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学校________ 班级________ 姓名________ 成绩________


Ⅳ. 完形填空(共20小题,计20分)



For most 8-year-old children, life can be summed up into two words: study and play.

However, for Connor Pickering, there is 26 important thing to do-his cake business.

Connor is a British boy.Because he didn't like the cakes in his school’s shops,he decided 27

a cake shop of his own.He told his teachers and parents his idea.They all28 him.

His parents lent him f15to buy the materials to make cakes.His shop was called C&G biscuit. And he 29 to sell cakes at school for10to20minutes at break time every day.

"There were a few other cake shops at school,but I didn't like30 they were selling.

Therefore,I started my own.They only made f2a week but I made much more.I didn't want to

put them out of business but that's just what happened,” said Connor.He now makes nearly f25

every week31 selling cakes at school.

Although running a cake shop makes money,it also gives him a lot of trouble."I called two

friends to help me,32 we had a disagreement and they left.”said Connor:“They didn't sell

enough cakes to cover the costs.And they were not willing to lose weight.I can't afford to have

people like them working for me.33 ,we are all friends again now.”

Connor has given all the money he made to the local air ambulance(救护直升机)

Although he has34 shop now,like most children,Connor isn't sure what he wants to do

when he grows up.One day,he 35 ran an ice cream shop,"he said

( ) 26.A.other B.another C.others D.the other

( ) 27. A.start B.starting C.started D.to start

( ) 28.A.has supported B.supports

C.will support


( ) 29.A.is allowed B.was allowed C.allowed D.will allow

( ) 30.A.anything B.everything C.something D.nothing

( ) 31.A.for B.on C by D.at

( ) 32.A so B.but C or D.and

( ) 33.A Lucky B.Luckily C.Impossibly D.Impossible

( ) 34.A./ B.an C.a D.the

( ) 35.A.need B.can C.might D.must



It was almost dark and raining hard. I was late for a meeting in a nearby city that I knew only by GPS (全球定位系统). And my 36 had broken. I couldn't know how to get to the place or how to let them know I was 37 not going to get there on time.

I stopped my car at a restaurant in a town and walked up to a mother and her 38 . “I'm sorry, but is it possible for me to look up a number on 39 phone, and then call the place and let them know I'm lost?”She handed me her phone and then told me she was lucky she had her phone. And it was getting ready to be 40 because she didn't have enough money to pay for the bill (账单).

The young girl and the mother talked quietly41 I made my phone call, not really paying much attention to me. The people at the other end of the phone told me I was not too42 , and then told me how to get there. As I wanted to 43 , an idea came to me. I reached into my wallet and took out all I had, a $20 bill. I gave it to the mother and then leave quickly without saying a word. The mother44 and her daughter called after me, “You have no idea how much you just45 us.”And yet, they really helped me.

( )36.A.car B. phone C.watch puter

( )37.A.exactly B.truly C.especially D. probably

( )38.A.friend B.son C. daughter D. uncle

()39.A. my B. your C. his D. her

( )40.A. turned off B.put off C. taken up D. got off

( )41.A. as B. until C.so D.unless

()42.A.early B. young C. late D. later

( )43.A. forget B. work C. support D. leave
