



2011年浙江工商大学金融硕士(MF)金融学综合真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 3. 计算题 5. 论述题9. 案例分析题单项选择题1.下列哪种情况下( )货币供给增加。



2.按资金的偿还期限分,金融市场可分为( )。


3.以下业务中属于商业银行表外业务的是( )。



4.通货比率的变动主要取决于( )的行为。


5.关于非抵补的利率平价理论,下列说法正确的是( )。


6.纸币的发行是建立在货币( )职能基础上的。


7.下列( )是金融市场所具有的主要宏观功能。

















金融硕士MF金融学综合(公司财务概述)历年真题试卷汇编1(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 2. 名词解释 4. 简答题 5. 论述题7. 判断题单项选择题1.公司财务管理的目标是( )(中山大学2013真题)A.利润最大化B.风险最小化C.公司价值最大化D.每股收益最大化正确答案:C解析:公司财务管理目标是公司价值最大化(股东权益最大化),此考点属于易考考点。

知识模块:公司财务概述2.下列关于财务管理目标的表述,错误的是( )。


知识模块:公司财务概述3.企业资本总市值与企业占用的投入总资本之差即( )。



那么两者的差异叫( )。


知识模块:公司财务概述5.为了评价判断企业的地位,在分析时通常采用的标准是( )。


知识模块:公司财务概述6.不属于公司金融竞争环境的原则是( )。

(浙江财经大学2012真题) A.自利行为原则B.期权原则C.双方交易原则D.信号传递原则正确答案:B解析:金融竞争环境的原则有四:自利行为原则、双方交易原则、信号传递原则和引导原则。



金融硕士MF金融学综合(外汇与汇率)历年真题试卷汇编3(总分:58.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:8,分数:16.00)1.按照购买力平价(PPP)理论,当甲国相对于乙国的价格水平上升时,甲国的货币币值会( )。


2.以一定单位的外币为标准折算成若干单位的本币来表示汇率的标价方法是( )。

(浙江财经大学2012真题) (分数:2.00)A.间接标价法B.直接标价法√C.美元标价法D.商品标价法解析:解析:直按标价法是以一单位外币能换取多少单位本币标价的方法。

3.中国人民银行买入外汇,其资产负债表上的变化是( )。



4.根据汇率决定的资产组合余额模型,当国内的债券供给增加,本币将会( )。


5.下面是对中国持有3.2万亿美元外汇储备的评价,其中错误的是( )。




2012年浙江大学金融硕士(MF)金融学综合真题试卷(总分:22.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、计算题(总题数:4,分数:8.00)1.某6个月期面值为100元的贴现式国债,以99元的价格发行(1)其年折扣率是多少?(2)其到期的年实际收益率又是多少?(3)假如某机构在该国债发行上市后3个月以99.2元的价格买入,其持有到期的实际收益率是多少?(4)如果该机构随之将该国债面值1 000万元,以回购方式卖出,期限一个月,融资980万元,回购利率是2%。



(2)实际收益率(半年):=1.01%,因此一年的实际收益率为:(1+0.010) 2-1=2.03% (3)实际收益率(三个月):=0.807%因此实际收益率(一年):(1+0.008 07) 4-1=0.032 7 (4)支付的利息额:980×=1.63万元)解析:2.在过去10年中,A基金平均回报12.8%,β为0.9;B基金平均回报17.9%,β为1.3。


你如何在E述两种投资基金中作选择?为什么?(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(正确答案:根据CAPM,A基金的预期收益率:r e=r f+β(r m-r f)=0.05+0.9×(0.14-0.05)=0.131 B基金的预期收益率: r e=r f+β(r m-r f )=0.05+1.3×(0.14-0.05)=0.167 可以看到,市场认为A基金的预期收益率13.1%,大于过去10年的平均回报率12.8%。



2012年浙江工商大学金融硕士(MF)金融学综合真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 3. 计算题 5. 论述题9. 案例分析题单项选择题1.金本位崩溃的根本原因是( )。


2.凯恩斯的三个货币需求动机中,对利率最敏感的是( )。


3.按照购买力平价(PPP)理论,当甲国相对于乙国的价格水平上升时,甲围的货币币值会( )。


4.住房按揭贷款的提前还款行为可以看作是( )。



5.商业银行把资金从盈余者手中转移到短缺者手中,使闲置资金得到充分利用,这种功能被称为( )功能。


6.存款货币创造中的“存款货币”,一般指的是( )。

A.定期存款B.储蓄存款C.现金存款D.活期存款正确答案:D7.一国国际收支出现逆差,一般会导致( )。


8.巴塞尔委员会规定,资本对风险加权资产的比率不应低于8%,核心资本比率不应低于4%,附属资本不得超过核心资本,同时对附属资本的成分也提出了限制,如普通准备金不能超过风险资产的( )。



金融硕士MF金融学综合(风险与收益)历年真题试卷汇编1(总分72,考试时间90分钟)1. 单项选择题1. 马科维茨投资组合理论的假设条件有( )。

(复旦大学2013真题)A. 证券市场是有效的B. 存在一种无风险资产,投资者可以不受限制地借入和贷出C. 投资者都是风险规避的D. 投资者在期望收益率和风险的基础上选择投资组合2. 同期限公司债券与政府债券相比,票面利率一般比较高,这是对( )的补偿。

(上海财经大学2012真题)A. 信用风险B. 政策风险C. 投机风险D. 利率风险3. 对于一个无风险资产和风险资产的组合,假定可以无风险利率任意借贷资金,有效集形状为( )。

(上海财经大学2012真题)A. 线段B. 射线C. 月牙形区域D. 月牙形区域的右上边界4. 在证券市场上,系统风险和非系统风险的本质区别是( )。

(上海财经大学2012真题)A. 投资者对风险的偏好B. 证券组合中证券数量的多少C. 是否受宏观政策影响D. 风险度量值不同5. 设无风险利率是5%,市场组合的期望收益率是15%,股票X的期望收益率是13%,β=1.2,那么你应该( )。

(上海财经大学2012真题)A. 买入股票X,因为其价格被高估B. 买入股票X,因为其价格被低估C. 卖出股票X,因为其价格被高估D. 卖出股票X,因为其价格被低估6. 以下说法不正确的是( )。

(南京大学2012年真题)A. 只有收益率负相关的资产构成投资组合才能降低风险B. 宏观经济环境变化引起的证券收益的不确定性属于系统风险C. 位于证券市场线(SML)上方的资产其价值被市场低估了D. 贝塔系数只衡量系统风险,而标准差衡量整体风险7. 在以下关于贝塔系数的表述中,错误的是( )。

(中山大学2012真题)A. 贝塔系数用来度量证券本身在不同时期收益变动的程度B. 贝塔系数是用来测定一种证券的收益随整个证券市场收益变化程度的指标C. 贝塔系数代表证券的系统风险D. 贝塔系数度量证券收益相对于同一时期市场平均收益的变动程度8. 证券市场线描述的是( )。



金融硕士MF金融学综合(资本结构与公司价值)历年真题试卷汇编1(总分54, 做题时间90分钟)1. 单项选择题1.折旧具有抵减所得税的作用,由于计提折旧而抵减的所得税可用( )计算。

(中山大学2013真题)SSS_SINGLE_SELA 折旧额×所得税率B 折旧额×(1一所得税率)C (付现成本+折旧)×所得税率D (付现成本+折旧)×(1一所得税率)分值: 2答案:A2.假设甲公司的固定成本占总成本比例高于乙公司的固定成本占总成本比例,且两家公司的周期性和资本结构相似,以下说法正确的是( )。

(上海财经大学2013真题)SSS_SINGLE_SELA 甲公司的贴现率低于乙公司的贴现率B 甲公司的贴现率高于乙公司的贴现率C 甲公司的贴现率等于乙公司的贴现率D 无法判断分值: 2答案:B解析:固定成本比例高则经营杠杆高,故而公司的贝塔值高,根据CAPM可知对应公司资本收益率高,故而贴现率高。

3.盈利能力强的公司应具有更高的负债率,这一表述比较符合下述何种理论的预期( )。

(中山大学2012年真题)SSS_SINGLE_SELA 优序融资理论B 权衡理论C 代理理论D 市场择时理论分值: 2答案:B解析:权衡理论主要认为要在债务融资收益和财务困境成本两者中进行权衡取舍。

4.下列筹资活动中,不会加大财务杠杆作用的是( )。

(南京大学2012年真题) SSS_SINGLE_SELA 增发普通股B 增发优先股C 增发公司债券D 增加银行借款分值: 2答案:A解析:优先股的性质类似于发债,因此也会增大财务杠杆。

5.当经营杠杆系数和财务杠杆系数都是1.5时,则复合杠杆系数应为( )。

(浙江财经大学2012真题)SSS_SINGLE_SELA 3B 2.25C 1.5D 1分值: 2答案:B解析:复合杠杆系数是经营杠杆系数和财务杠杆系数的乘积。

6.某公司财务杠杆系数为1,这表明该公司当期( )。
















金融硕士MF金融学综合(现代货币创造机制)历年真题试卷汇编1(总分:76.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:11,分数:22.00)1.决定货币M 2的数量时,以下与货币供给M 2无关的因素是( )。

(中山大学2012真题)(分数:2.00)A.法定存款准备金率B.基础货币C.超额准备金率D.定期存款比率√解析:解析:M 2不包括定期存款,因此在计算时与定期存款比率无关。

2.存款货币创造中的“存款货币”,一般指的是( )。


3.在我国货币层次划分中,证券公司客户保证金属于( )。

(上海财经大学2013真题)(分数:2.00)A.M 1B.M 2√C.M 0D.以上皆非解析:解析:自2001年6月起,M 2中的其他存款包含证券公司放在金融机构的客户保证金。

4.有发行外在货币权利的金融机构是( )。


5.某大银行遭挤兑,影响为( )。


6.在下列针对中央银行资产项目的变动中,导致准备金减少的是( )。

(中国科学技术大学2014真题) (分数:2.00)A.央行给存款机构贷款增如B.央行出售证券√C.向其他国家中央银行购买外国通货D.中央银行增加在国外存款解析:解析:准备金是央行的负债,负债减少对应资产应减少,但A、C、D都是使央行资产增加的行为。

7.我国的货币层次划分中M 2等于M 1与准货币的加总,准货币包括( )。

(中国人民大学2012真题) (分数:2.00)A.长期存款√B.短期存款C.长短期存款之和D.公众持有的现金解析:解析:长期存款的流动性受到一定的限制,因此是准货币。



【关键字】英语浙江工商大学2012年研究生入学考试试卷(A)卷招生专业:外国语言学及应用语言学、英语语言文学考试科目:615综合英语总分:150分考试时间:180分钟(所有答Array案请写在答题纸上,写在本试卷上的无效!)I.Vocabulary & Structure (30%)Directions:There are 30 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one that best completes the sentence. Writer your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.ernment decided to help companies ______ the crisis by offering them a low-interestloan.A.get throughB. get roundC. get off toD. get into2.He was annoyed with his girl friend for she had disposed ______ those old but valuable bookshis father left him.A.outB. awayC. inD. of3.To ______ further research is one important properties of a scientific theory.A. arouseB. advocateC. stimulateD. renew4. A good education should offer a ______ among the branches of knowledge that contribute toeffective thinking and wise judgment.A. balanceB. distributionC. combinationD. spread5.Yingluck Shinawatra, the new premier in Thailand, won the political support for her great______.A. intentionB. integrityC. instinctD. intensity6.The evidence was inadmissible on the grounds that it was ______ to the issue at hand.A. unreasonableB. irrelevantC. invalidD. irrational7.Obama spoke so ______ that even his opponents were won over by his arguments.A. franklyB. emphaticallyC. loudlyD. convincingly8.Before purchasing the car, they gave it a thorough ______.A. inspectationB. observationC. reflectionD. check-in9.Susan enthusiastically joined the drama society but didn’t seem to ______, so she left.A. fit upB. fit outC. fit inD. fit in with10.He couldn’t tell ______ from a distance whether it was Sam or his brother.A. at largeB. in nameC. for sureD. in short11. People should learn to use their sense freely and ______, and develop positive attitudestowards themselves.A. creativelyB. intellectuallyC. conductivelyD. productively12. The government has to provide a very ______ explanation for the new medical care reform.A. understandingB. sophisticatedC. comprehensiveD. compulsory13. Richard Clayderman is a (n) ______musician who learned from his father when he was five.A. ancientB. giftedC. originalD. uncivilized14. The deal was finally made through the ______ of the local government.A. conventionB. insertionC. interventionD. interference15. There is no perfect policies concerning the education reform, and each of the proposed oneshas its own ______.A. frontiersB. limitsC. bordersD. limitations16. Ladies and gentlemen, the train to Xiamen will leave from _____ at 5:30 p.m.A. Platform FourB. the Platform FourC. Fourth PlatformD. the Four Platform17. I didn’t go to Susan’s gallery, for I didn’t like ______.A. those paintings of hersB. those her paintingsC. her those paintingsD. those paintings of her18. The apartments John has looked at so far were so expensive that he is better off ______ wherehe is.A. stayB. to stayC. stayingD. stayed19. No one would expect a 5-year-old boy to have walked ______ far, ten miles!A. /B. suchC. thatD. as20. Mary and her husband could hardly understand each other, ______?A. could sheB. could heC. couldn’t theyD. could they21. _______, you would not have recovered so quickly.A. Hadn’t you taken the doctor’s adviceB. Had you not taken the doctor’s adviceC. Had not you taken the doctor’s adviceD. Had you taken the doctor’s advice22. It was not until midnight ______ the assignment.A. that students finishedB. that students did not finishC. did students finishD. did students not finish23. The more we thought of the lost boy, ______ did we get worried.A. the moreB. the betterC. the mostD. the best24. You should always stick to the principle, ______ obstacles you may meet.A. whicheverB. howeverC. whoeverD. whatever25. In ancient China, thunder was believed to be a manifestation of the ______ of the gods.A. spiritB. powerC. wrathD. sorrow26. Nothing can ______ permanent happiness.A. insureB. ensureC. assureD. reassure27. Before the earthquake, many people may have an ______ feeling of impending disaster.A. uncannyB. intangibleC. ambiguousD. ambivalent28. For the pressure from purchasing a house, I’m getting awfully ______.A. economicB. thriftyC. stingyD. economical29. You cannot rely on those who ______ back from any commitment.A. shrinkB. shortenC. decreaseD. lessen30. Employers should ______ their workmen for injuries.A. composeB. compensateC. compriseD. encloseⅡ.Reading Comprehension (50%)Directions: Read the following 5 passages carefully, and choose the best answer to each question from the four choices given. Writer your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage A“Humans should not try to avoid stress any more than they would shun food, love or exercise,” said Dr. Hans Selye, the first physician to document the effects of stress on the body. While there’s no question that continuous stress is harmful, several studies suggest that challenging situations in which you’re able to rise to the occasion can be good for you.In a 2001 study of 158 hospital nurses, those who faced considerable work demands but coped with the challenge were more likely to say they were in good health than those who felt they couldn’t get the job done.Stress that you can manage may also boost immune function. In a study at the Academic center for Dentistry in Amsterdam, researchers put volunteers through two stressful experiences. In the first, a timed task that required memorizing a list followed by a short test, subjects believed they had control over the outcome. In the second, they weren’t in control: They had to sit through a gory video on surgical procedures. Those who did well on the memory test had an increase in levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody that’s the body’s first line of defense against germs. The video-watchers experienced a downtown in the antibody.Stress prompts the body to produce certain stress hormones. In short bursts these hormones have a positive effect, including improved memory function. “They can help nerve cells handle information and put it into storage,” says Dr. Bruce McEwen of Rockefeller University in New York. But in the long run these hormones can have a harmful effect on the body and brain.“Sustained stress is not good for you,” says Richard Morimoto, a researcher at Northwestern University in Illinois studying the effects of stress on Longevity, “It’s the occasional burst of stress or brief exposure to stress that could be protective.”31. The passage is mainly about______.A. the benefits of manageable stressB. how to avoid stressful situationsC. how to cope with stress effectivelyD. the effects of stress hormones on memory32. The word “shun” most probably means______.A. cut down onB. stay away fromC. run out ofD. put up with33. We can conclude from the study of the 158 nurses in 2001 that ______.A. people under stress tend to have a poor memoryB. people who can’t get their job done experience most stressC. doing challenging work may be good for one’s healthD. stress will weaken the body’s defense against germs34. In the experiment described in Paragraph 3, the video-watchers experienced a downturn in theantibody because______.A. the video was not enjoyable at allB. the outcome was beyond their controlC. they knew little about surgical proceduresD. they felt no pressure while watching the video35. Dr. Bruce McEwen of Rockefeller University believes that______.A. a person’s memory is determined by the level of hormones in his bodyB. stress hormones have lasting positive effects on the brainC. short bursts of stress hormones enhance memory functionD. a person’s memory improves with continued experience of stressPassage BIn sixteenth-century Italy and eighteenth-century France, wanting prosperity and increasing social unrest led to the ruling families to try to preserve their superiority by withdrawing from the lower and middle classes behind barriers of etiquette. In a prosperous community, on the other hand, polite society soon absorbs the newly rich, and in England there has never been any shortage of books on etiquette for teaching them the manners appropriate to their new way of life.Every code of etiquette has contained three elements: basic moral duties; practical rules which promote efficiency; and artificial, optional graces such as formal compliments to, say, women on their beauty or superiors on their generosity and importance.In the first category are consideration for the weak and respect for age. Among the ancient Egyptians the young always stood in the presence of older people. Among the Mponguwe of Tanzania, the young men bow as they pass the huts of the elders. In England, until about a century ago, young children did not sit in their parents’ presence without asking permission.Practical rules are helpful in such ordinary occurrences of social life as making proper introductions at parties or other functions so that people can be brought to know each other. Before the invention of the fork, etiquette directed that the fingers should be kept as clean as possible; before the handkerchief came into common use, etiquette suggested that, after spitting, a person should rub the spit inconspicuously underfoot.Extremely refined behavior, however, cultivated as an art of gracious living, has been characteristic only of societies with wealth and leisure, which admitted women as the social equals of men. After the fall of Rome, the first European society to regular behavior in private life in accordance with a complicated code of etiquette was twelfth-century Provence, in France.Provence had become wealthy. The lords had returned to their castles from the crusades, and there the ideals of chivalry grew up, which emphasized the virtue and gentleness of women and demanded that a knight should profess pure and dedicated love to a lady who should be his inspiration, and to whom he would dedicate his valiant deeds, though he would never come physically close to her. This was the introduction of the concept of romantic love, which was to influence literature for many hundreds of years and which still lives on in a debased form in simple popular songs and cheap novels today.In Renaissance Italy too, in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, a wealthy and leisured society developed an extremely complex code of manners, but the rules of behavior of fashionable society had little influence on the daily life of the lower classes. Indeed many of the rules, such as how to enter a banquet room, or how to use a sword or handkerchief for ceremonial purposes, were irrelevant to the way of life of the average working man, who spent most of hi life outdoors or in his own poor hut and most probably did not have a handkerchief, certainly not a sword, to his name.Yet the essential basis of all good manners does not vary. Consideration for the old and weakand the avoidance of harming or giving unnecessary offence to others is a feature of all societies everywhere and at all levels from the highest to the lowest. You can easily think of dozens of examples of customs and habits in your own daily life which come under this heading.36. In sixteenth-century Italy and eighteenth-century France, the ruling families ______.A. tried to destroy the lower and middle classes using etiquetteB. discriminated against the lower classes using etiquetteC. tried to teach etiquette to the lower and middle classesD. put the middle and working classes into fenced enclosures37. In England, the upper classes ______.A. have always followed the French attitude to the lower classesB. accept the newly rich in spite of their lower-class mannersC. publish books on etiquette for the newly richD. seem to accept a newly rich person provided he makes some attempt to adjust toupper-class life38. Every code of etiquette has contained three elements: ______.A. practical rules, optional moral duties and formal complimentsB. formal compliments, basic moral duties and practical rulesC. optional moral duties, optional practical rules and artificial gracesD. rules, regulations and requirements39. The customs of young men bowing to show respect when passing the dwellings of their elderswas cited as a characteristic of ______.A. the ancient EgyptiansB. parts of TanzaniaC. England, about a century agoD. all societies40. The practical rules of etiquette, for example those governing table manners ______.A. are the same all over the worldB. sometimes vary according to time and circumstanceC. became unnecessary with the invention of the knife and forkD. are not liable to changePassage CA new policy on public rental housing is allowing more low- and middle-income families to apply for homes. But people without Beijing hukou --- permanent residence permits --- must wait for more details to be released before they can take advantage of the change.The policy, which took effect on Thursday, also pertains to larger local families with three or four members and allows residents without hukou to apply for those documents if they have worked in the city for an as yet undetermined number of years.“In addition to the amount of years they have been working in Beijing, a limit on annual income will be set later,” said an official from the Beijing Municipal Committee of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, who declined to be named, “because some resid ents said it’s only fair that they should have the same restrictions as local families.”The precise restrictions on migrant people will vary by district depending on an applicant’s situation and the number of candidates and public rental units in the district. The districts will later release detailed guidelines.Some migrant workers had lost hope of being able to get government-subsidized housing because they feared they would not be eligible for it or that they would have to wait too long. “It’s too complicated and most of these units are far from the downtown, which means spending more time on the road, so I gave up,” said Zhang Lifeng, a technician renting an apartment near Zhongguancun with a friend.Yin Bocheng, director of the real estate research center at Fudan University, supports restricting applications according to the amount of time an applicant has spent on the job. “Because of the limited supply of these units, it’s necessary to narrow down the number of the applicants,” he said on Thursday. But the restrictions should be flexible and change according to different situations, Yin said. He added that although applicants might at first become eligible after three years, for instance, as the supply later gets larger and applicants fewer, that time could be shortened.41. Which one is TRUE in the following statements?A. Only a limited number of people can apply for public rental housing.B. Only low- and middle-income families can apply for public rental housing.C. All the migrant people can apply for public rental housing.D. All the residence in Beijing can apply for public rental housing.42. The restrictions on the migrant people for public rental housing are ______.A. a limit on annual incomeB. the number of the family memberC. the amount of time they have been working in BeijingD. A and C43. “E ligible” in Paragraph 5 means ______.A. to be legalB. toe have enough moneyC. to have the qualificationD. to have permanent residence permits44. According to the passage, which one is TRUE concerning the new policy?A. The new policy took effect all around Beijing in the same way.B. The new policy varied according to the district’s condition.C. The new policy varied according to the identity of the applicants.D. The new policy varied according to the applicants’ income.45. The purpose of setting the limitations is ______.A. to decrease the population of BeijingB. to solve the problem of supply limitationC. to decrease the population of applicantsD. to solve the problem of the migrants’ housingPassage DEvery year dozens of companies publish their lists of the world’s top universities, compiling masses of data from the universities as they go. The most influential are the Times Higher Education World Top 400, the QS World University Rankings, and the US News & World Report World’s Best Universities.One critic of the ranking system recently described them as “a high-stakes beauty contest.”Universities, especially those in developing countries, were told recently to avoid trying to keepup with Joneses. The comment came at a forum organized by UNESCO, the Institutional Management of Higher Education and the World Bank.“Instead of trying to conform to the prevailing monoculture approach to higher education by funneling scarce public funds to create flagship universities, governments should ignore rankings altogether,” forum participants were told. Sandro Calvani of the Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok agrees.“Asian universities manage knowledge on Asia better than the West and they do it in a way the West cannot see or does not wish to see,” Calvani said. He is an education expert and director of the institute’s ASEAN Regional Center of Excellence on Millennium Development Goals. In his view, many Western elite universities lack Asian expertise on sustainable development, global public good and human security concerns. “The Times and QS university rankings … do not take into consideration the relevant direct outreach work done in Asia by Asian universities to facilitate policy innovation and problem solving.”46. What does it mean by saying that the ranking system is “a high-stakes beauty contest”(in Paragraph 2)?A. Because its results are beautiful.B. There is always a beauty contest when some universities become top ones.C. It looks beautiful, but actually dangerous.D. The contest for top universities costs much money on the one hand and gets more on theother.47. “Keep up with Joneses” (in Paragraph 2) means ______.A. to maintain the same standards as othersB. to be at the same leave with the person named JonesesC. to be at the same leave with the university named JonesesD. to be at the same leave with the ranking system named Joneses48. Which one is TRUE about the Asia universities?A. Governments pay no attention to the ranking.B. Governments pay no money for the ranking.C. Governments pay limited money for education.D. Governments pay sufficient money for education.49. According to Sandro Calvani, governments should ignore rankings altogether, because _____.A. Western ranking is not fit for Asia universities who know more about Asia’s educationB. Western education is not worthy of attentionC. Western ranking is poor, for they cannot see the advantages of Asia universitiesD. Asia rankings are much better than western ones50. Western ranking systems, according to Calvani, are ______.A. biased in judging Asia universitiesB. insufficient in judging Asia universitiesC. proud when they look at Asia universities in a western wayD. content to judge Asia universitiesPassage EAuctions are public sales of goods, conducted by an officially approved auctioneer. He asked the crowd to gather in the auction room to bid for various items on sale. He encourages buyers to bid higher figures and finally names the highest bidder as the buyer of the goods. This is called“knocking down” the goods, for the bidding ends when the auctioneer bangs a small hammer on a raised platform.The ancient Romans probably invented sales by auction and the English word comes from the Latin “autic”, meaning “increase”. The Romans usually sold in this way the spoils taken in war; these sales were called “sub hasta”, meaning “under the spear”, a spear being s tuck in the ground as a signal for a crowd to gather. In England in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries goods were often sold “by the candle”: a short candle was lit by the auctioneer and bids could be made while it was burning.Practically all goods can be sold by auction. Among these are coffee, skins, wool, tea, cocoa, furs, fruit, vegetables and wines. Auction sales are also usual for land and property, antique furniture, pictures, rare books, old china and works of art. The auction rooms at Christi e’s and Sotheby’s in London and New York are world famous.An auction is usually advertised beforehand with full particulars of the articles to be sold and where and when they can be viewed by the buyers. If the advertisement cannot give full details, cat alogues are printed, and each group of goods to be sold together, called a “lot”, is usually given a number. The auctioneer need not begin with lot one and continue the numerical order; he may wait until he notices the fact that certain buyers are in the room and then produce the lots they are likely to be interested in. The auctioneer’s services are paid for in the form of a percentage of the price the goods are sold for. The auctioneer therefore has a direct interest in pushing up the bidding.51.Auctioned goods are sold ______.A. for the highest price offeredB. at fixed pricesC. at prices lower than their true valueD. at prices offered by the auctioneer52. The end of bidding is called “knocking down” because _____.A. the auctioneer knocks on the tableB. the auctioneer names the highest bidder as the buyer of the goodsC. the goods are knocked down onto the tableD. the auctioneer bangs the table with a hammer53. In the sentence “The Romans usually sold in this way the spoils taken in war”,the word“spoils” most probably means _____.A. useless goodsB. spearsC. various kind of foodD. property taken from the enemy54. In England a candle was used to burn at auction sales _____.A. because the auction sales took place at nightB. as a signal for the crowd to gatherC. to keep the auction room warmD. to limit the time when offers of prices could be made55. An auction catalogue gives buyers _____.A. the current market values of the goodsB. details of the goods to be soldC. the orders in which goods are to be soldD. free admission to the auction saleIII. Rhetorical Knowledge (30%)Directions:There are 15 sentences, each of which has a figure of speech, and there are four kinds of figure marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and writer your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.56. I am sorry, I am so sorry, I am so extremely sorry.A. anti-climaxB. climaxC. punD. hyperbole57. She opened the door and her heart to the homeless boy.A. zeugmaB. simileC. epigramD. metaphor58. The mother is undergoing the joyful pain, and the painful joy of childbirth.A. alliterationB. antithesisC. oxymoronD. synecdoche59. --- I hope you’ll be reasonable in your terms.--- If you allow me, I will call your carriage for you.A. allusionB. assonanceC. euphemismD. zeugma60. One day I was packing for my trip, but I couldn’t fit everything into my suitcase; I bet mysuitcase would start crying if I stuff it anymore.A. punB. personificationC. epigraphD. analogy61. When she heard the bad news, a river of tears poured out.A. hyperboleB. simileC. metonymyD. paradox62. A few hundred pounds of twenty dollar bills ought to solve that problem nicely.A. contrastB. understatementC. alliterationD. synecdoche63. She was, to be sure, a girl who excited the emotions, but I was not one to let my heart rule myhead.A. parodyB. metonymyC. ironyD. euphemism64. Where there is a will, there is a lawsuit.A. assonanceB. personificationC. parodyD. oxymoron65. It was another one of those Catch-22 situations, you’re damned if you do, and you are damnedif you don’t.A. allusionB. simileC. repetitionD. hyperbole66. The rain fell pitter-patter on the window the whole night.A. parallelismB. zeugmaC. ironyD. onomatopoeia67. The old man put a reassuring hand on my shoulder.A. understatementB. transferred epithetC. euphemismD. allusion68. My money and goods are as dear to me as life itself.A. simileB. metonymyC. hyperboleD. anti-climax69. The case snowballed into one of the most famous trials in U.S. history.A. antithesisB. onomatopoeiaC. metaphorD. zeugma70. That’s one small step for a man; one giant leap for mankind.A. repetitionB. antithesisC. alliterationD. assonanceIV. Proofreading & Error Correction (20%)Directions: The following passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE ERROR ONLY. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way. Copy the relevant part (a word, a phrase or a sentence where an error is) on the ANSWER SHEET at first, and for a wrong word, underline it and write the correct one; for a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a “۸” sign and write the word you believe to be missing; for anunnecessary word, cross it with a slash “/”.These days, Coca Cola is one of the symbol of America. But it’s come a long way from its humble start. The drink was discovered by John Pemberton, who lived in the southern state of Georgia. Pemberton was a retired US civil war officer who owned a drugstore and believed the healing potential of various plants. Coca Cola evolved from a product calling French Wine Cola. This was a mixture of Peruvian coca leaves, the purest wine and the kola nut. Pemberton said that the native South American Indians used the coca leaf frequently and they believed in its beneficial effects in the mind and body. This drink was very successful in the south of the US, particular in Pemberton’s home state of Georgia.However, in 1886, alcohol was banned in Atlanta. So, Pemberton has to replace the wine in the French Wine Cola for sugar syrup. He used the name Coca Cola to describe this new “sweet” recipe. The new Coca Cola drink was immediately so successful as French Wine Cola. And very soon, local business men were selling Coca Cola commercially around the country, giving Pemberton royalties of five cents for each gallon. Not until 1903, Coca Cola contained an estimated 9 milligrams of cocaine per glass. However, later, manufacturers started using coca leaves with the cocaine removing. Nowadays, Coca Cola uses a specially-grown, non-narcotic coca leaf. 71.____________72. ____________73. ____________74.____________75. ____________76. ____________77. ____________78. ____________79. ____________80. ____________V. Close (20%)Directions: In the following passage, there are 20 blanks. Choose one from the four choices A, B, C, and D, and make the meaning complete. Write the answers on the ANSWER SHEET.At the heart of the debate over illegal immigration lies one key question: are immigrants good or bad for the economy? The American public overwhelmingly thinks they’re bad. Yet the consensus among most economists is that immigration, both legal and illegal, provides a small net ___81___ to the economy. Immigrants provide cheap labor, ___82___ the prices of everything from farm produce to new homes, and leave consumers with a little more money in their pockets. So why is there su ch a discrepancy between the perception of immigrants’ impact on the economy and the ___83___?There are a number of familiar theories. Some argue that people are anxious and feel threatened by an ___84___ of new workers. Others highlight the strain that undocumented immigrants place on public services, like schools, hospitals, and jails. Still others emphasize the role of race, arguing that foreigners ___85___ the nation's fears and insecurities. There’s some truth to all these explanations, but they aren’t quite sufficient.To get a better understanding of what's going on, consider the way immigration's impact is felt. Though its overall effect may be ___86___, its costs and benefits are distributed unevenly. David Card, an economist at UC Berkeley, notes that the ones who profit most directly from immigrants’ low-cost ___87___ are businesses and employers –-- meatpacking plants in Nebraska, for instance, or agricultural businesses in California. Granted, these producers' savings probably translate into lower prices at the grocery store, ___88___ how many consumers make that mental connection at the checkout counter? ___89___ the drawbacks of illegal immigration, these, too, are concentrated. Native ___90___ workers suffer most from the competition of foreign labor.。



金融硕士MF金融学综合(利息与利率)历年真题试卷汇编1(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 2. 名词解释 3. 计算题 4. 简答题 5. 论述题7. 判断题单项选择题1.将商业信用转化为银行信用可以通过( )。

(中山大学2014年真题) A.票据的贴现B.股票质押贷款C.票据的背书D.不动产的抵押贷款正确答案:C解析:商业汇票是商业信用,银行汇票是银行信用。




知识模块:利息与利率2.按预期假说,如果人们预期未来短期利率下降,债券回报率(债券利率)线呈( )。



知识模块:利息与利率3.根据流动性溢价理论,以下说法正确的是( )。




知识模块:利息与利率4.下列关于名义利率与有效年利率的说法中,正确的是( )。




金融硕士MF金融学综合(财务报表分析、长期财务计划)历年真题试卷汇编1(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 2. 名词解释 3. 计算题 4. 简答题7. 判断题单项选择题1.在下列指标中反映企业营运能力的是( )。

(上海财经大学2012真题) A.销售利润率B.总资产报酬率C.速动比率D.存货周转率正确答案:D解析:营运能力是反映企业运用资产经营和利润的效率,一般用各类资产的周转率为指标反映,与经营能力,盈利能力是不同的。


知识模块:财务报表分析2.下列财务指标中,( )是综合性最强、最具有代表性,而且是杜邦财务分析体系的龙头指标。


知识模块:财务报表分析3.以下哪项将减少公司的净营运资本?( )(中国人民大学2012真题) A.应付账款减少B.固定资产减少C.应收账款减少D.银行存款增加正确答案:C解析:应收账款减少造成流动资产减少从而净营运资本减少。

知识模块:财务报表分析4.下列哪一行业可能具有最低的资产负债率( )(中国人民大学2012真题)A.银行B.造纸C.航空运输D.医药正确答案:D解析:医药行业具有高成长性,但并非成熟行业,因此不会有很高的资产负债率。


留存比率为1/3,去年的销售收入为12 000万元。

总资产平均余额为10 000万元。

A公司去年的总资产收益率ROA是:( )(中国人民大学2012真题)A.6%B.5%C.12%D.以上都不是正确答案:A解析:资产收益率:知识模块:财务报表分析6.甲公司现有流动资产500万元(其中速动资产200万元),流动负债200万元。




1992—2005年全国初次分配总收入的分类构成(c i)和各类要素收入在部门间的分配(b ij)年份劳动者报酬生产税净额财产收入经营性留存
c i
(b i,住户)
c i
(b i,政府)
c i
(b i,企业)
(b i,政府)
(b i,住户)
c i
(b i,企业)
(b i,政府)
(b i,住户)




金融硕士MF金融学综合(加权平均资本成本、有效市场假说)历年真题试卷汇编1(总分:78.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:9,分数:18.00)1.某公司债务对股权的比例为1,债务成本是12%,平均资本成本是14%,在不考虑税收和其他因素的情况下,其股权资本成本是( )。

(中山大学2012真题)(分数:2.00)A.13%B.15%C.16%√D.18%解析:解析:根据MM定理2,r l e=r e +(r e一r d.14+(0.14—0.12)×1=0.162.企业在追加筹资时,需要计算的成本是( )。


3.假设某新设备的使用寿命为4年,总成本现值为1 200元,贴现率为10%。

该设备的约当年成本为( )。

(上海财经大学2013真题)(分数:2.00)A.1 200元B.350.56元C.378.56元√D.410.56元解析:解析:年金现值系数为: A 410% = =3.169 8 故而.56元。

4.有效市场的支持者极力主张( )。



5.股票价格已经反映了所有的历史信息,如价格的变化状况、交易量变化状况等,因此技术分析手段对了解股票价格未来变化没有帮助,这一市场是指( )。


6.在下列( )市场中,组合管理者会选择消极保守型的态度,只求获得市场平均的收益率水平?(浙江工商大学2012真题)(分数:2.00)A.无效市场B.弱式有效市场C.半强式有效市场D.强式有效市场√解析:解析:只有在强式有效市场,组合管理者采取消极保守型的策略才是最佳策略。



金融硕士MF金融学综合(国际收支与国际资本流动)历年真题试卷汇编1(总分:58.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:12,分数:24.00)1.国际收支平衡表中的基本差额计算是根据( )。


2.在资本完全流动的小国固定汇率体制下,政府财政扩张的影响是( )。


3.国际储备不包括( )。


4.最不发达国家的国际收支不平衡主要是由于( )引起。


5.国际清偿力不包括一国的( )。

(南京大学2012真题)(分数:2.00)A.自有储备B.借入储备C.国际银行同业拆借D.在IMF的SDR √解析:解析:国际清偿能力不仅包括货币当局所持有的各种国际储备,而且包括该国从外国政府或中央银行、国际金融组织和商业银行等筹借资金的能力。

6.关于SDR,下列说法正确的是( )。

(南京大学2012真题)(分数:2.00)A.SDR是由美元、欧元,日元和瑞士法郎四种货币来定值的B.SDR总共分配过两次C.SDR是基金组织创造的账面资产√D.SDR可以充当储备资产,用于国际贸易支付和国际投资解析:解析:sDR是国际货币基金组织于1969年创设的一种储备资产和记账单位,亦称“纸黄金”,最初每特别提款权单位被定义为0.888 671克纯金的价格,也是当时1美元的价值。



金融硕士金融学综合选择题专项强化真题试卷19(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.1.为了在五年后获得本息和2万元,年利为2%,以单利计算,需要在现在存入( )。




该项目的当前价值最接近( )。



3.下列哪一个是场外交易?( )A.隔夜回购B.期权C.期货D.外汇掉期正确答案:D解析:隔夜回购一般在同业拆借市场完成。




4.超额存款准备金等于( )。



5.在商场柜台上,一台电脑的标价是5900元,这5900元是( )。


知识模块:货币与货币制度6.金本位崩溃的根本原因是( )。


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