五年级下册英语Module 4 Unit 1(NEW)

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A friend sent these books and CDs to us.
• 一位朋友给我们送来了这些书和光盘。 • send sth. to sb. 把某东西送/寄给某人 • eg. Fanfan sent a New Year Card to her best friend. • fanfan送了一张新年贺卡给她最好的朋友。 • Could you please send this note to Mr. Green? • 能麻烦您把这张便条送给格林先生吗? •
Oh, they're in the wrong place.
• 噢,它们被放错地方了。 • in the right place 固定搭配,表示“在正确的位置,在合适的地方”
• You should put your shoes back in the right place. • 你应该把你的鞋子放回到原来正确的地方。
• guide 指南,手册 a travel guide 一本旅游指南 • film 电影 see a film=watch a movie=go to the cinema 看电影 • as well 又,还,也 (=too ) • You need to go shopping. I need to go shopping as well. • way 方式,方法 • in this/thay way 以这种/那种方式 • on 关于(=about 区别:正式用语,强调专业性和深度) • on this topic 关于这个话题 • topic 话题 hot topic 热门话题
These are the library cards for our friends.
• 这些是给我们的朋友的借书证。 • 找出文中带有for的其他句子: • We've got books for teachers. • 复数句变为单数句: • This is a library card for my friend.
I want a ___ .
• A: Here’s a book about science. (这里有一本关于科学的书。) • B: Let's read it. (我们读一读吧。) • 句型: Here is sth. 表示介绍 “这里有什么东西” • eg. Here's a gift for you. 这是给你的礼物。 • Here is a letter from Obama to his daughters. • 这里有一封奥巴马写给女儿的信。 •
Module 4
Unit 1 Let's make a home library. 我们建一个家庭图书馆吧!
words and expressions in Module 4
• library 图书馆 • student 学生 • sent (send)发送,寄 • send a letter /send an email 寄信/发邮件 • idea 主意,想法 • good idea 好主意 • put 放,安放 • put down /up your hands 放下/举起你的手 • put a book on the desk/in the bag 把书放在桌子上/书包里 • shelf 架子 • a book shelf 书架 on the shelf 在架子上 名词特殊复数:shelf---shelves knife----knives wife---wives
collacatins and set phrases
• a home library 一个家庭图书馆 • on this shelf 在这个架子上 • good idea 好主意 • in the wrong/right place 在错误/正确的地方 • Here you are.给你。 • Oh dear 哎呀! • (oh dear, my dear, it's too dear. 哎呀, 亲爱的,它太贵了!) • Great 太棒了 • That's a good idea. 那是个好主意。
I want a ___ .
Now we can ask them to come.
• 现在我们可以邀请他们过来。 • Amy wants to ask all her classmates to come to her birthday party. • Amy 想让她的所有同学来参加自己的生日派对。 • ask sb. to do sth. 要求或请求某人做某事 • Mum asks me to do some housework on weekends. • 妈妈让我周末做一些家务。
• heavy 重的 反义词: light 轻的 (head; breakfast) • dictionary 词典,字典 • card 卡片 birthday card 生日贺卡 ID card 身份证 library card 图书证 • ask 邀请;问 ask a question 问问题 ask and answer 问和答 • wrong 错误的 相似记忆:song strong 反义词:right • dear 亲爱的; 哎呀 oh dear • information 信息(不可数) some/much/a lot of information • e-book 电子书(e-card 电子卡; e-mail 电邮) • project 项目 do a science project 做一个科学项目
I want a ___ .
• We've got books for teachers. • 我们有一些教师用书。 • we've got=we have got • have got 表示“有” • eg. I have got a small dog. 我有一只小狗。 • She has got a lot of friends. • They have got a new English teacher. • have got 否定形式: haven't got eg. we haven't got enough food for the cat. • for 介词,表示动作的对象或接受者,意为“给...” • eg. a birthday cake for me a new bike for my brother • a flower for my mother
These are all books about science.
• 这些都是关于科学的书。 • these 是 this 的复数形式,意为“这些”,指的是近处的某些物品; • 如果指远处的某些物品,则是those • eg. There are the books about Art. Those are the CDs about English. • 变为单数句: • This is a book about science.
Let's make a home library.
• Let's do sth. 表示提建议,意思是“让我们一起做某事吧” • Let's 后接动词原形 • eg. -----Let's go for a walk after supper. • -------That's a good idea./ Good idea./ Great.
I want a ___ .
Let's put them on this shelf. Let's put them with the CDs.
• 我们把它们放在架子上吧! • 我们把它们和光盘放在一起吧! • 不好意思,请问我可以把我的书包放在你的椅子上吗? • eg. Excuse me, can I put my bag on your chair? • I want to clean my desk.
I want a ___ .
• A: Here's a kite. • B: let's fly it . • A: Here's a watermelon. • B: Let's eat it.
• A: Here's a bottle of jucie. • B: Let's drink it.
Where are the books about sports, please? They are on Shelf C.
• 询问方向或位置,用疑问代词 where • Where are you (from)? • I am here./ I am from China. • Where is my pen? • It's in my pencil-case. • 找出文中所有带有about 的句子
• 你可以把那些磁带和这些英语书放在一起。 • you can put those tapes with these English books.
What are these big books? They are heavy.
• 这些大书是什么?它们很沉。 • 反义句: • What are those small books? They are light.
Leabharlann Baidu