Stress 关于压力的英语PPT
事实并非如此。你可以为 自己的生活做好规划,就 不会让压力打垮。有效的 计划包括确定事情的轻重 缓急和优先次序,你可以 从简单的事情开始,做好 之后继续着手略为复杂一 点的问题。如果对压力的 处置不当,你只会觉得无 处着手,分不清事情的轻 重缓急,感觉压力似乎无 处不在。
• Myth 4: The most popular techniques for reducing stress are the best ones.
Thank you
• 4、最流行的减压方法 就是最好的方法
• Again, not so. No universally effective stress • 也不尽然。根本不存在 人人适用的有效减压办 reduction techniques exist. 法,人与人之间是不同 We are all different, our 的,我们的生活不同, lives are different, our 环境不同,对压力的反 situations are different, 应也不同。惟有非常全 and our reactions are 面的减压方案才能满足 different. Only a 众多不同的个人需求。 comprehensive program tailored to the individual works.
• Myth 6: Only major symptoms of stress require attention.
• 6、只有出现严重的症候 才需mes that • 这个认知误区在于首先 就将头疼、拉肚子这些 the "minor" symptoms, 小病痛归之于可以忽略 such as headaches or 的危险。实际上,这说 stomach acid, may be 明你的生活已经失去控 safely ignored. Minor 制,你需要在处理压力 symptoms of stress are 上多做功课了,这些轻 the early warnings that 微的征兆是早期的警告 your life is getting out 信号。 of hand and that you need to do a better job of managing stress.
enjoy the cosy sunshine.
• Sleeping is always a good choice. Nowadays,
reducing pressure by sleeping has become the
most effective way between office ladies and
Stress! Stress
In the modern society, everyone is required to work in a fast pace. And the society is surrounded by different types of stress .Therefore, life is becoming increasingly stressful for most people.
According to a research, SQ (Sleeping Quotient
) determines whether the result of reducing pressure by sleeping is excellent or just ordinary.
我疯了 有木有
Working hard is necessary, or you will be eliminated by the society. Everyone knows that “No pains and no gains .” However, if we always work under enormous pressures, we will feel anxious and may be trapped in a state of subhealth, which may ng games
• Sleeping is always a good choice. Nowadays,
reducing pressure by sleeping has become the
most effective way between office ladies and
Stress! Stress
In the modern society, everyone is required to work in a fast pace. And the society is surrounded by different types of stress .Therefore, life is becoming increasingly stressful for most people.
According to a research, SQ (Sleeping Quotient
) determines whether the result of reducing pressure by sleeping is excellent or just ordinary.
我疯了 有木有
Working hard is necessary, or you will be eliminated by the society. Everyone knows that “No pains and no gains .” However, if we always work under enormous pressures, we will feel anxious and may be trapped in a state of subhealth, which may ng games
stress 关于压力的介绍(共16张PPT)
Planning 10: Healthy Living
What is stress?
What Exactly is Stress?
Feeling of tension Feeling of frustration Worry
Sadness Withdrawal
If activity schedule too jam packed then modify schedule
Have at least one persotechniques Volunteer
Be Realistic
"Stress" is defined as the way our bodies and minds react to life changes. Since adolescence is a period of significant change, including physical, emotional, social, and academic changes, many teens are under more stress than at any other time of life.
Teen Stress
According to a survey 85% of teens say they are stressed out
Teen Stressors
Most common causes of stress School work Parents Relationships
Potential Health hazards of teen Stress
What is stress?
What Exactly is Stress?
Feeling of tension Feeling of frustration Worry
Sadness Withdrawal
If activity schedule too jam packed then modify schedule
Have at least one persotechniques Volunteer
Be Realistic
"Stress" is defined as the way our bodies and minds react to life changes. Since adolescence is a period of significant change, including physical, emotional, social, and academic changes, many teens are under more stress than at any other time of life.
Teen Stress
According to a survey 85% of teens say they are stressed out
Teen Stressors
Most common causes of stress School work Parents Relationships
Potential Health hazards of teen Stress
By Katherine
• Definitioபைடு நூலகம் • Cause • Effect • Solution
Definition of stress
• In a medical context stress is a physical, mental, or emotional factor that causes biological or mental tension. • In other words, stress is something we experience when we face a situation and our ability to cope is challenged.
GENERAL CAUSES Threat Fear Uncertainty Cognitive dissonance
Life causes
•Death: of spouse, family, friend •Health: injury, illness, pregnancy •Crime: Sexual molestation, mugging, burglary, pick-pocketed •Self-abuse: drug abuse, alcoholism, self-harm •Family change: separation, divorce, new baby, marriage •Sexual problems: getting partner, with partner •Argument: with spouse, family, friends, co-workers, boss •Physical changes: lack of sleep, new work hours •New location: vacation, moving house •Money: lack of it, owing it, investing it •Environment change: in school, job, house, town, jail •Responsibility increase: new dependent, new job
By Katherine
• Definitioபைடு நூலகம் • Cause • Effect • Solution
Definition of stress
• In a medical context stress is a physical, mental, or emotional factor that causes biological or mental tension. • In other words, stress is something we experience when we face a situation and our ability to cope is challenged.
GENERAL CAUSES Threat Fear Uncertainty Cognitive dissonance
Life causes
•Death: of spouse, family, friend •Health: injury, illness, pregnancy •Crime: Sexual molestation, mugging, burglary, pick-pocketed •Self-abuse: drug abuse, alcoholism, self-harm •Family change: separation, divorce, new baby, marriage •Sexual problems: getting partner, with partner •Argument: with spouse, family, friends, co-workers, boss •Physical changes: lack of sleep, new work hours •New location: vacation, moving house •Money: lack of it, owing it, investing it •Environment change: in school, job, house, town, jail •Responsibility increase: new dependent, new job
by Lauren
Signs of Teen Stress:
文本 1. Feeling down, on edge, guilty or tired 2. Having headaches, stomach aches, trouble 文本 sleeping 文本 3. Wanting to be alone all the time 文本 4. Not enjoying activities you used to enjoy 5. Feeling resentful of others 6. Feeling like you have too many things you have to do 文本 文本 文本 文本
Reversely, American care more about how students use knowledge in society. It lets students challenge the knowledge, use their curiousity and creativity and state their own opinion confidently. Besides, teenagers are educated to have critical thinking.These two types of attitude about education show us the different ways to understand education.
Self esteem refers to how one feels about him or
Appearance (self image)
Most teenagers are concerned about their appearance. This can be difficult to overcome, because in some cases it can be difficult to change one's appearance. Overweight teens often feel bad about themselves, as do teens that think that there is some sort of irregularity with the way they look .
by Lauren
Signs of Teen Stress:
文本 1. Feeling down, on edge, guilty or tired 2. Having headaches, stomach aches, trouble 文本 sleeping 文本 3. Wanting to be alone all the time 文本 4. Not enjoying activities you used to enjoy 5. Feeling resentful of others 6. Feeling like you have too many things you have to do 文本 文本 文本 文本
Reversely, American care more about how students use knowledge in society. It lets students challenge the knowledge, use their curiousity and creativity and state their own opinion confidently. Besides, teenagers are educated to have critical thinking.These two types of attitude about education show us the different ways to understand education.
Self esteem refers to how one feels about him or
Appearance (self image)
Most teenagers are concerned about their appearance. This can be difficult to overcome, because in some cases it can be difficult to change one's appearance. Overweight teens often feel bad about themselves, as do teens that think that there is some sort of irregularity with the way they look .
stress 关于压力的PPT展示
These colors contrast Shortcomings of pressure: Thesecolorsdon’tcontrast
Excessive pressure can causes people distress, depression and despair, and These colors contrast may lose self-control it will also cause adrenaline rush, and we (harder to read?) as a result .
Effective PowerPoint
• Avoid long sentences
– 6 words per line – 6 lines per slide – Understanding vs. Overload
Effective PowerPoint Use images to communicate…
Who needs bullets?
Don’t use PowerPoint as a crutch
Effective PowerPoint
• ???
Benefits of pressure: schemes Use contrasting color (design templates) Proper pressure can improve people's quick awareness so that we can
think smartly, and carefully to play a wonderful performance.
你由于某种小事跟好朋友生气,大家互不相让, 17 结果你会一个人生闷气,想忘掉这件事,可就
18 当父母因为学习责备你而是你感到压力很大时, 你不会和他们争吵,一个人压抑情感
19 你的一个非常要好的朋友,因某些原因退学了,你很难过,不想面对现实
你能够应付生活中的许多 事情,但有时也会有些烦恼。
11 学会“理智”地待人接物。 13 实施某一计划之前,最好事先就预想
到可能会出现坏的结果。 15 常常看相册,重温温馨时光。 17 每晚都应洗个温水澡。 19 欣赏最爱听的音乐。
把挫折或失败当作人生经历中不可避免 12
的有机组成部分。 14 在已经十分忙碌的情况下,就不要再为
那些份外事操心。 16 常常欣赏喜剧,更应该学会说笑话。 18 卧室里常常摆放有鲜花。 20 去公园或花园走走。
不要盯着不动, 用很正常的眼神去看
这是一个心理测试的图片,是静止 的一副图片,如果你看到运动的景 象,表明你的生活压力大,内心情 绪波动比较大。
来自考试的压力。 “考前焦虑症”
害怕别的同学超过自己,不能正常思维, 长期紧张,焦虑过度,思想不能集中。
《大学英语》课件 Unit10 Stress
Suppose you're psychologist and patient.
The psychologist is helping the stresssuffered patient.
The patient is sThe psychologist is offering treatment (Ways to deal with stress) so as to reduce his stress.
• High competition for jobs. •
• Everyone in your life seems to expect a lot of you now—from your parents to all your teachers. (School and Parent expectations)
• Listen to the text: Being a police officer is a stressful job.
• Reflections on listening (group discussion):
What do you think are stressful jobs? In what way?
pains • sweating • Sleeplessness (insomnia) • alcohol and drug addiction • pessimistic
Stress management
• Communication
• Peer support
• Relaxation
• While you can't completely avoid all stress, you can take control of your life and make it less painful.
Stress 关于压力的英语PPT
In a nutshell, do something to make stress under control. Make stress management into success Let it work for you and strive for a better and balanced life.
Listen to k work in the park, or a relaxing session of yoga or Chinese Tai Chi will do wonders.
Know your limits. If a problem is beyond your control and cannot be changed at the moment, don't fight the situation. Learn to accept what is, for now, until such time when you can change things.
No one can escape from it. But how can we face it?
We need to manage our time well. Shut the outside world for a while Regular workouts
Know Your Limits Have a Good Cry
By doing that, we can reduce the chances to be under unnecessary stress.
Close your eyes and imagine yourself laying on a seaside bench, enjoying the vastness of the oceans.
stress 英语ppt
Stress Management Works
• While the number of health problems related to stress might be alarming, don't despair. Studies suggest that stress management techniques will not only make you feel better, but they might have concrete health benefits. • For instance, one study of heart attack survivors found that taking a stress management class slashed their risks of a second cardiac event by 74%. There's even some evidence that stress management will improve immunity.
• While these stress management techniques can help in the moment, you can also make a few larger changes to your way of life. Regular exercise is key to long-term stress management, says Winner. People who exercise have better moods and more energy than people who don't. What's more, regular exercise will independently lower your risks for many health problems. • Learning some relaxation techniques, meditation, or yoga will help with stress management, too. Getting good at any of these approaches will take a little time and practice, but the payoff -- for your short-term mood and long-term health -- could be substantial.
• Complain to your close friends
• We can go out with our close friends and shout all the displeasure out, but we must make sure first that our friends have free time and are willing to help us.
• According to a research, SQ(Sleeping Quotient ) determines whether the result of reducing pressure by sleeping is excellent or just ordinary and it can be measured roughly by a simple questionnaire.
• Women may go shopping while men may do sports. Different people have their own suitable way to reduce pressure. We should treat ourselves better and make our lives full of happiness!
Go out to breathe in more fresh air and enjoy the cosy sunshine.
• Sleeping is always a good choice. • Nowadays, reducing pressure by sleeping has become the most “in” way between office ladies and students.
Can you explain the word in English?
to become or make somebody become too anxious or tired to be able to relax
Being in a new place with different surroundings is very stressful.
How do you feel as the examination approaches?
Can you explain the word in English?
continuous feelings of worrying about your work or personal life, which prevent you from relaxing
• highlight • pressure
• emphasize • accent
• strain
• tenseness
• tension
• understate • endure • unimportance • relaxation
What words are often used together with stress?
Will you feel worried when moving to a new city?
Can you explain the in English?
something that makes you worry a lot
The word machine is stressed on the second syllable.
The report stressed that students’ math skills need improving.
to become or make somebody become too anxious or tired to be able to relax
Being in a new place with different surroundings is very stressful.
How do you feel as the examination approaches?
Can you explain the word in English?
continuous feelings of worrying about your work or personal life, which prevent you from relaxing
• highlight • pressure
• emphasize • accent
• strain
• tenseness
• tension
• understate • endure • unimportance • relaxation
What words are often used together with stress?
Will you feel worried when moving to a new city?
Can you explain the in English?
something that makes you worry a lot
The word machine is stressed on the second syllable.
The report stressed that students’ math skills need improving.
stress 英语ppt
...Try Physical Activity...
This is the best known, scientifically proven way to significantly reduce stress. You'll be amazed at how much easier it is to overe stress if you exercise regularly.
We should find ways to handle the stress in our daily life.
If we are really tired of the daily stress which we have to go through…
... Try physical activity … Share your stress … Have a beer … Get rid of the horrible diets … Relax….
Some stress is necessary to provide the incentive to get things done, but excessive stress can be harmful to our health and our study abilities.
If we deal with stress poorly, we may pay the price in ill health, accidents, inability to concentrate on our study -- and unhappiness.
• Close your eyes and imagine yourself laying on a seaside bench, enjoying the vastness of the oceans. Listen to soothing music. • • • • • • • • The Sounds of Silence ——BANDARI the alp song ——Black Eyed Peas cry on my shoulder ——Bonnie Raitt take a bow ——reanna pretty boy valder fields big big world all rise——blue
How can we live a stress-free life?
• pressure is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it .
பைடு நூலகம்
Do you feel pressure? And what? Bad or good?
Next. I will share my oppinions about pressure
• Psychologist tell us that stress is a state of worry caused by the problem of living , such as too much work or study , heavy responsibilities , and quickened pace of life . • for example, parents’ expectation, study, economy, employment and all kinds of competition
The chief problem we should face to is our atitude towards stress .People usually say they can not live in the sun except they escape from stress . It’s unwelcome ! Yes , however , very necessary . Just image a world where stress does not exist and people lead their life in a very comfortable way . But is this kind of living condition as perfect as we hope ? Without stress , they may feel very satisfied with the current life but lack of power to discover new things . Too much satisfaction result in nothing except a countermarch of the society . No stress , no development .Like a paper without stone, we cannot Learn to adapt to it ! throw it away .So a certain amount of stress is good . It can stimulate us and increase our level of alertness .
• pressure is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it .
பைடு நூலகம்
Do you feel pressure? And what? Bad or good?
Next. I will share my oppinions about pressure
• Psychologist tell us that stress is a state of worry caused by the problem of living , such as too much work or study , heavy responsibilities , and quickened pace of life . • for example, parents’ expectation, study, economy, employment and all kinds of competition
The chief problem we should face to is our atitude towards stress .People usually say they can not live in the sun except they escape from stress . It’s unwelcome ! Yes , however , very necessary . Just image a world where stress does not exist and people lead their life in a very comfortable way . But is this kind of living condition as perfect as we hope ? Without stress , they may feel very satisfied with the current life but lack of power to discover new things . Too much satisfaction result in nothing except a countermarch of the society . No stress , no development .Like a paper without stone, we cannot Learn to adapt to it ! throw it away .So a certain amount of stress is good . It can stimulate us and increase our level of alertness .
Stress 关于压力的英语PPT
It is said that drinking, eating and shopping can't reduce pressure. We get noting but a short psychology satisfied rather than really play a role in reducing pressure.
It is said that life is becoming increasingly stressful for most people.
What is the reason of this phenomenon?
In this current society, everyone are required to work in a fast pace. The society is surrounded by different type of pressure .
Many people usually deal with stress by mean of sleeping, eating, shopping ,drinking, traveling and the rest. But do you think these ways are scientifierts drew some useful conclusions through a lot of research in these areas.
It is said that life is becoming increasingly stressful for most people.
What is the reason of this phenomenon?
In this current society, everyone are required to work in a fast pace. The society is surrounded by different type of pressure .
Many people usually deal with stress by mean of sleeping, eating, shopping ,drinking, traveling and the rest. But do you think these ways are scientifierts drew some useful conclusions through a lot of research in these areas.
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Where can I learn more?
• Stewart, Kendall L, Stress Management: Dealing Effectively with Stress at Work and in Life. A SOMC White Paper, 2002. (Watch for it on ) • Davis, Martha, McKay Matthew and Eshelman, Elizabeth Robbins, The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook. 5th ed., New Harbinger Publications, 2000. • Carnegie, Dale, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living. Pocket Books, 1985. • Weeks, Claire, Hope and Help for your Nerves. Signet, 1991. • Davidson J. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Managing Stress, Alpha Books, 1996 • How to Master Stress /smpage.html
Denial is a powerful defense. “Your racehorse, Suzy, called today.”
What are some psychological responses to stress?
• Irritability • Preoccupation • Difficulty with concentration • Anxiety • Depression • Sleep changes • Avoidance • Psychological defense mechanisms
Even ugly pictures look better in an attractive frame. “Reframing on call duties as ministry”
What are some healthy mental strategies?
• Meditation • Healthy distraction • Thought stopping • Ventilation • Reframing • Ignoring • Assertiveness • Prayer
What insights can I take away?
• Stress happens. • Not all stress is bad. • There are many successful strategies for minimizing the negative impact of stress on our lives. • The most effective strategies are individualized and dynamic. • Dealing more effectively with stress will improve your productivity and the quality of your life.
Celebrate small accomplishments. “Climbing Camelback mountain”
What are some suggested next
• Decide whether stress is an issue you want to address in your life. • Decide on your priorities. • Make a commitment. • Identify measures of your success. • Organize your “project team.” • Set incremental goals. • Celebrate all progress. • Be realistic.
– Myocardial infarction – Psychiatric illness – Peptic ulcer disease – Infection
Your first day on a new job, look cool. “You look more like one of us.”
How can we contact you?
Stress can be very uncomfortable. “Treating a MI patient in the Air Force”
What are some physiological responses to stress?
• Increased heart rate • respiration • Increased perspiration • Diarrhea • Tremor • Flushing
And we call it women’s liberation. “Claudia gesturing, on phone and pulling away with the door open.”
What are some of the common
• • • • Illness Unemployment Conflict Increasing demands • Crime • Death • Information overload
What disorders are negatively affected by stress?
• Psychiatric disorders • Cardiovascular disorders • GI disorders • Neurological disorders • Musculoskeletal disorders
unpleasant stresses in our lives?
A woman won the lottery. She asked the preacher to tell her husband.
What are some of the common
• • • • • • • Retirement Vacation New baby Moving New job New phase of life Children leaving home • Family visits
Forget changing others. Change yourself. “Waiting on my wife”
What are some unhealthy strategies?
• • • • Eating Drinking Using chemicals Indulging in pathologic relationships • Ruminating • Being a couch potato • Working harder • Taking it out on others • Withdrawing • Ignoring issues • Congregating with other miserable people • Doing nothing
Few of us enjoy vigorous exercise. “Combine it with something your do enjoy.
What are some healthy physical strategies?
• • • • Exercise Proper diet Recreation Avoidance of stressful situations • Lifestyle change • Physical labor • Use of sensory override techniques
The Portable Mentor Presentation Series
Dealing With Stress
Some Practical Questions & Answers
A Presentation for the SOMC Medical Imaging Department
Kendall L. Stewart, MD, MBA, FAPA March 2, 2002 SOMCPress
Even the smallest sustained change takes real effort. “Parking the Impala”
What’s in this for me?
• Stress happens! • Stress can and does diminish the quality of our lives. • You can learn to cope more effectively with stress. • Individualized approaches are the only ones that work. • This presentation may produce some insights that you can use.
We are all like balls connected with strings. “Jonathan’s trials as a first year teacher.”
What is stress? • A physical, chemical or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation • Bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existing equilibrium