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1、C NKI数据库(期刊、学位论文、报纸、年鉴)
3、S CI 科学引文数据库
4、E lsevier ScienceDirect 全文电子期刊数据库
1 、课题分析
研究领域 --- 发现问题-- 分析原因--- 找出方法---- 得出结论
A 领域:血铅研究领域:城市儿童
B 问题:含量及其危害
C 原因:找出血铅含量水平,找出高血铅危害,是研究重点
D 对策:预测血铅的研究进展,非重点
E 模型:能否构建一个通用的解决问题的理论模型,是研究成果,非重点检索思路:A .描述领域的文献:有关城市儿童血铅情况,确定有。
C. 分析原因的文献,未确定,依上述文献而定,是参考重点。
D. 提出决策的文献,未确定,依上述文献而定,非重点。
E. 构建模型的文献,,未确定,依上述文献而定,非重点。
2、检索词blood lead 血铅
children's health 儿童健康
lead pollution 铅污染
(2)血铅* 铅污染
(3)blood(w)lead AND children's health
(4)blood(w)lead AND lead (w)pollution
四、检索结果检索结果查到中文相关文献 4 篇,外文相关文献 4 篇,无密切相关文献。
【英文篇名】Study on the relationship between the blood lead level and behavior
problems in the preschool children aged 〜3 7 years old in Shunyi district
【作者】刘雅静; 贾美香; 何亚萍; 王秀云; 项征; 崔文红; 李雪玲; 刘建华; 冀伟龙;【英文作者】LIU Ya-jing1; JIA Mei-xiang2; HE Ya-ping1; WANG Xiu-yun1; XIANG Zheng1; CUI Wen-hong1; LI Xue-ling1; LIU Jian-hua1; JI Wei-long1.(1 Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital of Shunyi District; Beijing 101300; China; 2 Peking University Institution of Mental Health; Beijing 100083; China);
【作者单位】北京市顺义区妇幼保健院; 北京大学精神卫生研究所; 【刊名】中国儿童保健杂志, 2011年08期
【英文刊名】Chinese Journal of Child Health Care,
【中文关键词】高血铅; 学龄前儿童健康; 行为问题
【英文关键词】high blood lead; preschool children's health; behavior problems; 【中文摘要】【目的】了解北京市顺义区3〜7岁学龄前儿童血铅水平,分析其分布规律,初探铅暴露对3〜7 岁学龄前儿童行为问题产生的影响。
【方法】采用整群随机抽样的方法于2009年4-6月对顺义区5所幼儿园 1 307名3〜7岁在园儿童采集手指末梢血测定血铅水平, 同时采用Achenbach 量表(Child Behavior Checklist,CBCL)进行行为问题评估。
按照检测的血铅值将研究对象分为高血铅组(> 100卩g和低血铅组(<100卩g/L)男童CBCL总粗分> 42分,女童》45分即判定为有行为问题。
【结果】北京市顺义区3〜7 岁学龄前儿童血铅对数均值为 3.328 ±.765,血铅值> 100卩g/占总测查人数的1.22%,血铅值》200卩g/占0.15%。
高血铅组CBCL 粗分及行为问题检出率均显著高于低血铅组,差异有高度统计学
【英文摘要】【Objective】To observe blood lead level and distributed characteristics among children of 3~7 years old in Shunyi district in Beijing and to explore the effects of lead poisoning on preschool children behavior 【s. Methods】1 307 children
of 3~7 years old were investigated from April to June 2009.All subjects were selected from 5 kindergartens through a clustered-random sampling in Shunyi district.Blood lead level was measuredand behavior problems were made by CBCL.All children were divided into 2 group(high ...
2. 【篇名】环境铅污染对儿童健康的影响
【英文篇名】Environmental lead pollution to the children's health,
【作者单位】伍郁静,周进平,卢旭,陈志江(广州市卫生监督所,广东,广州,510080); 何建民,肖吕武,杜伟佳(广州市职业病防治院);杨敏(中国疾病预防控制中心职业卫生与中毒控制所)
【英文关键词】blood lead;environmental pollution ;Contact lead children ;health effect
旁边一幼儿园的75名儿童(3〜6岁)作为接触组,无铅污染的郊区一住宅小区73 名儿童(3〜6岁)作对照.检测儿童全血中血铅水平等生化指标•用原子吸收光谱测定血铅;用ZPP-2000荧光仪测定锌卟啉.结果血铅、血锌卟啉、血红蛋白、红细胞总数等生化指标两组有非常显著的差别(P V
数据库二:CNKI 数据库
1. 【篇名】略论铅及其他微量元素对儿童健康的影响
【英文篇名】Zhao xuegang lead and other trace elements on children's health effects
【刊名】中外医疗, 2008年27期8卷
【英文关键词】blood lead;Other Trace Elements ;children ;health ;harm 【摘要】介绍了几种微量元素对儿童健康的影响,略论了话对儿童身体发育的危
2. 【篇名】学龄儿童血铅水平及低水平铅暴露对儿童健康的影响调查
【英文篇名】School-age children blood lead level and low levels of lead exposure to the children's health effects of the investigation
【英文作者】ZHANG Qian; XU Ying-ping
【作者单位】张茜(泰安市中医医院,山东,泰安,271000);徐英萍(泰山医学院,山东, 泰
安,271016) ;
【英文关键词】children ;blood lead;Low levels of lead exposure ;children's health
60例低水平铅暴露者(30〜99卩g/L进行临床表现调查与部分血液指标检测,Conners父母量表评定行为问题,且与正常者比较.结果高血铅检出率为4.25%; 低水平铅暴露检出率为7.25%儿童男女性别间差异无显著性,但随着年龄的增长血铅水平增高的比例明显上升.高血铅组、低水平铅暴露组头痛、食
1、【篇名】Synergistic effects of iron deficiency and lead exposure on blood lead levels in childre n 【中文篇名】缺铁的协同效应和铅暴露源对儿童血铅浓度影响
【作者】Kha n Dilshad Ahmed; An sari Wafa Mun ir; Kha n Farooq Ahmad
【英文刊名】WORLD JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS 卷:7,期:2,页:150-154,MAY
【关键词】blood lead levels ;children ; iron deficiency; lead exposure ; serum ferritin
【摘要】Lead poisoning is a well recognized environmental health problem in childre n. In depe ndent associati on of iron deficie ncy and lead exposure with elevated blood lead level (BLL) has bee n reported. Whether iron deficie ncy in comb in ati on with chronic lead exposure in creases BLL and susceptibility to its harmful effects in childre n n eeds to be elucidated. .In this case-c on trol study, 246 childre n were ran domly recruited. They comprised 123 childre n of lead smelters/battery recycle pla nt workers livi ng close to the in dustries at Wah/Gujra nwala, Pakista n (lead exposed group) and 123 childre n livi ng 30 km away from the in dustrial area (controls). Blood lead analysis was carried out on the anodic stripping voltammeter lead an alyzer 3010B. Blood coun ti ng was done on a Sysmex hematological an alyzer and serum ferritin was determined by kit method on Immulite-1000. Of the 123 children in each group, 42 (34%) were iron deficient in the exposed group while 35 (28%) in the controls. The children ' s median age was 4 years (69 males and 54
females in each group). Lead exposed iron deficient children had significantly higher BLL median (quartile) 13.1 卩g/dL (10.1 —16.8) as compared with 9.610.3) 卩g/dL (7.6 -in the iron deficie nt con trols (P<0.05). Elevated BLL level was fou nd in 31% of the lead exposed childre n and in 11% of the con trols. Lead exposed childre n revealed a stronger negative correlation r= -0.54; P=0.001) between BLL and serum ferritin tha n the con trols (=-0.36; P=0.01). Iro n deficie ncy in comb in ati on with lead exposure syn ergistically elevates blood lead levels and susceptibility to its harmful effects in childre n.
2、【篇名】Environmental Lead Pollution and Elevated Blood Lead Levels Among Childre n in a Rural Area of Chi na
【作者】Lin, SH (Lin, Sihao); Wang, XR (Wang, Xiaorong)
【作者单位】Lin, SH ,Chinese Univ Hong Kong, Sch Publ Hlth & Primary Care, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Peoples R Chi na; Wang, XR, Fujia n Prov Ctr Preve nt & Con trol Occupat Dis & C, Fuzhou, Peoples R China
,v101, n5 ,May,2011,p834-841 Lan guage: En glish
【摘要】Objectives. We investigated environmental lead pollution and its impact on children's blood lead levels (BLLs) in a rural area of China. Methods. In 2007, we studied 379 children younger than 15 years living in 7 villages near lead mines and process ing pla nts, along with a con trol group of 61 childre n from ano ther village. We determined their BLLs and collected environmental samples, personal data, and information on other potential exposures. We followed approximately 86% of the children who had high BLLs (>15 mu g/dL) for 1 year. We determined factors in flue ncing BLLs by multivariate lin ear regressi on. Results. Lead concen trati ons in soil and household dust were much higher in polluted villages tha n in the con trol village, and more children in the polluted area than in the control village had elevated BLLs (87%, 16.4 mu g/dL vs 20%, 7.1 mu g/dL). Increased BLL was independently associated with en vir onmen tal lead levels. We found a sig nifica nt reduct ion of 5 micrograms per deciliter when we retested children after 1 year. Conclusions. Our data show that the lead in dustry caused serious en vir onmen tal polluti on that led to high BLLs in childre n liv ing n earby. (Am J Public Health.
数据库四:Elsevier Scie nceDirect全文电子期刊数据库
1、【篇名】Low blood levels of lead and mercury and symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity in children: A report of the children's health and environment research (CHEER)
【作者】Mina Ha;Ho-Jang Kwon
【作者单位】Mi na Ha ,Departme nt of Preve ntive Medici ne, Dan kook Uni versity
College of Medici ne, Cheonan, Republic of Korea;Ho-Ja ng Kwon ,ResearchCe nter
for Environment and Childrens Health nkook University Medical Center, Cheonan,
Republic of Korea
【英文刊名】NeuroToxicology,Volume 30, Issue 1, Jan uary 2009, Pages 31-3
【关键词】ADHD ;blood lead; Mercury; Children's Health
【摘要】The goal of this study was to examine the association between low levels
of lead and mercury in One thousa nd seve n hun dred and seve nty eight childre n at
10 eleme ntary schools in six South Korea cities participated in this study. Pare nts
and guardia ns adm ini stered a questi onn aire in cludi ng Conners
ati ng
to determ ine the prese nce of ADHD symptoms. In additi on, clin ical exam in atio ns of the childre n and determ in ati on of blood lead and mercury levels were in cluded in the first Children's Health and Environment Research (CHEER) survey, which is now con ducted annu ally in Korea.The risk for the appeara nceof ADHD symptoms was found to in crease with the blood lead concen trati on. The mean blood lead concentration was low with a geometric mean of 1.8 卩g/dl.The odds ratios (95% con fide nce in tervals) for the prese nceof ADHD symptoms were 1.28 (0.57, 2.86), 1.32 (0.63, 2.74), 1.65 (0.77, 3.56), and 1.98 (0.76, 5.13) in children with blood lead levels of 1 -<1.5, Y2.5, - <3.5and >3.5 卩g/dl,compared to those with blood lead levels of <1.0 卩g/dl; these results statistically represented a borderline trend ( for trend: 0.07). The blood lead level showed a sig nifica nt positive associatio n with the Conners ' ADHBose (beta = 0.50, p < 0.0001). However, the blood mercury levels were not
found to be significantly associated with ADHD symptoms in children . The geometric mean mercury concentration in the blood was 2.4 卩g/l.
2、【篇名】An assessment of the effectiveness of lead pollution reduction strategies in North Lake Macquarie, NSW, Australia
【作者】Anthony L..
【作者单位】Graduate School of the Environment, Macquarie University, Sydney,
NSW 2109, Australia
【英文刊名】Morriso n.Scie nce of The Total En viro nment Volume 303, Issues 1-2,
15 February 2003, Pages 125-138 【关键词】Blood lead; Remediation effectiveness; Smelter emissions, lead pollution
【摘要】The North Lake Macquarie area of NSW, Australia, principally the suburbs of Boolaroo, Arge nton and Speers Point, has bee n sig nifica ntly polluted by lead emissions emanating from the Pasminco Metals Smelter (Cockle Creek). A lead accessibility reduct ion program has bee n carried out in North Lake Macquarie since 1991. The primary measure of success for the program is reduceblood lead levels, particularly in children. From 1991 to 2000 average child blood:lead levels have decreased from 11 to 7.5 卩g/dl. Howdeed thccessibility reduction
programs had failed to elim in ate child blood 匹lead levels that exceed the Nati onal Health and Medical Research Council maximum goal of 10 卩g/dl, and a number of children still retain blood lead levels >25 卩g/dl. Many factors have contributed to this failure, notably the continued presence of airborne high lead pollutants in ambient air, dusts and soil in residential areas. Significant reductions in lead mass emissi ons from 92 tonnes per annum (p.a.) in 1988 to approximately 15 tonnes p.a. to September 2000 have bee n achieved by the smelter operator. However, the reducti ons have bee n in sufficie nt to en sure that ambie nt air quality consent con diti ons of 1 3
are achieved in the residential areas surrounding the smelter. Sampling by the smelter operator also provides confirmation of continued deposition of high lead dusts in reside ntial areas. The continued dust depositi on places a high burde n on the local com mun ity which must main tai n obsessive levels of household clea nli ness in order to minimise lead uptake from dusts deposited within the home and community.
Evidenee exists of institutional failure that may also have limited the success of the program.园春