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情人眼里出西施 无视 与某人的看法一致 视而不见 一目了然
与汉语一样,英语的脸(face)与"面子""尊严"相关.像lose face(丢脸), save face(挽回面子)等.
set one's face against fall flat on one's face fly in the face of keep a straight face
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
坚决反对 一败涂地 公然反对 一本正经
pull a long face
和眼睛一样,耳朵理所当然和听有关. 例如:The music is easy on the ear(这首曲子很好听), I‘m all ears(我洗耳恭听). In at one ear and out at the other 一耳进,一耳出 Walls have ears pitchers have ears”. 隔墙有耳
bad mouth诽谤 big mouth 长舌妇 make one‘s mouth water 令人垂涎欲滴 You are down in the mouth.你神色沮丧
hand in glove:关系很亲近 Justice has long arm.天网恢 恢,疏而不漏 One hand washes another . 有来有往;互相利用 bite the hand that feeds one 恩将仇报 burn one's fingers or get/have one's fingers burnt 自讨苦吃
与智慧联系更密切的是脑(brain)。这个词用单数复数都可以指思 维能力。 例如:You have a lot of brains(你很有头脑),You have a good brain(你很聪明)。聪明人也会遇到难题。这时就要rack your brains(绞尽脑汁)去思考了。
brain drain 人才流失 brain trust 智囊团 brain storm 灵感 brain wave 计上心头 have something on the brain 念念不忘 pick someone's brains 利用某人的学识
头(head)被认为是人体最重要的部位.它是脑的所在处.因此经常 和思想智慧相联系.有句习语体现这一特征:Two heads are better than one(一人计短,二人计长). 有时候夸人家说话很中肯,一针 见血,用此句来表达:You hit the nail on the head。
swelled head 自满 long head 先见之明 come to a head 到了危急关头 have one‘s head in the clouds 想入非非 lose one‘s head 惊惶失措 be off one’s head 疯狂 on your own head be it!出了问题你负责 stick one's head in the sand 逃避现实
在脸上的器官,眼睛(eye)很宝贵.因此我们叫人当心,可以说:“Mind your eye!” 与eye相关的习语大部分和“看”或者“眼”相关:
Beauty lies in lover‘s eyes close one’s eyes to see eye to eye with sb turn a blind eye to see something with half an eye 它有时也会有一些特别的用法: make eyes 暗送秋波 all my eye 胡说八道 in a pig’s eye 绝不可能 the apple of one's eyes 掌上明珠
my heart in the right place: 做了正确的事 have one's heart in the right place 心肠好;善良 A fair face may hide a foul heart人不可貌相
have a foot in both camps 脚踏两只船 fall on one's leg逢凶化吉 pull someone's leg嘲笑,戏弄某人 put one‘s foot in说错话,闹笑话
smile from ear to ear 满面笑容 keep one‘s to the ground 保持警觉 play it by ear 随机应变 have someone’s ear 对某人有影响 set people by the ears 使人们争吵 up to one's ears in something 忙得不可开交