
专业英语词汇第一节FDA和EDQM术语一、简写:FDA:Food and Drug Administration 食品药品管理局EDQM:EuropeanDirectorate for the Quality of Medicines 欧洲药品质量管理局ChP:Chinese Pharmacopoeia 中国药典USP:The United States Pharmacopoeia 美国药典NF:The National Formulary 国家处方集BP:British Pharmacopoeia 英国药典Ph.Eup:European Pharmacopoeia 欧洲药典Ph.Int:The International Pharmacopoeia 国际药典GLP:Good Laboratory Practice 药品实验研究规XGMP:Good Manufacture Practice 药品生产质量规X GSP:Good Supply Practice 药品经营质量规XGCP:Good Clinical Practice 药品临床试验规XINN:international nonproprietary name 国际非专业名称LD50:half lethal dose;median lethal dose 半数致死量LD100:absolute lethal dose 绝对致死量二、词汇:clinical trial:临床试验accelerated approval:加速批准animal trial:动物实验preparing and submitting:起草和申报standard drug:标准药物established name:确定的名称investigator:调查员drug product:药物产品submission:申报、递交generic name:非专有名称benefit<s>:受益drug substance:原料药物risk<s>:受害proprietary name:专有名称adverse effect:副作用adverse reaction:不良反应protocol:协议、草案archival copy:存档副本review copy:审查用副本identify:鉴别placebo:安慰剂agency:审理部门labeled amount:标示量strength:规格第二节医药学专业词汇一、医药学专业课程英文:Medicine:医学Internal Medicine:内科学Surgery:外科学Pediatrics:儿科学Gynecology:妇科学Diagnosis:诊断学Pathology:病理学Physiology:生理学Pathphysiology:病理生理学Anatomy:解剖学Human Anatomy and Physiology:人体生理解剖学Histology:组织学Embryology:胚胎学Histology and Embryology:组胚学Genetics Cell:遗传学BiologyMolecular Biology:分子生物学Immunology:免疫学Statistics Microbiology:卫生统计学Medical Genetics:医学遗传学Physics:物理学Medical Statistics:医学统计学Medical Immunology:医学免疫学Medical Cell Biology:医学细胞生物学Medical Microbiology:医学微生物学Medical Molecular Biology:医学分子生物学Mathematics:数学Higher Mathematics:高等数学Advanced Mathematics:高数Biochemistry:生物化学Medical Physics:医用物理学Medical Advanced Mathematics:医用高等数学Parasitology:寄生虫学Essential Chemistry:基础化学Medical Psychology:心理学Epidemiology:流行病学Image:影像学Diagnosis:诊断学Psychiatry:精神病学Neurology:神经病学Infectionology:传染病学Ophthalmology:眼科学Dermatology:皮肤病学Dermatology and Venereology:皮肤性病学Anesthesia:麻醉学Otorhinolaryngology:耳鼻喉学Oral science:口腔学Endocrinology:内分泌学Preventive Medicine:预防医学Surgical Nursing:外科护士Radiology:放射学radiotoxicology:放射毒理学radiopharmaceutics:放射药理学Osteopathic Medicine:骨科医学Dental Sciences:牙科学Pharmacy:药剂学Pharmacology:药理学Medicinal Chemistry:药物化学Pharmaceutics:药剂Physical Chemistry:物理化学Natural Medicinal Chemistry:天然药物化学Pharmacognosy:生药学toxicology:毒理学Pharmaceutical analysis:药物分析Pharmacy Administration:药事管理学Organic Chemistry:有机化学Inorganic Chemistry:无机化学Traditional Mongolia Medicine:蒙药学Traditional Chinese Medicine:中药学Chinese Herb Medicine :中草学Molecular pharmacology:分子药理学industrial pharmacy:工业药剂学Quantum pharmacology:量子药学Clinical pharmacology:临床药理学Chlinical pharmacy:临床药学Chronopharmacology:时辰药理学Pharmacogenetics:药学遗传学Pharmacodynamics:药动学pharmacokinetics:药代学二、医学词汇:人体器官英语词汇:head 头throat 喉chest 胸部abdomen 腹部thigh 大腿neck 颈部shoulder 肩部back 背部waist 腰部hip臀部wisdom tooth 智牙skull 头颅collarbone 锁骨rib 肋骨backbone 脊柱shoulder joint 肩关节shoulder blade 肩峰breastbone 胸骨elbow joint 肘关节kneecap 膝盖骨bone 骨骼skeleton 骨骼muscle 肌肉joint 关节blood vessel 血管vein 静脉artery 动脉capillary 毛细血管nerve 神经spinal marrow 脊髓brain 大脑respiration 呼吸windpipe 气管lung 肺heart 心脏exhale 呼气inhale 吸气internal organs 内脏gullet 食道stomach 胃liver 肝脏gall bladder 胆囊pancreas 胰腺spleen 脾脏duodenum 十二指肠small intestine 小肠large intestine 大肠blind gut 盲肠vermiform 蠕虫appendix 阑尾rectum 直肠chew 咀嚼swallow 吞咽digest 消化absord 吸收discharge 排放excrement 粪便kidney 肾脏bladder 膀胱intelligence 智力各种常见疾病的表达:Headache 头痛cold 感冒hepatitis 肝炎Pneumonia 肺炎cough 咳嗽trachitis 气管炎brain fever/meningitis脑膜炎cystitis 膀胱炎gastritis 胃炎acute gastritis 急性胃炎mastitis 乳腺炎bronchitis 支气管炎appendicitis 阑尾炎gastroenteritis 肠胃炎tumor 肿瘤bird flu/avian influenza 禽流感cancer 癌症leukemia 白血病SARS<Severe Acute Respiratary Syndrome> 非典型肺炎AIDS<Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome,AIDS> 艾滋病black death 黑死病mad cow disease 疯牛病influenza 流感cataract 白内障rabies 狂犬病stroke 休克coronary heart disease 冠心病diabetes 糖尿病lung cancer 肺癌liver cancer 肝癌pulmonary tuberculosis 肺结核hepatocirrhosis 肝硬化chronic 慢性的cancer of stomach 胃癌stomach trouble 胃炎heart disease 心脏病fever 发热amnesia 健忘症anemia, anaemia 贫血angina pectoris 心绞痛appendicitis 阑尾炎arthritis 关节炎bird flu, avian flu 禽流感bronchitis 支气管炎cancer 癌症cervicitis 子宫颈炎cold 感冒epilepsy 癫痫gout 痛风headache 头痛hemiplegy, hemiplegia 偏瘫icterus, jaundice 黄疸indigestion 消化不良influenza, flu 流感insanity 精神病insomnia 失眠症leukemia 白血病lupus 狼疮lupus erythematosus <LE> 红斑狼疮malnutrition 营养不良migraine, splitting headache 偏头痛neuralgia 神经病miocardial infarction 心肌梗塞neurasthenia 神经衰弱paralysis 麻痹peritonitis 腹膜炎pharyngitis 咽炎syncope 晕厥tetanus 破伤风tumour, tumor 肿瘤〔三〕化学元素名称的表达:Hydrogen 氢Helium he Carbon 碳Nitrogen 氮Oxygen 氧Sodium 钠Fluorine 佛Magnesium 镁Aluminum铝Phosphorus 磷Sulfur 硫Chlorine 氯Potassium 钾Calcium 钙Iron铁Copper 铜Zinc 锌Bromine溴Silver 银Iodine 碘Barium钡Gold 金Mercury 汞Lead 铅。

1. Pharmacology (药理学): The study of how drugs interact with the body and how they produce therapeutic effects or side effects.2. Pharmaceutical (制药的): Relating to the production, development, and sale of drugs.3. Pharmacokinetics (药物动力学): The study of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion in the body.4. Pharmacodynamics (药物动力学): The study of how drugs exert their effects on the body at the cellular and molecular level.5. Drug formulation (药物制剂): The process of developing the most suitable form of a drug for administration, such as tablets, capsules, or injections.6. Clinical trial (临床试验): A research study that tests the safety andeffectiveness of a new drug or treatment in humans.7. Drug interaction (药物相互作用): The effects that occur when two or more drugs are taken together, which can alter their individual therapeutic effects or cause adverse reactions.8. Adverse drug reaction (药物不良反应): Any harmful or unintended response to a drug, which may range from mild to severe.9. Pharmacist (药剂师): A healthcare professional who is knowledgeable about drugs, their uses, and their potential side effects, and who dispenses medications to patients.10. Prescription (处方): A written order from a healthcare provider fora specific medication, including dosage instructions and duration of treatment.11. Over-the-counter (OTC) (非处方药): Medications that can be purchased without a prescription, typically used to treat minor ailments and symptoms.12. Generic drug (仿制药): A medication that is equivalent to a brand-namedrug in terms of active ingredients, dosage form, strength, and route of administration, but is usually less expensive.13. Drug resistance (药物抗性): The ability of microorganisms or cancer cells to survive and multiply despite the presence of a drug, making the treatment less effective.14. Pharmacovigilance (药品监测): The science and activities related to the detection, assessment, understanding, and prevention of adverse effects or any other drug-related problems.15. Drug delivery system (药物输送系统): The technology or method by whicha drug is administered to the body, including oral, transdermal, inhalation, and intravenous routes.以上这些药学英语词汇不仅在医药领域中广泛使用,而且对于学习和理解药物的研发、使用和管理至关重要。

药学常用英语词汇英语的学习,词汇量的积累很重要,有关药学方面的词汇你了解多少呢,今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些药学常用英语词汇,欢迎大家阅读!药学常用英语词汇pharmacology 药理学pharmacodynamics 药效学pharmacokinetics 药动学drug action 药物作用etiological treatment 对因治疗symptomatic treatment 对症治疗adverse reaction 不良反应side effect 副作用toxic reaction 毒性反应allergy reaction 变态反应receptor 受体agonist 激动剂antagonist 拮抗剂partial agonist 部分激动剂efficacy 效能potency 效价强度first pass effect 首过效应hepato-enteral circulation 肝肠循环bioavailability 生物利用度half-life time 半衰期steady state plasma concentration 稳态血药浓度physical dependence 躯体依赖性psychic dependence 精神依赖性tolerance 耐受性resistance 耐药性药学专业常见英语词汇superinfection 二重感染apparent volume of distribution 表观分布容积pilocarpine 毛果芸香碱neostigmine 新斯的明atropine 阿托品scopolamine 东莨菪碱anisodamine 山莨菪碱adrenaline 肾上腺素dopamine 多巴胺ephedrine 麻黄碱noradrenaline 去甲肾上腺素metaraminol 间羟胺isoprenaline 异丙肾上腺素phentolamine 酚妥拉明propranolol 普萘洛尔procaine 普鲁卡因lidocaine 利多卡因tetracaine 丁卡因diazepam 地西泮phenobarbital 苯巴比妥phenytoin sodium 苯妥英钠chlorpromazine 氯丙嗪morphine 吗啡pethidine 哌替啶药学必背英语词汇aspirin 阿司匹林acetaminophen 扑热息痛ibuprofen 布洛芬caffeine 咖啡因nikethamide 尼可刹米lobeline 洛贝林quinidine 奎尼丁propafenone 普罗帕酮amiodarone 胺碘酮verapamil 维拉帕米digitoxin 洋地黄毒苷digoxin 地高辛nitroglycerin 硝酸甘油nifedipine 硝苯地平clonidine 可乐定reserpine 利血平prazosin 哌唑嗪captopril 巯甲丙脯酸furosemide 呋塞米hydrochlorothiazide 氢氯噻嗪antisterone 螺内酯mannitol 甘露醇chlorphenamine 氯苯那敏astemizole 阿司咪唑aminophylline 氨茶碱salbutamol 沙丁胺醇codeine 可待因cimetidine 西咪替丁heparin 肝素warfarin 华法令pituitrin 垂体后叶素oxytocin 缩宫素药学专业常用英语单词cortisone 可的松hydrocortisone 氢化可的松prednisone 泼尼松prednisolone 泼尼松龙dexamethasone 地塞米松thyroxine 甲状腺素thiamazole 甲巯咪唑insulin 胰岛素tolbutamide 甲苯磺丁脲gliclazide 格列齐特metformin 苯乙双胍penicillin 青霉素oxacillin 苯唑西林ampicillin 氨苄西林amoxicillin 阿莫西林piperacillin 哌拉西林cefalexin 头孢氨苄cefazolin 头孢唑林erythromycin 红霉素roxithromycin 罗红霉素amikacin 丁胺卡那霉素gentamycin 庆大霉素streptomycin 链霉素tetracycline 四环素oxytetracycline 土霉素minocycline 米诺环素chloramphenicol 氯霉素lincomycin 林可霉素clindamycin 克林霉素norfloxacin 诺氟沙星ciprofloxacin 环丙沙星ofloxacin 氧氟沙星isoniazid 异烟肼rifampicin 利福平chloroquine 氯喹primaquine 伯氨喹pyrimethamine 乙胺嘧啶。

(完整版)医学专业英语词汇医学专业英语词汇1. 基础词汇- Medicine - 医学- Clinic - 诊所- Doctor - 医生- Patient - 患者- Hospital - 医院- Health - 健康- Disease - 疾病- Treatment - 治疗- Symptom - 症状- Diagnosis - 诊断- Prescription - 处方- Surgery - 手术- Laboratory - 实验室- Research - 研究- University - 大学- Medical - 医疗的- Nurse - 护士- Pharmacist - 药剂师- Therapist - 治疗师- Vaccine - 疫苗- X-ray - X光片- HIV - 人类免疫缺陷病毒- Cancer - 癌症- Diabetes - 糖尿病- Heart - 心脏- Kidney - 肾脏- Liver - 肝脏2. 解剖学词汇- Anatomy - 解剖学- Skeleton - 骨骼- Muscle - 肌肉- Nervous system - 神经系统- Digestive system - 消化系统- Respiratory system - 呼吸系统- Circulatory system - 循环系统- Skeletal system - 骨骼系统- Muscular system - 肌肉系统- Nervous tissue - 神经组织- Respiratory tract - 呼吸道- Circulatory system - 循环系统- Digestive tract - 消化道- Central nervous system - 中枢神经系统- Peripheral nervous system - 外周神经系统- Endocrine system - 内分泌系统- Urinary system - 泌尿系统3. 疾病词汇- Infection - 感染- Allergy - 过敏- Fever - 发烧- Inflammation - 炎症- Pain - 疼痛- Cough - 咳嗽- Headache - 头痛- Fatigue - 疲劳- Depression - 抑郁症- High blood pressure - 高血压- Arthritis - 关节炎- Asthma - 哮喘- Alzheimer's disease - 阿尔茨海默病- Stroke - 中风- Multiple sclerosis - 多发性硬化症- Pneumonia - 肺炎- Cancer - 癌症- Diabetes - 糖尿病- Heart disease - 心脏病- Kidney disease - 肾脏疾病- Liver disease - 肝脏疾病- Sexually transmitted disease - 性传播疾病4. 检查和测试词汇- Blood test - 血液检查- Urine test - 尿液检查- X-ray - X光检查- Ultrasound - 超声波- MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) - 磁共振成像- ECG (Electrocardiogram) - 心电图- PET scan (Positron Emission Tomography) - 正电子发射断层扫描- Colonoscopy - 结肠镜检查- Pap smear - 涂片检查- Biopsy - 活检- Lymph node biopsy - 淋巴结活检- Bone marrow biopsy - 骨髓活检5. 药物相关词汇- Medication - 药物- Drug - 药品- Prescription - 处方药- Over-the-counter (OTC) - 非处方药- Antibiotics - 抗生素- Analgesics - 镇痛药- Antidepressants - 抗抑郁药- Antipyretics - 退热药- Antihistamines - 抗组织胺药- Anticoagulants - 抗凝药- Opioids - 麻醉药- Diuretics - 利尿药- Antivirals - 抗病毒药- Anti-inflammatory - 抗炎药- Beta blockers - 贝塔受体阻滞剂- Statins - 他汀类药物- Vaccines - 疫苗- Insulin - 胰岛素- Cholesterol-lowering drugs - 降低胆固醇药物以上是医学专业英语词汇的一部分,希望对您的学习和工作有所帮助。

medicinal药品,药物, 药的,药用的,治疗的 medical 医学的,医术的pharmaceutical 药学的,制药的,药品 be split into 分成,分为alkaloid 生物碱 enzyme 酶polysaccharide 多糖,多聚糖 precursor 前体steroid 甾体 peptide 肽hormone 激素 gall 胆汁insulin 胰岛素 pancreas胰腺 serum/sera血清,浆液vaccine 疫苗 cholesterol 胆固醇gelatine 骨胶,明胶 antibiotic 抗生素,抗菌的interferon 干扰素 antibody 抗体fermentation 发酵 therapy 治疗/ therapeutic治疗的therapeutic margin caffeine咖啡因dopamine多巴胺 yeast 酵母mucous membrane粘液的,分泌粘液的 plasma 血浆,淋巴液,等离子体penicillin 青霉素 penicillium 青霉菌derivative衍生物 sterile无菌的,不能生育的aerobic 需氧的 oxygen氧,氧气feedstuff 饲料 lymph淋巴,淋巴液starch 淀粉 regiospecific reaction区域专一性反应stereospecific reaction立体专一性反应 glucose葡萄糖immobilize 固定 heterogeneous 不均匀的,多相的contamination污染 genetic 创始的,遗传学的hygienic 卫生学的,卫生的 intermediate中间体extraction 萃取 recrystallization 重结晶/ crystal 晶体,晶体的xylene 二甲苯 toluene 甲苯ether 醚 benzene苯/ chlorobenzene氯苯synthetic, 合成的,人造的;化学合成品 semisynthetic,半合成的synthesis [复syntheses] 综合,综合物,合成(法) synthesize vt 综合,合成 lead structure先导结构preparation 制备,制剂 isolate使分离,使离析 / isolation heart glycoside tocopherol 生育酚hydrolysis水解/hydrolysate水解产物/hydrolyze水解hydroxylation 羟基化 dextran 葡聚糖,代血浆wool 羊毛 ーlactamβ-内酰胺amino acid 氨基酸/ amino 氨基的 penicilamine 青霉胺ammonia 氨 ammonium 铵 / ammonium sulfate硫酸铵amine 胺 amide酰胺microorganism 微生物 micro b iological微生物学的mutant 变异的;突变型,突变体 starting material 起始原料natural source天然来源 organ器官/target organ 靶器官pancreas 胰腺 natural product 天然产物mould 霉,霉菌;发霉 high performance 高效bacterial 细菌的 protein 蛋白质degradation 降解 metabolism新陈代谢 / metabolize metabolite代谢物molecule n. 分子;微小颗粒/molecular weight分子量food additive 食品添加剂organic有机(体)的;有组织的,系统的;器官的;根本的lactic acid乳酸 citric acid 柠檬酸tetracycline 四环素 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳carbohydrate 碳水化合物 saccharide 糖/多糖polysaccharide nitrogen 氮 urea 尿素phosphate 磷酸盐 optimal 优化的,最佳的separate vt 分离 Food additiveabsorption 吸收 absorb vt. 吸收filtration 过滤 filtrate 滤液filte 过滤(vt),过滤器(n) recombinant 重组的,重组子purification 纯化 encode vt. 把(电文等)译成电码(或密码), 编码calcium 钙 chromatographic procedure 色谱操作步骤isomerization异构化 /isomeric phenol 酚fructose 果糖 fumaric acid 富马酸countless test 非计数的 diagnose诊断 diagnosticprotease 蛋白酶analysis分析/analyze 分析vt / analyst分析家/ analytical分析的Ingredient 成分 in combination with 结合Digestion 消化。

医药行业专业英语词汇_非常有用1. Medicine (药品): 指用于治疗、预防或诊断疾病的物质。
2. Pharmaceutical (制药): 涉及药品的研究、开发、生产和销售。
3. Clinical trial (临床试验): 在人体上进行的药物或治疗方法测试。
4. Therapeutic (治疗): 指药物或治疗方法的疗效。
5. Side effect (副作用): 药物或治疗方法产生的非预期效果。
6. Dosage (剂量): 药物的使用量。
7. Bioavailability (生物利用度): 药物在体内可被利用的程度。
8. Pharmacokinetics (药代动力学): 研究药物在体内的吸收、分布、代谢和排泄。
9. Pharmacodynamics (药效动力学): 研究药物如何影响生物体。
10. Biopharmaceutics (生物制药学): 研究生物体内药物的物理、化学和生物学性质。
11. Regulatory affairs (法规事务): 涉及药品的法规制定、遵守和监管。
12. Drug discovery (药物发现): 寻找新的药物分子或治疗方法。
13. Drug development (药物开发): 将新发现的药物分子转化为可用的药物。
14. Generic drug (仿制药): 与原研药具有相同活性成分的药物。
15. Biologics (生物制品): 由生物体产生的药物,如抗体、激素等。
16. Overthecounter (OTC) drug (非处方药): 不需要医生处方即可购买的药物。
17. Prescription drug (处方药): 需要医生处方才能购买的药物。
18. Drug interaction (药物相互作用): 两种或多种药物同时使用时产生的相互作用。
19. Adverse event (不良事件): 在药物使用过程中出现的非预期反应。

medicine;drug;remedy 药sleeping pill 安眠药contraceptive drugs 避孕药tonic 补药a medicine for colds 感冒药expectorant 化痰药anti-cancer drugs;cancer-fighting drugs 抗癌药anti-tuberculous drug 抗结核药oral contraceptive;pill 口服避孕药good medicine;a good remedy 良药laxative 轻泻药antipyretic 退热药for oral administration 内服药specific medicine;specific 特效药for external use 外用药preventive medicine;prophylactic 预防药sedative 镇静药take medicine 服药change dressings 换药decoct herbal medicine 煎药fill a prescription 配药have a prescription made up(filled)(患者)抓药medicinal materials;crude drugs 药材medicinal herbs 药草tablet 药片medicines and chemical reagents 药品medicine bottle 药瓶remedies 药石liquid medicine;medicinal liquid 药水lotion 洗液pill 药丸bolus 大药丸herbal medicines in a prescription 药味(中药方中的药)flavor of a drug 药味(药的味道或气味)medicines;pharmaceuticals;medicaments 药物heal with drugs 药物医治drug allergy 药物过敏materia medica 药物学drug poisoning 药物中毒(medicinal)powder 药粉ointment;salve 药膏apply a plaster 上药膏medical apparatus and instruments:医疗器械pharmaceutical factory:药厂drugstore;chemists shop;pharmacy:药店pharmacopeia:药典prescription:药方write out a prescription:开药方drugstore;chemists shop;pharmacy:医药商店hospital pharmacy;dispensary:医院或诊所里的药房expenses for medicine;charges for medicine:药费a pot for decocting herbal medicine:药罐子chronic invalid:药罐子(经常生病的人)apothecariesmeasure or weight:药衡medicinal herb collector;herbalist:药农herbal medicine shop:药铺asthma 哮喘pneumonia 肺炎heart disease 心脏病arrhythmia 心律不齐indigestion 消化不良gastritis 胃炎appendicitis 盲肠炎hepatitis 肝炎dermatitis 皮炎freckle/ephelis 痣,雀斑acne 粉刺flu 流感diarrhoea 痢疾quarantine 检疫vaccinate 打疫苗endemic 水土不服relapse 复发症casualty 急症stupor 昏迷sprain 扭伤scalding 烫伤graze 擦伤scratch 搔挠trauma 外伤bruise 淤伤fracture 骨折dislocation 脱臼tinnitus 耳鸣trachoma 沙眼colour blindness 色盲nearsightedness/myopia 近视astigmatism 散光gingivitis 牙龈炎cavity 龋齿fever 发烧discomfort/disorder 不适malnutrition 营养不良incubation 潜伏期asthenia 虚弱poisoning 中毒fatigue 疲劳heat stroke 中暑itching 发痒ache/pain 痛tetanus 破伤风night sweat 盗汗chill 打冷颤pale 脸色发白shuddering 发抖inflammation 炎症acute 急症chronic 慢性病congenital 先天性病nausea 恶心vomit 呕吐常用药品监管英语与缩略语——浙江省药品监督管理局政策法规处一、监管英语1.《中华人民共和国药品管理法》Drug Control Law of the People's Republic of China2.药品生产企业管理control over drug manufacturers3.药品经营企业管理control over drug distributors4.医疗机构的药剂管理control over medicines in medical institutions5.药品管理control over drugs6.药品包装的管理control over drug packaging7.药品价格和广告的管理control over drug price and advertisement8.药品监督inspection of drugs9.法律责任legal liabilities10.药品标识labels or marks of the drugs11.假药counterfeit drugs12.劣药inferior drugs13.药品检验机构drug quality control laboratory14.药品的生产企业drug manufacturers15.经营企业drug distributors16.医疗机构medical institutions17.药品监督管理部门drug regulatory agency18.药品批准证明文件drug approval documents19.行政处分administrative sanctions20.刑事责任criminal liabilities21.药品生产质量管理规范Good Manufacturing Practice for Pharmaceutical Products (GMP)22.药品经营质量管理规范Good Supply Practice for Pharmaceutical Products (GSP)23.药品生产许可证Drug Manufacturing Certificate24.药品经营许可证Drug Supply Certificate25.医疗机构制剂许可证Pharmaceutical Preparation Certificate for Medical Institution26.进口药品注册证书Import Drug License27.临床试验clinical trial28.新药证书New Drug Certificate29.药品批准文号Drug Approval Number30.在中华人民共和国境内从事药品的研制、生产、经营、使用和监督管理的单位或者个人,必须遵守《中华人民共和国药品管理法》All institutions or individuals engaged in research, production, distribution, use, and administration and supervision of drugs in the People's Republic of Ch ina shall abide by drug control law of the people's republic of China.31.国务院药品监督管理部门主管全国药品监督管理工作。

●symptomolytic 消除症状的●neurotransmitter神经递质●Oosperm 受精卵●prostaglandin 前列腺素●polyethylene 聚乙烯●octadecyl 十八(烷)基●osteoarthritis骨关节炎●dyspepsia 消化不良●pathophysiology 病理生理学●osteoporosis 骨质疏松症●hydrophilic 亲水的●urokinase尿激酶●trachoma沙眼●dysfunction功能紊乱●mucopolysaccharide 粘多糖(类) streptomycin 链霉素●pathophysiology 病理生理学●otorhinolaryngology耳鼻喉科学●phlebostenosis 静脉狭窄●nitroglycerin 硝酸甘油●pyrogen 热原,致热物●pseudocholinesterase拟(或假)胆碱酯酶●thioether 硫醚●somatotype体型●uricemia 尿酸血症●hysteroscopy子宫镜检查●chemoprophylaxis 化学预防●antipsychotic抗精神病的(药)●nephroangiosclerosis 肾血管硬化●bacteriostatic 抑菌的●parasympathomimetic拟副交感神经的(药)●adrenocorticotropin促肾上腺皮质激素●diuretic 利尿的(药)●vagosympathetic迷走交感神经的●alkaloid生物碱●teratogenesis 致畸作用●polioencephalitis 脑灰质炎●tetanotoxin 破伤风毒素●myotonia肌强直●hyperlipemia高脂血症●bronchiectasis支气管扩张●oxidoreductase氧化还原酶●oncology 肿瘤学●euthanasia 安乐死●Myocardial 心肌的●ophthalmoxerosis 干眼病●Vaginomycosis 阴道霉菌病●encephalorrhagia 脑出血●electrophilicity 亲电性●Mitochondria 线粒体●Stereochemistry 立体化学●Pancytopenia 全血细胞减少●streptokinase 链激酶●superinfection 二重感染,重复感染●osteomyelitis 骨髓炎●macromolecular 大分子的●Menopause 更年期; 绝经●Vasodilation 血管舒张●Thromboembolism 血栓栓塞●phytopharmacology 植物药理学●protoplasm 原生质●schizophrenia 精神分裂症●Hemiplegia 偏瘫,半身不遂●Fluorospectrophotometry荧光分光光度法●bradypnea 呼吸缓慢●Diarrhea 腹泻,痢疾●Pharmacodynamics药效学and pharmacokinetics药动学is the twomain areas of pharmacology药理学. The former studies the the effects of the drugs on biological systems, and the latter studies the effects of biological systems on the drugs. When describing the pharmacokinetics properties of a drug, pharmacologists药理学家are often interested in LADME:●Liberation●Absorption●Distribution●Metabolism●Excretion●药效学和药代动力学是药理学的两个主要领域。

药学英语单词药学英语单词⼀、Pharmacology1、pharmacology 药理学2、drug 药物3、pharmacy 药房,制药业4、pharmacist 药剂师5、toxicology 毒理学6、drug actions 药物相互作⽤7、drug effect 药效8、desired effect 预期效果9、side effect 副作⽤10、adverse reaction 不良反应11、contraindication 禁忌症12、local effect 局部作⽤13、systemic effect 全⾝作⽤14、cumulation effect 蓄积作⽤15、oral administration ⼝服给药16、sublingual administration⾆下给药17、buccal administration⼝腔含化给药法18、inhalation administration吸⼊给药19、rectal administration 直肠给药20、vaginal administration阴道给药21、topical administration局部给药22、transdermal administration 经⽪给药23、parenteral administration胃肠外给药24、intradermal administration⽪内注射25、intramuscular administration肌⾁注射26、intravenous administration静脉注射27、subcutaneous administration⽪下注射28、analgesic 镇痛剂29、anesthetic ⿇醉剂30、antiarrhythmic 抗⼼律失常药物31、antibiotic(anti-infective)抗⽣素32、anticoagulant 抗凝剂33、anticonvulsant 抗惊厥剂34、antidepressant 抗抑郁药35、antidiabetic 抗糖尿病36、antidiarrheal ⽌泻药37、antidiuretic 抗利尿剂38、antiemetic ⽌吐剂39、antifungal 抗真菌剂40、antihistamine 抗组胺药41、antihypertensive 降压药42、anti-inflammatory 抗炎药43、antineoplastic 抗肿瘤药44、antitussive 镇咳药45、antiulcer agent 抗溃疡药46、antiviral agent 抗病毒剂47、beta blocker β-受体阻滞药48、bronchodilator ⽀⽓管扩张药49、hormone 荷尔蒙50、hypnotic 安眠药51、immunosuppressant 免疫抑制剂52、laxative 泻药53、lipid-lowering agent 降脂剂54、sedative 镇静剂,⽌痛药55、vitamin 维⽣素56、institute for safe medicationspractices (ISMP)安全药物试验研究所57、milliequivalent(mEq)毫当量⼆、R&D of New Drugs1、Acute 急性的2、Leukemia ⽩⾎病3、Chronic 慢性的4、Agonist 激动剂5、Antagonist 拮抗剂6、New chemical entity新化学实体7、Lead compound先导化合物8、Drug candidate候选药物9、In-vitro 在试管内10、In vivo 有活⼒的11、Synthesize 合成12、Supervise 监督,管理13、Authorize 批准,认可14、Double-blind 双盲15、Placebo 安慰剂/⽆效对照剂16、Indication 适应症17、Submission 投降,提交,服从18、Evolution of a new drug新药发展的历程19、drug development strategies新药研发的策略20、serendipity 意外发现,运⽓21、intuition 直觉22、roulette 轮盘赌23、staphylococci 葡萄状球菌24、penicillin 青霉素25、podophyllotoxin ⾜叶草毒素26、vincristine 长春新碱27、taxol 紫杉醇28、camptothecin 喜树碱29、molecular roulette 分⼦转轮30、minor structural changesin existing agents现有药物分⼦结构的细微修正31、programmed basic researchwith synthesis of specificchemicals对特定化合物的合成⽽制定的基础研究32、clinical observation of drug action in practice 使⽤中药物作⽤的临床观察33、berberine ⼩檗碱34、experimental pharmacology实验药理学35、subcellular particles 亚细胞粒⼦36、isolated tissue 离体组织37、perfused organs 灌注器官38、haematological ⾎液学的39、teratogenic 致畸的40、mutagenicity 诱变41、carcinogenicity 致癌性42、toxicological assessment毒物学监定43、rationale 基本原理三、drug dependence1、withdrawal 撤退,收回2、opiate 鸦⽚试剂3、cocaine 可卡因4、amphetamine 苯丙胺5、alcohol酒精6、barbiturate 巴⽐妥类7、cannabis ⼤⿇8、volatile solvents 挥发性⽓体9、psychic dependence精神成瘾性10、physical dependence⾝体成瘾性11、curiosity and wanting tobelong好奇和归属感12、psychiatric 精神病学的13、make-up 化妆品14、availability 可⽤性15、heroin(diacetylmorphine)咖啡因(⼆⼄酰吗啡)16、restlessness 躁动不安17、distress 悲痛18、nausea 恶⼼,晕船19、pyrexial 发热的,发烧的20、the possibility of over dosage可能吸⾷过量21、the frequent occurrenceof sepsis常发⽣败⾎症22、baby born to an addict成瘾者的⼩孩23、go to any length to想尽⼀切办法24、management 戒毒25、addicts must be registered成瘾者⼀定要登记在册26、methadone 美沙酮27、clonidine 可乐定28、the nasal septum ⿐隔膜29、appetite suppressor⾷欲抑制剂30、powerful stimulant 强效兴奋剂31、mental disturbances 精神紊乱32、hallucination 幻觉33、epileptic fits 癫痫发作34、resin 树脂,松⾹35、volatile solvent 挥发性溶剂36、euphoria 精神欢快37、detoxification and medically managed withdrawal去毒及医疗辅助下的撤去毒品38、long-term residential treatment 长期居家治疗39、short-term residential programs 短期居家治疗40、outpatient treatment门诊治疗41、individualized drug counseling 个性化毒品咨询42、group counseling集体咨询。

(完整版)药学英语专业词汇药学名词(中-英)6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase Janbon综合症Janbon's syndromePPB浓度parts per billion concentrationpphm浓度parts per hundred million concentrationPPH浓度parts per hundred concentrationppm浓度parts per million concentration安全范围safety range安全试验法innocuity test method安全系统safety coefficient安慰剂placebo螯合剂chelating agent靶细胞target cell白蛋白微球制剂albumin microballoons百分浓度percentage concentration半合成抗生素semisynthetic antibiotics半抗原haptene半数致死剂量half lethal dose ; median lethal dose; LD50 半衰期half-life period; half life time包衣片coated tablet薄膜衣film-coating饱和溶液saturated solution贝克勒尔Becquerel被动免疫passive immunity被动转运passive transport崩解度disintegration崩解剂disintegrants必需氨基酸essential aminoacid必需脂肪酸essential fatty acid变态反应allergy; allergic reaction表面活性surface activity表面张力surface tension丙种射线gamma rays补体complement补体系统complement system不良反应adverse reaction不完全抗原incomplete antigen搽剂liniments长期毒性实验long term toxicity test长效制剂prolonged action preparation肠肝循环enterohepatic circulation肠溶控释片enteric controlled release tablets肠溶衣enteric coating处方prescription;recipe穿透促进剂penetration enhancers磁性控释制剂magnetic controlled release dosage form 磁性药物制剂magnetic medicinal preparations大分子macromolecule单克隆抗体monoclonal antibody胆碱酯酶cholinesterase当量equivalent weight当量定律equivalent law当量浓度normality当量溶液normal solution等张溶液isotonic solution低聚糖oligosaccharides低密度脂蛋白low density lipoprotein滴定titration滴定曲线titration curve滴丸剂pill递质transmitter电解electrolyzation电解质electrolyte酊剂tincture定向药物制剂directed pharmaceutical preparations 毒理学toxicology毒性反应toxic response; toxic reaction短期致癌实验short term carcinogenic test对因治疗etiological treatment对映体antipode对症治疗symptomatic treatment多功能酶multifunctional enzyme多剂量给药multiple dose administration多糖polyose多肽polypeptide儿茶酚胺catecholamine二重感染superinfection发酵fermentation法定处方official formula芳族化合物aromatic compound放射毒理学radiotoxicology放射药剂学radiopharmaceutics非必需氨基酸non-essential amino acid非去极化型肌松药nondepolarizer分子病molecular disease分子溶液molecular solution分子生物学molecular biology分子药理学molecular pharmacology辅基prosthetic group辅料excipients辅酶coenzyme副作用side effect附加剂additive干燥剂desiccant;drying agent肝首过效应first pass effect of hepar感受器receptor高敏性hyperreactivity个体差异性individual differences; individual variation 给药方案或给药速度dosage regimen or dose rate给药间隔dosing interval工业药剂学industrial pharmacy共价键covalent bond光量子light quantum广谱抗生素broad-spectrum antibiotic过滤filtration过敏毒素anaphylatoxin过敏性药物反应anaphylactic drug reaction过氧化物superoxide含量均匀度content uniformity核糖核酸ribonucleic acid; RNA核苷酸nucleotide合并用药drug combination合成药物synthetic drugs合剂mixture痕量元素trace element化学分析chemical analysis化学物理学chemical physics化学消毒法chemical disinfection化学药物治疗chemotherapy环境药理学environmental pharmacology基本药物essential drugs基因gene激活剂activator激活作用activation激素hormone激素原prohormone急性毒性实验acute toxicity test己糖醇细胞毒剂cytotoxic hexitols剂量dosage; dose剂量或浓度的依存性dose or concentration dependency 剂型dosage form间接致癌indirect carcinogenesis间歇灭菌法discontinuous sterilization碱中毒alkalosis;alkali-poisoning胶体溶液型药剂medical colloidal solution嚼用片chewable tablets酵解glycolysis拮抗作用antagonism解毒作用detoxication介质mediator; transmitter; medium精神依赖性psychic dependence剧药powerful drug绝对致死剂量absolute lethal dose; LD100抗毒素antitoxin抗菌谱antibacterial spectrum抗体antibody抗血清antiserum抗药性resistance to drugs抗原antigen克当量gram-equivalent weight克当量数gram-equivalent number克分子gram-molecule; gram-mol克分子分数molar fraction克分子量gram molecular weight克分子浓度molar comcentratin; molal comcentration克原子gram-atom控释制剂controlled release preparation口腔内给药oral administration快速耐受tachyphylaxis扩散diffusion扩散系数coefficient of diffusion累积尿排泄曲线cumulative urinary excretion curves累加效应additive effect类毒素anatoxin;toxoid类固醇停药综合征steroid withdrawal syndrome冷藏cold-storage冷冻freezing;refrigeration量子药理学quantum pharmacology临床药理学clinical pharmacology临床药学chlinical pharmacy卤化物halogenide埋植剂implants慢通道slow pathway慢性毒性实验chronic toxicity test; long term toxicity test 酶enzyme酶原proenzyme免疫抑制剂immunosuppressant;immuno inhibitor免疫原性immunogenicity免疫增强剂immunoenhancement敏感性sensitivity摩尔mole摩尔分数浓度mol fraction concentration摩尔分子体积molar volume;mole volume摩尔浓度molarity默克索引the Merck index耐受性tolerance耐药性drug tolerance内毒素endotoxin内毒素鲎试剂测定法Limulus Amebocyte Lysate assay for endotoxin 内消旋体mesomer浓度concentration皮肤、粘膜表面给药skin and mucocutaneous administration 片剂硬度tablet hardness气凝胶aerogel气溶胶aerosol气体分析gas analysis气雾剂aerosol前体药物prodrug鞘内注射intrathecal injection全酶与辅基holonzyme and prosthetic group人工合成抗原artificial antigen人工免疫artificial immunization人种药理学ethnopharmacology日内瓦命名法Geneva nomenclature溶剂solvent; dissolvent溶解dissolution; dissolving溶菌酶lysozyme溶血hemolysis溶质solute三羧酸循环tricarboxylic acid cycle杀菌活性bactericidal activity杀菌作用bactericidal effect身体依赖性physical dependence神经毒素neurotoxin肾上腺素能神经adrenergic nerve肾上腺素能受体adrenergic receptor渗透压osmotic pressure生长曲线growth curve生物胺biogenic amine生物半衰期biological half life生物化学biochemistry生物碱alkaloid生物利用度bioavailability生物统计学biometrics;biometry生物药剂学biopharmacy生物制品biological product生药crude drugs时辰药理学chronopharmacology时间感受性chronosusceptability时间治疗chronotherapy时效关系time-effect relationship时值chronaxia;chronaxy时滞lag time世界卫生组织World Health Organization; WHO 噬菌体bacteriophage收敛药astringent手性药物chiral drug首过效应first-pass effect受体receptor受体激动剂receptor stimulant受体拮抗剂receptor antagonist双盲法double-blind technique水解(作用)hydrolysis糖异生作用gluconeogenesis体表面积body surface area体积比浓度volume by volume concentration 体液body fluid 体液免疫humoral immunity天然抗体natural antibody天然抗原natural antigen天然免疫natural immunity天然药物crude drugs; natural drugs调剂学dispensing pharmacy同位素isotope突变mutation吞噬作用phagocytosis外毒素exotoxin外消旋体raceme完全抗原complete antigen王水aqua regia; nitrohydrochloric acid微粒体酶microsomal enzyme微量元素trace element稳态血药浓度steady state plasma concentration物理药剂学physical pharmaceutics吸入法inhalation吸收速率常数absorption rate constant细胞免疫cellular immunity腺苷磷酸adenosine phosphate限制性剧药restrictive holagogue相对给药间隔relative dosage interval相加作用additive effect; addition向靶给药targetable drug delivery消除速率常数elimination rate constant效价potency效价单位potency unit效价强度potency效应effect效应器effector效应物effector协定处方cipher prescription协同作用synergism兴奋性excitability序贯设计sequential design悬浮液suspension选择性selectivity血管内给药intravascular administration血管外给药extravascular administration血浆plasma血浆代用液plasma substitute血浆蛋白结合率plasma protein binding ratio血脑屏障blood-cerebral barrier血清serum血容量扩充剂blood volume expander血药浓度blood concentration血液凝固blood coagulation血液制品blood products亚急性中毒subacute intoxication;subacute poisoning 亚硝酸盐中毒nitrite poisoning眼用膜剂ocular inserts药—时半对数曲线semi-logarithmic curve of drug-time 药—时曲线drug-time curve药峰浓度peak concentration of drug药峰时间peak time of drug药剂等效性pharmaceutical equivalence药剂学pharmaceutics药理学pharmacology药敏试验drug sensitive test药品负责期allotted date of drug quality ensuring by manufacturer 药品管理法drug administration law药品批号drug batch number药品使用期limit date of using a drug after its production药品有效期expiry date; date of expiration药品质量标准drug standard药物代谢drug metabolism药物代谢酶drug metablic enzyme药物的体内过程intracorporal process of drugs药物动力学模型pharmacokinetics model药物反应drug reaction药物分布drug distribution药物分析pharmaceutical analysis药物化学pharmaceutical chemistry药物排泄drug excretion药物吸收drug absorption药物相互作用drug interaction药物消除drug elimination药物蓄积drug accumulation药物学pharmacology; materia medica药物遗传学pharmacogenetics药效动力学pharmacodynamics药源性疾病drug-induced diseases乙酰胆碱乙酰胆碱acetylcholine乙酰胆碱酯酶acetylcholinesterase抑菌活性bacteriostatic activity抑菌作用bactriostasis异构酶isomerase营养素nutrient硬膏剂plaster有效半衰期effective halt有效率effective rate有效浓度effective concentration右旋糖dextrose右旋体dextrorotatory form阈剂量threshold dose载体carrier皂甙saponins脂质体liposome直肠给药rectal administration直线相关linear correlation纸型片剂oral medicaed soluble paper 致癌实验carcinogenic test致癌物carcinogen致畸试验teratogenic test致畸物teratogen致敏试验sensitization test致敏作用sensitization致死量fatal dose; lethal dose制剂preparation制剂学technology of pharmaceutics 制药化学pharmaceutical chemistry治疗等效(值)therapeutic equivalence治疗量therapeutic dose治疗药物临测therapeutic drug monitoring; TDM治疗指数therapeutic index TI治疗作用therapeutic action中毒intoxication; poisoning中华人民共和国卫生部药品标准Drug Standard of Ministry of Public Health of the People's Republic of China 中间体intermediate助滤剂filter aid助溶剂complex solubilizer助悬剂suspending agent自身免疫autoimmunity组胺histamine最大耐受剂量maximal tolerable dose; LDO最大无作用剂量maxial noneffective dose; EDO最小显著差数least significant difference最小有效量minimal effective dose最小致死剂量minimal lethal dose;MLD左旋糖levulose左旋体levorotatory form佐剂adjuvantNew words and expressions (1) bioavailability 生物利用度pharmaceutics药剂学solution 溶液剂suspension混悬剂suppository栓剂excipient n.赋形剂; 辅料disintegration n.崩解disintegrate v.崩解disintegration test 崩解时限检查dissolution溶出度,溶出absorption n.吸收permeation n.浸透, 透过pharmacopeia;pharmacopoeia药典the United States pharmacopoeia, USP,美国药典British pharmacopoeia, BP,英国药典Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China,ChP,中国药典exempt免除~ from 免除troch 锭剂tablet n.片剂coating包衣plain coated tablet 普通包衣片sustained release; prolonged action; repeat action 缓释palpably ad.摸得出地;明显的buccal口腔的,口含的sublingual舌下的granule(颗)粒quality control质量控制;质控systemic absorption 全身吸收stagnant静止的,停滞的,不流动的stagnant layer静止层partition分配kinetics动力学kinetic energy 动能constant常数,常量,恒量coefficient系数formulation剂型,制剂aggregate v. 聚集,凝聚aggregation n.聚集物,凝聚体investigator n.研究者, 调查者diffuse扩散equation方程式medium介质solute溶质geometric几何学的,几何图形的solubility溶解度,溶解性ionizable可解离的,可电离的free游离的manipulation操作,处理,控制anhydrous无水的hydrous含水的,水合的crystalline晶状的,水晶的crystalline form晶型polymorph多晶型amorphous无定形的identical同一的,相同的,相等的rigid硬质的,坚硬的thermodynamically热力的,热力学的suspending agent 助悬剂viscosity粘性,粘度vehicle介质,载体lubricant润滑剂magnesium镁stearate硬脂酸盐,硬脂酸酯repel击退,拒绝,排斥surfactant表面活性剂Surface Tension表面张力micelle胶束,胶团sodium钠bicarbonate碳酸氢盐aspirin n.阿斯匹林alkaline碱的,强碱的,碱性的adjacent靠近的,邻近的~ to 接近water soluble水溶(性)的fine细的precipitate析出,沉淀collective聚集的,集合的disperse分散complex复合物tetracycline n.四环素carbonate n.碳酸盐vitro(活)体外,试管内vivo(活)体内dissolution溶出度dissolution test 溶出试验dissolution apparatus 溶出仪dissolution vessel 溶出杯aqueous水的,水性的specification规范,技术要求,说明书variation波动,变化dosage form 剂型phosphate n.磷酸盐buffer缓冲,缓冲液simulated a.模拟的simulated gastric juice 人工胃液simulated intestinal juice 人工肠液labelled amount 标示量hydrochloric acid, HCl 盐酸pharmacy(o)-药的,药学的pharmacist 药剂师pharmacy 药学pharmaceutics 药剂学pharmacology 药理学pharmacodynamics药效学pharmacokinetics药物动力学常用的药学英语词汇Half life 半衰期Handerson-Hasselbach公式解离状态、pkc、ph的关系Hard capsules 硬胶囊剂Hardness 硬度HCO 氢仪蓖麻油HEC 羟乙基纤维素HEMA 甲基丙烯酸羟乙酯HES 羟乙基淀粉Heywood diameter Dh,投影面积圆相当径Higuchi方程希古契方程Host molecules 主分子HPC 羟丙纤维素HPC 羟丙纤维素HPMA 羟丙甲丙烯酸甲酯HPMC 羟丙甲基纤维素HPMC 羟丙甲基纤维素HPMC 羟丙甲纤维素HPMC 羟丙甲基纤维素HPMC 羟丙甲纤维素HPMCAS 醋酸羟丙甲纤维素琥珀酸酯HPMCAS 醋酸羟丙甲基纤维素琥珀酸酯HPMCAS 醋酸羟丙甲纤维素琥珀酸酯HPMCP 羟丙甲基纤维素酞酸酯HPMCP 羟丙甲纤维素酸酯HPMCP 羟甲基纤维素酞酸酯HPMCP (HP-50, HP-55) 羟丙甲纤维酸酯Humidity 湿度Hydration of stratum corneum 角质层的水化作用Hydrogel 水性凝胶Hydrophile-lipophile balance 亲水亲油平衡值Hydrotropy 助溶Hydrotropy agent 助溶剂Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose 羟丙甲纤维素Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose acetate succinate 醋酸羟丙甲纤维素琥珀酸酯Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose phthalate 羟丙甲纤维素酞酸醋Hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC) 羟丙基纤维素Hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC) 羟丙纤维素Hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose HPMC羟丙甲基纤维素Hygroscopicity 吸湿性Hypodermic tablets 皮下注射用片ICH 国际协调会议ICH 国际协调会议IDDS 植入给药系统IEC 离子交换色谱法IEF 等电点聚焦Immobile liquid 不可流动液体Impact 冲击力Impact mill 冲击式粉碎机Implant tablets 植入片Inclusion compound 包含物Industrial pharmaceutics 工业药剂学Infusion solution 输液Injection 注射液In-liquid drying 液中干燥法(乳化-溶剂挥发法)Interface polycondensation 界面缩聚法intra-arterial route 动脉内注射Intradermal (ID) route 皮内注射Intramuscular (IM) route 肌肉注射Intravenous (IV) route 静脉注射Intrinsic dissolution rate 特性溶出速率Intrinsic solubility 特性溶解度Inverse targeting 反向靶向Iontophoresis 离子渗透法IR 红外Isoclectric focusing IEF等电点聚焦Isoosmotic solution 等渗溶液Isopropylpalmitate 异丙酸棕榈酯Isostearylisostearate 异硬脂酸异硬酯Isotonic solution 等张溶液Isotonic solution 等张溶液Journal of Drug Targeting 药物靶向杂志Kick学说粗粉碎(体积)Krafft point 对离子型表面活性剂而言Krummbein diameter 定方向最大径Lactic acid 乳酸Lactose 乳糖Lag time 滞留时间Large unilamellar vesicles 大单室脂质体Laurocapam 月桂氮草酮Length basis 长度基准L-HPC 低取代羟丙基纤维素L-HPC 低取代羟丙基纤维素Limulus lysate test 鲎试验法Liniments 搽剂Liposomes 脂质体Liquid immersion method 液浸法Liquid injection 无针液体注射器Liquid paraffin 液体石蜡Liquid paraffin 液体石碏Long-circulating liposome 长循环脂质体Long-circulating liposomes 长循环脂质体Long-term testing 长期试验Loo-Rigelman方程双宝血药浓度-吸收率换算Lotions 洗剂Lubricants 润滑剂Lubricants 润滑剂LUVs 大单宝脂质体Martin diameter 定方向等分径Mass basis 质量基准Matrix type 骨架型Matrix-diffusion type TTS 胃架扩散型TTSMaximum additive concentration MAC最大增溶浓度MC 甲基纤维素MC 甲基纤维素MC 甲基纤维素MCC 微晶纤维素Mechanical interlocking bonds 粒子间机械镶嵌Medicinal liquor 酒剂Melt-homogenization 熔融-匀化法Membrane wall 表膜壁壳Membrane-moderated type TTS 膜控释型TTSMethyl acrylate-methacrylate co 甲基丙烯酸-丙烯酸甲酯Methylcellulose (MC) 甲基纤维素Methylcellulose (MC) 甲基纤维素Micellar emulsion 胶团乳Micelle 胶束Microcapsules 微表Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) 微晶纤维素Microcrystallinecellulose (MCC) 微晶纤维素Microemulsion 微乳Microemulsion 微乳Microencapsulation 微型包表术、微表化Micromeritics 粉体学Microreservoir-type TTS 微贮库型Microscropic method 显微镜法Microspheres 微球microstreaming 超微束Minitablet 小片Mixing 混合Mixtures 合剂MLVs 多室脂质体MMA 甲基丙烯酸甲酯Moistening agent 润湿剂Moisture absorption 吸湿性Molecular capsules 分子囊Multilamellar vesicles 多宝脂质体Multilayer tablets 多层片Multiorfice-centrifugal process 多孔离心法Myrij 聚氧乙烯脂肪酸酯Myrj 卖泽、聚氧乙烯脂肪酸醋Nacent soap method 新生皂法Nanocapsule 纳米囊Nanocapsules 纳米囊Nanoemulsion 纳米乳Nanoemulsion 纳米乳Nanoliposomes 纳米脂质体Nanoparticles 纳米粒Nanosphere 纳米球Nanospheres 纳米球Naonparticle 纳米粒Nasal drops 滴鼻剂Newtonian equation 牛顿粘度定律Newtonian fluid 牛顿流体Niosomes 类脂质体,泡囊Nonbound water 非结合水分Nonionic surfactant vesicles 非离子表面活性剂囊泡Non-newtonian flow 非牛顿流动Non-Newtonian fluid 非牛顿流体Nonprescription drug 非处方药Noyes-Whitney方程溶出速度方程NP -吡咯酮Nucleation theory 成核作用理论OCDDS 口服结肠定位释药系统OCDDS 口服定时(择时)给药系统Ointments 软膏剂Opitical isomerization 光学异构ORD 旋光色散Orthologonal design 区交设计Osmotic pressure 渗透压OSSDDS 口服定位释药系统Ostwald freundlich 方程结晶增长Over the counter (OTC) 非处方药Oversize distribution 筛上分布PA 磷脂酸PACA 聚氧基丙烯酸烷酯Packing fraction 充填章Paints 涂剂Paints 涂膜剂Pan coating 锅包衣法Paraffin 石蜡Particle size distribution 粒度分布Partition coefficient (P) 分配系数Passive targeting preparation 被动靶向制剂Patch 贴剂PB 聚丁烯PBCA 聚氰基丙烯酸丁酯PCS 激光散射光潽PE 聚乙烯PE 聚乙烯Peel tack test 剥离快转力实验PEG 聚乙二醇PEG 聚乙二醇PEG 聚乙二醇PEG-EG PEG修饰的磷脂酰乙醇胺Pendular state 钟摆状Penetration enhancers 经皮吸收促进剂PEO 聚氧乙烯PEO 聚氧乙烯PEO 聚氯乙烯Peregol O 聚氧乙烯(15)油醇醚Perogol O 聚氧乙烯(15)与油醇缩合PET 聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯PG 丙二醇PGA 聚乙醇酸Pharmaceutical engineering 制剂学Pharmaceutical manufacturing 制剂Pharmaceutical preparation 药物制剂Pharmaceutics 药剂学Pharmacia 淀粉微球Pharmacokinetics 药物动力学Pharmacological availability 药理利用度Pharmacopoeia 药典Phase inversion critical point 转相临界点Phase separation 相分离法(物理化学法)Phase transition temperature 相转变湿度Phase volume ratio 相比Phonophoresis 超声波法Photodegradation 光化降解PHPMA 聚羟丙甲丙烯酸甲酯Physical and chemical T P 物理化学靶向制剂Physical approach 物理学方法Physical pharmaceutics 物理药剂学PIB 聚异丁烯类压敏胶PiBCA 聚氰基丙烯酸异丁酯PiBCA 聚氰基丙烯酸异丁脂PLA 聚乳酸PLA 聚乳酸PLA 聚乳酸PLA/PGA, PLGA 聚酸酯乙交酯PLA-PEG 聚乳酸聚乙二醇嵌段共聚物Plastic deformation 塑性变形Plastic viscosity 塑性粘度Plastisity 塑性PLGA 聚乳酸聚乙醇酸共聚物PLGA 酸酯乙交酯共聚物PLGA 聚乳酸聚乙醇酸共聚物PMMA 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯Poiseuile 公式过滤时液体的流动Poloxamer (plurnic) 聚氧乙烯-聚氧丙烯共聚物Poloxamer 188 (plurnic F68) 泊洛沙姆188(普郎尼克F68)Poloxamer 188 (pluronic F68) 泊洛沙姆、普郎尼克Poloxamer 188 (Pluronic F68) 泊洛沙姆188(普郎尼克F68)Poly (lactide-co-glycolide) 聚丙交酯-乙交酯POLYACRYLIC RESIN 聚丙烯酸树酯Polyalkylcyano-acrylate 聚氰基丙烯酸烷酯Polydiethylene terephthalate 聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯Polyethylene 聚乙烯Polyethylene (PEG) 聚乙二醇Polyethylene glycol PEG聚乙二醇Polyethylene glycol 聚乙二醇Polyethylene glycol (PEG) 聚乙二醇Polyethylene glycol (PEG) 聚乙二醇Polyethyleneglycol (PEG) 聚乙二醇Polymerization 聚合Polymers in pharmaceutics 药用高分子材料学Polymethyl methacrylate 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯Polymorphism 多晶型Polymorphism 多晶型Polyoxyethylene 聚氧乙烯Polyoxyl 40 stearate (Myri52) S-40聚氧乙烯(40)单硬脂酸酯Polypropylene 聚丙烯Polysorbate 聚山梨酯Polyvinyl alcohol 聚乙烯醇Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) 聚乙烯醇Polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯Polyvinylpyrrolidine PVP聚维酮Polyvinylpyrrolidone 聚维酮Porosity 空隙率Porosity 空隙率Povidone 聚乙烯比咯烷酮Powder injection 无针粉未注射器Powders 散剂PP 聚丙烯PP 聚丙烯Preformulation 处方前工作Pregelatinized starch -淀粉、预胶化淀粉、可压性淀粉Preservative 防腐剂Pressure sensitive adhersive 压敏胶Pressure-sensitive tape council 剥离实验Prickle cell layer 棘层Primary particle 一级粒子Prodrug 前体药物propellents 抛射剂Propylene glycol 丙二醇Propylene glycol (PG) 丙二醇PS(phosphatidylserine) 磷脂酰丝氨酸PSA 压敏胶Pseudo steady state 伪稳态Pseudoplastic flow 假塑性流动PSTC 剥离实验Pulsed/pulsatile release 脉冲释药PVA 聚乙烯醇PVA 聚乙絺醉PVAP 聚乙烯PVC 聚氯乙烯PVC 聚氯乙烯PVC 聚氯乙烯PVP 聚维酮PVP 聚维酮PVP 聚维酮PVP (PVPk15, PVPk30, PVPk90) 聚维酮PVPP 交联聚乙烯比咯烷酮PVPP(交联PVP)交联聚维酮Pycnometer 比重瓶Pyrogen 热原。

(完整版)药学英语专业词汇一、药物分类及命名1. 抗生素(Antibiotics)青霉素(Penicillin)头孢菌素(Cephalosporins)大环内酯类(Macrolides)2. 抗病毒药物(Antiviral Drugs)抗流感病毒药物(Antiviral for Influenza)抗艾滋病病毒药物(Antiviral for HIV)3. 抗肿瘤药物(Anticancer Drugs)化疗药物(Chemotherapeutic Agents)靶向治疗药物(Targeted Therapy Drugs)4. 心血管系统药物(Cardiovascular Drugs)抗高血压药物(Antihypertensive Drugs)抗心绞痛药物(Antianginal Drugs)抗心律失常药物(Antiarrhythmic Drugs)5. 消化系统药物(Gastrointestinal Drugs)抗胃溃疡药物(Antigastric Ulcer Drugs)止泻药物(Antidiarrheal Drugs)泻药(Laxatives)6. 中枢神经系统药物(Central Nervous System Drugs)抗抑郁药物(Antidepressants)抗精神病药物(Antipsychotic Drugs)镇痛药物(Analgesics)二、药物剂型及给药途径1. 剂型(Dosage Forms)片剂(Tablets)胶囊(Capsules)注射剂(Injections)2. 给药途径(Routes of Administration)口服(Oral)肌内注射(Intramuscular)静脉注射(Intravenous)三、药物作用及不良反应1. 药物作用(Pharmacological Actions)抗菌作用(Antibacterial Action)抗病毒作用(Antiviral Action)镇痛作用(Analgesic Action)2. 不良反应(Adverse Reactions)过敏反应(Allergic Reactions)胃肠道反应(Gastrointestinal Reactions)肝脏毒性(Hepatotoxicity)四、药学专业英语词汇1. 药理学(Pharmacology)药物代谢(Drug Metabolism)药物动力学(Pharmacokinetics)药效学(Pharmacodynamics)2. 药剂学(Pharmaceutics)制剂工艺(Preparation Technology)药物稳定性(Drug Stability)药物质量控制(Drug Quality Control)3. 药物化学(Medicinal Chemistry)药物合成(Drug Synthesis)药物结构(Drug Structure)药物设计(Drug Design)本文档旨在帮助药学专业学生和从业者掌握药学英语专业词汇,提高专业英语水平,为学术交流和临床实践提供便利。

Text A1.pharmacology 药理学2. medicine 医学,药物remedymedicationmedicinalmedicamentdrugdruggery (总称) 药物therapeutic agent(药剂)therapeutic reagent3.drug interaction 药物相互作用4.pharmacodynamics 药效学PD5.pharmacokinetics 药动学PK6.neuro- neuropathyneuronneuronalneurologynerveCNS central nervous systemPNS peripheral nervous system7. drug development and researchdeveloper 展开剂8. acute ischemic stroke 急性缺血性脑卒中hemorrhagic 出血性的chronicischemiahemorrhage9.therapy 治疗therapeuticalchemotherapy 化疗10. clinical trialpreclinical11. pharmaceutical industry12. efficacy 疗效effecteffectiveeffectiveness13.recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA)14. the drug for the treatment of 治疗…的药物15. barrier blood brain barrier BBB16. regulatory agencies 管理机构authority17. thrombo-lysis 溶栓thrombotic 血栓形成的thromb 血栓thrombosis 血栓形成embolic 栓塞性的embolism 栓塞-lysis 溶解hydrolysis 水解lyse v. 溶解embolus 栓子18. cellular and metabolic events细胞和代谢事件metabolism19. cerebral vessel 脑血管cerebral ischemia 脑缺血20. poly-morpho-nuclear leukocytes 多形核白细胞leukocytes= white blood cells21. inflammatory 炎症性的inflame 发炎inflammation 炎症inflammatory response(reaction ) 炎症反应inflammatory mediator 炎症介质22. the progression of tissue injury 组织损伤加重injury damage impairment 损伤23. infarct size梗死面积infarct volume 梗死体积24. permanent occlusion stroke models永久性闭塞脑卒中模型MCAO middle cerebral artery occlusion大脑中动脉结扎25. a dose escalation safety study剂量递增的安全性研究26. murine monoclonal antibody 鼠单克隆抗体mono- single 单独的anti- 抗antigen 抗原27. placebo treatment 安慰剂治疗28.in an open-label manner 开放标签的方式draft labeling29. blinded assessment 盲法评价double blind 双盲single blind 单盲30. side effect 副作用31. adverse events 不良事件severe adverse effects 严重的不良反应adverse drug reaction ADR 药物不良反应=untoward drug reactionside effecttoxic effect32.allergic effect = anaphylactoid reactionAnaphylaxis33. cardiac arrest 心脏骤停cardiac= heartcardiac drug 强心药cardio-vascular 心血管34. cardiac failure 心衰heart failurecongestive(充血性)heart failure,CHFchronic heart insufficiency 慢性心功能不全cardiac glycoside35. renal failure 肾衰kidney nephro- 肾的nephro-pathy 肾病nephr-itis 肾炎36. efficacious 有效的effective37.permanenttemporarytransient38.an extended time window 时间窗延长39. wide therapeutic index大的治疗指数safety rangesafety margin40. plasmaserumwhole blood41. pharmaceutical sponsors药物开发者42. insensitivesensitive tohypersensitivehypersensitivity43. diffusionsimple diffusion diffusionfacilitated diffusionpassive transport44. Lesiondamageinjuryimpairement45. a placebo-controlled,double-blinded,randomized design46. surrogatealternativesubstitute47. markerbiomarkertumor marker。

以下是一些常见的药学英语词汇及其含义:1、Pharmaceutical:药物的,药学的2、Drug:药物,药品3、Medicine:药物,医学4、Dosage:剂量,配药5、Dose:剂量,投药量6、Route:给药途径7、Administration:给药,投药8、Inhalation:吸入9、Oral:口服的10、Rectal:直肠的11、Topical:局部的,外用的12、Transdermal:透皮吸收的13、Intravenous:静脉注射的14、Intramuscular:肌肉注射的15、Subcutaneous:皮下注射的16、Administration:(给药的)方式,(药物的)投药途径17、Controlled-release dosage form:控释剂型18、Drug interaction:药物相互作用19、Drug resistance:药物耐受性,耐药性20、Toxicity:毒性21、Side effect:副作用22、Overdose:用药过量23、Drug tolerance:药物耐受性,耐药性24、Pharmacokinetics:药物代谢动力学25、Pharmacodynamics:药效学,药物作用动力学26、Pharmacologist:药理学家,药学家27、Pharmacy technician:药房技术员,药剂师助理28、Prescription:处方,药方29、Non-prescription drug:非处方药30、Generic drug:非专利药品,仿制药31、Brand-name drug:品牌药,专利药品32、Formulation:配方,制剂33、Dosage form:剂量形式,剂型在高中英语的学习过程中,词汇的学习是至关重要的环节。

1. 药学常用词汇在药学英语中,有许多常用的词汇需要掌握。
例如:- drug:药物- medicine:医学;药;医药- dosage:剂量- prescription:处方- pharmacy:药房- pharmaceutical:制药的- efficacy:药效- adverse effect:不良反应- overdose:过量服用- side effect:副作用- contraindication:禁忌症- drug interaction:药物相互作用2. 句子结构掌握药学英语的句子结构对于正确理解和表达药学领域的内容非常重要。
以下是一些常见的句子结构:- 简单句:包括主语、谓语和宾语,用来陈述一个简单的事实或观点。
例如:“The drug is effective for treating hypertension.”- 复合句:包括一个主句和一个或多个从句,用来表达复杂的观点、条件、原因等。
例如:“If the patient has a history of allergic reactions, the drug should be avoided.”- 并列连词:用于连接两个相对 ** 的句子或短语。
例如:“The drug is effective, but it may cause side effects.”- 介词短语:用于描述药物的用法、途径和目的等。
例如:“The medication sho uld be taken before meals.”- 被动语态:用于强调动作的承受者而不是执行者。
例如:“The drug is widely used in clinical practice.”3. 专业写作在药学领域,专业写作是一种常见的沟通方式。

半合成抗生素 semisynthetic antibiotics 半抗原 haptene半数致死剂量 half lethal dose ; median lethal dose; LD50制剂学 technology of pharmaceutics 制药化学 pharmaceutical chemistry安慰剂placebo 螯合剂chelating agent 安全范围 safety range 安全试验法 innocuity test method辅基 prosthetic group 辅料 excipients辅酶 coenzyme 副作用 side effect附加剂 additive 干燥剂 desiccant;drying agent肝首过效应 first pass effect of hepar 感受器 receptor高敏性 hyperreactivity个体差异性 individual differences; individual variation给药方案或给药速度 dosage regimen or dose rate给药间隔 dosing interval 工业药剂学 industrial pharmacy共价键 covalent bond 非去极化型肌松药 nondepolarizer分子药理学 molecular pharmacology放射毒理学 radiotoxicology 放射药剂学 radiopharmaceutics致癌实验 carcinogenic test 致癌物 carcinogen致畸试验 teratogenic test 致畸物 teratogen致敏试验sensitization test 最小有效量minimal effective dose 最小致死剂量 minimal lethal dose;MLD 致敏作用 sensitization致死量 fatal dose; lethal dose 制剂 preparation治疗等效(值) therapeutic equivalence 变态反应 allergy; allergic reaction表面活性 surface activity 表面张力 surface tension短期致癌实验 short term carcinogenic test半衰期 half-life period; half life time崩解度disintegration 崩解剂disintegrants 单克隆抗体monoclonal antibody 胆碱酯酶cholinesterase 等张溶液isotonic solution 薄膜衣film-coating 饱和溶液 saturated solution 不良反应 adverse reaction搽剂 liniments 酊剂 tincture包衣片 coated tablet 长期毒性实验 long term toxicity test肠肝循环 enterohepatic circulation 肠溶控释片 enteric controlled release tablets肠溶衣 enteric coating 处方 prescription;recipe滴丸剂 pill 递质 transmitter定向药物制剂directed pharmaceutical preparations 长效制剂 prolonged action preparation 中毒 intoxication; poisoning毒理学 toxicology 毒性反应 toxic response; toxic reaction对因治疗 etiological treatment 对症治疗 symptomatic treatment多功能酶 multifunctional enzyme 多剂量给药 multiple dose administration儿茶酚胺 catecholamine 二重感染 superinfection过滤 filtration 过敏毒素 anaphylatoxin过敏性药物反应 anaphylactic drug reaction 过氧化物 superoxide含量均匀度 content uniformity 合并用药 drug combination合成药物 synthetic drugs 合剂 mixture脂质体 liposome 直肠给药 rectal administration剂型 dosage form 剂量 dosage; dose基本药物 essential drugs 急性毒性实验 acute toxicity test剂量或浓度的依存性 dose or concentration dependency环境药理学 environmental pharmacology 胶体溶液型药剂 medical colloidal solution生物半衰期 biological half life 生物碱 alkaloid生物利用度 bioavailability 生物药剂学 biopharmacy生物制品 biological product 生药 crude drugs稳态血药浓度 steady state plasma concentration物理药剂学 physical pharmaceutics 药物学 pharmacology; materia medica吸入法 inhalation 吸收速率常数 absorption rate constant 时辰药理学 chronopharmacology 时间治疗 chronotherapy时间感受性 chronosusceptability 时效关系 time-effect relationship嚼用片 chewable tablets 酵解 glycolysis拮抗作用 antagonism 解毒作用 detoxication介质 mediator; transmitter; medium 精神依赖性 psychic dependence剧药 powerful drug 绝对致死剂量 absolute lethal dose; LD100 广谱抗生素 broad-spectrum antibiotic抗毒素 antitoxin 抗菌谱 antibacterial spectrum抗药性 resistance to drugs 控释制剂 controlled release preparation 口腔内给药 oral administration 快速耐受 tachyphylaxis扩散 diffusion 扩散系数 coefficient of diffusion累积尿排泄曲线 cumulative urinary excretion curves累加效应 additive effect 类毒素 anatoxin;toxoid类固醇停药综合征 steroid withdrawal syndrome量子药理学 quantum pharmacology 调剂学 dispensing pharmacy临床药理学 clinical pharmacology 临床药学 chlinical pharmacy耐受性 tolerance 耐药性 drug tolerance内毒素 endotoxin 片剂硬度 tablet hardness内毒素鲎试剂测定法 Limulus Amebocyte Lysate assay for endotoxin内消旋体 mesomer 浓度 concentration皮肤、粘膜表面给药 skin and mucocutaneous administration气凝胶 aerogel 气溶胶 aerosol气体分析 gas analysis 气雾剂 aerosol前体药物 prodrug 鞘内注射 intrathecal injection限制性剧药 restrictive holagogue 相对给药间隔 relative dosage interval相加作用 additive effect; addition 向靶给药 targetable drug delivery药效动力学 pharmacodynamics 药源性疾病 drug-induced diseases乙酰胆碱乙酰胆碱 acetylcholine 乙酰胆碱酯酶 acetylcholinesterase抑菌活性 bacteriostatic activity 抑菌作用 bactriostasis异构酶 isomerase消除速率常数 elimination rate constant 效价 potency效价单位 potency unit 效价强度 potency效应 effect 效应器 effector效应物 effector 协同作用 synergism兴奋性 excitability 选择性 selectivity悬浮液 suspension血管内给药 intravascular administration 血管外给药 extravascular administration 血浆 plasma 血浆代用液 plasma substitute血浆蛋白结合率 plasma protein binding ratio血脑屏障 blood-cerebral barrier 血药浓度 blood concentration血清 serum 血液凝固 blood coagulation血容量扩充剂 blood volume expander 血液制品 blood products亚急性中毒 subacute intoxication;subacute poisoning亚硝酸盐中毒 nitrite poisoning 眼用膜剂 ocular inserts药—时半对数曲线 semi-logarithmic curve of drug-time药—时曲线 drug-time curve 药峰浓度 peak concentration of drug药峰时间 peak time of drug 药剂等效性 pharmaceutical equivalence药剂学 pharmaceutics 药理学 pharmacology药敏试验 drug sensitive test药物代谢 drug metabolism 药物代谢酶 drug metablic enzyme药物的体内过程 intracorporal process of drugs药物动力学模型 pharmacokinetics model药物反应 drug reaction 药物分布 drug distribution药物排泄 drug excretion 药物吸收 drug absorption药物相互作用 drug interaction 药物消除 drug elimination药物蓄积 drug accumulation 全酶与辅基 holonzyme and prosthetic group 人工合成抗原 artificial antigen 人工免疫 artificial immunization人种药理学 ethnopharmacology 埋植剂 implants慢通道 slow pathway 敏感性 sensitivity慢性毒性实验 chronic toxicity test; long term toxicity test酶 enzyme 酶原 proenzyme免疫抑制剂 immunosuppressant;immuno inhibitor免疫原性 immunogenicity 免疫增强剂 immunoenhancement抗体 antibody 抗血清 antiserum抗原 antigen 溶解 dissolution; dissolving溶菌酶 lysozyme 溶血 hemolysis溶质 solute 三羧酸循环 tricarboxylic acid cycle杀菌活性 bactericidal activity 杀菌作用 bactericidal effect身体依赖性 physical dependence 神经毒素 neurotoxin肾上腺素能神经 adrenergic nerve 肾上腺素能受体 adrenergic receptor渗透压 osmotic pressure 溶剂 solvent; dissolvent收敛药 astringent 手性药物 chiral drug首过效应 first-pass effect 受体 receptor水解(作用) hydrolysis 糖异生作用 gluconeogenesis双盲法 double-blind technique 天然药物 crude drugs; natural drugs硬膏剂 plaster 有效半衰期 effective halt有效率 effective rate 有效浓度 effective concentration治疗量 therapeutic dose 治疗药物临测 therapeutic drug monitoring; TDM 治疗指数 therapeutic index TI 治疗作用 therapeutic action右旋糖 dextrose 右旋体 dextrorotatory form阈剂量 threshold dose 载体 carrier受体激动剂 receptor stimulant 受体拮抗剂 receptor antagonist外毒素 exotoxin 外消旋体 raceme药物分析 pharmaceutical analysis 药物化学 pharmaceutical chemistry药品负责期 allotted date of drug quality ensuring by manufacturer药品管理法 drug administration law 药品批号 drug batch number药品使用期 limit date of using a drug after its production药品有效期 expiry date; date of expiration 药品质量标准 drug standard发酵 fermentation 法定处方 official formula协定处方 cipher prescription 序贯设计 sequential design多糖 polyose 多肽 polypeptide电解 electrolyzation 电解质 electrolyte激活剂 activator 激活作用 activation激素 hormone 激素原 prohormone中间体 intermediate 助滤剂 filter aid助溶剂 complex solubilizer 助悬剂 suspending agent自身免疫 autoimmunity 组胺 histamine最大耐受剂量 maximal tolerable dose; LDO 最大无作用剂量 maxial noneffective dose; EDO最小显著差数 least significant difference佐剂 adjuvant左旋糖 levulose 左旋体 levorotatory form6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶 glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase不完全抗原 incomplete antigenJanbon综合症 Janbon's syndrome PPB浓度 parts per billion concentrationpphm浓度 parts per hundred million concentrationPPH浓度 parts per hundred concentration ppm浓度 parts per million concentration安全系统 safety coefficient 靶细胞 target cell白蛋白微球制剂 albumin microballoons 百分浓度 percentage concentration贝克勒尔 Becquerel 被动免疫 passive immunity被动转运 passive transport 必需氨基酸 essential aminoacid必需脂肪酸essential fatty acid 丙种射线gamma rays 补体 complement 补体系统 complement system穿透促进剂 penetration enhancers磁性控释制剂 magnetic controlled release dosage form磁性药物制剂 magnetic medicinal preparations大分子 macromolecule 当量浓度 normality当量 equivalent weight 当量定律 equivalent law当量溶液 normal solution 低聚糖 oligosaccharides低密度脂蛋白 low density lipoprotein 滴定 titration滴定曲线 titration curve 对映体 antipode芳族化合物 aromatic compound 非必需氨基酸 non-essential amino acid 分子病 molecular disease 分子溶液 molecular solution分子生物学 molecular biology 光量子 light quantum核糖核酸 ribonucleic acid; RNA 核苷酸 nucleotide痕量元素 trace element 化学分析 chemical analysis化学物理学 chemical physics 化学消毒法 chemical disinfection化学药物治疗 chemotherapy 基因 gene己糖醇细胞毒剂 cytotoxic hexitols 间接致癌 indirect carcinogenesis碱中毒 alkalosis;alkali-poisoning 克当量 gram-equivalent weight克当量数 gram-equivalent number 克分子 gram-molecule; gram-mol克分子分数 molar fraction 克分子量 gram molecular weight克分子浓度 molar comcentratin; molal comcentration克原子 gram-atom 冷藏 cold-storage冷冻 freezing;refrigeration 卤化物 halogenide摩尔 mole 摩尔分数浓度 mol fraction concentration 摩尔分子体积 molar volume;mole volume 摩尔浓度 molarity默克索引 the Merck index 日内瓦命名法 Geneva nomenclature生长曲线 growth curve 生物胺 biogenic amine生物化学 biochemistry 生物统计学 biometrics;biometry时值 chronaxia;chronaxy 时滞 lag time世界卫生组织 World Health Organization; WHO噬菌体 bacteriophage 体表面积 body surface area体积比浓度 volume by volume concentration体液 body fluid 体液免疫 humoral immunity天然抗体 natural antibody 天然抗原 natural antigen天然免疫 natural immunity 完全抗原 complete antigen同位素 isotope 突变 mutation吞噬作用 phagocytosis 微粒体酶 microsomal enzyme王水 aqua regia; nitrohydrochloric acid 微量元素 trace element细胞免疫 cellular immunity 腺苷磷酸 adenosine phosphate药物遗传学 pharmacogenetics 营养素 nutrient皂甙 saponins 直线相关 linear correlation纸型片剂 oral medicaed soluble paper中华人民共和国卫生部药品标准 Drug Standard of Ministry of Public Health of the People's Republic of China。
药学专业英语Pharmacology English 课件

• Every three students make a team. Form
your own team and hand in the name lists next class.
• In the future, group work will be done by
group members and scores are given accordingly.
• 三期临床
为新药上市前扩大的临床试验,其用药方法 类似常规药物治疗学的方法,以进一步确定新药 的安全性和有效性。该期要求完成试验药品的病 例数在300例以上,通常视具体研究的药物而定, 而对照病例数则无具体规定。在国外,三期临床 是上市前研究,即申报新药生产所必须呈报的临 床试验资料。而在我国,在二期临床试验后即可 申请新药生产,在批准试生产期间,再进行三期 临床试验。
• Read and translate common package
• Master some basic knowledge about
Scores are given according to
• 1 Performance in class 15% • 2 Group work after class 15%--20% • 3 Final exam 65%--70%
用治疗量的药物后所出现的治疗目的以外的药理作用。药 物正作用是主要的.一种药物常有多方面的作用,既有治 疗目的的作用也并存有非治疗目的的作用。如抗胆碱药阿 托品,其作用涉及许多器官和系统,当应用于解除消化道 痉挛时,除了可缓解胃肠疼痛外,常可抑制腺体分泌,出 现口干、视力模糊、心悸、尿潴留等反应。后面这些作用 是属于治疗目的以外的,且可引起一定的不适或痛苦,因 此称为副作用。副作用和治疗作用在一定条件下是可以转 化的,治疗目的的不同,也导致副作用的概念上的转变。 如在手术前为了抑制腺体分泌和排尿,阿托品的上述副作 用又转化为治疗作用了。副作用常为一过性的,随治疗作 用的消失而消失。但是有时候也可引起后遗症。
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药学英语- 1 -Table of ContentsLesson 1 Pharmacy in China …………………………………………………Lesson 2 Vitamins ………………………………………………………………Lesson 3 Foods That Fight Cancer …………………………………………Lesson 4 Good Drugs Dangerous DosesA growing threat to public and personal health …………………………Lesson 5 Green Pharmacy Herbal Medicine …………………………………Lesson 6 Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine …………………………….. Lesson 7 Natural Products ……………………………………………………- 2 -LESSON ONETEXTPharmacy in ChinaThe educational system was perhaps the first shock I encountered in China. The schools of pharmacy in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) are operated by two different governmental agencies. The State Pharmaceutical Administration, an agency of the central government, operates two pharmaceutical universities that have 4000 and 4500 students respectively. These two schools, in Shenyang in Northeast China and in Nanjing in East China, exist to prepare industrial pharmacists for positions within the pharmaceutical industry.In addition, another approximately 50 colleges of pharmacy throughout the various provinces of the PRC are operated by the Ministry of Public Health. There, colleges of pharmacy are almost equally divided between western medicine oriented schools1and those which teach future pharmacists the art and skills of Chinese herbal medicine. Most of the western medicine oriented schools are departments within large medical faculties where the traditional Chinese Medicine schools are sometimes found at medical faculties.SIMILAR TO THE U.S.The next surprise was that the curricula at the colleges of pharmacy in China were not so different from those encountered by pharmacy students in the U. S. In fact, the American student would probably be pleased to learn that the state board examination2prevalent here does not exist in China; rather, graduation and successful completion of studies enable one to become a fully qualified and registered pharmacy practitioner. Furthermore, recent graduates have more options in seeking employment than those who were usually assigned to an employment site based on existing needs of state-run pharmaceutical enterprises. The guided search for employment upon graduation is one of the major changes in China’s higher education, embraced by most college graduates.Virtually all of the graduates of the two pharmaceutical universities operated by the State Pharmaceutical Administration are employed within the- 3 -pharmaceutical industry.Graduates of the other schools of pharmacy generally find employment in hospitals and clinics.You are probably asking: “What about community pharmacy3?”Well, the answer is that people usually receive medical care in clinics at their place of employment, within various neighborhood health centers, or as outpatients at large hospitals. All of these sites employ pharmacists who dispense drugs. Therefore, it is not often that a patient needs to go to a community pharmacy shop to obtain medications.EAST AND WESTMost of the community pharmacies have two departments or two areas, and this is also the case in hospitals and clinics. On one side of the pharmacy we find something which very much resembles any pharmacy that we would see in the U. S. or in Western Europe; but on the other side of the room, or in the next room, is a strange sight - drawers and drawers of herbs and items such as dried portions of small animals, antlers, roots, and pieces of various other dried objects. These are compounded by specialists in traditional Chinese medicine; powders are made, for swallowing by patients.It is easy for us to laugh at this latter type of therapy, but it retains its faithful followers and is considered to be equal in importance to the western drugs and western medicine practiced in China.If one chooses to purchase a drug and does not feel the need to visit the physician at a clinic, one can go to the several community pharmacies which are located on the main shopping streets in downtown areas and ask for drugs. Virtually all drugs except narcotics and other scheduled substances4are legally available without a prescription. The patient may walk into the pharmacy and ask for ampicillin by name and be sold a small bottle containing 12, 16 or 24 capsules.Or he may ask the pharmacist to recommend an antibiotic for a child with an infection, sore throat, etc.While this is rather unusual in our American orientation, it was not a complete surprise to me, as I have seen Rx drugs5 being sold over-the-counter in many parts of the world. I admit, though, that I was curious about the potential for- 4 -abuse. I was assured by numerous individuals that the Chinese population had better things to spend their money on than taking needless drugs, and that there was a minimal if not almost non-existent chemical dependency problem6.SCOPE OF SPASomething ought to be said about the State Pharmaceutical Administration (SPA) which was mentioned earlier. It is a combination of the Food and Drug Administration, the entire pharmaceutical industry, research laboratories, pilot factories7 and educational institutions-all rolled into one.The Beijing-based SPA is a huge unit within the central government. SPA operates thousands of pharmaceutical factories and dictates production schedules8. It arranges contracts for raw materials and intermediate products9and also negotiates for the sale of finished dosage forms to the pharmacies and for export.Other divisions maintain quality control and quality assurance while yet other divisions oversee SPA’s two massive pharmaceutical universities as well as their on campus pilot plants used for training and for the production of drugs for clinical trials.The SPA also has a technology branch which conducts research into improving production techniques and evaluating new technology.During the three-week visit, I gave about a dozen lectures. At many of them, questions about American pharmacy practice were asked. Perhaps the most difficult concept for my Chinese colleagues to grasp was that of Americans deciding individually to move to another part of the country - to quit their jobs, return to school, accept employment elsewhere, or whatever the reason might be. When I mentioned anything of this nature, I was deluged with questions which basically asked what would hap pen if one’s supervisor refused to grant permission to leave one’s job. This says something about the employment situation in the PRC. My audiences were stunned when I indicated that one need only give some notice if there is not a formal contract, as a courtesy, and to select freely another place of employment.SPARTAN, BUT SIMILARDespite the rather spartan conditions found at most pharmacy operations in hospitals and clinics, the work was similar to what we do in that nearly all of the- 5 -products were prefabricated at the factory, including most of the traditional remedies. The pharmacists generally dispensed already manufactured capsules, tablets or powders. Powders were seen more frequently than they are here, but the bulk of the medication was, as it is here, in tablet dosage forms.Most of my Chinese colleagues were professionally well informed, reasonably happy with their jobs, and optimistic about the future.Nearly all of the persons I encountered were enthusiastic and positive about their profession and its future.There is a Chinese Pharmaceutical Association which has its headquarters in Beijing and branches in most other cities and provinces. These groups get together, discuss professional matters, and often publish journals and newsletters.The Association receives a subsidy or support from the national government.Interest was shown in social pharmacy, clinical pharmacy and pharmacy management, as these subjects are not presently taught at the colleges of pharmacy within the PRC. It was my impression, however, that pharmaceutics, biopharmaceutics, medicinal chemistry and pharmacology are similar to what is taught and known in this country.MONTHLY W AGE: $ 70In the 1980s, pharmacist earns about $ 70 per month, an amount that enables one to live reasonably comfortably. Rents are minimal; only a few dollars per month pays for a typical small apartment. Nearly all of the urban population resides in that type of housing.Transportation on buses costs only about a dime a ride, but most people appear to use bicycles as their principal means of conveyance. A sight I found interesting was a parking lot with bicycles arranged in neat rows for as far as the eye could see-similar to the huge automobile parking lots in the U. S. It costs about two pennies to park a bicycle for a day. Most of the other needs are relatively inexpensive, although the cost of food is increasing.The Chinese pharmacists I met appeared well dressed and there is an ever increasing variety of clothing styles, colors and designs. Health care is considered good and the status of the pharmacist is at least equal to that accords to pharmacists in this country.The possibility exists for greater interprofessional relationships. Reason: so - 6 -much of pharmacy is practiced in institutional settings where other health care practitioners function in close coordination with the pharmacist.A large number of the people I met in pharmacy circles had been to the U. S. at one time or another for postgraduate studies, short training classes or professional visits.I was convinced that the warm reception I received was due in part to the fond memories that many of these people had about their kind reception by American families and pharmacists while they visited the U. S.The trip was indeed fascinating and an eye opener.I recommend that my colleagues take such a voyage after they have passed a test in the use of chopsticks, as knives and forks are unavailable at many places.In reflecting about the visit after coming home, I once again came to the conclusion that we are very fortunate with the resources, appliances and status that we have as a profession in the U.S.WORDS AND EXPRESSIONSpharmacy [ ♐❍☜♦♓] n.药学;药店pharmaceutical[ ♐❍☜♦◆♦♓☜●] adj.制药(学)上的药学的;药用的pharmacist [ ♐❍☜♦✋♦♦] n.药剂师,药商;a ~’s药房oriented[ ❒♓♏⏹♦♓♎☜☺] adj. 导向的;以…目的的;重视…的herbal[ ♒☜♌☜●] adj.草的;草药的curriculum[ ☜❒♓◆●☜❍] n.学校的全部课程,(一门)课程prevalent [ ☐❒♏❖☜●☜⏹♦] adj.普遍的;流行的option [ ☐☞☜⏹] n.选择权enterprise [ ♏⏹♦☜☐❒♋♓]n.企业;公司embrace [♓❍♌❒♏♓♦] vi. 拥抱n.拥抱拥抱,接受outpatient [♋◆♦☐♏♓☞☜⏹♦] n. 门诊病人an ~ clinic 门诊所dispense [♎♓♦☐♏⏹♦] vt.分发, 分配;(尤指按处方)配(药)、发(药)medication[ ❍♏♎♓♏♓☞☜⏹] n.药物;药物治疗antler [ ✌⏹♦●☜] n.鹿角, 茸角鹿角therapy [ ♏❒☜☐♓] n.治疗,- 7 -疗法retain [❒♓♦♏♓⏹] vt.保持, 保留narcotic [⏹♦♓] n. 麻醉剂;催眠药prescription[☐❒♓♦❒♓☐☞☜⏹] n.药方,处方ampicillin [ ✌❍☐♓♦♓●♓⏹] n. 氨苄青霉素orientation[ ☎✆❒♓♏⏹♦♏♓☞☜⏹] n.定向位,方向位,熟悉,适应minimal [ ❍♓⏹♓❍☜●] adj.最低限度的,最小的dictate [♎♓♦♏♓♦] v.命令,支配intermediate[ ♓⏹♦☜❍♓♎☜♦] adj.中间的negotiate [⏹♓♈☜◆☞♓♏♓♦] v. 谈判;解决dosage [ ♎☜◆♦♓♎✞] n.剂量,用量assurance [☜☞◆☜❒☜⏹♦] n.保证;自信oversee [ ☜◆❖☜♦♓] v. 监督/视;检查massive [ ❍✌♦♓❖] adj.规模巨大的;大剂量的on-campus [ ✌❍☐☜♦] adj.校园内的clinical [ ●♓⏹♓☜●] adj.临床的deluge [ ♎♏●◆♎✞] v.淹没;泛滥supervisor[ ♦◆☐☜❖♋♓☜] n. 主管人stun [♦♦✈⏹] vt. 使大吃一惊;不知所措courtesy[ ☜♦♓♦♓ ] n.礼貌;好意Spartan [ ♦☐♦☜⏹] adj.简朴的prefabricate[ ☐❒♓♐✌♌❒♓♏♓♦] v.预制;预先构想remedy [ ❒♏❍♓♎♓] n.治疗(法),药物capsule [ ✌☐♦◆●] n.胶囊tablet [ ♦✌♌●♓♦] n.药片powder [ ☐♋◆♎☜] n.药粉,粉剂bulk [♌✈●] n.大批(量);大部分newsletter[ ⏹✞●♏♦☜☎❒✆] n.业务通讯subsidy [ ♦✈♌♦♓♎♓] n. 津贴pharmaceutics[ ♐❍☜♦◆♦♓♦] n.制药学,药剂学biopharmaceutics[ ♌♋♓☜◆♐❍☜♦✞8♦♓♦] [复] n.生物制药学,生物药剂学pharmacology[ ♐❍☜●☜♎✞♓]n.药理学,药物学reside [❒♓♋♓♎] vi.居住dime [♎♋♓❍] n.一角;很少的钱conveyance [ ☜⏹❖♏♓☜⏹♦] n.交通工具accord [☜♎] vt.给予,使一致interprofessional[ ♓⏹♦♏☐❒☜ ♐♏☞☜⏹●] adj.专业之间的;职业之间的institutional[ ♓⏹♦♦♓♦◆☞☜⏹☜●] adj.公共机构的setting [ ♦♏♦♓☠] n. 环境coordination[ ☜◆♎♓⏹♏♓☞☜⏹] n.协作;配合postgraduate[ ☐☜◆♦♦♈❒✌♎◆♓♦☐☜◆♦♦♈❒✌♎✞◆♓♦] adj.研究生的fascinating [ ♐✌♦♓⏹♏♓♦♓☠] adj.迷人的;吸引人的chopsticks [ ♦☞☐♦♦♓♦] n.筷子NOTES1.western medicine oriented schools: schools with western medicine as themain course2.the state board examination: the examination organized by the state board ofpharmacy in each statemunity pharmacy: public drug store on the street4.scheduled substances: Drugs with severe side effects have been classified bythe U.S. Government as the scheduled drugs, hence controlled by law.5.Rx drugs: drugs which must be prescribed by the doctor6....that the Chinese population had better things to spend their money onthan taking needless drugs, and that there was a minimal if not almost non-existent chemical dependency problems: ... that the Chinese people would spend their money on other things rather than on unnecessary drugs, and that the number of the persons addicted to drugs was quite limited, if there did exist such things7.pilot factories: factories in which drugs are produced for clinical trials8.production schedules: contents of drugs to be produced99.intermediate products: half-finished drugsEXERCISESI. Questions:1.Why was the author puzzled about the educational system in China?2.What’s the same characteristic of about 50 colleges of pharmacy throughoutChina?3.What kind of job will students get when they graduate from thepharmaceutical universities? And what about the graduates of other colleges of pharmacy?4.What’s the function of the SPA?5.What questions were often asked at the lectures given by the author?6.Why did the author think that the Chinese pharmacists were well-informed?7.According to the author, the Chinese colleagues were friendly to him. Why?8.The author was much impressed by what he had seen in China. Find the proofin the text.9.What’s the author’s attitude towards traditional Chinese medicine?10.Can you tell, according to the text, something about pharmacy in the USA?II. Translation1.人首次与医生打交道也许是在他出生时。