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A. loosen
B. weaken
C. decrease
D. reduce
3. It took Charlie several months to save up seven dollars. He wanted to ______ a model plane and went to the shop with the money.
B. professor's
C. assistant’s D. librarian's
2. Forcing yourself to recall (almost)
反义 never helps because it doesn't ____ 词 your memory; it only tightens it.
(1). A. but
B. except
C. with
D. besides
因果关系(2). A. However C. Furthermore
B. Therefore D. Nevertheless
文章的逻辑关系包括:_并__列__关__系__、____ _递__进__关__系__、__转__折__关__系__、__顺__序__关__系__、__选__择_ _关__系__、__因__果__关__系__等
Finish the following exercises
Exercise 1:We arrived in Spain for the first
高三英语专题复习 Cloze test(1)
How to do a cloze test?
Why do we choose these answers?
Nowadays a lot of people will like to have
作者态度 some adventurous experiences. Some will
A sell B. buy C. hold D. bring
4.Computers have played and will play a very important part in many ______, such as education, transport, personal lives, scientific research and so on.
and the headmaster of my school gave me
a choice: stay in school ______ leave to
选择 work on my magazine.
关系 A. besides B. but
C. and
D. or
4.“In the United States professors have many other duties ___(1)___ teaching, such as administrative or research work. ___(2)___, the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is limited.”
responsibilities for learning lie with the students.………… It is the ____
responsibility to find books, magazines,
and articles in the library.
A. student’s
time some one invites you to do some
__41___ (risk).
1.上下文 2.作者的态度和文章的逻辑关系 3.固定搭配和习语 4.生活常识和文化背景
1. Many teacBaidu Nhomakorabeaers believe that the
2. He appeared calm, ______ inside his
转折 关系
heart was beating wildly with fear.
A. and
B. or
C. but
D. otherwise
3. It was taking up a great deal of my time,
A. families B. fields C. factories D. places
通过上下文解题时要注意词语的再现 (即所填词语是否以 原__词____、近__义__词__ 、反__义__词__等形式再次出现)和文意的 提示(即文章中是否出现了相关含义的 提示或暗示)。
辑关系 ___ (not) all of them will have a good
搭配和习 memory after the adventures. Don’t believe 语 that? So enjoy the following story and then
上下文 have a __ 40 ___ (second) thought the next
和文章逻 辑关系
try to go to the __ 36 __(deep) sea to have a
close look at the bottom of it __ 37 ___
(while) some others will like to arise into the
作者态度 sky __ 38__ (unknown) up till now to greet 和文章逻 the so-called heavens. But you see, __ 39
1. The two branches of geography are physical geography and cultural geography. But when geography is considered as a subject, ____ branch can neglect the other. A. neither B. either C. one D. both