高中英语《book4 unit4 bodylanguage》优质课教案、教学设计
人教版高中英语必修四 Unit 4 Body Language 教案

高中英语教学设计教学重难点Teaching FocusMake the students understand that body language has cultural diversity and there is no division of good or bad for the diversity.ChallengeMake sure that the students will have the awareness to use and try to understand others’ body language when they communicate with others in the future.教学准备A. A projectorB. computer for multimedia teaching教学方法Teaching methodsA. Asking-and-answering between the teacher and the studentsB.. Interaction among individuals, pair-work and group-workC. Task-based teachingD. Teacher’s demonstration and interpretationE. Role-playingF. Students’ discovery教学过程设计活动内容Step 2介绍身势语的重要性A.Telling Students the Story of Tai Lihua and Making Them Know theImportance of Body Language in Her Life ( 3 min )1.Present the pictures of Thousands of Hands Kwan-yin , and ask the students whether they know thegirl who dances in the front.2. Tell the students tell life story of Tai Lihua and ask them the question “What are the key factors forher success in her life?”The life story of Tai LihuaHer name is Tai Lihua(邰丽华). She is called a Fairy of Peach blossom(桃花仙子) by people. You knowshe is a deaf girl, but she is a wise, diligent, charming and energetic girl. She studied very hard and got two degrees of bachelors in university. She was famous as an artist for her wonderful performance. She is deafand dumb. But how did she get that great achievement and became a successful person? She loves life very much. We should learn from her spirit. Besides her hard working, body language plays a very importantpart in her life. We are all healthy people, sometimes we can use body language to express ourselves. Sowe should pay more attention to learning body languages.B.Showing the Students the Science Report of the Importance Body Language,Making Them Know That Body Language Is As Important For Us As ForDisabled Person Like Tai Lihua. ( 1 min )Some psychologist believe that we communicate 65% of our ideas and feelings without words! The shape of our bodies and faces, the movements and gestures we make, the clothes we wear, how near we stand to each other and whether we touch each other…all these communicate. we must study all these types of information if we want to truly understand what other people are saying.Step 3介绍不同类型的身势语() ( step 3 will use around 5 min )A. Showing the Students The Four Types of Body LanguageGestureFacial expressionEye contactPostureB. Guessing The Meaning of GesturesThe teacher show the students a series of pictures of a man using different gestures, and the students are supposed to say their meaning.C.Acting Out By GesturesThe teacher show the students some English words and ask them to act them out together by using gestures.Victory!Ok !Be quiet!You!D. Chasing the Right WordThe teacher will show the students a series of pictures describing different facial expressions and askthe students to choose the right word for each.E. Matching the Right Interpretation Of the EyesThe teacher will present students several pictures of eyes and ask the students to match the right interpretation.Threatening No. sixThank you ! Congratulations!Facial expressionanger fear joy sorrow contempt轻视surprise disgust 厌恶What do you see in the eyes below?That’s a problem. I need to thinkfor while.a whileIt’s you! Let’s have a duel!That’s horrible! I’m terrified!The next minute,you’re a dead body!I’m in great sorrownes s…I won’t give up! We’ll soon winback!F. Guessing The Meaning of Postures in Real ContextI’m listening carefully!What do we know from their posture?Nice to meet you!This woman is listening to your ideas…You meet this man for the first time…Give me a little time!I’m still thinking!You are asking this womanTo finish her work as soon as possible…You are asking this woman ”Have you got any good idea?” …I give up!OK!You are asking help from this woman…You are saying “Will you give up!”…G. Matching the Right Meaning of the Given Posturesnervous Bite your nails and fondle hair agreement Nod the head up and downBe not interested Look away or yawn.Do not believe Roll your eyes and turn your head away. angry Frown and turn your back to sb disagreement Shake the headStep 4给身势语下定义A.Finishing the First Question of Warming-up Part ( 3 min )The teacher will ask the students to discuss the question with your partner and try to find what the people in the pictures are communicating.B.Giving Definition To Body Language ( 2 min )The teacher will guide the students to give a general definition to body language.Body languageis a form of non-verbal communication.uses movements or positions of our body to show other people what we are thinking or feeling.mainly includes gesture, facial expression, eye contact, posture four forms.Step 5练习运用身势语A.Acting Out the Following words ( 4 min )This exercise is based on the second question of warming-up part. Two students will be chose to the frontof the class, and each of them will choose five words to act. After their action, other students will try to guess which word they have acted.•Hello!•Goodbye!•Go away!•Expensive!•I’m surprised!•I’m tired•I’m confused!•Good luck•I’m delighted!•I’m upset!•I’m sad!•I forgot!•You are great!•I’m curious!•I ate too much!•Come here!B.Acting Out the Dialogue on Page 67 ( 10 min )The student will work in groups of two to finish the speaking task of this unit on page 67. They are required to use appropriate body language as they are making dialogues. After their pairwork, volunteers will make their dialogue before the whole class.Step 6介绍身势语的文化多样性A.Showing the Cultural Difference in Body Language With Examples ( 2 min )America OKJapan moneyFrance zeroBrazilGermanyrudeB . Presenting the Students the Major Greeting Customs in the World ( 2 min )Person and country Suitable greeting A man from ColumbiaTo a man: same as for a womanTo a woman: touches her shoulder and kissesher on the cheekA woman from BritainTo a man: not to close, shake hands To a woman: shake hands, will get closeA man from JapanTo a man: bowsTo a woman: bowsA man from CanadaTo a man: shake handsTo a woman: shake hands or kisses on both cheeks if knownA woman from FranceTo a man: shake hands, kisses twice on the cheekTo a woman: same to someone she knowsA man from the Middle East or some Muslim countriesTo a man:comes close, shakes handsTo a woman:nodsC. Discussion On the Question That If There is a Division of Good or Bad of the Different Meaning of The Same Body Language Under Different Culture.The students will have 3 minutes for discussion and after that some of them will represent their group to share their idea with the whole class.Step Role Play ( 8 min )USA Nigeria rude Germany Japanone“great”or “good job”。
高中英语_book4 unit4 bodylanguage教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思

Book 4 Unit4 Body Language教学内容:巩固unit4复习过的知识点,在此基础上,针对高考II卷填空、改错、写作题型设题训练教学目标:扎实掌握unit4知识点,争取让学生实现知识点的灵活运用教学重、难点:(1)由知识点到II卷题型的运用;(2)由知识点到写作的运用教学过程:Step1:针对上节课复习的语言点,让学生自己讲并回顾重点句子。
Step2:结合上节课复习的unit4语言点,听写单词和句子并自我检查.I check yourself(1) Words(2)Sentences①令他非常高兴地是,尖子生将代表他学校在大会上做演讲。
1. 2.⑦总的说来,李老师是我见过的最好的老师。
II blank-fillingI know you have always been crazy western culture. It is good to be(curiosity) about the world around you, because I think curiosity is the best teacher. Much to our delight, our dear English teacher Lisa willrepresent motherland-UK to make a speech about western culture. The speech will be given in the library Jan 12, from 9 to 11 am . With the time (approach), I think you must be more and more excited. The moment you see her, you will give her big hug. Generally speaking, she is the best teacher we (meet). She is always the first to bear hardships and the last (enjoy) comforts. (face) with difficulties, she never gives up tries her best to find a way out. So you are likely to enjoy the most beautiful speech about western culture by Lisa.Step4:从上一题型中,抽出学生的易错点,变成改错题型,让学生继续练习。

高中英语必修四《Body Language》教案设计一、教学目标1.知识目标:o学生能够掌握并识别至少10种常见的肢体语言信号及其含义。

Unit 4 Body Language教学设计Wanning up and ReadingTeaching AimsTo help students develop their reading ability.To help students learn about body language.Teaching ProceduresL Warming upWarming up by actingLook at the list of interpretation on the right side of the chart. Perform the action or the non verbal behaviour on the left side.Examples Of Body LanguageI-INTERPRETATIONNONVERBAL BEHAVIOR厂Confide neeBrisk, erect walkrReadiness, aggressionStanding with hands on hipsrBoredomSitting with legs crossed, foot kickingslightly厂Open, relaxedSitting, legs apart厂Defe nsive nessArms crossed on chestDejectio n rWalki ng with hands in pockets,厂shoulders hunchedEvaluation, thinking1Hand to cheekrRejection, doubt, lying Touching, slightly rubbing nose厂Doubt, disbeliefRubbing the eye厂An ger, frustrati on, apprehensi on Hands clasped behind back厂Apprehe nsionLocked an kiesrBoredomHead resting in hand, eyes downcastrAn ticipatio nRubbing hands厂Confide nee, superioritySitting with hands clasped behind head,legs crossed厂Sincerity, openness, innocence Open palmNegative evaluationrPinching bridge of nose, eyes closedrImpatie neeTappi ng or drummi ng fin gers厂AuthoritativeSteepli ng fin gers厂Lack of self-c on fide nee; in security Patting/fondling hair厂InterestTilted head厂Trying to make a decision Stroking chinDisbeliefrLooking down, face turned awayInsecurity, nervousness i-Biting nails厂IndecisionPulling or tugging at earWarming up by defining—What is body language?describes all forms of human communication that are not Ianguage.。
教学设计7:Unit 4 Body Language

1. What is the purpose of language?
2. How can you tell if someone is sad even if they do not speak?
3. What would you do if you need the other’s help urgently while you two speak different languages?
Possible answers:
Pto do.
Picture 2:Angry; I can’t believe she said that! That is so unfair!
Picture 3:Sad; I’ve lost my wallet!
Part 3. (para. 4 )
Different peoples have different body languages.
Part 4. (para. 5)
Summary of body language.
Task2.Read the text carefully, then decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
unfair; customer; avoid; suitcase; ahead; manage; fold; vary; crazy; part; firm; handshake; bow; fist; bend; tap; gently; anger; useless; occur; focus; specific ahead of; give sb a hand; get through; tear down ;hold up; make a face; in order

Teaching Aims1。
Knowledge aimsa. Useful new words and expressionsmisunderstand,similar, facial,expression,agreement,yawn,chest,gesture,adult, punishb。
Spoken languageAct out the following meanings,please.Please guess what I mean.Please show the actions,using body language。
Please use either spoken words or body language to express your ideas.2。
Ability aimsa. Develop the students’different reading abilities and let them learn differentreading skills:skimming, scanning。
b. Help the students understand others when body language is being used.3. Emotional aimsa. Let the students know the different body language in different countries。
b. Stimulate the students’ interest and love for learning body language as well asto learn verbal language。
II. The Analysis of Teaching ContentThis teaching period is the second teaching period:Extensive Reading in Unit4 in New Senior English For China Student’s Book 4, in which students can getthe basic information about the body language in different culture throughdifferent reading skills.The students are quiet familiar with the learning material. However,they don't have enough knowledge about the background of different cultures。
高中英语 Book4 Unit4body language 说课课件 新人教必修4(通用)

1). Analysis of the teaching material 教材分析
The type of this class is an extensive reading class, which plays an important part in developing students’ reading ability. So,during the teaching process, the teacher should focus on developing the students’s reading ability by extensive reading, and get them to learn some reading skills such as skimming, scanning and so on. Moreover, the students should receive some moral education, let them know more about body language in cultures in different countries.
课前探索(Pre-class Exploration):
Let students search for more information about body language which shows different meanings in different cultures and countries.
3.Let students read and understand the passage “Showing our feelings”.
Teaching difficult points (教学难点)
人教版高二英语必修四《Unit4 Body Language》说课稿

人教版高二英语必修四《Unit4 Body Language》说课稿一、课程背景《Unit4 Body Language》是人教版高中英语必修四教材中的一单元,该单元主要讲述了人类沟通中非语言形式的表达,即身体语言。
四、教学过程1. 导入与热身(5分钟)•引入话题:通过展示几张国际知名人物的照片,让学生观察并讨论他们的身体语言,引起学生对身体语言的兴趣。
2. 知识讲解与学习(10分钟)•引入身体语言的概念:通过简明扼要的定义,介绍身体语言是指在交际中通过身体姿势、面部表情、眼神等非语言方式传达信息的方式。
3. 分组讨论与活动(25分钟)•分组讨论:将学生分为小组,每个小组选取一个国家或地区进行研究,探讨该地区的身体语言差异,并结合具体案例进行讨论。
人教新课标高中英语必修四Unit 4 Body language教案(1)

My teaching plan for Unit4 Body LanguageThe teaching material is from new senior English for China students’ Book4, Unit4 Body Language. And this lesson, we are going to focus on the reading part.1.Preliminary Analyze of the teaching materialAnalysis of the teaching materialThe central topic of this unit is “body language”, which involves warming-up, pre-reading, reading, comprehending parts. Based on this topic, the contents are all designed to enhance the students’ language k nowledge and skills. However, the text shows some cultural mistakes happen between different countries. In this way, the students could realize the significance of using “body language” and at the same time, learn about the diversity of international customs.Analysis of the studentsStudents at this level usually focus on the study of language itself. However, they do not know much about the cultural background of another country. So in this lesson, we should provide the students some cultural knowledge concerning body language. What’s more, since they have already learnt some reading techniques in senior one, we should help them to review these techniques in order to activate their new thoughts in their ways of reading.2.Teaching Objective:Knowledge aims:1.Let the students learn about some words and expressions of body language2.Let the students know more about different body languages in different countriesAbility aims:1. Encourage students to think about body language and talk about it.2. Train the students to learn about the reading techniques: skimming, scanning and put them into actual reading task. Therefore, they can get the main idea of the passage of some specific information out of the reading materials quickly.Emotional aims:1.To raise the awareness of studying international customs and learn to respect other cultures.2.I mprove the students’ knowledge on cross-cultural communication in order to avoidmisunderstandings.3. Teaching important points:a. Master language points and practical reading skills.b. Teach the students how to understand body language used in different countries or cultures and under different circumstancesTeaching difficult points:a. Teach the students how to use body language in the most appropriate occasions.b. Let the students have a better understanding of the whole passage, including the structure and the contentsc. Let the students learn about the writing structure4. Teaching method and teaching aids:1. Task-based teaching approach2. Asking-and- answering activity to make the students clear about the structure of the passage and how to get the most important information out of the reading materials.Teaching aids:1. PPT document2. The blackboard5. Teaching procedures:Step 1 GreetingGood morning, the whole class, nice to meet you all again. Today we are going to use a different way to start our class, let’s play some guessing game. Do u like guessing games? Firstly, look at some facial expressions and tell me what his feeling is. Then the whole class need to look at me and I will do some acting, you guys need guess what meanings I try to convey.Step 2 Warming up and lead-inThis part is designed to raise the stud ents’ interest in body language and l ead to the reading part naturally.The teacher will1. Show some pictures concerning facial expressions and act up some gestures which have different interpretation in different countries. Then, the students should guess the meanings of them.2. Let the s tudents think about how to guess someone’s meanings even if people don’t speak.3.Talk about the definition of body language: a form of communication without using any words. Body language includes gesture, eye contact, facial expression, posture.Step 3 Reading1.ReviewReview two reading techniques, skimming and scanning as a guidance to be used in their reading tasks later. And then make an example to help the students better understand the use of these reading techniques.2.Task 1 Fast readingThis part is designed to help the students to grasp the most important information out of a reading setion.While reading, please try to divide the whole passage into several parts and find out the main idea of each part.Para 1 A. Different people have different body language.Para 2&3 B. Summary of body language.Para 4 C. Examples of learned or cultural “body language”Para 5 D. You are sent to Capital International Airport to meet this year’s international student3.Task 2 Further readingTrain the students’ ability of finding out some specific information from the passage.Read paragraph 2~3 and try to answer the following questions.How many students are there in the story?How many cultural mistakes mentioned in the second paragraph?Step 4 Post reading thoughtsLet the students reflect on what reading techniques have they adopted in their reading process. And then the teacher summarized some important suggestions for them. In this way, the students could bear this reading skills in their mind.1. Skim the text quickly to get the main idea of the passage.2. Read the passage with the question in your mind.3. Try to anticipate how the answer will appear and what clues you might use to help you locate the answer.Step 5 Extensive ReadingA passage about body language is prepared as the students’ supplement reading materials. Thus, we could cultivate the students’ mind by forming habits of extracurricular readings.Step 6 HomeworkThese are designed to consolidate the students’ Reading skills and abilities and use them in their writing tasks.1. Bear the reading techniques we learnt in mind, read the passage and finish the exercises.2. Search for further information, imitate the structure of the passage and write an essay about what you have found.6. Blackboard Design1. Non-verbal Communication: powerful2. Reading TechniquesSkimming:Read to get the main ideaScanning: Read with a question in my to find an answer 3. The structure of this passagePart1: IntroductionPart2: ExamplesPart3: Summary。
高中英语新课标必修4 Unit 4 Body language教案

Unit 4 Body language1.教材分析本单元以Body Language——“体态语”为中心话题,具体涉及什么是“体态语”,如何理解“体态语”,以及“体态语”的跨文化性等。
1.1 W ARMING UP 以列表对比(填充及增补)的形式,并通过W ARMING UP的活动,让学生了解有声语言与“体态语”的对应关系,了解语言意义与行为意义(“体态语”)在交际中具有同等重要的作用。
1.2 PRE-READING 通过提供三个关于不同文化背景下“体态语”的问题,启发学生思考我们所学习的“语言”的目的、形式、功能。
1.3 READING 是一篇介绍性(记叙文)体裁的文章,主要介绍了各种文化背景下的“体态语”的异同,为学生提供了来自不同国度、不同语言文化背景的“体态语”及其在交际中的异同和影响的具体例证。
1.4 COMPREHENDING 包括八个问题(前5个旨在检查学生对阅读材料细节的理解,6~7旨在引导学生对“体态语”的意义及文化差异的思考,第8个检查学生能否通过细节进行推理判断),通过对来自不同国度、不同语言文化背景的六个角色对待男女不同性别所使用的“体态语”异同的(学生在老师指导下的自我或小组讨论后的)归纳,进一步熟悉和掌握“体态语”在不同语言文化交际中的作用和意义。
人教版高中英语必修4教案Unit 4 Body language

人教版高中英语必修4教案Unit 4 Body languageThe first period: Warming up and ListeningThe unit gives a general view of body language in a variety of situation. Body language is generally defined as the use of posture, gestures, and facial expressions that communicate attitudes, emotions and reactions. Verbal language expresses words, but body language expresses meaning and emphasis. In many cases, body language is in fact more powerful in expressing than verbal language is. V erbal language can be controlled more easily than body language, and can be used to detective and to misinform. It is important for students to understand their own body language and that of others. The two very general areas discussed in the unit are culture body language and personal body language. Both of these are in fact determined to some extent by social and cultural practices. Students should be encouraged to consider the differences between Chinese body language and Western body language and to think of what they have observed in films and in the behavious of foreign visitors. They should also be aware of the effect of their own body language (the messages they may be sending without knowing it).Teacher can show students some pictures to lead in the topic of the unit and have a free talk with them about body language. Then turn to Warming up, It provides two activities which will introduce students to the idea of body language and the ways they can communicate without speaking.The reading passage titled Communication: No Problem? introduces some examples of cultural body language in greeting people. Students should know that public behaviour is different in various cultures, and that although it may seem strange to them, all cultures should be respected.Important points:Let students read the passage and learn about cultural differences and intercultural communication.Get students to learn different reading skills, especially the reading ability of understanding implied meaning of the author.Difficult points:Enable students to understand the passage and know about cultural differences and international communication.Let students learn how to use different reading skills for different reading purpose.Knowledge aims: some useful words and expressions: statement, greet, represent, association, dormitory, canteen, flight, curious, curiously, Colombia, approach, cheek, defend, defence, major, misunderstanding, misunderstand, Jordan, dash, adult, spoken, unspoken, Spanish, Italy, likely, crossroads, defend against, be likely to, in general Function:1. Prohibition and warning(禁止和警告)Always stay…..Do not…….Stop!Keep away from……Go away. Don`t enter here.Watch out!Look out!Be careful!Be quiet!You may not…..You will be fined 2000 yuan.Don`t smoke here!Be careful! Don`t slip.2. Obligation (义务和责任)You must……You should never…….You will be……You will have to….You will need to…..Grammar:动词的-ing形式作定语和状语(the –ing form as the attribute and adverbial)Step 1 Leading inThe passage introduces some examples of cultural body language in greeting people. Students should know that public behaviour is different in various cultures, and that although some behavious may seem strange to them, all cultures should be respected. They should also know that there may be actions that they think are impolite or not respectful but are ordinary practices in other cultures.This unit is not a lesson in international courtesy but may help students understand that not all people express themselves the same way. The passage also introduces some grammatical structures which require attention.1. Play a song to students and ask them to act to the music.If you are happyIf you are happy and you know it, clap your hands.If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands.If you are happy and you know it, and you really want to show it.If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands.2. Introduce gestures.3. Introduce the facial expression.4. Introduce the postures.5. Introduce the eye contact.Ask students to use eyes to express their feelings in the following situations.Situation 1: Suppose today is your birthday, you receive a very big present. It is as big as you. So when you see the present, what is your response?Situation 2: Suppose you are walking on the street, some ugly guy comes to you and wants to talk to you to get your telephone number. What is your response?Situation 3: Suppose you are walking on the street, some handsome guy walks by you. What is your body language?6. Summarize what is body languageBody language is a form of communication without using any words and it can help us express our feeling. Ask students to look at the pictures and guess what the man means by his body language?Step 2 Skimming1. Ask students to read the text quickly and find the names of the personsStep 3 ScanningAsk students to read the text carefully and find out the action mentioned in the passage and then act them out in pairs. Show the following chart to help them find theStep 4 Intensive reading1. Ask students to look through all the questions in Exercise 2on page 27 and read the text silently to answer these questions by themselves.2. Ask students to read Paragraph 1-3 and find out the mistakes by using different body languages. How do the mistakes happen? (There are two mistakes: The first is Mr Garcia from Columbia approaches Ms Smith, touches her shoulder and kisses her on the cheek. Julia Smith from Britain steps back appearing surprised and takes a few steps away from Mr Garcia. The second mistake happens between a Japanese and a Canadian. Akira Nagata bows to Mr Cook and his nose touches Mr Cook`s moving hand, when Mr Cook from Canada reaches his hand out to the Japanese.)3. Ask students to read Paragraphs 4-5 and finish the following true or false.1). Englishmen often stand close to others or touch strangers as soon as they meet.2). Most people around the world now greet each other by kissing.3). Japanese will bow to others as greeting.4). People from Jordan will move very close to you as you introduce yourself to them.5). Some body languages in some countries are good while some countries` body languages are bad.(The answers: FFTTF)Step 5 Discuss and divide the passageAsk students to work in pairs to divide the passage into 4 parts and sum up the main idea of each part. Then get some of the groups to share their answers.Part 1(para 1): the main idea is that you are sent to Capital International Airport to meet students.Part 2(paras2-3): it mainly talks about the examples cultural “body language”.Part 3(para 4): it tells us that different people have different body language.Part 4(para 5): it is the summary of body language.Step 6 ConsolidationMy university has sent me to the Capital International Airport to meet some international students from many parts of the world, who are coming to study at Beijing University in China. The first one to arrive is Mr Garcia from Columbia with Julia Smith, a British lady, following behind closely. I introduced them to each other and I am surprised to see Mr Garcia comes up to Ms Smith. Just then, Akira Nagata from Japan, comes in and bows when the Conadian, Mr Cook reaches out his hand to him. It happens that Mr Cook`s hand touches Akira Nagata`s nose as he bows and they both apologize. So you see, people from different cultures may not greet others in the same way. English people usually do not stand very close to others or touch the strangers as people from Spain, Italy and South American countries do. Most people around the world shake hands when whey meet while Japanese people will bow. People from Jordan stand quite close to other men and shake hands and kiss others on the cheek. In a word, body language differs in different cultures and is widely used in communication.Body language is used by people for sending messages to one another. In many countries in the world, men kiss each other when they meet. In Britain, people usually shake hands when they need someone for the first time. They are not comfortable touching strangers. French people kiss each other hello and goodbye on the check more often than the British people. People from Arabian countries stand closer than people from Britain when they are talking. They might move very close to you as you introduce yourself to them. Body language is very general and not all members of all countries behave the same way. Using body language in a correct way will help you to better communication with other people.Step 7 HomeworkGo over the text and learn the useful new words and expressions by heart.Finish the exercises in Comprehending on page 27.Read the passage again and collect the information about body language in different cultures mentioned in the text.The second period: Learning about language: Important language pointsThe emphasis of this period will be put on the important new words, expressions and sentence patterns in the parts Warming up, pre-reading, Reading and Comprehending.Important points:Enable students to grasp the usage of such important new words and expressions as represent, approach, defend, be likely to, in general, etc.Get students to master the patterns “…. I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously.”And “Not all cultures greet each other thesame way, nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.”Difficult points:Let students learn the usage of the words: approach, be likely toGet students to understand some long and difficult sentences.Step 1 RevisionCheck the homework exercises.Ask some students to retell the passage Communication: No Problem?.Step 2 Practice for useful words and expressions1.represent: stand for or be a symbol or equivalent of sb. / sth. symbolize; be anexample of sth.We chose a committee to represent us.What does Y represent in this equation?This design represents a major new trend in modern art.2. approach: come nearer or nearer to sb. / sth. in space or timeWe approached the museum.It is not allowed to approach the forbidden area.Few writers even began to approach Skakespear`s greatness.I find him difficult to approach.The approach of winter brings cold weather.All approaches were blocked.2.defence: defending from attack; fighting against attackThe country`s defences are weak.They decided to defend their country against enemies.Defend …. against / from: protect …. from….3. introduce….to….He introduced his friend to me.Yao Ming is a person who needs no introduction.4. dash: move suddenly or quickly; rushThe secretary dashed into the room, grabbed the file and ran out again.5. not…nor…..For a whole week hr did not write to her nor give her a call.I don`t like the film. Nor does he.I am going to work today and nor is Maisie.6. likely;be likely to : that is expected; probableThe train is likely to be late.She is the most likely to win the prize.It is likely that….It is likely that she will ring me tonight.7. as well (as sb. / sth.): in additionAre they coming as well?He grows flowers as well as vegetables.8. in general: mainly; mostly; usuallyIn general, her work has been good, but this essay is dreadful.I like game in general, and especially football.I am glad to find myself in general accord with your opinions.9. avoid:I quickly walked to the other side of the street to avoid meeting her.To avoid car hitting the little boy, he had to make a sharp turn.Step 5 Using words, expressions and patternsDo exercises in Using words and expressions on page 63.Step 6 HomeworkFinish off the homework exercises.Learn the new words and expressions by heart.英语国家常见的体态语言1. 付帐(cash): 右手拇指, 食指和中指在空中捏在一起或在另一只手上作出写字的样子, 这是表示在饭馆要付帐的手势.2. 动脑筋(use your brains)或机敏一点: 用手指点点自己的太阳穴.3. 傻瓜(fool): 用拇指按住鼻尖摇动其他四指或十指分开. 也常常用十指对着太阳穴转动, 同时吐出舌头, 则表示所谈到的人是傻瓜, 痴呆.4. “讲的不是真话”(lying): 讲话时, 无意识的将一食指放在鼻子下面或鼻子边, 表示别人一定会理解为讲话人“讲的不是真话”令人难以置信.5. 自以为是(complacent assertion): 用食指往上摁鼻子, 还可以表示“不可一世”().6. 叫人安静(quietness): 闭住嘴, 拇指横掠过双唇.7. “别出声”(stop talking): 嘴唇合上, 将食指贴着嘴唇, 同时发出“”.8. 侮辱和蔑视(insulting and scorning): 用拇指顶住笔尖, 冲着被侮辱者摇动其他四指的手势.9. 赞同(agreement): 向上翘起拇指.10: 祝贺(congratulation): 双手在身前嘴部高度相搓的动作.11. 威胁(menace): 由于生气, 挥动一只拳头的动作似乎无处不有. 也可以是因受挫折而双手握着拳使劲摇动的动作.12. “绝对不行”(absolutely): 掌心向外, 两手臂在胸前交叉, 然后张开至相距一米左右.13. “完了”(that`s all): 两臂在腰部交叉, 然后再向下, 向身体两侧伸出.14. “害羞”(shame): 双臂伸直,向下交叉, 两掌反握, 同时脸转向一侧.15. 打招呼(greeting): 英语国家的人在路上打招呼, 常常要拿帽子表示致意.现在一般已经化为抬一下帽子, 甚至只是摸一下帽檐.16. 高兴或激动(happiness and excitement): 双手握拳向上举起, 前后频频用力摇动.17. 愤怒或急噪(anger and enxiousness): 双手臂在身体两侧张开, 双手握拳, 也常常头一扬, 嘴里咂咂有声, 同时还可以眨眨眼睛或者眼珠向上和向一侧转动, 也可以愤怒, 厌烦, 急噪.18. 怜悯, 同情(pity): 头摇来摇去, 同时嘴里还说That`s too bad. 或者Sorry to hear it.19. “太古怪了”(too queer): 在太阳穴处用食指画一圆圈.The third period: Learning about language: GrammarThis teaching period mainly deals with the grammar: the –ing form as the attributive and the adverbial.Important points: get students to learn the use of the –ing form as the attributive and adverbial.Difficult points: enable students to learn how to use the –ing form as the attributive and the adverbial.Step 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Translate the following sentences:他们的责任就是为国抗敌. (defend ….against…)学校离商店不远. (close to)他把朋友介绍给我. (introduce)我今天不去上班, 玛丽也不去. (not …. nor)这趟火车很可能晚点. (likely)总的来说, 她的作品不错, 不过这篇文章糟透了. (in general)Step 2 Leading in1. Tell students to turn to page 26 and read the passage carefully to find out the sentences in which –ing form are used.1). Yesterday, another student and I, representing our university`s student association, went to the Capital International Airport to meet this year`s international students.2). After half an hour of waiting for their flight to arrive, I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously.3). I stood for a minute watching them and then went to greet him.4). She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defence.5). Then Akira Nagata from Japan came smiling, together with George Cook from Canada.6). Just at that moment, however, Akira bowed so his nose touched George`s moving hand.7). When Darlene Coulon from France dashing through the door, she recognized Tony Garcia`s smiling face.8). In the same way that people communicate with spoken, they also express their feelings using unspoken “language”through physical distance, actions or posture.2. Let students read aloud the sentences they picked out, think over and discuss with a partner how each of these –ing form is being used in the situation. Have them try to sum up the rule of the –ing form as the attributive and the adverbial.Step 3 Grammar learning动词-ing形式作定语和状语的用法一.作定语如果动词-ing形式出现在名词前后, 并修饰该名词, 一般动词形式作定语. 此时, 该定语可变为一个介词短语(这是动名词作定语)或定语从句(这是现在分词作定语)A sleeping car = a car for sleepingHis nose touched George`s moving hand. (George`s moving hand = George `s hand, which was moving)1. 单独的动词-ing形式作定语, 一般放在被修饰名词的前面.He is a promising young man.It is a fascinating city.Wisconsin is the leading dairy state.They are visiting in a neighbouring town.2. 动词-ing形式可有自己的宾语或状语, 构成一个短语, 作定语, 放在所修饰的名词后面.There is someone knocking at the door.I know a man working in the factory.Do you know the man talking to her?The girl sitting beside me is my sister.二.作状语如果动词-ing形式用于修饰某动词或整个句子, 此时动词形式作状语, 一般即可变换为从句. 动词形式作状语可以表示时间, 原因, 条件, 结果, 以及行为方式或伴随等情况.1. 时间Hearing the news, we jumped with joy.Turning around, he saw a tiger running up.2. 原因Not knowing the way, he could not go there.Being excited, she could not go to sleep.3. 条件Working hard, you will succeed.Turning to the left, you will see the tower.4. 结果Unfortunately his father died, leaving the family even worse off.He was caught in the rain, thus making himself catch a cold.5. 行为方式或伴随情况A boy came running in.Following Tom, they started to climb over the wall.They stood there for an hour watching the game.She sat at the desk reading a newspaper.Step 4 Grammar practiceHave students underline the –ing form or its phrase in each sentence and tell whether it is used as the attributive or the adverbial. If it is used as the adverbial, tell what it is for.He was one of the leading composers of the time.Who is the girl standing on her hands?They built a road leading to the village.Who knows the missing words in the sentences?My aunt told us an amusing story.In our village live 350 families belonging to three nationalities.There is a car waiting at the door.Don not wake up the sleeping child.Traveling by jeep, we visited a number of cities.We couldn`t help them, being so poor ourselves.Coming down the mountain, we met Jim on the way.He worked the whole afternoon trying to repair the car.Not knowing the language, he couldn`t get a job.The manager came to us smiling.Having failed twice, they didn`t want to try again.Turning around, she saw a man following her.When leaving the airport, they waved to us again and again.While staying there, I learnt a lot from them.Turn to page 29. Ask students to do exercise 2 in Discovering useful structures.Turn to page 64. Ask students to do the exercises in Using structures.Step 5 Group workAsk students to work in groups of four to do the following.1. Add at least two more actions to these lists. Then combine the primary and secondary actions to make a sentence about a student in your group. That student must act out what you say.S: (the student`s name) walks around the desk jumping on one foot.S: the frowning girl, (the girl`s name), picked up her English textbook and threw it on the floor.2. After practicing with your group, make up a short act to perform for the class. One student describes what is happening while the other three act.Step 6 Closing down by a quiz1. The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket ----- the desert.A. coveringB. coveredC. coverD. to cover2. The secretary worked late into the night, ----- a long speech for the president.A. to prepareB. preparingC. preparedD. was preparing3. The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, ---- that he had enjoyed his stay here.A. having addedB. to addC. addingD. added4. European football is played in 80 countries, ----- it the most popular sport inthe world.A. makingB. makesC. madeD. to make5. ------ up at his father, he asked what was the matter with him.A. having lookedB. lookingC. to lookD. look6. ------ from his clothes, he is not so poor.A. judgedB. judgingC. to judgeD. having judged7. ------ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.A. having sufferedB. sufferingC. to sufferD. suffered8. Would you tell us something about G3?Well, it is an international organization ---- the richest countries in the world, five of which are quite small and two of which are island states.A. is consisted ofB. consisting ofC. consists ofD. consisted of9. Hill often attends public lectures at the university of London chiefly ---- hisEnglish.A. to improveB. improvingC. to have improvedD. improved10. –Who brought these papers here on my table?--A student _____herself Joanna.A. callingB. callsC. calledD. being called11. ____ from what she said, I guessed Lily had not read the novel at all.A. To judgeB. JudgedC. JudgingD. Judge12. My uncle ____ in Australia sent me some presents, ____ a pair of shoes inA. lived; includedB. lives; had includedC. living; includingD. to live; to included13. The manager observed the goods, ____ that there was something wrong with some of them.A. having noticedB. noticingC. to noticeD. noticed14.The book, ____ the life of the teenagers born in the 1990s, was very popular among middle school students.A. showingB. being shownC. shownD. to show15. --- Do you know which one is our new headmaster, Jim.---- Yes. It is the man _____ in the armchair ___ a copy of China Daily.A. sits; readsB. sits; readingC. sitting; readsD. sitting; reading16. When ____ the differences between British English and American English. I find they mainly exist in spelling and pronunciation.A. compareB. being comparedC. comparedD. comparing17. ____ to arrive in Shanghai in one day, I had to take a plane.A. AskedB. Having askedC. To be askedD. Being asked18.____ to the right when you see a supermarket, and you will find the post office you are looking for.A. To turnB. TurnC. TurningD. Turned19. Another four skilled workers _____ it, the project was completed ahead of time.A. joinedB. had joinedC. joiningD. to join(The answers: ABCAB BABAA CCBAD DBBC)Step 7 HomeworkFinish off the workbook exercises.Preview the reading passage Showing our feelings on page 30, find the sentences in which the –ing form is used, and see if you can understand them.The forth period: Using language: Extensive reading We will deal with two passages: Showing our feelings in Using language on page 30 and The open hand—a universal sign in Reading task on page 66 to develop students` reading ability by reading extensively.Important points:Develop students` reading skills by extensive reading.Let students read and understand the passage Showing our feelings.Difficult points:Enable students to learn and use such strategies as skimming, scanning and so on to do their reading.Get students to learn to make a writing outline.Knowledge aims:Get students to learn the new words and expressions: unspoken, facial, function, ease, truly, false, anger, fist, yawn, subjective, hug, rank, at ease, lose face, turn one`sGet students to learn more about body language.Step 1 Revision1. Check the workbook exercises.2. Ask students to translate some sentences into English.1). 我们学校有一个游泳池.(There is a swimming pool in our school.)2). 这篇短文可用做听力材料.(This short passage can be used as listening material.)3). 中国是一个属于第三世界的发展中国家.(China is a developing country belonging to the third world.)4). 站在那边的哪个男孩是我的同学.(The boy standing over there is a classmate of mine.)5). 大家都认为他是个活字典.(He is regarded as a walking dictionary.)6). 回到家后, 他就开始做家庭作业.(Returning home, he began to do his homework.)7). 完成工作以后, 他就回家了.(Having finished his work, he went home.)8). 由于不知道他的电话号码, 我们无法与他取得联系.(Not knowing his phone number, we couldn`t get in touch with him.)9). 大雨滂沱, 造成了该地区洪水泛滥.(It rained heavily, causing severe flooding in that area.)10). 我踮着脚走近那扇小窗户.(Walking in tiptoe, I approached that little window.)Step 2 Warming upDescribe some situations and ask students to act them out.1). I am very happy.2). I am full.3). I am hungry.4). I want to sleep.5). You are great.Step 3 pre-reading1. Let students discuss the following questions:What is the function of body language?How do you think we show our feelings in our daily life?2.Ask students to turn to page 30 to prepare the new lesson.3.Topic sentences for SHOWING OUR FEELINGSParagraph 1: Of course, body language can e misread, but many gestures and actions are universal. Paragraph 2: The most universal facial expressions is,Paragraph 3: From the time we are babies, we show unhappiness or anger by frowning.Paragraph 4: There are many ways around the world to show agreement, but nodding the head up and down is used for agreement almost worldwide.Paragraph 5: How about showing that I am bored? Looking away from people or yawning will, in most cases, make me appear to be uninterested.Paragraph 6: Being respectful to people is subjective, based on each culture, but in general it is probably not a good idea to give a hug to a boss or teacher.Paragraph 7: With so many cultural differences between people, it is great to have some similarities in body language.Step 4 ReadingAsk students to read the passage fast to get the main idea and then finish the outline of the passage.1. The main idea:Different gestures stand for different feelings, wishes or attitudes. Body language has many universal gestures.2. Outline of the text:Para 1: showing happiness.Paras 2-5:Universal body language to show agreement and disagreement.Para 6: Universal body language to show boredom.Paras 7-8: Universal body language to show respect.3. T / F questions:Body language is never as important as spoken language.If you angry at a person, you might turn your back to him or her.You can threaten a person by refusing to speak.If you stand with your arms across your body, you are always protecting yourself from being physically attacked.If you sit looking away from a person, or with your back turned, you are saying you are not interested in that person.You should not greet your new boss by giving her or him a hug.Body language is the same all over the world.Most people can understand each other if they try.4. Let students to read the text carefully to get detailed information.1). Some questions:How can we know other`s feelings, even if they do not speak to us?Why should we be careful with our body language?Why is it important to watch as well as listen to others?What are some jobs in which using body language is extremely important?Step 5 Important language points1. ease: freedom from work, discomfort, pain or relaxedat ease: comfortable and unworried; completely relaxedtake one`s ease: stop working or worrying; relaxa life of easeease of mindHe handed her a cup of coffee to put her at ease.She felt completely at ease during the vocation.She sat down and took her ease by the fire.with ease: without difficultyHe passed the examination with ease.2. ease: relieve the pain from body, anxiety, discomfortTalking eased his anxiety.The relationship between the two countries has eased since the beginning of the talks on the border conflict.3. lose face: lose credit or reputationShe did not lose face though she lose her face.4.turn one`s back to:When she is angry, she always turns her back to me.5.turn one`s back on: avoid or reject sb. / sth.He turned his back on his family when he became famous.Step 6 Reading task1. Turn to page 66 to read the passage carefully to get some important detailedinformation.2. Let students organize the following information so that it can be used to writeStep 7 HomeworkLearn the useful new words and expressions by heart.Finish off the workbook exercises.The fifth period: Using language: Listening and speakingImportant points:Develop students` listening and speaking abilities.Enable students to master different listening skills.Difficult points:Get students to listen to and understand the listening materials.Let students learn the functional items for prohibition and warning as well as obligation.Knowledge aims:Get the students to learn some useful new words and expressions in the listening passages.Learn the following expressions:1). Prohibition and warning:You may not ……Always stay ……Keep away from …..Do not ……….Watch out …….Look out …..Be careful when …..You will be fined ………2). Obligation:You must …..You should never ….You will have to …..You will need to ….Step 1 Revision。

人教版高中英语必修4《Unit4Bodylanguage》教案人教版高中英语必修4《Unit 4 Body language》教案【一】教学准备教学目标1. 教学目标(1)知识目标:学生能掌握下列重点单词和短语的意义和用法:greet, represent, approach, expression, defend, misunderstand, adult, cheek, major, likely, in general。
能够表达一些Body language.(2)能力目标:学生能掌握基本的阅读理解方法:速读,寻读,归纳中心和查找细节。
教学重难点教学重点和难点(1) 培养学生的阅读策略和技巧,让学生了解文章的细节知识和文章结构。
(2) 让学生合适地使用不同的身势语。
教学过程Step 1. Lead in(1)The teacher shows a question on screen:How can we communicate with others when we can’t speak ?Then ask a student to answer.设计说明:引出本单元的话题。
(2) The teacher shows some pictures on screen of some body language and ask some students to guess and discuss the meaning they stand for. 设计说明:引出本节课的题目。
Step 2. Fast reading1. Go through the passage quickly and find out the main idea of each paragraph.o Match the main idea of each para. with lines.(Para.1) A. Other examples of different greeting body language.(Para.2) B. Different people have different body language.(Para.3) C. Summary of body language.(Para.4) D. Meet the visitors at the airport.(Para.5) E. Examples of different greeting body language.2. Try to write down the main idea of the text.The text is mainly about different _____________ in different countries. In order to avoid difficulties in today’s world of cultural crossroads, we should ___________________________.设计说明:通过这个题目的练习,让学生掌握速读,先对文章段落大意有一个了解。
高中英语新人教版精品教案《Book 4 Unit 4 Body language》

Unit 4 Bod Language Reading教学设计一、教学内容分析Unit 4 Bod Language Reading人教版新课标高中英语必修四第四单元课文,为本单元的第二课时,为本单元的精读课文。
四、教学重点难点分析【Ste eworour bet to rete the ore bod anguage from different countrie〔设计意图:作业1为学生创造了稳固课文、运用语言的时机,引导学生对已有的知识进行加工整合,有利于学生思维能力和语言表达能力的提高。


高中英语 Unit 4 Body Language 教案 新人教版

Unit 4 Body LanguagePart One: Teaching DesignTeaching goals1. Target Languagea. 重点词汇和短语misunderstand, similar, facial, expression, agreement, yawn, chest, gesture, adult, punishb. 重点句型或交际用语Act out the following meanings, please.Please guess what I mean.Please show the actions, using body language.Now it is your turn to show the action / gesture.Please use either spoken words or body language to express your ideas.Please use both spoken words and body language to express your ideas.2. Ability goalsa. Enable the students to understand what a certain gesture of the body language means in a given situation.b. Enable the students to act out some meanings, requirements, requests or situations given in the target language.c. Enable the students to express with the target language the meanings given in body language.3. Learning ability goalsa. Help the students learn how to express themselves in body language when needed.b. Help the students understand others when body language is being used.Teaching important pointsa. Teach the students how to understand body language used in different countries or cultures as well as in different occasions.b. Teach the students how to use body language in the most appropriate occasions.Teaching difficult pointsa. Enable the students to realize the importance of body language in munication so that little or no misunderstanding may occur.b. Let the students know that there is both positive body language and negative body language.Teaching methodsa. Individual work, pair work and group work.b. Acting out by imitation, mime or with gestures and body movement.Teaching aidsA puter, a projector and some pictures.Teaching procedures & waysThe first period reading。
人教版高中英语必修4精品教案Unit 4 Body Language

Unit4BodyLanguageWarmingUp,Pre-readingandReadingTeachinggoals1.TargetLanguagea.重点词汇和短语misunderstand,similar,facial,expression,agreement,yawn,chest,gesture,adult,punishb.重点句型或交际用语Actoutthefollowingmeanings,please.PleaseguesswhatImean.Pleaseshowtheactions,usingbodylanguage.Nowitisyourturntoshowtheaction/gesture.Pleaseuseeitherspokenwordsorbodylanguagetoexpressyourideas.Pleaseusebothspokenwordsandbodylanguagetoexpressyourideas.2.Abilitygoalsa.Enablethestudentstounderstandwhatacertaingestureofthebodylanguagemeansinagivensituation.b.Enablethestudentstoactoutsomemeanings,requirements,requestsorsituationsgiveninthetargetlanguage.c.Enablethestudentstoexpresswiththetargetlanguagethemeaningsgiveninbodylanguage.3.Learningabilitygoalsa.Helpthestudentslearnhowtoexpressthemselvesinbodylanguagewhenneeded.b.Helpthestudentsunderstandotherswhenbodylanguageisbeingused.Teachingimportantpointsa.Teachthestudentshowtounderstandbodylanguageusedindifferentcountriesorculturesaswellasindifferentoccasions.b.Teachthestudentshowtousebodylanguageinthemostappropriateoccasions.Teachingdifficultpointsa.Enablethestudentstorealizetheimportanceofbodylanguageincommunicationsothatlittleornomisunderstandingmayoccur.b.Letthestudentsknowthatthereisbothpositivebodylanguageandnegativebodylanguage.Teachingmethodsa.Individualwork,pairworkandgroupwork.b.Actingoutbyimitation,mimeorwithgesturesandbodymovement.TeachingaidsAcomputer,aprojectorandsomepictures.Teachingprocedures&waysI.WarmingupWarmingupbyacting Lookatthelistofinterpretationontherightsideofthechart.Performtheactionorthenonverbalbehaviourontheleftside.ExamplesOfBodyLanguageWarmingupbydefining—Whatisbodylanguage?II.Pre-reading1.LookingandsayingLookatthemaninthepicturebelow.Whatdoeshesaytoyoubyhisbodylanguage?Basic ally,howthe......doIknow?Or,Idon’tknownothin!Theshouldersarehunchedandthehandsareopen signifyingabigquestionmark.2.TalkingandsharingBodylanguageisthequiet,secretandmostpowerfullanguageofall!Accordingtoexperts,ournon-verballanguagecommunicatesabout50%ofwhatwereallymean(voicetonalitycontributes38%)whilewordsthemselvescontributeamere7%.Ourbodiessendoutmessagesconstantlyandoftenwedon'trecognizethatwe'recommunicatingalotmorethanwerealize.Ourunderstandinganduseofnon-verbalcuesinfacialexpressionarefamiliartousnearlyfrombirthIII.Reading1.Readingaloudtotherecording NowpleaselistenandreadaloudtotherecordingofthetextCOMMUNICATION:NOPROBLEM?.Payattenti ontothepronunciationofeachwordandthepauseswithineachsentence.Iwillplaythetapetwiceandyoushallreadaloudtwice,too.2.Readingandunderlining Nextyouaretoreadandunderlinealltheusefulexpressionsorcollocationsinthepassage.Copythemtoyournotebookafterclassashomework.3.ReadingtoidentifythetopicsentenceofeachparagraphNextyouaretoskimthetexttoidentifythetopicsentenceofeachparagraph.4.Readingandtransferringinformation Readthetextagaintocompletethetable.Whereishe/shefrom?Whatdoeshe/shedowhenhe/shemeetsoAsyouhavereadthetexttimes,youcansurelytellwhichsentencesaredifficulttounderstand.Nowp utyourquestionsconcerningthedifficultpointstometheteacher.6.ReadingandtranslatingNowit’stimetotranslatethetextintoChinese,sentencebysentence.Whowi llbethefirsttodoit?IV.ClosingdownClosingdownbydoingexercisesToendthelessonyouaretodothecomprehendingexercisesNo.1and2onpage26and27.ClosingdownbycheckingC hecksomeofthefollowingbasicnon-verbalcuesandyou'llrecognizethatyoualreadyspeakandtranslatemuchofthelanguage.“I’msurprised!”I’mshocked!”“I’msad!”Unit4BodyLanguageVocabularyandUsefulExpressions(一)明确目标1.Learnabouttheusefulwordsandexpressioninthereadingtext.2.Learnhowtouse"hadbetter","should"and"oughtto"whilegivingadvice.3.Discusstheanswerstoallthee xercisesintheStudents’Book.(二)整体感知Step1PresentationInthisclasswe’llfirstgothroughthetextandlearntousesomelanguagepoints.Andthenwe’lldiscusstheexercisestogetherwitheachother.(三)教学过程Step2Languagepointsinthereadingtext1>Likespokenlanguage,bodylanguagevariesfromculturetoculture.??vary??[用法]vt.1.使不同;变更;修改2.使多样化??????vi.1.变化;呈多样化[(+in/on/with)]??[举例]Henevervariedhishabits.??????他从未改变过自己的习惯。
高中英语 Unit 4《Body Language》教案(4) 新人教版必修4

Body language一、教学目标与要求通过本单元教学,使学生了解身势语在各国人民交往中的重要性。
二、教学重点与难点1.重点词汇 manage;wave;nod;realize;agreement;disagreement;while;manners;communicate;make sb.…;body language;one another;not all…2.重要句型 1〕Although we may not realize it,when we talk with others we make ourselves understood not just by words. 2〕But not all body language means the same thing in different countries.3〕In some Asian countries,you must not touch the head of another person.4〕But English people do not like to be too close to one another unless there is a rea-son.3.语法复习动词不定式作宾语、定语、表语和状语。
〔The Infinitive〕 1〕 They don’t like to be too close to one another.2〕They will move back to keep a certain distance away.3〕Have you got anything to say?4〕 It’s a pleasure to meet you.5〕Waving one’s hand is to say “Goodbye〞.6〕I don’t know how to communicate with foreigners.4.日常交际用语提供帮助和应答〔Offers and responses〕1〕 Can I take those boxes for you?2〕Thanks.Thst’s very kind.3〕What about your bag?Would you like me to carry it?4〕No,thanks.I can manage it myself.5〕Is there anything else I can do for you?6〕No,thank you.Thanks for all your help.7〕Shall I show you how to use this electrical typewrit-er?8〕Thanks.I haven’t used this one before.三、课型〔一〕对话课Ⅰ.教具录音机、投影仪。

Unit 4 Body language阅读课一、教学内容Pre-reading (p.25); Reading (p.26); Comprehending (p.27)二、教学目标1. 能力目标●让学生通过阅读,能够理解并尊重不同区域的人的身体语言和其文化涵义。
2. 语言目标●重点词汇与短语greet prediction represent association dormitory canteen flight curiouscuriouly Colombia approach cheek defend defence majormisunderstanding Jordan dash adult spoken Spain Italy likely crossroadsdefend against be likely to in general●重点句子结构与用法Yesterday, another student and I, representing our university’s student association, wentto …After half an hour of waiting for their flight to arrive, I saw several young people enterthe waiting area looking around curiously.I stood for a minute watching them and then went to greet them.She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defence.Then Akira Nagata from Japan came in smiling, together with Japanese student.When Darlene Coulon from France came dashing through the door, she recognizedTony Garcia’s smiling face.三、教学步骤步骤一读前1. 引导学生回忆Warming Up部分和听力材料的内容,布置学生各组不同的任务归纳人和黑猩猩的相似之处。
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Book 4 Unit4 Body Language
教学内容:巩固 unit4 复习过的知识点,在此基础上,针对高考II卷填空、改错、写作题型设题训练
教学目标:扎实掌握 unit4 知识点,争取让学生实现知识点的灵活运用
教学重、难点:(1) 由知识点到II卷题型的运用;(2) 由知识点到写作的运用教学过程:
Step1: 针对上节课复习的语言点,让学生自己讲并回顾重点句子。
结合上节课复习的 unit4 语言点,听写单词和句子并自我检查.
I check yourself
1. 2.
Step3:根据unit4 语言点,将语言点融入到语法填空题型,让学生进一步巩
II blank-filling
I know you have always been crazy western culture. It is good to be
(curiosity) about the world around you, because I think curiosity is the best teacher. Much to our delight, our dear English teacher Lisa will
represent motherland-UK to make a speech about western culture. The speech will be given in the library Jan 12, from 9 to 11 am . With the time (approach), I think you must be more and more excited. The moment you see her, you will give her big hug. Generally speaking, she is the best teacher we (meet). She is always the first to bear hardships and the last (enjoy) comforts. (face) with difficulties, she never gives up tries her best to find a way out. So you are likely to enjoy the most beautiful speech about western culture by Lisa.
1.I know you have always been crazy about west culture.
2.It is good to be curious about the world around you because I think curiosity is a best teacher.
3.The speech will give in the library on Jan 12, from 9 to 11 am.
4.Generally speaking, she is the best teacher we have had met.
Step5: 呈现语法填空全文,让学生通读并猜测作文题目。
外教Lisa 将做一次关于西方文化的讲座。
(3)120 字左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数
Dear Hong,
I know you have always been crazy about western culture...
Step6:分析2017 年写作题目,总结特点
(2017 全国课标Ⅰ) 假设你是李华,正在教你的英国朋友Leslie 学习汉语。
(2017 全国课标Ⅱ) 假设你是李华,想邀请外教Henry 一起参观中国剪纸艺术
(2017 全国课标Ⅲ) 假设你是李华,你所在的乒乓球队正在招收新队员。
请你给留学生朋友Eric 写封邮件邀请他加入。
内容包括:①球队活动②报名方式及截止日期Step7: 学生利用这节课所学的内容,引申出作文。
假设你是李华,你的好友Tom 对Body Language 很感兴趣,写信告诉他你们
高中时的王老师将做一次关于Body Language 的讲座。
(3)120 字左右
( 本单元参考知识点:be crazy about, be curious about, with...approaching,
generally speaking, be likely to do)
III writing
IV homework
Correct mistakes in your writing to achieve a better one.。