












常用造价英语词汇 估算/费用估算:estimate/cost estimate; 估算类型:types of estimate; 详细估算:是偏差幅度最小的估算,defined estimate; 设备估算:equipment estimate; 分析估算:analysis estimate; 报价估算:proposal estimate; 控制估算:control estimate; 初期控制估算:interim control estimate/initial control estimate 批准的控制估算:initial approved cost 核定估算:check estimate 首次核定估算:first check estimate 二次核定估算:production check estimate 人工时估算:man hour estimate 材料费用/直接材料费用:material cost/direct material cost 设备费用/设备购买费用:equipment cost/purchased cost of equipment 散装材料费用/散装材料购买费用:bulk material cost/purchased cost of bulk material 施工费用:construction cost 施工人工费用:labor cost/construction force cost 设备安装人工费用:labor cost associated with equipment 散装材料施工安装人工费用:labor cost associated with bulk materials 人工时估算定额:standard manhours 施工人工时估算定额:standard labor manhours 标准工时定额:standard hours 劳动生产率:labor productivity/productivity factor/productivity ratio 修正的人工时估算值:adjusted manhours 人工时单价:manhours rate 施工监督费用:cost of construction supervision 施工间接费用:cost of contruction indirects 分包合同费用/现场施工分包合同费用:subcontract cost/field subcontract cost 公司本部费用:home office cost 公司管理费用:overhead 非工资费用:non payroll 开车服务费用:cost of start-up services 其他费用:other cost 利润/预期利润:profit/expected profit 服务酬金:service gains 风险:risk


A agents:代理(商)6 additional facilities outside the site:现场以外的附加设施6 access routes:进场通路6 a lump sum contract:总价合同7 a low bidder:低价投标人7 a unit price contract:单价合同7 award procedures:授予程序8 a cost plus fixed percentage contract:成本加固定百分比费用合同7 a cost plus fixed fee contract:成本加固定费用合同7 a cost plus variable percentage contract:成本加变动比例费用合同7 a target estimate contract:目标估算合同7 a guaranteed maximum cost contract:保证最大成本合同7 a summary budget:汇总预算4 an alternative tender:含替代方案的投标书9 a bonus in relation to early completion:提前完工奖金9 acceptance of tender:中标9 a letter of acceptance:中标函9 award of the Contract:授予合同9 appendix to tender:投标书附录9 an assignment of:……提供的担保10 assignment of interest:保险权益转让10 a network plan:网络计划11 an activity-on-branch network:双代号网络计划图11 an activity-on-node network:单代号网络计划图11 a linear programming problem:线性规划问题11 an activity-on-branch network:有分支的网络计划11 actual finish times:实际完成时间12 a general contractor:总承包商 1 accuracy of cost estimates:估价精度 3 an architectural/engineering firm:建筑/设计公司 1 an extension of time:延长期 2 authorization:授权 1 a bonus provision:奖励条款 13 a penalty provision:惩罚条款13 additional payment:追加付款 15 a final claim:最终的索赔报告 15 an amicable settlement:友好解决15 arbitral award:仲裁裁决;公断书15 assignee:受让人 16 amount of guarantee:担保金额16 administrator:管理人员 16 B bill of quantities:工程量表8 base date:基准日期6 backward pass:逆向过程11 baseline plan:基准计划12 bid estimate:投标估价 3 bill of quantities:工程量清单 3 budget estimate:财务预算 3 by these presents:[律]根据本文件16 bonding company:担保公司16 balance of the contract price:合同价格余额 16 C cost to date:完工成本5 cost committed:承诺成本5 cost exposure:附加成本5 cost ratio:成本率5 contractor’s representative:承包商代表6 contract price:合同价格6 contractor’s equipment:承包商设备6 contractor’s operations on site:承包商的现场作业6 construction contract:工程承包合同7 comparative advantages:相对优势;比较优势7 competitive tendering:竞争性招标8 conditions of contract:合同条件8 contract documents:合同文件8 contract number:合同编号8 cost control:成本控制4 cash flow:现金流量4 contingency allowance:应急准备金4 currency requirements:货币要求9 contract agreement:合同协议9 Construction Contractor:建筑承包商10 completion bonds:完工担保10 Comprehensive General Liability:公众责任险10


常用工程造价专业英语词汇 估算/费用估算:estimate/cost estimate; 估算类型:types of estimate; 详细估算:是偏差幅度最小的估算,defined estimate; 设备估算:equipment estimate; 分析估算:analysis estimate; 报价估算:proposal estimate; 控制估算:control estimate; 估算/费用估算:estimate/cost estimate; 估算类型:types of estimate; 详细估算:是偏差幅度最小的估算,defined estimate; 设备估算:equipment estimate; 分析估算:analysis estimate; 报价估算:proposal estimate; 控制估算:control estimate; 初期控制估算:interim control estimate/initial control estimate 批准的控制估算:initial approved cost 核定估算:check estimate 首次核定估算:first check estimate 二次核定估算:production check estimate 人工时估算:man hour estimate 材料费用/直接材料费用:material cost/direct material cost 设备费用/设备购买费用:equipment cost/purchased cost of equipment 散装材料费用/散装材料购买费用:bulk material cost/purchased cost of bulk material 施工费用:construction cost 施工人工费用:labor cost/construction force cost 设备安装人工费用:labor cost associated with equipment 散装材料施工安装人工费用:labor cost associated with bulk materials 人工时估算定额:standard manhours 施工人工时估算定额:standard labor manhours 标准工时定额:standard hours 劳动生产率:labor productivity/productivity factor/productivity ratio 修正的人工时估算值:adjusted manhours 人工时单价:manhours rate 施工监督费用:cost of construction supervision 施工间接费用:cost of contruction indirects 分包合同费用/现场施工分包合同费用:subcontract cost/field subcontract cost 公司本部费用:home office cost 公司管理费用:overhead 非工资费用:non payroll 开车服务费用:cost of start-up services 其他费用:other cost 利润/预期利润:profit/expected profit


通用条件 1 一般规定 1.1 定义 在合同条件(“本条件”),包括专用条件和本通用条件中,下列词语和措辞应具有以下所述的含义。除上下文另有要求外,文中人员或当事各方等词语包括公司和其他合法实体。 1.1.1 合同 “合同”系指合同协议书、本条件、雇主要求、投标书和合同协议书列出的其他文件(如果有)。 “合同协议书”系指第1.6款[合同协议书]中所述的合同协议书及所附各项备忘录。 “雇主要求”系指合同中包括的,题为雇主要求的文件,其中列明工程的目标、围、和(或)设 计和(或)其他技术标准,以及按合同对此项文件所作的任何补充和修改。 “投标书”系指包含在合同中的由承包商提交的为完成工程签署的报价,以及随同提交的所有 其他文件(本条件和雇主要求除外,如同时提交)。 “履约保证”和“付款计划表”系指合同中包括的具有上述名称的文件(如果有)。 1.1.2 各方和人员 1.1. 2.1 “当事方(或一方)”根据上下文需要,或指雇主,或指承包商。 1.1. 2.2 “雇主”系指在合同协议书中被称为雇主的当事人及其财产所有权的合法继承人。 1.1. 2.3 “承包商”系指合同协议书中被称为承包商的当事人及其财产所有权的合法继承人。 1.1. 2.4 “雇主代表”系指由雇主在合同中指名的人员,或有时由雇主根据第 3.1款[雇主代表]的规定 任命为其代表的人员。 1.1. 2.5 “承包商代表”系指由承包商在合同中指名的人员,或有时由承包商根据第4.3款[承包商代 表]的规定任命为其代表的人员。 1.1. 2.6 “雇主人员”系指雇主代表、第 3.2款[其他雇主人员]中提到的助手、以及雇主和雇主代表的 所有其他职员、工人和其他雇员,以及雇主或雇主代表通知承包商作为雇主人员的任何其他 人员。 1.1. 2.7 “承包商人员”系指承包商代表和承包商在现场聘用的所有人员,包括承包商和每个分包商的 职员、工人和其他雇员,以及所有其他帮助承包商实施工程的人员。


?(一) ? 1.政府机构governmental agency ? 2.承包商contractor ? 3.分包商subcontractor ? 4.建筑师architect ? 5.保险公司insurance company ? 6.担保公司surety company ?7.材料商material dealer/supplier ?8.施工现场construction site ?(二) ?项目规划设计和施工project planning, ?designand construction 临时设施temporary job facilities 项目预算project budget 投资和合同授予过程bidding and contract award process 质量控制quality control 项目的监督project supervision 7.进度款progress payment 合同变更contract change 满足业主要求suit the individual owner's requirements 以业主的名义in the name of the owner (三) 卷入诉讼------ be involved in litigation 公共工程------ public work 承包商的注册-- contractors’ register 某此因素------ certain factors 合同工期------ duration of contract 相对重要性---- relative importance 担保能力------ bonding capacity 现有工作任务-- current workload (四) ?投标公告notice to bidders 招标邀请函invitation to bidders ?标书格式bid forms ?标书分析bid analysis ?主要供应商major supplier ?投标保函bid bonds ?未预见情况unforeseen circumstances ?质量保证期quality guarantee period ?标书接收的地点和时间the time and place ?for the receipt of bids ?警察,消防和街道代表police, fire, ?and street department representatives ●(五) ?材料价格material price ?分包商的报价subcontractor's quotation ?机具设备租赁费equipment hire rates ?向供应商询价enquire supplier ?工程量清单bill of quantitie s ?墙砖wall tiles / brick ?防潮层damp-proof courses ?水泥cement ?粗骨料coarse aggregates ?回扣discount ◆(六) ?平面布置图和立面图schematic layouts and elevations ?规划许可planning permission ?建筑业管理许可building regulations approval ?工程质量project quality ?装修工程的造价the cost of decoration projects ?合同文本contract documents ?合同图纸contract drawings ?承包人义务contractor's obligations ?指定供应商和分包商specified suppliers and ?subcontractors ?开工和竣工时期the start and completion dates ?中期付款interim payments ?缺陷责任期the defects liability period ? ?(七) ?法律框架legal framework ?相关各方parties concerned ?标准文本standard forms ?标准条款standard clauses ?特殊条款special clauses ?业主姓名the name of the employer ?工料测量师quantity surveyor ?公共机构public bodys ?签名和印章signature and seal ?印花税stamp duty ? ●(八) ?投标明细或价值明细表bid breakdown ?or schedule of values ?污水处理厂wastewater treatment plant ?地下管线underground utility lines ?道路改建roads improvements ?开挖与回填excavation and backfill ?筑堤embankment ?延长英尺linear feet ?平方英尺square feet ?延期罚款条款liquidated damages clauses ?for delay ?工程造价construction pricing /cost of ?construction ?管理费和利润overhead and profit ?合同管理contract administration ?(九) ?造价师/工料测量师quantity surveyor ?建筑设计阶段building design stage ?可行性分析阶段feasible analysis stage ?概算approximate estimate ?施工图设计阶段construction drawing ?design stage ?建筑面积floor spac e ?成本效益分析cost and profit analysis ?养护费maintenance cost ◆(十一) ?项目经理project manager ?现场管理Management of construction field ?项目成本和时间控制project cost and time ?control ?技术复杂性technical complexity ?施工方法construction methods ?设计阶段design stage ?材料替代material substitute/alternatives ?管理机构regulatory agency ?材料和设备供应商material and equipment ?suppliers ?材料和设备的运输时间the delivery times ? f materials and project equipment ?Twelve ?总承包商the general contractor ?业主the owner 影响费用impact costs ?间接损失consequential damages ?项目总进度计划overall project schedule ?项目网络图project network ?变更条款change clauses ?备忘录memoranda ?延迟提交索赔defer claims submission ?提出索赔file a claim 《十三》 总进度计划Master schedule 项目的实施The implementation of the project 竣工验收Final acceptance 工程量表Engineering scale 实际完成工程量The actual completion of engineering quantity 《十四》 工期索赔Claim for extension of time 费用索赔Cost claim 合同价格的变动Contract price 费用的估价The cost estimate 证明材料Materials of proof


工程造价专业毕业外文文献、中英对照 中文翻译:工程造价专业毕业外文文献 工程造价专业是一种重要的工程技术专业,主要负责工程投资的评估、选择和控制工程项目成本,以及项目质量、进度和安全。因此,工程造价专业需要具备丰富的知识和技能,包括工程建设、经济学、管理学、数学、统计学等方面。为了提高工程造价专业学生的综合能力,学习外文文献是不可或缺的步骤。本文将介绍几篇与工程造价专业相关的外文文献,并提供中英文对照。 1)《The Role of Quantity Surveyors in Sustainable Construction》 该文研究了数量调查师在可持续建筑中的作用,并深入探讨了数量调查师在项目的可持续性评估、营建阶段和运营阶段的角色和责任。该文指出,数量调查师可以通过成本控制、资源利用、和材料选择等方面促进可持续建筑的发展,为未来可持续发展提供支持。 中文翻译:数量调查师在可持续建筑中的作用

2)《Cost engineering》 该文研究了造价工程的理论和实践,并提供了一系列工具和方法用于项目成本的控制和评估。该文还深入探讨了工程造价和项目管理之间的关系,并提供了一些实用的案例研究来说明造价工程的实际应用。 中文翻译:造价工程 3)《Construction cost management: learning from case studies》 该文通过案例分析的方式来探讨建筑项目成本管理的实践。该文提供了多个案例研究,旨在向读者展示如何运用不同的方法来控制和评估项目成本,并阐述了思考成本问题时需要考虑的多个因素。 中文翻译:建筑项目成本管理:案例学习 4)《Project Cost Estimation and Control: A Practical Guide to Construction Management》


浅谈专业工程造价与成本控制管理中英文翻译 Introduction to professional engineering cost and cost control management in both Chinese and English translation 摘要:市政工程建设与工业工程建设一样,按照国家主管部门的统一规定,将一项建设工程划分为建设项目、单项工程、单位工程、分部工程、分项工程五个等级。控制与管理市政工程造价的成本关系着一个项目的收益其重要性不言而喻。本文先谈谈造成市政工程造价成本控制困难的原因,接着提出一套解决性措施,希望能对同行有所启发。 Abstract: the municipal engineering construction and industrial construction projects, in accordance with the unity of the competent department of the state regulations to divide a construction project for the construction project, single items of projects, unit projects, divisions, subdivisional work five grades. Cost control and management of municipal construction cost of the relationship between its importance is self-evident. The profitability of a project This article talk about the causes of difficult control of municipal engineering cost, and then puts forward a set of measures to solve, hope to inspire peers. 关键词:市政工程工程造价成本控制管理策略 Keywords: municipal engineering cost control of construction cost management strategy 一、引言 One, the introduction 市政工程建设与工业工程建设一样,按照国家主管部门的统一规定,将一项建设工程划分为建设项目、单项工程、单位工程、分部工程、分项工程五个等级。市政工程是国家工程建设的一个重要组成部分,也是城市(镇)发展和建设水平的一个衡量标准。 Municipal engineering construction and industrial engineering construction, according to the unification of the competent department of state regulations, will be a construction project is divided into unit of construction project, construction project, project, subproject, subdivisional work five grades. Municipal engineering is an important part of national engineering construction, also is city (town) is a measure of the level of development and construction. 从投资者角度讲,市政工程造价是一项通过策划、决策、立项、设计、施工等一系列生产经营活动所形成相应的固定资产、无形资产所需用的一次性费用的总和。控制与管理市政

4专业限选课 工程造价 《建筑专业英语》课程标准

襄樊职业技术学院 《建筑专业英语》课程标准 一、课程定位 工程造价专业主要面向建设单位、施工单位、工程造价中介机构、工程造价主管部门等企事业单位,培养在生产、服务第一线能从事土建工程建设、施工、监理和工程造价核算与咨询、工程招标标底和投标报价的编制等建筑工程的岗位群工作,具备建筑行业诚实信用的职业素养,工程造价领域专业知识和职业技能,德、智、体、美、劳等方面全面发展,具有职业生涯发展基础的高素质高技能人才。 建筑专业英语是工程造价专业中职业综合技能学习领域中的一门限选课。本课程的教学目的在于培养工程造价专业学生在涉外交际中应具备的该行业所需的阅读和撰写英文资料和招投标合同的能力。通过专业英语的学习,使学生具备一定的工程造价专业英语词汇和专业术语,掌握招投标合同文件的结构和语法特点,初步具有使用英语撰写招投标文件合同的能力。 本课程的前置课程为:《大学英语》、《工程招投标与合同管理》等。 本课程的后置课程为:毕业设计、顶岗实习 二、课程目标 (一)能力目标 1.能借助词典等工具阅读和翻译工程造价专业相关的英文资料或Fidic合同。 2.能在涉外交际的日常活动和业务活动中进行专业相关的简单口头和书面交流。 (二)知识目标 1.掌握工程造价专业相关常用英语术语。 2.掌握论文英文摘要和相关应用文的撰写方法。 3.掌握英语求职材料的撰写方法。 4.初步掌握工程造价专业相关的英文资料或Fidic合同的翻译方法和技巧。 (三)态度目标 1.使学生初步具备严谨思维的能力。 2.运用多种教学手段、设置教学场景,培养学生的学习兴趣和创新意识。 3.了解文化差异,培养学生的爱国精神和世界意识,为学生步入社会和进一步学习奠定基础。 三、课程设计 1. 设计思想 (1)课程整体设计说明 本课程是经过专业老师及英语老师的反复讨论研究后,根据工程造价高等职业教育学生的学习特点和职业能力需求设定的。根据专业英语的学习特点以及建筑工程涉外招投标合同管理工作过程设定了建筑专业英语学习的内容和方法、工程招标相关英文合同、工程投标相关英文合同和工程合同谈判与索赔四个模块,并根据每个单元的学习任务安排学习内容,组织课堂教学。 (2)教学模式和方法 1、专业英语与其他的专业课程有着明显的不同,该课程强调的是语言基本技能的训练和实际从事涉外交际活动的语言应用管理。因此,在教学过程中,应该重视语言学习的规律,正确处理听、说、读、写、译之间的关系,确保各项语言能力的协调发展。因此,应采取讲解少、


assembly 安装 baseline 基线 bill of quantities 工程量清单 blueprint 蓝图 bulk materials 大宗材料 claim 索赔 construction contractors 施工承包商construction industry 建筑业construction operations 施工作业construction planning 施工计划construction 施工 contract 合约 cost estimation 成本估算 design/construct process 设计/施工过程earthwork to be excavated 土方开挖economic evaluation 经济评价 estimate stage 估算阶段 evaluation stage 评估阶段 expenditure 支出 facility 设施 feasibility 可行性 financing 融资 framework 框架,构架 general contractor 总承包商infrastructure and heavy construction 重大基础项目建设 infrastructure 基础设施 job-site productivity 工地生产率maintenance 维护 minium attractive rate of return 最低收益率 nominated subcontractor 指定分包商opportunity cost 机会成本 overlap 重叠(搭接?) overseer 监督者 owner 业主 payment 支付 procurement 采购 production function 生产函数 project alternative 备择项目 project finance 项目融资 project management 项目管理reimbursement 偿还 schedule进度 scheduling 进度计划 shop drawings 施工图,安装图skyscraper 摩天大楼 solvency 清偿 solvency 清偿 specialized industrial construction 专业化 specialized subcontractor 专业分包商speculative housing market 投机性住宅市场 steel beams and columns 钢梁和柱subcontractors 分包商 technical feasibility 技术可行性 the cost engineer or estimator 估算师the project cycle life 项目全寿命期 the real estate developer 房地产开发商 the scope of the project 项目范围 unforeseen expense 不可预见费用 generally,project management isdisting uished from the general management of corporations by the mission-oriented n ature of a project. 一般而言,项目的以 目标为导向特征是项目管理与一般的企业管 理的主要不同。 Implementation of various operations t hrough proper coordination and control of planning,design,estimating,contrac ting and construction in the entire pr ocess. 在项目全过程中,通过对计划、设计、估 算、合同和施工的适当协调控制来实施各项 运作。 The extent to which decision-making wi ll be centralized or decentralized is crucial to the organization of the meg a-project.决策的集权或分权程度对特大型 项目组织而言至关重要。 As long as the owner does not assume t he responsibility for resolving this r isk-reward dilemma,the concept of a tr uly integrated system for design and c onstruction cannot be realized.只要业 主不愿意承担解决这种风险-回报难题的责 任,一个完全继承的设计/施工体系是不可 能是实现的。 A cost estimate at a given stage of pr oject development represents a predict ion provided by the cost engineer or e stimator on the basis of available dat a.在项目开发过程中的某一特定阶段的成本 估算就是造价工程师在现有数据基础上对未 来成本的预测。 Once these tasks are defined and quant ities representing these tasks are ass essed ,a unit cost is assigned to each and then the total cost is determined by summing the costs incurred in each task.一旦这些任务确定下来,并有了工作 量的估算,用单价与每项任务的工作量相乘 就可以得到每项任务的成本。 Whether project finance is performed a t the project or at the corporate leve l does not alter the basic financing p roblem.不管是在项目层面还是在公司层 面,项目融资锁面临的最基本的资金问题都 是相同的。 In the short term,a wider variety of f inancing options exist,including borro wing ,grantscorporate investment funds, payment delays and others.短期融资有多 种方式,包括借贷,拨款,公司投资基金以 及延期支付等。 Thus,different arrangements of financi ng options and participants are possib le at different stages of a project ,s o the practice of financial planning i soften complicated.这样一来,在项目的 不同阶段就有可能有不同的融资方案和参与 者,所以融资规划实际做起来常常很复杂。 In an integrated system, the planning for both design and construction can p roceed almost simultaneously, examinin g various alternatives which are desir able from both viewpoints and thus eli minating the necessity of extensive re visions under the guise of value engin eering.从双方的共同需求出发审视不同的 方案,而不需要再以价值工程的名义进行任 何大的变更。 The development of a construction plan is very much analogous to the develop ment of a good facility design.施工计 划的制定过程与好的设计过程一样。 Slippage or contraction in this standa rd schedule is also possible ,based on such factors as the extent to which a fabricator is busy.根据安装方忙碌的程 度等因素,对这个标准进度安排进行延误或 压缩调整同样是可能的。


工程造价英语 工程造价英语是指相关于工程造价方面的英语词汇和句子,主要涉及到工程项目的估算、预算、投标、合同、支付等方面。在工程造价领域中,英语是必不可少的语言工具,因为许多国际工程项目都需要使用英语进行沟通和交流。以下是一些常见的工程造价英语词汇和句子: 1. Estimate - 估算 2. Budget - 预算 3. Bid - 投标 4. Contract - 合同 5. Payment - 支付 6. Cost breakdown - 成本分析 7. Quantity surveyor - 工料测量师 8. Bill of quantities - 工程量清单 9. Variation order - 变更单 10. Cost control - 成本控制 例句: 1. We need to estimate the cost of this project before we can proceed. 我们需要在继续进行之前估算一下这个项目的成本。 2. The budget for this project has been approved by the board.

这个项目的预算已经被董事会批准了。 3. Several companies have submitted bids for the project. 几家公司已经为这个项目提交了投标书。 4. The contract for the project has been signed and is now in effect. 这个项目的合同已经签署并已生效。 5. Payment for the completed work will be made within 30 days. 完成的工作的支付将在30天内完成。 6. We need to do a cost breakdown to see where we can save money. 我们需要进行成本分析,看看哪里可以节省费用。 7. The quantity surveyor will be responsible for measuring the materials and labor required for the project. 工料测量师将负责测量项目所需的材料和劳动力。 8. The bill of quantities lists all the materials and labor required for the project. 工程量清单列出了项目所需的所有材料和劳动力。 9. We received a variation order from the client requesting a change to the project. 我们收到了客户的变更单,要求对项目进行更改。 10. Cost control is a critical aspect of any project to


工程造价专业外文文献翻译(中英文对照 外文文献: Project Cost Control: The Way it Works By R. Max Wideman In a recent consulting assignment we realized that there was some lack of understanding of the whole system of project cost control, how it is setup and applied. So we decided to write up a description of how it works. Project cost control is not that difficult to follow in theory. First you establish a set of reference baselines. Then, as work progresses, you monitor the work, analyze the findings, forecast the end results and compare those with the reference baselines. If the end results are not satisfactory then you make adjustments as necessary to the work in progress, and repeat the cycle at suitable intervals. If the end results get really out of line with the baseline plan, you may have to change the plan. More likely, there will be (or have been) scope changes that change the reference baselines which means that every time that happens you have to change the baseline plan anyway. But project cost control is a lot more difficult to do in practice, as is evidenced by the number of projects that fail to contain costs. It also involves a significant amount of work, as we shall see, and we might as well start at the beginning. So let us follow the thread of project cost control through the entire project life span. And, while we are at it, we will take the opportunity to point out the proper places for several significant documents. These include the Business Case, the Request for (a capital) Appropriation (for execution), Work Packages and the Work Breakdown Structure, the Project Charter (or Brief), the Project Budget or Cost Plan, Earned Value and the Cost Baseline. All of these contribute to the organization's ability to effectively control project costs. Footnote I am indebted to my friend Quentin Fleming, the guru of Earned Value, for checking and correcting my work on this topic. The Business Case and Application for (execution) Funding It is important to note that project cost control is most effective when the executive management responsible has a good understanding of how projects should unfold through the project life span. This means that they exercise their responsibilities at
