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"But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it? –Carpe–hear it? –Carpe, carpe diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary."


Talk about one of the teachers who impressed you most, whether it is a story between you and him or her, or one of the things he or she taught you that you consider to be the most important.


Teacher Qin, my head teacher in high school who taught Math as well, always said, "there are only two things that will still mean something to you when you finish high school - one is the ability to learn by yourself, the other the healthful habits contributing to a strong body.”Driven by the pressure of courses, under the pervasive surveillance of teachers, I did “learn”to learn by myself. However, I unfortunately forgot the latter, and it was never expected that I would be about to pay that a lot for it - I have to stop my sophomore year because of a weak immune system, a resultof a long period of lack of physical exercise. Admittedly, you never know. But also,it was the year I spent at my home that reminded me of something more significant than any other in life, that is, a strong body, especially after the accidental death of my best friend as a result of myocardial infarction,who just graduated from college. We shall cherish our health, our most precious assets, and cherish the day. That’s what I learned from life, the most profound teacher.


I have many teachers throughout my life, some of whom indeed made a difference to my growth. On this special occasion, Teachers’Day, my special thanks go to Miss Huang, my English teacher during primary education. In my senior years in primary school, I had done very well academically. However, my Chinese teacher and math teacher did not appreciate my work, who

thought that I achieved good marks not because I was smart but because I studied hard. Despite my being No.1, they showed their fondness of a boy who could respond quickly during classes and whose father a local official and mother a teacher. I suffered a strong sense of inferiority. Then, Miss Huang seemed to stand on my side. She always said in public that I was a smart and gifted student. She lent me many books and aided me in a national English competition. I did not fail her. I was the only one in the district to win a national prize as a primary student. My confidence was greatly built up because of her. Until now, I keep telling myself that I should always believe I am a gifted child and try hard to prove myself. Here, please allow me to say: Thank you, Miss Huang.


I personally believe that the formative education plays the most profound and lasting role in our lives for it helps the formation of unique characters as well as facilitates our healthy growth. And actually, it is our parents who are the first teacher. Parents have holiest status when we are in childhood –the most critical period when individual personalities are formed. The behavior patterns of parents will be imitated by and then become ingrained in our minds. Although I’ve become an adult, the influence brought by parents are still huge and everywhere. I still remember when I felt depressed for the bad performance, my mother patiently encouraged me to never give up the pursuit
