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1、My grandmother is very old . She is 84. She is four times as old as I am . How old am I ? _____

2.1 see three men on a bus. A speaks En glish and Japa nese. C only talks with B. B can speak Chin ese and En glish. What does C speak? He speaks ______ .

A. English

B. Japanese

C. Chinese

D. English and Japanese

3. What would George Washi ngton be most famous for if he were alive today?

A. A preside nt.

B. A great America n.

C. His old age.

D. A father of his son.

4. Two men, starti ng at the same point, walk in opposite direct ions for 4 meters, turn left and walk ano ther 3 meters. What is the dista nee betwee n them?

A. 2 meters.

B. 6 meters.

C. 10 meters.

D. 12.5 meters.

5. Continue the following number series with the group of numbers below which continues the series bes?

1 10 39587796??

A. 11, 5.

B. 10, 5.

C. 10, 4.

D. 10, 6.

6. His talk was nothing but milk and water. “ Milk and water ”,heremeans





7. What day is two days before the day immediately following the day three days before the day

two days after the day immediately before Friday

8. From what nu mber can you take half and leave nothing?

9. What two words have thousa nds of letters in them?

10. What 5-letter word has 6 left whe n you take 2 letters away?

11. What kind of dog never bite?

12. Where does after noon always come before morning?

13. What is pronounced like one letter, written with three letters, and belongs to all animals?

14. What nu mber gets bigger whe n you tur n it upside dow n?

15. 连线题

a black and white black humor

gree n hand gree n eye

16. There are 49 birds and hares. A

bird has two legs and a hare has four.

There are 100 legs in all.

So there are _____ birds and _______ .

45,45 hares B.23,26 hares C.42,6 hares D.48,1 hare

17. There are three teachers: Mr. Li, Mr. Wang and Mr. Zha ng. Each of them teaches two of the six subjects: biology, physics, English, PE, history and math. We only know these:

a. The physics teacher and PE teacher are n eighbors.

b. Mr. Li is the youn gest of the tree.

c. Mr. Zhang, the biology teacher and the PE teacher always go home together.

d. The biology teacher is older than the math teacher.

e. At weeke nds, the En glish teacher, math teacher and Mr. Li like play ing volleyball together. Who is the En glish teacher?
