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null, 名字, 宠物


select * from pet


select name, owner form pet


select sin(1+2) as sin


select * from pet where (birth>'1980' and species='dog') or species='bird'


select * from pet where sex is not null


select * from pet where owner like '___n%'


select * from pet where owner in ('gwen' , 'benny')

--查询出生日期在90年代是宠物,相当与 >= and <=

select * from pet where birth between '1990' and '1999'


select * from pet order by owner, name desc


select * from pet where sex='m' order by birth desc


SELECT owner,length(owner),char_length(owner) FROM pet p;


select distinct owner from pet where species='dog'


select name, left(birth,4) as year, mid(birth, 6, 2) as month from pet where species='dog' or species='cat'

select name, year(birth) as year, month(birth) as month from pet where species in('dog','cat')


select name, species, birth

from pet

where owner like '%e%'

order by species,birth desc


select round(2.345,2), truncate(2.345,2), mod(323,5)


select now(), curdate(), curtime()

select adddate('2007-02-02', interval 31 day)


select name,birth,

truncate(datediff(now(),birth)/365,0) as age1,

year(now())-year(birth) - (dayofyear(birth)>dayofyear(now())) as age2 from pet


select min(birth),max(birth),avg(birth),count(*),count(sex),


from pet


select species,count(*)

from pet

group by species


select * from pet where birth =

(select max(birth) from pet)


select year(birth), count(*) from pet group by year(birth)


select species, sex, count(*)

from pet

where species in ('cat','bird')

group by species, sex


select species, sum(truncate(datediff(now(),birth)/365,0)) as SumAge from pet

group by species


select species, count(*) as c

from pet

group by species

having c>=2


select ,a.species,,, b.type, b.remark

from pet a,event b

where =


select , a.species,

truncate(datediff(,a.birth)/365,0) as age

from pet a,event b

where = and b.type='litter'


select ,birth,species,sex,date,type,remark

from pet a,event b

where = and birth between '1990' and '1999' and species='dog'

--活着的宠物按发生的事件类型分组,看各种事件发生的次数select type, count(*)

from pet a, event b

where = and a.death is null

group by type


select ,species,sex,count(*)

from pet a, event b

where =

group by

having count(*)>=2


select ,type,date,remark,b.species,,b.owner from event a, pet b

where = and



select name

from event

group by name

having count(*)=2

