ䒓▜S S S ใऻ㻳䪉⩢ߕ䄰㞯S S S 䒓ಸऺ⼝݈䚤RS 䚤݈䚤ڲ亝䙺ิݺᢿ͚๛ឣ᝸(ፓו➖マ)S ऻᢿ͚๛ឣ᝸-ऻᢿᏔḲज4/6ܳៅऍS す̭ᢿ䶣㶙LED ⚔ᬻ▜S ऻᢿ䶣㶙LED ⚔ᬻ▜-ݺᢿ12V ⩢⎽᣿ऐS Ⴖڕ⻾ឭESC ⩢ၽ䒓䒳⽠ჇᣔݣS ABS 䭟៞₨ݣߕS EBD ⩢ၽݣߕ߈ܳ䙺S HSA ಎ䖀䊤ₒ䒲ߖS TCS ➢ᑂ߈ᣔݣS CBC ᑜ䖀ݣߕᣔݣS PBA ㉔ᕒݣߕ䒲ߖS EBW ㉔ᕒݣߕ䶱䂓S TPMS ఈ䒛⠙⿸᪝᭫㗻ࢸ⯾≸S AEB ⷝ᧋㑀㼐ݣߕ-FCA ݺⷝ᧋䶱䂓-PCM 㵹ϧⷝ᧋㑀㼐-FDI 䌌䒓䌊⻨᣽⹧-LKA 䒓䖀Ԋᠮ䒲ߖ-LDW 䒓䖀ռ⻨䶱䂓-Կ䒓䰤䓫S Կ䒓ᒞ׼㈨㐌S ݺᢿ䶱㉔䭽߈ႶڕፓS ݺᢿႶڕፓ᱗㈨᣽䚿S ݺᢿࣹႶڕ⅁௷S ݺᢿӔႶڕ⅁௷S ݺऻ̭ҀᐼӔႶڕ⅁ፅ-ऻᢿISOFIX ٬〒ႶڕᏔḲᣒऐS ऻᢿ䒓䬕٬〒Ⴖڕ䨮S ऻ⿄䮑䰫ߌ㘪S ࣾߕᱧ䭟Ⰴ䨮₏S 㵹䒓㜗ߕ㥪䨮S ڲऻ㻳䪉㜗ߕ䭟ⱖⰛ-ᮧ㖁⻾ឭ雪佛兰创酷RS 参数配置表印刷日期:2023年9月备注:“S”为标准配备,“-”为未配备,“O ”为选装配备梦 创 未 来创一波 颜值炸场的酷沿袭雪佛兰FNR-CarryAll车身经典设计理念,骨子里的硬核,始终未变。










主驾驶座椅 6 向手动调节

主驾驶座椅 8 向电动可调


副驾驶座椅 4 向手动调节
225/65 R17
225/65 R17
发动机排量 (cc)
工信部油耗 7.2
无钥匙启动系统 无钥匙进入系统 CAN-BUS 智能网络控制系统 前大灯高度调节 “离家”智能大灯点亮 智能自动感应无骨雨刮 “回家”大灯延时熄灭 四门电动车窗(主驾驶一键升降)








TCe 100 GPFTCe 130 GPFTCe 130CV GPF Stepway Sce 110CV GLP Sce 110CV GLP Stepway Blue dCi 95Blue dCi 115Blue dCi 115 StepwayCarburanteGas Gas GasGas+GLP Gas+GLP Diésel Diésel Diésel Potencia máxima kW CEE (cv) a régimen (r.p.m.)75 a 450096 a 500096(130) a 5000Gas 80(107)a 5500 / GLP 79kW (106) a 5500Gas 80(107)a 5500 / GLP 79kW (106) a 550070 (95) a 3750 85 (115) a 375085 (115) a 3750Par máximo CEE (Nm) a régimen (r.p.m.)200 a 1500240 a 1600240 a 1600Gas 150 a 4000 / GLP 144 a 4000Gas 150 a 4000 / GLP 144 a 4000220 a 1750260 a 2000260 a 2000Tipo de inyección / de motor GDI GDI GDI Mulltipunto indirecto Mulltipunto indirectoInyección directa Inyección directa Inyección directa Cilindrada (cm 3)13331333133315981598146114611461Número de cilindros / de válvulas 4/164/164/164/164/164/84/84/8Norma de depolución Euro 6 DtempEuro 6 DtempEuro 6 DtempEuro 6 DtempEuro 6 DtempEuro 6 DtempEuro 6 DtempEuro 6 DtempFiltro de partículasSíSíSíNoNoSíSíSíStop & Start y recuperación de energía en la frenada Sí/no Sí/no Sí/no Sí/no Sí/no Sí/no Sí/no Sí/no Velocidad máxima (km/h) / 0-100 km/h (s)177/11.4193/9.2193/9.3173/11,6172/11,8172 / 13,1185 / 10,9185 / 11,0400 m / 1000 m salida en parado (s)17,1/33,416,6/30,716,9/30,8Pdte /33,8Pdte /3418,7 / 35,718,2 / 33,518,3 / 33,6Tipo de caja de velocidades / Número de velocidades Manual/6Manual/6Manual/6Manual/5Manual/5Manual/6Manual/6Manual/6DirecciónDiámetro de giro entre aceras (m) Delanteros: discos ventilados Ø (mm) / espesor (mm)(DV) 280X24(DV) 280X24(DV) 280X24(DV) 280X24(DV) 280X24(DV) 280X24(DV) 280X24(DV) 280X24Traseros: tambor / (pulgadas) (T)/9(T)/9(T)/9(T)/9(T)/9(T)/9(T)/9(T)/9Medida de llantas y de neumáticos de referencia (delantero y trasero)Protocolo de homologación WLTP WLTP WLTP WLTP WLTP WLTP WLTP WLTP Mode Eco SíSíSíSíSíNo No No Reserva (l)50505050 (42 GPL)50 (42 GPL)505050Capacidad de reserva de urea de Adblue 171717 Comunicados en NEDC BT Emisiones de CO 2 (g/km)132-133132-133135Gas 147-150/ GLP 129 -132 Gas 153 / GLP 134 106-107106-107109-110Consumo en ciclo extra-urbano (l/100km)54,95,1Gas 5,4-5,5/ GLP 8,1-9,0Gas 5,7/ GLP 6,8-6,93,73,63,8Consumo en ciclo urbano (l/100 km)7-7,17,47,3-7,4Gas 8,4/ GLP 11,5-13,7Gas 8,5/ GLP 11,1-11,34,6-4,74,74,8Consumo en ciclo mixto (l/100 km)5,85,85,9Gas 6,5 - 6,6/ GLP 7,6 -7,7Gas 6,7/ GLP 7,9 4-4,14-4,14,2 Comunicados en WLTPEmisiones de CO 2 (g/km) Min - Max146 - 155146-155146-155Gas 154-163/ GLP 139-147 Gas 154-163/ GLP 139-147124-133124-133124-133Consumo en ciclo mixto (l/100 km) Min - Max6,4 - 6,86,4-6,86,4-6,8Gas 6,84-7,25/ GLP 8,2-8,6 Gas 6,84-7,25/ GLP 8,2-8,64,7-5,14,7-5,14,7-5,1En vacío en orden de marcha (MVODM) min/max 1211/12341219/12431219/12431201/1263-1242/12881227/1276-1250/13011263 / 13041289 / 13131289 / 1313Total circulando (MTR)3052/3070 3060/30783060/30783023-30693036-30823101 / 31583108 / 31653108 / 3165Masa máxima autorizada en carga (MMAC)1852/18701860/18781860/18781823-18691836-18821901 / 19581908 / 19651908 / 1965Carga útil (CU) min/max588/581588/581588/581560 / 622 - 581 / 627560 / 609 - 581 / 632548 / 581548 / 581548 / 581Masa máxima remolcable con freno min/max 1400/14001400/14001400/1400140014001400/ 14001400/ 14001400/ 1400Masa máxima remolcable sin freno640/650645/655645/655635 - 665650 - 660665 / 685680 / 690680 / 690Volumen de maletero minimo bajo oculta-equipaje con kit de reparación / con rueda de recambio según norma ISO 3832 mini (dm 3 VDA)Volumen de maletero maximo con banqueta trasera abatible y con kit de reparación / con rueda de repuesto según norme ISO 3832 mini (dm 3 VDA)Volumen de maletero minimo con bajo oculta-equipaje con kit de reparación/con rueda de repuesto (en litros)Volumen de maletero maximo con banqueta trasera abatible con kit de reparación / con rueda de reparación (en litros)Frenos1861Dirección Prestaciones185/65 R15/ 195/55 R16Llantas, ruedas y neumáticos207Dirección asistida hidráulicaConsumos y emisiones** Desde septiembre de 2018, todos los vehículos nuevos están homologados según el protocolo WLTP - Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles new Test Procedure. Para facilitar la transición, está previsto que los valores de emisiones y de consumos homologados según el protocolo WLTP sean interpretados según elantiguo protocolo NEDC (NEDC correlacionado) durante un periodo que variará según los países.Fecha actualización : Marzo 2020Características técnicas Nueva gama8272617Motorización Masas (5/7 plazas & 5/7 plazas versiones Stepway)11,1/11,6Caja de velocidadesLodgyConfidential C。

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新美式旗舰轿车凯迪拉克CT6技术参数及配置表Cadillac CT6 Specifications
AWD智能全时四轮驱动系统AWD-----S S S ARS主动式后轮转向系统ARS---S S S S S MRC主动电磁感应悬挂MRC---S S S S S 安全配备Safety Feature
11种复合材料专利宇航级工艺轻量化车身11 Kinds of Composite Materials Aerospace
Grade Lightweight Body
ABS防抱死刹车系统ABS S S S S S S S S TCS牵引力控制系统TCS S S S S S S S S Auto hold主动式刹车保持系统Auto Hold---S S-S S ESC车身电子稳定控制系统ESC S S S S S S S S Brake-Hill Holder坡道起步辅助Brake-Hill Holder S S S S S S S S EPB电子驻车系统EPB S S S S S S S S ESS强化安全系统I:ESS I:
前方行人探测预警Forward Pedestrian Probe and Warning--S S S S S S 低速自动刹车Low-speed Automatic Braking--S S S S S S 自动远光灯Automatic High Beam--S S S S S S 前方碰撞预警FCW--S S S S S S 跟车距离提醒Following Distance Warning--S S S S S S
倒车后方横穿车流预警Rear Pedestrians Crossing Warning while
--S S S S S S
变道盲区辅助提醒功能Blind Spot Assist Alerts while Lane change--S S S S S S
车道偏离警告/车道保持辅助系统Lane Departure Warning/Lane Keeping
--S S S S S S
全速防撞自动刹车Full-speed Anti-collision Automatic Braking---S S-S S
倒车碰撞预警Reversing Collision Warning---S S-S S 智能主动式巡航(智能跟车/碰撞预防/自动刹车

Intelligent ACC---S S-S S 定速巡航CCS S S S--S--前后驻车辅助雷达Parking Radar (Front/Rear)S S S S S S S S 全彩倒车影像Full-color Reversing Camera-S S S S S S S 360°倒车影像360° Reversing Camera---S S-S S 360°驻车监视安保功能360° Parking Security Monitoring---S S-S S
前后超大视角整车行车智能记录系统Ultra-wide Intelligent Vehicle Driving Record
---S S-S S
360°全模式智能自动泊车系统360° Full-mode Intelligent Automatic
Parking System
---S S-S S
全彩HUD飞航显示仪Full-color HUD Flight Monitor----S--S。
