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9A Unit5英语单元练习一、词汇运用(共20 分)

A .根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式(每题1 分,共10 分) 1.The president _________________( 颁发) him with a gold medal.

2. Now many parents ask their children to learn to play an


3.He has developed a taste for ______________(非洲)music since his trip to Nigeria last year.

4. We all think his selfless spirit is really worth _______________________(赞扬).

5.She won first prize, ________________( 虽然) none of us had expected it.

) problems among students. 普通的6.Too much homework is one of the most______________(

) name on the blackboard? Can you write each

_________________( 获胜者7.

) by him for over 50 years.

The country was _________________( 控制8.

) possible that she will win the award again this year. 极高地9.It is ________________(

) on the white dress are not easy to clear. 污点10.The


分)1 分,共10 B.根据句意,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式(每题 A few years ago, I was a popular

_______________ (music).

1. Yesterday Tom downloaded some important information

__________________(success). 2.His

_________________(please) voice and manners always make us feel comfortable. 3. My grandmather started to learn drawing in her __________________(sixty). 4.

The information he provided was not of any real _________________(valuable). 5. Pumpkin pie is a

__________________(tradition) American dish on Thanksgiving Day. 6. The ___________________(happy) on her face shows something bad has happened. 7.Keep on studying like this , and you will see the ___________________(last) effect. 8. Henan lies in the ____________________(centre) part of China.

9.Hold your ___________________ (breathe) while you are under the water. 10.

分)10 1 分,共二、动词填空(用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,每题Listen! How special the music written by Tan Dun ___________________(sound). 1. The film called Life

of Pi is the best one we __________________(see) 2.m really sorry that I'3. I mtoolatebusy.Iwas_____________(write) emails to my friends.' 4.If the award music _________________(make) up, please let us know as soon as possible. 5.---Did you see a man in black pass by just now?

---No, sir. I _____________________(water) the flowers. 6. Mr and Mrs Smith ___________________(invite) to his birthday party yesterday.

Just now I saw a wallet __________________(drop) from his


7.Nobody knows if Mr White __________________(return)

to the company soon. 8. _________________(get) high marks in the exam, he works harder than before. 9.---Dad,

can I use the computer now?

10.--- Sorry, but I __________ _________(work) on it. I ll finish my work in half an hour.'

分)小题,三、单项填空(15 15

) 1. We can have __________ blue sky if we create _______ less polluted world(

C. the; aB. a; theA. a; a

D. the; the) 2. He helped a lot of children with their schooling, ________ he was not rich enough.(
