企业所得税(英文版精品)The Corporation Tax
Public Economics
• A corporation is a form of business organization in which ownership is usually represented by transferable stock certificates
– When corporations finance activities by issuing stock, dividends are not deductible.
• How should durable goods be treated in determining taxable income?
• Buying a drill press (that lasts for 10 years) is initially just an exchange of assets, not an economic cost.
• As it is used, it is subject to wear and tear, which decreases its value. This decrease in value, called economic depreciation, is an economic cost to the firm.
• Only real people can pay a tax, so why not just tax incomes of corporation owners via the personal income tax?
Article 1 In order to collect taxes in accordance with the law, clarify the tax obligations, and maintain tax order, this Law is formulated in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Tax Collection and Administration.第二条本法适用于企业和其他经济组织的所得税征收。
Article 2 This Law applies to the collection of enterprise income tax from enterprises and other economic organizations.第三条企业所得税是指企业按照税法规定的内容和办法,按期将当年取得的所得,依法按规定的税率缴纳国家的税款。
Article 3 Enterprise income tax refers to the tax payable by an enterprise in accordance with the provisions of the tax laws and regulations on the income it earned in a given year at the rates stipulated by law. The central and local governments collect enterprise income tax jointly in accordance with the prescribed proportions.第四条企业所得税的纳税义务人是企业。
企业所得税法中英对照企业所得税法中英对照Corporate Income Tax Law Comparison between Chinese and English第一章总则 Chapter 1 General Provisions第一条为了规范企业所得税的征收和管理,保障国家财政收入,促进经济发展,保护投资者的合法权益,制定本法。
Article 1 In order to regulate the collection and administration of corporate income tax, safeguard national financial revenue, promote economic development, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors, this Law is hereby formulated.第一条为了规范企业所得税的征收和管理,保障国家财政收入,促进经济发展,保护投资者权益,制定本法。
Article 1 In order to regulate the collection and administration of corporate income tax, safeguard national financial revenue, promote economic development, and protect the interests of investors, this Law is hereby formulated.第二条本法适用于中华人民共和国境内的企业以及中华人民共和国境外的企业在中华人民共和国境内取得的所得。
Article 2 This Law shall apply to enterprises within the territory of the People's Republic of China and to the income obtained by foreign enterprises within the territory of the People's Republic of China.第二条本法适用于中华人民共和国境内的企业以及中华人民共和国境外企业在中华人民共和国境内取得的所得。
企业所得税法英文版The Enterprise Income Tax Law (EITL) of the People's Republicof China is the main legislation that governs the taxation of enterprises in China. It was first introduced in 1991 and has been revised several times to adapt to the changing economic environment. The EITL aims to provide a fair and stable tax regime for enterprises and promote economic development.The EITL defines the scope of taxable income for enterprises, which includes income from production and business operations, income from transfer of assets, income from equity investment, and other income. The law provides guidelines for determining taxable income and allows for deductions and tax incentives for certain types of income.The tax rate for enterprises in China is generally 25%, although certain types of enterprises and industries may be eligible for lower tax rates or preferential treatment. The EITL also establishes rules for the withholding and payment of taxes, as well as the administration and enforcement of the law.In addition to the general provisions, the EITL includes specific provisions for foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) and enterprisesin special economic zones, where different tax regulations and incentives may apply. These provisions aim to attract foreign investment and promote economic development in specific regions. The EITL also addresses anti-avoidance measures to prevent tax evasion and abuse of tax incentives. It includes provisions on transfer pricing to ensure that transactions between related partiesare conducted at arm's length and that profits are not artificially shifted to low-tax jurisdictions.Moreover, the EITL outlines the procedures for tax filing, assessment, and dispute resolution. It requires enterprises to keep proper accounting records and submit annual tax returns. It also establishes the rights and obligations of taxpayers and tax authorities, including the right to request information and conduct tax audits.The EITL is regularly updated to keep pace with changes in the business environment and international tax standards. Recent amendments have focused on reducing the tax burden for small and medium-sized enterprises, encouraging technological innovation, and addressing the challenges posed by the digital economy.In conclusion, the Enterprise Income Tax Law is a comprehensive legislation that governs the taxation of enterprises in China. It provides guidelines for determining taxable income, establishes tax rates and incentives, and sets out procedures for tax filing and enforcement. The EITL aims to create a fair and stable tax regime that promotes economic development and prevents tax evasion.。
企业所得税法中英对照中文:企业所得税法英文:Enterprise Income Tax Law中文:第一章总则英文:Chapter I General Provisions中文:第一条为了贯彻税收法律,加强税收管理,维护国家税收秩序,制定本法。
英文:Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purpose of implementing tax laws, strengthening tax administration, maintaining the order of national tax revenue, and regulating income tax for enterprises.中文:第二条对中华人民共和国内地、独立关税区、保税区和其他划归国家的经济特区(以下统称为中国境内)内的所有企业及其他组织,按照本法规定征收企业所得税。
英文:Article 2 Enterprise income tax shall be levied according to the provisions of this Law on all enterprises and other organizations within the territory of the People's Republic of China, including the mainland, independent customs zones, bonded areas, and other economic special zones (hereinafter referred to collectively as "China's territory").中文:第三条企业所得税的税源是企业在依法确认的各种收入中取得的所得。
英文:Article 3 The sources of enterprise income tax are the income obtained by enterprises from various legally confirmed revenue sources.中文:第四条享受优惠税率和从事特定业务或投资特定项目税收优惠的企业,在法律、行政法规和其它规范性文件中,另有规定的,适用其规定。
Chapter 1 OverviewCorporate income tax is a type of tax levied on the profits of a company. This tax is calculated based on the company's business operations and profit amount. The Corporate Income Tax Law aims to ensure that companies comply with their tax obligations, while also providing some tax incentives to encourage investment and innovation.第二章纳税人的义务所有企业在法律上都有纳税的义务。
Chapter 2 Taxpayer ObligationsAll companies have a legal obligation to pay taxes. Companies should timely declare and pay their income tax to the tax authorities. Companies are also obliged to keep and provide accurate and complete tax records related to corporate income tax.第三章纳税计算方法企业所得税的计算主要基于企业的利润金额。
企业税收筹划外文翻译文献企业税收筹划外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)Corporate Tax-Planning Effectiveness: The Role of Compensation-BasedIncentives (Ⅰ)John D. Phillips University of ConnecticutABSTRACTThis study investigates whether compensating chief executive officers andbusiness-unit managers using after-tax accounting-based performance measures leads to lower effective tax rates, the empirical surrogate used for tax-planning effectiveness. Utilizing proprietary compensation data obtained in a survey of corporate executives, the relation between effective tax rates and after-tax performance measures is modeled and estimated using a two-step approach that corrects for the endogeneity bias associated with firms' decisions to compensate managers on a pre- versus after-tax basis. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that compensating business-unit managers, but not chief executive officers, on an after-tax basis leads to lower effective tax rates.KEYWORDS tax planning; performance measures; endogenous treatment effects.I. INTRODUCTIONEffective tax planning, defined by Scholes et al. (2002) as tax planning that maximizes the firm's expected discounted after-tax cash flows, requires managers to consider their decisions' after-tax consequences. In this paper, I investigate whether after-tax accounting-based performance measures lead to lower effective tax rates (ETR), my empirical surrogate for tax planning effectiveness.1 The ETR, an income-statement-based outcome measure calculated as the ratio of total income tax expense to pre-tax income, generally measures the effectiveness of tax reduction strategies that lead to higher after-tax income. A lower ETR, however, can only proxy for tax savings and does not always imply that after-tax income and/or cash flows have been maximized.2 Despite this limitation, the ETR has been used to measure the effectiveness of spending on the tax function (Mills et al. 1998) and corporate tax department performance (Douglas et al. 1996). Also, lowering the ETR is frequently cited as a way to increase earnings (e.g., Ziegler 1997) and increase share price (e.g., Mintz 1999; Swenson 1999).Accounting research has addressed the relation between accounting-based compensation and managers' actions (e.g., Larcker 1983; Healy 1985; Wallace 1997). This paper is the first to address whether after-tax accounting-based performance measures motivate managers to take actions that help lower their firms' ETR and does so at both the chief executive officer (CEO) and business-unit (SBU) manager levels.Prior after-tax performance measure research has focused only on the determinants of compensation CEOs using pre- versus after-tax earnings (e.g., Newman 1989; Carnes and Guffey 2000; Atwood et al. 1998; Dhaliwal et al. 2000) and provides no evidence concerning after-tax compensation's effectiveness in lowering a firm's tax liability. Extending this investigation to the SBU level is motivated out of the apparent conflict between arguments that taxes should be allocated to SBU for incentive compensation purposes (e.g., McLemore 1997) with empirical observations that a majority of firms do not do so (e.g., Douglas et al. 1996).4 The current investigation provides evidence concerning the incremental effectiveness of explicitly motivating CEOs and SBU managers to incorporate tax consequences into their operating and investment decisions.A common issue in cross-sectional studies that attempt to link a particular management accounting choice to an outcome measure is that all sample firms may be optimizing with respect to the choice being investigated (Ittner and Larcker 2001). Without addressing the endogeneity of a firm's choice, it is difficult to provide evidence consistent with this choice leading to an improved outcome. To address this issue, the relation between ETR and CEO and SBU-manager after-tax performance measures is estimated using a two-step approach that helps correct for the potential endogeneity bias associated with these two choice variables. As a first step in implementing this approach, the Antle and Demski (1988) controllability principle is used to model a firm's decisions to adopt after-tax CEO and SBU-manager performance measures. To include a particular measure in a manager's compensation contract, this principle requires that the expected benefits from holding a manager responsible for a measure must be greater than the additional wage that must be paid to compensate the manager for the resulting additional risk and effort. Accordingly, an after- tax performance measure should be used as a contracting variable in a manager's incentive compensation contract only if the manager's involvement in tax-planning efforts leads to a difference between pre-tax and after-tax accounting results, which is generally reflected in the ETR. Consistent with prior research, the pre- versus after-tax CEO and SBU-manager selection models include variables that control for a firm's tax-planning opportunities because the presence of such opportunities reflect the extent to which a manager's actions can be expected to lower the ETR.Even if a manager's efforts are expected to lead to a lower ETR, a firm will use an after-tax performance measure only if the expected benefits exceed the expectedcosts of doing so. An after-tax performance measure is expected to lead to a lower ETR because it motivates the manager's increased cooperation with tax professionals to help identify, develop, and execute tax-planning strategies. McLemore (1997, 1) cites Hewlett Packard's tax director to support the need for SBU-manager involvement in tax-planning efforts:Tax planning is only as good as being involved in the early stages of such things as business planning, strategic planning, and merger and acquisition work....Your tax department has to be represented at the table when those decisions are made. The evolving model for the future is the tight integration of tax people with business unit planning.Costs associated with using after-tax performance measures include the additional wage that must be paid to compensate the manager for the increased risk due to potential tax law changes and the increased effort that results from including income tax expense in the compensation contract. Other potential costs associated with after-tax compensation include the administrative cost of allocating tax expense to a firm's SBU, increased tax examination costs, and increased tax authority scrutiny. Contrary to measuring after-tax compensation's benefits via observed ETR, there are no clear empirical surrogates for after-tax performance measures' costs. This study thus focuses on the realized benefits of compensating managers on an after-tax basis but does not provide evidence of the associated costs' magnitude.Proprietary data obtained in a survey of corporate executives are used to construct certain test variables, including those indicating whether CEOs and SBU managers are compensated using after-tax accounting-based performance measures. Publicly available data are used to construct ETR and other test variables. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that compensating SBU managers, but not CEOs, on an after-tax basis leads to lower ETR, resulting in an estimated median tax savings of $13.3 million annually. Sensitivity tests performed on a subsample of firms with high simulated MTR (Graham 1996) provide further evidence that low-MTR firms' potential ETR-lowering actions that could have ambiguous effects on cash flows and after-tax profits are not driving this result. Further sensitivity tests help rule out the proportion of tax function outsourcing as an alternative explanation for the statistically and economically significant negative relation between after- tax SBU-manager compensation and ETR.The results contribute to the accounting-based compensation literature by linking after- tax accounting-based performance measures to SBU-manager involvement that is incrementally effective in lowering firms' ETR. Consistent with Guidry et al. (1999) who document bonus-induced earnings management at the SBU level, this finding provides additional insight into the effect that SBU-manager accounting-based incentives have on managers' actions. Also, the estimated explicit tax savings resulting from after-tax performance measures provide corporate decision makers with information relevant to the design of SBU-manager incentive compensation plans.The paper proceeds as follows. The next section sets forth the hypotheses tested in this study. Section III outlines the empirical models and estimation procedures used in testing these hypotheses. Section IV provides a discussion of the data and sample, including a brief overview of the survey used to obtain proprietary compensation data. Results are presented in Section V. The final section provides the conclusion and a discussion of the study's limitations.II. HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENTNewman (1989), Cares and Guffey (2000), and Atwood et al. (1998) investigate firms' choices of after-tax earnings as the contracting variable in CEO bonus plans. These studies hypothesize that firms with greater tax-planning opportunities, consistent with the Antle and Demski (1988) controllability principle, are more likely to use after-tax performance measures. Using proxies for tax-planning opportunities, these studies collectively find that multinational status, number of operating segments, firm size, and capital intensity are positively associated with after-tax CEO compensation. Atwood et al. (1998) also presents evidence that leverage is negatively associated with this choice.企业税收筹划的有效性:基于对报酬的激励作用(上)约翰D·菲利普斯康涅狄格大学摘要本研究探讨首席执行官是否修正主管和业务部门经理利用税后会计为基础的绩效措施,导致较低的实际税率,以报酬激励用于税收筹划的有效性。
第四章税收优惠Chapter IV Preferential Tax Policies第二十五条国家对重点扶持和鼓励发展的产业和项目,给予企业所得税优惠。
Article 25 The state implements preferential tax policies with respect to the industries and projects which have the major support of, and the development of which is encouraged by, the State.第二十六条企业的下列收入为免税收入:(一)国债利息收入;(二)符合条件的居民企业之间的股息、红利等权益性投资收益;(三)在中国境内设立机构、场所的非居民企业从居民企业取得与该机构、场所有实际联系的股息、红利等权益性投资收益;(四)符合条件的非营利组织的收入。
Article 26 The following income of an enterprise shall be income exempted from tax:(1)income from interest on government bonds;(2)income from equity investment, such as dividends and bonuses,between qualified resident enterprises;(3)income from equity investment, such as dividends and bonuses, whichis received from a resident enterprise by a non-resident enterprise that has institutions or establishments in China, and which is actually relevant to the said institutions or establishments; and(4)income of a qualified non-profit organization.第二十七条企业的下列所得,可以免征、减征企业所得税:(一)从事农、林、牧、渔业项目的所得;(二)从事国家重点扶持的公共基础设施项目投资经营的所得;(三)从事符合条件的环境保护、节能节水项目的所得;(四)符合条件的技术转让所得;(五)本法第三条第三款规定的所得。
企业所得税税收筹划研究外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)Study on the Tax Planning of Enterprise Income TaxHongceng Cao & Xiaohui XuCollege of Economics, Shenyang UniversityShenyang 110044, ChinaGuojie AoDepartment of Accounting and Financial Affairs, Shenyang UniversityShenyang 110044, ChinaAbstractThe enterprise income tax occupies is very important status in the tax paying of enterprise, and it has large space of tax planning. Under the background that the new enterprise income tax law was issued, we discussed the problem how to use tax planning to reduce the tax burden of enterprise and realize the maximization of the total profit for the enterprise. In this article, we studied the tax financing in the stage of enterprise financing from the selection of financing mode and the confirmation of financing channel, and put forward that the enterprise should select the liability financing mode to the largest extent in the critical risk range of equity structure. We studied the tax planning in the stage of investment of enterprise from three aspects including correctly selecting theinvestment direc tion, confirming proper enterprise organization form and selecting tax saving investment subject. We studied the tax planning from two aspects such as income and charge deduction. We studied the tax planning in the distribution stage of enterprise management result from first utilizing taxable income to compensate the loss, the loss recovering sequence of domestic investment profit return and the profit distribution strategy in the low tax region. For above aspects, we all put forward our own new theoretical opinions.Keywords: Enterprise income tax, Tax planning, Tax preferenceComparing with the old enterprise income law, the new enterprise income law changed in many aspects such as the taxpayer, the pre-tax deduction, and the tax preference, which put forward new task for the tax planning of the enterprise income tax. Under the background of new enterprise income tax, we will discuss the tax planning in the main stages such as the enterprise financing, investment, management and distribution.1. Tax planning in the stage of enterprise financingThe tax planning of the income tax in the stage of enterprise financing mainly includes the contents about the financing mode and the financing channel.1.1 Tax planning of financing modeThe financing modes of enterprise mainly include the equity financing and liability financing, and two different financing modes will produce different tax results. Generally speaking, under the fixed tax rate level, the liability financing can produce the interest rigid cost which can be reported before tax. When the account profit is adjusted as the taxable income, the tax law allows that the interest expenditure induced by the liability can be deducted before tax in the same interest rate regulated by the Bank in the same period, which equals that the state finance assumes a quarter of interest cost fro the enterprise. The equity financing is the flexi ble cost of bonus stock which can be reported after tax. The mode that the enterprise provides bonus stock and dividend to the investors is only one item of the distraction of post-tax profit (net profit), and it must be distributed after tax. The tax saving difference between two financing modes is very obvious. In the equity structure of enterprise, the proportion of the liability equity is higher, and the saving effectof the tax cost is more significant. So under the prem ise that the rate of or return on inv estment is higher than the liability cost rate, enhancing the proportion of liability financing will bring extra economic benefits for the owner of the enterprise, and finally increase the value of the enterprise. But we should also pay attention to that will increase the financial risk of the enterprise, and excessive liability will even induce the ab normality of the enterprise equity structure, and the liability crisis will make the financial status of the enterprise fall into collapse. Therefore, before the enterprise makes the tax planning of financing mode, it must ensure that the equity structure is in the critical risk range.1.2 Tax planning of enterprise financing channelThe financing channels of enterprise mainly include bank loan, self-accumulation of enterprise, inter-enterprise lending interior collection of en terprise, bond or stock issuance and commercial credit. Under usual situation, the sequence of the tax burden from heavy to light is self-accumulation of enterprise, bank loan, inter-enterprise lending and interio collection of enterprise. The prin ciple of tax planning of financing channel is that under the premise that the equity structure is to select the channel with higher profit and lower harm in the critical risk range, through comparing the advantages and disadvantages of various financing channels.2. Tax planning in the investment stage of enterpriseFor the tax planning in the investment stage of enterprise, we mainly consider three aspects, i.e. the selection of investment direction, the selection of enterprise organization form and the selection ofinvestment mode.2.1 Selecting correct investment directionThe new enterprise income tax established the new tax preference which gave priority to the industrial preference assisted by the regional preference, giving attention to the social advancement . Investors should select the investmen industry to reduce the tax burden according to the regulations about the national industrial policies and tax preference and response the industrial policy gui dance of the government. First, because the industrial select possesses strategicmeanings for the development trend of the enterprise, so when the investors make the decision of industrial investment they should scientifically demonstrate the investment and carefully make the decision, and they should consider not only their own industrial advantages, but also national industrial support policies, industrial tax preference policies, and make the rare resources of the enterprise to the green sunrise industries such as the agriculture, scientific technology environment protection and energy saving. Second, the enterprise income tax regulated regional preference for Chinese western regions, minority regions and special economic zones, and the enterp rise should study out multiple selectable investment programs in possible investment regions, and it should not only compare the cost incomes of various regional investment programs, but compare the tax levels of various programs, and make the comprehensive evaluation for the comprehensive benefits of variou s regional investment programs, which can not only reduce the tax burden, but find the regional investment program with maximum economic benefit.2.2 Selecting proper enterprise organization formThe tax planning of enterprise organization form should mainly consider four parts including establishment, expansion, division and merger. First, we will study the tax planning when the enterprise is established and select the organization form. According to the organization form, the enterprise types include individual proprietorship enterprise, partnership enterprise and limited corporation which can be divided into limited liability company and joint stock limited partnership, and because the tax system regulates different tax burden levels for the enterprises with different organization forms, so the establishment costs and advantages of different organization forms are different, and the tax is one of factors we should consider when we select the organization form of the enterprise. Especially when the organization form of the enterprise has large influence to the production and management, the tax will be the important factor which we should consider, and investors can select the organization form of the ent erprise to reduce the tax burden for the enterprise. Second, we will research the tax planning when the enterprise is expanded and needs to select the organization form. Enterprise always actualizes the scale expansion by increasing branches, but the tax policies for the branches with different forms in the tax law are obviously different, so enterprise should select the organization form of the branch. For the filiale and the subsidiary company, they respectively have their advantages and disadvantages for the tax, so the loss of the branch can counteract the gain of the parent company and reduce the total taxable income of the company. The subsidiary company and the parent company are regarded as two entities in the law, but the subsidiary company can obtain various tax preference policies regulated by the laws or local government. So the enterprise should comprehen sively consider the profit ability of the branch when it selects the form of the branch, and it should adopt the form of filiale when the branch is in the loss period, and adopt the form of subsidiary company when the branch is in the profit period. Third, we will study the tax planning in the division and merger of the enterprise. According to the regulations of the enterprise income law, enterprises should pay the income tax by 25%, but it also regulates that the small-sized profit-mak ing enterprise can pay the income tax by 20%, so the middle and small-sized enterprise can adopt the division measure to separate the branch from th e enterprise to reduce the taxable income and the tax burden. Theenterprise income tax regulates that the profitable enterprise a nnexes unprofitable enterprise, it can use the accumulated loss of the unprofitable enterprise to counteract the profit of the profitab le enterprise and reduce the taxable income and the tax burden. Therefore, in the merger of enterprises, the profitable enterprise can reduce the enterprise income tax by annexing unprofitable enterprises.2.3 Selecting the investment subject of tax savingAccording to different forms of investment subject, the investment of enterprise can be divided into monetary investment, tangible investment and im material investment. The monetary investment doesn’t increase the tax burden of investors, but it w ill influence the cash flux and payment ability of the enterprise. Different tax regulations aim at different tangible investment types, for example, fo r the estate investment, investors need not pay relative sales tax (if investor belongs to the real estate enterprise, the land value increment tax needs not be paid temporarily), and the depreciation of the estate can be deducted before tax to reduce the tax base of the en terprise income tax. For the sock-in-trade investment, the tax law will regard it as the sales goods and increase the tax bases of the value increment tax and the enterprise income tax, and the enterprise need pay the increment tax and the enterprise income tax. The immaterial investment can deduct the withholding income tax for the enterprise, and realize the deduction before tax through amortization year by year, which can reduce the tax base of the enterprise income tax. So when the enterprise selects the investment subject, it can select the tangible investment and immaterial investment which are better than the monetary investment from the view of the invested enterprise. Certainly, for the view of investing enterprise, it will assume more tax burdens such as the enterprise income tax, the increment tax and the consump tion tax when it selects the tangible investment and immaterial investment, so the investing enterprise should comprehensively consider the tax burdens of two parties to select the proper investment form.3. Tax planning in the production and management stage of enterpriseThe tax base of the enterprise income tax is the taxable income amount which equals to that an enterprise’s total income amount of each tax year deducts the tax-free incomes, tax-exempt incomes, each deduction items as well as the permitted remedies for losses of the previous years. And the income items, tax-free incomes and tax-exempt incomes and each deduction items are all generated in the production and management of the enterprise. So the tax planning of the enterprise income tax in the production and management can be implemented from two items such as the income items and the deduction items.3.1 Tax planning of incomeThe total income amount of the enterprise in the present term is decided by the sales amount of the product, the unit sales price of the product and the selected sales mode of the product, so the tax planning of the enterprise income tax about the income mainly includes the scale of production and sale, the sales price and the sales mode. First, for the planning of production and sale scale, under the premise of certain sale unit price, the income scale of the enterprise is decided by the sales amount. The scale of production and sale belongs to the item independently controlled by the enterprise, and the scale of production and sale will influence the tax burden of the enterprise which will influence the scale of production and sale in the same way. Therefore, when the enterprise confirms the scale of production and sale, it must consider the tax burden at term. According to the en terprise’s self management ability, the enterprise should find the critical point of profit and loss, and seek the scale of production and sale with maximum profits. Second, for the planning of sales price, under the premise of certain production and sale amount, the income scale of the enterprise is decided by the price level which is also the item independently controlled by the enterprise. The enterprise should consider many factors such as the cost level, the market de mand and thecompetition strategy, and the tax burden level is the important factor which should be considered by the enterprise, and the confirmation of the sales price can not only include the pre-tax income and income tax of the enterprise, but will directly influence the increment tax and other relative taxes. In the tax planning of income, we should take the sales price as the factor we should mainly considered. Third, for the planning of sales mode, in the sales proce ss of the product, the enterp rise possesses the independent selection right to the sales mode, and different sales mode always apply in different tax policies, i.e. the treatment difference of tax exists in this aspect, which offers the possibility to utilize different sales mode to plan the income tax. In a word, under the premise disobeying the tax law, the enterprise should compress the income scale which has exceeded the critical point of the tax rate from the sales scale and the sales price, and make the enterprise obtain the preference policies of low tax rate. For the selection of sales mode, the enterprise should delay the implementation of the income and the tax obligation to the best, which will not only compress the income scale in the present term to make the enterprise obtain the preference policy of low tax rate, but also make the enterprise obtain the profit of interest-free loan because of delaying the implementation of tax obligation.3.2 Tax planning of cost charge deductionThe payout of the enterprise can be divided into the profitable payout and the capital payout according to the time of the profitable term. The profitable payout should be reported in th e present cost charge, and the capital payout is divided and respectively reported in the cost charges of the present and future terms. For these two sorts of payout, the planning of the enterprise income tax should treat them differently.3.2.1 Tax planning of profitable payoutBecause different situations of profit and loss, and different tax preferences will differently influence the tax planning of enterprise, so we should respectively plan the tax of the profitable payout aiming at different situations of profit and loss. First, suppose the enterprise is profitable, because the profit able payout can be deducted from the enterprise income tax, the enterprise should select the planning method with large prophase cost. To make the tax deduction effect of the cost exert its function as soon as possible, and delay the realization of the pr ofit, then enterprise should delay the tax obligation time of the income tax. Second, suppose the enterprise is in loss, the planning method should be combined with the loss remedy of the enterprise. The enterprise should try to make the cost charge in the year with pretax loss remedy higher and make the cost charge in the year w ithout or incompletely with pretax loss remedy lower, and accordingly ensure the tax reduction effect of the cost charge will be exerted to the largest extent. Finally, suppose the enterprise is enjoying th e preference policy of the enterprise income tax, because the taxdeduction effect of the cost charge in the tax deduction period will completely or pa rtly be deducted through the deduction preference, so the enterprise should select the planning method which has few costs in the tax deduction period and has more costs in the non-tax-deduction period.3.2.2 Tax planning of capital payoutAs the modernization degree of enterprise is gradually enhanced, the proportion of the purchase payout of the long-term assets such as the fixed assets and immaterial assets which reflect the progress of the technology of the enterprise is higher and higher, and the tax planning of the fixed assets depreciation and the immaterial assets salesmanship possesses special importance in the tax planning of th e enterprise income tax. First, the tax law doesn’t recognize the devaluation preparation of long-term assets which the enterprise picks up, but the taxpayer can utilize the relative regulations about the subseq uent expenses of the long-term assets to adjust the depreciation base. The enterprise should combine the long-term development, rebuild the fixed assetsdesignedly, enhance the technical level of the enterprise, and improve the comprehensive competition strengthen of the enterprise. At the same time , the enterprise can put the subsequent expenses acco rding with the capitalization cond itions into the fixed assets cost, increase the depreciation picking base, and accordingly increase the depreciation amount of the deduction, reduce the taxable inco me of the present term and save the tax. For various payouts which don’t accord with the confirmation conditions of long-term assets, they should be counted into the profit and loss of th e present term. Second, the “Chinese Enterprise Income Tax Law” regu lated that the fixed assets of the enterprise needed to be depreciated quickly because of technical progress, the enterprise could reduce the depreciation fixed number of year or adopt the method of quick depreciation. To reduce the depreciation year can quicken the withdrawal of the costs, move the anaphase cost charges to the anterior period, and move the prophase account profit to the latter period. When the tax rate is fixed, the delayed payment of the income tax equals to obtain an interest-free loan from the country. When the tax rate is not fixed, the extension of the depreciation term can also reduce the tax burden for the enterprise. And the selection of the depreciation method of the long-term assets should be scientific, reasonable and legal. Finally, when the enterprise is in the non-deduction period of the income tax, taxpayer should apply for reducing the residual proportion for the tax department in time according to the characters of the assets. When the residual proportion is reduced , the depreciation tax de duction will increase, which could not only maintain the taxpayer’s right, but bring large tax benefit for the taxpayer.4. Tax planning in the management result distribution stage of enterprise4.1 First utilizing the taxable income to compensate the lossFor the yearly loss of the enterprise, the tax law regulates to allow the enterprise uses the pretax profit in the next year to compensate it. And if the profit in the next year is not enough to compensate, the enterprise is allowed to compensate the loss year after year, but the longest term should be limited in 5 years. In this way, the enterprise can use the selection right of the assets price counting and amortization method allowed by the tax law, and the selection right of the expenses reported range standard to more report the pretax deduction items and deduction amount, and continue to induce the loss before the term of five years is at term, accordingly to prolong the term of the preference policy.4.2 Arranging the domestic investment return to compensate the loss according to the sequence from low tax rate to high tax rateAccording to the enterprise income tax, the investors’ after-tax profits returned from the associated enterprise should pay the income tax, but if the enterprise which is the investor has loss or past yearly loss which has not be remedied, the returned profit can be used to remedy the loss, and for the surplus part, the enterprise should pay the income tax. Therefore, if the investor is the enterprise which can be applicable for different income tax rates, the enterprise can select the sequence from low tax rate to high tax rate, to use th e returned investment profit remedy the loss and make the taxpayer’s income tax reduce to the least level.4.3 Keepin g that the investment return in the low tax region doesn’t be distributedIn the existing enterprise income tax, for the taxpayer’s profit returned from other enterprise which has paid the income tax, the tax amount of the tax payment can be adjusted when computing the income tax of the enterprise. If the profit of the invested enterprise has not be distributed to the investors, the investors need not to pay the income tax, and in this way, to keep that the investment return in the low tax region doesn’t be distributed and turn it into the investment capital can reduce investors’ tax burden.ReferencesChinese CPA Association. (2008). Tax Law. Beijing: Economic Science Press.The Fifth Session of the Tenth NPC. (2007). Enterpri se Income Tax Law of China. Mar. 16, 2007.Wang, Xinjian. (2006). The Method of Enterprise Tax Planning. Shandong Commercial Accounting. No.2.Zhou, Yan. (2008). Influences of New Enterprise Income Tax Law on Enterprise Tax Planning. Friends of Accounting.No.15.Zhuang, Fenrong. (2007). Hundred Classic Practical Examples of Tax Planning.Beijing: Mechanical Industry Press.企业所得税税收筹划研究曹宏层、徐晓慧(沈阳工业大学经济学院)、敖国杰(沈阳工业大学会计财务部)摘要企业所得税的税收空间很大,在企业的纳税额中占有很大的比重。
中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)1、Enterprises of the major means of tax planningTax planning is the premise of strict enforcement of tax laws to minimize tax, customs tax called. Enterprises to carry out the correct tax, the need for the adoption of the following major route of transmission.First, reasonable means of financing options. In accordance with the provisions of China's current tax law, corporate interest payments on the loan within a certain range can be pre-tax expenses, and dividends can only be spending the after-tax profits of enterprise expenses. From a tax point of view, appropriate to the bank business loans and financing between enterprises, rather than directly to thefund-raising benefits.Second, a reasonable choice of trading partners. China's existing value-added tax system has a general taxpayers and small-scale taxpayers on the points, choose a different supplier object, the tax burden on enterprises is not the same. For example, when the Department of suppliers of value-added tax general taxpayer, the businessafter the purchase of goods, according to the amount of tax deduction of input tax amount of the corresponding balance after payment of value-added tax; if the purchase of goods for small-scale taxpayers, VAT can not be achieved Its not contain the amount of input tax deduction, the tax burden more than the former. Such as open invoices can also be part of deduction.Third, "the easy way out" tax conversion. Enterprises will be converted tohigh-tax low-tax, refers to economic activities in the same, there are a variety of revenue options to choose from, the taxpayers to avoid "high-tax point", choose the "low tax" and reduce the tax liability . The most typical example of this is to runnon-taxable to the tax planning services. From the tax point of view, run mainly two: First, the same taxes, different tax rates. Systems such as supply and marketing enterprises, the general operating tax rate is 17% of the means of subsistence, but also the operating value-added tax rate of 13% of the agricultural means of production and so on. Second, different taxes, different tax rates. This usually refers to types of enterprises in their business activities, both value-added business project, the project also involves the business tax.Fourth, the cost of reasonable expenses. Enterprises does not violate tax laws and financial system under the premise of the full cost of the reasonable expenses, that may occur on the full estimated losses and narrow the tax base and reduce the amount of taxable income. Countries allow for costs incurred in the projects, such as wages, respectively, the total amount of tax by 2%, 14%, 1.5% extracts of trade union funds, staff welfare, staff education funding should be sufficient to mention as much as possible to the whole. For some of the losses that may occur, such as bad debt losses, businesses should be fully expected in the tax law as far as possible the extent permitted by the cap enough to reserve. This is in line with the national tax law and financial system, can receive the tax effect.Fifth, to reduce tax liability. Factors that affect the tax liability there are two, namely, tax base and tax rates, the smaller the tax base, lower tax rates, tax liability is also smaller. Tax planning can start from these two factors to find legitimate ways to reduce tax liability. For example, an enterprise December 30, 2005 estimated taxableincome amounted to 100,200 yuan, the enterprise income tax liability 25050 yuan (100200 ×25%). If the corporate tax planning, tax consulting fees to pay 200 yuan, the corporate taxable income 100,000 (100200-200), income tax liability 27,000 yuan (100000 × 27%), can be found by comparing, for tax planning to pay only 200 yuan, 6066 yuan tax is (33066-27000).Sixth, to weigh the severity of the overall tax burden. For example, manyvalue-added tax planning programs have the general taxpayer and the taxpayer to choose small-scale planning. If an enterprise is a non-tax-year sales of about 900,000 yuan of production enterprises and enterprises to buy the materials each year the price of non-value-added tax of 70 million or less. The company's accounting system, the conditions identified as the general taxpayers. If that is the general taxpayer, the company's products are value-added tax rate applies to 17% capital gains tax liability 34,000 yuan (90 × 17% -70 × 17%); If it is small-scale taxpayers, the rate is 6%, 5.4 VAT liability million (90 × 6%)> 3.4 million. Therefore, from the perspective of value-added tax general taxpayer should be selected. But, in fact, althoughsmall-scale VAT taxpayers pay 20,000 yuan, but the input tax amount of 119,000 yuan (70 × 17%), although it can not offset the costs, thereby increasing the cost of 119,000 yuan, the income tax reduction of 2.975 million (11.9 × 25%), than pay a 20,000 yuan of value-added tax. Therefore, the business tax planning in the selection of programs, not only to look in a certain period of time watching the program on tax less, and to consider business development goals, to choose to increase their overall revenue program.Seventh, take full advantage of preferential taxation policies. For taxpayers, the use of tax incentives for tax planning focuses on how the rational use of tax policies and regulations shall apply to the lower or more favorable tax rates, a well-planned production and operation activities, the actual tax burden to a minimum in order to achieve Festival tax effect. For example, according to China's Law of the State Council for approval of high-tech industrial development zone of the high-tech enterprises, since the production from the fiscal year income tax exemption for 2 years. To-business use of wastewater, waste gas, waste residue and other waste as themain raw materials for production, 5 years in the income tax reduction or exemption. In addition, to support agriculture and the development of UNESCO Wei investment, countries have different tax incentives. Business operators should refer to policy, comparing the investment environment, investment income, investment risks and other factors, decided to invest in the region, investment direction, as well as investment projects, a reasonable tax planning, in order to reduce the corporate tax burden.企业税收筹划的主要途径纳税筹划是在严格执行税法前提下,尽量减少缴税,习惯称其为节税。
IntroductionEnterprise Income Tax (EIT) Law is an essential component of China's tax system, aiming to tax domestic and foreign enterprises' income generated within the country's borders. This article provides a comprehensive and informative interpretation of the EIT Law, emphasizing its significance and offering practical guidance.Scope of Taxation企业所得税法的征税范围是企业所得。
The scope of taxation under the EIT Law includes enterprise income, encompassing the income of resident enterprises and non-resident enterprises.Resident Enterprises居民企业是指依照中国税法规定在中国境内注册设立并具有住所或者实际经营机构的企业。
Resident enterprises are those registered and established within China's territory with a domicile or actual operating premises, in accordance with Chinese tax laws.Non-resident Enterprises非居民企业是指未在中国境内注册设立的企业,或在中国境内注册设立,却没有住所或者实际经营机构的企业。
以下是企业所得税法的中英对照内容,以便更好地对比和学习:第一章总则Chapter I General Provisions第一条为了征收企业所得税,规范税务行为,保障税收征管的需要,制定本法。
Article 1 For the purpose of levying enterprise income tax, regulatingtax-related behaviors and ensuring tax administration, this Law is enacted.第二条本法所称企业所得税是指企业依法缴纳的所得税。
Article 2 The term "enterprise income tax" as used in this Law refers to the income tax payable by enterprises. The object of enterprise income tax is the income of an enterprise.第三条本法所称企业是指下列各项企业单位:独资企业、合伙企业、合作企业、有限责任公司、股份有限公司、其他类型的有限责任企业、其他不以营利为目的的企业。
Article 3 The term "enterprise" as used in this Law refers to the following types of enterprise entities: sole proprietorship enterprises, partnership enterprises, cooperative enterprises, limited liability companies, joint stock companies, other types of limited liability enterprises, and non-profit-making enterprises.第四条本法所称企业的所得额是指企业依法确定的应纳税的所得统计数额。
毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:企业所得税税收筹划研究文献、资料英文题目:文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14Study on the Tax Planning of Enterprise Income TaxHongceng Cao & Xiaohui XuCollege of Economics, Shenyang UniversityShenyang 110044, ChinaGuojie AoDepartment of Accounting and Financial Affairs, Shenyang UniversityShenyang 110044, ChinaAbstractThe enterprise income tax occupies is very important status in the tax paying of enterprise, and it has large space of tax planning. Under the background that the new enterprise income tax law was issued, we discussed the problem how to use tax planning to reduce the tax burden of enterprise and realize the maximization of the total profit for the enterprise. In this article, we studied the tax financing in the stage of enterprise financing from the selection of financing mode and the confirmation of financing channel, and put forward that the enterprise should select the liability financing mode to the largest extent in the critical risk range of equity structure. We studied the tax planning in the stage of investment of enterprise from three aspects including correctly selecting the investment direc tion, confirming proper enterprise organization form and selecting tax saving investment subject. We studied the tax planning from two aspects such as income and charge deduction. We studied the tax planning in the distribution stage of enterprise management result from first utilizing taxable income to compensate the loss, the loss recovering sequence of domestic investment profit return and the profit distribution strategy in the low tax region. For above aspects, we all put forward our own new theoretical opinions.Keywords: Enterprise income tax, Tax planning, Tax preferenceComparing with the old enterprise income law, the new enterprise income law changed in many aspects such as the taxpayer, the pre-tax deduction, and the tax preference, which put forward new task for the tax planning of the enterprise income tax. Under the background of new enterprise income tax, we will discuss the tax planning in the main stages such as the enterprise financing, investment, management and distribution.1. Tax planning in the stage of enterprise financingThe tax planning of the income tax in the stage of enterprise financing mainly includes the contents about the financing mode and the financing channel.1.1 Tax planning of financing modeThe financing modes of enterprise mainly include the equity financing and liability financing, and two different financing modes will produce different tax results. Generally speaking, under the fixed tax rate level, the liability financing can produce the interest rigid cost which can be reported before tax. When the account profit is adjusted as the taxable income, the tax law allows that the interest expenditure induced by the liability can be deducted before tax in the same interest rate regulated by the Bank in the same period, which equals that the state finance assumes a quarter of interest cost fro the enterprise. The equity financing is the flexi ble cost of bonus stock which can be reported after tax. The mode that the enterprise provides bonus stock and dividend to the investors is only one item of the distraction of post-tax profit (net profit), and it must be distributed after tax. The tax saving difference between two financing modes is very obvious. In the equity structure of enterprise, the proportion of the liability equity is higher, and the saving effectof the tax cost is more significant. So under the prem ise that the rate of or return on inv estment is higher than the liabilitycost rate, enhancing the proportion of liability financing will bring extra economic benefits for the owner of the enterprise, and finally increase the value of the enterprise. But we should also pay attention to that will increase the financial risk of the enterprise, and excessive liability will even induce the ab normality of the enterprise equity structure, and the liability crisis will make the financial status of the enterprise fall into collapse. Therefore, before the enterprise makes the tax planning of financing mode, it must ensure that the equity structure is in the critical risk range.1.2 Tax planning of enterprise financing channelThe financing channels of enterprise mainly include bank loan, self-accumulation of enterprise, inter-enterprise lending interior collection of en terprise, bond or stock issuance and commercial credit. Under usual situation, the sequence of the tax burden from heavy to light is self-accumulation of enterprise, bank loan, inter-enterprise lending and interio collection of enterprise. The prin ciple of tax planning of financing channel is that under the premise that the equity structure is to select the channel with higher profit and lower harm in the critical risk range, through comparing the advantages and disadvantages of various financing channels.2. Tax planning in the investment stage of enterpriseFor the tax planning in the investment stage of enterprise, we mainly consider three aspects, i.e. the selection of investment direction, the selection of enterprise organization form and the selection of investment mode.2.1 Selecting correct investment directionThe new enterprise income tax established the new tax preference which gave priority to the industrial preference assisted by the regional preference, giving attention to the social advancement . Investors should select the investmen industry to reduce the tax burden according to the regulations about the national industrial policies and tax preference and response the industrial policy gui dance of the government. First, because the industrial select possesses strategicmeanings for the development trend of the enterprise, so when the investors make the decision of industrial investment they should scientifically demonstrate the investment and carefully make the decision, and they should consider not only their own industrial advantages, but also national industrial support policies, industrial tax preference policies, and make the rare resources of the enterprise to the green sunrise industries such as the agriculture, scientific technology environment protection and energy saving. Second, the enterprise income tax regulated regional preference for Chinese western regions, minority regions and special economic zones, and the enterp rise should study out multiple selectable investment programs in possible investment regions, and it should not only compare the cost incomes of various regional investment programs, but compare the tax levels of various programs, and make the comprehensive evaluation for the comprehensive benefits of variou s regional investment programs, which can not only reduce the tax burden, but find the regional investment program with maximum economic benefit.2.2 Selecting proper enterprise organization formThe tax planning of enterprise organization form should mainly consider four parts including establishment, expansion, division and merger. First, we will study the tax planning when the enterprise is established and select the organization form. According to the organization form, the enterprise types include individual proprietorship enterprise, partnership enterprise and limited corporation which can be divided into limited liability company and joint stock limited partnership, and because the tax system regulates different tax burden levels for the enterprises with different organization forms, so the establishment costs and advantages of different organization forms are different, and the tax is one of factors we should consider when we select the organization form of the enterprise. Especially when the organization form of the enterprise has large influence to theproduction and management, the tax will be the important factor which we should consider, and investors can select the organization form of the ent erprise to reduce the tax burden for the enterprise. Second, we will research the tax planning when the enterprise is expanded and needs to select the organization form. Enterprise always actualizes the scale expansion by increasing branches, but the tax policies for the branches with different forms in the tax law are obviously different, so enterprise should select the organization form of the branch. For the filiale and the subsidiary company, they respectively have their advantages and disadvantages for the tax, so the loss of the branch can counteract the gain of the parent company and reduce the total taxable income of the company. The subsidiary company and the parent company are regarded as two entities in the law, but the subsidiary company can obtain various tax preference policies regulated by the laws or local government. So the enterprise should comprehen sively consider the profit ability of the branch when it selects the form of the branch, and it should adopt the form of filiale when the branch is in the loss period, and adopt the form of subsidiary company when the branch is in the profit period. Third, we will study the tax planning in the division and merger of the enterprise. According to the regulations of the enterprise income law, enterprises should pay the income tax by 25%, but it also regulates that the small-sized profit-mak ing enterprise can pay the income tax by 20%, so the middle and small-sized enterprise can adopt the division measure to separate the branch from th e enterprise to reduce the taxable income and the tax burden. The enterprise income tax regulates that the profitable enterprise a nnexes unprofitable enterprise, it can use the accumulated loss of the unprofitable enterprise to counteract the profit of the profitab le enterprise and reduce the taxable income and the tax burden. Therefore, in the merger of enterprises, the profitable enterprise can reduce the enterprise income tax by annexing unprofitable enterprises.2.3 Selecting the investment subject of tax savingAccording to different forms of investment subject, the investment of enterprise can be divided into monetary investment, tangible investment and im material investment. The monetary investment doesn’t increase the tax burden of investors, but it will influence the cash flux and payment ability of the enterprise. Different tax regulations aim at different tangible investment types, for example, fo r the estate investment, investors need not pay relative sales tax (if investor belongs to the real estate enterprise, the land value increment tax needs not be paid temporarily), and the depreciation of the estate can be deducted before tax to reduce the tax base of the en terprise income tax. For the sock-in-trade investment, the tax law will regard it as the sales goods and increase the tax bases of the value increment tax and the enterprise income tax, and the enterprise need pay the increment tax and the enterprise income tax. The immaterial investment can deduct the withholding income tax for the enterprise, and realize the deduction before tax through amortization year by year, which can reduce the tax base of the enterprise income tax. So when the enterprise selects the investment subject, it can select the tangible investment and immaterial investment which are better than the monetary investment from the view of the invested enterprise. Certainly, for the view of investing enterprise, it will assume more tax burdens such as the enterprise income tax, the increment tax and the consump tion tax when it selects the tangible investment and immaterial investment, so the investing enterprise should comprehensively consider the tax burdens of two parties to select the proper investment form.3. Tax planning in the production and management stage of enterpriseThe tax base of the enterprise income tax is the taxable income amount which equals to that an enterprise’s total inco me amount of each tax year deducts the tax-free incomes, tax-exempt incomes, each deduction items as well as the permitted remedies for losses of the previous years. And the income items, tax-free incomes and tax-exempt incomes and each deduction items are all generated in the production and management of the enterprise. So the tax planning of the enterprise incometax in the production and management can be implemented from two items such as the income items and the deduction items.3.1 Tax planning of incomeThe total income amount of the enterprise in the present term is decided by the sales amount of the product, the unit sales price of the product and the selected sales mode of the product, so the tax planning of the enterprise income tax about the income mainly includes the scale of production and sale, the sales price and the sales mode. First, for the planning of production and sale scale, under the premise of certain sale unit price, the income scale of the enterprise is decided by the sales amount. The scale of production and sale belongs to the item independently controlled by the enterprise, and the scale of production and sale will influence the tax burden of the enterprise which will influence the scale of production and sale in the same way. Therefore, when the enterprise confirms the scale of production and sale, it must consider the tax burden at term. According to the enterprise’s self management ability, the enterprise should find the critical point of profit and loss, and seek the scale of production and sale with maximum profits. Second, for the planning of sales price, under the premise of certain production and sale amount, the income scale of the enterprise is decided by the price level which is also the item independently controlled by the enterprise. The enterprise should consider many factors such as the cost level, the market de mand and the competition strategy, and the tax burden level is the important factor which should be considered by the enterprise, and the confirmation of the sales price can not only include the pre-tax income and income tax of the enterprise, but will directly influence the increment tax and other relative taxes. In the tax planning of income, we should take the sales price as the factor we should mainly considered. Third, for the planning of sales mode, in the sales proce ss of the product, the enterp rise possesses the independent selection right to the sales mode, and different sales mode always apply in different tax policies, i.e. the treatment difference of tax exists in this aspect, which offers the possibility to utilize different sales mode to plan the income tax. In a word, under the premise disobeying the tax law, the enterprise should compress the income scale which has exceeded the critical point of the tax rate from the sales scale and the sales price, and make the enterprise obtain the preference policies of low tax rate. For the selection of sales mode, the enterprise should delay the implementation of the income and the tax obligation to the best, which will not only compress the income scale in the present term to make the enterprise obtain the preference policy of low tax rate, but also make the enterprise obtain the profit of interest-free loan because of delaying the implementation of tax obligation.3.2 Tax planning of cost charge deductionThe payout of the enterprise can be divided into the profitable payout and the capital payout according to the time of the profitable term. The profitable payout should be reported in th e present cost charge, and the capital payout is divided and respectively reported in the cost charges of the present and future terms. For these two sorts of payout, the planning of the enterprise income tax should treat them differently.3.2.1 Tax planning of profitable payoutBecause different situations of profit and loss, and different tax preferences will differently influence the tax planning of enterprise, so we should respectively plan the tax of the profitable payout aiming at different situations of profit and loss. First, suppose the enterprise is profitable, because the profit able payout can be deducted from the enterprise income tax, the enterprise should select the planning method with large prophase cost. To make the tax deduction effect of the cost exert its function as soon as possible, and delay the realization of the pr ofit, then enterprise should delay the tax obligation time of the income tax. Second, suppose the enterprise is in loss, theplanning method should be combined with the loss remedy of the enterprise. The enterprise should try to make the cost charge in the year with pretax loss remedy higher and make the cost charge in the year w ithout or incompletely with pretax loss remedy lower, and accordingly ensure the tax reduction effect of the cost charge will be exerted to the largest extent. Finally, suppose the enterprise is enjoying th e preference policy of the enterprise income tax, because the taxdeduction effect of the cost charge in the tax deduction period will completely or pa rtly be deducted through the deduction preference, so the enterprise should select the planning method which has few costs in the tax deduction period and has more costs in the non-tax-deduction period.3.2.2 Tax planning of capital payoutAs the modernization degree of enterprise is gradually enhanced, the proportion of the purchase payout of the long-term assets such as the fixed assets and immaterial assets which reflect the progress of the technology of the enterprise is higher and higher, and the tax planning of the fixed assets depreciation and the immaterial assets salesmanship possesses special importance in the tax planning of the enterprise income tax. First, the tax law doesn’t recognize the devaluation preparation of long-term assets which the enterprise picks up, but the taxpayer can utilize the relative regulations about the subseq uent expenses of the long-term assets to adjust the depreciation base. The enterprise should combine the long-term development, rebuild the fixed assets designedly, enhance the technical level of the enterprise, and improve the comprehensive competition strengthen of the enterprise. At the same time , the enterprise can put the subsequent expenses acco rding with the capitalization cond itions into the fixed assets cost, increase the depreciation picking base, and accordingly increase the depreciation amount of the deduction, reduce the taxable income of the present term and save the tax. For various payouts which don’t accord with the confirmation conditions of long-term assets, they should be counted into the profit and loss of th e present term. Second, the “Chinese Enterprise Income Tax Law” regulated that the fixed assets of the enterprise needed to be depreciated quickly because of technical progress, the enterprise could reduce the depreciation fixed number of year or adopt the method of quick depreciation. To reduce the depreciation year can quicken the withdrawal of the costs, move the anaphase cost charges to the anterior period, and move the prophase account profit to the latter period. When the tax rate is fixed, the delayed payment of the income tax equals to obtain an interest-free loan from the country. When the tax rate is not fixed, the extension of the depreciation term can also reduce the tax burden for the enterprise. And the selection of the depreciation method of the long-term assets should be scientific, reasonable and legal. Finally, when the enterprise is in the non-deduction period of the income tax, taxpayer should apply for reducing the residual proportion for the tax department in time according to the characters of the assets. When the residual proportion is reduced , the depreciation tax de duction will increase, which could not only maintain the taxpayer’s right, but bring large tax benefit f or the taxpayer.4. Tax planning in the management result distribution stage of enterprise4.1 First utilizing the taxable income to compensate the lossFor the yearly loss of the enterprise, the tax law regulates to allow the enterprise uses the pretax profit in the next year to compensate it. And if the profit in the next year is not enough to compensate, the enterprise is allowed to compensate the loss year after year, but the longest term should be limited in 5 years. In this way, the enterprise can use the selection right of the assets price counting and amortization method allowed by the tax law, and the selection right of the expenses reported range standard to more report the pretax deduction items and deduction amount, and continue to induce the loss before the term of five years is at term, accordingly to prolong the term of the preference policy.4.2 Arranging the domestic investment return to compensate the loss according to the sequence from low tax rate to high tax rateAccording to the en terprise income tax, the investors’ after-tax profits returned from the associated enterprise should pay the income tax, but if the enterprise which is the investor has loss or past yearly loss which has not be remedied, the returned profit can be used to remedy the loss, and for the surplus part, the enterprise should pay the income tax. Therefore, if the investor is the enterprise which can be applicable for different income tax rates, the enterprise can select the sequence from low tax rate to high tax rate, to use th e returned investment profit remedy the loss and make the taxpayer’s income tax reduce to the least level.4.3 Keeping that the investment return in the low tax region doesn’t be distributedIn the existing enterprise income tax, for the taxpayer’s profit returned from other enterprise which has paid the income tax, the tax amount of the tax payment can be adjusted when computing the income tax of the enterprise. If the profit of the invested enterprise has not be distributed to the investors, the investors need not to pay the income tax, and in this way, to keep that the investment return in the low tax region doesn’t be distributed and turn it into the investment capital can reduce investors’ tax burden.ReferencesChinese CPA Association. (2008). Tax Law. Beijing: Economic Science Press.The Fifth Session of the Tenth NPC. (2007). Enterpri se Income Tax Law of China. Mar. 16, 2007.Wang, Xinjian. (2006). The Method of Enterprise Tax Planning. Shandong Commercial Accounting. No.2.Zhou, Yan. (2008). Influences of New Enterprise Income Tax Law on Enterprise Tax Planning. Friends of Accounting.No.15.Zhuang, Fenrong. (2007). Hundred Classic Practical Examples of Tax Planning.Beijing: Mechanical Industry Press.企业所得税税收筹划研究摘要企业所得税的税收空间很大,在企业的纳税额中占有很大的比重。
中华人民共和国企业所得税法 英文
中华人民共和国企业所得税法英文Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of ChinaChapter I General ProvisionsArticle 1 This Law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution to regulate the imposition of enterprise income tax, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of taxpayers, and to promote the healthy development of the socialist market economy.Article 2 Enterprise income tax shall be levied in the territory of the People's Republic of China on the income derived by enterprises and other organizations.Article 3 The State Council shall establish a unified system for the imposition and collection of enterprise income tax.Article 4 The term "enterprise" as used in this Law refers to limited liability companies, joint-stock limited companies, foreign-invested companies, and other enterprises and organizations established in accordance with the law within the territory of the People's Republic of China.Article 5 The term "other organizations" as used in this Law refers to institutions and organizations established in accordance with the law that do not engage in business activities.Chapter II Taxable IncomeArticle 6 The taxable income of a resident enterprise refers to theincome derived from production and business operations, and other incomes received by the enterprise, minus non-taxable income, and additional deductions as stipulated by law.Article 7 The taxable income of a non-resident enterprise refers to the income derived from sources within the territory of thePeople's Republic of China, minus non-taxable income, and additional deductions as stipulated by law.Article 8 The methods for determining taxable income include the actual income method, the actual expense method, and the reasonable expense method.Article 9 The following incomes shall be non-taxable:1. Government subsidies and rewards for public welfare;2. Income derived from issuance and transfer of government bonds;3. Income derived from donations for the purpose of public welfare in accordance with the law;4. Income derived from foreign aid projects;5. Income derived from the transfer of assets during mergers and acquisitions between enterprises as provided by law;6. Income derived from investment projects that enjoy a reduction or exemption from enterprise income tax under State regulations;7. Income derived from individual industrial and commercial businesses by the disabled;8. Income derived from scientific research and development, technological innovation, and other technology transfer activities;9. Income derived from contributions to education, scientific research, and charitable undertakings;10. Income derived from agricultural production;...(Note: The above translation sample only covers a small portion of the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China. The actual length of the translation may exceed the required 500 words.)。
Article 1: In order to regulate the collection and administration of corporate income tax, adjust the structure of the national economy, promote economic development and social progress, this law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution of the People's Republic of China.第二条本法所称企业所得税缴纳义务人,包括居民企业经营者和非居民企业经营者。
Article 2: The persons liable to pay corporate income tax referred to in this law include resident enterprise operators and non-resident enterprise operators.第三条企业所得税法调整政策适用期限由国务院规定。
Article 3: The adjustment period for corporate income tax laws and policies shall be determined by the State Council.第四条企业所得税的税款以以下应纳税所得额为计税依据:(一)所有权人取得的赢利;(二)其他经济利益,依照国务院税务主管机关的规定计征。
Article 4: The taxable income of corporate income tax is based on the following taxable income:(1) Profits obtained by owners;(2) Other economic benefits, as assessed according to the regulations of the tax authorities under the State Council.第五条企业所得税的税率为25%。
企业所得税 英文版
Enterprise Income Tax IntroductionEnterprise Income Tax (EIT) is a tax levied on the annual income of enterprises in a country. It is an important source of revenue for the government and plays a crucial role in the economic development of a country. This document provides an overview of the enterprise income tax system, including its purpose, calculation, and regulations.PurposeThe purpose of the enterprise income tax is to ensure frness and equity in the taxation of corporate profits. By imposing a tax on the income earned by enterprises, the government ms to generate revenue that can be used for public goods and services, such as infrastructure development, education, healthcare, and social welfare programs.Taxable IncomeThe taxable income for enterprises is calculated based on the net profit derived from their business activities. Net profit is determined by subtracting allowable deductions, such as business expenses and depreciation, from the total revenue. Some countries may also allow certn tax incentives or deductions for specific industries or investments in order to encourage economic growth and development.Tax RateThe tax rate for enterprise income tax varies from country to country. It is usually expressed as a percentage of the taxable income. In some cases, different tax rates may apply to different types of enterprises or industries. The tax rate may also be progressive, meaning that higher levels of income are subject to higher tax rates.ComplianceEnterprises are required to comply with the regulations pertning to enterprise income tax.This includes keeping proper accounting records, filing tax returns, and paying the tax liability on time. Flure to comply with these regulations can result in penalties and fines imposed by the tax authorities.Tax TreatiesMany countries have signed bilateral tax treaties with other countries to avoid double taxation and promote cross-border trade and investment. These tax treaties provide rules for the allocation of taxing rights between thecountries, as well as provisions for the exchange of information and the resolution of tax disputes. Enterprises engaged in international business activities need to consider the provisions of these tax treaties to ensure compliance with the relevant tax laws.Tax PlanningTax planning is a legitimate practice that allows enterprises to minimize their tax liability by taking advantage of avlable deductions, exemptions, and other tax incentives. However, itis important to note that aggressive tax planning or engaging in tax evasion is illegal and can result in severe penalties. Enterprises need to ensure that their tax planning activities are in compliance with the tax laws and regulations of their country. ConclusionEnterprise income tax is a significant component of the overall tax system of a country. It plays a crucial role in the generation of government revenue and the promotion of economic development. Enterprises need tounderstand the tax laws and regulations relating to enterprise income tax and ensure compliance to avoid penalties and fines. Additionally, tax planning should be undertaken in a responsible and legal manner to minimize the tax burden while mntning compliance with the relevant tax laws.。
...英文版:Enterprise Income Tax LawChapter I General ProvisionsArticle 1In order to regulate the collection and administration of enterprise income tax, promote the improvement of economic benefits of enterprises, this Law is formulated.Article 2 This Law is applicable to the income of enterprises, including enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households, andother organizations and individuals (hereinafter collectively referred to as enterprises) within the territory of the People's Republic of China. Article 3 The tax rate for enterprise income tax is 25%.Article 4 The collection and administration of enterprise income tax shall be implemented through examination and verification, and the tax authorities shall be responsible for examination and verification. ...请注意,以上仅为简要对照版本,具体法律文本内容可能会有调整和修改。
中小企业的企业所得税税收优惠 文献综述 外文翻译
文献出处:Blažić, Helena, Preferential Corporate Income Tax Treatment for SMEs: An International Comparison (2012).Str. 13-32.. Available at SSRN: https:///abstract=2334770第一部分为译文,第二部分为原文。
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Research on the Structure of China’s EnterpriseIncome Tax Law SystemAbstract:The PRC enterprise income tax law was enacted on January 1, 2008, with accordance to which the enterprise income tax law system has been changing. It took a long time to promulgate the law just as it takes and will take certain period to integrate the system from the constitutional law to tax polices. The lack of taxing power under constitutional law, the silence of a basic tax law, and the arbitrary of tax policy issuance lead to an unstable structure of enterprise income tax law system. Lawmakers shall announce the taxing power under the constitutional law, form a general tax law, and take time to screen tax policies to improve the system.Key words:Enterprise,Income Tax Law,Restructure,Comparison1. IntroductionCorporate income tax is a tax imposed for each taxable year on the taxable income of every corporation [1]. It is the term that widely used in the world, for example, known as Corporate Tax in the US. However, the term China adopts for the corporate income tax is “enterprise income tax”, and it named the new law promulgate in 2008 the “Enterprise Income Tax Law of People’s Re-public of China” (hereinafter “EIT Law”). Imposed on various incomes of enterp rises such as incomes from sales, services, interests, or the rental property [2], the tax is playing a more and more important role in China.However, the enterprise tax structure in China is unstable. There are two major reasons. First, the enterprise income tax law system is under construction. Laws and regulations have been made, amended, or revised to meet the needs of society or economic development in the past decades. The same to the history of enterprise income tax law system development. Not only have great efforts been made to fill the blank of enterprise income tax law field such as the EIT Law was promulgated in 2008, but also regulations and rules have been expelled or organized to meet the WTO requirements, for instance, the State Administration of Taxation issued two notices to screen enterprise related tax rules, one in the year 2006 [10] and the other in 2008 [11], especially the second notice because the EIT law was en-acted so that old policies under old laws could not be applied anymore. Such kind of adjusting is an ongoing process and will continue into the future.Second, the quick economic development involves arbitrary issuance of tax policies and rulings. China is making progress each year, accompany with which the market changes and becomes more and more sophisticated. Meanwhile, problems have appeared case by case, some of which have similar situation while others are particular or unique. Since making a new law requires complicated processes and is time-consuming, a quick and effective way instead is to issue policies. Moreover, it is unlikely to make laws for each case unless the problem goes wild in the country. That is the reason many explanations, measures, and notices have been issued to rule individual cases or to deal with particular law application problem.Three aspects compose the incompleteness of the structure of enterprise income tax law system: the lack of taxing power under constitutional law, the silence of a basic tax law, and the arbitrary of tax policy issuance. In the following sections, each aspect is discussed one after anther through introduction of countries with comparatively more sophisticated corporate income tax law sys-tem such as the US and the UK for the purpose of pro-viding China with possible options for the restructure of the system. When the taxing power is announced under the constitutional law, a basic tax law is made, and tax rulings are simplified and consistent, the disproportionate layer of enterprise income tax law system will be fixed.2. Taxing Power under the Constitutional LawThe power to tax is a basic incident of sovereignty. A tax is primarily a means of raising revenue, and the power to tax involves the power to destroy. Given such a characteristic, this power is normally controlled and limited by the constitutional law, the highest legal authority within the territory, and is exercised by the top legislature, such as the Congress or the perspective governing branch in individual countries. The purpose of such arrangement is to lower the possibility of power abuse in the democratic society. The enterprise income taxing power shall be part of it. However, such mechanism has not appeared in China.In ancient times, it was easy for the King or Emperor to issue orders to levy taxes or to make changes because his orders were absolute regulation that all citizens had to obey, which prevented power limitation from being established. Highly centralized government tended to the arbitrary use of tax privilege. At that time, the dominant concept was that all things within the country be-longed to King. Therefore, he could decide when and how to take what from his people. Taxes were among these. People had no legal right to fight for ownership against the authority because their ownership was not protected. The powerless mass could only obey the order and pay taxes.The situation had not changed until the foundation of Modern China. It was the first time that the government attempted to regulate taxing power, not specifically enterprise income taxing power, under the constitutional law. However, the warlord era and the political struggle did not bring China into a democratic era. As a result, the first trial failed. The harsh social climate that lacked democracy, law and order substantially delayed the embodiment of ideal power in the constitutional law.The stronger the centralized power was, the less possibility the limitation of power appeared. The similar situation appeared again under the planned economy after the country was founded. No other power had the chance to balance it under such circumstances. To limit the central power’s ability to impose taxes in any way such as through the Constitution was not possible.The “reform and open-up policy” in 1978 began to change the country’s economi c and social structures, but it has not made any difference in regulating taxing power in the constitutional law till today. Only the obligation of citizens to pay taxes can be found under PRC Constitution. The power to tax enterprises is not under the constitution.Constitutional law is supreme to all laws in a country and it regulates sources of powers. Basic principles, national affairs, fundamental rights of people and authorities of the government are included. A power that may limit the exercise of p eople’s rights or the use of personal properties shall be declared under the constitutional law. The tax, especially the enterprise income tax, as the means of collecting revenue frompeople without considerations, belongs to this kind. Without the highest-level legal authorization, power is easily abused and the people would have been suffered, similar to the situation in the history. Therefore, the constitutional law, as the mother law in a country, has to take the responsibility to draw lines of imposing taxes with the due process.Magna Carta opens a new page of UK constitution by limiting king’s power including imposing taxes to the law. Originally issued in the year 1215, it was the first document forced onto an English King John I by a group of the barons in an attempt to limit his powers by law and protect their privileges. It bound the king to grant to all freemen the rights and liberties the great charter described, and with Magna Carta, King John placed himself and England’s future sovereigns and magistrates within the rule of law. It says, “No freemen shall be taken or imprisoned or disseised or exiled or in any way destroyed, nor will we go upon him nor send upon him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land. To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay, right or justice”. That means the principle that no one, including the king or a lawmaker, is above the law was established. In that case, no tax should be levied by the king arbitrarily but by the law and the people that being taxed on.Unlike the arrangement in United Kingdom, United States authorizes taxing power to the Congress under the codified Constitution. Article 1 section 8 Clause 1 was known as Taxation Clause, which says, the congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States. The Congress represents the people of the United States. Therefore, the right to tax is in the hands of its people.Except the UK and the US, there are two more types in regulating taxing power. One is the Italian Constitution that mentions people’s obligation to pay taxe s but without the clause stating the power to tax.It is similar to China’s current Constitutional Law. The other type is represented by Japan’s Constitutional Law, which includes people’s obligation to pay taxes as well as the principle of no tax above the law. But compare to the US or the UK constitutional laws, the government branch that is authorized to make laws to impose taxes is not assured.In my opinion, articles in the constitutional law should be general, simple and highly condensed since it is the mother law in a country’s legal system. There is no need to specify any tax matters due to the particular need of taxation. Principles of fairness, transparent, efficiency or no tax above the law is suitable, but others such as basic procedures or separation of powers are too detailed to fit in. Another subject is very important that has to be put in the constitutional law, the judicial review over tax legislations. It is a good example of the functioning of separation of powers in a modern governmental system. Nevertheless, it is left blank in current China’s tax lawsystem.3. The Screening of Tax Policies and RulingsMost enterprise income tax policies or rulings are issued by national tax administrations upon official opinions of applying rules. They are bridging over demands of individual taxpayers and the application of rules. When an enterprise income tax issue arises without recognized by laws, a ruling is used to explain how the case shall be dealt with. In the case that nowhere else could find any opinion on the situation, and then rulings are required to fill the blank in the area. Countries like the US, the UK, Germany, and France circulate tax policies although forms and authorities in charge are different.In China, State Administration of Taxation (SAT) mainly takes charge of publishing tax policies and rules in form of “Notice” or “Reply”. Since tax laws are in lack and rules that are supposed to be regulated by tax laws are now included in regulations, tax rulings are taking the position of both regulations as well as rulings. That makes rulings more than it should have.As for enterprise income taxes, inconsistency and instability are results of issuing a huge number of tax rulings. The inconsistency is due to the two -tier system before January 1, 2008. That is, domestic enterprises are regulated by the PRC Interim Regulation on Enterprise Income Tax, enacted in the beginning of 1994, while foreign enterprises are ruled by the PRC Income Tax Law of Enterprise with Foreign Investment and Foreign Enterprise, published in April 1991. Many notices were issued for both laws, and even more to fill the gap between the two.4. Suggestions of Restructuring the SystemTheoretically, China confronts difficulties to complete the system designed by the constitutional law in the second and third level. The tax collection law was made by NPC Standing Committee, which sits it in the category of the law rather than the basic law. How can it parallel with the basic tax law? On the other hand, the enterprise income tax law was made by National People’s Congress, which categorized it into the second level instead of the third. Does this mean it is categorized in the same level with the basic tax law? Then how could it lead by the basic law? Individual income tax law is appeared in the appropriate position but most other specific tax rules are under the lower level.Alternatively, redefine the system to make it feasible and not fall in the trap. That is to merge the second and the third level, at least they are all “laws” and no need to further divide them into basic or not basic, although there should be difference between the law made by the National P eople’s Congress and that made by its standing committee, I think. This is an easy way but not the best choice. In my opinion, stick to the designed structure and consider it as a final goal. The country shall make the basic tax law as well as tax collection law while amend the enterprise income tax law. Theproject of improving China’s enterprise income tax law system has been launched. We are happy to see the good beginning. However, it requires further contribution of work, time and costs. We look forwar d to further big leaps China’s legislature will make in the future to solve the problem.。