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题 目 (中、英文)

N 阶矩阵m 次方幂的求法及应用

Solution and Application of m-order of n n Martix 作者姓名 指导教师 学科门类 提交论文日期 专业名称

学校代码 成绩评定



Matrix is a concept many practical problems in the abstract, it is an important part of the linear algebra, it is almost throughout the various sections of linear algebra, in the field of natural sciences and economic management of the branch has a wide range of applications. Just because it wide range of applications and is a powerful tool for solving many problems, so learn and master the operation and their method of operation rules and good matrix is a matrix of knowledge we learn a very important part. For matrix power calculations, it is Matrix multiplication is based; however, the matrix exponential operation is more complex but also particularly troublesome, so look for a simple calculation method has become an important part of computing power matrix high regard, for many scholars have spent a lot of research effort to investigate, the paper will be on the basis of their research, application examples by mathematical induction, multiplication associative approach, binomial expansion method, the method block diagonal matrix, standard form method, minimal polynomial a variety of methods and special methods to solve the matrix method phalanx of high-power, and thus the power to order matrix operations to provide a reference.

Keywords:Mathematical induction; power matrix;; binomial expansion similar matrix .

目 录

摘 要.............................................................. I Abstract........................................................... I I 目 录............................................................ I II 引 言............................................................... 1 1 准备知识. (1)

2.1 利用数学归纳法求解n 阶矩阵的高次幂 .......................... 2 2.2利用二项式展开法求矩阵的高次幂 .............................. 4 2.3 利用Jordan 标准形求矩阵的高次幂 ............................ 5 2.4 利用分块对角矩阵求矩阵的高次幂............................. 8 2.5 利用乘法结合律求方阵的高次幂............................... 10 2.6 利用最小多项式解矩阵的高次幂.............................. 11 2.7 利用特殊矩阵法求解矩阵的高次幂. (13)

2.7.1 对合矩阵............................................ 13 2.7.2 幂等矩阵............................................. 14 2. 8 利用图论算法求矩阵的高次幂. (15)

2.8.1 邻接矩阵............................................ 15 2.8.2 n n A AAA

AA 的元素的意义 (15)

2.9利用特征多项式求解矩阵的高次幂 ............................. 16 3 矩阵的幂在人口流动的中的应用..................................... 17 总 结.............................................................. 20 参考文献........................................................... 21 致 谢.. (22)
