GPS 天线插座规格书
GPS接收器 GS-216
型号: GS-216
2. 电平可以选择是TTL\RS232或者USB方式输出;
3. 线长一般在0.5-5米之间任选
4. 功耗低,接收灵敏度和跟踪灵敏度高,拆装方便等
5. 防水等级高:可达到IP67
功耗搜索时:38mA 定位时:29mA
外观尺寸57*49*16mm 重量137g
操作溫度-10℃~60℃储存溫度-40℃~85℃输入电 5.0V~5.5V 卫星通道66
定位精度位置:<10米速度:0.1m/s 时间:1us
传输速率9600bps(默认) [ 可选:4800 ,38400 ,57600 ]天线连接方式内设天线
模块连接方式PS/2 DB-9 USB 航空接头 AV接头。
一、概述(1)二、技术指标(1)(一)GPS技术指标(1)(二)北斗技术指标(2)三、通讯规约(2)四、SZ系列电网标准时间同步钟(4)(一)SZ-2型(4)(二)SZ-2U型(5)(三)SZ-2UA型(6)(四)SZ-2UD型(7)(五)SZ-2UW型(8)(六)SZ-4U型(8)(七)SZ-4UA型(10)(八)SZ-5000型(11)1、SZ-DUA(14)2、SZ-BDA(15)3、SZ-TM12/14/22/24(16)4、SZ-FIB8/82(17)5、SZ-IRIG-B(18)6、SZ-232&485(18)7、SZ-NET(19)五、SZ系列配套设备(19)1、SZ-LED远距离显示器(19)2、光纤系列产品(20)六、SK系列(插卡式)电网标准时间同步钟(24) (一)SK-2UA(24)(二)SK-BM (26)七、使用说明(27)八、附录(27)附录1 技术指导(27)附录2 机箱尺寸(28)随着电力系统自动化技术的发展,系统对时间统一的要求越来越迫切,对时间的同步精度也越来越高,我们研制的标准时间同步钟就是专门为电力系统的自动化提供高精度时间基准的时间同步设备。
MARUWA MWSL1252 GPS L1 天线规格书说明书
![MARUWA MWSL1252 GPS L1 天线规格书说明书](
1.ScopeThis specification applies to the MARUWA MWSL1252 GPS L1 antenna which is intentionally designed to resonate in free-space at 1593.5MHz so that it can be tuned by the embedding configuration to the GPS L1 frequency: 1575.42MHz.The MWSL1252 part is designed for applications where packaging will cause a moderate level of down-tuning. Forapplications with a higher degree of detuning the MWSL1251 part should be selected.2.SpecificationsMinimum Typical Maximum UnitPart Number MWSL1251 (MARUWA dwg N o: MEFP125X0022A140101)Type Dielectric-loaded Quadrifilar HelixConnector Type Refer to embedding information / connection diagramsFree Space Frequency 1593.5MHzEmbedded Frequency 1575.42MHzPolarisation Right-hand Circular PolarisedIntegrated Gain (evaluation PCB)-3.0dBic at zenithBeamwidth >115DegreesBandwidth (3dB)15MHzAxial Ratio <1.5at zenithVSWR <2.0:1 2.3:1Impedance 50ΩOperating Temperature -402085°C Overall Dimensions Refer to mechanical drawings mmWeight 7.0grams3.DimensionsBasic MWSL1252 form:Rev.Date Description Approved Checked PreparedK.Inagaki F.Frimpong Product Specification (Preliminary)MARUWA Antenna ProductsDocument №MEPS-12520042150101MWSL12520103 Feb. 15Issue of the first edition O.Leisten Notes:1.MARUWA Europe assembly drawingMEFP125X022******* applies.2. Units in mm.3. For connection layout and pad-size, through-hole andconnector details please refer to pad layout and designationdefinitions.MWSL1252S form with loosely fitting translucent sleeve.Notes:1.MARUWA Europe assembly drawingMEFP125XS28A140101 applies.2. Units in mm.3. Transluscent sleeve unit: METC12XX028A140101 shownfitted but actually shipped separately.4. For connection layout and pad-size, through-hole andconnector details please refer to pad layout and designationMWSL1252R form with loosely fitting black radome cap.Notes:1.MARUWA Europe assembly drawingMEFP1252R04B140101 applies.2. Units in mm.3. Black cap/radome unit: METC120X158140101 shownfitted but actually shipped separately.4. For connection layout and pad-size, through-hole andconnector details please refer to pad layout and designation0103 Feb. 15Issue of the first edition K.Inagaki F.Frimpong O.Leisten Rev.Date Description Approved Checked Prepared4.Product DescriptionTypical Gain PatternThe MWSL1252 GPS L1 miniature dielectric-loaded antenna uses MARUWA’s distinctive materials technology to provide high circularly-polarised gain in a small size for particularly tightly integrated applications.It enables excellent GPS performance in such tightly integrated devices that require good positional eful gain uplift, due to near-field reflections, can be achieved throughinstallation according to MARUWA design guidelines.The MWSL1252 antenna has a sharp filtering response and is particularly suitable for applications where:*The device is hand-held, body-worn, or otherwise surrounded by materials of high relative dielectric-constant which would de-tune other antennas.* The antenna is installed in close proximity to other antennas sharing the same device housing and ground-plane: for example Bluetooth®, WiFi, LTE,WiMax and other cellular radio antennas.* The antenna must fit into a very small installation volume with close proximity to other components and little or no space available for a ground-plane.* The orientation of the device is random.* The antenna must be embedded into the device.The MWSL1252 antenna is balanced, which isolates it from the device ground enabling it to reject common-mode noise present on the device ground-plane. The construction and materials of the antenna constrain its near-field region to occupy a very small volume so that materials near theantenna cause negligible de-tuning effects. Therefore the antenna maintains its pattern and efficiency in the presence of dielectric loading. As a dielectric-loaded antenna the MWSL1252 has a stablefiltering effect; attenuating signals from common cellular and ISM frequency bands by as much as 30dB without external filtering.0849096180-96-90-84Elevation Gain (G θ) For Azimuth (φ)0264270276Azimuth Gain (G φ) for Elevation (θ)Rev.Date Description Approved Checked PreparedMARUWA Antenna ProductsDocument №MEPS-12520042150101MWSL12520103 Feb. 15Issue of the first edition K.Inagaki F.Frimpong O.Leisten A second mode of installation is one in which the MWSL1252 isembedded into the housing with features surrounding theantenna causing a moderate degree of down-tuning. Though it iselectrically isolated from the device ground plane, through theaction of an integrated balun, the MWSL1252 antenna can beexpected to increase efficiency by up to 100% when integratedinto a ground plane due to constructive near-field signalreflections. This product is generally used in a class of smallportable devices that have slim styling so that there is no spacefor a ground-plane that is laterally disposed with respect to theantenna-axis. It is therefore specified as embedded into aground-plane that is co-planar with the antenna axis.The MWSL1252 is designed for applications with embedding configurations that tune theantenna from the free-space resonant frequency of 1593.5MHz to the GPS L1 frequency of1575.42MHz. Such configurations include the co-planar ground-plane as shown above with10mm offset between the circuit-board copper-ground plane and the side of the antennatogether with further de-tuning caused by the plastic housing of the product.For applications with more tight embedding MARUWA offers the MWSL1251 part which is tuned to a free-space frequency of 1603.5MHz.The MARUWA MWSL1252 antenna is designed for two modes ofinstallation.The first (and preferred) configuration is as a stand-aloneextenally mounted antenna (outside of the housing) with the black-capradome fitted (MARUWA part number: METC120X0158140101). Theantenna can be incorporated into a stand-alone package with a co-axialconnector output as might be configured in a screw-on packageformat. In such a configuration the MWSL1252 part may be embeddedwithin a plastic over-moulding. Alternatively the antenna can beconnected to an internal circuit board using the connection pads butwith the product housing closing into the groove of the black capradome. As an another alternative the customer may choose to designa radome of a different style. Such a design must be implemented witha suitable low-loss material which has the same dielectric loadingeffect as the MARUWA METC120X0158141010 black cap/radome.Typical Impedance Response Typical Return Loss Response Filtering Response Rev.Date Description Approved Checked PreparedMARUWA Antenna ProductsDocument №MEPS-12520042150101MWSL1252O.Leisten Cellular 900GPS L1Cellular 18003G Rx ISM 2.4190021102170-29-32-30-40-38-46-40-3K.Inagaki F.Frimpong 0103 Feb. 2015Issue of the first edition Frequency (MHz)S 21 (dB)24002480860970157517001800-26-36A set of match loci for a typical MWSL1252antenna is shown as plotted on a Smith chartwhich is normalised to 50 . The dielectric-loaded structure of the antenna causes thematch characteristic not to change significantlywhen is close proximity to the human body. Forexample the |S 11| response is remarkablyunchanged as a human hand is brought as closeas 5mm from the antenna.This MARUWA dielectric-loaded antenna technology delivers a major advantage with regard toimmunity to de-tuning when brought into close proximity to human tissues and other "in-use"causes of dielectric loading. The MWSL1252 antenna retains efficiency and polarisation near the human body. Conventional antennas may lose 5-10dB of gain or efficiency in similarcircumstances of use.The frequency stability of the MWSL1252antenna is further illustrated in the graph ofreturn-loss magnitude (in dB)for fourdifferent levels of dielectric loading (mmoffset from a phantom hand). Once again itdemonstrates that minimal detuning occursuntil the antenna is within 10 mm of thephantom hand.Page 6/6Embedding Information Pad Layout and designation Pad Number Function 1Ground 2Signal 3GroundDimensionsmm ± 0.1A3.2B1.45C1.7D0.5E1.5F3.5G 3.5Ordering Guide for the MWSL1252 AntennaMaruwa PartDescription MOQ Pack Size MWSL1252 with PBC-feed connection.MWSL1252SMWSL1252 with sleeve (for embedded use).Please note that when MWSL1252S or MWSL1252R parts are ordered the sleeve/radome parts shall be delivered in separate packaging and will not be fitted to the MWSL1252 product. The radome and sleeve parts are designed to fit loosely.5.Notes1. The contents of this document assure the characteristics and quality of the antenna components themselves.2. Please ensure that they work correctly in the installed configuration and method of use of your equipment.Rev.Date Description Approved Checked PreparedProduct Specification (Preliminary)MARUWA Antenna ProductsO.Leisten Document №MEPS-12520042150101MWSL125201K.Inagaki MWSL1252R MWSL1252 with radome (for external use).400400400400400400MWSL1252Issue of the first edition 03 Feb. 2015 F.Frimpong A typical installation into a plastic housing isshown. It embodies the combination of ahand-soldered electrical connection to thehost PCB with mechanical support, in theform of plastic cradle-ribs, to implement ashock-resistant structure. Of course it isimportant to ensure that the assembly is notunder strain when the parts are fittedtogether. If accurate assembly jigs areavailable, the antenna can be soldered to theboard and thereafter the board-assemblycan be fitted into the housing. Alternativelythe MWSL1252 can be soldered to the boardwhich is itself fitted into the housing. Theinstallation is completed when the lid half ofthe housing, with the opposing antenna ribs,is fitted. Further installation information canbe obtained from MARUWA's integrationguideline documents.The "ground exclusion area" applies to all PCB layers. Ground-plane within this regiondegrades the 50Ωmatch.123F D EG AA B B C Ground。
LOCOSYS GPS智能天线模块用户手册说明书
![LOCOSYS GPS智能天线模块用户手册说明书](
5 Software interface 5.1 NMEA output message
Table 5.1-1 NMEA output message
NMEA record
Global positioning system fixed data
Geographic position - latitude/longitude
Page 2/20
LOCOSYS Technology Inc.
20F.-13, No.79, Sec. 1, Xintai 5th Rd., Xizhi District, New Taipei City 221, Taiwan
℡ 886-2-8698-3698 886-2-8698-3699
GNSS DOP and active satellites
GNSS satellites in view
Recommended minimum specific GNSS data
Course over ground and ground speed
GGA--- Global Positioning System Fixed Data
4 GPS receiver
LOCOSYS Technology Inc.
20F.-13, No.79, Sec. 1, Xintai 5th Rd., Xizhi District, New Taipei City 221, Taiwan
℡ 886-2-8698-3698 886-2-8698-3699
Product name LS20030 LS20031 LS20032 LS20033
华星RTK GPS系列硬件操作说明书
![华星RTK GPS系列硬件操作说明书](
目录第一章华星RTK GPS系统概述 (3)§1.1 华星RTK GPS系统创新技术 (3)§1.2 技术参数与性能特点 (4)§1.3数据传输模式 (6)§1.4基准站示意图 (8)§1.5移动站示意图 (10)第二章接收机设置 (13)§2.1工作模式 (13)§2.2 控制面板说明 (13)第三章数据链电台 (16)第四章电源 (26)§4.1 电池充电 (26)§4.2 锂电池安装与拆卸方法 (26)第五章内置GPRS模块 (29)§5.1安装SIM卡 (30)§5.2拆卸SIM卡 (30)第六章静态测量数据下载 (31)§6.1数据下载 (31)§6.2接收机管理软件 (32)第七章作业模式 (34)§7.1使用URS电台作业 (34)§7.2使用内置GPRS数据链作业 (35)§7.3 水上测量 (36)§7.4 双频静态测量 (37)第八章注意事项 (39)第九章华星GIS+数据采集器 (40)§9.1认识华星GIS+数据采集器 (40)§9.2如何取出和安装电池 (42)§9.3如何取出和放入触摸笔 (43)§9.4如何开机 (44)§9.5如何获取数据到电脑 (44)§9.6如何安装和取出MicroSD卡 (47)第一章华星RTK GPS系统概述华星RTK GPS是广州华星定位技术有限公司创新推出全新一代基于CORS技术的RTK系统。
第一章产品简介1.1 产品概述本产品适用于需要对运行车辆进行管理跟踪的各种场合,能够实现对车辆的工作状态、实时地理位置(GPS)进行采集,并通过无线传输方式(GPRS)自动上传至服务器。
1.2 产品特点1、支持GPS信息远程实时上报2、支持汽车蓄电池电压检测功能3、支持短信配置4、支持GPS天线,电池欠压报警1.3 技术参数GPRS参数:支持GSM850/900/1800/1900MHz支持GSM/GPRS Phase 2/2+支持GPRS multi-slot class 10GPS参数:GPS定位时间:冷启23s,温启23s,热启1sGPS位置更新率:不大于1HzGPS位置定位精度:3.0mGPS速度精度:0.1m/s接口:GPS天线接口:SMA接头GPRS天线接口:SMA-50A(SIM卡接口:翻盖式SIM卡座,1.8V/3V自动检测电源接口:带锁扣的六芯接插件通信接口:CAN总线供电:工作电压:12V—35V工作电流:<80mA@12V待机电流:<15mA其他参数:结构尺寸:工作温度:-30℃~70℃存储温度:-40℃~85℃第二章设备安装2.1 概述GPRS定位终端须正确安装方可达到设计的功能,通常设备的安装应在具有相关经验的人员指导下进行。
2.2 安装前的准备工作2.2.1 打开包装盒,检查设备型号是否正确,配件是否齐全,否则请联系经销商;2.2.2 认识设备终端前面板:2.2.3 终端需要插入一张SIM卡,该卡应该确保开通网络通信功能,SIM卡的选择请参考经销商的意见;2.2.4 SIM卡的安装:在SIM卡安装之前请先记录下该卡对应的电话号码。
2.3 安装与电缆连接设备外型尺寸(单位:mm):终端的安装方式为隐藏式安装,终端设备的隐藏安装建议由经销商指定的专业机构进行安装,注意如下事项:2.3.1设备应安装在相当隐蔽,便于固定的地方,建议安装在副驾驶前面的地方;2.3.2 避免与发射源放在一起,如倒车雷达、防盗器及其他车载通讯设备;2.3.3 可使用扎带固定、螺柱固定,或者用宽海绵强力双面胶粘贴;2.3.4 设备外置GPS天线,安装时应确保天线接收面朝向天空,且上方无金属物遮挡,可吸附在金属外壳上,也可以用宽海绵强力双面胶粘贴;2.3.5 设备外置GPRS天线,安装时可放置在信号较好的地方,可吸附在金属外壳上,也可以用宽海绵强力双面胶粘贴;如果信号好的话,也放置在副驾驶前的储物盒中;2.3.6 两个天线的连接头处建议用黑胶带整体绕一下,更可靠。
Abracon WiFi + GPS多带芯片天线产品说明书
![Abracon WiFi + GPS多带芯片天线产品说明书](
REVISED: 04.02.2019MSL = 1RoHS/RoHS II CompliantPb 3.2 x 1.6 x 1.2mmELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSFEATURESAPPLICATIONS Item SpecificationFrequency 1575 MHz 2450 MHzBandwidth 20 MHz typ ( 1565~1585 MHz )100 MHz ( 2400~2500 MHz )Peak Gain 1.21 dBi 3.18 dBiReturn Loss ≥10 dB Impedance50 ΩOperating Temperature Range-40°C to + 85°CMECHANICAL DIMENSION (mm)Antenna Dimension• IoT and wearable • GPS devices • Wifi • Bluetooth•ISM applications• Made using LTCC (low temperature co-fired ceramic) technology• Gain of 1.21dBi | 3.18dBi• 1575MHz and 2450MHz frequency bands • Small form factor 3.2 x 1.6 x 1.2mm • Omni-directionalREVISED: 04.02.2019MSL = 1RoHS/RoHS II CompliantPb 3.2 x 1.6 x 1.2mm MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS (mm)EV ALUATION BOARD AND MATCHING CIRCUITSTop BottomLayout Dimension9050Unit: mmREVISED: 04.02.2019MSL = 1RoHS/RoHS II CompliantPb 3.2 x 1.6 x 1.2mmANTENNA RESPONSE – RETURN LOSS S11RADIATION PATTERNSCoordinatesREVISED: 04.02.2019MSL = 1RoHS/RoHS II CompliantPb 3.2 x 1.6 x 1.2mmRADIATION PATTERNSGPS Y-Z PlaneGPS X-Y Plane 2.45G X-Y Plane2.45G Y-Z Plane GPS X-Z Plane2.45G X-Z PlaneREVISED: 04.02.2019MSL = 1RoHS/RoHS II CompliantPb 3.2 x 1.6 x 1.2mmGPS3D PATTERNSFrequency (MHz)156515751585Avg. Gain (dBi)-1.5-1.13-1.65Peak Gain (dBi) 1.05 1.21 1.13Efficiency (%)535752Frequency (MHz)240024502500Avg. Gain (dBi)-1.42-1.19-1.57Peak Gain (dBi) 2.87 3.18 2.96Efficiency (%)6673672.45 GHzREVISED: 04.02.2019MSL = 1RoHS/RoHS II CompliantPb 3.2 x 1.6 x 1.2mmREFLOW SOLDERING STANDARD CONDITIONPACKAGINGDimensions: mmReel (3000 pcs/Reel)Size of the carton: 330 x 210 x 210 mmStorage Temperature Range : <30 degree C, Humidity : <60%RH MSL - 3Oxidizable, 12 months in a vacuum sealed bag.Once opened, please repack the unused items within 168 hours by re-seal package treatment.REVISED: 04.02.2019MSL = 1RoHS/RoHS II CompliantPb 3.2 x 1.6 x 1.2mmCAUTIONS1. Static voltageStatic voltage between signal & ground may cause deterioration & destruction of the component. Please avoid static voltage.2. Ultrasonic cleaningUltrasonic vibration may cause deterioration & destruction of the component. Please avoid ultrasonic cleaning.3. SolderingOnly leads of the component may be soldered. Please avoid soldering to any other part of the component, such as on the patterns as this will change the performance of the antenna.。
深圳市蝙蝠无线技术有限公司 GPS 贴片天线 BWGPSZWX46-38JL1000 产品规格承认书
![深圳市蝙蝠无线技术有限公司 GPS 贴片天线 BWGPSZWX46-38JL1000 产品规格承认书](
承认厂商:(Recognized制造厂商(Manufacturer)产品名称:GPS贴片天线(Description)产品选型表:(Product Type)型号说明备注BWGPSZWX46-38JL1000SMA内螺内针线长可选配供应商承认签栏制表者审核者核准者客户承认栏审核者核准者1.2AntennaPicture(可定制)*注:因天线功能较为敏感,主体周边机构有变更请通知我们评估。
上图型号:BWGPSZWX46-38JL10002.Electrical S pecification2.1Test EquipmentA.VSWR and input impedance:Agilent8753/E5071Network AnalyzerB.Antenna gain and efficiency:ETS three-dimensional anechoic chamber2.2Test Setup2.2.1Frequency Range2.2.2VSWRStep1:The antenna is arranged on the customer provided test fixture.Step2:The VSWR of the antenna is measured via Agilent8720/8753Network Analyzer(see figure.1).Figure.12.2.3Radiation pattern and GainA.The3D chamber provides less than-40dB reflectivity from800MHz to6GHz and a40cm diameterspherical quiet zone.The measurement results are calibrated using both dipoles and standard gainhorns(see figure.2).B.The antenna under tested is arranged in the turned table and a decoupling sleeve is used to reducefeed line radiation(see figure.3).C.The measured results of the radiation patterns and antenna gain are obtained from the controlsystem and showed on the monitor(see figure.4and5).Figure.2Figure.3Figure.4Figure.53.Performance Data3.1Passive dataVSWR(电压驻波比)/Return Loss(回波损耗)/Smith Chart(史密斯圆图)*注:以上为实测数据,仅供参考;因天线功能较为敏感,主体周边机构有变更请通知我们评估。
Abracon 外部组合LTE GPS天线说明书
![Abracon 外部组合LTE GPS天线说明书](
MSL = 1
1990 MHz
2170 MHz
2670 MHz
Each 70 x 32 x 15 cm size carton includes 100 pcs antenna, weighs 15 kg.
ATTENTION: Abracon LLC’s products are COTS – Commercial-Off-The-Shelf products; suitable for Commercial, Industrial and, where designated, Automotive Applications. Abracon’s products are not specifically designed for Military, Aviation, Aerospace, Life-dependent Medical applications or any application requiring high reliability where component failure could result in loss of life and/or property. For applications requiring high reliability and/or presenting an extreme operating environment, written consent and authorization from Abracon LLC is required. Please contact Abracon LLC for more information.
Ø50.0 x 48.0 mm
1575MHz±5 MHz
3V/5V DC
-50℃~ +90℃
170mm X 75mm X 1Leabharlann 0mm(长x高x深)包装箱
2006C GPS说明书
![2006C GPS说明书](
3.功能3.18位LED可以显示:北京时间及日期,4路可编程脉冲的编程状态,串口波特率,GPS 卫星求解有效/无效及当前收到的卫星数。
4.技术指标4.1环境条件:工作温度0℃~ +40℃;贮存温度-40℃~+50℃4.2电源:直流/交流两用。
直流190~260V,交流220V±20%频率:47Hz~52 Hz,功耗不大于10W。
接收频率1575.42MHz4.4IRIG-B时间码B(AC)码调制比3:1,输出幅度0~8V P-P可调,阻抗600Ω,平衡输出(不共地)。
洛科斯技术有限公司 LS20126 智能天线GPS模块数据手册说明书
![洛科斯技术有限公司 LS20126 智能天线GPS模块数据手册说明书](
¬ 886-2-8698-3699ß Product name Description VersionLS20126 Stand-alone GPS with magnetic sensor smart antennamodule, 9600BPS0.4Datasheet of stand-alone GPS with magnetic sensor smartantenna module, LS201261IntroductionThe LOCOSYS LS20126 GPS smart antenna module is a high sensitivity, low power, SMD type, 20 channels with built-in magnetic sensor, 3-axial acceleration sensor L1 GPS receiver and 10mm patch antenna designed for portable applications. The LS20126 is designed for easy and quick integration into customer applications, especially for slow speed or pedestrian mode. This module is pin to pin compatible to LOCOSYS LS200x6 series GPS module.2Featuresz GPS + magnetic sensor + 3-axial acceleration sensorz Easy to install (SMT process capable)z SiRF Star III high sensitivity solutionz Support 20-channel GPSz Fast TTFF at low signal levelz Capable of SBAS (WAAS, ENGOS, MSAS)z Pin-to-pin compatible with LS20026 (SiRF solution), LS20036 (MediaTek solution), LS20056 (Atheros solution) and LS20076 (ublox solution)z Provides compass heading over a wide of conditionsz0.5ppm TCXO for optimal performance3Applicationz Cellular/Smart phonez Personal tracker, smart key, car finder, backtrackz Mobile devicez Digital camera, Camcorder, in-vehicle recorderz Medical monitoring, falling detection, baby geo-fencing¬ 886-2-8698-3699ßFig 3-1 System block diagram of LS20126Fig 3-2 Reference DesignNote: All components are reference only; this reference design may or may not be applicable in all cases.¬ 886-2-8698-3699ß4GPS receiver/antenna, magnetic sensor and 3-axial acceleration sensor4.1GPS receiverGPS SectionParameter Description Frequency Band L1 ( 1575.42 MHz ) frequency, C/A codeReceiver Type 20-channel, continuous tracking receiverNavigation Update Rate 1 HzAcquisition @-130 dBm Cold start time: 36 s Hot start Time: 1 sPositional Accuracy Horizontal:< 5 meters (2D RMS) Dynamics 4gmaxOperational Limits Maximum velocity: 515 m/sec (1000 knots) max Maximum altitude: 18000 m ( 60000 ft ) max4.2Magnetic SensorMagnetic Sensor SectionParameter Description Measuring magnetic field range ±300 μT ( micro Tesla )Magnetic heading accuracy ±5 degree after 2D calibrationAcceleration range ±2 g5Software interface5.1NMEA output messageTable 5.1-1 NMEA output messageNMEA message DescriptionUpdateRateGGA Global Positioning System Fixed Data 1HzGLL Geographic Position – Latitude / Longitude 1Hz GSA GNSS DOP and Active Satellites 1Hz GSV GNSS Satellites in View 1Hz RMC Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS Data 1Hz VTG Course Over Ground and Ground Speed 1Hz Note: Baud Rate: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 bps (default 9600 bps).¬ 886-2-8698-3699 ßz GGA--- Global Positioning System Fixed DataTable 5.1-2 contains the values for the following example:$GPGGA,053740.000,2503.6319,N,12136.0099,E,1,08,1.1,63.8,M,15.2,M,,0000*64Table5.1-2 GGA Data FormatNameExample UnitsDescriptionMessage ID $GPGGAGGA protocol headerUTC Time 053740.000 hhmmss.sss Latitude 2503.6319 ddmm.mmmm N/S indicator N N=north or S=south Longitude 12136.0099 dddmm.mmmm E/W Indicator E E=east or W=west Position Fix Indicator 1 See Table 5.1-3Satellites Used 08 Range 0 to 12HDOP 1.1 Horizontal Dilution of Precision MSL Altitude 63.8 mters Units M mters Geoid Separation 15.2 mtersUnits M mters Age of Diff. Corr.second Null fields when DGPS is not used Diff. Ref. Station ID 0000Checksum *64<CR> <LF>End of message terminationTable 5.1-3 Position Fix IndicatorsValue Description0 Fix not available or invalid 1 GPS SPS Mode, fix valid2 Differential GPS, SPS Mode, fix valid 3-5 Not supported6Dead Reckoning Mode, fix validz GLL--- Geographic Position – Latitude/LongitudeTable 5.1-4 contains the values for the following example: $GPGLL,2503.6319,N,12136.0099,E,053740.000,A,A*52¬ 886-2-8698-3699ß Table 5.1-4 GLL Data FormatName Example Units DescriptionMessage ID $GPGLL GLL protocol headerLatitude 2503.6319 ddmm.mmmmN/S indicator N N=north or S=southLongitude 12136.0099 dddmm.mmmmE/W indicator E E=east or W=westUTC Time 053740.000 hhmmss.sssStatus A A=data valid or V=data not validMode A A=autonomous, D=DGPS, E=DR Checksum *52<CR> <LF> End of message terminationz GSA---GNSS DOP and Active SatellitesTable 5.1-5 contains the values for the following example:$GPGSA,A,3,24,07,17,11,28,08,20,04,,,,,2.0,1.1,1.7*35Table 5.1-5 GSA Data FormatName Example Units DescriptionMessage ID $GPGSA GSA protocol headerMode 1 A See Table 5.1-6Mode 2 3 See Table 5.1-7ID of satellite used 24 Sv on Channel 1ID of satellite used 07 Sv on Channel 2…. ….ID of satellite used Sv on Channel 12Dilution of PrecisionPDOP 2.0 PositionHDOP 1.1 Horizontal Dilution of PrecisionDilution of PrecisionVDOP 1.7 VerticalChecksum *35<CR> <LF> End of message terminationTable 5.1-6 Mode 1Value DescriptionM Manual- forced to operate in 2D or 3D modeautomatically switch 2D/3DA Automatic-allowedto¬ 886-2-8698-3699ß Table 5.1-7 Mode 2Value Description1 Fix not available2 2D3 3Dz GSV---GNSS Satellites in ViewTable 5.1-8 contains the values for the following example:$GPGSV,3,1,12,28,81,285,42,24,67,302,46,31,54,354,,20,51,077,46*73$GPGSV,3,2,12,17,41,328,45,07,32,315,45,04,31,250,40,11,25,046,41*75$GPGSV,3,3,12,08,22,214,38,27,08,190,16,19,05,092,33,23,04,127,*7BTable 5.1-8 GSV Data FormatName Example Units DescriptionMessage ID $GPGSV GSV protocol headerTotal number of messages1 3Range 1 to 3Message number1 1 Range 1 to 3Satellites in view 12Satellite ID 28 Channel 1 (Range 01 to 32)Elevation 81 degrees Channel 1 (Range 00 to 90)Azimuth 285degrees Channel 1 (Range 000 to 359)SNR (C/No) 42 dB-Hz Channel 1 (Range 00 to 99, null when not tracking) Satellite ID 20 Channel 4 (Range 01 to 32)Elevation 51 degrees Channel 4 (Range 00 to 90)Azimuth 077degrees Channel 4 (Range 000 to 359)SNR (C/No) 46 dB-Hz Channel 4 (Range 00 to 99, null when not tracking) Checksum *73<CR> <LF> End of message termination1. Depending on the number of satellites tracked multiple messages of GSV data may be required.z RMC---Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS DataTable 5.1-9 contains the values for the following example:$GPRMC,053740.000,A,2503.6319,N,12136.0099,E,2.69,79.65,100106,,,A*53¬ 886-2-8698-3699ß Table 5.1-9 RMC Data FormatName Example Units DescriptionMessage ID $GPRMC RMC protocol headerUTC Time 053740.000 hhmmss.sssStatus A A=data valid or V=data not validLatitude 2503.6319 ddmm.mmmmN/S Indicator N N=north or S=southLongitude 12136.0099 dddmm.mmmmE/W Indicator E E=east or W=westSpeed over ground 2.69 knots TrueCourse over ground 79.65 degrees At low speed or in state of rest, the GPS heading is not valid. LS20126 will derive the heading information based on magnetic sensor in such circumstance.Date 100106 ddmmyy Magnetic variation degreesVariation sense E=east or W=west (Not shown) Mode A A=autonomous, D=DGPS, E=DR Checksum *53<CR> <LF> End of message terminationz VTG---Course Over Ground and Ground SpeedTable 5.1-10 contains the values for the following example:$GPVTG,79.65,T,,M,2.69,N,5.0,K,A*38Table 5.1-10 VTG Data FormatName Example Units Description Message ID $GPVTG VTG protocol headerCourse over ground 79.65 degrees Measured headingReference T TrueCourse over ground degrees Measured headingReference M MagneticSpeed over ground 2.69 knots MeasuredspeedUnits N KnotsSpeed over ground 5.0 km/hr MeasuredspeedUnits K Kilometerperhour¬ 886-2-8698-3699ß Mode A A=autonomous, D=DGPS, E=DR Checksum *38<CR> <LF> End of message termination5.2Proprietary NMEA input messageTable 5.2-1 Message ParametersStart Sequence Payload Checksum End Sequence $PSRF<MID>1 Data2 *CKSUM3 <CR><LF>41.Message Identifier consisting of three numeric characters. Input messages begin at MID 100.2.Message specific data. Refer to a specific message section for <data>…<data> definition.3.CKSUM is a two-hex character checksum as defined in the NMEA specification,NMEA-0183Standard For Interfacing Marine Electronic Devices. Use of checksums is required on all input messages.4.Each message is terminated using Carriage Return (CR) Line Feed (LF) which is \r\n which is hex0D0A. Because \r\n are not printable ASCII characters, they are omitted from the example strings, but must be sent to terminate the message and cause the receiver to process that input message.Note: All fields in all proprietary NMEA messages are required, none are optional. All NMEA messages are comma delimited.Table 5.2-2 Proprietary NMEA input messagesMessage MID1 DescriptionSetSerialPort 100 Set PORT A parameters and protocol NavigationInitialization 101Parameters required for start using X/Y/Z2 SetDGPSPort 102 Set PORT B parameters for DGPS inputQuery/Rate Control 103 Query standard NMEA message and/or set output rate LLANavigationInitialization 104 Parameters required for start using Lat/Lon/Alt3 Development Data On/Off 105 Development Data messages On/OffSelect Datum 106 Selection of datum to be used for coordinate transformations1.Message Identification (MID).2.Input coordinates must be WGS84.3.Input coordinates must be WGS84z100---SetSerialPortThis command message is used to set the protocol (SiRF binary or NMEA) and/or the communication¬ 886-2-8698-3699ß parameters (Baud, data bits, stop bits, and parity). Generally, this command is used to switch the module back to SiRF binary protocol mode where a more extensive command message set is available. When a valid message is received, the parameters are stored in battery-backed SRAM and the Evaluation Receiver restarts using the saved parameters.Table 5.2-3 contains the input values for the following example:Switch to SiRF binary protocol at 9600,8,N,1$PSRF100,0,9600,8,1,0*0CTable 5.2-3 Set Serial Port Data FormatName Example Units DescriptionMessage ID $PSRF100 PSRF100 protocol headerProtocol 0 0=SiRF binary, 1=NMEABaud 9600 4800,9600,19200,38400,57600 DataBits 8 8,71StopBits 1 0,1Parity 0 0=None, 1=Odd, 2=EvenChecksum *0C<CR><LF> End of message termination1. SiRF protocol is only valid for 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity.z101---NavigationInitializationThis command is used to initialize the Evaluation Receiver by providing current position (in X, Y, Z coordinates), clock offset, and time. This enables the Evaluation Receiver to search for the correct satellite signals at the correct signal parameters. Correct initialization parameters enable the Evaluation Receiver to acquire signals quickly.Table 5.2-4 contains the input values for the following example:Start using known position and time$PSRF101,-2686700,-4304200,3851624,96000,497260,921,12,3*1CTable 5.2-4 Navigation Initialization Data FormatName Example Units DescriptionMessage ID $PSRF101 PSRF101 protocol headerECEF X -2686700 meters X coordinate positionECEF Y -4304200 meters Y coordinate positionECEF Z 3851624 meters Z coordinate positionof the Evaluation Receiver1OffsetClkOffset 96000ClockHzTimeOfWeek 497260 seconds GPS Time Of Week¬ 886-2-8698-3699ß WeekNo 921 GPS Week NumberChannelCount 12 Range 1 to 12ResetCfg 3 SeeTable5.2-5Checksum *1C<CR><LF> End of message termination1. Use 0 for last saved value if available. If this is unavailable, a default value of 96000 is used. Table 5.2-5 Reset ConfigurationHex Description0x01 Hot Start – All data valid0x02 Warm Start – Ephemeris cleared0x03 Warm Start (with Init) – Ephemeris cleared, initialization data loaded0x04 Cold Start – Clears all data in memory0x08 Clear Memory – Clears all data in memory and resets the receiver back to factory defaultsz102---SetDGPSPortThis command is used to control the serial port used to receive RTCM differential corrections. Differential receivers may output corrections using different communication parameters. If a DGPS receiver is used that has different communication parameters, use this command to allow the receiver to correctly decode the data. When a valid message is received, the parameters are stored in battery-backed SRAM and the receiver restarts using the saved parameters.Table 5.2-6 contains the input values for the following example:Set DGPS Port to be 9600,8,N,1.$PSRF102,9600,8,1,0*12Table 5.2-6 Set GPS Port Data FormatName Example Units DescriptionMessage ID $PSRF102 PSRF102 protocol headerBaud 9600 4800,9600,19200,38400 DataBits 8 8,7StopBits 1 0,1Parity 0 0=None, 1=Odd, 2=EvenChecksum *12<CR><LF> End of message terminationNote: RTCM is not supported.¬ 886-2-8698-3699ß z103---Query/Rate ControlThis command is used to control the output of standard NMEA messages GGA, GLL, GSA, GSV, RMC, and VTG. Using this command message, standard NMEA messages may be polled once, or setup for periodic output. Checksums may also be enabled or disabled depending on the needs of the receiving program. NMEA message settings are saved in battery-backed memory for each entry when the message is accepted.Table 5.2-7 contains the input values for the following example:1. Query the GGA message with checksum enabled$PSRF103,00,01,00,01*252. Enable VTG message for a 1 Hz constant output with checksum enabled$PSRF103,05,00,01,01*203. Disable VTG message$PSRF103,05,00,00,01*21Table 5.2-7 Query/Rate Control Data Format (See example 1)Name Example Units DescriptionMessage ID $PSRF103 PSRF103 protocol headerMsg 00 See5.2-8Table=Query1Mode 01 0=SetRate,Rate 00 seconds Output – off=0, max=255=DisableChecksum, 1=Enable Checksum CksumEnable 01 0Checksum *25<CR><LF> End of message terminationTable 5.2-8 MessagesValue Description0 GGA1 GLL2 GSA3 GSV4 RMC5 VTG6 MSS (If internal beacon is supported)defined7 Not8 ZDA (if 1PPS output is supported)¬ 886-2-8698-3699ß9 Notdefinedz104---LLANavigationInitializationThis command is used to initialize the Evaluation Receiver by providing current position (in latitude, longitude, and altitude coordinates), clock offset, and time. This enables the receiver to search for the correct satellite signals at the correct signal parameters. Correct initialization parameters enable the receiver to acquire signals quickly.Table 5.2-9 contains the input values for the following example:Start using known position and time.$PSRF104,37.3875111,-121.97232,0,96000,237759,1946,12,1*07Table 5.2-9 LLA Navigation Initialization Data FormatName Example Units DescriptionMessage ID $PSRF104 PSRF104 protocol headerLat 37.3875111degreesLatitudeposition (Range 90 to –90)Lon -121.97232degreesLongitudeposition (Range 180 to –180)Alt 0metersAltitudeposition ClkOffset 96000HzClockOffsetof the Evaluation Receiver1 TimeOfWeek 237759 seconds GPS Time Of WeekWeekNo 1946 ExtendedGPSWeek Number (1024 added) ChannelCount 12 Range 1 to 12ResetCfg 1 SeeTable5.2-10Checksum *07<CR><LF> End of message termination1. Use 0 for last saved value if available. If this is unavailable, a default value of 96000 is used.Table 5.2-10 MessagesHex Description0x01Hot Start – All data valid0x02 Warm Start – Ephemeris cleared0x03 Warm Start (with Init) – Ephemeris cleared, initialization data loaded0x04 Cold Start – Clears all data in memory0x08 Clear Memory – Clears all data in memory and resets receiver back to factory defaults¬ 886-2-8698-3699ß z105---Development Data On/OffUse this command to enable development data information if you are having trouble getting commands accepted. Invalid commands generate debug information that enables you to determine the source of the command rejection. Common reasons for input command rejection are invalid checksum or parameter out of specified range.Table 5.2-11 contains the input values for the following example:1. Debug On$PSRF105,1*3E2. Debug Off$PSRF105,0*3FTable 5.2-11 Development Data On/Off Data FormatName Example Units DescriptionMessage ID $PSRF105 PSRF105 protocol header=OnDebug 1 01=Off,Checksum *3E<CR><LF> End of message terminationz106---Select Datum$PSGPS receivers perform initial position and velocity calculations using an earth-centeredearth-fixed (ECEF) coordinate system. Results may be converted to an earth model (geoid) defined by the selected datum. The default datum is WGS 84 (World Geodetic System 1984) which provides a worldwide common grid system that may be translated into local coordinate systems or map datums. (Local map datums are a best fit to the local shape of the earth and not valid worldwide.) Table 5.2-12 contains the input values for the following example:Datum select TOKYO_MEAN$PSRF106,178*32Table 5.2-12 Development Data On/Off Data FormatName Example Units DescriptionMessage ID $PSRF106 PSRF106 protocol header=WGS84Datum 178 21178=TOKYO_MEAN179=TOKYO_JAPAN180=TOKYO_KOREA181=TOKYO_OKINAWAChecksum *32<CR><LF> End of message termination¬ 886-2-8698-3699ß 5.3Proprietary messages for magnetic sensorz GPS speed: 3D GPS speed output (ECEF coordinate)The GPS speed contains the values for the following example:$PLSR,245,7,0,0,0*05<CR><LF>Table 5.3-1 3D GPS speed outputName Example Unit DescriptionSentence ID $PLSR,245,7GPS speed (east) 0 cm/secGPS speed (north) 0 cm/secGPS speed (up) 0 cm/secChecksum 05<CR><LF> End of message terminationz HCHDG Heading: Deviation and Variation (default 1Hz, maximum 1Hz) The HCHDG heading contains the values for the following example:$HCHDG,101.1,,,7.1,W*3C<CR><LF>Table 5.3-2 HCHDG HeadingName Example Unit Description Sentence ID $HCHDGdegree Magnetic Sensor headingHeading 101.1Deviation Deviation degree MagneticDeviation Direction Magnetic Deviation direction, E = Easterly,W = WesterlyVariationdegree MagneticVariation 7.1Variation Direction W Magnetic Variation direction, E = Easterly,W = WesterlyChecksum 3C<CR><LF> End of message terminationz PLSR Compass Measurement Report 1: calibration and acceleration (default 1Hz, maximum 5Hz)The PLSR compass measurement report 1 contains the values for the following example: $PLSR,245,1,95,7,165,148,-37,210,31,0,2*1D<CR><LF>¬ 886-2-8698-3699ß Table 5.3-3 PLSR Compass Measurement Report 1Name Example Unit DescriptionSentence ID $PLSR,245,1Direction 95 degree Magneticdirection: 0-360 degree, north: 0 Calibration Status 7 Auto-calibration status: 7:completeField Intensity 165 Magnetic field intensity: 0..1000 Acceleration X 148 degree Acceleration X:-512 to 511 (-2.0 G to + 2.0 G) Acceleration Y -37 Acceleration Y:-512 to 511 (-2.0 G to + 2.0 G) Acceleration Z 210 Acceleration Z:-512 to 511 (-2.0 G to + 2.0 G) Temperature 31 Celsius Moduletemperature in Celsius (°C)Mounting Mode 0 Module Mounting Mode:0..7, default 0Current Calibration Data Status 2 Current calibration data status: none zero: valid,0:not validChecksum 1D<CR><LF> End of message terminationz PLSR Compass Measurement Report 2: attitude (default 1Hz, maximum 5Hz) The PLSR compass measurement report 2 contains a set of the attitude vectors, each row of the matrix means attitude vector and it is normalized with 0x1000; the values for the following example:$PLSR,245,2,2375,3323,-317,-34,414,4075,3338,-2360,269*2B<CR><LF>Table 5.3-4 PLSR Compass Measurement Report 2Name Example Unit DescriptionSentence ID $PLSR,245,2Xx 2375 X acceleration data on X axisYx 3323 Y acceleration data on X axisZx -317 Z acceleration data on X axisXy -34 X acceleration data on Y axisYy 414 Y acceleration data on Y axisZy 4075 Z acceleration data on Y axisXz 3338 X acceleration data on Z axisYz -2360 Y acceleration data on Z axisZz 269 Z acceleration data on Z axisChecksum 2B<CR><LF> End of message termination¬ 886-2-8698-3699 ß6 Pin assignment and descriptionsPin Name TypeDescription1 GND RF Ground2 VSTBY P Backup Battery Input ( 1.5 ~ 6.0VDC )3 TX O CMOS level asynchronous output for UART4 RX I CMOS level asynchronous input for UART5 GPIO I/O General purpose input / output ( Can be defined by customer )6 BOOTSEL I Keep floating ( For internal manufacturing use )7 EN I High active (VCC+0.3VDC) with internal pull-down resistor (This pin only controls the main power through VCC pin, not apply toVSTBY pin.)8 VCC PMain power input ( 3.0 ~ 6.0VDC ) 9 GND PGround 10 GNDPGround6.1 Caution of mountingKeep magnetic parts such as speakers and vibrators away from LS20126module as far as possible.6.2 Battery BackupThe SRAM and RTC(Real Time Clock) can keep operating by supplying power from the VSTBY input pad(pin 2) when power is off.¬ 886-2-8698-3699ß7DC & Temperature characteristics7.1Absolute maximum ratingsParameter Symbol Ratings Units Input Voltage V CC-0.3 ~ 6.0 DCV7.2Electrical Characteristicsz Input power range: 3.0 to 6.0 VDCz Power consumption: 32 mA (typical) at 3.3 VDC.z Backup power consumption: 7 μA at 3.3 VDC.Parameter DescriptionInput voltage 3.0 ~ 6.0 VDCCurrent 32 mA (typical) @3.3 VDCBattery backup voltage 1.5 ~ 6.0 VDCBattery backup current **********Parameter Symbol Conditions Min.Typ.Max UnitsSupply Voltage V CC 3.0 3.3 6.0 DCVSupply Current I SS V DD = 3.3V 32 83* mANote: Magnetic sensor coil initialization will consume 50mA more than typical usage.7.3Digital Section Electrical CharacteristicsParameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max Units OutputDCV High V OH 2.0 2.85 Logic Low V OL0.9DCV High V IH 2.3 3.6 DCV InputLogic Low V IL GND 0.6DCV7.4Temperature characteristicsParameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Operating Temperature Topr -30 +85 ℃Storage Temperature Tstg -40 +85 ℃¬ 886-2-8698-3699ß 8Mechanical specification8.1Appearance8.2Outline Dimensions¬ 886-2-8698-3699ß 8.3Recommended Land Pattern DimensionsNote:1.Red line: CNC route2.Pin9, 10: Plated through hole8.4Installation position on the main PCBThe figure 8.3-1 is guidelines that describe the relative position between the main PCB and the antenna of LS20126. If the width of notch is smaller than 5mm, the both left and/or right areas will have obvious ground effects to the antenna.¬ 886-2-8698-3699 ßFigure 8.3-18.4.4 Order InformationThere are 8 possible directions mounted on PCB, please contact LOCOSYS to get a proper firmware before placing an order.For hand-held device, M2 and M6 mounting mode are not recommended because GPS signal may be interfered by human body.XYFigure 5.3-1 Mounting Modes (Axis Y: Heading Direction)M0M1 M2M3M4 M5 M6M7¬ 886-2-8698-3699ß 9Reel packing information1. Packaging Material (per carton)No. Item Model DimensionsUnitWeight(g)Quantity1 Module LS20126 10.02 Real3 ProductBox4 Carton5 PackageBag6 TotalWeight2. Packing Specification and Quantity(1)Module quantity per real: 250(2)Module quantity per box: quantity per real 250 x quantity of real 1 = 250(3)Total module quantity in a carton: quantity per box 250 x quantity of boxes 4 =1,0003. Label Specification¬ 886-2-8698-3699ß(1) Box Label10Quality Units10.1I nspection CriterionThe GPS CNo ratio must be higher than 41dB-Hz when GPS Signal generator outputstrength (Absolute Value) is -125dBm.10.2P recaution in Use of LS20126a. Handling of ModuleESD sensitive device: use proper precautions when handling this module.b. StorageThe module belongs to moisture sensitive device (IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020C Level II).Please storage it at humidity control area (<30°C, 60%RH).c. SolderingThe module belongs to RoHS device. The maximum of reflow temperature, real ontop of PCB, is not over 240 Celsius.d. Recommended soldering reflow profile¬ 886-2-8698-3699ßDocument change listRevision Comments Date Note。
REVISED: 01.07.2019Pb RoHS/RoHS II CompliantMSL - N/AESD SensitiveFEATURES APPLICATIONS • Geotracking/Geolocation • IoT• Navigation• Industrial monitors • Smart agriculture • Transportation•Satellite synchronization• Right hand circular polarization • High gain of 4.5 dBic • Low VSWR• Integrated high gain LNA •U.FL connector and cableElectrical SpecificationsParametersTyp.Units Note Frequency Range1575.42 ± 1.023 MHz (For GPS)1601.02 ± 1.15MHz (For GLONASS)Bandwidth>10MHzVSWR at Center Frequency ≤ 2Polarization Model RHCP (Right Hand Circular Polarization)Impedance 50ΩGain4.5dBic (Based on 70×70mm ground plane)Operating Temperature -40 to +80˚C Storage Temperature-45 to +85˚CAntennaLow Noise Amplifier (LNA)ParametersTyp.Units NoteFrequency Range 1575.42 ± 1.023MHz 1601.02 ± 1.15MHz DC V oltage 3.0 – 5.0 V Gain28 ± 3dB Output VSWR ≤2.0Noise Figure ≤1.5dB (+25°C ±10°C)DC current 8.5 ± 3mA (At 3.0V)Out-Band Rejection≥ 30dB (fo+100MHz)≥ 30dB(fo-100MHz)REVISED: 01.07.2019Pb RoHS/RoHS II CompliantMSL - N/AESD SensitiveElectrical SpecificationsReturns-Loss CharacteristicsOverall (Complete Module including RF Connector)ParametersTyp.Units NoteFrequency Range 1575.42 ± 1.0231601.02 ± 1.15MHz Output VSWR ≤2.0Impedance50ΩREVISED: 01.07.2019Pb RoHS/RoHS II CompliantMSL - N/AESD SensitiveSmith ChartVSWRFrequency Return Loss Impedance VSWR 1575MHz -37.9dB 50.2-j0.3Ω 1.021602MHz-35.1dB50.1+j1.0Ω1.03SummaryREVISED: 01.07.2019Pb RoHS/RoHS II CompliantMSL - N/AESD SensitiveRadiation PatternsGain Patterns (1575MHz, 1602MHz)XZ Plane (PHI=00)REVISED: 01.07.2019Pb RoHS/RoHS II CompliantMSL - N/AESD SensitiveGain Patterns YZ Plane (PHI=900)Frequency Direction Peak Gain (dBic)Zenith Gain (dBic)1575MHz XZ 0.730.73YZ 1.080.731602MHzXZ 1.55 1.19YZ 1.19 1.19Axial Ratio Patterns (1575 MHz, 1602 MHz)REVISED: 01.07.2019Pb RoHS/RoHS II CompliantMSL - N/AESD SensitiveFrequency Direction Axial Ratio (dB)1575MHz XZ 18.71602MHzXZ10.9Efficiency (1575 MHz, 1602 MHz)Frequency Direction Efficiency 1575MHz XZ 80.8%1602MHzXZ 83.0%LNA Test CurveAxial Ratio Patterns (1575 MHz, 1602 MHz)Test condition: DC 3.0VREVISED: 01.07.2019Pb RoHS/RoHS II CompliantMSL - N/AESD SensitiveOutline DimensionsL=30±2mm, L1=23±2mmUnit: mmParameters Description Antenna Dielectric Ceramics PCB FR4Shielding TinplateRF Cable Φ 1.13 ±0.1 mm RF Connector U.FL -1REVISED: 01.07.2019Pb RoHS/RoHS II CompliantMSL - N/AESD SensitivePackagingDescriptionQuantity Per tray30 Pcs Per vacuum bag 5 TraysPer carton4 Vacuum bag Total No of piece/carton 600 PcsCarton dimensions345 x 210 x 275 mmNote: 3M tape will be added to the antenna during production。