

雅思 口语 必背 精简

雅思 口语 必背 精简

1. What do you think are the main causes of road accidents?2. Do you know what to do in case of emergency?3. Does your name have any special meaning?4. Where were you come from?5. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?6. Will your life change a lot after you immigrate to ABC?7. What is the difference between Beijing and your hometown?8. What are the main places of interest in your hometown?9. What is the climate like in your hometown?10. What is the character of the people like in the region where you live?11. What are the differences in accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing?12. What is people"s favorite food in your region?13. How do you make dumplings?14. What do you do during the Spring Festival?15. Why is the Spring Festival so important to Chinese people?16. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country?17. Tell me something about the Lantern Festival.18. Tell me something about the Qing Ming Festival.19. Tell me something about the customs of your country.20. How long have you lived in Beijing?21. What is the weather like in Beijing?22. How do you compare the climate in Beijing with that in your hometown?23. What place in Beijing do you like best? Why ?24. Which is the worst place you"ve been to China?25. Which is the best place you"ve been to China?26. What places in Beijing should a foreigner visit? Why?27. What are the major social problems in Beijing? How can they be solved?28. What is the biggest problem China faces?29. What places in Beijing should a foreigner visit? Why?30. Could you tell me something about your family?31. Have you any children?32. What is your child"s name? Does his name have a meaning?33. What does your wife/husband do?34. When did you get married?35. Describe your wedding.36. How have weddings changed in recent years?37. Are there any special customs about wedding in your region?38. Describe a traditional wedding ceremony.39. Where did you go for your honeymoon?40. Did you have to ask for permission from your parents before you got married?41. Is it acceptable for couples to live together without marrying?42. Where do you think a newly couple should live? Living with their parents or on their own?43. What responsibilities should a couple take?44. How do Chinese usually celebrate birthdays?45. Are there any traditions concerning the birth of a baby?46. What kind of parent do you intend to be?47. What do you think of One-Child Policy in China?48. Why do people in China traditionally want to have a son?49. What difficulties do Chinese farmers have concerning their old age?50. What do you think needs to be done in order to relieve the farmer"s worries?51. What hope or fears do you have for your children?52. What sort of culture do you hope your child will grow up in?53. Are you going to bring up your child differently from the way you were brought up? How?54. Do you enjoy shopping?55. Who does most of the shopping in your family?56. What are you good at cooking? What is your favorite dish?57. Who does most of cooking in your family?58. Is there *** discrimination in China?59. How do you sum up women"s conditions in China?60. What are the causes of *** discrimination?61. Should government pay certain salaries to those housewives? Why or why not?62. Would you want your wife to continue with her career or to stay at home taking care of the household after you get married?63. Have you ever wished to be one of the opposite ***? Why (why not)?64. What would you do if your next-door neighbour were noisy nearly all the time?65. Do you have a lot of friend?66. What does friendship mean to you? What kind of people do you make friend with?67. What is your major?68. How do you like your major?69. When and where did you graduate? What qualifications have you obtained?70. Do you still remember your school days?71. What impressed you most when you were at university?72. Which is the best university in your country?73. Could you sum up your own study habits in a few points?74. What do you think of the practice of setting up key schools in primary and secondary school education in China?75. Do you think the subjects you are studying today are relevant to present-day society? Why ?76. What do you think education should be? Should it be a process of learning what is useful for your future life or should it be simply learning for enjoyment? Why?77. What do you do for a living?78. What do you do in the office every day?79. Since your job seems too professional to me, could you explain it in detail?80. What are your job prospects?81. If you had the opportunity to change your job, what would you do with it?82. Do you have any ambitious?83. Will any possible future changes affect your job in any way?84. What are your spare time interests?85. How do you spend your weekends?86. What is your favorite sport? What are the rules?87. What is the most popular sport in your country?88. What are the sporting facilities like in your university/Beijing?89. What do you know about Qigong? Do you believe in Qigong?90. What do you do in your spare time?91. Do you often read newspapers? If not, why ones do you read?92. What do you think of computer?93. Do you think computer has changed our life so much?94. Do you often go to the cinema/theatre?95. What kind of films do you like best?96. Do you often watch TV? What is your favorite program?97. Do you think watching TV too much is a waste of time?98. What kind of music do you enjoy?99. Who is your favorite film star? Will you describe him/her to me?100. Do you enjoy travelling?101. Where have you been travelling to? Which place interested you most? 102. Do you smoking?103. Do you think smoking is a problem that needs special attention and has to be solved? If so, why?104. What do you know about ABC?105. What problem do you think you will have in ABC?106. How will you overcome the difficulties?107. Do you think you will be able to cope with English-demands of your intended study program in ABC?108. What difficulties do you think you’ll encounter in your studies in ABC? 109. Can you imagine what life in Britain/Canada/Australia/London, etc. would be like?110. How will you fare in Britain/Canada/Australia, etc. without your family? 111. What do you intend to study?112. Which university are you going to study at?113. Why did you choose this university?114. Where are you going to study in ABC?115. What are you plans in ABC?116. What is your research proposal all about?117. What do you hope for most from your study abroad?118. Will your study abroad help your job prospects after come back to China? 119. Should you study more theory or do more practice? Give your reasons, please. 120. What kind of differences in the cultures are you expecting between China and the ABC?121. How will your study in Britain benefit your work in China when you come back to China?122. How will your study in Britain benefit your work in China when you come back to China?123. What do you intend to do after you finish studying?124. What will be your main problem when you are study in a foreign country? 125. What problem can you foresee in the future when you come back to China? 126. Will there be any adjustment problems in your life when you come back to China? If so, what are they?127. Will you have to make any changes in your work/life when you come back to China?128. Do you think there will be a gap between your knowledge gained in China and the level of knowledge you are going to encounter on arrival? If so, what will it be? 129. What do you think of the future of China keeps an open policy?130. What do you regard as the most significant events in your country’s recent history?131. Are there any special places you want to see in Canada? What are they? 132. What do you especially want to do in Canada?133. How do you like your life in ABC University?134. What do you think of the training in the university?135. In what way do you think university training is helpful or falls short?136. What aspect of English do you find the most difficult?137. Do you find American English easier to understand than Britain English? 138. What sports are played in your country?139. Could you describe the traditional architecture of your country?140. What role dose religion play in everyday life in your country?141. What would you regard as the most significant events in your country"s recent history?142. How aware do you think people are nowadays about environmental issues? 143. Could you tell me why you chose to study at the university of ABC?144. What role dose tourism play in your country"s economy?145. How serious is unemployment in your country?146. In your opinion, what are the most serious problems associated with modern life?147. What do you think have been the most important changes in your field over the past 5 years?148. What are you going to major in ?149. Are you going to do your own cooking when you are at university?150. Some local students feel that overseas students get preferential treatment. What is your opinion?151. Do you think you will be able to cope with the English-language demands of your intended program?。



雅思口语之常用句型总结1.开场句型:How are you doing?Can you believe we’re already halfway through the term? It’s really good to be back.I can’t believe how fast the time is going.This is probably a silly question, but…2.表达个人想法和观点的句型:Personally, I think…In my opinion,…I believe…I’m inclined to think that…1Personally, I would recommend…3表达喜欢和不喜欢、喜好和偏好的句型:I really enjoy…I’m passionate about…I can’t stand…I’m not particularly fond of…I’m not particularly fond of doing…4.表达原因和理由的句型:The reason why I like/dislike…is because…One of the reasons why I enjoy…is that…One of the reasons why I find it difficult to do…is because…One of the reasons why I prefer…to…is because…5.表达经历和感受的句型:I remember when I first…It was a great experience.2The last time I…was a disaster.When I was younger, I always used to…It was a lot of fun.One of the best things about…is that you can…It makes me feel really good.6.表达建议和意见的句型:In my opinion, you should…Personally, I would recommend…If I were you, I would…I think it would be a good idea to…Personally, I would avoid doing…because…3。




1. 关于第三人称单数形式,一般动词加s。

例如:She goes to school every day.2. 并不是所有单词在加s或es,不规则变化。

例子:I go to school every day.二、一般过去时:一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或已经完成的动作。

1. 一般动词变化为过去式。

例如:I went to school yesterday.2. 动词to be的过去式。

例如:He was at home yesterday.三、现在进行时:现在进行时表示现在进行的动作。

1. 动词to be的现在进行时。

例如:He is playing basketball now.2. 现在分词短语。

例如:She is studying in her room.四、过去进行时:过去进行时表示在过去某个时间正在进行的动作。

1. 动词to be的过去进行时。

例如:She was cooking dinner when I arrived home.2. 过去分词短语。

例如:We were watching TV at 8 o'clock last night.五、一般将来时:一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或已经预定好的事情。

1. 动词will。

例如:I will visit my family next week.2. 动词going to。

例如:She is going to start a new job next month.3. 现在进行时。

例如:We are leaving for the airport at 3 o'clock.六、现在完成时:现在完成时表示过去某个时间开始,一直持续到现在的动作或者发生的动作与现在相关。

1. 动词have/has。

新东方雅思笔记汇总 共40页

新东方雅思笔记汇总 共40页

























四:作业21页task5 versionC(多少个字,多少句话,每一段由几句话组成,找语法错误,评论结构布局) 74页task2 严格按照40分钟写。

针对十个问题的思考1.情感分段和逻辑分段首先晾出观点,罩住一个自然段,2.文章中心思想句是读者体会(中文)还是作者交代(英文)——第一段就说3.3.引言段(开头第一段)是开门见山(英文)还是层层剥开(中文)议论文不可以太长,第一段只能3——5句话4.段落主题句有(英文)没有(中文)不要把每个主题句分散在不同处,在第一句写5.线性段落(英文)还是螺旋性段落(中文)说出来——为什么这样说6.人证(中文)与法证(英文)强调事实、数据、普通人事件、该领域专家7.一般具体(英文)还是曲折前进(中文)8.段内连贯:过渡词语(英语)还是词义重复(中文)英语:形式语言中文:意合语言for,obviously,turnout,asaresult,and,intheend英语靠过渡词的衔接、词汇的纽带、语法的照应9.段落之间的连贯:形和义10.结尾部分是概括(英文)还是训导(中文)新东方雅思阅读笔记Summary做法I.确定summary的首末句在原文中的位置;根据题目要求;根据首末句来判断II.分析每个空格的可能语法属性III.根据空格前后的相关信息回原文锁定答案1.Summary中的以下成分不会改变:A.专有名词B.时间状语、时间C.地点D.人名E.数字及百分比F.金钱符号G.特殊印刷体及标点符号2.如果是动词+名词,名词是空格,则回原文定位该动词3.如果是动词+介词+名词,名词是空格,则回原文先定位介词,再定动词+介词结构4.如果是动词+介词+名词+定状补或同位语a.同3b.空格后的成分在原文中不会改变5.名词+谓语+宾语,a.回原文定位与空格后的谓语一致的语法结构b.宾语一般不会改变完成句子做法I.分析需完成部分的语法结构II.分析已给出句子的中心词,分为定位中心词及句意关键词1.定位中心词a)专有名词b)时间及地点c)人名、数字及百分比d)金钱符号、特殊印刷体、特殊标点符号2.句意关键词a)句子的主语和谓语b)空格前的介词及助动词c)空格前的情态动词d)空格前的形容词e)句子中的比较成分f)句子中的否定及肯定成分III.回原文定位填空选项式I.类型:1.须完成部分的语法属性单一2.须完成部分的语法属性多元II.做法:1.分析每个选项的语法属性2.分析题目的语法属性3.进行选项与题目的语法归类4.如有可能回原文定位TrueFalseNotGiven(audiy)I.做法1.准确理解题意a)语法主谓宾确定b)是否有好坏、优劣、快慢判断c)是否有only判断d)是否有比较e)是否有范围比较2.预设否命题(Alternative)(audiy)3.划出已给出句子的中心词回原文定位4.阅读比较5.中心词分为定位中心词及句意关键词:见前笔记II.基本概况1.是语言考试而非逻辑判断2.不涉及比喻及修辞3.不涉及文化差异4.不涉及复杂的时态与语态变化5.范围考点只有only,all及most6.IELTS中TFNG中的所有金钱符号、时间及数字都只涉及精确程度而非范围判断7.范围判断:NG:a.Timewilltellb.设问句而不做回答;a+1nolessthana相当于8.原文中有itispredicted(expected,anticipated)that题目中有real,truth,fact则答案为:False9.原文中有条件状语从句或表明条件的固定搭配If(Providedthat),butfor(exceptfor)Ifnot(Unless),butthat(exceptthat)或表明条件限制的介词短语及形容语短语题目中去除任何条件限制答案为:False10.Only原则A.原文有三个形容词:various,versatile,complete题目中部分,则答案为FalseB.原文中A+B+C,题目中只有A、B或C,则答案为FalseC.原文中A事物或A状态题目中只有A事物或A状态答案:NG11.原文中有vow,promise,swear,pledge+动作状态题目中去除以上的限定,则答案为:NOTGIVEN(audiy)12.原文对理论学科加以限定(领域及范围、人名、国名及时间)题目中去除以上限制,答案为:FalseMatching题:一、类型1.人名及理论2.概念及定义3.完成句子的Matching二、各种类型的题的做法1.人名及理论a.首先分析意义理论的中心词b.回原文按人名的排列顺序阅读,理论一般在固定动词后的宾语从句中段落首末的人名及理论是重要考点c.中心词对应,原文及题目的中心词对应2.概念及定义a.首先确定概念在原文中的方位概念的排列对应原文段落顺序递增b.分析每道题目的意义中心词c.回原文按照概念的顺序阅读d.中心词对应Listofheadings类型1.10个选项,5-6个段落,选项标在段落后面2.5-6个已给出标题,段落标号写在题目后面注意:1.阅读主标题2.任何选项在真实考试中都只有一次选项,首先将example选项划去主要做法一、首先分析选项以及已给出标题哪些选项是文章超始段落选项哪些选项是文章结尾段落选项1.起始选项a.名词+of+文章主标标concept,conception,definition,explanation,notion,core,essence,justification, whatis+文章标题b.动词+文章主标题,代表文章首段标题defy,justify(audiy)c.形容词+名词+of+文章主标题basic,intrinsic,fundamental+factors,elements2.结尾选取项名词+of+文章主题effect,impact,consequence,generalization,conclusion3.哪些选项是文章的中间段落选项A.所有的比较选项都是中间选取项Compare,contrast,similar,match,coincide…with,contraryto,oppositeto,versus,akin…to,alien …toB.金钱符号指示词Wage,income,cost,expense,expenditure,revenueC.统计数字指示词data,figure,demography,demographic,statistic,censusD.百分比指示词rate,ratio,percentage,proportion,density(audiy)E.时间指示词decide,generation,ages,longtime,longterm,longtradition,longprocess,longprocedureF.分岐概念的定义及补充说明一定在中间段落二、如何阅读首末段1.阅读首末句,要关注首末句的语法成份A.主谓宾分布B.肯定与否定关态C.比较级状态D.是否定定义句型2.如果首末句是疑问句或都是描述性语句都要忽略不记,要其后的论点句作为标题选项的重要依据3.如果段落中有example或者example句型,要example前的论点句及其后的总结句4.如果段落中有人名及理论,则该理论也是标题选项的主要依据三、如何阅读整段1.要注意段落中的特殊印刷体及特殊标点符号(),“”2.要注意段落中表明转折的连词yet,but,however3.要注意段落中表明顺序的连词4.要注意段落中表明因果的固定搭配resultin,resultfrom,derivefrom,stemfrom,describeto.新东方听力笔记这是一套最新新东方听力笔记,希望有时间的朋友还是多研习一下,在方法上还是有很多提高成绩的捷径的。



雅思口语100句常用表达【实用版】目录1.雅思口语考试的重要性2.雅思口语 100 句常用表达的分类3.具体常用表达举例及用法4.如何有效使用这些常用表达5.提高雅思口语成绩的建议正文雅思口语 100 句常用表达对于许多备考雅思的考生来说,雅思口语考试往往是最具挑战性的一部分。


本文将为大家提供 100 句常用的雅思口语表达,以帮助考生在口语考试中取得更好的成绩。

一、雅思口语 100 句常用表达的分类1.表示肯定和否定2.询问对方观点3.表达观点和立场4.表示原因5.表示结果6.表示建议7.表示比较8.表示条件9.表示时间10.表示地点二、具体常用表达举例及用法1.表示肯定和否定- Absolutely, not.绝对不是。

- I"m used to it.我习惯了。

- Are you sure? 你能肯定吗?2.询问对方观点- As soon as possible.尽快。

- Believe me.相信我。

- Are you coming with me? 你跟我一起去吗?3.表达观点和立场- Call me tomorrow.明天打电话给我。

- Can you speak slowly? 请说得慢些好吗?4.表示原因- There are three reasons for this。

- The reasons for this are as follows。

- The reason for this is obvious。

5.表示结果- The reason for this is not far to seek。

- The reason for this is that。

6.表示建议- I"d like to talk about a special experience I had。

雅思口语知识点解析chapter 2

雅思口语知识点解析chapter 2

Chapter 2 Talking about studyWhat’s your major? 你的专业是什么?Introduction:在雅思考试中,,作为考官对你个人背景了解之一的常问问题就是“专业”,其中包括最基本的个人专业的英文表达,选择专业的原因,是否喜爱自己的专业。

如果是高中在读的同学虽然还没有专业,不过也可以说说自己是文科生arts students还是理科生science students。



Task 1: you are going to hear two conversations, while listening, underline some useful phrases about Study.Conversation 1:Ann:Steve, who are the two women over there?Steve:Oh, their names are Shirley and Linda. Hi, Shirley. This is Ann. She is from Canada. Ann:Hello. Shirley, nice to meet you.Shirley:Hi, Ann. Nice to meet you, too. What do you study here?Ann:I’m studying Biology. And what’s your subject?Shirley:It’s engineering.Ann:Hi, Linda. What are you studying here?Linda:I’m studying Arts.Ann:Oh, that sounds interesting.Steve:Shirley. And Linda are from the UK.Ann:Oh, where are you from in the UK?Shirley:I’m from Edinburgh.Linda:And I come from Leeds.Conversation 2:Lily: What’s your major?Mike: I come to China just to study Chinese.Lily: Where are you studying now?Mike: At the Beijing Language and Culture University.Lily: How many years have you studied?Mike: I've already studied for three years. One year left for graduation.Lily: Are you going back to your country after graduation?Mike: Yes, I'll return to my country and look for a job.Lily: Is it difficult to find a job?Mike: Not very difficult, because there is not many people in my country who know Chinese.Lily: Mike, tell me why you chose to study Chinese?Mike: well, to be honest, I chose it based on my personal interest. You know, since I was a boy I have always been interested in language. And I reckon Chinese is a very interesting language to study.Lily: Good. Wish you good luck.Mike: Thanks.Task 2: Pair Work. Now, role-play the conversations in Task 1 with your partner. Then it is required for you to remember these phrases and expressions below. Inquiring about study:What are you studying? / What’s your major? / What’s your subject? 你的专业是什么What subjects do you like most and what subjects do you dislike most?你最喜欢/最不喜欢的专业是什么Why did you choose this major? 你为什么选择这个专业?What do you think of your major? 你觉得你的专业怎么样?Answering:I major in Finance. I am studying Finance. My subject is Finance. 我是金融专业的。



口语课笔记整理考试形式及评分标准Speaking (10-15 min)Part 1 Introduction and Interview(P37-72)Personal informationNameHometownpart 2 Cue card(1 min prepare;1-2 min talk)PeoplePlacesObjectsHobbiesSocial lifepart 3DiscussionAbstractListingContrastCause and effectProblem and solutionCriteria(评分标准)Fluencyvocabularygrammar(she/he; +s; +ed shake shook shaken; Chinglish)pronunciation注意点:Part 1 (answer with 3-5sentences)Talk with a smileEye contactAnswer (to the point, full sentence)(paraphrase)+X(wh-question)+examplePart 2 Cue Cardtopic sentence ----specific ideas1.story/exampleMy best friend Lily and I have a lot in common----We talk almost every topic. Topics are from study to work, music to sports. I still remember that there are times we spend hours chatting on the phone.I like reading Phoenix Weekly because it‟s in for mative,-----which offers loads of information, including ideas and opinions of people from all walks of life, so that I can keep track of the fast-changing world and get better understanding of current affairs, otherwise, i will feel left behind.2. vocabularysynonyms近义词antonyms反义词part of speech不同词性替换linkers连接词1)And,/also, /besides,/in addition,/ additionally,/ plus,/ as well,/ on top of that,/ more importantly,2)For one thing,…. For another,….On the one hand,…. On the other hand,….3. quotatione.g.: A friend in need is a friend indeed.Success is 1% of inspiration and 99% of perspiration.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.part 31. listing2. problem and solution3.cause and effect4.contrastPart 1 (环球雅思口语P37)What do you go by?=what‟s your name?Topic:I.Hometown:1.EnvironmentThe whole city is decorated with green plants and various kinds of /a great variety of flowers.Sky is blue/gray/smoggy.And the rivers and bays around the city have been improved./are smelly and the water is filthy.Air is polluted by car exhaust, which increases the risk of getting respiratory diseases.cationPoorTeachers can not speak standard Chinese.Welfare for teachers is no t perfect, which can‟t attract many talents to devote to teaching.Shabby/run-downSchools and universities with long history and good reputationHigher Education Mega CenterStadiums, laboratory , librariesThe classrooms are well equipped/furnished with computer, projector and AC.Talents tender, friendly, qualified, open-minded3.Food and restaurantGZ is com plimented “eating in GZ”.Famous/well-known/renowned : dim sum, wonton,Rice roll with ...ingredient4.peopleRealistic/down the earthMore willing to spend $ on food, investment instead of purchasing the name brands.NiceNever mind giving directionsMetro,bus Y offer seats to people in need, pregnant women and the elderly.15yMigrant a sense of belongingLittle discrimination5.Weather and climate6.Traffic and transportPart 2 Cue Card+background(age, job, how you are related, when you met, how you met, how long you have known each other, what you do together...)2. Common person: appearance3. Celebrity: achievementaward: win the champion/first prize/gold medal in ...break the... recordlead his/her team win...win the best singer/actor in…release several music albumsstar some popular movies and tv showscharity: donate $ to ppl in needdo some volunteer workvisit the orphans/elderly/poverty/refu gee s in the earthquake/floodestablish his/her foundationoperation and medical treatment…harelip3.personalityExample:1. Zhou Enlai 1st Pre mier di plomat(di plo ma)2. 1)con tri bute ...economy and the improvement of ppl‟s living condition2)on the international stage, promote the relationship3. admire1) have unflinching determination and persistenceSuffer: Y, politics, J&F, miserable...not afford meals, get dis cri minatedNever give up and still hold on to his beliefs: do sth for his beloved countrySucceed2) biography talented and hard-workingJourney to the West人物题模版1, I'd like to describe/talk about _+人名_+背景.2, In terms of appearance/achievement/…, __________.3, (repeat the last tip), 1)(firstly)because ______.2) And,/also, /besides,/in addition,/ additionally,/ plus,/ as well,/ on top of that,/ more importantly,1. answer+X2. story(summrized version)Adj. +type+main character+eventGrand thrilling breath-takingjack handsome poor artistrose noble familymeet and fall in lovecruise/ocean-linerhits the iceberg and sinks3.impressive1)role shallow/profound2)scene3)song4)linesExample:1. the pursuit of happiness f home 2y Hollywood U。



雅思口语 Part 2 是考生需要熟悉的一个部分,因为它要求考生就某个话题进行深入谈论。

下面是一个关于这个话题的笔记: 主题:雅思口语 Part 2
雅思口语 Part 2 的话题通常是考生感兴趣的话题,因此我很高兴能够谈论我的爱好和兴趣。


















About yourself1.What’s your full name?2.What’s your English name?3.Does your Chinese name have any special meaning?Literally:Lean on a sailing boat to see in the distanceMake a good wish that Everything is going smoothly4.Do you want to change your name?Smoothly & successfullyHometown and cities1.Where do you come from? / Where are you from? / Where is your hometown?Wuhan, a large-sized city in the middle of china, and it is also a crucial city during revolution period in the history2.Do you think your hometown is a good place for young people to live in?3 aspects:@.local delicious food snack street : hot dry noodles , fried bread stick ,stinky tofushrimp balls ,spicy hot noodles, hot hot hot, hot pot, spring rolls@shopping malls & amusement parks 国广&欢乐谷@university city, esp.Wc district relatively high education standard3.What aspects do you like best in your hometown?4.What aspects do you dislike in your hometown?Larged-sized city large population crowded in the station competetion is fierceIn the process of contruction of infrustracture ==road traffic jam5.What landscapes surround your hometown?In the middle of chinait is located in the jianghan plainthe long river flows through crossover point of han river—tributaryriver viewa place covered with lakes “city with thousand lakes” ---the east lakenext to a basin named SICHUAN basin ---in the west of WHsouth direction ---old forest SHEN NONGJIA –tourist spot6.What are the differences between your hometown and Beijing?Capital well-known boast of its long history political centerMore urbanized well-developed transportantion system\**On the contrary, less modern , infrustractures are not completedin the middle snacks of north and south abundant choice tediousless stressed7.What are the characters of local people in your hometown?Friendly and warm-hearted talkative esp. senor citizensStraightforward express feeling loudly and directlyBad-tempered quarrel on the streetBe fond of food and drinksEnjoy themselves entertainments MAJIANG POKER8.What is the main food /special snack in your hometown?9.Are there any changes in your hometown?During city constructiontransportation facilities skyscapers dapartment stores environment greenbeltricher more cars on the road traffic congestion more sever10.Do you prefer to live in a big city or a small one? Why?Big cityConvenient shopping more optionswell-developed transportationmore choices to have funhigher standard of edu, open-minded11.What are the differences between living in a big city and in the countryside?Less poplulationMore quietGood envirnment less populationLess stressedA good place for holidayWork and study1.Are you working or studying?2.Where do you study?3.Could you describe your college/university/school?4.What’s your major?5.Why did you choose the major?Inspired by mother journalist cool job go to different places visit different people see lots of things interested inPsychology interested as well read many books psychoanalysis Freud seminars programs rural areas to help children with mental issues6.Do you think your college/university is a good place to study in?Equipped with teaching facilities &Excellent teachersBautiful place lakeside ---the east lake good environment morning readingOlympics Champions training diligent surroundingsHandsome guys good stress reducer by looking at them training7.What aspects do you dislike in your college/university?Library is too small dorm cannot find a seat lateBathroom in the dorm public inconvenientShower room is too far away esp. winter freezing cold on the way back8.What’s your plan in the near future?UK maters degree translater english teaching institutionLead my band do more performances make extra money9.What’s your ideal job?Spy Translator or an english teacherCool job bridge the cultural gap high paymentPsychologist10.Which subject is your favorite?11.What’s your opinion about changing jobs? \Good to change but not too often maybe it means what do you want 12.How many languages do you speak?Two France 93%\13.Do you think it important to learn a foreign language?Yes bingual smarter sensitiveGlobalization more communication to foreignors understand each other Bridge culture gapStudy abroadCompetitive busniess opportinuties14.What do you think is the most difficult in learning a foreign language?Gammar fixed patterns rulesTechnical terms academic words15.What do you think is the most interesting in learning a foreign language?Progress processBegin limited words gammar sentence patterns accentTalk for a short timeFreerExpress yourself bettermake people understand you betterHobbies and leisure activities1.What do you usually in your spare time?Just like many otherMy band get together discuss rhythm guitarist2.Do you think it important to have some hobbies?Routine daily life colorfulEg: sining playing instrumentsCannot imagine stress reducer3.What do you think of extreme sports?Good & specialAdventurous&ambitiousParadise more optionsDangerous safety4.Do you think people nowadays have enough leisure time?Since the level of development in china developping country standard of living not high busy with making money work extra hours5.What’s the importance of holidays?The best stress reducer for peopleSuffer from huge pressure work on the weekends extra moneyHoliday stop the works slow down the paces relax their bodies ease minds10.1 7.4 national dayholiday can trigger the tourism good for6.What are the differences between people’s way to spend their leisure time nowadays and inthe past?Development of technology and internet& transportation systemOld games play chess do some sports visit old friendsStress work extra hours7.Do you think people will have more leisure time in the future?Development of economy in our country strandard of livingPay the house and pay the carExtra hours more leisure travel golf go fish on the sea8.How do young people around you spend their leisure time?Go shopping internet moviesChurch play the band9.How do your parents spend their leisure time?Church movies yoga gym10.How do you spend the weekends?11.What do you usually do in evenings?Finish homeworkReading on couchDiary pray12.Do you often spend your leisure time with your family?Sometimes drive to suburbs to have trip&picnicGo shopping togetherMost I spend with friends and band13.Do you collect anything? What’s that?Perfumes I believe fragrance can refresh my memory remind me of the past a particular gragrance can wake up a particular memory that I have gone throughStand in front choose fragrance every dayExquisite bottles14.What are the benefits of collecting?Have more knowledge about the fieldEnjoy yourself by fun by doingMake life colorfulTrigger for hard work15.Do your friends have the similar hobbies to you?16.What do you usually do to relax yourself?17.What do the people around you do to relax themselves?18.What are the differences between the young and the old in relaxation method? Old: dance with folding fan taiji chess TV radioYoung : internet movies shopping yogo gymSports and exercises1.What sports do you usually do?Swimming good way to keep fitTemperatured pool twice a wkFree shower handsomesstreet dance jazz hiphop cooler2.What sports are popular in your city?Swimming table tennis general national3.How do you keep fit?Do physical exercisesControl my diet : more vegetable less junkTraditional chinese medicine clean intestines4.Do you think it important to do physical exercises?Keep fit keep body in good shapeImprove the function of immunity system5.What are the benefits of playing sports?Having fun+above6.Why do some young people love extreme sports?Adventurous ambitious personalitiesNormal sports too light heavy flavorNot easy challenage confident brave enough differnenceStimutating crazy enjoymentAir slide bungee rock climbing surfing drifting7.Do you think the government should ban extreme sports?No regulation to protect participators safty8.Do you think it necessary for school teenagers to have P.E. class?Yes obesity junk food & lack of exercises good for healthMovement skills good for study9.How do you think to develop children’s interest in sports?Watch games play with them participateDig talent encourage experience of victory10.What are the differences between men and women in playing sports?More likely aggressive sports football boxing hockyExtreme sportsGentle sports yoga badminton gymnastic11.Do you like watching sport events?12.Do you prefer to watch sport events on TV or on the spot?On the spot, exciting ,circumstances focus more on the game cheer for the team sports stars in person signitureLower patota chips coca less attantion less stimulating13.What are the differences between doing sports and watching sport events?Pay full attention lose pointsWatching : concentrate potato chips soda make comments while watching the gamesTravel and holiday1.Do you like traveling?Yes travel every year as long as I have extra moneyHave been to many places in china with my friends macaoMeet people local snacks no idea what is going to happen find out2.When did last travel and where?This summer HK3.What kind of place is it?Tiny with dense population modern covered with all kinds of buildingWalking on the street is just like walking in the forest of skyscapersTransportation systemShopping centre in china cheap and good4.What impressed you the most?Dense population spacious like main contient crowded bathroom is tiny5.Do you prefer to travel alone or with others?With friends talk to friends to kill the time on the wayUnexpected situations solve togetherTake photos split/ share the bill cheaper6.What type of tour do you like best?Travel with friends without travel agency no package tourSomewhere you don't want to go buy sth wait for othersFriends free options when to get up/go to bed/ where to eat /what to buy7.What are the benefits of joining a package tour?No bother with train/plane tickets visaCheaper hotel motelTourist guide learn more about8.What are the benefits of solo travel?9.Do you think it good to take children to travel?Good for children to travel to different places to see world &meet peopleBroaden horizon experience good for their studiesChildren are too small to understand what he/she is doing inappropriateNoisy Take care mood depends10.What are the differences in the means of transportation before and nowadays?More efficient then before more confortable and expensiveBike horses train ship bus more environmental friendly safty guaranteedNow: airplane high-speed railway cars world villege accompanied with potential dangers 11.What’s the place you want to travel to the m ost?If I have chance travel to Eroupe Beautiful continent different cultures & landscapes Royal england romantic france italy with rich renaissance cultureIreland folk musicTransportation1.What are the main forms of transportation in your city? Bus /bike/ cars/ subway/lightrailway(not available)2.Which form do you use the most? Bus cars cheaper cars are convenient3.Which form is your favorite?4.What are the benefits of this form of transportation?5.What are the disadvantages of this form?6.What problems do you think lie in the traffic situation in your city?7.What are the causes of the problems? Time money richer8.What do you think the government should do to solve the problems?Collect taxes fromcar-buyers lower the bus fee encourage improve the bus condition comfortableMake a good city construction plan broaden the roads9.What changes will happen in the form of transportation in the future? Well-developed systemS ubway the number cars on the ground will decrease10.What changes will happen in the traffic situation in your city?Food1.What’s your favorite type of food?Junk food & seafood potato chips hot wings pizza clams2.What’s healthy food?3.Is your diet healthy? I am afraid not4.Are there any changes in your eating habit?5.What are the changes in Chinese eating habit?6.What are the traditional foods in China?7.What’s the staple food in China?8.Do you often eat out?9.What are the benefits of eating out?10.What are the disadvantages of eating out?11.What aspect do you think is the most essential to a good restaurant?12.What aspect do you pay the most attention to when you choose a restaurant to eat at?13.Do you enjoy cooking? Why or why not?14.Who usually cooks in your home?15.What are the differences between eating out and cooking at home?16.What are the differences between ready-to-eat food at restaurant and home-cooked food?Living place1.Where do you live? In a house or a flat?2.Could you describe your living place?3.What are the differences between a house and a flat?4.Do you want to change your living place?5.What’s your favorite living place?6.Do you like the arrangement and decoration in your home?7.Do you prefer to live in the big city or in the countryside?8.What do you think of the high-rise buildings?9.Do you think it difficult for people in high-rise buildings to communicate?10.Why do many people buy flats in high-rise buildings?11.What are the differences between residential buildings and office buildings?12.How do the building styles influence people?13.What are the differences between building style in the north and in the south?14.What do you think is the most important to a good building?Fashion and clothing1.What type of clothes do you like best?2.Do you like fashionable clothes?3.What type of clothes do young people like in your city?4.Do you like name brand clothes?5.Why do a lot of young people like name brands?6.How do you get the information about fashion?7.What are the differences between people’s clothing now adays and before?8.Do you think clothing is important to one?9.Where do you often shop? And how often?10.Do you enjoy shopping?11.What do you usually buy when going shopping?12.Are there any shopping places near your home?13.Whom do you usually go shopping with?14.What are the differences between men and women in shopping?15.What do you pay the most attention to when you shop?16.Photo and photography1.Do you like photography/picture -taking?2.What type of pictures do you like taking/watching?3.When do people take photos?4.Do Chinese people like taking photos?5.How do you keep old photos?6.What are the values of old photos?7.What are the differences between digital cameras and film cameras?Weather and season1.What’s the weather like in your hometown?2.Do you like the weather in your hometown?3.What are the differences between the weather in your hometown and in Beijing?4.What’s your favorite season?5.Can weather influence your mood?6.What influences does the weather bring to your mood?7.What changes have happened in climate in China recently?8.What’s the difference between the south and north in rainfall?9.What is the season in which it rains most?10.What influence does rainy days have on people’s life?11.What do people usually when it rains?Media1.Do you prefer to contact your friends by letters or e-mails?2.What are the differences between letters and e-mails?3.When do you send e-mails?4.What do you think of e-communication?5.Who use the telephone most in your home?6.Do you prefer to watch TV or listen to radio?7.What type of TV/radio program do you like best?8.What changes do you hope to take place in TV/radio programs?9.Do you prefer to watch DVD at home or go to the cinema?10.What type of film do you like best?11.What changes have happened in film-producing in China recently?12.Where do you get information?13.Do you often read newspapers?14.Do you often surf the Internet?15.When do you watch TV?16.What are the differences between the news on line and on TV?17.What do you usually on line?18.Do you like writing?19.What type of books do you like reading?Music and dance1.Which type of music do you like best?2.Why do you like this type of music?3.Which type of music is popular nowadays?4.What influence does music have on people’s life?5.Which type of music do elderly people like?6.What instruments can you play?7.Do you think it good for kids to learn playing an instrument?8.Do you think it necessary for school children to have music class?9.Do you like dancing?10.Do Chinese people like dancing?11.Does dance play important role in people’s life?12.When do people usually dance?13.Which type of dance is popular?14.What’s the difference between the young and the old in dancing?Birds and flowers1.What birds can be seen in your city?2.What birds have special meaning in Chinese culture?3.Do people like birds in your city?4.Do you think it necessary to protect birds?5.Do you often send flowers to your friends?6.What flowers do you like?7.What flowers have special meaning in Chinese culture?8.Do Chinese people often send flowers?9.Noise1.Is there any noise around you /near your living place?2.How do you think the noise should be controlled?3.What influence does noise h ave on people’s life?4.What are the harms of noise?5.Is there any park or garden in your neighborhood?6.How often do you go to the park?7.Do you think it important to have a garden in the neighborhood?8.What do people do in the park?9.Why do people like going to the park?。






下面是我为您收集整理的雅思英语口语Part3常见话题关键词和句型,供大家参考!雅思英语口语Part3常见话题关键词和句型(1)prefer关键问题Which one do you prefer, eating in a restaurant or at home?Do you prefer to travelling alone or with a lot of people?Which do you prefer, western wedding style or Chinese traditional one?关键句型To be honest, I prefer A to B for the reason thatIn my mind, I thinkis better, becauseTo tell you the truth, although B is, A is still better than B, because (2)benefit关键问题What are the benefits of swimming?关键句型The first benefit comes to my mind isPeople say, but for me,There are several benefits to name. Firstly, Secondly,Thirdly, (3)kind关键问题What kind of food do you like best?关键句型My favorite isIll say the one which earns my interest isMy answer would be(4)how关键问题How do you think we can control the terrible traffic condition?关键句型Before I explain, Id like you to imagine that you are a, and. Afterthis thinking, you might know how, right?There are a couple of ways to. In the first place, In addition,. Lastbut not least,This is really a big question for me. I think with the development of technology and society, the problem will be solved gradually.(5)advantages and disadvantages关键问题What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV program?关键句型The advantage is, while the disadvantage isOn one hand,. On the other hand,There are at least two advantages/disadvantages. For one thing,. Theother one is...(6)why关键问题Why is it important for us to give gifts to others?关键句型There are three reasons for that. To begin with,. In addition,. Lastly,.A couple of reasons may explain that. In the first place,. Whats more,. Last but not least,.There are several reasons for that. Firstly,. Secondly,.Thirdly.Well, the reasons for that are very simple. At first, .. Next,. Finally,.(7)what should people do to关键问题What should people do to minimize the damage of bad weather?关键句型We shouldThe first and foremost thing we should do isThe only way is(8)Tell me something about关键问题Tell me something about the tourism attraction which leaves you the deepest impression.关键句型If you like, I can show you around, and youll know why I like it so much.If you go there, you will receive a warm welcome.It may sound too general if I dont go into any detail.(9)difference关键问题What are the differences between Chinese food and western food?关键句型A is On the contrary,B isThere is a huge difference between A and B. A is, but B isA is. This is very different from B, which is(10)China关键问题What do Chinese people like to read?关键句型It depends. You know, China has a large population. For some people, . But othersWell, choices are divided. On one hand, A.. On the other hand, B.There is a difference in preference between A and B. While A is, B is .(11)choose关键问题Which one would you choose, living in a big city or a small countryside?关键句型I will give my support forI would vote forwill be my first choice.(12)characteristics关键问题What are the characteristics of good classmates?关键句型I think and may be the words to describe it.There are many characteristics. But the most distinctive one is关键问题Tell me something about the tourism attraction which leaves you the deepest impression.关键句型If you like, I can show you around, and youll know why I like it so much.If you go there, you will receive a warm welcome.It may sound too general if I dont go into any detail.(13)effect关键问题What are the effects of bad weather?关键句型It is helpful forIt is beneficial especially whenIt is harmful to(14)what do you think about关键问题What do you think about the life of the famous people?关键句型When I first think about, the first thing come to my mind is (15)would you like关键问题Would you like to be a singer?Would you like to be a movie star?Would you like to be a famous person?关键句型If I have the time, I would like to have a try, because I think it would be interesting and meaningful.I afraid no, because I dont care too much about.Absolutely. It is my childhood dream comes true.(16)do you often关键问题Do you often read books?Do you often go to restaurant?Do you often go to cinema?关键句型Yes. And I whenever I am free.No. I used to do that before, but now I drop it.No, because I dont have enough time to do that.以上,大致总结了雅思口语Part3可能考到的一些问题,盼望能关心广阔考生发觉雅思口语Part3的出题规律,并一一攻克其中的重点和难点。






1. Talking about preferences:I’m really into + 名词 (如:I'm really into reading books.)2. Talking about experiences:The most memorable/exciting/interesting experience I had was + 句子 (如:The most memorable experience I had was when I went skydiving.)3. Giving examples:For example, + 句子 (如:For example, I enjoy playing basketball, swimming, and hiking.)4. Expressing opinions:In my opinion, + 句子 (如:In my opinion, traveling is a great way to broaden one's horizons.)5. Expressing preferences:I prefer + 名词/动名词 (如:I prefer swimming to jogging.)6. Describing people or things:He/She/It is + 形容词 (如:He is tall and handsome.)7. Making comparisons:In comparison with + 名词/动名词, + 句子 (如:In comparison with traditional shopping, online shopping is more convenient.)8. Expressing agreement:I agree with + 句子 (如:I agree with the statement that exercise is important for one's health.)9. Expressing disagreement:I disagree with + 句子 (如:I disagree with the idea that money brings happiness.)10. Describing changes:There has been a significant + 形容词/noun (如:There has been a significant increase in the number of people using smartphones.)11. Giving reasons:The reason why + 句子 is that + 原因 (如:The reason why I chose to study abroad is that I want to experience different cultures.)12. Describing trends:There has been a steady/increasing/decreasing + 名词 (如:There has been a steady rise in global temperatures.)13. Talking about advantages:One of the advantages of + 名词/动名词 is that + 句子 (如:One of the advantages of living in a big city is that there are more job opportunities.)14. Talking about disadvantages:One of the disadvantages of + 名词/动名词 is that + 句子 (如:One of the disadvantages of living in a big city is the high cost of living.)15. Expressing likelihood:It is likely/probable that + 句子 (如:It is likely that he will pass the exam.)16. Expressing certainty:I am certain/sure/confident that + 句子 (如:I am confident that I will achieve my goals.)17. Giving suggestions:I would suggest/recommend + 动名词/动词原形 (如:I would suggest taking a break and relaxing.)18. Expressing regrets:I regret + 动名词/动词-ing (如:I regret not studying harder for the exam.)19. Giving instructions:First, + 句子. Then, + 句子 (如:First, wash the vegetables. Then, cut them into small pieces.)20. Expressing importance:It is important/crucial/vital to + 动词原形 (如:It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle.)21. Expressing consequences:If + 句子, + 结果 (如:If you don't study, you will fail the exam.)22. Expressing purpose:The purpose of + 名词/动名词 is to + 动词原形 (如:The purpose of education is to equip students with knowledge and skills.)23. Expressing condition:If + 句子, + 句子 (如:If it rains, we will stay indoors.)24. Expressing possibilities:There is a possibility/chance that + 句子 (如:There isa possibility that he will be promoted.)25. Expressing alternatives:Instead of + 动名词/动词-ing, + 句子 (如:Instead of driving, I prefer cycling to work.)26. Expressing reasons:The reason for + 名词/动名词 is that + 句子 (如:The reason for the traffic jam is that there is construction on the road.)27. Expressing consequences:As a result of + 名词/动名词, + 句子 (如:As a result of the pandemic, many people lost their jobs.)28. Expressing possibilities:It is possible/probable that + 句子 (如:It is possible that she will arrive late.)29. Giving examples:Take + 名词/动名词 for example (如:Take environmental pollution for example.)30. Expressing time:In + 一段时间, + 句子 (如:In recent years, people have become more aware of the importance of environmental protection.)31. Expressing contrast:On the one hand, + 句子. On the other hand, + 句子 (如:On the one hand, technology has made our lives more convenient. On the other hand, it has also led to reliance and decreased interpersonal connections.)通过学习和熟练运用这些雅思口语高分必背公式,考生将能够在口语表达中更加流利地使用适当的词汇和句子结构,从而获得更高的口语分数。



雅思口语常用120句型雅思口语考试中常用的120个句型如下:1. In my opinion,…。

2. From my perspective,…。

3. I believe that…。

4. Personally, I think…。

5. It seems to me that…。

6. I would argue that…。

7. It is often said that…。

8. Many people claim that…。

9. It is widely believed that…。

10. It is commonly thought that…。

11. According to research/statistics/studies…。

12. It is a well-known fact that…。

13. It goes without saying that…。

14. It is un deniable that…。

15. There is no doubt that…。

16. It is worth mentioning that…。

17. I must admit that…。

18. I couldn't agree more.19. I completely/totally agree.20. I strongly believe that…。

21. I have no doubt that…。

22. I am of the opinion that…。

23. I am convinced that…。

24. I am inclined to believe that…。

25. I am confident that…。

26. I am certain that…。

27. I am not sure, but…。

28. I am not convinced that…。



雅思口语考试万能句子1.I enjoy doing sth. 我喜欢做某事。

2.I am good at sth. 我擅长做某事。

3.I believe that sth. is very important. 我认为某事很重要。

4.I like to listen to music. 我喜欢听音乐。

5.I enjoy reading books. 我喜欢读书。

6.I am interested in sth. 我对某事感兴趣。

7.I like to chat with people. 我喜欢和人聊天。

8.I enjoy traveling. 我喜欢旅行。

9.I like to try new foods. 我喜欢尝试新的食物。

10.I am excited about the idea of sth. 我对某事很兴奋。

11.As far as I am concerned, I believe that... 就我而言,我相信……12.In my opinion, I think that... 我觉得……13.Personally, I prefer... 我个人更喜欢……14.From my point of view, I think that... 从我的角度来看,我认为……15.In conclusion, I would say that... 总的来说,我认为……16.If you ask me, I would say that... 如果你问我,我会说……17.To be honest, I would prefer to... 说实话,我更倾向于……18.To tell you the truth, I don't really know... 说真的,我真的不知道……19.To be honest with you, I don't think that... 坦白说,我认为……20.In general, I would say that... 总的来说,我认为……。



(一) 雅思口语的基本结构(basic structure)连接词组(linking phrases)第一First, firstly, initially, to begin with, I should begin by saying The first thing / point / issue / advantage /etc. I should / would like to mention / highlight is ...第二Second, secondly, next, a second point is, something else is, in addition (to that), not only that, but... Of courseA second feature /Something else / Another point I would like to mention/ say/ is that ...第三Third, thirdly, consequently, I could also say ... After that, what’s moreI shouldn’t forget to add / mention / say / comment that ...最后Finally, ultimately, last, last but not least, a final point I’d like to make is, one last point I cold add is ...表示转折However, whereas, on the other hand, in contrast, despite (that) in spite of (that), even though,, having said that, then again, nonetheless, even so, compared with, on the contrary, although, but, yet, still, instead of , at the same time表示类似Similarly, likewise, as well as (this), by a similar token..., in a similar way, moreover, besides (that), furthermore,支持连接(supporting links )举例说明For example, for instance, in fact, to illustrate this, one example of this is ... Case in point, namely, in particular, particularly, especially, such as, you know, like,说清楚,解释What I mean by that is ... By that I mean... To be blunt, to be brief, to be more specific, to be more exact, to be more precise, in other words, I should point out that ... In reality, that’s to say解释为什么确定Because ... The reason for that is... The basis of this is ... This is due to ... Due to ... The explanation for this is ...不确定This may / might/ could be due to ...One reason might be that...The cause could be ...It’s possible that...There is the possibility that...描述一种结果Consequently, as a result of this, in that case, in a case like this, thus, therefore, so that means...Thereby dong sth. ... It follows that...强调某事物What I should mention about that is ...I suppose it’s pertinent to say that ...I think it’s important to highlight the fact that ...I should point out that ...限定You know, a ...Which is (adj), which is a kind of ... Which refers to ... Which means...总结观点In conclusion, to sum up, in short, to make a long story short, to conclude, all in all, overall, on the whole, so that’s why I think... So that’s why I like... To reiterate结构评论---连接词组---举例说明----支持连接-----更多内容-----重复两到三次---完成(二)必备技巧(skills )1.混合时态如果问的是现在的情况的问题,可以先谈一下过去的情况,如果问的是将来趋势,可以谈一下现在的状况。










问题1: 一般准备Part2的时候,我就是准备好全部的素材,把它写下来,然后背出来,这样在考的时候,一分钟我完全不需要写任何的关键词,如果碰到背的很熟悉的,就能说的很好,但是万一碰到背的不熟悉的,就会很乱,导致很多结巴。






问题4:一般准备Part2的时候,不会和其他人一样做好充足的准备,我只会回答话题的“you should say”的问题,把相应答案的关键词都准备一下,然后在心里或者有时候都说出素材,在考的时候反应也比较快,就是时间一直不能特别的好,要不就超时被考官打断,要不就是时间不够,考官追问我还能不能继续说点什么。



雅思口语:精华材料汇总雅思口语:精华材料汇总1. 谈论变化The environmental problem is getting more serious.There has been a rapid increase of farmers moving to the cities.当考生需要谈论自己对于某些社会现象的观点的时候,进行对比是很好的方法,那么当谈到这些从过去到现在的变化的时候,就可以运用到这样的句型。

因为像more and more这种句式已经被用得太多了,考官听到也会觉得不够吸引。


2.评价...play a important role in our lives.Friendship is something we all take seriously.当考生需要对某件事或观点进行评价和总结的时候,这种句型就要多背起来。





3. 总结规律By and large,Chinese people are very respectful of the elderly.On the whole,Chinese students receive a good education in the basics.By and large和On the whole都是很好的过渡词。






一、自我介绍话术及词汇推荐1. 开场白:Good morning/afternoon, my name is [Your Name]. I am from [Your Country] and I am [Your Age] years old. I am currently studying/working as [Your Occupation].2. 个人信息:In terms of my hobbies, I enjoy [Your Hobby], which allows me to [Reason]. Additionally, I am quite interested in [Your Interest] as it helps me [Reason].3. 家庭背景:In terms of my family, I come from a [Your Family Background], with [Number of Family Members]. I have [Number of Siblings] siblings, which makes my family a lively and supportive one.4. 学习或工作经历:I have been studying/working in the field of [Your Field] for [Number of Years] years. I find this field quite intriguing and I am passionate about [Reason].5. 未来计划:In the future, I plan to [Your Future Plan] as it aligns with my goals and allows me to [Reason]. I am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead and look forward to the challenges.二、谈论观点话术及词汇推荐1. 表达同意:I totally agree with you.I couldn't agree more.I'm in complete agreement with what you just said.2. 表达不同意:I have a slightly different opinion.I see where you're coming from, but I think differently.I'm afraid I can't agree with that.3. 表达犹豫:Well, I'm not quite sure about that.I'm a bit on the fence about this topic.I'm torn between two perspectives on this.4. 表达喜好:Personally, I am a big fan of [Your Preference].I have a strong preference for [Your Preference].I am particularly fond of [Your Preference].5. 表达原因:The reason I believe this is because...One of the main reasons for this is...This is due to the fact that...三、谈论经验话术及词汇推荐1. 举例说明:For example, when I was in [Specific Situation], I encountered [Specific Experience]. This taught me the importance of [Important Lesson].Another instance is [Another Specific Experience], where I learned [Another Important Lesson].2. 描述感受:I was deeply moved by this experience.I felt a great sense of accomplishment.It was a truly unforgettable moment.3. 表达建议:If I were to give advice, I would suggest [Your Suggestion].I highly recommend [Your Recommendation].It might be worth considering [Your Alternative].4. 表达困难或挑战:One of the challenges I faced was [Specific Challenge].I found it quite difficult to [Specific Difficulty].Overcoming this obstacle was not easy, but it was definitely worth it.5. 展望未来:In the future, I hope to continue [Your Ambition].I am determined to overcome any hurdles that come my way.I am confident that this experience has prepared me for future challenges.通过以上的话术和词汇推荐,希望能帮助大家在雅思口语考试中更好地表达自己的观点,谈论自己的经历,并且展现出良好的语言能力。









如果答成,“Well.Iwenttoschoolbybicycleeverydayfortenyears,andIdo haveabicycleinmyhousenow,butIdon’tusuallyrideitveryfre quently.I’donlyenjoyacyclingafternoontothenearbyparkon ceinawhile.”效果就会好很多。







剑7test2中出现过比较抽象的“Describeanideayouhadforimprovingsomethingatworkorcoll ege.”上课我们讲的时候,很多考生拿到第一时间,其实是不太理解题目的意思的。



雅思口语语料1. 讨论个人兴趣爱好人们的兴趣爱好各不相同,有些人喜欢运动,比如游泳、跑步、篮球等,有些人则喜欢音乐和艺术,比如弹钢琴、画画等。




2. 讨论人们的职业选择选择职业是人生中非常重要的决定之一。




3. 讨论人们的旅行经历旅行能让人们更好地了解世界和自己。




4. 讨论人们的爱好爱好是人们生活中非常重要的一部分,它可以让你放松自己,增加生活乐趣。



5. 讨论人们的教育背景和学业教育背景是一个人的基础,它能够为你的未来职业发展铺平道路。



6. 讨论人们的社交网络和交友圈人际关系是人们生活中非常重要的一部分,它能够为你带来支持和鼓励,也能帮助你应对挑战和困难。


7. 讨论人们的重要决策人们生活中会面临很多决策,这些决策都可能影响人生的方向和目标。



8. 讨论人们的文化根源和身份认同人们的文化背景和身份认同是他们生命中非常重要的一部分。

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Part1围绕日常生活相关的话题做简短回答,每题回答时长需约30s,注意了解hometown,major,activities,dress,food,family members,pets,flora&fauna的相关表达Part2 1.utility of cue cardPerson:name/background/personality/position/achievement/influence Object:location/appearance/background/function/difference/merit&defect Event:when/where/who/background/significance/influence2.内容绝非考点和踩分点,因此注意围绕自己的兴趣爱好和熟悉的事物来合理编纂模版(>=2min)3.注意part2对part3的引导作用1.Part 2Describe an educational TV program that you like towatch.You should say:the name of the programwhat type of program it isWhat contentswhat you learn from this program.2.Part 2Describe a TV program you dislike.You should sayWhat it was?When you watched it? Where you watched it ?And explain the reason why you did not like it?1&2 expression:episode,series,sitcom,soap opera,documentary,criminal,romantic,feature,cattle call,witty,mind-numbing,attention-grabbing,enlightening,as large as life,channel surf,idle away the hours,chill out3. Part2Describe something you madeYou should say:what it waswhere and when you made ithow you made itand explain how you felt after you made itExpression:in the prime of one's life,hark back to,easier said than done,versatile,create from scratch,by one's own bootstraps,be second to none4.Part2 Describe a subject that you studied that you thought was interesting. You should say:what the subject waswhat your teacher was likehow long you studied this subjectand explain why you thought it was interesting.5.Describe a(useful) skill you recently learned (for example, driving a car or cooking).You should say:what the skill is/was where you learned ithow you learned it and explain how you think this skill will be useful in the future. Expression:branch of learning,discipline,success in,reputable,pass with flying colours,sail through,cross bridge when come to it,swot upon6.Part2Describe the changes you would like to make in living styles(or a change to improve fitness and health)You should saywhy did you want to make the changes?What changes you will make?when will you make the changes?.Expression:sprawl,up-market,in good shape,hang on to old memories,here and now,,renew,landmark,chalk and cheese,get away from the hustle and bustle of7.Part2 describe one of your favourite family photographs.You should say:who took the photowhen it was takenwhere it was takenand explain why you like it.Expression:own flesh and blood,a sounding board,run in the family,touch up,strike a pose,do justice to8.Part 2Describe something that made you angryYou should say:what it was that made you angrywhere you were when this happenedwhat you were doing at the timeand explain why you felt angry.Expression:rake up old memories,see red,9.Describe a wild animal in your country.You should say:what animal it waswhat it looked likewhere you saw itand explain what people in your country feel about this animal.Expression:mammal,reptile,make a fuss over,fade out,household,in the blood,dart in and out,in one's back yard,ten a penny,preserve10.Part 2 Describe an ideal house/ place you want to live inWhere your ideal house should be?What will it belike?Why do you like to live in such a house?Expression:access to nature,tranquil,residential area,real estate,landmark,all mod cons 11.Part 2Describe an important letter you wrote.You should saywho you wrote towhen you wrote itwhat you wroteand explain why you wanted to write to this person orand explain why you wrote that letter.Expression:put pen to paper,snail mail,not up to scratch,flick through,12.Part2 Describe the oldest person you knowWho he or she is?How you got to know him or her?What is/are his/her/their present situation?What is your feelings towards him/her/them?Expression:share interests,hang out with,make one's acquaintance,bump into,flock to,in high spirit,put in plain words,well-respected13.Part2 describe a special meal you would like toWho/where/what/whyExpression:dine out,flavour,cuisine,wholesome,appetizing,sink one's teeth into,wolf down,munch,crack up to,run of the mill,bite to eat,lip-smacking,slap-up,make merry14.Part2 describe a business you'd like to own15.What/how to start/how to run/whyExpression:line of business,hectic,intricate,on the go,pull out all the stops,take charge of,make use of16.Part2 sth you learned from foreign cultureWhat/why/how how you feelExpression:lecture,theory,at home with,reputable,highly regarded,blow one's mind,the in thing,up to date17.Part2 a situation you received congratulation fromWhat/who/why/howExpression:be proud of,accomplish,do well in,be superior to,world-beater,inspire a change,think highly of18.Part2 a website you'd like to visiteWhat/how&when found/how you feelExpression:multifunction,entertainment,enlighten,all the rage,be obsessed with,19.Part2 Describe a weather situation that affected youWhen/How alike/how affect/how you feelExpression:get a suntan,drizzle,muggy,balmy,sweltering,chilly,chuck it down,rain and shine,like a sauna20.Part2 describe a person who taught you a useful skillWho/what/why/how you feelExpression:be skilled in,comprehend,make progress,be fluent in,tutor,mentor,work flat out,support,encourage,guide,learn from,supervise,get to grips with21.Part 2Describe a job that you know about that makes the world a better place.You should say:what job this ishow you know about this jobwhat types of people do this job (or, can do this job)and explain why you think this job makes the world a better place.22.Part 2 Describe a job you like to try/an ideal jobWhat/how you feel/why/how to chaseExpression:revise,revolutionize,cope with,have a crack at,sth is a real turn-off,bear relation to,distinguish from,have a knack for,big deal23.Part2 a song you heard from you childhoodWhere/how old/what/whyExpression:amuse oneself by,captivating,appealing,get into,melody,lyric,dwell on the past24.Part 2 Describe something you lostYou should saywhat you lostwhen and where and you lost itwhat you were doing at the timeand explain how you felt after you lost it.Expression:chock a block,not to mention,stick to one's guns,foot the bill,catch between a rock and hard place25.Part2 describe a dance you have ever attend inWhere/when/who/howExpression:boogie,twist,rhythmic,ritual,two left feet,have a soft spot for,take one's turn in spot light,take swift actionModel:1.once referring to a business I'd like to own,what I prefer to lay upon is I‘m in favour of having a travel agency be in motion.the reason why I opt to participate in this area among variable lines of business is because of doing so will both catch a sight of foreign marvelous scenery and be aware of distinction from mother land.when my business is on the go,I would take full advantage of my major discipline as international economics and trade to figure out puzzles in front of me and then bring with prosperous trend.even though there are so many obstacles on my way,I’m readily and encourage to pull out all the stops to overcome all the barriers.in addition,I have the confidence to trust in myself that although the progress is intricate,I will eventually carry the day in this extent(topic : a business you'd like to own)2.with respect to one of my friends who lost touch with me in the long run,I'd like to point out that XXX is the second to none.while the scenario is still fresh on my mind,which we get together in our childhood.at that time,we were so disposed on extremely initial term that we share with and responsible for all the things in conjunction.take ...(事件) for instance (具体的事例)to indicate that we got along with one another well.whereas,due to he/she made up his/her mind to study abroad and ultimately made it,distance takes us away from each other.in spite of the utility of internet and jets, we can't help to drift apart from two position and both two individuals.I couldn't through out my current life escape from the problem that not only beset with me but also cast me down. on all accounts I am wiling to try my best to adopt measures for making up our relation as before(topic: a friend you lost contact with)以上都为我认为的真题中的难题,已给出两个模版(1是上文所列,2是2012.5.19的真题),如其他topic有疑问还可探讨。
