
剑桥雅思听力材料手打可打印---------------------------------------Test 1SECTION 1 Questions 1-10Complete the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.JOB ENQUIRYExampleWork at: a restaurantType of work:1__________Number of hours per week:12 hoursWould need work permitWork in the:2__________branchNearest bus stop:next to 3__________Pay:4£__________an hourExtra benefits:- a free dinner- extra pay when you work on 5__________- transport home when you work 6__________Qualities required:- 7__________- ability to 8________Interview arranged for:Thursday 9__________at 6 p.m.Bring the names of two refereesAsk for:Samira 10__________SECTION 2 Question 11-20Question 11-16Complete the notes below.Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.SPROTS WORLDa new 11__________ of an international sports goods company Located in the shopping centre to the 12__________ of Bradcaster Has sports 13__________ and equipment on floors 1-3Can get you any item within 14__________ daysShop specialises in equipment for 15__________Has a special section which just sells 16__________Questions 17 and 18Choose the correct letters,A,B or C.17 A champion athlete will be in the shopA on Saturday morning only.B all day Saturday .C for the whole weekend.18 The first person to answer 20 quiz questions correctly will winA gym membership.B a video.C a calendar.Question 19 and 20Choose TWO letters,A-E.Which TWO pieces of information does the speaker give about the fitness test?A you need to reserve a place.B it is free to account holders.C you get advice on how to improve your health.D it takes place in a special clinic.E it is cheaper this month.SECTION 3 Questions 21-30Choose the correct letter,A,B or C.Course Feedback21 one reason why Spiors felt happy about his marketing presentation was thatA he was not nervous.B his style was good.C the presentation was the best in his group.22 what surprised Hiroko about the other student’presentations?A their presentations were not interesting.B they found their presentations stressful.C they didn’t look at the audience enough.23 after she gave her presentation,Hiroko feltA delighted.B dissatisfied.C embarrassed.24 how does Spiros feel about his performance in tutorials?A not very happyB really pleasedC fairly confident25 why can the other students participate so easily in discussions?A they are polite to each other.B they agree to take turns in speaking.C they know each other well.26 why is Hiroko feeling more positive about tutorials now?A she finds the other students’opinions more interesting.B she is making more of a contribution.C the tutor includes her in the discussion.27 to help her understand lectures, HirokoA consulted reference materials.B had extra tutorials with her lecturers.C borrowed lecture notes from other students.28 what does Spiros think of his reading skills?A he reads faster than he used to.B it still takes him a long time to read.C he tends to struggle with new vocabulary.29 what is Hiroko’s subject area?A environmental studiesB health educationC engineering30 Hiroko thinks that in the reading classes the students shouldA learn more vocabulary.B read more in their own subject areas.C develop better reading strategies.SECTION 4 Questions 31-40Complete the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.Mass Strandings of Whales and DolphinsMass strandings: situations where groups of whales,dolphins,etc.swim onto the beach and die Common in areas where the 31__________ can change quicklySeveral other theories:Parasitese.g.Some parasites can affect marine animals’32__________, which they depend on for navigationToxinsPoisons from 33__________or__________are commonly consumed by whalese.g.Cape Cod(1988)-whales were killed by saxitoxinAccidental StrandingsAnimals may follow prey ashore,e.g.Thurston(1995)Unlikely because the majority of animals were not 34__________ when they strandedHuman Activity35__________ from military tests are linked to some recent strandings The Bahamas(2000) stranding was unusual because the whales-were all 36__________-were not in a 37__________Group Behaviour- More strandings in the mosr 38________ species of whales- 1994 dolphin stranding--only the 39__________ was illFurther ReadingMarine Mammals Ashore(Connor)--gives information about stranding 40__________Test 2SECTION 1 Questions 1-10Complete the form below.Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.Accommodation Form - Student Information ExampleType of accommodation: hall of residenceName : Anu 1Date of birth : 2Country of origin : IndiaCourse of study : 3Number of years planned in hall : 4Preferred catering arrangement : half boardSpecial dietary requirements : no 5 (red)Preferred room type : a single 6Interests : the 7badmintonPriorities in choice of hall : to be with other students who are 8 to live outside the 9to have a 10 area for socialising Contact phone number : 667549 SECTION 2 Questions 11-20Questions 11-13Complete the table below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Parks and open spacesName of place Of particular interest openHalland Common sources of River Ouse 24 hoursHolt Island many different11 between 12 andLongfield Country Park reconstruction of a2,000-year-old13 withactivities for childrendaylight hoursQuestions 14-16Choose the correct letter,A,B or C.Longfield Park14 As part of Monday’s activity,visitors willA prepare food with herbs.B meet a well-known herbalist.C dye cloth with herbs.15 For the activity on Wednesday.A only group bookings are accepted.B visitors should book in advance.C attendance is free.16 For the activity on Saturday,visitors shouldA come in suitable clothing.B make sure they are able to stay for the whole day.C tell the rangers before the event what they wish to do.Questions 17-20 Label the map below.Write the correct letter,A-I,next to questions 17-20.Hinchingbrooke Park/17 bird hide18 dog-walking area19 flower garden20 wooded areaSECTION 3 Questions 21-30 Questions 21-24Choose the correct letter,A,B or C.Self-Access Centre21 Students want to keep the Self-Access Centre becauseA they enjoy the variety of equipment.B they like being able to work on their own.C it is an important part of their studies.22 Some teachers would prefer toA close the Self-Access Centre.B move the Self-Access Centre elsewhere.C restrict access to the Self-Access Centre.23 The students’main concern about using the library would beA the size of the library.B difficulty in getting help.C the lack of materials.24 The Director of Studies is concerned aboutA the cost of upgrading the centre.B the lack of space in the centre.C the difficulty in supervising the centre.Questions 25-30Complete the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Necessary improvements to the existing Self-Access Centre Equipment Replace computers to create more space.ResourcesThe level of the 25 materials,in particular,should be more clearly shown. Update the 26 collection.Buy some 27 and divide them up.Use of the roomSpeak to the teachers and organise a 28 for supervising the centre. Install an 29 .Restrict personal use of 30 on computers.SECTION 4 Questions 31-40 Complete the notes below.Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.Business CulturesPower cultureCharacteristics of organisation - small- 31 power source- few rules and procedures- communication by 32 Advantage: - can act quickly Disadvantage: - might not act 33Suitable employee: - not afraid of 34-doesn’t need job securityRole cultureCharacteristics of organization: - large,many 35-specialized departments-rules and procedure, e.g.job36 and rules fordisciplineAdvantages: - economies of scale-successful when 37ability is important Disadvantages: - slow to see when 38 is needed-slow to reactSuitable employee: - values security-doesn’t want 39Task cultureCharacteristics of organisation: - project orientated-in competitive market or makingproduct with short life- a lot of delegationAdvantage: - 40Disadvantage: - no economies of scale or special expertise Suitable employee: - likes to work in groupsTest 3LISTENINGSECTION 1 Questions 1-10Questions 1–5 Complete the table below.Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.Apartments Facilities Other Information CostRose Garden Apartments studio flat Example entertainment programme:Greek dancing£219Blue Bay Apartments large salt-waterswimming pool- just 1……………metresfrom beach- near shops£2752 ………………Apartmentsterrace watersports £490The Grand - Greek paintings- 3……………- overlooking 4- near a supermarket anda disco5£…………Questions 6–10 Complete the table below.Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. GREEK ISLAND HOLIDAYSInsurance Benefits Maximum AmountCancellation 6£………………Hospital £600.Additional benefit allows a 7………………totravel to resort8 ………………departureUp to £1000.Depends on reasonPersonal belongings Up to £3000; £500 for one 9 ………………Name of Assistant Manager: Ben 10………………Directphoneline*************S E C TION 2 Questions 11-20Questions 11–13Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.Winridge Forest Railway Park11 Simon’s idea for a theme park came fromA his childhood hobbyB his interest in landscape designC his visit to another park12 When they started, the family decided to open the park only whenA the weather was expected to be goodB the children weren’t at schoolC there were fewer farming commitments13 Since opening, the park has hadA 50,000 visitorsB 1000,000 visitorsC 1,500,000 visitorsQuestions 14–18What is currently the main area of work of each of the following people? Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A–H, next to questions 14–18.Area of workA advertisingB animal careC buildingD educational linksE engine maintenanceF food and drinkG salesH staffingPeople14 Simon (the speaker)15 Liz16 Sarah17 Duncan18 JudithQuestions 19 and 20Complete the table below.Write ONE WORD AND/OR NUMBERS for each answer.Feature Size Biggest challenge Target age group Railway 1.2 km Making tunnels Go-Kart arena19 ㎡Removing moundson the track 20year-oldsS E C TION 3Complete the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Study Skills Tutorial –Caroline Benning Dissertation topic: the 21 Strengths: ·22·computer modelingWeaknesses: ·lack of background information·poor 23skillsPossible strategy Benefits Problemspeer group discussion increases 24dissertations tend to contain the same25use the 26 service provides structuredprogrammelimited 27consult study skills books are a good source of referencecan be too 28Recommendations: ·use a card index·read all notes 29Next tutorial date: 30JanuarySE C TION 4Questions 31 and 32Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.31 The owners of the underground houseA had no experience of living in a rural areaB were interested in environmental issuesC wanted a professional project manager32 What does the speaker say about this site of the house?A The land was quite cheapB Stone was being extracted nearbyC It was in a completely unspoilt areaQuestions 33–40Complete the notes below.Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.The Underground HouseDesign·Built in the earth, with two floors·The south-facing side was constructed of two layers of 33·Photovoltaic tiles were attached ·A layer of foam was used to improve the 34Special features·To increase the light, the building has many internal mirrors and 35·In future, the house may produce more 36·Recycled wood was used for the 37·The system for processing domestic 38Environmental issues·The use of large quantities of 39environmentally harmful·But the house will have paid its ‘environmental debt’within 40Test 4LIS TE NI NGS E C TION 1Questions 1–4Complete the table below.Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. Health CentresName of centre Doctor’s name Advantage The Harvey Clinic ExampleDr Greenespecially good with 1The 2Health PracticeDr Fuller offers 3appointmentsThe Shore LaneHealth CentreDr 4Questions 5–6Choose TWO letters, A–E.Which TWO of the following are offered free of charge at Shore Lane Health Centre?A acupunctureB employment medicalsC sports injury therapyD travel adviceE vaccinationsQuestions 7–10 Complete the table below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.Talks for patients at Shore Lane Health CentreSubject of talk Date/Time Location NotesGiving up smoking 25th February at7p.mroom 4useful for people withasthma or 7problemsHealthy eating1st March at 5p.mthe 8(Shore Lane)anyone welcomeAvoiding injuries during exercise 9th March at9room 6for all 10SE C TION 2Questions 11–13Label the diagram below.Choose THREE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A–E, next to questions 11–13.A electricity indicatorB on/off switchC reset buttonD time controlE warning indicatorWater Heater/Questions 14–18Where can each of the following items be found?Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A–G, next to questions 14–18.LocationsA in box on washing machineB in cupboard on landingC in chest of drawersD next to window in living roomE on shelf by back doorF on top of televisionG under kitchen sink14 pillows15 washing power16 key17 light bulbs18 mapQuestions 19 and 20Complete the notes below.Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. The best place to park in town –next to the station Phone number for takeaway pizzas –19Railway museum closed on 20SE C TION 3Questions 21 and 22Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.21 In her home country, Kira hadA completed a courseB done two years of a courseC found her course difficult22 To succeed with assignments, Kira had toA read fasterB write fasterC change her way of thinkingQuestions 23–25 Complete the sentences below.Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.23 Kira says that lectures are easier to than those in her home country.24 Paul suggests that Kira may be more than when she way studying before.25 Kira says that students want to discuss things that worry them or that them very much.Questions 26–30Answer the questions below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.26 How did the students do their practical sessions?27 In the second semester how often did Kira work in a hospital?28 How much full-time work did Kira do during the year?29 Having completed the year, how does Kira feel?30 In addition to the language, what do overseas students need to become familiar with? SE C TION 4Questions 31–36Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.Wildlife in city gardens31 what led the group to choose their topic?A they are concerned about the decline of one speciesB they were interested in the effects of city growthC they wanted to investigate a recent phenomenon32 the exact proportion of land devoted to private gardens was confirmed byA consulting some official documentsB taking large- scale photosC discussions with town surveyors33 the group asked garden owners toA take part in formal interviewsB keep a record of animal they sawC get in contact when they saw a rare species34 the group made their observations in gardensA which had a large number of animal speciesB which they considered to be representativeC which had stable populations of rare animals35 the group did extensive reading onA wildlife problems in rural areasB urban animal populationsC current gardening practices36 the speaker focuses on three animal species becauseA a lot of data has been obtained about themB the group were most interested in themC they best indicated general trendsQuestions 37–40Complete the table below.Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.Animals Reason for populationincrease in gardensComments37suitable stretches of water massive increase in urban populationHedgehogs safer from 38when in cities easy to 39 them accuratelySong thrushes –a variety of 40 to eat–more nesting places availablelarge survey starting soon感谢阅读, 欢迎大家下载使用!。

包括有多种考试题型:多项选择、信息匹配、标注计划/地图或者图表、填表、完成注释、完成流程图、完成综述、完成句子、简短问答等考试部分听力考试共有4个部分:The first部分为日常生活交流场景中两个人的对话 (例如,在住宿中介处发生的对话)。
IELTS考试听力部分的题型多样,主要的题型有:题型1 完成填表/记笔记/流程图/总结题型2 选择题题型3 填空题题型4 完成句子题型5 为图表、计划或地图进行标记题型6 分类题型7 配对录音材料每段听力材料只播放一次,材料中会出现多种不同的英语口音,包括英式、澳洲式、新西兰式和美式。

Education and training
Following a conversation which involves negotiation of meaning. Listening for specific information, attitudes, and speakers’ opinions. Following an academic argument. Listening for main ideas, specific information , attitude and speaker’s opinion.
1、个人信息和数字题 2、选择题 3、填空题 4、地图题 5、简答题
Questions 21 and 22
Choose the correct letter, A,B or C.
21. Melanie says she has not started the assignment because
C personal illness or accident.
Answer questions below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer. 16. How much money did the charity receive when it won an award? ____________ 17. What is the charity currently hoping to buy? ____________

3. 借的物品 book书 newspapers报纸 video tapes录像带/record journal杂志 general interest a serious magazine
periodicals期刊, 杂志 current=contemporary issue 现期刊物 back issue过期刊物 fiction/non-fiction/novel reference book magnetic code demagnetized category catalogue under the author/title
,resorts胜地,beaches, coastal areas沿海地区, 乡 村(village)、瀑布(water fall) river, lake,
交通工具 public transport公共交通,private transport私人交通
,car, airplane, ferry渡船 ,underground/subway/tube/Metro地铁,river cruise巡游,boat trips, 费用及支付方式 book the room(make a reservation)订房间, currency货币,Canadian dollars加元,Australian dollars, Pounds镑, Japanese Yen日元 ,credit card信用卡(Visa维萨卡, MasterCard万事达, American Express美国运通)
图书馆场景的分析 图书馆场景考点为:作品名称、哪年出版、
作者姓名、借出费用、几时到期、欠款多 少等 出现地图题型的几率较大

4IE听L力T的S口L音i:stening :I
英一,国概况发音60%,澳大利亚发音20 %IOEwLTn,Sed: Ibn美yte:r国nat发iona音l En1g5lis%h L,a其ngu他ag口e T音est5ing%Sy英of 音Cam最bri主dge要ES,OL一Ex些am偏inat难ion,s
题一,型概况有雅思拿手的 Paraphrasing, IIOEnwLdTnSeird:eIbncyte:trn&atioDnaisl tErnaglcisthivLeangIunafgoermTesatitnigoSny,stem
K eywUonirvderspitoy softpCaomsbirtidiogenE。SOSL 4E由xam于ina场tions
(一,文概况化听力). 主要是向考生们介
绍IELT英S: 国Inte,rna澳tion大al E利ng亚lish等Lan国gua的ge风Te土stin人g S情yste,m
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A:AcademBricit:is学h 术Co类uncil
IDP Education Australia
B:G形e式neral Training Module:普通培训类或移民类
S peaking(11-14)
IELTS Listening 雅思听力基本介绍

questions: 10 times 4
40 30
minutes plus 10 minutes for Answers transferring
1 & Section 2:
The first two sections are concerned with social needs. There is a conversation between two speakers and then a monologue. For example – a conversation about travel arrangements or decisions on a night out, and a speech about student services on a university campus or arrangements for meals during a conference. Non-academic situations: rent, travel, entertainment, shopping, exercise, application, cafeteria, gym, and etc.
Listening China Hong Kong Taiwan South Korea Japan United Arab Emirates Germany India 5.45 6.73 5.58 5.86 5.78 4.88 7.30 6.19
Reading 5.76 6.74 5.79 5.88 5.86 4.96 7.20 5.72
如何做笔记: 例如:听写下面的passage:
雅思听力 机经全部打印资料

S1—S3的常见单词分类总结!娄晗老师提示各位同学,以下每个单个词都有可能跟别的单词进行混搭出现,因此在填写答案时要注意“宁多勿少”,围绕中心词,尽量多写单词,但是这些单词必须挨在一起,连续念出哦!(不注中文是想让大家把注意力放在单词的拼写和发音上)常见联系方式:call/telephone不到人,一般要留messages或者email; 也有可能写在notice board;常见的钱的表达:fee, annual fee, cost, money, cash, donation(donate), insurance, investment, invest(in),常见人类:Mayor(市长),administrator, manager, leader, staff, clerk(以上为企业场景), relative(亲戚);employer, employee, referee(推荐人),education officer, brother in law, teenager(可数)adult(可数);president, customer, receptionist, craftsman(craftsmen 复数),head, lawyer, client, agent(agency), secretary(容易忘记拼写),accountant, representative(代表),players,assistant(注意连读), artist, producer, director,常见学校里的人:tutor, student advisor, counselor, coordinator, lecturer, professor, mentor, president,常见地址地点:North Road, Northern Road, High Road, Upland Road, Bank Road,River Avenue, Newtown, Beach Road, 14 North Lane 62 Queen Avenue Park Square 124 Green Street, Middle Street, King Street, Northeast Coast,常见日常生活用品:laptop, printer, laundry, souvenir, basement, garden,常见公共建筑物,公共场所(较大):library, car park/car lot, museum, central park , supermarket,Post office, art gallery, college, formal garden, tower, town hall(注意与house发音区别), primary school, market, supermarket, business area, city garden, castle, cathedral,theme park, theatre, shopping mall/center, opera house, club, pub, central station, cabin, cottage常见野外农村地点:viewpoint, farm, field, village, watermill, footbridge, campsite, desert,desert habitat, insects, waterfall, cottage,常见户外旅游活动:guided tours(经常有S),camping, go skiing, go fishing, fishing trip, climbing the tower/mountain/viewpoint, viewing shelter, hiking, diving, field trip, fire, local culture,food chain, outdoor activities,常见单位部门地点(较小,非校园):lab, library, education department, seminar room, international house, lecture room, seminar room, common room,classroom , information desk, reception desk, health department, computer center, computer office; sports center, studio(常考,且不孤独!), town hall, city center, suburb, rural/urban, gym, sports center, fitness center, visitor center, market, supermarket, club, pub,learning zone, science center, public house/room,常见食物:breakfast, snacks, drinks(这两个一般都有S) ; refreshments; salad; nuts; tomatoes;fast food, tea and coffee, hot meal, buffet lunch, pizza, chocolate, crop, potatoes, carrots, vegetarian,diet, vegetable burger, seafood, seaweed, chips, French fries, diet, chewing gum, mineral water(minerals表示矿物质,不可数),常见吃饭场所:restaurant(前面有时会加些单词,比如tower, staff等等),common room, cafe, dining room, college dining room, staff canteen,table (有桌子就能吃!),cafeteria常见日子:national holiday, christmas day(这两个日子一般都是放假,不开门之类的),常见时间段:coffee break , leisure time, midnight,常见时间点:end of term, deadline常见证明身份资料:(gym)pass; passport; passport photos, ID card, bank statement, social security number, bank account, driving license, student card, comment card,常听错数字加字母:21A,201A, 180, 1882-1883, 8常见学科:business(study), art, science, economy, economic history, politics, philosophy, law,engineering, (future)medicine, history, academic English,常见学术讨论单词: group discussion; discussion group; essay; essay plans; (give) feedback; summarize/summary; draft; questionnaire; dissertation=essay; Sales注意英式发音,profit, marketing,interest rates(以上分析商业案例时常用)research; survey; investigation, interview, telephone interview, document, calculating/calculate, Reference, products(可数,复数),data=statistics; student support(容易听成sport,不可数);Technical/technology; fieldwork, laboratory report, Index card, topic, diploma,report writing, written work, assignment; (offer)solutionfill the worksheet, practice/practical , academic record; sample(可数);application(可数);常见学校,课程单词:assessment, tutorial, seminar, training session; presentation; module, course, modular course, primary education, secondary schools, compulsory(必修的),orientation, overseas student(注意要加s) College, institute, university, undergraduate, postgraduate,master degree, Primary/intermediate/advanced(低中高等级); standard, temporary, negative/positive, A plus, B minor,常见学校服务:student service, counseling (心理咨询)service;senior advisor; multimedia material, library, information desk; XXX department; lab; common room , reception desk, laptop(可数), printer(可数),submit/submission, register/registration ;想要使用电脑,一般要有(electronic)card; software; internet service; media room , resources room, blue folder, pink slip, enquiry desk, application form, enrollment, enroll, hardware/software, camera, future career;常见体育运动:golf(club, local golf club), cycling(recycle), hiking, padding pool(潜水池),swimming pool, tennis, table tennis(注意拼写), diving, chess(chess club), horse riding,Go sailing(航海),outdoor activities, racing car, 常见材料:metal, leather, wood, silver, gold, copper, bronze, paper, plastic, fur,常见交通工具:hovercraft, plane, cab/taxi, ferry, ship, public transport, wheelchair, horses, bus, airport shuttle, coach, minibus, rent a car/hire a car/car hiring/car renting, helicopter, boat, carriage, underground/tube/subway/metro,常见职业:dentist, engineer, project manager, waiter/waitress, baseball coach, client engineer,常见可以阅读的东西:magazine, student newspaper, journals, periodicals,常见动物:killer whale, elephant, crocodile, reptile, swan, lion, fox常见等级:primary/elementary/beginner, intermediate, advanced,常见单音节短词(牢记以便构词):check, list, form, slip, brake, break, sign, signed, note,give(feedback), heat, leak(water), bar, code, shelf, south, joint,sand(英式发音注意),view,collect, use, give, leave(注意不要漏了以上短音节动词) water tap(水龙头),general health,note the sex(注意Note发音很短), bottle top/bottle of water; select/selection;一些乐器要注意:Piano,violin, cello, instrument(可数),band, music drama,music and lighting, street music, circus,常见租房住宿词汇:tent, cottage, motel, hotel, student hostel, double room, single room, en suite, landlord, tenant, homestay, halls of residence, flat/apartment(注意跟department区别),monthly, electric stove, fridge, kitchen, microwave oven, washing machine, air conditioning, heating, heater, yard, garden, deposit, rent, phone bill, power bill, water bill, gas bill, internet bill, heating bill, sign a contract, view of ocean, basement, carpet, shower常见图书馆场景:information desk, student card,overdue, due date, be due, 7 working days, renew,CD-ROM database, periodical, back issue, currentissue, magazine, journal,Pink slip, photo copy, printer, catalog难度偏高的听力答案单词:distortion, intact, variation,permission, souvenir, furniture,Nutrition, science, investment scheme, multimediamaterial, subtitle, micro-chip,Acknowledgement , comedy, literature, attachment,attach(动词),luxury, navigation,(low)impact, intact,温馨Tips:Experience跟experiment 的区别;direction 为可数名词;telescope注意拼写,结合S4场景;volcano(复述可加es), modern(容易拼错) item(容易连读), sign作为动词和名词都经常考到,reserve几乎必考(名词为reservation),common这个单词很不容易重读,因此有时难以找到; disease容易拼错;accommodation 容易拼错; train/training不要混了;industry常考,前面往往有单词;一般听见will重读,实际上是单词wheels; 英国的一楼是ground floor; local newspaper/nationalnewspaper; local/national; rock 这个单词的k音经常由于后面的单词而被吞掉:rock salt, rock pool, rock band;注意Safety的拼写;防晒霜(sun cream)的等级:total block;annual这个词很难辨识;piano/pianist; balcony是阳台的意思,注意拼写;edit,edge容易连读Firewood/firework/workplace/written workThe outside容易连读,outside经常考; low income连读;temperature容易拼错Access和assess的区别(都考过);sport 和support的区别2000-2007雅思机经填空题大全(辛苦整理,希望同学们用心去钻研!)Section 1Version 30032 S11.Uniform: blue sweater2.外套: black overcoat3.Where to buy tie? Shop: store called Howells in town, in Park Street4.The price of tie :5.99 pounds5.How to get the school? Transportation: take bus number 9**** to Green Road6.The type of lunch: hot meal7.First date of progress meeting: 14th September8.Note: homework must be check regularly9.Purpose:1.to meet teachers/ progress meeting regularlyVersion 30034 S11.surname: Jerry Northwaite2.date: 23rd January3.item: bicycles4.garden tools5.clock: hands broken6.curtains: torn in several places7.curtains 值:250pounds8.Videos9.Videos 值: 144poundsVersion 30036 S11.Address: 6 Devon Road2.Tel no: 634096,分机号:543.Garage C 和garage D: 共有:mileage D. tax E. music equipment4.When should the man do when he return the car key of car: C. before 8’ clock Sunday night7. Why should the man do when he return the car key?C. put it in the letterbox8. Why should the man get discount?A. 某人works in a special company9.提供的服务: road map, sun sheet10. first-aid kit and a flash lightVersion 30037 S1: GRIEI Anna2.Date of birth: 15th March 19803.Address: Ellendale postcode:4.5.6.How long … property … in UK: 8 months7.Number of occupant: 1; previous experience: none 8.Robbers came from: back door9.Serial computer number:10.Purse的材质: Silver ClothVersion 30038 S11.bring student card and bank statement2.open at: 9:00am – 6:30 pm3.will open a little late on 6:00pm at Thursday4.Video type: television drama5.书籍外借: two days6.复印每件: 5 pence7.多选提供的信息:book restoration, reading roomrules, …. Location ,cataloguesVersion 30039 S11.Location: in central2.How long prefer to rent? 2 years3.最高价位: 600 pounds4.Advantage: provide garage5.Without bathroom6.garden7.too noisy8.study room9.595 pounds10.Present available facility: A. centre hall; D. sports centerVersion 30044 S11.Cab but too expensive2.Greyhound bus direct to the city center3.Air shuttle bus door-to-door service4.But need to reserve a seat5.Date: 17th October6.Time: 12:30: Janet Thomson8.Flight no: AC9349.Credit card number: 330384502045683710.Expires: 0904Version 30049 S11.surname: Robin Whitworth2.Address: 32 Bank Street3.Tel no4.在Office边上: fast food shop5.在office上,右:laundry6.Office正上: **cycling7.最左边: paddling pool8.Camp 允许的活动: B. fishing C. hiking E. tennisVersion 30061 S11.width: 140cm2.265 poundswood finished3.材料: natural4.Fitted light table5.glass door of cup board6.SHELF有锁:drawer: Roala8.Postcode: 254EU9.Deliver time morning10.放在: garageVersion 30072 S11.Man ask women “work number”: 946355502.Apartment: Clerk House and street name :UniversityDrive3.Packing day: Monday 11th4.Given answer: Tuesday 12th5.Moving cleaning: 14th Thursday6.Length time of storage luggage booked: 1 month7.Kitchen and dish: A. emergency packing8.Kettle: C. storage9.Alarm clock: B.本人自带的随身行李10.CD player: C. storageVersion 30074 S11. Surname: Walsham2. Postcode: RT125CZ3. Policy Number: YQ1814. 证件类型:technical5. 表弟的initials: J.R.6. 表弟年龄:237. Address: 14 North Lane8. 从August 1st开始9. one month生效10. 价钱:35.70Version 30076 S11.theme: Travel2.适合的(9-12岁):juniors3.适合12岁以上的: young teenagers4.Deadline: 29th August5.Size: 80cm*60cm: Andy Kahn7.Postcode: 8.Application form, by FAX9.On the top of envelop: YCP10.价值:50 poundsVersion 30078 S11.表格: have a swimming pool2.Have a lovely garden3.For no charge off-street4.welcome children5.City bus 的颜色?Red6.How long …. Boat trip? 50 minutes7.Where id Mike … Bike Hire … hiring cycle? Behind thestationVersion 30080 S1 : Paul Smithers2.14th July3.Coach: E.车厢中部4.Feature: two pockets5.Items: a leather jacket and6. a note book7.location: by the door8.total value: 280+70=350 pounds9.address: Kierke10.postcode: GW432HAVersion 30081 S11.address: 8 Hill Road2.North Park3.Postcode:4.Number:5.Subject: Politics6.工作:B. book keeping7.no washing stuffnguage: advanced level9.Tuesdays to Saturdays10.25th SeptemberVersion 30086 S11.第一门课: sense2.第二门课: exciting skills3.自己制作卡片因为: C. seem expensive4.访问罗马: A. France: Herbs6.Address: 40 Long Road7.Postcode:8.IT course9.Reference No:10.Pay by:Version 50106 S11.answering the phone2.branch: Hillsdunne Road3.salary:4.45 pounds per hours4.job starts from: 22nd Oct5.招聘要求: clear voice6.Ability to think quickly7.national holiday有extra payment8.free transport to home if working after 11.00 pm9.bus station is near to the library10.look for : Serima ManujaVersion 06110 S11.商店位置:Greenwood Garden2.Sports Centre3.时间延长了是:9:00-4:304.Sunday Monday5.stair lift6.wall wheel7.armchair8. 2 hours9. 6 weeks10.personal alarmVersion 06134 S11.health centre: Five2.以前医生的优点: Personal care3.Health centre 的优势: more space4.Health centre 的位置: on a road off the High Road5.亲自送回中心: Susan Braddle7.Address: 17 Upland Road8.Postcode:9.预约时间: Thursday10.Nurse SmithVersion 06144 S11.newspaper will be collected at every second week: Peter XXX3.address: No.16 Bridge Road4.E-Mail: helpline@5.Postcode:6. A yellow box of newspaper collection is free of charge7.Nearest rubbish collect centre: Central Park8.METAL可回收9.MAGAZINES可回收 of a booklet “SAVVY”Version 07141 S11.租金802.Car的停车位:garage3.Share petrol4.Telephone 在kitchen里5.heater6.建议男生带:micro-wave Owen7.Move in: 1st June8.在exam后搬进来9.Friday evening看电视10.一周super market打两次工Version 07142 S11.第3次来这个地方2.最喜欢: weather3.又喜欢: Town Hall4.喜欢这里的FOOD 因为:variety5.想坐train,但是这次plane来的6.年纪: over 407.旅游的种类:mid-range8.以前是business,这次是tourism9.对accommodation 的看法:good value10.职业: computer programmerVersion 07143 S11.地址:59 Franklyn Avenue2.Postcode:3.Telephone :4.房子样式: traditional style5.租房条件:central heating; village; garage6.最高租金: 102,0007.Bank: Park Square8.collectVersion 07147 S11.产品号: R2422.89.99 dollars3.Which branch: City Centre Branch4.哪坏了?escaping steam: Mr. Hewitt6.Address: 84 Park Road7.信用卡号: BG241DJ8.Expire date : April 20089.补偿: refund10.多久光顾一次:once a monthVersion 07148 S11.number:99281444 of company: Advance Insurance co3.保险类型: building insurance4.保险等级:super level5.风把kitchen door 吹坏了6.middle 的窗坏了7.是他的son看见的8.Next Wednesday来修9.8:00AM10.10th FebVersion 08129 S11.radio2.postcode:3.Email:4.2years5.49 pounds6.Union Bank7.joint8.VideoSECTION 2Version 30020 S2 旅游景点,Building的历史11.Castle built in? B. mid of 1700s12.It has only been used for? C. 150 years13.Walking start point? C. idles gate14.Place is famous for its? C. wildlife15.为一个地方选择遗迹?B. wretched boat16.Bi** is set of?17.Form hill you can see? A. Church or B. factory18.Where is unpleasant? C. Spinoza plant19.Wear? C. trousers and boot20.**in which type of fish?Version 30038 S2 剧本的故事11.x戏的作者同时也是actor12.x戏发生在a room in an island13.x人们无法离开小岛因为boats were destroyed14.x在戏中午夜,主人公想****out money15.x后来some people were killed16.性格配对: 不谙世事: heroine17.满脸惊恐: butler18.预言家一样的maid servant19.上演时间: 7:30pm20.地点Town Hall instead the***as usual Version 30044 S2 失眠产生的原因和解决方法11.inability to sleep due to worries about exams orjob interviews12.Domestic factors13.Occupational factors(working irregular hours,too much travelling, high stress.etc)14.Illness and physical discomfort( may need painkillersor sleeping pills)15.Relax before go to bed16.Watch diet, avoid cola, coffee, drink herb tea or fruitjuice17.If chance permits, try a sleep in the early afternoon18.Take a warm bath after exercise19.Cut down on number of cigarettes in the evening20.Close your eyes and take deep breathVersion 30049 S2 蒸汽时代的交通工具11.coaches12.northern of UK opening hour in winter: 10am to 4pm13.family ticket cost: 18 pounds14.public transport可以discount15.yellow steam16.两个优惠: magazines17.Date: 29th May18.有什么玩的: quiz19.Children’s dayVersion 30059 S2 服装行业竞争,服装公司招聘11.竞争的重点: B. new product12.designers13.accountants14.engineers15.clever16.loyal17.hard-working18.Pay for free transportation19.为他们家属提供: fitness centre20.员工在哪接受培训work placeVersion 30061 S2 小镇市容改革11.Idea 来自A. local people12.Pool的独特之处: D. water treatment13.担心的东西: C. size of the pool14.在开幕那天还有什么没有决定?A. figure, decide what statue will be set up at the door15.X Asia: local animals16.X Antarctica: mountain17.X South America: volcanoes18.X North America: Film19.X Europe: Ancient Forts20.X African: waterwaysVersion 30062 S28.谁买了第一件藏品?B. state9.Museum 的特点: quality10.Darke Wing 是A. new part of the building11.什么guide? C. donation12.Museum 一星期关门时间: A. 6:00 pm13.Victoria museum is build with recycled materials14.Top floor 可以看见harbor15.Collect works from local artists16.17.Museum以前用来做?WarehouseVersion 30078 S2 介绍student union11.the membership is automatic for registered12.学生会组织的election held every year13.学生会办公室地方在Union House14.针对哪3个问题给出advice? legal problems, financialproblems, academic problems15.The number of non-sports club: over 10016.M movie programme, B. all over the world17.M travel shop18.M radio stationVersion30080 S2 冰上运动ice curling11.一个队的四个人:the Lead, the Section, the Third, theSkip12.the length of ice …is called: sheet13.the target area is called: house14.the Scotish brushes are made of horse hair15.a shoe made of a sole of rubber16.the team captain carries a stop watch17.X champions: B. it is the oldest club in the region18.X why was this club established? C. to fix regulationsfor the game19.X in the 16th century, the curing game was not bannedbecause:B. it can train ppl for the battle20.X 加拿大最早什么时候用的器材是什么?C. castironVersion30081 S2 一个女science centre speech11.The centre is open except for 2 days a year12.The best time to visit the place is after lunch and before the opening time. 13.14.The centre offers special facilities to the disabled, suchas wheelchairs and special buses.15.For children between the age of 5 and 16 the fee is 4pounds.Version30085 S2 旅游公司介绍关于canoe 的trip 11.Why people do not have to be very fit to join the trip:move with the current?12.Special feature of the canoe: alarming system13.For unaccompanied and underage children: specialroute14.建议带: washable shoes & sweater15.建议带: high energy snacks & bottle water16.双人canoe 14 pounds17.20 pounds deposit paid by cash or credit card18.网址: Version30086 S2 关于一年一度长跑11.date: next week12.距离: 7 miles13.Young people ( under 16) 不能参加14.有奖品是: sport equipment15.Town hall报名16.终点: station17.不要忘记: jacket18.X compete with a friend19.X time yourself20.X Run all kinds of pathVersion30090 S2 dinosaur museum11.周一:1:30 pm 关门12.一年中25th December不开13.学生团与导游在Car Park见面14.Guide tour time 45 minutes15.There are tables for dinner16.X camera17.X pencils18.X worksheets19.X built model dinosaur20.X play computer gamesVersion50233 S2 学生在机构找工作11. it’s up to you to telephone the employer12. Attend full time vocational course13-16. 找工作注意: type of jobs, hours, telephone the employer, domestic work17. X B. childcare18. X C. laboring work19. X D. Restaurant work20. Closed only on New YearVersion06108 S2 WETLAND 的club的分布11. wetland society 遭到破坏多少年? C. last 100 years12. 关于wetland的展览点centreC. 是说有很多education facility13. 在一个wetland的展览点,你要支持wetland preservation 可以先make a donation14. 另外的措施就是Adopt 一种animal like duck swan15. popular with children16. Send out information17. High quality magazine18. joint membership的会费多少19. 对于retired people有优惠20. family with low income的家庭有discountVersion06110 S2 旅游岩洞11. An individual child’s ticket 6.50 pounds12. 最早于1813发现cave13. group over 8 persons才可以免费14. lookout points a place for good view15. Until railway station was built16. Rounding bus up and down17. Climbing course: qualification instructorsRemoval of plants from cliffs18. House and** also has reconstruction of kitchen area inside the cave19. 除了卖apple juice还有fruit cake20. 联系电话:066956462Version06141 S2 一个男的自己开了theme park11. Where did his inspiration come from?C. visit another similar theme park12. When is the park open to children? A. good weather13. How many people visit the park a year? D. 150,00014. X Speaker Simon G. engineering15. X Speaker’s wife H. manage the staff16. X Speaker’s daughter Sarah E. drink & food17. X Speaker’s son Duncan B. building18. X Speaker’s daughter-in-law F. sale19. Size: 120m20. Target age is five to twelve years old childrenVersion06144 S2 wood platter restaurant11. 成立于1998年12. 房间数24313. 入会费35 pounds 14. 会员专享pre-booking 服务15. as their birthdays的礼物16. 会员可以得到免费的scholarship(不定)17.18, 19, 20.Version07134 S2 Jone 如何学习动物相关知识的presentation,他从事的动物园工作11.小时候做过什么事? C. look after a baby kangaroo12. First paid job with animals? C. collects food with animals13. john所学的动物知识来自哪里?A. learn from colleagues14.X 最喜欢的任务? Save wilds injured15. 在一个活动里的任务? B. training the animals16 在动物园最重要的工作? C. educate the visitors17. 学习期间可做a part-time job18. native animals19. 最好学business courses20. 有疑问找senior staffVersion07138 S2 介绍一个社团11. Hot drinks and cakes12.中午提供食物lunch( mainly salads)13. parent and tutor14. Story15. 运动: stretching movements16. Bring your own mat17. Mrs. Waddell tale no. 636781218. X 小孩: A. book in advance19. X 体育: C. pay at the door20. X ***: B. Free EnterVersion07141 S2 Stanford 的Open day的介绍11. 8:55 am 开始12.中午食堂提供hot meal13. poster14. 早上和下午课间两个15 minutes的break15.孩子们能参加: sports16.关于test, every month 一次17.提供clubs给孩子们18. head office19. music room20. gym16. 一年交费: 140 pounds17. 多交25pounds 是为了new shirt18. 选一个new club president19. 3rd April20. 家长volunteers 是为了transport Section 3V21 S3 关于文学理论课21. Dina 以前的考试得几分?A plus22. 为什么Dina 没去上课? It’s cancelled23. Which book did Dina advise against?D. wall**那个小X的24. 你可以用recall system and a pink slip25. 进入图书馆需要登记你的name & depart address26. 哪里还有书Hand to where 或者咨询问题:information desk27. 违反固定要罚款?25 pence28. 用图书馆的目的make essay plans29. 写essay 要列出documental***30. 总结你的阅读,make summaries of your readingV26 S3 学习方面的讨论21. for every subject , ….. on tropic and decide onenjoy your courses22. learn well23. 考试之前学生要做好一个plan , 需要提前6 weeks24. 还要revision 要求: immediately and regularly25. 制定plan 要考虑到emergencies 和breaks26. 若24小时不复习, 80% 会忘记27. cramming the test 的坏处:added panic28. causes: lack of sleep29. 科技课程还包括: biology30. 持续学习多久会累?How often 75 min for revision sessionsV37 S3 一个老师向学生介绍学校日常课程规定21. 市场计划topic:A. study aids22. 市场规划地点: B. subjects offered23. 市场计划group人数: C. group sizesThe teacher recommended Which university guideThere is information about :24. sports25. entertainment26. accommodation27-30. X The students may ask the following FOUR questionsB. the dropout rateD. the failure rateF. assessment methodsG. academic teaching staffV66 S3 关于学校选课21. 选择journalism的原因: C. freedom22. 在课程结束前找到工作: B. 88%23. 女生为什么选项journalism? B. work placement24. 男生学science 中computer 的原因:easy to understand25. challenging26. 女生学校的社会活动多,有a cinema and lots of clubs28. 男生学校还组织很多活动lots of activities29. 女生打算住one year30. 女生搬到哪里?Move to an apartmentV30020 S3 关于找工作21. X What should the secondary student emphasis?Motivation22.X 同上desire to learn23.X妇女生完小孩后再找工作难的原因lack confidence 25.X用人单位不愿雇佣什么人?Sacked from the former job26. X 同上unemployed for a long time27. X 为什么不愿意雇佣retired worked?所从事的行业已经过时28. X 同上hard to train29. X 年龄偏大30. The presentations and appearance of applicant is more important.24. very satisfied or unsatisfied :C. 最高的那种25. 什么办法来present result? D. computer26. 问presentation 时男的认为可能会遇到什么麻烦?A. too little time27-29. Boy’s suggestion: 不确定C. cloth shop E. cinema G. minibusV30033 S3 做Presentation 一男一女交流想法21. presentation 针对40人的first year studentswith a tutor22. 14th November Thursday23. 老师对同学的要求: content summary24. must plan time carefully25. be careful about beginning26. presentation 的全过程be filmed27. 20 minutes28. 做presentation时, mustn’t read aloud, 学生可用: white board29. Presentation Skills 占15 marks30. 男人选书的目的A. photojournalismV30034 S3 男人confirm presentation时间和要带的东西21. date: 14th to 24th June22.time: early evening23. you need to do a report to the seminar group24. items you have to take: C. list of objectives25. project outline26-28?29. the things you get A. a check list30. get information from: V30036 S3 学校工作人员对学生经济问题的访谈21. What is the student news about? D. various problem22. What % does the student has for finical problem?A. 25%23. What is the problem most students suffer?B. can not hand in homework on time24. financial 主要靠什么解决?B. loans25. 花钱方面需要: financial goals26. 接着制定: spending plans27. fixed expenses28. 用来购买books29. money diary30. optional expensesV30037 S3 reading habits 的lecture21.Research topic Title: Reading Habits22. reach method: interview23.a chart showing the efficiency of study:B. 早上开始缓慢上升,mid day下降,晚上又上升,后drop dramatically24. Method: Interview25. 选取受众方式: at Random Selection26. Books和magazine 并列27.Books 分类:leisure和study book28. Group selections to most read materials A. Fictionand 29. C. newspaper.30. 饼图关于occupationEmployed50%Unemployed 5%Retired people20%V30038 S3 全填空21. farming22. See environmental damage23. interview with tourists24. sample25.the area covers 21000 km(平方)26. 10.527. on site measurement28. analyze soil from site29. study photographs to check the changes30. borrow *map from the department Dr. K***V30039 S3 关于recycling的采访21. focus on glass and 22. green waste23. 男的想让女的帮他介绍谁接受采访?senior manager24. 他想去找谁?Education Officer25. employee26. 通过什么方式研究?statistics tutor27. 什么时候采访?end of term28. 女的叫男的资料通过email发给?His tutor29. research approach30. 采访的时候要带?tape recorderV30044 S3 女生和老师谈presentation21. check the accuracy of reference in the last section22. need to give examples23. when will she give her presentation? next seminar24. what will she do during the presentation?explain the experiment25. By which date will she submit an abstract:26th November26. Where does the presentation take place:in Chemistry Lab27. Who will grade her presentation: the presentation willbe graded by professor28. X A. communication skill29. X C. intercourse analysis30. X F. psycholinguisticsV30049 S3 鸟的迁徙和进化21. because of dangerous and shortage of 22. food23. lifestyles24. 他们的翅膀have joined togetherV30062 S3 男人向女人咨询怎样教小孩全选择21. 男人在学什么B. a talk22. 男人觉得现在的小孩sure of themselves23. 男人想教什么A. adult24. ?25. 男人觉得自己不足:A. old fashioned26. 女人说自己什么时候读大学?27. 女人说自己第一学期的时候B. stressful28. 男人说自己的报告C. uninteresting29. 男的开始在大学学language and literature 选arts30. 要谈关于changes in university lifeV30072 S3 核对教学安排表格:需要咨询有University Career Office,University SupermarketFinance Officetopic 是student loansattitude to smokingnatural medicine第一个时间段里要做data analysis把计划作为email attachment mail 给老师时间5th November最后一阶段工作presentationV30074 S3 学生选课21-22 有tutorials 3-4 years lectures and ?25-26 填空field worklibrary report学期评估assessment 里要求poster design 和presentation接着group talks其他答案还有:practical skill, diplomaV30076 S3 关于insects 的参考书目21. 第一本title: Files in Colour22. comment: 198 photographers23. 第二本Publisher: Australian Museum24. comment: outstanding photographers25. 第三本title: Common Spider26. writer: editor27. 第四本: 有一本书很Excellent的organisation28. 有一本书没有color pictures29. 那本书better for identification30. comment no indexesV30080 S3 出海看鲸鱼observation of whales21. watch time22. the state of sea, eg: clam, or choppy 23. visibility: nearest 100 meters24. the presence of fishing boats25. behavior26. group size27. X minke whale: B28. X northern right whale: C29. X sperm whale: A30. X blue whale: DV30081 S3 课题讨论,Self employment21. part-time job22. risk23. conferencesV30085 S3 音乐对进食影响的研究21. X A. music’s effect on customers22. X in XXX 餐馆,music is played: B. uniform level23. X调查问卷的第一题目的在于:disguise the purpose of the survey24. 问卷问题来源于form a previous study25-26. 选则餐馆考虑因素competitor nearby & seat capacity27. X jazz music: people spent more money28. X no music: people didn’t think the restaurant worth the price29. X classical music: people left right after eating30. X pop music: people came back againV30086 S3 男的问女的马上交的assignment21. note system22. 有种reference 一般用在scientific research23. 数据来源journals24. information from Internet25. 正文double spacing26. title 要用Italic27. 文章typed28. 页码在top right29. margin 是3.25 pixel 30. ?V30090 S3 关于考古的课程21. 考古可可以和其他课一起上,除了Classical History22. 第一学期3个compulsory courses23. 课程1的名字:Object Matters24. classification25. assessment by course work26. 课程2的名字Towns and Cities27. 研究的是:Origins and development of29. 课程3 assessment :50% by lab work, 50% by seminars30. 有一个field trip 还是work,location 等待通知。
杰世口语网--雅思口语基础知识/xxyd_more.asp?smallid=2&bigid=2雅思听力概况1.雅思考试分为两种:学术类(academic),和培训类(general training)。
一共是40个题目,总分为9分3.听力分为4个部分:1,2部分为生存英语survival English, 3,4部分为学术英语academic English. 1,3部分是对话,2,4部分是一个人讲话,monologue, 可能是instruction, lecture etc. 4.听力的口音为国际口音:英国发音60%,澳大利亚发音20%,美国发音15%,其他口音5%。
现在的变化是难度提高、语速加快5.需要词汇:active words 3000,需要听说读写都会。

雅思听力1. 雅思听力考试的内容IELTS (雅思) 是International English Language Testing System的简称,是由英国剑桥大学考试委员会、英国文化委员会、澳洲教育国际开发署联合举办的一种考查非英语国家的考生英语能力的测试。
雅思听力考试的内容侧重于以下三个方面:1) 生存英语(Survival English),即基本生活用语,如在购物、租房、乘车、与朋友约会等日常生活中的用语。
2) 学术英语(Academic English),即在校园环境下的用语,如在听讲座、与导师谈论作业、参加小组讨论、使用图书馆或计算机等场景中的用语。
3) 科普文章或社会热点问题(Popular science or hot topics),如人口、全球气候、生态环境等有关内容。
雅思听力考试结束后有10分钟抄写答案的时间,让考生把所有答案抄写到答题卡上2. 雅思听力考试的题型雅思听力考试的题型多样化,不像托福听力题型那样单一和容易掌握。
托福听力的题型全部是选择题,而雅思听力考试的常见题型有以下几种形式:1)个人信息表格题(数字,人名,地名,单位)2)句子填空(找定位词,找关键词,预测词性)3)表格填空(方法同上,此外要注意读题的顺序)4)配对题()5)地图题3. 常见话题:1) Enquiring the course2) Asking a stranger or a passer-by for direction3) Asking information at a bank or post office4) Enrolling at the international students’ office5) Listening to an introduction about a scenic spot by a tour guide6) Attending an orientation course7) Renting a room / flat8) Attending holiday and leisure activities9) Going to the doctor, talking about medical facilities of colleges and universities10) Going to an entertainment11) Going to a shopping mall or supermarket12) Asking information about car parking or car-hiring13) Attending job interviews14) Giving tutorial presentations4. Several topic subjects for Section 4:1) women’s issue2) transportation3) unemployment4) computer5) education and examination6) food processing7) horticulture: gardening8) marketing9) nature10) agriculture11) social issue12) racial matter13) environment and pollution。
unit 1雅思听力概况

1. 人名题在录音中大多数情况会被拼出来,所以根据录音读的字母进行听写即可
2. 有些地名题在录音中可能没有被拼写出来,这种情况根据读音和平时的积累进行推测填写
Homework:exercise 7、8
常见人名: Girls
Sarah Michelle Jennifer Nicole Stephanie
Katherine Lauren Rachel Samantha Heather Elizabeth Danielle Christina Emily Madison Emma
Grace Victoria Jasmine Julia Taylor Eva
剑桥雅思5 test3 s1 Boys Michael Christopher Matthew Andrew Daniel
姓: last name/family name/surname 名: first name 人名首字母要大写
常见表达:It is spelled XXXX
Justin David Ryan John Steven Robert James Nicholas Joseph Brian Jonathan Sean William Alexander Austin Samuel Anthony Brandon Christian Benjamin
雅思听力第一节课 概述 & Unit One
@Catherine Xie
1 2

考生应先阅读所有选项,理解每个选 项的意思,以便更好地听懂听力材料 。
考生应学会定位关键信息和细节,如 时间、地点、人物等,这些信息往往 与答案相关。
考生应学会排除干扰项,如与听力材 料不符或逻辑不符的选项,提高答题 准确率。
考生可以通过官方网站、模拟试题和历年真题等途径了解考试难度,熟悉考试形 式和题型。同时,了解评分标准,明确得分点和扣分点,以便在备考过程中有针 对性地提高。选择合适的备考资料和掌握有效的备考方法能够提高备考效率。
对模拟考试中的错题进行分析和总 结,找出自己的薄弱环节,针对性 地加强练习。
选择质量较高的练习题,避免低水 平的重复练习,提高备考效率。
考生需要关注官方发布的考试报名时间和截止日期,确保按时完成报名。同时 ,了解考试时间安排,以便合理规划备考进度。
考生需要掌握听力材料中的关 键信息和细节,理解听力材料 的主题和要点,以便回答相关
考生在听录音前,应先阅读问 题,预测答案的可能内容,以 便更好地集中注意力。
考生应学会定位关键信息和细 节,如时间、地点、人物等, 这些信息往往与答案相关。
考生应学会筛选无关信息,避 免被不重要的细节干扰,集中

雅思听力词汇之旅游场景1. 目的地deserts 沙漠hilly areas丘陵地带wetlands沼泽地bush land灌木丛tropical rain forests热带雨林resorts胜地beach海滩coastal areas 沿海地区meadow 草地,牧场2. 交通出行public transport 公共交通private transport 私人交通airplane 飞机ferry 渡船underground/subway/tube/metro 地铁river cruise巡游boat trips 坐船旅行travel agency 旅行社schedule/agenda 行程check in 办理登机手续check out 出关book the ticket订票platform站台hitch-hike 搭便车旅行tram 有轨电车shuttle 往返汽车coach 交通班车express train 特快列车light rail 轻轨expressway/freeway 高速公路highway 大路flight connection centre 转机中心cabby 计程车司机terminal 终点,航空集结站domestic国内的international国际的single trip单程round/return trip 往返saver ticket 优惠票airport tax 机场税duty-free shop 免税店vacant seat 空座cabin机舱flight number航班号first class头等仓economy class 经济仓business class 商务仓pullman 卧铺车 E.T.D (estimated time of departure) 预计起飞时间 E.T.A (estimated time of arrival) 预计到达时间take off 起飞land降落departure 启程arrival 到达3. 费用及支付book the room(make a reservation)订房change 零钱cash 现金cheque 支票currency货币Canadian dollars加元Australian dollars 澳元Pounds 英镑Euro 欧元Japanese Yen 日元saving card 储蓄卡credit card 信用卡Visa 维萨MasterCard 万事达American Express 美国运通4. 语言language语言French 法语Cantonese 粤语Mandarin 普通话Russian 俄语Italian 意大利语German 德语Portuguese 葡萄牙Japanese 日语Arabic 阿拉伯语accent口音dialect方言Spanish 西班牙语5. 景点与活动Hot springs温泉fountain喷泉beach海滩spotlight tour聚光灯旅行Excursion短途旅行voyage海上航行sailing cruise航展crocodile cruise鳄鱼展museum 博物馆four-wheel drive 四驱车waterfalls瀑布castle 城堡diving潜水/跳水SCUBA Diving 器械潜水surfing 冲浪water skiing 滑水skiing滑雪hang gliding 悬挂滑翔water polo 水球art gallery 艺术展snorkeling 浅潜sky-diving 跳伞bag-packer背包客parachuting 跳伞punkee jumping 蹦极rock-climbing 攀岩off-road driving 越野驾驶hiking 徒步旅行outing 短途外出Opera House 剧院Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔botanical park 植物园Reptile Park 爬行动物园safari 狩猎theater剧院Stonehenge巨石阵6. 其他Snake蛇stingers 刺痛人的东西shark 鲨鱼box jellyfish 水母的一种certain plants 某些植物orchid 兰花beach towel 大浴巾telescopes 望远镜walking boots 步行靴socks 袜子sunscreen 防晒霜long trousers长裤sneakers旅游鞋cream 护肤品souvenir 纪念品handicraft 手工艺knick-knack小饰品雅思听力词汇之租房场景1. 地理位置town(英)/city(美)城市rural areas 乡下suburb/outskirts 郊区downtown/urban area 闹市区uptown 住宅区countryside 乡村Road 路Street 街Avenue 大道Lane 巷Square 广场2. 相关人物landlord/landlady 房东/太太house agency 房屋中介leasing agency 租赁中介real-estate agency 房产中介Student Accommodation Officer学生住宿管理员tenant租户housing coordinator 住宿协调员3. 住宅类型flat(英)/apartment(美)公寓home stay/host family住在当地居民家中dormitory(dorm)大学宿舍high-rise flat高层住宅halls of residence宿舍楼university halls大学宿舍楼youth hostel青年旅社motel汽车旅馆bedsit=bedsitting room/studio apartment标准间unit单元房single room单人间twin room双人间official residence政府住房completed apartment现房affordable housing经济适用房forward housing delivery期房bungalow平房townhouse排屋4. 结构a single/ double/ triple bedroom单/两/三卧房basement地下室hall/entrance hall/lobby大厅/门厅porch/corridor门廊/走廊balcony阳台storeroom储物间shared kitchen共用厨房laundry room洗衣间lounge/living room客厅fire doors火灾逃生出口attic阁楼5. 费用rent/rental price租金deposit押金utility bill账单telephone bill电话费water bill水费electricity bill电费gas bill天然气费cable bill有线电视费heating fees 取暖费cleaning fees清洁费garbage fees垃圾处理费property management物业管理费internet connection service网络接入费agency fees中介费6. 设备用具Facilities设备用具furnished配有家具的unfurnished自备家具的half-furnished有部分家具的bunk bed/double decker双层床radiator电暖炉tumble dryer烘干机central heating集中供暖stereo (system) 音响water heater热水器vacuum cleaner吸尘器air conditioner空调refrigerator(fridge)冰箱washing machine 洗衣机dishwasher洗碗机microwave oven微波炉toaster烤面包机stove壁炉7. 卧室用品single bed单人床double bed双人床bed-linen被单和枕套blanket毯子sheet床单mattress床垫quilt棉被pillow枕头curtain窗帘wardrobe衣橱armchair扶手椅子8. 环境surroundings/environment环境yard/countyard院子fountain喷泉fence栅栏insects haunting闹虫子blackout停电seaview海景lawn草坪greenbelt绿化9. 其他contract/lease租约well-decorated精装修的moving company 搬家公司well-ventilated通风良好的rules规定non-smoker不吸烟的人no smoking不准吸烟non-drinker不饮酒的人no drinking不准喝酒no pets allowed 不准养宠物floor plan平面图layout布局ornaments 装饰(物)雅思听力词汇之健康场景1. 医院及医生clinic诊所physician内科医生surgeon外科医生dentist牙医oculist/eye doctor 眼科医生vet兽医chemist药剂师pharmacy 药店see a doctor看病send for a doctor请医生make an appointment 预约give a prescription开药方have an operation动手术2. 症状symptom症状have/catch a cold感冒have a sore throat 嗓子痛stomachache胃痛fever发烧cough咳嗽headache头痛dizzy头晕toothache牙痛have a runny nose流鼻涕depression沮丧vomit/throw up 呕吐feel chilly 觉得发冷phlegm痰itch痒3. 疾病liver trouble 肝炎pneumonia肺炎flu流感allergy 过敏症twisted 扭伤的asthma 哮喘diabetics 糖尿病患者cramps 抽筋diarrhea腹泻have a stuffed nose鼻子不通cholera霍乱stiff neck脖子发僵yellow fever黄热病hay fever枯草热4. 药剂pill药丸tablet药片capsule胶囊mixture合剂eye drops眼药水syrup糖浆pad 药棉块vitamin维他命penicillin盘尼西林aspirin阿司匹林antibiotic抗生素ointment 药膏medication 药物cold cure 感冒药sweating medicine 发汗药febrifuge退烧药side effects副作用5. 治疗first-aid kit急救箱bandage绷带syringe注射器/针管injection注射preventive injection预防针stethoscope 听诊器gauze 纱布case history病历take one’s temperature量体温extract拔牙feel one’s pulse量脉搏take one’s blood pressure 量血压雅思听力词汇之图书馆场景borrow借进lend借出organize the loan借书renew续借out of loan/circulation 已借出available/in circulation可借到loan period借期circulate 流通circulation desk借还书处information desk问询处restrict限制reserve预订magnetize加磁demagnetize消磁works 著作newspaper报纸stacks 书库magazine 杂志bibliography参考文献manuals 手册novel小说fiction 虚构小说journal/periodical issue 期刊current issue 现刊back issue 过刊due/expiry到期overdue过期pay a fine罚款return in time 准时归还catalogue 目录category 分类librarian 图书馆管理员open/closed shelves开/闭架call slip索书单extension 图书馆扩建工程cassette 盒式录音带copy machine 复印机black-and-white/color photocopy 黑白/彩色复印雅思听力词汇之银行场景1. 账户:open an account开户bank/pass book存折savings account储蓄账户cheque account支票账户current account 活期账户deposit account定期账户monthly savings account 按月计息账户daily interest account按天计息账户instant account速成户头joint account联名账户expense account公款支付账户signature card签名卡credit card信用卡cash card 现金卡debit card借记卡cheque guarantee card 支票担保卡2. 交易动作:deposit存款draw/withdraw 取款earn interest 赚取利息annual interest rate 年利率service charge服务费/手续费password/code密码cheque book 支票簿order cheque记名支票rubber cheque空头支票blank cheque 空白支票traveler’s cheque 旅行支票exchange rate 汇率denomination=face value面额value/worth面值bill钞票cash现金change零钱coin硬币four in hundred 四张一百元面额give the money in fives 换成五元面额fill out/in填写amount in figures小写金额amount in words大写金额the balance of your bank account 账户余额unit货币单位ounce盎司penny便士nickel(美、加)的五分硬币dime(美、加)的十分硬币service charge 服务费commercial/merchant bank 商业银行by installment 分期付款 a princely sum(an excessive amount) 巨款full refund全额偿还extension延期overdraw/overdraft 透支mortgage 抵押rebate回扣payday发薪日pay slip/envelop薪水单apply for/grant a loan 申请/批准贷款collateral 担保物debt债务loan贷款statement对账单money order汇票3. 人员:cashier 收银员teller/ clerk银行职员accountant会计雅思听力词汇之环保场景1. 灾害:Ozone Hole臭氧空洞greenhouse effect温室效应drought干旱dust-storm沙尘暴volcano eruption 火山喷发deglaciation冰川消融deforestation 滥砍滥伐(森林)acid rain/chemical rain 酸雨impoverishment of soil 土地贫瘠化extinction物种灭绝population explosion/population boom 人口激增2. 物质:low carbon低碳petroleum石油embankment筑堤sediment 沉积(物)delta 三角洲ecosystem 生态系统log 原木、日志、伐木vegetation 植物、植被habitat栖息地meteorology 气象(学) granite 花岗岩latitude 纬度glacier 冰川mechanism 机理、机制solar energy 太阳能barren land荒地celsius/ centigrade 摄氏Fahrenheit 华氏3. 动作:conservation 保护、保存deterioration恶化ooze渗出、渗出物radiation辐射inundate淹没precipitation 陡降,降水circulation流通、循环dump倾倒、倾销contaminate弄脏alluvial冲积的reclaim开垦、改造counterbalance使平衡、弥补attributable可归因于recycle 回收再利用prioritize优先考虑demographics人口统计recurrent 反复发生的irreversible不可逆的contentious 有争议的雅思听力词汇之地理场景1. 行政区划province 省state 州city 市county 县capital首都2. 优点和缺点cost of living生活费crime犯罪pace of life生活节奏interesting 有趣boring/dull无聊3. 主要产业manufacturing制造业processing加工业transportation运输业farming农业sheep and cattle farming 牛羊养殖业fishing捕鱼业fish farming 养鱼业wine-making造酒业printing印刷业electronics 电子工业auto industry 汽车工业tourist industry旅游业4. 天气和气候climate气候highest/lowest temperature 最高/低温度-20°C=minus twenty degrees Celsius/Centigrade 零下20 度wet and windy潮湿多风cold and wet 湿冷rainy 雨cloudy 阴flood 洪水drought 干旱雅思听力词汇之饮食场景1. 活动activities生日派对birthday party 欢迎/欢送派对welcome/farewell party 搬家晚会house warming party 宴会banquet 邀请对象people invited地点venue 其他准备工作other preparing work2. 食物food头盘first course 法式洋葱汤French onion soup 主菜main course 蔬菜色拉green salad 意大利面pasta 意大利细面spaghetti通心粉macaroni 羊排lamb chop 牛排beef steak 猪排pork steak 小牛肉排veal chop 香肠sausage 咖喱curry 烧烤roast自助烧烤barbecue 海鲜seafood 三文鱼salmon 金枪鱼tuna 螃蟹crab 龙虾lobster 鱼翅shark fin 鲍鱼abalone 牡蛎oyster热狗hot dog 三明治sandwich 比萨pizza3. 甜点desert葡萄干布丁plum pudding 苹果派apple pie 冰激凌ice cream4. 饮料drinks果汁fruit juice 白葡萄酒white wine 香槟champagne 咖啡coffee 预算budget雅思听力词汇之学习选课场景1. 专业major专业law法学ecology生态学psychology心理学mythology神话学anthropology人类学physics物理学sociology社会学zoology 动物学meteorology气象学biology生物学economics 经济学electronics电子学statistics 统计学archeology考古学architecture建筑学history历史学accountancy 会计学computing 计算机学fine arts 美术2. 课程及课程表course课程lecture 大课tutorial讨论课class timetable/schedule课程表selective/elective/optional course选修课major/mandatory course 主修课程prerequisite/required/compulsory course 必修课core programme 核心课程crash programme/intensive course 速成课程correspondence course 函授课程syllabus教学大纲the outline of the course课程大纲set exercises 固定练习fixed answers 固定答案curriculum全部课程(集合)extracurricular 课外课程major主修minor辅修exemption免修seminar研讨会internship实习field trip 实地考察课程programming 编程biography 传记文学economic history 经济史4. 级别fundamental/elementary/basic/Level 1/beginnig/primary基础intermediate/secondary 中级advanced 高级5. 时间academic/school year学年semester/term 学期quarter/trimester学季session 课/会议duration期间fixed固定的6. 论文、考试及成绩final test /exam期末考试midterm test/midterm exam期中考试Open/Close Book exam开卷/闭卷考试placement test入学分级测试aptitude test 能力测试score/points/marks/grades分数credit/points学分credit system学分系统pass-fail考查课give to lecturer for marking给老师批改Student Record Card 学生成绩单paper/thesis/dissertation 论文/硕士论文/博士论文treatise(专题)论文essay短论文defense论文答辩project 需学生独立钻研的论文degree学位journal周记assessment 综合评估assignments作业handout上课老师发的印刷品presentation 针对某专题的发言resources 资料topic 题目enforce attendance/participation 强迫到课coeducation 男女同校教育secondary school中学elementary/primary school小学symposium座谈会supervise 监督revise/rewrite 修改summary 总结audio-visual 视听plagiarism 剽窃scholarship/grants 奖学金tuition学费qualification 资格auditorium会堂、礼堂lounge 大厅gymnasium体育馆glossary 词汇表research研究deadline最后期限extension延期questionnaire 问卷调查poll(民意)调查,survey 调查observation 观察研究respondents/interviewee 回答调查问题者/被访谈的人hypothesis 假设statistics 统计quantitative 数量的/定量的in-depth case study 案例深入分析at least 2000 words in length 至少200 字key terms and concepts 关键术语概念analytical 分析的mechanical 机械的theoretical 理论的journalistic 纪实的7. 学生俱乐部、社团及费用Student Union 学生会society 社团registration form 注册表membership application 会员资格申请8. 申请applicant 申请人application form 申请表enrolment 报到Admissions Office招办Foreign/ International/Overseas Student 留学生letter of recommendation 推荐信letter of acceptance 录取通知书international student card 留学生证day of session 开学时间programme/program 某专业的课程总称school 学院faculty 系雅思听力词汇之新生报到场景1. 设施:facilities设施canteen/dining hall食堂student union office学生会办公室Administration/Admin Office管理办公室New Students Enrolments 新生报道处Common Room/House公共休息室cafeteria自助餐厅accommodation住宿dorm/dormitory宿舍parking lot/car park 停车场shopping mall 购物中心teaching building教学大楼lecture theatre阶梯教室laboratory/lab实验室auditorium会堂、礼堂Recreation Center 娱乐室gymnasium/gym体育馆library 图书馆lounge 休息厅locker room 更衣室the School of Law 法学院law faculty 法律系(学院)divisions/departments 系2. 教师:dean 系主任、院长student/school counselor 辅导老师tutor/mentor 导师Principal/President 校长chancellor 名誉校长faculty 教职员总称lecturer上课的老师coordinator协调员Support Tutor指导老师Director of Studies 督学3. 学生活动:register/enroll登记、报到orientation week适应周orientation meeting介绍会opening ceremony开学典礼deadlines 截至日期attendance出勤率homesickness想家financial财务的too high expectations期望值太高plagiarism作弊living with students from his own country 同家乡学生一起生活wrong courses 选错了专业technical terms/vocabulary 科技术语、词汇society 学生社团4. 指路、指示方向be far from距离某处很远be nearby 距离某处很近be next to 紧邻go straight across/to/through 径直走过/向/过cross (over) 穿过(某条街道)go up/down向上(北)/向下(南)be on sb’s left/right 在某人的左/右边go back/back/back up 向回走go east/west/south/north 向东/南/西/北turn left/right 左/右转go on/along…till you meet…沿…一直走,直到…be the first/second/third from the left/right 从左/右数第一/二/三个directly opposite 和…相对be located behind/in front of 坐落在…的前/后面be on the corner of A street and B street 在A 和B 街交汇的拐角处be in the corner of 在…的角落里ground floor(英)首层basement地下室wing/ annex配楼step 台阶wheel chair access无台阶/残疾人用aisle 过道intersection/crossroad 十字路口 a fork on the road 分叉路口 a T road 丁字路口intersection/crossroads/junction/clover-leaf 立交桥。

剑桥雅思听力材料6 手打可打印---------------------------------------Text1:Section: 11-4 complete, no more than three words9-10 write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer9 To join the centre, you need to book an instructor’s10 To book a trial session, speak to David (0458 95311) Section: 211-16 choose, What change has been made to each part of thetheatre?Part of the theatre11 box office12 shop13 ordinary seats14 seats for wheelchair users15 lifts16 dressing rooms17-20 complete, no more than two words and/or a number21 choose21 What is Brian going to do before the course starts?A attend a classB write a reportC read a book22-25 complete, no more than two words26-30 complete, no more than two wordsThe Business Resource Centre contains materials such as books and manuals to be used for training. It is possible to hire 26and27. There are materials for working on study skills (e.g.28) and other subjects include finance and 29.30membership costs £50 per year.31-37 complete, no more than two wordsSocial history of the East End of London38-40 choose THREE of the following problems are mentioned in connection with 20th century housing in the East End?A unsympathetic landlordsB unclean waterC heating problemsD high rentsE overcrowdingF poor standards of buildingG houses catching fireText2:Section: 11-5 complete, no more than two words and/or a numberCHILDREN ’S ART AND CRAFT WORKSHOPS● Adults must accompany children under 1 ● Cost: £2.50● Workshops held in: Winter House, 2 Street ● Security device: must push the 3 to open door ● Should leave car behind the 4● Book workshops by phoning the 5 (on 200765)6-10 complete, no more than two wordsSection: 211-14 complete, no more than two words and/or a numberTRAIN INFORMATION11 Local services depart from railway station.12 National services depart from the railway station.13 Trains for London depart every each day during the week. 14 The price of a first class ticket includes.15-17 complete, no more than two words and/or a number18-20 choose THREE attractions can you visit at present by trainfrom Trebirch?21-30 complete no more than three words and/or a numberDissertation Tutorial Record (Education) Name: Sandy Gibbons31-37 choose31 Some photographs of a horse running showedA all feet off groundB at least one foot on the groundC two feet off the ground32 The Scotsman employed by EdisonA designed a system to use the technology Edison had inventedB used available technology to make a new systemC was already an expert in motion picture technology33 One major problem with the first system was thatA only one person could be filmedB people could only see very short filmsC the camera was very heavy34 Rival systems started to appear in Europe after people hadA been told about the American systemB seen the American systemC used the American system35 In 1895, a famous new system was developed byA a French team working aloneB a French and German team working togetherC a German team who invented the word ‘cinema’36 Longer films were not made at the time because of problems involvingA the subject matterB the cameraC the film projector37 The ‘Lantham Loop’ invention relied onA removing tension between the film reelsB adding three more film reels to the systemC making one of the film reels more effective38-40 complete, no more than three words38 The first motion picture was called The. 39were used for first time on film in 1926.40 Subtitles were added to The Lights of New York because of itsText3:Section: 11-10 complete, no more one word and/or a number11-13 chooseTHE HISTORY OF ROSEWOOD HOUSE11 When the writer Sebastian George first saw Rosewood House, heA thought he might rent itB felt it was too expensive for himC was unsure whether to buy it 12 Before buying the house, George hadA experienced severe family problemsB struggled to become a successful authorC suffered a serious illness13 According to the speaker, George viewed Rosewood House asA a rich source of material for his booksB a way to escape from his workC a typical building of the region14-17 write the correct letter, A-J14 Pear Alley 15 Mulberry Garden 16 Shop 17 Tea Room18-20 complete, ONE WORD ONLYRIVER WALK18 Yon can walk through the that goes along the river bank. 19 You can go over the and then intoa wooded area.21-24 complete, no more than 3 words and/or a number MARKETING ASSIGNMENT21 For their assignment, the students must investigate one part of the .22 The method the students must use to collect data is .23 In total, the students must interview people.24 Jack thinks the music preference of listeners are similar.25-30 complete, no more than two words31-34 chooseIRELAND IN THE NEOLITHIC PERIOD31 According to the speaker, it is not clearA when the farming economy was introduced to IrelandB why people began to farm in IrelandC where the early Irish farmers came from32 What point does the speaker make about breeding animals in Neolithic Ireland?A Their number must have been above a certain levelB They were under threat from wild animalsC Some species died out during this period33 What does the speaker say about the transportation of animals?A Livestock would have limited the distance the farmers could sailB Neolithic boats were too primitive to have been usedC Probably only a few breeding animals were imported34 What is the main evidence for cereal crops in Neolithic Ireland?A the remains of burnt grain in potsB the marks left on posts by grainsC the patterns painted on the surface of pots35-40 write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDSSTONE TOOLS35 Ploughs could either have been pulled by or by cattle.●T he farmers needed homes which were permanent dwellings.36 In the final stages of axe-making, and were necessaryfor grinding and polishing.37 Irish axes were exported from Ireland to and England.POTTERY MAKING●T he colonisers used clay to make pots.38 The of the pots was often polished to make them watertight.39 Clay from areas was generally used.40 Decoration was only put around the of the earliest pots.Text4:Section: 11-10 complete, no more than two words and/or a numberThree day cost: 1£Payment by 2or on arrivalAccommodation:Conference Centre●3£per night●near to conference roomsGuest House●4£per night●approximately 5walk from Conference CentreFurther documents to be sent:●6●an application formLocation:Conference Centre is on 7Park Road, next to the 8Taxi costs 9£or take bus number 10from staton. Section: 211-13 choose THREE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-D11 checking entrance tickets12 preparing refreshments13 directing car-park traffic14-20 complete, no more than three words and/or a numberSection: 321-25 complete, ONE WORD ONLY26-27 answer the questions, no more than two and/or a number26 Which books cannot be renewed by telephone or email?27 How much time is allowed to return recalled books?28-30 Which THREE topics do this term’s study skills workshops cover?A An introduction to the InternetB How to carry out research for a dissertationC Making good use of the whole range of library servicesD Planning a dissertationE Standard requirements when writing a dissertationF Using the Internet when doing researchG What books and technical resources are available in the librarySection: 431-34 choose31 When did Asiatic lions develop as a separate sub-species?A about 10,000 years agoB about 100,000 years agoC about 1,000,000 years ago32 Pictures of Asiatic lions can be seen on ancient coins from?A GreeceB The Middle EastC India33 Asiatic lions disappeared from EuropeA 2,500 years agoB 2,000 years agoC 1,900 years ago34 Very few African lions haveA a long maneB a coat with carried coloursC a fold of skin on their stomach31-34 complete, no more than TWO words and/or a numberTHE GIR SANCTUARY35 The sanctuary has an area of approximately square kilometres.36 One threat to the lions in the sanctuary is .37 The ancestors of the Gir Sanctuary lions were protected by a .38 A large part of the lion’s consists of animals belonging to local farmers.39 The lions sometimes , especially when water is short.40 In the India a man would fight a lion as a test of .感谢阅读,欢迎大家下载使用!。

雅思听力介绍第一部分:Pronunciation一.26个字母的读法:Notes :1.注意A 和E 、M 和N 、I 和R 的读音区别,有时容易搞混;还要注意W 的发音(VS. double O/double U ) 2. 注意往答题卡上抄写答案时,大写字母与空格下划线不要重合,如:E (F ),I (T ),L (l )二. 语音英语国际音标共48个音素.,其中元音音素20个,辅音音素28个。
1.英美区别1)拼写23)发音:英语和美语在读音上的差异主要反映在元音字母a, o和辅音字母r的不同读音上。
①. 在ask, can't, dance, fast, half, path 这一类的单词中,英国人将字母a 读作[a:],而美国人则读作[æ],所以这些词在美国人口中就成了[æsk][kænt][dæns][fæst][hæf]和[pæθ]。
②. 在box, crop, hot, ironic, polish, spot这一类单词中,英国人将字母o读作[ɔ],而美国人则将o读作近似[a:]音。
所以这些词在美国人读起来就成了[ba:ks][kra:p] [ha:t][ai'ra:nik][pa:liʃ] 和[spa:t]。
③. 辅音字母r在单词中是否读音是英语与美语的又一明显差异。
在英语的r音节中不含卷舌音[r],而美语的r 音节中含卷舌音[r],如下列词在英语和美语中读音是不同的:英语读音美语读音car[ka:] [kar]door [dɔ:][dɔr]river ['rivə]['rivər]party['pa:ti]['parti]board[bɔ:d][bɔrd]dirty ['dɜ:ti]['dɜrti]morning ['mɔ:nɪŋ]['mɔrniŋ]Note:英式英语中只有在far away, for ever, far and wide等连读情况下,字母r才明显的读作卷舌音④. 在以-ary或-ory结尾的多音节词中,英国人通常将a或o弱读,而美国人不仅不弱读,还要将a或o所在的音节加上次重音,所以这些词在英语和美语中不仅读音有差异,节奏也显然不同,例如:英音美音history [ˈhɪstri] [ˈhɪstəri]factory [ˈfæktri] [ˈfæktəri]dictionary['dɪkʃənri][dikʃəneri]laboratory[ləˈbɒrətri] ['læbrətɔ:ri]necessarily ['nesisərili][,nesi'serili]preparatory[prɪˈpærətri]][prɪˈpærətɔ:ri]secretary['sekrətri]['sekrəteri]⑤. 在以-ile结尾的另一类单词中,英国人读作长音[ail];而美国人则弱读作[l],例如英语读音美语读音fertile ['fɜ:tail]['fɜ:rtl]fragile['frædʒail] ['frædʒl]hostile ['hɒstail] ['hɑ:stl]missile['misail] ['misl]⑥. 美音中/t/ 出现在两个元音之间且处于非重读位置的时候,发音近似/d/,而不是完全等同。

剑桥雅思4(听⼒部分)——适合打印练习TEST 1LISTENINGSECTION 1Questions 1-10Questions 1-4Complete the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.NOTES ON SOCAL PROGERAMMEExample AnswerNumber of trips per month 5Visit places which have:·Historical interest·good 1………………………·2 ………………………….Cost: between £5.00 and £15.00 per personNote: special trips organized for groups of 3…….………..peopleTime: departure – 8.30 a.m.return – 6.00 p.m.To reserve a seat: sing mane on the 4………………….3 days in advanceQuestions 5-10Complete the table blew.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.WEEKEND TRIPSPlace Date Number of seats Optional extra St Ives 5…………………16 Hepworht Museum London 16th february 45 6…………………7……………….. 3rd March 18 S.S. Great Britatin Salisbury 18th March 50 Stonehengebath 23rd March 16 8…………………. For further information:Read the 9…………….or see Social Assistant: Jane 10……………….SECTION 2 Questions 11—20Questions 11-13Complete the sentence below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.RIVERSIDE INDUSTRIAL VILLAGE11Riverside Village was a good place to start an industry because it had wate, raw materials and fuels such as …………………a nd……………………. .12The metal industry was established at Riverside Village by ……………… who lived in the area.13There were over ……………water-powered mills in the area in the eighteenth century.Questions 14-20 Label the plan below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. The Works OfficeThe StablesThe17…………The18………The16…………The15…………ToiletsThe 19…..The Engine RoomThe GrindingShopYard20……….Thefor theworkersEntranceRiverCar Park14………RoadSECTION 3 Questions 21-30Questions 21 and 22Choose the correct letter, A,B or C.ExampleMelanie could not borrow any books from the library becauseA the library was out.B she didn’t have time to look.C the books had already been borrowed.21Melanie says she has not started the assignment becauseA she was doing work for another course.B it was s really big assignment.C she hasn’t spent time in the library.22 The lecture says that reasonable excuses for extensions areA planning problems.B problems with assignment.C personal illness or accident.What recommendation does Dr Johnson make about the journal articles ?Choose your answers for the box and write the letters A – G next to questions 23-27.A must readB usefulC limited valueD read first sectionE read research methodsF read conclusionG don’t readExample AnswerAnderson and Hawker AJackson: 23 ……………………..Roberts: 24 ……………………..Morris: 25 ……………………..Cooper: 26 ……………………..Forster: 27 ……………………..Label the chart below.Choose your answer from the box below and write the letters A – H next to questions 28-30. Population studiesReasons for changing accommodation100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 12 3 4 5 6CEG28 ……29 ……30 ……Possible reasons A uncooperative landlord B enviorment C spaceD noisy neighouresE near cityF work lcationG transportH rentSECTION 4 Question 31—40Complete the notes belowWrite NO MORE THSN TWO WORDS for each answer.THE URBAN LANDSCAPE Two areas of focus:· the effect of vegetation on the urban climate· ways of planning our 31……………………..betterLarge-scale impact of trees:· they can make cities more or less 32………………..· in summer they can make cities cooler· they can make inland cities more 33..........................Local impact of trees:· they can make local areas- more 43…………………….-- cooler-- more humid-- less windy-- less 35……………………….Comparing trees and buildingsTemperature regulation:· tress evaporate water through their 36……………………….· building surfaces may reach high temperatureswind force:· tall buildings cause more wind at 37……………………….level · these 38……………………… the wind forceNoise:· trees have a small effect on traffic nois ·39………………………frequency noise passes through trees Important points to consider:· trees require a lot of sunlight, water and 40……………….. to grow+。
【优质文档】雅思听力备考重点知识介绍-优秀word范文 (1页)

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Chapter One1.1听力考试内容雅思听力考试一共分为四部分(four sections),第一部分和第二部分,主要测试考生在英语国家的生存场景(survival situation)中所需要的语言技能,解题的重点在于理解事实性信息。
第三部分和第四部分,主要涉及考生在英语国家接受培训和课程学习时所遇到的学术场景(academic situation),解题重点在于辨别主要观点,理解学术性主题和讨论内容,抓住细节信息。
Classification (分类题)Which section of the university will help postgraduate students with their dissertations in the following ways?A the postgraduate’s own department or tutorB library staffC another section of the universityWrite the correct letter, A, B or C,next to questions 37-40.37training in specialized computer programs38advising on bibliography presentation39 checking the draft of the dissertation40 providing language supportLabelling a diagram/plan/map (标签题)Label the plan below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.Forms/Notes /Table/Flowchart/ Summarycompletion/ (个人信息表/笔记/表格/流程图/摘要填空)Complete the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.Complete the table below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.WEEKEND TRIPSPlace Date Number of seats Optional extraSt Ives 5.................... 16 Hepworth Museum London 16th February 45 6............................ 7............... 3rd March 18 S.S.Great Britain Salisbury 18th March 50 StonehengeBath 23rd March 16 8............................For further information:Read the..........................or see Social Assistant: Jane.......................1.4考试题目要求雅思听力考试对答案一般都有字数限制,如write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD/TWO WORDS,或CHOOSE TWO LETTERS等。
最基本的有如下三种注意:·答案超出字数限制不得分,但用连字符连接的算一个单词,如twenty-five 就是一个词·听力考试中诸如$, km, lb等符号不计入词数。
D.连读连读就是指类似把I am going to弱读成I’m gonna这种现象。