

















A. in treatingB. to treatC. for treating D. treat
19.____ by the police, the kidnappers had no choice but to surrender.
A.SurroundingB.Having surrounded
Part I Vocabulary & Structure (20%)
Section A (10%)
Directions:Fill the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary.
Passage 1
Did you know that you could be sitting on a fortune without even realizing it? If you’re like most people, you have no idea that you probably have items of value put away that could put dollars in your pocket.
A. to build B. built C. build D. building
23.He often visited the grain mill of Peter, ____ to experiment with new things.
A. that liked B. whom liked




















[博联教育]武汉大学法硕考研辅导第一品牌博联教育官方网站:张老师qq:26942517775、绑架罪的行为模式6、我国刑法关于死刑适用对象的规定7、抢劫罪和敲诈勒索罪的界限8、贪污罪的主体9、从犯以及从犯的刑事责任10、论教唆犯的概念及刑事责任11、刑法中公共安全的含义12、犯罪中止条件追问举例在追问犯罪中止与犯罪即遂区别13、简述盗窃罪的行为类型14、一般累犯的构成要件15、强奸罪与嫖宿幼女罪的区别16、死刑缓期二年执行的法律后果(二)民法1、定金罚则2、简述一般侵权责任的构成要件3、论财团法人和社团法人追问能不能举个当今中国财团法人的例子4、法人的功能是什么5、观念交付的几种具体形式6、诉讼时效届满的后果7、物权的异议登记,追问申诉,起诉和上诉的区别8、什么是连带责任保证9、要约和要约邀请的区别10、时效中断的事由是什么11、最高额抵押权12、留置权与同时履行抗辩权的区别13、无名合同,以及无名合同的适用14、先合同义务15、物权的效力包括哪些16、永佃权17、侵权责任法的功能18、无因管理19、不当得利[博联教育]武汉大学法硕考研辅导第一品牌博联教育官方网站:张老师qq:269425177720、侵权责任法为什么不能调整债权(三)法理学1、如何理解法律必须由国家强制力保证实施2、法律事件与法律行为的区别,追问的是各举例法律事件和法律行为3、什么是行政规章4、公平与正义的区别5、立法的基本特征6、人权的普遍性与相对性7、法官造法和自由裁量权的区别8、公民守法的原因9、法律责任的基本含义10、公民守法的动机11、立法的程序12、法制与法治的区别13、正当程序对司法效率有影响吗14、我们国家属于什么法系15、国家法律与党的政策的联系?16、法定权利实在权利(四)宪法学1、宪法是公法还是私法2、宪法关于公民基本义务的规定3、宪法关于公民基本权利的规定4、宪法中关于委托选举的规定5、违宪审查的模式6、简述马伯里诉麦迪逊所确立的原则7、宪法修改的必要性8、消极人权追问消极人权的举例9、我国宪法修改的程序10、简述提请审查,附带审查,起诉审查宪法修改的方式11、法国宪法委员会的职权[博联教育]武汉大学法硕考研辅导第一品牌博联教育官方网站:张老师qq:269425177712、向人大提议案的9个主体13、简述多数代表和比例代表的区别14、中国人民法院独立行使审判权和西方司法独立的区别15、德国宪法法院的职权(五)法制史1、试述中国古代秋审制度2、古代皇帝怎么杀人3、九刑4、九品中正制5、封建制五刑6、死刑三复奏7、论述准五服以制罪8、剕刑二、武汉大学法硕考研外语部分(英、日、俄、德)1.自我介绍introduce yourself2.介绍自己的经历,追问喜欢city or coutryside3.日语,对武大法学院有什么了解4.如果你可以环游世界,你会选择哪个国家,哪个城市,为什么5.Do you know "包青天" ?Do you think he is a good judge? Why do you think so?6. 日语在武大四年对于武大的感想。



复试题目提供给学姐✅法硕复试英语问题汇总1、What i the difference between an undergraduate major and law?(本科专业和法律之间的区别?)2、Why are you intereted in law and what will you do after you get admitted (为什么对法律有兴趣,考上以后怎么办?)中文:事实上,我对法律的兴趣最初来自于今天的脱口秀节目,而我对法律的兴趣也逐渐来自于在家里和家人一起看今天的谈话的过程。






3、Do you want to be a lawyer or a judge in the future (你未来想当律师还是法官?)4、What i law (什么是法律)中文:法律有许多不同的定义。





5、What i the eence of law?(法的本质是什么?)英文:The eence of law i a category of phenomena relative to law。

It main content include: law i the embodiment of the will of the ruling cla which rie to be the will of the tate; The will embodied in law i determined by certain material living condition; The will embodied in the law i alo influenced by many factor of economic accident。

































20 AVRIL 2010ARRÊT AFFAIRE RELATIVE À DES USINES DE PÂTE À PAPIERSUR LE FLEUVE URUGUAY(ARGENTINE c. URUGUAY)___________CASE CONCERNING PULP MILLS ON THE RIVER URUGUAY(ARGENTINA v. URUGUAY)20 APRIL 2010JUDGMENTT ABLE OF C ONTENTSParagraphsC HRONOLOGY OF THE PROCEDURE1-24I. L EGAL FRAMEWORK AND FACTS OF THE CASE25-47A. Legal framework 26-27B. CMB (ENCE) Project 28-36C. Orion (Botnia) mill 37-47II. S COPE OF THE C OURT’S JURISDICTION48-66III.T HE ALLEGED BREACH OF PROCEDURAL OBLIGATIONS67-158A. The links between the procedural obligations and the substantiveobligations 71-79B. The procedural obligations and their interrelation 80-1221. The nature and role of CARU 84-932. Uruguay’s obligation to inform CARU 94-1113. Uruguay’s obligation to notify the plans to the other party 112-122C. Whether the Parties agreed to derogate from the proceduralobligations set out in the 1975 Statute 123-1501. The “understanding” of 2 March 2004 between Argentinaand Uruguay 125-1312. The agreement setting up the High-Level Technical Group(the GTAN) 132-150D. Uruguay’s obligations following the end of the negotiation period 151-158 IV. S UBSTANTIVE OBLIGATIONS159-266A. Burden of proof and expert evidence 160-168B. Alleged violations of substantive obligations 169-2661. The obligation to contribute to the optimum and rationalutilization of the river (Article 1) 170-1772. The obligation to ensure that the management of the soil andwoodland does not impair the régime of the river or thequality of its waters (Article 35) 178-1803. The obligation to co-ordinate measures to avoid changes inthe ecological balance (Article 36) 181-189- ii -4. The obligation to prevent pollution and preserve the aquaticenvironment (Article 41) 190-202(a) Environmental Impact Assessment 203-219(i) The siting of the Orion (Botnia) mill at FrayBentos 207-214(ii) Consultation of the affected populations 215-219(b) Question of the production technology used in theOrion (Botnia) mill 220-228(c) Impact of the discharges on the quality of the watersof the river 229-259oxygen 238-239(i)DissolvedPhosphorus 240-250(ii)(iii)substances 251-254Phenolic(iv) Presence of nonylphenols in the riverenvironment 255-257(v) Dioxins and furans 258-259(d) Effects on biodiversity 260-262(e) Air pollution 263-264(f) Conclusions on Article 41 265(g) Continuing obligations: monitoring 266V. T HE CLAIMS MADE BY THE P ARTIES IN THEIR FINAL SUBMISSIONS267-281O PERATIVE CLAUSE 282___________A BBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMSAAP “Autorización Ambiental Previa” (Initial environmental authorization)ADCP Acoustic Doppler Current ProfilerAOX Adsorbable Organic HalogensBAT Best Available Techniques (or Technology)Botnia “Botnia S.A.” and “Botnia Fray Bentos S.A.” (two companies formed under Uruguayan law by the Finnish company Oy Metsä-Botnia AB)CARU “Comisión Administradora del Río Uruguay” (Administrative Commission of the River Uruguay)CIS Cumulative Impact Study (prepared in September 2006 at the request of the International Finance Corporation)CMB “Celulosas de M’Bopicuá S.A.” (a company formed under Uruguayan law by the Spanish company ENCE)CMB (ENCE) Pulp mill planned at Fray Bentos by the Spanish company ENCE, which formed the Uruguayan company CMB for that purposeDINAMA “Dirección Nacional de Medio Ambiente” (National Directorate for the Environment of the Uruguayan Government)ECF Elemental-Chlorine-FreeEIA Environmental Impact AssessmentENCE “Empresa Nacional de Celulosas de España” (Spanish company which formed the company CMB under Uruguayan law)ESAP Environmental and Social Action PlanGTAN “Grupo Técnico de Alto Nivel” (High-Level Technical Group established in 2005 by Argentina and Uruguay to resolve their dispute over the CMB (ENCE)and Orion (Botnia) mills)CorporationFinanceIFC InternationalIPPC-BAT Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in the Pulp and Paper IndustryMVOTMA “Ministerio de Vivienda, Ordenamiento Territorial y Medio Ambiente”(Uruguayan Ministry of Housing, Land Use Planning and EnvironmentalAffairs)Orion (Botnia) Pulp mill built at Fray Bentos by the Finnish company Oy Metsä-Botnia AB, which formed the Uruguayan companies Botnia S.A. and Botnia FrayBentos S.A. for that purposeOSE “Obras Sanitarias del Estado” (Uruguay’s State Agency for Sanitary Works) POPs Persistent Organic PollutantsPROCEL “Plan de Monitoreo de la Calidad Ambiental en el Río Uruguay en Áreas de Plantas Celulósicas” (Plan for monitoring water quality in the area of the pulpmills set up under CARU)PROCON “Programa de Calidad de Aguas y Control de la Contaminación del Río Uruguay” (Water quality and pollution control programme set up under CARU)___________INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICEYEAR 2010201020 AprilGeneral ListNo. 13520 April 2010CASE CONCERNING PULP MILLS ON THE RIVER URUGUAY(ARGENTINA v. URUGUAY)Legal framework and facts of the case.1961 Treaty of Montevideo — 1975 Statute of the River Uruguay ⎯ Establishment of the Administrative Commission of the River Uruguay (CARU) ⎯ CMB (ENCE) pulp mill project ⎯Orion (Botnia) pulp mill project ⎯ Port terminal at Nueva Palmira — Subject of the dispute.*Scope of the Court’s jurisdiction.Compromissory clause (Article 60 of the 1975 Statute) — Provisions of the 1975 Statute and jurisdiction ratione materiae— Lack of jurisdiction for the Court to consider allegations concerning noise and visual pollution or bad odours (Article 36 of the 1975 Statute) — Air pollution and impact on the quality of the waters of the river addressed under substantive obligations.Article 1 of the 1975 Statute — Definition of the purpose of the 1975 Statute — Joint machinery necessary for the optimum and rational utilization of the river — Significance of the reference to the “rights and obligations arising from treaties and other international agreements in force for each of the parties” — Original Spanish text — Statute adopted by the parties in observance of their respective international commitments.(a) of the 1975 Statute — Original Spanish text — Absence of a “referral clause”41Articlehaving the effect of incorporating within the ambit of the Statute the obligations of the parties under international agreements and other norms envisaged in the Statute — Obligation for the parties to exercise their regulatory powers, in conformity with applicable international agreements, for the protection and preservation of the aquatic environment of the River Uruguay — Rules for interpreting the 1975 Statute — Article 31 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties — Distinction between taking account of other international rules in the interpretation of the 1975 Statute and the scope of the jurisdiction of the Court under Article 60 of the latter.*Alleged breach of procedural obligations.Question of links between the procedural obligations and the substantive obligations — Object and purpose of the 1975 Statute — Optimum and rational utilization of the River Uruguay — Sustainable development — Co-operation between the parties in jointly managing the risks of damage to the environment — Existence of a functional link, in regard to prevention, between the procedural obligations and the substantive obligations — Responsibility in the event of breaches of either category.Interrelation of the various procedural obligations laid down by Articles 7 to 12 of the 1975 Statute — Original Spanish text of Article 7 — Obligation to inform, notify and negotiate as an appropriate means of achieving the objective of optimum and rational utilization of the river as a shared resource — Legal personality of CARU — Central role of CARU in the joint management of the river and obligation of the parties to co-operate.Obligation to inform CARU (Article 7, first paragraph, of the 1975 Statute) — Works subject to this obligation — Link between the obligation to inform CARU, co-operation between the parties and the obligation of prevention — Determination by CARU on a preliminary basis of whether there is a risk of significant damage to the other party — Content of the information to be transmitted to CARU — Obligation to inform CARU before issuing of the initial environmental authorization — Provision of information to CARU by private operators cannot substitute for the obligation to inform laid down by the 1975 Statute — Breach by Uruguay of the obligation to inform CARU.Obligation to notify the plans to the other party (Article 7, second and third paragraphs, of the 1975 Statute) — Need for a full environmental impact assessment (EIA) — Notification of the EIA to the other party, through CARU, before any decision on the environmental viability of the plan — Breach by Uruguay of the obligation to notify the plans to Argentina.Question of whether the Parties agreed to derogate from the procedural obligations — “Understanding” of 2 March 2004 — Content and scope — Since Uruguay did not comply with it, the “understanding” cannot be regarded as having had the effect of exempting Uruguay from compliance with the procedural obligations — Agreement setting up the High-Level TechnicalGroup (GTAN) — Referral to the Court on the basis of Article 12 or Article 60 of the 1975 Statute: no practical distinction — The agreement to set up the GTAN had the aim of enabling the negotiations provided for in Article 12 of the 1975 Statute to take place, but did not derogate from other procedural obligations — In accepting the creation of the GTAN, Argentina did not give up the procedural rights belonging to it by virtue of the Statute, nor the possibility of invoking Uruguay’s responsibility; nor did Argentina consent to suspending the operation of the procedural provisions of the Statute (Article 57 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties) — Obligation to negotiate in good faith — “No construction obligation” during the negotiation period — Preliminary work approved by Uruguay — Breach by Uruguay of the obligation to negotiate laid down by Article 12 of the 1975 Statute.Obligations of Uruguay following the end of the negotiation period — Scope of Article 12 of the 1975 Statute — Absence of a “no construction obligation” following the end of the negotiation period and during the judicial settlement phase.*Alleged breaches of substantive obligations.Burden of proof — Precautionary approach without reversal of the burden of proof — Expert evidence — Reports commissioned by the Parties — Independence of experts — Consideration of the facts by the Court — Experts appearing as counsel at the hearings — Question of witnesses, experts and expert witnesses.Optimum and rational utilization of the River Uruguay — Article 1 of the 1975 Statute sets out the purpose of the instrument and does not lay down specific rights and obligations — Obligation to comply with the obligations prescribed by the Statute for the protection of the environment and the joint management of the river — Regulatory function of CARU — Interconnectedness between equitable and reasonable utilization of the river as a shared resource and the balance between economic development and environmental protection that is the essence of sustainable development (Article 27 of the 1975 Statute).Obligation to ensure that the management of the soil and woodland does not impair the régime of the river or the quality of its waters (Article 35 of the 1975 Statute) — Contentions of Argentina not established.Obligation to co-ordinate measures to avoid changes to the ecological balance (Article 36 of the 1975 Statute) — Requirement of individual action by each party and co-ordination through CARU — Obligation of due diligence — Argentina has not convincingly demonstrated that Uruguay has refused to engage in the co-ordination envisaged by Article 36 of the 1975 Statute.Obligation to prevent pollution and preserve the aquatic environment — Normative content of Article 41 of the 1975 Statute — Obligation for each party to adopt rules and measures to protect and preserve the aquatic environment and, in particular, to prevent pollution — The rules and measures prescribed by each party must be in accordance with applicable international agreements and in keeping, where relevant, with the guidelines and recommendations ofinternational technical bodies — Due diligence obligation to prescribe rules and measures and to apply them — Definition of pollution given in Article 40 of the 1975 Statute — Regulatory action of CARU (Article 56 of the 1975 Statute), complementing that of each party — CARU Digest — Rules by which the existence of any harmful effects is to be determined: 1975 Statute, CARU Digest, domestic law of each party within the limits prescribed by the 1975 Statute.Environmental impact assessment (EIA) — Obligation to conduct an EIA — Scope and content of the EIA — Referral to domestic law — Question of the choice of mill site as part of the EIA — The Court is not convinced by Argentina’s argument that an assessment of possible sites was not carried out — Receiving capacity of the river at Fray Bentos and reverse flows — The CARU water quality standards take account of the geomorphological and hydrological characteristics of the river and the receiving capacity of its waters — Question of consultation of the affected populations as part of the EIA — No legal obligation to consult the affected populations arises from the instruments invoked by Argentina — Consultation by Uruguay of the affected populations did indeed take place.Production technology used in the Orion (Botnia) mill — No evidence to support Argentina’s claim that the Orion (Botnia) mill is not BAT-compliant in terms of the discharges of effluent for each tonne of pulp produced — From the data collected after the start-up of the Orion (Botnia) mill, it does not appear that the discharges from it have exceeded the prescribed limits.Impact of the discharges on the quality of the waters of the river — Post-operational monitoring — Dissolved oxygen — Phosphorus — Algal blooms — Phenolic substances — Presence of nonylphenols in the river environment — Dioxins and furans — Alleged breaches not established.Effects on biodiversity — Insufficient evidence to conclude that Uruguay breached the obligation to protect the aquatic environment, including its fauna and flora.Air pollution — Indirect pollution from deposits into the aquatic environment — Insufficient evidence.On the basis of the evidence submitted, no breach by Uruguay of Article 41 of the 1975 Statute.Continuing obligations: monitoring — Obligation of the Parties to enable CARU to exercise on a continuous basis the powers conferred on it by the 1975 Statute — Obligation of Uruguay to continue monitoring the operation of the Orion (Botnia) plant — Obligation of the Parties to continue their co-operation through CARU.*Claims made by the Parties in their final submissions.Claims of Argentina — Breach of procedural obligations — Finding of wrongful conduct and satisfaction — Forms of reparation other than compensation not excluded by the 1975 Statute — Restitution as a form of reparation for injury — Definition — Limits — Form of reparation appropriate to the injury suffered, taking into account the nature of the wrongful act — Restitution in the form of the dismantling of the Orion (Botnia) mill not appropriate where only breaches of procedural obligations have occurred — No breach of substantive obligations and rejection of Argentina’s other claims — No special circumstances requiring the ordering of assurances and guarantees of non-repetition.Uruguay’s request for confirmation of its right to continue operating the Orion (Botnia) plant — No practical significance.*Obligation of the Parties to co-operate with each other, on the terms set out in the 1975 Statute, to ensure the achievement of its object and purpose — Joint action of the Parties through CARU and establishment of a real community of interests and rights in the management of the River Uruguay and in the protection of its environment.JUDGMENTPresent:Vice-President T OMKA,Acting President; Judges K OROMA,A L-K HASAWNEH, S IMMA,A BRAHAM,K EITH,S EPÚLVEDA-A MOR,B ENNOUNA,S KOTNIKOV,C ANÇADO T RINDADE,Y USUF,G REENWOOD; Judges ad hoc T ORRES B ERNÁRDEZ,V INUESA; Registrar C OUVREUR.In the case concerning pulp mills on the River Uruguay,betweenthe Argentine Republic,represented byH.E. Ms Susana Ruiz Cerutti, Ambassador, Legal Adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,International Trade and Worship,Agent;asH.E. Mr. Horacio A. Basabe, Ambassador, Director of the Argentine Institute for ForeignService, former Legal Adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade andWorship, Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration,H.E. Mr. Santos Goñi Marenco, Ambassador of the Argentine Republic to the Kingdom ofthe Netherlands,Co-Agents;asMr. Alain Pellet, Professor at the University of Paris Ouest, Nanterre-La Défense, member and former Chairman of the International Law Commission, associate member of theInstitut de droit international,Mr. Philippe Sands, Q.C., Professor of International Law at University College London, Barrister at Matrix Chambers, London,Mr. Marcelo Kohen, Professor of International Law at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, associate member of the Institut de droit international, Ms Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Professor of International Law at the University of Geneva,Mr. Alan Béraud, Minister at the Embassy of the Argentine Republic to the European Union, former Legal Adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship,Mr. Daniel Müller, Researcher at the Centre de droit international de Nanterre (CEDIN), University of Paris Ouest, Nanterre-La Défense,as Counsel and Advocates;Mr. Homero Bibiloni, Federal Secretary for the Environment and Sustainable Development, as Governmental Authority;Mr. Esteban Lyons, National Director of Environmental Control, Secretariat of the Environment and Sustainable Development,Mr. Howard Wheater, Ph.D. in Hydrology from Bristol University, Professor of Hydrology at Imperial College and Director of the Imperial College Environment Forum, Mr. Juan Carlos Colombo, Ph.D. in Oceanography from the University of Quebec, Professor at the Faculty of Sciences and Museum of the National University of La Plata, Director ofthe Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Biogeochemistry at the National University of La Plata,Mr. Neil McIntyre, Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, Senior Lecturer in Hydrology at Imperial College London,Ms Inés Camilloni, Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences in the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires, Senior Researcher at theNational Research Council (CONICET),Mr. Gabriel Raggio, Doctor in Technical Sciences of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) (Switzerland), Independent Consultant,as Scientific Advisers and Experts;Mr. Holger Martinsen, Minister at the Office of the Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship,Mr. Mario Oyarzábal, Embassy Counsellor, member of the Office of the Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship,Mr. Fernando Marani, Second Secretary, Embassy of the Argentine Republic in the Kingdom of the Netherlands,Mr. Gabriel Herrera, Embassy Secretary, member of the Office of the Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship,Ms Cynthia Mulville, Embassy Secretary, member of the Office of the Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship,Ms Kate Cook, Barrister at Matrix Chambers, London, specializing in environmental law and law relating to development,Ms Mara Tignino, Ph.D. in Law, Researcher at the University of Geneva,Mr. Magnus Jesko Langer, teaching and research assistant, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva,as Legal Advisers,andthe Eastern Republic of Uruguay,represented byH.E. Mr. Carlos Gianelli, Ambassador of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay to the UnitedStates of America,Agent;asH.E. Mr. Carlos Mora Medero, Ambassador of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay to theKingdom of the Netherlands,Co-Agent;asMr. Alan Boyle, Professor of International Law at the University of Edinburgh, Member of the English Bar,Mr. Luigi Condorelli, Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Florence,Mr. Lawrence H. Martin, Foley Hoag LLP, Member of the Bars of the United States Supreme Court, the District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,Mr. Stephen C. McCaffrey, Professor at the McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific, California, former Chairman of the International Law Commission and Special Rapporteur for the Commission’s work on the law of non-navigational uses of international watercourses,Mr. Alberto Pérez Pérez, Professor in the Faculty of Law, University of the Republic, Montevideo,Mr. Paul S. Reichler, Foley Hoag LLP, Member of the Bars of the United States Supreme Court and the District of Columbia,as Counsel and Advocates;Mr. Marcelo Cousillas, Legal Counsel at the National Directorate for the Environment, Ministry of Housing, Land Use Planning and Environmental Affairs,Mr. César Rodriguez Zavalla, Chief of Cabinet, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,Mr. Carlos Mata, Deputy Director of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,Mr. Marcelo Gerona, Counsellor at the Embassy of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay in the Kingdom of the Netherlands,Mr. Eduardo Jiménez de Aréchaga, Attorney at law, admitted to the Bar of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay and Member of the Bar of New York,Mr. Adam Kahn, Foley Hoag LLP, Member of the Bar of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,Mr. Andrew Loewenstein, Foley Hoag LLP, Member of the Bar of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,Ms Analia Gonzalez, LL.M., Foley Hoag LLP, admitted to the Bar of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay,Ms Clara E. Brillembourg, Foley Hoag LLP, Member of the Bars of the District of Columbia and New York,Ms Cicely Parseghian, Foley Hoag LLP, Member of the Bar of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,Mr. Pierre Harcourt, Ph.D. candidate, University of Edinburgh,Mr. Paolo Palchetti, Associate Professor at the School of Law, University of Macerata,Ms Maria E. Milanes-Murcia, M.A., LL.M., J.S.D. Candidate at the McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific, California, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Murcia, admitted to the Bar of Spain,Counsel;asAssistantMs Alicia Torres, National Director for the Environment at the Ministry of Housing, Land Use Planning and Environmental AffairsMr. Eugenio Lorenzo, Technical Consultant for the National Directorate for the Environment, Ministry of Housing, Land Use Planning and Environmental Affairs,Mr. Cyro Croce, Technical Consultant for the National Directorate for the Environment, Ministry of Housing, Land Use Planning and Environmental Affairs,Ms Raquel Piaggio, State Agency for Sanitary Works (OSE), Technical Consultant for the National Directorate for the Environment, Ministry of Housing, Land Use Planning andEnvironmental Affairs,Mr. Charles A. Menzie, Ph.D., Principal Scientist and Director of the EcoSciences Practice at Exponent, Inc., Alexandria, Virginia,Mr. Neil McCubbin, Eng., B.Sc. (Eng.), 1st Class Honours, Glasgow, Associate of the Royal College of Science and Technology, Glasgow,as Scientific Advisers and Experts,T HE C OURT,asabove,composeddeliberation,afterdelivers the following Judgment:1. On 4 May 2006, the Argentine Republic (hereinafter “Argentina”) filed in the Registry of the Court an Application instituting proceedings against the Eastern Republic of Uruguay (hereinafter “Uruguay”) in respect of a dispute concerning the breach, allegedly committed by Uruguay, of obligations under the Statute of the River Uruguay (United Nations, Treaty Series (UNTS), Vol. 1295, No. I-21425, p. 340), a treaty signed by Argentina and Uruguay at Salto (Uruguay) on 26 February 1975 and having entered into force on 18 September 1976 (hereinafter the “1975 Statute”); in the Application, Argentina stated that this breach arose out of “the authorization, construction and future commissioning of two pulp mills on the River Uruguay”, with reference in particular to “the effects of such activities on the quality of the waters of the River Uruguay and on the areas affected by the river”.In its Application, Argentina, referring to Article 36, paragraph 1, of the Statute of the Court, seeks to found the jurisdiction of the Court on Article 60, paragraph 1, of the 1975 Statute.2. Pursuant to Article 40, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the Court, the Registrar communicated the Application forthwith to the Government of Uruguay. In accordance with paragraph 3 of that Article, the Secretary-General of the United Nations was notified of the filing of the Application.3. On 4 May 2006, immediately after the filing of the Application, Argentina also submitteda request for the indication of provisional measures based on Article 41 of the Statute and Article 73 of the Rules of Court. In accordance with Article 73, paragraph 2, of the Rules of Court, the Registrar transmitted a certified copy of this request forthwith to the Government of Uruguay.4. On 2 June 2006, Uruguay transmitted to the Court a CD-ROM containing the electronic version of two volumes of documents relating to the Argentine request for the indication of provisional measures, entitled “Observations of Uruguay” (of which paper copies were subsequently received); a copy of these documents was immediately sent to Argentina.5. On 2 June 2006, Argentina transmitted to the Court various documents, including a video recording, and, on 6 June 2006, it transmitted further documents; copies of each series of documents were immediately sent to Uruguay.6. On 6 and 7 June 2006, various communications were received from the Parties, whereby each Party presented the Court with certain observations on the documents submitted by the other Party. Uruguay objected to the production of the video recording submitted by Argentina. The Court decided not to authorize the production of that recording at the hearings.7. Since the Court included upon the Bench no judge of the nationality of the Parties, each of them exercised its right under Article 31, paragraph 3, of the Statute to choose a judge ad hoc to sit in the case. Argentina chose Mr. Raúl Emilio Vinuesa, and Uruguay chose Mr. Santiago Torres Bernárdez.8. By an Order of 13 July 2006, the Court, having heard the Parties, found “that the circumstances, as they [then] present[ed] themselves to [it], [we]re not such as to require the exercise of its power under Article 41 of the Statute to indicate provisional measures”.9. By another Order of the same date, the Court, taking account of the views of the Parties, fixed 15 January 2007 and 20 July 2007, respectively, as the time-limits for the filing of a Memorial by Argentina and a Counter-Memorial by Uruguay; those pleadings were duly filed within the time-limits so prescribed.10. On 29 November 2006, Uruguay, invoking Article 41 of the Statute and Article 73 of the Rules of Court, in turn submitted a request for the indication of provisional measures. In accordance with Article 73, paragraph 2, of the Rules of Court, the Registrar transmitted a certified copy of this request forthwith to the Argentine Government.。






武汉大学 硕士英语试卷-带答案

武汉大学 硕士英语试卷-带答案

English for Graduates (Paper A No. 20180110)I.Listening Comprehension (20%)Part One Directions:In this part you will hear 3 short talks. Each talk is followed by some questions. You will hear the talk and questions only once. Listen carefully and answer each question by choosing one from the four choices marked A, B, C or D. Then mark your answers on the Answer Sheet. (15%)Talk 1Questions 1-5 are based on the talk you have just heard.I. A. It will be the same size as the US economy.B.It will be almost the same size as the US economy.C.It will be twice the size of the US economy.D.It will be larger in size than the US economy。

2. A. In 2020 B. In 2025 C. In 2027 D. In 20503. A. China will be the first developing country with the world's largest economy.B.China will reverse the trend of westernization as a result of economic development and globalization.C.China will become the world's dominant country with very different civilizational rootsfrom the West.1D.Both A and C.4. A. He believes that it is general truth.B.He warns that it is a sign of hostility.C.He criticizes it as wishful thinking.D.He thinks that it is an illusion.5. A. They use western ideas and terms.B.They overestimate their cultural influence.C.They don't speak the Chinese language.D.They ignore the power of civilization.Talk 2Questions 6-10 are based on the talk you have just heard.6. A. A change of government.B.The map of deaths.C.Snow and Whitehead's continued efforts.D.Both B and C.7. A, Building the sewers in London.B.Responding immediately to the cholera outbreak in 1866.C.Providing better medical care to city dwellers.居民D.Telling everybody to start boiling their water in 1866.18. A. critical 批评的B. pessimistic 悲观的C. optimistic 乐观的 D. appreciative 赏识的9. A.People slowly realized that living in big metropolitan(大都会)cities is unsustainable as the crowdedness made outbreaks of diseases like cholera unavoidable.B.People began to realize that keeping domesticated animals and bad living habits increase the change of cholera outbreaks.C.People no longer think that it is a healthy thing to take drinking water from wells andpumps in crowded neighborhoods.D.People finally realized that sustainable living is possible in large metropolitan cities with the help of science and improved city management.10. A. New York City will be only 10% of its size.B.It has created a whole new way of life.C.New York City will collapse in on itself like Rome.D. H has spread the influence of Christianity.Talk 3Questions 11-15 are based on the talk you have just heard.11. A. My drawing will show them what God looks like.B.They will draw a picture of God.1C.I will teach them about God's look.D.Their pictures will show what God looks like.I2. A. 5 B. 4 C. 6 D. 1013.A. He was telling a lie because he was naughty.B.He was saying something in place of “frankincense”. 乳香C.He was blaming 指责Frank for his mistakeD.He was praising Frank for his performance14. A. They were born with artistic talents which were not used well.cators should realize that being wrong means being creative.C.They are frightened of making mistakes and stigmatize mistakes.D.Kids are not afraid of being wrong and are willing to try.15. A. Mistakes are the worst thing in the current national education system.B.The unpredictability of education is extraordinary.C.We are educating kids out of their creative capacity.D.It is easier to to be born an artist than to remain an artist as we grow up.Part TwoDirections:!!! this part, you will hear a talk twice and then write a summary of the talk.Your1summary should be around40 words. Please write your answer on Answer Sheet II. (5%) II. Vocabulary (25%)Directions: There are 25 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.16. Still, that_____of a robot means AlphaGo lacks the human touch required to manage employees. Counsel patients or adequately write flowing newspaper features about its own dominance over humans.A.cement 水泥B.virulent剧毒的C.implement 工具,器械D.detachment分离,分开17. Of course, the fact that Trump Was the ultimate media showman with a __________ of controversial political phrases that demand attention and response was a salient factor in his rise to power.A. rationale根据,基础理论B. revenue 收益,财政收入C. repertoire全部节目D. ritual仪式18.But as Walmart moves into the digital space dominated by Amazon, Amazon is________on the physical realm(领域)to win over more customers.A. encroaching侵占B. obliterating抹杀C. tarnishing使失去光泽D. facilitating促进,使便利19.Hong Kong returned from British to Chinese rule in 1997 under a ' one country, two1systems'' arrangement that guarantees a high degree of__________, including an independent (独立的)judiciary(司法机构)and freedom of expression.A. autonomy自治,自主权B. antecedent在先的C. variableD.orientation20.The summit(峰会,高层会议,最高级的)website has posted___________to victims(受害人)of bombings in Iraq and cyclones in the Caribbean-but nothing on what international aid(帮助)agencies describe as the worlds most urgent(紧急的)humanitarian(人道主义的)crisis(危机).A. cassava木薯B.cognition认知C.credence凭证,信任D. condolences同情,哀悼21.Nishikori, who underwent(经历,承受)elbow(n.肘部,弯头,扶手,弯管vt.用肘推挤)surgery(外科手术)and was sidelined(v.使靠边)for almost a year in 2009, chose________instead of surgery to treat his wrist(手腕) injury.A. Rehabilitation修复,康复B.approbation 认可,赞许,批准C. distortion扭曲,变形D. depersonalization 去人性化,失性22.Asset managers have defined their mission as maximizing the market value of their clients’________, and in turn demand that firms maximize profits.A. profiles侧面,外形,轮廓B. portfolios投资组合C.paradigms范式D. perceptions观念,认识,感知23.A TV show which depicted([dɪˈpɪkt] 描述,描绘)a bizarre([bɪˈzɑr]奇怪的)love story1between a nine-year-old boy and an 18-year-old woman has been pulled off air followingcriticism([ˈkrɪtɪˌsɪzəm]批判)that it promoted child marriage and was________.A. progressive进步的B.discursive离题的,离谱的C. regressive逆行的,退化的D.impervious无动于衷的,不受影响的24. On the timeline, the industrial age has________suddenly and the digital age is blasting off(爆破,发射)in new directions.A. fallen away离开B. fraught with充满C. fallen out 消失D. taken out 取出,除去25.Illegal(非法的)crossings have ticked upward(上升)again but remain well below historic (历史的)levels.and the perception(认知,感知)of tougher(坚强的,严格的)law enforcement(执行)appears to remain a ___________to would-be immigrants.A. dehumanization 非人性化B.dispensation分发,分配C. disposal处置D. deterrent 威慑力量;制止的,遏制的26.Global warming in the 21st century is taken as the result of the typically(典型的)______ greenhouse gas concentrations(浓度)that substantively(实质上)interrupt the normal operation of nature.A. anthropogenic人为的B. ecological生态C. meteorological气象D.biological生物学的27.Top administration officials continue to claim the bill will more than pay for itselfby________a flood of economic activity that expands the tax base.1A. confounding使困惑,使惊讶,混淆B. unleashing释放C. vanquishing征服,战胜 D. harnessing v.治理;n.马具28.Rather than_____disputes between buyers and sellers, the internet companyenabled forums and message boards, as well as the ability to rate users and leave reviews.A.warranting保证B.remitting免除,赦免C. mediating调解D.participating参与29.The new museum, located along Kalella Avenue, features a largeglass and a 10,000-square-foot balcony(阳台) that bathes(沐浴)the interior(内部)with natural light.A. lime石灰B.azalea杜鹃花C.skeleton骨骼,框架D.facade外表,建筑物正面30.During his as deputy(副的)secretary(秘书), he pushed for greater disclosure(披露)of prices associated with medical services to help foster(抚养,培养)competition(竞争者,竞赛)and contain costs.A. tenure任期,占有期B.temerity鲁莽,冒失C.tableau (人构成的画面或场景,戏剧性场面)D.torso人体躯干,未完成的作品,躯干雕塑品nd or buildings make particularly good because they tend to increase in value, and it’s hard to hide them from creditors(债权人)or banks.A.bulk体积,大块,大量B. cyclone 龙卷风C. collateral抵押物D.vector矢量,航向32.The RealReal's experiment last December in New York revealed a particular_______between on-line and off-line shopping, and a customer base ready and willing to1combine the two.A. synergy协同作用B.stereotype陈规陋习C.strategy策略D.subsidy补贴33.If the slowdown(减速)in new development is_____________of a decline in luxury sales,then the strength of apartment sales may suggest a surge in the entry-level and mid-level markets.A. boundB.relevantrmed了解情况的,见多识广的D.symptomatic症状的34.Wipe the apples clean, then chill them in an ice bath to bring the temperature downso the_______heat doesn't cook the apples.A.marginal边缘的B.empirical经验主义的C. confidential机密的D.residual剩余的,残渣35.Marble went on to say Americans enjoy multicultural(多元化)food but cautioned(警告,小心)that people also need to consider whether they are__________to any diseases because of their genetic(遗传的)makeup(补充,构造,体格).A.Predisposed使用预先有倾向,使易于患病B. proposed(提出,被提议的,所推荐的)C. stipulated(v规定,约定;adj.合同规定的)D.divulged吐露,泄露36.What additional secrets the Russian hackers may have ________ from multiple agencies, by turning the Kaspersky software into a sort for Sensitive information, is not yet publicly1known.A.bemused困惑的B.gleaned搜集,拾得C. ameliorated改善D.infested侵扰的,为患的37.At least three of their six children have a rare neurological(神经学的,神经的)illness that manifests(清单)itself around age four, causing mental ______, loss of the use of their limbs and, later. death.A. incineration焚烧,火葬B. retardation阻滞,延迟C.Connotation内涵,含义D.alleviation缓解,缓和38. Google is resisting a legal request to disclose salary records in a gender discrimination (歧视)lawsuit(诉讼), marking the technology company’s latest efforts to prevent _________ of how much it pays its female employees.A.ambiguity模棱两可,含糊B. variability易变性C. Scrutiny仔细审查D.allergy过敏,反感,厌恶39.To teach a computer to learn takes _________ reasoning—that is, using data from a small number of instances to generate hypotheses and theories that apply to a very large number of cases.A. inductive归纳的,敏感的,诱导的B.deductive推论的,演绎的C.conductive传导的D. iterative重复的,迭代的40.Building owners in commercial or high-density(高密度)residential(住宅的)zones also1can get city permission to convert apartment buildings for_______occupancy and rent themout for short stays.A. transparent透明的B. transient短暂的,临时的,瞬态,疏忽C. tangible n.有形资产;adj.确实的,真实的,实际的D. tertiary adj.第三的,第三期的,第三纪的;n.第三系,第三纪,第三级教士111. Reading Comprehension (20%)Directions: Read the following passages and choose the best answer to each question. Passage IEvidence-based Fitness ProgramsThere is a new methodology of practicing fitness called evidence-basedfitness.”It is the conscientious,explicit and judicious (明智的) use of current ‘best”evidence in making decisions about the care of members and clients. This new paradigm in fitness is gaining traction as a result of the current trend in medicine to use evidence-based methods. Basically, the practice of evidence-based fitness means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research. In other words, take the best scientific evidence. apply it not to large groups. but to individual clients. Most fitness professionals depend on anecdotal information to establish exercise prescriptions for clients and members. Designing exercise prescriptions on antiquated formulas and the “one size fits all”ideology are fraught with error and dangerous not only for the healthy member, but especially for those ‘at risk.”With the increasing number of at-risk individuals joining fitness centers. using the evidence-basedmethod should he a no-brainer (显而易见的结论) . Everyone is different, so dispensing(分1配,施予)generalized exercise advice to millions of individuals will not produce optimal (最佳的) results.What’s driving the trend?Several factors are contributing to the use of evidence.based practice in the fitness industry. One is that hospitals are experiencing a decline in net revenue due to changes in state and federal regulations, and they are looking outside their traditional model of sick care for reimbursement(赔付) strategies. They are attempting to capitalize on what more than 15,000 fitness centers across the U.S. already know:Fitness/Wellness is a prosperous industry. According to the annual report published by the Medical Fitness Association(MFA), there arc an estimated 875 hospital_associated fitness centers currently in the United States and Canada. They have seen an average growth of 12 percent annually since 1985. MFA predictions estimate more than 1,150 centers by 2010. Obviously, hospitals use the evidence-based model for patient care. and when they become more involved in the fitness industry, they will incorporate this methodology into the operation of their fitness facilities.Why evidence-based fitness?Improved quality of member care.One benefitofevidence-based fitness includes improved quality of member and client care. With a systematic and progressive approach based on independent clinical research, an appropriate periodized prescription can be formulated, progressing the client on an individualized. safe and guided course of Improved health.The promotion of critical thinking. Evidence-based practice requires that the professional1evaluate each client individually, review the literature and find the best methods to approach fitness needs. It isno longer acceptable to use a cookie cutter(一成不变的) approach to clients’health and fitness. Through critical thinking and evaluations of the literature, the professional is able to apply up-to-date and valid interventions.Third party reimbursement.One of the driving motives of the industry to incorporate evidence-based practice is third party reimbursement. Typically , health insurance companies will not reimburse for services unless they have proof the intervention was safe and effective in improving the health of their insured(保户). This requires appropriate documentation, which will be reviewed according to evidence-based practice.Building an evidence-based fitness programInitiating an evidence-based fitness program begins with the ability to collect data(member information). This is vital for two reasons. First, collection of members’health history and demographical(人口统计学的)information will allow staff to better create the exercise experience”through comparison to the population-based scientific data, and use critical thinking to create the “perfect” exercise prescription. Second. collecting client data and storing it according to specific groups, populations, disease risks. etc., allows that database to be queried (质疑) for any number of purposes,including case studies, variable specific research and outcomes management. For those critical thinkers.this translates into gold, relative to third party payers, test and automatically upload the monitor with the appropriate values to calculate the appropriate raining zones.It is also possible to monitor up to 30 individual heart rates within a radius(半径范围) of 100 yards on a laptop.Think of the practical use in circuit training-group cycling and special population1programming.Appropriate heart rates are identified.the workout is performed and the data is stored,Ah,the science of success!Equipment.On the strength side of the equation,computerized systems exists that attach directly to new existing equipment(some is proprietary 私有的and other work with any equipment),adding an “intelligent”dimension to the workout experience.Artificial intelligence allows the system to learn the users’ programs,and coaches them individually through their workout for better form,safety and confidence.It tracks their progress for the work-out and over time.On strength and cardio(心脏) equipment,a touch screen and/or key displays the workout for the particular piece of equipment.The intuitive system coaches the client relative to speed,form,heart rate etc.,and tracks the workout session.Behind the scenes,the exercise data from each station is transmitted to a central database,providing access to a wealth of information on individual progress and a unique set of motivational tools.The system can be accessed on the workout floor,staff station or on the web.It is imperative that the professionals and the organization implement evidence-based fitness to ensure the health and prosperity of their members,and secure their success in the industry.Fortunately,technology is keeping speed with the advances in healthcare and,in may scenarios,driving them.41.According to the text,the “evidence-base fitness” _________________.A.dispenses generalized exercise advice to millions of individuals.B.takes the best scientific evidence and applies it to individuals.C.takes individual clinical expertise and applies it to1large groups of people.D.depends on anecdotal information to establish exercise prescriptions for clients.42.All the following reasons drive the trend to use “evidence-base fitness”,except that_____________.A.hospitals are experiencing a decline in net revenue.B.evidence-based methods become popular in medicineC.fitness is a prosperous industry nowD.m ore and more hospitals are merged.43.Evidence-based fitness program requires that the professional __________.e a cookie cutter approach to clients’ health and fitnessB.formulate a generalized prescription for clients.C.make and individual evaluation of each clientD.apply up-to-date interventions44.The first step to build an evidence-based fitness program is _____________.A.to have access to member informationB.to create exercise prescriptionsC.to negotiate with health insurance companiesD. to invite some fitness professional45.What helps people take farewell to the typical exercise program?A.state and federal government1B.TechnologyC.ReimbursementD.Medical Fitness Association46.Which should be given priority in selecting software?nguage of the softwarepatibility with other programsC.Innovative solutions and ease of useD.Link with other software packages47.What’s the most efficient and accurate way to physiologically test the client?A.Getting their appropriate thresholdsB.Clients’wearing a heart rate monitor during workoutsC.Conducting a metabolic restD.Automatically uploading the heart rate monitor48.Which of the following is not allowed by artificial intelligence regarding evidence-based fitness programs?A.Coaching client individually through their workoutB.Tracking the workout sessionC.Transmitting exercise data to central database1D.P lanning implementation and measuring the effectiveness of the programs.49.An appropriately established database is accessible to ________________.A.PhysiciansB.Staff in fitness centersC.ResearchersD.All of the above50.What’s the author’s attitude towards the evidence-based fitness programs?A.PositiveB.NegativeC.IndifferentD.DoubtfulPassage 2Over the past century southern black has evolved from a relatively sparse body of writings,mainly imitative of Euro-American literary forms and thematically focused on the plight of blacks in the South,to a sophisticated literary canon whose forms and meanings coalesce to give it distinct identity.The making of classifications by literary historians can be somewhat risky1enterprise.When Black poets are discussed separately as a group,for instance,the extend to which their work reflects the development of poetry in general should not be forgotten,or a distortion of literary history may result.This caution is particularly relevant in an assessment of the differences between Black poets at the turn of the century(1900-1909) and those of the generation of the 1920’s.These differences include the bolder and more forthright speech of the later generation and its technical inventiveness.When poets of the 1910’s are considered together,however,the distinctions that literary historians might make between “conservative”and “experimental”would be of little significance in a discussion of Black poets,although these remain helpful classifications for White poets of these decades.Certainly differences can be noted between “conservative”Black poets such as Counter Cullen and Claude McKay and “experimental” ones such as Jean T oomer and Langston Hughes.But Black poets were not battling over old or new styles;rather ,one accomplished Black poet was ready to welcome another,whatever his or her style,for what mattered was racial pride.Southern black poetry was basically undistinguished before the 1920s.Slave poet George Moses Horton and abolitionist Frances Ellen Watkins Harper were the most prominent,southern black voices in antebellum poetry.Some poets,such as Horton ,Adopted standard Euro-American poetic techniques and seldom wrote about racial issues.Still others,like Harper,used these standard forms primarily to concentrate on issues germane o southern black life.Post-Civil War poets Albery A. Whitman,George M.McClellan, and joseph S.Cotter,Sr.,at times wrote killfully about racial and nonracial topics in conventional poetic forms.1However, in the 1920s Black poets did debate whether they should deal with specifically racial subjects, They asked whether they should only write about Black experience for a Black audience or whether such demands were restrictive. It may be said, though, that virtually all these poets wrote their best poems when they spoke out of racial feeling, race being, as James Weldon Johnson rightly put it, "perforce the thing the Negro poet knows best”.At the turn of the century. by contrast, most Black poets generally wrote in the conventional manner of the age and expressed noble, if vague, emotions in their poetry. These poets were not unusually gifted, though Roscoe Jamison and G M. McClellen may be mentioned as exceptions They chose not to write in dialect, which, as Sterling Brown has suggested, "meant a rejection of stereotypes of Negro life. "and they refused to write only about racial subjects. This refusal had both a positive and a negative consequence. As Brown observes, "Valuably insisting that Negro poets should not be confined to issues of race, these poets committed an error. they refused to look into their hearts and write. These are important insights, but one must stress that this refusal to look within was also typical of most White poets of the United States at the time. They, too. often turned from their own experience and consequently produced not very memorable poems about vague topics, such as the peace of nature.Between 1900 and the 1970s the novel has been the most widely read and critically acclaimed genre in southern black literature. The manner in which it has concerned itself with the past distinguished it from the general black American novel, the southern white novel, and the Anglo-American novel. The southern white novel has generally dealt with the1effects of a real or an imagined past on a present generation, with characters grappling to come to terms with that past Typically, the southern black novel made the physical and psychological landscapes of the past a ing part of the novel; it recreated. repopulated, and critically examined the past as physical setting. Surprisingly, though, southern blacks produced few novels that can be strictly defined as historical novels.As the southern black novel evolved, from the 1 9th into the 20th century, its use of narrative voice blended with other features of southern black narrative prose to produce a particularly(but not exclusively) southern point of view in the black novel. For more than a century southern blacks wrote numerous prose narratives, which in their variety conformed to the autobiographical mode. There have been the fugitive-slave narratives and the ex-slave narratives; the spiritual social, political, and personal autobiographies; the confessionals, exemplary lives, the diary-type and journal-type autobiographies; as well as the autobiographical novel. At times, real-life experiences and incidents were the backdrop for fictional characters; at other times real-life characters become the nucleus around which true-to-life(fictional)experiences and incidents are presented. Southern black prose writers were so attracted to the autobiographical mode that in numerous prose narratives they drew a very thin line between fiction and fact.In another genre, southerners were among the earliest (if not the first) black short-fiction writers in America. Until well past 1900 southern black short fiction in the main was thematically bout the slave experience and its aftermath and conformed largely to changes and developments in the short story as an American art form. William Wells Brown, Frederick Douglass, Frances W. Harper, and a few other southern blacks wrote various types1of short prose fiction during the 19th Near the turn of the century Charles Waddell Chesnutt elevated southern black short fiction to the level of literary art. Many of Chesnutt's stories incorporated characteristics of the American local color movement and, regionally, several were classified as plantation literature. The tales of white southerner Thomas Nelson Page and those of Chesnutt exemplified the essential differences between black writers and white writers in approaches to the plantation South. Through characterization, theme, and incident black writers of the South repudiated the romantic image of the plantation. Chesnutt's Uncle Julius, for instance, contradicted the white portrayal of the faithful black servant, epitomized by Page's Sam and Joel Chandler Harris's Uncle Remus. The idyllic portrait of plantation life created by white writers was in stark contrast to the image Chesnutt and other blacks showed of a system infested with greed, inhumanity, deception, and cruelty.Southern black writers also embellished conventional short-fiction forms by adding features that reflected black life in the South. One such feature was the double entendre, a characteristic of narrative expression rooted especially in the secular and sacred music of the black South. A part of the trickster motif, it helped shape not only characterization but also plot structure, language, and meaning in the different forms of southern black short fiction. Chesnutt's The Conjure Woman(1899)exemplified the black writer's skillful use of double entendre.The merits of southern black literature have been widely acclaimed nationally and internationally. Ellisons Invisible Man won a National Book Award: McPherson's collection of short fiction. Elbow Room, was awarded a Pulitzer Prize, as was Alice Walker's novel The1Color Purple(1982). The numerous awards, prizes, and distinctions accorded to works by blacks of southern origin throughout this century testify to the place they hold within the larger world ofAmerican literature51. According to the passage, most turn-of-the-century Black poets generally did which of the following?A. wrote in ways that did not challenge accepted literary practice.B. described scenes from their own livesC Interpreted the frustrations of Blacks to an audience of Whites.D aroused patriotic feelings by expressing devotions to the land.52. According to the passage, an issue facing Black poets in the 1920's was whether they shouldA. seek a consensus on new techniques of poetry.B. turn away from social questions to recollect the tranquility of natureC. withdraw their support from a repressive society.D. write exclusively about and for blacks53. It can be inferred from the passage that classifying a poet as either conservative or experimental would be of "little significance"(Para. 3) when discussing Black poets of the 1910s and the 1920,s becauseA. these poets wrote in very similar styles1。



IntroductionThe Wuhan University Graduate English Exam is an important part of the graduate school application process for students at Wuhan University. The exam is designed to evaluate the English language proficiency of students who wish to pursue graduate studies at the university. The exam consists of four parts: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, writing, and oral interview.Part I: Listening ComprehensionThe listening comprehension section of the exam consists of multiple choice questions. Students are required to listen to a passage and then answer questions based on the information they have heard. The passages are typically about academic topics, and students are expected to have a good understanding of academic vocabulary and sentence structures.Part II: Reading ComprehensionThe reading comprehension section ofthe exam consists of multiple choice questions and short-answer questions. Students are required to read passages and then answer questions based on the information they have read. The passages are typically about academic topics, and students are expected to have a good understanding of academic vocabulary and sentence structures.Part III: WritingThe writing section of the exam is designed to evaluate students' ability to express their ideas clearly and effectivelyin English. Students are required to write on a given topic within a specific time limit. They are expected to structure their writing effectively, use appropriate vocabulary and grammar, and support their ideas with evidence and examples.Part IV: Oral InterviewThe oral interview section of the exam is designed to evaluate students' ability to communicate effectively in English. Students are required to answer questions posed by the interviewer within a specific time limit. They areexpected to speak clearly and coherently, use appropriate vocabulary and grammar, and demonstrate a good understanding of the topic under discussion.ConclusionThe Wuhan University Graduate English Exam is an important part of the graduate school application process for students at Wuhan University. Students who wish to pursue graduate studies at the university are expected to have a good command of English. The exam isdesigned to evaluate their English language proficiency in listening, reading, writing, and speaking. By preparing well for the exam, students can demonstrate their ability to succeed in a rigorous academic environment.。




Honestly speaking,for those of us post-80 generation, it is not the question of whetherlike or not, but the question of survival. If I could find a satifying job in big city with good prospects, and after a few years I am able to afford to buy a flat, of course I am willing to live in big city, after all, I come from a small city which has backward economy and few chances. Nevertheless, The small city, certainly has its benefits, such as lighter pressure of suvival, graceful environment.what’s more, you can see you parents an any time.如果你被录取,但你有什么计划?If luckily I got the chance to study in Renmin University of China, i will concentrate on the study and reserch in this field. first of all i will try my best to pass the national judicial exam, which is held in this Septemper. so that I could spare some time to prepare for CPA while taking postgraduate courses. As you kown, it is more and more difficult to get a good job today, so, in my opinion, it is not a bad thing to master a second specility. What's more, I am quite interesting in eonomics, and maybe I will work in foreign enterprise in future after my graduation. Besides, a good command of foreign language such as English is necessary for a law student. What’s more, in view of the status of the legal profession in our country,the inter-disciplinary talent who masters both laws and English is in great demand. So during the period my postgraduation study, I will learn the theoretical knowledge, constucting a a solid foundation for future profession, and improve my English to meet the demands of future work..大陆法系与英美法系比较?There are many different legal systems in the world. In fact, every nation’s legal system has its own characteristics. However , the degree of difference varies, with some systems bearing more resemblance to others. As a result, the world can be divided into several legal systems. Without doubt, the Common Law Legal System and the Roman Law legal system are the most important legal famlilies in the world. The usual distinction to be made between the two systems is that the common law system tends to be case-centred and hence judge-centred, On the other hand, the civil law system tends to be a codified body of general abstract principles which control the exercise of judicial discretion.Legal source differs:As to the Roman law legal system, both statute law and case law are formal legal sources。



what is the worst place you have been in china?1 BECAUSE UR MAJOR IS TOURISM,PLS INTRODUCE UR CITY2 HOW TO TRANSLATE法律硕士3 CAN U TELL ME UR LIFE STYLE怎么交朋友的你具体喜欢刑法的哪个科目”Do you think the food in our country is healthy or not ?Why did you chose the law?自我介绍,之后是跟你自我介绍相关的问题,比如为什么叫这个名字(本人名字比较特别),深圳跟武汉两个城市的不同(本人来自深圳)。


自我介绍,独生子女政策的理解What responsibilities should a couple take?Why many factories established in subsurd ?05年英语口语:先为1分钟自我介绍,再根据介绍问问题,为2-5分钟1、你以前学过法律吗?有信心学好吗?2、你对武汉经济有何看法?3、你为什么不学本专业而要学法律?4、你读过什么有关法律的书?5、谈谈英美法系与大陆法系的区别?6、你对研究生阶段有何计划?7、昨天火箭队与那队打了一场比赛?10年What's your impression on the law school of Wuhan university?No.1 Introduce the city of Xian (我的专业是旅游管理,大学在西安读的)No.2Why do u choose this major?No.3 How do u understand about law?No.4 Can u translate 法理学?What is ur plan if u r accepted by WHU,Law School?would u say something about ur university study?你觉得解决交通问题最好的办法是什么,是改善公共交通系统还是控制私家车?自我介绍然后谈谈你的父母然后是为什么选择武汉大学自我介绍武汉好玩的地方大学有趣的事情喜欢哪个法律部门如果你有工作的机会,还愿意上武大研究生吗?自我介绍,谈你最好的朋友,谈一本你读过的书1.who gave you the name?2.please say something about you educational background?自我介绍;你的special skill;到社会上怎么成为有用的人你认为电子书能代替纸质书吗?How do you think of the China higher education in law?what the differences between graduates and undergraduates。

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1.自我介绍introduce yourself
2.介绍自己的经历,追问喜欢city or coutryside
5.Do you know "包青天" ?Do you think he is a good judge? Why do you think so?
6. 日语在武大四年对于武大的感想。

9.tell something about your major追问原则确立的过程英语文化之类
12.what's your study plan the next two years
15.what is the meaning of the law
31.tell us a book you have read
