
Topics for Discussion1.Does “moving up the economic ladder” mean success? Why or why not? What other things do you thinkcan mean success?No, Many people believe that a large income means success. But in my opinion, that success is more than money, and there are more gauges of success, such as fame, respect, and knowledge.Most people assume that famous people are rich, but that isn’t always true. For example, many scientists are not rich by today’s standards, but they are successful in their fields. Addit ionally, there are many famous statesmen who are not rich. The late premier Zhou En Lai was one. Certainly, no one would say he was not successful.I also believe that being respected by others indicates success. Without the respect, money means little. Fo r example, I once worked in a restaurant. The boss made a very good income, but he wasn’t a nice man. No one ever did work for him willingly. He ordered everyone around, but we didn’t respect him. In contrast, I had an English teacher in high school. He had to take extra jobs to make enough money to support his family. However, we had great respect for him and always listened to what he said. As a result, we were a top class in English. In my opinion, my English teacher was more successful than my boss at the restaurant.Finally, I think one of the most important indicators of success is knowledge. For example, Qian Zhong-Shu, one of the world’s best-known writers, had a broad horizon and profound knowledge. He wrote the best-selling novel A surrounded City, which has been translated into 80 languages and published in almost all parts of the world. In my opinion, he was extremely successful.When we look back in history, there are few people that we remember them because of their rich. Overall, we remember people who did something with their lives. They were influential in their own lives or contributed to society. If history is the ultimate judge of success, then money surely isn’t everything.2.What is your attitude toward the spread of surveillance technology?The surveillance technology is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it can bring us the safety and convenience. For example,in the supermarket, the camera can tak e videos to record the people’s behavior. It ensure the safety of the goods and allows people carrying their own bags to go shopping. And the radioes can be an evidence if some cases occur. On the other hand, the abuse of surveillance technology will be a threat to privacy of people. Just like in the ATM, the thief install a microcamera to record the code of credit card, and stole money. And if there are lots of cameras on the street or in a room, it will make people in fear of security and even cause to a panic.In my opinion, the use of the surveillance technology should be under the control of the country and thelaw. The surveillance of surveillance technology is most important.3.To make the earth a better place to live on, what responsibility should be taken by every one of us?We should live a low-carbon life.The Earth left our so rich energy ,but because of the development of the world industrial economy, the fast increase of population, our living environment is become more and more worse, for example, the resources reduce, water pollution becomes worse.The environment is seriously under threat and it is our responsibility to live a low-carbon lifestyle to protect our planet. Firstly, we should recognize that low-carbon life is not only a kind of life style but also life attitude. Each of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases we emit in our daily actions.Low-carbon life needs everyone’s participation. Secondly, we should develop good habits in our daily lives. For example ,we can ride bicycles instead of driving cars. Also, we should turn off lights when we are not using them. Students should use both sides of the paper in their notebooks. These are just some of the things we can do to live a low-carbon lifestyle.We only have one planet and we must do all act now to save it from further pollution●Reducing the pollution and saving the resources,●Dealing with the rubbish, especially some electronic products like used batteries,mobilephone,computer and so on. There are some harmful metals in them, which will damage to the soil and water.●Another way to reduce the pollution is selecting a green way to travel,in order to decrease the car’snumber on the road and reduce the air pollution.Saving the resources require us to use recyclable things, do not waste energy and papers.4.What might be the benefits and risks of plastic surgeries in modern society? Would you try on any ofthem? Why or why not? [医]double-fold eyelids●The first benenfit of plastic surgeries is to improve someone’s appearance and mental outlook. A goodlook will make someone brave and confident to face the difficulties and challenges. Another benefit is that the surgeries can heal the damage of disfigured people suffering a fire or car accident. The surgeries can help them to recover their appearance, and send them to the normal life.●But all the surgeries have their risks, and having the plastics surgeries doesn’t mean that you canbecome beautiful. Sometimes it will make an unnatural and sick appearance. What’s worse, sometimes the failure of the surgeries cause the complications, leaving a scar in the skin or even leading to death.●In my opinion, ordinary people don’t need the plastic surgeries. The power and beauty are from what webelieve in, not what we look like. The benefit from beauty of appearance will not last forever, only the beauty of soul can be accepted by other people.5.Do you think manners are important in our daily life? Why or why not? Can you give some examples ofgood manners in the modern society?●It’s no doubt that the manners are important. Good manners make someone polite and friendly, and hewill be accepted easily. The good manners can make other people feel comfortable and let people become closer to each other. Sometimes the rude behaviors from others will make you unhappy or even angry. Sometimes the rude means to selfish because the rude people don’t consider to others’ feelings.●There are many examples of good manners. Such as in the subway or bus station, let the passenger getoff first, and offer your seat to the old people; open the door for other people especially women; get someone’s help and give a smile and thanks in return.6.Do you think you can increase happiness by learning some happiness skills? And how?●Yes of course. In my opinion, happiness is just like air, they’re always around us, but usually wedon’t notice them. But if we have learnt some skills,we will find the existense of happines with no doubt .what we need is to discover it.●First , find out the aim of the future. Trying to get it and become closer to it. The way to the successis filled up with happiness.●Secondly , we need friends. The good friends can share you with happiness and sadness, discusswith each other, teach each other, friends can help us to do sth we can’t do by ourselves. It’s important to have friends. When we give our friends a hand, or get some helps from them, the happiness is increased.●At last ,we should realise that happiness don’t only mean some happy memories. sth sad, exciting, orjust normal can increase the happiness. Just like the exam, the preparation before the examination always left a deeper impression than the entertainment after the exam.。

英语口语题目:1、记不得了学院:机电与信息工程学院专业:电气专硕英语口语考试过程:专业面试完,英文自我介绍,然后老师提几个问题,结束面试,主要体现在自我介绍里英语口语题目:1、Do you think it is safety in China?why?(你认为中国安全吗?为什么?)2、Where are you from?(你来自哪里?)3、What's your favourite sports?why?(你有什么喜欢的运动?为什么?)4、Do you think education is fair?why?(你觉得教育公平吗?为什么?)5、Do you like fashion or brand clothes?why?(你喜欢大牌服饰还是喜欢流行时尚?为什么?)学院:机电与信息工程学院专业:材料专硕英语口语考试过程:专业面试中会有抽取一个专业英语题目,为一小段话,首先需要朗读,然后对其进行翻译英文,然后英语面试,先自我介绍,然后两个人对话辩论以及老师提问几个英语问题英语辩论问题:1、辩论利与弊2、监狱3、媒体4、旅游消费5、私家车6、金钱学院:化学与环境工程学院专业:环境工程专硕英语口语考试过程:英语自我介绍,抽一个问题正反方辩论,老师提问共3部分英语辩论题目(几个人回忆):1、你觉得男女生分开上课比较好,还是一起上课比较好2、克隆对社会的影响是积极还是消极3、骑自行车好还是开车好4、是否鼓励拥有私家车5、证书重要还是能力重要6、手机是否为大学生的必备品。

1、what is social work?
2、What is your favorite area of social work?
3、talk something about your family

确定研究领域和主题 了解相关学科和研究动态 与导师沟通和讨论研究方向 考虑研究方法和可行性
文献综述法:对相关研究进行系统梳理和评价,找出研究空白和不足 实验法:通过实验设计和数据分析,检验假设和理论 调查法:通过问卷、访谈等方式收集数据,了解研究对象的特点和需求 个案研究法:对个别案例进行深入剖析,找出共性和规律
明确沟通目的:在交流前明确自己的沟通目的,并了解对方的需求和期望,有助于更好 地达成共识。
倾听与表达:在交流中积极倾听对方的意见和观点,同时清晰地表达自己的想法和需求, 促进双方的理解和沟通。
语言沟通:掌握对方国家的语 言和文化,避免误解和冲突
尊重差异:尊重对方的文化和 价值观,避免文化冲突
尊重文化差异,避免文化冲 突
学习语言和非语言沟通:掌握对方语言的基本用语和表达方式,同时注意观察对方的非 语言信号,如面部表情和肢体动作。
旅游经历:分享一次难 忘的旅行经历,包括目 的地、旅游景点和旅游 过程中的趣事。
旅游心得:分享旅 游过程中的心得体 会,如如何克服语 言障碍、如何更好 地与当地人交流等。
旅游建议:分享一些旅 行建议和贴士,如如何 规划行程、如何节约旅 行费用等。
旅游文化:分享不同国 家和地区的文化习俗和 礼仪,以帮助听众更好 地了解世界各地的文化 差异。

Lesson 1 listening1A: how do you think the transport system in our city could be improved.B: I think that the roadbuilding system could be made simpler. I never know where the bus routesactually go. The routes seem to twist and turn rather than going roughly in a straight line.A: I think we just need to build more roads. Then there would be more spacefor cars to drive and we‟d have fewer traffic jams.B: if we built more roads, people would just fill them with cars again. I think we shou ld discourage people from using their cars.A; how would you do that?B; I think we should do a few things at once. Improving roadbuilding would encourage people to use that. If we also charge people to usetheir cars in the city centre, they won‟t use their cars as much.A; I don‟t know. I think it‟s unfair to make drivers pay more money. Theyalready pay a lot of tax-petrol tax, for example.B; I think that they should pay more tax. Look at the damage they cause to the enviro nment and people‟s health by discharging all those exhaust fumes.A; the air would certainly be cleaner if there were fewer cars being used in the city. T he problem is that people will see it as reducing their freedom. It wellbe unpopular.B; that‟s a good point. Car owners will probably be against it, but people who use roa d building will be in favor of it.A: do you think we should travel by bus or by train?B;it‟s a difficult choice. The train is a litter faster, but much more expensive.A; we could face delays if we travel by bus, thanks to traffic jams.B; buses are more cramped and you can‟t walk around.A; that‟s true, but I feel that I see more when I travel by bus.B; really? I think you see more traveling by train.A:so, which form of transport do you prefer to use?B:I prefer going by train, ever though it costs more.A:ok them. We‟ll go by train. I‟m sure we‟ll have a good journey. Shall we go to the s tation and buy the tickets?B: the train aren‟t usually full. We can get them on the day we travel. We should buy return ticket because they are much cheaper than getting two singles.A; we should take a packed lunch on the journey. The food they sell on the trains is al ways expensive.Lesson 1 listening2A:cough,cough,cough......B:Are you ok?A:Yeah,I‟m fine.I wa s just a little allergic to the dust in the air.B:I‟m sorry to hear that.Nowadays,the environment around us is becoming worse and worse.A:Yeah,water pollution ,air pollution,global warming and so on,all of them are the results of human‟s unfriendly behav iors to our earth.B:um...The river has been polluted in our hometown. The water was so clean that we could see many fishes in the river.But now the water is yellow and smells bad.What‟s the most terrible is that there is no fish in the river.A:Oh ,That‟s too awful!B:It must have an influence on the life of the villagers arround.We should take some measures to protect our environment.A:It happens that we are doing some researches on the pollution of the Xiangjiang River.Do you have any idea about it?B:Polluted water is a great danger to our health.I think the research is very meaningful.We can visit some factories along the river.A:Good idea!Because factories always pollute the environment by pouring waste water directly into the river.B:We can also borrow some books on this topic.A:Ok,Let‟s go to the library now.Lesson 1 readingPresenting a speechV: Hello SophiaS: Hi VivianV: What‟s up? You look so upset.S: Next week I need to present a speech, but I don‟t think I am good at it . Ca n you give me some suggestions?V: Sure. In my view, only two things you need to do, preparing a text of a speech and using an effective way to deliver it.S: I have already written a draft, but I don‟t think it is attractive enough for audience. V: First, you should know how to use language accurately, clearly, vividly and appropriately.S: Yes. When I am not sure, I look up the word in a dictionary, and I try to use familiar words that are known to the average person. However, the language is not vivid enough to bring my speech to life.V: One way to make your language more vivid is through imagery or the creation of word pictures. And the strong supporting materials are also need to bolster the speaker‟s point of view.S: Yes, you are right. I can use some examples, statistics and testimony to make my viewpoint more convincing. Besides, for delivering it, do you have some good suggestions?V: You can play PowerPoint and video in your speech to draw audience‟s attention. S: Thank you ,your advices are very useful for me.V: Oh, if you dress more beautiful, act more confident and use your humor in that day,your speech can be more effective. May you succeed.Lesson 2 listening1Global warmingA. First, I will ask you a question: What is the serious problem nowadays ?B. I think it‟s the problem of environment pollution.A. It‟s related to our correct answer. But it isn‟t correct one.B. Is it the problem of population increasing?A. No.B. Oh. I got it. It‟s global warming.A. Right! Global warming is one of the serious problems nowadays.B. I have a question. It was very cold indeed this winter. I think it‟s global cooling!A. You got the wrong concept. Global warming doesn‟t only mean that the weather is getting hot, but also mean that the weather is out of control. So it will be sometimes very cold.B. What causes “ global warming”?A. Now people drive too many cars and the exhaust gases discharged by the cars and lorries pollute the air and also destroy the nature. It causes global warming.Do you know what will happen with the global warming?B. Yes. The ices in South Pole are going to be melted and at the time, many islands will be gradually flooded with water. Human will have no places to live.Surely, we don‟t want that will happen.A. What sould we do to stop “Global warming”?B. I think we can protect the environment from ourselves. We can plant treesWhen we are protecting the environment, we are saving ourselves.A. Ok. we can‟t only speak but not do later . Let us go pla nting trees.B. Yes! Now all of we know the importance of protecting the environment.Let us do our best to stop “Global warming” and make our earth a lovely homeland!A. That is good . I hope you all will be succeeded in protecting the environment.Lesson 2 listening2A:Have you seen the interview of Daniel,the main actor of Harry Potter, on TV shows yesterday?B:No,I missed it,but I am big fan of him,can you tell me what the interview talked about?A:Of course,I am very glad to share with you.Daniel answered some questions from his fans,and talked about some interesting memories when he acted the role in Harry Potter,and his next film plan.B:Oh,as his big fans,I also have many questions want to ask him.A:If you have the chance,what you want to ask him most?B:Em......I want to know,If we have any chance to see him in others films,youknow,besides Harry Potter.A:Oh,this question he just answered last night.And he said he cannot afford the time to fit in other films,but he appeared as the surprise guest in a film last year.B:Which film?A:I cannot remember the detail,you can search it on the internet.B:OK,I will.And if he would not plan to fit in film,so what does he do in his spare time?A:Let me see......He spend most of his spare time learning guitar or bass and watching movies.B:Oh,I love watching movies,too!And my favorite are Harry Potter series.How about you?A:You know,I am also their fans.B:So,which one do you like best?A:Every.When I saw the first film of it,I was a child.I was attracted deeply by the magic world.B:Yes,time goes so fast,now Daniel and us are growing up.A:Yeah,we got many important things form the films,such as friendship,family love,honesty,loyalty and bravery.B:I agree with you.And how I wish I had such a wonderful experience.A:Yes,I also admire Hermione and Roan‟s love story.B:Do you want to find a boyfriend(girlfriend) like Roan(Hermione)?A:Of course yes,he(she) is very kind,and very good to his friends and family,he(she)is really my ideal type.B:Compared with they two,I like Harry best.Although his uncle,aunt and cousin treated him as a dog,but when he grow up,he also treated them like his family,I think he was so kind-hearted and tolerance(宽容的).A:Yes,I think so,too.JK Rowling created such a wonderful world,I expect her new book.B:Me,too!Let‟s waiting for her.Lesson 2 readingDialogue 1Florence: Our new apartmcnt is using solar energy.我们的新公寓用的是太阳能.Taytor:Really? Does that mean you are paying more eacb month? Solar cncrgy is cxpcnsive.是吗?那你们晦月的支出是不是会更大啊?太阳能很贵的.F: It is right now. But it will go down in the future when more people arc encouraged to use it and the technology is furtber developed.现在是.但是如果技术进一步改善,使用的人更多的话,成本肯定会降下来的。

1. Do you think going on diet is a good way to keep fit ? why or way not? I’ve tried diets before but they've never worked. instead,it may impact on healthPerhaps you should excerise more in order to deal with the fat you don’t need.And have a regular diet. The best way is have a diet list.Sports can make our health,because health is the first wealth.Having a good health body is necessary。
So sports play a important role in our life。
Sports also can teach us how to live and how to make a new life. Team sports are full of challenges that a team must overcome together. Being a team player means that one should work well with others. So sports is a wonderful section of our life。
2 Explain the saying: she is a walking dictionary活字典That means she know a lot;she have a large stock of information and knowledge。

1.Please talk about your consuming habits with concrete examples. Do you preferthe old brands or the new ones? And why? And also explain how you usually manage your money.刘:Today we’re going to talk about consuming habits.As consumers,we need to buy many brands of goods.how do you make a choice when you consuming?Do you prefer the old brands or the new ones? And why?王:Compared with the new brands, I prefer to buy some old brands. The main reason is that I have been accustomed to use the products I have been using. In addition, the quality of old brands are reliable.朱:I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. I always choose some new brands instead of old brands. I think the new brands may increase more functions than the old ones. That’s To say ,new brands are better than the old brands in the terms of quality.刘:What you said is reasonable. But I prefer the old brands than the new ones. Then, how do you usually manage your money?王:I usually make a spending plan and budget before buying anything. In addition, I also take accord of each a sum of money. Only by this way can I know all the money where are used and control the cost to achieve the management of money.2Please introduce the educational system in China briefly. Do you think academic excellence will necessarily lead to success in the real life? If not, what else do you need?刘:As we all known ,China has adopted a nine-year compulsory schooling system ,which means all children are required to attend school for at least nine years. Higher education is only for those students who have passed the examination for admission to universities. University education is very important for a person and a country, so most of people think highly of university education.王:Really ,we have to admit, to a large extent, elite education promotes the development of country and person. However, in my perspective, some people misunderstand it , and it makes little or no difference to whether or not he or she is successful in other areas of life. What’s your opinion ,Zhujiahua ?朱:I agree with you. For example, without work-related experience, a higher degree can not realize one’s aspiration. There is no exaggeration in saying that a graduate is still a freshman in society with no-working experience and can not survive in this complicated community.刘:In my perspective, the determining factors in the final success of one’s career is his ability. Only the true ability will lead to the ultimate success and the high degree doesn’t necessarily equal to high ability.王:Yeah, I can’t agree more with you. So academic excellence isn’t equal to success in the real life. We should look at education objectively. Everyone has the power and possibility to achieve success. In a word, we should take a rational and objective attitude about the education system of our country.3What does happiness mean to you? Please explain your understanding of it, and the road to happiness.朱:Moning , teather . Today we will talk about the happiness . Everyone has their own definition of happiness. So, 王,What does happiness mean to you?王:Happiness is what everyone always pursues .A lot of people envy the happiness of others , but ignore the happiness of their own. Some believe what they can’t get or haven’t got is happiness. In my eyes, happiness is just a feeling from heart. Actually, it is always in our side, just not easy to be found. What about you ,刘?刘:You are right ! From my perspective, happiness means every time I go back home calling mom and dad, I can get response .Happiness is when I am in bad mood, my fri ends can give me a big embrace. Happiness is when I am in trouble, someone can tell me go ahead strongly, everything will be all right.朱:Certainly ,both of you are right ! Life is not what other people's thinking, but is your inside feeling. Do you know how to get happiness? Let's discuss this issue. First of all , I think health is the key to happiness. Only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life王:Yes.We should try to keep health by doing some exercise every day. Besides, In my opinion , happiness consists in contentment. A man who is dissatisfied with his present condition is always in distress. Thus ,we need to try to enjoy what you have and don’t long for what you can not obtain.刘:Additional,the hope is the way that you pursue in your life. You can not have a dream beyond your reach but you must always have hope and try to make it come true. In sum,you will feel happy if you try to keep these in your mind.朱,王:Yes, certainly!4What’s your understanding of beauty? What do you think of plastic surgery?Would you like to have one? What are the benefits and possible risks of plastic surgery?朱:Moning , teather . Beauty is God-given, but everyone wants to have a perfect face,and the development of science and technology and the change of the ideas created the conditions for plastic surgery. In recent years, more and more people, especially some young girls choose to take plastic surgeries.王,What do you think of plastic surgery?王:In my opinion , I do believe that plastic surgery bring people beauty ,confidenceand benefit for ones who need it. Here I mean the ones who need it. I t just can’t be denied .But at the same time ,there is no doubt that disadvantages can also be found in it .刘:Yes ,you are right! On one hand, plastic surgery costs people a lot. Many people can’t afford the huge charge of it , thus may causing people’s breaking up with their families . At the same time , there is a high risk in plastic surgery. The government figures shows that many people have become the victim of plastic surgery in the past 10 years. They don’t become beautiful as they once dreamed ,but unfortunately, become ugly opposite['ɑpəzət].朱:Wow ,that’s so terrible ! It is not advisable for people to take plastic surgeries. 王:Yes,we can get what we want by improving our inner qualities, such as our personality and ability, and there is no need to endure the pains and economic loss of a plastic surgery.刘:Certainly, the natural beauty plays a more and more important role in our real life. Though , plastic surgery can fix a person's body and improve a person's life, but it can't replace it just like all the other things. Your fortune is in your hand, and just do your best to seize it!5Do you like reading literature? Who is your favorite? Why do you like him/her?May you please introduce one of his/her works to us?朱:Moning , teather . Our topic is my favorite writer. So ,王,do you like reading literature in your sparetime ?王:(海伦凯勒,假如给我三天光明)Do you know the book If I had the power of sight for 3 days? It was written by an American writer. Her name is Helen Keller. Because of illness, she became blind and deaf when she was only 19 months old. Even worse, it was so difficult for her to speak because she couldn’t hear. Luckily, her parents didn’t give up. Soon Helen learnt to explore the world by using her other senses. Before her seventh birthday, a tutor called Anne Sullivan came. With the help of Anne, Helen learnt to smile to life. And then she grew up to become a world-famous writer and public speaker. Later, many books were written about her and lots of plays and films were made about her life. Her unusual story made me moved. And it taught me to be braver and more confident in the life.刘:I want to tell something about a legendary woman named Sanmao. Do you know her? She is my favorite writer. In my eyes, she was a rare extraordinary woman, who had the courage of the explorers, the romance of the travelers and the quality of the artists. Here are some of her works. <Plays hooky for Studies》, 〈Lonely Long-distance race〉, 〈Sob Camel》,《Back》, 《Straw Manpower Records》, 《Delivers You a Horse》Her works deals mainly with her own experiences studying and living abroad. And her stories are always vivid and moving. She herself was just a legend. However, she chose to kill herself with a pair of silk stockings in Taibei in 1991. She didn't give any reasons so a lot of people didn't believe that's a suicide. But for me, I think Sanmaowas a special woman, she had different attitude toward life. Her limited life was much more colorful than others who can live longer. There must be her reasons for her to choose suicide. Anyway that may be a great chance for her to meet her darling Jose again.朱:(徐志摩,再别康桥)I’ve read all kinds of books which are written by many famous writers from all over the world. But I like a Chinese writer best. His name is Xu Zhimo. Xu Zhimo still kept on reading in all his life, because he always believed that “Reading makes a full man, a ready man and an exact man.”In his time, not only Chinese but also people from other countries worshiped Xu Zhimo. His writing was enjoyed by all the people. Everybody thought that Xu’s works were s o nice and great. From his writing, people can understand a lot. I have learnt that if someone wants to be a great person, he must work hard!Now, let’s enjoy one of Xu’s verses:On Leaving Cambridge Again Quietly I leave, Just as I quietly come, I quietly wave, Saying goodbye to the bright clouds of the western sky.6Do you think English is a global language? Why or why not? And please state why you should study English and how to learn it well.朱: Moning , teather . Our topic is English as a global language . As we known, we have learn English for many years. So , 王, do you think English is a global language?王: I think English is a global language. People all over the world use to communicate, and that it is gradually replacing other languages. When people need a common language , they often use English .Think about it . English is often used at tourist information centers, in international hotels, at airports, and international sports events. 刘: Well ,I don’t agree with your opinion .There are about three times as many people who speak Chinese as their first language . And people all over the world may use some English for work or other situations. Nevertheless , this doesn’t mean they are fluent in English . They still use their first language for daily communication. English is not their main language. Exactly , I think it’s safe to say that English is a common language in the world ,which is the dominant language of business, travel, and science .朱: Certainly , what you have stated are indeed very reasonable. Besides, every year about 1 billon people study English , which also support that the English is a global language . Why do so many people learn English , they don’t use them all day ?王: Many people study English for all reasons. For example, someone want to be in international business , someone just think it will be helpfull in the future. In sum , people want and need to learn English because it offers them opportunities.刘: Yeah ! In order to study further knowledge , we----the younger generation ,need to learn it well.And the best way to improve our English is to improve our English skills-listening,speaking, reading ,and writing. Don’t you think so ?朱,王: Yes , obsolutely.7Do you like watching TV? What programs do you like most? Please describe your favorite TV program and then talk about the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV.王: Nowadays, TV is a popular entertainment tool which is favored by all people around the world. With a television connected to some channels such as CCTV, we can easily access available programs that surely matches our own hobbies. So ,朱,what TV programs do you like most ?朱:In terms of my interests, I concern about life of wild animals, and like the beauty of nature in remote places, as well as want to improve my English skills by listening to records spoken in English; therefore, “Discovery” seems to be the most favorite TV program to me. In the first place, usually watching “Discovery” will help us to have wide knowledge about wild nature in all over the place .Besides, “Discovery” deserves to be one of the best TV program for people to improve their English skills, especially listening skills. And how about you ,liushan?Well, News Report is my favourite TV programme. From this programme I learn what is going on in the world. The programme tells me important news of the day about our city, our country and the world. With this News Report availabe at any time of the day, I can get well informed, and can have a lot to talk about with my friends. In other words, I prefer News Report to any other programme on TV, and it is part of my life, for sure.华哥,上面两个,你自己选一个哈。
(完整word版)研究生学术英语口语考试对话练习——healthy lifestyle(word文档良心出品)

研究生学术英语口语考试对话练习——healthy lifestyleTopic :healthy lifestyle1: Yesterday, I saw a piece of news. A 25-year-old girl died of cancer. The doctor said that her lifestyle is very unhealthy. It's really scary. Now, here's a survey about health. Do you want to know if you are healthy? let's do a survey:【first question】1: Do you often stay up late?2: yes. Before I go to bed, I usually read novels.3: yes. Before I go to bed, I usually read micro blogs.4: when I have too much homework to do, I will stay up late.5: I will go out with my friends on weekends, so I usually stay up late on weekends. 6:I never stay up late. I usually go to bed at 22:00.【second question】1:Do you often forget to eat breakfast?2: I usually get up late on weekends, I often miss breakfast time on weekends.3:Actually, I do not like to eat breakfast. The breakfast in our school restaurants tastes terrible.4: sometimes I just don’t know what to eat for breakfast.5:sometimes I get up late, and I do not have enough time to eat breakfast before I go to school.6:I eat breakfast almost every day. Sometimes I eat bread, sometimes I eat fruit. 【third question】1:Do you like to eat fast food?2: if I don’t have enough time, I will eat fast food.3:no, I do not like. Eating fast food tends to lead to obesity4: I like Fried chicken. I think it's delicious.5:sometimes I eat fast food with my friend. My best friend likes to eat fast food. 6:I like hamburgers. I usually eat hamburgers after school.【fourth question】1:Do you often sit in front of the computer all day?2: yes. We have too much homework. I have no time to do exercise.3: At the end of the semester, we have to sit in front of the computer for a long time. 4: If I sit in front of the computer all day, I will do some exercise the next day.5: I usually play badminton with my friends on weekends.6:I don’ t like to do exercise, so I sit in front of the computer almost every day.【fifyth question】1:Lately, do you feel upset a lot?2: lately, I met some difficulties, it made me feel upset.3:I never feel upset. I think I am an outgoing girl.4: my homework is too difficult, it makes me upset.5:I occasionally feel upset.6:I often worry about many things. I think I feel upset a lot.【调查结束】1:now it is over. Let's look at the results,no one all choose "no" ,I think Our lifestyle is a bit unhealthy. Do you agree?2:I agree,actually, staying up late, drinking too much alcohol, eating too much, staying at home, and extreme personality seem to be the labels of our generation.3:Yes,Most young people believe the youth means craziness, it is not the right time to go to bed at 22:00, but the very time to start the night life.4:But,I've seen a survey,1. More than half of the middle school students are short-sighted.2. Young people are at an increasing risk of cancer. 3.The rate of teenager crime is on the rise. It is sounds so bad. Right?5:Yes. But the current society is becoming more and more competitive. Young people are under increasing pressure at work. This leaves them with no time to focus on health issues.6:As we can see, most of the young people live an unhealthy lifestyle. It's so terrible! But what is a healthy lifestyle?1:In my opinion, A healthy lifestyle is a healthy behavior. It includes two aspects: physical health and mental health. Physical health includes eating healthy and keeping exercise,Mental health includes a good mood and a positive attitude . The core of healthy management is to form a good living habit. The aim is to stay away from disease, prolong life, improve productivity and deliver positive energy.2:I think self-discipline is important. The healthy lifestyle is to cultivate the initiative in people themselves. The concept of lifestyle management is to emphasize theindividual's responsibility for their own health, self-discipline and control of their inner bad desires, and to restrain themselves according to the healthy life plan. For a long time, people have made their own health plans and consciously followed them. Because it is usually boring, they usually give up halfway. With the rise of the Internet,.We can use some APPs to help us manage our lives.3:I agree, and then I think we should do exercise. Only after exercise can you understand how much heat you need, and then control your diet. As we all know, people who exercise regularly do not get sick easily, so do exercise is good for our health. Although we have too much homework to do, we should also find time to exercise every day. I believe everyone will fall in love with sports in a short time.4:I think science diet is most important. Although we may be attracted by the taste of fast food, fast food is bad for our health. For the sake of our health, we should refuse to eat fast food. It is necessary to keep a balanced diet if we want to keep healthy. We'd better eat enough vegetables which contain rich vitamin, proper meat is needed, too. Avoid fried or toasted food, it is important.5:I think we should also control drink too much alcohol. If people drink too much alcohol, firstly,People's emotions will out of control,secondly,People will forget important things,thirdly,People will do some things what they will regret,finally,the next morning will be very uncomfortable. These disadvantages of drinking tell us to drink in moderation. Although sometimes you may be asked to drink a lot of alcohol by your friends, we should stand firm.6:In addition, I think keeping a good attitude is one of the important conditions for staying healthy. When we meet with difficulties, we should face them positively. When we encounter something sad, we should quickly adjust our mood. keeping a positive attitude is good for people’s physical and mental health. Laugh at life and keep smiling, when we are in a good mood, we will reduce our chances of getting sick. It will make our life more beautiful. Keeping high mood is good for mentally health. To enjoy our beautiful life, we must be bound to keep healthy.1、2、3、4、5:I agree.。

1.What are the features of academic writing?In what way is academic writing different from ordinary English?A:Hey XXX do you know that Miss zhang asked us to write a paper about moder art?B:Yeah,.and send to her E-mail before the weekend,right?and She also require us to write in English!A:That's the point!!I don’t have any experience to write a paper in English!.Do you have any idea about that?B:OK,I think I can share with you something about academic writing.First the academic writing has one central point or theme with every part contributing to the main line of argument,Its objective is to inform rather than entertain.A:This part Miss Zhang has told me last week,and what’s more she mentioned that there are eight main features of academic writing that are often discussed.Do you know the detail of this?B:of course!there are eight main features of academic writing to some extent,It include:Complexity,Formality,Precision,Objectivity,Explicitness Accuracy,Hedging and Responsibility.A:Wow.It sounds very complicated.and now I’m going to write a paper about moder art in English,but I don’t have any experience to write a paper in English,can you tell me something about that?B:I just know a little about that,in academic writing the V ocabulary and sentence is different from the ordinary English,In academic writing you should try to use different words,and try to use proper noun instead of the Common words.such as "try".we should change into"attempt".And so onA:you are such a warm heart man!wow Already9o'clock,let’s have dinner together!B:yeah!I’m starving now.I heard that there is a new restaurant outside the school,Let’s have dinner there!A:No problem!Let’s go now!!2.What is the challenge of writing a good abstract?A:Hey XXX do you know that Miss zhang asked us to write a paper about moder art? B:Yeah,.and send to her E-mail before the weekend,right?and She also points out that we must done well in the the paper abstracts.A:That's the point!!I don’t have any experience to write a paper abstracts.Do you have any idea about that?B:OK,I think I can share with you something about how to write a paper abstracts.There are two typical types of abstracts:descriptive and informative.you should chose the types of abstracts at first.A:yeah.Miss zhang has told me about the two typical types of abstracts,and I have chose the descriptive abstract.because it can show the information which the paper mainly contains.and outlines the purpose,methods,scope of the paper,what’s more it can introduces the subject!!It is very suitable for me.B:What you said is exactly right,it seems that you also know a lot about the things.and then you should begin to write a paper abstracts,First is the Background of your paper.It include Context,research purpose,and research gap,and than is method and results and discussion,which you should pay more attention to.A:I think we should make a conclusions at last.After all,a good conclusions will make your paper in a more logical.B:Oh.I almost forget that,you are so cleve.and Remember to finally check if there is any mistake.Such as the spelling mistake.A:you are such a warm heart man!wow Already9o'clock,let’s have dinner together! B:yeah!I’m starving now.I heard that there is a new restaurant outside the school,Let’s have dinner there!A:No problem!Let’s go now!!3.What are some challenges when giving a presentation of your research?A:Hey XXX do you know that I’m going to give a presentation about my research? B:Yeah,.the presentation will be held next weekend,right?Miss zhang has told me that.I will get there,when you begin your presentation!A:Thank you very much!But I don't have any experience for presentation.could you please share with me something about this presentation?B:Of course!I've experienced on similar situation,The most important thing is to do a good deal with the embarrassing questions and the questions which you don't know the answers in the question and answer session.A:The embarrassing questions?the questions which don’t know the answer?This is indeed requiring to attention!B:Ah,in the presentation any questions are likely to arise,you should show your best sincere,and answer it directly,don't try to cheat the questioner,Especially on those embarrassing questions and the questions you don't know the answer!A:It sounds like a good solution!And I think there are more ways.For example Try to change the subject,If that question is not very important or said that I will further check and then immediately turn to the next questioner.B:What a clever boy!However,one of them is not very appropriate which you try to change the subject,I think in the Q&A session,From some extent,it’s a way to evade questions,It might cause others’dislike,you’d better to make a sincere response directly.A:Oh I see,I will try to avoid using this method to answer the question,after all,it’s a bad thing to cause other’s dislike.B:yeah,and what’s more find more information before the presentation!It’s good to do more preparation anyway.A:you are such a warm heart man!wow Already9o'clock,let’s have dinner together! B:yeah!I’m starving now.I heard that there is a new restaurant outside the school,Let’s have dinner there!A:No problem!Let’s go now!!4.If you are invited to speak at a conference but can not attend how would you turn down theinvitation?A:Hey XXX do you know that I will act as the speaker in a simulated plenary session?B:Yeah,.the simulated plenary session will be held next weekend,right?you has been chose to act as the speaker?Congratulations!A:Thank you very much!But my mom ask me to go to the Yunnan with The whole family for a travel.I’m going to write a letter of refusal to the organizing committee.but I don’t have any experience to write a letter of refusal.Do you have any idea about that?B:OK,I think I can share with you something about how to write a letter of refusal. First is the address of the writer and the full date,day,month,and year.It comes right after and just below the writer’s address.and then is the inside address.A:yeah.Miss zhang has told me that he format of the inside address is just like the letterhead,in addition to date.and then you should make a greeting to the recipient on the left margin below the letterhead.next is the body of the letter.B:The body of the letter should begin to write below the Call and the first paragraph should start from the top edge of the letter.And In the body of the letter,you should expressing thanks.giving convincing reason(s)for your refusal.and expressing your regrets.and at last extending good wishes.A:I think we should make a complimentary close on the left-hand side of the page,with the first letter capitalized,and followed by a comma after the body of the letter is finished.B:Oh.I almost forget that,you are so cleve.and put the signature in the end of the letter If you have any.A:you are such a warm heart man!wow Already9o'clock,let’s have dinner together! B:yeah!I’m starving now.I heard that there is a new restaurant outside the school,Let’s have dinner there!A:No problem!Let’s go now!!5How can you judge whether the text you find on line is reliableA:Good morning,XXX,I want to write a job application letter,do you know something about that???B:Good morning,XXX,that’s a component of the application,do you want to apply for a position?A:Yes,I spent a long time on the Internet to search information on how to write a job application letter,However,only a small part of the information is collected,and I think there will be lots of many mistake in the information.B:Yes.the information in the Internet is Really complicated,after all.the source of Online information is very complex,and It’s also hard to find out that wether the text which collected from the internet is reliable.especially the useful information s.A:It seems that You have got a point there.I think to judge whether the text you find on line is reliable.first is to make sure the source of information is reliable,including find the upload time,The location of the uploaded and so on.Secondly is to make sure that The history of the People who upload information is reliable.B:Yeah,what’s more you should make sue the information form internet has a directly linked with the work that you are going to do.A:Ah,I think ask you are asking the right person,You mentioned a lot of details that I unthought-of.B:I just show what I know to you,It’s not a big deal.If you continue to go on in research in this area I’m sure that you can certainly find more than IA:I think that’s a good idea to go on in research in this area!wow Already9o'clock, let’s have dinner together!B:yeah!I’m starving now.I heard that there is a new restaurant outside the school,Let’s have dinner there!A:No problem!Let’s go now!!6What is culture shock?What causes culture shock?How to overcome it?A:hey XXX.I was so excite that I have Got a foreign company OFFER!That's fortune 500company!B:congratulations!!I know that you prepared for a long time to this chance!and you got it at last!A:yeah.I am looking forward to the the future now!but I’m a little nervous now,I'm afraid that I can’t not adapt the new different environmentB:I think you don’t need to be nervous,It just a culture shock.as long as you do not lose yourself,You won't get a lot of problems.A:I know that,I will try my best to keep myself to not be lost.but I think When I go into a cross-cultural environment after a period of time,I will come into contact with many different cultures,I worry about that these things will have great influence on me,B:this is not a big deal,just overcome your nervous,try to understand other culture and respect their culture,and At the same time to communicate with foreigners politely and insist on a period of time then You will find that all you worry is not a problem.A:Ah that sounds very reasonable,can you speak more detail?I still remember that when I chat with a foreign friend,he asked me whether I was in favor of a question that I don't agree with.I feel so embarrassed that time.B:I think you don't have need to feel embarrassed.When you don't agree to something just say it directly.A:yeah.it’s not necessary to worried about saying the wrong thing just because the other side is a foreigner.Just be myself anyway.B,exactly.just be yourself,try your best to finish the job.and that’s enough.A:You are such a warm heart man!wow Already9o'clock,let’s have dinner together!B:Yeah!I’m starving now.I heard that there is a new restaurant outside the school,Let’s have dinner there!A:No problem!Let’s go now!!7.How can you remain true to your own culture while respecting others?And how can you balance the two?A:hey XXX.I was so excite that I have Got a foreign company OFFER!That's fortune 500company!B:congratulations!!I know that you prepared for a long time to this chance!and you got it at last!A:yeah.I am looking forward to the start of the future!but I’m a little nervous now I don’t know exactly how to remain true to my own culture while respecting others when I join the foreign companyB:I think you don’t need to be nervous,as long as you do not lose yourself,You won't get a lot of problemsA:I know that,I will try my best to keep myself to not be lost.but I think When I go into a cross-cultural environment after a period of time,I will come into contact with many different cultures,I worry about that these things will have great influence on me,B:this is not a big deal,you just overcome your nervous,and try to understand other culture and respect their culture,and At the same time to communicate with foreigners politely and insist on a period of time then You will find that all you worry is not a problem.A:Ah that sounds very reasonable,can you speak more detail?I still remember that when I chat with a foreign friend,he asked me whether I was in favor of a question that I don't agree with.I feel so embarrassed that time.B:I think you don't have need to feel embarrassed.When you don't agree to something just say it directly.A:yeah.it’s not necessary to worried about saying the wrong thing just because the other side is a foreigner.Just be myself anyway.B,exactly.just be yourself,try your best to finish the job.and that’s enough.A:you are such a warm heart man!wow Already9o'clock,let’s have dinner together!B:yeah!I’m starving now.I heard that there is a new restaurant outside the school,Let’s have dinner there!A:No problem!Let’s go now!!8.What gifts should we avoid giving to American people?Why?A:Do you know that next week there will be a new classmate from American will join in our classB:yeah.Xiaoming has told me just now,he says that the new classmate is a girl.A:Wow A girl!I think we should giving a gift for her when she came to our classB:That’s a good idea!I think that American girls will feel happy when she receive our gifts.A:You are right.Then what should we give her as a gift?I worry that if something wrong,It may cause others’dislike.we’d better send her something reliable.B:I don’t think so.I think we can send some characteristic items,after all,she knows that we are Chinese and she is fro American,s he may not have seen the characteristic items,maybe she will like it.A:Oh I think that’s t o casual,what about we send some practical things to her?such as cups,tea.or something lovely just like the plush toys?I think most of the girl,will like a plush toys.B:Maybe.I always think we send something to her is not so good,after all,there is always a chance that somebody else don't like it,why don't we just ask her go outside and find a good restaurant to have a authentic Chinese food?!A:I think that’s a good idea!wow Already9o'clock,let’s have dinner together!B:yeah!I’m starving now.I heard that there is a new restaurant outside the school,Let’s have dinner there!A:No problem!Let’s go now!!9.What should an applicant pay attention to when writing a job application letter in English?A:Good morning,XXX,I want to write a job application letter,do you know something about that???B:Good morning,XXX,that’s a component of the application,do you want to apply for a position?A:Yes,I strive to become a prominent professor and researcher of fine art in Guangzhou.and I spent a long time on the Internet to search information on how to write a job application letter,However,only a small part of the information is collected,and I think there will be lots of many mistake in the information.B:OK,I think I can share with you something about how to write a job application letter.First you should show your purpose and interest in the job application letter,and then in the following paragraph,your academic qualifications,previous research experience and so on should be write clearly.A:Oh,that’s lot of things,should I show my current research interests such as moder art in the job application letter?B:Yeah,what’s more you should show more of the other experience,career goals and the reasons why you want to join a company.A:I think I think ask you are asking the right person,You mentioned a lot of details that I don't have contact which about writing a job application letter.B:I just show what I know to you,It’s not a big deal.and at last don’t forgot to restatement of your interest or goal at last.A:you are such a warm heart man!wow Already9o'clock,let’s have dinner together!B:yeah!I’m starving now.I heard that there is a new restaurant outside the school,Let’s have dinner there!A:No problem!Let’s go now!!10.Discuss with your parter about the importance and functions of cross-cultural communication,esp.in the international academic communication.A:Hi XXX,I heard that you will participate in the international academic conference tomorrow?B:Yes miss zhang invited me to join in this conference last week.A:Wow.This is a good chance to communicate with st class miss zhang has just talked about cross-cultural communication.Do you think cross-cultural communication in the international academic exchanges is important?B:Of corse.I think It’s very important..Especially in the international academic communication.because the difference of culture is easy to cause misunderstand,for example In India,people shook his head to say yes,but in China it means to refuse.If you don't know the differences.It will be likely to cause misunderstanding.A:This is very interesting,last time miss zhang said that most of the cross-cultural communication obstacles are caused by different values,if you want to succeed in intercultural communication,you need to do a lot of work in advance.B:yes i’m going to search more information about the foreign,such as understand the customs of different countries,value concept,and so on,and I feel that’s a very complicated work.A:I agree with your that It is a very complicated job.I think you should at least spend a month on this matter.But this meeting will be held tomorrow!B:That's the point!I am worry about this problem,I’m not familiar with the cross-cultural communication,I think I'm easy to screw up.A:Don’t worry,I think I can give you a good advice!B:What’s the advice?A:After the meeting started,just shut up.and then You will never make mistakes!B:That’s a good idea!11.Suppose you are going to act as the speaker in a simulated plenary session, you are not surehow to react to embarrassing questions and how to respond to questions to which you donot know the answers,ask your partner’s opinions since he/she has some experience in thisrespect.A:Hey XXX do you know that I will act as the speaker in a simulated plenary session?B:Yeah,.the simulated plenary session will be held next weekend,right?you has been chose to act as the speaker?Congratulations!A:Thank you very much!But I don't have any experience for the Q&A session,could you please share with me something about this Q&A session?B:Of course!I've experienced on similar situation,The most important thing is to do a good deal with the embarrassing questions and the questions which you don't know the answers.A:The embarrassing questions?the questions which don’t know the answer?This is indeed requiring attention!B:Ah,in the Q&A session any questions are likely to arise,you should show your best sincere,and answer it directly,don't try to cheat the questioner,Especially on those embarrassing questions and the questions you don't know the answer.try to answer t directly!A:It sounds like a good solution!And I think there are more ways.For example Try to change the subject,If that question is not very important or said that I will further check and And immediately turn to the next questioner.B:What a clever boy!However,one of them is not very appropriate that you try to change the subject,I think in the Q&A session,From some extent,it’s a way to evade questions,It might cause others’dislike,you’d better to make a sincere response directly.A:Oh I see,I will try to avoid using this method to answer the question,after all,it’s a bad thing to cause other’s dislike.B:yeah,It’s very kind of you to avoid to do this.It’s late.I got to go home,see you and good luck!A:thanks for sharing.see you!12.You and your partner are invited to have dinner at your foreign teacher’s home,you two discuss the relevant table manners so as to be polite and be respectful to your teacher and his family.A:hi,XX.Do you remember the miss zhang has invited us to go to her house for dinner tomorrow night?B:Yes,Of course I remember.I just want to discuss this with you,I'm not sure We should pay attention to what issues that may appear on the etiquette manners,after all, she is a foreigner.I am not familiar with the relevant table manners.A:This is a problem that we need to face squarely.I heard that the Western table manners and etiquette Chinese food is very different,for example,we use chopsticks they use knives and forks,and even that knives and forks also very particular about the placing of the order.B:Yeah,but I've never used a knife and fork to have dinner,perhaps the right hand fork,knife left,and then we can use it to eat?A:No,I think I should It goes to be right hand knife,fork in left hand,and We should be in sequence to use knives and forks that on the table.More importantly,Avoid to make sounds when eating.B:This sounds a little complicated,but I think I should be able to do it.What if I need some seasoning,but those spices placed relatively far away from me,then I stood up and went over to get their own,What do you think of this kind of behavior will seem rude?A:I think this kind of behavior does not appropriate,I think you can call the person next to you to bring them for you,and when you ask fo help you should use"please" and when you have dinner with foreigner try not to leave the table in halfway.B:Originally there is so much etiquette,oh,it's getting late,I must go home now,see you tomorrow!A:Remember never smoking when we have dinner with miss Zhang.see you!B:I know that!See you~13.What do you think are the appropriate and inappropriate topics when you talk with a foreigner?Why?A:Do you know that next week there will be a new classmate from American will join in our classB:yeah.Xiaoming has told me just now,he says the new classmate is a girl.A:I think we can talk with her about the Travel Experience,reading and the Latest movies.B:That’s a good idea!I think that American girls will not resent these topicsA:You are right.Maybe we can chat with her something more in-depth such as Weight, age,religion and ethnicity,so that we can be more understanding and familiar with her.B:I don’t think so.some of the topics that mentioned by you is privacy,we'd better not to use these as conversation topics,especially the weight and age,that is the president of taboos,because these are sensitive issues,it is best not to mention.A:Oh,that’s particular about the topics,then some topics about personal information, such as:work salary,accommodation,etc.,are not suitable for the topic of conversation,after all,all this involves personal privacy,if we talk about these could cause the other person's unhappiness.B:Entirely correct,our topics that talk with a foreigner should avoid some bad topics which mentioned above,because it would seem to be impolite,in other word we should choose some polite topics,as you just mentioned,travel experiences,for example,reading and movies.I think most of the foreigners won't dislike these topics. A:you are such a warm heart man!wow Already9o'clock,let’s have dinner together!B:yeah!I’m starving now.I heard that there is a new restaurant outside the school,Let’s have dinner there!A:No problem!Let’s go now!!14.Suppose you want to write a personal statement,but you have no idea how to do it exactly.Discuss with your partner about the contents,format,organization and tips of writing a proper personal statement.A:Good morning,XXX,I want to write a personal statement,do you know something about that???B:Good morning,XXX,that’s a component of the application,do you want to apply for a PhD?A:Yes,I strive to become a prominent professor and researcher of fine art in china.and I spent a long time on the Internet to search information on how to write a personal statement,However,only a small part of the information is collected,and I think there will be lots of many mistake in the information.B:OK,I think I can share with you something about how to write a personal statement.First you should show your purpose and interest in the personal statement,and then in the following paragraph,your academic qualifications,previous research experience and so on should be write clearly.A:Oh,that’s lot of things,should I show my current research interests such as moder art in the personal statement?B:Yeah,what’s more you should show more of the other experience,career goals and the reasons why you want to join a university.A:I think ask you are asking the right person,You mentioned a lot of details that I don't have contact which about writing a job application letter.B:I just show what I know to you,It’s not a big deal.and at last don’t forgot to restatement of your interest or goal.A:you are such a warm heart man!wow Already9o'clock,let’s have dinner together!B:yeah!I’m starving now.I heard that there is a new restaurant outside the school,Let’s have dinner there!A:No problem!Let’s go now!!15.What are some of the differences between writing a letter in English and writing a letter inChinese?A:Do you know the girl has join our class last week??B:Yeah.the new classmate!a pretty American girl!A:I want to write a letter to her,but I don’t know exactly the difference between writing a letter in english and writing a letter in Chinese.do you know something about that?B:yes:There are many differences between them,such as the letterhead.In Chinese It just a salutation.however in English It’s a big part of the letter.A:I know the format of the english letter,first is the address of the writer and the full date,day,month,and year.It comes right after and just below the writer’s address.and then is the inside address.B:yeah.it’s different from the chinese letter.the format of the inside address is just like the letterhead,in addition to date.and then you should make a greeting to the recipient on the left margin below the letterhead.in chinese the address of the recipient is writing in the middle of the envelope.and what’s next is the body of the letter.A:This part Miss Li has told me already.she says that It should begin to write below the Call and the first paragraph should start from the top edge of the letter.What’s more,Each section of the first word from the second paragraph indented3or5letters.B:When you finish the body of the letter,you should make a complimentary close on the left-hand side or right-hand side of the page,with the first letter capitalized,and followed by a comma.A:Should I write a signature which should be put between the complimentary close and the typed name at last?B:Not exactly right,if you have any enclosures,you should put it in the end of the letter.A:you are such a warm heart man!wow Already9o'clock,let’s have dinner together!B:yeah!I’m starving now.I heard that there is a new restaurant outside the school,Let’s have dinner there!A:No problem!Let’s go now!!。

研究生综合英语期末口语考试话题1. Some people think that two problems college graduates face — underemployment and soaring tuition debt. What else can students, employers and colleges do to address the problems?一些人认为大学毕业生面临两个问题——就业不足和学费债务飙升。
学生、雇主和大学还能做些什么来解决这些问题?2. Stress is a normal part of life. Dealing with stressful events is something everyone has to do. How do you usually cope with stress in your study, interpersonal relationships or daily life?压力是生活中正常的一部分。
你通常如何处理学习、人际关系或日常生活中的压力?3. Do you think that artificial intelligence will be smarter than humans? Do you agree that AI is a threat for the future of life and human existence?你认为人工智能会比人类更聪明吗?你同意人工智能对生命和人类生存的未来构成威胁吗?4. Some people start their days on empty stomachs, while others are “breakfast persons,” eating breakfast regularly and enjoying eating breakfast. Do you think breakfast is important? What is the basis of your belief that it is or is not important?有些人空腹开始他们的一天,而另一些人是“早餐族”,有规律地吃早餐,享受早餐。

英语口语考试:1.Would you like to say something about test-oriented education vs quality-oriented education?(你是否想谈谈应试教育与素质教育?)2.Some foreigners find that the practice of “one-child” policy goes against the basic principles of human rights .Do you think it’s a good policy? Why or why not?(一些外国人发现“独生子女”政策违反人权主义.你认为这是一项好政策吗?为什么或者为什么不吗?)3.Which one is more important: acquiring academic achievements or seeking work experience?(哪一个更重要:获得学术成就或者寻找工作经验?)4.What do you think of blind date?(你是怎样理解相亲的?)5.What’s your opinion about human cloning?(你怎么看待克隆人?)6.Could you explain the saying: In wine there is truth?(你能解释格言:酒后吐真言)7.Could you tell something about the possible causes for generation gap?(你能讲一将可能引起代沟的原因吗?)8.Tell us something about DINK family and nuclear family?(能向我们介绍一下关于丁克家庭和小家庭吗?)9.Could you explain the saying: An apple a day keeps the doctor away?(你能解释格言:一天一苹果医生远离我吗?)10.Could you tell me the importance of being healthy?(你能告诉保持健康的重要性吗?)11.Going on a diet has become a fashion for women. Some say it is worthwhile to go on a diet in the modern society. Other say it is meaningless for dieters to gain beauty at the expense of their health. What is your opinion?(控制饮食已经成为了一种女性的时尚,有人说,这种时尚会这样持续下去,也有人说这样为了美而不惜损伤健康为代价是不值一提的,你认为呢?)12.Some people say if you are healthy, you are happy; others think if you are rich, you are happy. What do you think happiness is?(有些人说,如果你是健康的,你很高兴;别人认为如果您很富有,你很高兴。

1.How have science and technology changed our life and work?The rapid development of science and technology have a huge change in our life and work. Modern transportation make long-distance trip possible,make the trip more convenient,shorten the time on the road. The advance of science and technology brings us happiness of life, improving the quality of our lives.There are some new things that have enriched our life. For example,the lights keep us away from the darkness and the Air conditioning make us away from the heat in summer.All of these scientific and technological achievements make us live more comfortable and convenient. Many modern inventions make our life more colorful.Many processes now moved onto computer systems. It can enhance flexibility and capability. We do n’t have to make fire to cook,so prepare more quickly. We can use chemical, biological process to make food more tasty and easier preserved.Science and technology is like a magician who is changing our lives all the time.We should make a good use of it and avoid the disadvantage.pare Western and Chinese customs. List similarities and differences onthree occasions.First, let’s talk about the differences between Eastern and Western cultures. Greetings are different, In China, When people meet acquaintances or friends, we always say ,“Have you eaten yet?” “What are you going to do?”In English, people often employ the following expressions to greet each other “Good morning/evening/afternoon.” “Fine day, isn’t it? “”How is everything goi ng?” In China, the surname comes first and then the given name.While westerners names are written and spoken with the given name first and the family name last. It is a tradition to use chopsticks for Chinese.But people in English prefer to use forks and knives. Secondly, let's talk about the similarities. There are Valentine's Days in East and West. Eastern and Western myths originated in ancient times. Some East and West instruments are similar, such as violin and lute.3.What kinds of movies do you like?Different people like different types of movie.Some people like to watch a movie that makes them think .They prefer movies with a murder investigation or some kind of intricate plot.Other people prefer movies that make themlaugh.Personally.I like Inspirational movies.My favorite movie is 《The Pursuit of Happiness》, which is played by Will Smith and his son Jaden Smith. This movie has no pretty actors, no touching music, but good enough story, plain but not mediocre! It touched my mind deeply.A single father, lost his job and his wife choose to leave him. His life was very bad and difficult, but he never gave up and worked hard and took care of his son very well. Through his effort, at last he succeeded. His life changed better and better.I like the movie, which is made me thinking a lot. What is happiness? How can we get happiness? In my eyes, the most important is the family. As long as the family together, no matter where, no matter what time, we are happy. Secondly, if we work hard enough today, happiness will come tomorrow. In addition, happiness depends on oneself. No matter other people think of you, as long as you do happy.4.What makes a happy marriage?Everyone wants a happy marriage and choosing their Mr. or Miss Right becomes a vital and cautious task. A false choice may lead to an unsuccessful marriage. Girls hope to find handsome and tall boyfriends.However, if girls find handsome and tall boyfriends, will the marriage turn to a happy one? Unfortunately, the answer may be “NO”.Then what reall y makes a happy marriage? Mutual understanding, tolerance and appreciation contribute to a happy marriage. We should try to understand our partners and know what he or she needs and overcome the difficulties together. To learn how to appreciate is also necessary. We should try to manage to help them correct their shortcomings.Getting married is an important step in our life. Thus we should first learn the true meaning of marriage and then make a good choice. In this way, everyone can enjoy a happy marriage.5.Where do you like to travel?Give a brief introduction about the place?I have a dream.I want to travel to yunman province.It’s a very beautiful place.yunman,famous for its beauty,abundance and magic,has always been known as the”secret territory”.yunman means the south of colorful clouds.First,I will go to Kunming city o see flowers.It’s a city of a spring.Then,I will go to dali and lijiang to see old buildings.I will learn some kownledge about history from them.After that I will go to xishuangbanna to enioy thebeautiful mountains and the rivers.It will be interesting to see the house made of bamboo.I wish that I can enjoy the lazy sunshine of Kunming,the soft time of lijiang the ancient enthic characteristics of dali and tropical customs of xishuangban na.I’m looking forward to travelliing to yunman and experiencing it mystery.6.What do you think of the environment? What can we do about pollution?Nowadays, the environmental problems are very serious, particularly, along with the industrial development, people always emphasize to the part of economy, but they neglect the environmental problems. As a citizen in nowadays, we should protect our environment as possible as we can.Technological development offer convenience to people in nowadays. But technological development also can impact on the environment, we need to develop technology, but in the mean time, we also need protect our environment. If we are blind to the environment problems, it will more and more serious and so that to harm the whole earth, we will too late to regret it. So we should protect our environment, for example, going out by bike to replace the car and protect the trees, make publicity for protect environment.In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment. I believe if everyone thinks about pollution and recycling the future is hopeful, and we can make the world a better place to live in.7.Do you think cell phone is blessing or a curse?Give reasons for yourstatement?Nowadays,it seems universally ackownledged that the cell phone plays a crucial role in our daily life. There is no exaggeration to say that almost all aspects of our daily lives have been touched or even transformed by the cell phone.I have been convinced that it’s hard to s ay the cell phone ablessing or a curse.The reason can be listed as follows.On the one hand,we are living in the era of chances,changes and challenges,which could exert an extremely favorable influence over our life.First and formost,it’s easier that the c ell phone makes communication each other.We have enabled to keep a better balance between career and family.Besides ,online shopping and online payment have been made possible by the cell phone,which saves us more time and is more convenient.On the other hand,the cell phone has aroused our concern and anxiety .We spend so much time on our phone that we don’t have time with our family.In a word,it’s no hard to image that if there weren’t the cell phone,our life would distinctly different.8.Describe a person that you respect.I respect many people in this world, but today I want to talk about my mother.I respect my mother the most . She gave me life and raised me. First, she is a kind-hearted person that she always donates money to the charity foundation.she tells me that as a person in this world, we should care about the people in need of help.In addition,she works very hard and every day she leaves home very early and comes back in the darkness.Her spirits encourage me to work hard on my study.Finally, no matter how difficult life is,she is vigorous and has passion for life. I learned from her that we should not yield to disasters in life but strive for hope and spare no efforts in realizing our dreams.。

1. Do you think going on diet is a good way to keep fit ? why or way not? I've tried diets before but they've never worked. instead, it may impact on healthPerhaps you should excerise more in order to deal with the fat you don’t need.And have a regular diet. The best way is have a diet list.Sports can make our health, because health is the first wealth.Having a good health body is necessary. So sports play a important role in our life. Sports also can teach us how to live and how to make a new life. Team sports are full of challenges that a team must overcome together. Being a team player means that one should work well with others. So sports is a wonderful section of our life.2 Explain the saying: she is a walking dictionary活字典That means she know a lot; she have a large stock of information and knowledge.when you ask her some question and she answerd you at once. So, I think we should be dabbled in various branches knowledge in peacetime, also be an walking dictionary3 What does“sussess”mean to yo u? In your opinion,how can an ordinary person achieve success?On the one hand ,Success for me is that I do well the things which I want to do. For the other hand ,success means health,have a powerful bodyI will say the success isn’t about having st uff or livingsomebodys best life.First ,if an ordinary person want to achieve succss ,it must be try one’s best .Second, Choose the correct directionThat’s all4 Do you think smoking is a problem that needs special attention and has to be solved? If so,why?I think it does. A lot of people in China aren't aware of the health consequences of smoking.If more people knew they could get cancer from smoking, they'd probably stop, or at least smoke less.I think people should be told about the potentail dangers of smoking.5 If you have extra money,what do you do with it?I will buy presents for my families and teachers and say thanks to them,Then I will give the money to the poor children , in order to make them live a happy life, I hope I can help more children who can not afford to go to school ,make them return to school, learn more knowledge, and stand on the same starting line as peers, not behind in the beginning of the game .6 Can you tell us something about the activites organized by the student union in your collegeThe student union always puts great efforts on organization construction and concentrates on doing work of high-quality. Combining current affairsand situation, it makes full use of "5·4 Youth Day", "10.·1(National Day)","12·9 Movement " and other important festivals. The student union is over own organization,when freshmen come to school the student union is responsible for receiving them. And a lot of some other meaningful activities.7 What do you think of the importance and hard-working to one’s success?In my opinion, a person's success, it is important to have a hard-working Edison is a very hard, very hard scientists, if not 999 times the effort, there is no 1,000 th success.If the dream is our goal,the efforts is the wings which can took us to the success of the other side8 What qualities should a person possess to run a business?Integrity and keen observation.9 What do you think colleges should do to help students finance their education?In fact,the problem can be dealt with in many ways。

1.Some people like to work in a team. Others would ratherwork individually. Which do you prefer and why?As we know,“When everybody adds fuel, the flames rise high”. In my opinion, I prefer to work in a team. Because there are many advantages of group working.Firstly, In a team, we can share our opinions and brainstorm when we want to do some plans or activities, which is time-saving.Secondly, we can cooperate with teammates to solve problems easily when we met some difficulties.Thirdly, It`s convenient for us to get information and learn something we don`t be familiar with from people surrounding us.Above all, I think that working in a group is more interesting and urge me to work harder.2.Please comment on the following statement: Computerethics contribute to a better and safe use of computers in our daily life.With the rapid development of technology, the computer plays an essential role in our daily life. When we are enjoying the big convenience of computer, there is also a serious network security problem that we can't ignore.Network moral crisis of the users, which resulted from dislocation of network morality, is the universal problem in network society. Some kinds of cyber crime emerge. Such as attacking other people's computer systems, stealing other people's classified files and spreading false information, which are unethical. Our information faces a series of problems. Therefore, we need to establish ethical standards, laws and regulations to ensure network civilization and security. Only in this way can we have a healthy Internet Environment. So, computer ethics contribute to a better and safe use of computers in our daily life.3.Why are we loosing productive land? How shall weaddress the land problems?Each year more and more land becomes degraded. We are losing productive land. New dry areas are developing and expanding. I’m talking about new dry areas, areas where land has been declining in quality.The first is overgrazing by farm animals. Overgrazing, overcutting, and farming methods.Second, overcutting of trees also contributes to the loss of good land. The main problem is too many trees are cut and not replanted. There is nothing to hold the good soil. Wind and water carry the good soil away and it erodes quickly, leaving land that is dry and less productive.Third, Population is increasing, Contaminated land will not be used for production. Example Fukushima nuclear leak(福岛核泄漏)1. Set up some organizations , that are working to help countries or communities look at their special problems and figure out what possible changes they can make to protect their land.2. Strengthen pollution control, reduce pollution, especially difficult to control pollution3. Scientific grazing, Improve land utilization.Of course, it is important to rely on the government's active land policy.4.Are you for or against the wide application of DNA testing?As we know, DNA which to some extents determines what we look like, what we like to do, and what our future will be.Due to the information that DNA contains, scientists have found a way to identify possible genetic relationship between two persons, which helps people find their lost children or ancestors.What`s more, DNA testing can be used for criminal investigation. The policemen can easily find the suspect by detecting the DNA in the hair of something else that is part of the suspect`s body.Also, DNA testing can be used to predict and diagnose disease, then you can take some measures to improve the environment and living habits on time.Above all, I insist that the wide application of DNA is helpful for people, although we may met some ethical problems when we use it.5.What recommendations will you give to those who want to stay health?As an old saying goes, Happiness lies first of all in health, it means that health is very important for us. So how to stay health?Firstly, We should keep a balanced diet and eat more healthy food like meat and vegetables.Secondly, keeping a good mood and sleeping at least 8 hours one day is important. Because we will feel very tired and can`t work well, If you don't have enough sleep.Thirdly, it`s necessary for us to do more outdoor exercises in spare time, which can help us get a strong and healthy body.Fourthly, We`d better not play computer games or watch movies for too long because it does harm to our eyes.6. Please comment on the following statement: Man can do nothing in face of natural disasters.With the development of society, the environment has been worse and worse. At the same time, the natural disasters happen more frequently than before.However, in the face of it, Man feel helpless and believe that nature cannot be conquered. There is a gold chain runs through the universe, also a red line links all things. It likes a law of life and death, which can`t be changed, nor transfer with the people`s will. People can only obey the rules. So, we insist that nature cannot be conquered and we should take some measures to protect the nature.7.Why is economics regarded as a science?First of all, let’s get started with the respective definitions of economics and science.Science is a knowledge system that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.While economics is a social science concerned chiefly with description and analysis of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.Therefore, the characteristics of economics, such as statistics and analysis just in line with scientific interpretation.Furthermore, in the category of economics, it contains a large number of theories which about the laws of human values activity, and these theories are not immutable. With the depth of research, they will be more and more rich. And the process of this theory is completely consistent with other natural science.In summary, I think mentioned above is the reason why economics regarded as a science.ment on the impact of globalization on cultureWith globalization, people have more opportunities to cooperate and exchange. However, I think it has more negative effects on culture, which are as follows.On the one hand, native language which is the most important part of culture has been threatened by English which is regarded as the worldwide medium of communication due to globalization. Consequently, A growing number of people are being encouraged to use or send messages in English rather than in their own language.On the other hand, due to the impact of western cultures, young people start to admire the extreme individualism and the hedonism, which are harmful to the development of society.9.In what ways is new form of journalism different from traditional media?New media is essentially a cyber culture with modern computer technology, digital data controlled by software and the latest fast developing communication technology. Most technologies described as “new media” are digital, and often have characteristics of being networkable, interactive and impartial. Examples are the internet, websites, computer multimedia, games, CD-ROMs and DVDs.Young people are attracted to the easy means of getting information with internet based computer or phones, which provide them information of their choice anytime, anywhere. They don`t need to wait for any broadcasting schedule to be connected to get the information.Internet blogs, news portals and online news, Facebook, You Tube, podcast and webcast, and even the short messaging system, are all new media. The modern revolution enables everybody to become a journalist at little cost and with global reach. Nothing like this has ever been possible before.New media is like a “new trust”that connect all boundaries of politics, economy and religion.10.N owadays, people all over the world share the samefashions, advertising, brands, eating habits and TV channels. Do the disadvantages of this trend outweigh the advantages?Nowadays, people all over the world share the same Hollywood movies and fashion. Everyone has different opinions, To my mind, cultural globalization`s advantages outweigh its disadvantages. Because cultural globalization has a lot of advantages as follows:First of all, globalization is a vital process toward transferring knowledge and education throughout the world. Secondly, people can enjoy cultural achievements by artists all over the world, such as films, TV programs, music, opera etc. Finally, the exchange of culture could enhance mutual understanding, create goodwill and remove the hostility and prejudice between different nations.Of course, there are also some negative things when we share these things from all over the world. But, I insist that the advantages far outweigh its disadvantages11.Some students like online courses. Others like to take traditional classroom courses. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.In my opinion, I prefer online courses. With the development of communication technology, the network has become an indispensable tool in people's daily life. Now more and more people choose online courses, I think it is a better choice whether it is for students or serving staff under the dual pressure of work。

研究生复试英语口语面试问题汇总口试的非专业问题有哪些?主要包括六大类topic,48个小问题:一、Postgraduate1、为什么你选择我们的学校,继续研究?Why do you choose to study at our school/ institute?2、为什么选择新闻传播专业?(xxx专业)为什么你要换专业?(针对跨专业)Why did you choose Journalism and Communication study as your major? Why do you changeyour major?3、为什么考研的原因?Would you please give me some reasons for taking postgraduate exams?4、你为什么选择考研,而不是找工作?Why do you want to go to graduate school instead of finding a job?5、假如你登科了我们学校,你希望在这里播种什么?What do you expect to achieve during your study if you are enrolled into this institute?6、关于接下来研讨生研究的规划。
What is your plan in the postgraduate study?7、如果有一个出国留学的机会给你,你会怎么做?If there were an opportunity of studying abroad, what would you do?8、毕业后的职业规划?Do you have a career plan in 5 years?9、假如你此次考研失败了,近期你有什么打算?If you failed this time what will you do in the near future?10、华科和复旦的区别是什么(对于本科好的同学,很有可能问到)Tell me the difference between Huake and Fudan?二、Education & School11、聊聊你的本科专业。
研究生学术英语口语考试对话练习——healthy lifestyle

研究生学术英语口语考试对话练习——healthy lifestyleTopic :healthy lifestyle1: Yesterday, I saw a piece of news. A 25-year-old girl died of cancer. The doctor said that her lifestyle is very unhealthy. It's really scary. Now, here's a survey about health. Do you want to know if you are healthy? let's do a survey:【first question】1: Do you often stay up late?2: yes. Before I go to bed, I usually read novels.3: yes. Before I go to bed, I usually read micro blogs.4: when I have too much homework to do, I will stay up late.5: I will go out with my friends on weekends, so I usually stay up late on weekends. 6:I never stay up late. I usually go to bed at 22:00.【second question】1:Do you often forget to eat breakfast?2: I usually get up late on weekends, I often miss breakfast time on weekends.3:Actually, I do not like to eat breakfast. The breakfast in our school restaurants tastes terrible.4: sometimes I just don’t know what to eat for breakfast.5:sometimes I get up late, and I do not have enough time to eat breakfast before I go to school.6:I eat breakfast almost every day. Sometimes I eat bread, sometimes I eat fruit. 【third question】1:Do you like to eat fast food?2: if I don’t have enough time, I will eat fast food.3:no, I do not like. Eating fast food tends to lead to obesity4: I like Fried chicken. I think it's delicious.5:sometimes I eat fast food with my friend. My best friend likes to eat fast food. 6:I like hamburgers. I usually eat hamburgers after school.【fourth question】1:Do you often sit in front of the computer all day?2: yes. We have too much homework. I have no time to do exercise.3: At the end of the semester, we have to sit in front of the computer for a long time. 4: If I sit in front of the computer all day, I will do some exercise the next day.5: I usually play badminton with my friends on weekends.6:I don’ t like to do exercise, so I sit in front of the computer almost every day.【fifyth question】1:Lately, do you feel upset a lot?2: lately, I met some difficulties, it made me feel upset.3:I never feel upset. I think I am an outgoing girl.4: my homework is too difficult, it makes me upset.5:I occasionally feel upset.6:I often worry about many things. I think I feel upset a lot.【调查结束】1:now it is over. Let's look at the results,no one all choose "no" ,I think Our lifestyle is a bit unhealthy. Do you agree?2:I agree,actually, staying up late, drinking too much alcohol, eating too much, staying at home, and extreme personality seem to be the labels of our generation.3:Yes,Most young people believe the youth means craziness, it is not the right time to go to bed at 22:00, but the very time to start the night life.4:But,I've seen a survey,1. More than half of the middle school students are short-sighted.2. Young people are at an increasing risk of cancer. 3.The rate of teenager crime is on the rise. It is sounds so bad. Right?5:Yes. But the current society is becoming more and more competitive. Young people are under increasing pressure at work. This leaves them with no time to focus on health issues.6:As we can see, most of the young people live an unhealthy lifestyle. It's so terrible! But what is a healthy lifestyle?1:In my opinion, A healthy lifestyle is a healthy behavior. It includes two aspects: physical health and mental health. Physical health includes eating healthy and keeping exercise,Mental health includes a good mood and a positive attitude . The core of healthy management is to form a good living habit. The aim is to stay away from disease, prolong life, improve productivity and deliver positive energy.2:I think self-discipline is important. The healthy lifestyle is to cultivate the initiative in people themselves. The concept of lifestyle management is to emphasize theindividual's responsibility for their own health, self-discipline and control of their inner bad desires, and to restrain themselves according to the healthy life plan. For a long time, people have made their own health plans and consciously followed them. Because it is usually boring, they usually give up halfway. With the rise of the Internet,.We can use some APPs to help us manage our lives.3:I agree, and then I think we should do exercise. Only after exercise can you understand how much heat you need, and then control your diet. As we all know, people who exercise regularly do not get sick easily, so do exercise is good for our health. Although we have too much homework to do, we should also find time to exercise every day. I believe everyone will fall in love with sports in a short time.4:I think science diet is most important. Although we may be attracted by the taste of fast food, fast food is bad for our health. For the sake of our health, we should refuse to eat fast food. It is necessary to keep a balanced diet if we want to keep healthy. We'd better eat enough vegetables which contain rich vitamin, proper meat is needed, too. Avoid fried or toasted food, it is important.5:I think we should also control drink too much alcohol. If people drink too much alcohol, firstly,People's emotions will out of control,secondly,People will forget important things,thirdly,People will do some things what they will regret,finally,the next morning will be very uncomfortable. These disadvantages of drinking tell us to drink in moderation. Although sometimes you may be asked to drink a lot of alcohol by your friends, we should stand firm.6:In addition, I think keeping a good attitude is one of the important conditions for staying healthy. When we meet with difficulties, we should face them positively. When we encounter something sad, we should quickly adjust our mood. keeping a positive attitude is good for people’s physical and mental health. Laugh at life and keep smiling, when we are in a good mood, we will reduce our chances of getting sick. It will make our life more beautiful. Keeping high mood is good for mentally health. To enjoy our beautiful life, we must be bound to keep healthy.1、2、3、4、5:I agree.。

American valuesFreedom: By freedom, Americans mean the desire and the ability of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference ,such as the government,the church,or any other Organized authority. The desire to be free of control is the basic value of the USA.Even every young children are given the opportunities to make their own choice and express their opinions.In this background,Americans come to see themselves as separate human beings who have their own opinions and who are responsible for their own decisions.Equality:all man are created equal,and no one is born superior to anyone else.”one man,one vote”,they say,conveying the idea any person’s opinion is valid and worthy of attention as any other person’s opinion.FamilyThe traditional American family is a “nuclear family”.which refers to a husband and a wife and their children.The average American family today has two or three children and maybe a few pets.In some cultures,such as in china,people live close to their extended family.Several generations may even live together.In American,only in a few cases does more than on household live under one roof.However,in this modern time, there are also many untraditional families ,rob the cradle,gay with dopted child.In the process of their growth,they may have to face some troubles.such as:terrinle twos,rebellious teenager,peer pressure,mid-life crisis.EducationIn American,there are both private college and public college.Public school also known as state school,In general ,public university tuition fees are chesper than private university.American education is to teach students how to live.while Chinese education is to teach students how to pass the examination,which is little use in life.Sometimes the strong in test become the weak in life. American studens in the class participate in discussions actively,while in our Chinese class we also keep silence because we are afraid to make mistake or because the question can’t arise our interest.TechnologyTechnology is the making,usage and knowledge of tools,techniques,crafts,systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or serve some purpose.Threr are many influential product of modern technology.Telephone make communication puter help us improve our work effiency.Plane make us travel quickly.However,the technology bring us convenient ,and at the same time ,it also bring us some troubles.For example,it takes us a lot of time to use cell phone,even on the class,we don’t concern what the teacher say,but just fous on our phone ,browse the web,chat or play games.WorkWork also means job,in general ,we take our time ,our mind ,our energy on it ,and get our salary in return.However,there are also voluntary work ,which mean wo do it but get no repay.When chose a work,we may take our major,our interest into consideration..In my opinion,we should love our work,and work hard,it also can bring us the sense of happy and success.GlobalizationGlobalization is a process of interaction and intergration among the people,companies,and governments of different nations,a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology.It means the word is becoming smaller.It makes people from different countries and different ethnic know each other, It also promoto the economic growth and the prosperity of the word.TravelThe world is a book and those who don’t travel read only one page.Why? We travel because wo want to expand our horizons, to fulfill curiosity for something exotic,to expect a miracle in life,or we just travel for fun.Before our tracel ,wo should know something of our destination ,such as climate,conevntions and customs,t langusge,standards of consumption.On the travel,we may take a lot of photos ,enjoy delicious foods, meet new friends,these are meaning of our travel.DatingDating is the traditional first step toward marriage.It is also an important way to know omeone.this may include going for dinner,to the cinema,or even going shopping,In the modern time ,we can also dating on the line .But dating and establishing a relationship can be hard work.Duringdating ,there some tips need to pay attention for man :Be polite behavior,find a topic both interest in,generosity.。

U.1.What is the best way to educate our children?Who gives them more influences, teachers or parents?Nowadays, more and more teachers focus on the education for their students, they are eager to find a best way to solve this problem, as well as the parents.Importantly, we have to consider the students themselves. What we do will benefit them?We must enhance their knowledge and wisdom to solve kinds of problems and questions, so if we want to educate for success, we must make sure that what the students need. Unlike the past days, nowadays the students not only need knowledge in book, but also need something innate. They need to study, and to study in a very healthway and with a very relax heart. Here we can get some information that is to give the students the knowledge and happiness both.I think that the parents are more influential than the teachers. The first reason is that it helps a student identify himself/herself through the parent‟s role modeling. Secondly, the parent‟s positive influence provides a secure environment for proper developmentof a student. Lastly, the importance of a parents influence on a student can be recognized by the impact it has on society.Unit1.2 Do you think it important to cultivate students’ creativity?I think it is important .The standardization of thinking is the leading factor that kills Chinese innovative thinking. American education focuses on cultivating self-confidence, and Chinese students often lack self-confidence. American students are often arrogant, and Chinese students are often humble. Education in the west is different from ours: it trains students' problem consciousness and critical thinking from primary school. but we often cultivate students' obedience to what the teacher says.Unit1 .3 What are the problems with the educational system of China? Is the system quality-oriented or test-oriented?In China, there are so many problems with the educational system. But the three problems about education must be paid much attention at least. Firstly, the entrance-exam problem, youngsters have to bury themselves in book stacks in order to pass the entrance exam, completely divorced from social reality. Secondly, the quality problem, there is no denying the fact what the students learn in university cannot meet the need of the rapid development society. Finally, the employment problem, as I have said in the above that the quality has declined, so high-education and employment are obviously incompatible. How to solve these problems? In my opinion, the governmentmust relax its unnecessary controls on the universities, and give schoolsfull autonomy to pilot their own reforms. Only in this can we solve the problem of education. In light of this, we can find that the educational system of China is thetest-oriented.Unit1,4What kind of teacher is an ideal one?can you describe a teacher who give you most influences? will you become a teacher when you finish your graduate program?Ideal teachers must be patient and they can express their own meaning clearly. They should have good professional knowledge about the course they teach and they like the course they teach. What‟s more, they can teach students in accordance of their aptitude The teacher is my Chinese teacher when I was in third grade. Sheknew our advantages and disadvantages, and she could praise and criticize us properly.I want to become a college teacher. Because college teachers‟ work has more free time, I can have more time to care for my family.Unit1 ,5Is it necessary for the graduating students to write and defend graduation theses?I think writing and defending graduation theses is necessary. Completing the graduation theses is the basic condition for college students to graduate.At the same time, defending graduation theses can urge the students to write their papers independently. So this is a meaningful learning process and a conclusion of what we have learned during the past four years. It can train and increase the ability to scientific research and cooperate with others. What‟s mo re, it also can improve work efficiency and let us feel the sense of responsibility. It is the key to open the door of our later success.Unit2,1In these days ,job hopping is avery common phenomenon.what are the reasons for the job_hopping?should stay in one career the whole life or change job frequentenly?I think the following factors contributing to people‟s job-hopping. First, when some employees suffer limitation in promotion and there is no space for them to develop, job-hopping becomes common like potluch. Second, some people are different, they are in the habit of job-hopping, for they always pursue what is new and stimulating. Finally, when you stay in one career for a long time, you will lose your interest. In my opinion, we should not change our job frequently. because every job is a chance for us to gain wider experience .And you will lose this opportunity if you change job frequently.If you change youjob,you would have to start all over again from the beginning.So ,you‟dbetter not change your job frequently.Unit2,2Do you want to be a small fish in a big pond or a big fish in a small pond?With the former, you can derive a deep sense of satisfaction from being a member of a well-known organization such as General Motors. You will have the opportunities of learning from experienced executives and knowing about the standard working process. There is no doubt that the experience here will widen your horizon and youwill gain access to the latest information which could help you enhance your competitiveness in your major. With the latter, you will have great responsibilities and your decision may bring immediate effect. Normally, you are exposed to various experiences and expected to do a great many things without much help or guidance. And here I can control more resources than what I can in big company. However, the mechanisms of small company lack of flexibility, which will hinder the people‟s promotion. Personally, I prefer to work in a big enterprise when I was young, because I could get a good position as long as I work hard.Unit 2 ,.3if you are a boss,do you like to recruit experienced people or green hands?If I am a boss,I am inclined to recruit those experienced ones . First of all, I think ,when faced the work , the experienced will be better to understand the process of the job, and complete the work more efficiently . As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. They may have new techniques and methods.Secondly, they know how to communicate and get along with related persons.This is good to fewer conflicts between employees. Finally , the company do not spend too much energy to train them,so they will be able to create value for the company when they entered the company.Unit2,4With the soring house price in big cities,would you still choose to work in first_tier cities upon grauation?No, I would not choose to work in first-tier cities upon graduation, although there are more working opportunities. The reasons are as follow. The first, the house price is so high that I can‟t afford it. The second, comparing with medium-sized cities, the living expenses in first-tier cities is much higher, the pace of life is much faster and the the living surroundings are worse. While in a medium-sized city, the living expenses is suitable, then I can save money. The living surroundings are more comfortable. The most important is that I will have more time with my family and more chances to display my potential. So, I prefer working in a medium-sized city.Unit3.1What are the usual / popular ways of getting refreshed?You can exercise all the time and sweat it out. Or have a good sleep. Listen to some relaxing music and talk to your family.Unit3.2Find out all the reasons why people spend so much time with their computer both atwork and at home.I think there are 3 reasons for the question. First, internet improves our life quality and work efficient. At work, we use computer to deal with files. For example, when we facea large amount of numbers, before the invention of computer, people must use pens, which spend a lot of time, but now we can do it by computer, maybe it just spend a few minutes. At home, we can buy everything through computer.Second, computer enhances the communication of people. At work, especially some international companies, people can talk with foreigners and make business bycomputer. At home, as we all know, parents are often on business trips, they can talk with their children face to face through computers; we can also acquire some latest news in the internet. Third, we use the Internet for entertainment and study, when we are tired, we open the computer, and find out some exciting programs, and then we will be happy. For the study, we can learn English, write thesis and look up data, and so on.That’s all.Unit 3,4what benefits can you derive from doing exercises regularly?Physical exercise can make people healthy. It can help people to postpone aging. exercise is beneficial to the growth of human bones and muscles. Psychologically: exercise has the function of regulating the tension of the human body, and can improve the physiological and psychological state and restore the strength and energy. exercise can improve the health of the body, make the tired body get a positive rest, so that people energetically put into study and work;stretch the body and mind, help to sleep and eliminate the pressure of reading5. What’s your favorite sport? And Why? / “What’s your hobby?As we all become health conscious, we realize the importance of strict and regular physical activity. Why so many people love exercise? Since it has many functions that are good and efficient for us. Firstly, it is good Swimming is a healthy low-lost activity that you can continue throughout you life. Swimming is a low-impact activity that has many physical and mental health benefits. I like swimming best, because swimming can help maintain a healthy weight, healthy hearts and lungs. Plus, its also an ability of surviving.4.11. How does modern technology bring an unprecedented change to people’s lives? The third technical revolution obviously brings an unprecedented change to peoples life. Digital has given rise to a variety of new technology. Factories are more effective with less workers. More and more smart machines are appearing, such as smart robot which can do some dangerous work and housework. The internet brings us a lot of conveniences. We can communicate with other easily no matter how far away from each other. Secondly we can get much information to tell us how interesting the world is. Even we don‟t go out home we can buy what we need on net. And so on. Our life will be better and better with advanced technology, such as clear energy and a better environment.Unite4.2. What can you do with your cell phone in your daily life?Mobile phones are becoming more and more widely used in daily life, not just on the phone. Mobile phones can also be used to watch news, watch programs, play games, pay, shopping online, etc.3. Talk about the merits and demerits of online shopping.1. The development of the Internet market is becoming more and more mature, with rich network resources and various kinds of commodities. The search function is powerful, i.e. the dot is available.2. There are various payment methods in the onlinemarket, which are not limited to bank card payment, cash payment, alipay, etc., and the security level is improved. 3. There is a massive online shopping website with promises of quality assurance, so long as Internet users choose a legitimate and legitimate website to network shopping, it must have benefited a lot. Disadvantages:You can't see the object.Although the goods are not satisfactory, we can refuse to accept them, but there is also a delay in the intangibles.Home delivery is subject to local restrictions and will be charged accordinglyUnit4.5. Can students play videogames? What are the disadvantages of playing video games?Videogames, as a popular way of entertainment, has largely changed our ways to spend our leisure time. But everything has two sides, we should coordinate it well so it can play a good important role in our development.Playing games may provoke our most powerful positive emotions. So as a student, when you are tired with study, you can have a rest by playing it, but not spend much more time on it. Because taking much time on it will play an opposite effect .As your tutor, I also want to tell you, if you are a person who is lacking of master yourself, you'd better not touch it.Unit5,2Why are both doctors and patients expressing their frustration? How can we improve doctor-patient relationship?Doctors always express their frustration because of thestrained relations between patients. Doctors complain that their salary are low and they are overworked in most time. However, patients insist that it is difficult to get a well treatment in hospital. The medicines is so expensive that they cannot afford them. In addition, doctors often take patients as experiment subjects, they prescribe excessivemedicines to patients in order to make money. Takinga look around, one can find numerous examples with ease, such as one doctor killed by his patient in Wenling Zhejiang province not long ago. The problem mentioned above is bound to generate dsevere consequences if we keep turning a blind eye. To my way of thinking, some measures must be taken to solve this problem. For one thing, It is essential that laws and regulations should be worked out and enforced to put an end to this trend, such as government makes some laws to forbid doctor to collect money from patients. For another, patients should aslogive more respect to doctors and coordinate with doctors during surgery. Only in this way, can we make the society more harmoniously.Unit5,3What are the positiv e and negative effects of china’s single child policy?In my view, there are many positive effects o f china’s single child policy. Fist it can reduce the pressure of employment. Because china has much people we cannot find a good job. Second it can do good for the environment. Much water is wasted and the air is polluted as people do not cherish. If people is less and less we will own enough water and air. Everything has two sides. Some negative effects are existed. The military powerwill be weaken. The single children will not understand the importance of sharing. Theywill have few friends and feel lonely. They will have much pressure to support their parents when they grow up.Unit5,4We have entered an age of ageing population. How and who to take good care of the elderly people?Nowadays, we have entered an age of ageing population, and how and who to take good care of the elderly people, which is a hot point that we are talking about resently. Considering the severity of issue, we have no choice but to take effective measure to deal with this problem. In my opinion, not onlythe son or daughterbut also the society have responsibility to take care of the elderly people. On the one hand, undoubtedly, according to some sociologist opinion, the elderly people are more eager to children's love. We are glad to see that the son and daughter should often go back home and make telephone calls to their parents. And they also should give money to their parents. Because they are too old to work, they can‟t make enough money to live. Moreover, when they are sick, they should take care and stay with them. On the other hand , there is no doubt that the government should improve the social welfare system ,raise the retirement age and set up many old people‟s home to guarantee the old people‟s life.So in a word, only in this way this bad situation can be solved.Unit 5 .5Nowadays, a buzzword “urban diseases” is frequently heard.What is meant by that? And what are the causes ang cures for those “illness”?I think “urban diseases” is about that more and more peo ple are flocking to the big cities, which has caused many problems like traffic jams ,environment pollutions and the declining feeling of happiness .such problems are even more serious in Beijing ,shanghai ,Shenzhen .most of the people like to live in the cities because the big city has more work opportunities, exciting life and a sense of urbanite ,besides ,the big city is good for children‟s education. This is what has caused the “ citydiseases ”.I think it is the time that w e should take some measures to handle with those problems. We should establish the proper value on big city .everywhere has its advantages and disadvantages. even the big city has its convenient ,it is also has its demerits. the living expenses is much higher,the pace of life is much faster ,its surroundings are worse and has more traffic congestion.I don’t like live into the big cite .I think the medium city like Qingdao ,Suzhou are very good, it can catch up with the big cities ,has many hot places for investment form both home and aboard ,lots of priority policies to attract talents ,and more chances to display one’s potential .besides, I can have more time to stay with my family .I enjoy the silent life and it can enhance my understanding of life .Unit6 ,1Should we limit the use of private cars in first tier cities to reduce caremissions?Beijing has been limited the private car by limiting its number in some appointed days However, as far as I see it, we should not put a limit on private cars in first-tier cities. First of all, the private car is a symbol of freedom and wealth. The private car has given us a freedom and convenience our ancestors could not dream of. We can travel to relatively remote places that it is hard to reachon foot or public transport rarely goes to. A car enables an individual or a family to travel at any time they wish. With a car there is no need to wait for the bus in the bitterly cold or under the scorching sun. Further more a c ar can serve as a symbol of one’s wealth, which makes him or her proud of his or her accomplishments and glorious past.Secondly, a car can make our work more efficient and life more convenient. Nowadaysmany Chinese can enjoy the comfort and luxury of owning a private car. Having a car of one’s own means no more traveling to work on crowded buses or subway trains; no more waste of time for waiting at the bus stop or train station. With a car one does not have to worry about the possible danger their child suffers when they are elbowing theirway through the crowd, instead they can drop off the children at school on the way to work. In the case of illness, the car takes its owner or other sick person to hospital without any delay. Last but not least, lifting bans on private cars will stimulate the automobile industry, which provides jobs for a large team of workers. Known as a sunrise industry, Chinese automobile industry needs strong and continuous fueling from domestic demand. If more people buy cars, the industry will embrace continued growth, thus contributing more to the national economy. Moreover, its growth will trigger the boom of related industries like iron and steel production and energy. In conclusion, theadvantages of private cars convince us that we should not put a limit on the number of private cars. What we should do at the moment is to perfect the transport infrastructure to ensure private cars to go faster and more safely.Unit6,2How can we strike a balance between economic development and environmental protection in poor areas?In the past thirty years, our country seen great development and thorough changes in the aspects of economy, society and construction. However, some problems, like environmental pollutions, appeared in some regions ,especially in poor areas. Therefore, balancing matual connection between economic improvement and environmental protection should be put on agenda immediately.On one hand, economic progress in some remote zones deserved to be focused on by our wise government and intelligent citizens, who should try their best to help the poor to pursue a better life. On the other hand, it is indeed essential to make a considerate combination between economy and surroundings for a profound and sustainable development, instead of just chase economic productivity and GDP .Only by these two can we help the poor areas to get on the path of getting rich and happy .Unit6 ,3It’s urgent for us to reduced our carbon footprint. What can we do to live a low carbon life?Now more and more people has realized that a low carbon life is related with daily life. we have to take some measures to reduce our carbon footprint. For government, they should take some policy to control the number of privated car. We should plant more trees to make the carbon absorbed. To our common people, we should ride bike or by bus to go to work other than driving privated car. We also should try to avoid using disposable tableware. We should reduce to use free or charge a plastic bag when we are going shopping. We should develop the habit of turning off electrical power to avoid wasting electricity. Trying to reduce to use refrigerators, air conditioners, fans, we can keep cool by using Pushan . Only in this way can we live a low carbon life and can we have a healthy life.Unit6,4 What is white pollution? how to deal with it?The so-called "white pollution" is a kind of appellation that plastic garbage pollutes environment. It is made of all kinds of life plastic products .That has caused urban severe environmental pollution phenomenon. The most polluted of white garbage is thewaste plasticbags. If we continue using plastic lunch boxes, shopping bags and other unrecyclable plastic products what would happen that one day they might bury us in an ocean of white rubbish To prevent this nightmare from coming true, governments need to work closely with each other and back up their verbal commitment by actions. However, it is not enough only to ask the government to get rid of white pollution, We must ask everybody beautification green earth instead of white.Unit 6,5How do you understand the role of forests playing in our planet?As we all know, forests always play an important role. Many scientists even regard the forests as the lungs of our earth. In my opinion ,forests help to clean the air. The plants ,as all kinds of trees ,can absorb most of carbon dioxide and at the same time ,they release the oxygen. It is a good way to plant forests to reduce the greenhouse gas. On the other hand,lacking of the protection of forests, many cities, like Beijing is under the threatening of the sand storm. Without doubts , if we plant more trees in the northwest of China,the environment of Beijing will be much better.All in all, the forests are irreplaceable in our planet.Unit7,1Are Chinese different from people of other cultures in the way of greeting and eating? Because of the different culture, I think we have some of different from other people. Firstly, in China, when two people greet each other we shake hands instead of hugging and kissing. Secondly, Food is a special phenomenon, people having knowledgeofFood from one side of the study of different cultural backgrounds, customs and historical environment by study. Western food culture in this thesis is mainly concerned with the British one due to the fact that its cultural pattern and influence have become dominant in the west, which is generally recognized by the world. Thirdly, Chinese people would like to take the style of “sharing” when they have adinner together, whether at home with family members or outside with friends. But in western food culture Western food culture is characterized by the “separated‟ style because of the great influence of the individualistic orientation. For example, westerners do not take the ts’ai dishes from the public plate, but have separate individual plates.Unit7,2What are some taboos or superstitions you know in Chinese culture and other cultures?What is superstition?A belief, practice, or rite irrationally maintained by ignorance of the laws of nature or by faith in magic or chance. Some Chinese taboos and superstitions: A baby with wide and thick ears will live prosperously. The luckiest number is eight because its pronunciation is like "prosper". The unluckiest number is four as it sounds like the Chinese word to death. A boy,preferably born indragon year, may roll over the newlywed's matrimonial bed, which will bring good luck and a baby boy to the couple.When your upper teethfalls down, you should throw it down. And if your lower teeth falls down, you must throw it overhead, maybe on the roof. When your left eye shocks, it means that something good will happen. Conversely, if your right eye shocks, perhaps you will be unlucky. If so many bad things happen to you recently, you could invite a wizard or witch to help you. Get a table and put some candles on it. Then the "GOD" you invited waves his/her wood sword and say some magic words, afterwards the bad things will get away from you. Some western taboos and superstitions: Jesus Christ died on Friday, while the number 13 is unlucky. The combination of people believe that the unfortunate things will happen that day. Friday and the number 13 represents thebad luck the last two unfortunate individuals together to form super-sad day. Therefore,no matter what the occasion of the 13th month on Friday called "Black." In England, black cats are regarded as lucky.If a black cat crosses your path, you will have good luck all day. But in other western countries, black cats are connected with witches or the devil. A leaning ladder was thought to resemble the gallows and so by walking underneath a ladder, you are playing out your own execution.3. Talk about the western and traditional Chinese wedding ceremonies and tell the differences.Unit7,4A Chinese-American mother who was called as “tiger mom” says American parents lack authority and produce entitled children who aren't forced to live up to their abilities. A Chinese man who is a father of four control every aspect of his children's lives. Ifthey failed to meet his standards, the children would be beaten with a feather duster. That’s why he named as “wolf dad”.What’s more, I don’t believing in “Spare the rod, spoil the child”. Does it mean a true success in parenting when your kids enter a famous university or get straight A at school? And does success equal happiness?Obviously no. A parent who can show a proper way of love will raise the happiest child in the world. The stories of the tiger mom and wolf dad, we can still feel their strong love for their kids. Love cannot exist without encouragement. A parent who never praises her/his child directly denies the easiest way to show love and to teach his/her child to love others. Love does not exclude reasonable criticism and punishment.5. What are some traditional virtues Chinese nation treasures? Are such virtues as filial piety and thrift (节约) still important today。

1.Some people like to work in a team. Others would rather work individually.Which do you prefer and why?有些人喜欢在团队中工作。
你更喜欢哪一个?为什么?①I am equally comfortable working as a member of a team and independently. I have experience with independent and team-based work and I see the value in both approaches. I am very comfortable working on a team, but I can also work independently, as well.I am comfortable working alone and in a group depending on the situation. If the task is easy enoughto tackle on my own without brainstorming or breaking up the work without a team, I am happy to work on my own. However, if the assignment is a high priority or too much for one person to handle, I welcome working with a team to tackle the project together. In my experience, most projects require a combination of independent work and brainstorming depending on their various elements.Working in sales has strengthened my abilities to work both alone and with others. I am comfortable engaging with a customer face to face, but I also believe in the benefit of sitting and brainstorming with coworkers about best practices and alternative approaches. Additionally, having a team behind me gives me confidence that if I come across something I am unsure of while working alone, I have the resources to consult someone who can educate or help me.②There are basically two ways to get work done. One is to work individually. In this way, people can decide for themselve s when to start work and how to do it. What’s more, they will be able to learn how to solve problems on their own.People may also choose to work in a team, where they can learn from each other and help each other. Besides, they may work out better ways to get work done by discussion.Personally, I prefer to work in a team, which offers me a chance to learn how to get along with others and to share my experience with them. As the work can be divided among several people, it can be done efficiently. Teamwork is always important.2.Please comment on the following statement: Computer ethics contribute to abetter and safe use of computers in our daily life.请对以下声明发表评论:计算机道德有助于我们日常生活中更好、更安全的使用电脑。

1、Do you think that the construction of an underground system can solve the traffic congestion in Nanchang? Why or why not?I think the construction of an underground system can solve the traffic congestion in Nanchang.As we know, the traffic congestion occurs when the traffic demand is greater than the available road capacity. Congestion can be reduced by either increasing road supply, or by reducing traffic demand. The traffic congestion is caused by overpopulation, poor magement, rush hour incidents, road works, weather events, unreliable drivers and so on. For Nanchang,the medium-size city, the traffic congestion is mainly caused by overpopulation, rush hour and weather events. Building up underground system in Nanchang means to supply more road demand, therefore, at present,I think an underground system can solve the traffic congestion.2、Some people comment that the present Chinese educational system is too examination-oriented and not very successful in developing student s’ creativity. What do you think of it?I agree with them. Though the quality-oriented education has been advocated in 1980s, it emphasizes all-round development of students. Students are supposed to learn actively and creatively rather than receive knowledge passively. While the examination-oriented education still overweights the quality-oriented one in China. For example, Because the educational system is too examination-oriented to cultivate creative students, no one scientist who wins the nobel prize is Chinese. Comparing with world-famous university, such as Cambridge, Oxford, the quality of the Tsinghua university is still low. If we China wants to walk ahead of world, our government must make great efforts to transform the examination-oriented education into the quality-oriented education and take measures to put it into practice.3、Have you been a volunteer? Do you think that Chinese youth should be encouraged to do more volunteer work? What are the benefits of being a volunteer?Yes, I have been a volunter to help old people who live in the resthome (养老院), from this experience, we understand that we youth should often visit our grandparents. I think it is necessary and significant to encourage youth to do more volunteer work. From volunteer work, we can benefit a lot. For example, you can increase personal knowledge, meet new friend and obtain social experience, it is very helpful for you to hunt job. Besides, it is possible for you to achieve one particular skill through volunteer work. What’s more im portant, our China has large population, many pepole need help, for me, to help others means to help yourself in one day. volunteering is an opportunity to help somebody, when your help make life better for others and society, you will feel very happy and the world full of love.4、Should the government build nuclear power stations? Why or why not? In my opinion, it depends. If the government has ability to control and manage the nuclear poweer station, the government can build it to create more energy. When facing the exposion of nuclear poweer station, the government can’t quickly take measures to control the accidents, or take preventive measures when building up nuclear power station in order to make it serve for people. In that case, I don’t encourage government to build up nuclaear power station. Because the accidents caused by nuclear power station is very serious. Take Japan and Russia’ nuclear power station for example, the accidents brought deadly harms to local people,even people all over the world, expecially, the Russia’s nuclear power station, it is awesome to think of it. Maybe, these accidents remind us to pursue safer and greener sources of energy.5、In the present society, are people getting more tolerant or critical?Illustrate your point.With the development of society and economy, people, indeed, are getting more tolerant and critical. Being tolerant means to tolerate others’beliefs, actions, opinion and so on. Take the exhibition of body embroidery in April at the foot of Huangshan Mountain for example, it will not be accepted in ancient China. People at that time can’t tolerate to expose themselves dressing nothing in public. However, nowadays, people consider it as a kind of art. common people including the elder and teenagers can appreciate it.Being critical means to question what you hear, read and see if you don’t agree with it. For this, we students have many feelings. Long before the teacher is the authority of knowledge and is the center of class, student just passively accept what the teacher said, they are not encouraged to challenge their teacher, day by day, students lose creativity. However, with the development of Chinese education, students become more critical, they begin question what they hear, read and see from teacher, books and TV or internet.6、Should universities offer more practical subjects instead of theoretical ones?I think it depends.universities should cultivate talents according to the need of society. As we know, different positions require different quality of talents. If you will work at research department after graduating, I think the university should provide more theoretical knowledge than practical one for students. If you plan to work at workshop after graduating, you must obtain more pratical experience. That is to say, the university must offer more practical subjects than theoretical one for students.In fact, the practical subjects are tightly connected with theoretical ones, the theorey is summerized from practice by people, meanwhile, thetheory is more higher than practice, it will guide people to practise. Therefore, We can’t devide them by our willing, universities should find the balance between practice and theory and cultivate students according to society’s need.7、The water resource is getting more and more scarce. What do you think are effective methods of water preservation?With the development of population and industry, the resource of water is getting more and more scarce. Facing this situation, many methods of preserving water have been raised. For example, some people think we can save water when you use little water to wash hands or clothes. Some people feel we can save water if we recycle water, for example, we can use domestic water to rush the toilet or irigate the agriculture. Some people consider that human must create fresh water through desalinating the sea water. Some people believe that human should make use of glacier, which includes much fresh water. Others argue that human must control the population of the world, only by reduing or controllong the number of people using water, can we preserve water.However, among these methods, I think on one is effective method for conserving water if we just adopt one. Therefore, it is better for us to combine all these method. The effective methods of preserving water is to put these methods into practice at the same time.8、Do you worry about the food you eat? How does the food safety issue influence our lives in China?Yes, I desperately worry about the food I eat. In recent years, the food safety issue has become an increasingly concerned problem. Since 2009, many food safety incidents, such as the tainted milk powder, dyed steamed bread and the toxic plasticizer additive, are caused by intentional contamination by food producers for pursuing high profits. Therefore, the food safety issue strongly influence our lives in China. For example, wecitizens become more and more inconfident with merchants, at the same time, citizens feel that the life is not safe, we don’t dare to have dinner at resturant or eat fast food,even buying foods, under this atmosphere of which society in China seems unsteady. Besides, the government of China pays more attention to food inspection,all the foods under suspecion will be inspected, which brings not only goods but also inconvinience to us.9、How should we prevent plagiarism in undergraduat es’ or even postgraduates’ thesis writing?Plagiarism is a serious offense. It can get you expelled from school, fired from a job. While plagiarism may seem like a quick and easy fix to your writing troubles. it's dishonest to plagiarise.so how to prevent we undergraduates from plagiarism?Here, I will share some tips with you. Firstly, universities should make undergraduates realize that plagiarism is a serious offense. Once you plagiarise in your paper, you will be punished heavily, even expelled from school and fired from a job. Secondly, the universities should make students realize that knowledge is holy, we should respect it, we should obtain it through right ways. Thirdly, the guiding teacher should require his or her undergraduates not to copy or paste, which makes it easier for students to plagiarize. Instead, asking students to read over the sentences a few times and try their best to put them into their own words.10、Choose one of the Chinese festivals and say something about the origin of it.I want to say something about the Chinese Valentine's Day. The Chinese Valentine’s Day is on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month every year. About its origin, there is a beautiful love story.The story tells: Zhi Nu was the youngest of seven daughters of the Queenof Heaven. With her sisters, she worked hard to weave beautiful clouds in the sky, while Niu Lang was a poor orphan cowherd, had a magic cow, driven out of his home by his elder brother and his cruel wife.Under the direction of the cow, Niu Lang went to the riverside on an evening, where the seven fairies slipped out of their heavenly palace to bathe. He took one of the beautiful silk dresses the fairies had left on the bank. When Zhi Nu found her clothes, Niu Lang came out with the dress and asked the youngest fairy, Zhi Nu, to stay with himSeveral years passed on Earth, which were only a few days in heaven. Niu Lang and Zhi Nu lived happily together and had two children before the Queen of Heaven discovered Zhi Nu's absence.The Queen of Heaven was so annoyed that she brought Zhi Nu back to heaven. Seeing his beloved wife flying in the sky, Niu Lang was terrified. He caught sight of the cowhide hanging on a wall. The magical cow had told him before dying of old age: "Keep the cowhide(牛皮) for emergency use." Putting the cowhide on, he went after his wife with his two children. He was about to reach his wife when the Queen showed up and pulled off her hairpin to draw a line between the two. The line became the Silver River in heaven, or the Milky Way.Zhi Nu went back to the heavenly workshop, going on weaving the clouds. But she was so sad, and missed her husband so much that the clouds she weaved seemed sad. Finally, the Queen showed a little mercy, allowing the couple to meet once every year on the Silver River. So this day is called Chinese Valentine’s Day.。
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Topics for the oral exam (2014.12)1. What do you remember about learning gender roles when you werea child?Now I say someth ing about lear ning gen der roles whe n I was a child.As a girl, whe n I was a little girl I always liked to play with my mother' things, especially her jewelry and makeup. However, I often break them, so my mom would not allow me to play her things. Since I was three years old my parents are very busy for their work hardly have any spare time to take care of me. So I often play with my elder brother, He was five years older tha n me,he take care of me particularly good, gradually, I liked to play with my brother s things, for example, his toy cars toy gun and Tran sformers. And in my opi nio n he is a particularly powerful people, so many things I would liked to learn from him. So that , even at school, I remember talking with other girls about toy cars, toy gun, and other aspects of the boy's toy. So, Un til now, my character is also like a boy.2. Compare and con trast the traditi onal Chin ese gen der-role patter nsand the moder n Chi nese gen der-role patter ns.Now I say something about compare the traditional Chinese gen der-role patter ns with the moder n Chi nese gen der-role patter ns.Traditi on ally, gen der roles in Chi na were affected by Con fucia ni sm, with men being the string leaders of the family, and women having less power. Usually the man go out to work to make mon ey, and the woma n stay at home do the housework and take care of the members of the family.But this patter n has cha nged over time, the moder n Chin ese gen der-role patter ns are very differe nt with the traditi onal Chin ese gen der-role patter ns. Now wome n are equal to men, eve n in some families the status of the women is higher than the men. And now some women have high positions in business science and other fields. In some families also appeared such phe nomenon, the woma n go out to work to make money, and the man stay at home do the housework and take care of the members of the family. On the other hand, it may still be difficult for wome n to opport un ities in school or at work.3. Do you think all immigrants should try to assimilate? Why or whyn ot?Now I say something about the question of whether all immigrants should try to assimilate. Yes, I think all immigrants should try to assimilate.The first reason, because they will gain more from living abroad if they learn at least some of local la nguage and customs. They will make more friends and have more opport un ities.And the second reason, every country has its own custom and culture, the immigra nts should We have to recog nize and respect the custom and cultural differences, so as to prevent any possible misunderstanding. For example, I see a piece of n ews from the Intern et, this n ews is descripti on about ,in Can ada, they like Chin ese mon ey, but not n ecessarily welcome china immigration way of life, especially the latter are considered disturbed'Nati onal Aborigi nal life.So I think all immigrants should try to assimilate, at the same time, they can keep themselves.4. Would you rather go to a national park or an interesting city? Stateyour reas ons.I thi nk for a n atio nal park and an in teresti ng city, I would rather go to a n ati onal park.One of the most important reason is that I love the nature. And the goal of national parks is to preserve natural areas in their wild state of people like me to enjoy. Here you can feel the body and mind are particularly relaxed. Usually we are study ing or work ing in the city, and ofte n feel great pressure for us, so relax ing for us is n ecessary.And ano ther reas on is that in the n ati onal park will have a lot of rare pla nt and ani mal. Here you can see somethi ng that you can not fond in other zoo or park. So here not only can broade n our horiz ons, but also the best place for us to study.So I think if we have a vacation go to a national park is a very good choice for us. You will not be disappo in ted.5. Do you think the advantages of World Heritage Status outweigh thedisadva ntages? Why or why n ot? (For this topic, an example can be give n to expla in.)Yes, I think the advantages of World Heritage Status outweigh the disadva ntages.I th ink the most importa nt reas on is that if the place become the World Heritage, the important places are being preserved as a result of their status. And the releva nt departme nts will give more atte ntio n on this place, and there will have more laws to protect it. This will ensure that more of the good thi ngs be long preserved.One of other reas on is that these places attract a lot of tourists , Can give local people to provide more opport un ities to make money and they also ben efit econo mically.And for example, Mount Wuyi is The World Heritage, and is The World Cultural and Natural double Heritage. Mount Wuyi is located in the Wuyishan city in Fujian Provinee. Mount Wuyi Is the earth the same latitude area to protect the best and the most abundant species ecological system, has 2527 kinds of pla nt species, n early 5000 kinds of wild an imals.So I thi nk the adva ntages outweigh the disadva ntages.6. What are some advantages and disadvantages of having your ownbus in ess?Now I say something about advantages and disadvantages of having your own bus in ess.To my opinion I think one of the advantage of owning your own bus in ess is that the profit the bus in ess makes bel ongs to the owner. And another advantage is that a person can control his working hours and the flexibility to make cha nges whe n n ecessary. And do not n eed to worry about being blamed from the leadership.However, everything has two sides, there will be some of disadva ntages of hav ing your own bus in ess. The first is that he must be hav ing resp on sibility for everyth ing, whether the bus in ess is doing well or badly, so they will face greater pressure. And start ing a bus in ess requires a lot of mon ey.7. Share one or more of your minor stories with us.I say something minor stories in my life.When I was twelve years old, I had a serious ill ness and the doctor told my pare nts, 'our daughter can not go to school everyday and she should be hospitalized for observati on. So my pa'rents decided to let me have remained off school for a whole year. And the next year, I want to ano ther school to con ti nue my study.Maybe for other it is very com mon, but it has a great in flue nce on my life.In this school, have a math teacher, I thi nk she is one of my best teacher. She love every student, even if the student do' good at study. Whe n I came to this school, I was not good at study. But, un der her en courageme nt my grade gradually improve.And also in this school, I know my best frien ds. Begi nning of high school, we don 'study in the same class. But now, our relatio nship is still very good.So I think the minor story have a great change for me.8. Share your experienee with some home remedies with us.Now I say someth ing about home remedies. And I thi nk some home remedies are very effective. Then I give some examples about home remedy.The first is that ,if you caught in the heavy rain, and In order to avoid catch ing a cold, you can take a big cup of hot gin ger.The second is that, If you have been bitten by a mosquito or other in sect, feel special to itch, you can con sta ntly rubb ing with salt in itchy place.And ano ther home remedy is that, if you have catch a cough, you can eat some stewed Pear with loquat leaf and Rock Can dy.In my opinion, these methods are very useful in many cases.9. Talk about and share the possible ways of protecting some endangered ani mals.Now I say something about the possible ways of protecting some endan gered ani mals.First, I think study hard is a very important way of protecting endan gered ani mal. Because we n eed scie nee and tech no logy to help us to do lots of things. For example, we need better weapons to fight with poachers.The sec on d, I think the poachers should be puni shed in law. If we do it like this, the hunters will become fewer and fewer. We also need to protect the environment so that animals can have a good living environment. The more we cut these down, the endangered animals can survive.And we must let the public know that protecting the animals is necessary to achieve the continuity of social development and protect ourselves.。