海尔 HRO6H56-3 大通量净水机 使用说明书
![海尔 HRO6H56-3 大通量净水机 使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8683f9398f9951e79b89680203d8ce2f01666511.png)
将鹅颈龙头与主机的产水口连接,旋紧螺帽,固定 龙头
手柄 大胶垫
5.10 根据双出水类别相应连接,切勿接错水质类别。
金属垫片 快速接头
金属螺帽 PE管
各1支 1支 1套 1套 1套 1袋 2个 1个 1副 1份
型号 适用水质 进水压力
HRO6H56-3 市政自来水
适用环境温度 适用环境湿度 额定电压/频率
4℃~40℃ ≤90%
5.3 钻孔尽量选用金属专用开孔钻器。根据情况,选用合适的开孔器(推荐使
5.4 钻孔时集中精神,注意安全,尽量避免和其他人员交谈。钻头钻孔过程
5.5 钻孔完毕,清理好钻孔留下的碎屑污物等。
5.6 水槽或洗漱盆若留有洗手液洞孔,可直接使用此孔安装水龙头
1. 准备工作:检查净水器的外观是否完好,并确认所需的配件齐全。
2. 安装准备:将商用净水器放置在合适的位置,并连接好水源管道和排水管道。
3. 开启水源:打开水源开关,让水源流入净水器。
4. 开启电源:接通商用净水器的电源开关,使净水器启动。
5. 选择净水模式:根据实际需求,选择相应的净水模式,如常规净水、纯净水或矿泉水等。
6. 设置参数:根据需要,设置好净水器的温度、流量、水位等参数。
7. 等待净水:等待商用净水器进行处理,将水源中的杂质、有害物质等过滤掉。
8. 净水完成:根据净水器设备的提示或指示灯,确认净水处理完成。
9. 关闭净水器:关闭电源开关和水源开关,停止净水器的运行。
10. 定期维护:根据净水器的使用情况和厂商的建议,定期进行维护保养,清洗滤芯、更换配件等,以保证净水器的正常运行和水质的安全。
LG 净水器 WQD44RA6 说明书
![LG 净水器 WQD44RA6 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/86cefaa29fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da51e2d67e.png)
使用说明书LG 净水器使用说明书保管在容易找到的场所。
LG牌 WQD44RA6 型 净水器P/No.: 3050-191C LG 净水器的特征■ 消毒卫生‘内部护理’净水器内部的水通过的所有通路都经过 LG的消毒系统,进行卫生管理。
■ S杀菌认证标志国家认证机关人韩国试验研究院杀菌认证获得S杀菌认证标志。
■ 卓越设计以艺术压花玻璃外墙和独具匠心的设计将进一步提高厨房室内设计的质量。
■ 应用不锈钢水箱使用不锈钢水箱,水箱中的水可以保持更卫生。
■ 清扫放心的指示灯消费者可直接根据指示灯的颜色来判断过滤器的使用量,更换过滤器。
■ 连续操作按钮当你需要大量的水时,可操作一个按钮,方便的接水。
■ 省电按钮按下电源按钮会自动降低加热器的功率消耗的工作时间。
2序列使用前安全注意事项 ........................................................................................................................4~11各部分的名称及功能 (12)- 显示部净水处理过程 (13)使用前确认事项 (14)各部分的名称及功能 (15)- 操作部使用指示部功能 (16)- 清扫指示部- 热水温度指示部- 冰水温度显示部运转方法 (17)- 不使用热水功能时- 不使用冰水功能时- 不使用省电功能时使用方法 (18)- 想喝冰水时- 想喝热水时- 连续使用水时安装方法 ...............................................................................................................................19~20清洁方法 ...............................................................................................................................21~24温馨提示周期更换过滤器及方法 ...................................................................................................25~27日常检查 (28)故障申告前请确认 (29)水排管图 (30)产品规格 (31)产品包修卡本产品适用 220 V。
海尔 HRO1H-1D01HVW 精滤台式净饮机 使用说明书
![海尔 HRO1H-1D01HVW 精滤台式净饮机 使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9dc69d78ef06eff9aef8941ea76e58fafab04501.png)
1、放 置
将整机放置于有10A电源插座且平整的台面上,注意避免阳光照射; 从包装中取出集水盒,将集水盒插入机器卡槽中。
打开水箱上盖,提出水箱,往水箱中加满水。 (注意:加水时避免加到 “MAX”以上)
滤芯名称 海尔牌净水用一体式聚丙烯炭纤维反渗透活性炭复合滤芯
建议更换周期 6-12个月
去除功能:能有效去除水中悬浮物、颗粒杂质、吸附异色、异味及有机物(三氯甲烷/四氯化碳), 深度拦截水中重金属(铅/砷/镉)、细菌(大肠杆菌)、阻垢并改善水质口感。
注:以上数据是在市政自来水的原水水温、水压、水质符合本说明书的前提下,按总净水量2000L(原水TDS值 ≤300毫克/升)的情况下计算得出,具体使用情况不同会有所变化。如出现下列情况也应更换滤芯: (1)出水水质较差,口感不好,出水TDS值大幅上升; (2)非环境温度或水温过低原因造成制水缓慢,需检查滤芯或膜是否受堵,或考虑更换滤芯。 (3)本品仅适用干TDS≤500ppm水源。当TDS超标时,容易造成滤芯寿命快速减短,或电磁阀、水泵等配件 堵塞。本现象不在保修范围内。
当产品使用地区海拔高于1200米时,沸点降低,需用户手动切换为高原 模式。本机共有三档沸点“95℃”“90℃”和“85℃”可选,请根据 当地需求调整。 请同时长按“ ”+“ ”按键3秒,切换到需要的沸点,“滴”的 一声后切换成功,温度即为切换后的沸点温度。 *我国主要城市海拔高度表详见本说明书第16页
海尔 HRO 600-MINI7U1 五级精滤净水机 使用说明书
![海尔 HRO 600-MINI7U1 五级精滤净水机 使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/20ddc227001ca300a6c30c22590102020640f26e.png)
使用说明书型号智慧净水机智能家电操控智慧场景定制智家商城购物家电报装报修HRO 400-MINI3(U1)HRO 400-MINI5(U1)HRO 400-MINI7(U1)HRO 600-MINI3U1HRO 600-MINI5U1HRO 600-MINI7U1安全注意事项尊敬的用户:您好!为保证使用安全,防止人身伤害及物品损坏,使用本产品前请务必仔细阅读本说明书并遵守所有安全注意事项。
1. 本产品的安装、维护及保养必须由售后服务网点专业人员进行实施,方可保障产品正常运行。
2. 当遇到停水或管道维修时,请关闭电源和进水三通球阀;恢复供水时,请先打开其他水龙头排尽泥沙后再打开三通球阀,否则大量泥沙可能导致滤芯堵塞。
3. 反渗透膜的过滤产水流量会受水质、水压和水温的影响。
4. 浓缩水“浓水或废水”可回收利用,不可直接用于饮水,可选择性地用于家庭用水(浇花等)。
(为避免漏水,建议在售后当地网点的指导下进行固定回收管路)5. 为了保护滤芯,机器长时间待机后会出现短时间冲洗动作,冲洗时间伴随一定的噪音,这个属于正常现象。
6. 测试水效等级时请以关闭纯水出水的方式进行测试。
7. 出水龙头关闭后,长时间会流出几滴水,是管路中的尾水积累渗出,是正常现象。
安装注意事项1. 安装前,请关闭电源和水源。
2. 请确认安装环境干净卫生,周围无污染。
3. 请确认包装箱内的附件是否齐全。
4. 请确认安装所需的工具和材料: 试电笔、电线、绝缘胶布线管(槽)、插座板、膨胀胶塞、自攻螺丝、三通球阀、生料带(水胶布)、PE管、活动扳手、平/尖嘴钳等。
5. 使用钻孔工具时,请注意人身安全,并且钻孔位置须避开有隐蔽的水、电、气的管线。
6. 水管应沿着橱柜边缘安装,安装时切勿弯折,以免水管受挤压。
摩恩 超滤净水器 UF1030 超滤净水器 UF1130 使用说明书
![摩恩 超滤净水器 UF1030 超滤净水器 UF1130 使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8e41de1ebf1e650e52ea551810a6f524ccbfcbf3.png)
摩恩服务热线:400-630-8866生产企业:摩恩(上海)厨卫有限公司地 址:中国(上海)自由贸易试验区富特北路399号注意事项1.为了保证本净水器的安全及正常使用,我公司在此郑重告知用户:产品必须由我公司授权的安装、维护服务商进行安装、维修,否则对因为安装、维修而导致的事故,我公司概不承担任何责任!2.本净水器为家庭用户设计,在其它场所使用请咨询服务热线或授权服务商。
一般来说,滤芯的更换周期为6-12 个月。
消费者在购买美的反渗透净水机时,可通过阿里巴巴1688 等电商平台,选择信誉良好的商家进行购买。
屏幕可显示多路电导/电阻(入水TDS 、RO 产水TDS 、水满、溢出等)状态。
●支持掉线后自动连接服务器,针对GPRS 信号弱的地区专门设计。
●物联网版智能净水机;●适用于400G 以及400G 以下的纯水机;●适用浮球;(1)3pin 线双浮球双液位;(2)水位处于低液位以下时低液位断开,高液位断开;(3)水位处于低液位以上高液位以下时,低液位导通,高液位断开;(4)水位处于高液位时,低液位导通,高液位导通;签名日期文件编号●电源电压:DC (直流)24V;●电脑板功耗:≤5W;●输出节点负载能力:5A/24V DC;●安装尺寸:161mm * 70mm;●湿度:≤85%RH;●温度:- 10~45℃;●屏幕尺寸:50mm*80mm;●物联网电脑板;●触摸按键板;●触摸连接排线;●原装物联网排线;●精密流量计;●漏水保护模块;●原水/纯水TDS 探针线;●GPRS 天线;签名日期文件编号1.装机完成后接通水源/电源,长按电脑板背面的白色强冲按键3 秒,可以进入测试模式,该模式下,水机可以使用10L 流量,可以用于组装厂家测试机器功能以及整体组装是否到位,可自动退出测试模式,如需继续测试,可重新上电,重复以上操作。
(注意:测试结束后,直接断电即此模式仅限于装机厂家测试机器使用,原则上不告诉经销商及用户)2.●开机电源指示灯亮,2S 后纯水机开始工作,并且自动开始冲洗,18 秒后自动停止冲洗;●按下强冲按键,物联网电脑板自动进入冲洗模式,冲洗18 秒后自动退出冲洗模式;●净水机待机24 小时后,自动进入冲洗模式,冲洗18 秒后自动退出冲洗模式;●从制水状态退出后(进入水满程序,即低液位浮球及高液位浮球同时处于有效悬浮状态)累计制水超过30 分钟自动冲洗18 秒。
卡萨帝反渗透净水机 CRO500-X3说明书
![卡萨帝反渗透净水机 CRO500-X3说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2b9d086186c24028915f804d2b160b4e767f8125.png)
反渗透净水机CRO500-X3使用前请仔细阅读说明书请妥善保存,以备参阅本产品只适合在中国大陆销售和使用产品外观请以实物为准如遇产品技术或软件升级,恕不另行通知ENJOY PURITY卡萨帝为了精确实现您的格调生活,对其家族每一类产品都赋予了专属的境界理念。
海尔 HKC2000-R880D2U1 鲜活水净水机 使用说明书
![海尔 HKC2000-R880D2U1 鲜活水净水机 使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ca1a7ba46394dd88d0d233d4b14e852459fb3948.png)
1. 本机所用滤材符合国家生活饮用水的卫生标准,保证出水水质,安全可 靠。
2. 反渗透过滤技术,出水安全,可直饮。 3. 自动控制系统,自动冲洗,自动检测滤芯寿命。 4. 龙头显示,便捷查看,滤芯寿命提醒,运行状态显示。 5. 双出水设计,满足多种用水需求。 6. 智能物联,随时随地通过手机 app 查看机器状态、滤芯寿命。
三、 使用说明.......................................4
3.1. 注意事项.......................................... 4 3.1.1. 安全方面.......................................... 4 3.1.2. 使用方面.......................................... 4 3.1.3. 水效方面.......................................... 5
5.1. 疑难解答......................................... 15 5.1.1. 疑难解答......................................... 15
5.2. 环保清单......................................... 16 5.2.1. 产品中限用物质的名称及含量....................... 16 5.2.2. 产品中与水接触材料列表........................... 17
维护 请勿自行拆卸机器上的零部件,以防机器漏水和受损 温度 请在 4℃~40℃干燥场所使用 停用 超过 24 小时不使用本设备,请关闭其水源、电源 儿童饮水 儿童饮水必须在成人的指导下进行 易损件 安全阀、排气阀或节流泄压安全阀为易损件,必须每两年更换一次 电气检查 每月至少检查一次漏电开关 配件和滤芯 为保持机器正常运转,请务必使用带本公司防伪标贴的配件和滤芯-4正确的维修服务
海尔 HBCF-S3002 德国原装进口中央净水机 使用说明书
![海尔 HBCF-S3002 德国原装进口中央净水机 使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/66484c790a4c2e3f5727a5e9856a561252d321f6.png)
产品说明书HB WH-Filter M20D/M30D中央净水机海尔牌HHBCF-S3002型中央净水机海尔牌HHBCF-S2002型中央净水机HB WH-Filter M30DHB WH-Filter M20D目 录通用安全指南该产品根据所有适用的法规和技术标准制造,并在投入市场时符合相关法律要求。
!Technical ManualThis equipment must be installed and serviced by a qualified technician.Improper installation can create electrical hazards which could result in propertydamage, serious injury or death. Improper installation will void the warranty.Notice to InstallerThis manual contains important information about the installation,operation and safe use of this product. Once the product has been installedthis manual must be given to the owner/operator of this equipment.Waterco Micron Horizontal Commercial filterI pg 01 FILTER DESCRIPTION AND CONSTRUCTIONDESCRIPTIONThe Micron Horizontal filters have a filter media bed depth of 16” minimum up to 48” and a 50 PSI standard pressure rating. The filters can be used with a variety of medias, to provide everything from sediment removal to the elimination of minerals and odours from water.Combining filter housings and various filter media, media filters can be fitted in configurationsto provide multi-stage water treatment. With easy access for filter media filling and removal, the Micron series sand filters are versatile and can be used in most water treatment applications.CONSTRUCTIONThe M icron series of filters embody the latest in filament wound fibreglass; Waterco’s digitally controlled filament winding machine faultlessly winds continuous strands of high quality fibreglass filament under controlled tension to create a seamless one-piece vessel with refined consistency and superior quality making it very resistant to corrosion and abrasion. There are no welds or seams or special tank linings, which can corrode or undergo electrolytic reactions. The fabrication technique involved in making the Micron Horizontal media filters ensures that it will stand up very well to environmental and operation extremes.Basic Principles of OperationFiltration Flow:Unfiltered water enters the filter tank through the influent port. Once entering the distribution header, the water flows through a hydraulically balanced system of diverters strategically placed over the filter bed. Even distribution of the water is achieved throughout the filter tank, which results in low levels of turbulence and minimal differential pressure losses. Water flow paths are parallel and vertical at the surface of the filter media bed resulting in flow capacities of up to 20 GPM per Square Foot of filter area without creating channelling within the filter bed.Under high flow rates, suspended solids within the water are exposed to unbalanced forces while flowing through the filter bed. These unbalanced forces cause the suspended particles to travel in an irregular path around and towards the grains of filter media. Upon contact, the suspended solids are trapped on the jagged edges of the filter media grains. This filtration process is also aided through straining at the surface of the filter bed and electrostatic attraction of the suspended solids and filtration media. Through this process of filtration, solids are collected and contained throughout the media bed thus providing long filter cycles between backwashes.The filtered water is then collected through the use of slotted laterals designed to retain the small filter media particles. After entering the collection header, the filtered water exits the tank through the effluent port.Backwash (Reverse Flow):Backwashing is the reversal of water flow through the filter bed. In general we suggest that backwashing be initiated when the pressure gauge indicates an increase in pressure of 10-12 PSI from the pressure reading of the clean filter, which is the pressure reading on the filter gauge when the filter is initially put into service or after a successful backwash procedure. Backwashing is achieved by routing the water flow into the collection header and laterals, up through the filter bed then exiting through the diverter and distribution header. The time required for the backwash cycle will vary depending on overall water condition. This reversal of flow will cause the filter bed to lift and expand, (also called fluidization). The fluidization of the media bed allows the collected solids to be released and discharged to waste.During backwash, circulation patterns are established within the media bed, which facilitate even and thorough cleansing of the filter media. The hydraulic balance created through the distribution and collection system design reduces water velocity to below that of the media-settling rate, preventing loss of filter media during backwash. The solids that have been released duringfluidization are collected and discharge to waste through the diverter and distribution header.I pg 03Waterco Micron Horizontal Commercial filterINSTALLATIONFILTER INSTALLATIONSPosition the filter:1. Filters should be located so that they are free from flooding, such as away from sumps, floodareas etc.2. Filters should be placed on a suitable base (such as level concrete) to prevent any strain fromthe attached plumbing.3. The filter pad/base should be designed so that it will not collapse under the operational weightof the filter.4. The filter should be positioned so that it is easily accessible for the operation of the valvingsystem.5. The filter should be placed so that it is accessible for maintenance (also any optional extrassupplied as part of the filter such as a manhole, or a sight glass should be accessible).6. Valving should be positioned at a convenient height for valve operation.7. Preferably, the filter should be positioned as close to the water source as possible for maximumoperation.Note:1. Ensure the filter is on a level pad/base to promote an even water flow over the media bed.2. Where necessary ensure that a foot valve (non return valve) is installed when using a pump thatis installed above 24” from water source.3. Ensure that a pressure-limiting valve is installed if using mains water or a high pressure pump.Pipe run:Minimize the length of pipe and particularly 90° fittings to obtain the least amount of friction loss as possible. Always use sufficient pipe supports to minimise stress on pipe joints or filter bulk head fittings. This will ensure maximum efficiency.Isolation valves:If filtration system is to be installed below water level or is supplied from mains water, shut off valves should be installed before the filter and after the filter. This will prevent water flow during any routine maintenance that may be required.Exposure:When possible provide adequate protection from the weather to ensure maximum life.Adding the MediaFilter M edia (granular media such as Sand, Zeolite, M ixed Bed Media et):Filter media may consist of mixed bed media, uniformly graded silica sand, Zeoplus (zeolite), or other granular media, which shall be free of limestone or clay. The filter will require a filter media bed depth, which shall extend to an approximate level below the top of the hydraulic distribution lenses as follows (the exception to this may be other chemical reactive media which may require a larger free bore):1. Check the filter size to determine the amount of media required. (see filter data table).2. Make sure that the top distributor and bottom collector assemblies are intact inside the filtertank. Check tightness of laterals. Ensure all laterals are tight prior to installing media.3. Make sure the Media Port is securely installed.4. Fill the filter tank with water to approximately 1/2 of the filter capacity.5. Load the proper amount of media through the top of the filter.NOT E: Media must be added SLOWLY so that tank internals are not damaged. It isimportant to divert the media off to the side of the tank during the loading process so that the media is not dumped directly onto the laterals.6. After all media is added, level the media, making sure that there are no “peaks” or “valleys” ofmedia. The media level should below the bottom of the top distributor pipe.7. OPTIONAL PEA GRAVEL - To improve the backwash efficiency, we recommend using peagravel to cover the collector assembly, (laterals). If you choose to use pea gravel, only put enough to just cover the laterals and proceed to load media on top of the pea gravel. It is important to divert the pea gravel off to the side of the tank during the loading process so that the pea gravel is not dumped directly onto the laterals. This can be easily done using a piece of cardboard shaped like a chute. The water in the tank will help reduce the impact of pea gravel onto the laterals.I pg 05Waterco Micron Horizontal Commercial filterMedia Dump Port and Bulk Head Fittings:All Waterco media filters will be fitted with a dual Media / Water drain bulk head, located at the underside of the vessel. The media port can be used for the removal of media and/or water from the filter vessel.COMMERCIAL FILTER LID INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS1. CLEAN 0-RING AND INNER SEALING SURFACE THOROUGHLY BEFORE INSERTING LID INTOFILTER2. INSERT LID INTO FILTER AND PULL UP TO THE SEALING POSITION HOLDING THE AIR VENTFITTING OR YOKE BOLT.3. PLACE YOKE OVER BOLTS 2 AND 4 AND SECURE WITH WASHERS AND NUTS (HAND TIGHTONLY)4. PLACE YOKE OVER BOLTS 1 AND 3 AND SECURE WITH WASHERS AND NUTS (HAND TIGHTONLY)5. WRENCH TIGHTEN NUTS AGAINST YOKES 1/2 TURN AT A TIME USING THE PATTERN 1 - 4- 2 - 3. REPEAT SAME PATTERN UNTIL ALL NUTS ARE SUFFICIENTLY TIGHT.NOTES:1. BE SURE TO CLEAN 0-RING AND SEALING SURFACE PRIOR TO LID INSTALLATION. SANDFROM THE FILTER CAN CAUSE THE LID TO LEAK.2. DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN LID THE MANWAY IS SELF SEALING AND WILL TIGHTEN UNDERPRESSURE. OVER TIGHTENING MAY DAMAGE LID OR O-RING3. IF THE ABOVE PATTERN IS NOT FOLLOWED, THE LID MAY LEAK. IF THIS OCCURS LOOSENTHE NUTS, HAND TIGHTEN AND REPEAT STEP 7 ABOVE.Multi - Port Valve Operation(Note: MPV’s are not used for filters with port sizes larger than 4” and, in some instances, may not be used in commercial or industrial applications with smaller port sizes).1. Filter-Normal position for filtering the body of water.The flow of water is directed to the valve ports which, then distributes the influent water evenly to the top of the filter media bed. The water travels evenly down through the filter media bed to the underdrain assembly. Theunder-drain assembly has finely slotted arms called laterals, which allows the passage of cleaned water. The cleaned water travels up through the centre stem (pipe) to the multi-port valve, which re-directs the filtered water to its end point.2. Backwash-Position for cleaning the filter media. The flow of water is directed in reverse of filtering to flush out the foreign matter or debris from the filter media bed. To achieve efficient removal of foreign matter or debris, the water is evenly distributed by the under-drain assembly up through the media bed, lifting and agitating the media to release the foreign matter or debris. The water flows through the non clogging ports of the multi-port valve, directly to the backwash outlet. The dirty water flows past the clear sight glass to the drain.3. Rinse-Flushes clean the filter system. The flow of water is directed down through the filter media bed to the under drain assembly-up the centre stem (pipe) and out through the backwash outlet. This process settles the filter media bed into place and flushes any remaining foreign matter or debris out of the filter-especially the multi-port valve.4. Waste- Directs the water flow to waste bypassing the filter media bed. The flow of water is directed to the backwash outlet bypassing the filter media. This function may be used when it is necessary to lower the level of the body of water in the system.5. Re-circulate This function will direct the flow of water to a holding vessel (or swimming pool) with out filtration.6. ClosedThis function shuts off all the flow to the filter and holding vessel or swimming pool. The position is not used with the pump system operating.T he manual operation of the multi-port valve or mode selection is to be done with the pump switched off.I pg 07Waterco Micron Horizontal Commercial filterIndependent Valving:In many commercial and industrial applications MPV’s are not used and each system is valved in accordance with the systems unique hydraulic or chemical requirements.The valving configuration can vary depending on the number of filters in a train and filter backwash configuration (in other words how many filters will be backwashed simultaneously).In general independent valving should be configured to accommodate:1. Normal Filtration.The water enters the filter at the top filter port and is evenly distributed over the filtration media.The water travels down through the filter media at the required rate to permit filtration and/or any chemical reactions to take place. The water passes through the fine slotted laterals and clean water comes back up through the centre riser pipe and out the bottom port to its end point.2. Backwashing:The flow of water is in reverse direction to the water flow during the standard filtering operation in order to flush out the foreign matter or debris from the filter media bed. The water enters through the bottom port and is evenly distributed by the under-drain assembly up through the media bed, lifting and agitating the media to release the foreign matter or debris. The water exits through the top port of the filter and is directed to drain.It is advisable to view the backwash water and stop backwashing the filter once the water runs clear. In some applications the use of a clear piece of PVC pipe in the drain line or a sight glass in the drain line is helpful in operating the backwash procedure.Rinsing or Flushing:The water enters the filter through the top port and is directed down through the filter media bed to the under drain assembly-up the centre stem (pipe) and out through the bottom port and direct to drain.This process settles the filter media bed into place and flushes any remaining foreign matter or debris out of the filter.Waste:There may be occasions when it is necessary to by-pass the filter and send the water to waste.If an application requires the periodic draining of a system or dilution of the water to be filtered with better quality water then valving should be set up which permits the water to bypass the filter and go to drain.PLEASE NOTE:The manual operation of the valve system (i.e. filter mode selection) is to be done with the pump switched off to prevent water hammer in the filter system which can reduce system operating life.Whether using a Multi-Port Valve or Independent Valving:Connect all plumbing to the valve taking care that all joints are glued or tightened securely to prevent leaking. If using solvents please ensure you do not excessively apply to fittings as this could run into o- rings and create sealing problems.Allow 24 hours for glue (solvent cement) to set before starting the filter.Your filter is now ready for operation. Please refer to (operation) section.I pg 09Waterco Micron Horizontal Commercial filterSTANDARD OPERATIONOPERATIONA. Start up of Waterco Filter1. Ensure pump has water prime (if necessary).2. Perform rinse and/or backwash as detailed in piping manual.3. Note pressure gauge reading.B. Regular Operation1. GeneralIf Multi-port valve is used: Set multi port valve to the FILTER position and start pump (if used).If Independent valving is used: set valves to filter mode and start the pumpsThe system is now set for normal operation.2. Filter Pressure Rise – Note the pressure gauge reading of the clean filter.The pressure will vary according to the plumbing, pump size, mains flow size etc.C. Backwash operation (As a rule of thumb; backwashing is required when the filter pressure rises by 10 – 12 PSI above the starting pressure of the clean filter.)1. With pump switched off (water supply off)If a Multi-port valve is used; place multi port valve to the BACKWASH position.If Independent valving is used set valves so that water enters the bottom port of the filter and returns to drain from the top port (ensure there is sufficient flow rate to lift the filter bed and properly backwash the media).2. Turn water flow on and run until water becomes clear at the viewing sight glass, or if there isno viewing glass, as with Independent valving, view the water as it enters the drain or view the water through the clear PVC pipe or sight glass in a section of the drainpipe.3. Turn off water flow and set the valve or valves to the RINSE position.• If Independent valves are used the water should enter the top port of the filter and exit from the bottom port going to drain. (5-Valve manifold only)4. Run for approximately 10 seconds.5. Turn off water flow/pump.If a Multi-port valve is used reset M.P.V. to the FILTER positionIf Independent valving is used set the valves to redirect water though the top filter port and filtered water out of the bottom filter portRestart water flow for normal operationMAINTENANCE Maintenance:The Waterco Filters are designed, manufactured, and tested to operate faithfully for extended periods of time without maintenance.The filter media will only require changing if it has reached the limits of its designated life.The only requirements to ensure the maximum life of the selected media are as follows.1. Backwash the filter at the required period of time, refer to your pressure gauge.2. Refer to the specs of the media used and implement regeneration procedures accordingly.3. Maintain the water in good chemical balance (if used for pool or spa, or industrial applications where water chemistry is critical) Mains water and rural water supplies need to be monitored. Saturation (life) in mains water or bore (rural) will vary depending on water quality.4. Keep all pre – filters equipment clean to maintain good water flow.5. Replace pressure gauge if faulty readings are observed.6. Filter water regularly.7. Maintain a sound – regular maintenance regime.Fault EliminatorsIf a Multi-port Valve or Independent valving is used.• Above normal or excessive force to operate the M.P .V. or Independent valves can indicate scoring or jamming with foreign matter or debris.• If this condition persists after rinsing, disassemble the valve to clear, refer maintenance below. Continued operation of the valve may result in a non-sealing condition (where Multi-port valve are concerned damage to spider gasket). This will give water loss to the backwash line or to inefficient filtering.I pg 11Waterco Micron Horizontal Commercial filterInsufficient Filtration1. Insufficient filtration time.2. Heavy contaminants or dirt load.3. Dirty filter- requires backwashing.4. Air leaking on suction (influent line).5. Pump impeller vanes blocked.6. In sufficient water supply (water level low, blockage).7. Pump not primed.8. In correct water chemistry.9. Excessive flow of water for filter size. Foreign matter or debris forced through filter media bedinto under drain.10. Other restrictions including resistance from other inline equipment such as strainers. Operatingthe filter on re-circulate will determine if the restriction is in the filter.11. Clogged or channelled filter media. Perform backwash or regeneration.Disassembly (replacing filter media and or under-drains)Whilst disassembly of the filter or valve is unlikely to be required the following is relevant.Ensure that the pump or water supply is turned off and all valves are in the off position.1. Removal filter media can be done with the use of a slurry pump which will suck out thefluidised media. Remove the top manhole cover and ensure that there is sufficient water to fluidise the filter media so the slurry pump can be used taking care not to break the laterals while the last portion of filter media is being removed.2. Under drain laterals unscrew from the manifold in sections to allow for removal and replacement.If a Multi port valve is used it is removed in the reverse order to installation.1. Unscrew from the body of the filter and lift away. Ensure that all plumbing is Disconnected2. Lift off the top of valve for inspection.3. Grease and change components if required.4. You can drive handle pin out of handle to remove spring.Re-Assembly:1. Under drain stem and manifold can be replaced whilst in the filter.2. Replace the media. Refer to adding media section.3. Open valves after completed.Multi-port valves (if one is used)1. Re-assemble in reverse order of above.2. Replace components as necessary.3. Lightly lubricate (Silicone grease only) all o rings and seals to ensure smooth easy fit.4. Do not over tighten screws.1234567WATERCO COMMERCIAL SAND FILTER PRESSURE LOSS CURVE.P R E S S U R E L O S S (P S I )8910111213Media Loading AmountsI pg 13Waterco Micron Horizontal Commercial filterOFFICES - AUSTRALIA NSW - SydNey (Head Office)Tel: +61 2 9898 8600 QLd - BriSBaNe Tel: +61 7 3299 9900 Vic/TaS - MeLBOurNe Tel: +61 3 9764 1211 Wa - PerTHTel: +61 8 9273 1900 Sa/NT - adeLaide Tel: +61 8 8244 6000 acT diSTriBuTiON Tel: +61 2 6280 6476OFFICES - OVERSEASWaTercO (eurOPe) LiMiTedSittingbourne, Kent, uKTel: +44 (0) 1795 521 733WaTercO fraNceSaint Priest, franceTel: +33 4 72 79 33 30WaTercO (uSa) iNcaugusta, Georgia, uSaTel: +1 706 793 7291WaTercO caNadaLongueuil, Quebec, canadaTel: +1 450 748 1421WaTercO (NZ) LiMiTedauckland, New ZealandTel: +64 9 525 7570WaTercO © LiMiTedGuangzhou, chinaTel: +86 20 3222 2180WaTercO (far eaST) SdN BHdSelangor, MalaysiaTel: +60 3 6145 6000PT WaTercO iNdONeSiaJakarta, indonesiaTel: +62 21 4585 1481WaTercO SiNGaPOre iNTL PTe LTdNehsons Building, SingaporeTel: +65 6344 2378。
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商用净水设备产品安装使用手册目录前言 (3)一、安全注意事项 (4)二、产品简介 (6)1. 净水设备的分解图简介 (6)(a) 正视图简介 (6)(b) 制水挂板简介 (6)(c) 机箱右侧面简介 (6)(d) 机箱左侧面简介 (7)2. 电气图 (7)3. 水路图 (8)4. 技术参数 (8)5. 部件功能介绍 (8)6. 辅助部件功能介绍 (9)7. 净水设备特点 (10)三、安装方法 (10)1. 安装前准备事项 (10)2. 正确安装说明 (10)3. 安装注意事项 (12)四、调试方法 (12)五、使用方法 (13)六、保养与维护 (14)1、电脑板 (14)2、各级滤芯更换时间 (14)3、更换滤芯方法 (15)4、注意事项 (15)(1)反渗透膜的产水量 (15)(2)废旧滤芯的处理 (16)七、故障诊断及排除 (17)八、售后服务 (19)附件 (20)前言感谢选择本公司产品,商务净水设备采用世界先进的反渗透提纯技术,独特杀菌除菌工艺流程,自动化数字电路控制,经本机处理制造出来的水达到饮用纯水标准,可以直接生饮,符合国家卫生部颁发的《卫水字(2011)第0115号》直饮水标准,确保您饮用的水洁净而有益于您的健康。
二、 产品简介1. 净水设备的分解图简介(a)正视图简介(b) 制水挂板简介(c) 机箱右侧面简介流量计中央电脑板启动按钮灌装按钮工作压力表打水口制水泵制水泵废水调节阀 废水电磁阀 低压开关进水电磁阀 大T3324V 紫外线400G 膜壳水箱第一道滤瓶 第二道滤瓶 第三道滤瓶原水压力表(d) 机箱左侧面简介3个滤瓶2.电气图3.水路图4.注:由于产品改良,以上参数可能有所改变,以产品实物为准,TDS为原水中固体溶解物总量。
备注:本产品还可以选购碱性滤芯、矿物质滤芯等6.辅助部件功能介绍(1) 中央电脑板控制整个制水过程,包括缺水停机,水满停机,自动冲洗反渗透膜等。
(2) 制水泵起到增压作用,为反渗透膜能够正常工作创造一个稳定的环境。
(3) 低压开关防止水泵空转。
(4) 高液位浮球(水箱高液位浮球)防止水箱溢水;水箱水满后将浮球断开,电脑板发出命令;停止制水。
(5) 进水电磁阀:接通或切断原水。
(6) 逆止阀:又名单向阀,控制水流方向。
(7) 冲洗电磁阀:受电脑板控制,进行自动冲洗反渗透膜。
(8) 废水调节阀通过手动控制改变纯水出水量,通过观察膜后压力表,使膜后压力稳定在0.65Mpa;达到最佳制水效果。
(10) 储水箱用于储存净水设备过滤出的纯净水。
(11) 智能水表通过流量计计算出水量的多少。
如果您自行安装,请参照以下步骤及图示:1.安装前准备事项(1)确认直饮水机要安装的位控(安装时应视实际情况而定) ;(2)确认安装所需的各种工具 ;(3)确认安装所需的各种配件是否齐全 ;(4)安装之前请勿送水送电。