小学 英汉互译(附答案)

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1.做体育运动___do some sports ?______3 踢足球__play foodball____5.摆盘子__set(arrange)the dishes______7.看望祖父母___visit granparents___9.看医生___see_a doctor____ 11.骑自行车___ride a bike_____ 13.玩电脑游戏_play computer games____ 15. 醒来____wake up_____ 2.打扫教室__clean the classroom_____ 4.打电话__ring up(give s.b. a call)_____ 6.洗碗碟___do the dishes___ 8.开车___drive a car____ 10.浇花___water the flowers_____1

2. 收集树叶_collect leaves____14. 打开窗户___open_the_window______ _ 16. come from__来自_____17. play the violin__拉小提琴_______ 18. make kites__制作风筝____19. get off__脱下___ 20. traffic rule___交通规则_______21 大量的____a lot of_____23 在星期一下午_on Monday afernoon___ 在4月4日__on April 4____25 上车____get on the bus___下车_get off the bus___27 在五月__in May____通常___usually____ 在农场里____on the farm___散步_go for a walk____ 放学以后_after school______29 在…… 前面__in front of_____31 擅长于__be good at_____33 在三月三日__on March 3___35 在晚上__at night (in the evening)____在春天___in spring____37 在草地上__on the grass____ 捡起___pick up_____39 问一个问题___ask a question___ 一个生日蛋糕_a birthday cake_____41 集邮__collect stamps_____42 在互联网上__on the Internet__________43 在公园里___tn the park___44 一张世界地图__a world map__________45 脱下__take off____远离这个建筑物__get away from the building_____47 做饭__cook the meal___保持安静__keep quiet____49 寻找___look for___唱一首歌___sing a song___51 拍一些照片___take some photos____去上学__go to school______53 回家___go home__________55 吃晚饭___have dinner__________ 刚才___just now____ 给…… 写信__writ e to sb___57 在冬天___in winter__________59 去购物__go shopping____用英语__in English___________ Look round___环顾______61 Birthday presents____生日礼物____ Get up____起床__ 63 The third crossing__第三个十字路口___________ office ____办公室_________ 64Wash 洗刷66Next __下一个___________65Post Office___邮局__________67 housework___家务事__________ 68 Dragon Boat Festival___端午节__________ 69 Behind____在后面_________ 70 Pass me the hamburger___给我递那个汉堡包__________ 71 Under the chair___在椅子下______72 The day after tomorrow___后天__________ 73 Have a look __看一看___________ 75 Watch TV_____看电视________ 77 Play chess___下象棋__________ 79 Good job! ___干得好__________ 81Member____成员_________ 83WTO____世界贸易组织_________ 85 SARS____非典型肺炎_________ 74 On the wall__在墙上___________ 76 In front of ___在前面__________ 78 That’s great! __太好了___________ 80 Very much____非常_________ 82 No. ___号码__________ 84 HK____香港_________

小学六年级英语词组英汉互译专项练习1.five times a week___一周五次______ 2.work hard __努力学习(辛勤工作)________3.each other_互相_________ 4.收集邮票___collect stamps____________ 5.自然公园__natural(nature) park___________6.爬山_climb mountains_____________ 7.看杂志___read magzines_______________ 8.去郊游__go outing__________ 9.接电话__answer the phone_____________ 10.用英语___in English___________ 11.弹钢琴__play the piano_____________12.保持联系___keep in touch_________ 13 去散步__go for a walk______________ 14.good work____干得好_________15.胃疼__have a stomachache________ 16.擅长于__be good at________ ______ 17.运动会___sports meeting____________ 18.禁止停车_no parking___________ 19.public
