



Go To Travel—In A Travel Agency去旅⾏—在旅⾏社May I have a travel brochure?我可以那⼀份旅游⼿册吗?It tells you about the tour in detail.上⾯游旅⾏路线的详细说明。

Call me anytime when you need further information.如果您需要了解更多信息随时给我打电话。

The tour that goes to Guilin leaves every other day.去桂林的旅⾏团每隔⼀天发⼀次。

The fee for children is nine hundred, namely half-price for children.⼉童的费⽤是900元,也就是对⼉童半价。

Shall we sign a contract?我们要签个合同吗?Could you tell me which tour is the best for this season?你能告诉我这个季节哪条路线是路线吗?We’re setting up a sightseeing plan for you.我们正为你们安排⼀个观光计划。

I prefer a package tour with my family. Where do you suggest I should visit?我想和家⼈报⼀个旅⾏套餐。

你建议我们应该去哪⾥玩?Why not enjoy the exotic scenery in Sweden?为什么不去领略⼀下瑞典的异国风景那?Have make a reservation?你们预定房间了吗?。



旅行类英文单词1).tour n.旅行,旅游Jack made a tour aroud Europe during the summer holiday. 杰克暑假期间去欧洲旅行了。

2).traveler n.旅客,旅行者All of the travelers were trapped by the sudden flood.所有的旅客都被突如其来的洪水给困住了。

3).trip n.旅行,旅游They are rich enough to charter a helicopter for the trip.他们很富有,包了架直升飞机去旅行。

4).globetrotting adj.环球旅游的;n.环球旅游He met his wife during his globetrotting last year.他去年环球旅游时结识了他的妻子。

5).airhop n.短程空中旅行The airhop must be exciting, do you want a try?空中旅行一定很刺激,你想试试吗?6).overland journey 陆地旅行lt's comfortable to make an overland journey.做一次陆地旅行很惬意。

7).cruise n.水上短途旅行The liner will make a round-the-world cruise next week.这艘游轮下周将进行一次环球航行。

8).visit v.参观,旅游Nowadays the mobile clinic would visit this remote village every week.现在巡回医疗队每周都会到这个偏僻的村庄来一次。

9).camp v.露营lt's absurd to go camping in such terrible weather.在这么恶劣的天气里出去野营简直是荒谬。

旅游英语电子课件Unit 3Travel Agency and Tour Guide

旅游英语电子课件Unit 3Travel Agency and Tour Guide

Lesson 54
Zoe是US trip旅行社的接待员,她正在向Luca推荐洛杉矶和 旧金山的旅游路线。 Luca: What’s the difference? Zoe: In the $600 package, we book you a better hotel and we offer you a chance to be in a special event.
auto rental company
travel agency
cruise line
rail transportation company
Look and Learn Dialogue Reading Learn More New Words and Phrases
Unit 3
Luca: I think both are too expensive. Zoe: Sir, our travel agents do research for fare and schedule information in the off-season. Believe me, they are good prices.
Evermore Tours为您提供在世界上最美的地方彼此表达爱意的机会。您 说“我愿意”,其他的事情由我们来操办。维尔京群岛以美丽的海滩和令 人惊艳的景色而闻名。我们为您安排生命中最重要的一天,您可尽情享 受,所需费用同样会给您惊喜。价格比在国内办婚礼要低得多。
Look and Learn Dialogue Reading Learn More New Words and Phrases
Look and Learn Dialogue Reading Learn More New Words and Phrases



旅行机构词汇旅行社:travel agency报价:quotation包价旅游:package tour团体旅游:group tour散客:individual tourist住宿:accommodation膳食:meals交通:transportation游览:sightseeing衣食住行:clothing, meals, accommodation/shelter, transportation 旅游口译词汇点:spot, site, resort, destination旅游景点/名胜景点:tourist attraction/destination, scenic spot 避暑胜地:summer resort避暑山庄:mountain resort名胜古迹:scenic spots and historical sites山水风光:landscape亭阁:pavilion楼:mansion, tower台:terrace塔:pagoda, tower殿堂:hall陵墓:tomb, mausoleum关:pass石窟:grotto旅游常用成语口译词汇络绎不绝:an endless stream美不胜收:too many beautiful things to be appreciated at once闻名遐迩:known far and wide墨客骚人:famous men of letters奇峰异石:picturesque peaks and rocks奇花异草:exotic flowers and herbs北京主要景点口译词汇故宫:the Imperial Palace紫禁城:the Forbidden City兵马俑:Terra Cotta Warriors/soldiers and horses长城:the Great Wall居庸关:Juyongguan Pass不到长城非好汉:He who doesn't reach the Great Wall is not a true man. 苏州主要景点口译词汇园林建筑:garden architecture苏绣:Suzhou Embroidery寒山寺:Hanshan Temple虎丘:Tiger Hill拙政园:Humble Administrator's Garden沧浪亭:Pavilion of Surging Waves狮子林:Lion Forest Garden留园:Lingering Garden杭州主要景点口译词汇西湖:West Lake苏堤:Su Causeway白堤:Bai Causeway灵隐寺:Temple of the Soul's Retreat飞来峰:Peak Flying from Afar六和塔:Pagoda of Six Harmonies虎跑泉:Tiger Spring成都主要景点口译词汇武侯祠:Wuhou Temple九寨沟:Jiuzhaigou Valley三星堆遗址:the site of Sanxingdui世界自然遗产:the World Natural Heritage都江堰:the Dujiangyan Dam杜甫草堂:Dufu Thatched Cottage青羊宫:Qingyang Taoist Temple百花齐放all flowers are in bloom碧波荡漾green, rippling (lake)碧水清山a world of shimmering green hills and clear azure waters 避暑胜地summer resort苍松翠柏luxuriant cypresses and pines层峦叠嶂range upon range of hills/mountains姹紫嫣红a blaze of bright colors崇山峻岭towering and steep mountains船移景换Each turn of the boat affords a different scenery雕梁画栋carved beams and painted rafters洞天福地scenery of exceptional charm飞流急湍Waters rush down in whirlpools and rapids峰回路转the paths running sinuously amidst the peaks古建筑群ancient architectural古色古香of antique beauty国家公园national park宏伟挺拔towering and magnificent湖光山色beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains极目远眺look as far as the eye can see江南水乡the south of the lower reaches of the Yangze River金碧辉煌resplendent and magnificent尽收眼底command a panoramic view of惊奇不已be greatly surprised/astonished惊涛拍案Raging/Tumultuous/Turbulent waves pound on the banks.琳琅满目a superb collection of beautiful things鳞次栉比placed closely side by side玲珑剔透beautifully wrought流连忘返linger on and forget to return旅游景点tourist attraction; scenic spot; places of interest络绎不绝an endless stream美不胜收too many beautiful things to be appreciated at once名胜古迹famous scenic spots and places of historical interest 闻名遐尔known far and wide墨客骚人famous men of letters奇峰异石picturesque peaks and rocks奇花异草exotic flowers and herbs青山不断Green hills roll on endlessly群山环抱be surrounded by mountains/hills高山水急Mountains are high and torrents are swift.山峦迭翠range upon range of green hills拾级而上ascend step by step世界旅游日World Tourism Day世界文化遗产保护地World Heritage Sites (WHS)天下奇观wondrous spectacle亭台楼阁elegant buildings for landscaping purposes蜿蜒曲折winding and zigzagging万紫千红a riot of colors巍然屹立be towering and lofty蔚为壮观present a splendid sight熙熙攘攘hustle and bustle相映成趣form delightful contrast心旷神怡completely relaxed and happy雄伟险峻grandly precipitous悬崖绝壁sheer precipices and overhanging rocks绚丽多姿gorgeous and colorful寻幽探胜search for seclusion and beautiful scenery烟波浩渺a wide expanse of misty waters一览无余have a commanding view of一片苍茫的海天景色a vast expanse of sea and sky依山傍水nestling under a mountain and near a river鱼米之乡a land of milk and honey郁郁葱葱luxuriant and green枝繁叶茂luxuriant, sturdy and vigorous庄严肃穆solemn and serene自然保护区natural reserve; nature preservation zone自然景观natural splendor/attraction旅游黄金周golden week for tourism蜜月旅行honeymoon trip婚假旅行wedding vacation旅行结婚wedding travel出境游outbound tourism国内游inbound tourism自助游independent/do-it-yourself travel随团旅游group travel标准/豪华游normal/luxury tour经典线路classic travel route黄金线路hot travel route旅游定点饭店/旅馆certified restaurant/hotel星级饭店star-grade hotel强迫购物forced purchase中国最著名的旅游景点Top Attractions in China兵马俑Terra Cotta Warriors秦始皇陵墓the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin敦煌莫高窟Mogao Grottoes/Caves, Dunhuang壁画murals彩绘painted sculptures鸣沙山Singing Sands Mountain月牙泉the Crescent Moon Lake长江三峡Three Gorges on the Yangtze River瞿塘峡Qutang Gorge巫峡Wu Gorge西陵峡Xiling Gorge广西桂林Guilin, Guangxi独秀峰Solitary Beauty Peak叠彩山Folded Brocade Hill伏波山Fubo Hill象鼻山Elephant Trunk Hill七星山Seven Star Hill骆驼山Camel Hill漓江Li River苏堤Su Causeway白堤Bai Causeway灵隐寺Temple of the Soul’s Retreat飞来峰Peak Flying from Afar六合塔Pagoda of Six Harmonies虎跑泉Tiger Spring黄山Mt. Huangshan“天下第一奇山” the most fantastic mountain under heaven“三奇”:巧石、奇松、云海the three wonderful features: picturesque rocks, legendary pines, and the sea of clouds“四绝”:巧石、奇松、云海、温泉the four unique features: picturesque rocks,legendary pines, the sea of clouds and hot springs。




它可以用作名词、动词或者形容词,常见的用法如下:1. 名词用法Travel作为名词时,通常指的是旅行或者旅游。

例如:- I love travel. 我喜欢旅行。

- Travel broadens the mind. 旅行可以开阔眼界。

- My dream is to travel around the world. 我的梦想是环游世界。

2. 动词用法Travel作为动词时,通常表示去旅行或者行进。

例如:- I love to travel to exotic places. 我喜欢去异国情调的地方旅行。

- She travels a lot for her job. 她工作需要经常出差到其他地方。

- We are planning to travel through Europe next year. 我们计划明年环游欧洲。

3. 形容词用法Travel作为形容词时,通常用来描述与旅行相关的事物。

例如:- We need a travel guide for our trip. 我们需要一本旅行指南来帮助我们的旅行。

- My travel bag is packed and ready to go. 我的旅行包已经收拾好准备出发了。

- The travel industry has been hit hard by the pandemic. 旅游业受到了疫情的重创。


在进行旅行规划或者旅游活动时,也需要掌握一些相关的常用词汇,例如:- Travel destination: 旅行目的地- Travel itinerary: 旅行行程安排- Travel budget: 旅行预算- Travel insurance: 旅行保险- Travel documents: 旅行文件(例如护照、签证等)- Travel agency: 旅行社在进行英语交流时,也可以使用一些旅行相关的常用短语,例如:- Take a trip: 去旅行- Go abroad: 出国旅游- Staycation: 在家度假- Pack your bags: 收拾行李- Hit the road: 出发- Tourist attraction: 旅游景点在学习英语时,除了了解travel的基本用法和相关词汇短语之外,还可以通过看英文旅游杂志或者听英文旅游节目来扩大自己的词汇量和语感。

最新中考英语作文:旅行社 Travel Agency

最新中考英语作文:旅行社 Travel Agency

中考英语作文:旅行社Travel Agency你收到一封咨询信,请你以旅行社工作人员的身份完成任务。

Dear Ace Travel,I'm Li Ming, from the east of China. For the coming winter vacation, my family and I want to spend our vacation in a foreign city for ten days. We would like to go somewhere not only warm but also interesting. We don't mind how far we have to go. It has to be a place where we can swim everyday, and it would be nice if our hotel is not expensive but clean and comfortable. We like to pay no more than $ 5,000 for the trip. Could you please give us your suggestions for vacation spots?Thanks a lot.Yours,Li Ming亲爱的王牌旅游,我是李明,来自中国东部。







你的,李明请你根据来信,从下列所给的地方中选择一个或两个符合Li Ming要求的地方,向他提出建议。

(80字左右)Tokyo, Sydney, Hawaii, Shanghai写作指导:这篇作文结合了提示性作文和应用文的写作要求。



旅游的各种英文1. 常用词汇•Travel: 旅行•Tourism: 旅游业•Destination: 目的地•Sightseeing: 观光•Itinerary: 行程•Hotel: 酒店•Reservation: 预订•Flight: 航班•Attraction: 景点•Guidebook: 导游书2. 交通工具相关名词•Aircraft: 飞机•Train: 火车•Bus: 公交车•Car rental: 租车•Taxi: 出租车•Subway: 地铁•Cruise: 游轮•Bicycle: 自行车3. 住宿相关名词•Hostel: 青年旅舍•Resort: 度假胜地•Bed and Breakfast (B&B): 民宿•Motel: 汽车旅馆•Guesthouse: 客栈•Campground: 露营地•Cabin: 小木屋4. 餐饮名词•Restaurant: 餐厅•Buffet: 自助餐•Cafe: 咖啡馆•Bar: 酒吧•Street food: 街边小吃•Local cuisine: 当地美食•Fine dining: 正餐5. 活动和娱乐名词•Museum: 博物馆•Gallery: 画廊•Shopping: 购物•Hiking: 徒步旅行•Sightseeing tour: 观光旅行•Cultural experience: 文化体验•Adventure activities: 冒险活动6. 旅游服务名词•Tour guide: 导游•Travel agency: 旅行社•Tour package: 旅行套餐•Tourist information center: 旅游信息中心•Tourist visa: 旅游签证•Travel insurance: 旅行保险•Currency exchange: 货币兑换7. 常见短语和对话•Can you recommend a good restaurant nearby?: 你能推荐附近的好餐厅吗?•How much does a taxi ride to the airport cost?: 去机场打的多少钱?•I’d like to book a room for two nights: 我想预订一间房间住两晚•What time is the check-out?: 退房是几点?•Is there a guided tour of this attraction?: 这个景点有导游服务吗?结语以上是关于旅游的各种英文词汇和短语,希望能对您在旅行中的英语交流提供一些帮助。


20. 扣好安全带 fasten safety belt
21.遇上交通堵塞 be stuck in traffic jams 22.交通事故 traffic accidents 23.交通规则 traffic rules/regulations
24.走斑马线 walk on the zebra crossing 25.等到绿灯 wait for the green light
16. 更多地了解外面的世界 17. 促进友谊和理解
know more about the outside world promote friendship and understanding
18. 骑车/骑马 ride a bike/horse
1.旅行社 travel agency 2.旅游景点 tourist attraction; scenic spots 3.风景名胜 a place of interest
4.周游世界 travel round the world 5.太空旅游 space tourism
6. 度假 be on holiday/vacation
7. 去旅游 go on/make/take a trip/journey
8. 入住(旅馆)/退房 check in/out 9. 森林/沙漠探险(索) explore a forest/a desert 10. 订一张飞机票 book an airline ticket
11.将东西装箱打包 pack sth up
12.为某人送行 see sb off 13.(了解)当地文化 understand the local culture 14.欣赏大自然的美景
enjoy/appreciate the beauties of nature


第一章 旅行社概述
通过本章的学习使学生掌握旅行社的定义, 熟悉旅行社的产生与发展、旅行社的性质 与职能、旅行社的业务范围与基本业务、 创立旅行社密切相关的设立程序、旅行社 的组建方式与组织设计等内容,了解旅行 社的分工体系与分类制度、旅游行业组织 的功能与职责。
第一节 旅行社的产生与发展
三、中国旅行社行业组织 中国旅行社协会
(CATS:China Association of Travel Services)
1、中外旅行社产生的背景有何不同?结合我 国现阶段的社会经济发展条件思考旅行社发 展所面临的问题?
2、发展 初步形成阶段(1978-1989) 快速增长阶段(1990~1994) 结构调整阶段(1995~2001) 全面开放阶段(2002~)
第二节 旅行社的性质、职能和基 本业务
一、旅行社的性质 性质的理解是以其对业务的把
握为前提。 旅行社是旅游产品的供应者与
消费者之间的中介组织。 服务性、盈利性、中介性。
根据《旅行社条例》(2009年5月1日 起实施)的规定:
旅行社是指从事招徕、组织、接 待旅游者等活动,为旅游者提供相 关旅游服务 ,开展国内旅游业务、 入境旅游业务或者出境旅游业务的 企业法人。
而在《旅行社条例实施细则》(2009年5月3日起实 施)规定:
所称招徕、组织、接待旅游者提供的 相关服务主要包括:安排交通服务;安排 住宿服务;安排餐饮服务;安排观光游览、 休闲度假等服务;导游、领队服务;旅游 咨询、旅游活动设计服务。



Relevant Words and Expressions1.General Terms 一般用语World Tourism Organization 世界旅游组织National Tourism Administration 国家旅游局China Youth Travel Agency 中国青年旅行社China International Travel Service中国国际旅行社Travel service (agency)旅行社Tourism Company 旅游公司Tourism trade旅游业Local guide 地陪National guide 全陪International guide; team leader 领队Licensed guide 持有许可证的导游2.Tourism 旅游Day excursion 一日游Junket 公费旅游Self-financed tour 自费旅游Free travel 免费旅游Travel program; itinerary 旅行计划Travel service 旅游服务Itinerary 旅程Traveling expenses 旅费Travel agent旅行社代理人Amateur guide 兼职导游Holiday travel 假日旅游Mountaineering tour 登山旅游World tour 漫游世界Large touring party 大型旅游团Veteran traveler 旅行行家Tourist (sightseeing) party; visiting group 观光团Globe trotter; world traveler 周游世界者3.Showplace 旅游地Artificial scenery 人工风景Mountain resort 山水风光Grotto 穴洞Chief sights 主要名胜Idyllic scenery 田园风光Ruins of an ancient city 古城遗址Famous mountains and great rivers 名山大川Scenic spot 名胜Natural preserve 自然保护区Natural scenery 自然风景Attractive sights 有吸引力的名胜Buddha scenic spot 佛教胜地Statue of Buddha 佛像Scenic Spots and Historical Sites名胜古迹Palace Museum 故宫博物馆Temple of Heaven 天坛Summer Palace xxBeihai Park xxFragrant Hill Park 香山公园Shanghai’s Town God’s Temple 上海城隍庙Shanghai Library 上海图书馆Shanghai Museum 上海博物馆The Bund 外滩Green hill xxSacred sites 宗教圣地Picturesque scenery 风景如画Cityscape xx风景Holiday resort 度假xxSummer camp xxCemetery 陵园Bathing beach 海滨浴场Seaside resort xx胜地Mountain resort 避暑胜地Wilderness xxTropical scenery 热带风光Luxun Memorial Hall鲁迅纪念馆6000-year-old Banpo Village半坡村Museum of Qin Shi Huang’s Terracotta Warriors秦始皇兵马俑Greater Wild Goose Pagoda大雁塔The Three Gorges 长江三峡The Great Wall xxHuangshan Mountain 黄山Huashan MountainxxHuaqing Hot Spring华清池Mausoleum of Huang Di 黄帝陵Forest of Steles碑林Bell TowerxxThe West LakexxLandscaped Gardens in Suzhou 苏州园林Guilin Mountains and Waters桂林山水Sun Moon LakexxMogao Grotto in Dunhuang敦煌莫高窟以上黑体字为xx十大名胜The eight greatest wonders of the world:世界八大奇迹1) the pyramid of Egypt at Giza埃及吉萨的金字塔2) the Hanging Gardens of Babylon古代巴比伦的空中花园(现已毁)4) the Great Wall of China中国的长城5) the Colosseum of Rome罗马科洛西姆大斗兽场,竞技场6) the Mosque of St. Sophia in Constantinople, Turkey土耳其君士坦丁堡(现伊斯坦布尔)的圣苏菲娅清真寺7) Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang秦始皇陵8) the Taj Mahal in India印度的泰姬陵。



旅游业英语词汇(较全) 1. 常用词汇- 旅游业: tourism industry- 旅行: travel- 游客: tourist- 导游: tour guide- 旅行社: travel agency- 酒店: hotel- 机票: plane ticket- 签证: visa- 行李: luggage- 景点: tourist attraction- 导览图: map- 订票: book tickets- 预订: make a reservation- 退订: cancel a reservation- 检票: check-in- 值机: check-in at the airport- 登机: board a plane- 出发: departure- 到达: arrival- 航班延误: flight delay- 旅游套餐: travel package- 自助游: self-guided tour- 全包式旅游: all-inclusive tour - 当地文化: local culture- 汇率: exchange rate- 導覽: guided tour- 咨询台: information desk- 旅游纪念品: souvenirs2. 餐饮词汇- 餐厅: restaurant- 餐桌: dining table- 菜单: menu- 食物: food- 饮料: beverages- 点菜: order dishes- 开胃菜: appetizer- 主菜: main course- 饮食偏好: dietary preferences- 素食者: vegetarian- 饮食限制: dietary restrictions- 服务员: waiter/waitress- 结账: pay the bill- 小费: tip3. 交通词汇- 交通工具: means of transportation - 出租车: taxi- 公交车: bus- 地铁: subway- 火车: train- 船: boat- 自行车: bicycle- 摩托车: motorcycle- 行人: pedestrian- 交通拥堵: traffic congestion - 禁止通行: no entry- 禁止停车: no parking- 停车场: parking lot- 警察: police officer- 罚款: fine4. 地理方位- 北: north- 南: south- 东: east- 西: west- 上: up- 下: down- 前: front- 后: back- 左: left- 右: right5. 旅游方式- 租车: rent a car- 骑行: cycling- 徒步: hiking- 航空旅行: air travel- 邮轮旅行: cruise travel- 驴行: backpacking- 乘坐公共交通: using public transport以上词汇可以帮助你在旅游业的交流中更方便地和他人沟通。





常见的旅行社英语单词有:travel agency(旅行社)、tourist (游客)、package tour(跟团游)、self-guided tour(自助游)、tour guide(导游)、hotel(酒店)、resort(度假村)、ticket(票务)、airline(航空公司)、railway(铁路)、cruise(游轮)、transportation(交通)、destination(目的地)等。


此外,旅游行业中还有一些特殊的旅行术语,例如high season (旺季)、low season(淡季)、peak season(高峰期)、peak period (高峰期)、peak season rate(高峰期价格)、discount rate(折扣价格)、itinerary(行程安排)、security(安全)等。








常见的旅游相关英语名词以下是一些常见的旅游相关英语名词:1.Tourism - 旅游业,指整个旅游产业和相关服务。

2.Travel - 旅行,指人们从一个地方到另一个地方的行程。

3.Destination - 目的地,旅行的目的地点。

4.Tourist - 游客,指旅行到其他地方的人。

5.Tour - 旅行团,由旅行社组织的一组游客的旅行。

6.Attraction - 景点,吸引游客的地方或活动。

7.Sightseeing - 观光,参观名胜古迹或城市风光。

8.Hike - 徒步旅行,指徒步穿越自然环境进行探险和体验。

9.Cruise - 邮轮旅行,通过船只在海上或河流上旅行。

10.Itinerary - 行程安排,旅行计划或日程安排。

旅游地点的英语名词不同的旅游地点有着各自的英语名称,以下是一些常见的旅游地点名词:1.Beach - 海滩,沙滩边的海岸地带。

2.Mountain - 山脉,高大的自然地形特征。

3.City - 城市,人口密集的定居区。

4.Town - 小镇,相对较小的城市或村庄。

5.Island - 岛屿,被水环绕的陆地。

6.National Park - 国家公园,保护自然环境和生物多样性的地区。

7.Museum - 博物馆,展示文物和艺术品的场所。

8.Zoo - 动物园,展示野生动物并进行保护工作的场所。

9.Resort - 度假胜地,提供休闲和娱乐设施的旅游目的地。

ndmark - 地标,著名的建筑或地点。

旅游活动的英语名词旅游过程中的各种活动也有着专属的英语名称,以下是一些常见的旅游活动名词:1.Hiking - 徒步旅行,进行户外徒步探险。

2.Sightseeing - 观光,参观名胜古迹或风景名胜。

3.Shopping - 购物,购买当地特色产品或纪念品。


▪ 十日游每人只要1099美元。
▪ It’s a four-star hotel with two restaurants and a swimming pool.
▪ 它是一家四星级旅馆,有两个餐厅和一个游泳 池。
▪ Breakfast and dinner are included in the price I gave you.
▪ duration of proposed stay
▪ 停留时间
▪ application ▪ full name
▪ 全名
Байду номын сангаас
▪ spouse’s name & nationality
▪ 配偶姓名及国籍
Useful expressions for interview
▪ Visa officer’s words:
▪ Make a conversation:
▪ Suppose you are a tourist and your partner is a travel agent. Please make a conversation in which you want to find the information about your trip.
▪ 我们每星期出团两次,每周一和周三早上出发。
▪ Here are some brochures. They can give you more information.
▪ 这儿有些小册子,它们能给您提供更详尽的说 明。
▪ The price for one person for a ten-day tour is only $1099.
travel agent
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

• Travel agencies became more commonplace with the development of commercial aviation, starting in the 1920s. Originally, travel agencies largely catered to middle and upper class customers, but the post-war boom in mass-market package holidays resulted in travel agencies on the main streets of most British towns, catering to a working class, looking for a convenient way to book overseas beach holidays.
• The British company, Cox & Kings, is sometimes said to be the oldest travel agency in the world, but this rests upon the services that the original bank, established in 1758, supplied to its wealthy clients.
• The modern travel agency first appeared in the second half of the 19th century. Thomas Cook, in addition to developing the package tour, established a chain of agencies in the last quarter of the 19th century, in association with the Midland Railway.
Pictures mentioned in the text Bayside Market
West Edmonton Mall
Travel Agency
1. Definition and General Mark 2. Origin and History 3. Management and Profits 4. Types
• Travel consultants (the people in a travel agency who deal with the public) are expected to gather information on travel destinations and be capable of giving advice on travel products.
• Consequently, unlike other retail businesses, they do not keep a stock in hand. A package holiday or a ticket is not purchased from a supplier unless a customer requests that purcA travel agency is a retail business, that sells travel related products and services to customers, on behalf of suppliers, such as airlines, car rentals, cruise lines, hotels, railways, sightseeing tours and package holidays that combine several products
Management and Profits
• A travel agency's main function is to act as an agent, that is to say, selling travel products and services on behalf of a supplier.
• The oldest travel agency in North America is Brownell Travel; on July 4, 1887, Walter T. Brownell led ten travelers on a European tour, setting sail from New York on the SS Devonia.
General Mark
• A travel agency is involved in the planning, booking, organization and documentation of travel arrangements for their clients. Often, this also involves advising, reassuring, explaining and encouraging the customer.
General Mark
• A travel agent sells either individual parts of or complete holiday packages to the customers. The main function is to sell the temporary use of transportation (air, rail, coach, car), accommodation (hotel, motel, lodge), tours (packages) and other associated services (insurance, foreign exchange).