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as a graduate of an institution of higher eduation, i have a fe ver basi expetations. hief among these is that m diret superiors have an intellet that ranges above the mon ground squirrel. after our onsistent and annoing harassment

of m o-orkers and me during the mission of our duties, i an onl surmise that ou are one of the fe true geneti astes of our time.

asking me, a netork administrator, to explain ever little nuane of everthing i do eah time ou happen to stroll into m offie is not onl a aste of time, but also a aste of preious oxgen. i as hired beause i kno ho to netork puter sstems, and ou ere apparentl hired to provide amusement to mself and

other emploees, ho ath ou vainl attempt to understand the onept of ut and paste for the hundredth time.

ou ill never understand puters. something as inredibl simple as binar still gives ou too man options. ou ill also never understand h people hate ou, but i am going to tr and explain it to ou, even though i am sure this ill be just as

effetive as telling ou hat an ip address is. our shin ne ima has more personalit than ou ever ill.

ou alk around the building all da, shiftlessl looking for fault in others. ou have a sharp dressed, useless look about ou that ma have orked for our intervie, but no that ou atuall have responsibilit, ou pan it off on overorked staff, hoping their talent ill over for our glaring ineptitude. in a orld

of managerial evolution, ou are the blue-green algae that everone else eats and laughs at. managers like ou are a sad proof of the dilbert priniple.

sine this situation is unlikel to hange ithout ou getting a full frontal lobotom reversal, i am fored to tender m resignation. hoever, i have a fe parting thoughts.

1. hen someone alls ou in referene to emploment, it is illegal for ou to give me a bad remendation. the most ou an sa to hurt me is i prefer not to ment. i ill have friends randoml all ou over the next ouple of ears to keep ou honest, beause i kno ou ould be unable to do it on our on.

i have all the passords to ever aount on the sstem, and i kno ever passord ou have used for the last five ears. if ou deide to get ute, i am going to publish our favorites list, hih i onvenientl saved hen ou made me bak up our useless files. i do believe that terms like lolita are not usuall vieed favorabl b the administration.

3. hen ou borroed the digital amera to take pitures of our mothers birthda, ou negleted to mention that ou ere going to take pitures of ourself in the mirror nude. then ou forgot to erase them like the tehno-moron ou reall are. suffie it to sa i have never seen suh odd ats ith a saue bottle, but i assure ou that those have been opied and kept in safe plaes pending the authoring of a gloing letter of remendation. and me.

as i go to the ne position, i ll do so ith the utmost respet for the management examples and philosophies learned here and ith gratitude for the personal attention to m areer groth.

thank ou for the rearding experiene i ve enjoed during m seven-ear assoiation ith the organization.





dear mr.

please aept m resignation as assoiate hemist at the gert institute. i plan to leave m job here on september 30, , taking a fe das of annual leave just prior to that effetive date.
