调查报告英文格式篇一:英语调查报告格式asurveyaboutthepatrioticemotionofuniversitystudentsnowadays,chinaisde velopingveryfast.andthisisagreat chanceforustocatchupwiththoseworldpowers.butwearealsofacedwithmany problems.forinstance,ournationalsecuritycan`tbeguaranteed,andourmother landhasnotbeenunified.so,it`sreallyofvitalimportanceforuschinesetoloveour motherland,especiallyouryoungsters,whoarethehopeofourcountry.weorgan izethisinvestigationinordertofindoutthecurrentconditionofhow universitystudentsloveourcountry.accordingtotheresults,wewanttoputforw ard someusefulsuggestionsforthepatriotismeducationinuniversity.andwehopeo ur investigationcouldbehelpfulforourpatriotismeducation.firstly,wemake questionnairesconcernedwithpatriotism.thenwedistributedthemtoourclass mates.aftertheyfinisheddoingthem,wetakethembackandgetourconclusionfromthe iranswers.afterwegotthestatisticaldataaccordingtotheanswerstothequestionnaire,wemadethegraphicsbelowtorevealtheresults.someofthegrap hicsareshownbelow.statisticalresultsofquestion1:statistquestion2:icalresultsofstatisticalresultsofquestion3:statisticalresultsofquestion5:statisticalresultso fquestion6:theresultsofoursurveyshowtousthatthecontemporarycollegestu dentshavegoodpatrioticfeelings.wehaverelativelydeepunderstandingofpatriotismand mostofusarewillingtoacceptpatriotismeducation.weareconcernedaboutthehistor y,traditionandproductionconditionofchina.wealsoenjoytheachievementaftert hereformandopeningupofchina.fewofourcollegestudentstendtoescapejoiningthearm y, andwhatisencouragingisthatalmostallthestudentsareproudofourraceand country.thankyouforyourappreciation!thankyou.members:篇二:调查报告范文2(英文)1.introductionlibraryisalwaysasymboloftheuniversity.itprovidescollegestudentswithmany1.1purpose thesurveysetsitsgoalatinvestigatinghowwellthecollegestudentscantake advantageoftheresourcesprovidedinourschoollibrary.then,wehopetogiveso me suggestionstoourschoollibrarysothatitcanbeimprovedinsomeaspects.1.2subjectsinordertomakethesurveymorepersuasive,wedidtheresearchamongstudents inouruniversityincludingbothundergraduatesandpostgraduates.157copieso fquestionnairesintotalwerehandedoutand150werecollectedbackwhichare effective.intervieweesarefromdifferentmajorsanddifferentgrades.41ofthem arefreshmen,42aresophomore,21arejuniorstudents,30areseniorstudentsand 6arepostgraduates.1.3timeandplacetime:thesurveytakesaboutoneweek,fromnovember10thtonovember16th,20 XX.thequestionnairesweredistributedonnovember10thandcollectedbackonnov ember11th.place:hebeipolytechnicuniversity1.4instrumentquestionnairesareusedtocollectdata.consideringthequestionnaireinenglish maybringsometroubletotheintervieweeswithdifferentenglishlevels,weadop tthechineseversioninsteadoftheenglishone(seeenglishandchineseversionsin appendices).1theintervieweesareselectedatrandomtomakethedatamorereli able.forinstance,thequestionnairesaregiventothestudentsstudyinginclassroomsand tothosestayingindormitories.what’smore,studentsfromallgradesaremadesure toparticipateinthisinvestigation.2.datacollectionandanalysison10thnovember,weinvestigated157students,a mongwhom150returnedtheirquestionnaires.therestdidnotreturnorfinishforsomereasons.toensurethevali dityofthesurvey,thesixmembersinourteamweredivided intothreegroupstohandoutthequestionnaires,goingtodifferentplacesand investigatingdifferentstudents.mostoftheintervieweeswerewillinglytohelp uswiththesurvey.theyfinishedthequestionnairescarefully.amongthe questionnairesreturned,somequestionswerenotanswered,andsomewereans weredcasually,whichbroughtussometroublewhenwedidthedatacollection.ingener al,mostoftheinformationwecollectedwasusefulandaccurate.2.1dataanalysisontheuseofbookstheanalysisontheuseofbooksisbasedonquestion2,4,5,6,7,8,9and10.2.1.1frequencyanalysisaccordingtoquestion2and4,wegetaresultasfollows(s eefigure1).figure12result:asitcanbeseenfromfigure1,moststudentsgotolibraryonceortwiceaweek. somestudentsgotheremorethanfivetimesaweek.thefreshmenandjuniorstudents gotothelibrarymorefrequently.reasons:1)thefreshmenhavemoresparetimeandtheyarecuriousaboutthelibrarywhere theycanfindalmostallthebooksand periodicalstheyareinterestedin.2.1.2purposeanalysisquestion5isdesignedtoknowthecollegestudents’purposesofgoingtotheschoollibrary.figure23figure3result:figure2and3revealthatthesophomoresandthejuniorstudentscanmakefull useoftheresourcesinthelibrary.theirpurposesareclear:theyhopetoimprove themselvesonallaspects.whilethefreshmenhavelesspressure,sotheypreferth e periodicalsjustforentertainingandwideningtheirhorizon.theseniorsand postgraduatesliketoreadperiodicalsbecausetheywanttohelpwithhomeworkoressaywritingandknowmoreaboutcurrentaffairs.42.1.3bookvarietyanalysisbasedonquestion9,wegetfigure4below.result: 2.1.4onborrowingbooksaccordingtothestatisticsbasedonquestion7and8,we learnthat41.33%ofthestudentsborrowlessthan10booksinonesemesterwhile7.33%borrowmore than30.70%saythattheycanfinishreadingmostpartsoftheborrowedbooksbefore returningthem.thisisagoodphenomenon.sincedifferentpeoplehavedifferent plansforstudy,sometimestheydon’tneedtofinishthewhole.instead,somepartsof booksareenough.2.1.5onfacilitiesandreadingroomsinconsequenceofquestion6,itisknowntha tstudentsliketogotothenaturalscience5篇三:英语调查报告范文英语调查报告范文英语>调查报告>范文(一)目前,高等学校在职业教育方面存在着一些突出问题,学校教育与学生就业及市场对人才的需求相脱节,教学实效性较差,教学工作处于尴尬局面。
英文调查报告范文篇一:调查报告范文2 (英文)1. IntroductionLibrary is always a symbol of the university. It provides college students with manyuseful resources. At the same time, how to make full of the resources becomes a new problem for college students. For that purpose, the present survey is made.1.1 PurposeThe survey sets its goal at investigating how well the college students can take advantage of the resources provided in our school library. Then, we hope to give some suggestions to our school library so that it can be improved in some aspects.1.2 SubjectsIn order to make the survey more persuasive, we did the research among students in our university including both undergraduates and postgraduates. 157 copies of questionnaires in total were handed out and 150 were collected back which are effective. Interviewees are from different majors and different grades. 41 of them are freshmen, 42 are sophomore, 21 are junior students, 30 are senior students and 6 are postgraduates.1.3 Time and PlaceTime: The survey takes about one week, from November 10th to November 16th, 2021. The questionnaires were distributed on November 10th and collected back on November 11th.Place: Hebei Polytechnic University1.4 InstrumentQuestionnaires are used to collect data. Considering the questionnaire in English may bring some trouble to the interviewees with different English levels, we adopt the Chinese version instead of the English one (See English and Chinese versions in appendices).1The interviewees are selected at random to make the data more reliable. For instance, the questionnaires are given to the students studying in classrooms and to those staying in dormitories. What’s more, students from all grades are made sure to participate in this investigation.2. Data Collection and AnalysisOn 10th November, we investigated 157 students, among whom 150 returned their questionnaires. The rest did not return or finish for some reasons. To ensure the validity of the survey, the six members in our team were divided into three groups to hand out the questionnaires, going to different places and investigating different students. Most of the interviewees were willingly to help us with the survey. They finished the questionnaires carefully. Among the questionnaires returned, some questions were not answered, and some were answered casually, which brought us some trouble when we did the data collection.In general, most of the information we collected was useful and accurate.2.1 Data Analysis on the Use of BooksThe analysis on the use of books is based on Question 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and Frequency AnalysisAccording to Question 2 and 4, we get a result as follows (see Figure 1).Figure 12Result:As it can be seen from Figure 1, most students go to library once or twice a week. Some students go there more than five times a week. The freshmen and junior students go to the library more frequently. Reasons: 1) The freshmen have more spare time and theyare curious about the library where they can find almost all the books and periodicals they are interested in.2) The junior students need a lot of materials for their courses. Moreover, most of the juniors want to find some quiet places to study and the library becomes their first choice.2.1.2 Purpose AnalysisQuestion 5 is designed to know the college students’ purposes of going to the school library. Figure 2 3Figure3Result:Figure 2 and 3 reveal that the sophomores and the junior students can make full use of the resources in the library. Their purposes are clear: they hope to improve themselves on all aspects. While the freshmen have less pressure, so they prefer the periodicals just for entertaining and widening their horizon. The seniors and postgraduates like to read periodicals because they want to help with homework or essay writing and know more about current affairs.42.1.3 Book Variety AnalysisBased on Question 9, we get Figure 4 below.Result:Obviously, most of the interviewees think that books of special field are most helpful. It shows that most of students in our university put study in the first place. We can also learn that other kinds of books andmagazines are also very useful in most students’ eyes. However, 76.67% of the students investigated are dissatisfied with the books in our library. They complain that the books are outdated and they need to be updated.2.1.4 On Borrowing BooksAccording to the statistics based on Question 7 and 8, we learn that 41.33% of the students borrow less than 10 books in one semester while 7.33% borrow more than 30. 70% say that they can finish reading most parts of the borrowed books before returning them. This is a good phenomenon. Since different people have different plans for study, sometimes they don’t need to finish the whole. Instead, some parts of books are enough.2.1.5 On Facilities and Reading RoomsIn consequence of Question 6, it is known that students like to go to the natural science5篇二:英语调查报告范文英语调查报告范文英语调查报告范文(一)目前,高等学校在职业教育方面存在着一些突出问题,学校教育与学生就业及市场对人才的需求相脱节,教学实效性较差,教学工作处于尴尬局面。
英语问卷调查报告英语问卷调查报告篇一:调查问卷英文版Attachment:Questionnaire of college students playing online gamesHello, dear friend! In order to understand the situation of college students playing online games, and the impact of online games on college students, would you like to spare a few minutes to answer the following questions in this questionnaire carefully and authentically! We will inform you that your answers will be kept strictly confidential! Thank you very much for your support and cooperation!1. Your personal information:Gender:Age :Grade :2. Which category your major belongs to?A、Economic managementB、ArtC、Science and engineeringD、Literature and lawE、Others3. Do you play network games?A、YesB、No4. How long time have you been playing network games?A、Never play network gameB、Just several monthsC、1 to 2 yearsD、More than 2 years5. How much is your frequency of playing online games?A、Almost every dayB、OftenC、OccasionallyD、Never6. What kinds of online games do you like? [Multiple choice]A、Casual games (Such as chess and card games、Sanguosha)B、Net battle games(Such as CF、DOTA)C、Massively multiplayer online RPG(Such as Westward Journey Online)D、Online flash mini-games(Such as Plants V.S. Zombies)E、Others7. What are the causes that make you play network games? [Multiple choice]A、There is abundant spare time, play game to kill timeB、Friends and classmates are playing as well.C、Study pressure is too heavy, just relax yourself after class.D、Lacking of self-control ability.E、It is boring that surfing online only.F、Feeling lonely, then regard network games as spiritual sustenance.G、Others8. What`s the point that net games attract you? [Multiple choice]A、Screen pictures are make exquisitely.B、Feel the wonderful sense of acplishment when upgrade or triumph.C、Can make more friends through playing games.D、Friends and classmates are playing as well.E、Enjoy the great simulative experience from PK.F、Satisfied with role playing, such as be a head master in game.G、Make moneyH、Others9. When confronted with problems in learning or affection, would you prefer to play game to abreact?A、AlwaysB、SometimesC、Never10. How long is the average time that you play online games at one time?A、Never play net games.B、In 1 hour.C、1 to 2 hours.D、2 to 3 hours.E、More than 3 hours.11. Could you succeed to control the game time well in your plan?A、Always control well.B、Sometimes addictive, but can stop when it`s enough.C、Lose control yourself everytime play games.D、Have no sense of time when in games.E、Don`t play games.12. Do you talk much about playing games in normal times?A、OftenB、OccasionallyC、Never13. How much is your dependence on network games? Could you give up these games?A、Much addict in online games, it is impossible to quit.B、Although very difficult, but can make it because of strong self-control.C、It doesn`t matter, playing games just for fun.D、Do not play games.14. Will you stick to playing network games after having a job and getting married?A、No, you will put career and family first.B、Still play, but just play a little.C、Will not change, even play more.D、Others15. How is your loyalty to online games?A、Will always play a game you like, not easily change.B、Play game just for fun, will change it if feel bored or there is a better one.C、Go with the flow, you will play the popular game or a new one.D、Others16. Do you think online games influent your learning and living way?A、Yeah, influent a lot.B、Just a little.C、No.D、Do not care about it.17. What is your feeling after playing?A、Relaxed and happyB、Idle and void.C、The feeling that cannot express out.D、Have no feeling.E、Others18. Will you be upset and impatient, even lose temper, because of fail petition in games?A、OftenB、SometimesC、NeverD、Do not play games19. What is your attitude toward college students playing online games?A、SupportingB、OppositeC、Whatever20. What is the reason that makes you have the attitude above?A、Net games give me chances to relax by venting in virtual the pressure in real life.B、Online games can expand my horizons.C、Online games affect the living, learning, regret playing online games.D、Playing just for leisure, not too concern about it.E、Others.Thank you very much for your patience and sincere cooperation!英语问卷调查报告篇二:英语问卷调查分析报告阜南第一初级中学《在英语教学中实施学困生包保的研究与探讨》课题调查问卷分析报告一、调查的目的为了有效推动我校《在英语教学中实施学困生包保的研究与探讨》课题的深入开展,并为该课题的研究提供客观依据,特进行本次英语学习调查问卷。
From our survey, we learned that the purpose of university students’ part-time, 80% is to make money and only a remaining 20% of the students is to make friends, exercise and increase their own experience. The use of part-time income is mainly to reduce the cost of living at home as a burden , the second is as pocket money,than only 7% of the students are used to make friends .
Report on students about part-time
To:university students From:Susa Date:Dec.4, 2011
Intrቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱduction
We did a survey about part-time of the university students last week.Our respondents are the Numerical control 1032 and the graduates,about 80 people in our survey.Our aim is to understand students' part-time status, income, causes, advantages and disadvantages,and so on.
撰写调查报告英语作文模板英文回答:Investigation Report Writing Template。
1. Title。
The title should accurately describe the purpose and scope of the investigation.It should be concise and informative.2. Introduction。
Provide a brief overview of the investigation.State the purpose of the investigation and the questions or hypotheses being tested.Define any key terms or concepts.3. Methods。
Describe the methods used to conduct the investigation.This may include experimental design, data collection, and analysis techniques.Provide enough detail so that the reader canunderstand how the data was gathered and analyzed.4. Results。
Present the results of the investigation in an organized manner.Use tables, graphs, and other visuals to helpillustrate the findings.Include statistical analysis when appropriate.5. Discussion。
Interpret the results of the investigation.Discuss the implications of the findings and how they relate to the purpose of the investigation.Consider alternative explanations and limitations of the study.6. Conclusion。
【初二英语上册作文,书面表达!表格式的!读下列表格的内容用所调查报告,手工原创!Our class is going to open an English corner. I made a survey on it in my class. Here is the resultof it:about 70 percent of them say yes. They think the English corner will make the school life colorful. Students can also improve their spoken English and learn more knowledge from it.英语报告作文格式(模板)写报告,第一点一定要说,报告里的都是FACTS,所以不能有任何个人观点,反问句,和缩写。
比如people don not 一定不能写成people don't每个小节都必须有TOPIC SENTENCE, SUPPORT SENTENSE, SUMMARY。
比如people don not 一定不能写成people don't每个小节都必须有TOPIC SENTENCE, SUPPORT SENTENSE, SUMMARY。
调查报告英文版格式篇一:英文论文报告格式-汇总篇Report titleUnit Code and Unit NameDeclarationI hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person or material which has to a substantial extent been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma at any university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text.原创性声明兹呈交的论文,是本人在导师指导下独立完成的研究成果,在论文写作过程中参考的其他个人或集体的研究成果均在文中以明确方式标明,本人依法享有和承担由此论文而产生的权利和责任。
Signature(签名): ________________Date(时间):________________Table of Contents(字体Times New Roman, 四号,)(空一行)1. Introduction ...................................... ................................................... . (4)2. Sample title ............................................. (4)Sample title ............................................. ................................................... (4)Sample title ............................................. ................................................... (4)Sample title ............................................. ................................................... .. (4)Sample title ............................................. ................................................... (5)Sample title ............................................. ................................................... (5)3. Conclusion ........................................ ................................................... (5)Bibliography ...................................... ................................................... (6)Appendices I ................................................. .............................................. 7 (制作目录请选择菜单中的:插入——引用——索引和目录——目录——确定,即可,然后将字体改为小四号。
本文格式为 Word 版,下载可任意编辑,页眉双击删除即可。
英文调查报告格式范文 由于如今社会的要求,许多企业对于市场信息状况的了解已经是必不 行少的',因为市场对于企业来说是特别重要的,企业只有了解了市场的 基本状况,了解那些消费者的基本消费观、消费看法、消费动机等等之后, 才能对自己企业生产的产品进行一系列的改进,以便能够更加符合消费者 的消费方向,也能够让企业获得更多的利润,学问企业最终的目的。以下 为你收集了英文调查报告格式范文,盼望给你带来一些借鉴的作用。
英语作文调查报告模板【一】 A Report on Childrens Gratitude to Their Parents Childrens lives are given by their parents and originally,children should be grateful to them.Hower,not all the children can do so.A report made recently suggests that one-fourth of the people think that to raise children is the duty of their parents and so children neednt express any gratitude to
报告的格式及范文英语英文回答:Format of a Report.The format of a report can vary depending on the purpose and audience of the report, but there are some general elements that are typically included:Title page: The title page should include the title of the report, the author's name, the date the report was submitted, and any other relevant information.Executive summary: The executive summary is a brief overview of the report that summarizes the main findings and recommendations.Introduction: The introduction provides background information on the topic of the report and states the purpose of the report.Body: The body of the report contains the main content of the report, which is typically organized into sections and subsections.Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes the main findings and recommendations of the report.Appendices: Appendices can be used to provideadditional information that is not essential to the main body of the report.Sample Report.Title: The Impact of Social Media on Teenagers.Author: [Author's Name]Date Submitted: [Date]Executive Summary:This report examines the impact of social media on teenagers. The report finds that social media can have both positive and negative effects on teenagers. On the positive side, social media can help teenagers connect with friends and family, learn new things, and express themselves creatively. On the negative side, social media can lead to cyberbullying, addiction, and mental health problems. The report concludes that it is important for parents and educators to be aware of the potential risks and benefits of social media so that they can help teenagers use social media in a healthy way.Introduction:Social media has become a ubiquitous part of life for teenagers. In the United States, 95% of teenagers have access to a smartphone, and 72% of teenagers use social media daily. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat allow teenagers to connect with friends and family, share photos and videos, and stay up-to-date on current events.While social media can be a positive force in teenagers' lives, it can also have negative consequences. This report examines the impact of social media on teenagers, both positive and negative.Body:Positive Effects of Social Media:Social connection: Social media allows teenagers to connect with friends and family who live far away or who they may not see regularly. Social media can also help teenagers make new friends and build relationships with people who share their interests.Learning: Social media can be a valuable tool for learning. Teenagers can use social media to access educational resources, connect with experts, and participate in online discussions.Creative expression: Social media allows teenagers to express themselves creatively. They can share theirthoughts, feelings, and experiences through posts, photos, and videos.Negative Effects of Social Media:Cyberbullying: Cyberbullying is the use of electronic devices to bully or harass someone. Cyberbullying can be just as harmful as traditional bullying, and it can have a lasting impact on the victim.Addiction: Social media can be addictive, and teenagers who spend too much time on social media may neglect their studies, their relationships, and their physical health.Mental health problems: Social media can lead to mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Teenagers who compare themselves to others on social media may feel inadequate or worthless.Conclusion:Social media can have both positive and negativeeffects on teenagers. It is important for parents and educators to be aware of the potential risks and benefits of social media so that they can help teenagers use social media in a healthy way.Recommendations:Parents and educators should talk to teenagers about the potential risks and benefits of social media.Parents and educators should help teenagers set limits on their social media use.Parents and educators should encourage teenagers to use social media to connect with friends and family, learn new things, and express themselves creatively.Parents and educators should be aware of the signs of cyberbullying and addiction, and they should know how to help teenagers who are experiencing these problems.Appendices:Appendix A: Survey of Teenagers' Social Media Use.Appendix B: Resources for Parents and Educators on Social Media.中文回答:报告格式。
2.1.4 On Borrowing Books
According to the statistics based on Question 7 and 8, we learn that 41.33% of the students borrow less than 10 books in one semester while 7.33% borrow more than 30. 70% say that they can finish reading most parts of the borrowed books before returning them. This is a good phenomenon. Since different people have different plans for study, sometimes they don’t need to finish the whole. Instead, some parts of books are enough.
2.1.3 Book Variety Analysis
Based on Question 9, we get Figure 4 below.
Obviously, most of the interviewees think that books of special field are most helpful. It shows that most of students in our university put study in the first place. We can also learn that other kinds of books and magazines are also very useful in most students’ eyes.However, 76.67% of the students investigated are dissatisfied with the books in our
英文报告调查作文模板范文英文回答:Investigation Report on the Impact of Social Media on Mental Health。
Social media has become an integral part of our lives, connecting us with friends, family, and the world around us. However, research suggests that excessive use of social media can have significant negative impacts on mental health. This report investigates the multifaceted relationship between social media and mental health, examining its potential benefits and risks.Positive Impacts。
Social Connection: Social media platforms facilitate communication and interaction, fostering social connectionsthat can provide emotional support and reduce feelings of loneliness.Information Sharing: Social media enables access to a vast array of information on mental health, providing opportunities for education and self-help.Support Groups: Social media groups connectindividuals with shared experiences and provide a sense of community, offering peer support and reducing stigma.Mental Health Initiatives: Social media campaigns and initiatives can raise awareness about mental health issues and promote help-seeking behaviors.Negative Impacts。
英语调查报告范文格式English:An English survey report typically begins with an introduction that outlines the purpose and objectives of the survey, describing what information was sought and why. This is followed by a methodology section, which details how the survey was conducted, including information about the population sampled, the tools used for data collection (such as online questionnaires or face-to-face interviews), and the response rate. The core of the report consists of the findings section, which presents the data collected through charts, graphs, and text analysis, emphasizing key discoveries and trends. Each significant finding is often accompanied by supporting data to validate the conclusions drawn. Following the findings, a discussion section i nterprets the results, linking them back to the survey’s objectives and discussing implications, limitations, and possible areas for future research. The report concludes with a summary that reiterates the most important findings and their implications for the field or stakeholders involved. Recommendations may also be offered based on the insights gained. This structure ensures a clearand systematic presentation of information, facilitating understanding and further action based on the survey results.中文翻译:英语调查报告通常以介绍开始,概述了调查的目的和目标,描述了寻求什么信息以及为什么。
旅游调查报告模板作文英语英文回答:Tourism Survey Report Template。
Section 1: Introduction。
Overview of the purpose and scope of the survey。
Methodology used for data collection。
Target audience and sample size。
Section 2: Travel Patterns and Preferences。
Preferred travel destinations。
Frequency and duration of trips。
Mode of transportation。
Accommodation and dining preferences。
Activities and experiences sought。
Section 3: Destination Evaluation。
Strengths and weaknesses of popular destinations。
Satisfaction levels with transportation, accommodation, and services。
Recommendations for improvements。
Section 4: Tourist Expenditure。
Average spending per trip。
Distribution of expenses across different categories。
Impact of tourism on local economies。
Section 5: Tourism Development。
Potential for growth and development。
Challenges and opportunities for the tourism industry。
调查报告格式英文Investigation Report FormatIntroductionIn today's fast-paced and complex world, conducting investigations has become an integral part of various professional fields. Whether it is in the corporate sector, legal domain, or even in scientific research, investigations play a crucial role in gathering accurate information and making informed decisions. An essential aspect of any investigation is the report that summarizes the findings and presents them in a structured and coherent manner. This article aims to explore the format and key elements of an investigation report, focusing on its English language requirements.Executive SummaryThe executive summary serves as a concise overview of the investigation report. It should provide a brief summary of the purpose, methodology, key findings, and recommendations. This section allows busy readers to grasp the main points without delving into the entire report. The executive summary should be written in clear and concise language, avoiding technical jargon or excessive detail. Introduction and BackgroundThe introduction section sets the context for the investigation. It should briefly explain the reasons behind the investigation, the scope, and the objectives. Additionally, providing a background of the issue being investigated helps the readers understand the significance and relevance of the investigation. Thelanguage used in this section should be straightforward and accessible to a wide range of readers.MethodologyThe methodology section outlines the approach and techniques used during the investigation. It should include details about data collection methods, sample size, sources of information, and any limitations encountered during the investigation process. This section is crucial as it enables readers to evaluate the reliability and validity of the findings. The language used should be precise and specific, ensuring clarity and transparency.FindingsThe findings section presents the results of the investigation. It should be organized logically, with each finding presented separately. Each finding should be supported by evidence and data, ensuring credibility. The language used should be objective and unbiased, avoiding personal opinions or speculations. It is essential to use clear and concise language, avoiding unnecessary technical terms or complex jargon.Analysis and InterpretationThe analysis and interpretation section aims to provide a deeper understanding of the findings. It involves examining the data collected, identifying patterns or trends, and drawing meaningful conclusions. This section should be written in a logical and coherent manner, ensuring that the analysis is supported by evidence. The language used should be analytical, demonstrating criticalthinking and a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. RecommendationsThe recommendations section suggests actions or measures based on the findings and analysis. It should be practical, feasible, and directly linked to the issues identified during the investigation. The language used should be persuasive and compelling, emphasizing the benefits and potential impact of implementing the recommendations. It is crucial to provide clear and specific instructions to facilitate the implementation of the recommendations. ConclusionThe conclusion section summarizes the main points discussed in the investigation report. It should reiterate the key findings, highlight the significance of the investigation, and emphasize the importance of the recommendations. The language used should be concise and impactful, leaving a lasting impression on the readers.AppendicesThe appendices section includes any additional information or supporting documents that are relevant to the investigation but not included in the main body of the report. This may include interview transcripts, survey questionnaires, or statistical data. The language used in the appendices should be consistent with the rest of the report, ensuring clarity and coherence.ConclusionIn conclusion, an investigation report serves as a crucial tool for communicatingthe findings, analysis, and recommendations of an investigation. The format and language used in the report are essential in ensuring that the information is effectively conveyed to the intended audience. By following a structured and coherent format, using clear and concise language, and providing evidence-based findings, an investigation report can effectively contribute to informed decision-making and problem-solving in various professional domains.。
比如people don not 一定不能写成people don't每个小节都必须有TOPIC SENTENCE, SUPPORT SENTENSE, SUMMARY。
-w- 其实我也很讨厌写报告呢,但是发现论文更讨厌呢~商务英语报告各构成部分一般来说,商务英语报告的常见构成部分有:摘要(Executive Summary)、标题(Title)、导言(Introduction/ Terms of Reference)、材料收集方法(Methodology/Proceedings)、调查结果(Findings)、结论(Conclusions)、建议(Remendations)、附录(Appendices)等。
(一)摘要(Executive Summary)一份正式且篇幅较长的报告通常在报告的前面加上摘要。
可用“by and large、the vast majority、only a few”等语言表达大概的数据或趋势。
英语作文调查结果的格式英文回答:Format for Reporting Survey Results.1. Introduction.Briefly introduce the survey and its purpose.State the methodology used (e.g., population sampled, sampling technique, data collection method).2. Results.Quantitative Data:Present the key findings in a clear and concise manner.Use tables, graphs, or charts to display data visually.Calculate and report descriptive statistics (e.g., means, medians, percentages).Test for statistical significance and report any significant differences.Qualitative Data:Summarize the major themes, patterns, or insights that emerged from the responses.Provide representative quotes or excerpts to support the analysis.Use coding or other qualitative analysis techniques to extract meaning from the data.3. Discussion.Interpret the results and discuss their implications.Compare the findings to previous studies or existingliterature.Identify strengths and limitations of the survey and how they may have affected the results.4. Conclusion.Summarize the main findings and reiterate the purpose of the survey.State any recommendations or action steps suggested by the results.Offer suggestions for future research or areas for further investigation.中文回答:问卷调查结果格式。
调查报告 英文版
调查报告英文版Investigation ReportIntroductionIn today's globalized world, the ability to communicate effectively in English has become increasingly important. With English being the lingua franca of business, science, and technology, it is crucial for individuals and organizations to assess the current state of English language proficiency. This investigation report aims to analyze the English language skills of a specific group of individuals and provide recommendations for improvement.MethodologyTo conduct this investigation, a sample of 500 participants was selected from various professional backgrounds. The participants were asked to complete a comprehensive English language proficiency test, which assessed their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. The test was designed to evaluate their vocabulary, grammar, comprehension, and ability to express ideas clearly. Findings1. Overall English Language Proficiency LevelBased on the test results, the overall English language proficiency level of the participants was categorized into four levels: beginner, intermediate, advanced, and expert. The majority of participants fell into the intermediate level, indicating a satisfactory proficiency level. However, there was a significant number of participants at the beginner level, suggesting a need for improvement in theirEnglish language skills.2. Reading SkillsThe investigation revealed that participants had relatively strong reading skills. They were able to comprehend and extract information from a variety of texts, including articles, reports, and essays. However, some participants struggled with understanding complex vocabulary and idiomatic expressions, indicating a need for further vocabulary development.3. Writing SkillsParticipants demonstrated moderate writing skills, with the ability to construct coherent paragraphs and express ideas logically. However, there were instances of grammatical errors and limited use of advanced vocabulary. To enhance their writing skills, participants should focus on improving grammar, expanding their vocabulary, and practicing different writing styles.4. Listening SkillsThe investigation highlighted that participants had good listening skills, being able to understand and follow conversations, lectures, and presentations. However, some participants faced challenges with understanding native speakers due to variations in accents and speech patterns. To improve listening skills, participants should engage in regular listening exercises and expose themselves to a variety of English accents.5. Speaking SkillsSpeaking skills were identified as an area requiring significant improvement.While participants could communicate basic information, they struggled with fluency, pronunciation, and expressing complex ideas. To enhance speaking skills, participants should engage in conversation practice, participate in language exchange programs, and seek opportunities to speak with native English speakers.RecommendationsBased on the findings, the following recommendations are suggested to improve English language proficiency:1. Provide targeted vocabulary development programs to enhance participants' understanding of complex vocabulary and idiomatic expressions.2. Offer grammar workshops and resources to address grammatical errors and improve writing skills.3. Organize listening practice sessions and provide exposure to different accents through audio materials and videos.4. Encourage participants to engage in regular speaking practice, such as language exchange programs or conversation clubs.ConclusionThis investigation report has provided insights into the English language proficiency of a specific group of individuals. While the overall proficiency level was satisfactory, there are areas that require improvement, particularly in writing and speaking skills. By implementing the recommended strategies, participants can enhance their English language proficiency and effectively communicate inthe globalized world.。
英文调查报告篇一:调查报告英文版A report on the influence Factors of Graduating Students aSurvey Report on Employment1 IntroductionIn the last two decades, owning to education, we witnessed a rapid development in industry, agriculture, science and technology in China. Education can not only eich people’s knowledge, but also improve people’s moral standard as a whole. However, with the new higher education policies coming into effect, a growing number of college students are fully aware of the uncertainties of their future careers. How to find a right niche for ourselves?As a result, we did this study aims to investigate thein fluence factors of graduating students’ employment. We hope we can offer some advises for college students based on the findings of our research.65 graduating students from Shandong University were investigated and 65 questionnaires are valid. The questionnaire is both in electronic form and papery form. We collect the data and type the result into computer. Besides, in order to make the result more directviewing, we use Excel to make diagrams. Through our statistical analysis, the results indicated that most of the college students want to get a stable job with a high salary. And they tend to work inbig cities or work abroad where there has a good development prospect.2 Research Design2.1 Research Questions:The questionnaire is clearly set out in appendix I.More specifically, the following questions were addressed:1. Personally, does gender has impact on applying for jobs?2. In your opinion, which of the following abilities will be the advantage when you look for a job?3. Do you think what ability needs to be improved when you look for a job?2.2 Participants:65 graduating students from Shandong University were investigated. 40 of them filled in the questionnaire online. The students who have been surveyed were voluntary. And the average age of students was 20. And 30 percent of thestudents are male and 70 percent of the students are female.2.3 Instrument:It was designed by Li Yaru, and it was developed in English to evaluate the thought of graduatin g students’ view in employment. And the questionnaire contained 11 items in total, including 10 choice questions and an essay question. Modifications of the questionnaire were made by Zhang Yinwei, Wang Rui and Liu Yang.2.4 Data Collection:The questionnaire was administered on 12nd, May. Students were surveyed randomly online. And students were asked to complete the questionnaire honestly and carefully. In addition, students were assured to complete anonymity of answers.2.5 Data Analysis:The data collected from questionnaires were enteredinto Excel for statistical analysis. Bar chart is applied to evaluate the number of male students and female students. And Pie charts were used to analyze the results of the rest of the questions. 3 Findings:1. What is your gender?65 graduating students from Shandong Univercity were investigated, including 13 girls and 52 boys.2. Which job channel do you tend to choose?According to investigation result, about 68% students tend to choose the way through friends or relatives to look for work. The result may be due to the Chinese old saying, at home one relies on one’s parents and outside on one’s friends. Our familiar people never deceive us. Although most people tend to relatives and help find work, but there are still roughly 17% the graduates want to look for a job throughrecruitment fair. This suggests that some college students tend to find a job by own efforts.3. After graduation, which field do you hope to work?It is surprised that 89% of college students are not willing to work in amajor-related field. They think the university teaches learning methods instead of professional knowledge. As a result, a cross-professional job will not affect the future development, and this will give them more challenges in the wok.4. Do you think which your preferred salary standard is?For graduating students, the salary of their first job should not be too high. But it is found that 46% of people choose the highest salary. This suggests that some of the graduates are full of themselves. In their mind, such work is not worth doing. This is also the reason why a lot of college students can't find work.5. In the process of looking for a job search, which will hinder your choice?In the process of looking for a job, the biggest obstacle is poor working conditions. With the improvement of living standard, many college students are pampered and they can’t bear the poor working environment. Therefore, 51% the people want to have good working conditions. In addition, salary is another big obstacle.6.Personally, does gender has impact on applying for jobs?Obviously, most of the students think the gender has impact on applying for a job. Nowadays, with the rapid development of our society and ey, there have emerged many working opportunities. But there exists a problem that high-level jobs are mostly occupied by men even though some women are also competent. That disagrees with the equality of men and women. It is a well-known fact that there are many women, Madame Curit and Margreat Thatcher, to name only a few, in history who work as scientists and politicians. When we talk about this phenomenon, first we must admit that there exist some differences between men and women. Then we should know that neither side could be regarded better or worse. For example, if you say men are often calm and objective, but don’t you see some men are more careless than women? Besides, if you think women are always hesitant and sensitive, andthen what would you say when they behave thoughtfully in work? Therefore there are not absolute advantages for men when considering their gender. Personally, I firmly believe that women should be given the same rights as men, because theyare equally important in all human activities. However, this kind of prejudice has been existing for a long time. Nomatter men or women have been affected more or less; thisidea has even made some women lose confidence in themselves. Therefore our whole society and especially our government should take efficient measure to encourage a certain percentage of jobs especially high-level jobs to be reserved for women. Through this way, we would hopefully see that more and more outstanding women can be working in their favorite jobs and can get their desirable position. And just by thatour working field can be called a kind of equality of men and women.7. Where is your ideal working place?52% of college students want to go to the east regions after graduation. 6% of college students want to go to the middle China. And there are respectively 39% and 3% ofcollege students want to go to the north regions and the west regions. In my opinion, most of college students want to goto east regions. It may be because that the eastern eic prosperity. There are a lot of job opportunities and there have more space for development. And some cities in middle China, such as Wuhan Xi’an Zhengzhou, also have good jobs to do. But the environment of the western and northern is not so good, so very few people were willing to go and work there.篇二:英文版调查报告_surveyA Survey About The Patriotic Emotion OfUniversity Students Nowadays, China is developing very fast. And this is a great chance for us to catch up withthose world powers. But we are also faced with many problems. For instance, our national security can`t be guaranteed, and our motherland has not been unified. So, it`s really of vital importance for us Chinese to love our motherland, especially our youngsters, who are the hope of our country.We organize this investigation in order to find out the current condition of how university students love our country. According to the results, we want to put forward some useful suggestions for the patriotism education in university. Andwe hope our investigation could be helpful for our patriotism education. Firstly, we make questionnaires concerned with patriotism. Then we distributed them to our classmates. Afterthey finished doing them, we take them back and get our conclusion from their answers. After we got the statistical data according to the answers to the questionnaire, we made the graphics below to reveal the results. Some of the graphics are shown below.Statistical results of Question 1:StatistQuestion 2:ical results ofStatistical results of Question 3:Statistical results of Question 5:Statistical results of Question 6:The results of our survey show to us that the contemporary college students have good patriotic feelings. We have relatively deep understanding of patriotism and most of us are willing to accept patriotism education. We are concerned about the history, tradition andproduction condition of China. We also enjoy the achievement after the reform and opening up of China. Few of our college students tend to escape joining the army, and what is encouraging is that almost all the students are proud of our race and country.In conclusion: We found through the phenomenon that college students in the new era are patriotic. Universities should further strengthen the education of patriotism to keep students being aware of patriotism all the time. Our teachersshould encourage students to work hard to become outstanding architects of new China in the future. From our point of view, we must be determined patriots and struggle to become someone useful for our motherland.Thank you for your appreciation ! Thank you. Members:篇三:英语调查报告关于正宁三中高中生英语学习现状的问卷调查报告正宁三中高一五班李素珍惠小花王康丽指导老师:史晓真一、背景与目的随着社会的发展,社会对英语方面人才的需求逐渐增加,在21世纪,英语发挥着愈发重要的作用。
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英语作文调查报告模板【一】 A Report on Children's Gratitude to Their Parents
Children's lives are given by their parents and originally,children should be grateful to ,not all the children can do report made recently suggests that one-fourth of the people think that to raise children is the duty of their parents and so children needn't express any gratitude to one-fourth of the people suppose that there is a big gap between them and their don't know how to communicate with their parents,let alone to say say that they hate to express any is boring.
To respect parents and express our gratitude to
them is a good tradition of Chinese far as I am concerned,to we should show our respect and gratitude to our give birth to us,and undoubtedly we are supposed to be grateful to them in return.
英语作文调查报告模板【二】 A survey of good places in our city
Last week we did a survey of the readers about good places in our this is what we of the high schools are good,and the High School is the best in our has the best teachers and it's the most 's Hospital is the best of has the most comfortable beds and the friendliest Cinema is the has the biggest best clothing store in our city is Xiwang Clothing has the best quality and it's the most for radio station,most young people think Hefei 168 FM is the best radio has the most news and the most interesting music.。