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自从韩礼德、哈桑出版《英语的衔接》(Cohesion in English)一书以来,衔接已成了语言研究的热门,此书也成了该领域引用率最高的著作之一。查CNKI数据库,近十年来,国内以衔接为研究内容的论文就不下百篇。另外,胡壮麟、朱永生、张德禄等还出版了这方面的专著。但到目前为止,人们几乎都是在语篇层面谈论衔接问题,而小句复合体内部的衔接基本尚未有人论及,更

不用说作系统、深入的研究。其中的原因似乎与韩礼德、哈桑对“衔接”的界定有关。他们将衔接定义为构成语篇性(texture)的机制,一种不受结构限制的语义关系而非结构关系。虽然他们也承认句子内部同样存在衔接关系,但由于成为一个句子的语法条件已经保证该句内部各部分之间的紧密结合,即句法结构本身具有很强的衔接力,所以他们认为衔接在句内起到很小的作用(Halliday & Hasan,2001:8-9),也就无需多加讨论。无疑,这种研究方式对于句法结构严谨、句式呈“聚集型”(compactness)的英语来说,是基本合理的(注意韩礼德、哈桑的书名表明研究的是英语的衔接),但对于句法结构呈“流散型”(diffusiveness)的汉语却很难作这样简单的处理,因为汉语中存在这样一个问题,即如何使一繁复但表面结构松散(“形散”)的句子达到语义上的连贯(“神聚”),这实质上就是一个句内衔接的问题,一个不应被忽略的问题。本文将借鉴语篇衔接以及英汉对比方面的有关研究成果,展开英汉小句复合体内部衔接机制的对比分析,重点放



A Contrastive Study of Chinese and

English Clause Complexes Introduction

Great progress has been made in the contrastive study of English and Chinese in recent years. However, a survey of the literature in this field reveals that far less effort has been made in comparing the syntactic structure of these two languages than in contrasting their phonetic, lexical and semantic aspects, i.e. study has been conducted mostly below or at the clause level. Even if some research has been done above the clause level, attention has almost exclusively been paid to the relatively simple sentence with a clear relationship between the dominant and the dependent clause and rather complex sentences have nearly been neglected. This may be

justifiable as far as English is concerned, for the structure of an English complex sentence is in essence the same as that of an English clause and, as a result, the basic framework of an English complex sentence will show itself as long as the SV structure of its main clause is identified. But this is not usually the case with Chinese because there is great difference between the structure of a Chinese clause and that of a Chinese complex sentence owing to the fact that a Chinese complex sentence, in most cases, does not simply evolve by expansion outwards from a dominant clause or by addition of some equal clauses to a primary or initiating clause. From the contrastive point of view, the discrepancy between Chinese and English complex sentences is much greater than that at the clause level. Therefore, a contrastive study of Chinese and English clause complexes will lead to a deeper understanding of these two
