
MJ to undertake the past and future of American entertainment culture
MJ opens international music and American music.
Yao Ming is undoubtedly a bridge between Chinese and American cultural communication
The status of the American Symphony has become more and more important. It is a kind of music culture.
Chinese culture has been a good integration of the United States
Disney park for more young generation began to like the United States
There's never been a lack of stars.
"Dream factory" is the symbol of American
American election reflects the democratic culture of the United States
Don't forget the world trade center, which was once a representative of the American economic and cultural.
英美文化概况单词短语 10

16. manipulate [mə'nɪpjʊleɪt] vt. 操纵;操作;巧妙地处理;篡改 例: She was unable, for once, to control and manipulate events. 她曾一度无法控制和操纵事件。 例: The technology uses a pen to manipulate a computer. 这项技术使用笔来操作计算机。
15. aspirant 英 [ə‘spaɪər(ə)nt] n. 有抱负的人;野心家 adj. 上进的;有野心的 例: ...the young aspirant to power. ...对权力有抱负的年轻人。 例: ...aspirant politicians. ...有抱负的政治家们。
22. ravage 英 ['rævɪdʒ] n. 蹂躏,破坏
vi. 毁坏;掠夺 例: The country has been ravaged by civil war. 这个国家被内战摧毁了。 例: Is it for you to ravage seas and land? 你认为海洋和陆地将被破坏吗?
23. stance 英 [stɑːns; stæns]
n. 立场;姿态;位置;准备击球姿势 lofty stance 高姿态 ; 宽容不与人计较的态度 belay stance 确保姿势 例: Congress had agreed to reconsider its stance on the armed struggle. 国会已经同意重新考虑其对本次武装斗争的态度。 例: Take a comfortably wide stance and flex your knees a little. 取两腿自然分开的站姿,双膝微屈。

Broadway is the main street of Manhattan. It is said that there are a lot of famous
theatres , and it is the birth place of the
drama and music play in America.
Other famous scenic spots:
1.Fifth Avenue(第五大道) 2.Grand Central Terminal
(中央车站) 3.Times Square(时代广场) 4.Rockefeller Center(洛克菲
Fifth Avenue(第五大道)
天主教 基督新教
国花:玫瑰花。象征着美丽、芬芳、热忱和爱情。 1985年经参议院通过定为国花。
国鸟的国家。并把这种鸟作为国徽图案的主体。白头雕外观美丽、 性情凶猛,特点是两头白头白尾。它代表着勇猛、力量和胜利。
格言:In God We Trust (我们信仰上帝,1956年—今)
(Yellowstone National Park),是世界上第一座认证国 家公园,也是世界上最壮观的国家公园之一。约八千 平方公里的环形山盆地。 景点有气势宏伟的老忠实间歇泉(Old Faithful Geyser), 五彩斑斓的大棱镜(Grand Prismatic Spring),宁静的 黄石湖(Yellowstone Lake),奔流直下的黄石瀑布,壮 丽的黄石大峡谷(Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone), 两季美的丽衣的服巨,象上坡温上泉白(M雪a皑m皑m,o间th歇H泉ot附S近pr热in气g,腾腾亦,译在-猛园犸内的象公路上

Eating in America
• Turducken是最具创意的美国本土食物。先 是拿一只火鸡,然后塞只鸭子在它肚子里 ,再往鸭子肚子里塞只鸡,最后往鸡里塞 些香肠和熏肉,经过2-3小时的油炸,这道 非常美国化的美食,就这样完成了。有些 美国人根据自己的口味还会加入一些溶化 的奶酪制品。这道菜通常是在美国的一些 盛大节日里才吃得到,像美国的国庆日( 每年7月4日)、感恩节、圣诞节。
• 建筑风格主要是参照教堂建筑纯正的哥特风格。
• 新现代
United States
The national emblem of the United States and the national bird.
The White House
• 白宫(英语:White House,也称白屋)是 美国总统的官邸和办公室。白屋由美国国 家公园管理局拥有,是“总统公园”的一 部分。二十美元纸币的背面图片就是白屋 。白宫是一幢白色的新古典风格砂岩建筑 物,位于华盛顿哥伦比亚特区西北宾夕法 尼亚大道1600号。因为白宫是美国总统的 居住和办公的地点,“白宫”一词常代指 美国政府,譬如“白宫宣布,英国首相访 lding
帝 国 大 厦 是 纽 约 人 的 骄 傲
• 帝国大厦(英语:Empire State Building) ,是位于美国纽约市的一栋著名的摩天大 楼,共有102层,由Shreeve, Lamb, and Harmon建筑公司设计,1930年动工, 1931年落成,只用了410天,它的名字来源 于纽约州的别称帝国州(Empire State), 所以英文原意实际上是“纽约州大厦”, 而“帝国州大厦”是以英文字面意思直接 翻译之译法,但因此帝国大厦的译法已广 泛流传,故沿用至今。
美式文化 中的词汇

1. 自由女神像(Statue of Liberty):作为美国的标志性建筑之一,自由女神像是自由和民主的象征。
2. 好莱坞(Hollywood):美国电影工业的中心,代表了美国的娱乐文化。
3. 汉堡包(Hamburger):美国的代表性食物之一,以其简单、快捷和美味而闻名。
4. 摇滚音乐(Rock music):起源于美国的一种音乐类型,以其强烈的节奏感和动感而受到广泛欢迎。
5. 感恩节(Thanksgiving):美国的传统节日,人们通常会与家人团聚,感恩生活中的各种祝福。
6. 超级碗(Super Bowl):美国国家橄榄球联盟(National Football League)的年度冠军赛,是全美最受欢迎的体育赛事之一。
7. 牛仔文化(Cowboy culture):美国西部文化的代表,包括牛仔服饰、音乐、舞蹈等。
8. 科技巨头(Tech giants):如苹果、谷歌、亚马逊等,代表了美国在科技领域的领先地位。
9. 嘻哈文化(Hip-hop culture):起源于美国纽约市的非裔和拉丁裔社区,包括音乐、舞蹈、时尚等方面。
10. 常春藤盟校(Ivy League):包括哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、普林斯顿大学等八所著名的私立大学,代表了美国高等教育的最高水平。

The origin of the street ball
• Street ball originated in the US.it dose not need in the formal baskteball court.In city square or a street that is plain and hard,we can open the same size of the basketball court and set up a basketball stand and play the game.
Street Culture
what's graffiti?
Graffiti refers to a drawing or writing scratched(乱涂) on a wall or other surfaces in order to gain attention or simply for excitement.It also can be understood as an unusual art from.
Art of Movement
What is Parkour?
In the strictest sense, Parkour is the art of moving through your environment as swiftly and efficiently as possible using
Losers are always in the wrong ,competitions are extremely fierce and skills are beyond imagination,which is the law in the street ball.

英语中的文化负载词(Culture-loaded words)是指那些在特定文化背景下具有特殊含义或表达方式的词汇。
同样,“Uncle Sam”也是一个文化负载词,它代表了美国的国家形象和民族精神。

美国文化背景简介【熔炉】(The Melting Pot)美国的别称。
因为美国是一个由来自世界各地不同民族的移民融合组成的国度【雅皮士与雅非士】(Yuppies and Yuffies)雅皮士是美国人根据嬉皮士(Hippies)仿造的一个新词,意思是“年轻的都市专业工作者”与嬉皮士们不同,雅皮士们没有颓废情绪,不关心政治与社会问题,只关心赚钱,追求舒适的生活雅非士意为“都市中失败的年轻人”。
【山姆大叔】(U n c l e S a m)它是美国的绰号与象征。
山姆大叔的英文为U n c l e S a m,缩写是U.S.,正好与美国的英文缩写相同。
但它怎样成为美国的绰号和象征的呢?普遍的说法是:1812年,美英战争期间,美国特罗城有一个专门供应军用牛肉的商人(也有的说是军事订货的官员)名叫山姆尔〃威尔逊(S a m u e lW i l s o n,1776—1854),人们平时都叫他山姆大叔(U n c l e S a m)。
【黑色星期五】(Black Friday)“黑色”这一词,源出耶稣殉难日(Good Friday)。

常见欧美词汇及其背景和典故1、柏拉图式爱情Platonic Love柏拉图(公元前427~公元前347),古希腊著名哲学家。
2、诺亚方舟Noah’s Ark出自《圣经》。
5、皮格马利翁效应Pygmalion Effect皮格马利翁是古希腊神话中的塞浦路斯国王,善雕刻。
美国文化介绍(全英文) PPT

The Bald Eagle is the national bird of the United States of America, and it has become the national emblem of the country
Through the NBA, the world just know, basketball can play this way
Phelps surprised the world with the strength of American sports culture
Football makes the president go crazy.
Disney park for more young generation began to like the United States
There's never been a laeam factory" is the symbol of American entertainment culture
The status of the American Symphony has become more and more important. It is a kind of music culture.
Chinese culture has been a good integration of the United States
A statuette is a reflection of the status quo of film culture
Imagination is the feature of American film culture.
美国文化American culture

2050 74.0%
46.3% 30.2% 13.0% 7.8%
Stars = the 50 States Stripes = the 13 colonies
Five famous symbols of American culture
American Civil War
The American Civil War (1861–1865), also known as the War Between the States Eleven Southern slave states formed the Confederate States of America, also known as "the Confederacy." Led by Jefferson Davis, the Confederacy fought against the United States (the Union)
U.S. Census Bureau Population projections
Race/ethnicity Whites
Non-Hispanic Whites Hispanics/Latinos (of any race) African Americans Asian Americans
2010 79.5%
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
英美文化背景知识 (英文版)

英美文化背景知识Newspapers in Britain and the USNewspapers in BritainNational and local papersIn Britain there are 11 national daily newspapers and most people read one of them every day. There are two kinds of newspaper. One is large in size and has many detailed articles about national and international events. These newspapers are called the serious papers or the quality papers. The other kind, called the tabloids is smaller in size, have more pictures, often in colour, and shorter articles, often about less important events or about the private lives of well-know people. Although some people disapprove(反对) of the tabloids(小报), more people buy them than buy the serious newspaper. The Sun, for example, which is a tabloid, is the biggest-selling newspaper in Britain. People who disapprove of the tabloids very strongly sometimes call them the Gutter Press.There are daily or weekly newspapers in all parts of Britain which cover local news as well as some national and international stories. Local papers give information aboutfilms, concerts, and other things that are happening in the local neighborhood, including, for example, information about local people who have been married or died recently. National papers generally give information about film, concerts and other events happening in London, In Scotland, many people read the Glasgow Herald or the Scotsman and there are Scottish Editions of the tabloids.There also many free local newspapers which are delivered to people’s homes whether they ask for them or not. These contain a lot of advertisements(广告) and also some news.PoliticsMost national newspapers in Britain express a political opinion and people choose the newspaper that they read according to their own political beliefs. Most of the newspapers are right-wing. These are the Daily Telegraph(serious newspaper), the Daily express, Daily Mail, Daily Star, the Sun and Today(all tabloids). Of the other serious newspapers, The Times, the oldest newspaper in Britain, did not formerly have one strong political view but itis now more right-wing. The Guardian is slightly left-wing, the Independent is centre and the Financial(金融) with political issues, but reports on business and financial news. The Daily Mirror(tabloid) is left-wing.Daily and Sunday newspapersDaily newspapers are published on every day of the week except Sunday. Sunday newspapers are larger than daily newspapers, often having 2 or 3 sections. There is also other a magazine, called the colour supplement(增刊). All the Sunday newspapers are national Serious newspapers include the Observer(which is slightly left-wing), the Sunday Times, the Sunday Telegraph and the Independent on Sunday, the Sunday Mirror, the Sunday Express, the News of the World and the Sunday Sport which is considered to lack much serious information.Newspapers in The USNational and local newspapersThere are more than 1500 daily newspapers in the US. Each one is usually sold only in one part of the country, e.g. in a city, but they cover national and international news. In larger cities there is often more than one newspaper and the different ones express different political opinions. Some newspapers are sold in nearly all parts of the US. E.g. USA today and the National edition of the New York Times. Two other newspapers, the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post are know and respected all over the US but cannot be bought everywhere. Other important newspapers are: the Boston Globe, sold in New England, the Chicago Tribune, sold in the Midwest, the Christian Science Monitor and USA Today, both sold nationally, and the Washington Post on the East Coast.There are also weekly newspapers in all parts of the US which cover local news, such as what is happening in the local neighborhood(地方). Fewer people read these than read the daily newspapers.Daily and Sunday newspapersDaily newspapers are published on every day of the week except Sunday. Sunday newspapers are very big, often having several separate parts. They contain many longer articles and a lot of advertisements. Each section deals with a different subject. E.g. national and international news, sport, travel, etc. One section, the classifieds(分类广告) has advertisements for jobs and things for sale. Another section is called the funnies. There is often also a magazine which is in color.Alternative newspapersIn the 1960s a group of newspapers began to appear that were later called in “alternative press”. They expressed extreme(极端的) political opinions, especially left-wing opinion. Many of the newspapers which were part of this movement, such as the Village Voice in New York or the Reader in Chicago, are less extreme today and more widely read.Law in Britain and the USIn both Britain and the US, when a person is accused of a rime it must be shown that they are guilty "beyond reasonable doubt". A person is always innocent(无罪) in the eyes of the law until they have been proved to be guilty by a court they can sometimes ask for permission to APPEAL(上诉) to a higher court in the hope that it will change this decision.Criminal law in England and WalesWhen someone is arrested (ARREST) by the police, a MAGISTRATE (=an official who judges cases in some types of courts) decides whether there is enough EVIDENCE(证据) against the person for the case to go to court. If there is enough evidence and the case is a serious one, the person accused(控告) of the crime (called 'the accused(被告)') is sent to a CROWN COURT for a TRIAL with a JUDGE and JURY (=12 members of the public who have to decide if the accused is guilty(有罪的), then the judge decides the SENTENCE(判决) (2) (=punishment). If there is enough evidence against the accused but the crime is not a seriousone (for example a traffic offence) then the case is heard in a MAGISTRATES COURT.If found guilty in the Crown Court the accused may apply to(请求) the COURT OF APPEAL (Criminal Division) where he or she will be heard by a judge. Sometimes a HIGH COURT judge from the Queen's Bench Division assists in dealing with criminal matters in the Court of Appeal or Crown Court.Criminal law in Northern IrelandIn Northern Ireland, as in England and Wales, someone accused of a crime may be tried in a Magistrates' Court or a Crown Court depending on how serious the crime is. Appeals from the Crown Court are heard in the Northern Ireland Court of Appeal.Criminal law in ScotlandScotland has a separate court system. After a person is arrested by the police, an official called the PROCURATOR FISCAL is in charge of deciding whether there is enoughevidence against the accused for a trial. If there is enough evidence and the crime is a very serious one, the accused is sent to the HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY where there is a judge and jury(陪审团) (in Scotland there are 15 people on a jury). If there is enough evidence but the crime is a less serious one, the case is heard in a SHERIFF COURT (The sheriff is a trained lawyer who acts as a judge). Appeals from the Sheriff Court go to the High Court of Justiciary.Criminal law in the USThe US has tow separate court systems. In general terms STATE COURTS are used when someone has done something against the laws of CONSTITUTION of a particular State. FEDERAL COURTS deal with cases to do with the laws and Constitution of the United States as whole. Federal courts also hear cases where the US Government is one of the sides involved(介入). Cases for crimes which are not serious are likely to be heard in state courts. Serious crimes may be tried in wither state courts of federal courts depending on the situation, for example cases where a crime has taken place in another state are often heard in federal courts.After a person has been arrested a magistrate(地方官员), or in some cases a GRAND JURY made up of between 16 and 23 citizens, decides whether they should go to trial. If there is enough evidence for a trial the accused goes to court and has to state whether he/she is guilty or not guilty of the crime. If they say they are not guilty they are sent to trial with a judge and jury (of 16 or 20 citizens) in either a State or COUNTY COURT or, in federal cases, a DISTRICT COURT. If the accused is found guilty they may have the fight to appeal to a higher court, as shown below.The final court of appeal in the US federal system and for some cases in the state courts is the US SUPREME COURT. It is made up of a CHIEF JUSTICE and eight ASSOCIATES. The accused does not have the fight to be heard by the Supremes Court, but the Supreme Court decides which cases it will hear.Holiday in Britain and the USPaid HolidayPeople in the US get 2 weeks a year paid vacation (holiday) form their job. Most British people have four or five weeks paid holiday a year. Americans often complain that tow weeks is not enough holiday, especially when they hear about the longer holidays that Europeans get. In addition, there are 8 days in each country, which are public holidays (the British call Bank Holiday) and many of these fall on a Monday giving people a long weekend. In Britain, so many people drive to another part of the country, especially the coast, on Bank Holiday weekends that there are serious traffic jams, which may stretch(长达) for many miles.Popular Holiday PlacesWith the US, outdoor vacations are popular, for example at the Grand Canyon or Yosemite or Yellowstone or the national parks or forests. Yong people may go walking or camping in the mountains. Many people have capers or small trailer(拖车) in which to travel, or if they are in a car, they may stay at Motels on the journey Disneyland and Disneyworld are also popular and people can to skiing in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, Wyoming and Montana.。
英美文化概况单词短语 10

6.seizure 英 ['siːʒə] n. 没收;夺取;捕获;(疾病 的)突然发作If someone has a seizure, they have a sudden violent attack of an illness, especially one that affects their heart or brain. (心脏病、脑部疾病等的) 突 然发作 例:...a mild cardiac seizure. …一次轻度心脏病发作。 Police have made one of the biggest seizures of heroin there's ever been. 警方这次缴获的海洛因是迄今为止数目最大的几宗 之一。 7. compromise 英 ['kɒmprəmaɪz]vt. 妥协;危害 vi. 妥协;让步 n. 妥协,和解;折衷 例: Encourage your child to reach a compromise between what he wants and what you want. 鼓励你的孩子在他想要的和你想要的之间折衷。
15. aspirant 英 [ə‘spaɪər(ə)nt] n. 有抱负的人;野心家 adj. 上进的;有野心的 例: ...the young aspirant to power. ...对权力有抱负的年轻人。 例: ...aspirant politicians. ...有抱负的政治家们。
3. tranquility [træn'kwɪləti] n. 宁静;平静 Dark Tranquility 阴暗的幽静 ; 沉寂黑暗 ; 阴暗幽静 ; 表 演者 American Tranquility 静谧的美国 Timeless Tranquility 永恒的宁静 例句: Love, happiness and tranquility are all contagious. 爱、幸福与宁静都是有感染力的。 After a busy day, the room in which you retire should provide a haven of tranquility so that you can rest and sleep adequately. 在忙碌的一天结束后,你回到的那个房间应该是一个 宁静的庇护所,这样你就可以好好休息,保持充足的 睡眠。

The flag of the United States has 13 stripes(条形) and 50 stars.The 13 stripes stand for the original 13 colonies(殖民地) in North America.And the 50 stars on the flag represent the 50 states(州).Broad way(百老汇) is the main street of Manhattan(曼哈顿)。
It is the birth place of the drama and music play in America.New York Nickname:(纽约) The Big Apple(大苹果)The City Never Sleeps(不夜城)The capital of world(世界之都)The statue of liberty 自由女神像is the symbol of the United States.Empire State Building(帝国大厦)Built:1930Floor :102Height:443metersUnited Nations Headquarters (联合国总部)The Pentagon(五角大楼)is another name for the Department of Defense(国防部). Seen from the surface of the Pentagon, it is like a spider net(蜘蛛网).American Yellowstone national park(黄石国家公园)is very beautiful, everywhere is full of natural breath .美国总统府:白宫The White HouseHollywood(好莱坞)is famous for the classic movies.Universal Studios Hollywood环球影城总统山 :Mount RushmoreThis epic sculpture features the faces of four exalted American presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, TheodoreRoosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. 4位总统的头像从左至右共分四排,左起第一位是华盛顿,在第一排;第二位是杰斐逊,在第二排,位于华盛顿之后;右起第一位是林肯,在第三排;右起第二位是罗斯福,在第四排. NBA National Basketball Association. 全美篮球协会Golden Gate Bridge (金门桥) is one of the world-famous bridge, known as a miracle (奇迹)of modern engineering.There are many basketball stars in the NBA, like Michael Jordan, Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian.Chinese love, pride of the Chinese people, Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian represent the highest level of Chinese basketball. 中国人的最爱,中国人的骄傲,姚明和易建联代表中国篮球的最高水准。

------General Introduction through Some English Phrases
【熔炉】(The Melting Pot)
美国的别称。因为美国是一个由来自世界各地不同 民族的移民融合组成的国度。这些移民说的英语不 像英国人的英语那样具有较强的阶层性与地域多样 性。他们形成了相似的生活习惯与礼节;城乡居民 的差别也不像其他国家的那样明显。美国社会虽然 竞争性强,且存在着种族歧视,但它在同化来自不 同民族的移民方面又表现出相当大的弹性与包容性。 因而,形成了全新的整体文化与共同的民族意识, 使美国成为“一个多民族组成的国家”。美国人的 人生观是基于个人奋斗、自我管束与竞争精神之上 的。
美国主要报刊 Major Newspapers and Journals
《纽约时报》New York Times
1851年创刊是美国最有影响的三家大报纸之 一。社址在纽约市中心的时报广场,为苏兹 贝克(Sulzberger)家族所有。该报基本反映美 国的外交政策及动向。平日发行量为80万份, 每份约60至100页,星期日刊增加两个副刊, 发行量为140万份,每份达300页以上。读者 主要是美国上层社会,包括资本家、国会议 员、政府官员以及高级知识分子。
《纽约每日新闻》Daily News 1919年创刊,为美国发行量最大的报纸。
期刊 Periodicals
1. 《时代》(Time): 周刊,1923年创刊于纽 约,分国内版和国外版,国外版又分欧洲、 亚洲及拉丁美洲版。该刊以报导及时和文字 新颖取胜。辟有国外新闻、经济、宗教、科 学、法律、人物、医药、影剧评论、体育等 各类专题报导。发行量约300万份。
Secondary Education

bazzard 兀鹰spangle 闪闪发光the Star Spangled Banner 星条旗之歌banner 条幅geographical division 地理分区be abbreviated to 缩写为be situated 位于northern temperate zone 北温带plateau 高原tableland 台地highland 高地the Gulf of Mexico墨西哥湾boundary line 国界线prairie 大草原reach 绵延的大片地区(河流两个弯曲处之间的河段或运河两闸门之间的直水道)Guam关岛Puerto Rico 波多黎各Virgin Island 维尔京群岛Virgin Marry 圣母玛利亚inlet 海湾;湖湾;河湾habor a place of shelter for ships 海港港口fishing industry 渔业havoc 大破坏;浩劫;大混乱play havoc with (口)造成巨大混乱(或困难)NAFTA Norhtern America and Mexico Trade Agreement北美自由贸易区so far as 根据就。
travel as far as you likeSo far as the geographical features areconcerned, the large territory of the continental United Srates can be divided into 3 basic areas.the Atlantic Seacoast 太平洋沿岸地带the Appalachian Mountains 阿巴拉气雅山the Great Mississippi River Basin密西西比河盆地the Rockey Mountains落基山the Middle Atlantic Seacostthe most densely populated region 人口最密集地区the continental American streches 4,500 kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean on the east to the Pacific Ocean on the west美国西临大西洋,东濒大西洋,东西横跨4,500公里America’s relative position in relation to othercountries美国和其他国家的相对位置relieve v. relieve the Uitied States of the burden to maintain a large frontier army along its borderas a matter of factthe trade between America and Mexico is climbing 美墨贸易额正在攀升cooperation based on mutual benefit 以互利为原则的合作Along the Atlantic Seacoast is a narrow plain which begins far up the coast and becomes wider as it goes south.heavily wooded moutaindeep valleyin the deep souththis area appears to be very flat which rises gradually toward west西高东低tourist resort旅游胜地the water supply for cities 城市供水to creat electric power发电shortage of fresh water 淡水短缺cover a distance of some 2,00 kilometers in widththe Middle West中西部cattle raising牧牛业majestic雄伟的;庄严的Arctic北极的;北极地区的Continental Divide/ Great Divide watershed 分水岭,分水线precipitation降水量consequently所以geyser间歇泉hot spring温泉mud volcano 泥火山fossil forests volcanic glass 火山玻璃,黑曜岩,松脂岩the Sierra Nevadathe Great Basin 大盆地rainfall 降雨Death Valley 死亡谷the Coast RangesCentral valleyalluvium 淤泥,冲击土irrigate灌溉sugar beet 甜菜bean 大豆Bering Strait 白令海峡Alaska(1.5 million skm), which faces Russia across the 80 kilometers-wide Bering Strait ,is seperated from mainland America facilitate make easy or less difficult or more easily achievedgive rise to 导致sierra 锯齿山脊cascade小瀑布owe to都亏了;由于landform地形地貌merorable worth remembering; not to be forgottenthe Sun Belt 阳光地带tropical热带的harass trouble and annoy continually or repeatedunbroke land 完整的土地The snow piles up to 6 meters high insomeplaces.A few inches more or a few inches less of rain during the growing season may make the difference between success and failure. dust storms 沙尘暴steel mills 钢厂ore 矿石taconitesteam plant 蒸汽动力厂plastic 塑料coal deposit 矿层coal reserves矿藏zinc 锌copper 铜silver银phosphate rock 磷酸盐oil well 油井barrel 桶petroleum 石油gasoline汽油offshore area 离岸地区natual gas 天然气the shortage of domestic supplies of energy国内能源短缺publicizeembargo贸易限制arable 可耕的;适于耕地的;可耕地;大田作acre英亩annual 每年的;年度的acreage an extent of land 一片土地gas/ oil field 气田油田pipeline 管道管线befit 适合适宜humid (空气或气候)温暖潮湿的;温暖湿润的mileage 英里里程inland transportation 内陆运输navigable 可航行的;可通行的power genneration 发电sewer 下水道drainage basin 流域盆地dam坝hydroelectric 水力发电的seasonal 季节性的artery 动脉主要道路干线join Missouri joins the Mississippi at St. Louis.course 行道课程讲座silt 淤泥chief 主河干tributary 支流drain (of a river ) carry off the superfluous water of (a district)delta 三角洲be laden with 载重重负most large waterways are laden with vast, poisonous volumes of industrial, and human wastes.be choked with被……堵塞sandbar (河口处)沙洲;(海岸上的)沙坝lock 船闸dredge 挖泥船;挖泥机;疏浚barge 驳船the Great Lakes 五大湖tonage 吨位vessel船;舰circuitous 迂回的;绕行的glaciated 被冰河或冰覆盖的arid 干旱的干燥的mighty强大的freight 大宗货物Department of the Interior 内政部convert ocean water into fresh water淡水转化hectare 公顷soil erosion 水土流失resin 树脂raw material 原材料timber 木材;木料swine 猪graze 啃草pasture 放牧;牧场Panama Canal ZoneU.S. Air Force 美国空军部the Navy Department 海军部jurisdiction 司法权Midway Islands 中途岛melting pot 熔炉descend be descend from..= be descendants of是…的后裔be sparsely populatedNetherlands 荷兰flock to 成群活动;蜂拥至;涌向thousands flocked to Americapeak 顶峰;最高点admit immigrants 吸收移民Latin America 拉美reside 居住;定居inhabitant citizen ; residentbe scattered thoughtout the nation descent 世系;血统;家世Caucasian 白种人;高加索人Polynesian 波利尼西亚人Filipino 菲律宾人urbanized population 城市化人口suburb市郊;郊区as of 在(某一时刻)populous 人口稠密的fetility rate 生育力one of …= among….make up over 占…median 中间的median age 中年the U.S. has a white American majority. compose 组成;构成Minorities compose just over one-third of the population.Hispanic 西班牙裔的Latino 拉美裔的ethnicity 种族的census 人口普查;人口调查triple 三倍It reached the 200 million mark in 1967. projection 投影;投射;做估计;对来年的预测population’s distribution 人口分布Pacific Islander 太平洋岛民parent plant 总厂rural areas 乡下;农村due in part to 部分由于infant mortality 婴儿死亡mortality rate死亡率extend life expectancy 延长寿命reveal 展示;显示;使展露waterfront (城镇的)滨水区;码头区Los Angeles 洛杉矶Chicago芝加哥Philadelphia 费城the Declaration of Independence 独立宣言consititution宪法lay out (根据计划)布置安排Washington was laid out by French architect Pierre L’ Enfant.diversity of national background 多样的国家背景Scandinavian 斯坎迪亚维亚the fabric of American society 美国社会结构the Contistitutional Convention 制宪会议exercise power 行使权力confederate联邦的confederacy 联邦(政府)committee 委员会consensus 意见一致delegate 代表amend 修改;修订revision 校订;订正;修订本;订正版preamble 导言;序言;(法规的)前言;开端comprise由…..组成;包含After several revisions were made, the last draft comprisng a preamble 13 articles was written.adopt 通过;正式批准ratify (经签署等)正式批准或认可adopted by Congress and ratified by 13 states of the new nation in 1781provide (法规)规定assign 分配;指派regulate foreign affairs 管理外交事务declare war 宣战raise an army 征兵coin money 铸币handle relation with 处理和…的关系subordinate 次要的;下级的taxing authority 税务权decree 法令;政令strike a balance 取得平衡legislative 立法的;有关立法的executive branch行政机构judicial branch 司法机构framer 制定者;创作者grant 同意;答应vest 授予;赋予;给予(某人权力职权等)Article 1 vests all legislative powers in the Congress.the House of Representative 众议院the Senate 参议院stipulate 规定;约定Arthicle 7 stipulates that the Constitution would become operational after being ratified by nine states.embed 植入;扎牢;嵌入embeded in concret 嵌入水泥republicanism 共和制federalism 联邦制seperation of powers 分权check and balancein contrast to …与…相比the Electorate College 选举团compromise 和解;妥协unitary 单元的;一元化的designate 任命;指派designated 指定的power conventration集权Supreme Court 大法院tyranny 暴虐;残暴;专横abuses of power 滥用权力arbitrary 独裁的;专断的;任意的;武断的veto否决(权)nominate 提名(候选人);任命principal 第一的;首要的impeach 弹劾override使无效;推翻;驳回bicameral 两院制的be composed of 由…组成consisting ofbe made up ofthe representation is proportional to each state’s populationchamber 议院approximate 大概的;约莫的;近似的initiate 开始;发起initiate tax bills 起草税务法案constituent 选民hierarchical 统治集团的refer… to 将…提交给…裁定refer bills to committeephilosophy 哲学;人生观impartial 不偏不倚的;公正的floor leader (议会的)政党领袖partisan 党派的whip 政党的组织秘书confirm 批准;确认;是正式生效the Senate confirms the presidental appointmentscabinet member 内阁成员reelect 改选;重选a U.S citizen for a minimum of nine years 至少在美国居住九年deliberate 从容而谨慎的prestigious 有威信的;受尊重的media coverage 媒体报道(量)the Democrate 民主党the Republican 共和党identical 完全一致的hearing 申诉的(机会)unanimous 无异议的;一致同意的consent 同意;准许reconcile 使和谐;是协调一致reconcile differeces 协调不同reach agreement 达成一致enact 使…成为为法律in reality 事实上inaction lack of actionexpertise 专长;学问;专业知识standing committee 常务委员会screen bills 筛选法案draft bills 起草法案submit 提交;呈递special/select committee on 特别委员会joint committeeera 时期bureaucracyreprieve 缓刑;缓解vest 使(财产或权力)归属(某个人)Aticle ii of the Constitution vests the executive power in the president.Mandate 授权The Constitution mandates him to supervise the operation of executive branch of the government’s annal budget for submission to congress.Discretion at discretion随意任意Periodical周期的;偶尔发生的Expedient 有利的;有效的He shall judge necessary and expedient. Convene 召集;组织(会议)The Constitution also convene either or both houses of Congress on extrordinary occasions. Diplomat 外交官;外交人员supply economic aid 经济援助receive foreign ambassadors 接待外交使节invariably 总是humble 恭顺的;低贱的evolve 是逐步形成,进化,演化derive 取得;得到;形成be derived from 有…构成;起源于inference 推断;推论wield 行使;运用权力,权威constitue 组成;构成All these esrablishments with about three million bureaucracy under the president’s command.The Cabinet is the core of the administration. Cntral Intelligent Agency (CIA) 中央情报局the secretary of the treasury 财政部advance policies 促进,支持政策the National Security Concil (NSC) 国家安全委员会counsel 律师;法律顾问;;律师团aide 副官;助手。

二、常用的英语俚语1.Ace含义:非常出色,非常成功的人或事物例句:She’s an ace at managing his time and work.她非常善于管理时间和工作。
2.All ears含义:非常聆听或期待听取某人讲话例句:I’m all ears. Tell me all about your trip.我会认真听取你关于旅行的所有故事。
3.Beat around the bush含义:拐弯抹角地说话,或不直接接触问题例句:Stop beating around the bush and tell me what you really want.别拐弯抹角了,告诉我你真正想要的是什么。
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------General Introduction through Some English Phrases
【熔炉】(The Melting Pot)
民族的移民融合组成的国度。这些移民说的英语不 像英国人的英语那样具有较强的阶层性与地域多样 性。他们形成了相似的生活习惯与礼节;城乡居民 的差别也不像其他国家的那样明显。美国社会虽然 竞争性强,且存在着种族歧视,但它在同化来自不 同民族的移民方面又表现出相当大的弹性与包容性。 因而,形成了全新的整体文化与共同的民族意识, 使美国成为“一个多民族组成的国家”。美国人的 人生观是基于个人奋斗、自我管束与竞争精神之上 的。
U.S. News and World Report: 1948年由《美国新闻》、《世界报导》和
《美国周刊》三刊合并而成。着重于政治、 经济和军事的综合报导与评论。代表洛克菲 勒财团的利益,发行量达300万份。
美国现行的教育体制 The Current American Education System
企业集团“道· 琼斯”公司(Dow Jones)出版, 是美国有影响的全国性财政金融专业性报纸。 发行量为140万份。
《纽约每日新闻》Daily News 1919年创刊,为美国发行量最大的报纸。
期刊 Periodicals
1. 《时代》(Time): 周刊,1923年创刊于纽
约,分国内版和国外版,国外版又分欧洲、 亚洲及拉丁美洲版。该刊以报导及时和文字 新颖取胜。辟有国外新闻、经济、宗教、科 学、法律、人物、医药、影剧评论、体育等 各类专题报导。发行量约300万份。
Secondary Education
与六年制两种。四年制中学主要有普通中学(high school),职业技术中学(technical school)和一些专 门中学(special school,如海事中学、自动化中学 等)。六年制中学又有两种。一种是将初中(junior high school)与高中(senior high school)独立分开的 中学,两者在课程设置、课表安排与行政管理等方 面都享有独立的自主权;另一种是六年一贯制中学, 将初、高中合为一体,在教学与行政等方面实行统 一管理。在美国,公立中学不许开设宗教课程,所 以出现了一些私立的教会中学( 实为教会所有),专 门培养教会神职人员。
【黑色星期五】(Black Friday)
“黑色”这一词,源出耶稣殉难日(Good Friday)。1987年10
月19日,纽约股票市场的股票价格暴跌,因这天是星期五, 故称股票市场的“黑色星期五”。10月19日纽约股市的股票 指数普遍大幅度下降,超过了1929年10月28日引发经济大 萧条的股票暴跌纪录。这天开市不久,即出现抛售股票的狂 潮,纽约股市创下了破纪录的股市交易6043亿股,使得美国 几家大公司损失惨重,上市的5000家公司的整个股票价值, 一天中就折损了5000亿美元。股值暴跌迅速度卷世界各地大 金融市场,引起了西方的极大恐慌,这次股票暴跌,是第一 次世界大战以来股市最糟的一次,也是华尔街有史以来下跌 幅度最剧烈的一次。
1792年始建时是一栋灰色的沙石建筑。从1800年起,它是美国总统在任 期内办公并和家人居住的地方。但是在1812年发生的第二次美英战争中, 英国军队入侵华盛顿。1814年8月24日英军焚毁了这座建筑物,只留下 了一付空架子。1817年重新修复时为了掩饰火烧过的痕迹,门罗总统下 令在灰色沙石上漆上了一层白色的油漆。此后这栋总统官邸一直被称为 “白宫”。1901年美国总统西奥多· 罗斯福正式把它命名为“白宫”, 后成为美国政府的代名词。
2. 《新闻周刊》(Newsweek): 创刊于1933
年,是一种综合性杂志。除国内版外,还 有大西洋版和太平洋版。是与《时代》同 享盛名的美国两家全国性周刊,发行量约 300万份。
3. 《读者文摘》(Reader’s Digest): 月刊,
创刊于1922年,号称世界发行量最大的杂 志,以15种文字,39种版本出版,每期发 行量达3000万册。内容广泛,以专摘各大 报和著名杂志的文章为一特色,另一特色 则是用刊头、刊尾到处补白、插警语、箴 言、座右铭、小笑话等。政治上反映美国 保守派的观点。
【山姆大叔】(Uncle Sam)
Sam,缩写是U.S.,正好与美国的英文缩写相同。 但它怎样成为美国的绰号和象征的呢?普遍的说法 是:1812年,美英战争期间,美国特罗城有一个专 门供应军用牛肉的商人(也有的说是军事订货的官员) 名叫山姆尔· 威尔逊(Samuel Wilson,1776—1854), 人们平时都叫他山姆大叔(Uncle Sam)。美国政府 收购他的牛肉箱上都盖U.S.字样。人们遂开玩笑说 这些盖有U.S.字样的箱子都是山姆大叔的。后来 “ 山姆大叔”便成了美国的绰号。19世纪30年代, 美国画家又将“山姆大叔”画成一个留有山 羊胡子的瘦长老人,帽子和裤子都有星条旗的标志。
《华盛顿邮报》Washington Post
的三家大报纸之一,属格雷厄姆(Graham)家 族所有。政治上接近国会,支持民主党,颇 受参议院重视。它向美国内外300多家报纸供 稿,以刊载一些政府“内幕”而著称,平日 发行量为50万份,星期日版为70万份。
Higher Education
院(college)两种。大学一般是综合性的,可包括若干个学院 (如医学院、法学院等)。大学为各州设立、管理。学院也可 分为两类:由州或大城市设立管理的四年制本科学院(包括 文学院、独立专业学院——如理工、医、法专业学院)和由 小城市或县设立管理的两年制学院(相当于中国的专科学院 或称大专)。前者可提供本科学历(可授予学士学位,后者只 提供专科学历(主要是专门职业培训)。在美国要拿到某专业 的学士学位,须学完该专业规定的课程及学分(每门课程的 学分不同),学分总数达到规定的要求后,学生可获得学士 学位。拿到学士学位的本科生,再通过一至两年的攻读,达 到要求者可获硕士学位。博士学位则要求研究人员完成有较 大难度的、规定的研究工作,并提交学术论文,方可获得。
场的小旅馆。60年代初随着汽车逐渐成为美 国、英国、欧洲、加勒比海地区和日本的主 要交通工具,这些旅馆的规模也不断扩大。 一般汽车旅馆有游泳池,大多数房间配有电 视。进入70年代后,一些国家政府允许个人 以联营汽车旅馆的名义,从事独自经营。这 样,只需较少的投资,即可为联营企业获取 较大的利润,从而加快了汽车旅馆业的发展。 尤其是北美的汽车旅馆比任何地方都多。
The Wall Street
河的一条大街道的名字,全长仅三分之一英里,宽 仅11米,是英文“墙街”的音译。街道狭窄而短, 从百老汇到东河仅有7个街段,却以“美国的金融 中心”闻名于世。美国摩根财阀、洛克菲勒石油大 王和杜邦财团等开设的银行、保险、航运、铁路等 公司的经理处集中于此。著名的纽约证券交易所也 在这里,至今仍是几个主要交易所的总部:如纳斯 达克、美国证券交易所、纽约期货交易所等。“华 尔街”一词现已超越这条街道本身,成为附近区域 的代称,亦可指对整个美国经济具有影响力的金融 市场和金融机构。
Primary education, secondary education, higher education (初等教育、中等教育和 高等教育)。在接受初等教育之前,学生可 以受到pre-school education(学前教育,主要 形式是保育学校——nursery school与幼儿 园——kindergarten)。
Primary Education
初等教育的主要教育机构是小学(elementary or primary school)。儿童五六岁入小学学习。 美国的小学有四年、六年制和八年制等几种。 从不同学制的小学毕业出来的学生进入不同 学制的中学(四年制小学毕业生事先须进入中 间中学学习四年,再进入中学)接受中等教育。
Байду номын сангаас
【雅皮士与雅非士】 (Yuppies and Yuffies)
词,意思是“年轻的都市专业工作者” 。雅皮士从 事那些需要受过高等教育才能胜任的职业,如律师、 医生、建筑师、计算机程序员、工商管理人员等。 他们的年薪很高。雅皮士们事业上十分成功,踌躇 满志,恃才傲物, 过着奢侈豪华的生活。与嬉皮士 们不同,雅皮士们没有颓废情绪,不关心政治与社 会问题, 只关心赚钱,追求舒适的生活。雅非士意 为“都市中失败的年轻人”。他们虽然觉得自己的 生活无法与雅皮士的生活相比,但又不愿意有失落 感,并发誓要找到自己的归宿。
The White House 白宫
The White House introduction 白宫简介
美国总统和政府办公的场所。 最初不称白宫,而被称作“总统大厦”、“总统之宫” 白宫的基址是美国开国元勋、第一任总统乔治· 华盛顿选定的,始建于 1792年,1800年基本完工。有趣的是,第一位入主白宫的总统并不是第 一任总统华盛顿,而是第二任总统约翰· 亚当斯;从此,美国历届总统均 以白宫为官邸,使白宫成了美国政府的代名词。
【常春藤联盟】The Ivy League
壁上长满了常春藤,故名。这8所大学是:1764年 建于罗得岛州的布朗(Brown)大学;1754年建于纽 约市的哥伦比亚(Columbia)大学;1769年建于新罕 布尔州的达得茅斯(Dartmouth)大学;1865年建于 纽约州的康乃尔(Cornell) 大学;1636年建于马萨诸 塞州的哈佛(Harvard)大学;1740年建于宾夕法尼亚 的宾夕法尼亚(Pennsylvania)大学;1746年建于新 泽西州的普林斯顿学院;1701年建于康涅狄克州的 耶鲁(Yale)大学。