σ εe ij ij
5Ψ 5εeij
ε C : 0
ij kl kl
第 2 期
邵长江 ,等 : 混凝土的一种标量损伤弹塑性本构模型
及耗散不等式 :
Ψ0 εij ,εipj
第38卷第8期建 筑 结 构2008年8月ABAQUS 混凝土损伤塑性模型参数验证张 劲1 王庆扬1,2 胡守营1 王传甲2(1中国石油大学 北京102249;2中国电子工程设计院深圳市电子院设计有限公司 深圳581031)[摘要] 为了统一ABAQUS 混凝土损伤塑性模型与规范提供的混凝土本构模型,在规范提供的混凝土本构关系的基础上引入损伤因子的概念,对混凝土损伤塑性模型本构关系参数的确定方法进行了研究。
用各等级混凝土本构关系参数模拟结果与规范曲线的对比,验证CDP 模型参数的正确性;用一混凝土剪力墙试验的模拟分析,验证本构关系参数用于结构分析情况下的可靠性。
两种验证结果证明,给出的CDP 模型参数确定方法是正确的,用该方法确定的参数进行结构模拟分析所得结果是可靠的,并指出了CDP 模型的不足。
[关键词] ABAQUS ;混凝土损伤塑性模型;剪力墙试验Parameters Verification of Concrete Damaged Plastic Model of ABAQUS Zhang Jin 1,Wang Qingyang 1,2,Hu Shouying 1,Wang Chuanjia2(1China Univ .of Petroleu m ,Beijing 102249,China ;2Shenzhen Electronics Design Inst .Co .,Ltd .,Shenzhen 518031,China )A bstract :To uniform the concrete damaged plastic model provided by ABAQUS and the concrete constitutive relatiouships provided by the code for concrete structure design ,the damaged factors was introduced into the constitutive relationship provided by criterion ,and then the method used to determine the parameters of CDP model was studied .To verify the correctness of the parameters of CDP model ,the method of contrastin g the results extracted from simulation and the criterion curves is used ;and to verify the reliability applied to structure s imulation ,the method of contrasting s imulation results and experimental results is chosen .It is approved that the determined method of CDP model parameters is correct and the simulation results of structures using the parameters determined by the method is reliable .The shortage of CDP model was ind icated .Keywords :ABAQUS ;concrete damaged plastic model ;s hear wall test作者简介:张劲(1963-),男,副教授。
ABAQUS_混凝⼟损伤塑性模型_损伤因⼦混凝⼟损伤因⼦的定义BY lizhenxian271 损伤因⼦的定义损伤理论最早是1958年Kachanov提出来⽤于研究⾦属徐变的。
⼀般来说,按使⽤的基准可将损伤分为:(1) 微观基准量1,空隙的数⽬、长度、⾯积、体积;2空隙的形状、排列、由取向所决定的有效⾯积。
(2) 宏观基准量1、弹性常数、屈服应⼒、拉伸强度、延伸率。
如假定这些微裂纹和微孔洞在空间各个⽅向均匀分布,A’与法向⽆关,这时可定义各向同性损伤变量D为D= ( A- A’ )/ A事实上,微缺陷的取向、分布及演化与受载⽅向密切相关,因此材料损伤实际上是各向异性的。
损伤表征了材损伤是⼀个⾮负的因⼦,同时由于这⼀⼒学性能的不可逆性,必然有0dDdt≥ 2有效应⼒定义Cauchy 有效应⼒张量'σ''//(1)A A D σσσ==-⼀般情况下,存在于物体内的损伤(微裂纹、空洞)是有⽅向性的。
1. 研究背景:介绍混凝土作为一种广泛应用的建筑材料,在土木工程中的重要性。
Abaqus 混凝土损伤塑性模型的参数标定1. 塑性参数(Plasticity )1) 剪胀角(Dilation Angle )= 30°2) 流动势偏移量(Eccentricity )3) 双轴受压与单轴受压极限强度比= 1.164)不变量应力比 = 0.667 5) 粘滞系数(Visosity Parameter) = 0.00052. 受压本构关系应力-Yield Stress :第一行应输入本构模型刚进入非弹性段非弹性应变为0时所对应的应力。
非弹性应变-Inelastic Strain (受拉时为开裂应变-Cracking Strain ):根据应力按混凝土本构模型得出对应的应变值,并通过, 和 ,得出非弹性应变。
3. 受压损伤因子(Damage Parameter )计算根据《Abaqus Analysis User's Manual (6.10)》 - 20.6.3 “Concrete damaged plasticity ”中公式:假设非弹性应变 in c ε中塑性应变 plc ε所占的比例为c β,通过转换可得损伤因子cd 的计算公式:() () 0011in c c in c c c c E E d βεσβε-=+-根据《ABAQUS 混凝土损伤塑性模型参数验证》规定,混凝土受压时c β的取值范围为0.35 ~ 0.7。
4. 受拉损伤因子(Damage Parameter )计算受拉损伤因子的计算与受压损伤因子的计算方法基本相同,只需将对应受压变量更换为受拉即可:() () 0011int t in t t t t E E d βεσβε-=+- 而根据参考文献混凝土受拉时t β的取值范围为0.5 ~ 0.95。
5. 损伤恢复因子受拉损伤恢复因子(Tension Recovery ):缺省值0t w =。
受压损伤恢复因子(Compression Recovery ):缺省值1c w =。
( 1 . 中 国建 筑 股份 有 限 公 司 技 术 中心 , 北京 1 0 1 3 2 0 ; 2 . 同济 大 学 结 构 工 程 与 防 灾 研 究 所 , 上海 2 0 0 0 9 2 )
要 :为 提 高 弹 塑 性 损 伤 本 构 模 型 的工 程 实用 性 , 研 究 各 参 数 取 值 对 模 型损 伤 发 展 、 塑 性 发 展 及 材 料 应 力 应 变 关
Ab s t r a c t :The v a r i a bl e s o f e l a s t i c p l a s t i c d a ma ge mo de l wa s s t ud i e d i n o r d e r t o i mpr o ve t he mod e l ’ S pr a c t i — c a bi l i t y s pe c i f i c a l l y .The e f f e c t o f d i f f e r e nt va r i a bl e s v a l ue s o n mo de l da ma g e d e v e l o pme n t ,pl a s t i c d e v e l o p— me nt a n d ma t e r i a 1 s t r e s s - s t r a i n r e l a t i o ns wa s s t u di e d. Th e f u nc t i on r e l a t i on s hi p wa s f i t t e d by c o nn e c t i ng t he pa r a me t e r s wi t h c o nc r e t e ma t e r i a l c ommon i n di c a t or s,i n c l ud i ng e l a s t i c mod ul u s。u ni a x i a l c ompr e s s i v e
近些年,似乎abaqus 混凝土损伤塑性模型在结构工程(钢结构方向、混凝土方向)研究生论文中的普及率非常非常高,都试图采用abaqus 来模拟钢材/混凝土材料的受力性能,但在数值计算的过程中混凝土的损伤塑性模型的参数设置成了过不去的瓶颈,我也是深有感触,特别是研二刚开始学abaqus 的时候,非常痛苦,问师兄们也是一知半解,下面我把书上和论文中及自己的一些理解简捷的将abaqus 一些关键的操作和理论,并做成文件方便大家使用。
泊松比的取值我都是参考别人的论文或是清华大学一次研究生作业中建议选取0.2 或0.164 这个现在想想还确实有些不明朗,大家可以将其作为参变量改变试试对计算结果的影响到底有多大。
偏心率、fbo/fc0、K 分别是偏心率/流动势偏移量、双轴抗压强度与单轴抗压极限强度之比、不变量应力比,具体的解释大家可以去参考a baqus 的说明书,这边就不一一介绍。
粘性参数的取值直接关系到模型计算的收敛性,一般都不设置成0,我个人建议取值0.0005 或者0.005 看模型收敛效果而定。
该参数的改变对计算结果影响不大,(我的模型至少是这c0 c c acdctd 样,其他模型还真没试过) 下面最为关键的是受压行为和受拉行为中两列数据取值:这部分的取值是直接来源于你的混凝土单轴应力-应变关系曲线,这部分数值决定你模型受 混凝土单轴受压应力-应变关系方程:令 x/ 0 ,y / 0,其中0 , 0 分别为曲线的峰值应力、应变当 x0.211 即0.4 f *y ( E / f * )x当 0.211x 1时yx (3 2)x 2(2)x 3a a a其中:2.4 0.0125 f *当 x1 时yx(x 1)2 x其中:0.157 f *0.7850.905y=cfc1y=a x+(3-2a )x 2+(a -2)x 3y=cf t10.4xy=d (x-1)2+xy=(E 0c/f c )xy=x t (x-1)1.7+x1x=cy1x=ty图 1 混凝土受应力-应变关系图 2 混凝土受压拉应力-应变关系混凝土单轴受拉应力-应变关系方程: 当 x1时y 1.2x 0.2x 6当 x1 时yx( x 1)1.7 x其中: 0.312 f 2 ,f 为混凝土单轴抗拉强度。
混凝土塑性—损伤本构模型研究一、本文概述Overview of this article混凝土作为一种广泛应用的建筑材料,其力学性能和损伤行为的研究一直是土木工程领域的重要课题。
As a widely used building material, the study of mechanical properties and damage behavior of concrete has always been an important topic in the field of civil engineering. This article aims to conduct in-depth research and exploration on the plastic damage constitutive model of concrete, which can more accurately describe the mechanical response and damage evolution process of concrete under complex stress states. The study of the plastic damage constitutive model of concrete not only helps us better understand the mechanical properties ofconcrete, but also provides theoretical basis and technical support for the design, analysis, and optimization of concrete structures.本文首先介绍了混凝土塑性-损伤本构模型的基本概念和理论框架,包括塑性理论、损伤力学以及混凝土材料的特殊性质。
4.5.2 混凝土和其它準脆性材料的塑性損傷模型這部分介紹的是ABAQUS提供分析混凝土和其它準脆性材料的混凝土塑性損傷模型。
ABAQUS 材料庫中也包括分析混凝的其它模型如基于彌散裂紋方法的土本構模型。
他們分別是在ABAQUS/Standard “An inelastic constitutive model for concrete,” Section 4.5.1, 中的彌散裂紋模型和在ABAQUS/Explicit, “A cracking model for concrete and other brittle materials,” Section 4.5.3中的脆性開裂模型。
ABAQUS 材料库中也包括分析混凝的其它模型如基于弥散裂纹方法的土本构模型。
他们分别是在ABAQUS/Standard “An inelastic constitutive model for concrete,” Section 4.5.1, 中的弥散裂纹模型和在ABAQUS/Explicit, “A cracking model for concrete and other brittle materials,” Section 4.5.3中的脆性开裂模型。
·15 ·
应问题 , 但仍然难以给出合理 、有效的混凝土多维本 构关系 。问题的关键在于难以确立理论上合理 、与试 验吻合较好的损伤准则及相应的损伤演化法则 。
按照不可逆热力学的基本原理 , 应该采用与损伤 变量功共轭的热力学广义力 ———损伤能释放率建立损 伤准则[4~7] 。然而 , 此类损伤本构模型在多维应力状 态下的分析结果均与试验数据存在相当的差距 。为吻 合试验结果 , 部分损伤本构模型[8~12] 不得不放弃上 述热力学基础 , 而采用依据经验给定损伤准则的方 法。
不同 ; 荷载反向后受拉裂缝闭合导致材料刚度全部或 部分恢复 ; (2) 峰值应力后存在明显的刚度退化和强 度软化 ; (3) 双轴受压应力状态时材料强度和延性明 显增大 ; 双轴拉压应力下受压强度降低[1] (即所谓的 拉压软化效应[2]) ; (4) 超过一定阀值后 , 完全卸载 后存在不可恢复变形等 。
采用损伤力学的基本观点研究混凝土本构关系 , 有助于正确理解与反映混凝土材料的上述非线性特 性 。研究表明[3] , 经典的单标量损伤本构模型很难准 确地描述单边效应和混凝土多维本构关系 。采用合理 的双标量损伤变量虽可以较为有效地解决上述单边效
第 38 卷 第 9 期
李 杰等·混凝土弹塑性损伤本构模型研究
基于上述事实 , 在不考虑高静水压力导致的应变 强化的前提下 , 混凝土材料的损伤和破坏主要源于两 种不同的微观物理机制 , 即受拉损伤和受剪损伤机 制 。并可以采用受拉损伤变量 d + 和受剪损伤变量 d 来描述上述两种基本机制对材料宏观力学性能的影
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ABAQUS钢筋混凝土损饬塑性模型有限元分析发表时间:2009-10-12 刘劲松刘红军来源:万方数据钢筋混凝土材料,是一种非匀质的力学性能复杂的建筑材料。
1 混凝土损伤塑性模型ABAQUS在钢筋混凝土分析上有很强的能力。
2 模型材料的定义2.1 混凝土的单轴拉压应力-应变曲线本模型中选用的混凝土本构关系是《混凝土结构设计规范》所建议的曲线,其应力应变关系可由函数表达式定义。
2.2 钢筋的本构关系钢筋采用本构关系为强化的二折线模型,无刚度退化。
2.3 损伤的定义损伤是指在单调加载或重复加载下,材料性质所产生的一种劣化现象,损伤在宏观方面的表现就是(微)裂纹的产生。
1/7Damaged plasticity model for con Crete and other quasi-brittle materialsProducts:Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/ExplicitThis secti on describes the con Crete damaged plasticity model provided in Abaqus for the an alysis of con Crete and otherquasi-brittle materials. The material library in Abaqus also in eludes other constitutive models for concrete based on the smeared crack approach.These are the smeared crack model inAbaqus/Standard’described in “Aninelastic constitutive model for concrete,M Section 4.5.1, and the brittle cracking model in Abaqus/Explicit, described in u A cracking modelfor concrete and other brittle materials,M Section 4.5.3.stiffness recovery effects during cyclic loading; andrate sen sitivity, especially an in crease in the peak st re ngth with strain rate. The plastic-damage model in Abaqus is based on the models proposed by Lubliner et al.(1989)and by Lee and Fenves(1998).The model is described in the remainder of this section.An overview of the main ingredients of the model is given first’followed by a more detailed discussion of the different aspects of the constitutive model.Overview2/7where is the total strain rate,is the elastic part of the strain rate, and is the plastic part of the strain rate.Stress-strain relationsThe stress-strain relations are go ver ned by scalar damaged elasticity: where is the initial (undamaged)elastic stiffness of the material;is the degraded elastic stiffness; and d is the scalar stiffness degradation variable, which can take values in the range from zero (undamaged material) to one (fully damaged material). Damage associated with the failure mecha nisms of the con Crete (cracki ng andcrushing) therefore results in a reduction in the elastic stiffness. Withi n the con text of the scalar-damage theory, the stiffness degradation is isotropic and characterized by a single degradationvariable,d.Following the usual notions of continuum damage mechanics, the effective stress is defined asThe Cauchy stress is related to the effective stress through the scalar degradation relation:For any given cross-section of the material,the factor represents the ratio of the effective load・carrying area (i.e., the overall area minus the damaged area) to the overall section area. In the absenee of damage…the effective stress is equivale nt to the Cauchystress, .When damage occurs, however, the effective stress is more representative than the Cauchy stress because it is the effective stress area that is resisting the external loads. It is, therefore, convenient to formulate the plasticity problem in terms of the effective stress.As discussed later,the evolution of the degradation variable is go ver ned by a set of harde ning variables,, and the effective stress; that is, .Hardening variablesas described later in this section.Microcracking and crushing in the concrete are represented by increasing values of the hardening variables.These variables control the evolution of the yield surface and the degradation of the elastic stiffness.They are also intimately related to the dissipated fracture en ergy required to gen erate micro-cracks.Yield functionThe yield function, / represents a surface in effective stress space, whichdetermi nes the states of failure or damage. For the in viscidplastic-damage modelThe specific form of the yield function is described later in this section. Flow rulePlastic flow is governed by a flow potential G according to the flow rule: where is the normegative plastic multiplier. The plastic potential is defined in the effective stress space.The specific form of the flow pote ntial for the con Crete damaged plasticity model is discussed later in this secti on .The model usesnon associated plasticity,therefore requiri ng the soluti on of nonsymmetric equations.SummaryIn summary, the elastic-plastic response of the concrete damaged plasticity model is described in terms of the effective stress and the harde ning variables:where and F obey the KuhrvTucker conditions:The Cauchy stress is calculated in terms of the stiffness degradation variable,, and the effective stress asThe constitutive relations for the elastic-plastic response,Equation4.5.2- 1,aredecoupled from the stiffness degradation response,Equation4.5.2一2,which makes the model attractive for an effectiven umerical impleme ntation. The in viscid model summarized here can be extended easily to account for viscoplastic effects through the use of a viscoplastic regularization by permitting stresses to be outside the yield surface.Damage and stiffness degradationThe evolution equations of the hardening variables and are conveniently formulated by considering uniaxial loading conditions first and then extended to multiaxial conditions.Uniaxial conditions4/7It is assumed that the un iaxial stress-strai n curves can be con verted into stress versus plastic strain curves of the formUnder uniaxial loading conditions the effective plastic strain rates are given asAs show n in Figure 4.5.2 - 1, when the con Crete specimen is unloaded from any point on the strainsoftening branch of thestress-strain curves, the unloading response is observed to be weake ned:The effective uniaxial cohesion stresses determine the size of the yield (or failure) surface.Uniaxial cyclic conditionsThe con Crete damaged plasticity model assumes that the reduction of the elastic modulus is given in terms of a scalar degradation variable, d, as where is the initial (undamaged) modulus of the material.where and are functions of the stress state that are introduced to represent stiffness recovery effects associated with stress reversals. They are defined according to whereThe evolutio n equatio ns of the equivale nt plastic strai ns are also generalized to the uniaxial cyclic conditions asThe evolution equations for the hardening variables must be extended for the general multiaxial conditions. Based on Lee and Fenves5/7(1998) we assume that the equivale nt plastic strai n rates are evaluated according to the expressions where and are, respectively, the maximum and minimum eigenvalues of the plastic strain rate tensor andIf the eigenvalues of the plastic strain rate tensor () are ordered such that, the evolution equation for general multiaxial stress conditions can be expressed in the following matrix form: where andElastic stiffness degradationThe plastic-damage con Crete model assumes that the elastic stiffness degradation is isotropic and characterized by a single scalar variable, d:similar to the uniaxial cyclic case, only that and are now given in terms of the function as It can be easily verified that Equation4.5.2一lOfor the scalar degradatio n varia ble is con sistent with the uniaxial response.and •Yield conditionThe plastic-damage concrete model uses a yield condition based on the yield function proposed by Lubliner et al.(1989) and in corporates the modificatio ns proposed by Lee and Fenveswhere and are dimensionless material constants; is the effective hydrostatic pressure; is the Mises equivalent effective stress;6/7is the deviatoric part of the effective stress tensor; and is the algebraically maximum eigenvalue of. The function is given as Typical experimental values of the ratio for concrete are in the range from 1.10 to 1.16, yielding values of between 0.08 and 0.12 (Lublineretal., 1989).Let for any given value of the hydrostatic pressure with ; thenThe fact that is constant does not seem to be contradicted by experimental evidenee (Lubliner et al., 1989). The coefficient is, therefore, evaluated asA value of, which is typical for concrete, givesLet for any given value of the hydrostatic pressure with ; then Typical yield surfaces are shown in Figure 4.5.2 - 4 in the deviatoric plane and in Figure 4.5.2 - 5for plane-stress conditions.Figure 4.5.2 - 4 Yield surfaces in the deviatoric plane, corresponding to different values of.Figure 4.5.2 一5 Yield surface in plane stress. Flow ruleThe plastic-damage model assumes non associated pote ntial flow, The flow potential G chosen for this model is the Drucker-Prager hyperbolic functio n:where is the dilation angle measured in the p - q plane at high confing pressure;is the uniaxial tensile stress at failure; and is a parameter, referred to as theeccentricity, that defines the rate at which the function approaches the asymptote (the flow potential tends to a straight line as the eccentricity tends to zero). This flow potential, which is continuous and smooth, en sures that the flow directi on is defi ned uniquely.The function asymptotically approaches the linear Drucker-Prager flowpote ntial at high con fing pressure stress and in tersects the hydrostatic pressure axis at 90" .See “ Modelsfor granular or polymer behavior, ” Section 4.4.2,for further discussion of this pote ntial.7/7Because plastic flow is non associated, the use of the plastic-damage concrete model requires the solution of nonsymmetric equations. Viscoplastic regularizationHere is the viscosity parameter representing the relaxation time of the viscoplastic system and is the plastic strain evaluated in the inviscid backbone model. Similarly, a viscous stiffness degradation variable,, for the viscoplastic system is defined as where d is the degradation variable evaluated in the inviscid backbone model.The stress-strain relation of the viscoplastic model is given as Integration of the modelThe model is integrated using the backward Euler method generally used with the plasticity models in Abaqus.A material Jacobian consistent with this integration operator is used for the equilibrium iterati ons.。
混凝土动力弹塑性分析的材料非线性参数取值*Material, Name=C25*Concrete compression hardening应力(kN/m2) 塑性应变11690., 016700., 0.00080869313239.8, 0.002337399841.27, 0.003863897674.36, 0.00534646248.49, 0.006802455255.01, 0.008243054527.98, 0.009674143974.73, 0.0110993540.4, 0.0125197*Concrete tension stiffening1797.8, 01780., 0.0000255151191.06, 0.000135635859.483, 0.000236563684.527, 0.000331898576.455, 0.000424844502.469, 0.000516573448.233, 0.000607596406.519, 0.000698173373.278, 0.000788446131.57, 0.00355876*Material, Name=C30*Concrete compression hardening14070., 020100., 0.00080189814636.6, 0.0024559110073.3, 0.004079927500.85, 0.005637565931.13, 0.007161794889.86, 0.008668394153.49, 0.01016483607., 0.0116553186.09, 0.0131409*Concrete tension stiffening2030.1, 01232.19, 0.00014944849.073, 0.000257466660.524, 0.000359008548.371, 0.000458002473.404, 0.000555757419.357, 0.000652815378.298, 0.00074944345.892, 0.000845777118.271, 0.00380631*Material, Name=C35*Concrete compression hardening 16380., 023400., 0.000789431 15814.6, 0.00256253 10267.4, 0.004270927408.77, 0.005893955749.74, 0.007478914682.74, 0.009045073943.69, 0.01060083403.29, 0.01215032991.69, 0.0136956*Concrete tension stiffening 2222., 02200., 0.00003014271253.05, 0.000160189834.315, 0.000273466638.442, 0.000379668524.938, 0.000483255450.278, 0.000585609397.041, 0.000687284356.924, 0.000788541325.457, 0.000889524109.188, 0.00399589*Material, Name=C40*Concrete compression hardening 18760., 026800., 0.000764814 16909.7, 0.00265856 10469.9, 0.004446145650.07, 0.00777334562.41, 0.00939623819.83, 0.01100853282.34, 0.01261442876.02, 0.0142164*Concrete tension stiffening 2413.9, 02390., 0.00003094221263.67, 0.000170079815.537, 0.000288349615.229, 0.000398993501.733, 0.000506966428.08, 0.000613712376.039, 0.000719794337.082, 0.000825474306.681, 0.00093089101.338, 0.00417611*Material, Name=C45*Concrete compression hardening 20720., 029600., 0.0007501517743.1, 0.00273782 10639.8, 0.004583597386.84, 0.006314435609.46, 0.008001224506.18, 0.009667883759.48, 0.01132393222.27, 0.01297372817.97, 0.0146195*Concrete tension stiffening 2535.1, 02510., 0.00003230441265.87, 0.000176673802.219, 0.000297743600.343, 0.000410999487.385, 0.0005216414.624, 0.000631002363.47, 0.000739759325.314, 0.000848128295.619, 0.00095624496.8983, 0.0042863*Material, Name=C50*Concrete compression hardening 22680., 032400., 0.000739885 18515.2, 0.00282136 10800.8, 0.004723987406.35, 0.006501395586.72, 0.008233144469.4, 0.009944553718.4, 0.01164533180.69, 0.01333992777.43, 0.0150306*Concrete tension stiffening 2666.4, 02640., 0.00003365911264.64, 0.000183705786.735, 0.000307738584.088, 0.000423793472.094, 0.00053722400.477, 0.000649477350.37, 0.00076111313.124, 0.00087237284.214, 0.00098338992.4472, 0.00440455*Material, Name=C55*Concrete compression hardening 24850., 035500., 0.00072745 19297., 0.0029113210959.8, 0.004873627429.12, 0.006700535569.63, 0.008480364439.05, 0.01023973683.89, 0.01198843145.52, 0.0137312743.03, 0.0154698*Concrete tension stiffening 2767.4, 02740., 0.00003522171261.67, 0.00018927774.457, 0.000315399571.752, 0.000433514460.697, 0.000549047390.039, 0.000663442340.767, 0.000777235304.231, 0.000890669275.923, 0.0010038789.2809, 0.00449368*Material, Name=C60*Concrete compression hardening 26950., 038500., 0.000700606 19978.3, 0.00298515 11087.9, 0.005002157444.03, 0.006873425552.82, 0.0086964412.21, 0.01049773654.2, 0.01228883115.66, 0.01407392714.07, 0.0158551*Concrete tension stiffening 2878.5, 02850., 0.00003563831256.67, 0.000194702760.756, 0.000323283558.434, 0.000443708448.564, 0.000561565379.016, 0.000678302330.681, 0.000794449294.926, 0.000910248267.272, 0.0010258286.0337, 0.00458981*Material, Name=C65*Concrete compression hardening 29050., 041500., 0.000671154 20635.5, 0.00305092 11227.6, 0.005116817477.58, 0.007027695554.81, 0.008888514402.81, 0.01072823640.4, 0.01255723100.27, 0.01438022698.31, 0.0161993*Concrete tension stiffening 2959.3, 02930., 0.00003624621252.05, 0.000198738750.74, 0.000328992548.949, 0.000451041440.021, 0.000570546371.305, 0.000688948323.655, 0.000806774288.463, 0.000924259261.278, 0.0010415283.8153, 0.00465851*Material, Name=C70*Concrete compression hardening 31150., 044500., 0.000641177 21274.9, 0.00311276 11377.9, 0.005224137526.44, 0.00717215571.79, 0.009068814407.16, 0.01094423639.02, 0.01280883096.11, 0.01466742692.74, 0.0165221*Concrete tension stiffening 3019.9, 02990., 0.0000369791248.1, 0.000201847743.23, 0.000333282541.959, 0.000456512433.772, 0.000577225365.689, 0.000696855318.553, 0.000815919283.779, 0.000934649256.941, 0.0010531682.2252, 0.00470937*Material, Name=C75*Concrete compression hardening 33180., 047400., 0.000619583 21842.2, 0.00318471 11504.1, 0.005343987565.26, 0.007332595583.9, 0.009269014408.93, 0.01118393636.25, 0.01308813091.21, 0.01498622686.84, 0.0168806*Concrete tension stiffening 3080.5, 03050., 0.00003771171243.9, 0.000204919735.834, 0.000337513535.156, 0.000461909427.722, 0.000583819360.269, 0.000704663313.639, 0.000824951279.275, 0.000944913252.774, 0.0010646680.7083, 0.00475965*Material, Name=C80*Concrete compression hardening 35140., 050200., 0.000601539 22358.2, 0.00325681 11618.5, 0.005462037601.82, 0.007490325596.63, 0.009465684412.34, 0.01141943635.46, 0.01336253088.38, 0.0152995 2683., 0.0172327*Concrete tension stiffening 3141.1, 03110., 0.00003844371239.38, 0.000207956728.476, 0.000341687528.471, 0.000467236421.811, 0.000590329354.989, 0.000712373308.862, 0.000833873274.904, 0.000955052248.735, 0.0010760379.2484, 0.00480935(6) 损伤系数:混凝土材料进入塑性状态伴随着刚度的降低, 如下图示(1):文献(3)Fig4. (a), (b) 给出了混凝土材料单轴拉压的滞回曲线. 该曲线已被实验和计算验证. 通过线性插值, 可以得到混凝土材料各塑性应变所对应的损伤系数如下: *Material, Name=C25*Concrete compression damage损伤系数(dc) 塑性应变0, 00.01, 0.0008086930.207199, 0.002337390.410702, 0.003863890.540458, 0.00534640.69718, 0.006802450.78611, 0.008243050.84114, 0.009674140.877465, 0.0110990.902661, 0.0125197*Concrete tension damage损伤系数(dt) 塑性应变0, 00.01, 0.0000255150.330864, 0.0001356350.517144, 0.0002365630.615434, 0.0003318980.747045, 0.0004248440.834016, 0.0005165730.888637, 0.0006075960.919064, 0.0006981730.937999, 0.0007884460.998225, 0.00355876*Material, Name=C30*Concrete compression damage0, 00.01, 0.0008018980.271809, 0.002455910.498841, 0.004079920.626823, 0.005637560.758068, 0.007161790.830984, 0.008668390.875447, 0.01016480.904483, 0.0116550.924462, 0.0131409*Concrete tension damage0, 00.01, 0.00002825630.386973, 0.000149440.577576, 0.000257466 0.671381, 0.000359008 0.78758, 0.0004580020.862336, 0.000555757 0.908476, 0.000652815 0.933922, 0.000749440.949638, 0.000845777 0.998607, 0.00380631*Material, Name=C35*Concrete compression damage 0, 00.01, 0.0007894310.324164, 0.002562530.561223, 0.004270920.683386, 0.005893950.796302, 0.007478910.858328, 0.009045070.89589, 0.01060080.92031, 0.01215030.937062, 0.0136956*Concrete tension damage0, 00.01, 0.00003014270.430433, 0.000160189 0.620766, 0.000273466 0.709799, 0.000379668 0.814503, 0.000483255 0.880713, 0.000585609 0.921137, 0.0006872840.943295, 0.000788541 0.956917, 0.000889524 0.998833, 0.00399589*Material, Name=C40*Concrete compression damage 0, 00.01, 0.0007648140.369042, 0.002658560.609331, 0.004446140.72467, 0.006130680.823245, 0.00777330.877128, 0.00939620.90969, 0.01100850.930844, 0.01261440.945352, 0.0142164*Concrete tension damage0, 00.01, 0.00003094220.471266, 0.000170079 0.658771, 0.000288349 0.742582, 0.000398993 0.836523, 0.000506966 0.895279, 0.000613712 0.930952, 0.000719794 0.95046, 0.0008254740.962428, 0.000930890.998995, 0.00417611*Material, Name=C45*Concrete compression damage 0, 00.01, 0.000750150.40057, 0.002737820.640546, 0.004583590.750445, 0.006314430.840063, 0.008001220.888862, 0.009667880.918306, 0.01132390.937422, 0.01297370.950532, 0.0146195*Concrete tension damage0, 00.01, 0.00003230440.495671, 0.000176673 0.680391, 0.000297743 0.760819, 0.000410999 0.849034, 0.00052160.903712, 0.000631002 0.936711, 0.000739759 0.954691, 0.000848128 0.965692, 0.000956244 0.999092, 0.0042863*Material, Name=C50*Concrete compression damage 0, 00.01, 0.0007398850.428544, 0.002821360.666642, 0.004723980.771409, 0.006501390.853722, 0.008233140.898389, 0.009944550.9253, 0.01164530.942763, 0.01333990.954738, 0.0150306*Concrete tension damage0, 00.01, 0.00003365910.52097, 0.0001837050.701994, 0.000307738 0.778754, 0.000423793 0.861159, 0.000537220.911801, 0.000649477 0.942194, 0.000761110.958699, 0.000872370.968775, 0.000983389 0.999181, 0.00440455*Material, Name=C55*Concrete compression damage 0, 00.01, 0.000727450.456423, 0.002911320.790729, 0.006700530.866219, 0.008480360.907065, 0.01023970.93165, 0.01198840.947601, 0.0137310.958541, 0.0154698*Concrete tension damage0, 00.01, 0.00003522170.539536, 0.000189270.717351, 0.000315399 0.791331, 0.000433514 0.869789, 0.000549047 0.91763, 0.0006634420.946178, 0.000777235 0.961623, 0.000890669 0.971027, 0.001003870.999246, 0.00449368*Material, Name=C60*Concrete compression damage 0, 00.01, 0.0007006060.481084, 0.002985150.712003, 0.005002150.806648, 0.006873420.876252, 0.0086960.913899, 0.01049770.936577, 0.01228880.951309, 0.01407390.961426, 0.0158551*Concrete tension damage0, 00.01, 0.00003563830.559063, 0.000194702 0.733068, 0.000323283 0.804058, 0.000443708 0.877995, 0.000561565 0.922909, 0.000678302 0.949666, 0.000794449 0.964133, 0.000910248 0.972937, 0.00102582*Material, Name=C65*Concrete compression damage 0, 00.01, 0.0006711540.502758, 0.003050920.729456, 0.005116810.819817, 0.007027690.884515, 0.008888510.919509, 0.01072820.940612, 0.01255720.95434, 0.01438020.96378, 0.0161993*Concrete tension damage0, 00.01, 0.00003624620.572681, 0.000198738 0.743775, 0.000328992 0.812645, 0.000451041 0.883611, 0.000570546 0.926569, 0.000688948 0.952106, 0.000806774 0.965898, 0.000924259 0.974284, 0.001041520.999336, 0.00465851*Material, Name=C70*Concrete compression damage 0, 00.01, 0.0006411770.521912, 0.003112760.744318, 0.005224130.830867, 0.00717210.891435, 0.009068810.924204, 0.01094420.943987, 0.01280880.956872, 0.01466740.965746, 0.0165221*Concrete tension damage0, 00.01, 0.0000369790.751428, 0.000333282 0.818743, 0.000456512 0.887672, 0.000577225 0.929255, 0.000696855 0.953916, 0.000815919 0.967215, 0.000934649 0.975292, 0.001053160.999364, 0.00470937*Material, Name=C75*Concrete compression damage 0, 00.01, 0.0006195830.539193, 0.003184710.757298, 0.005343980.840395, 0.007332590.897474, 0.009269010.928341, 0.01118390.946986, 0.01308810.95914, 0.01498620.967518, 0.0168806*Concrete tension damage0, 00.01, 0.00003771170.592163, 0.000204919 0.758743, 0.000337513 0.824539, 0.000461909 0.891519, 0.000583819 0.931794, 0.000704663 0.955624, 0.000824951 0.968456, 0.000944913 0.976241, 0.001064660.999391, 0.00475965*Material, Name=C80*Concrete compression damage 0, 00.01, 0.0006015390.554618, 0.003256810.768556, 0.005462030.848569, 0.007490320.931921, 0.0114194 0.94959, 0.0133625 0.961115, 0.0152995 0.969065, 0.0172327 *Concrete tension damage 0, 00.01, 0.0000384437 0.601485, 0.000207956 0.765763, 0.000341687 0.830074, 0.000467236 0.895181, 0.000590329 0.934206, 0.000712373 0.957244, 0.000833873 0.969631, 0.000955052 0.977139, 0.00107603 0.999416, 0.00480935。
混凝土结构耐久性外观损伤类型、调查方法及原因分析惠云玲(国家工业建筑诊断与改造工程技术研究中心 100088)郭 固(珠海经济特区房地产开发总公司 519000) 摘 要:论述了混凝土耐久性损伤类型,提出了混凝土结构外观损伤和环境条件的调查方法及原因分析,可为混凝土结构耐久性检测、评估提供一定的参考。
关键词:混凝土结构 耐久性 外观损伤INVEST IGAT I ON M ETHOD AND CAUSE ANALY SIS OF APPARENT DAM AGE OF D URAB I L IT Y FOR CONCRETE STRUCTURESH ui Yunling(N ati onal Engineering T echnique R esearch Center of Industrial Building D iagno sis&R ehabilitati on 100088)Guo Gu(Zhuhai S.E.Z.R eal E state D evelopm ent Co rp. 519000)Abstract:T he types of durability dam ages of concrete are described.T he m ethod fo r investigating apparent dam age and environm ental conditi ons of concrete structures and the m ethod of cause analysis are p ropo sed, w h ich can be used as a reference w hen detecting and esti m ating durability of concrete structures. Keywords:concrete structure durability apparent dam age1 混凝土结构耐久性损坏类型混凝土结构的耐久性体现了结构使用过程中抵抗各种破坏因素作用的能力。
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εcu:应力-应变曲线下降段0.5 fc,r对应的压应变
σ修正:在应力-应变曲线上选定弹性阶段与弹塑性阶段的分界点,按Susoo88取0.4 fc,r,
或取1/3~1/2 fc,r,可见这也是一个可调整的值。
对于C30砼,fc,r 取fck=20.1MPa,0.4*20.1=8.04MPa,在表格中插入一行,定义一个ε值,使σ无限逼近8.04(此时尚需重新定义表格这一行x列公式,使之由ε列导出)。