国海事局2002年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第28期)科目:轮机长业务 试卷

中华人民共和国海事局2002年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第28期)科目:轮机长业务试卷代号:812适用对象:750-3000KW船舶轮机长(本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟) 答题说明: 本试卷试题均为单项选择题,请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在其相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑。
A.4/6 B. 5/6 C. 3/3 D. 5/32.轮机长应做好的主要协调工作有______。
Ⅰ.轮机员之间的协调Ⅱ.轮机员与机工之间的协调Ⅲ.机工之间的协调Ⅳ.轮机员与驾驶员之间的协调A.Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ B.Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ C.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ D.Ⅱ+Ⅲ3.航行中轮机长每天须向船长递交______。
A.油耗量报告 B.主机转速报告 C.滑失率报告 D.正午报告4.当值轮机员错记轮机日志时,处理方法是______。
A.每周/每半个月/2 B.每月/每月/3 C.每半个月/每半个月/3 D.每周/每周/2 6. STCW 78/95公约关于保持轮机值班的指导中规定,_____轮机长需根据情况提供操作性指导。
I.特殊类型的推进装置或辅助设备II.载运有害、危险、有毒货物III.船舶过运河时A.I + II B. II + III C.I + III D.I +II+III7.在航行中轮机长应每日查阅轮机日志,对记载栏内一昼夜的______进行核对并签署。
Ⅰ.燃料耗存量Ⅱ.航速、航行时间Ⅲ.主机平均转速及副机运转时间A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅱ+ Ⅲ C.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+ ⅢD.Ⅰ+ Ⅲ8.轮机长调动交接班中,按一般规定应实物交接的有______。
海船30期 2003年第1期海员考试试题以及题库 30982(精品文档)_共7页

1. 根据我国船舶法定检验规则规定,航行A1海区以外的500总吨及以上的货船各应配备几台雷达应答器?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 42. 下列有关ISM规则基本原理的叙述,哪些正确?①ISM规则采用国际通用的质量保证体系的原理②公司和船上应同时建立安全管理体系③实现活动规范化、工作程序化、行为文件化④通过对安全管理体系的定期内部审核和外部监督,将海上安全和防污工作置于严格控制之下A.①~③B.①~④C.②~④D.①②④3. 下列哪些是国际安全管理(ISM)规则的目标?①保证海上安全②防止人员伤亡③避免对环境,特别是海洋环境造成危害及对财产造成损失④降低船舶营运成本A.①~③B.①~④C.②~④D.①②④4. 下列有关国内航行船舶应具备证书的有效期哪项不正确?A.载重线证书有效期5年B.客船和货船的适航证书有效期均为5年C.吨位证书长期有效D.防止油污证书有效期5年5. 根据规定,除必备的船舶证书外,国内航行船应持有下列哪些文件?①船舶航行签证簿②货物积载簿③油类记录簿④起货设备检验簿A.①~④B.①~③C.②③D.①③④6. 为了防止船员酗酒和吸毒,船上的下列措施哪些正确:①船员中酗酒、吸毒者不能当值和操作使用船舶设备②禁止滥用船上合法的麻醉品③船长负有所有酒类控制和处方麻醉品的使用责任④船长和船员应定期进行酒精和毒品测试A.①~③B.①~④C.②~④D.①③④7. 根据STCW公约的要求,在下列哪种情况下应按规定确保所有值班人员有必需的休息时间?A.船舶正常航行时B.船舶发生海损事故时C.船舶进行油污应急演习时D.船舶进行靠、离操作时8. 《海上交通安全法》规定,主管机关认为船舶对港口安全有威胁时,有权:A.停止其航行B.停止其作业C.令其改航D.禁止其进港或令其离港9. 船舶未在规定的港区锚地内抛锚且不服从调度的,主管机关的下列哪种作法不符合《海上交通安全法》的规定?A.禁止其离港B.令其离港C.对其罚款D.对其警告10.我国《海上交通安全法》规定,船舶发生事故,对交通安全造成或可能造成危害时,主管机关有权:A.注销其船舶签证簿B.采取必要的强制性处置措施C.没收船舶国籍证书D. ABC均可11.根据《海上交通安全法》的规定,船舶发现下列哪些情况,应迅速报告主管机关?①灯浮移位②不明漂流物③有碍航行的异常情况④他船遇险A.①~④B.①③④C.①②④D.②~④12.根据《海上交通安全法》,因海上交通事故引起的国内船舶间的民事纠纷,下列哪种处理途径正确?①向法院起诉②根据双方协议提交仲裁机构仲裁③由主管机关调解处理A.①~③B.①③C.①②D.②③13.根据我国现行船舶登记条例的规定,船舶在下列哪些情况下应进行注销登记?①船舶所有权转移②船舶拆解和沉没③船舶失踪④船舶所有权登记证书灭失A.①~④B.①②④C.①~③D.①③④14.我国船舶最低安全配员规则的规定船舶配员数额是:A.根据国际公约规定的数额确定的B.根据国家劳动法规规定的数额确定的C.根据船舶安全操作所必须的最低数额确定的D. ABC都是15.根据《水上安全监督行政处罚规定》,处罚的种类包括:①警告、罚款②扣留、吊销证书③追究刑事责任④没收船舶A.①~④B.②~④C.①~③D.①②④16.根据规定,对船舶进行安全检查的内容包括:①一般安全设施②配载图与积载簿③报警设施④载重线要求A.①~④B.①~③C.②~④D.①③④17.根据我国船舶安全检查规则的规定,当船舶存在危及水上交通安全安全的缺陷时,执行检查的海事局经批准后有权:A.令其离港B.令其加强安全措施C.禁止其进港D.禁止其离港18.根据《船舶签证管理规则》,下列有关船舶签证簿的叙述哪些是正确的?①船舶应向船籍港海事局申领②如果同时使用二本签证簿,海事局有权将其全部没收③船舶所有人改变时,应申领新签证簿④只有海事局有权在签证簿上签注A.①~④B.②~④C.①②④D.①③④19.根据我国《船舶升挂国旗管理办法》的规定,下列叙述哪些正确?A.船舶取得中国国籍后第一次升挂中国国旗时可举行升旗仪式B.中国籍船改变国籍最后一次降中国国旗时可举行降旗仪式C.中国籍船遇难弃船时,船长应指定专人降下国旗,并携带离船D. ABC都正确20.船舶报告制中“变更报告”的“变更”是指:A.船位严重偏离B.航速临时改变C.航向临时改变D. A、B、C都是21.按照我国船级社的规定,如果船舶取得安全管理证书(SMC)时,可以在船体船级证书上授予什么附加标志?A. ISMB. SMSC. SMCD. DOC22.在船舶的轮机船级证书上加注“AUT-0”时,表示该船:A.能在驾驶台遥控主机,但机舱的集控室周期有人值班B.能在驾驶台遥控主机,机舱的集控室可周期无人值班C.能在机舱集控室控制主机D.不能在驾驶台遥控主机,机舱有人值班23.根据我国《海商法》,下列有关船长义务陈述错误的是:A.无论如何应对相碰的船舶和船上人员尽力施救B.在弃船时采取一切措施,首先组织旅客然后是船员安全离船C.在弃船时最后离船D.在发生船舶碰撞后尽可能将本船船名、船籍港、出发港和目的港通知对方24.下列哪些是船长在保持船级和适航方面的职责?Ⅰ对影响船级的损坏或缺陷及时报告并申请检验Ⅱ遵守规定的装载条件Ⅲ按规定进行保持船级的检验Ⅳ满足安全配员要求A.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、ⅣB.Ⅰ~ⅣC.Ⅰ~ⅢD.Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ25.按照船员调动交接制度,船长职务调动时应交接的内容包括:①船舶技术图纸和船史簿②航海日志、全部备用及通用钥匙③现存的燃油、淡水和压载情况④任期内本船安全生产上发生的问题A.①③B.①~③C.①~④D.①③④26.下列哪项不是接收新建、新购船舶时船长的职责?A.组织船员研究并熟悉船舶性能、技术指标,制定出接船计划和具体措施B.组织船员认真清点各种物料、属具、备件C.办妥各种船舶技术证书、部署各项开航的准备工作D.帮助大副做好试车、试航工作27.根据职务规则,下列哪项不属于船长在货物运输方面的职责?A.检查装货准备情况,需要洗舱后才可装载的货物,必须经验舱合格并取得证书B.审阅大副的稳性计算书C.审阅大副的配载计划D.亲自检查装卸设备及属具是否正常28.为了确保安全积载,船长在审阅大副的稳性计算书时,下列有关船舶的GM值的推荐标准哪项符合要求?①杂货船的GM值不小于0.15 m ②集装箱船的GM不小于0.3 m③散粮船的GM不小于0.2 m ④木材船的GM应为正值A.①~④B.①~③C.①③④D.①②④29.根据我国“海港引航工作规定”和“海船船员值班规则”,下列有关船长在引航中的权力和义务的提法哪些正确?①引航过程中,并不解除船长驾驶和管理船舶的责任②引航员如操作不当,必要时可中止其引领,改由自己操作或更换引航员③为航行安全,船长可提出合理的建议和要求,但不得无理干涉引航员的工作④船长对引航员的错误操作应及时指出,必要时即行纠正A.①~④B.①~③C.①③④D.①③30.船上良好的人际关系可有效地避免下列哪些因素导致的人为失误?A.计划不周密B.互不配合和不了解情况C.不愉快的情绪D. B和C正确31.船长应着重从下列哪些方面对船员进行培训?(1)树立安全意识(2)安全技术知识(3)安全技能(4)生产技能A.(1)~(3)B.(1)~(4)C.(1)、(2)、(4)D.(3)、(4)32.按照《驾驶、轮机联系制度》,下列哪项作法符合规定?A.船长应提前24小时将预计开航时间通知全体船员B.轮机长应向船长报告主要机电设备情况,燃油和炉水存量C.如停港时间不足24小时,船长应在抵港后立即通知全体船员D. ABC33.按照《驾驶、轮机联系制度》规定,抵港后机舱检修下列哪种设备时,应事先报请船长的同意?A.造水设备B.油水分离设备C.装卸设备D.影响动车的设备34.《船长夜航命令簿规则》对船长的要求包括:①船舶在航行或锚泊中,每夜就寝前,应将有关航行要求及注意事项写入夜航命令簿,并放在海图室内规定地点②临时增改夜航命令应通知当班驾驶员,并在更改处签字③应检查值班驾驶员执行夜航命令的情况④二副保管夜航命令簿A.①~④B.①~③C.①②④D.①③④35.船长的夜航命令应包括:①值班驾驶员按时交接班的指示②号灯正常显示的指示③注意特殊气象及应采取的措施的指示④对过往船舶应宽让的要求A.②~④B.①~④C.①~③D.②③36.按照现行的《73/78防污公约》附则①的要求,油轮在特殊区域外排放污压舱水、洗舱水,应满足的条件包括:①油水分离设备正在运转②距最近陆地50海里以上③瞬间排放率不超过30升/海里④现有油轮的排油总量不超过该种货油总量的1/30,000A.①~③B.①~④C.①②④D.①②37.《MARPOL73/78》附则②中所指的D类物质是指:如从洗舱或卸载作业中排放入海,将对海洋资源或人类健康造成______,因而要求对其操作条件给予适当的注意。
海事局2002年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第28期)科目:船舶辅机 试卷代号:843

中华人民共和国海事局2002年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第28期)科目:船舶辅机试卷代号:843适用对象:3000KW及以上船舶二/三管轮(本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟) 答题说明:本试卷试题均为单项选择题,请选择一个最适合的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在其相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑,每题1分,共100分。
A. 米液柱B. 帕C. 瓦D. 牛顿3.泵的实际扬程与理论扬程的比值称为______。
A. 机械效率B. 水力效率C. 容积效率D. 总效率4.电动往复泵一般没有______机构。
A.容积 B.水力 C.机械 D.A+B+C8.叶片泵配油盘上开盲孔,是为了______。
A.减小液压冲击 B.平衡轴向力 C.平衡径向力 D.消除困油9.双作用叶片泵采用前倾角的主要目的是______。
A.改善泵的吸入性能B. 提高泵的效率C. 改善叶片受力情况,以防卡阻D. 增加泵的压头10.水环泵所能达到的最大压头主要取决于______。
A. 叶轮的尺寸和转速B. 原动机功率C. 密封性能D. 结构强度12.下列泵中不采用电动机带动的是______。
A.往复泵 B.水环泵 C.喷射泵 D.旋涡泵13.螺杆泵调节流量常采用______调节。
A.节流 B.回流 C.变速 D.气蚀14.开式旋涡泵与闭式旋涡泵相比______。
A. 平衡轴向推力B. 减少液体外漏C. 润滑轴承D. 防止空气漏入泵内16.在拆检和装配齿轮泵时,应特别注意______。

一.单项选择题1.Which statement concerning sweat damage in containers is TRUE?A. Sweat damage in containers is unusual due to the small-enclosed volume of airB. In general containerized hygroscopic cargoes are the only ones subject to sweat damageC. Containers should be ventilated dehumidified or the contents physically protected againstsweat damageD. Sweat damage is not a problem except in insulated and refrigerated containers2. This is to certify that at______in accordance with regulation 6 of IX of the Convention, the SafetyManagement System was found to comply with the requirements of the ISM Code.A. the time verificationB. the intervals of requirementsC. the periodical verificationD. the periodical approved3.One of the following is a part of recommended security analysis process:A. Selection of potential threat scenario and evaluation of consequencesB. Valuate/score the scenario in terms of potential consequencesC. Determine if scenario requires a mitigation strategy, select strategies and evaluate their impactD. All the above4. A vessel with tweendecks is very suitable for general cargo, as not only is the cargo space dividedinto separate tiers, but also the tweendeck prevents______from bearing on the cargo at the bottom of the hold.A. too much cargoB. too much weightC. too much spaceD. too much lots5. A swift current occurring in a narrow passage connecting two large bodies of water which isproduced by the continuously changing difference in height of tide at the two ends of the passage is called a(n) ______.A. hydraulic currentB. rectilinear currentC. rotary currentD. harmonic current6.Any stipulation in a contract of carriage of goods by sea or a bill of lading or other similardocuments evidencing such contract that______the provisions of the Chapter shall be null and void.A. conforms toB. is in compliance withC. derogates fromD. is confined to7. A snag or other underwater obstruction may form a ______.A. V-shaped ripple with the point of the V pointing upstreamB. V-shaped ripple with the point of the V pointing downstreamC. small patch of smooth water on a windy dayD. smoothing out of the vessel's wake8.As the propeller turns,voids are formed on the trailing and leading edges of the propeller bladescausing a loss of propulsive efficiency,______,and vibration. These voids are known as cavitation.A. deformation of the bladesB. crack of the bladesC. crispation of the bladesD. pitting of the blades9. What great circle is always needed to form the astronomical triangle?A. Celestial EquatorB. LongitudeC. Celestial MeridianD. Prime Vertical Circle10. The difference between local apparent time (LAT) and local mean time (LMT) is indicated by______.A. equation of timeB. difference of longitude between the local and central meridian in time unitsC. longitude in time unitsD. zone description11. One of the following is not potential threat scenario for vessels at sea.A. Boat loaded with explosives collides with the vesselB. Terrorist firing on the vessel with hand held missile launcherC. Terrorist boarding the vessel and taking control an colliding the vessel with another shipD. Non of the above12. A security level, for which appropriate additional protective security measures shall be maintainedfor a period of time as a result of heightened risk of a security incident is defined as ______.A. Security level 1B. Security level 2C. Security level 3D. Security level 413. A strategy is called highly effective strategy if it’s implementationA. Lower the mitigation categoryB. Will raise the mitigation categoryC. Will only lower the vulnerability scoreD. All of the aboverge quantities of uncovered pig iron or billets should not be carried in the upper-tween decksbecause ______.A. this does not eliminate the risk of cargo shiftingB. this will increase the metacentric height of the shipC. this will decrease the gravity height of the shipD. this will reduce the rolling period of the ship15. You notice that your speed has decreased,the stern of your vessel has settled into the water,and yourrudder is sluggish in responding. The MOST likely cause is ______.A. mechanical problems with the steering gearB. shallow waterC. loss of lubricating oil in the engineD. current16. Oily rags stored in a pile that is ______ are a hazard because they may ______.A. isolated from atmosphere / deteriorate and give off noxious gassesB. isolated from atmosphere / spontaneously heat and catch fireC. open to the atmosphere / deteriorate and give off noxious gassesD. open to the atmosphere / spontaneously heat and catch fire17. In stopping distances of vessels,head reach can best be described as the ______.A. difference between the vessel's speed through the water at any instant and the new speedordered on the telegraphB. distance the vessel has actually run through the water since a change of speed was orderedC. distance the vessel will run between taking action to stop her and being stationary in thewaterD. speed at which a vessel should proceed to ensure that she will run a predetermined distance,once her engines have been stopped18. MV SKYCLIPPER RE OUR TELCONV YDAY N PREVEIOUS TLX DD 24 JUL HV SPKN TOOWNER N UR RECFM TO Z FLWG NORDER ENSURE VSLS FXTRE TO U. Following this passage will be ______.A. the Notice of ReadinessB. the Declaration of DWTCC. the Fixture NoteD. the Notice of Demurrage19. If a container which has not been filled,packed,stuffed or loaded by the Carrier is delivered by theCarrier with the seal ______,such delivery shall be deemed as full and complete performance of the Carrier's obligation.A. intactB. properly usedC. perfectD. fully sized20. Which is a negotiated charter?A. FixtureB. Bill of LadingC. Conference agreementD. All of the above21. You are bound from port A governed by the summer load line mark to port B also governed by thesummer mark. The great circle track will take you into a zone governed by the winter mark. Which statement is TRUE?A. You cannot load beyond the summer mark at port A and must be at the winter mark uponarrival at port B.B. You must be at the winter mark when you enter the winter zone and cannot exceed thesummer mark upon departing port A.C. You can only load to the winter mark plus any fresh water allowance and burnout to sea atport A.D. You can load so that upon arrival at the pier at port B your freeboard is equal to the summermark less any fresh water allowance.22. Under normal weather and sea conditions when securing a stack of containers with non-lockingfittings lashings are required when the tier exceeds what height?A. Lashings are always requiredB. Five containersC. Four containersD. Three containers23. Effects which are dutiable or subject to prohibitions or restrictions should be declared in ______.A. CREW LISTB. PERSONAL EFFECTS LISTC. PASSENGER LISTD. GENERAL DECLARA TION24. Should it appear that war or blockade would prevent the vessel from safely reaching the port ofdestination and / or discharging the goods thereat,the Carrier ______.A. is not entitled to claim against the shipper or charterer any damage that he will suffer with thecargo on boardB. is not entitled to terminate the contract of carriageC. is entitled to discharge the goods at the port of loading or any other safe and convenient place andterminate the contract of carriageD. is entitled to claim freight with the cargo on board25. If the PSCO from general impressions or observations on board has ______for believing that theship, its equipment or its crew do not substantially meet the requirements, the PSCO should proceed to a more detailed inspection.A. clean reportB. serious deficienciesC. clear groundD. detention report26. Protective clothing must be worn while sampling hazardous cargo on a tank ship,and as a minimumincludes ______.A. a hood or hard hatB. a face mask or gogglesC. bootsD. chemical resistant gloves27. Bids will be taken and opened for ______ of contract at the offices of Messrs. Albright,JenkinsCompany,the ship's Agents,located in this city,on August 19,1989,at 9: 00 A. M.A. awardingB. givingC. grantingD. providing28. Repairing damage to the hull at or above the waterline reduces the threat of ______.A. free surface effectsB. capsizingC. continued progressive floodingD. wind heel29. Please accept this as notice that MV Blue Ocean is now berthed at your dock and is in all respectsready to load her cargo as per terms of the charter-party dated at New York on June 10,1999.This sentence is likely to appear in ______.A. Declaration of Deadweight Tonnage of CargoB. Notice of DemurrageC. Notice of DespatchD. Notice of Readiness30. You are up bound approaching a lock and dam and see two green lights in a vertical line. Thisindicates ______.A. the downstream end of an intermediate wallB. that a double lockage is in progressC. the downstream end of the land wallD. the navigable pass of a fixed weir dam31. Under a voyage charter, the rate of demurrage that would incur after the expiration of the laytimeand the rate of dispatch money to be paid as a result of the completion of loading ordischarge , shall be fixed by the shipowner and charterer upon mutual agreement.A. ahead of scheduleB. behind scheduleC. after the expiration of the demurrageD. before the expiration of the demurrage32. Over a long period, several mixed forms have evolved resembling voyage charter or time charter, butwith a number of specific features. This type of contract is often a mixed(hybrid) contract which is referred to as a ______.A. voyage charter partyB. time charter partyC. carriage of affreightmentD. contract of affreightment33. When having only a parcel or a limited quantity of cargo he may directly or indirectly, througha______, send his goods as general cargo with a liner operator.A. post officeB. brokerC. ship masterD. forwarding agent34. You see an iceberg that has not been reported. What kind of radio message do you transmit to warnothers?A. Safety messageB. Urgency messageC. Distress messageD. Routine message35. A vessel is tender if cargo weight is ______.A. concentrated high and the double bottoms emptyB. concentrated low and the double bottoms emptyC. evenly distributed vertically with the double bottoms fullD. concentrated and with the double bottoms full36. Which of the following parts of ISPS code are mandatory?A. Part B 8.1 to 13.6B. Part B 8.2 to 13.8C. Part A and part B 8.1 to 13.6D. Part A and part B 8.2 to 13.837. Which of the following statement is correct regarding ship handling when in the vicinity of trafficseparation schemes?(1)A vessel shall,so far as practicable,avoid crossing traffic lanes (2)If obliged to cross traffic lanes,she shall do so as nearly as practicable at right angles to the general direction of traffic flow.A. (1) onlyB. (2) onlyC. Both(1) and (2)D. Neither (1) nor (2)38. Record of shipboard keys to be maintained for the following:A. Custody of all keysB. List of spare keys with ship security officerC. List of lost keysD. All the above39. Progressive flooding may be indicated by ______.A. ballast control alarmsB. excessive draftC. excessive list or trimD. a continual worsening of list or trim40. Prior to magnetic particle inspection of anchor chain,the chain should be ______.A. degaussedB. demagnetizedC. soakedD. sandblasted41. A compound fracture is a fracture in which ______.A. more than one bone is brokenB. the same bone is broken in more than one placeC. there is never any internal bleedingD. the bone may be visible42. Several merchant ships are arriving at the scene of a distress incident. One of them must assume theduties of the Coordinator Surface Search (CSS). Which of the following statements is TRUE?______.A. CSS duties are always assumed by passenger vessels,dry cargo vessels,or tankers in thatorder of precedenceB. The CSS must be established by mutual agreement between the ships concernedC. A tank vessel should never be assigned CSS duties unless only tank vessels are presentD. The first vessel to arrive at the distress incident is designated as the CSS43. Sue and Labor is to ______ a loss which would be recoverable under PICC Hull Insurance Clauses.A. avert or minimizeB. increase or maximizeC. claimD. indemnify44. Following a collision or accident,the Master of each vessel involved must render assistance topersons affected by the collision or accident ______.A. if he can do so without any risk to his vesselB. if he can do so without undue delayC. if he can do so without serious danger to his vessel or to individuals on boardD. without regard to any danger to his vessel45. You are proceeding to a distress site and expect large numbers of people in the water. Whichstatement is TRUE?A. You should stop to windward of the survivors in the water and only use the ship's boats torecover the survivorsB. If the survivors are in inflatable rafts you should approach from windward to create a lee forthe survivorsC. An inflatable life raft secured alongside can be an effective boarding station for transfer ofsurvivors from the boatsD. Survivors in the water should never be permitted alongside due to the possibility of injuryfrom the vessel46. In a Salvage Contract the word Salvor means ______.A. The Captain of the rescued vesselB. The salving vessel or the likeC. The rescued vesselD. The salvage operations47. Your vessel has run aground and is touching bottom for the first one-quarter of its length. What is theLEAST desirable method from the standpoint of stability to decrease the bottom pressure?A. Discharge forward deck cargoB. Pump out the forepeak tankC. Shift deck cargo aftD. Flood an after double-bottom tank48. Every act of assistance or salvage,which has had a useful result,should give a right to ______remuneration.A. obtainableB. equitableC. profitableD. approvable49. Under Lloyd's standard form of salvage agreement, the owners of the vessel their Servants andAgents shall use their best endeavours to ensure that the cargo owners provide their proportion of security ______.A. before the cargo is received.B. before the cargo is released.C. after the cargo is received.D. after the cargo is released.50. The continuing boom in the transportation of oil and the increasing scale of oil pollution incidentsresulted in serious international concern for the marine environment, not only as a result ofaccidents but also through______, such as the cleaning of cargo tanks.A. routine tanker pollutionB. routine tanker operationsC. routine oil disposalD. routine oil transit51. A vessel has been damaged by fire. The survey shows the cost of repairs will exceed the value of therepaired vessel. This is an example of a(n) ______.A. constructive total lossB. salvage lossC. actual lossD. preferred loss52. The ship owner's liability for cargo damage is covered under what marine insurance policy?A. HullB. CargoC. Protection and IndemnityD. Pollution53. When securing a hook to the end of a wire rope you should use ______.A. a bowline knotB. a long spliceC. an overhand knot with a wire rope clipD. wire rope clips with a thimble eye54. The Insurance Company shall be liable for ______.A. loss or damage caused by unseaworthiness of the insured shipB. demurrage of the insured ship and other indirect expensesC. reasonable expenses for ascertaining the loss or damage within the scope of CoverD. A,B,C are all wrong55. An underwriter is liable for ______.A. loss arising from the subject itself because of its inherent qualitiesB. loss caused by the ordinary evaporation of liquidsC. loss caused by heavy weatherD. the natural decay of the vessel due to the passage of time56. Damage to another vessel's cargo,caused by a collision,is covered under which marine insurancepolicy?A. HullB. FireC. Protection and IndemnityD. None of the above57. The original Bill of Lading once signed by the Master is NOT ______.A. a receipt and proof that goods have been received on boardB. surrendered to the customs agency of the country where the cargo is dischargedC. used to transfer ownership of the cargo while the ship is enrouteD. a proof of title or ownership of the cargo58. The Shipping Company shall be responsible for all sick pay and medical expenses for injuries orsickness of crewmembers arising out of or in the course of their employment as well as travelling expenses for medical treatment, including those which may not be covered by the terms andconditions of ______.A. the P & I insuranceB. the Hull insuranceC. the Marine Cargo insuranceD. the Hull War and Strike insurance59. You have a large, broken-down vessel in tow with a wire rope and anchor cable towline. Both vesselhave made provision for slipping the tow in an emergency; however, unless there are special circumstances______.A. the towing vessel should slip firstB. the vessel towed should slip firstC. they should slip simultaneouslyD. either vessel may slip first60. ______ is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea water.A. EmulsificationB. Sedimentation / SinkingC. Oxidation including photooxidationD. Burning organized by RCC61. According to the Maritime Code of China, where the holder of the bill of lading is not the chartererin the case of a bill of lading issued under a voyage charter, the rights and obligations of the carrier and the holder of the bill of lading shall be governed by the clauses of ______.A. the bill of ladingB. the voyage charterC. the agreement between the carrier and the holder of the B/LD. the Maritime Code of the People’s Republic of China62. If the Shipowner has agreed to receive deck cargo,______ must contribute to the loss,provided theowner of the jettisoned goods is the sole cargo owner.A. the shipB. the ship and the freightC. the freightD. neither the ship nor the freight63. If there is a strike or lock-out affecting the cargo on or after vessel's arrival at port of discharge andthe same has not been settled within 48 hours,Receivers shall have the option of keeping vessel waiting until such strike or lock-out is at an end against paying half demurrage after expiration of the time prescribed for discharging or ordering the vessel to a substituting port.The “same” refers to ______.A. the cargoB. the portC. the arrivalD. the strike or lock-out64. The charterer has completed loading the vessel in 3 days instead of the 5 days agreed to in thecharter party. As a result of this , the ______.A. shipowner may charge for two lay daysB. charterer may receive dispatch moneyC. stevedore may collect demurrageD. charterer may pay demurrage to shipowner65. Biodegradation of the oil slick in sea water is assisted by all the following marine micro-organismswhich are capable of metabolising oil compounds except ______.A. bacteriaB. mouldsC. yeastsD. seals66. If P=Probability, C=Consequences, R=Risk; which one of the following equation is correct?A. P=C + RB. R=C x PC. R=C/PD. Non of the above 67. An oil tanker operating with dedicated clean ballast tanks shall be equipped with ______,approvedby the Administration on the basis of specification recommended by the Organization,to enable supervision of the oil content in ballast water being discharged.A. an oil content meterB. an oil checkerC. an analyzer of oil contentD. a mixer of oily water68. With respect to the ballasting of cargo tanks, sufficient cargo tanks shall be crude oil washed prior toeach ballast voyage in order that ballast water is put only into cargo tanks _______.A. with inert gas systemB. without inert gas systemC. which are to be crude oil washedD. which have been crude oil washed二.关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项)第一组:As with the duties of loading and stowing of the carrier under Hague Rules and national statutes incorporating one or other of those Rules,there is a difference of opinion as to whether the carrier may validly delegate its responsibility for discharging the cargo to another party,notably to the consignee. Despite some lower court expressions to the contrary,the more prevalent view is that loading,stowing and discharging are "non-delegable" obligations of the carrier of goods by sea. In consequence,while it may be permissible to transfer the responsibility for paying for loading,stowing and discharging to the shipper or consignee (e.g. by inserting an "FIOST" clause in the bill of lading),this or any other clauses which purport to also transfer the liability for fault or negligence in the conduct of these operations from the carrier to cargo are null and void,because they relieve or lessen the carrier's obligations otherwise than as permitted by the Act. This position is well-founded,given the fundamental purpose of the Rules and the national statutes of protecting shippers and consignees against the superior bargaining power of carriers. While acceptable in charterparties,which are contracts of private carriage,such clauses are rightly set aside by courts in carriage under bills of lading.69. According to this passage,"FIOST" clause in the bill of lading is ______.A. not accepted by courtsB. acceptable in courtsC. a non-delegable clause in the bill of ladingD. incorporated in the bill of lading to avoid superior bargaining by the carrier against thereceiver70. The prevalent view is that ______.A. the carrier may validly delegate its responsibility for discharging the cargo to another partyB. whether the carrier may validly delegate its responsibility for discharging the cargo to anotherparty is still in disputeC. it is not necessary to consider whether the carrier may validly delegate its responsibility fordischarging the cargo to another partyD. the carrier may not validly delegate its responsibility for discharging the cargo to another party71. In the eyes of law,an "FIOST" clause in the bill of lading ______.A. does not transfer the responsibility for paying for loading,stowing and discharging to theshipper or consigneeB. has nothing to do with the responsibility of the carrierC. relieves or lessens the carrier's obligations otherwise than as permitted by the ActD. imposes more obligations to the carrier than as permitted by the Act72. It can be inferred that the author______the opinion that the carrier may validly delegate itsresponsibility for discharging the cargo to another party.A. supportsB. does not supportC. has not indicated whether he supports or notD. has no interest in discussing第二组:When SEA EMPRESS was two or three cables from the Channel entrance,the pilot saw from the changing aspect of the Outer Leading Lights that there was a set to the east. He ordered a course change of 5° to port. The vessel,which was now closing with the Mid Channel Rocks Light Buoy,started to turn to port. The pilot saw the Outer Leading Lights close and then open to the east as the bows entered the channel. The Buoy was very close to starboard and the pilot now saw that the fixed red and fixed white lights of the Outer Leading Lights,the ones indicating the east side of the deepest water in the Channel entrance,were also open to the east.After the bows had passed the Middle Channel Rocks Light to starboard there was a shuddering vibration,then a sound from the deck below of liquid being forced under pressure,accompanied by a strong smell of oil. The helmsman reported that the vessel was not steering and the pilot ordered 'full astern'. The Chief Officer recorded this order and the vessel's position,which was 1.4 cables northwest of Middle Channel Rocks Light. SEA EMPRESS,which was trimming by the head and taking a starboard list,continued to run ahead as the main engine was on full astern. There were further main engine movements and the vessel finally lost all way after she grounded again in a position about 3.3 cables south-by-west of the Mill Bay Buoy. The main engine was put to 'stop'. SEA EMPRESS was by this time significantly trimmed by the head and had taken an 18° list to starboard with the starboard fore part of the deck awash and was heading in a northwesterly direction.73. The course of SEA EMPRESS,when entering the Channel entrance,was most likely in a directionof ______.A. NorthB. EastC. SouthD. West74.“The pilot saw the Outer Leading Lights close and then open to the east as the bows entered thechannel”. This indicates that ______.A. the front Leading Light appeared to move to the left of the rear Leading LightB. the rear Leading Light appeared to move to the right of the front Leading LightC. the rear Leading Light appeared to move to the east of the front Leading LightD. the front Leading Light appeared to move to the east of the rear Leading Light75. When SEA EMPRESS was grounded the second time,her smallest freeboard was on her ______.A. port side before mid sectionB. port side after mid sectionC. starboard side before mid sectionD. starboard side after mid section76. A conclusion can be drawn from this passage that SEA EMPRESS was grounded at about ______hours (LT).A. 0200B. 0900C. 1900D. 2200 三.中译英(共2题,请将答案写在答题纸上)77.就你方要求一油轮外档傍靠并跨过我轮卸货,及租船人同意你轮傍靠一事声明如下:根据租船合同傍靠条款,只有当装卸我船货物时才可傍靠,并且当船长认为此傍靠和装卸货作业不安全时,有权拒绝。
海事局海船船员适任证书全国统考试卷:36871 轮机维护与修理

1.按照规定的时限(或期限)对船舶机械进行拆卸、检验和修理,以防止故障的发生,这种维修方式称为:A. 事后维修B. 视情维修C. 定时维修D. 状态维修2.船机零部件中的轴承具有哪一类故障规律?3.对机械、设备不确定维修周期,而是通过不断地监控设备的运转状况和定量分析其状态资料进行的维修称为________维修。
A. 定时B. 视情C. 事后D. 预防4.以最低的费用保持或恢复产品的固有_________是RCM的目的。
A. 可靠性B. 维修性C. 经济性D. 系统性5.船舶修理是以_______为重要的依据。
A. 船舶损坏情况B. 修理要求C. 修理内容D. 船舶使用年限6.中国船级社对营运船舶保持船级进行的替代检验是:A. 年度检验B. 基于PMS的检验C. 坞内检验D. 特别检验7.船舶修理的目的是使机械和设备______。
A. 恢复使用性能B. 提高使用性能C. 恢复原有性能D. 提高原有性能8.船厂完成修船工程后,应交付船方验收,船级检验项目应由验船师检验,单项修理工程完工或试验后应由_______检查认可。
A. 验船师B. 船长C. 轮机长D. 大管轮9.属于“小修”类别的修理单,轮机长应在船舶进厂前______送交公司船技处。
A. 20天B. 一个月C. 40 天D. 二个月10.以可靠性为中心的维修方式包括:Ⅰ、计划维修Ⅱ、状态维修Ⅲ、事后维修Ⅳ、定时维修Ⅴ、定期维修A.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ B.Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、ⅤC.Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ D.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ11.对于柴油机气缸,其故障规律是:A. 浴盆曲线B. 无明显的磨损故障期,故障率随时间缓慢增加C. 无早期和磨损故障期D. 只有偶然故障期12.根据船舶维修保养体系,维修周期为12000K的维修工作类别为:A.常规检查 B.主要部件维修C.解体拆修检查 D.特检、循检要求的维修13.机器运转过程中,相对运动的摩擦表面的物质逐渐损耗,使零件尺寸、形状和位置精度以及表面质量发生变化的现象称为:A. 磨损B. 损耗C. 磨合D. 粘着14.两个接触表面相对滚动或滑动时,在接触区形成的循环交变应力超过材料的_____时,使接触表面产生塑性变形和微裂纹,进而裂纹扩展,产生金属剥落的现象称为疲劳磨损。

一、单项选择题:1.The pump has a constant stroke and the amount of fuel delivered is regulated by rotating ______which has a specially arranged helical groove cut into it.A. the pump cylinderB. the pump camC. the pump plungerD. the pump roller2.Which of the two events listed occurs simultaneously in a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine?A. Exhaust and scavenging.B. Scavenging and compression.C. Ignition and expansion.D. Exhaust and compression.3.Precision engine bearing inserts are manufactured with a small portion of the bearing endsextending beyond the bearing housing or caps. The installation process of these bearings requires sufficient ______.A. overlapB. crushC. lap or leadD. protrusion4.The ability of a fuel particle to travel into the combustion chamber before burning is called _____.A. penetrationB. permanenceC. turbulenceD. atomization5.As for turbine oil, contacting with water in the form of steam will be inevitable so good ______properties will be essential.A. defrostingB. de-oilingC. demulsifyingD. dehumidifying6.An additive used to improve the ability of a lube oil to reduce friction is known as a/an ______.A. suppressant additiveB. dispersant additiveC. extreme pressure additiveD. viscosity improver additive7.Any carbon built up on surfaces must be washed away by ______ additives and held in suspensionby a ______additive.A. dispersant /detergentB. detergent/dispersantC. dispersant /dispersantD. detergent/detergent8.Vee-type engines have the connecting rods from two cylinders connected to each ______of thecrankshaft.A. throwB. webC. main bearingD. deflection9. A supercharged engine differs from an un-supercharged engine ______it operates at an increasedpressure.A. in whichB. on whichC. at whichD. in that10.The ___ engine is used for alternators and sometimes for main propulsion with a gearbox toprovide a propeller of between 90 to 120 rpm..A. four-strokeB. two-strokeC. slow speedD. reversible11.The most common contaminate of governor hydraulic fluid is ______.A. moistureB. dirtC. acidD. air 12.A governor automatically controls engine speed by regulating the ______.A. fuel supplyB. firing orderC. engine loadD. oil level13.A vane pump belongs to ______according to its working principle.A. reciprocating pumpB. positive displacement pumpC. centrifugal pumpD. centripetal pump14.The ______pump is usually used as the lubricating oil pump.A. turbineB. screwC. vaneejectorD. centrifugal15.If you were operating a centrifugal water service pump with worn wearing rings, the ______.A. pump would be very noisyB. pump would vibrate excessivelyC. pump would develop insufficient flowD. stuffing box would leak excessively16.A ______in the air delivery line near to each compressor is essential.A. butterfly valveB. globe valveC. gate valveD. non-return valve17.______the moveable plate and floating ring inside the pump is very difficult.A. Having adjustedB. Being adjustedC. To adjustD. Adjusted18.In its simplest form the pressure reducing valve is opened or closed by ______which is balancedby the downstream pressure acting on a diaphragm.A. adjusting a nutB. a pre-tensioned springC. any springD. upstream pressure19.Before an auxiliary boiler is shutdown for an extended period of time, the water in the boilershould have a pH value of ______.A. 10B. 7C. 4D. 120.The exhaust boilers are used to recover some of ______carried in the exhaust gas from the mainengine.A. waterB. oilC. heatD. steam21.Fins are installed on the generating tube surfaces in waste heat boilers to ______.A. prevent soot fires in the exhaust systemB. prevent exhaust gas erosion of the tubesC. increase the velocity of exhaust gas flowD. increase the rate of heat transfer22.The ______is not a component of an oil separator.A. sliding bowl bottomB. gravity discC. separating discD. scum valve23.The ______of the gravity disc is too big. It cause oil to flow through the water outlet. We changedthe disc and no oil is found in the water outlet.A. gravityB. diameterC. bowlD. cylinder24.The ______is fitted on an oily water separator.A. sliding bowl bottomB. gravity discC. bowlD. liquid level detector25.The oil sludge is burnt in the ______onboard. I’ll show you the ashes.A. boilerB. main engineC. auxiliary engineD. incinerator26.Which of the listed burning materials would be described as a class ‘ B ’ fire?A. AcetyleneB. Lube oilC. GreaseD. All of the above27.______unit is mounted so as to raise and lower the cable from the spurling pipe, which is at thetop and center of the chain or cable locker.A. The cable lifterB. The hoisting motorC. The topping wireD. The life-raft28.The ______belongs to the anchor handling equipment.A. chain lifterB. winch barrelC. slewing rimD. warping drum29.If a hydraulic pump is overheating, the cause may be ______.A. excessive internal leakage in the pumpB. low discharge pressure and fluid flowC. excessive fluid level in the hydraulic reservoirD. operation of the pump at 100% efficiency30.Less scale formation occurs in a flash evaporator than in a submerged tube evaporator because______.A. the distillate produced has greater purityB. no boiling occurs on heat transfer surfacesC. evaporation occurs at a higher rateD. the incoming feed is at a higher temperature31.Which of the following descriptions best identifies the operating principal of a flash-typeevaporator?A. Sea water is heated to boiling temperature while under a vacuum.B. Sea water is passed over heated plates in a thin film.C. Heated sea water is injected into a vacuum chamber.D. Sea water is forced through a heated eductor.32.The ______stage air compressors are widely used on board the ship.A. singleB. IIC. IIID. multiple33.Sludge may form in the crankcase of an air conditioning compressor as a result of ______.A. bubbling refrigerantB. overheating and oxidationC. lowered operating temperaturesD. reducing the cloud or flash point34.A feeler or thermal bulb is used for the expansion valve to ______.A. detect the temperatureB. detect the pressureC. heat the refrigerantD. accelerate the refrigerant35.When adding oil to a refrigeration system, precautions must be taken to ensure that ______.A. the compressor suction pressure is not too highB. all air is purged from the pump and charging fittingsC. the high pressure cutout switch is held open to prevent accidental startingD. the condenser is completely shutdown first36.“Flooding back” is a condition where the liquid refrigerant ______.A. vaporizes in the condenserB. reaches the compressor through the suction lineC. flashes in the liquid lineD. condenses in the receiver37.Zinc rods are installed on the ______in the refrigeration system.A. liquid strainerB. liquid receiverC. saltwater condenserD. evaporator38.The division of kilowatt load between two paralleled alternators is determined by the ______.A. amount of field excitation of the leading machineB. load-speed characteristics of the governorsC. amount of field excitation to the lagging machineD. type of alternator39.A constant output voltage from an AC generator is maintained by the ______.A. prime mover governorB. exciter generatorC. voltage regulatorD. reverse power relay40.Universal motors will operate on AC or DC current, and are generally found in ______.A. portable toolsB. large pump motorsC. turbo electric main motorsD. forced draft fans41.The diesel engine consumes considerably less fuel than the steam engine for equal output,______enables a motor-ship to load more cargo.A. whyB. whichC. in whichD. on which42.Power transformers are rated in ______.A. kilowattsB. ampere-turnsC. kilowatt-voltsD. kilovolt-amperes43.The operating medium for control systems may be ______.A. compressed airB. hydraulic oilC. electricityD. all of the above44.The jacket water temperature in a diesel engine closed freshwater cooling system is normallycontrolled by ______.A. regulating the level of corrosion inhibitor in the primary cooling systemB. the level of the freshwater expansion tankC. varying the engine load to meet temperature requirementsD. the operation of the thermostatic valve45.To correct a hunting problem in a main propulsion diesel engine hydraulic governor, you should______.A. increase the governor oil pressureB. adjust the speed droop settingC. adjust the speeder spring travelD. adjust the compensating needle valve46.Electrical leads and insulation on a motor should be painted with ______.A. heat-resisting acrylicB. heat-resisting aluminumC. insulating varnishD. insulating white lead47.An ohmmeter can be used to measure ______.A. current flow in a circuitB. voltage between two points in a circuitC. resistanceD. power48.Engine protection by means of an alarm or shutdown control can be obtained with devices that aresensitive to ______.A. temperatureB. pressureC. engine speedD. all of the above49.The first requirement for logical trouble shooting of any system is the ability to ______.A. collect all available data on a casualtyB. recognize normal operationC. identify the probable cause of a symptomD. isolate the faulty component50.In order to inspect both piston and cylinder wall thoroughly, the cylinder cover should be taken offand the piston should be ______.A. craned outB. rolled outC. lifted outD. turned out51.In a diesel engine, an extremely leaking exhaust valve can cause ______.A. misfiringB. pre-ignitionC. interrupted scavengingD. reduced scavenging52.Sacrificial zinc anodes are used on the saltwater side of diesel engine heat exchangers to ______.A. reduce electrolytic action on heat exchanger metalsB. keep heat transfer surfaces shiny and cleanC. prevent rapid accumulation of marine growthD. provide a protective coating on heat exchanger surfaces53.Poor combustion in a diesel engine can be caused by ______.A. high compression pressureB. low intake air temperatureC. low exhaust pressureD. high scavenge air temperature54.Any increase in the exhaust back pressure of a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine will ______.A. reduce engine horsepower outputB. aid in silencing the exhaust noiseC. increase the mean effective pressureD. contribute to effective cylinder scavenging55.If the jacket water temperature of an operating diesel engine suddenly rises above normal, thecause can be attributed to ______.A. an overfilled expansion tankB. excess chromate treatment of the jacket waterC. a clogged raw water sea suctionD. cavitation erosion of the heat exchanger tubes56.The bearing cap and shell are replaced and tightened up until ______.A.the “ nip “ is zeroB.the “ nap “ is zeroC.the “ gap “ is correctD. t he “ clearance “ is correct57.______, the engine must be stopped immediately.A. Should knocking occurB. If knocking occurC. Should if knocking occursD. If occur knocking58.Each journal and pin should be examined for ______and grooving.A. bridgesB. recessesC. rearsD. ridging59.Which of the motors for the devices listed below is fitted with an instantaneous overload relay?A. FanB. PumpC. WinchD. Machine tool60.A centrifugal pump can’t supply water after starting. You should check the ______.A. discharge valveB. power supplyC. packing glandD. bearing lubrication61.A built-up exhaust valve is one in which ______.A. the stem and heads are made of different materialB. low-alloy steel is used throughoutC. a replaceable valve disk is welded to the headD. the self-centering action comes from motion of the valve stem in the guide62.It is well known that the whole power distribution of the ship’s electrical services mainly dependon the ______.A. sub-boardsB. main switchboardsC. emergency switchboardsD. distribution boards63.Oil mist detectors are usually used on board to detect oil mist density within ______.A. the engine crankcaseB. the engine scavenge boxesC. drain tanksD. fuel tanks64.The ______is used to measure power.A. ammeterB. voltmeterC. wattmeterD. frequency meter65.Keep compartment ______as the gas given off can be dangerous.A. well ventilatedB. well cleanC. in good orderD. more room66.The value of GM still remains one meter, meanwhile we can pump the ballast water to ______theship on the even keel.A. makeB. putC. keepD. get67.We have stayed at Shanghai port for a long ti me. The fouling on the ship’s hull greatly increasesher ______.A. powerB. speedC. resistanceD. thrust force68.The conventions under which the port state control inspection is carried out include all thefollowing except ______.A. SOLAS 74B. MARPOL 73/78C. STCW 78/95D. ISM Code69. The auxiliary steering gear must be capable of being brought speedily into operation and be ableto put the rudder over from 15 degrees on one side to 15 degrees on the other side in no more than ______with the ship at its deepest service draught and run ahead at the greater of one half of the maximum service speed or ______.A. 28 seconds/7 knotsB. 28 seconds/14 knotsC. 60 seconds/7 knotsD. 60 seconds/14 knots70.Tell your men ______the rules and procedures of working when dismantling the equipment.A. not to go againstB.don’t go againstC. not go to againstD. to not go against71.Which of the listed classes of fire is considered as one involving electrical equipment?A.Class ‘ A ’B.Class ‘ B ’C.Class ‘ C ’D.Class ‘ D ’72.After a fire has been extinguished in a closed space, personnel may safely enter the space when______.A. smoke density has been decreased sufficiently to see the bulkhead opposite the compartment'sentranceB. a lifeline and explosion proof flash light are usedC. all smoke and toxic fumes are removed and an adequate oxygen supply is presentD. overhaul has been completed to remove any possible source of re-ignition73.Under the provisions of applicable international conventions, the officers to conduct port statecontrol inspection must be duly authorized by ______.A. the companyB. the Government of the countryC. the organization recognized by the AdministrationD. the IMO74.During inspection of oil and oily mixtures from machinery spaces, which of the following factorsshould be taken into account by the PSCO?A. The quantity of oil residues generated.B. The capacity of sludge and bilge water holding tank.C. The capacity of the oily water separator.D. All of the above.二、关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项)第一组:The electrical remote control system is commonly used in modern steering installations since it uses a small control unit as transmitter on the bridge and is simple and reliable in operation.The control box assembly is mounted on the steering gear. Movement of the bridgetransmitter results in electrical imbalance and current flow to the motor in the control box. The motor drives, through a flexible coupling, a screw shaft, causing it to turn. A screw block on the shaft is moved and in turn moves the floating lever to which a control rod is attached. The control rod operates the slipper ring or swash plate of the variable delivery pump. A cut-off leverconnected to the moving tiller will bring the floating lever pivot and the lever into line at right angles to the screw shaft axis. At this point the rudder angle will match the bridge lever angle and the pumping action will stop. For local manual control, the electrical control is switched off and a small hand-wheel is connected to the screw shaft. Rotation of the hand-wheel will move thefloating lever and bring about rudder movement as desired.75.This passage is mainly on ______.A. the electrical remote control of main enginesB. the electrical control equipment of steering gearsC. the bridge remote control of main enginesD. the control box assembly in steering gear compartment76.The advantage of the control equipment is ______.A. that the transmitter is on the bridgeB. that local manual control can be achieved.C. that remote control cab be achieved.D. simple in construction and reliable in operation.77.The function of the cut-off lever is ______.A. to provide electrical signalB. to provide feed-backC. to provide local manual controlD. to provide right rudder angle78.Another name for the “swash plate” in the variable delivery pump is ______.A. tiltable discB. gravity discC. distributing discD. catch plate三、中译英(共2题,请将答案写在答题纸上)79.当船舶短途航行时,在《油类记录簿》上应每周记录残油(油渣)的数量。

一、单项选择题:1.The needle valve will open when the fuel pressure acting on the needle valve ______exerts asufficient force to overcome the spring compression.A. tape faceB. tapered faceC. surfaceD. thinner face2.The bearings used to support the crankshaft are generally called ______.A. line shaft bearingsB. connecting rod bearingsC. main bearingsD. support bearings3.For Vee-form engines, ______is shaped to given two slopping surface on which ______are placedat the correct relative angle to each other.A. the bottom of the column/ the cylinder blocksB. the top of the column/ the cylinder headsC. the top of the column/ the cylinder blocksD. the bottom of the column/ the cylinder heads4.In a diesel engine, fuel must be broken up into a spray of fine droplets to ______.A. increase its qualityB. obtain complete burningC. reduce its weightD. all of the above5.An increased pressure differential between the inlet and outlet of a strainer usually indicates thestrainer is ______.A. holedB. fouledC. cleanD. dry6.The purpose of the delivery check valve used in a diesel fuel injection jerk pump is to ______.A. assist in a quick cutoff of fuel injectionB. allow oil backflow from the injector to the helixC. reduce fuel oil pressure between injection strokesD. meter the quantity of fuel delivered7.Excessive clearances in the main or crank-pin bearings will sometimes be indicated by______before any bearing knock is heard.A. loss of flow in the fuel systemB. loss of pressure in the air systemC. loss of flow in the lubricating systemD. loss of pressure in the lubricating system8.The fuel oil is drawn from a tank in the double bottom and pumped to _____.A. a buffer tankB. a centrifugeC. a service tankD. a settling tank9.The outlet from an expansion tank of a closed freshwater cooling system should be piped to the______.A. cylinder head water outlet headerB. cylinder jacket inlet mainC. heat exchanger inlet connectionD. jacket water pump suction line 10.After the order '______' is given, the air system is shut down, the turning gear put in.A. Finished With EngineB. Stop The EngineC. Stand-by EngineD. Slow-down Engine11.The way to reduce ______is to build up a film or lubricant between any two surfaces that rubagainst each other.A. frictionB. collisionC. inertiaD. resistance12.While standing by the engine, You should ______.A. turn the engineB. check oil levelC. stop fuel oil pumpD. A and B13.To start the ejection process ,the oil feed to the centrifuge is first shut off and the oil remaining inthe bowl removed by admitting ______.A. flashing waterB. operating oilC. flushing waterD. sealing water14.Higher than normal jacket water temperatures occurring in all cylinders of a diesel engine canresult from a/an ______.A. oil suction line restrictionB. correct amount of coolantC. cavitation erosion in the water jacketsD. clogged sea suction strainer15.Close the______.A. keywayB. shaftC. packingD. valve16.Which pump is the self-priming pump?A. turbineB. centrifugalC. GearD. axial flow17.A feed pump for an auxiliary boiler might lose suction if the ______.A. boiler water level is lowB. feedwater is too hotC. boiler steam demand is lowD. feedwater is too cold18.A simple pumping system consists of a suction branch, a pump and______.A. a priming deviceB. a discharge branchC. a filterD. a suction valve19.The lube oil cooler is located after the lube oil filter in order for ______.A. the filter to operate more efficientlyB. the lube oil cooler to be bypassedC. positive lube oil pump suction to be assuredD. galvanic action(流电产生的作用) in the cooler to be minimized20.A check valve is another name for______.A. a test valveB. an inspection valveC. a stop valveD. a non-return valve21.If an operating auxiliary boiler has a water pH reading of 7, you should ______.A. bottom blow the boilerB. treat the water with caustic soda(苛性钠)C. treat the water with chemicalD. reduce the water alkalinity to recommended readings22.In the hydraulic system, _____ is the power unit.A. oil pumpB. control valveC. hydraulic motorD. fittings23.Improper maintenance of the fuel oil burners in an automatically fired auxiliary boiler, couldresult in ______.A. increased fuel consumptionB. increased feed water consumptionC. fuel pump failureD. combustion control system failure24.The ______is used to treat bilge water.A. oil centrifugeB. oily water separatorC. incineratorD. distiller25.A magnetic strainer is used in the diesel engine reduction gear oil system to remove small particlesof ______.A. waterB. babbittC. iron or steelD. acids26.Here some oil in the oily water separator, as a result of its lower ______, will separate and riseinto the oil collection space.A. temperatureB. viscosityC. densityD. velocity27.On a tank vessel, which of the following substances would be burning in a class 'B' fire?A. OilB. WoodC. RagsD. Electrical wiring28.The ______belongs to the anchor handling equipment.A. cable stopperB. winch barrelC. slewing rimD. warping drum29.The ______is used for hauling in or letting out the wires or ropes.A. windlassB. anchor capstanC. turning gearD. winch barrel30.The usual number of single-acting pistons used in a variable stroke axial-piston pump is ______.A. 3 or 5B. 5 or 7C. 7 or 9D. 9 or 1131.Which is the pollution prevention equipment?A. booster pumpB. evaporatorC. oily water separatorD. cooler32.The fresh water generator produces fresh water ______.A. by cooling sea waterB. by heating sea waterC. by evaporation of sea waterD. by purifying sea water33.After passing through the expansion valve the refrigerant should be in the state of ______.A. vaporB. liquidC. solidD. None of the above is true.34.In the condenser, the hot, high pressure refrigerant gas is cooled by the sea water and becomes ___.A. fresh waterB. vaporC. mixtureD. liquid35.Differential pressures can be measured with the use of a ______.A. diaphragm type gaugeB. pressure transducerC. manometerD. all of the above36.______is used for sensing the temperature of the room in the air condition system.A. An expansion valveB. An evaporatorC. A thermostatD. A condenser37.The purpose of a main switchboard circuit breaker's reverse-power trip is to ______.A. prevent main circuit overloadB. protect the circuit breaker blowout coilC. prevent alternator motorizationD. prevent low voltage tripout38.The operation of ______two alternators requires the voltages to be equal and also in phase.A. parallelingB. series-mountingC. runningD. control39.The emergency generator or emergency battery is connected to ______on most large ships.A. distribution boardsB. section boardsC. emergency switch boardsD. main switch boards40.Moisture in a D.C. motor would cause ______.A. short circuitB. speed upC. slow downD. hunting41.The operating medium for control systems may be ______.A. compressed airB. hydraulic oilC. electricityD. all of the above42.Which of the following marine examples belongs to the open loop control system?A. accommodation heating systemB. steering gearC. boiler controlD. cargo control43.The ______is used to measure the volume of a liquid or gas through a pipeline within any givenperiod of time.A. flowmeterB. viscometerC. micrometerD. feeler44.Loss of lubricating oil pressure to the main propulsion diesel engine will actuate a/an ______.A. overspeed tripB. audible/visual alarmC. the ships/boats general alarmD. reserve oil storage tank45.Engine protection by means of an alarm or shutdown control can be obtained with devices that aresensitive to ______.A. temperatureB. pressureC. engine speedD. all of the above 46.Under which of the listed conditions can the engine room retake the throttle (减速)control fromthe bridge?A. Any time it is deemed(认为) necessary.B. Only with the master's permission.C. After a 10 minute delay to the input command.D. Only after the throttle has been placed in stop.47.Which of the following statements represents the main difference between a relay and a contactor?A. Contactors control current and relays control voltage.B. A relay is series connected and a contactor is parallel connected.C. Contactors can handle heavier loads than relays.D. Contactors are made from silver and relays are made from copper.48.In order to inspect both piston and cylinder wall thoroughly, the cylinder cover should be taken offand the piston should be ______.A. craned outB. rolled outC. lifted outD. turned out49.Diesel engine exhaust temperatures may be used to indicate ______.A. leaking exhaust valvesB. an overloaded cylinderC. a clogged injector nozzleD. all of the above.50.To successfully reduce an excessively high diesel engine exhaust gas temperature, you should ___.A. reduce the engine driven fuel pump outlet pressureB. retard the fuel injector timing to reduce powerC. increase the fuel rack settingD. reduce the load on the engine51.The bearing cap and shell are replaced and tightened up until ______.A. the “ nip ”is zeroB. the “ nap ” is zeroC. the “ gap ”is correctD. the “ clearance ” is correct52.If fuel injection to a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine begins earlier than designed, ignition may bedelayed because the ______.A. cylinder compression pressure may not be high enoughB. cylinder compression temperature may be too highC. fuel oil injection pressure may not be high enoughD. scavenge and purge process is incompletebustion knock can occur in the cylinders of a diesel engine under any condition permitting______.A. a shortened ignition delay periodB. a lean fuel/air mixtureC. excess fuel in the combustion chamberD. rapid vaporization of injected fuel droplets54.Fix the fuel injector into ______after repair.A. the cylinder linerB. the cylinder coverC. the cylinder jacketD. the piston55.The reciprocating pump can’t draw water from a tank may be caused by ______.A. leaky suction pipeB. opened inlet valveC. too much water in tankD. None of the above56.______, the engine must be stopped immediately.A. Should knocking occurB. If knocking occurC. Should if knocking occursD. If occur knocking57.A water pump can not supply water after starting. It may be caused by ______.A. closed discharge valveB. broken pipe lineC. worn shaftD. both A and B58.A centrifugal pump can’t supply water after starting. You should check ______.A. priming waterB. power supplyC. discharge pressureD. bearing lubrication59.When start a screw pump, the by pass valve should be ______.A. closedB. opened fullyC. cracked openD. partly open60.It is well known that the whole power distribution of the ship’s electrical services mainly dependon the ______.A. sub-boardsB. main switchboardsC. emergency switchboardsD. distribution boards61.Defective governor in a diesel engine may lead to:A. smoky exhaustB. starting failureC. ignition relayD. over speed62.In a diesel engine, excessive cylinder liner wear will cause ______.I. increased blow-by II. wear between the piston ring and grooveA. I only is correctB. II only is correctC. both I and II are correctD. neither I or II are correct63.The crankcase can not be opened ______the parts have been cooled down.A. ifB. asC. unlessD. when64.The fire of electrical equipment is classified as ______fire.A. Class AB. Class BC. Class CD. Class D65.Upon the completion of required tests, a ______should be placed on each extinguisher, showingthe date and the person who completed the tests.A. capB. discC. tagD. cover66.If the buoyant force (浮力)on a ship's hull is equal to or greater than the displacement tonnage,the ship will ______.A. require ballast added to only the port side tanksB. be down by the headC. sinkD. float67.In the first 24 hours after abandoning a vessel, water should be given only to personnel who are __.A. thirstyB. sick or injuredC. wetD. awake68.The order“Bow thrust stop.”means“______”.A. Bow thrust full to portB. Bow thrust full to starboardC. No bow thrust revolutionsD. No stern thrust revolutions69.Which types of portable extinguisher should you watch for the reflash of the fire?A. foam and waterB. CO 2 and dry powderC. dry powder and waterD. foam and CO 270.Auxiliary machinery covers everything onboard except______.A. main enginesB. main boilersC. pipes and fittingsD. A and B71.In cleaning up an oil spill, the use of chemical agents would ______.A. absorb the oil for easy removalB. remove the oil from the waterC. disperse or dissolve the oil in the waterD. not affect the oil72.The value of GM still remains one meter, meanwhile we can pump the ballast water to ______theship on even keel.A. makeB. putC. keepD. get73.The class of fire on which a blanketing effect is essential to extinguish the fire is ______.A. class AB. class BC. class CD. class D74.The possibility of damage from operating a diesel engine at critical speeds is reduced by the use of______.A. an isochronous(同步的) governorB. elastic(弹性的) engine mountsC. a vibration damperD. a cast iron bed plate with good flexible qualities二、关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项)During normal operation on heavy oil at sea, the oil is taken from the HO tanks, where it is stored. First, it is fed through a heater and next through a centrifuge for purification. It may then pass through a cooler, before being discharged to the steam-heated heavy oil service tanks. Two of these are usually fitted and they are used alternately. One tank is in use, while the other is being filled. These tanks are heated to a moderate temperature and self-closing drain valves are fitted to remove any water or sludge which may settle out. The oil is drawn from the service tank in use by pumps and discharged at low pressure to the fuel oil heater. These pumps should be in duplicate. A relief valve on the pumps will return excess pressure to the system. A viscosity regulator is fitted at the heater discharge, through which the oil will pass. This automatically controls the temperature of the oil fuel leaving the heater to maintain its viscosity within close limits. A by-pass must be fitted to the viscosity regulator. The oil is then discharged through a fine strainer to the main engine fuel pump suctions. A pressure control valve is fitted in thesystem and excess oil returned either to the heavy oil service tanks or to a balancing tank.A diesel fuel tank is included in the system with its discharge to the primary pump suctionsthrough a change-over valve. By operating this valve the engine may be operated on diesel oil.Change-over should be very gradual to allow temperatures in the system to stabilize. During this period, the excess oil will return either to the heavy oil service tanks or a balancing tank. After it has been pumped from the DO tanks, where it is stored, the diesel oil passes through a centrifuge for purification before entering the diesel oil tank.75.The word “these” in line 4 probably means ______.A. HO tanksB. a heater and a centrifugeC. a heater and a coolerD. heavy oil service tanks76.How is change over from heavy oil to diesel oil carried out?A. Step by stepB. Hand over handC. Step for stepD. Quickly77.Where are self-closing drain valves fitted?A. HO tanksB. Heavy oil service tanksC. Balancing tankD. Centrifuge78.Which of the following statements is true according to this passage?A. Two heavy oil service tanks are used meanwhile.B.“Heater” mentioned in this passage is only used to heat heavy oil.C. Two pumps are fitted, which draw oil from the service tank in use.D. Diesel oil passes to the primary pump, and then through a change-over valve.三、中译英(共2题,请将答案写在答题纸上)79.所有费用由船东支付。
33843(局2004年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第33期)科目:船舶辅机 试卷代号:843)

1.某水泵运行时进口压力为0.05MPa,排出口压力为0.25MPa,则水泵的压头为:A. 20mH2OB. 25mH2OC. 30mH2OD. 35mH2O2.泵铭牌上所标出的允许吸上真空高度表示的是:A. 泵的几何吸入高度B. 泵的实际安装高度C. 最大允许吸入真空高度减去0.3m水柱D. 最大允许吸入真空高度加上0.3m水柱3.为了保证泵的正常工作,饱和压力(汽化压力)Pv,吸入压力Ps和大气压力Pa(作用于吸入液面的压力)之间的关系应为:A. Pa>Pv>PsB. Pa=Pv=PsC. Ps>Pv>PaD. Pa>Ps>Pv4.往复泵流量(单位为m 3 /h )估算式是:(K为泵作用数;A为活塞有效工作面积,单位为m 2 ;S为活塞行程,单位为m;n为曲轴转速,单位为r/min;η是泵的效率;ηv是泵的容积效率)A. Q=KASnηvB. Q=KASnηC. Q=60KASnηD. Q=60KASnηv5.往复泵发生“气穴现象”的原因不包括:A. 液温过高B. 吸高过大C. 吸入滤器堵D. 排出阀未开足6.水环泵所能达到的压力比主要取决于:A. 原动机功率B. 密封性能C. 结构强度D. 叶轮直径与转速7.叶片泵元件中可以两端面反装的是:A. 叶片B. 转子C. 定子D. 配油盘8.内齿轮泵的回转方向改变时,为使其排油方向不变,常见的方法是:A. 将其中月牙板转动90度B. 将月牙板转动180度C. 调节吸、排油口的管接头D. 另在管路上加一套换向阀组9.双作用叶片泵叶片底端空间一般:A. 通排油腔B. 通吸油腔C. 与吸、排腔都不通D. 吸、排区分别通吸、排腔10.三螺杆泵解决轴向液压力不平衡的方法不包括:A. 设止推轴承B. 采用双吸形式C. 设平衡孔或平衡管D. 设液力自动平衡装置11.双作用叶片泵配油盘油窗口一端开有三角形槽是为了:A. 解决困油现象B. 减轻液压冲击C. 防止压力集中D. 提高容积效率12.喷射泵的流量比(引射系数)是指______体积流量之比。
海事局2005年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第36期)科目:船舶辅机 试卷代号:842(36842)

1. 空压机的排气量一般是指单位时间内排送的______状态的空气体积。
A. 排气B. 第一级吸气C. 标准D. 第二级吸气2. 活塞式空气压缩机的气阀中因阀片本身具有弹性而常不设弹簧的是:A.环片阀B.球面碟状阀C.条片阀D. 网状阀3. 按理论循环计算,各级______相等时总耗功最省。
A. 压差B. 压缩比C. 温升D. 多变指数4. 船用空压机自动控制一般不包括:A. 自动起停B. 自动卸载和泄放C. 冷却水供应自动控制D. 滑油温度自动控制5. 两台向空气瓶供气的船用空压机分别由两只压力继电器自动控制起停,如产生调节动作的压力值分别为2.4、2.5、2.9、3.0(MPa),气瓶在______MPa压力范围内有可能两台空压机同时运转。
A. 2.4 ~ 3.0B. 2.5 ~ 2.9C. 2.4 ~ 2.9D. 2.5 ~ 3.06. 空压机气阀检修组装好后,可用煤油试漏,允许滴漏量为每分钟不多于______滴。
A. 5B. 10C. 20D. 307. 船用空压机起动时可用______方法卸载。
A. 顶开吸气阀B. 排气泄放C. 截断进气D. A或B8. 空压机反转可能会导致:A. 吸排方向改变B. 电动机过载C. 润滑困难D. 水冷却困难9. 巡回检查发现工作中的空压机已经断水,应:A. 尽快供水B. 卸载运转,尽快供水C. 停车,供水冷却,拆检D. 停车,自然冷却,拆检10. 管理中空压机排气量减小的最常见原因是:A. 气阀和活塞环漏泄B. 冷却不良C. 余隙增大D. 安全阀漏泄11. 液压马达在使用中,错误的做法是:A.保证输出轴与被拖动机械的同心度B.壳体内的油压通常保持在0.1~0.3MPaC.一般工作油温不宜超过50℃D.绝对不可以把热油突然供入冷态的液压马达中12. 液压马达的低速稳定性差一般不是因为:A.马达的安装质量差 B.内部泄漏增加C.马达回油压力过低 D.压力控制阀调整压力过低13. 轴向柱塞泵比径向柱塞泵容积效率高主要是因为:A. 制造精度高B. 受力状况好C. 漏泄部位少D. 平面配油,磨损间隙自动补偿14. 普通型调速阀是由节流阀和定差______而成。
海事局2001年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第26期)科目:轮机工程基础 试卷代号:822

A.圆/圆 B.三角形/三角形C.圆/三角形 D.三角形/圆5.两曲面相交所产生的交线称为________。
A.结合线B.相贯线 C.截交线D.分界线6.若图样上机件的线性尺寸是实际机件相应的线性尺寸的1/5,则在标题栏中的比例标注应是________。
A.5:1B.1:5 C.1/5D.1比57.视图中的任一封闭线框,可能是________。
A.有积聚性的面的投影 B.物体上的一个曲面投影所得的类似形C.两面交线的投影 D.两平齐的形体表面间的分界线8.在视图上标注圆或大于半圆的圆弧尺寸时,应在尺寸数字前加注符号________。
A.ΦB.R C. SΦD. SR9.为将零件的内部结构表达清楚,可采用________。
A.局部剖视图B.局部视图 C.局部放大图D.立体图10.为避免视图上出现较多的虚线,宜采用________图。
A.剖视图B.剖面图 C.局部视图D.标准视图11.薄壁零件连接宜采用________螺纹。
海事局2004年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第33期)科目:船舶辅机 试卷代号:842(33842)

A. 大于B.小于C. 等于D. B或C2.对空压机着火爆炸原因的分析表明,下述说法中错的是:A. 工作温度不超过150℃和低于油的闪点约28℃B. 自燃并不一定要气温达到油的闪点C. 气道中的积碳和积油应及时清除,使积碳厚度不超过4毫米D. 空转和低排气量长时间运转不安全3.空压机采用多级压缩和级间冷却不能:A. 降低排气温度B. 提高输气系数C. 节省压缩功D. 使高压和低压缸活塞(非级差式)承受压差都减轻4.空压机的自动保护不包括:A. 排气温度过高B. 滑油油压过低C. 冷却水压过低D. 排气压力过低5.关于空压机的卸载,说法不准确的是:A. 起动前卸载阀应开启B. 起动后应由低至高关闭各级泄放阀C. 停车前应由高至低开启各级泄放阀D. 停车前应由低至高开启各级泄放阀6.活塞式空气压缩机所用的润滑油,其主要性能要求有:A. 闪点多在180℃B. 抗氧化安定性要好C. 摄氏零度以下有较低的粘度D. 电绝缘性要好7.船用活塞式空压机的活塞销与活塞是______配合,活塞销与连杆是______配合。
A. 过盈,过盈B. 动,动C. 动,过盈D. 过盈,动8.管理中若发现空压机排气量减少, 较合理的检查步骤是: ①气阀②活塞环③滤器④冷却器A. ②→①→③→④ B.④→①→②→③C.①→②→③→④ D.③→④→①→②9.关于空压机气阀升程,下列说法错的是:A. 工作中流量变,升程不变B. 不宜过大,以免关闭滞后和撞击加重C. 转速高的及工作压力大的升程较大D. 严格限制,多在2-4mm左右10.两级活塞式空压机高压级安全阀开启原因不包括:A. 气瓶压力继电器上限调得太高B. 通气瓶的截止阀未开C. 安全阀弹簧调得太紧D. 冷却不良,排气温度太高11.下列油马达中,轴承完全不受径向液压力的是:①连杆式②叶片式③内曲线式④五星轮式A. ①③B. ②③C. ③④D. ②③④12.液压马达调速方法一般不包括改变:A. 液压泵每转排量B. 液压马达每转排量C. 液压泵转速D. 流量调节阀调节流量13.轴向柱塞泵与径向柱塞泵相比,下列说法错的是:A. 主要部件采取了静力平衡措施B. 滤油精度要求较低C. 允许吸上真空度较小D. 转动惯量较小,可适用更高转速14.三位四通换向阀能在中位使执行油缸锁闭、油泵不卸荷的机能是:A. OB. PC. HD. M15.执行机构负载增大时旁通型调速阀中:A. 减压阀开大B. 减压阀开小C. 溢流阀开大D. 溢流阀开小16.轴向柱塞泵的配油盘采用非对称负重迭型结构的目的是:A. 防止排压过高B. 减少配油盘磨损C. 减少液压冲击和降低噪音D. 增加密封性能17.调节液动换向阀左端阻尼器使其节流口关小,则阀芯移动速度:A. 向左减慢,向右不变B. 向左不变,向右减慢C. 向左右都减慢D. 向左右都不变18.下列说法中错的是:A. 普通型调速阀和定压油源配合使用B. 旁通型调速阀和定量油源配合使用C. 旁通型调速阀自带定差溢流阀,节流阀的出口一般都设有安全阀D. 普通型调速阀是由定差减压阀和节流阀并联而成19.在液压泵变量机构达到最大行程之前,舵机追随机构的储存弹簧:A. 随泵偏心距的增大而逐渐被拉长B. 不起作用C. 随泵偏心距的增大而逐渐压缩D. 被拉长或压缩,由操纵点移动方向确定20.平衡舵有利于:A. 减小舵叶面积B. 减少舵机负荷C. 增大转船力矩D. 增快转舵速度21.关于舵的下列说法错的是:A. 船船主机停车,顺水漂流前进,转舵会产生较小的舵效B. 倒航时的最大水动力矩一般不会超过正航时的最大水动力矩C. 转舵可能使船横倾和纵倾D. 舵效与船速有关22.液压舵机当舵叶受较大冲击负荷时不致损坏是由于:A. 主油路中充满有弹性的油B. 装置有足够的强度C. 装有弹性底座D. 主油路有安全阀23.正航船舶平衡舵的转舵力矩会出现较大负扭矩的是:A. 小舵角回中B. 小舵角转离中位C. 大舵角回中D. 大舵角转离中位24.降低舵机安全阀整定压力后:A. 各舵角的工作油压降低B. 转舵速度减慢C. 公称转舵扭矩可能降低D. 转舵速度加快25.反馈杠杆的操纵点A从一舷满舵位置移到另一舷满舵位置所需时间应在:A. 22s~24sB. 10s~14sC. 28s以内D. 30s以内26.以下各项不符合主操舵装置规范要求的是:A. 有两台动力设备共同工作能满足主操舵装置要求的客船要设辅操舵装置B. 一般应设两套能在驾驶台控制的独立的控制系统C. 一万总吨以上油船舵机管系或动力设备发生单项故障时能在60s内恢复操舵能力D. 其他船(除油轮、化学品船、液化气体船外)发生上述单项故障应能迅速恢复操舵,但不提具体时间要求27.对舵柄处舵杆直径大于230mm(不包括航行冰区加强)的船应设有能在________秒内向操舵装置提供的替代动力源。
海事局2003年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第30期)科目:轮机英语 试卷代号:802

一、单项选择题:1. ______ power is the power developed within the cylinder and can be measured by an engineindicator.A. The shaftB. The mechanicalC. The electricD. The indicated2. If your vessel burns 8 tons of fuel per hour at 15 knots, how many tons per hour will it burn at 18knots?A. 13.82 tonsB. 15.61 tonsC. 16.00 tonsD. 16.37 tons3. Care and cleanliness are required when installing diesel fuel filters ______.A. to prevent the fuel system from becoming air-boundB. to prevent the fuel system becoming clogged with dirty particlesC. Both of the above .D. to prevent the lubricating oil from leaking out of the filter element4. About half an hour before the engine is required, cooling water at _____ must be circulated inprinciple.A. more than the working temperatureB. less than the working temperatureC. the working temperatureD. the same as the surrounding temperature5. The function of a lubricating oil is ______ to lubricate the running surface ______to carry away agreat deal of heat.A. not/butB. neither/norC. either/orD. not only/but also6. Which of the following statements describes the relationship between viscosity and specificgravity?A. Liquids with different viscosities will always have the same specific gravity.B. Liquids with different viscosities will never have the same specific gravity.C. Viscosity and specific gravity are directly proportional.D. Viscosity and specific gravity are not related in that one does not define or limit the other.7. Cooling makes the engine metals _____their mechanical properties.A. remainB. to remainC. retainD. to retain8. On opposite ends of a single shaft of a turboblower are a gas driven ______ and a air compressor,which are sealed each other.A. charge air receiverB. scavenging air beltC. turbineD. air cooler9. Uniflow is the most efficient scavenging system but requires ______ an opposed pistonarrangement _____ an exhaust valve in the cylinder head.A. neither, norB. both, andC. either, orD. not only ,but also 10. A sealing arrangement is provided at ______ of the tail-shaft with the propeller and conecompleting the arrangement.A. both endsB. neither endC. the outboard endD. either end11. Wake varies considerably with the form of the vessel, but , generally speaking, the bluffer theship_____ the wake value.A. the higherB. the lowerC. the fasterD. the slower12. In a diesel engine, the main bearings are used between the ______.A. connecting rod and the crankshaftB. wrist pin and the connecting rodC. camshaft and the engine blockD. crankshaft and the engine block13. ______ are commonly used in mechanical-hydraulic governor to sense engine speeds.A. BulbsB. BulksC. FlyweightsD. Flywheels14. When ______is compressed, its temperature rises so that it ignites the fine spray of fuel injectedinto the cylinder.A. the oilB. the airC. the fresh waterD. the steam15. A reduction in load on a diesel engine results in ___ of speed of the crankshaft.A. a reductionB. an increaseC. an outingD. a downwards16. The indicated power of an engine can be obtained by taking the ___.A. precautionsB. rpmC. indicator cardsD. B and C17. _____, the following possible causes should be investigated.A. Should the engine stop without apparent reasonB. The engine should stop without apparent reasonC. The engine stops without apparent reasonD. The engine is stopped without apparent reason18. A large low speed main propulsion diesel engine may become overloaded by ______. I. a heavilyfouled hull II. strong head winds and heavy seasA. I onlyB. II onlyC. both I and IID. neither I nor II19. A gear pump belongs to ___ according to its working principle.A. reciprocating pumpsB. positive displacement pumpsC. centrifugal pumpsD. centripetal pumps20. A feed pump for an auxiliary boiler might lose suction if the ______.A. boiler water level is lowB. feedwater is too hotC. boiler steam demand is lowD. feedwater is too cold21. A check valve is another name for ______.A. a test valveB. an inspection valveC. a stop valveD. a non-return valve22. ______ provides the head of pressure to supply the domestic water where required.A. The compressed airB. The compressing airC. The transfer pumpD. The head tank23. If the fire goes out in an automatically fired auxiliary boiler and the burner continues to supplyfuel, there is a potential danger of ______.A. overpressure and dry firingB. a severe furnace explosionC. spalling damage to the brickworkD. heat damage to the atomizer24. When an auxiliary boiler is panting and emitting black smoke, you should ______.A. increase the fuel oil temperatureB. decrease the fuel oil temperatureC. decrease the fuel oil supply pressureD. increase the air supply25. For a purifier, changing to a gravity disc with larger hole diameter will move the interface towardsthe ______.A. bowl peripheryB. bowl centerC. upper surfaceD. lower surface26.A class … C' fire is burning ______.A. diesel oilB. magnesiumC. dunnageD. electrical insulation27. For many years marine centrifuges were designed for ___ operation, that is the machines wererun for a period during which solids accumulated in the bowl.The machine was stopped when the accumulated solids began to impair its performance.A. purifyingB. batchC. long periodD. temporary28. In a complete oil/water separator, more oil will separate out onto the underside of these plates andtravel outwards until it is free to rise into the oil c ollecting space. What‟s the meaning of “it” in the sentence above?A. a separatorB. oilC. waterD. an oil collecting space29. The device used for low-pressure control and high-pressure cutout on a compressor is called a______.A. cutoutB. controller switchC. pressure controllerD. cutout switch30. ______ are used to handle anchors and chains.A. Cargo winchesB. Mooring winchesC. WindlassesD. Cargo hatches31. Topping wires fix the height of the derricks and _____ to the deck may be used to prevent foreand aft movement.A. staysB. winchesC. barrelsD. brakes32. The hand steering is a method by which the motion of the rudder is controlled with ______.A. a motor-driven steering wheelB. a pneumatic steering wheelC. a hand-driven steering wheelD. an electric steering wheel33. If a heavy sea strikes the rudder, the shock is transmitted through the tiller to ___.A. the tiller armsB. the swivel blocksC. hunting gearsD. the rams34. With reference to rules governing steering gear, which one of the following rules is incorrect ?A. It is required that all ships are provided with two independent steering gear systems that is onemain and one auxiliary.B. The auxiliary gear could be power operated in passenger ships.C. The auxiliary gear must be of adequate strength and sufficient to steer a ship at navigablespeed.D. All moving parts of the steering gear must be guarded against any possible damage.35. Compressed air is supplied by air compressors to ______.A. the air receiversB. the starting valvesC. the cylinder coversD. the distributors36. Which of the following statements is true concerning any evaporator?A. High conductivity of the distillate indicates distillate salinity is excessive.B. Increasing the absolute pressure of the shell will increase the distiller's capacity.C. Mesh separators are used in evaporators to filter the distillate.D. Reducing the brine density will reduce the heat lost overboard.37. It is important that the two condensate drain cocks, fitted to the underside of the scavenging box,______ until the engine is placed on full load.A. remain openB. remain closeC. retain openD. retain close38. The effect of high vapor superheat in a refrigeration system, is a/an ______.A. increased capacity of the compressorB. more efficient operation of the thermal expansion valveC. decreased capacity of the compressorD. loss of receiver capacity39. The cooler as the liquid becomes, _____.A. the faster it will evaporateB. the slower it will condenseC. the slower it will evaporateD. the faster it will flow40. Most air conditioning units have ______ for adjusting the ratio of recirculated fresh air. Care mustbe taken not to reduce the fresh air so that stuffiness or smells arise.A. catch platesB. dampersC. regulating valvesD. fans41. The main causes of fire on board ships are ______.A. oil leakage in engine-roomB. hot work (welding, cutting, etc. )C. static electricityD. All of the above.42. An increasing head pressure in a refrigeration system, without any corresponding change in thecooling water inlet temperature, would probably be caused by ______.A. restriction in refrigerant pipingB. air and non-condensable gases in the condenserC. water in the refrigerantD. flooding back of liquid refrigerant from the evaporator43. Current changing in direction and rising and falling in value is ______.A. A.CB. D.C. C. generatorD. fresh water generator44. The staring current of an a.c. motor is ______ the rated current.A. the same asB. much larger thanC. less thanD. equals45. Any electric motor can be constructed to be ______.A. short proofB. ground proofC. explosion proofD. overload proof46. Moisture in a D.C. motor would cause ______.A. short circuitB. speed upC. slow downD. hunting47. Loss of lubricating oil pressure to the main propulsion diesel engine will actuate a/an ______.A. overspeed tripB. audible/visual alarmC. the ships/boats general alarmD. reserve oil storage tank48. The ______ is a crystal which, under pressure, produces an electric current which varies with thepressure.A. alternatorB. glass thermometerC. burdon tubeD. piezoelectric pressure transducer49. A main propulsion diesel engine is normally shut down by ______.A. shutting off the air supplyB. over-speeding the engineC. securing the fuel supplyD. securing the ignition system50. Engine protection by means of an alarm or shutdown control can be obtained with devices that aresensitive to ______.A. temperatureB. pressureC. engine speedD. All of the above.51. Which of the following statements represents the main difference between a relay and a contactor?A. Contactors control current and relays control voltage.B. A relay is series connected and a contactor is parallel connected.C. Contactors can handle heavier loads than relays.D. Contactors are made from silver and relays are made from copper.52. The greatest detrimental effect on idle electrical equipment, such as cargo pump motors, is the______.A. loss of residual magnetismB. absorption of moisture in the insulationC. insulation varnish flakingD. dirt collecting on the windings53. The crank-room cover should not be opened until at least ______ minutes after the engine stops.A. 10B. 15C. 20D. 3054. When deciding the composition of the engineering watch, which may include _____appropriately,many factors shall be taken into account.A. satisfied engineersB. qualified ratingsC. satisfied chief engineerD. qualified chief engineer55. Administrations should bear in mind the significance of ______ in maintaining safety of life andproperty at sea and in preventing marine pollution.A. advanced nautical equipmentB. advanced performance main enginesC. emergency equipmentD. communication and language skills56.The order“Bow thrust stop.”means“_____”.A. Bow thrust full to portB. Bow thrust full to starboardC. No bow thrust revolutionsD. No stern thrust revolutions57. The Port State Control officer may witness a fire drill carried out by the crew assigned to theseduties on the _____.A. Navigation Log BookB. Engine Room Log BookC. Oil Record BookD. Muster List58. In order to ensure the safety of the ship and its equipment during UMS operation, certain essentialfunctions _____.A. must be providedB. may be providedC. have providedD. can be provided59. A fire in a pile of dunnage would be classified as a ______.A. class AB. class BC. class CD. class D60. The fire drill must, as far as practicable, be conducted as if _____.A. there is a minor emergencyB. there is an actual emergencyC. there were a minor emergencyD. there were an actual emergency61. Duty officer informs us that the vessel is out of harbor and in “Full Ahead”. We are going to run_____.A. diesel oil instead of fuel oilB. fuel oil instead of diesel oilC. diesel oil instead fuel oilD. fuel oil instead diesel oil62. Auxiliary machinery covers everything onboard except______.A. main enginesB. main boilersC. pipes and fittingsD. A and B63. In cleaning up an oil spill, the use of chemical agents would ______.A. absorb the oil for easy removalB. remove the oil from the waterC. disperse or dissolve the oil in the waterD. not affect the oil64. The three basic elements necessary for any fire are ______.A. heat, gas, and flamesB. fuel, heat, and oxygenC. heat, nitrogen, and fuelD. fuel oil, nitrogen, and oxygen 65. Which of the following gases represents the greatest threat to personnel safety in an engine roomwhere the exhaust is leaking from a diesel engine?A. Carbon dioxideB. Carbon monoxideC. Carbon trioxideD. Hydrogen sulfide66. The direct cause of a crankcase explosion can be attributed to______.A. extremely hot scavenge airB. excessive cooling water temperatureC. an overheated bearingD. excessive lube oil in the crankcase67. ______ may have two emergency source of power, thus requiring two emergency switchboards.A. Large passenger vesselsB. General cargo shipsC. Container shipsD. Oil tankers68. The minimum number and capacity of bilge pumps and fire pumps and their dispersement withinthe ship is governed by______.A. Classification Society RulesB. National requirementsC. The IMO International Convention for the Safety of Life at SeaD. All of the above.二、关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项)第一组:The CO 2 fire extinguishing installation may incorporate a smoke sampling system so that fire can be detected in the early stage at the smoke detecting cabinet, which is situated in the wheelhouse. Each cargo compartment is individually connected to the smoke detecting cabinet with small bore piping and, by a suction fan mounted on the wheelhouse roof, samples of the air in each cargo space are continually drawn up to the smoke detecting cabinet and discharged into the wheelhouse or the atmosphere through a diverting valve. Thus smoke from a fire in any cargo space can be immediately detected.69. The CO 2 fire extinguishing system may combine with to detect fire in the early stage of firedevelopment.A. a smoke detecting systemB. a wheelhouseC. a cargo compartmentD.a crew‟s cabin70. The function of the smoke sampling system is ______.A. to analyze smoke componentsB. to detect fire in the early stageC. to prevent the wheelhouse from catching a fireD. to ventilate each cargo compartment71. According to this paragraph, which of the following statements is true?A. The smoke sampling system consists of the CO 2 fire extinguishing installation and smokedetecting cabinet.B. The smoke detecting cabinet is located on the wheelhouse roof.C. The suction fan draws samples of the air from cargo spaces.D. Samples of the air flow into the detecting cabinet at regular intervals.72. Which of the following devices does the smoke sampling system consist of?(1)fire extinguishing installation (2) smoke detecting chamber (3) wheelhouse(4) cargo compartment (5) suction fan (6) diverting valveA.(1)、(2)、(5)B. (2)、(4)、(5)C. (3)、(4)、(6)D. (2)、(5)、(6)第二组:Governing prime movers, particularly diesel engines, require careful consideration. The cyclic variations of a diesel cycle can be passed i nto the governor drive if it is too …stiff‟. That is, the cyclicvibrations will be imposed on the internal gearing etc. inside the governor housing. To prevent this, some form of damper should be used on the drive into the governor. The mounting point for the governor should be rigid; a vibration mounting would soon downgrade even the best of governors. Chain or belt drives should be avoided as far as possible, as slapping of the belt or chain produces speed variations causing malfunction of the governor. Similarly the drive from the end of the camshaft is subject to torsional vibrations, and governors should not be located at that point. They should be located as close as practicable to the fuel pumps, thereby limiting the mass/inertia of operating linkage. In all cases, the governor should be matched to the engine requirements in terms of droop, load limiting, response time etc. On large engines there is an inertial resistance to acceleration within the masses of reciprocating and rotating elements of the engine, so that during acceleration fuel could be released to the cylinders at a faster rate than efficient combustion can burn it. In an attempt to compensate for this, and to maintain acceptable combustion during acceleration, a tapping from the scavenge space may be taken and the pressure used to regulate the rate of fuel released to the engine. This process is incorporated into the governor operating system so that the governor releases a quantity of fuel commensurate with the increase in air pressure in the scavenge space.(during deceleration the problem is not so great, as excess air can be tolerated far more easily than can the incomplete combustion associated with insufficient air.)73. This passage is mainly about __.A. mounting the governorsB. the scavenge pressure limit to the governorC. A and BD. how the governor regulates the fuel index74. The drive to the governor ___.A. should be rigidB. should use damperC. should use chains or beltsD. should be from the end of the cam shaft75. The governor should be mounted close to the fuel pumps ___.A. for limiting the inertia effectB. for limiting the loadC. to ensure speed droopD. to cut down the cost76. It can be inferred that with scavenge pressure limit ___.A. the engine can be accelerated rapidlyB. the engine can be decelerated rapidlyC. the governor will supply fuel oil efficientlyD. the combustion will be more complete三、中译英(共2题,请将答案写在答题纸上)77.PSC官员如果发现大量的临时修理,例如管路卡箍和水泥堵漏箱,则表明船舶不愿意进行永久性修理。
海事局2006年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第39期)科目:船舶辅机 试卷代号:842(39842))

1. 往复式空压机可以比往复泵转速高得多主要是因为:A. 对效率要求不高B. 气阀比水阀敲击轻C. 要求排气量大D. 气阀流过阀压降小,且无惯性水头和液体汽化问题2. 空压机中最重要而需优先保证的是______冷却。
A. 滑油B. 级间C. 气缸D. 最后排气3. 空压机系统不可以在______处泄放压缩空气携带的油分和水分。
A. 级间冷却器后空气管泄水阀B. 气液分离器泄放阀C. 气缸下部泄水旋塞D. 空气瓶下部泄水阀4. 会导致自动空压机在调定压力不能自动停车的是:A. 滑油压力继电器短接B. 滑油油位过高C. 空气压力继电器低压触点短接D. 空气压力继电器高压触点短接5. 关于空压机的卸载,说法不准确的是:A. 起动前各级泄放阀应开启B. 起动后应由低至高关闭各级泄放阀C. 停车前应由高至低开启各级泄放阀D. 停车前应由低至高开启各级泄放阀6. 活塞式空压机气缸冷却不良不会使:A. 滑油温度升高B. 排气温度升高C. 安全阀开启D. 输气系数降低7. 必要时可用______方法检查活塞式空压机的余隙高度。
A. 塞尺测量B. 千分卡测量C. 游标卡尺测量D. 压铅丝8. 空压机排气温度过高的原因不包括:A. 排气阀漏泄大B. 冷却不良C. 余隙容积大D. 吸气温度高9. 空压机低压级安全阀顶开的原因可能是:A. 吸气温度过高B. 通气瓶的排气压力太高C. 低压级排气阀漏泄严重D. 高压级排气阀漏泄严重10. 巡回检查发现工作中的空压机已经断水,应:A. 尽快供水B. 卸载运转,尽快供水C. 停车,供水冷却,拆检D. 停车,自然冷却,拆检11. 五星轮式油马达如工作时柱塞卡在上死点则马达:A. 发热B. 转速显著降低C. 转速显著升高D. 不能工作12. 调节先导型溢流阀无法使系统油压降低可能是因为:A. 导阀打不开B. 远控口漏泄C. 导阀关不严D. 主阀阻尼孔堵13. 液压马达在使用中,错误的做法是:A.输出轴与被拖动机械可采用挠性连接B.壳体的油压通常保持在0.3~0.5MPa以下C.长期连续工作时,油压应比额定压力低25%为宜D.不可以把热油突然供入冷态的液压马达中14. “O”型机能换向阀中位油路为:A. P口封闭,A.B.O三口相通 B. P.A.B.O四口全封闭C. P.A.O三口相通,B口封闭D. P.O相通,A与B均封闭15. 起货机液压系统采用高、低速挡的主要目的是为了:A. 轻载时提高装卸效率并提高电机功率利用率B. 重载时减小功耗,无须配太大电机C. 改善操作可靠性D. A与B16. 斜盘式轴向柱塞泵吸入压力过低容易损坏的部位是:A. 柱塞B. 滚柱轴承C. 斜盘D. 滑履铰接处17. 轴向柱塞液压泵运行时压力低原因不会是:A. 系统混有空气B. 配流盘与缸体间隙过小C. 吸入滤器堵塞D. 内漏严重18. 顺序阀的工作特点是:A. 有控制油压信号阀时开启B. 工作压力高时阀开启C. 无控制油压信号阀时开启D. 按时间顺序开启19. 对于在液压系统中滤油器的管理,错误的是:A.吸入管路上的滤油器,其压力降不超过0.015MPaB.排油管路上的滤油器,其压力降不宜超过0.5MPaC.正常情况下每500工作小时应清洁或更换一次滤芯D.注意滤油器进出口压差20. 平衡舵有利于:A. 减小舵叶面积B. 减少舵机负荷C. 增大转船力矩D. 增快转舵速度21. 船舶倒航时的水动力矩不会超过正航时的水动力矩,因为倒航时:A. 水压力中心距舵杆距离近B. 最大航速低C. 倒航使用舵角小D. A+B22. 关于舵的下列说法错误的是:A. 船主机停车,顺水漂流前进,转舵会产生舵效B. 转舵会增加船前进阻力C. 转舵可能使船横倾和纵倾D. 舵效与船速有关23. 设有平衡舵的船舶的转船力矩受______影响很小。

A. along B. to C. alongside D. against
10._____ ready for mooring.
A. Do B. Have C. Make D. Get
8. The ship has a speed of more than 14 ______ at 120 _____.
A. miles/r.m.p B. miles/r.p.m
C. knots/r.p.m D. knots/r.m.p
C. be carried out D. will carry out
30.Forecastle deck is located in the ship's _______.
A. bow stem B. stern
C. portside D. starboard side
17.It is very kind _____ you to help us.
A. of B. for C. to D. at
18. I'd like to apply ______ its extension.
23.I am proceeding ______ reduced speed.
A. at B. with C. on D. within
24.I have ______ with unknown vessel.
14.ANCHOR IS ACROSS means that ______.
A. Anchor is cross the bow
B. Anchor is in the ground

一、单项选择题:1.A charge of fresh air is drawn into the engine cylinder and then _____ by the moving piston _____very high pressure.A. pressed /toB. pressurized /withC. pushed /inD. compressed /to2. What function is provided by the crankcase ventilation system on some diesel engines?A. Increases the sludge forming tendency of lube oil.B. Prevents the accumulation of combustible gases.C. Improves lube oil cooling.D. Improves cold weather starting.3. If your vessel burns 8 tons of fuel per day at 15 knots, how many tons per day will it burn at 18knots?A. 13.82 tonsB. 15.61 tonsC. 16.00 tonsD. 16.37 tons4. The joint face between the cylinder cover and the liner is arranged _____ the combustion processas possible.A. such far away fromB. such near byC. as far away fromD. as near by5. Some vessels are equipped with a water lubricated stern tube. When at sea, operating undernormal conditions, the water service valve from the ship's saltwater system to the bearing should be _____.A. closed, and no leakage permitted across the shaft packingB. closed, and only slight leakage permitted across the shaft packingC. opened, and no leakage permitted across the shaft packingD. opened, and only slight leakage permitted across the shaft packing6. A: Please tell me the specifications and quantity. B: _____.A. Pump diesel oil firstB. 300 tons of 180 cst fuel oilC. The figure is all rightD. OK, I'll sign it7. In some designs the cylinder oil is timed so that the oil injects only on the _____.A. piston crownB. piston grooveC. piston skirtD. piston ring belt8. Any carbon built up on surfaces must be washed away by _____ additives and held in suspensionby a _____ additive.A. dispersant /detergentB. detergent/dispersantC. dispersant /dispersantD. detergent/detergent9. Propeller pitch speed minus ship speed divided by the propeller pitch speed is termed _____.A. apparent slipB. true slipC. pitchD. propulsive efficiency10. After the order '_____' is given, the air system is shut down, the turning gear put in.A. Finished With EngineB. Stop The EngineC. Stand-by EngineD. Slow-down Engine 11. By which of the following means is force efficiently provided to vary the pitch of the blades on amodern controllable pitch propeller?A. HydraulicB. MechanicalC. PneumaticD. Electrical12. The diffuser prevents pressure pulses from one cylinder _____ another during operation.A. to interfere withB. interfering withC. to help scavengingD. helping scavenging13. The difference between a supercharged engine and an un-supercharged engine is that _____operates at an increased pressure.A. the laterB. the latterC. the formerD. the farmer14. Large, two-stroke/cycle, main propulsion, diesel engine cylinders can be successfully pressurecharged during normal operation, by using the _____.A. exhaust gas temperature systemB. exhaust load systemC. constant or pulse pressure systemD. constant volume system15. In general, _____ is suitable for delivering samll quantities at high pressure.A. reciprocating pumpB. gear pumpC. centrifugal pumpD. vane pump16. The pumps employed on board ship can be divided into two main categories, i.e. _____pumpsand centrifugal pumps.A. gearB. non-positive displacementC. positive displacementD. rotary17. If the capacity of a centrifugal pump decreases gradually over a long period of time, you shouldreplace the _____.A. packing glandB. mechanical sealsC. lantern ringsD. wearing rings18. _____ is used for washing and drinking.A. The ballast systemB. The salt water systemC. The bilge systemD. The domestic system19. The bilge system has been performing well; however, the aft starboard engine room bilge-wellsuddenly fails to be pumped out. Which of the following should be done first to determine the cause?A. Open the bilge pump for inspection.B. Remove each of the manifold valves.C. Remove only the manifold valve to the affected bilge-well.D. Attempt to pump out another bilge well to determine if the entire system is affected.20. Every liquid has a pressure at which it will vaporize and this pressure varies with temperature.The word “ which” means _____.A. a liquidB. a pressureC. a temperatureD. None of the above.21. Before an auxiliary boiler is shutdown for an extended period of time, the water in the boilershould have a pH value of _____.A. 10B. 7C. 4D. 122. The amount of heat released by steam when it changes to water at the same temperature is called_____.A. latent heat of condensationB. latent heat of vaporizationC. latent heat of saturationD. sensible heat of condensation23. After a normal, or safety shutdown, automatic combustion control systems for an auxiliary boilerare designed to prevent the immediate refiring of a burner in order for the ______.A. furnace to be re-purgedB. electric charge to buildup in the igniterC. fuel pump to restartD. drum level to stabilize24. For a purifier changing to a gravity disc with smaller hole diameter will move the interfacetowards the ___.A. bowl peripheryB. bowl centerC. upper surfaceD. lower surface25. The principle of separation by which all commercially available oily water separators functionis_____ differential between oil and water.A. the temperatureB. the viscosityC. the gravityD. the size26. Which of the following factors will have the greatest effect on the heating load within aconditioned space?A. Solar gainB. Infiltration and ventilation airC. Occupants inside the spaceD. Entertainment equipment within the space27. Burning diesel oil should be treated as which class of fire?A.Class … A ‟B.Class … B ‟C.Class … C ‟D.Class … D ‟28. Cargo handling unit is rated according to the _____ to be lifted.A. cargo craneB. jibC. safe working loadD. oil pressure29. These include deck machinery such as mooring equipment, anchor handling equipment, cranesand _____.A. boilersB. bow thrustersC. stabilizersD. hatch covers30. The size of ball and roller bearings can be identified by the _____.A. rolling member sizeB. inner race cone widthC. manufacturer's numerical codeD. outer ring width31. Brine density in a distilling plant is measured with a/an _____.A. psychrometerB. salinometerC. anemometerD. sphygmomanometer32. If an electric motor driven air compressor fails to start, it may be due to a _____.A. leaking discharge valveB. jammed suction valveC. tripped overload relayD. broken discharge un-loader33. After passing through the expansion valve the refrigerant should be in the state of _____.A. vaporB. liquidC. solidD. None of the above is true.34. Which of the following will be desirable properties of refrigerant? I. non-explosive; II. non-corrosive; III. that it doesn't react with lubricantsA. I,II and IIIB. I and IIC. I and IIID. II and III35. The cooler as the liquid becomes, _____.A. the faster it will evaporateB. the slower it will condenseC. the slower it will evaporateD. the faster it will flow36. While troubleshooting a refrigeration system for low head pressure, liquid refrigerant floodingback from the evaporator is determined to be the cause. It may be necessary to _____.A. change the expansion valve adjustmentB. readjust the water regulating valve to increase the flow of waterC. purge air from the condenserD. clean the waterside of the condenser37. The output voltage of a three-phase alternator is regulated by the _____.A. AC voltage to the armatureB. AC voltage to the fieldC. DC voltage to the armatureD. DC voltage to the field38. The switchboards for a .c. systems differ from the d.c. switch gear in that the open type panels aregenerally _____ and the dead-front switch gear is the common rule.A. permissiblyB. permissibleC. no permissibleD. not permissible 39. Any electric motor can be constructed to be _____.A. short proofB. ground proofC. explosion proofD. overload proof40. Generators should have an excitation/voltage regulation system which will enable them to sharethe steady state reactive load _____ no machine exceeds its proportional share of reactive load by more than 10% of the rated reactive load of the largest generator.A. whenB. so asC. such thatD. though41. Temperature control valves installed in the jacket cooling water system of a diesel engine,modulates the rate of water flow through the _____.A. cooling water pumpB. nozzle cooling passagesC. cylinder jacketsD. heat exchanger42. This arrangement is _____ if the elements are directly connected to one another and the controlaction takes place without human involvement.A. a manual closed loopB. a manual opened loopC. an automatic closed loopD. an automatic opened loop43. The viscosity regulator controls the fuel oil temperature _____ provide oil at the correct viscosityfor combustion.A. in order thatB. because ofC. in order toD. owing to44. Most conducting materials such as copper, aluminum, iron, nickel, and tungsten _____.A. increase in resistance with increased temperatureB. increase in resistance with decreased temperatureC. decrease in resistance with increased temperatureD. increase in conductance with increased temperature45. UMS stands for _____ .A. ultra much spaceB. universal medium systemC. unit machined spaceD. unattended machinery space46. As a general rule, the first troubleshooting action to be taken in checking faulty electric controldevices is to _____.A. draw a one line diagram of the circuitryB. test all fuses and measure the line voltageC. take megger readingsD. insulate the apparatus from ground47. To repair a small electrical motor that has been submerged in saltwater, you should _____.A. wash it with fresh water and apply an external source of heatB. renew the windingsC. send it ashore to an approved service facilityD. rinse all electrical parts with a carbon tetrachloride cleaning solvent and then blow dry themotor with compressed air48. Shims of different thicknesses are inserted between the shells to enable adjustment of ______.A. the bearing clearancesB. the bearing thicknessC. the bearing strengthD. the bridge hardness49. ______ is a precaution which contributes to avoiding trouble under normal operating conditions.A. Constant inspectionB. Keeping constant loadC. Remaining constant temperatureD. Varying speed50. If the jacket water temperature of an operating diesel engine suddenly rises above normal, thecause can be attributed to _____.A. an overfilled expansion tankB. excess chromate treatment of the jacket waterC. a clogged raw water sea suctionD. cavitation erosion of the heat exchanger tubes51. The bearing cap and shell are replaced and tightened up until _____.A. the “nip ”is zeroB. the“ nap”is zeroC. the“gap”is correctD. the “clearance” is correct52. White smoke exhausting from an operating diesel engine may indicate _____.A. a cracked linerB. burning lube oilC. an overloaded engineD. insufficient combustion air53. Combustion knock can occur in the cylinders of a diesel engine under any condition permitting_____.A. a shortened ignition delay periodB. a lean fuel/air mixtureC. excess fuel in the combustion chamberD. rapid vaporization of injected fuel droplets54. Each journal and pin should be examined for _____ and grooving.A. bridgesB. recessesC. rearsD. ridging55. _____, the engine must be stopped immediately.A. Should knocking occurB. If knocking occurC. Should if knocking occursD. If occur knocking56. Poor combustion in a diesel engine can be caused by_____.A. high compression pressureB. low intake air temperatureC. low exhaust pressureD. high scavenge air temperature57. Which of the motors for the devices listed below is fitted with an instantaneous overload relay?A. FanB. PumpC. WinchD. Machine tool58. The unit of electrical power is the _____.A. ampereB. kilovoltC. wattD. farad59. During repair, lubrication lines and orifices must be _____.A. taken awayB. engagedC. connectedD. sealed off60.It is well known that the whole power distribution of the ship‟s electrical services mainly dependon the _____.A. sub-boardsB. main switchboardsC. emergency switchboardsD. distribution boards61. Any increase in the exhaust back pressure of a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine will _____.A. reduce engine horsepower outputB. aid in silencing the exhaust noiseC. increase the mean effective pressureD. contribute to effective cylinder scavenging62. In a diesel engine, excessive cylinder liner wear will cause _____. I. increased blow-by II. wearbetween the piston ring and grooveA. I only is correctB. II only is correctC. both I and II are correctD. neither I or II are correct63. When under maneouvring conditions with the machinery being manually operated the control unitor console should be _____.A. automatically controlledB. continuously mannedC. off powerD. None of the above is true.64. In the engine department, the _____ is looked upon to provide the leadership that is needed.A. captainB. chief engineerC. chief officerD. chief motorman65. Upon the completion of required tests, a _____ should be placed on each extinguisher, showing thedate and the person who completed the tests.A. capB. discC. tagD. cover66. If the buoyant force on a ship's hull is equal to or greater than the displacement tonnage, the shipwill _____.A. require ballast added to only the port side tanksB. be down by the headC. sinkD. float67. A fire involving trash and paper waste would be classified as a _____.A. class AB. class BC. class CD. class D68.The order“Bow thrust stop.”means“_____”.A. Bow thrust full to portB. Bow thrust full to starboardC. No bow thrust revolutionsD. No stern thrust revolutions69. The auxiliary steering gear must be capable of being brought speedily into operation and be able toput the rudder over from 15 degrees on one side to 15 degrees on the other side in no morethan_____ with the ship at its deepest service draught and running ahead at the greater of one half of the maximum service speed or _____.A. 28 seconds/7 knotsB. 28 seconds/14 knotsC. 60 seconds/7 knotsD. 60 seconds/14 knots70. A _____sometimes called filters, is a device designed to prevent the passage of unwanted solidsinto the system.A. Steam trapB. Check valveC. SeparatorD. Strainer71. In cleaning up an oil spill, the use of chemical agents would _____.A. absorb the oil for easy removalB. remove the oil from the waterC. disperse or dissolve the oil in the waterD. not affect the oil72. Diesel fuel vapors _____.A. can not be ignited by a spark unless the vapor is in a confined spaceB. are nontoxic in all concentrationsC. can not be ignited by a spark unless they are at their auto-ignition temperatureD. are heavier than air73. Which of the listed classes of fire would most likely occur in the engine room of a vessel?A. Classes A and BB. Classes B and CC. Classes C and DD. Classes A and D74. The possibility of damage from operating a diesel engine at critical speeds is reduced by the use of_____.A. an isochronous governorB. elastic engine mountsC. a vibration damperD. a cast iron bed plate with good flexible qualities二、关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项)The CO 2 fire extinguishing installation may incorporate a smoke sampling system so that fire can be detected in the early stage at the smoke detecting cabinet, which is situated in the wheelhouse. Each cargo compartment is individually connected to the smoke detecting cabinet with small bore piping and, by a suction fan mounted on the wheelhouse roof, samples of the air in each cargo space arecontinually drawn up to the smoke detecting cabinet and discharged into the wheelhouse or the atmosphere through a diverting valve. Thus smoke from a fire in any cargo space can be immediately detected.75. The CO 2 fire extinguishing system may combine with to detect fire in the early stage of firedevelopment.A. a smoke detecting systemB. a wheelhouseC. a cargo compartmentD.a crew‟s cabin76.The function of the smoke sampling system is .A. to analyze smoke componentsB. to detect fire in the early stageC. to prevent the wheelhouse from catching a fireD. to ventilate each cargo compartment77.According to this paragraph, which of the following statements is true?A. The smoke sampling system consists of the CO 2 fire extinguishing installation and smokedetecting cabinet.B. The smoke detecting cabinet is located on the wheelhouse roof.C. The suction fan draws samples of the air from cargo spaces.D. Samples of the air flow into the detecting cabinet at regular intervals.78.Which of the following devices does the smoke sampling system consist of?(1) fire extinguishing installation (2) smoke detecting chamber (3) wheelhouse(4) cargo compartment (5) suction fan (6) diverting valveA. (1) (2) (5)B. (2) (4) (5)C. (3) (4) (6)D. (2) (5) (6)三、中译英(共2题,请将答案写在答题纸上)79. 油水分离器工作正常,滤器定期清洗。

一、单项选择题:1. The cylinder head, cylinder liner and _____ form the combustion chamber.A. frameB. pistonC. crankcaseD. explosion plate2. A diesel engine burns ________ a gasoline engine of the same capacity in the same period oftime.A. as much fuel asB. less fuel thanC. less fuel asD. more fuel than3. Acid solution _____ in the system can be tested from time to time by putting some on to a pieceof lime.A. strengthB. denseC. percentageD. velocity4. A: Please tell me the specifications and quantity. B: _____.A. Pump diesel oil firstB. 300 tons of 180 cst fuel oilC. The figure is all rightD. OK, I'll sign it5. The film of oil between the rings and the liner is not only essential for the lubrication but alsoplays an important part in achieving _____.A. an oil sealB. removing heatC. a gas sealD. cooling the piston6. The tendency for lubricating oil to thin out at high temperatures and thicken at low temperatureswill be characterized by a _____.A. low viscosity indexB. high viscosity indexC. high neutralization numberD. low demulsibility quality7. Operating a diesel engine for prolonged periods, with a closed freshwater cooling system, attemperatures lower than the normal design temperature can cause _____.A. the formation of sulfuric acidB. a decrease in lube oil viscosityC. a decrease in cooling water pHD. a thermostat failure8. ______ is usually driven by the engine camshaft and supplies pilot air to the cylinder air startvalve.A. An air receiverB. An operating valveC. An automatic valveD. An air distributor9. The difference between a supercharged engine and an un-supercharged engine is that _____operates at an increased pressure.A. the laterB. the latterC. the formerD. the farmer10. A sealing arrangement is provided at _____ of the tail-shaft with the propeller and conecompleting the arrangement.A. both endsB. neither endC. the outboard endD. either end 11. The linear motion of a diesel engine piston is converted to the rotary motion required to drivegears, propeller shafts, and generators by the _____.A. flywheelB. crankshaftC. journal bearingsD. camshaft12. The use of a poor quality piston cooling oil can lead to rapid deterioration of its properties withthe resultant formation of deposits in the piston crown which in turn results in a considerable _____ in heat transfer.A. advantageB. superiorC. increase D. reduction13.We should not start the engine unless the turning gear is _____ .A. onB. disengagedC. boltedD. unscrewed14. The ability of the governor to prevent fluctuations in engine speed is termed _____.A. sensitivityB. stabilityC. promptnessD. speed droop15. A governor automatically controls engine speed by regulating _____.A. fuel supplyB. firing orderC. engine loadD. oil level16. It is relatively _____ to drive the compressor directly from the engine by chain/or othermechanism because some of the additional power is absorbed.A. economicalB. expensiveC. inexpensiveD. loss17. Load control on a diesel engine is accomplished by _____.A. regulating the speed of the turbochargerB. rotating the fuel injector pump plungerC. regulating the speed of the fuel oil transfer pumpD. changing engine timing18. _____, the following possible causes should be investigated.A. Should the engine stop without apparent reasonB. The engine should stop without apparent reasonC. The engine stops without apparent reasonD. The engine is stopped without apparent reason19. To operate a centrifugal fire pump at reduced capacity, you should _____.A. readjust the relief valveB. throttle the suction lineC. throttle the discharge valveD. open the priming line20. If you were operating a centrifugal water service pump with worn wearing rings, the _____.A. pump would be very noisyB. pump would vibrate excessivelyC. pump would develop insufficient flowD. stuffing box would leak excessively21. Which bearing half will receive the greatest load in a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine?A. Lower half of the connecting rod bearing at the crankshaft end of the rod.B. Upper half of the main bearing.C. Lower half of the cross-head pin bearing in the connecting rod.D. All bearing halves share an equal load.22. Where tanks are arranged for either oil or ballast _____ must be fitted in the pipeline.A. a change-over chestB. a head tankC. a emergency bilge pumpD. an air cooler23. The boiler is fired _____ the demand for steam exceeds that available from exhaust gas heating.A. wheneverB. howeverC. whereverD. whether24. In readying an auxiliary water-tube boiler for a routine hydrostatic test, which of the followingprocedures should be undertaken prior to filling the boiler with fresh water?A. The safety valve escape piping should be disconnected from the valve body and a blankinserted.B. The boiler vent valves should be opened.C. All handhole/manhole covers should be tightened up as much as possible to preclude anyleaks.D. All of the above.25. The bilge main is arranged to drain any watertight compartment_____ ballast, oil or water tanksand to discharge the contents overboard.A. rather thanB. other thanC. in addition thatD. except for26. When in operation, it is unavoidable that a small amount of oil _____ through leakage, and inorder to compensate for these leaks the system is connected to a feed pump.A. escapesB. overheatsC. expandsD. accelerates27. When reassembling the bowl of a disk-type centrifuge, the bowl or locking ring is rotated_______.A. clockwise, due to the bowl rotating clockwiseB. clockwise, due to the bowl rotating counterclockwiseC. counterclockwise, due to the bowl rotating clockwiseD. counterclockwise, due to the bowl rotating counterclockwise28. Under the regulations implementing MARPOL, a mobile offshore drilling unit is required to havean International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) certificate when the unit _____.A. is drilling on the Outer Continental ShelfB. moves to a new drilling location in U.S. watersC. engages in a voyage to a port of another country which is a party of MARPOLD. All of the above.29.The oil sludge is burnt in the _____onboard. I‟l l show you the ashes.A. boilerB. main engineC. auxiliary engineD. incinerator30. Among the basic categories of equipment, which of the following are used to convert mechanicalinto hydraulic energy?A. the hydraulic pumpsB. valvesC. hydraulic cylindersD. hydraulic motors31. If a radial piston hydraulic pump fails to deliver rated fluid volume, the cause can be _____.A. contaminated fluidB. pitted thrust ringsC. worn pintle bearingsD. obstructed suctions passage32. The hand steering is a method by which the motion of the rudder is controlled with _____.A. a motor-driven steering wheelB. a pneumatic steering wheelC. a hand-driven steering wheelD. an electric steering wheel33. If a heavy sea strikes the _____, the shock is transmitted through the tiller to the rams.A. propellerB. rudderC. bow thrusterD. stabiliser34. An AC synchronous transmission type remote steering control system consists of a _____.A. transmitter at the steering station and a receiver at the steering engineB. reversible motor at the steering station geared to the steering pumpsC. small induction motor on the bridge which controls the rudder through pulleysD. variable displacement hydraulic pump driven by a reversible DC motor35. A knocking sound from one cylinder of an operating air compressor indicates _____.A. a defective or broken high pressure un-loaderB. a loose valve plateC. excessive overloadD. no compression36. When a flash-type evaporator is to be secured for an extended period of time, the entire unitshould be drained, cleaned, and _____.A. completely filled with saltwaterB. filled with de-scaling compoundC. tightly closed to exclude airD. vented to the atmosphere37. The compressed air is supplied by ___ to the air reservoirs.A. compressorsB. forced fansC. ventilatorsD. generators38. A dirty intercooler on the ship service air compressor will result in _____.A. decreased compression ratioB. higher than normal power consumptionC. un-loader malfunctionD. water in the lubricating oil39. Accidental flooding of the engine room bilges by the bilge main is prevented by _____.A. stop-check valves installed in the bilge suction manifoldsB. using a positive displacement reciprocating bilge pumpC. installing eductors in all bilge rose boxesD. installing a swing check before each bilge valve40. When a refrigeration compressor is in the 'off ' cycle, the thermal expansion valve will_____.A. always be wide open when the compressor restartsB. continue to operate if the system were in operationC. remain open until evaporator pressure equalizes, then close until the compressor restartsD. always be completely closed until the compressor restarts41. While troubleshooting a refrigeration system for low head pressure, liquid refrigerant floodingback from the evaporator is determined to be the cause. It may be necessary to _____.A. change the expansion valve adjustmentB. readjust the water regulating valve to increase the flow of waterC. purge air from the condenserD. clean the waterside of the condenser42. When adding oil to a refrigeration system, precautions must be taken to ensure that_____.A. the compressor suction pressure is not too highB. all air is purged from the pump and charging fittingsC. the high pressure cutout switch is held open to prevent accidental startingD. the condenser is completely shutdown first43. Your assigned emergency stations aboard your vessel can be found on the ship's _____.A. muster listB. certificate of inspectionC. clearance papersD. permit to proceed44. If the fire goes out in an automatically fired auxiliary boiler and the burner continues to supplyfuel, there is a potential danger of _____.A. overpressure and dry firingB. a severe furnace explosionC. spalling damage to the brickworkD. heat damage to the atomizer45. The ___ is a measure of the phase difference between voltage and current and is expected as thecosine of phase angle.A. powerB. efficiencyC. effective powerD. power factor46. A constant output voltage from an AC generator is maintained by the _____.A. prime mover governorB. exciter generatorC. voltage regulatorD. reverse power relay47. When working on a high voltage circuit, you should always have another person present with you.This person should have a good working knowledge of _____.A. the circuit being worked on and the location of all switches and circuit breakers controlling itB. first-aid techniques for treating electrical shockC. cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)D. All of the above.48. Which of the following should be the FIRST step in removing a generator from parallel operation?A. Trip the generator off the switchboard.B. Turn off all electrical equipment.C. Remove the load from the 'off going' generator.D. Increase the cycles of the generator staying on the line.49. The operating medium for control systems may be _____.A. compressed airB. hydraulic oilC. electricityD. All of the above.50. Loss of lubricating oil pressure to the main propulsion diesel engine will actuate a/an _____.A. overspeed tripB. audible/visual alarmC. the ships/boats general alarmD. reserve oil storage tank51. The most common type of containment device for spilled oil on the water is the use of _____.A. strawB. boomsC. skimmersD. chemical dispersants52. Electric insulation is made of organic substances and so gradually ___ with age.A. deterioratesB. increasesC. are fouledD. becomes better53. While on watch in the engine room, you hear a continuous sounding of the fire alarm. Which ofthe following actions should you take?A. Make an entry in the official logbook.B. Open the master control valves on the fixed CO2 system.C. Start the fire pump and check discharge pressure.D. Secure auxiliary condenser overboard discharge.54. After the trouble of the automatic control system has been completely eliminated, assistance is______ required.A. remainedB. stillC. no longerD. much more55. A circuit breaker differs from a fuse in that a circuit breaker _____.A. melts and must be replacedB. is enclosed in a tube of insulating material with metal ferrules at each endC. gives no visual indication of having opened the circuitD. trips to break the circuit and may be reset56. Ambient temperature is the _____.A. amount of temperature rise with no loadB. temperature of the compartment where the motor is locatedC. normal operating temperature, less the room temperatureD. amount of temperature developed by an operating moto57. Which of the following statements represents the main difference between a relay and a contactor?A. Contactors control current and relays control voltage.B. A relay is series connected and a contactor is parallel connected.C. Contactors can handle heavier loads than relays.D. Contactors are made from silver and relays are made from copper.58. The pressure difference before and after the lube oil filter indicates _____ the filter should becleaned.A. whenB. howC. whereD. whether59. In order to ensure the safety of the ship and its equipment during UMS operation, certainessential functions _____.A. must be providedB. may be providedC. have providedD. can be provided60. In the engine department, the_____ is looked upon to provide the leadership that is needed.A. captainB. chief engineerC. chief officerD. chief motorman61.Duty officer informs us that the vessel is out of harbor and in “Full Ahead”.We are going to run_____.A. diesel oil instead of fuel oilB. fuel oil instead of diesel oilC. diesel oil instead fuel oilD. fuel oil instead diesel oil62. We still do not know _____.A. where is the troubleB. where does the troubleC. where the trouble isD. what is the trouble63.The order“Bow thrust stop.”means“_____”.A. Bow thrust full to portB. Bow thrust full to starboardC. No bow thrust revolutionsD. No stern thrust revolutions64. Under the provisions of applicable international conventions, ships entitled to fly the flag of aParty are subject, while in the port of a Party, to control by officers duly authorized by theParty. Ships of non-parties or below convention size shall be given ______.A. more favorable treatmentB. less favorable treatmentC. no more favorable treatmentD. the most favorable treatment65. ______ may have two emergency source of power, thus requiring two emergencyswitchboards.A. Large passenger vesselsB. General cargo shipsC. Container shipsD. Oil tankers66. With regards to a diesel engine crankcase explosion, the most violent is the _____.I.primary explosion II. secondary explosionA. I onlyB. II onlyC. both I and IID. neither I or II67. A certificate, called a(an) ______ ,should be issued to a ship by the Administration.A. ISMB. DOCC. SMCD. PS68. When making entries in the Oil Record Book, the date, operational code, and item number shallbe inserted in the appropriate columns. Furthermore, the required particulars shall be ____.A. recorded only for accidental oil dischargesB. recorded only for operations involving discharge of oily wasteC. signed by the oiler who enters them in the Oil Record BookD. recorded chronologically in the blank space二、关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项)第一组:Please carefully read the following table and then answer the questions according to the information from this table.Table : types of fire extinguisherA. solid materialsB. liquid materialsC. petroleum gasD. electrical equipment70. Which type of fire extinguishers can be used to extinguish all classes of fires?A. sodaB. waterC. foamD. dry powder71. There is one type of fire extinguisher which is injected directly at base of fire making use of gasthat can not be used in accommodation. Which one is it?A. waterB. foamC. CO2D. dry powder72. When used to extinguish class B fire, extinguisher should be turned upside down and cover firesmoothly.A. a soda and acidB. a foamC. a CO2D. a dry powder第二组Where routine maintenance is concerned, the governor should be checked regularly for adequate lubrication. The operating range is usually quite small, giving a tendency for them to wear over limited areas. Then a sudden and larger change in speed than normal may carry the governor onto a ridge of debris or gummy oil deposit so that it may stick at that point. To restrict this problem as far as possible, the governor pivots, slide, etc. should be cleaned and well lubricated whenever possible. It should be born in mind that the governor structure is such that, were the spring to fracture in any way, the flyweights would be able to move outwards and shut the engine down. The connections from the governor to the fuel racks should be designed in such a way that the governor can both increase and decrease the fuel within the bounds of some hand setting; i.e. the governor can adjust the fuel settings but cannot release more fuel to the engine than is dictated by some predetermined value set by the engine operator.To overcome the above limitations of the CF governor, …servo governors‟ have been developed. These use the power of hydraulics to pump the heavier fuel rack systems associated with larger engines into the desired posit ion. This …powered‟ operation is rapidly and accurately achieved, and the hydraulic flow can be either electrically or mechanically controlled. The speed sensing can be done by a tachometer arrangement that can be set to the desired speed, and on sensing any variation a solenoid operated flow valve allows pressurized hydraulic flow into a servo system of pistons/plungers which resets the rack positions. Although this system is quite effective, more mechanically controlled governors are fitted to larger engines. These use the principle of the CF governor, i.e. fly weights acting against spring pressure, but instead of the slide working directly onto the fuel racks it simply regulates the flow of hydraulic fluid to servo pistons controlling the rack positions. this system therefore has the proven reliability and sensitivity of the small CF governor and yet develops quite a large governor effort through the hydraulic fluid.73.Which of the following is the reason that the governor discussed sticks?A. The governor is not sensitive normally.B. It is because of wear in normal working range.C. The change of speed is too small .D. All of the above are true.74.If the spring fractured,______.A. the fly weights would fracture tooB. the speed would be greatly increasedC. the operator would set the valueD. the fuel would be cut off75.The “servo governors” ______.A. can produce a large forceB. are mechanically controlledC. use flyweights to sense the speedD. All of the following are true.76.The second paragraph is mainly about ______.A. hydraulic powerB. CF governorsC. advanced governors in stead of CF governorD. electrical or mechanical hydraulic flow三、中译英(共2题,请将答案写在答题纸上)77.PSC官员在检查机械处所时,如果发现阀手轮丢失、水和油长期渗漏的迹象或机器底座的延伸性锈蚀,则说明船舶对系统的维护不能令人满意。
事局2003年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第30期)科目:轮机维护与修理 试卷代号:873

1. 船舶机械或零部件规定功能的丧失称为:A.损坏B.故障率C.故障D.失效2.产品的故障或失效的表现形式称为:A.故障B.损坏C.失效D.故障模式3. 下列哪项不属于船机故障发生前的外观征兆?A.外观反常B.示功图异常C.声音异常D.气味反常4.造成船舶长时间停航的是________故障。
A.较大B.严重C.重大D.全局性5. 船机早期故障期的特点是:A.故障率高B.故障率随时间延长而迅速增加C.故障率低D.时间短6.柴油机活塞环-气缸套的过度磨损导致的燃烧室密封性下降属于________故障。
A.波及性B.突发性C.渐进性D.结构性7.属于船舶不停航的局部故障是主机:A.拉缸B.某缸喷油泵柱塞咬死C.曲轴折断D.增压器损坏不能工作8.下列故障/事故的原因,不属于人为因素的是:A.船员技术水平有限,对先进的设备不敢动,致使缺乏维护而损坏B.船长老要快车,轮机长却不管不问C.设备材质不佳、设计不合理引发的曲轴断裂D.连杆螺栓服役>1.5 ~ 2万小时后仍继续使用,后来引起“伸腿”事故9.属于自然故障的是由________造成的。
A.维修的B.设计的C.固有的D.应有的11.产品在规定的时间、规定的条件下完成规定功能的概率,称为:A.可靠度B.可靠性C.有效性D.有效度12.研究可靠性的意义是为了:A.减少故障B.提高可靠性C.延长使用寿命D.减少故障和延长寿命13.油性是指:A.润滑油在边界润滑中增强油膜强度的能力B.润滑油在液体润滑中降低摩擦和磨损的能力C.润滑油在干摩擦中降低摩擦和磨损的能力D.润滑油在边界润滑中降低摩擦和磨损的能力14.通常为了提高边界润滑的效果,在润滑油中可加入:A.氧化添加剂B.极压添加剂C.抗泡剂D.A或B 15.利用摩擦表面的相对运动,使润滑剂流体产生_____来承受外部载荷并隔开摩擦表面,这种润滑称为流体动压润滑。
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第1题至68题,每题1分,第69题至76题,每题1.5分,第77题至78题, 每题10分。
一、单项选择题:1. The cylinder head, cylinder liner and form the combustion chamber .A. frameB. pistonC. crankcaseD. explosion plate2. A diesel engine burns a gasoline engine of the same capacity in the same period oftime.A. as much fuel asB. less fuel thanC. less fuel asD. more fuel than3. Acid solution in the system can be tested from time to time by putting some on to a pieceof lime .A. strengthB. denseC. percentageD. velocity4. A : Please tell me the specifications and quantity . B : .A. Pump diesel oil firstB. 300 tons of 180 cst fuel oilC. The figure is all rightD. OK, I'll sign it5. The film of oil between the rings and the liner is not only essential for the lubrication but also playsan important part in achieving .A. an oil sealB. removing heatC. a gas sealD. cooling the piston6. The tendency for lubricating oil to thin out at high temperatures and thicken at low temperatures willbe characterized by a .A. low viscosity indexB. high viscosity indexC. high neutralization numberD. low demulsibility quality7. Operating a diesel engine for prolonged periods, with a closed freshwater cooling system, attemperatures lower than the normal design temperature can cause.A. the formation of sulfuric acidB. a decrease in lube oil viscosityC. a decrease in cooling water pHD. a thermostat failure8. is usually driven by the engine camshaft and supplies pilot air to the cylinder air start valve.A. An air receiverB. An operating valveC. An automatic valveD. An air distributor9. The difference between a supercharged engine and an un-supercharged engine is thatoperates at an increased pressureA. the laterB. the latterC. the formerD. the farmer10. A sealing arrangement is provided at of the tail-shaft with the propeller and conecompleting the arrangement.A. both endsB. neither endC. the outboard endD. either end11. The linear motion of a diesel engine piston is converted to the rotary motion required to drive gears,propeller shafts, and generators by the.A. flywheelB. crankshaftC. journal bearingsD. camshaft 12. The use of a poor quality piston cooling oil can lead to rapid deterioration of its properties with theresultant formation of deposits in the piston crown which in turn results in a considerablein heat transfer.A. advantageB. superiorC. increaseD. reduction13. We should not start the engine unless the turning gear is .A. onB. disengagedC. boltedD. unscrewed14. The ability of the governor to prevent fluctuations in engine speed is termedA. sensitivityB. stabilityC. promptnessD. speed droop15. A governor automatically controls engine speed by regulating .A. fuel supplyB. firing orderC. engine loadD. oil level16. It is relatively to drive the compressor directly from the engine by chain/or othermechanism because some of the additional power is absorbed .A. economicalB. expensiveC. inexpensiveD. loss17. Load control on a diesel engine is accomplished by .A. regulating the speed of the turbochargerB. rotating the fuel injector pump plungerC. regulating the speed of the fuel oil transfer pumpD. changing engine timing18. , the following possible causes should be investigated .A. Should the engine stop without apparent reasonB. The engine should stop without apparent reasonC. The engine stops without apparent reasonD. The engine is stopped without apparent reason19. To operate a centrifugal fire pump at reduced capacity, you should .A. readjust the relief valveB. throttle the suction lineC. throttle the discharge valveD. open the priming line20. If you were operating a centrifugal water service pump with worn wearing rings, theA. pump would be very noisyB. pump would vibrate excessivelyC. pump would develop insufficient flowD. stuffing box would leak excessively21. Which bearing half will receive the greatest load in a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine?A. Lower half of the connecting rod bearing at the crankshaft end of the rod.B. Upper half of the main bearing.C. Lower half of the cross-head pin bearing in the connecting rod.D. All bearing halves share an equal load.22. Where tanks are arranged for either oil or ballast must be fitted in the pipeline .A. a change-over chestB. a head tankC. a emergency bilge pumpD. an air cooler23. The boiler is fired the demand for steam exceeds that available from exhaust gas heating .A. wheneverB. howeverC. whereverD. whether24. In readying an auxiliary water-tube boiler for a routine hydrostatic test, which of the followingprocedures should be undertaken prior to filling the boiler with fresh water?A. The safety valve escape piping should be disconnected from the valve body and a blankinserted.B. The boiler vent valves should be opened .C. All handhole/manhole covers should be tightened up as much as possible to preclude anyleaks.D. All of the above .25. The bilge main is arranged to drain any watertight compartment ballast, oil or water tanksand to discharge the contents overboard.A. rather thanB. other thanC. in addition thatD. except for26. When in operation, it is unavoidable that a small amount of oil through leakage, and inorder to compensate for these leaks the system is connected to a feed pump.A. escapesB. overheatsC. expandsD. accelerates27. When reassembling the bowl of a disk-type centrifuge, the bowl or locking ring is rotatedA. clockwise, due to the bowl rotating clockwiseB. clockwise, due to the bowl rotating counterclockwiseC. counterclockwise, due to the bowl rotating clockwiseD. counterclockwise, due to the bowl rotating counterclockwise28. Under the regulations implementing MARPOL, a mobile offshore drilling unit is required to havean International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) certificate when the unitA. is drilling on the Outer Continental ShelfB. moves to a new drilling location in U.S. watersC. engages in a voyage to a port of another country which is a party of MARPOLD. All of the above.29. The oil sludge is burnt in the onboard. I ' ll show you the ashesA. boilerB. main engineC. auxiliary engineD. incinerator30. Among the basic categories of equipment, which of the following are used to convertmechanical into hydraulic energy?A. the hydraulic pumpsB. valvesC. hydraulic cylindersD. hydraulic motors31. If a radial piston hydraulic pump fails to deliver rated fluid volume, the cause can beA. contaminated fluidB. pitted thrust ringsC. worn pintle bearingsD. obstructed suctions passage32. The hand steering is a method by which the motion of the rudder is controlled withA. a motor-driven steering wheelB. a pneumatic steering wheelC. a hand-driven steering wheelD. an electric steering wheel33. If a heavy sea strikes the, the shock is transmitted through the tiller to the rams .A. propellerB. rudderC. bow thrusterD. stabiliser34. An AC synchronous transmission type remote steering control system consists of a .A. transmitter at the steering station and a receiver at the steering engineB. reversible motor at the steering station geared to the steering pumpsC. small induction motor on the bridge which controls the rudder through pulleysD. variable displacement hydraulic pump driven by a reversible DC motor35. A knocking sound from one cylinder of an operating air compressor indicatesA. a defective or broken high pressure un-loaderB. a loose valve plateC. excessive overloadD. no compression36. When a flash-type evaporator is to be secured for an extended period of time, the entire unitshould be drained, cleaned, and.A. completely filled with saltwaterB. filled with de-scaling compoundC. tightly closed to exclude airD. vented to the atmosphere37. The compressed air is supplied by to the air reservoirs .A. compressorsB. forced fansC. ventilatorsD. generators38. A dirty intercooler on the ship service air compressor will result inA. decreased compression ratioB. higher than normal power consumptionC. un-loader malfunctionD. water in the lubricating oil39. Accidental flooding of the engine room bilges by the bilge main is prevented byA. stop-check valves installed in the bilge suction manifoldsB. using a positive displacement reciprocating bilge pumpC. installing eductors in all bilge rose boxesD. installing a swing check before each bilge valve40. When a refrigeration compressor is in the 'off ' cycle, the thermal expansion valve willA. always be wide open when the compressor restartsB. continue to operate if the system were in operationC. remain open until evaporator pressure equalizes, then close until the compressor restartsD. always be completely closed until the compressor restarts41. While troubleshooting a refrigeration system for low head pressure, liquid refrigerant floodingback from the evaporator is determined to be the cause. It may be necessary to.A. change the expansion valve adjustmentB. readjust the water regulating valve to increase the flow of waterC. purge air from the condenserD. clean the waterside of the condenser42. When adding oil to a refrigeration system, precautions must be taken to ensure that .A. the compressor suction pressure is not too highB. all air is purged from the pump and charging fittingsC. the high pressure cutout switch is held open to prevent accidental startingD. the condenser is completely shutdown first43. Your assigned emergency stations aboard your vessel can be found on the ship's.A. muster listB. certificate of inspectionC. clearance papersD. permit to proceed44. If the fire goes out in an automatically fired auxiliary boiler and the burner continues to supplyfuel, there is a potential danger of .A. overpressure and dry firingB. a severe furnace explosionC. spalling damage to the brickworkD. heat damage to the atomizer45. The is a measure of the phase difference between voltage and current and is expected as the 56.cosine of phase angle.A. powerB. efficiencyC. effective powerD. power factor46. A constant output voltage from an AC generator is maintained by theA. prime mover governorB. exciter generatorC. voltage regulatorD. reverse power relay 57.47. When working on a high voltage circuit, you should always have another person present with you.This person should have a good working knowledge of .A. the circuit being worked on and the location of all switches and circuit breakers controlling itB. first-aid techniques for treating electrical shockC. cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)58D. All of the above .48. Which of the following should be the FIRST step in removing a generator from parallel operation?A. Trip the generator off the switchboard .B. Turn off all electrical equipment .C. Remove the load from the 'off going' generator .D. Increase the cycles of the generator staying on the line .49. The operating medium for control systems may be .A. compressed airB. hydraulic oilC. electricityD. All of the above .50. Loss of lubricating oil pressure to the main propulsion diesel engine will actuate a/anA. overspeed tripB. audible/visual alarmC. the ships/boats general alarmD. reserve oil storage tank51. The most common type of containment device for spilled oil on the water is the use ofA. strawB. boomsC. skimmersD. chemical dispersants52. Electric insulation is made of organic substances and so gradually with age .A. deterioratesB. increasesC. are fouledD. becomes better53. While on watch in the engine room, you hear a continuous sounding of the fire alarm. Which of thefollowing actions should you take?A. Make an entry in the official logbook .B. Open the master control valves on the fixed CO 2 system.C. Start the fire pump and check discharge pressure.D. Secure auxiliary condenser overboard discharge .54. After the trouble of the automatic control system has been completely eliminated, assistance isrequired.A. remainedB. stillC. no longerD. much more55. A circuit breaker differs from a fuse in that a circuit breakerA. melts and must be replacedB. is enclosed in a tube of insulating material with metal ferrules at each endC. gives no visual indication of having opened the circuitD. trips to break the circuit and may be resetAmbient temperature is the.A. amount of temperature rise with no loadB. temperature of the compartment where the motor is locatedC. normal operating temperature, less the room temperatureD. amount of temperature developed by an operating moto Which of the following statements represents the main difference between a relay and a contactor?A. Contactors control current and relays control voltage .B. A relay is series connected and a contactor is parallel connected .C. Contactors can handle heavier loads than relays.D. Contactors are made from silver and relays are made from copper .The pressure difference before and after the lube oil filter indicates the filter should becleaned.A. whenB. howC. whereD. whetherIn order to ensure the safety of the ship and its equipment during UMS operation, certain essential functions. A. must be provided B. may be provided C. have provided D. can be provided In the engine department, the is looked upon to provide the leadership that is needed .A. captainB. chief engineerC. chief officerD. chief motormanDuty officer informs us that the vessel is ou t of harbor and in " Full Ahead ” .We are going to runA. diesel oil instead of fuel oilB. fuel oil instead of diesel oilC. diesel oil instead fuel oilD. fuel oil instead diesel oilWe still do not know .A. where is the troubleB. where does the troubleC. where the trouble isD. what is the troubleThe order " Bow thrust stop. " means ""A. Bow thrust full to portB. Bow thrust full to starboardC. No bow thrust revolutionsD. No stern thrust revolutionsUnder the provisions of applicable international conventions, ships entitled to fly the flag of a Party are subject, while in the port of a Party, to control by officers duly authorized by the Party . Ships of non-parties or below convention size shall be given .A. more favorable treatmentB. less favorable treatmentC. no more favorable treatmentD. the most favorable treatmentmay have two emergency source of power, thus requiring two emergency switchboards .A. Large passenger vesselsB. General cargo shipsC. Container shipsD. Oil tankersWith regards to a diesel engine crankcase explosion, the most violent is the .I. primary explosion II . secondary explosionA. I onlyB. II onlyC. both I and IID. neither I or IIA certificate , called a(an),should be issued to a ship by the Administration .A. ISMB. DOCC. SMCD. PS59. When making entries in the Oil Record Book, the date, operational code, and item number shall beinserted in the appropriate columns. Furthermore, the required particulars shall be .A. recorded only for accidental oil dischargesB. recorded only for operations involving discharge of oily wasteC. signed by the oiler who enters them in the Oil Record BookD. recorded chronologically in the blank space二、关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项)第一组:Please carefully read the following table and then answer the questions according to the information from this table.A. solid materialsB. liquid materialsC. petroleum gasD. electrical equipment70. Which type of fire extinguishers can be used to extinguish all classes of fires?A. sodaB. waterC. foamD. dry powder71. There is one type of fire extinguisher which is injected directly at base of fire making use of gasthat can not be used in accommodation. Which one is it?A. waterB. foamC. CO2D. dry powder72. When used to extinguish class B fire, extinguisher should be turned upside down and cover firesmoothly.A. a soda and acidB. a foamC. a CO2D. a dry powder第二组Where routine maintenance is concerned, the governor should be checked regularly for adequate lubrication. The operating range is usually quite small, giving a tendency for them to wear over limited areas. Then a sudden and larger change in speed than normal may carry the governor onto a ridge of debris or gummy oil deposit so that it may stick at that point. To restrict this problem as far as possible, the governor pivots, slide, etc. should be cleaned and well lubricated whenever possible. It should be born in mind that the governor structure is such that, were the spring to fracture in any way, the flyweights would be able to move outwards shut the engine down. The connections from the governor to the fuel racks should be designed in such a way that the governor can both increase and decrease the fuel within the bounds of some hand setting; i.e. the governor can adjus fuel settings but cannot release more fuel to the engine than is dictated by some predetermined value set by the engin operator.To overcome the above limitations of the CF governor, 'servo governors ' have been devel These use the power of hydraulics to pump the heavier fuel rack systems associated with larger engines into the de position. This 'powered ' operation is rapidly and accurately achieved, and hydraulic flow can be either electrically or mechanically controlled. The speed sensing can be done by a tachom arrangement that can be set to the desired speed, and on sensing any variation a solenoid operated flow valve a pressurized hydraulic flow into a servo system of pistons/plungers which resets the rack positions. Although this syst quite effective, more mechanically controlled governors are fitted to larger engines. These use the principle of th governor, i.e. fly weights acting against spring pressure, but instead of the slide working directly onto the fuel racks it s regulates the flow of hydraulic fluid to servo pistons controlling the rack positions. this system therefore has the p reliability and sensitivity of the small CF governor and yet develops quite a large governor effort through the hydraulic73. Which of the following is the reason that the governor discussed sticks?A. The governor is not sensitive normally.C. The change of speed is too small .74. If the spring fractured , .A. the fly weights would fracture tooC. the operator would set the value75. The " servo governors " .A. can produce a large forceB.C. use flyweights to sense the speedD.76. The second paragraph is mainly aboutA. hydraulic powerC. advanced governors in stead of CFgovernor三、中译英(共2题,请将答案写在答题纸上)77. PSC官员在检查机械处所时,如果发现阀手轮丢失、水和油长期渗漏的迹象或机器底座的延伸性锈蚀,则说明船舶对系统的维护不能令人满意。