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一、单词拼写 根据首字母提示写出单词,使句意通顺。(5分) 1.A train is going t________ a tunnel.

2. S______ we bring paper plates and forks?

3. Walk p______ the police station, turn left and walk on.

4. Form the park, walk a______ the field, and you’ll see a theatre.

5. When the t______ lights are red, the cars must stop. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 (15分)

1.The __________(big) country in the world is Russia.

2.I live in a ____________(wood) house over a river.

3.It was my ____________(twelve) birthday yesterday.

4.The girl wants to be a ______________(dance) when she grows up.

5.The people in the UK eat lots of _____________(potato).

6.Does Andy often go to school without _______(have) breakfast?

7.He only likes white dress. He doesn’t like __________ (colour) dress. 8.The scarves are _________ (make) of silk.

9.The old man ________ (begin) to study computer two weeks ago. 10.Look! Mr. Wang __________ (chat) with his friends over there. 11. Take the second _______(turn) on the right.

12. Could you tell me how _____(get) to the shopping mall? 13. Where shall we ______(meet) tomorrow morning? 14. I hope it won’t ______(rain) this Sunday.

15. There is something under the ground in front of the ___(three) tree on the left. 三、对话匹配 你能从方框中找出所给句子或对话的正确答语吗?(10分)


( )1. Good luck to you with your English!

( )2. What did Daniel look like at the fashion show ? ( )3. I’m sorry I left my English book at home. ( )4. How much TV do you watch every day?

(B )

Amy :Hi, Stephen. I hear you come from America. Stephen: 1.________It’s very big Amy :2.________

Stephen: It has 12 rooms.

Amy :Oh, it’s bigger than my flat. Stephen: 3.________

Amy :It has a dinning room, a bathroom, two bedrooms and a living room. Stephen: Who do you live with ?

Amy :4.________Which is your favourite place ? Stephen: 5.________

Amy: I hope I can visit your flat one day.


( )1. We are in the same class. Let’s ___________ friends.

A. am

B. is

C. are

D. be ( )2. My bag is different _______ yours, but it is the same _____ hers. A. with , with B. with , as C. from, as D. from, with ( )3. A: How often do you exercise? B: ___________. A. Less than two hours B. Every day

C. Four times

D. Three to six hours

( )4. A: Would you like some bread? B:____________.I am full. A. Yes, please B. No, thanks. C. I don’t like D. Sorry ( )5. The year 1886 is in the century.

A. 17th

B. 18th

C. 19th

D. 20th

( )6. He arrived _______ Shanghai ______ 6:00 ______ the morning of June 2nd. A. at, at, in B. in, at, on C. in, at, in D. at, in, on ( )7. The book is very easy ____________.

A. read

B. reading

C. to read

D. reads ( )8. ______ do you pay ________ the beautiful dress?

A. How many, to

B. How many, for
